List of a Lifetime (2021) Movie Script

Found some.
- Thanks.
- When's your appointment?
Uh, not until 12 o'clock.
Oh! You've got a few minutes.
You're sure you don't want me
coming with you?
Don't worry about it.
I don't have to meet
my next client until 2:15.
It's okay. Mike said
he would try to make it.
Okay, so where is he?
Have you even told him, Bren?
He said he would try
to make it, Meg.
I should probably get going.
Are you sure
you don't want me there?
I'm sure.
It's probably just
a follow-up appointment anyway.
Ms. Lee?
I know this prognosis can seem
daunting to say the least.
There are resources here
at the hospital available to you
throughout treatment.
Now aside from
the breast cancer diagnosis,
you also carry
the BRCA1 gene mutation,
which could be passed down
to any children
should you have any.
So if you do, let them know
so they can be tested
as soon as possible.
How long?
This is not a guarantee,
but based upon cases
I've seen similar to yours,
if you were to do nothing,
the odds of you surviving this
are slim.
Nine months.
Maybe ten.
This is
an aggressive form of cancer,
and what I recommend
as soon as possible is surgery,
chemo and radiation.
Oh, shoot.
Are you just now
returning from lunch?
I'm sorry, my appointments took
longer than I thought they wo...
That's the second time this week
you've had an appointment
take longer
than you thought it would.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'll-I'll make up the-the time.
Yes, you will.
Bren, what happened?
Are you okay?
Is it...
- I'm coming over.
- No. No, no, I'm fine.
No, you're not fine.
I am, I really...
I'm okay.
Mike's here.
How'd he take it?
Hey. Hey. It'll be all right.
We're gonna get through this,
okay? Okay, Bren?
And listen,
I-I don't care what time it is,
if you ever need anything,
you let me know, yeah?
Meg, there...
There is something I need
to a... ask you for.
Of course. What is it?
I need you
to help me find someone.
These overnight shifts
are killing me.
Maybe a cushy
office job like yours
would be better on my back.
Well, sitting all day
isn't good for you, either.
Yeah? Well, neither is standing.
How did your, um, thing
go yesterday?
Uh, the dentist appointment?
It was a doctor's appointment.
Right. How'd that go?
I have to get ready for work.
Hey. Hey, guys.
Not gonna get any views
if you don't have
anything to say, Talia.
Thanks for the insight, Tobias.
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Talia, remind me again
why you dated Tobias?
I think most everyone here
would agree
that drywall has
a more interesting personality.
You'll never let me
live that down, will you?
- Sorry, no.
- We had a lot in common.
And then he stole your idea.
I mean, do the editors
really think an in-depth piece
about body positivity
came from that brain?
Look at him.
Did you see how many hits
it's gotten so far?
Mm, don't remind me.
The worst part is
all the big bosses
have been singing his praises
ever since.
Whatever weird alternate
dimension we're in, I want out.
Look, I just need to
come up with a concept he can't
steal, then everyone will see
him for what he really is.
A trust-fund baby
with major daddy issues
and an obsession
with obnoxiously printed shirts?
- A fraud, Morgan.
- Right. That, too.
Look, he's gonna get
what's coming to him, okay?
I'm a big believer in karma.
You know, we should be kind
to ourselves right now.
Are you serious?
Oh, come on!
Can I help you?
- Talia Carroll?
- Yeah.
I'm... Brenda Lee.
Your birth mother.
Uh, uh...
Can we talk inside?
How did you find me?
My friend, she, she helped me.
She's a social worker.
I-I-I found you months ago,
but I...
I-I-I have something important
to tell you.
Can, can we talk inside?
Why would I let you
inside my home?
I don't even know who you are.
Wait! Talia, please.
Five minutes.
Never even heard of that.
Me neither.
Apparently, it's not very good.
Well, I mean,
no cancer is, but...
You know what I mean.
So what's your plan?
- Plan?
- Yeah, like, what now?
Chemo? Radiation? Herbal teas?
Uh, well, uh,
possibly a-a mastectomy.
Why possibly?
Well, my doctor and I
are discussing all the options.
What other options are there?
Well, that's pretty much
the only one at the moment.
Seems pretty simple then,
either get the surgery or don't.
Well, there are a lot
of moving parts to this.
But you're getting it done,
Definitely. Yeah.
So, um, the reason that I'm here
is because, uh, the, um,
gene mutation that I have,
the one that causes the cancer,
it could possibly be...
And I, I thought
I should let you know,
so that you could get yourself
checked out.
I thought it was...
I-I thought it was a good idea
to tell you in person.
Okay, well, thanks for going
through all this trouble
to find me just to tell me
that I could have cancer.
Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
This is a little much,
I mean, it's not exactly
how I pictured
our first meeting.
Tell me about it.
I gotta go grab that real quick.
Um, make yourself at home,
I guess.
- Hey, mom!
- Tal.
Okay, where are you? Is the
traffic really bad or something?
Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
I totally blanked about dinner.
That seems
a little odd, concerning
we texted about it this morning.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
I got distracted by work.
Um, a new feature I'm writing.
Okay, well, you know what,
I'm gonna wrap you up a plate.
- And I can be there in 30.
- No!
I mean, ha-ha, that deli
where you accidentally
knocked the waitress over
is just up the street.
I'll go grab something from
there, unless you wanna join me.
Oh, my God, no, that's
the last thing I wanna do.
I'm never going back there
that was so embarrassing.
- I was absolutely mortified.
- Me, too.
Knocking over all those
plates, that poor girl.
Uh, yeah, sorry, mom.
I-I gotta go.
Hang on one sec.
- Sorry about that.
- I should really get going.
Uh, thank you so much
for letting me inside.
You have a lovely home.
Can't take all the credit.
Well, my parents helped.
They insisted, there's no way
I could afford this
on my peasant salary.
That's good to know.
Wait. Wait.
So, do you wanna, maybe,
exchange numbers or something?
Oh. Sure. Okay.
Okay. Great.
Um, give me your phone
and I'll-I'll put myself in.
Oh, um...
- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
I don't really know how to say
this without sounding weird,
but how much time
do you have left?
Uh, well...
I, uh, don't really know.
Your doctor couldn't give you
a time frame or anything?
I can't imagine
how that must feel.
So what are you gonna do?
What's your plan
outside of treatment?
W-well, the last three months
was just about
building up the courage
to come knocking on your door
once I found you.
But now that that's done, I...
I don't know.
What else is there?
Well, why don't we start
with dinner tomorrow?
You wanna go to dinner, with me?
Yeah. I mean,
unless you're busy or something.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- I-I mean, no, I-I'm not busy.
- Oh, okay, great.
Whe-where do you wanna go?
Uh, I usually grab a-a-a burger
at, at Burger Hut
or-or-or a sandwich at Gerry's.
- Those are good and fast.
- Okay, those are options.
But what about something
different? Something new?
Like, what?
Chez Marcel's? It's a nicer
place, on Johnson Street.
Do you know it?
Tomorrow, six-ish?
- Why not?
- Okay.
- See you tomorrow then. Okay.
- Okay.
So what's she like,
this shiny new mom of yours?
She seems... reserved.
A little uneasy. But I mean,
I was feeling the same way, too.
It's just so weird,
seeing her in the flesh,
standing in front of me.
And it makes perfect sense.
This is kind of major
for both of you.
Totally. You know, it's funny.
When I asked her what her plan
was for the whole cancer thing,
she didn't seem to have one,
she said she wanted to find me
to tell me about the gene,
and that was it.
So she's got nothing?
No back-up plan?
- No trick plays?
- Nope.
- No Hail Marys?
- Nada.
Like, not even a bucket list.
Talia Carroll, there it is.
There what is?
The article that's gonna kick
Tobias' idea-stealing ass
three ways from Sunday.
A breast-cancer bucket list.
I don't know, Morgan. Doesn't
that seem a little exploitative?
- No.
- Okay, maybe not to you.
But to, like,
to a normal person.
Uh, Tal, listen,
readers know a heartfelt story
when they read it,
and what I'm seeing
is a young woman reconnecting
with her dying birth mother,
helping her live the rest
of her life to the fullest.
Someone give this woman
her Pulitzer, stat!
It just seems in bad taste.
But this is your story, from
your perspective, no one else's.
How-how is that in bad taste?
You are not gonna mess this up.
Tal, this is it.
This is your story.
Do you have a reservation?
Uh, um, yeah.
I-I think for two,
under Talia Carroll.
There. Gotcha. Right this way.
Brenda! Hey!
- Hi.
- Hey.
Sorry I'm late. Work is nuts.
No, don't worry about it.
So excited!
- How's it goin'?
- Good.
I will give you two a few
minutes to look over the menu.
- Um, are you ready?
- Uh, uh, sure.
Okay, um, I will start
with a Caesar salad,
then I'll have the steak,
medium rare,
with roasted potatoes
on the side.
Excellent choice. How about you?
Uh, uh, the house salad, please.
- All right.
- What? No, no, no, Brenda.
- Order whatever you want.
- Are you sure?
Yes! Look, if you want the 32
ounce porterhouse, go for it.
I'll just have
what she's having.
Sounds good. It'll be right out.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
So who do you have
supporting you during all this?
A partner, siblings,
other family?
Well, there's my friend, Meg.
Uh, she and I have
known each other forever.
It's nice to have someone
in your life like that.
- Mm-hmm.
- Where'd you guys meet?
At school.
Uh, she was studying
to be a social worker
and, um, and I was taking
art history.
We met up
in a liberal arts class.
We just hit it off.
Twenty years later,
she's working for the state
and I'm, uh, in data entry.
Is Meg all you have?
Well, there's Mike, but...
Is Mike your husband?
Uh, no. No, no, no. Uh...
We've been together
for a long time, but...
I don't wanna bore you
with the details.
No. No, you're not
boring me at all.
I mean, I wanna hear everything.
I wanna know about you, I wanna
know about my, um, your family.
Like, were you born here? Have
you always lived in the city?
I immigrated with my parents
from Beijing
about 35 years ago,
and I've never really lived
anywhere else.
I've never really traveled
anywhere else either.
Um, are your parents
still around?
They passed away when I was 11.
I'm so sorry. Hav...
Did you have someone
to take care of you after that?
Just myself.
I was in foster care
until I was 18.
Start you two off
with some bread.
Main courses will be right out.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Is my dad around?
His family
wouldn't let him get involved.
They said that, uh,
having a child out of wedlock
would be a stain
on their family's reputation.
So he had to choose
either them or me.
I was young and terrified
and... all alone.
I didn't wanna drag you
into all of that,
so I, I did what I thought
was best for both of us.
Was it?
I've been really lucky.
Um, I love my job,
I may even be able to pay off
my student loans
in the next 40 years or so.
W-w-what do you do?
Um, I work at Repeat Media.
It's a website that covers
news and culture.
- I'm a writer.
- Oh, a writer?
- Well, that sounds fun.
- Yeah. It is.
Um, I work
in the lifestyle department,
so I get to tackle articles
on political issues
and city issues
and feminist issues.
I've got a lot of issues,
And, uh, your parents...
are they good to you?
They're really good people.
They adopted me when I was
only a few months old.
I never felt like
I wasn't their daughter.
Let me show you.
We were being kinda silly.
How did they tell you about
the whole adoption thing?
They were always
pretty open about it.
If I ever asked a question,
they would answer as honestly
as they could,
plus, it was kind of obvious
that I was adopted. I mean,
we don't exactly look alike.
All right.
Two steaks, medium rare.
Can I get you ladies
anything else?
Um, I think we're good.
Thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
That's all you get
for all that money?
It's no wonder
I've never eaten here.
So yesterday
you mentioned not having
much of a plan during all this.
Is there anything that
you've always wanted to try,
but have never been able to do?
Like, like skydiving
or dog-sledding
or bungee jumping?
Things like that?
Uh, no, I've never really
thought about it.
What do you think
about... a bucket list?
Excuse me?
Haven't you always wanted to
make one, to do all the things
that you've always wanted to do,
but were too afraid to try?
I, I don't know.
Yes! It'll be fun, I promise.
I-I could help you.
I mean, we could do it together.
I-I don't want to interfere
more than I already...
No, no, you're not interfering,
you're not interfering.
Um, okay,
what is the one thing in life
that you've always wanted to do,
but have never had the chance?
Uh, uh...
I don't know, maybe, um...
Uh, not have to worry
about money.
Okay, um, number one,
withdraw my savings account.
I don't know about that.
I mean, go big or go home,
Well, if I spend all my money,
I wouldn't have a home.
- Oh. Sorry.
- That's okay.
Okay. Number two?
Uh, uh, I guess, quit my job?
Yes! Quit my job with a bang.
Number three?
Uh, uh,
eat at a fancy restaurant.
Just like that,
you already accomplished
one item off your list.
Uh, four?
See every exhibit at the Louvre.
Oui! Amazing.
Oh, number five,
kick Mike to the curb.
Uh, adios, Mike.
Um, number six?
Get back in the water.
Number seven?
Are you okay?
We can just
pick this up again later.
Here we are.
Here we are.
Um, where are you parked?
- Oh, that's me right there.
- Oh! Okay.
And you?
- I'm right there.
- Oh! Okay.
Um, could I ask you a favor?
Do you think maybe
you could help me
add to that list?
I don't think
I could do this alone.
I would love that.
Um, I'll text you in a few days.
- And maybe we can meet up then?
- Okay. That'd be great.
- Okay. Okay.
- Okay. Okay.
- Uh, drive safe.
- You, too.
- Okay. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Bye!
- Bye!
Hey, Ben,
those financials by 9:00.
- Hey, Brenda.
- Hi.
It's getting late, just checking
in, seeing how things are going.
Uh, good. They're,
they're, they're going great.
Thank you.
Is there a reason
why these intake forms
haven't been processed yet?
Some of these are two weeks old.
I, um...
I... Kevin, I have
something to tell you.
I, uh,
I wanted to tell you that I...
that, um...
What is it, Brenda?
I'll get on these right away.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Especially that was the media...
- Okay. Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Wanna help me dry?
- Something important?
- Nope, just work.
You seem to be really busy
with work lately.
Uh, yeah,
I've had some tight deadlines.
I kinda miss you.
I know. I'm sorry.
I have this one feature
that I have to write,
and then, promise,
I will be here all the time.
Okay, are you wearing
those glasses that I got you
so that the computer light
thing doesn't...
- The blue-light glasses, yes.
- Yes.
- Yes. Thank you.
- Excellent.
The-the reviews were good, so...
- Hey, mom?
- Hm?
Did you know my birth mom?
Um, well, I never met her,
if that's what
you're asking, uh...
From what I remember,
she was young
and didn't really have
a support system.
Giving you up must've been the
hardest decision of her life.
You okay?
Yes. Yeah.
I mean,
I know that it can be tough.
But you can always talk to me
about anything.
I know. Thanks, mom.
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
Oh. Marty.
He was awake,
like, five seconds ago.
Every night, like clock work.
How does that happen so fast?
We're gonna
get in so much trouble for this.
Wait, which one is it?
- It's the one with the big tree.
- Big...
But his light is still on.
Then we shall wait.
- So have you done...
- So how was...
- Oh, sorry.
- You first.
Um, I was just gonna ask
if you've done
anything else in your list.
I've been pretty busy
with work, so...
Where do you work, again?
Uh, Dunshire Capital.
They deal with, uh,
risk management and compliance.
Sounds riveting.
No wonder you wanna quit.
How's everything else going?
Um, well, not much has changed
since the last time
we spoke, but...
I mean, have they scheduled
your surgery yet?
You'd think
it'd be high priority.
- You'd think so.
- Did you try calling again?
Or speaking to your doctor?
I mean...
Well, I, I don't really know
how that kind of stuff works.
- Talia.
- Why don't you let me do it?
I-I can figure this out
really quick
or get in there and I'll just,
like, see what's going...
Oh, his light's off!
It's go-time.
All right. Ready?
You ready for this?
Let's go. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
I don't wanna spend
my final days in jail.
You're not gonna spend
your final days in jail.
Come on, no one goes to jail
for TP-ing.
- No? Are you sure?
- Come on, come on.
Yeah, I'm sure. Come on!
Why are we dressed like ninjas?
Keep it cool, Bren.
Number ten, TP Kevin's house.
I can't believe
we're doing this...
Um, I tried to quit my job.
- Tried?
- I couldn't do it.
I-I just feel like I'm stuck in
a rut and I can't get out of it.
- I get it.
- You do?
Yeah, I told my ex-boyfriend
about this idea,
and then he stole it from me.
Yeah, like, I should've
said something, right?
I should've fought.
Instead, I just let him do it.
I'm not gonna
let him do it again.
- Screw you, Tobias!
- Oh, my gosh.
Here, here, try it,
try it, try it.
Uh, I-I-I'm sorry,
I don't think I can do this.
No, you can, you can, okay?
Just forget about everything
you're afraid of.
Focus on the moment.
Live for now. Okay?
- Oh.
- Stop being sorry.
- Wait, stop being sorry?
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh!
You apologize for things
that are out of your control.
People are going to try
and walk all over you,
but you can't just
let them do it.
I mean, are you gonna
let it happen forever?
- No.
- Okay. Repeat after me.
No one is going to walk
all over me.
No one is going to walk
all over me.
No one is going to walk
all over me.
No one is going to walk
all over me!
- Not anymore!
- Yeah!
Say it! Say it! Say it!
Say it! Say it! Say it!
Say it! Say it! Say it!
Screw you, Kevin!
I'm so in love with me
Screw you, Kevin!
I'm so in love with me
So so so
so in love with me
I'm so so so
so in love with me
We got to go! Abort the mission!
I'm so
I'm so in love with me
Where's the beer? I...
Oh, I, I was, uh,
running errands.
- I forgot. I'm sorry.
- Oh, God.
What, again?
You know,
you've been conveniently
forgetting a lot recently.
Where are my photo albums?
I don't know.
I-I left them right here
on this table.
- You must've moved them.
- I didn't!
- They were right here!
- I don't know!
I guess they disappeared
after I took the initiative
to clean up around here, so we
don't live in a pigsty, Bren.
I'm-I'm sorry,
I've just been so bus...
No one's gonna walk all over me.
I'm dying, Mike.
What are you talking about,
I have breast cancer.
That, that's not funny.
It's not a joke. Look at me.
Look at me.
Don't you notice
anything different?
This didn't just happen
overnight, you know?
When, when did you find out?
A few months ago.
And you never bothered
to tell me?
Oh, my God, Brenda. Brenda,
what's the matter with you?
- Excuse me?
- You should've told me.
I could've,
we-we could've done something.
- Like, what?
- I don't know! Something!
Well, it's a little too late
for that now.
Well, how long?
I don't know, months, maybe.
Well, how could you do this
to me?
- To you?
- What, all those...
What, all those mammogram
reminders from your doctor
that you just tossed
in the trash?
If only you had gone!
They could've caught it sooner.
You know what,
this all could've been avoided
if you weren't so selfish,
so stubborn, so bull-headed!
If I would've known
about this earlier,
this would all be different.
You know what? You're right.
This is all your fault. Yeah.
You might've made me
go and get tested
and the doctors
might've found it sooner.
Maybe early enough
to save my life, even.
But I still
wouldn't have been happy.
And I haven't been happy, Mike.
I haven't been happy
for a very long time.
And I would've been stuck
in this one-way relationship,
at this dead-end job,
paying for this house,
because you keep getting fired
from every single job!
And I would have continued
living exactly as I always have,
without purpose!
But not anymore.
Not with so little time left.
Bren, wait. Wait, just, just,
just, stop, stop, stop!
Be rational for a minute, Bren!
No! You stop!
I am being rational.
I have never thought
more clearly
in my entire life.
Can I come in?
Yeah. Come on in, Brenda.
Have a seat.
I'm glad you came by, actually.
I've been looking
over your personnel records
for the last several years that
you've been with the company.
And during that time, you have
hardly taken any sick days,
your work's never been late
and you've always been prompt.
That was up until
a few months ago.
So tell me, Brenda,
what's changed?
The world will keep on spinning
long after I'm gone.
Excuse me?
A lot has changed, Kevin.
I realized
in the last couple of months
that I need to be
more proactive in my life...
I need to make changes,
and that I have the capacity
to make those changes.
Life is just
a bunch of little moments
all wrapped up together.
And when I look back at those
moments for the last time...
I don't wanna think about
all the time that I wasted here.
I'm sorry?
Thanks for everything, Kevin.
I quit.
You know, you're really
not all that bad of a guy.
We probably
could've been friends
if you weren't such a jerk.
Oh. And, uh, sorry about the TP.
Wait. The TP?
An-and-and I just
walked right out of there.
I didn't even look back.
It was like
this wave of energy
washed over me,
and-and I just felt so, well,
for lack of a better word,
Are you sure
that was a right decision?
Oh, I have enough savings
to last me for a while.
Wow! Ha-ha.
That does not sound like
something you would say.
The Brenda I know
is work, work, work, no play.
Well, maybe this is
the new Brenda.
You know, I, ever since
I found Talia, I just,
I see things
from a different perspective.
- How's that going?
- Oh. Mm!
It's going amazing, Meg.
Yeah, and we-we started
this bucket list,
and ever since then every day
is getting better and better.
I'm doing things that
I never thought I would before.
And some of the things
I do by myself,
but most of the things
I ask her to come with me.
And it just feels so right.
Bren, you know I love you.
You know
I'd do anything for you.
But this whole thing with Talia,
I mean, don't you think
it's too much too soon?
- What do you mean?
- Well, look.
You just came into her life,
which is great.
You're spending all this time
together, which is also great.
But think about it, Bren,
what's going to happen when...
if you're gone?
She's lost you once before.
How do you think she'll handle
losing you again?
That's why I decided
to get the treatment.
I called Dr. Boyer
and we are planning it
as soon as possible.
And was this all
because of Talia?
I realized
I have something to live for.
Come here! Come here!
Okay, okay, okay, okay! Okay.
Viva! Viva!
- Viva!
- La vida!
- La vida!
- Salut!
- Todo.
- All of it?
- Oh, jeez, okay.
- Todo.
- Mm!
- Ah!
Oh, yeah.
Okay, okay.
- Hey, dad.
- Hey, kiddo.
Just calling to see if you can
make supper tonight.
Sorry, no. I've got some
major deadlines I need to hit.
Who knew writing personal essays
could be so stressful?
Hey, um, listen.
Is everything good with you
these days?
- Yeah. Why are you asking?
- Well...
Don't tell her I said anything,
but your mom
is pretty worried about you.
Like, normal, you know,
you haven't made a family dinner
in months,
you're working all the time.
You don't even come by
to steal toilet paper anymore.
I am running low,
now that you mention it.
- We got plenty. Just...
- Um, I gotta go.
But I promise I will make this
up to the both of you.
Next week. Pizza. My treat.
Okay, but seriously,
call your mother.
All right? And, uh,
looking forward to pizza.
- Talk soon, sweetie.
- Okay. Goodnight.
I thought we would try
something special.
Oh, making!
- It's a surprise!
- Okay.
The jiaozi fen,
the dumpling flour makes it
so that the dough doesn't stick.
Mm. Jiaozi fen.
- Jiaozi fen.
- Jiaozi fen.
- Okay. All right!
- Okay.
Teach me how to do this.
- Okay. So you take the dough.
- Okay.
And then I press it in my palms,
make it flat. There we go, okay.
And then I hold it
with my left hand,
and with the right hand
I'm gonna roll the pin
like that, okay?
- You got this?
- I got... Yes.
- Okay. You try.
- Okay.
- Okay!
- There we go.
If I turn it in.
Okay, I got this.
I can... I don't know
how I'm gonna work this.
Okay. I don't got this.
Okay, here,
let me help you salvage this.
So just, there we go, put some
pressure on the edges like that.
- Okay. Okay.
- Just push a little harder.
Okay. Here we go.
Okay, maybe not so hard.
That's so ugly!
I'm just gonna let you do it.
- Look, I can salvage this.
- Yes.
- Just...
- There we go. Okay.
I got it. I got this.
There we go.
Where'd you learn
how to make these?
I used to do this every
Chinese New Year with my mother.
Yeah, she always complained
that I stuffed it
with too much filling.
Uh, there's no such thing
as too much filling.
Oh. Exactly.
Gosh, I haven't done this
in forever.
But it's like riding a bike,
you know, you never forget.
When was the last time?
Not since she died.
Then I tried to do it
after the fact, but...
It was just too much.
I couldn't do it.
That must've been hard,
losing them both.
How did it happen?
We used to go boating
every summer on Sterling Lake.
And when we'd get to the point
where we couldn't see land
my father would cut the engine
and drop the anchor
and just let us drift.
I still remember,
on windier days,
the boat would rock...
and it was so easy to just...
fall asleep.
On that day...
I decided to go into the water
while my parents were resting.
And I got far way
from the boat...
when I heard the engine...
from the other boat.
And I turned around just
in time to see the impact...
Are you okay?
I just...
I lost my breath for a second.
I'm sorry you had
to go through that alone...
and that you grew up
without a family.
I used to think about you a lot.
Like, who you were,
if I had your eyes
or your smile...
why you gave me away...
You know, when you first
showed up at my door,
I was anxious.
I remember thinking,
like, "Why here? Why now?"
Why, after 23 years, did you
decide to barge into my life
"like you belonged there
from the start?"
I mean, I had a great childhood.
I have parents who love me.
I didn't think I would ever need
to have you around.
But now...
I don't remember what life
was like without you in it.
I am so sorry.
I've never been more sorry
for anything in my entire life.
I know. I know. It's okay.
Hey, Tal?
- Hey, honey, we're here!
- Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Okay. Okay.
Mom! Dad! What are you guys
doing here?
- We brought dinner.
- Are you cooking?
'Cause it smells delicious.
- Who's your friend?
- Um...
Um, let's talk in my room
for a quick sec, yeah?
Dad, can you put the food
on the table, please?
Sure. Yeah.
Plenty for everybody.
Mom? Wait.
What are you doing here?
- I should get going.
- No, no, no, no.
You don't have to go anywhere.
Don't have to go anywhere. Okay?
We, we were just
making dumplings.
Like, what does it matter?
What does it matter?
I mean, you lied to us.
And on top of that,
your birth mother
is standing in your house?
Uh, when were you going
to tell us that you found her?
Well, she found me.
She's, she's sick.
She has cancer.
Look, I'm sorry
that you're unwell,
but, um, can you just
please tell me
how the hell
you found my daughter?
My friend,
she's a social worker.
Are you kidding?
Oh, wow, that is so reassuring!
You know, maybe you can get me
her name so I can go to her home
and thank her.
I'll just show up unannounced.
Better yet, why don't I just
call her supervisor? What do...
Look, nobody needs
to get in trouble here.
Yeah, everybody,
let's just take a minute.
- Let's take a breath...
- I'm not gonna take a breath!
Mom, can you please relax? She
had every right to find me...
- Given the circumstances.
- Uh, you lied!
Because I knew
you'd react exactly
how you are right now, okay?
Yes, but the article you're
writing, is that a lie, too?
No. That,
that wasn't a lie, okay?
I have been struggling
ever since Tobias stole my idea.
And so when Brenda showed up,
I-I had to explore it.
And I've been writing about her,
about the bucket list
her and I created,
about how I could have the same
cancer-causing gene mutation
that she has.
Okay, back up. Gene mutation?
What are you talking about?
- Talia...
- Uh...
All this time we spent together
was just content
for your article?
No. No, no, no. That's not,
that's not what I meant.
Are you okay?
Oh, my God! Brenda?
Oh, my God. Brenda?
Mom, dad, call 911.
What is taking so long?
Where is the doctor?
Honey, I'm sure
Brenda's gonna be fine, okay?
These things,
they just take time.
Talia, you mentioned earlier
something about the cancer
- Hereditary.
- Yes.
That's why she came to find me,
to tell me that I could have
the same gene mutation,
that I should get tested.
And have you?
Oh, Tal.
You have to go get tested.
This isn't something
that you can just flake on
or sweep under the rug.
You really have to, like, just...
Mom! What?
What have I done wrong now?
I'm sorry that I haven't got
tested. I'm sorry that I lied.
I'm sorry that
Brenda's fighting for her life
somewhere in this building
while we sit here arguing.
You know, this is taking too
long. I'm gonna find a doctor.
Talia, don't... Just... Hm...
Likely fainted
due to stress, the toll
that the cancer's taking
on your body.
Were you experiencing
lightheadedness all day?
It's been on and off
for the last
couple of weeks now,
but nothing like today.
I see.
So... we ran some tests
to see where your body's at,
the cancer is progressing,
We need to act now before
we can't do anything at all.
How soon?
I, I know
things are moving fast,
but if we don't have surgery
or start treatment tomorrow,
it's the difference between
life and death at this point.
You have to try.
- Okay.
- Good.
- Okay.
- Good.
Now you rest up.
Tomorrow's gonna be a big day.
Tal, it's okay.
I'm really sorry.
For what?
For not telling you about her...
and for everything.
Yeah, well, I'm the one
who should be apologizing.
I don't know.
Just when I saw her,
it felt like
she was trying to take you away
from us.
That would never happen.
You're my mom.
What is it?
I just don't want her
to leave me again.
Like, the way that I feel
when I'm with her, yeah,
it's the same way that I feel
when I'm with you
or with dad.
You know,
nothing is ever
going to change between us
and how we feel for you.
No. Hey, kiddo.
You'll always be our daughter.
Listen, I will always be
your mother and Brenda...
Brenda will always be
your birth mother.
We'll just have to set
an extra plate for the holidays.
I love you, guys. Thank you.
- Have a good day. Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Good morning!
- Hi. How can I help you?
Can I get a pass
to Brenda Lee's room, please?
Brenda Lee?
- L-E-E?
- Yes, that's correct.
Mm, sorry, but it looks like
that patient
was released
earlier this morning.
Wait, what?
Are you, are you sure?
Dr, Boyer, did you release
Brenda Lee this morning?
- She released herself.
- But isn't her surgery today?
- She canceled it.
- Wait, what?
- She canceled it.
- That doesn't make any sense.
Why would she do that?
In the short time
that I've known Ms. Lee,
she never said anything more
than she needed to say.
I assumed it was her way
of processing the diagnosis.
I have seen this
with other patients.
They wait
until the last possible moment,
thinking they'll be the ones
to cheat fate.
Seldom works out that way.
No, no, but she was saying
that, like...
I tried to get her to commit.
I really did.
I thought today was the day,
and I thought seeing you here
would help convince her
that surgery was the right way
forward, but when I went to her
room this morning to prep,
she was fully dressed.
She said she didn't wanna
go through with it.
She said that she had
nothing left to live for.
Paging Dr. Boyer
to Emergency. Dr. Boyer.
We are out of
options and we're out of time.
When you see your mother again,
please tell her that.
- Hey.
- How are you feeling?
You don't have to say that.
You're not better.
And you're not going to get
any better
unless you get the surgery.
I mean it, Bren.
Look, nobody asks to be put
in a situation like this.
Nobody wants surgery
or months of chemo,
to lose their hair when
the outcome isn't a guarantee.
But if there is a chance,
even the smallest sliver,
that you could come out alive,
wouldn't you wanna try?
I just don't see the point
anymore, Meg.
I have nothing left.
Maybe if you hear it
from someone else, then.
Why didn't you tell me
that you were the one
putting off your surgery?
This whole time I thought
you had exhausted every option,
but you hadn't bothered
to do anything?
- H-how did you know that?
- I was at the hospital.
I stood outside your door.
I heard everything.
- You wouldn't understand.
- Try me.
Look, I am exhausted.
You need to leave.
No. I'm not leaving.
You owe me an explanation.
- An explanation?
- Yes.
Why did you leave the hospital?
Why did you skip out
on your surgery?
Why do you want to die?
Look, I have better things to do
with my time.
Better than calling your
daughter and telling her you'r...
More important things
than calling the daughter
who was just using me
for source material.
That's not true.
Your story only has
one ending, Talia,
and now that that's in sight,
you don't have to dig
for content anymore.
- You don't mean that.
- Your story's over, Talia.
You can go.
All I ever wanted
was to know you.
I'm glad I gave you up.
Because if I hadn't,
you would never have lived up
to your fullest potential.
I would've ruined you,
just like I ruined myself.
That's not true.
You have a good life.
I mean, you can still have
a good life.
There's so much more to do.
We could do it together.
I am not gonna let you sit here
and watch me die, Talia.
Do you understand?
You need to go.
- No.
- Now!
Go! Get out of here!
- Here.
- Thank you.
You know, I've known Brenda
for a, a really long time.
She's always been this quiet,
reserved woman,
capable of so much more
than what she has.
The thing with Brenda
is that she feels like
she doesn't deserve
anything better
because she's worked hard
her whole life
and hasn't had a break.
She kind of lets
everyone use her like a doormat,
and accepts that
as how it should be.
She's never seen
how it could be.
I don't understand.
These past few months,
they've been amazing.
I've only ever seen her happy.
Never once did it seem like
she wanted to die.
Well, look, Brenda is a master
at bottling her emotions.
You know, I think she, she had
to turn them off to survive
after her parents died.
Right. Her parents.
But ever since
you've been in her life,
something's changed.
There is a, a spark, a-a flame.
It-it wants to ignite, but
it needs a match to light it.
You are that match, Talia.
You need to keep pushing her.
You need to show her
that life, it's worth living.
Where are we going?
You'll see.
- Hey.
- Hm?
We're here.
It's beautiful.
Yeah, we used
to come here when I was a kid.
Haven't been back in years.
Everyone's always too busy.
Wait, is, is that a...
Number six,
get back into the water.
- Talia, I can't, I can't.
- Of course you can.
- I can't do this. Please don't...
- You can't or you won't?
I know it's scary.
I know it feels like
your chest is caving in
and the air's getting
sucked out of your lungs.
But you are not alone here.
Okay? Not anymore.
Let's do this together, okay?
Just you and me.
Come on.
You okay? Come on.
So, how long do you really have?
I don't know.
Maybe months.
And why do you want to die?
This life just...
wasn't what
I pictured for myself.
I just thought
I would be someone
of more value...
someone with a purpose.
Not just a 40-year-old woman
with a bank account.
I've just been coasting along,
a ghost in my own story.
What about me?
You were never supposed to be
part of this.
I just wanted to warn you
about the gene mutation,
so, so that you could do
something about it
before I could.
But you can do something
about it, and you should.
Look, I heard the doctor say
that there's a chance. Okay?
Even if it's a small one,
you have to take it.
There's so much
we missed out on.
Twenty-three years of nothing,
of me wondering who you were,
why you didn't want me.
And now you're back,
only to say goodbye?
You can't leave me
with these last few months
and then just disappear forever.
- Talia... Please.
- No. You have to try.
Okay, mom?
Please, mom?
Okay. I'll try.
And, Talia...
I want you
to publish your article.
You sure?
I am so proud of the woman
that you've become.
of what happens to me,
I'm just so glad
that a part of me
will live on
through your words...
and through you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
One more thing.
I don't have the gene mutation.
Thank God!
- Ah...
- Love you, mom.
I love you.
Now get us back
so we can celebrate properly.
A hundred
and twenty-six thousand views.
That's wild!
I'm so proud of you.
I couldn't have done it
without you. Oh!
They have guaranteed me
the features spot
for three articles,
they loved all the ideas I had.
They said
I showed real potential.
Get it, girl.
Speaking of getting it...
This is quite the celebration
of life you've pulled off.
Brenda put up such a fight.
This was the least
that I could do.
It's time.
- Keep your eyes closed.
- Oh.
You know I trust you, right?
- Okay.
- You better trust me.
Keep going,
I'm not gonna let you...
Oh, my gosh! Oh.
- Okay.
- You can open them now.
Happy remission!
What is all of this?
Brenda Lee, welcome
to the celebration of your life.
Take my hand let's rise
Sweeter sunlight
breaking through
What's this one?
Through the fields
we will fly
I'll come chasing after you
To wherever you are
And I-I-I
And I-I-I
And I-I-I
And I-I-I whoa
Maybe feel cheated
close to defeated
Yeah the world could be
so cruel
Well that ain't nothing new
Life can be demanding
Through it all
we're standing
We're stronger
than we realize yeah
We got much more
fight inside
Hey yeah yeah
'Cause we were never
giving up
This time I play it rough
We're gonna breakthrough
without you
This one is meant for us
And we're gonna rise above
No we ain't gonna run
We're gonna breakthrough
without you
This one is meant for us