Lisa Frankenstein (2024) Movie Script

If you need a friend
Don't look to a stranger
You know in the end
I'll always be there
And when you're in doubt
And when you're in danger
Take a look all around
-And I'll be there...
Hey, Taffy.
I don't think that blush
is your shade, Lisa.
-Of the right words to say
-I promise you
I know they don't sound the
way I planned them to be...
-I'll probably just stay home.
This is the first
critical rager of the year.
It's compulsory.
And you know
what your doctor said.
You need socialization.
When your day is through...
Why don't you use
my tanning bed?
Oh, no way.
When I won
Junior Miss Hawaiian Tropic,
I promised I'd use my title
to help other people.
And that includes sharing the
grand prize with those in need.
Sometimes if I shout...
You're in need, babe.
These words just come out
With no cross to bear
I'm sorry,
but I'm just thinking of
-The right words to say
-I promise you
I know they don't sound
the way
-I planned them to be
-I promise you
But if you wait around
a while
-I'll make you fall for me
-I promise you
I promise.
I'm really sorry
you got electrocuted, Lisa.
I'm fine.
Let's rap. How are you liking
Brookview so far?
It's fine.
It's the same as my old school.
Are you hot for anyone?
Come on.
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, Lisa.
Michael Trent.
I don't know who that is.
He's the editor in chief
of The Grackle.
The lit mag.
The high school
literary magazine.
Does he lunch on or off campus?
-BK or White Castle?
Does he have
more of a basketball bod
or a football bod?
He doesn't play sports.
He's cerebral.
He's in a wheelchair?
This party's going to be clutch.
There's going to be two kegs,
a wapatui,
and Eric Chen stole
a nitrous tank
from his dad's dental practice.
-Isn't it just off Bluff Road?
We could've walked.
Too far. I'm wearing jellies.
These things will turn your
feet into Hamburger Helper.
But there's a shortcut
through the forest
through Bachelor's Grove.
The haunted cemetery?
It's not haunted.
It's just abandoned.
Well, I heard the heshers
do witchcraft over there.
And I also heard
that Gina Marzak
dedicated her unborn child
to Satan.
And that's why the baby
has to wear a helmet now.
I've never seen anybody there.
I think it's really peaceful
and quiet.
I do wax rubbings
of all the tombstones.
I have a favorite.
-You have a favorite one?
A young man.
I tend to his grave
and leave him flowers and...
I talk to him sometimes.
I brought this for you.
It was my mom's.
It's kind of morbid
when I wear it,
so I wanted you to have it.
Keep it safe, okay?
That's really weird, Lisa.
I just don't think anyone
should be forgotten.
Swept away...
I brought the booze.
-Yes, you did!
-You look great.
You look hot.
Hey, you fixed your bangs.
You know, I wasn't
gonna say anything,
they were such a mess,
but you look amazing now.
I'm telling you, we're taking
it to state this year, man,
-and I'll put money on it.
-Possum pride, baby!
Whoo, whoo! Yes, sir!
Oh, my God, Steve!
Bag your face!
If you're looking to fade out,
the ethanol's inside.
-The booze.
It's in the house.
Yeah, I think that my
stepsister brought most of it.
Lisa Swallows.
Michael Trent.
How do you know my name?
Well, we're both
currently being educated
in the same walls of asbestos.
Plus, you submitted some really
strong poems to The Grackle.
I'm the editor.
Oh, you are? Right.
Your stuff's really good.
Like, pitch-black,
but really good.
Reminds me of Plath
or Anne Sexton.
You like my poems?
I wouldn't have published them
if I didn't.
So, what exactly
happened to her?
I've heard stuff.
I can never,
ever talk about it, Lori.
For personal and legal reasons,
and I also pinky-swore.
But I guess I can tell you.
I trust you.
You're my cheer sister.
Of course.
Okay, so, like, two years ago,
Lisa was home alone
with her mom,
and this psycho broke in.
With, like,
an axe and everything.
Anyway, her mom told her to run
and hide, and so she did.
And then the guy
axe-murdered her mom,
and she heard the whole thing.
Oh, my God.
She called 911,
but the guy escaped.
They never caught him.
And by the time she came out,
it was too late.
I'd be screwed up
if I were her, too.
She didn't talk
for a few months after that.
Kind of just wandered around
like a zombie.
What about her dad?
Is he okay?
Oh, yeah. Dale?
He's a big sweetie.
My mom met him
six months after the murder,
and they got engaged
and married real quick.
Which is great, you know?
Because Dale didn't
have to be sad for too long
and Lisa had a new mom
right away.
-That's so cute.
Everything worked out nice.
-So, like...
-I found the keg.
-Oh. Thank you.
It's Clydesdale piss,
but, you know...
Hey, Tamara.
Hi. Sorry, how do we
know each other?
-Just a couple classes.
-This year?
This semester.
-Uh, anyway...
-Mm-hmm. you want a sip?
-I'll take one.
-No, right.
Why would I assume
that she parties?
All right, I'll take one.
-Let me see that real quick.
-What is this?
-You know, I'm not really sure.
-I got it off, um, Darren?
-Come on.
-What? -Poor girl just
went from Pepsi Free to PCP.
You're being so dramatic.
Hey, Lisa. You okay?
I saw you
talking to those darksiders.
Did they give you something?
This is not
what I expected from you.
You have so much potential,
Hey, you. We need to talk.
Just say no.
Liquor before beer, babe.
It's gonna be a bright,
bright, bright
Sunshiny day...
I'm psychic.
I think it's gonna rain.
Hey, Lisa.
Are you okay?
Who are you?
Uh, it's-it's me, it's Doug.
Your lab partner?
Okay, um...
let's find somewhere
for you to sit for a bit, yeah?
Here we go.
Oh, here we go.
All right.
I hate parties like this.
I don't even know why I came.
Personally, I'd rather catch
a flick or something
than watch a bunch
of cheerleaders get blasted.
Dude, that's for cows.
Who's your favorite
director of all time?
Oh, you're just
reading my beer can.
He was a real director.
Um... what kind of movies
did he direct?
Okay, I'll be quiet.
Your hair feels
like Easter grass.
How much cans of White Rain
you got in there, kid?
Smells like camp in here.
Mm. Thank you.
Looks like
the angels are bowling.
My mom used to say that.
Does that feel good?
Come on, you can't stop once
you've started. It's the rules.
-I can see clearly now...
Come on, Lisa.
Just for a minute.
You know it's not nice
to lead people on, Lisa.
I can see all obstacles
In my way
Gone are the dark clouds
that had me blind
It's going to be a bright
Sunshiny day
It's going to be a bright
Sunshiny day.
It's you.
Oh, I... I wish I was with you.
Why's everybody
acting funny?
Why's everybody
look so strange?
Why's everybody
look so nasty?
What do I want
with all these things?
Wash your hands, kiddo.
I went alone
down to the drugstore
I went in back
And took a Coke
I stood in line
and ate my Twinkies
I stood in line
I had to wait
Why's everybody
acting funny?
Why's everybody
look so strange?
Why's everybody
look so pretty?
What do I want
with all these things?
I went alone
Down to the drugstore
I stood in line
I had to wait.
Lisa? Lis? Hey.
My mom's having a cow
about the bathroom.
You should probably get up.
Come on, now.
That's fine. Everyone does it.
Oh, my God.
So, what happened last night?
Oof. Your knees.
I fell.
Sure, babe. Me, too.
Get down here now!
You should probably get going.
Oh. Lisa.
Did you smash the mirror
in the bathroom?
Last night, I, uh...
Told you.
Your dad wanted to give you
the benefit of the doubt,
but I knew.
I always know.
I'm an I.P.
Intuitive person.
Took a whole seminar about it.
There was a damn tornado
last night.
Hail damage on the sedan,
yard full of debris,
and now I guess I got
to clean up the bathroom, too.
It was a tornado watch, Mom,
not a real tornado.
Well, now, it was
quite a storm, though, Taff.
You see that ball lightning?
Big green ball in the sky?
Never saw anything like that.
You need to stop
munching the Grape-Nuts
and be a father right now.
Your daughter has a taste
for vandalism.
She has been deliberately
destroying property.
First, it was my...
Precious Moments cake stand.
That was an accident.
Be nice.
I am being nice.
But I will not coddle her.
No one coddled me
when my dad blew up in Da Nang.
And that is why I am
the way I am today.
That's a good point.
Thank you, honey.
Lisa, do you know what happens
to people who act out?
They wind up in the loony bin.
You're a psych nurse, Mom.
Should you be saying
"loony bin"?
Zip it, Taff.
All right, Lisa.
You're gonna go upstairs
and you're gonna clean up
that bathroom.
And, um...
pay for the mirror.
Yeah, I'll pick up
an extra shift at Wayne's.
How about an apology?
I'm sorry, Janet.
Wait a second here.
What is this?
Thanks, Laura.
I'm here on the scene
at the former sight
of the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
in Bremer Park,
where a neglected monument
was recently
struck by lightning...
...reigniting neighborhood
concerns about fire safety.
I-I feel like
I want to apologize
for what may have
happened last night.
I had no idea
that cup was spiked.
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
It was good.
Uh, that was... I got high.
So you're
an experienced psychonaut.
You know, like, um...
like an astronaut of the psyche
type thing?
Oh, yeah, I'm the...
Sally Ride of...
Can I help you, young man?
Uh, yes, sir. Um...
just spilt a little something
on the inside here.
Red wine?
-Hawaiian Punch.
Anyway, well,
I'm glad you're okay.
Do you two know
each other from school?
I didn't know
Lisa had any friends.
I can always count on her
to work on Saturdays
'cause she can't get a date.
Eh, it's probably
'cause she's so flat-chested.
Hey. Can they get it out?
I'll do my best, sweetheart.
But I'm a technician,
not a magician.
-Thank you.
-That's a shame.
Hi, Lisa.
Um, well, thank you.
-Lisa, it was really good
seeing you. -Bye.
And that's why
Mr. Conyers has to teach
with the door open now.
Oh, you're a riot, Taff.
Hey, Lis.
We're going to the late show
of Look Who's Talking.
Want to come?
Oh, is there pizza left?
Uh, yeah.
I think we got a slice here.
Oh. Looks like it's got
a little meat on it.
Oh, she can pick it off.
I said we should get you
a veggie lovers',
but I guess she had
some coupon thing.
Eh? Free Orange Crush?
Yeah, I think
I'm gonna skip the movie.
-No, what?
Lis, come on.
We all have to spend
more time together as a family.
How can we Brady
if we don't bunch?
-Right, Dad?
-That's right.
I'm just really tired from work.
How tiring can it be
to sit hunched
over a sewing machine
like an old lady?
Taff just had
a three-hour cheer practice.
-They have her doing
the splits on the top
of the damn pyramid.
Do you know how hard that is
on the groin muscles?
It doesn't even hurt anymore.
Well, because you put in
the work.
All those hours screaming
with your legs spread
against the wall.
Heck yeah,
you should be proud, Taff.
Well, I'm sure Lisa's fingers
hurt from all that sewing.
Eventually, a callus just forms.
Don't I know it?
Okay, okay.
Okay, okay. Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
You hear that?
I'm sure
it's the girl next door.
She's very odd.
-The cheerleader?
-No, no.
Not Taffy. She's adorable.
-Stop it!
-And what a figure.
It's the other girl.
I'm calling 911!
Why's everybody...
That's my dad's shoe phone.
He got it for free
with his subscription
to Sports Illustrated.
Why's everybody
look so nasty?
What do I want
with all these things?
I went alone
Down to the drugstore...
Do you like this, uh, song?
-And took a Coke...
Do you like any other music?
I have The Cure.
It's not that kind of cure.
It's like a...
It's a band.
They can't make you better.
I mean, they can,
but emotionally.
Why's everybody
look so pretty?
Come on, we've got to hide you.
This is my room.
We're better off up here
in case anybody comes home.
Definitely no one can see you.
My mom's rosary.
Oh, my God.
You're him?
Well, why are you here?
Okay, I get it. I get it.
When I said I wished
I was with you,
I didn't mean that.
I meant I wished I was
in the-the ground, dead.
Because life sucks
and people are jerk-offs.
I didn't mean
that I wanted to be...
with you.
You know...
in person.
Oh, oh, I'm sorry.
No, no, no, don't cry.
Don't cry.
Your tears...
they smell so bad.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my...
So here's some soap.
Oh, no.
Um, that's a, um...
douche bag. Just don't...
You're gonna need that.
I don't know
why I'm talking so much.
I haven't said this many
words in a row in forever.
After my mom died,
I got diagnosed
with traumatic mutism.
That's where you don't talk
at all. Are you going to talk?
Copy that.
Would you like me
to turn on the shower radio?
This is Taffy's station.
It's for beer sluts.
I'm gonna turn on
the college station.
It's for people like us.
With feelings.
Hot. Cold.
It's the future.
I'm gazing at faces
Okay, sparky.
We got to get you some new duds.
They tell me
Tomorrow will never arrive
But I've seen it end...
Send it... send it back.
I lost my direction
while dodging the flack
Oh, give me
a hint or something...
I love it.
Yeah, there must be
something wrong...
Just give it a chance.
Wait, I...
Obnoxious actions,
obnoxious results
Yes, teachers who refuse
to be taught...
Let me see.
We can work on this, bud,
you know?
It looks cool.
Oh, I can't do anything
about that.
I'm not a doctor.
But it's okay.
They're just things
that make you different.
You know, there's
this really attractive guy
on Days of Our Lives
who has to wear an eye patch.
He's a very popular character,
and his patch doesn't
define him.
What's his name? Patch.
His name is Patch.
What the hell happened here?!
-Oh, Janet.
Taffy, stay outside.
Get in my closet!
It's okay, everyone.
I'm okay. I'm fine.
It's okay. I'm good.
-My Snowbabies.
-Janet, will...?
Oh, Belly Boy.
-Little Chubby.
There was a home invasion.
The burglar ransacked
the-the china cabinets,
but I... I fought him off.
How am I going to serve sambuca?
Well, wait a second. It...
A burglar?
He had a... a mask,
a black mask.
And this hat.
He had this wide-brimmed hat
and a striped jumpsuit.
That sounds like the Hamburglar.
Lisa, that does sound
like the exact description
of the Hamburglar.
Do you see what's going on here?
Lisa's hungry? I...
Lisa got a lot of attention
when the tragedy happened.
So now she's, well,
re-creating the scene
of the crime.
She has been ransacking
our precious home
little by little.
The cake stand,
the-the bathroom last night,
and now this.
She knew
how it would affect you, Dale.
She needs help.
Residential treatment.
She needs to go somewhere.
-For a while.
We can't just send off Lisa
to the snake pit.
She can barely survive P.E.
I'm not crazy.
Nobody said that.
Oh, my mom actually just did.
No, Taff,
she would never say that.
I hate to say it, Lisa,
but you are either crazy
or you're just
goddamned inconsiderate.
-Her neck.
I can glue that.
I have to get, uh, dressed.
That's Taffy's.
She gave it to me
because she said
she got too many compliments
in it.
Uh-uh, it's not really my style.
I'm not a skeezer.
Hey! Ugh.
Can I at least have a jacket?
She floats like a swan
Grace on the water
Lips like sugar...
Oh, Lisa looks good.
She could probably
even do pageants,
if she had congeniality.
The extremely empathetic person
may struggle
with feelings of isolation.
"Why me?
Why must I feel so strongly?"
Others seem crude
and insensitive.
Emotional vampires seek out
intuitive people
and drain them.
-They envy our magic
and our sensitivity. -
-They won't be satisfied...
...until we're as devoid
of love as they are.
How can we avoid these people
who wish to...
Unfortunately, highly
empathetic people are...
The key is learning
to recognize them.
At first,
they may seem harmless.
They may even make you feel
very special.
Don't fall into this trap.
-Don't be fooled by their...
--Their goal is
to exploit your kindness
and drag you down to their level
before they move on
to a new victim.
Others seem crude.
-Can I help you?
-Carpet shampoo, ma'am?
-Uh, carpet shampoo?
-Yes, ma'am.
-You can eat off my carpet.
-We're doing an offer.
Excuse me?
-What's your name?
-Uh, it's Clark. Clark.
-What is your name?
Yes, well, no.
I am a very busy person.
I'm not happy to spend my time
talking to you.
I only really just...
-Of course it is.
-I-I-I thought...
You want a flyer? No? Okay.
Between you and the knife guy,
Jesus H.
As an I.P.,
you will instinctively know
when something is off.
And even though others may try
-to convince you otherwise...
-Mmm. is imperative
that you follow
-your own inner compass.
-Hmm? Hmm.
Only then can you vanquish
the narcissist.
-Did you happen
to take any notes
in White's class today?
-I-I cut.
Yeah, I was gonna cut, too,
because I hate White's class,
but I think I took...
I took, like, some notes.
You sure you're not
on the payroll?
No, you have to have, like, a...
like, a stupid face
to teach here.
You have to be really ugly
with a stupid face.
You're kind of absurd,
aren't you?
-Excuse me.
I need to talk to my sister.
I'm very protective of her.
She's a newish transfer student,
and I want her to make friends
with the right people.
No punks, trenchies
or death clowns.
Oscar Wilde said,
"To define is to limit."
Okay. Well,
Oscar the Grouch said, "Scram."
I'll see you later.
I really don't get
your fixation with that one.
There are plenty
of halfway-dece guys
that would date you.
Like, n-not
a basketball player, per se,
but certainly the team manager.
Or maybe even a cute guy
with bad skin.
Mm-hmm. Thanks.
I'm going out tonight
after practice.
Will you cover for me?
Doesn't your mom
have that, like,
Milwaukee conference thing?
Yeah, but what about Daddy?
You know
how overprotective he is.
"Taffy, where are you going?"
"Taffy, what time are you
gonna be back?" He's obsessed.
He is?
Well, I think he works late
Mondays anyway,
so you don't have to worry.
Well, if he asks, tell him
I'm at Lori's, please.
I think he really
likes me.
Are guys so simple
that you just have to put on
a pirate skeezer dress,
and suddenly,
they want to talk to you?
Oh. Well, thanks, I guess.
How will I ever repay you?
Well, I can't just
get you new parts.
I mean...
you're a dead man,
not a Chrysler LeBaron.
Oh, I want to help you.
I really do,
but I don't know how.
And besides, Taffy says
it's a waste of time
to try and fix a boy.
It's better
to just accept a guy's flaws.
Hey! Don't Kirk out on me, man!
Damn it! Janet!
Hello... Janet.
I thought
you were going to Milwaukee.
Don't you "Milwaukee" me.
I skipped the conference
because I'm ill.
And do you know why I'm ill?
Aunt Flo?
Because a little psycho whore
put worms on my diet plate.
I-I don't know
what you're talking about.
I should've gone
to the doctor,
but I had to go
take care of others,
like I've been doing
for 20 years.
Because I am a nurse
and an angel.
I even opened my glorious home
to an ungrateful little bitch.
Well, I didn't want
to move here.
Oh, you wanted
to stay in the house
where your mom was butchered
like a hog?
Oh, that-that's
disturbing, Lisa.
I mean, I didn't want to go
to a new school my senior year.
I didn't want to leave the town
that I lived in my whole life.
So ungrateful.
You were lucky
to get out of there.
I'm sure people were talking.
Or maybe you liked
being a hot topic.
Maybe it was the first time
anyone ever looked at you.
Shut up!
Oh, that's it.
You should know that today,
I talked to the head
of the juvenile program
at Serenity Manor,
and you are being admitted.
Oh, please, no.
Oh, yes.
For your own good and my safety.
Special socks.
Where a disturbed person
like you belong...
Why?! Why?
Oh. No, I can't.
I can't do that.
Not until we bury the body.
Is it peaceful down there?
Can you hear anything?
No reception?
Dead meat.
Well, maybe
it could just be for looks.
Like my cousin Carlene--
she got a boob job.
She can't feel anything,
but she still got a husband.
The rest of you
used to be dead, too.
Oh, my God.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?!
Can you... Yeah?
Oh, my God! It worked!
Good morning.
Is that sherry?
It's Lisa.
Did she just make a joke?
It wasn't very good.
Is that my new half shirt
from Contrampo?
You said sisters share.
You're right. I did.
You look deadly.
Half the school is headed
to boner town,
and they don't even know it yet.
Right, Daddy?
Mm-hmm. They have no idea.
Don't tell Mom I said this,
but it's actually kind of nice
not having her in town.
Actually, I...
miss her.
You do?
She's been such a nurturing
presence in my life,
and I'm just so glad
that you chose someone
who's good for both of us.
Oh, my gosh.
This isn't waterproof.
Okay, guys, let's
vmonos a la escuela.
What happened to your neck?
Crimper accident.
But you had practice yesterday.
I did.
You never heat-style
before a practice.
Are you the crimper police?
Are you from Conair PD?
No, it's just that your hair's
not even crimped.
Well, you know that my hair
is too healthy
and too silky to hold a crimp.
It's, like, my main flaw.
-Bye, Daddy.
-Let's get going.
-Be careful.
As soon as I get my head
round you
I come around catching sparks
off you
I get an electric charge
from you
That secondhand living,
it just won't do
-And the way I feel tonight
Oh, I could die
and I wouldn't mind
And there's something
going on inside
Makes you want to feel,
makes you want to try
Makes you want to blow
the stars from the sky
I can't stand up,
I can't cool down
I can't get my head
off the ground
As soon as I
Get my head round you
I come around
catching sparks off you
And all I ever got from you
Was all I ever took from you
Yeah, oh, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...
I'm so glad that you came.
You... you don't want
to hold my hand?
Oh, I will.
But first, I want to take you
somewhere that's...
very meaningful to me.
Uh, I don't think
I've ever heard you talk
this much.
It's weird.
I suppose I never thought
I had much to contribute,
but I feel much more
extroverted lately.
I want to participate
in the school community.
I didn't know we were going
for a hike.
Why are we at Bachelor's?
Oh. Have you been here before?
Mm-hmm. Once.
Uh, in the seventh grade
on a dare.
This whole place gives me
the creeps, okay?
It-it's not Christian,
okay, for a graveyard
to be left like this.
I agree.
It's not Christian.
I want you to touch me
exactly the way
you touched me at the party.
Oh, I knew you wanted it.
All right, so, uh, well, I had
a bunch of beers, you know,
which is... which is probably
why I was so good at it.
--Uh, you know,
because I was relaxed.
But I think it
might have been...
No, no, no, no, no, no!
I told you I'd hold
your stupid hand!
Why would you
do that, Lisa? -
What? I thought that was
a really cool thing to say.
Ow! Help!
My hand! My hand...
This is gonna be tough.
No, no.
Oh. Oh.
What? Where are we going?
Oh, my God.
What are you doing?
Oh, you're a musician.
Was that, like,
Mozart or something?
You had a whole life.
Yeah, I guess, yeah, I do.
I guess so.
Oh, no, uh, that's Dad's.
He hasn't played
since my mom died.
You can try.
I can't fight this feeling
any longer
And yet I'm still afraid
to let it float
What started out
as friendship
Has grown stronger
I only wish I had
the strength to let it show
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle
in the window
On a cold,
dark winter's night
I'm getting closer
Than I ever thought I might
And I can't fight
this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started
fighting for
And if, to bring this ship
into the shore
Come crashing
through your door
I can't fight this feeling
Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, no.
No, no, no, are you crying?
Oh, my God.
Oh, no! Goddamn it!
When you cry, it smells like
a hot toilet at a carnival.
Oh, Jesus.
What's wrong?
Don't feel bad
about what we did.
Janet was gonna put me
in a psych ward.
You saved me.
And Doug?
Eh. We just wanted his hand.
And now look what you can do
with it. That hand...
was gonna do terrible things.
And now it's a... it's a conduit
for the talent
of REO Speedwagon.
Look, I got to go change my pad,
and you got to get upstairs
for the night
'cause they're gonna
be home soon, so...
Fight this feeling
So, I think we'll call
that one finished,
and from all of us here...
Guys! I finally got
my standing back tuck.
It was a little off
the cheese mat, but still,
Coach said it counts.
Oh, that's fantastic.
Thanks, Daddy.
Oh, wait, I got to go tell Mom.
Taffy, wait.
Doesn't she get back tomorrow?
Just tell her then.
Lisa, this is a big D.
Mom said that if I got
my back tuck,
she'd finally give me
her diamond studs.
That's so nice.
Yeah, it is. What's the number
for the hotel again?
Yeah, it's, uh, in there
on the fridge.
And, Taff,
holler before you get off.
I want to talk to Mom, too.
-Sure thing.
-Me, too.
I want to talk to her, too.
-When you get her on the phone.
"Back tuck."
I think I'm gonna go up
to my room.
I got a really big
pop quiz tomorrow.
I thought a pop quiz
was a surprise.
Oh, that's illegal now.
Because a kid, uh...
he had a heart attack.
And died.
Oh, whoa.
What is up with your nails?
I, um...
Is that a rad new trend
or something?
All the kids are doing it,
you know? Hmm?
The suspect's in custody,
but they're not releasing
any information
until they complete
their investigation.
That's Starlight Rosebud
Hella Good Girl
Gonna Need a Big Bank.
But I just call her
Niblets Corn.
I don't play
with dolls anymore.
Oh. Sixth grade.
I was in band for a month.
Then I got, like, a weird...
mouth fungus.
It hurt.
Don't touch it.
Um, that's like a...
it's like a...
back massager.
I just called my mom's hotel,
and they're saying
that she never checked in.
Anyway, there's no one there
by her name.
I tried using her new
last name, her old last name,
her old-old last name,
then I called 411
and tried calling the other
Radisson in Milwaukee.
I called all the Radissons
in Milwaukee.
You did a lot of calling.
I'm sure there's some
What if she's been kidnapped?
What if...
the kidnappers drugged her?
And then forced her to
call home and say she was okay?
Just as they would do in every
Unsolved Mystery episode.
No, Taffy!
Taffy, Taffy, no, no, no!
It's okay.
Let's not jump to conclusions.
Lisa, you know I'm usually
pretty cool about things, right?
-I'm a loose goose.
-I'm Laffy Taffy.
But I have a bad feeling
about this.
I'm an I.P., intuitive person.
-Just like my mom.
I know when something's wrong.
will be home tomorrow.
will be fine.
Lisa, you have no idea
how scary this is.
You don't have to worry
about anything
because your mom's
already been murdered.
Ah. You have a point there.
-I'm sorry.
You're right.
Oh, my God.
I have to go tell Dad.
Mm, mm.
Oh, thank you. That's helping.
My Aunt Shelley gave it
to me for Christmas.
She said it might
improve my personality.
You want me to do you?
Do you, um...
do you feel anything
in your body?
Must be kind of uncomfortable
sleeping in the closet.
Yes, uh, she left Monday
at approximately 4:00 p.m.
Uh, hair...
Um, kind of multicolored?
-Brown... -No, it-it's
more like, you know,
like a... like a Labrador
when you see it at the park,
and the sun just hits it...
just right and...
you can see
its chocolatey brown coat
and it has, like, highlights
of, like, red.
It's so beautiful.
Uh, yeah.
Right, brown.
We're running out of time.
They're gonna find Janet.
I'm feeling...
very tense, like,
a lot of stress tension.
Her eye color?
She has hazel eyes.
But she wears
green contact lenses
to enhance them and, um...
she has a manicure,
French manicure, square.
You know, um...
...people don't always
put that on their back.
Sometimes they use it...
other places.
She has a cross pendant,
and she's wearing
Elizabeth Taylor
White Diamonds perfume.
Yeah. Yeah.
She's a bitch.
We could, like...
try it if you want.
She's just, uh,
an unselfish person.
But I always say,
"Better safe than sorry."
Yeah. You, too.
Oh, my God!
What if she's dead?
Oh, for heaven's sake, Taff.
I once called a psychic hotline,
and the lady who answered--
she was an actual Jamaican--
told me that my mother and I
share a heart.
And I actually feel
like something's wrong.
Well, let-let-let's not assume
the worst.
She's probably off in some bar
having a Dirty Banana.
And you know
what song she's plugging
into that jukebox.
That's right.
After my mom died,
everyone was in such a hurry
to go back to normal.
And they kept acting
like I had a problem
because I couldn't stop
missing her.
Started to feel
like I was going crazy.
I thought
that was gonna last forever,
but it didn't, you know?
And pretty soon, everybody...
seemed like they were
almost excited
to move on and forget about her.
They kept saying,
"Time heals all wounds."
But that's a lie.
Time is the wound.
Takes you further and further
from that place
when you were happy.
Makes those good smells go away.
People are so afraid of death...
...'cause they don't know
when it's gonna happen to them.
It could be an axe murderer,
could be the flu,
but they don't know
and they hate that, so...
I'm not afraid of death anymore.
But I don't want
to die a virgin.
Did you?
Oh, come on.
You're not gonna tell me?
Excuse me.
I tell you everything.
Just once?
That's crazy.
Did you love her?
I want that.
I want to do it
with someone I truly love.
Michael Trent.
Oh, my God. I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it.
I mean, we don't know
what's gonna happen.
We killed two people.
I could get the clink for life
or the electric chair.
God. That's like a tanning bed
but for criminals.
Mm. I'm just gonna do it
I'm just gonna offer my body
to him.
Taffy says that you have to
show guys you love them
instead of telling them,
and I...
You know, I think
it's a pretty good idea.
What do you think?
I knew you'd think so.
You're so supportive.
I love our conversations.
Good night.
Uh, listen here, my dear...
That's my costume from
Miss Tristate Teen Halloween.
Okay if I wear it?
Why would I care?
I'm sorry, Lisa.
I don't mean to be rude.
I just didn't get much sleep
last night.
Any news about your mom?
But that's a good thing, right?
Yes. Yes.
It means nothing bad happened.
How about I drive, since
you're not feeling so good?
A heart that's full
of longing for you
My eyes well up with tears
Isn't it a shame
That you don't know my name?
Or could it be that
it's driving me insane?
Your boobs look great,
by the way.
-Heaven knows
-Heaven knows
Heaven knows
-Heaven knows
-Heaven knows.
Did something happen?
I don't know.
Have you heard anything?
Did they find her?
Wh-What's going on?
A kid might have been murdered.
Doug Moranz?
Wh-Who's that?
I don't know.
I think he's a junior?
None of us know him.
He's a "not pictured."
But I guess he didn't
come home last night.
They've got a search party out.
Trevor Miggs told me.
His dad's a detective.
This is just too freaking much.
I have PMS and everything.
-I need to go home and veg.
Lis, I'm-I'm going to cut, okay?
Please have Daddy
call the office.
I-I'm sure
they'll be okay with it.
Oh, crap.
Can one of you guys bring Lisa
home at the end of the day?
Oh, it's fine.
I'll walk, Taff.
You're sure?
Trent? Michael Trent?
Will Lisa Swallows
come to the office, please?
Lisa Swallows
to the principal's office.
Dress code violation.
Slut penalty.
Take a seat, Miss Swallows.
As you may have heard,
it's been a difficult day.
A student is missing.
We were wondering
if you know of anything
about the disappearance
of Doug Moranz.
We know he was
a friend of yours.
He was just my lab partner.
Well, this young lady here
says that you had plans
to meet up with Doug
after school yesterday.
Can you tell us
what you saw again?
Yeah, um, I have the locker
right next to Doug's,
so when I went to get something
that I forgot,
I saw her slip a note
into his locker.
It said that Lisa
wanted Doug to meet her
at Papoose after school.
-And did he meet you there?
-He stood me up.
-Well, that's funny,
'cause we have
multiple witnesses
saying they saw a young man
with the description of Doug
at Papoose Lake.
One witness said he saw a girl
with your description.
There's lots of girls
who look like me.
Specifically mentioning
someone with a funny walk,
thick ankles.
Hey, Janet, are you home?
Suki from down the street
just came into work
and said she saw your car
over on Glenview Terrace.
Hey, uh, maybe we can
squeeze in a little "Kokomo"
before the girls get home.
Wait for me.
You should check her purse.
I bet it's chock-full of drugs.
Are you... are you
kidding me right now?
She's off her rocker!
She needs help!
You know there's a rumor
that she killed her own mother.
-What?! You shut up!
-So I would check...
-Stop it! -All right,
all right, all right.
Pull harder.
What are you,
a little fruitcake, huh?
Oh, hell no. What the hell?
Hey, you!
I'm not making
any more comments.
You can talk to my lawyer.
Really hope
this goth phase ends soon.
What are you doing there? Huh?
This is my neighborhood.
And you don't need to be here.
So carry your ass on out,
or me and you gonna go after it
right here.
Goddamn it!
That good-for-nothing,
nosy bitch!
What are you doing?
Shit is transpiring, man.
You have to take me
to Michael's.
He cut fourth period.
When he cuts, he either goes
to Rocky Rococo's
or he goes home, and his car
was not at Rocky Rococo's.
Why is this Club bloody?
Did you beat someone
with The Club?
It's not that kind of club, man.
It's an anti-theft device.
Turn right on Hawthorne.
Right here.
What are you doing?
You don't think I should do it?
It's 1989.
People have sex out of wedlock
all the time these days.
Plus, I have a contraceptive
sponge in my purse.
It's enormous.
It's your fault we're screwed.
You killed Janet.
It wasn't my idea.
Okay, going after Doug
was my idea
but only because killing Janet
felt really good
and I was just an accomplice.
But now you're out of control.
You're beating people up,
driving around in plain sight.
There's probably an APB out
on this vehicle.
You don't even know
what that is.
You probably drove
one of those stupid
old-fashioned bicycles
with the one big wheel.
You did.
Take me to Michael's.
It's not a horse
and carriage, for God's sake.
There it is.
It's the redbrick colonial.
I've driven past here
so many times.
He's home.
You know...
you act like you're happy for me
and you care about me,
but you're not really
happy for me.
We're gonna talk
about this after.
Stay in the car.
Don't let anyone see you.
I'm sorry if this is too much.
I know it's all so new.
Things have been moving fast
ever since the party,
but I want that.
Even if we're
from different worlds?
That's what makes it magic.
You're just so cute,
sweet, pure.
I'm so dark and screwed up.
It's called polarity.
I'm really sorry, I just...
Oscar Wilde said,
"To define is to limit."
Are you the crimper police?
Are you from Conair PD?
-Oh, my God, Lisa!
"Sisters share," huh?!
You have everything!
You couldn't let me have
this one thing?
You knew I liked him,
and you went after him
on purpose.
Not on purpose. I swear,
I would never do that to you.
It's just... guys usually
only want me for one thing.
Yeah, and you just gave it out
like a cheese cube
from Hickory Farms.
He made me feel like
I was more than
just a stupid cheerleader.
Yeah, y-you can't blame her,
It just was never gonna
work out between us.
I-I don't have feelings
for you like that.
-I'm sorry.
Because I'm not sweet
and simple like her?
Not enough polarity for you,
Werner Heisenberg?
You like cool movies
and music and stuff,
but only for you.
You want to be the smart one
who likes cool stuff,
and you don't want your
girlfriend to like cool stuff.
Do you know how uncool that is?!
Uh, you're not making any sense.
-Oh, my gosh.
-What-What's going on?
Like a stream running free,
-On the wings of love
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Together flying high
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love...
No! Stop it!
God, don't hurt her!
What is wrong with you?
Together flying high
Flying high upon
The wings of love.
Okay, okay.
It's okay. One step.
Right foot, left foot.
Hold my hand. Hold my hand.
I know where he's going.
No! Stay.
Good, good, good.
Hands inside.
Okay. Okay.
It's okay.
There he is.
No, I wanted...
Thank you for being nice to me
when no one else was.
I did notice.
It's just that your mom
was so heinous
that I-I'd already decided
that you were, too.
You're the type of person
who usually bullies me
or looks right through me.
But you didn't.
You actually
went out of your way
to try to tell people
I was part of your family.
You really actually
wanted me to be your sister.
You are, you know?
You are my sister.
You're a great person, Taff.
And I'm sorry...
...I hurt you.
I love you.
Cease to resist
Giving my goodbye
Drive my car
Into the ocean
You think I'm dead
But I sail away
On a wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Could find my way
To Mariana
You love me?
You love me?
On a wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Listen, we're running
out of time.
Make love to me.
What? Why not?
Why not?!
Oh. Oh.
Why didn't you tell me?
That's okay. We can...
I mean, you don't need
one of those to be a man.
It's actually, like, the
least important part, really.
We can do other things,
and it's fine, it's fine.
Oh! Oh.
Michael's... Oh.
You cut it off for me?
Oh, my God.
Hey, this is
an active crime scene.
You guys can't be here.
Oh, my... Oh! Oh, no.
Oh, no, no.
No! No!
I can't fight this feeling
Any longer
And yet I'm still afraid
to let it flow
What started out
As friendship
has grown stronger
I only wish I had
the strength to let it show
I tell myself that
I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason
For my fear
'Cause I feel so secure
When we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle
in the window
On a cold,
dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer
than I ever thought
I might
And I can't fight
this feeling
I've forgotten what
I started fighting for
It's time to bring the ship
into the shore
And throw away the oars
And I can't fight
this feeling
I've forgotten
what I started
Fighting for
It's time to bring this ship
into the shore
Throw away the oars forever
I can't fight
this feeling anymore
I've forgotten
what I started
Fighting for
And if I have to crawl
upon the floor
Come crashing
through your door
Baby, I can't fight
this feeling anymore...
There's no other way.
Don't cry.
I don't know how I was
ever afraid of you.
My life has been
such a whirlwind
Since I saw you
I've been running round
in circles in my mind
And it always seems
that I'm following
You, girl
'Cause you take me
to the places
That alone I'd never find
'Cause I can't fight this,
I've forgotten
what I started
Fighting for
And if I have to crawl
upon the floor
Come crashing
through your door
Baby, I can't fight this
Make sure you set it
to "max bronze."
Feeling anymore.
I knew there was
something very odd about her.
There was just no sweetness.
-You know?
-I can't believe it.
What do you think happened?
-Is everybody out?
-I hope so.
Who left all those flowers?
Does, like, a groundskeeper
do that?
No, not that I know of.
Maybe a friend.
it's probably some sicko.
A lot of people fascinated
with our family.
What is it?
We came.
Hello, Lisa.
Okay, let's go visit your mom.
And then...
"O Mary dear,
that you were here
"With your brown eyes
bright and clear.
"And your sweet voice,
like a bird
"Singing love to its lone mate
"In the ivory bower
"Voice the sweetest ever heard!
"And your brow more...
"Than the... sky
"Of this azure Italy.
"Mary dear, come to me soon,
"I am not well
whilst thou art far;
"As sunset to the sphered moon,
"As twilight
to the western star,
"Thou, beloved, art to me.
"O Mary dear,
that you were here;
The Castle echo
whispers 'Here!'"
Though you and I would
dance and laugh and play
Walk in the light of day
And talk the night away
Could you see, baby,
you understood then
That I loved you,
how I loved you
I couldn't chance
to break the spell we had
The happy times we had
And yet the times were sad
Just for me, baby,
you understood then
I was afraid to try
to call you mine
But now you've come to me
I'll call you mine
You've brought
your love to me
I'll call you mine
You'll never look away
Or ever hear me say
I'll call you mine
But now you've come to me
I'll call you mine
You've brought
your love to me
I'll call you mine
You'll never look away
Or ever hear me say
I'll call you mine
I couldn't chance
to break the spell we had
The happy times we had
And yet the times were sad
Just for me, baby,
you understood then
I was afraid to try
to call you mine
But now you've come to me
I'll call you mine
You've brought
your love to me
I'll call you mine
You'll never look away
Or ever hear me say
I'll call you mine.