Limbo (2020) Movie Script

It started with a kiss
In the back row of the classroom
How could I resist
The aroma of your perfume?
You and I were inseparable
It was love at first sight
You made me promise to marry you
I made you promise to be my wife
But then you were only eight years old
- And I had just about turned nine
- Just about turned nine
I thought that life was always good
I thought you always would be mine
It started with a kiss
- Never thought it would come to this
- You don't remember me, do you?
It started with a kiss
- Never thought it would come to this
- You don't remember me, do you?
I remember every little thing
Like fighting in the playground
'Cause some good-looking boy
Had started to hang around
That boy hurt me so bad
But I was happy 'cause you cried
But still I couldn't help but notice
That new distant look in your eyes
And then when you were 16
- And I had just turned 17
- Just turned 17
I couldn't hold on to your love
I couldn't hold on to my dreams
It started with a kiss
Never thought it would come to this
It started with a kiss
Never thought it would come to this
You don't remember me, do you?
You don't remember me, do you?
Walking down the streets again
- The star of my love story
- No!
And my heart began to beat so fast.
Thank you, Boris.
You can take a seat.
can anyone here tell me
what Boris did wrong?
You know
there was better signal
in the middle of the Mediterranean.
You know, on the hill?
They have, um
How you say?
Uh, the the wind things.
You go up the hill,
there is signal.
Only place on the island.
I go, once a week.
Um baby cat.
What you call in English?
- Uh kitten.
- Kitten, yes.
I follow very nice kitten on Instagram.
Um Klaus. Klaus the kitten.
Very nice. Very, very nice kitten.
Good kitten.
I come, I come.
My friend!
Why you cry every day?
Every day you cry! Huh?
Come, come.
Help me, my friend.
Please, help me.
Why you crying?
Why you cry every day?
You go first.
You cry every time?
You go. You go.
- Hello?
- Hello, Mum?
- Who is it? Omar?
- Hi, Mum.
Khalid, it's Omar on the phone!
- How are you, Mum?
- Where are you?
How are things?
How are things in Istanbul?
Don't worry about us, we're fine.
How are you?
What's the news? Where are you?
- I'm in Scotland.
- Scotland?
I'm on an island
somewhere in Scotland.
Khalid, he's on an island in Scotland.
I thought you were going to London.
Yeah, I was, but
Are you working?
Mum, I told you.
I can't work without asylum.
Well, how long is it going to take?
I don't know.
A few months or more.
More? What if they say no?
What about Germany or Sweden?
I heard they are nicer
to Syrians there.
Mum, I speak English.
What's that?
Your dad's asking
if it's like Guantanamo.
No. No, it's not like that.
Do you have enough money?
I'm okay.
They give me a little to survive.
I'm not asking that.
What is it, Mum?
Your dad is asking
if you can send us money?
Mum I don't have any.
Do you need money?
I don't get enough.
No, no, we're fine. It's
Are you eating enough?
Maybe I can send Makdous.
You tell me how to make it.
I almost forgot
How's your hand, Omar?
Did you get the cast off?
Not yet.
I should get it checked.
Omar, have you heard from Nabil?
Not since you left.
Omar, how is the oud?
Is your hand better?
I don't know,
I've not played since
You need to keep practicing, Omar.
You can play on the street,
make a bit of money.
People don't care about the oud here.
So, come to Turkey.
Play on the street with me.
You're playing on the street?
Yeah, well
What's in the case, pal?
You one of they refugees?
You speak English, pal?
Here, you better not be planning
any Al-Qaeda, ISIS shite here, right?
Here, I seen a programme
on the telly about they terrorists.
They've got these sleeping clubs
where they hang out
and build bombs and that.
Sleeping clubs, aye?
And do they have pillow fights
in their underwear and all?
You building bombs, pal?
Maybe that's why they stuck them
all up here, eh?
'Cause no-one gives a shite
if they blow us up.
Hey, he's no' gonna blow anybody up.
I heard they, like,
rape people and all.
You're talking out
your fanny flaps, Cheryl.
What? That's what I heard.
It's like a hobby for them.
- Like
- Tennis.
Aye. Tennis. Or like
- Cats.
- Aye.
Cats isn't a hobby.
If he lays his hands on me,
I'll cut his balls off.
His balls would probably fall off
if he flanged you!
Fuck off, Plug.
Right, wheesht, the lot of you.
What's your name, pal?
Right, Omar.
I got my eyes on you, pal.
So, don't fucking
Don't, like, blow up shite,
or, like, rape anyone. Right?
Right, pal?
Maybe we should offer him a lift.
It looks like it's about to rain.
Right. Do you want a lift
back up to town, pal?
You don't wanna get caught in the rain.
What happened to your hand?
Too much wanking.
Happens to the best of us, eh?
Fuck's sake, Stevie.
Can I sign it?
I don't think
a woman ever smiled at me.
You were never married?
What about your mother?
But do women not cover
their faces in Afghanistan?
But you can tell everything from the eyes.
Happy, sad everything.
I don't know.
Not smiling.
Okay, guys
You know, I've I've never
played my stuff for anyone before.
So, it's important that you understand
it's about communicating
I borrow your coat tomorrow.
You can get Friends
from the donation centre,
but you can't get a coat?
Coat is high demand.
Post comes tomorrow.
We won't get anything.
I hope you get deported.
It's probably better
than being stuck here with you, brother.
Joey's so funny.
What will you do if they let you stay?
I'll go to London.
I'll play for Chelsea Football Club.
It's a good thing
that God has made dreaming for free.
I can be Wasef agent.
Like Tom Cruise of Jerry Maguire.
You know they put us out here
in the middle of nowhere
to try and break us.
What do you mean?
And they try to get us
to volunteer to go home.
We're all single, male, low priority.
Past the sell-by-date.
Afghanistan: Best before 2003.
Sudan: Best before 2006.
Iraq: Best before 2005.
I thought they were rolling out
the red carpet for Syrians.
you are coming a year too late.
Why pink?
They, uh
They ran out of blue.
Smells like dead cat.
I need to get it checked.
How long you have it?
Few months.
What if you forget how to play?
In Afghanistan, we have story
about bird who forget how to sing.
What happens?
He die of sadness.
It's like your thing, no?
The oud.
My thing?
Like, some people, they have thing.
And what's your thing?
Freddie Mercury?
He my hero.
Taught me English.
We have same moustache and
he Zoroastrian, like me.
What's, uh What's Zoroas?
A religion.
There aren't many of us.
You like it here?
It's better than jungle was.
In Syria, you play oud?
Were you famous?
I don't know, uh
Maybe a little.
My grandfather was more famous.
This was his.
He was the one
who taught me how to play.
Like, how famous?
Like Donny Osmond?
- No.
- Umm Kulthum?
No-one is that
No-one is that
No-one's as famous as Umm Kulthum.
Hey, maybe I could be your agent, too.
What that say?
It's nothing. It's
My brother wrote it just before I left.
Where he is now?
I, uh
I don't know.
What you mean?
I mean, uh
I guess he's still in Syria.
He wanted to stay to fight.
How long have you been waiting?
32 month and five day.
But letter will come.
Omar, listen to this.
"I am overcome by weakness,
I bandage my heart
"with December's frozen tree roots"
" trees that have promised
to blossom in spring."
There he is!
We love you, Omar.
You will all have been asked
to tell stories
or draw on experiences
from your past.
So, we thought the term "I used to"
will come in handy.
For example, before I came here,
I used to have a dog
called Snftemlle.
But then got she rabies.
So, I had to kill her.
Boris used to work at the tourist info
before it closed.
Top tip, if you're lucky enough
to still be here in winter,
you might just see the northern lights.
Oh, it is a spectacular sight.
Some say it's the visiting spirits
of loved ones.
It's a once in a lifetime experience.
Right. So, Boris has been working
on some examples for us
- Yeah.
- on "I used to".
I used to ride my elephant to work.
I used to have a beautiful house before
it was blown up by coalition forces.
- I used to be a
- Okay, thank you, Boris.
So, anyone want to give it a shot?
I used to be happy
before I came here.
I used to cry myself
to sleep every night
but now but now
I don't have any tears left.
Abdul, you have just jumped
to our next lesson on
"I used to be".
I think that deserves a gold star.
It's closed.
- Where did you get that?
- Donation centre.
- What is it?
- Ping pong.
That's not ping pong, Farhad.
Yes, ping-pong, ping-pong.
Did you get a coat?
What does it say?
The doctor is only here once a month,
"weather permitting".
Stuff the aubergines with red pepper
a handful of chopped walnuts,
red chilli flakes,
salt and pepper
and my special ingredient,
but don't tell anyone, okay?
Between me and you.
All right?
Okay, I won't.
Sumac. Two teaspoons.
Gives it a little zing.
You can make it without, but
No, but I want it to taste
exactly like yours.
Then you need sumac.
Once you fill the jars,
you have to leave it
to preserve
for at least a week, okay?
Okay, great.
Omar, have you heard from Nabil?
No, Mum.
He's so brave to have stayed
Omar, I know you two
have had your differences but
Mum, please.
I don't want you to have
a bad memory of him.
Are you changing your bed sheets?
Once a week, remember.
Mum, please.
I made it to Scotland, didn't I?
I can look after myself.
Hey, pal. Want a leaflet?
Catch a glimpse of our local celebrity?
Derek the Dolphin.
- Discount with the flyer.
- Thank you.
He's nae a tourist, Margaret!
Well, he's no' from around here, is he?
Bet you never thought
you'd end up here, pal, eh?
We're looking at a 25% population
increase with you lot arriving.
Aye, but mind
wee Davie McEwan passed last week.
- That's one down.
- That's maybe just as well.
I wouldn't say Wee Davie
was a racist,
it's just he didn't like blacks and Pakis.
I mean, no offence.
Um What's a Paki?
It's like, er
tanned but no' Spanish,
you know, like,
folk from India and, like,
- Pakistan.
- Aye, aye. Aye, Pakistan.
It's just, like, Wee Davie didn't like
people that weren't from around here.
I mean, legend has it
we had a tourist here once,
got in a confrontation with Wee Davie.
Wee Davie bit his finger clean off.
The wee one, the pinky.
Spat it right back out
into the boy's pint.
Aye, that's right.
Anyways, no worries.
Wee Davie, he stays down in hell, now.
So, you should be all right.
Okay. Thank you.
Hey, pal. Pal!
If you want to make some extra cash,
the fish processing plant
is looking for folk just like you.
I'll tell you, it'll be better money
than the pennies you're on at the moment.
I'm not allowed to work.
Oh, hey, hey, it's cash in hand.
Send money home for the family and that.
You know, that sort of thing.
There he is!
We love you, Omar.
- You are a liar!
- Abedi crazy.
- You no got respect, huh?
- Mumu, you an idiot.
Me? Me? Me?
I am an idiot?
Hey, hey, hey
Ross did not cheat on Rachel.
Rachel very clearly broke up with him.
Huh?! No, no, no.
You see, a break a break
is very different from a break-up, okay?
Not even 12 hours had passed
since that was happening!
Yes, it was too soon.
But, still, my guy's not a cheater!
He is a dirty cheater!
She is saying,
"I think we should take a break."
- A break, yeah?
- No, you are stupid.
You are dumb
like the sperm of infertile elephant.
You don't understand,
because you are a cheater too.
- I'm a cheater? I'm a cheater?
- Your fada.
The only reason you are still here
is because of me. Okay?
They don't care about you
and your stupid stories.
Hm, and look at where we are now.
How are the Chelsea scouts
going to find me here?
Economic migrants.
What is economic migrant?
Helga and I
do a very good Sonny and Cher.
- Don't we, Helga?
- Hm.
And you can win
all sorts of prizes.
Alan McPherson from
down Strachanbrech won a goat once,
for his rendition
of All the Single Ladies.
Did you used to be a musician, Omar?
Omar is famous.
- Like Donny Osmond.
- Oh!
- I his agent-slash-manager.
- Donny Osmond
- What instrument is that, anyway?
- A oud.
- It's like a guitar.
- Uh-huh.
And you bought that
all the way from Syria?
Well, once you get your cast off
we should organise a concert.
That's a wonderful idea.
Syrian music here on the island.
And we could have
a finger buffet at the interval.
With jelly pieces and
- hummus!
- Hummus.
- Baba ghanoush!
- Baba who?
On behalf of my client
I think this very good idea.
This week's special offers
Jammie Dodgers, two for one.
McCoy's Jumbos, two for one.
Wee Willie Winkie's, pound off.
Chicken nuggets, half price.
Tatty waffles, 99 pence.
Chicken breasts, extra juicy, 3.50.
Are you a Muslim?
We haven't got Halal.
Beauty products.
Everyday men's moisturiser, 2.50.
Anti-dandruff shampoo
Where you from?
Syria. You?
Ah! Okay, you're not a
Come here.
Leave that.
Go on.
Read that sign.
"Please refrain from
" urinating in the freezer aisle"?
But I didn't do that.
Not that one, that one.
You see how it feels
if I call you Camel Jockey
or Dusty Nuts.
Goat Fucker. Carpet Pilot.
How do you like it, eh?
Oh I didn't know.
Right, well. You better learn
how things work around here, eh?
This could be a warning,
seeing as you're not from round here.
And to be honest,
I don't know if it is racist,
coming from another brown person.
I mean, it's a bit of grey area.
You know like when Black folk on the TV
call each other the "N" word and that?
Have you seen The Wire?
Do you have, uh sumac?
- What's that?
- It's a spice.
I've got ketchup and mustard.
And soy sauce.
What did you say it was called again?
- Sumac.
- No.
Never even heard of it, pal.
Where are you taking me?
You'll see!
Where did you get this bike?
Donation centre!
That's where they give free eggs.
What's a range egg?
Is my turn with coat or yours?
- It's my coat, Farhad.
- But you said, we share.
Yeah, when I don't need it.
They are beautiful.
In Afghanistan,
I have very special chicken.
His name was Freddie.
- Like Freddie Mercury?
- Mm.
You see that chicken over there?
He new to group.
He very special.
I like him very much.
I think he like me too.
How do you know he's new?
You can tell
other chicken don't like him.
If you introduce new chicken to group,
there is lots of fighting and pecking.
Some other chicken,
they feel threatened or afraid
and they attack new chicken.
Sometime they even kill it.
But then if wolf come
well, they don't care
which chicken better.
They all the same to wolf.
Oh, yes
I'm the great pretender
You know it?
Pretending I'm doing well
My need is such
I pretend too much.
ring-ring, ring-ring.
Hello, what is the purpose
of your call?
Use your notes, Abedi.
The notes.
How are you?
You are the people
who are looking for some cleaners.
Oh, okay. Yes, that's right.
I am a cleaner.
My name is Abedi.
Hi, Abedi.
Do you have any experience?
Well, that's not a problem,
because we do give full training.
When would you be available
for an interview?
I am available
at your earliest convenience.
Well, that's great, Abedi.
How's tomorrow at 3 p.m.?
Let me check my diary.
I have to move a few things
but I can make 3 p.m. work for you.
Well, that's great, Abedi.
Well, see you tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Okay. Thank you. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
- Farhad?
- Did he get the job?
Well, I don't know.
The interview is tomorrow.
How do you think Abedi did?
I think he was shit
and he won't get the job.
Well, maybe you could try
and give your brother
a little more constructive feedback,
Do you want to come up here
and have a go?
What if I don't want to be a cleaner?
Well, no-one said
you had to be a cleaner.
You can be whatever you want,
as long as you work hard enough.
You really believe that?
I hope so.
I mean,
what do you want to be, Wasef?
- I want to be a footballer.
- Ha!
I want to play for Chelsea Football Club.
Number 11.
Well, that's
really ambitious, but
But it is possible.
- It's not impossible.
- It is impossible for him.
Why is it impossible for me?
You are delusional.
Oh, good word, Abedi.
What is delusional?
It's like you have a castrated goat
and you still believe that he can
be making a baby goat with a lady goat.
So, you are saying
I am a castrated goat?
No, I am saying
you are the owner of the goats.
But I don't own a castrated goat.
- Yes, but if you did.
- But I don't!
No! Look.
What I am saying is that you are too old
and not even that good at football
and you will never play for Chelsea FC
or any other football club.
You will be a cleaner, like me.
Okay so, someone donated
a box of woolly hats.
I think, when I get asylum,
I would like to wear suit
and work in office.
In the morning, I put on shirt and tie
and I drink mug of black coffee
and I eat eggs sunny side up.
And I have desk
and computer and phone.
And I answer phone and I say,
"Hello, how may I help you today?"
Something like this.
In this country, I think people
like you more if you wear suit.
And you famous again.
Like musician in Syria.
Night of Syrian music
with famous Omar.
What's it like?
Standing in front of audience,
everybody watching?
Omar! We love you, Omar.
You don't remember how to play, do you?
It's not that, Farhad.
Your hand okay?
I don't know.
Doesn't sound right.
Sounds fine to me.
That's the garden
of our family house in spring.
There, look.
Here, you can see.
These are the birds in the Jasmine trees
and that's the fountain in the middle.
Yeah, Damascus
is most beautiful in spring.
But I should never think of spring
For that would surely
break my heart in two.
Chet Baker, you know it?
After spring, the apricots
will start to grow in the garden.
My mum would use them
to make Amardeen.
It's like a sweet apricot leather.
In Arabic, we have a saying.
It's bukra fil mish-mish.
It's it means,
"Tomorrow, there'll be apricots".
But you use it for something
that will never happen, like
- In your dreams.
- Yeah.
But I never got the saying,
because we always had apricots.
There he is!
We love you, Omar.
You and Wasef still not speaking?
You know how we met?
Are you?
You're not brothers?
He is coming from Nigeria.
Me, I'm coming from Ghana.
I was squashed below him
on the boat from Libya.
At night, the boat catched on fire.
I couldn't get out.
I was ready to die and then
Wasef came and grabbed me
and pulled me out.
I'm telling you,
I have already been to hell.
I would not be here
if it was not for him.
So, he asked me to pretend
to be his junior brother.
Said he would have more chance
as my guardian.
There was
There was something about
He really believed.
You know?
Now, for me, I was taking a chance.
He was taking an opportunity
to make his life better.
He really believed.
How old are you?
Maybe he's losing hope.
Freddie, Freddie, no.
Freddie Junior!
Freddie Junior! Come. Come.
I want to introduce our new flatmate.
This Freddie Junior.
What are you doing? Get that
- Get it out of here!
- It's chicken.
- Are you scared of chickens?
- No. No, I'm not scared, I just
Did you steal that chicken, Farhad?
Farhad, you have to give it back.
They have many, many chicken.
They'll not notice one chicken missing.
If they notice, the first place
they're going to look
is with the migrants
with no money or morals.
We have morals, okay?
I know, I'm saying
that's what they think.
Farhad, you have
to put the chicken back.
One wrong step
and they will deport you, or all of us.
- Like the guys at the fish factory.
- What if we kill it and then we eat it?
Then they will never know? Huh?
We can do it the Halal way.
Farhad, you have
to give the chicken back!
- This is Freddie Junior!
- Farhad!
Give the chicken back!
- Hey, bring the chicken over here.
- Give the chicken back! No.
Why are you crying?
I'm not crying.
Farhad, give it back!
It's snowing.
Open the door.
This is the police.
Open the door!
Hide the chicken. Quick!
We're looking
for a Wasef and Abedi
How do you say that?
Don't know.
Let's have a look.
We can see you in there.
Are you ever going to play that?
Or you just like carry it around?
Omar, Nabil called!
He's well.
He says they had an important
victory in the north
and things are getting better.
Omar, your father says
we should go back to Syria
Why would you do that?
He says things are getting better.
I said I can bring you here,
once I get asylum.
I know, but we can't wait forever.
- I don't want you to worry about it.
- What do you mean?
You can't tell me something like that
and ask me not to worry.
Your dad got into a fight
with the police.
They confiscated his oud
and we had to pay a fine.
They treat us like dogs here.
Dad says we should go back
and help like Nabil.
How's Dad going to help?
I don't know.
I think he imagines himself
saving the day.
Like that big muscle-head German.
What's his name? The Rambo?
- Yeah, him.
- He's Austrian.
Rambo's the other one, Stallone.
Yeah, that's Stallone.
So, who is the Austrian one?
- The Terminator.
- Ah, the Terminator.
Well, they're both the same anyway.
I've told him it is not
a good idea, but Nabil said
Put him on, I'll speak to him.
Omar, they need our help.
It's better than sitting around
doing nothing.
We can't afford
to keep paying the rent here.
We still have a home to go back to.
Today maybe, but tomorrow?
You'll get yourself killed, Dad.
What are you saying?
I did my national service
during the October War. 1973.
Dad, you're going crazy.
And you?
What about me?
You could go back
and fight like your brother.
They're heroes.
You were the one
telling me I should leave.
We didn't know
what they would do next.
We wanted you to be able
to live up to your potential.
But what are you doing there?
Are you even playing your oud?
You know what a musician is,
who doesn't play music?
Dad, you've told me a thousand times.
A musician
who doesn't play music is dead.
So, you want me to go back
and die a martyr now?
That would make you proud, would it?
Two brave sons,
instead of one coward in the ranks.
I didn't say that!
You can tell
you've been speaking to Nabil.
I didn't say that!
Maybe I can live up
to my potential then?
The three of us can fight
and die martyrs together.
- Maybe even Mum.
- Omar, please.
Nabil asked after you,
he wants to speak to you.
Well, I'm sorry
I'm not a hero like him.
Maybe you play something?
This month, prize is mini fridge.
For practice night of Syrian music with
There is no night of Syrian music
with baba ghanoush, Farhad.
Okay, you come with me
to karaoke.
- You decide with concert later.
- No.
But you can win mini fridge!
I'm your agent-slash-manager,
I decided.
You're not
my agent-slash-manager, Farhad.
You walk around like that case
is a coffin for your soul.
- I try help you.
- I don't want your help.
I will go to karaoke,
win mini fridge without you.
I don't want to steal your thunder
like in Friends when
This is not like Friends, Farhad.
None of this is like Friends.
If you are calling
about an asylum claim
and it has been more than 30 days
since you applied, please hang up.
The average waiting time
- William, pull over.
- What?
We'll ask him for help.
Hey, Omar, we've got a problem.
My dad's sheep are out
on the grazing island with the lambs.
We weren't expecting this weather.
Do you think you could give us a hand?
- We've not got much time.
- Okay.
Okay. Okay, everyone off, let's go.
Omar, I'm gonna get you some gloves.
Jim, we got another volunteer
for you here.
Dad, we're here. We're ready.
All right, everybody,
come on onboard.
Some of the lambs
might not have made it.
- Just shout me either way, okay?
- Okay.
Head down that way.
Listen for the dogs!
We're looking for four more.
Dad Dad, I've got
I've got one here, Dad.
It's not it's not made it.
Omar, we're here.
Dad, have you seen Omar?
Omar, where are you?
Omar! You forgot your
Omar! Hold on.
Omar, wait!
Omar! Omar!
You left this.
Are you okay? You wanting a lift?
- No.
- Are you sure? It's freezing.
I can run you up the road.
This weather's mental.
If you ever need anything,
I know it must be hard
Leave me alone.
- Are you okay?
- Leave me alone, please.
I'm sorry. If you need any help
or anything
I don't want your help!
What do you see?
I don't win mini fridge,
in case you wondering.
How do you find it so easy?
What do you mean?
Do you ever think about
who you were
before all of this?
I try not to.
Would you go back, if you could?
I can't.
But, if you could.
Would you go back, if you could, Farhad?
What, you don't think I need to be here?
Why are you here, huh?
Because you want a job in an office?
You want to wear a suit?
You want to live your life
like you're in some American TV show?
Eggs sunny side up?
You won't go back because your life
amounted to nothing back home.
I wouldn't go back
because I cannot be myself back home.
Is that what you wanted to know?
Omar, have you
changed your sheets this week?
What is it, my dear?
Is everything okay?
I don't know.
What happened?
Maybe Nabil was right.
Should I have stayed?
We left too
We left too, Omar.
Everyone left.
You're not going back?
No. No. Nabil says it's not safe.
But what about the money?
You don't need
to worry about that, Omar.
But I wouldn't have made it here
without the money you gave me, Mum.
Nabil will send us
some money for now.
I'll pay you back.
They'll answer soon.
I promise.
I'll get the money
and I'll get them
to bring you here.
- I will do it as soon as
- I want only one thing from you
Promise me
you'll speak to your brother.
There is a war going on
in our country.
I have to accept that.
But I will not have a war
in our family.
He was asking after you, Omar.
He wants to speak to you.
He sounded different this time, Omar.
He sounded afraid.
Omar, what if
you never spoke to him again?
That song came on the radio today.
Remember the song by Marcel Khalife?
You played it on my birthday.
Nabil sang with you.
How old were you?
It was your 40th
Omar was 15.
It was beautiful.
I forgot Nabil used to sing.
He was good.
A bird stood at my window
And said, "Oh, little one
"I beg you, hide me with you."
I said, "Where are you from?"
"From the limits of the sky"
I said, "Where did you come from?"
"From the neighbour's house,"
he answered
"Why are you afraid?" I asked
"I escaped from the cage," he said
"Where are your feathers?" I asked
"Fate took care of them," he said
Little bird
Omar, promise me
you'll speak to your brother.
Nabil here, somewhere.
Don't leave a voicemail,
I won't get it.
Just send a text or whatever.
Okay, later.
Jesus! It's freezing.
Last time I saw snow like this was
That year in Damascus.
We tried to make a snow
Brontosaurus, or was it a camel?
No. Everyone thought
we had made a camel,
- but it was a Brontosaurus.
- Ah, yeah!
Did Mum make it?
The apricot tree
isn't there any more, Omar.
I was waiting for you to call.
Are you happy to see me?
You left without saying goodbye.
You wouldn't have let me go.
- So, you ran away?
- I didn't run away.
Why did you have to stay?
- You know why.
- What?
To fight and die like a martyr?
With our souls, with our blood,
we sacrifice for Syria
With our souls, with our blood
Stop it!
What do you want, Omar?
You want me to tell you
that I wish I had left like you?
That you did the right thing?
You want my blessing?
I don't need your blessing.
No, come on, here
Preserve our culture with your music.
Your talent.
The oud as your weapon.
You'll make us all proud.
I just want it to be how it was.
You know
I've not even played the oud
since I left Syria.
But your hand's better?
Not once, why?
It doesn't sound like it used to.
It doesn't feel the same.
Omar, a musician
who doesn't play music
Is dead.
I know.
Don't do that, you will make me cry.
Stop it, Omar.
I'm scared.
- Why are you scared?
- I'm scared for you.
You were never afraid of anything.
Even when we were kids.
That's not true.
I was afraid
of Auntie Zainab's kisses
with those big red lips.
We would all be covered in red stains.
And Mum would rub our faces really hard
to get the marks off.
It was so sore!
I didn't want to leave, Nabil.
I didn't want this.
Come on, play me something.
Come on, Omar.
Show me. I'll tell you how it sounds.
Come on.
Let me escape the world
for a moment.
What happened?
A letter.
- Successful.
- Mm.
That's, uh
I'm sorry.
- There was nothing
- It's okay.
- That's great!
- You don't hate me?
I'm sorry, I
I, uh
I didn't mean to, uh
I've never met anyone, um
You know, like, uh
Neither have I.
So, what are you going to do now?
I have to go city and get my papers.
And what about the concert?
I will need my, uh
agent-slash-manager to be there.
You remember how to play?
I want to speak to William.
Listen, uh, when we get across,
I want you to stay on the boat
until I get back, okay?
Please, just stay on the boat.
Rest in peace, my friend.
You better buy it, though.
It's here to sell.
- Thank you.
- So
when's the concert?
Sorry I late.
Donation centre?
Very elegant.
What are you doing
with Freddie Junior?
I have to go mainland after concert.
Lie to me
and tell me you'll be back.
Thank you.
There he is!
We love you, Omar.