Lincoln Lawyer, The (2011) Movie Script

All right, Earl.
Next, come on, step right through.
-Looking good, Mick!
-Hey Lou.
Mick! Mick, I just called you...
Hey, I just called you at the office.
I... I gotta talk to you.
-Come on, stick with me.
-How long you gonna be in today?
Depends on the judge, calls my client.
See, what does this say about me that
I let you treat me like this, huh?
I'm giving you a big cashing whoop in
the world... help me man.
-My daughter's about to go to surgery.
-I've heard it all before, Val.
-You understand?
-Come on. Talk to me. What do you got?
Okay, I got something big for you.
This guy's gonna be the big money
to Inglewood.
But the problem is, if he goes up
before the judges,
-at noon, okay? You listening to me?
-I'm listening.
So, the client, his mother...
his mother who comes
to the office at 8 a.m in
the morning...
-Has he already got a lawyer?
Just listen.
Listen, it's not criminal.
It's just real estate, okay?
And I made them so crazy about you...
that they now wanna put up their
Malibu beach house against a million.
-The bail's a million?
-Yeah, yeah...
-What did they book this guy for?
-Well, I'd say it's romantic.
The cops are saying
he beat up the girl really bad,
they wanna sell assault with
a deadly weapon...
-throw in it the GPI's...
-The D.A filed yet?
Is he dead?
See, I take care of my friends.
I even take care of you, bubba.
Inglewood by noon.
You could do it, man.
Go through some red lights...
-Break the speed limits.
-How did it comes down? Is this real?
-Don't bullshit me, is this real?
-Of course it is, would I lie to you?
You're gonna take care of me, right?
Make them forget the beach house
and go for my bond?
What's the name?
Louis. Louis Roulet.
R O U L E T. Like the wheel.
Alright, spare the wheel,
but, you got it.
You mind checking that list? See if
our man uh... Harold Casey is on it?
Oh, don't go that low... I got a
case across town at noon.
I gotta get to.
You mind just bringing him down?
It'll only be a sec.
-Pardon me?
My name's Reynaldo, not Roberto.
Us bailiffs all look alike, right?
-Your man white?
-Yeah, he's white.
I got blacks down here right now.
Alright, listen.
My bad on your name. I do a lot of
askin', I guess I was wrong.
But I didn't forget you at Christmas
time, did I?
Remember that giant
nut with the prizes
signed Happy holidays,
your friend, Nick?
I went through those pretty fast.
Alright, let's make it two this time.
I'll bring your buddy down,
but you'd better make it quick.
Gracias, Reynaldo.
Harold Casey.
Yeah, bring him down.
You shouldn't be running from
your lawyer. That's bad form.
You know what I wanna talk about?
In a minute,
Judge Powell's gonna call us down.
He's gonna wanna know
if we're ready for trial.
-We are?
-We are not.
And you know why not.
Rule one, I get paid.
Or I don't work.
Alright! Don't worry,
I got your money.
Exactly, you got it.
-I don't.
-It's coming, I talked to my boys.
Listen, Harold, I look down the list
of people I trust.
You're not on it.
The law says you can't just quit.
The judge won't let you.
I looked it up.
Pay close attention.
Michael Haller for the defense,
your honour.
If I may, I'd like to carry this over.
You have a reason, Mr. Haller?
Having trouble locating a witness,
your honour.
An indispensable witness, a Mr. Green?
How much time do you need?
That's hard to say.
Does the state object?
No, your honour.
Alright, we'll hold this over.
Pending notification from counsel.
That was some bullshit, man.
Oh yeah.
I expect to hear from you, Harold.
Inglewood, Earl.
Keep it on the suburb streets.
Earl, headphones.
This is Haller.
And this is your office.
Uh... actually, I'm in my office,
Ms. Lorna.
I'm on my way to
courthouse in Inglewood.
Listen, jot down and remind me to
give Reynaldo...
the bailiff over at San Fernando,
$200 for Christmas, alright?
Got it. Hey, did Val reach you about
his customer?
Yeah, 'I got something big
for you, Mick!'
Everytime. Any other calls?
No, just some odds and ends.
PDUI's, they just recruited some
house members.
Oh... Gloria Larson called from
county lock-up.
She got popped again?
The usual with the complications.
Cocaine possession. Her first
appearance is right after lunch.
Tell her, I'll try.
So, I was thinking, boss,
you know, uh...
when you get your licence back,
why not maybe uh...
you know, I could stay-on.
Like permanent things on me,
you know?
I got my licence back
Hey, boss. Want me to do
something about that?
'Cos I can.
Uh... keep doing what you're doing.
Pull over up there.
-How's it hangin'?
Oh, a little to the left, my man.
How about you?
Not bad.
Your ride's a little messy.
Yeah, maid didn't come 'til tuesday.
What can I do for you, big man?
Our boy, Harold called from the pens,
said you're stalling his case
'til you see some more 'green'.
I don't get paid, I don't work.
We paid you, $5,000.
That's long gone, Eddie.
Look, I could tell you, the half of it
went to an aerial photo expert.
He's gonna blow the
state's case by showing
that the DEA violated the airspace...
over Harold's farm by flying too low.
I can also tell you that I gotta fly
that guy in from New York city...
get him to testify, put him up in
a hotel, and all that kind of stuff.
But you don't need to know that.
All you need to know is that
we had a deal.
It's time to refill the tank.
What? Another 5 grand?
Ten. He wants to fly business.
He wants first class hotel.
And we want Harold back on the farm.
He's our best farmer,
if you know what I mean?
I don't.
And I don't want to.
Now, look.
Either pay me.
Or go with the public defender.
He won't know much about
air space, but...
aren't you gonna count it?
I just did.
Keep that rubber on the road, Eddie.
Let's roll, Earl.
So, this expert flying
in from New York,
you want me to pick him
up at the airport?
There's nobody coming in.
The best camera experts in the world
are right here in Hollywood.
Nice, you know what?
You would've done alright
on the streets.
Shit... what do you think I am,
Louis Roulet?
I'm Michael Haller.
Mr. Haller. I called you because
I need someone.
This whole thing is a set-up.
I made a mistake with that woman
and she was setting me up...
Keep your voice down, hear me?
Don't say anything about the case,
until I get you out on bail.
I understand your family lawyer's
in court?
Yes, his name's Cecil Dobbs.
-He's here somewhere.
-I'll find him.
Tell me about yourself.
-How old are you?
Ties to the community?
Did you grow up here?
Yeah, Beverly Hills. Went to USC.
I worked for my mother's business.
What about your father?
He died when I was 2.
How much did you make last year, Louis?
My taxes said $600,000.
I want a lawyer too.
My name's Corliss two S's.
-You got a card on you?
-Listen, buddy, they have
a lawyer for you out there.
Right now, I need you to back away
and give us a little space.
Can you do that, pal?
I'm backing, boss.
-Here we go.
There we go.
There we go.
Now, listen, they've uh...
put some heavy charges on you, Louis.
The D.A's probably gonna ask
for no bail.
-No bail?
-I said they're gonna ask for it.
When was the last time you
were arrested?
-So, if I check your, your record....
You'd find parking tickets.
Are you gonna get me out of here?
I'm gonna try, Louis.
Are you the prosecutor who used
to have the Roulet's case?
Son of a bitch.
Rules are rules.
I wanted this one.
Okay, okay, I'll go quletly.
But after today's hearing,
if you don't object...
You going for no bail?
That won't change with the prosecutor.
Not after what your guy did.
If he didn't?
Sure 'if'.
Bailey picked him in her home
with blood all over him.
I love it when you get sarcastic.
Can I at least see the arrest report?
Fine! You get it from whomever
takes over.
No favours on this one.
How's Hayley today?
She's good.
I'll pick her up the usual time
on saturday.
Because of the seriousness of the
the financial resources of
the accused...
the state requests no bail.
Your honour, there's no way
the state can
claim that my client is a flight risk.
-He's not.
-With resources like this man has,
flight is always a risk.
-Are there any priors?
-No, your honour.
Then, I'm gonna reduce
the risk of flight
by ordering him to wear
a tracer anklet...
and I'm gonna set bail at $1 million.
-Judge, have you seen the photo?
-Ms. Mcpherson, bail is set.
Thank you, judge.
Mick, feel compel to thank me
and speak good of me
'cos this one's gonna be the
money, I'm telling you.
We'll see, we'll see.
Alright! This is the lawyer
right there, Cecil Dobbs.
Hey, Mick, don't forget our deal.
Possibilty but...
Oh... he's here now.
I'll talk to you later.
-Cecil Dobbs.
-Mr. Haller.
Depressing to see the boy caught
up in that cattle call.
The boy?
I represented the family for a long time.
Listen, my advice is, let Val fix you
up the bond.
And you, take the boy home.
Well, we were thinking of putting
up property.
There's the Windsors beach house.
Mother's name is Windsor?
Her second husband's name.
He's dead now.
Assessing the house could take days.
And trust me, you don't want the boy
in the clean cringing that long.
So, tap Val.
Take Louis to your office...
I'll meet you there at 4.
Here, let me give you
my business card.
Oh boy.
Oh... media?
Yeah, that'll be on us.
Mrs. Windsor's sensitive about
the press.
I guess there's not much we can
do about that.
We'll see.
Say, Bob!
Come here. Come here.
Saw you filming in there.
What's your name?
Name's Rob Gillan.
They call me 'Sticks'.
Sticks, you freelancing on this?
Yeah, your client's got profile,
figure I'll sell it to local news.
-How much?
-How much what?
How much they pay you for
what you shot in there?
Uh... that depends.
-7... 750?
How about we take it off your hands...
for 8? No?
Too short?
Alright, let's make it a grand.
-That's yours.
-So, I can expense this, right?
-Of course.
Thank you, Sticks.
Thank you.
You know, Mr. Haller...
you weren't my choice.
I bet I wasn't.
Firms like yours must have
some heavy hitters on call.
We do, but Louis insisted.
Frankly, I've never heard of you.
But uh... maybe I should have.
Did you say I was Louis' choice?
Yes, he read about a case you had.
I need a hundred grand upfront.
Working on $550 an hour...
another hundred if we go to trial.
More if we goes pass a week.
Appeals, we start over.
I take it that's not a problem?
-See you at 4.
Where are we headed now?
We gotta go meet Sticks at Jim's.
-The same spot?
There he is.
There we go.
Eight for me, two for you.
-Thank you, Sticks.
-Hey, hey, my tape!
You don't look good, girl.
Something new?
Booked on possession of coke?
Plus the usual.
I know, it's dumb, it's...
A guy paid me with it and I had
it on me when I went to the next.
And the next was a cop?
Look, can't you get me into
one of those...
Rehab places that get you straight?
We did a pre-trial rehab last time.
The DA's never gonna go for it again.
You may have to do some
jail time, Gloria.
Micky, I can't!
Yes, you can. Yes... you can.
Hey... they have programs in jail too.
Now look, you've had a long run.
Maybe after this you'll get on
with your life.
Housewife of the year. That's me.
Maybe I can turn some
tricks for the PTA.
-It's not funny.
-I'd like to see that.
Alright, alright, give it to me.
Alright, I uh...
I did a guy at the Traveller's Lodge
at Santa Monica.
A guy who paid you with
coke instead of money?
Yeah, and he had a shovel
of coke in there, I saw.
-Do you know him?
He reached me from my website.
He was uh...
No... he's Mexican or something.
Did you screen him?
Oh, I screened them all.
Okay, with what? His driver's licence?
His passport. It was uh...
his name uh...
-His name's Hector.
-Hector what?
-What's his last name?
Think, Gloria, think.
Hector Arande Moya's...
what'd you get if you run a trace.
He's a fugitive from a grand jury
down in Florida.
The DA wants him for drug trafficking.
And Leslie, they want him a lot.
And your girl's looking to trade?
She gives you his hotel
and room number.
-She'll also testify on the coke?
-No, location only.
You guys take it from there.
My best guess is that Hector
hasn't checked out yet.
And in exchange?
You drop all charges,
all she does is a pre-child rehab.
The facility at the
USC med would be nice.
Or I can take it to the feds.
They'll cut this deal in a minute.
Alright, you fucking asshole.
After you.
You'd go head first?
I'd give it a shot if I was
gonna do it.
-Star points.
You're so vain,
nobody cares if you kill yourself.
It'll look cool.
What do you think the last thing
that'd go through your mind
would be?
Your asshole.
Mr. Haller.
Louis, good morning.
-Thank you.
-It's just a start.
This is Frank Levin.
Frank's my investigator.
-Louis Roulet.
-Good to meet you.
We're in here.
Got a... tracer anklet.
A present from your friend,
Mr. Valenzuela by order of the court.
As if I'd go any place
before this thing's over.
Gentlemen, welcome.
-Mr. Dobbs.
-Mr. Haller.
Good to see you. This is Frank Levin.
Mr. Levin is my investigator.
His fees are in addition to mine.
Of course.
Gentlemen, this is Mary Windsor.
She's Louis' mother.
-Mr. Haller.
-Mrs. Windsor.
-Pleasure to meet you.
-How do you do?
I'm fine, thank you.
This is Frank Levin, my investigator.
How do you do?
The charges against
my son are ridiculous.
So is that woman.
Here's a cheque for you, Mr. Haller.
This is going to have to come
from your son, Mrs. Windsor.
You can give him the money,
he can write the cheque.
But it must come from him.
He's my client.
And I have to be clear from the start.
I can't thank you enough
for being here.
Sincerely, it's good to know
that you're gonna be there.
When we need you.
But not now? Is that it?
No, ma'am. The DA can make you
testify about what you hear.
Attorney priviledge does
not cover you.
I'll see you at home.
She's not used to being
told what to do.
I can believe that.
So, how fast can I go to trial?
I want this behind me.
Are you sure?
You can stretch it out
and enjoy your freedom.
-Most clients choose to...
-Guilty... clients, you mean.
Okay, then I insist on
going to trial right away.
Or perhaps,
it never goes to trial at all?
My firm can bring uh...
considerable influence to bear.
Oh, don't kid yourself, Cecil.
There's no way the state's
dropping these charges.
As a matter of fact,
they've already upped them
to pro-negotiating position.
There won't be any negotiating.
No plea bargain, no nothing.
I'm not going to jail
for something I didn't do.
I'm innocent.
And if there is a trial, I wanna
take the stand and tell the jury...
that I'm innocent.
Now, if that's a problem,
we can part company right now.
Time to tell me what happened.
I was having a drink at
the Association.
The Association?
It's the bar on 6th street...
The one with a lot of young women?
Right. Good for pick-ups.
What's the file say
about the girl, Frank?
Uh... Regina Campo.
Known as Reggie, 26 years old.
Part time actress,
part time office temp.
And hoping to retire after
suing my client.
Did you know her before
last night, Louis?
No. I've seen her around, but...
We never spoke. She was
always with another guy.
Last night too.
I got it that she wasn't too
into her date.
She brushed by me on
her way to the bathroom.
And she basically just laid her
address on me, on a napkin.
She said she could get rid
of him by 10.
Do you still have it?
What she wrote down?
No, I didn't keep the napkin.
Check that file. See if the
police report has any of this.
Frank here has already
worked us a little miracle.
He uh... happened to score us
a copy of the discovery file.
Everything the DA has.
They would have had
to turn it over eventually,
but it would've taken a while.
No, they don't have the other guy.
They don't even have the bar.
So, what? All they've got is
Louis shows up at her apartment...
and she gets beaten?
That is such bullshit.
Just keep telling me your story.
I got there early.
And uh, waited until he came out.
Did you see what he was driving?
A blue mustang.
Alright, so he comes out, you go in?
She saw it was me.
And opened the door.
Uh... the hallway was tight.
So I had to...
walk pass her, you know...
So, she closed the door.
So my back was to her and um...
that was it.
-What was it?
-She hit me with something.
I got down...
and everything got black fast.
Show me where she hit you.
Right here.
Still hurts.
And that blow knocked you out?
Next I know, 2 faggots were
sitting on me. Holding me down.
Police report has it, homosexual
couple from across the hall.
They're dressed like faggots.
I stand corrected.
Faggot couple from across the hall.
Go on, Louis.
I was still foggy when the cops came.
My name's Officer Maxwell, I just
need to ask you a few questions.
-Can you tell me your name, please?
-Reggie Campo.
Do you know this gentleman?
-You met him before?
And that's when I saw she'd set me up.
-Set it up, how?
-She put blood on my hand.
My left hand.
He said he was gonna rape me.
And kill me.
And then he said he was gonna
come back here and rape me again.
You said she left the door
open a crack.
Did you happen to see her face?
Not all of it.
Mainly her eye.
Wait, her left eye?
Alright, so she already
had the injuries
to the right side of her face...
She opens the door...
conceals that from him.
And as he enters,
she... she clobbers him.
So, our case is what?
She beat herself up?
If she already had the injuries...
she either did just that or
she had a boyfriend do it.
She must have. I mean, she saw
Louis' Maserati... his watch.
It's known the family has money.
I'll weight you should be filing in
civil court the moment this is over.
Let's hear the police report.
How's Reggie telling?
Okay, according to the victim...
she was at home alone when the suspect
presented himself at the door...
as someone she knew.
Upon letting him in,
she was immediately struck.
Does it say, he knocked her down?
Yes, there was a
struggle that continued
from the hallway to the stairs.
He held the victim by the neck...
and forced her down.
Suspect maintained the position...
behind her...
holding a knife against
the left side of her throat.
That's not my knife.
Are his prints all here, Frank?
Well, stands to reason,
if she put blood on his hand...
she put his prints on the knife.
I just told you though,
that isn't my knife.
Keep talking Frank.
As Ms. Campo ran for the stairs...
they fought and she kept
the intruder backwards.
Realising her attacker had her
cornered she fought free and...
seized a nearby bottle of vodka.
And that's when she clogged him.
That's her story.
Those are all lies.
Look, if everything
she's saying is a lie...
Then, this is going to
be the easiest case, ever.
But you swear, it's all lies?
All of it?
Are you sure there's not anything...
that you're not telling me?
Why did he choose you, Mick?
Rich kid, spoiled as shit...
never heard the word 'no'...
Yeah, but the damn thing is,
the way he tells his story, Frank.
Just quite enough to be true.
I don't know, Mick.
This kid feels wrong to me.
But, I'll check out his story.
All of it. You know the rules.
Start at the Association bar.
And then, this Regina Campo.
The way he said she came on to her...
sounds like a pro.
Yeah, write it down.
Also, Mr... uh... Mr. Mustang?
Alright, now I still don't get
how that works.
What? He and Reggie got into some
rough train then he punched her?
Unless he was in on it.
Meaning... he hit her afterwards?
Jesus, Mick, are you starting
to think Louis is innocent?
He just might.
Besides, you know, my father always
said about an innocent client.
No, I've never heard this. Hi...
He said 'there's no client
as scary as an innocent man'.
That's right.
'Cos if you screw up and
he goes to prison...
you're never gonna be able
to live with yourself.
So, there's only one verdict
you can put on the board, baby...
and that's an NG.
What do you say, Mags?
Frank, if you let a man drive
home in this condition...
I think that I can charge you both.
I'll take him to his house.
How are you gonna get home?
Earl could pick up the
car for me in the morning.
I came with friends. Whoo!
-Thank you, baby!
No, no, I got this.
I insist.
Moonlight becomes you.
You're not doing me any good, Haller.
Hey, Mick!
Jesus, Frank. What couldn't wait?
Wanna watch a movie?
We caught a break.
The owner had a camera system
set up last month.
I had the... security tape
transferred to a disk.
So I could manipulate...
I know this place.
Alright, there's our boy, Louis.
And I would like you to meet...
Ms. Reggie Campo.
And there's... Mr. Mustang.
Are you sure?
I wouldn't have popped a grand
for the tape if I wasn't sure.
Now, watch.
Reggie gets up,
goes to the ladies room...
Mr. Mustang chats up the bartender.
So that's where he goes...
and give Reggie her chance...
watch her.
Wait, that's not how he said
it went down.
He said she gave him
her address on a napkin.
Okay, hold on, hoss... hold on...
Let her go pee. Okay, here she comes.
There's your napkin.
Now, watch this.
She and Mr. Mustang decided
it's time to split...
Look, look... look at his hand.
Look at his watch.
So he's left handed. That's no good.
Facial blows are from the left.
This guy's right handed.
Mick, you haven't been
drinking enough.
You said you knew the Association?
You would realise, this shot is
into the mirror behind the bar.
'Cos that's where the owner set up the
camera so he could watch his register!
Everything is backwards.
And Mr. Mustang punches with his left.
Yeah... you proud of yourself, Frank?
I really, really am.
But not just about this.
That feeling I had about Reggie?
That she was selling it?
I did a little bit of research...
she's our girl.
You tell me the cops don't have this?
How can they? There's only
one and it's not a copy.
Then make a copy.
What? You're gonna give
it to the prosecutor?
Yeah, a new guy named, Ted Minton.
He's gonna hand over
the discovery file.
Oh, poor bunny.
He's not gonna know what hit him.
How long 'til you think
your man's back?
I don't know.
Probably just a few more minutes.
Mr. Haller.
-There he is.
-Sorry to keep you waiting.
-The discovery file.
-I hope this will be worth your while.
Kinda light.
You have somewhere we can play this?
What else do you have?
What else do I have?
Come on, Minton.
Let's cut the bullshit here.
Alright? Not only your
so-called victim a prostitute...
but I have her soliciting
my guy on video.
You think the jury's gonna see this...
and think he had to rape her at
knife point just to have sex with her?
Are you listening to what I'm saying?
Yes and it doesn't change the
offer I'm prepared to make.
You going forward?
We will drop down to
assault with the deadly.
Attempted sexual battery.
Guidelines put that on...
What am I missing here?
Hey, Frank!
What's up?
Look here.
These files look identical to me.
Alright, there's something we're
missing and we're not seeing it.
Well, here's the discovery file I got
from my clerk in the DA's office.
And this is the one I got from Minton.
-Reggie Campo.
-Here's the door chain.
Come on. It's the same.
Wow... wow... wow...
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
Son of a bitch.
They switched up the files.
This is a different knife.
I've been taking care of this
guy for 10 years.
And he set me up.
Well, he's off the Christmas list.
He's on the shit list.
-Good shot, Eddie!
-Thank you, Jack.
Looks a little short to me.
You guys finish up.
I'll see you later.
-They've closed down anyway.
So, what happened? Did you see Minton?
Oh, I saw him.
We need to talk.
You lied to me, Louis.
You didn't tell me you were
paying Reggie Campo for sex.
I don't go lookin' surprised. Could've
easily told me that in Cecil's office.
I don't want my mother to find out.
Cecil tells her everything.
Oh, so you decided to keep
from me the one thing...
that could've made this trial go away?
-Is that what Minton said?
-No more trial?
-I said 'could have'.
If that had been the only
lie you told me.
What do you mean?
Recognise that?
It's a picture of your knife.
The one you had on you
when you went to Reggie's.
The one the cops have.
That's why Ted Minton didn't focus
to answer shit, why should he?
When he's got a knife
with her blood and your initial?
That wasn't the knife that was
in the file.
That's right, it wasn't.
The file Frank got is what
we call a 'loaded deck'.
The cops use it to set us up. To make
us think they didn't have anything.
When in fact, they've got enough
to put your golf playing ass
away for 20 years, big boy.
Why did you lie about the knife?
Louis, why would you lie
about anything?
Everything you tell me's confidential.
Attorney client priviledges.
Alright, I didn't lie. I said the
knife in the picture wasn't mine.
I said it twice and
nobody listened to me.
What are you now? The goddamn lawyer?
You said it wasn't yours...
what you should've said was
'I had a knife, Mick'.
'But this isn't it'.
You brought a weapon to a
meeting with a prostitute.
You tell me,
how the hell am I supposed
to make that look like she set you up?
I... did not do this.
It's custom made.
It's a razor tip.
It's got your initials engraved...
on the handle.
I always carry it.
We show homes to people we don't know!
There's one time...
my mother was showing a place.
It was in Bel Air, so she
thought it was okay to go alone.
-He was there.
-Who was there?
The man who raped her.
When she didn't come back...
I went to the house and found her.
That's when she stopped
showing property.
And I started carrying a knife.
-Your mother will have to testify.
-No, no, I don't want that.
I don't give a damn what you want.
You wanna stay out of this shit
house, you do exactly as I tell you...
from now on, you got it?
Success. We had fun.
-Got her?
-Oh yeah.
At least you did one thing right, huh?
We did a couple.
Good night.
Well, look who's come calling.
Detective Kurlen.
Hey, you been to San Quentin, lately?
See our boy, Martinez?
I asked you something.
How's Martinez doing up there? He made
the pucker-up and kiss me team?
I haven't talked to him.
Right, I guess once they
plead guilty and go down,
you don't have much use for 'em, huh?
But uh...
he's away forever, right?
He got life, yeah.
So, he'll be out in 15.
Too bad, 'cos his victim,
Donna Renteria, she's dead forever.
How does someone like
you sleep at night?
With all the scum you represent?
Hey, Kurlen.
Come here a second.
I had a client once.
He uh... decapitated his ex wife.
-Kept her head in the refrigerator.
-Nice, sweet.
The DA got greedy.
Tried to pile on 2 unsolved murders...
Tricked up the evidence,
to make it look like my guy did it.
But you got your boy off.
And he's out walking around
now, right?
-Well, fuck you, Haller.
-No, fuck the DA.
And the cops who helped him.
It's called the justice system,
It's not the way it's supposed
to work.
Well, look who's here?
-Kids... Maggie.
You want a beer?
A cold beer. Scotty!
-Yeah, Mick.
-Oh, we could share this.
No, I'm good.
Alright, alright.
We swapped spits before.
Tell me about your uh...
your buddy, Minton.
Who says he's my buddy?
Well, he was saying that
you were good.
With that guy, Corliss, right?
How did you know?
You'll take the guy's head off
first down.
Hope so. So what uh...
Ted talked to you about Corliss?
No, no, I sent him to Ted.
He thought I was on the case
because I'm his first appearance.
But I should not be
telling you any of this.
No, I knew.
Look, I knew a guy like Minton
wouldn't have bothered
putting a jailhouse snitch
on the stand.
I mean, that's what he is, right?
Can we just have a friendly
beer and not talk about work?
Let's grab a table up back
and grab something to eat.
We can talk about our daughter?
I bet she didn't know 3D
movies could be so much fun.
I was watching her.
-Filling the cup.
Hey, you didn't know Minton had
Corliss 'til I blabbed, did you?
I knew he was on at something.
Screw it, I'm not gonna defend Minton.
He fights too dirty.
-Is this from Maggie McPherson?
-Hey. ...
You know there are lines
I won't cross.
Don't you?
Can you give me a lift?
{whispering] She's gonna wake
up and she's gonna see us here.
{whispering] It's not fair.
How did she get in here?
She comes in when she has nightmares.
How often does she have nightmares?
Don't start.
You don't know what it's like
to raise a child alone.
I'll leave. Come back in an hour...
we'll go together to
pick up your car...
Then, I can take Hayley to school.
Just like that? You're gonna
start taking her to school?
Do you remember what we
talked about last night?
Yes, I remember what we
talked about last night.
But I thought you were
just trying to get
my head into your case
or get me in bed.
Can't live with you, can I?
No, you can't. Not when
you're being a defense lawyer.
Not when I'm trying to keep
dirt bags off the streets.
And you keep putting them there.
-Heard it all before, Mag!
Donna Renteria.
Oh, man, they have my
picture everywhere, man.
They're gonna bring me in anyway,
so I'm liked fucked.
But you told Kurlen you were in her
apartment, right? He didn't have that.
-No, no...
-He didn't have it.
He didn't even have any prints.
No, but that's just... it was true...
I saw her LaZona Beso...
and she said, if I paid her more
money than the other guy...
then we can go to her place.
Nobody saw any other guy.
There was another guy!
It was uh... it was uh...
a white guy. He was right by the bar.
The coroner says her vagina
was brutalised.
Are you my lawyer, man?
-I'm trying to be.
Look, when I left,
that chick was fine.
Look, I slept with her, okay.
I did, but I didn't hurt her.
I promise.
Three people saw you throw
a knife into the LA river, huh.
-Huh? Help me.
-I had that knife in my car.
I knew they were gonna find it, man.
They were gonna pin it on me.
I know!
Look, if all you did was have
sex with her...
then why didn't you
leave any prints, huh?
I mean the place was wiped down clean.
I didn't wipe it down, though!
You left semen on the towel?
You remember that?
Did you forget the towel?
No! I didn't forget anything man!
I just used that towel,
I paid her and I left.
That defense ain't gonna make.
-Dude, don't say that!
-It won't make, man.
There's not a chance in
hell with that defense.
-You know what they're asking for?
They want the death penalty, man.
They wanna take your ass down.
They wanna burn you, man.
I can see to it that,
that never... happened.
But not if you don't plead.
Oh, you want me to say I did it?
There's a deal to be made here.
And I can do it.
I can get you life.
Now, life means you're paroled in 15.
It keeps the needle
out of your arm, man.
It's our only play, man.
This parole... you know what it means?
That means I didn't do it!
That's the best I can get
for you, man.
I don't wanna go to jail for
something I didn't do, man.
You know what's that's
gonna do to my mom, bro?
I ain't going to jail for
something I didn't do, bro!
Come on, man.
Please help me, bro. Please help me.
bCalifornia State Prison San Quentin/b
I'm not gonna ask how you are,
'cos I know.
No, bro.
You don't know.
But I need to ask you some
questions, Jesus.
Oh, questions?
You know what? You didn't ask
me a lot of questions back then.
You never asked me,
'Did you kill her?'
Please, I'm trying to make this right.
I need you to tell me what
happened at the
LaZona Beso bar that night,
one more time.
She was workin'.
I liked her.
You know, out of the bat, I liked her.
I know she was the one, you know.
You know, she caught my eye.
They were going around in
a little circle, you know.
She was acting all cute and shit.
Listen, I don't know how this
works out, you know...
I don't know...
No, it's fine. You wanna dance?
Yeah, I wanna dance.
I can give you a private dance.
I picked her.
I asked her to dance for me.
And we started talking.
You know, she said...
I could take her home.
So, how much for me to come over?
Well, usually I charge a thousand.
But for you...
$300, 'cos you're sexy.
And she was good, man, yeah.
So I did.
But I ain't kill her.
You said there was another guy, right?
She was talking to him.
And then she came back to me.
I got some pictures, alright?
Some mug shots.
Jesus, see if you can ID...
that other guy at the club.
Tell me if you recognise him.
How about this guy, Jesus?
Recognise him?
Okay, take your time.
Yeah, yeah. This guy?
Is this the other guy?
Is this guy in the club that night?
-You know who it was?
-Is this the other guy?
-Why you play me, bro?
Why are you bothering me
with this anymore?
-Jesus, is that the guy?
-What does it matter, man?
I'm right here.
Right where you wanted me, bro!
Is this the guy? This is the guy?
You know what? I don't trust you, dog!
Jesus, I'm trying to make it right!
-I never will!
-Interview's over.
Okay, that's my boy, that's my boy...
Get out of here, yeah!
Hey! You okay?
Where've you been today?
I've been trying to call you.
I've been to San Quentin.
To see Jesus Martinez.
About what happened after...
He left Donna Renteria's apartment.
-After he killed her?
-He didn't kill her, Frank.
He went there.
He had sex.
Flushed the condom down the toilet.
Wiped his his prick on a pink
towel and then he went home.
But he didn't kill her.
Come on, Mick, we've been
through this a hundred times.
The real killer...
She let's him in.
Maybe uh... he faked like
he was Martinez's friend
and acted like he had an appointment.
Like the guy in the bar?
Right. He comes in. He punches her.
He tries to snuff her out.
She's not gonna be lucky
like Reggie Campo.
'Cos this time,
the bitch pulls a knife.
He takes her and dings her
over the table.
Puts on a condom and rapes her.
And when he's done...
She was stabbed... over and over...
52 times while he worked something
out of his sick goddamn mind.
Do I have to tell you
what kind of knife it was?
A short blade folding knife?
Just like Roulet's.
Okay, okay, let's take it a
little bit easier on that, okay?
Why, Frank? Why didn't I listen?
Now listen!
Listen, I got a baseball bat
-if you really wanna beat yourself up.
I don't wanna beat myself up. Son
of a bitch told me he didn't do it.
Alright! There was the DNA.
And there was the knife
that he ditched.
But there was no way I was
gonna listen to him.
There was no way I would
believe that he didn't do it.
I couldn't believe him!
I couldn't believe, that I actually...
Could represent an innocent man.
Just like my father warned me about.
Mick, come on,
they all said they didn't do it.
-You know that.
-So, what did I do?
I get him to plead.
I get his sister to beg him to plead.
'Cos he got no case.
So I gave him the best deal I can.
You know, I feel pretty
goddamn good about it.
'Cos hey, I got the son
of a bitch off death row.
I got him 15 years
instead of the needle.
I showed him Roulet's picture.
Roulet is using Martinez
as the other guy in the bar.
Like Mr. Mustang in this case?
So, he's not just getting off
and killing women.
It's seeing somebody else do
the time. That's his MO.
What did Martinez say?
Enough for me to know.
I gotta... I gotta find...
What you gotta do,
is find a way to put Roulet in
Renteria's apartment the night
she was murdered.
-That's what you gotta do.
-I have to find a way
to make it right, Frank.
I gotta make it right.
Well, you can't bring him to
the cops 'cos he's your client.
And you can't take him to the
DA 'cos you'll lose your licence.
Worse, any evidence we found
would be inadmissible...
attorney client priviledge.
It'll ruin any case that we
could ever have against him.
That's why the
son of a bitch hired me.
He's got me in his trick bag.
You got one client in jail
for what your other client did.
What are you gonna do, Mick?
-Hey, Mick, you okay, buddy?
-Frank, Frank, listen to me. I got it.
-You know how Roulet said all
we'll find on him
is parking tickets, right?
- Right.
- Listen! I don't buy that anymore.
Now, there are others.
Other girls he did.
Renteria and Campo, I mean,
they look too much alike.
Like their sisters.
And the injury to the
right side of their face
is too similar, man.
This guy's got a type, Frank.
There are other cases out there.
And you could find them.
Alright, you gotta do this, I can't.
-I'm his lawyer.
-Okay, okay, I'm on it.
Alright. I gotta take this.
-Maggie, hey.
-Hey, did you get my voicemail?
Uh, I've been up at San Quentin
to see an old client.
How's Hayley?
She's good.
She's got soccer this weekend.
Saturday, right?
-I look forward to it.
Great. Talk later.
If you're wondering how I got in...
I'm in real estate, so, if I
wanna get into a friend's house...
No, we're not friends.
You're my client.
I'm your lawyer.
My lawyer.
See, that's exactly what
I wanted to remind you of.
I'm about to go on trial.
And yet...
I can't reach you.
Now I found out where
you were all day.
Heard you tell Maggie.
-You shit.
-You went to see Jesus Martinez.
And I know what you talked about.
Donna Renteria.
You're right, Mick.
I killed her.
There. No reason I shouldn't tell
my own lawyer.
Since it's all confidential.
Attorney client priviledge.
Isn't that what you told me?
It's time for you to go, Louis.
That's a cute picture
of your daughter, Hayley.
She's very pretty.
She's got soccer
practice tomorrow, right?
Don't what?
You think you're the first client to
ever threaten me with my family? Huh?
All I said was she's pretty.
Are you scared, Louis?
Because where you are, right now...
you're in a very dangerous place.
And so, in conclusion...
What this case is about...
What this case is all about...
is a predator.
On that night of March 6th...
Louis Roulet was out stalking
his prey.
Now, you're going to hear from the
victim herself, about her lifestyle...
One that we would not condone.
But remember.
Can be a victim of a violent crime.
This case is clear.
It's straight forward.
A man attacked a woman in her home.
In order to rape and kill her.
And it is only by the grace of God.
That she's here to tell her story.
Ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Michael Haller.
And I'm representing Louis Roulet.
Now, Mr. Minton...
doesn't wanna use the
word prostitute...
For the woman who was
supposed to be Louis' victim.
He needn't worry.
Because this case isn't about
how she makes her money.
This case is about her actions.
How she saw a young man with
signs of wealth...
as a ticket out of the life
she was in.
And chose to target him.
Now, what she didn't count on,
was you.
How you put two and two together...
and let your common sense tell you...
who the real predator is,
in this case.
Thank you for your time.
The court will adjourn until Monday.
And the state will
call its first witness.
Go, Hayley, go! Turn, turn, turn!
Left foot! Left foot!
Hey, Mick.
Hey, Maggie.
What are you doing here?
I'm going to take Hayley home.
You've got some place to be.
What are you talking about?
What happened?
Hey... sir, stop.
-Ma'am, I'm family.
-This is a closed crime scene.
-Sorry, name's Mick Haller.
-And that's Sobel. Sobel!
-Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Listen, slow down a second.
-Slow down.
-What happened?
Somebody shot him.
In the chest and the head.
And they... they shot the dog too.
His body is right in front
of the door.
Great, this is what we need.
So you've uh... been here before. You
can tell us if anything is unusual.
Anything weird?
Like, throughout this whole house...
why is it that all I see
are pictures of this guy?
My partner's asking
if Frank Levin was gay?
-Is that relevant?
-Yeah, it's all relevant.
He's an ex cop.
Cops against persons in Chicago.
Is that botch enough for you,
I don't see anything
that I can help you here.
Alright, hey, Haller.
I don't need to tell you
to stick around town,
where I can find you, do I?
Am I a suspect?
When do you retire, Lankford?
-When do I retire?
I make sure I show the next
one so I can kick your ass.
Hey, Mick! What the hell you banging
on the door like that for, man?
Are you nuts?
Dude, dude, you look terrible.
Frank Levin was murdered.
Oh man, I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry to hear that.
-Roulet did it.
Roulet? I thought you and
Frank were defending...
Why would he take Frank out?
That makes no sense.
You know, Val. I figure you
know exactly how it went down.
How would I know about it?
What are you talking about?
'Cos you lied to me.
You didn't send me the Roulet case.
-He asked for me.
-Okay, okay, that's true, man.
That's true...
But you know what I said?
'Haller's your man, go for Haller'.
I did that for you.
You lied to me once.
So what? Do you think
I would lie about this?
Give me a little respect,
give me a little credit.
I'm not gonna lie about
this kind of shit.
The police checked the tracer
that you put on Roulet.
It says he was no way
near Frank's house.
-So maybe it wasn't him, Mick.
So maybe it wasn't him.
Nobody can beat the tracer, huh?
It was him. Roulet killed Frank.
-Val, it was Roulet.
-I don't like...
I don't like the way you're
following me...
I don't like the way you
corner me, man.
I don't like the way you're
talking to me, okay?
Roulet killed Frank, Val.
What do you think? You think I cut the
kid loose, so he could murder Frank?
Crazy Roulet killed Frank!
Mick, I'm sorry about Frank,
but I didn't do it, man.
You're the only one
that could've taken it off him.
Being married to you sucked.
But being your car service...
You know what I used to
be afraid of, Maggie?
Yeah... me.
That I wouldn't recognise
the innocents.
That they'll be right there in front
of me, but I just wouldn't see it.
You know, when I talked to Minton...
guilty or not guilty,
just as innocent, you know?
You know what I'm afraid of now?
Pure evil.
did I get Frank Levin killed?
Micky, no.
Uh-huh! Go to sleep.
New message, yesterday, 11:07 am.
Mick, it's me,
I tried you on your cell...
Sorry to interrupt your date
with Hayley, but...
you asked me to do some
digging... on Roulet?
Well, I might have found
Martinez's ticket, Micky.
His ticket out of Quentin.
-Your dog...
Someone's at the door.
Look, you go and you have
a good time with Hayley.
And I'll fill you in when
I know it's for sure.
I gotta go.
-Detective Sobel.
-Sobel, Mick Haller here.
Listen, I just checked my messages.
It turns out, Frank called
me just before he was killed.
The message came in at 11:07.
He said he found something.
Something that could help
an old client of ours
get out of prison.
Okay, who's the client?
Jesus Martinez. He's in San Quentin.
Okay, did he say anything else?
Yeah, he made a joke.
Uh... he said something about
finding Martinez's ticket out
of the queue, alright.
And then someone came to the door.
That's when he hung up.
Alright listen,
whoever came to the door...
that's your killer.
Okay, you get me a copy of the tape.
I'm gonna get it to you right away.
How is it going with the case?
You getting somewhere?
Yeah, uh... we did catch a break.
We found a bullet casing in
the room from a .22.
That's good, Frank Levin owned a .22.
You'll find it registered to him.
Yeah, we did. Yeah... but uh...
-It wasn't a Woodsman.
-A what?
A Colt Woodsman.
It's an old antique job.
That's the gun that killed him.
Morning, Mick.
It's too bad about Frank Levin.
Got any idea who did it?
Yeah, I'm pretty certain I do.
Mr. Talbot.
You were with Ms. Campo on
the night of March 6th.
Yupe. We went on a date
to the Association.
Then I took her back to her place.
For another date.
And, did you have sexual relations?
About four hundred bucks worth.
And she earned every single cent.
What time did you leave her apartment?
Oh, I don't know uh...
about 5 minutes before 10?
Did she say whether she
had another appointment?
Oh, no, no, she acted like
she was done for the night.
Objection, your honour.
I don't think Mr. Talbot's qualified
to interpret
Ms. Campo's thinking or plans.
I mean, she acted satisfied.
Sustained. Go on, Mr. Minton.
When you left, Mr. Talbot,
what condition was she in?
Was she hurt?
No, she was fine.
She did not look like this?
What kind of sick bastard
that did something like that?
Answer the question.
No, we made pleasurable
and consensual love.
I mean that's what life's
all about, right?
That I paid her.
Mr. Talbot, are you a right handed?
Or left handed?
Isn't it true that before you left
Ms. Campo's apartment...
She asked you to repeatedly strike
her in the face with your left fist?
Your honour, Mr. Haller's
just muddying
the water with outrageous statements.
Part of the defense theory,
your honour.
The witness can answer.
I'm sorry.
Can you repeat the question?
This is by your hand, isn't it,
Mr. Talbot?
Admit it, this whole thing
is a set-up.
By you and Ms. Campo.
Framing my client,
Louis Roulet, isn't it?
I never hit her. Or any other woman,
you understand?
Do you know a prostitute named
Shaquille Barton?
Working name is uh...
Shaquilla Shackles?
Yeah, yeah, I seen her once.
And if I brought her in here,
and she say 'Yes, Mr. Talbot,
he... he did strike me'.
-With his left fist, in my face?
-She'd be lying.
I tried Shaquilla once.
I'm not into that rough stuff.
I'm a missionary man.
With a strong left.
Am I on trial here?
Not yet.
Good afternoon, detectives.
What can I do for you?
This warrant is bullshit.
Well, it's good enough
to search your house.
It would've been smart if you'd
told me that you had a Woodsman?
There's one registered to you.
Let's go for a drive.
Let's bag the box.
Can't do ballistics on a box, can you?
Modern technology.
So uh, why didn't you
report this stolen?
I don't know.
Maybe I should have.
You think?
Still and all, we're gonna have
a look around the place, huh?
Go crazy. You got the warrant.
Alright, start with the couch.
Stand up.
Hey, you know,
we got a history on the piece.
Turns out,
it once belonged to Micky Cowen,
the gangster from the '40s?
I know. My father,
he uh... represented him.
Got him off for using it
for self defence, so...
Micky made him the present of it.
Nice present.
Pearl handle, collectors' piece.
How sweet.
You know, that uh...
that Micky Cowen shooting...
It's... it's pretty famous.
It turns out that the county,
still has the evidence on storage.
The bullet.
You can match the casing from
a slug that's 50 years old?
It would be easier with
the gun, but...
How long will ballistics take?
Hey, Mick.
I got something for you.
You asked me to find
out that witness' name.
Is it Corliss?
Dwayne Geoffrey Corliss. Right.
He's just low life type.
Not much came up.
But, sometimes he goes by DJ.
With punctuation! And when
you read it that way...
tell me.
Well, he's played the
courtroom snitch a lot.
Here and in Arizona.
Both times,
they got him early release.
Alright, this could be good.
All I gotta do is find him.
They put him on a pre-trial
rehab at USC.
I just got lucky.
There she is.
How are you, sweety?
You alright?
Alright, listen.
I'm actually not in here about you.
I need you to do something for me.
Keep moving!
Let's go, let's go!
Stay on the wall, all the way down!
That's the bucks, boys, let's go.
Stay on the line.
Corliss, right?
I only came to say what is required.
Rusky! Ready for the line!
You don't know me.
You talk to the DA...
he can get a way
to get both of us out.
Step through!
So, Haller, you had an
interesting visitor last night.
Worry about yourself, Ted.
You're dying the death
of a thousand razors
up there and you don't even know it.
One last witness, your honour.
The prosecution calls Regina Campo.
It's true that I uh...
lied to the police.
I knew the defendant
when he came to the door.
Ms. Campo...
why did you lie?
Because I'm scared.
I didn't think the
police would believe me...
and I wanted to make sure
they arrested him.
'Cos he's an animal.
-Do you regret your decision now?
If it helps him get free
and do this to somebody else.
That's prejudiciary, your honour.
I have no further
questions for Ms. Campo.
Your witness, Mr. Haller.
Ms. Campo.
Have you engaged to an attorney?
To sue... Louis Roulet for the events
that happened on the eve of March 6th?
No, I haven't.
Have you talked to an attorney?
I haven't hired anyone.
No, have you talked to one?
About a possible lawsuit?
It was nothing more than talk.
Did you ask him if you
could sue him for damages?
I thought what you say
to lawyers is private?
If you wish, you can tell the jurors.
I think I'd like to keep it private.
Let's talk about the night
at the Association bar.
Have you ever seen Louis Roulet
before that night?
Yes, there and other places.
Ever noticed that he wore
a rolex watch?
Or that he drove one of 2 vehicles?
A Maserati and a Range Rover?
I never saw him driving.
And what made you approach him?
I saw him leave with girls uh...
who do what I do.
With prostitutes?
Then go to a hotel or one of
their apartments, right?
I don't know where.
Well, how do you know they left?
Maybe they just went out for a smoke?
Because, I saw them getting
in his car...
-and drive away.
-No, wait a minute.
You just testified that you
had never seen Mr. Roulet drive.
Now you're saying that yes, you did
see Mr. Roulet get in his car
and leave with a
prostitute like yourself?
Which one is it?
I saw him get in his car, but I
didn't know what kind of car it was.
You know the difference between
a Maserati and a Range Rover?
One is small, one is big, I guess.
The other women.
Had left with Louis.
When you saw them again...
did any of them ever have
injuries or any of them beaten?
I don't know, I didn't ask.
But girls in your profession,
you do talk to each other...
about customers, right?
You warned each other...
if someone's a freak or something?
Yeah, usually.
And did any of them
ever warned you or have
one bad thing to say about
Louis Roulet?
No one.
So you believed you'd be safe?
I thought he was a known quantity
and I needed the money, so...
So you thought, he could
solve your problems with money?
Isn't that why you're sitting here?
Because you zeroed in on him.
I mean, yes, but it wasn't like that.
He attacked me. I swear.
And... alright,
let's pause that right there.
Just to confirm... this is you?
Right, Ms. Campo?
What was on the napkin?
My name and address.
And your price?
Yes, $400.
It's a hard line of work.
Yes, and dangerous.
In fact, haven't you told
your friends many times...
that you were looking for a way out?
I'm not proud of what I do.
I know.
And isn't it true...
and nothing will be
easier to understand...
that you saw Louis Roulet
and his money as that way out?
No! That's not what this is about!
Are you not listening to me?
No further questions, your honour.
Mr. Minton.
Do you have another witness for us?
Minton looks worried.
Not worried enough.
The state rests, your honour.
Then the defense will call
its first witness after lunch.
Yes, I recognise this knife.
It's the one that my son has
carried with him for protection.
For the last 4 years, almost exactly.
Why would he need protection?
Realtors alone in the house
are sometimes robbed or...
and raped or murdered.
Has Louis ever been
the subject to such crime?
Oh no.
But he knew someone who was.
Raped and robbed by a man.
Louis found her.
It was terrible.
So, the first thing he did afterwards,
was getting himself a knife.
To carry it with him at all times.
Thank you, Ms. Windsor.
I have no further questions,
your honour.
Your witness, Mr. Minton.
Ms. Windsor.
You seemed pretty exact
about when it was your son
started carrying around this...
this weapon.
-A five inch folding knife.
-Yes, I am.
The incident took
place on June 9th, 2007.
Was it in the newspapers?
Do you somehow remember it because...
the police came to talk to Louis?
No, there was no police investigation.
Then, how do you
remember the exact date?
Were you given it before
your testimony here today?
I remember the date because...
I'll never forget the date
I was attacked.
And Louis won't forget it either.
He found me in the house tied up.
My clothes were ripped.
It was traumatic for him.
Mr. Minton?
Is there anything else
you wish to ask?
No, your honour.
I've been thinking about those
thousand razors?
We've had an offer.
You spend 6 months in the county jail.
Like I told you from the beginning.
No deals, no bargaining, I'm innocent.
Save it. You make the call.
I don't give a shit.
-You got my answer.
-Yes, I do.
I'll pass it along.
You do that.
Oh, Louis.
I'm putting you on the stand.
I'm ready.
Oh, you'd better be.
Hey, Earl.
There's something,
I need you to get for me.
Your honour, the defense
calls Louis Ross Roulet.
I knocked uh... she looked
through her side window...
and saw that it was me.
And opened the door.
Then, I walked pass her towards
the living room.
What happened next?
Something hit me from behind.
I blacked out.
I have no idea for how long.
-Is that all?
-When I woke up, uh...
Two guys were sitting on me.
Telling me not to move.
I couldn't anyway. I was...
I was scared.
But you had blood on your sweater.
And on your left hand.
Someone put it there because I didn't.
You didn't strike Ms.Campo
with your left fist?
-Threatened to rape her?
-threatened to kill her?
-No! I am not that guy!
Do you have any idea what it's like...
to be accused of something like this?
To sit there...
and listen to people tell lies?
About you? About you having done
something this sick and depraved?
Call you an animal?
Talk about your sex life,
humiliate you?
Listen, I understand the process.
I know I had to sit there...
and better be qulet.
And wait my chance.
But if guilty people have rights,
then what about innocent people?
I am innocent.
I'm innocent and
I want this behind me.
I have no further questions,
your honour.
According to you...
Ms. Campo... punched...
Or she had...
someone she had never met.
Violently and visciously beat
her as a part of a set up?
All I know is that I didn't.
And this knife that you always carry..
How did she know she'd find it
on you as part of the set up?
Guess she couldn't. Could she?
I never take it out.
I never show it to anyone...
So, she must have just found
it in my pocket after...
she or whoever knocked me out.
Isn't that right?
I would prefer if I ask the questions.
Mr. Roulet, I'd like you to take uh...
Take a look at this photo.
Tell me again.
Do you think,
Regina Campo would or could...
have done this to herself?
I don't know who did it.
But it wasn't me.
Nobody deserves that to happen.
What do you mean by 'deserves'?
Do you mean... crimes of violence...
only comes down to a woman
getting what she deserves?
I mean, no matter what she does...
or who she is.
No woman deserves that.
I have nothing further, your honour.
Mr. Roulet, you're excused.
Thank you.
The defense rests, your honour.
Before deciding to rest this case,
the state would like to take
the night, your honour.
For what purpose?
To consider a rebuttal witness.
What witness is he talking about?
I have no idea.
The court will adjourn
'til 10 o'clock tomorrow.
-Morning, Bill.
I'm gonna go grab some coffee.
You want some?
No, man, I'm off caffeine.
Right, is that the custody list?
Let me see if any of my no
good clients are on there.
bCorliss, Dwayne./b
Lorna, Minton's putting Corliss on.
-He's already in lock-up.
-But that is great!
Yeah, it's good. How did it
go with you? You served Kurlen?
-Yes, I did.
I'm going back to the court now.
Stand by.
Hey, Haller, what is this bullshit?
I have nothing to do with this case.
Subpoena to appear as a witness.
You'll just have to wait and see.
It's a legal document, detective.
Glad you made it.
-Is he looking romantic?
-Ever so especially.
See you later.
Mr. Minton.
Does the state have any rebuttal?
The state intends to call
Dwayne Geoffrey Corliss,
as a rebuttal witness, your honour.
Judge, who is this witness?
And why wasn't I told about
him until now?
Remove the jury.
A fair question.
Mr. Minton?
Dwayne Corliss is
a co-operating witness
who spoke with Mr. Roulet in custody,
following arrest.
That's a lie!
I didn't speak to anyone!
Qulet, Mr. Roulet!
Mr. Haller, control your client.
Let me take it from here.
Judge, I share my client's outrage.
How long has the state been
sitting on this testimony?
Mr. Corliss just came forward
yesterday, your honour.
This is incredible.
Do you want to go back
and talk to him?
Given the time, I'd allow it.
No, thank you, though, judge.
I think we all know what this is.
Mr. Minton's putting
a jailhouse snitch on the stand.
And everything he says will be a lie.
-That's groundless, your honour.
-I want my objection noted.
Then, I'm going to rule.
He can testify.
Call the jury in.
May I ask one indulgence, your honour?
May I step into the hallway and...
make a call to an investigator for
whatever good it may do
at this late date?
Thank you, your honour.
Yupe, I'm here.
Come into the court house at
exactly 10:15 with the printouts.
Mr. Corliss.
Are you incarcerated at this time?
No, now, I'm just in the courtroom.
But you are currently being held in
a jail ward at USC hospital, correct?
Yeah, since I got arrested.
For burglary and drug possession?
That's right.
do you know the defendant?
I met him in lock-up.
We've had a stopover from jail.
Then we were together in the tank,
when we came for first appearances.
Did you talk at that time?
Talk about how bad are the cigarettes.
Anything else?
Uh... you know... what are you in for?
Like that.
And... did he say what he was in for?
He said, for giving a bitch
exactly what she deserved.
Those were his words.
For giving a bitch
exactly what she deserved.
Now... have I or anyone
else promised you
anything in exchange for
your testimony today?
Just the right thing to do.
Thank you, your honour.
How many times, have you
been arrested, Mr. Corliss?
About 7 times in L.A.
Couple more in Phoenix.
And New York,
if you wanna count those.
Yeah, so you know how the
system works, I would say.
I tried to survive.
Does that sometimes mean
ratting out fellow inmates?
Your honour, I object.
Take a seat, Mr. Minton.
I gave you leeway for
bringing this witness in.
Thank you, your honour.
But I'll rephrase.
What I'm asking you, is how
many times have you snitched...
on a fellow inmate?
-This makes me four.
-This makes your fourth time?
Four times you've testified?
For the prosecution?
Against a fellow inmate?
Makes you a popular man, Mr. Corliss.
Sounds like people just
come up to you...
and they tell you the
crimes they've committed...
so you can come in here and
testify against them.
People talk to me. I'm a friendly guy.
You're a friendly guy?
And you're saying you and
my client were friends?
Louis Roulet?
So he just said to you...
what you just told us and
told the jury that...
that he gave a woman
what she deserved?
And then the two of you are
back to talking about cigarettes?
Not exactly.
It's like he was braggin'.
Told me he did it before.
He said the other time,
he killed the bitch.
Got away with it then.
Can get away with it now.
Mr. Haller?
I have no more questions, your honour.
Redirect, your honour.
-What the hell is this?
-You tell me.
What the hell did you say to
this guy, huh?
Nothing. This is a set-up.
-And you're doing this.
How am I doing this?
You said he was bragging.
Like he told me the details.
Of the other one.
That he killed.
She was a... dancer...
at some club.
And she had...
sexy snake tattoo
wrapped around her body.
Did he say anything else?
Hm... no.
Snake girl stuff was it.
How does he know this, Louis?
You think I know?
No! If you didn't tell him that shit,
somebody did.
Better start thinking
about who that could be.
Then I have no further questions,
your honour.
Any re-crossed from the defense?
-A moment with my staff, your honour.
-Be quick.
-Is it all here?
-Okay, good.
Listen, if you go on now,
leave the building.
I don't want anyone asking
you questions, you got it?
Mind if I call you that?
Sure, man.
Wow on the assistant.
You're a funny guy, DJ.
Isn't that what they call you uh...
for example, down in Phoenix?
And my assistant,
one whose numbers you want...
she was reading on a uh...
on the internet about a DJ Corliss.
Arrested in 1989 on drug charges,
hometown Imesa, Arizona?
Oh yeah, that'd be me.
Do you remember Fred Bentley, right?
Uh... your honour...
where's the defense going with this?
Make a connection soon, Mr. Haller.
But the witness will answer.
-I don't remember any Bentley.
-Sure you do.
You testified that
he confessed to you...
the crime that he was charged with.
Raping a 10 year old girl.
But he denied it in court.
Are they ringing any bells?
I don't much recall...
I would like you to read this for us.
Your honour, this is a news
report from the Arizona Star 1997.
was convicted.
I ask that you admit it into evidence.
Your honour.
A news report?
Let's see where it takes us.
-Let's take object later.
-Thank you, your honour.
If you could read this for us.
Mr. Corliss... I've highlighted
the part I'd like you to read.
-I'm not good at reading.
-That's okay.
You can take your time,
we'll make it through it.
A man, Frederick Bentley...
wrongly convicted of rape
was released saturday after...
conclusive DNA results
cleared him of the crime.
The case was bolstered at trial by
a testimony from an informant...
DJ Corliss in May 7th,
who would claimed
Bentley bragged to him about
the rape...
-while together in a holding cell...
-That's enough.
Thank you.
Mr. Corliss.
Were you charged with perjury...
in this incident, DJ?
No, I was not.
Is that because the prosecution
was complicit to your confession?
Were you promised the same
thing here, Mr. Corliss?
To say that Louis Roulet bragged
to you in the holding cell,
isn't that what happen,
you lie then...
-You lie now...
-Alright, Mr. Haller,
alright, Mr. Haller,
-that'll do! That'll do!
-Objection, your honour.
I'm sorry, your honour.
I have no more questions.
I'm excusing the jury
for an early lunch.
Bailiff, see them out.
Mr. Minton.
Do you know what you have done?
You put a documented liar
on the stand.
A man with a record of putting
innocent people in prison!
-Your honour...
-Shut the hell up,
when I'm talking to you.
I can think of nothing...
more prejudicial or corrupt...
than what I just saw out there.
Do you realise,
what you have done to my trial?
He's gonna talk to his boss.
To decide what they
wanna do when the judge
comes out for the directive verdict.
What's a directive verdict?
It's when the judge takes the
case from the jury's hands.
Clears acquittal.
Oh my God.
It's no more than a few minutes.
I wanna know, how Corliss
got that shit he's saying.
Maybe Frank Levin told him.
Maybe he found something,
he gave it to Corliss.
And that's why you killed him.
Court's back in session.
Your honour, I spoke with
the district attorney.
The state wishes to dismiss
all charges.
You have the motion in front of you.
This is a motion to
dismiss with prejudice.
Case closed.
Yes, your honour.
Mr. Roulet, you're free to go.
Court's adjourned.
Mr. Haller.
Thank you so much for my son.
-You're welcome.
-You were splendid.
Thank you.
I want the gun.
Of course you do.
I wanna talk.
Mr. Haller. I insist you
join us for dinner tonight.
-For a celebration.
-I don't think so.
Louis Roulet.
You're under arrest.
-What do you think you're doing?
-Be quiet!
-Hands behind your back.
-What's the charge?
He's under arrest for the
murder of Donna Renteria.
Everything that man said was a lie!
You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to have an
attorney present during questioning.
And if you give up that right,
anything you say can
and will be used against you
in the court of law.
Do you understand your rights
as I've read them to you?
Hey! Look at me.
Do you understand your rights?
Detective, can I have a word with him?
Well... that's it, Louis.
I got you off.
Time to find yourself a new lawyer.
I've still got your gun.
And you're gonna have to
explain how you got it.
Thank you, detective.
Come on, Louis.
-Not a word.
You get my kid out of jail.
Haller... you are one
messed up son of a bitch.
First you get your client off.
For assault.
Only to burn him for murder.
You don't have enough to charge
him with the Renteria murder, do you?
Yeah, we got enough to screw with him.
There's no way the DA was
letting Roulet walk out of here...
not after what just happened.
I don't get you, Haller.
Whose side are you on anyway, huh?
Goddamn it.
Hey, I'm sorry boss. Look, I stepped
away for half a minute, alright?
Alright, alright, alright.
Take the ticket out of my pay,
You don't make enough.
-This one's on me. Let's roll.
Alright, let's go to the house, Earl.
-Hey, boss.
You know you had a favour
you asked me?
The guy I know,
he picked it up on the street.
Real clean.
Hey, boss. Be careful, alright?
Yes, sir!
Mick, it's me.
I tried you on your cell...
Sorry to interrupt your date
with Hayley, but...
You asked me to dig on Roulet?
Remember? You said you didn't buy it,
that all he had was parking tickets?
Well, I might have found Martinez's...
Maggie, I got it.
I think I know why
Frank Levin got killed.
Alright, call Lankford, have him
pull up Roulet's driving record.
Every ticket he ever got.
Now, that's what Frank did.
He said he found
Martinez's ticket out of the queue.
I just never knew what he meant.
Okay, done, but I have to
tell you something.
They let Roulet go.
Hm-hm... they didn't
have enough to hold him.
You're right. I guess with him,
we got involved.
Maggie, is Hayley with you?
She's at my sister's, why?
Go to your sister's. Stay with Hayley.
And wait for my call. You got it?
Val, it's Mick Haller.
Oh, hey Mick.
I haven't heard from you since
you busted into my office...
and accused me of conspiracy
to commit murder, huh?
You know, if I have any self respect,
I'd hang up on you right now.
Wait, wait, Frank died, alright?
I was out of my head.
-I need you to do me a favour.
-Oh, you need a favour, okay?
You know, you got more balls than a
Chinese Ping Pong tournament, okay?
-I'll give you that.
-Alright, listen...
You can kick my ass later, alright?
It's important.
Is Roulet still wearing the tracer?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he is.
I gotta call him. He's coming in
the morning to get it off.
-Guess they kicked him, huh?
-Yeah, I need you to track him for me.
Oh, I can't, I can't, I can't!
I got little Betty
coming in a few minutes.
Val, Val.. stop whatever you're doing.
I need it, man.
I need you to do it now.
It's about my family.
It's me. He's headed out
north on San Fernando.
Mick, Mick, I think
he's headed for your house.
You want me to call the cops for you?
-I'm telling you,
he's just passed down the stadium.
No, no, no. He's not going
to my house, Val.
Oh, hey, hey, hey...
You're right, you're right.
He's just shot passed your street.
He's not headed for your house.
I know where he's going.
You're welcome.
No, it's alright,
don't worry about it.
Hello, Louis.
My family's here.
I know.
You bring your knife?
And my gun?
'Cos I brought this.
You got one chance
to turn around and leave.
And then what?
You gonna keep
coming back every night?
Or just try to get me sent up to
San Quentin, like Jesus Martinez?
I'm not quitting until Martinez is
free and you're convicted of murder.
And when that needle
goes in your arm...
That will be me.
Well, why don't you
just shoot me right now?
I don't think I'll have to.
That's my car!
What are you doing?
It's Louis's car, man!
Come on, now. Get him up. Get up!
Hospital, not the morgue.
Hey, Mags.
You were right, Mick.
Roulet got a ticket
outside of Renteria's apartment
on the night that she was murdered.
It's all gonna be on the
DA's desk in the morning.
Where are you?
Just about home.
So, what do you say, I come
pick up you and Hayley...
at your sister's place in an hour.
We go out for a nice dinner, huh?
Great. Yeah.
See you in an hour.
Breaking and entering, huh?
Just like your son.
You knew, Mr. Haller.
You need to get the hell
out of my house, Ms. Windsor.
You knew. You set him up.
The only person that was
set up here...
... was me.
And how did that turn out for you?
You have no idea who we are.
I know that your son, Louis is going
down for the murder of Donna Renteria.
I also know that
I'm gonna burn his ass
for killing my friend, Frank Levin.
-He didn't kill him.
-Yes, he did.
He beat the tracer, and he killed him.
Look, I'm not gonna talk
about it with you.
And for the last time...
Get the hell out of my house.
You're not listening to me.
No, you're not listening to me.
Ms. Windsor, get the hell
out of my house.
I told you,
my son didn't kill Frank Levin.
I did.
911, what's your emergency?
I thought I told you to
be careful, man?
-Eeiyah, stop!
-Nobody till somebody shoot you.
Hey boss! Feeling alright?
Yeah, Earl. Solid.
I heard down at the court house.
Martinez is out, is that right?
Yes, it is.
That Roulet, they going for the
death penalty on him?
Martinez is free.
-Boss, we got company.
-Yeah, see that.
Pullover up there on the left.
Stay alert!
-What you say, Eddie?
-Took more than a team, huh?
You really shoot your client's mother?
Damn right, I did. She shot me first.
Well, glad you're better because...
-My boy, Harold... a hard case.
-Don't tell me?
He got caught with 50 kilos in
his girlfriend mini's van.
Girlfriend is some cop's wife.
-Doesn't help?
You're the only help he's got,
Alright. Call me with the details.
Gotta say, bro.
The way things went down,
I think we earn a little discount.
Say... half your fee.
Tell you what, Eddie.
How about I do this one for free?
Are you sure you feelin' alright?
Repeat customers, Earl.
Stick it to him next time.