Lincz (2011) Movie Script

Generate By:
West Pomeranian Film Fund
Polish Film Institute
() for aiding, an offense,
is responsible, who contrary
to the legal obligation to prevent
a s,oeoi77o offense,
by his omission facilitates
another person its commission.
Does not commit a crime,
who in se/#defense
contends a direct, illegal attack
on any of the good protected bylaw
(Penal Code in force
in the Republic of Poland)
European Court of Human Rights
Defender of Human Rights
Ordinance of Ministry of Justice
I declare that for years...
Application for Disability Pension
These are all required
documents, ma'am.
- I'll forward them.
- These are all, right?
Yes, but unfortunately
it's not up to me.
Thank you.
WFDiF Documentary and Feature
Film Studios
Let's finish for today
- 'llme to go!
- One more, I don't want to leave it.
West Pomeranian Film Fund
Storm's coming.
I'll tell him.
Boss, listen...
One guy from Dobromosc
has some drywall left.
-I can have it, if I take it before the weekend.
- Okay go.
Present a film co-funded
by Polish Film Institute
and by Marshais Office
of West Pomeranian Province
and the Cities of Szczecin
and Koszalin.
Got the cash?
- Yeah.
-I have little.
- Some kid found it.
- Seen anyone?
He's scared to talk...
Fetch him, give some sedative.
But he's a minor
Are we doing an autopsy?
C/ from provincial are coming.
Production Designer
/t's past midnight,
Saturday July 2,
another hot weekend
police are warning...
I need help.
Costume Designer
Damn, I can't see anything.
Ask the firemen for
the light and generator:
Production Manager
Director of Photography
- Turn it overt
- Shouldn't we wait for the forensics?
What for? We have suspects
and results are urgent.
Written and Directed by
- 7! All three of them.
- Squad... stop the other two.
Ml: Grad, hands behind your
Easy! Hands behind your back!
I'm the neighbor: Him too...
Follow me.
- Left!
- C/ear!
- Going in!
- Back the sides... in the middle...
Police! Freeze!
On the floor!
The other side.
Don't move!
Don't fucking move!
Police! Get down!
- Go to mom.
- Don't move!
Adam Grad! Don't move!
Get down!
Face down!
- He did nothing!
- Easy!
- Let him go!
- Quiet, watch the kid!
Watch the head.
What did you hit him with?
- What was at hand.
- What exactly?
A shovel.
- I'm rebuilding...
- You hit him as he lay down?
Several times. We're angry..
- With the edge?
- No, the handle...
...two or three times...
Everyone can confirm.
You mean your brothers, right?
His eyes were open,
he was looking at us.
We left him in the field.
We found him nearthe cemetery
in the bushes.
He could crawl there.
I don't know.
His head was smashed into pieces.
We left him in the field. Alive.
We found him nearthe cemetery
He was dead already
See you.
Good morning, ma'am.
Good morning.
- How can I help you?
- Ma'am...
a hot day today
wife's pension's late...
Would you cuff it for me?
Sorry the boss forbids.
Talk to him when he comes.
I can't.
You can't?
Oh,too bad...
The heat is terrible.
Oh, God!
Alina, it's okay..
I'll call an ambulance.
Did you call the police?
If you don't report,
he'll come again.
They sentence him,
you'll have a peace of mind.
What if he gets out?
- Will I live in fear?
- He gets those who fear him.
If you report, you show
that you aren't afraid.
Oh, God! Hania,
who did this to you?
Who, the fuck, did it?
I certify Adam Grad.
Although there's a corpse,
no one killed.
So far we know that a neighbor
helped them,
and maybe an in-law with a
We can easily press the charges.
The woman from Kruty called.
She said that no one came
for inspection.
If so, she'll sell it to the media.
How come?
There was blood at the crime
Testimonies show he was beaten up
in the field
then crawled and bled to death
by the cemetery
So, do the inspection...
...and let's get arrest warrants.
Aren't we waiting for the results?
What for?
We have the perpetrators already
He took a shortcut to my house.
Here Kopera and Grad caught him
and began beating.
- Your house's there?
- Yes.
- But it's a longer way
- It only looks so.
But by the lake it's easier to flee
- You saw when they began the beating?
- Out the window.
They beat him for a minute.
After they left, he's still moving.
It was dark and you saw him
No, it was before 9 p.m.
I have good sight, he's moving.
- You saw the blood here?
- Yes, I guess here...
Perhaps... I don't know...
but it was here...
They've agreed what to say
...beat him here, he bled there,
later; alone...
it's not a homicide but
a battery with fatal effects.
As for the locals,
I'm impressed.
- We're done.
- That's all you have to say?
What about our men,
how long will you keep them?
- You've promised to tell us, dammit!
- I can't.
- Investigation is on.
- Who can? Visits aren't allowed.
I have a small child!
What law is that?
- Calm down!
- You're the power to people?!
Where were you when he's
marauding? You're afraid!
You come at night
as political agents used to!
You won't leave.
- Hold them!
- They won't get fucking alive!
- Do something, dammit!
- Like what? Run over them?
Please, remain calm!
People, order!
You want another tragedy?!
You won't help them this way!
Get out!
I guess, it's your turn.
I'm from the prosecutor's office.
Murder investigation is on,
all were arrested, you know that.
- Behave like humans!
- You treat us as such?
- Fucking political agents!
- Order!
They're simple people,
they don't know much...
...if they need a lawyer;
when to visit, who can explain it?
We'll start visits tomorrow.
Attorney is from an office,
unless you hire one.
- What are the charges?
- How long it takes?
No courage to tell us?
Murder; filing for provisional
arrest warrant.
You want to make them
Victim was hit many times with
dangerous tools.
For the court it's not a battery
it's a murder:
Facts don't matter: Otherwise,
we give them a moral right...
Do you want to go home?
You go fishing?
I'm not asking for a permit...
I also fish without a permit.
Confess and all of you are free
till the hearing.
Summer's hot, you can sit
by the lake, come on...
- But, I said everything.
- You said nothing so far!
You dragged him into bushes,
fucked up his head!
-I don't understand. I didn't.
- Did he fly there?
Stupid lie!
We left him in the field...
I don't get it... how he...?
What's your name?!
- Your fucking name'?!
- l\/Iaroin... Grad...
- What's your address?!
- Kruty 7.
Did you, on July 1, batter
and kill Zaranek?
Yes or no? You understand
the question?!
'Yes,' you fucking understand,
or 'yes' you killed Zaranek?!
- Fuck! Marcin, answer me!
-I don't know...
Help for the Arrested
There was a tragedy
in this quiet village,
six locals lynched their
countryman, a long-time recidivist.
We aren't sure, but we do
everything to...
...we form a community
people are close...
...we'll help.
- How much money so far?
- We didn't count, but...
From co-workers...
You face homicide with extreme
it's 10 years each,
if you get a good lawyer:
I bet you can't, so you get 15,
what's more, you impede
the investigation,
Do you understand?
What do you want, ma'am?
Good morning! Maria Lubienska,
Ml: Grad, you don't have to answer
any questions.
Why are my clients questioned
without their lawyer's presence?
In spite of such failure, I declare
to have serious doubts
about the testimonies. I infer
for re-hearing in my presence.
Good morning, Basia.
Lucky me, I made it for dinner;
Want a drink?
I stopped by..
to fix the radio,
as I promised...
Still broken, huh?
I'll need money okay?
I'll boil some water:
Where is it? Same place?
Please, I don't want to snoop
The postman hasn't come yet
He has, Basia.
Where's the money?
He wasn't here.
No one came.
Where? that won the tender
will start the works this week...
Jesus sweet and Mary..
Bruzdowo 11
My name's Ewa Oldak...
Why do you, fucking, get involved?
Get out, or I'll call my husband!
Call back and tell them
you misheard...
...that she fell and she screamed.
Get out!
Yes, everything is fine. I'm sorry
Your husband will fix it.
And mind your own fucking business.
You mother is conscious.
Did you call the police?
They noted that she fell
on the stairs.
See, how happy he is,
brave to trace a fox and bark it
up so well...
no one will cross the fence,
a real guard.
You'll break the chain..
sit straight.
He wants to hide from the rain.
Is your mother home?
- We need to talk.
- Nothing to talk about.
Yes, there is.
You took Basia without my consent.
- She should go home.
- Over my dead body
'Dead body' you say?
Don't push it.
You wanted to rob me,
didn't you? Fine.
She's back, I forget it.
You have children to live for;
so don't start with 'dead bodies]
You fucker! Get out!
I'll call the police!
Shut the fuck up!
You too!
Sit down!
I wanted to be nice,
but with you it's fucking
She comes home. If not,
then be afraid.
Explain it to your mother
that it'd be better:
You're mature, clever girl.
Get out, or I'll let him go!
You'll be afraid
to leave the house.
Go to ER. Report the assault
and battery and we'll look for him.
Drive alone...
What if he comes back?
- Leave my mom and kids?
- My partner will be here,
and I'll look around the area.
Do you drink often?
Don't exaggerate with injuries.
If all women after fights qualified
for abuse,
who'd go in the field?
What are you saying?
I've been working in the country
for 15 years.
Women take men under the roof
then they want to get rid of them.
Okay where can I sue you?
At the Chamber of Physicians.
Each provincial capital has
its branch.
No permanent address, lives
illegally by the dams.
Individual complaint procedure
to the E CHR.
European Court of Human Rights
...on constant surveillance.
At /east 3 shifts, 2 men each,
this is half of the entire county
You need an army battalion
to get someone here.
Those guys fucked up
the old man.
So tough, eh?
Don't move!
Don't move!
Over here!
What's going on? You want a
disciplinary punishment?
- He jumped at us.
- One man, at all of you?
You return it voluntarily or beat
the shit out of you?
Adam Grad...
You get out of here.
Take your things.
Hold on. I hold on. You can do it.
Do you hear me?
You go to jail for murder; doesn't
matter; whether bandit, or not.
He's the same rights as you,
I fell down...
That's... nothing...
it's... Alright, alright.
Minister issued release order;
you're going home.
Thanks to the defendant court
changed the charges
into a battery with a dangerous
Grad's received 2 years in
prison, suspended for 3.
Charewicz and Oldak got half
year sentence, suspended
for 2 years for desecration of
corpse. Kopera was acquitted.
- Do you want to congratulate us?
- Certainly
But, we'll meet
at the appeal hearing.
Did you inform your clients
that it's only the first half?
An appeal gives you nothing.
There's no new evidence.
That's irrelevant.
Offended pride veils your reasoning?
At bandit's expense you want to
imprison these people?
You're partially right.
The case became too famous to
let it go, right?
Now, I'm only interested in
respect for the law.
A man was killed, no matter
what scumbag he's still a man.
And the consequences of
homicide are...
You think they had a choice?
In the face of law, it's irrelevant.
Good morning.
Did you see Rascal?
He's always nearby
- Went to fuck, he'll return.
- See where the bitches are.
I had the manual somewhere.
Maybe Adam moved it.
Thanks, I'll tell Krysia
to thank you.
Come on, let her have it
for vacation.
A wedding gift,
after baptism we didn't use it.
You'll, for the next one, right?
Yes, maybe we'll go on some
- Coffee?
- No, I have to help packing.
We need to settle something.
You won't dare in front
of the people!
Get out of my yard!
Mind your own business,
it's between us.
Get out!
Do you know
what she did to me?
This whore robbed me.
Jagoda, go.
You've no fucking idea whom
you're dealing with.
I slay you, then the kid,
and your woman!
Go to your mother.
I'll be back, slay all of you
whores, and burn you down!
Show it to me.
The bandage...
Zaranek was here.
We drove him out.
- Where did he flee?
- Maybe to Bruzdowo.
Failed here,
so seeks revenge there.
- Get in, we'll get him down the road.
- Easy!
Get... get fucking in!
Go back to work.
What did I say?
Zaranek slashed Adam.
They drove him out,
but he's coming here.
You can't park here!
The name of the callelt..?
I've been attacked.
Do you want to report the
Fill it out.
I'm not here to write! Thug
threatens to kill my family!
Go and arrest him, fuck!
Lower down your voice, please.
See the commandant.
He's in charge of that.
Over there.
They called from Bruzdowo.
He's coming mad... he's beaten,
They're asking for help.
They fear he'll attack them.
I don't care where you arrest
him! I just want peace!
Now, I have more than
a dozen of entries.
Drunkard tortures his wife.
I sent one patrol,
for he's still there and still
beating, not like Zaranek,
who maybe goes to Bruzdowo
or vanishes in the woods.
So, you're leaving us
with that, right?
I have one oar for all calls
and for todays fair
in Dobromosc.
Ml: Grad...
we'll Search for him.
With that report to ER.
Do the forensic exam!
Is chief there?
Gone, how come?
I know it's Friday
With the officer on duty of
provincial commander; please...
Yes urgent...
What is it? Got the cut
Harvest hasn't begun yet.
But Sir; this is an emergency..
As per law, fair needs a patrol.
it's the only car I have.
If I don't get another, I won't
cover the interventions,
Sure, I can cope.
They can get on bikes...
I apologize for the spiteful
...slight injuries.
See, no point in getting
In fact, a woman called today;
Zaranek threatened hen
Zaranek Jaroslaw, age 61?
The same one?
The same.
What's with you? Can't you deal
with an old man?
What did they say?
Well, are they coming?
Someone was by the house.
Dog's gone.
Is grandma alone? I won't go
back there by myself.
Stay at home. I'll be right there.
Pawel, we'll take a ride to Kruty
Where's your mother?
She ran home,
grandma is there alone.
Come on, we'll block his way
You go back inside.
Wait till we get back!
Enough! Fuck! That's enough!
Three fit men, manual workers,
against a 60 year old, who
weighed less than 14Olb.
Armed with shovels and springs,
they had over an elderly man,
even armed with a hatchet,
the physical advantage
that they could safely subdue him,
without killing.
One stroke with a spade is
enough to take someone's life.
They hit several times.
They hit him not to overpower
but to kill.
The court reclassified the act
due to social pressure
and decisions of the highest,
at that time, state factors.
The question is - how it relates to
the independence of the court?
...court that should
uphold the law
in the form that is valid
in the Republic of Poland.
Should Polish village change,
by the court's decision,
into the place
of lawlessness and vendetta?
One neighbor
beats the other one,
the first one, with his mates,
kills him with impunity in revenge.
Husband beats wife,
her father and brother
beat him to death as a
punishment in his own house,
And then, before the court
their defenders will refer to
hereby exceptional case.
You mother fucker!
You piece of shit!
Fuck you!
Leave him, too late...
He has croaked.
That bastard doesn't even
deserve a funeral.
You go to bed, to your homes.
He won't come here anymore.
After the repeal
of the prior sentence,
accepting the order of the
reasons of the sentence
at the request of Court of Appeal
and in acceptance of his orders
the District Court sentences
Adam, Darius, and Marcin Grad
to 5 years of imprisonment.
The conviction of the Court
of the First Resort in case
Charewicz - Oldak accused of
desecration of corpses,
to 6 months in prison suspended
for 3 years, is maintained.
After verdict validation
the court releases
the details of the sentence.
I'll testify fuck... I'll tell all.
What did you say when you came
with Oldak?
They'll say you report your in-law
to save your ass.
I got twice for booting a corpse,
but you did him good.
You're right,
I won't grass on you.
Your daughter will!
Are you with him?
Do you want me to confess
instead of them?
Decide, who you are with.
If your father pleads guilty
he gets at least 10 years.
What about his health?
He'll get a good care.
The prison stay is better than
the remand.
Decision from the provincial
Of course, they investigating
the breach of duty
...the case is shocking,
for in general opinion
pastor's work is recognized
and accepted.
What evidence is there
to remove the priest?
Parishioners protest at the seat
of the archdiocese.
...from Bart/et for Events,
According to families of the
detained, police arrested...
Clean this up!
...cry for help, neglected locals
lynched the terrorizing...
policemen accused
of breach of duty
were sentenced to 6 months,
suspended for 2 years,
with immediate dismissal
from the service.
No one cares we only had one
police car to back up fair
my requests for the another car were...
...because of the weekend.
Turn it down! Fuck!
...a scapegoat for the media...
- Have you seen Marcin?
- He ran to Bruzdowo.
Please check it whether it
complies with the statements.
I must inform you of criminal
liability for false testimony
/certify Renata Grad.
'Yes,' you understand
the fucking question?!
Or 'yes' you battered
and killed Zaranek?!
Marcin, don't move!
I won't go back there.
/certify Renata Grad.
It's obvious we can't do the
investigation anew.
So the prosecutor will bring
the indictment.
False testimony in order
to defend a husband.
She's been informed she can
face 3 years.
Still not enough for you?
If we don't want an appeal
against the investigation...
...well, indeed, they have
good lawyers.
Thanks to Lubienska,
Grad brothers received
a pardon from the President
suspended for 10 years.
If they commit a crime
during that time
they'll return to prison
to do the ful/ sentence.
Renata Grad faces charges
of 3 years prison sentence
for fa/se evidence.
Her trial continues.
English dialogues:
Aneta Tatarczuk.