Listeners: The Whispering (2022) Movie Script

Why is it open?
Nhien! Here I am!
Where are you?
What a mess!
Where is she?
Are you in the bathroom?
Are you in there?
What's wrong, Nhien?
It's Le Van!
It's Le Van!
Good morning! I'm glad to be with you
in this rush hour on VOV Traffic.
At the moment,
through the surveillance cameras,
I've found that our city's traffic
is under great control.
There is a number of vehicles shoulder
to shoulder at some traffic points.
Such as the route from Dinh Bo Linh Street
to Eastern bus station
in Binh Thanh District.
Besides, the area
from Duong Ba Trac Street
to Trung Son roundabout
towards Nguyen Van Cu Bridge
currently is getting crowded
with lots of vehicles.
Drivers, please kindly note that.
Now, let's switch to Culture and Arts.
Ladies and gentlemen, the horror novel
The Whispering,
the first book of a 23-year-old author,
An Nhien,
has broken all former publishing records
with 20,000 first-edition copies sold out
within 2 weeks.
Currently, The Whispering
has been reprinted for the 2nd time.
According to updated news
from the publisher, the author,
- An Nhien is working on part two
- Please turn off the radio!
Thank you!
Come on, Nhien!
The contract is signed.
We have six more months
till the publishing date.
Otherwise, we'll have
lots of troubles with the publishers.
I've been trying my best.
At first,
I didn't want to have it published.
We have to make use
of the chance, don't we?
All right!
We should take good care
of your health first.
Are you okay?
- Why is this crutch over here?
- Who's that? Who's up there?
- It's his crutch. Too dangerous.
- Who's that?
Looks terrifying.
You're dying to die, aren't you?
Let me come with you.
Let's go!
Give me a break!
I'm useless now.
I'm such a burden to my wife and kid.
You love them that much
so you'd better leave them
a few words, right?
Well, one more thing.
Your son asked me to give you this.
Fighting against the cancer
and being the breadwinner of the family
I understand
you've gone through a difficult time.
Daddy's so sorry!
I'm sorry, kid!
Mr. Nam!
The best way
to overcome your pain is to face it.
Let's keep fighting, shall we?
Let's go inside.
Hold on!
Hi, honey! We're at the lobby.
Khang asked us to wait a bit.
- Okay.
- Here he is!
Give me Nhien's medical record.
Wait a second!
Dr. Minh is my colleague.
I work in Psychiatry
while he majors in Psychotherapy.
He's an experienced psychologist
graduating abroad.
I've already briefed him
about your status.
Now, Nhien can go see him
and frankly share with him how you feel.
He'll give us some recommendations.
Dr. Minh's already agreed
to take her case, hasn't he?
His periodical break is around the corner.
I'm afraid not.
Come in!
Good morning, An Nhien!
I've read your medical record.
How are you feeling right now?
I'm a bit tired due to lack of sleep.
How often do you have insomnia?
I take prescribed medicine every night,
but it's not getting any better.
How's your work lately?
Khang said you are a novelist.
Such a creative job
can cause lots of stress
I believe my brother-in-law
has already told you about my status.
I went to many psychiatrists,
took tons of medicine,
but I'm not feeling any better.
I'm not sure I'm sick.
I think what I've seen is real.
What have you seen, specifically?
I have
seen a ghost.
Is that you, Vy?
Are you in there?
Are you okay?
I'm coming.
Who are you?
Go to hell! Go to hell!
Go to hell!
When did you first see her?
It's been a long time.
At first, I thought
there's something wrong with me.
But, I went to the doctors
and took lots of medication.
But it didn't work.
I thought
that girl is haunting me.
I'll go wash my face. Please wait for me.
I agree with the diagnosis
from her psychiatrist.
It's necessary to give her
some psychotherapy
besides medicine at this stage.
So, who is your recommendation
for Nhien's case?
Well, I think Dr.Thuy
from University of Medicine and Pharmacy
has plenty of experience with such cases.
But she's busy with her training
in Singapore till next month.
We have to wait.
Are you all right? Huh?
Don't do that!
Don't! Don't do that!
Don't! Don't do that!
How is she?
I just gave her a sedative.
She's sleeping now.
When did she say she saw a ghost?
Probably three months ago.
Le Van! Le Van!
Don't! Please don't, Le Van!
Who is Le Van?
She's the main character
in An Nhien's novel.
After that time,
she's been like that for several times.
She sometimes breaks things.
Sometimes locks
herself in the house for days.
Sometimes she's too afraid
to see strangers.
When she had those disordered behaviors
I recommended her to see Dr. Thanh.
But it didn't work at all
after using medicine for a month.
Then, Dr. Thanh
suggested trying psychotherapy.
Or she must have seen a real ghost.
Don't talk nonsense.
What kind of ghost in this era?
Can you take Nhien's case, Dr. Minh?
It's too long
waiting for Dr. Thuy to come back.
And unless she recovers soon
to work on the book
I'll be in trouble with the publisher.
It's no use going back to work.
There are so many things to worry about.
Actually, I've already scheduled my leave,
which was approved by my supervisor
and the department.
But I'll take it into consideration.
I'll confirm with you next week.
An Nhien?
Don't do that!
Don't do that!
Don't do that!
- Don't.
- An Nhien!
What's wrong?
It's not until you come back from the
break, we'll see each other again, right?
I think I won't take my leave next month.
What? How come?
Well, I've just taken a serious case
from Dr. Khang since last week.
She has self-harm behaviors.
This is not the first time
you have seen such a case.
I found that she has
many devastating behaviors.
I'm afraid she's in danger.
A periodical break
of a psychologist is pretty significant.
It is the time that helps us
concentrate on taking care of our mind,
removing all negative feelings,
that we absorb from our clients
after the sessions.
Let's reconsider.
Don't reschedule the break.
I found that you are
quite attracted by this case.
Doctor Minh!
What a coincidence!
We often hold such promotional events
to enhance the interactions
between readers and author.
Are you interested in her book?
Let me have it signed for you.
A signature for Tuong Minh.
Hi, honey! Are you coming?
Tuong Minh is here.
Let's come see Doctor Minh.
I scared you the other day
at hospital, didn't I?
Not really.
I was worried about your health.
I'm truly afraid that
I have seen a ghost.
But nobody believes me.
I trust you.
But as a doctor,
don't you think it's hallucination?
You are the one
directly experiencing the terror.
We are just outsiders.
How can we not trust you?
I believe what you are facing is true.
That pendant
seems importantly precious to you.
Who do you often talk to
when you're in a bad mood?
I'm used to being alone.
Thank you!
We're all like this glass of water.
Too small to handle sadness.
Thus, we should speak to someone.
It's the simplest way
to relieve our own pressure.
We all need someone who listens.
Sometimes you will
see yourself in strangers' stories,
which you have heard or been told about.
Bearing such thought in mind,
Le Van had the destined meeting
of her life.
It was a gloomy afternoon in August.
Don't do that!
Not many people are brave enough
to face their plight.
You're really brave.
I temporarily suggest
that we have eight sessions.
Each lasts two hours and it'll take
two months for the whole treatment.
What do you want to do
in these eight sessions?
I want you to help me escape from Le Van.
Please use anything available here
to draw anything in your mind.
Why do you choose black?
It's like my current mood.
So, what are you thinking about?
Can you say it out loud?
A face.
Whose face is that?
Le Van's!
Le Van aimlessly dragged herself
to the edge of the lake.
The coldness of the water
lightly touched her toes.
She was suddenly startled.
All of a sudden,
the sky and the water in front of her
seemed to merge to create fanciful light.
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
It's Le Van!
I have seen her again.
When did you first see her?
Since I moved to Saigon
I have seen Le Van.
She was in my dreams first.
Then she gradually appears everywhere,
As you drew your obsession last time,
today we'll do something to protect you.
What exactly should I do?
Now, let's close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Then slowly exhale.
Let's think about anything
that makes you safe and protected.
Have you got any ideas?
What is that?
A big tree.
With all the materials on this table,
please make that big tree in your own way.
You love making pictures
out of crayon peels?
Back in the day,
when I was sad, I used to play with these.
I would use these crayon peels
to make a big picture.
I want to do it again.
Would you like some more?
Are three any more green crayons?
Hold on!
Go straight to hell!
Go to hell!
Save me!
- There you go.
- Go straight to hell!
Go straight to hell!
- An Nhien!
- Le Van!
Wake up! An Nhien! An Nhien! Wake up!
I'm sorry for what happened to Nhien.
I've been trying to help her
face her obsession in the last two weeks.
I also expected to see her resistance.
But it seems overwhelming.
Why did she gash her arm so badly?
What was really going on?
Well, Nhien insisted it was Le Van.
What does writing a novel
have to do with obsession?
Do you know when Nhien started the novel?
I'm clueless.
When I became aware of the book,
the draft was done.
So, when did Nhien ask
for it to be published?
In fact, she didn't ask me for it.
I read the book by chance.
I found it interesting.
I thought it was a great chance
for her career, thus,
I suggest getting it published.
At first, she didn't agree.
She said The Whispering
was written for herself.
She didn't want to publish the book.
- Why did you force her?
- I did not.
It's also a great chance for business.
I think writing the book
doesn't have to do with her obsession.
She told me Le Van appeared
since she moved to Saigon.
Prior to the time
she wrote The Whispering.
Le Van!
Where does she come from?
You mentioned the draft earlier.
Do you still have it?
I don't, but it's at Nhien's apartment.
If you need it,
I'll bring it to you tomorrow.
Thank you so much.
I have a night shift tomorrow.
Let's meet up in my office.
I gotta go.
Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
- Minh!
- Yes?
What are you thinking about?
If it is true that Nhien wrote
The Whispering for herself,
it means that she wanted
to relieve her distress.
It's like keeping a diary.
So, Le Van might be someone
or something that represents her past.
So do you know anything
about An Nhien when she was young?
Especially about her adolescence.
Honestly, I don't know much about that.
My family lived in Dalat for a few years.
At that time, she was a little girl.
When she was around eight,
her Mom died in an accident.
She's lived with her Dad since then.
It would be great
to arrange a meeting with her relatives
for more information about her childhood.
I think the therapy
will be more effective that way.
So, you should go to Dalat
to see Nhien's Dad, Uncle Phuong.
I'll give you the address.
A psychotherapist
has to comply with strict principles.
Minh can't arbitrarily
figure his client's past by himself.
I think saving someone's life
is the ultimate mission for a doctor.
You'd better consult
your supervisor, Dr. Tuan.
I have a meeting with him tomorrow.
I'll ask for his opinion.
Do you still remember this figure?
I do.
It's been a month.
Do you want to change any details?
Let me help you.
I used to think
I was the breadwinner in my family.
But suffering from this cancer
made me realize
my wife and kid are my source of life.
What I hope now
is to recover from this disease soon,
so that I can go back to my family.
It's great to see
that you're getting more optimistic.
Thank you, Doc!
Come in!
Good morning!
- Hi!
- Excuse me! Is this An Nhien's house?
Her Mom was gone too soon.
I brought her up on my own.
But we didn't get along well.
We barely had a nice conversation.
I'm sorry.
May I know how your wife passed away?
It was a traffic accident.
It was raining.
I was carrying the two of them
on a motorbike.
Suddenly we got hit by a truck.
Nhien and I just got some scratches,
while she didn't make it.
She was obedient when she was little.
I wonder why she changed that much
when she grew up.
She would either carp
about anything I said
or keep silent all the time.
Excuse me.
Did she have any best friends here?
Or do you know any friend named Van?
She didn't bring any friends home.
So I don't know
whether or not she had a best friend.
About the girl named Van,
I didn't know about her either.
Well, at that time
was there any special incident?
Special incident?
Have just come?
This is Ms. Ngan, my colleague.
And he's Doctor Minh,
An Nhien's psychotherapist in Saigon.
Excuse me! Let me continue.
She would go to school and stay at home.
There's nothing special.
- Hello!
- Hi!
Good evening! I'm Ngan.
There you go!
These are the photos
of our engagement ceremony.
That day
little Nhien tried to commit suicide.
She didn't want her Dad to marry me.
So, what was it exactly about?
Mr. Phuong and I were colleagues.
As I saw him bringing her up
all by himself,
I often came to give him a hand.
A few years later
we decided to get married.
When she found out, she disapproved.
She claimed that he betrayed her mom.
There was a fierce quarrel over it.
He was too angry,
so he shouted at her.
If you don't take it, get out of here.
she tried to commit suicide
right on the day we got engaged.
Luckily, she was found and saved.
Because of that
we were so remorseful.
We didn't even think
about our marriage anymore.
How do you describe their relationship?
Mr. Phuong is a short-tempered person.
When he got angry,
he often scolded her severely.
Therefore, their relationship
was already strained.
Then, my appearance
seemed to worsen the situation.
Mr. Phuong told me
about her health condition.
I guess
it is helpful for you to know
that she tried to kill herself.
There you go.
It's truly of great value
for her treatment.
Thank you very much
for sharing it with me.
Sorry for bothering you.
- Good night!
- Bye!
Where are we going?
I've read some news
on several travel blogs.
They say there's a stunning lake here.
We're going there now.
Hey, Nhien!
When was the last time
you visited your dad?
Quite long ago.
Nhien! Go down there with the tent!
Take this way!
We'll park the car and catch up later.
Hurry up, honey!
Why are you here?
Because Le Van told me to come.
Do you find this place
familiar to you?
Today, Le Van tried to commit suicide.
She would finish her miserable life.
She had suffered enough loneliness.
There was nothing more terrifying
than the feeling of solitary.
Her beloved ones,
how heartless they were
to leave her all alone.
Le Van aimlessly dragged herself
to the edge of the lake.
The coldness of the water
lightly touched her toes.
She was suddenly startled.
All of a sudden, the sky and the water
in front of her seemed to merge
to create fanciful light.
She found it appealing
as if it was calling her
to come and be deep in the water.
Le Van is right.
I deserve to die.
An Nhien!
An Nhien!
An Nhien!
- An Nhien!
- I deserve to die!
- I deserve to die!
- An Nhien!
Le Van wanted you to come here
because she wanted to change
the ending of The Whispering.
She wants to change it.
What do you know?
What do you know about Le Van?
Have you
been tormenting yourself
with the thought that
you were the reason for your Mom's death?
Have you been enduring those pains
and the sternness of your Dad?
Those things
have made you disgusted with yourself.
And it's how
a wrathful Le Van was created, right?
Let's cry out!
You used to be all alone in the past.
But now, you have me by your side.
Why am I here in this life?
My Mom left me.
My Dad kicked me out of the house.
He told me to get lost.
Then I had to disappear to please him.
I've been thinking
because of me, he lost his beloved wife.
I've been in terrible pain,
seeing him drinking and crying.
Tell me!
I deserve to suffer his fury, don't I?
An Nhien!
Listen to me!
What happened was not your fault.
Accidents are unavoidable.
you are worthy of being loved.
Let us help you.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm at
the press conference for The Whispering,
chapter two by the novelist Vu An Nhien.
After the record-breaking success
of the first chapter,
Vu An Nhien has brought a groundswell
of enthusiastic support from her fans.
I'd like to thank all the reporters
and media units for coming here today.
Regarding The Whispering chapter two,
there's an update
we want to inform you about.
There's a secret
I've been keeping to myself.
I think it's high time
I shared it with you all.
The Whispering is, in fact,
not just a novel.
it is about my own feelings and thoughts,
about what I faced in my own life.
They're depressing stories.
That's why
I'd like to accounce that
it is the end of The Whispering.
There will be no chapter two.
I've gotten over my own sorrowful past.
I don't want to mention it anymore.
I truly apologize for this.
I promise to make it up with a new book.
What's wrong, Vy?
You've been fine staying home for years.
We've been also having fertility treament.
Why did you go back to work?
How much profit do you make
out of publishing the book?
Now your cousin is really sick.
What do you want from me?
You said I was out of style
when I stayed home.
You thought I was troublesome
when I went out for work.
I have an excellent bachelor's degree.
I used to be chief of a department.
I'm not such a fool.
I didn't mean you cause lots of trouble.
But we don't lack money, do we?
Why do you have to work that hard?
I don't work for the money.
I'm so irritated.
We've been talking
about this so many times.
It doesn't mean
that I don't allow you to work.
I thought our treatment
is the most important thing to us now.
You used to agree with me on that.
Or now
you don't want to have kids anymore?
Let's go!
Why are you here?
I want to invite you for lunch.
I'm sorry. I've just had lunch.
So, what about dinner?
I want to thank you for your help so far.
Well, I've been snowed under these days.
I can't promise you.
Hey, Nhien!
Our eight sessions haven't finished yet.
Could we continue
your treatment next week?
But I'm fine now.
It's true
that you're making nice progress.
We should keep it up
so that you can have a complete recovery.
I got it.
I'll make time for that.
All right!
The same schedule.
See you at the clinic!
- Now
- Fine! Something came up. I gotta go.
Go away!
Then I'll go to hell!
Doctor Hoang!
How's he doing?
It's getting worse.
The cancer cells metastasized
to the bones.
His prognosis is really bad.
The phone number you have dialed
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry. I overslept.
I couldn't make it to the appointment.
I'm so sorry!
Are you all right?
Yes. I'm great.
I'm drinking by myself. It's boring!
Can you come drink with me?
I'm busy tonight.
Don't drink too much!
Remember to go home early.
Thank you!
Hello? Nhien!
Are you okay?
I though you were busy.
I got lots of messages
and missed calls from you
and I was afraid there's something wrong.
Would you like to order?
No, thanks. I gotta go.
Why don't you have a drink with me?
I'm here because I'm worried about you.
It seems that you're fine.
I can leave now.
I already informed Khang and Vy.
They're probably on the way.
Why did you inform them?
I'm not a kid anymore.
An Nhien!
As your psychotherapist,
I'm responsible for informing
your relatives about such situations.
it's just a doctor-patient relationship
between us.
You said you will always
be by my side and listen to me.
Nhien! Calm down, please!
I've been always listening to you
as your psychotherapist
and the right place for us is not here.
It must be at the clinic.
It's not true.
I'm sorry
if there was any misunderstanding.
Khang and Vy are coming soon.
Please have a rest when you're home.
I gotta go.
Go away!
Then I'll go to hell!
Go away!
Then I'll go to hell!
Le Van?
Help me!
I'm cold!
Hey! Somone fainted.
Minh! Wake up!
Minh! What's wrong?
Everything seems all right.
Except your cardiac index.
But it can't be the reason
that you fainted.
Thus, I'm afraid it might be
about your psychological problems.
It's just a lack of sleep.
Nothing serious.
All right. Let's talk about work.
I don't think
An Nhien has fully recovered.
Due to her attitude towards you
the other night,
I think it is transference.
Nhien has fallen for you
during the treatment.
Don't you think it's a problem?
What are you trying to say?
You blame me for my bad heal condition.
You're now having doubts
about my work productivity.
I'm just afraid your heal condition
can affect your diagnosis
and treatment for Nhien.
I said it was a lack of sleep.
Do not overstate the case!
I assure you that I'm eligible
for my work. Satisfied?
All right! If you say so.
For the record,
a patient's health is our top priority.
Unless you consider your current state,
as your colleague,
I'll inform Dr. Tuan,
your supervisor,
and simultaneously report this case
to our chief.
- What?
- What Khang talked about me is true?
What did you hear?
I'm your doctor.
You have to trust me.
Why bother with what others say?
I'm not worried about me.
It's because I care about your health.
So what?
What about my health?
Are you afraid I'm not
qualified enough to treat you?
What's wrong with you two?
That's not what I mean.
- I'm just worried about you.
- No need.
I'm totally fine.
If you don't trust me, get lost!
Don't bother me anymore!
An Nhien!
I apologize.
Can we talk for a second?
Tuong Minh!
- Yes?
- Nhien was in an accident.
She's in first-aid ward now.
Stop right there!
You can't leave now.
You have to wait for her results.
Come on!
You can go.
We have your number.
I'll call you later.
- Stay right there!
- Vy.
What kind of doctor are you?
Before she met you,
she was writing a book.
Since you came, she has quit writing.
Don't you know that the publisher
asked me for $45 grant in compensation?
- What kind of doctor are you?
- Vy!
She went the pub all night
and ran her head against a car.
If anything happens to her,
I won't let you get away with it.
Stop your fussing, okay?
We're in the hospital.
So what?
Are you ashamed?
Have you felt ashamed of me for years?
What are you talking about?
- Shut up!
- I will not.
I've had enough of it.
Tell me, honestly!
Have you been so ashamed of me
because I can't bear your child?
You're too embarrassed
to take me to the interfility examination.
Too abashed to come with your wife
when she has injections
of fertility hormones.
Little do you know about those days.
I was scared!
I was in pain!
Do you know how full of self-pity I felt?
Don't you know about that?
You think you're the only one
that wants a baby.
I do want a baby! I really do!
But if you keep letting me fight for it
on my own,
I truly can't stand it anymore.
Nhien still insisted it was Le Van.
I'm sorry!
I don't think you are not
conscious enough to continue your work.
I'll report this case to our chief.
You should take some leave.
Your only concern
at this time is still work, right?
So long!
Tuong Minh!
You might not know about it yet.
Mr. Nam died last night.
Please accept my condolences!
Please accept my condolences!
My Dad wanted to give you this.
The best way
to overcome a pain is to face it.
Now I hope I can recover soon,
so that I can reunite with my family.
I can't!
I have no home to go back to.
Why did you do that, Duong?
Oh, no! My dear!
Let her rest in peace, please.
Come in!
How are you doing?
I'm sorry.
I haven't been all right so far.
Sorry, Doctor!
We are just doctor and patient.
I'm not interested in your business.
An Nhien!
I think I have seen Le Van.
You're my psychotherapist.
Please stop joking.
I'm not joking.
I've seen her so many times.
Then the lake and the red sunset.
They are getting clearer and clearer.
As if I had been there before.
What are you talking about?
Le Van doesn't exist.
The red sunset
and the lake?
In here.
They're written in here.
The stuffed bear, the girl, the red sunset
and the lake. They're all written in here.
I don't remember writing such details.
You did!
I've read about them here.
Where are they?
Doctor Minh!
Are you all right?
Where are they?
Oh, gosh! Why did you do that, Duong?
Thuy Duong!
Thuy Duong!
What are you looking for?
Thuy Duong!
Who is Thuy Duong?
What's wrong?
Who is Thuy Duong?
I don't know.
I keep seeing her.
But I don't know who she is.
Why I see her.
Is that a dream or reality?
Is she a human or a ghost?
- I
- All right! Take it easy!
Let's get some rest first.
Then take a nap.
We'll figure it out tomorrow.
Are you all right?
Can you come up by youself?
You seem to have a fever.
Let me go up with you.
I've seen her so many times.
Then the lake and the red sunset.
Thuy Duong!
Thuy Duong!
Thuy Duong?
Is that you?
Thuy Duong!
Calm down!
It's me, An Nhien.
You died long ago.
Why do keep haunting me?
I'm begging you. Please leave me alone!
I forgot that already,
why do I still remember that?
Calm down! I'm An Nhien! It's fine now.
You won't leave me alone.
You want me to die.
You're forcing me to die.
- Minh! Calm down!
- No.
- Minh!
- No!
Look at me!
I am An Nhien.
An Nhien!
Right. An Nhien!
you bring me here.
I know
what I have to do.
Don't leave me!
Please don't leave me!
I have no home to go back to.
I have no home to go back to.
Don't leave me!
Come to me!
Come to me!
How do you feel?
What happened?
Who is Thuy Duong?
Bb plus Bb
What are you doing?
How dare you tempt my boyfriend?
Duong! What are you doing?
Stay away from my boyfriend!
Don't mess with me!
Duong! Stop it! Let's go!
She's just my classmate.
We're having a group discussion.
Sounds pretty close, huh?
Listen up!
We are just friends.
So, stop being rediculously jealous!
You're my boyfriend,
so you can't be with anyone else.
You're mine, right?
You're mine, right?
Minh! Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
Can you stop acting like that?
We can still be friends.
Don't do that! Don't!
Let's go home!
No! I have no home to go back to.
I have no home to go back to.
Up to you!
Walk away!
Then I'll go straight to hell!
Duong! Why did you do that to me?
Oh, my gosh! My baby! Oh, no!
Why can't she rest in peace?
Tuong Minh! What's wrong with you?
Let's go, dear!
I remember nothing about that.
It's been 15 years.
I haven't burned her an incense.
It's high time to do that.
I'll go with you.
Let me see!
Stop talking!
Hello, kids!
Hi, there!
Who are you looking for?
We've come to visit an old friend.
There's a ghost inside.
It's true!
- Good morning!
- Hello!
Who are you looking for?
Well, may I ask
if this is Thuy Duong's house?
Thuy Duong?
This is her house.
Who are you?
we're old friends.
Come in! Let's come in!
Why don't you come visit her more often?
Come in!
I'm her Mom.
Sit down!
Did it take you long to get here?
No, it didn't. We also live in Saigon.
That's not far at all.
Why don't you visit her more often?
She's so sad being here alone.
Excuse me!
No more talking. Have something to drink.
I'll go upstairs to get her.
She's in her bedroom.
Just a minute!
Hold on!
Perhaps she
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
Sleep well, baby!
Excuse me?
Stop making noise!
Let her sleep.
Sleep well, baby!
Let's sleep! Sleep!
Who are you?
Since Thuy Duong passed away
she has been like that.
Partially conscious.
I lost my granddaughter while my daughter
It's all because of
that ungrateful man.
Tell me! She's not my child, is she?
She's a bastard!
It's not true!
Stop it! Enough!
If you don't feel happy living with them,
get out of here.
Can't you stop nagging at them?
Why did you say so?
Don't cry.
Honey! Please don't go!
Where I'm going is not your business.
I said stay at home.
Where are you going this late?
I'm a grown up. It's my business.
You don't have to give a damn about me.
Go care about your beloved husband.
Stop worrying about this bastard!
You asshole!
What's going on?
Let her go wherever she wants.
Why hit her?
Shut up! Let me teach her!
Because of you
my husband walked away and so did her dad.
Please! Leave me alone!
It's been years.
I'm exhausted raising her all by myself.
You are also responsible for her.
She's not my daughter.
Years ago, I asked you
to have her DNA tested,
but you didn't.
So now it's all your responsibility.
I have nothing do with it.
How can you say so?
Shut up!
I don't need you.
Thuy Duong!
It's the last time I saw my granddaughter.
Let's go home!
No! I have no home to go back!
I have no home to go back to.
I have no home to go back to.
I'm so sorry.
If only
I had listened to you
you wouldn't have gone that way.
I'm truly sorry!
Let me take you home.
I want to have a walk.
Please go home and take a rest.
Let bygones be bygones.
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for being by my side.
You're welcome.
You once told me
we all need someone who listens.
You've listened to my story.
Now, you can share yours with me.
What is your next plan?
I'm going to Dalat.
I want to go home.
I've been alone for too long.
Now I want to make a change.
Thank you for everything.
Take good care of yourself!
Take care!
See you soon!
Hello! Vy?
Where are you?