Limbo (2023) Movie Script

The story of Joseph
and his dreams teaches us
about the importance
of patience,
and faith in god.
Despite facing many
challenges and setbacks,
Jospeh never lost hope.
And he ultimately
achieved great success,
and fulfilment.
Trust in the lord with all
your heart and lean not on...
Charlie Hayes live here?
Know where he lives?
If we want to overcome...
We need to be creative
in our dreams.
Every negative has a positive.
As overcomers...
- Charlie Hayes, know him?
- Yeah.
- Know where he lives?
- Yeah.
Charlie Hayes?
Who are you?
Travis Hurley.
What kind of name is that?
The kind I was given.
How'd you find me?
Just asked the cops.
Seems they know a lot about you.
You here about my warrants?
Not here for you?
- Here about your sister.
- Yeah which one?
They find something?
Just here to review the case.
Review, what does that mean?
Means take another look
at things with fresh eyes.
Get the family's view on
how the case was handled.
Any new evidence
could reopen the case.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.
We needed fresh eyes
twenty fucking years ago.
Not now.
Besides, I don't talk to cops.
Especially not White ones.
Get the fuck out of here.
Fair enough.
You know where I can
find your sister, Emma?
She works at the
cafe in the main street.
I'm only in town for a few days.
So uh...
Don't take too long...
if you do want to
change your mind.
My name's Travis.
Is this about my brother?
I'm reviewing Charlotte's case.
What do you want?
Just want to talk that's all.
About what?
About Charlotte, about you,
the case.
Have you spoken to my brother?
Yeah just met Charlie.
And what did he say?
He told me to fuck off.
I'll have a think about it.
I'm going to get out
of here as soon as I can so...
don't take too long.
Let me know if
you do want to talk.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me.
Your rod and your
staff, they comfort me.
The righteous cry out,
and the lord hears them.
You Leon?
You know where he is?
He's over there.
I did my best...
digging the grave I mean.
When did he die?
Must have been last year
some time.
I don't remember exactly.
What happened?
Found him in his
chair one morning.
Dementia just wasted him away.
Had Dementia?
Lost everything in the end.
Didn't know who I was.
Even forgot his own name.
Who are you?
I'm his brother.
Joseph people call me...
or used to.
I don't see many these days...
people that is.
You live here Joseph?
Now I'm mostly here...
looking after Leon's old dog.
Making sure the
Dingos don't eat him.
They built that fence
to keep them out.
But lately they've been finding
ways to get around it.
I didn't catch your
name by the way.
Policeman is you?
How'd you know?
Well I didn't.
I was just wanting
to talk to Leon but I
guess that ain't
going to happen now.
sure ain't.
Anything I can help you with?
I don't know it's
about a missing
girl case from
twenty odd years ago.
Name was Charlotte Hayes.
I don't know if you
remember anything?
I remember.
You know they cleared him of
that business a long time ago.
I know. I just been sent out
here to take another look at it.
you're welcome to
have a look around...
seeing as you came
all the way out here.
Nar, I reckon I
seen about enough.
Thanks for your time.
And we know that
in all things god
works for the good
of those who love him.
Who have been called
according to his purpose.
Joseph was known for having
dreams that
predicted his future...
as well as the the
future of his family.
Joseph never lost hope
and he ultimately achieved
great success and fulfilment.
It is important to
remember that not
all dreams are
necessarily from god.
Fuck this.
Computer chip's fried.
She ain't going anywhere.
Did you call the cops?
No point.
Wouldn't have done you any good.
Kids around here...
are running fucking wild.
Cops can't keep up.
They lock them up.
The next day they're out there
doing the same fucking thing.
How long is it
going to take to fix?
We have to get a
new chip from the city.
A few days at least, if they
got any fucking stock.
Stock's the problem.
Nobody's got any fucking stock.
Any of these old things run?
They're all fucked.
Except that one.
She runs.
I could clean her up for you.
Rent her out to you.
What happened to your rig?
Engine trouble.
Engine trouble.
That's what I said.
Engine trouble.
Why'd you call me, Charlie?
Listen, I don't
want to be here...
you don't want to talk so
why don't I just fuck off.
How about we go for a drive?
The spot back there.
What spot?
Where she was taken.
This is it.
Local fulla was
driving in that direction.
Told the cops he saw Charlotte
walking along here
just around sunset.
Said she was carrying a loaf
of bread, bottle of milk.
Where was she going?
She was on her way
back home from the servo.
Who was the witness?
Just a local fulla, he
died years ago now.
And where were you,
when Charlotte disappeared?
Why does that matter?
I was at a cousin's house.
Who reported her missing?
Later that night mum
called the cop station,
told them Charlotte was missing.
The cop was at home.
Wouldn't meet mum at
the station 'til the morning.
Just kept telling
her, she'll turn up.
And two weeks later...
cops decided
to get off their arse.
Not to look for Charlotte but,
they started investigating
all the black fullas in town...
bought child welfare out here.
Us three kids we all
got different fathers.
So they tried to blame mum,
say she was a bad mother.
That's when they came after me.
They didn't go after
Leon til a year later.
It was too late, they didn't
have enough on him.
The cops didn't
move quick enough.
Who puts these flowers here?
Don't know.
People been putting
them here for years.
We had a memorial
there on the ground...
but it kept being destroyed.
Usually they'll tell you to move
along, drinking on
the street like this,
not today.
Must be because of you.
You know Leon died?
Sometime last year.
Went out to see his brother
Joseph yesterday.
Saw Leon's grave.
That grave might
be empty though.
He could have just run away,
wouldn't put it past him.
Joseph said he had dementia...
lost his memory.
Lucky him.
Wouldn't mind losing mine.
They won't reopen
it now will they?
Depends on what we find.
What do you want?
Just a coffee...
White enough for you?
I don't want to talk.
Got nothing to say.
How about this one?
Not enough colour Bub.
I like it, I'm keeping it.
I'm tired. I want to go home.
How come Zac
doesn't have to help?
Don't worry about Zac.
Just do your job.
But there's nothing left
here except for garbage.
If we give up now
we'll have no chance will we.
Hurry up before
the sun goes down.
Look, all I can give
you is sixty for it.
Sixty bucks?
You've got to be
fucking kidding me?
It's being generous,
very generous.
Give them back girls.
We didn't come
here for your lollies.
Give it back.
Zac, open the door.
Open the door now or you
can find somewhere else to live.
School said you didn't
rock up last week...
is that right?
Better get your arse
to school tomorrow...
or don't bother coming home.
This is Detective Ray Summers.
The time is 10:05, May 102003.
Please state your name and age.
Leon Cutmore, 48 years old.
You right for a cigarette?
I roll my own.
Where do you live?
I got a mine out on
Dingo Fence Road.
How long you been there?
Just on ten years.
Who do you live with out there?
It's just me most of the time.
Do you know a local girl by
the name of Charlotte Hayes?
No, I don't know her.
Have you ever seen her?
No, wouldn't know
what she looks like.
I heard about the thing
on the news though.
What did you hear?
That she was missing.
The day was Sunday, May 5...
Do you remember
what you did that day?
I got no idea, too long ago.
But Sundays I go to church.
Do you go to church often?
When I feel the need.
Well we heard you had lots
of visitors out there.
Had some local black
fellas complaining about you.
They said you had young
black girls out there...
giving them alcohol
and dope, that true?
I just had a few
parties out there,
if that's what
you're talking about.
What went on at these parties?
People just let their hair
down, enjoyed themselves.
Did you supply
alcohol to minors?
I actually don't remember...
too long ago.
Did you own a green Ford?
A Ford Laser?
Did you own a green Ford?
A Ford Laser?
You still have it?
Had a problem with the...
the whole car was fucked.
Was a bit of a shitbox.
Did something
happen in that car?
You got something
to tell us Leon?
You're wasting your time.
We welcome everyone to Limbo.
Our doors are open to all.
The real Limbo refers
to an edge or boundary.
Referring to the edge of hell.
The Limbo of the Patriarchs...
is seen as the temporary
state of those who...
despite the sins they
may have committed...
died in the friendship of God...
but could not enter heaven...
until redemption
by Jesus Christ...
made it possible.
Christ revealed to
us that he will come...
and in his second coming...
to judge the
living and the dead.
A judgement in which he will
separate human beings...
as a shepherd separates
sheep from the goats.
You will see that
around Christ...
are those who are in paradise.
They are in a golden light.
The light surrounding
them is golden.
This same golden light...
as it gets further
away from Christ...
begins to change colour...
and gradually...
the further away it goes...
it turns from gold to red...
and in the red light...
are the damned.
We welcome everyone to Limbo.
Our doors are open to all.
The real Limbo...
refers to an edge or boundary...
referring to the edge of hell.
It's me...
You busy?
No, not busy.
I um...
got something to say.
Yeah, well say it.
Not on the phone.
You don't like
black fullas do you?
I guess I don't like
anyone too much.
Most people don't think
too much of me either.
I've had a few run-ins
with black fullas.
They weren't too pleasant.
For who?
Maybe both.
The White fullas, they say
we should get over it.
Let bygones be bygones.
Twenty years is a long time,
but it feels like yesterday.
It's not a long time for us.
We see when
White kids get taken.
Police take it serious.
It's on the news,
it's on the radio...
bring out the dogs,
fucking choppers.
They just thought our sister
went walkabout,
they didn't care.
Nobody cares you know.
Nobody's ever cared.
People like you
fucking come and go.
Nothing ever changes.
What do you know about these
parties out at Leon's place.
Lots of kids used
to go out there.
Get some free yarndi and grog.
You ever go?
Couple of times.
What went on?
People just had a good time.
It's all they want...
to feel happy.
You know if Leon ever had
contact with Charlotte?
I don't think so.
But everyone knew he
liked young black girls.
I'll tell you a secret.
About a month after
Charlotte disappeared...
Leon was drinking
at the pub one night.
He was drinking with a
blackfulla called Stoney.
And he told Stoney
he killed someone.
Stoney never went
to the cops about it.
Why you telling me this?
Why are you asking me that?
You got time to kill don't you?
Where's this bloke Stoney now?
Should be around.
Just wait here.
tell this fulla what you know.
He don't want to talk to me?
It's alright Uncle
you can tell him.
Said he was drinking
with Leon at the pub,
it was a long time ago now.
And Leon said he killed someone.
Why didn't he tell the Police?
Well he already had
a warrant out for him.
They would have
arrested him on the spot.
For what?
Just unpaid fines,
being drunk on the street.
He say what he
did with the body?
Give me that.
He said it was out
at Four Mile Creek.
You know where that is?
It's an old mining
place just west of town.
Leon tell him who
the person was?
No, but he thought it could
have been Charlotte.
Could have been anyone though.
Thank you.
Must be a hundred holes here.
Half are filled in.
What was this place?
Used to be an old
blackfulla's camp.
They used to noodle around
through the White man's scraps.
Get everything
that was left behind.
Swap the opals
for flour, tea, sugar.
You believe what Stoney said?
Just don't know about Leon.
People will say
all kinds of things,
especially when they're drunk.
Why'd the coppers
come after you so hard?
- You think I took Charlotte?
- No.
I got set up.
By who?
Two local lads.
They were the cop's
first suspects before me.
They just tried to
save themselves
by throwing me in the fire.
Why were they suspects?
Who knows, because they
were black with a record.
They still around?
One of them's still alive.
His name's Oscar Porter.
Will he talk?
On what?
Whether he'll trust
a White fulla copper.
He works in town
there at the wreckers.
Just ask for Oscar, they all
know him down there.
I'd take you myself but...
a few years ago I
punched his lights out.
This dog came in the yard,
can we keep it?
What's going on?
Fair enough.
You got my message.
Any luck?
Not yet.
Beautiful kids.
You got any?
Kids, yeah.
I got a son, kind of.
What's kind of mean?
It's a bit of a story.
Who we got here?
This is Jessie.
Hey Jessie.
Who are you?
This is Uncle Travis.
He come to say hello.
You know those
smokes will kill you?
Yeah, I know.
Where you from?
I come from...
up there.
You mean you're a space man?
Where's your spaceship?
Over there.
That old thing,
more like space junk.
How old are you?
Old enough.
You're a cheeky
little thing aren't you.
You busy?
I want to show you something.
This is it.
They replaced the
pole with a new one.
It split Mum's car in half.
I was always worried she
was going to hurt herself.
She carried a lot of blame.
She said the hardest part was
not being able to
bury her daughter.
And have the truth come out.
he just lost it.
Pretty much been on
my own since then...
with his kids.
And Zac...
he was five when I got him.
And now he's starting
to get into trouble.
Hasn't seen his dad for years.
Do you know Leon
Cutmore died last year?
Had no idea.
Did you ever have
any contact with
him before Charlotte
It's a small town.
Did you ever go to any of
those parties out there?
You think he took Charlotte?
I don't know.
People talk.
That's Charlie.
He always pulls
up and stops but...
he never gets out.
So what can't you eat?
I was going to invite you
to dinner Friday night...
if you're not doing anything.
Maybe not a good idea.
Well, you're invited.
If you're not there by six,
we'll start without you.
It's you.
What happened to your car?
Those wild kids didn't
steal it on you did they?
Nar, just some engine trouble.
Engine trouble.
Well that's new cars for you.
Yeah I guess.
Turns out I got to wait
around for a few days.
A few days?
Yeah, looks like it.
Well what are you going to do?
Not too sure.
suppose you better
come in for a cuppa.
You ever get much
opal out of here?
Just enough to get by...
nothing too exciting.
Always been a miner?
I used to work in
the hospital in town.
Oh yeah.
What did you do up there?
I was a handy man.
Whatever needed
fixing, I fixed it.
Why didn't Leon ever
move away from here?
Well he thought about it...
plenty of times.
We both did.
We weren't going to run away
from something we didn't do.
I had nowhere else to go.
What was it like back then,
when they charged him?
You know what
small towns are like.
People talk...
people say things.
Before you know it, everyone's
believing it like
it was the Bible.
What kind of car did
Leon drive back then?
I think it was a little Ford.
A Ford Laser.
What happened to it?
He sold it.
A long time ago.
You remember who he sold it to?
Someone in the city...
I don't remember.
Yeah I don't blame you...
a long time ago.
Too long.
I wish
I could help that family
find some peace, I really do.
Sometimes you can just...
never find the truth.
Have to find another
way to make peace.
It's all a big mess you know.
Nobody knows who
they are anymore.
Now we're all living with it.
You hear that?
They're getting closer.
I don't feel well.
I'm going to have to lie down.
- You need help?
- Nar I can manage.
Interview two with
Charlie Hayes...
stepbrother of Charlotte Hayes.
Conducted by Detective
Ray Summers...
Limbo Police
station, July 9, 2002.
Okay Charlie...
just want you to know
you can leave anytime.
What kind of person
would murder a little girl?
A sick person,
that's what I think.
But I don't know.
We just want to
know what happened.
Just want Charlotte
to come home.
We checked out your alibi.
Your cousins said
you were with them.
I'll tell you now, that
alibi won't hold up in court.
All your cousins are
convicted criminals...
just like you.
Did you have anything
to do with this Charlie?
Had nothing to do with it.
- But you did.
- No.
But we know you did.
We got two witnesses,
who said you did it.
What witnesses?
Two local boys.
Well they're fucking lying.
She was a pretty
girl, hey Charlie.
You tried to have
sex with Charlotte.
And she fought back.
You hit her...
and you killed her.
You didn't mean to, but that's
what happend didn't it Charlie.
You know that big old Gum tree
we got out the back?
You now what that's for?
Stringing up
lying black fullas...
just like you.
Let me out of here.
What'd you say Charlie?
What'd you say?
I said let me out of here.
Come on buddy, just let it go.
You can stop all that
pressure right now.
Said let me the fuck out.
Oscar about?
What the fuck's he done?
Nothing, just want a word.
That white ute.
Thanks for coming.
No worries.
So this the spot?
About twenty years ago now.
Cops came and got me and
my cousin Kenny off the streets.
Drove us up to this spot here.
What happened?
Dragged us to the
tower over there.
Handcuffed us.
Tried to get us to confess
to Charlotte's murder.
Dragged us real rough
across the stones too.
I was only a skinny
fulla back then.
Easy to push around.
They said we'd go to hell too
if we don't admit to anything.
They touch you?
See that there?
They touched us alright.
You ever tell anyone about this?
Just family.
What'd you end
up telling the cops?
We ended up making up a story
saying that Charlie
admitted to it.
They wouldn't leave
us alone unless
they got something from us man.
And your cousin Kenny...
what happened to him?
They was a lot harder on Kenny.
A lot of bad stuff happened
from this business.
Young fullas
killing themselves...
kids getting more
and more in trouble.
Kenny ended up in
jail for other stuff...
ended up dying in
there couple of years ago.
You reckon Leon
Cutmore killed Charlotte?
Everyone knew he liked
young black girls hey.
There was one morning
me and my girlfriend woke up
in his caravan after a party.
Was hard to wake up.
We reckon he spiked our drinks.
If it wasn't him, we don't know
who else could have done it.
You going to find out
what happened to Charlotte?
That's not my job mate.
Who are you?
I just wanted to say...
I'm really sorry...
for what happened
to your family.
What are you talking about?
Who are you?
Girls, get in the car now.
Who was that?
Nobody, get in the car.
You made it.
Yeah, I made it.
Better come in then.
So how is it?
better than the hotel.
Are you Mummy's new boyfriend?
That's a very rude thing to say.
No, it's okay.
No it's not.
Eat your dinner.
It's just that...
Mum's had lots of boyfriends.
Jessie, that's enough.
Emma said you're a cop.
Are you really a cop?
Well you don't look like a cop.
What do I look like?
A drug dealer.
Eat your tea.
Well I would never
want to be a cop.
Why's that?
Because they let someone
take my Aunt Charlotte away.
And they locked up my Uncle...
her father.
That's a shame.
Yeah, a big shame.
Why'd you become a cop?
I guess I like
catching bad guys.
Well there's plenty of
bad guys around here.
Yeah, they're everywhere.
That's what Aunt Emma says.
That's enough.
Come on lets go
brush your teeth.
Jessie, move.
But we're still eating.
You've had enough to eat.
Come on let's go.
time for bed you two.
I want to say goodnight
to Uncle Travis.
Me too.
Uncle Travis.
You're wanted.
Ava wants to say
something to you.
- Goodnight Uncle Travis.
- Goodnight Uncle Travis.
- Uncle Travis.
- Yeah.
Mum said you're going to help,
find Aunt Charlotte,
is that true?
Sleep time now.
Uncle Travis.
Do you have a girlfriend?
Okay that's enough you two.
Goodnight kids.
Sleep tight.
Where's Zac tonight?
He didn't come home last night.
Just about given up on him.
Maybe you could have
a talk to him for me.
I wouldn't know what to say.
Just talk some sense into him.
He needs to hear it from a man.
I'm not real qualified
for that kind of thing.
I haven't seen my
own son in a few years.
Why not?
Mainly because of his mother.
She re-married and
started a new life.
The gist was that we just
weren't very well matched.
Eventually she found
something better, I guess.
And your son?
My son loves him so...
I was out of the
picture pretty quickly...
and I guess I just stayed out.
That was just the
easiest way for everyone.
I dream about him a lot.
All the time.
Probably what gets me by.
You going to take that?
No, it's the boss. I
can call him back.
That's Charlotte's.
She loved to paint.
She wanted to be an
artist when she grew up.
Looks like she already was.
What do these symbols mean?
They're family.
No father?
We paint the fathers
separate from the family.
Feel a bit drunk.
I need some water.
It's okay, I'll get it.
Your water.
Think I better go.
Where are you?
Yeah, alright. I'm on my way.
He was weaving all
over the fucking road.
He's drunk, got
a rifle in there.
Gave me this.
Told me to call you.
Okay mate, I'll take care
of it. I'll get him home.
Look, I'm going to
have to take him in.
I said, I'll take care of it.
What are you fucking doing?
Where you going with
that fucking gun?
I miss Charlotte.
I miss Charlotte.
I miss my fucking kids.
I wasn't there.
I wasn't there.
I wasn't there.
You ever here anything
around town about Charlotte?
Like what?
Like who might have taken her?
Sick of people
fuckin talking about it.
Fair enough.
I get it.
Emma said you're a cop?
You killed people?
I killed someone once.
Why'd you do it?
I was in the drug squad
at the time, things just...
got out of hand.
When you hang out
with crazy people,
sooner or later,
crazy things willl happen.
Did you take drugs too?
Yeah I took drugs.
Still am.
No, it's not bullshit.
And you're the only
one I've ever told.
So if you don't want to
turn out like me...
the best thing you can
do is listen to your mother.
She's not my mother.
But she's a mother to you, yeah?
When are you leaving?
I'm not sure.
Wish I could go.
Get the fuck out of here.
No matter where I go
or where I've been...
I've been saying that same
thing my whole life, mate.
When was the last time
you saw your dad?
Long time.
You want to see him?
Why would I want to see him?
Because he wants to see you...
and I think you
want to see him too.
Nice shoes.
What's going on here?
They're looking for some
boys to take out bush.
For what?
Men's business.
Alright off you go.
Go on.
It's me.
Been trying to call you.
Your case review's
been cancelled.
We need you back tomorrow.
I've got two new
homicides waiting for you.
Let me know as
soon as you hit town.
Talk soon.
What is it?
Just down here on the right.
You carry a piece?
She said keep going straight.
Turn down there.
Got to walk from here...
by yourself.
How'd you know about this?
Just heard stories around town.
What else did you hear?
Nothing else...
just this.
I haven't seen my dog.
Did you see him driving in?
Nar, I didn't see the dog.
He's never gone away.
Something's wrong.
Maybe he's gone away to die.
Animals will do that sometimes.
Found Leon's car.
He didn't sell it
in the city, did he?
It's not his.
Can't be his.
I ran a check.
Chassis numbers match up.
It's just a burnt out car...
doesn't mean anything.
Didn't say it was burnt out.
I didn't say it was burnt out.
If you say it wasn't
the car then...
fair enough.
He saw her.
What'd you say?
He saw her...
on the street...
that day she went missing.
Leon saw her on the
day she went missing.
How do you know?
I saw her too.
I was with him.
Then what happened
after you both saw her?
We just drove on.
kept on going.
Did you turn around?
Did you turn around?
Why didn't you tell
the police you both
saw Charlotte on
the side of the road?
They would have
kept on hounding us...
for no reason.
We'd never heard the end of it.
You took him, didn't you?
You took his dog.
I haven't seen the dog.
You're a liar.
Where is he?
Where is he?
Where is he?
You leaving?
The morning.
So soon.
Look, I'm sorry
about last night.
- I drank too much.
- No I'm sorry.
They're not going to
reopen Charlotte's case.
The review's been cancelled.
For now, anyway.
But why?
It's complicated.
I'm sorry, I wish I
could help you but...
I have to go.
When you asked me if I'd
gone to one of those parties...
I did.
It was about a year before
Charlotte went missing...
I went to Leon's place
with some of my friends.
It was my first time out there.
And I woke up the next day.
Maybe if I said something,
things would be different.
It's okay.
It's okay.
What's going on Zac?
Get in.
You right?
Where we going?
Out you get.
Get out. Come on.
You growing big.
Cut your own hair?
How's your sister?
Yeah, where is she?
- School.
- School.
You going to school?
Little bit.
What's a little bit?
- Every now and then.
- Every now and then.
You're like me.
Thanks mate.