Little Brother (2023) Movie Script

Jakey. Look at you.
Hey, uh, open the door.
Yeah, one second.
No, you-- you just--
You locked it.
- No, you-- you--
- Open the door.
-You have to press unlock.
-Take-- take your hand off.
Come on. Let's go.
Thank you.
What was that about?
Nice call with the Kia.
It's all the airport had left.
Well, Koreans know
their cars, man.
You can just
stay straight on Silver.
All right, man.
Where are your shoes?
Oh, it's protocol, bro.
No laces, no belts.
I do love
these hospital socks, though.
With the little,
uh, grippy things.
So, are--
are they gonna come, then, or?
Mom and Dad?
They seemed okay on the phone.
They, uh-- they knew
I was coming, so...
No, no, yeah, yeah, sure.
It's an expensive flight,
especially last-minute.
Yeah, pardon the mess.
I-- I wasn't expecting guests.
I wasn't really expecting
anything, actually.
So, how long are you
in Albuquerque until?
Uh, Thursday.
Uh, you can't stay longer?
This isn't a leisure trip, Pete.
Really? I had no idea.
Hey, uh, how's Abs, by the way?
Uh, you guys good?
Uh, we're, uh...
We're-- we're-- we're good.
That's good.
Hey, um...
what are you doing in there?
I'm, uh, just taking a leak.
Why am I only
competitive with you?
It's like
I'm eight years old again.
Because I'm the only person
you can't beat at anything.
So, uh, when did
Burning Man move on?
Burning Man? Oh, uh, Mondo.
Uh, like six months ago
with his-- his girlfriend.
Or, sorry, fiance.
You, uh-- you haven't thought
about getting new roommates?
I thought about it.
And have you...
thought about maybe--
maybe moving?
Are-- are you serious?
I mean, yeah.
Uh, I can't.
You know, people don't
really realize this,
but being a painter
doesn't really pay shit.
No, I'm pretty sure that
everybody knows that.
Besides, when's the last time
that you painted?
Don't change
the fucking subject.
Wasn't painting the subject?
That's Meemaw's house.
I'm not leaving.
It's been, like,
a year and a half now.
It's, uh, two years
this month, actually.
You got these?
listen to me, Pete.
Oh, my God.
There he goes.
I told you not to drink.
Ugh, it's just beers, man.
It's probably, like,
my meds or something.
It's the cops.
It's Dad.
Same thing.
You were supposed
to call an hour ago.
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
We, uh, we went to get food.
I told you to keep him home.
Yeah, yeah, no,
we-- we-- we got takeout.
You're Dad's bitch.
Oh, okay.
Hey, baby.
Hey, Mom.
So, how is he?
He's-- he's-- he's-- he's good.
Let me speak with him.
Uh, speak with him?
-Yes. Put him on the phone.
I'm-- I'm...
- Jake?
- Uh...
Oh, he's, uh,
he's in the shower.
Well, at least
he's bathing again.
So, have you told him yet?
Uh, yeah.
Okay, and?
What-- what did he say?
Um, he-- he said--
I'm-- I'm-- I'm good.
"I'm good"?
Uh, no, no.
Uh, okay. He-- he said, "Okay."
Just okay?
Yeah, what--
what does that mean?
Uh, yeah.
I think it means okay.
He's lucky we're
giving him the option at all.
- Should have cut him off after--
- Honey.
After your--
your grandmother passed.
I was just...
I was worried he'd try again.
-I'm fine, I'm fine.
Did he...
say what it was this time?
Yeah, I know, I know.
Just call us when
you're on the road, okay?
Don't forget.
Yeah, I won't.
Okay, baby, see you soon.
I love you.
- Love you.
- Bye, son.
So, how's the pope?
You're right, it's not funny.
And insulting to Francis.
What's up?
No, I'm-- I'm not
flying back Thursday.
You wanna stay longer?
No, I'm-- I'm not
flying back at all.
I don't understand.
Mom and Dad, that's, uh,
that's why they're not here.
They, uh...
sent me to come get you.
Hey, Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete.
Yeah, don't fucking touch me.
Why-- why aren't you flying?
They want us to drive your car
back to Washington
-so that we can be together...
-That's fucking bullshit. a family
to evaluate things.
To evaluate things?
Evaluate me?
And after my evaluation,
what then, doctor?
-Come on, man.
What then?
If we or you think that
it's for the best, then...
maybe you move back to Seattle.
-Jesus Christ, man.
-Just for a while.
You can see your old friends,
old doctors.
There's nothing there
for me, man.
Yeah, unlike here, right?
Pete, Pete, Pete.
Dad's thinking of
selling this place.
Hey, Pete?
It's Pete.
Nobody uses voicemail. Fuck--
Damn it.
No fucking shit.
Tell me next time you're gonna
leave the house, man.
I'm in the backyard, you ghost.
You just call me a ghost?
Yeah, because
you're fucking haunting me.
I'm sorry.
Can I sit?
Yeah, if you don't fall through
the chair, you fucking ghost.
So, um...
have-- have you thought
about the trip then?
We should get going.
Hey, man, you ever just,
like, fucking chill out?
This is Meemaw's car.
Pretty sure a coyote
gave birth in the trunk.
I like to, like, sit out here
and, like, work through shit
with her.
Hey, you remember, uh-- uh,
Christmas in Tombstone?
I mean, I've seen the pictures.
Mom and Meemaw wanted to go to,
like, Colorado, have, like,
this, like, white Christmas.
But, of course, Dad won out,
and we end up in Arizona
because I shit you not, he had
just seen the movie Wyatt Earp.
Anyway, we get there and it's
a total fucking tourist trap.
We watch, like, one really
shitty reenactment,
and then we just,
like, go home early.
I fucking-- I still hate
Arizona because of that.
Best part of that trip,
though, was, uh...
car ride there.
Me and you, we just,
like, took turns playing
this Game Boy
that Meemaw got me.
You know, she, like, let me
open my present early
so long as I just,
like, shared it with you.
Man, that was just
what I wanted.
So, this trip...
I mean, what's--
what's your big plan?
You're getting ready
in there, right?
Hey, uh, you--
you got any Q-tips?
Uh, cabinet.
You find it?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Are you pulling?
Yes, I am pulling.
There she goes.
So, what are you looking for?
I-- I thought
you were looking for something.
Oh, I-- I don't know shit
about cars.
And I do.
I don't-- You're--
you're the engineer.
I'm a software engineer.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
That's computers, not vehicles.
A car is a computer.
No, no-- no, not really.
In a way.
How-- how in a way?
Like, in-- in principle.
No, no, okay, no, no.
What does-- what does principle
have to do with anything?
Three, two, one.
We have liftoff.
Hey, don't look too excited.
I am.
You sound like an android
trying to be human.
"I-- I have excitement."
Oh, is that a smile, Andrew?
Hey, please, please,
no Bicentennial Man.
I want to live
and die with dignity.
Oh, my God.
They just, like, never give you
enough crackers.
Nobody eats this shit
open-faced, man.
Or else you have to,
like, touch the--
You still own CDs?
Yeah, dude.
The compact disc is, like,
our generation's vinyl.
You're from Seattle.
You should know this.
Here, check it.
You made a mixtape?
I thought it would be fun.
You know,
Pete and Jakey's road trip.
Sorry, I just...
No, no, yeah. I got it.
Never mind.
Maybe later then.
This one's pretty good.
Hey, man, I-- I got a headache.
Oh, this is perfect.
This is, like,
perfect headache medicine.
All right, okay.
It's good, right?
West African.
I said I have a headache.
Well, I-- I read that
drumming is therapeutic.
You sure it didn't mean
playing the drums?
I don't know. Let's test it out.
Dude, let's just get one track.
-Hey, what the fuck, man?
-Okay, enough.
-You-- you just fucking hit me.
-I slapped your hand.
That's fucking hitting.
No music, okay?
Why do you decide?
Are you a child?
Okay, the-- the driver
gets to choose.
-I'm the driver.
-So let me drive.
You're, like, super stoned.
I'm-- I'm high-functioning.
I don't think that
is how I'd describe you.
I shouldn't have...
I shouldn't have come.
There it is.
You knew I didn't
fucking wanna do this.
Yeah, well,
it's not just about you, is it?
Me and Mom and Dad.
You-- you ever think about us?
What is that supposed to mean?
Look at where we're at, Pete.
What-- what did you just do?
I don't know, man.
What did I just do?
You tried to
fucking kill yourself.
Why are we sitting here?
It's empty.
This sign says wait.
Hey, boys.
Sorry about that.
Could have just sat down.
So, uh, booth or table?
Wow, big menu.
You guys have,
uh, cheeseburgers?
We have bison burgers.
Great, we'll take two of those.
I-- I don't want bison.
Oh, it's just hamburger meat.
Oh, okay.
They come with
our world-famous onion rings.
-Is that okay?
-Could I actually get fries?
They're world-famous, Jake.
Yeah, I feel like fries.
We can do fries.
Anything else
I can get you guys?
No, I think we're good.
-Just-- let me just eat, please.
About what I said earlier, man--
Yeah, it's fine.
I'm-- I'm totally over it.
Okay, look, all right?
What I said about you never...
caring, never thinking about us,
all right?
We don't need to do,
like, a whole fucking,
like, recap right now, okay?
-Okay, fine.
But, you know...
what you did...
Was it really thinking of us?
Man, you are
It's a legitimate question.
Can you just
shut the fuck up right now
and just, like, listen to me
for, like, one second?
I tho--
I thought about you, okay?
Is that surprising to you?
You have no idea
the countless arguments
that I've had in my head about--
about you and all this.
And I understand how painful
this shit is for everyone.
Then why?
If that's true,
if you know, then why?
Because at a certain point,
I can't keep hurting just to
keep everyone else from hurting.
But you could have fought.
You could have gotten more help.
I tried.
What about your meds?
Did you go through my shit?
No, it wasn't intentional.
Yeah, okay.
Are we allowed to eat now?
Yeah, those onion rings
do look good.
I thought Utah was just Mormons.
And what about
your therapist?
You still liking them?
I mean better than
the last one you guys found me,
that fucking
old white dinosaur.
You know,
I get depressed too sometimes.
What? I... I do.
Sometimes I...
Bad days.
Yeah, these aren't days, man.
These are years.
Besides, you have, like,
Abby, you know?
One day, you guys will
have kids and a big house
with, like, a sprinkler system.
And I know I could probably
have that shit too.
It's just, like...
Is that what all this life
is leading to?
Just, like, a fucking...
well-kept lawn?
No, he never wanted
to get married.
We thought it was old-fashioned.
It's been eight years now.
It's something.
Hell, even try
seeing other people.
Wait, hold the fucking phone.
-Yeah, that was the thing.
I couldn't really do it.
Like, you couldn't see
other people or, like...
adequately perform?
Performer, I take it?
I think she's
letting me down easy.
Well, what do you want?
I want to be alone.
Man, not wanting to be alone
isn't enough reason to force
someone to stick around.
Why didn't you ever
tell me this shit before?
Come on, I mean, come on, man.
My problems were, like, so...
tame compared to yours.
Yeah, but it would have been
really nice to hear, though.
I mean, ever since
we were young...
It's like, I know I'm, like,
older than you and shit,
but, like, I've always felt,
like, dumber
or, like, less capable.
It's like...
It's like
I'm the little brother.
Well, no, I'm sorry, man.
Yeah, no.
I already said I would.
Who was that?
You just left?
-Yeah, that was Dad.
Hospital called him.
Said you were supposed
to be there another 3 days.
You just left
without being released.
There's a police report on you,
man, a missing persons report.
-Are you serious?
-Don't laugh.
Don't fucking laugh.
All right,
man, just calm down.
The hospital, they can
involuntarily detain you
if they deem you
a danger to yourself.
Yeah, yeah, I know that.
They told me that.
Then why did you leave?
'Cause I wanted to.
Then why didn't you tell
me or dad?
'Cause it's not
your fucking business?
Now because you walked out,
insurance company's
refusing to cover your claim.
You want to know what tab?
Six grand.
Are you fucking...
-It was one night.
-Yeah, in the ICU.
And the ambulance ride,
and the treatment costs.
Well, that's fucking bullshit.
No, that's life.
That's what it costs when you
don't think of the consequences.
Don't fucking
lecture me right now.
Why is it that any time
someone disagrees with you,
it's a lecture?
-Fuck you.
-No, fuck you.
-I'll fucking pay for it.
-Yeah, with what money?
Dad'll foot the bill again,
like he always has.
-Well, that's not true.
Think back, Pete.
When you first tried,
he did.
Yeah, well, what's next,
junior year, Sacred Heart?
Oh, well, he did then, too.
Then it was after
you dropped out of U-dub,
which, by the way,
he was paying for, too.
All the therapy,
all the medication,
the stupid fucking trips to...
find yourself.
It's always been him.
You can't just
do whatever you want
and chalk it up
to your mental health.
You have to take
some responsibility.
It's as if always
excusing yourself in...
All right, just stop, okay?
Please stop.
I got it.
-So someone lives here?
Yeah. That's all I could find.
-I'm sorry about this--
-No, no, no. I know.
I gotta piss.
That bathroom
smells like lavender.
Did you wash your hands?
-I call this room.
-No. No. I'm already here.
Oh, come on, man.
I'm, like, so tired.
You slept all...
Okay, okay.
You know what? Fine.
-Take it.
What are you doing?
Fuck. Sorry.
Hey, uh, Jake.
You think anybody, like,
screwed in this bed before?
-I'm going out.
-Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Look, I know you're trying
to understand me
and everything
that I'm going through.
And I really appreciate that.
But you-you don't...
You don't know everything, okay?
Some of this you
might never understand.
Goodnight, man.
Dad, it's late.
I know. Just checking in.
- Are you at the B&B?
- Yeah.
Did they
make it to Idaho?
Oh, thank God.
-Where are you going?
I'll be right back.
Listen, I need you guys here
before 2:00 on Friday.
Um, why?
I got an appointment
for Peter with a psychiatrist.
With Richard.
Wait, wait, what?
Church Richard?
Like, Devin's dad?
Richard Foster, yes.
Okay, Dad, Dad...
We-- we agreed to talk
to Pete about stuff like this.
It's just an appointment.
I mean, he's a family friend.
Which is why I trust him.
Look, I have to do something.
Yeah, yeah.
Look, if he doesn't like him,
then we can discuss
other options, okay?
But, you know what?
Let's just keep this
between you and me for now,
Okay, all right, good.
We'll see you Friday.
-Help yourself.
-Oh, sorry, sorry.
I wasn't sure
if that was extra or not.
I wasn't being sarcastic, huh?
I'll take one, too,
if you're offering.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Jake, right?
Uh, yeah, yeah, and you're...
-Mary, actually.
Oh, sorry.
No, you're fine.
It's just,
my mother's name was Marie.
But you're Mary.
Well, my birth name is Marie.
But when I was a teenager,
I changed it to Mary.
I started telling people,
and nobody ever questioned it.
We are who we pretend
to be, I guess.
My parents,
they used to call me Jacob.
I always thought
it sounded childish.
I like Jacob.
It's dignified.
Jake's harsh, strident.
That's me.
No, I don't think so.
So, you want to help me
with something, Jacob?
We used to have chickens,
but not anymore.
I hate chickens.
I thought
all farmers liked chickens.
Maybe, but I'm not a farmer.
My father was.
The chickens
were my husband's idea.
A gift from me
after our daughter moved out.
How about a dog, you know?
Or some Canadian whiskey.
Anything but fucking chickens.
And where's your husband now?
Does he work in town?
Well, he died,
actually, last spring.
Um... I'm sorry about that.
Death isn't something
to be sorry about, hon.
It means you lived.
Restful, huh?
It's the openness.
No surprises.
It must have been nice
growing up here.
Yeah, until you were grown.
At 17, all this changes.
So, I fled to California.
That's where I met Frank.
During a student
protest in San Francisco.
Ah, so you're not a farmer.
-You're a hippie.
I was studying English.
Him, history.
We wanted to be teachers,
not revolutionaries.
Of course, poor Pop
couldn't tell the difference.
We loved the city.
Why did you come back?
I, uh...
I had to.
Let me guess, your dad?
No, no. My, um...
My sister.
She'd gotten sick.
Cervical, you know?
What was her name?
Not long after she died,
we found out
that I was pregnant.
My sister and I
were night and day.
She was ladylike and poised.
I was...
rebellious, impulsive.
I couldn't wait to leave Idaho.
She loved it here.
Especially this house,
which was supposed to be
hers next.
She wanted
to start a family here.
after she died,
I decided to stay,
at least until
my daughter was born.
It was Frank's idea
to name her Marianne.
And then, of course,
one year turns to two,
and two becomes 20.
I have no complaints.
I was the lucky one.
I had some weird-ass dreams
last night.
You were in
one of them, actually.
Yeah, where were we on
a road trip in a shitty van?
I said dream, not nightmare.
Hey, Mary, what a cool lady.
She was just, like,
telling me about this, like,
crazy waterfall
right in Twin Falls.
I don't know if we're gonna
have time to stop today, man.
Yeah, no, I was just--
I was just saying.
Like, why?
Like, what's the rush?
Just, you know, Dad,
he's-- he's excited to see you.
Hey, speaking of the Pope,
uh, can we, like, stop in Oregon
and get some more grass before
we have to see him?
As long as you don't
call him that when we do.
Pretty accurate, though.
Bald, old, Catholic,
claims to know God's thoughts.
Won't give in till he dies.
I'm sorry,
did you just knock Dad?
I guess I did.
I think I like you today, man.
Hey, hang on,
just today?
Take the compliment, bro.
Black and sweet.
Like my heart?
Hey, could I, uh,
actually get one of those?
-What's wrong?
I know you, man,
anytime you want a cigarette,
it's when you're all fucking in
your head and anxious and shit.
That's not true.
The last time
you asked me for a cigarette
was when you were, like,
about to go and talk to Dad
about moving in with Abby.
How do you remember that?
I told you, man,
I'm high-functioning.
Can we sit?
You could sit. I kind of
want to stretch my legs.
Hey, and I'm-- I'm sorry about
the cigarette.
Just one of us is going
to have to live a long life.
I'm joking, man.
How come everyone but,
like, suicidal people
can, like, tell suicide jokes?
It's fucked up.
What's up?
When I was in
your bathroom, uh...
I found the empty bottle.
You know, movies make it seem
like it's all, like, tearful
and, like, cinematic
and shit, but...
it's actually
pretty fucking dull.
I tried calling you.
Here, give me your phone.
Yeah, right here. 2:37 a.m.
What, did you have
any second thoughts?
You know, I don't remember
a lot from that night, but I...
I remember that I was...
I was ready.
You ready?
Hey, hey, hold up.
What's up?
I was listening to, uh,
to Pink Floyd that night.
It was making me think of--
You remember when, like, uh...
Dad used to, like, play music
really loud late at night?
And he was a lot more chill?
Dude, he was an alcoholic
back then, man.
Also way more chill.
Anyways, there was
this one Floyd track.
Every time he would put it on,
you'd get, like, pretty scared
and you couldn't,
like, fall asleep,
so I'd have to, like, do shit
to, like, make you laugh.
You remember that?
Mr. Peanut.
Hey, kiss your sister,
Mr. Peanut.
Anyways, yeah,
I-- I-- I couldn't remember...
I couldn't remember
the name of that song.
So, that's why you called, then?
Just to ask me that?
I mean, I'd just taken,
like, 40 sleeping pills.
I wasn't exactly
thinking straight.
It's a strange sensation, man,
like drifting off thinking
you'll never wake up again,
and then you wake up.
Who called 911, then?
I did.
But at the hospital...
you admitted yourself.
Why did you leave?
By then, I was feeling better.
Well, what about now?
You still feel better?
I was really all in, you know?
Now, I have this, like...
second chance on life
I'm not even sure that I wanted.
I kind of feel like
a tourist in my own body.
Shall we?
Yeah, I--
I just realized something.
I've taken a shit in, like,
every state
we've been in on this trip.
Hope I gotta go in Oregon.
Sorry, I know you don't like me
talking about fecal matter.
-No, no, no, you're fine.
-Fecal matters?
Fecal matter.
You went, then? All good?
-Yes, sir, all cleaned out.
-Oh, okay.
There's no TP, though, so I just
had to do, like, a quick...
All right, dude, stop.
Naturally dressed in, like,
a full-fledged uniform.
So, this guy's name is Ravi?
Like Ravi fucking Shankar?
Nah, I don't know
who that is, man.
Hey, hey, no, no--
Put those-- put those back, man.
Dana, bro.
Donna what?
Ravi's Hindu, man.
Dana's, like,
the practice of-- of giving.
You're bullshitting me.
Religious studies was, like,
my favorite class in college.
Yeah, before you dropped out,
you mean.
Mm, ha, ha, ha.
All right.
Who's she?
Uh, actually, he and his name
is Shiva the Destroyer.
-Drink up.
Thank you.
Hinduism's pretty interesting,
Okay, yeah, okay, here we go.
No, no, no, seriously,
seriously, right?
There are these three gods,
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Birth, life, and death,
but, like,
not necessarily in that order.
So, in a way, destruction
is an act of creation.
That just
doesn't make sense to me.
And besides,
you do know, you're, like,
the whitest guy ever, right?
I appreciate
other people's beliefs.
You and Dad
should try it sometime.
Wow, okay.
What do you believe in, then?
I believe that you shouldn't
make someone believe something
that they don't want to believe.
No, no, I, uh...
I actually believe that, too.
All babies cry.
Yeah, dude, so my, like,
dum-dum five-year-old brain,
like, thought you were,
like, hungry, man.
He's like, I thought, like,
crying was, like, hungry.
So, I'm, like,
searching around the room,
and the only thing I see is,
like, this nickel.
Wow, great idea.
Fuck you, dude.
I was five years old.
I thought you'd, like,
suck on it or some shit,
but you just snatch it from me,
and you're like...
Basically, you just tried
to kill me.
The first of many
unsuccessful attempts.
I'm sorry.
No, what you said, it just...
Just made me think
of the first time that, uh,
that you tried it.
That was a long time ago.
I was eight.
And Mom, she, uh...
she was leaving somewhere,
and, uh...
she wanted us to come.
But, uh...
you told her that
you didn't want to go, so...
I told her no, too.
Just, uh, just to be with you.
You were annoyed.
You know what I mean?
I-- I was annoyed.
I mean,
I remember crying, like...
like, literally,
like, bawling to Mom,
so that she'd make you
hang out with me.
But I don't know.
You were my big brother.
And when Mom left...
you went into your room to draw.
And, um...
I wanted to draw, too, but...
you told me to stay, so...
I-- I stayed.
But after a while...
I, um...
started to get lonely.
That was it.
I was bored.
I was a kid, you know?
It happens.
Please don't leave me.
Please don't leave me.
I'm sorry about that.
No, you're good.
Hey, when I woke up that,
uh, that first time...
you were the only person
that I wanted to see,
but you weren't there.
Where were you?
Dad and Mom
sent me to Grandma Jan's.
I guess they, uh, they didn't
want me to see you like that.
That story that I told you
about Pink Floyd,
I really-- I couldn't
remember the song. That's not--
That's not really why
I, uh, I called you.
It was like, uh...
As I was, like, you know...
I just realized, like, I--
like, I just, like,
really want to hear your voice,
like, one more time.
Hello, you've reached
Warren Duffy.
Please leave me a detailed--
Hey, Pete.
Hey, Pete, come on.
Hey, Pete!
Pete, wake up! Come on.
Come on, man. Why, man?
911, what's your emergency?
Yeah, hi there.
Um, my-- my-- my brother, he...
He took-- took sleeping pills.
Okay, sir, is he there with you
or in a different location.
No, no, no, he's here.
I'm-- I'm here with him.
All right, sir, stay calm.
- We're gonna be there very
Okay. Okay, thank you.
Did they say
how long he'll be out?
Uh, at least all night.
Maybe more.
Well, how did they sound?
I don't know.
Good, not good.
I don't know, Dad,
I-- I-- I don't know.
I'm flying out there.
And I want you
to come back here.
Hang on, that's--
That is-- That's not what I...
No, no, no,
I-- I should be here with him.
You have been, son.
But you have a life.
Your brother doesn't.
He doesn't...
understand what that is.
He never has.
What about the van?
You take it
so we have it, and, uh,
Peter and I will
rent a car or fly back.
Dad, I-- I don't know.
He's my brother.
Yeah, I know.
But this isn't the first time.
He's hurt you
doing this before, remember?
Come home, son.
Jakey, I really don't know
what to do anymore.
And I should.
I should know.
But I don't.
Get some rest, son.
Okay, Dad.
Good night.
It's my turn.
You guys!
I wanna play!
All right, all right, all right.
Settle down.
No, he's not getting that car.
No way! No way.
I just drained
his catheter bag.
Any changes?
What time did you check last?
-Round three.
-Okay. Let me look.
Yeah... no, about the same.
Uh, did you talk to the doctor?
-I did.
And there's just no way
to know for sure.
We've gotta wait for his body
to metabolize all those pills.
Could be hours.
Could be days.
All right.
Oh, um, my dad,
he'll be here this afternoon.
Yeah. We'll be ready for him.
-Thank you.
Okay, what were we saying?
The Mustang.
Oh, the Mustang, yes. So...
Are you the little brother?
Uh, yeah?
That's me, yeah.
Dr. Conrad.
He's, uh-- he's waking up now?
Any minute now.
We'll be right back.
Everybody here?
How you doing, Mr. Duffy?
I hate to get right into it,
but I'd like to discuss next
steps. Is that okay with you?
from what your brother told me,
this was an act of self-harm.
Is that true?
Was your intent
to end your life?
Can you share with me
your motive
for wanting to end your life?
No, you don't want to, or no,
you don't have a reason?
Are you still thinking
about harming yourself?
Well, Peter,
since you're confirming that
this is, in fact, self-harm,
it's regulation that
we're allowed to hold you
until you're seen by
a mental health provider.
In the meantime,
for your safety,
you will be under surveillance
with a sitter,
which is what Zak is here for.
When the provider arrives,
you'll be evaluated to see if
you're a danger
to yourself or others,
and if so, a judge can rule
that you seek court-mandated
psychiatric treatment.
I'm sorry, can he have a break?
Of course.
I know this is a lot to take in.
I'll give you both some space
to process things.
We'll make you safe, Peter.
I-- I don't
understand. What's the problem?
I just--
There was a lot of questions,
you know?
Well, yeah.
When you do something like that,
that's gonna happen.
I-- I know. All right? I just--
Some of them
were pretty intense.
Okay, like what?
Like why he tried
to kill himself.
What's wrong with that?
Uh, I'm not sure he knows that.
Well, of course he does.
God damn it, use your head!
Why would you do that
if you didn't know?
Come on,
you're smarter than that.
Your brother
knows what he's doing.
I think it's time
we stopped tiptoeing around
his delicate little feelings.
He lost that privilege when
he swallowed an entire bottle
of fucking pills for
the second fucking time.
Hey, Dad, um...
I think maybe I should
be with Pete right now.
What does that mean?
It means you don't need to come.
Well, I'm literally
standing at the front door
ready to go to the airport
right now.
Did Peter put you up to this?
No, Dad, he didn't, okay?
It's me.
I'll make sure Pete's safe.
Son, I sent you down there to
bring your brother home to me,
and now he's back
in the hospital.
Is that your idea
of keeping him safe?
Stay there.
I'm coming.
Hey, what's-- what's going on?
What is that?
Uh, I think it's the fire alarm.
What? Do we need to go?
Well, they haven't
made an announcement yet,
-so I think we just stay here.
-Please just make sure.
Just go check.
Uh... I mean,
I'm supposed to be--
I'll stay here. I can watch him.
O-- Okay. I'll be right back.
Okay, please hurry.
Why did you do that?
What are you doing?
Are you fucking crazy?
I think so. Take your gown off.
Just shut up and strip.
Uh... okay.
-Ow, ow, ow, ow.
Okay. Okay.
-Oh, Jesus fuck.
-Oh, Christ.
Okay. Shirt, shirt,
shirt, shirt, shirt. Come on!
-Nice fucking throw!
Let's go.
Come on, come on, come on.
Almost there.
Oh, fuck.
-My keys.
-You left them?
-No, wait, you have them.
-Check my pockets.
-That's a proper throw.
-Shut up.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Yeah, one-- one sec. Here we go.
Wait, wait. Holy shit.
Are you serious?
unfortunately, yeah.
So he's just gonna, like--
he's gonna get there
-and we're just gonna be gone?
-Nah, I told him not to come.
All right?
He's just so fucking stubborn.
Hey, I'm sorry that
he said that shit to you.
Just so you know,
this-- this isn't you.
I honestly--
I don't really know why.
Well, hey.
You're okay.
It's okay.
I'm just glad that you're here.
And how are you feeling?
Do you, uh--
did you need anything?
I mean, honestly, I'm chafing.
Seriously, bro,
you could've brought me
a pair of undies or something.
Wow. You, uh--
you really weren't kidding--
Don't talk.
I-- I don't wanna
ruin this moment, but...
but me doing this, you know...
you-- you still-- still gotta... know,
you're gonna need help.
No, no, man--
take the fucking jacket, man.
So what now?
I don't know.
You tell me.
What do you mean?
What you want.
Fuck off.
Let's go.
To Seattle.
What about Dad?
I'm gonna have to
face him eventually,
before he dies
and my resentment petrifies.
At least you'll be there.
You sure?
Definitely not.
So we should probably hurry.
Besides, it's a longer drive
back than it is forward.