Lineman (2007) Movie Script

This is our chance, Kostya.
You gotta take a shot like this.
Who knows?
Could be your only one.
Either you take it
or you spend the rest of your
days wishing you're dead.
How do I know
you won't just
take the cash and run?
You'll know
cause you'll have it.
I've been planning
this job for six months.
I'll be one step
ahead of you.
So are you in or not?
Yeah, I'll do it.
I'll do it.
What's next?
Believe me,
it's a piece of cake.
The plan is flawless.
Okay, let's pretend
here's the bank.
It's located
in a quiet neighborhood.
This is the front door.
What you're gonna do
is park right here,
leave the car door open
to fool the cops.
They'll believe you left the car
there to use in the escape.
Those idiots
will fall for anything.
Give me that.
The point is to get
your hands on the cash
in the vault
right here.
The most important thing
is to get the keys.
See what I mean?
Just keep a sharp eye on it.
Who knows?
Some off-duty cop
might show up to pay
his mortgage or something.
It's all we need.
What is this?
No one wants to work today?
Uh, Olga,
more bills.
Well, what can we do?
I'm sorry, sir, but could you
date this for me, please?
Only for you then.
What the hell did you do,
you psycho?
Did you hear me?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Do you realize you just
killed two cops?
Don't you get it?
You just screwed the whole thing up.
Grom, come on,
we gotta get out of here.
The keys ...
who has the keys?
Don't try to act tough.
Everybody down.
Move it.
Where are the keys?
I'm not gonna ask you again.
Where are the fucking keys?
-Get down!
-Do you hear me?
Tell me where the keys are or
I'll put a bullet in your skull.
Put the gun down now.
-Get down, you hear me?
-Do you understand?
I want the fucking keys and I'll
start shooting people one by one
until you give them to me!
Nobody moves
until we say you move.
Keep your fucking mouths shut
and nobody gets hurt!
Keep your faces
down on the ground!
They hit the alarm!
Bring some hostages.
-No, please, I don't want to go.
-Give me your hands.
Get up.
That way. Move.
Get down! Police!
Hold it right there.
Get down on the floor.
-Shut up.
-Let me go.
Please let me go.
When you leave the bank
you'll be in front
of an old theater.
Try not to attract
Just get to the junkyard.
It's not far,
about 100 yards.
Hurry. In there.
If you just
stick to the plan
things will go
as easy as pie.
-In there?
-Move it.
-Let go of me, jerk.
-Please don't make me go down there.
Go go!
Go on!
Let's go, let's go,
let's go.
Sir, nothing yet.
We've set up roadblocks.
We've got men going
door to door.
We've got a two-mile radius
from the bank.
It's like they
disappeared, sir.
Keep looking.
They're out there somewhere.
Yes, of course, sir.
We've got IDs on them.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Listen, why did Kostya
take the cop's machine gun?
Keep an eye on him.
Uh-huh, you got it.
You enter the tunnels
through the hatch.
It's a hell of a mess
down there,
but you'll have a map.
Make sure you follow it.
You go first.
The stairs are rusty.
They might collapse.
You should be so lucky.
Shut up and move.
Kirk, let's go.
I can't do this ...
these stairs.
Let me go.
You have to let me go.
I won't tell anyone.
Please let me go.
Stop crying. You have to
calm down, Katya, please.
Why do I have to
calm down?
Why should I?
What difference does it make?
Because these guys
are killers.
Don't you understand? We could
both die down here because of you.
Now follow me.
Come on.
You'll be okay.
Stay with me.
Move it.
I'm going.
I'm going.
What the hell
is your problem?
Move it.
Don't stop.
Keep moving.
You cannot make me go.
You can't make me go.
I can't go on.
Please, I just can't.
Shut the fuck up
or I'll blow your brains.
Now get down here.
We've got about 200 yards
until the turn.
Let's keep moving.
Hey, ladies, have you heard
the stories about a freak
that's supposed to live
down here?
That's right, yeah.
They gathered up
a bunch of people
that were affected
by the Chernobyl disaster.
As a matter of fact,
they say you could see them
glow in the dark.
keep them in the hospital,
so they decided
that they would keep them
locked up underground.
Doctors tried
to find a cure,
but every one of them died
except one.
And that one survivor
freaked out
and killed
all the doctors,
then escaped down here
into the tunnels.
So keep your eyes open.
I'll put up markers.
They'll help point you
in the right direction.
You'll need to use this
ultraviolet light to see them.
Come on, move it.
Come on, move it.
Did I scare you?
Get your asses moving.
We're getting close now.
Take the next left,
then a right.
Come on, move faster.
Okay, stop here.
What are you
standing for?
Sit your asses down.
Kostya, Kostya,
the guy's not here.
You said
that he'd be here.
Yeah, he'll be here
if nothing goes wrong.
And what exactly do you
think could go wrong?
You told us that he'd be here
and he's not.
Yeah, so what's the point?
We got it all worked out.
So relax.
Cops are gonna be onto us.
I mean, we can't wait here forever.
Grom, what's the problem, man?
I did what I had to do, right?
If I waited any longer
this cop would have made us.
We'd probably all be in prison.
Right, pig?
Tell me you're not serious.
That's your
fucking story?
What about the cops
that you burned?
Grom, Grom, Grom,
enough enough, man. Chill out.
Move. This is cozy.
You two are really lucky.
Probably your bosses
will give you
the rest of the day off.
Plus you get to spend
all this quality time
with me in the tunnels.
for Christ's sake,
come out here.
Kostya told me your plan,
so now we all know.
Come on out.
Prettier on you.
Let her go.
Let her go.
You're next.
Let her go, asshole.
What did you say,
pig, huh?
Please don't.
Hey, why don't you
untie his hands first?
Even my granny could beat up a guy
with his hands tied.
Now what, pig, huh?
Let's see how much
you can take.
Knock it off.
What the hell
is your deal?
You tell me, Kostya.
You and Splint have been making
us double back, man.
Calm down, Grom.
It's all good.
We'll be out soon.
I told you before,
you can trust me.
Some assholes dream
that one day
they'll end up on a pretty beach
on an island.
Instead they end up dead.
You're not one of those
assholes, are you?
You and me are buddies,
Right, Kostya?
Like I've been saying,
trust me on this.
I'm telling you, Grom,
we'll be out of here soon.
All your worrying
will be for nothing.
What is it? What is it?
So did you want
to explain this?
It's ... it's ...
it's Splint's helmet.
Why did he bring a helmet?
He's got a car, doesn't he?
Doesn't sound right.
You shut the fuck up,
got it?
Let's keep moving.
This is our chance, Kostya.
You gotta take a shot like this.
Could be your only one.
Where are you, Splint?
You're just gonna
stand there?
You're leading us
out of here.
I can't go any further.
Move. Let's go.
I said move.
Leave her alone
I need to go
to the bathroom.
You need?
I'll show you what you need.
It's all right.
Let her go.
Don't take too long.
Do it fast.
Help me!
Help me!
What is it?
There there.
What is it, Splint?
What do you say?
Get out of here.
Get out?
Which way is it?
Splint, Splint.
Which way is it,
-Is that Splint?
-Splint, right.
So how do we get out?
I don't know.
You said
you knew the way.
I don't.
Where are you going, cop?
Did you see blood
on that helmet?
Yes, I did.
I think we should tell Grom.
Grom, Grom,
maybe it's
for the better.
We'll have more money.
We can find the way
without him.
Turn off your flashlights.
What's going on?
What is it?
This is madness.
What kind of person
could do this?
Kostya, Kostya,
get over here.
You need to watch
the hostages.
Kirk, follow me.
Everybody get down now.
Untie my hands.
I won't run.
Shut up, pig.
Looks like a homeless guy
lives here.
What the hell is this?
Kostya sent me here
to get you.
Let's go.
Let's get out of here quick.
Grom, this could be a trap.
Why do you think that?
Just a feeling,
and a bad one.
We should go back
the way we came.
We're sitting ducks here.
Kirk, you take point.
I'll cover you.
Let us out of here.
-Open the gate.
-Let us out.
Hey, shut up.
Be quiet.
Okay, come on.
You go over that way.
Go make noise.
I'll make noise.
Blow it with a grenade?
No, it'll bury us in here.
ver there.
Look, there it is.
Calm down.
Be quiet.
I saw something moving
down there. I saw it.
-There's nobody out there.
Shut up.
Everyone keep it down.
Something's there.
I saw it.
Kirk, better go
and check it out.
Shh, quiet down.
-What did you find?
-It's a dead end.
-You checked everything?
We gotta get out of here
without the others.
It'll be easier.
Look, Grom,
let's split the cash
and separate.
What do you say?
Which way
are you going?
It doesn't matter.
The way Splint got here,
on a bike?
I just want my share,
that's all.
Aren't you afraid?
Listen, man,
I'll take it and go.
What if I said
you don't have a share?
I want my share.
I want my money now!
I said
give me it now!
Okay, just calm down,
Come on, come on,
give it here.
Your share?
I got your share
right here, motherfucker.
You want it?
Well, you're gonna get it.
Look at this.
He's got a UV light.
Now tell me,
what the hell
do you need this for?
I saw it.
I saw it.
He was lighting up the wall
with that lamp.
-Now would you do that?
-Splint left markers.
-How did he get here? On a motorcycle?
-I don't know.
-Don't lie to me.
-I swear.
-You were gonna kill us, right?
-Thought you'd get rid of us, huh?
Who else is in on it
with you?
Who's down here?
It's just the two of us,
nobody else.
-I don't believe you.
-I don't know.
I'm gonna count to three.
One ...
-No, really.
-Two ...
Come on, tell me.
Come on, let's hear it.
Let's hear it.
Nobody else
was in on it.
He doesn't know
who it is.
Could be more than one.
Wrap your hand
with this.
That's enough.
We've got to keep alert.
We need a plan.
This way.
Hey ...
they left us.
you going?
Stop, you bitch!
It's okay.
Stay calm.
-Let me go. Let me go.
Don't move.
Don't move.
I swear ...
-What is it?
-No no.
-What happened?
-I can't ...
What is it?
I want to know
what the fuck happened.
He was ...
he was there.
Where's Kostya?
He's gone.
He took him.
He just took him.
All right,
all right.
Now go and join
the others.
Look, just go.
No, I can't go there.
-It's gonna be all right.
-No, it won't.
I can't be alone.
Get your ass
over there.
Go on,
get going.
Where are you going?
Come back here.
I'm with Internal Affairs
in the police department.
This is Senior Staff Sergeant
Anatoly Pakhomov.
Put your hands in the air
and come out here now.
That's an order.
And then you'll surrender
yourself to me immediately.
Comply or
we will be forced
to begin opening fire
with intent to kill
and, I assure you,
no prisoners taken.
You all through?
Now listen to me,
I'm in charge here,
meaning no more speeches.
Am I clear?
Nah, he's off the deep end.
Give me his gun.
What are you doing, Grom?
We're gonna establish
a perimeter.
Stay with the girls.
Right here.
Kirk, maybe we should
split up.
I go right,
you go left.
ne of us has got
to find the way out.
Girls, listen.
Grom is letting us
walk out of here.
This is our chance
for getting out.
We'd better go
while we can.
You can go
if you want to.
I'll stick with Grom.
where do we meet up?
Back here
at these trolleys.
h, God, God.
I didn't see.
I'm sorry, really.
I didn't see you.
Olga, Olga.
How could Ol...?
Hold on, Olga.
Hold on.
You'll be okay.
Oh, God.
I couldn't see her.
I couldn't see her.
What happened?
Oh, no, Olga.
It was an accident.
It was dark.
I thought it was him and she just
suddenly came out of nowhere.
Came out of nowhere?
Grom gave you that gun
so you could protect us.
And what did you do?
You bastard!
Get out of here.
You bitch. Then let Grom
save you for all I care.
I'm getting out
while I'm still able.
Screw you!
Fire, light for once.
Fire, fire, come on.
No, don't. No, don't.
No, don't. No, don't.
No, don't.
No, don't, no.
Come on, hurry.
We've got to meet Kirk.
This way.
Watch yourself.
Come on.
Here, hold this.
Watch your head.
Hey, can you walk?
Oh my God.
Look, it's gonna be
all right.
Help me!
Grom, help!
Katya, Katya,
give me your hand!
Hurry, reach out
your hand.
-All right, go ahead.
-I can't.
Okay, I'll go first.
Grom! Grom!
Please, hurry!
Hurry. Hurry.
-Where is everyone?
-They're dead.
-Glad you're alive.
I saw him.
I'm pretty sure
he's alone.
He doesn't have
any weapons.
I found a way out,
but he's blocked it.
I got an idea.
We'll smash
through the gate.
We'll ram the trolley
through it.
I think it could be
our only chance.
-How about we use the grenade?
-We'd better.
-Let me.
-Are you okay?
He's close.
I thought I got him,
but I think he survived.
I found Splint's motorcycle.
Watch out!
You will never
take my eyes.
Go ahead, jump on.
Katya. Katya.
Oh, shit.
Hey, you.
Hey, asshole.
Where's the girl?
Where is she?
If anything happens to her
I'm gonna tear you to pieces.
You hear me,
you fucking freak?
Come on, hurry.
The motorcycle over there!
Hurry. Hurry.