LiSA Another Great Day (2022) Movie Script

Oh, it's working.
The piano still works.
You know that piano in the warehouse?
- Grandma bought me that piano, right?
- That's right.
- Do you remember?
- I do.
And Mom would say, "On my birthday,
Risa would play the piano
and Yui would sing a song." Right?
- That's not it.
- Really?
Risa, you would play the piano,
and then, I'd be told to lie down
- and Yui would massage my back.
- Yeah, you massaged her.
- So, what was the piano for?
- Exactly.
And the song you played
was a wedding song.
- Not the birthday song.
- That's right.
- You can do it! Do your best.
- But I'm done.
That's it?
I've lost so many things
ever since I was a child.
When I realized that and looked behind me,
all I had left was music.
That's why I tried really hard
not to lose that,
in order to gain hold of happiness.
Still, bad things come at me
one after another.
What can I do for myself
in that situation?
I decided early on
that I'm not going to lie.
I won't lie to myself.
I will sincerely believe in myself.
Good things happen when you believe.
Like a child believing her mother's words,
that good things will happen if you
believe that "today is another great day".
"All right! Today's another great day!"
Let's believe that and live on.
Let's do this!
I'm ready.
Let's make this great!
All right.
Whenever I try to do something,
trouble always arises.
This was when my tour just began,
but troubles regarding my personal
family life were reported by the press.
What was the most difficult moment
in your life?
The same thing happening to me right now
can happen to anyone, right?
The day after the report about
my personal life, I had a concert.
More than my personal life,
I was more worried about
how I should appear
before everyone as LiSA.
How and what should I say in order
to prevent everyone
from worrying about me?
I thought hard about that
for a few hours.
After thinking about that for a few hours,
I headed to the concert.
Every day, all over the world
and in this society,
I, and possibly all of you as well,
am going through a lot.
Doing that didn't settle the issues
going on in my personal life,
but I realized that I have a place
that I can always return to,
and people will be waiting there for me.
That encouraged and reassured me.
But today is for all of us
who are gathered here. Okay?
Let's have more fun
than anyone else in this world! Okay?
I decided to move on in the meantime.
I haven't resolved my weaknesses,
pain, or sadness.
But I decided to run forward
for the time being.
I realized
that even if some things aren't resolved,
moving forward
has helped to heal my wounds
many times in the past.
There are things that I believe are right.
For example, I've seen so many instances
where people betrayed others,
not only in romantic relationships
but just in general,
and ended up causing pain to themselves.
That's why I'm resolved
to live sincerely
and to never betray other people.
This is just my interpretation,
but the first part is a little sad
yet still looking towards the future,
and the latter part is about hope
and rising up.
I thought that's how this song
was meant to be interpreted.
Going down the white road
For "going down the white road",
sing it with a bit more edge.
- Okay.
- If it's firm, it'll flow to the chorus.
But I'm really liking this part.
Okay, that helped me to grasp
the rhythm. Thank you.
- Let's do this again.
- Okay.
I keep wondering how much of my pain
I was able to let out
and pour into this song.
I understand what you mean.
It might be something you can't create
if you're too happy.
- I agree.
- Right?
But I think most artists in general
feel that way.
- Same with writers in the past.
- Yeah.
I think if we're too happy
and we're 100% satisfied,
we can't create anything anymore.
- That's how I feel.
- Yeah.
I've become better at finding happiness,
but I have a feeling I'm never
going to be satisfied.
Today, I'm going to sing
as if I'm summoning Sayuri Ishikawa.
When I was talking to Ms. Kajiura,
she said that
in the beginning of "Akeboshi",
during the "ta" part of "taiyou",
when I breathe out that high tone,
in female falsetto,
it makes her heart skip a beat.
When Ms. Ishikawa says "kakushi kirenai",
she says, "Oh."
That "oh", when she says,
"Oh, koetai." That little part.
It makes me want to shout "Sayuri!"
I hope I can incorporate that
in the parts that go "tai"
or the beginning of "shinjitsu wa".
I'm really restless,
so I can't stop moving around.
That's why I always feel regret
whenever I watch the playback.
- You wish you paused?
- Yeah.
As for these moves,
do you practice it in your mind
before filming begins?
- You do?
- Yes.
I watched DVDs on Japanese courtesans
in the past, like the oiran.
Even when they lie down,
they fall down very slowly.
Anime provides me with opportunities
during every turning point of my life.
In fact, I debuted through a project
called Angel Beats!.
I would've liked you either way.
If we beat the odds of six billion to one
and meet once again
and even if your body can't move,
I'll still marry you.
I wasn't striving to become
a singer for anime songs,
but I began activities in a band called
Girls Dead Monster from Angel Beats!.
Since this was my very first chance,
I was desperate
not to let it get away from me.
I was just a foul-mouthed little brat
from the countryside...
who just loved to sing,
so I kept on singing.
I received so much support
from so many people,
and now, I'm able to stand on this stage.
Every day,
I'm able to say, "Today is a great day!"
I have an announcement for everyone.
Our activities as Girls Dead Monster
for Angel Beats! have come to an end.
Thank you so much for all your support.
But that won't be the end for me.
This spring, I will be debuting
as singer LiSA!
I signed with Aniplex
and made a solo debut.
I was the first artist under that label,
so, for my first single,
I was given the chance to sing
the theme song for a big production
called Fate/Zero.
Everyone worked so hard
in order to make LiSA a success,
so I was constantly determined not to
bring disgrace or to put them to shame.
Since I've been doing this for ten years,
everyone has an idea
of what they want LiSA to be
at a certain point in time.
In the past, I felt like
I had to make everyone's wishes come true.
As far as my dreams go,
after performing at Budokan,
people started to say,
"When will she perform at Tokyo Dome?",
or, "LiSA might perform at Khaku."
A lot of people were talking about that.
That reached me.
That's how performing
at Tokyo Dome and Khaku
became a goal for me.
During "Catch The Moment",
everyone said, "We're going to make sure
LiSA goes to Khaku!"
"I ran, breaking into a sweat"
But I didn't make it to Khaku that year.
So, I figured I'm just not cut out
to make it there.
I thought the LiSA within me
had come to an end.
I really thought so.
But nevertheless, anime productions
gave me a chance to sing.
But during the process,
a lot of people are involved
in order to create an anime.
I learned that by being part
of a production called Angel Beats!.
So, I couldn't allow myself
to do things half-heartedly.
Then, I took part in Demon Slayer.
I knew how much love
everyone was pouring into it,
so I wanted to live up to that.
Then, I was invited to Khaku
for the first time.
felt like I was saved.
I thought, "Oh, I'm so glad.
I was able to accomplish one thing
that everyone worked so hard to achieve."
Ms. LiSA.
None of these were things
I sought after on my own.
I was given the chance to go there,
so I wanted to give it my all.
There's nothing more to it.
Not everyone can stand on that stage.
Since I was given a ticket to stand
on that stage,
I wanted to give it my all.
That's all there is to it.
That hasn't changed ever since
I was in Girls Dead Monster.
If I'm given a chance to do something
and if that will make someone happy,
then I want to give my all
to those people.
That's how I felt.
- I'm home.
- Welcome home.
Welcome home!
- Tama!
- It's Risa.
- Tama!
- It's Risa. Say welcome home.
Welcome home.
Come over here.
It's Risa.
She's home.
Over here.
- Bon appetit.
- Enjoy.
What about salt and pepper?
You don't want any?
Then, sprinkle on some of this salt.
I said I don't want any.
- What? You don't?
- I said I don't want any.
Just try it.
I'm so thankful that I have a place
I can return to.
My mom
is able to live as a mom right now.
When I was young, my mom was working.
So, she was mostly playing
the role of a dad.
But right now,
she's living her life as a mom.
In the midst of all that, my grandma
would say, "Oh, the trees are swaying,"
"I wonder what will grow during spring,"
or, "Water lilies only bloom
during the daytime."
And we would harvest seasonal vegetables
from the garden.
So it's a chance for me
to revert back to nature.
I realized how important that is.
Until then, I always thought that
working constantly
was the right thing to do.
I understand that.
I thought I would be left behind
if I took even a small break.
I can go on endlessly.
I was always hiding in this forest.
I came whenever I wanted to be alone.
I think my mom came here
on her own too.
Don't shake her like that.
Look this way.
She's a good kid.
In fact, she was too good.
I thought that there was no other kid
as good as her, but the truth was...
she wasn't able to tell me
what she didn't like or how she felt.
Mom, you had me
when you were 21 years old,
and you divorced
when you were 27 years old.
You had two kids
and you had to work.
I was dealing with
the pressure of having to be
the responsible older sister
and the sadness of being fatherless.
That left me in absolute chaos.
That's when I stopped going to school.
Yes, we know.
Yes, our lives hit rock bottom back then.
- It felt hopeless.
- I agree.
We didn't even have enough food.
My life changed completely,
and I stopped going to school during
the second year of elementary school.
I caused everyone a lot of trouble.
Or rather, I caused everyone
to worry about me.
I knew that my mom
was working without any time to rest
in order to support me and my sister
and how she would sometimes cry
while taking a bath
because she was overwhelmed
from struggling to survive.
So I couldn't bring myself
to be too selfish.
But my mom felt the need
to make sure I was well taken care of,
so, when she saw that
I was always singing at home,
she let me take music lessons.
I was always familiar with singing
ever since I was a child.
From there,
my mom let me audition for
an actor's school, which was something
I had really wanted to do.
I was given an honorable mention.
I told my mom that I wanted to pursue
this more seriously.
My mom found a homestay location for me,
so I went to Okinawa and received lessons.
But in the end,
my dream did not become a reality,
so I returned to Gifu.
I wanted to become independent.
I couldn't rely on Mom.
Why is that?
Because I went to Okinawa.
- Because I used a lot of money on you?
- That's right.
You spent a lot of money on me
and I knew how hard you were working
in order to raise us.
- Please don't cry.
- She's going to cry again.
- Stop.
- You cry so easily.
I wanted to hurry
and become a fully responsible adult.
Why are you crying?
- You're making me cry.
- I can't help it.
On rainy days,
there is something
that I always remember.
When I was in middle school,
my mom was called to the school
by the principal,
and since I was hardly attending
any classes,
the principal, head teacher,
and homeroom teacher said that
I can't go on the school field trip
because I couldn't work as a group.
And so, my mom said,
"Please believe in her!"
I saw her crying as she said that,
and for some reason,
that made me really angry,
so I slammed the door and walked home.
It was raining like this on that day.
Her stance of always believing
in her daughter
is something that never changed,
no matter where I was.
Even when I got in a fight with my friend,
when I got in a fight with my boyfriend,
or when I got in a fight with my senior.
Even if I was telling a lie,
she had this strong sense
of believing and siding
with her daughter.
When I quit the actor's school,
I was told to come back home
after promising Mom that
I will give up on singing,
so I came home with that resolve.
But then I started to think about
the skills I gained at school
and what those three years were for.
It's Avril.
When I was in the ninth grade,
I was asked to be the vocalist of a band.
That was so much fun.
After I entered high school,
we created a band called Chucky.
The members of Chucky loved punk rock.
They said, "Let me teach you about punk."
They told me,
"You have to wear Dr. Martens."
They began by teaching me their fashion.
I always went to the warehouse
to practice for the band.
This place used to be run down.
The floor was about to cave in.
My mom fixed all of it.
We brought all of our instruments
and played here.
I just had so much fun getting together
with friends and playing music.
But during my senior year of high school,
when everyone was deciding their careers,
I realized that I was the only one
whose dream was to continue in music,
so, we disbanded.
And that was when I was 20.
When I became old enough
to take care of myself,
finally started thinking about the road
that I would have to take.
When I looked back,
I realized that the only thing
I had been doing was music.
It was the last remaining hope
that gave me the will to live.
There were two roads. I can go overseas
and start from scratch
or go to Tokyo and take my chances.
So I thought, let's just go to Tokyo!
I took my entire savings
and went to Ai's place.
It's hot!
This is so hot.
- You drink coffee?
- I drink a lot of coffee.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
But you used to always drink
that super sweet stuff.
I drank caf au lait.
There was a day when I heard
about Lisa's dream.
You said that if you couldn't debut
by the time you're 23,
- you would quit singing.
- That's right.
The kids who were in the actor's school
debuted at such a young age,
so, 20 was too old.
I bring up my worries spontaneously.
Yes, you do.
I talk about it after the fact.
Yeah, you just give a report.
You're always like that.
Instead of talking about my worries,
I'm just relaying my determination.
Yeah. You're like, "This happened,
so I decided to do this!"
- So, I'd just say, "Good luck!"
- I just want that final push.
- Like when I came to Tokyo,
- Yeah.
I asked you to let me stay
since I had a concert in Tokyo.
That's right.
I only had one single size futon mat
and we were both lying down on it.
- Yeah.
- We were both cracking up.
I only brought one box worth of things.
No, it wasn't a box.
- You had the rolling carry-on bag.
- Oh, is that right?
You came with one carry-on bag
and three boxes arrived later.
- We used that as a drawer.
- That's right!
- You're right!
- Yeah.
- I put my clothes in there.
- Yeah, all of your clothes.
Yes, you used those boxes
as drawers and placed
all of your clothes in there.
I didn't have money to buy storage boxes,
so I placed them in cardboard boxes.
Like this, right?
When you came to my house
with just one rolling bag,
I thought you came
with everyone's support.
But later on, I found out that
you left after a big fight.
Yeah. I ran away from home.
I was like, "Oh, come on!"
Because I know your mom too!
It's fine now, but back then,
I was afraid that she would hate me.
Right now, I'm sure your mom
feels thankful towards me.
Yeah, since you housed me
when I first came here.
You made your grandma send you
those boxes, right?
I was so shocked, but you told me
all that after the fact.
If you had lost all means of living,
they would've ended up hating me!
I was like, "Give me a break!"
I think that ever since I was a kid,
I realized that life is... very lonely.
But because of that,
whenever I feel my friend's
or people's warmth,
it moves me.
My family
and my team
are always kept at a certain distance.
But I'm not maintaining that distance
because I'll be sad
when they are no longer around me.
It's because I understand that
from a certain point onward,
it's my own personal battle.
LiSA will take position.
- Let's do this, Lisa.
- Yes.
During the autumn of 2021,
four big song collaborations with movies
and TV were released back to back.
That's great!
Let's do the part lying down.
Similar to Sword Art Online series,
after singing a series'
theme song for so long,
I become a part of
the production's family.
So, I feel the heavy weight
of responsibility.
As we release the four theme songs,
it would be nice if we can do something
with each of the songs.
There are people who want to
do something and give support,
so if we can provide them
with a way to be part of this...
- That's really important.
- Yes.
Whether it's on YouTube or online...
A place open to everyone.
I think that would be better.
I understand.
- We'll take care of it.
- Thank you.
- Hey, Mura. Can you come here?
- Sure.
- I have to lecture you.
- Sure.
What is it?
You don't have to film this.
Why did you post the URL
for the download link?
Can you tell me the reason?
It's not that it was bad.
The reason is,
I thought people would wonder
what the song "GL" is about,
so I posted that in order
for everyone to listen to it.
I see.
- Yes. Sorry.
- I understand.
No, it's okay.
I've said this before,
but I think it's important
to think about the viewers.
Who's viewing this
and what do they want?
Especially with Twitter.
Today I was about to retweet
what you posted,
but then I thought,
"Is it already released on YouTube?
Or where is it even released?
In fact, can I even make a post
about this video?"
But then I thought,
"Where do I even find that video?"
One tweet goes out
to over one million of my followers
and it's for something that people
will pay for.
And there are people involved who want
that tweet to spread
and be part of that tweet
and ask to take pictures together
for a post.
So I want you to be careful
with every single post.
I'm sorry about that.
But I understand your intent.
I'll be more conscious of the viewers.
- I can't leave things as, "As you know."
- What is that?
- I don't know.
- Oh no.
- That's not what I meant!
- Wait.
- "As you know"?
- "As you know,"
as in assuming that people already know.
She wanted to use that word.
- I'm so sorry.
- She felt like using that word.
This is what LiSA meant.
Yes, that's what you wanted to
lecture me about.
- Good one.
- I'm sorry.
Meeting's over.
Let's film the music video.
Meeting's done.
Thank you.
During this time,
we worked at many locations
while taking precautions against COVID-19.
Everyone in the world,
including myself,
was trying to find ways
to continue our activities.
Everyone was conducting
many trials and errors.
In the midst of that, it became difficult
to proceed with one of my big goals,
the Dome concert.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What are the alternative proposals
for the days where
the dome concerts were scheduled?
The state of emergency
is going to be lifted.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
But another wave will probably
hit around December.
Either the location
or production planning.
What about Gifu? Although it might
become a more private event.
I thought of that too.
- Like my warehouse?
- Seriously?
The one at your family's house?
How many people can fit?
I'd like to add at least one new song.
If we can get a grasp
of what LiSA's new song
is going to sound like...
...the concept of the concert itself
will become very simple.
The reason why I wanted to do
a dome concert,
like the Tokyo Dome and Nagoya Dome...
is because I wanted to end one chapter.
I wouldn't call it a graduation,
but it's important to have a ceremony
to commemorate the last ten years.
To end one chapter.
In a way, this is the beginning
of a new me.
It's the beginning.
The beginning.
It's a new me.
Then, in that case, I think it's better
to find a bigger open area.
So, a location that is as big as
or bigger than Budokan.
Let's look for one.
If I can come up with one line
for the lyrics to the song "NEW ME",
I think everything will fall into place.
Okay. Then, I'll finalize this.
I'll go search for some venues.
Thank you.
When I first met Ms. Kaorin
and Mr. Hasegawa,
the first thing
Mr. Hasegawa said to me was,
"LiSA, we're a family."
Being called a family
made a lot of sense to me.
If someone said, "You're an artist
and we're the management team,"
it would make me think,
"What does a management team do?"
He said, "We're a family. I'm Dad.
That's Mom. You're the oldest daughter.
We'll work to support
the oldest daughter's dream."
That's what he told me, and for LiSA,
she became a mom,
he a dad,
and I, the daughter.
When we face a real crisis,
we have a family meeting.
- You were so close.
- I was so close.
Let's start running.
Ever since I became a singer,
learning how to hype up the audience
during my concerts
and making sure they have fun
became very important to me.
So, improving my singing skills
wasn't high on my list of priorities.
But during the COVID-19 pandemic,
I had time on my hands.
It ended up being both good and bad,
but when my schedule was wiped clean,
I started to worry
and thought that if I didn't
gain something during
this COVID-19 pandemic,
I would end up putting it all to waste.
So, I began to relearn singing
from scratch with Instructor Ryon2.
When I was a kid,
I was able to have fun singing
without thinking about anything,
but as I grew older,
the changes that occurred with
my body and my feelings
or the difficulty level of the songs
were walls that I kept on hitting.
But I didn't know why those things
were happening.
But by working with Instructor Ryon2,
she helped me to unravel those mysteries.
Now, when something happens
while I'm singing
or when I hit a wall,
I feel like I can find a way
to overcome those difficulties.
I feel like there is a song out there
that I never knew I could sing.
That makes me excited.
Only she can do this.
If you think your throat feels off
or if it's difficult to use your voice,
then smile even brighter.
Pour yourself into the lyrics
and fool yourself.
Don't ever let the audience see
the worry on your face.
Go like this.
You'll be okay.
You still have your voice, right?
- Yes, thank you.
- Okay.
She always casts a spell.
That was awesome!
The end of the commercial
makes me think, "It's going to start!"
It makes you nervous, doesn't it?
You think, "Is it next?", but it's not.
It distracts you even when
you're talking with friends.
It started!
That hurts.
Doesn't it make your heart skip a beat
when Inosuke appears here?
Not really.
- It's very different from Kirito.
- You're right.
Here it is!
That hurts.
Oh, it's Rengoku.
That hurts!
- Sorry.
- That hurts.
It means you used this area a lot.
Every time she sings,
she expands her diaphragm and ribs.
She uses this area a lot,
so it moves a lot.
So her body has stiffened
in order to recover.
- That's why it's painful to move the body.
- It hurts.
- But you're in good condition this year.
- I agree.
Very good.
I wonder why.
Up until now,
whenever I finished a live show,
I couldn't eat because I was so exhausted.
Every time I did a tour,
I would say, "I can't make it."
That was tough.
Since I was young,
I thought that by using my energy,
I would be able to reach everyone.
Until my first concert at Budokan,
I didn't have the realization
that I was breaking myself.
Because I didn't take care of myself,
I felt that I caused great damage.
I caused trouble for a lot of people
and betrayed everyone's expectations.
I felt that fear and pressure.
On the day of my first concert
at the Budokan,
I wasn't feeling well.
I was
scared to imagine
that something might go wrong,
so I couldn't tell anyone.
I thought that would make me lose
faith in myself, so I didn't tell anyone.
But when the concert started,
I thought I was having a bad dream.
I had that kind of dream many times.
Dreams where I lose my voice
and people start leaving.
I only had feelings of remorse towards
the people who came to see me,
but I couldn't say "I'm sorry"
from the stage.
Today's another great day!
Today's another great day!
- Bye-chi!
- Bye-chi!
I thought that I shouldn't mark that day
as the worst day.
And if I had apologized on stage,
I thought I would cause that day
to become someone's worst day.
So, I couldn't apologize.
I'm so sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- It's okay.
- I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry.
It's okay.
Well, until then,
I was feeling extremely insecure
about losing something
or someone.
I didn't want to lose a single thing.
I didn't want to lose a single person.
I didn't want to hurt anyone.
That's what I was thinking
while I strived to create
this perfect vision of myself.
But that day,
I exposed a very pathetic side of myself.
I'm so sorry.
Why are you apologizing?
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't accept...
my weaknesses.
But I started being able to do that
from that day forward.
I was able to accept myself.
It flew!
What language is this? Thai?
There are so many languages.
What was the most fun part?
At the very end,
we went to Paris and Spain.
We were spending time there,
but COVID-19 broke out.
We were planning on having... Asia tour in 2020.
hat's right. We couldn't do it.
Since we couldn't go there very often,
we tried to be flexible and think of ways
to surprise the audience.
But in the end, the audience ends up...
- ...surprising us instead.
- The airport was amazing.
That helped me to experience
everything firsthand.
Until you became a part of our team,
I couldn't really grasp the idea
of fans waiting for me overseas.
I thought they were waiting for me
as someone who just sings
Japanese anime songs.
Instead of coming to see me personally,
I thought they came just because
they liked this genre
and I thought what an amazing culture
this is, but then...
Jane, you planned a lot
of trips in order for me to perform
solo concerts
and allowed me to see
the faces of the local fans.
That's why, when I think of
a certain country,
the faces of the fans
and the event coordinators come to mind.
Thank you.
We spoke so many languages.
I'm LiSA. Happy New Year!
- We have to replan everything.
- Yeah.
I still keep in touch
with local event coordinators
in various countries.
I see.
I get asked if a concert
is possible this year or not.
We exchange updates and information
on each other's countries.
In addition to COVID-19,
there's also a war going on,
so the situation in this world
is constantly changing.
But I still get letters from overseas.
I get lots of gifts.
I realized that I haven't been forgotten.
When I perform concerts overseas,
I'm honored to be viewed as
a part of Japanese culture.
When I meet my fans overseas,
I realize that there is something
in Japan that people
can enjoy even if their language, culture,
and lifestyle are different.
Whether it's Japanese expressions or...
a Japanese-style melody
or anime that Japanese people will enjoy,
I want to take things
that are precious to me
and visit other countries
in order... to meet everyone there
and to have everyone enjoy
many other aspects of Japan.
Grandma said,
"This flower blooms
from the surface of the water."
"It only blooms during the daytime."
That's what she taught me.
She said it only blooms
in the direction of the sun.
She said, "It grows and stretches
out of the mud and blooms."
There's a thing called "guren jigoku".
It's a form of punishment
in hell.
It's so cold
that your skin falls off
and your body folds outward like a lotus.
It's a punishment in hell where
your flesh unfolds like a red lotus.
That's called "guren jigoku".
So, I took the "guren" from "guren jigoku"
and "hana" from "water lilies"
to make "Gurenge".
One is a goal that you reach
in a bloody state
and the other is a water lily that grows
facing towards hope and sunlight.
I thought it was similar to my life.
So I realize why grandma
likes the water lilies so much.
Thank you!
The tenth-anniversary tour.
We faced issues from the very beginning
and some concert dates had to be canceled,
so it was very difficult.
But everyone cooperated,
so we were able to create an amazing tour.
I'm so glad that I was able to say,
"Today's another great day!"
Thank you very much.
You might have made a mistake
in the past at Budokan,
but the slate is clean now.
I'm glad.
Now, I can head towards the final...
Please don't cry!
- Sorry!
- I don't want to cry anymore.
Kaorin held her down.
Thank you very much.
We were able to see an amazing concert.
It took a long time to get here.
- Yeah.
- Winter's come again.
Come here.
Crying has exhausted me.
It really made me realize
that I didn't get here on my own.
Every day, everyone worked together
to make sure that it would be
another great day.
If I was on my own,
I wouldn't be here.
Everyone gives me their strength
and allows me to be LiSA.
What I gained in these last ten years
were friends.
You did very well.
Thank you.
- Bye.
- Good luck at the end of the year.
- Thanks.
- Have fun.
- Loosen up.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- See you.
- Bye.
Thank you.
How is it, Yui?
It's okay. I'm wearing a shirt underneath.
Yeah. That's cute.
I want to see the different styles too,
but can we take a picture first?
- Where will we start?
- From this side.
Let's put aside the release date
for now and try on the best one.
This is a T-shirt.
This is a nice giraffe print.
If we base the size large on Yui's waist,
boys won't fit into them.
As for the waist... This is a large, right?
It's hard to make clothes.
I don't have the basic knowledge,
like where to tuck
in order to change the style and so forth.
I proposed things that I want to make
and I'm working on it along with
my younger sister and Harada.
The three of us.
All of us shared ideas
of things that we each liked
and I had my sister draw everything out.
Even if it's plaid,
we had certain colored plaid we wanted,
so she drew it out and showed it to us.
My sister grew up
in the same environment as me
and we like similar things,
so, how can I say this?
When she says, "Ah!",
I know exactly what she wants.
She's someone I can communicate
with heart to heart,
without saying a word.
So, even when we created
the brand ROY together,
there are features about clothes
that can't be expressed with just words.
For example, everyone's meaning
of "cute" is different.
It's worn a little casually.
It's like dressing down
in your own personal way.
Like rearranging it.
That's right.
She puts everything into drawings
and creates a style for it.
She can sense what I like
and what I don't like.
So, that's very helpful.
She's also...
sensitive and notices
the changes in my mood and feelings.
So, when my mom doesn't understand me,
I can go to her and complain by saying,
"Why doesn't Mom understand?"
She's on the same wavelength as me
and understands me.
That's who she is.
As for the clothes...
- We don't have the costume yet.
- I see.
I carry all of this around.
But this is because I learned
from my mistake.
When I was in middle school,
before I debuted,
I was told that they'll take my headshot.
I was happy because it was the first time
to get my makeup done by a professional.
I went there very excitedly, but my face
turned into someone I couldn't recognize.
I guess that's a given.
I thought, "Who is this?
Were my eyes always this shape?"
That's why I always do my own eye makeup.
- I see.
- Yes, because the eyes can change a face.
In order to protect the LiSA image,
I always do my own eye makeup.
- Your favorite spot?
- Spot?
- It could be in your house...
- The bathroom.
- Your house's bathroom?
- No, any bathroom.
- Any bathroom?
- Yeah, because I can be alone.
I see. Okay, bathroom, then.
The origin of your name LiSA.
That's my real name.
I thought so.
- Risa Oribe.
- Yes.
My dad was flipping through the pages
and went like this, and it said Risa.
What were you in your previous life?
- My previous life?
- Yes.
A stray cat.
What's your favorite dish to cook?
- Tonjiru.
- I knew you'd say that.
It's cut.
In addition to tonjiru,
I frequently make miso soup too.
I was never the type to cook
to begin with,
but in order to stay healthy
before a concert,
it's safer to know exactly
what ingredients are being used.
That's why I started to cook on my own.
And it gives me time to think.
Looks good.
Can you flip it?
I think what will come to mind
as we're dying
is not something that
we've accomplished on our own
but how we co-existed with others.
I think we'll recall happy memories.
And I think those happy memories
will not be of something
that you have accomplished on your own.
During the Japan Record Award
as well as Khaku, I learned that
many people's faces come to mind
during a moment of happiness.
When you're experiencing happiness,
you recall the people that
worked together with you in order
to attain that happiness.
Grandma is still alive,
but she wrote a will
because she doesn't know
when she'll die.
And I'm holding onto that will,
but even though she must have
so many things she wants to say,
the last words she wrote
were for her son and daughter,
which is my mom and her brother,
but she wrote,
"My wish is for both of them
to live together in peace and happiness."
After seeing that,
and as I was working on "homura",
I realized that
people's final wish is the happiness
of those who are still living.
They don't wish for their own happiness,
but they pass away while wishing
for other people's happiness.
That's what I learned.
I see.
That way, the people left behind
can be strong and live on.
And I think those who they leave behind
will also pass away thinking
the same thing.
Oh, I see.
- You can't raise the key any higher?
- Yeah.
- Because of the way it ends, we can...
- Yeah,
and maybe we can add that
at the very last part of the song.
Oh, okay. For the chorus.
"NEW ME" itself is connected to
the live concert,
and the concert is titled "Eve and Birth".
I feel like something I was born with
happened to be connected with LiSA,
but I was also able to be true to myself
as Risa Oribe because LiSA existed.
So they're both equal.
It's like a root that was inside of me
grew into a tree.
A sprout started to grow
and is heading towards a new direction.
That's the general idea.
You want it to start from this part?
- It's a little packed.
- It sure is.
I went directly into that melody
from this point.
- Oh, right. We changed the key here.
- Yeah.
Where was it?
I think this is good.
You should make it punk
from the second stanza.
That would be awesome.
All of a sudden.
Let's do that.
Can you try speeding up this part?
You can do it.
- Wow.
- That sounds so cool.
- This has everything you mentioned.
- It sure does.
- I like the change here too.
- Yeah, it's nice.
I think this is fine the way it is.
- Done.
- That's it.
He likes it.
- It's really good, huh?
- It's very good.
- I'm glad.
- Hooray.
For the chorus, Shota added the phrase
"Oribe from Seki city Gifu prefecture
and Horie from Kani city Gifu prefecture."
Oribe from Seki city Gifu prefecture
Horie from Kani city Gifu prefecture
Oribe from Seki city Gifu prefecture
Horie from Kani city Gifu prefecture
There you go.
You've always said that
there is LiSA and Risa Oribe.
I think when I go out there as LiSA,
I make sure I put on makeup.
LiSA doesn't belong to me.
- You've always said that.
- Yeah.
So, in order not to
betray the people who place
their love and expectations on LiSA,
Risa Oribe has to work hard.
That concept never fails to amuse me.
Risa Oribe is not as fierce.
It seems like it.
Risa prefers these comfortable clothes,
with tights under her pants
because it's cold.
But LiSA wears fishnets and mini skirts.
To put it bluntly, what is LiSA?
Because it doesn't seem like
she's an alternate personality
you're putting on.
It's you, but LiSA is LiSA, right?
as for my contribution to LiSA,
I'm just the seed.
nothing but spring water.
But everyone's desires, hopes, and dreams
are what dig around that spring,
creating a river and an ocean.
The plot?
You write an insane amount
of lyrics for the plot.
I ask myself what I'm feeling right now
and write it all down.
There were some things that impressed me.
They pretty much mean the same thing,
but one time, you wrote,
- "How will you live?"
- Yeah.
And you also wrote, "Decide on your own."
"I've been hurt,
but my soul won't go away."
So, "NEW ME"
isn't about
fighting together and linking arms
to cross the goal line together.
It's about confirming with each other
in order to live our own life
to the fullest extent possible.
But each individual has to
fight their own battle
in order to make their day
an enjoyable one.
Since there are lots of things
going on right now,
I want the people who come
to my live concert
to look at their own tomorrow
and their own life
after they leave the venue
and go on living like this.
It's kind of like an oath
you make in your heart.
That's the kind of song it is.
I'm done.
Cool woman. I'm okay.
It's so mysterious and sudden.
Being overwhelmed
by various people's idea of justice
can cause confusion.
I think what went through my mind was,
"I want to be a cool person!"
It feels like I'm sorting out my brain.
It's not exactly the same
as writing a diary.
It's more of a process
to find the answer within myself.
But writing things down like this
tends to help me come up with lyrics.
For example,
when I feel like I finally understand
what my teacher used to tell me,
it creates the phrase, "Teacher's sayings
come in handy sometimes."
By jotting down
everyday discoveries like that,
it can eventually turn into lyrics.
I had written the question,
"Why are you lonely?",
and I wrote myself an answer right here.
There are so many
embarrassing diary entries.
Whenever I tried to relay my feelings
in front of someone,
I'd think too much about the atmosphere
and pleasing the other person,
so I couldn't have a conversation
while being honest with my feelings.
So, when I was alone, I often wrote down
my feelings by writing letters
or diaries.
And I still do that now.
I'm constantly writing down my feelings.
It says, "Being young is wonderful
but being an adult is fun."
In the end, it always ends on
a very positive note.
I think this is the process that makes it
possible for me to write,
"Today's another great day."
I don't mean this in a bad way,
but I want to do music as a job.
I want to fulfill
the role of LiSA as my job.
So my band members are people
who think about what LiSA's fans want
instead of creating the kind of music
that they think is personally cool.
who my band members are right now.
Everyone is working hard
for the benefit of LiSA.
That's including myself.
I get scolded a lot because
I'm constantly changing the setlist.
I guess it's not impossible.
What do you think?
I think they know
that I'm not asking
for those things based on
my personal feelings or selfishness.
That's why they'll take my request
into consideration.
Whether it's my ideas
or someone else's opinions,
everyone brainstorms together about
what's best for LiSA
in order to come up with
the best methods and performances.
This team thinks about all that
together with me
and I'm so proud that
I'm able to create LiSA with them.
Ready, go. Eight.
- It's seven.
- Ready, go.
Ready, go.
It's my ninth time.
- Wow.
- Isn't it amazing?
You've done it that many times?
But doing that at the end of the concert
is something I haven't done
- since that Budokan concert.
- Don't mention that.
- My first Budokan concert.
- Stop that. You'll be okay.
It was at the beginning of 2014.
So, it's been eight years
since it's 2022 right now.
Was that concert that bad?
It was bad.
Everyone was going like this.
Back then, I only had
one style of singing,
so, if I didn't sing like that,
that song was ruined.
I wanted to go home.
It made us even more nervous
when we saw her facial expressions.
- We were rooting for you.
- They were worried about me.
You started looking grim,
so we were rooting for you.
All of us were praying for her.
You can't lie.
You can't fool people.
Yeah, I can't lie.
I think I experienced
so many regrets by lying.
When you lie, the person
that suffers the most is yourself.
Then I can't stand on the stage
with confidence.
It's kind of like how some people can't
face their mom when they have a secret.
Yes, I understand.
That's why I decided early on
that I'm not going to lie.
This may sound weird,
but I have a song called "Eien"
and it's included in my debut album.
That song is about my dad.
My dad was next to me and he said,
"Risa, I love you.
I'll be near you forever,"
but he was gone the next day.
He never came home after that.
- Oh, Dad.
- So, I thought, "What's 'forever'?"
- So, that's what it meant.
- I felt that when I was a kid.
- That's why you decided not to lie.
- Yes.
But by the time I debuted,
I understood that
the feeling of "forever"
described the amount of love
he felt for me at that moment.
So, now, I'm able to meet up with my dad.
He's so carefree.
- But you're really forgiving.
- Yes, I forgive him.
Let's work hard.
- Let's do this, everybody.
- Good luck.
- Good luck.
- Let's work hard.
After I divorced,
I hit rock bottom
in an emotional sense too,
so I think I was just having
a really hard time.
Every day
there are good things and bad things
that happen,
but I heard that
it's good to say out loud the phrase,
"Today's another great day."
When I heard that,
I thought that was
such a beautiful phrase.
So I went home
and said, "Risa, if you say out loud that
today's another great day,
then good things will happen."
I thought that if
we can remember that feeling,
those words might come true.
So I shared with my kids all the things
that I learned, felt,
good quotes that I found,
or things I wanted to do.
It might be difficult now,
but things will definitely get better.
When humans are born,
they're born with the determination
to become happy.
Things might be tough and we're learning,
but I was confident
that we would be happy,
so, with that in mind, I said,
"Risa, say out loud
that today's another great day!"
I was always acting super hyper
and singing a happy song.
I was cheerful.
When they would laugh and say,
"What's wrong with you?",
I felt really relieved.
I learned those words as words of hope,
so I'm just like you.
You were moved by that beautiful phrase
and shared it with the ones you love,
so, now, I'm sharing that
with the ones that I love.
I will walk my own path.
So, all of you, go walk your own path!
Up ahead,
in the future, when the seasons change,
let's meet again.
This is a song for all of you doing
your best to live your life. A!
Thank you!
Today's another great day!
Right now,
I'm really excited about my future.
I'll be changing,
maturing, and evolving.
I want to enjoy those things
and keep expecting more from myself.
I feel like I experienced
many difficult moments.
I was able to keep living...
and I'm here today.
I'm having the most fun right now.
Because I kept on searching
and because I worried a lot
and took time to find all the answers,
I'm able... to enjoy my life right now.
I think it's better to experience
I think I will be coming across many more
problems and difficulties in the future,
but I'll challenge each one,
cry about it, get mad,
and confront that issue face to face
each time.
Then, I think...
everything will be all right.
Sincerely and honestly and seriously.
Without running away.
If I face any difficulties like that,
then, someday,
I think I'll be able to say that
everything was all right
and that it was
another great day.
Subtitle translation by: Lili Morita