Like Blood (2019) Movie Script

Excuse me, honey.
Excuse me, honey, hey.
You got a light, sweetie pie?
What's up?
Actually, I don't.
Well you look like a nice working man.
How much a job like this pay?
That's minimum wage.
You wanna go in the back real quick?
Look man, can't you see I'm working?
I don't trick anyways.
Look, I'm just trying to
make some money to get home.
- Really?
- You know?
Oh, you kinda cute.
You gonna leave me alone?
You gonna leave me alone?
I'll leave you alone.
Thank you.
Hey, what's taking so long?
What you mean, that's a lot of shit.
Get your ass back here
and lift some boxes.
Shut your ass up.
Yep, time to go.
Let's go, we gotta go.
Let's move.
Man, shut the fuck up.
It's all right, man.
I missed you so much.
Why didn't you call me?
I just had some business to handle.
Is that so?
I can't do this anymore.
Can't do what?
My marriage.
I wanna leave him.
I need money.
I have money.
I'm talking about the kind of money
that would have us set.
Not going back to being poor.
Think I know a way.
It wasn't always like this for me.
I remember a time when I smiled
and felt like life couldn't be any better.
Over time, that changed.
Hughes was my ace.
The one I can depend on for anything.
But also the one that stayed
keeping me mixed up in something.
Hughes, he lived for the thrill.
If you could have one
wish, what would it be?
Would be Dad being alive.
What was he like?
He was better than my dad.
Never put his hands on Mama.
Always took care of his family.
What more could you ask for?
You act just like him.
Mom says that all the time.
Hold up, I'm thinking.
Got you.
Never let anything or anyone
distract you from your mission.
'Cause just like this
game, you'll lose it all.
I met Frank through Hughes,
but we quickly became close friends.
Frank and Hughes knew each
other when they were kids,
but Frank joined the Marines at 17
and went to fight the war in Afghanistan.
He came back a different person.
Where's your boy?
Maybe he's just running a little late.
I think your boy trying to burn me.
Nobody's trying to burn you, all right?
I can promise you that.
Your boy's a bum.
Let's just keep this respectful.
What about my respect?
You know I don't play
about my money, Cliff.
I'll set up the meeting
as soon as I figure out
where he is, all right?
If your boy don't show
up, I'm gonna hurt him.
He'll be there.
Eight, seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one!
Woo baby, happy new year!
Yo Frank, what's your
new year's resolution?
I don't have a new year's resolution.
What you mean you ain't
got a new year's resolution?
Nigga, that's like you saying
you don't believe in Christmas.
I don't.
All right, what about that time
you bought Candice that
expensive ass necklace?
Man, that was a long ass time ago.
Listen, I don't need no
new year's resolution
to put things into existence.
I put things into existence every day
by putting that work in.
All right man, you don't
gotta get all uppity, all right?
It's just a tradition.
All right, what's your
new year's resolution?
You already know, playa.
It's fucking these bitches
and getting in this money.
Ain't that right, playa?
Why you didn't show up?
I was busy.
You were busy?
So not only do you owe the man money,
but you playing with his time as well.
Yo, I said I'm gonna pay him.
Why you keep bringing this shit up?
Because that's what
you said the last time,
and the time before that.
I went out of my way
to set this meeting up
after you pulled a gun on him.
What's up, you scared now, huh?
You owe him money, you pay him.
What you gonna do, huh?
Wake up.
You're one fine piece of ass.
You know that?
Good girl.
Where were you today?
I called earlier, and nothing.
I was at the hairdresser.
Don't ever go missing
on me like that again.
I don't like it.
I get nervous.
You know what happens when I get nervous?
Bad things.
Bad things start to happen.
Now give me a kiss.
Why don't you get ready,
and I'll take you to
dinner at Beverly Hills.
Would you like that?
Good, good.
Why you keep doing this?
Why you keep doing this?
So what's new?
Old man Barry got caught up.
Some crazy dude walked up
to him, pulled out his gun,
and shot him in the face six times.
Boy, I tell you, it's always something.
Speaking of which, Frank,
I need you to talk to your brother.
He needs your help.
He's cutting class,
I'm getting several calls from the school.
Gun down.
- Don't worry about him.
- Hey, hey!
- Gun down.
- Shut the fuck up.
Where's the bomb?
Gun down, gun!
Where's the bomb at, Amir?
- No bomb.
- Where's the bomb at?
No bomb.
I think he needs a little motivation.
Why you are doing?
Why, no bomb!
Where's the bomb, Amir?
No bomb!
No, no, no!
No, hey, I no bomb!
I no bomb!
Take the fucking gun,
get rid of him.
I no bomb.
He's here to kill us.
Gun down, gun down.
Gun down, no, no, no.
He's here to kill you.
Pull the fucking trigger, Miller.
Okay, I'll talk to him.
Frank was a family guy.
No matter what, he always
took care of his family first.
Except when it came to his
on-and-off girlfriend Flynn,
who he was crazy over.
What are you doing here?
What you mean?
You're scaring me, Frank.
Where you been?
Why you ain't been answering
any of my phone calls?
What's wrong with you?
Honestly, you're making
me real uncomfortable,
so please leave me alone,
or you'll force me to
get a restraining order.
Frank, let go of my arm.
Just chill.
Let go of my arm, Frank.
What you want me to do, I apologize!
I want you to leave me alone!
Fuck, man.
What you looking at?
I like watching you sleep.
That's enough.
I'll tell you when it's enough.
Can I ask you something?
Go ahead.
Is it just the pleasure
you desire about a woman?
I desire everything about a woman.
The way she thinks, the way she walks,
the way she talks, the way she smells.
Every little detail interests me.
You are the complete opposite
of any man I've ever met.
Is that a bad thing or a good thing?
I don't know yet.
The more I wanted to escape,
the harder it became to do so.
I was stuck in between
the loyalty to my friends
and the loyalty to myself.
At some point, I have to choose.
What up?
Not much.
Why you missing school?
- For real?
- Yeah.
I feel like it ain't no
point in me doing it anymore.
We don't even have books,
and I know what I wanna do with my life.
Yeah, what's that?
Focus on my music.
Yeah, but you still need an education.
How you gonna write rhymes
if you don't know how
to handle your business?
Use a vocabulary and
structure your thoughts?
I got our next job.
It's a house.
Possibly two million dollars in there.
Probably the easiest job we've ever had.
Ain't nothing ever that easy.
It's simple.
We go to the house and we find the money.
Where'd you hear about it?
It's best you don't know.
Keeping secrets now?
I'll break down the details later.
Another thing, I'm going
away after this, for good.
Very far from here.
What about everything we built?
Nothing lasts forever.
You gotta get out while you're ahead.
My gut's been telling
me that for a while now.
The more I experience that feeling,
the more paranoid I become.
I don't like feeling paranoid.
What happened with you and Trina?
We ditched fourth period and
went back to her crib, bro.
Yeah, she said her moms was at work.
We was going at it.
You smash that?
Not really.
What you mean?
We in her room, right?
I strip her down, she
got them big ass titties.
We just making out and shit.
Pulled out the condom.
She put it on me.
As soon as I put it in,
both her moms come walking
through the front door.
Damn, how'd that go?
Trying to make my way out of there.
Open up the door to get
out, she's standing there,
staring right at the both of us.
She whooped her ass and my ass.
Hey, stay on the lookout.
Got you.
Damn, that shit coming out nice.
Yeah nigga, my shit always nice.
Police, don't move!
It's gonna be okay, Mama.
It's gonna be all right.
What are you doing?
Nothing, just chilling.
I got a lot going on right now.
Yeah, there's a lot
going on with me as well.
Hughes, I'm pregnant.
Hello, are you there?
Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
I don't wanna get an abortion.
Look, I can't force you to
do anything you don't want to.
So what now?
I'll take care of you and the baby.
I did not know what to expect.
Look, get some rest and
I'll call you tomorrow.
Okay, bye.
All right, bye.
Hey Flynn.
Give me a call back
whenever you get a chance.
Going through a lot right now.
Need to talk to you.
I'm sorry if you felt like I
disrespected you or whatever.
But us not talking is not
helping us out in any way.
So just give me a call back when you can,
I need to talk to you.
Listen, I'm gonna tell you this.
I swear to god, you better
not be with no other nigga.
Answer the fucking phone, call me back.
Wait a minute, let me say something.
Since a kid, I've always
wanted to be a police officer.
There's a great sense of pride
from putting on that uniform
and serving the people of this city.
There's nothing easy about this job.
I've been a cop for over 10 years now,
and I've given my life to this position.
Every night we go out to
protect these streets,
we're dealing with drug dealers,
gang bangers, rapists, and murderers.
What I did was self defense.
That kid was carrying a weapon,
and I had to defend myself.
In that situation, I had
to make a split decision.
It was either my life or his,
and I had to do what I had to do.
Please, no more questions.
We still good for that job?
'Cause I need that bread.
Yeah, we still good for the job, man.
Should leave Frank out of
this, take care of it ourselves.
He kinda been going through a lot lately.
He'll get himself together.
We do nothing without Frank.
So what's up?
You still on that leaving town shit?
Yeah, not until things calm down.
Meanwhile, we need to
keep an eye on Frank.
Yeah, I know.
He kinda been bugging out lately.
Did you pick up the
guns like I told you to?
Yeah, I took care of it.
We gotta make sure he
don't do nothing stupid.
It's for his own safety.
Yeah, you right, man.
I ain't never seen him
talk like this before.
Bugging out.
If I lost a brother,
I'd be bugging out too.
And that's what I'm
making sure don't happen.
Yeah, I guess you right.
What's good?
What's up, man, how are you?
Same shit, just out here hustling.
Hey yo, sorry about your
little brother, man.
Appreciate it.
You brought the piece?
Yeah, oh.
Check it out.
How much you want for it?
For you, just give me 350.
All right, cool.
Listen, Frank, we gonna
help you get past this.
We gonna put this behind us.
So I'm just supposed to forget
about everything that happened?
Nah, not at all.
I'm just saying, there's one thing
that's guaranteed in life, that's death.
You can't escape that.
No, how about y'all
just get up out of here
and give me some time by myself?
We're not going anywhere.
Daniel was a brother to all of us.
Hey bro, I don't wanna
hear that shit right now.
Just calm down.
Calm down?
My little brother was
killed for no reason.
A innocent little kid.
How many times have we
seen this shit happen?
I think it's time we
do something about it.
No thank you.
What are you gonna miss
most about this place?
I've done some bad things in my past,
and this city constantly reminds me of it.
We gotta look forward,
towards the undiscovered.
What about your family?
Maybe if they were around.
I never met my parents.
I grew up in a foster home,
where I was told I wouldn't be anything,
and that I wouldn't make it in this world.
Closest thing I have to
family are my friends.
I love them.
They're my brothers.
We're just at a point
where we all need different
things in life, you know?
We grow, we change,
and we evolve.
As human beings, we have to accept that.
Have you talked to him?
What should we do?
We're gonna have to do it without him.
I can't turn back now.
Let's do this.
Don't make a fucking sound.
Where is he?
- He's taking a shower.
- Take me to him.
It's a sad day in our city.
Police officer Sylvester
Carter was shot to death
in his home on the 500th
block of Tampa Avenue.
A masked intruder entered the home
where his wife and young son
were, armed with a firearm.
There are currently no
suspects in the case,
but police have said that they are looking
for an African American male.
Man, this shit's all over the news.
We just need to figure
out where Frank is,
and get him out of town.
Where 17 were found dead.
They have no leads, which
means they have no suspects.
Everything's fucked up.
We'll figure it out.
How many more children have to be lost,
and have to live in fear that
their school could be next?
We need to get rid of these drugs.
Yeah, what was all that about?
You said we had two
million dollars in cash.
You didn't say anything about no drugs.
Do you think I would lie to you?
It was a surprise to me, just
like it was a surprise to you.
We're past that point.
We need to get rid of them.
Now did you set everything up
with your San Fran contact?
Yeah, everything's set up.
Now I'm gonna go handle this deal,
and I'll be back in two days.
Meanwhile, you stay
put and out of the way.
You got it?
Do you have it?
Yeah, I got it.
You know anything about
that cop getting killed?
Man, I don't know nothing, dog.
You wouldn't be holding
out on me, would you?
Nah, man, these fucking
cuffs is tight, man!
Hey man, shut the fuck
up, who you talking to?
Come on, man, I don't know nothing, man!
If I find out you know
something, I'm gonna hunt you down,
I'm gonna break both your
fucking legs, you got it?
You're gonna be crippled!
Get the fuck out of here.
Fucking kill your black ass.
Hey, what are you doing?
I was just in the area.
Where you going?
On my way home.
Is that so?
There was no money in there.
I don't believe you.
You mean to tell me that
you searched the whole house
and you found nothing?
I didn't say that.
So what you find?
I think you know the
answer to that question.
I think you knew the whole time.
I don't know what you're talking about.
If I would've known,
I wouldn't have asked.
Something I don't like to deal with.
What does that mean?
It means I'm a fool for getting
mixed up in this with you.
It means you lied, it means you told me
something was gonna be there that wasn't.
I wouldn't lie to you.
I swear.
I will see you in a couple of days.
Meet me at the time and
place, as discussed.
Okay, okay.
What are you doing?
Get the fuck away from me!
Hey, get back here!
Have you lost your mind?
Me meeting you this
late, better be important.
It is, got a lot of bad news.
What's going on?
One of the houses got
hit, the package is gone.
You got a clue as to who did this?
Not yet, but I'm on it.
We better get on this immediately.
You better get on this immediately.
So what else?
That's all.
Yo, just meet me up there.
I gotta call you back.
Get in.
- What?
- Get in.
Hey, this some bullshit, man.
What you got for me?
Nothing, man.
What you mean, nothing?
You better have something for me,
or I'm gonna take you back to jail.
Man, fuck you.
Yo, man, shit!
You got something for me now?
Yes, yes, yes.
That's what I thought.
Fuck, man.
Hey, I do this shit, you owe me next time.
All right, I sold a Glock
to this dude the other day.
Might be the same
weapon used in the murder.
What's his name?
Hangs out with this dude named Hughes,
likes to throw parties.
Lady Amina.
Have a seat.
Hey, you all right, man?
You ain't looking too good.
You have a nice home.
It is nice, isn't it?
Not my home, I just have access to things.
You know, with access comes possibilities,
and possibilities are endless.
This guy.
So can you get more?
No, this is a one time thing.
Where'd you get it?
Let's just say I got lucky.
Well aren't we all?
Well Mr. Cliff, if you so
happen to get lucky again,
there's more where that came from.
With all due respect,
you won't see me again.
Then it's nice doing business with you.
Here you go.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
So what can I do for you this evening?
I'm looking for your son.
Need to ask him some questions.
Some questions about what?
About the night Officer
Carter was murdered.
After everything I've been
through with the police,
you have the audacity to come in my home
and ask me where my son is?
To question his whereabouts?
I don't know where he is, but
if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
Now you have any more questions?
- No more questions.
- Well there's the door.
- Thank you for the tea.
- Whatever.
I'm surprised to be
getting this call from you.
What can I do for you?
Some luggage of mine's missing,
and I wanna know if you
heard anything about it.
I might've heard something.
Some kid Hughes came and
called one of my employees,
and said he had a nice
piece of luggage for sale.
So I sent him to the streets this morning.
So something's missing out of my area
and you don't bother to talk to me first?
Honey, this is business,
and you would've did the same thing.
The bigger problem is,
you've been holding out.
So how about I make you a deal?
You keep it flowing,
and I do you a solid and
give you his address.
Yes, address.
I keep information on
everyone I do business with.
You got a deal.
I'll send you a message later.
How's your night going?
It's a long night, man.
- Yeah, another one?
- I can't call it, yeah.
Can I get that vodka right there?
Which one?
- The original, right there.
- Original?
- Yeah.
- You got it.
Your total is 17.83, please.
Cool, man.
Thanks, have a good one, see you.
You Hughes?
Who wanna know?
Detective Cole, need to
ask you some questions.
I'm actually headed somewhere right now.
It's not gonna take long.
Questions about what?
You know where I can
find your friend Frank?
Nah, I don't know where he's at.
I think you're lying.
You can think whatever you wanna think.
Why you wanna know where he's at anyway?
You and me both know the
answer to that question.
That's a nice car.
Mind if I ask what you do for a living?
I'm in real estate.
Real estate, huh?
That's funny.
You got anymore questions?
If your friend Frank
shows up, give me a call.
Who is it?
You know what I see
when I look in your eyes?
It's not the first time I'm
seeing this look, by the way.
I've seen this look many times.
Now I'm gonna need some
information from you,
so I'm going to ask you a simple question,
and I want a simple answer.
Where is my money?
I don't know what you talking about.
Now tell me.
Where is my money?
Or better yet, tell me
where your friend is.
Who made the trip?
I don't know what the
fuck you talking about.
So you wanna play fucking games with me?
One of your friends sold my shit
to an associate of mine.
You don't wanna talk?
Cliff, it's Frank.
I'm in the valley.
Meet me in the loft.
All right.
Look at you.
All this could've been avoided.
Now I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Where is my money?
I told your punk ass already.
I don't know what the
fuck you talking about.
Seen him with your wife.
Where you been?
I've been laying low for a minute.
You spoke to Hughes?
He's not answering.
Did you do the job?
Don't worry, I have your cut.
Why'd you have to fuck everything up?
What were you thinking?
What do you mean, what I was thinking?
I did what I had to do.
I just gotta go away for a while,
'till things blow over.
Until things blow over?
There's no coming back to this.
You lost that privilege.
Your life here is over.
Whatever, then.
Found a property under
Hughes White's name.
Okay, where at?
Located at 644 South Springs Street.
Okay, got it.
Great work, Sergeant.
Thank you, sir.
What's the matter, baby, I
thought you'd be happy to see me.
I am happy to see you.
Something came up
missing that belongs to me,
and I want it back.
I thought you were loyal.
I gave you everything.
You're just like the rest of the bitches.
I'll tell you what.
Dig in that purse of
yours and get your phone,
and call your friend.
Tell him to meet you
at your favorite spot,
and to bring what belongs to me.
Yeah, it's me.
No, everything is fine.
Change of plans.
Can you meet me at the bar on Melrose?
Yeah, any minutes.
Wow, you're good.
You're really good.
No, no, no, no, I was
gonna tell you everything,
I was gonna tell you every...
Yes, Dave, developing news here
in downtown Los Angeles's
Parkview Apartments.
The victim whose body
was found in unit 504
has now been identified
as 28 year old resident Hughes White.
Authorities are not
releasing further detail,
although they have ruled his
death an apparent homicide.
At this time, there are no suspects.
Jillian Batista for Channel Four News.
Black holes in 20 minute sketch.
Listen, Pete, I'm sick of this shit.
I'm physically ill from
this fucking garbage.
Wanna wack them out.
Hard, slow, and ugly.
The thought of that dirty
nigger fucking my wife
leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I wanna cut my throat, you understand?
Every time I kissed her,
I felt like I was sucking his filthy,
unwashed monkey cock.
Fuck him!
I gotta go take a leak,
I'll be right back.
You nigger motherfucker,
you fucked my wife!
You fucked my woman!
Die, motherfucker.
The closest thing I have
to family are my friends.
You laughing, man,
that's that bullshit, bro.
I love them.
They're my brothers.
We're just at a point
where we all need
different things in life.
We grow, we change,
and we evolve.
As human beings, we have to accept that.