Little Hearts (2024) Movie Script

I am Siby.
Me and my only Father,
Baby are thick friends.
Do you know why?
As soon as she gave birth to me,
my mother left us
and went to be with God.
Ever since, Baby has been
both my father and my mother.
Baby worked at Johnson
Papa's plantation...
to raise me.
Since Johnson Papa
has always been lazy,
Baby is the one who
managed all the affairs.
Thus, my dad, who
once flaunted his muscles,
became a young
farmer in Pushpakandam.
And also, the manager of
the dryer owned by the parish.
Having said that, Baby
and Johnson Papa...
became friends in tenth
grade over arm-wrestling.
To Johnson Papa and Anita Mommy,
I'm just like their children
Sharon Chettayi and Shosha.
We grew up together.
Even though Shosha
is bit of a hot head,
Sharon Chettayi is
her exact opposite.
He lives in the UK now.
He rings me once in a while.
Since Shosha couldn't
stay away from her parents,
she opened a boutique here in
our Pushpakandam city centre.
As I grew up, Baby and
Johnson Papa passed on...
the plantation duties to me and
started leading their retirement life.
This Pushpakandam city,
our Parish church and townsfolk,
the minor, small issues here,
and their simple solutions,
form my whole world.
Hence, the townsfolk have
given me a nickname as well.
Simple Sibychan!
Though Baby is a
bit laid back these days,
Baby comes first before
anyone else in the world for me.
But Baby is now...
addicted to Instagram.
Being addicted is fine.
But something has gotten
into his heart lately.
At this old age,
he is kind of stirred up.
I'm not sure if it is to
break this stirred up heart...
But someone has already
set off from the city centre.
I hate romance.
Romance likes me.
Pearls drop when she smiles
Who is it at this hour?
[humming the song]
Oh, no!
What is his intention?
Hey, you dog!
Are you hiding in your
house, you scoundrel?
I'll burn down your family!
Bloody rascal!
Let me see how long you'll
stay put in your house, you pig!
Guess I don't have that
same energy anymore!
[humming a song]
Hey, Power Bhai!
Don't get so stressed,
Santhosh bhai.
If Sibychan makes a
promise, he'll do it. Be happy!
But he hasn't promised yet.
He should promise, right?
If we don't harvest it before the rains,
it'll end up on some random rooftops.
He left saying
that he'll make tea.
What tea is he making?
If he has gone to make tea,
you don't have to be worried at all.
Once you have the tea,
ideas will come flooding!
I don't want it.
Come on, Chetta! A good
tea will release your stress!
You'll feel energized
and powered up!
If you drink the
tea Sibychan makes,
you'll surely be pumped up.
We just need to cut it and get it
down before it lands on the roof, right?
- Siby, it's not as...
- Simple as I think, right?
Drink it.
Close the deal for 50.
And ask them to
wait near the church.
We'll cut it and bring
it down smoothly.
What say?
Right, dude?
Drink it, man!
- Hold this.
- Yeah, Sir.
- This is good!
- Yeah! That's what I said.
- What's up, Baby?
- Nothing!
Huh? Nothing?
Did he say nothing?
Then there must be something.
Look who's here!
Paappan Chettan!
No! Paappan Chechi!
Let me see how
long he'll stay inside.
Then you'll keep
sitting here forever.
Baby must have fled
through the back long ago.
I've told him ten
thousand times...
not to roam around the town
with my sister.
That's what I also told him.
Why let the townfolks
spread rumours?
Shall we get them married?
What do you say?
Who will dare to stop it?
Right, Paappan Chetta?
I will show you
who will dare to!
Come on! Have a
tea before you leave.
Beat the heat with heat, goes the
saying. It's really good tea, Uncle.
Then why not parcel a cup of tea to
your mother in Bengal, you scoundrel!
I'll be curing Baby's
itchiness soon enough!
Joy... is right here,
at my fingertip!
It's a close miss!
I'll show my true
colours to both of you!
Next time, I'll start swearing
from the backside of the house.
Then he won't flee
through the backside!
He thinks he can mess with me!
Red bindi doesn't look good...
on you.
Use black ones...
That too, tiny little ones.
Got it?
That's what I like.
It's high time you trim
your nails, Babycha.
- Is it?
- Of course.
Get them trimmed.
You keep scraping beneath
the cardamom plants, right?
They will be dirty.
Yeah. I shall trim them.
Phew! You are so caring!
This caring reminds me
of something else...
We must do a reel on Instagram.
The reel that has,
'Questions for Best Couples'!
- Didn't get it?
- No!
This is the one trending
on Instagram now, Sicily.
Shall we try?
Do you think we're in a situation
to shoot Insta reels, Babycha?
We've been facing
so many problems!
Well, I shoot more reels when
I'm facing problems and stress.
Just be cool, bro!
What's up, bro?
Chill, bro!
At times, when we're really shattered,
do you know how much
they support me, Sicily?
I can't do it.
I'm scared, Babycha!
Why are you so scared, Sicily?
Okay, then let's do the
one for 'Best Friends'?
What say?
That won't pose much
of a problem, right?
I am your best friend, right?
Excuse me, brother. Let this
gentleman get down from the bus.
Yeah! Dear...
Is the name Joy...
some kind of a swear
word in Manali language?
I spotted a tall, sturdy guy,
facing the other side.
When I went to him, turned him
around and asked him if he's Joy,
he screamed like a mad man...
and slapped me,
right across my face.
When I shook my head to
get rid of the buzz in my ears,
he just flew away,
like a firefly.
It was a close miss!
I'm not sure if it was
your dad himself.
- Paappan Chetta...
- I'll bring him, no matter what.
Start the vehicle.
- You!
- Oh, no! Paappan!
This damned bus!
Good lord! It almost
run over my head.
The second I'm not looking,
she's off to hang with him.
And he's always
dragging her out!
Come quickly! How come he got
back from Manali so soon?
Come quickly!
In paths we meet, memories
rain, Moonlit petals, a colorful terrain
Let's flow like the waves of this wind,
In a gentle dance of hearts entwined
Where we meet, in city's gentle chime,
In the urban rhythm, a union, divine
Like a gentle monsoon's tune sway Is
the moment nearing, marking its way?
In soft whispers, our hearts sing,
Old song's verses, a melody that clings
We sing ceaselessly, hearts in swing,
Is that beautiful moment, taking a wing?
Don't fade away,
my life's luminous star
Don't vanish into
the distant sky, so far
You the tender rain,
when first poured
On my scorching heart,
a melody adored
In the boat where
our desires spun
I wandered through waves,
our dreams on run
In every bloom, your face I trace,
Every bird's song echoes, your voice
The star up in the sky, shares your hue,
Unknowingly, I've become more like you
Caressing my pain,
touching lashes in grace
You become the dewdrops,
in a tender embrace
As time elapses,
and seasons turn their pages
Unfading, unwithering, like clouds,
our paths merge
In paths we meet, memories
rain, Moonlit petals, a colorful terrain
Let's flow like the waves of this wind,
In a gentle dance of hearts entwined
Where we meet, in city's gentle chime,
In the urban rhythm, a union, divine
Like a gentle monsoon's tune sway Is
the moment nearing, marking its way?
Whatever said and done,
what's going on right now,
is not good for Baby or Sicily.
And Paappan is not going to
let this happen until he dies.
But they can't wait until
Paappan is dead, can they?
Hey, you should go
and talk to Sicily.
And ask her her to legally
separate from her first marriage.
Anyway, it's been over
six years since Joy left, right?
In a way, you're lucky.
You don't have any
sisters to marry off, right?
Once you marry off Baby,
you can also get married.
He is getting older, isn't he?
- Yeah! He is getting older!
- Right!
What's right?
I'm talking about our son!
We have a son who's older than
this fellow. Do you remember that?
Sharon is coming here
after so many years!
If he doesn't tie the knot this
year, I believe he never will.
How is it possible if the people
here are so irresponsible?
Don't get upset, Mummy.
We'll do it this year, whatsoever.
You are my only solace!
- You're going to the bank anyway, right?
- Yes.
I need 50,000.
- I won't give it.
- How can you...?
Your quota is over.
Nothing's going to work now,
without special permission.
I've given 30,000
to Shosha as well.
How can I tally all these when
Mummy asks for the accounts?
Why did you give it to Shosha?
For her boutique's photo-shoot.
- Don't give it.
- But I've already given it.
Well done!
- Siby!
- Yes.
Shall I shut down the boutique?
What! What for?
Co-operative Service
Blossom Boutique!
Everything will be solved
if you rename it that way.
That way, for weddings
and naming ceremonies,
the townsfolk will only have
to shell out just 100 for petrol.
Plus, they can attend the events
wearing fashionable dresses like yours.
What kind of a
dress is this, Shosha?
A Salwar? Or a Cassock?
Shosha, drop this
life of experiments,
and do something intelligent.
Though I know that
you're not the brightest,
how can I share an idea
unless you ask me for it?
Ask me!
You should quit
this posh textile shop business...
and start exporting Cardamom.
Shosha's Candyman Export!
It's Cardamom.
Yeah, yeah!
That's it!
An independent entrepreneurship!
That's what I'm interested in.
Like the franchises of
Starbucks, McDonald's...
or a high-tech cafe...
which sells Pastries,
Doughnuts, Hot Dogs, etc.
- Hot dog?
- Yeah, yeah!
Have you heard of Elon Musk?
Is that some kind of deodorant?
Oh, no!
What can I possibly tell him!
I have nothing more to say!
- Hey, you!
- Yes.
Have you seen any of
Baby's videos?
He's so over-the-top, it's ridiculous.
My good lord!
- It's unbearable.
- Here you go!
You should spend
the rest of your life...
believing in God.
Only then will you be
able to go to heaven.
The devil will keep...
testing you.
Okay! Imagine that
you're marrying him!
What will you do
with your daughter?
She is a 16 year old girl.
Will you take her
to Baby's place?
There's a guy there, right?
One who's always
chaperoning Johnson's wife.
We'll never be able to judge
the real characters of these guys!
Baby is all muscle,
and not much in
the way of brains.
[Singing a popular Malayalam song]
Why the hell is he back so soon?
Oh, God! I haven't finished
shooting the reels yet.
Pay respect to your
father's words and deeds...
and be the recipient of his blessings.
A father's blessing...
will fortify the
house of his children.
Even if you are the most powerful
of all, never despise your father.
Never despise...
The kindness you
bestow on your father,
will never be forgotten.
You must always
forgive your father's...
mistakes and faults, Son.
Because, since your childhood,
he has always forgiven...
every mischief of yours.
He has raised you with so
much love and pampering.
He has never let
you know the pain of...
- being motherless.
- Sheesh!
Why is it short of 30?
Huh! 90 is too much
for a first drink, right?
I was talking about your share of cash.
It's 30 short.
Oh, I see.
It's not enough if you
just do all this crap.
You must watch them
once in a while too.
It's really embarrassing!
Always humiliating me!
- A Dad who's addicted to reels!
- Does it bother you...
that I'm 'trending' on reels?
Does it?
I have 50K followers.
Here, in Pushpakandam...
Look at me!
There's only one celebrity who
has a blue tick on Instagram.
Who's that?
Me! Gym Baby Thottathil!
- Do you know that?
- Why should I care?
People will say many things.
Don't bother.
People are saying many
other things too.
If you don't have the guts,
don't dare to romance!
Why do you keep fleeing
when you see Paappan?
You got to know, huh?
The whole place knows!
When Sicily said she wanted
to go to the city in the morning,
I also joined her as I wanted
to buy a selfie stick.
To rotate it and click photos.
And then Son, when I
reached the bus station,
there stands Paappan
right in front of me.
I escaped immediately!
Unnecessarily, why should I...
Get thrashed, right?
- Correct!
- Yes.
Son, Sicily has asked me not
to get into trouble with Paappan.
Moreover, if you come to know,
it will become total chaos!
Otherwise, why I
should be scared?
- Damn it!
- Yeah, right!
He said he'll give a
good thrashing next time!
To you?
No way!
Hey, if our wedding
doesn't happen,
I have saved you to be
my punching bag!
He'll thrash you, not me!
- Huh?
- Move aside now!
- Me?
- Yeah.
In that case...
Hear me out, my dear Siby...
In 1988, '89 and '91...
In '90 I couldn't participate
due to malaria...
Forget that!
for three years...
I was Mister Pushpakandam!
If he gets a punch from me,
this Paappan
will be knocked out flat!
Later, when I get released
from jail after 14 years,
I will be 55 plus 10, plus
4... that's almost 69 years.
I'm still sleeping hugging
my pillow to avoid all that.
- Baby?
- Yes.
Even though I've been seeing
you since the day I was born,
if you dare make the
townsfolk spread rumours,
you should either marry her
or forget it!
Or else, I won't
be there for you!
- Siby!
- Sibychan!
Just remember that!
Why are you here at this hour?
A wild boar has
encroached the farm.
You come with us.
We must kill it today.
I'm not in the mood today.
Not in the mood?
You're not in the mood,
my cardamom isn't either.
But those wild boars
are in a jolly good mood.
The gun is in the dryer!
When you shoot a wild boar, shoot
it right in the centre of its forehead.
If I shoot it will hit here
and there, on its tummy.
But, if Sibychan shoots,
it will be bang on!
- That's true.
- Sibychan has that swag!
Come on, Sibychan. The boar
has been begging you for so long!
Right on the centre
of it's forehead, huh?
Baby, don't rinse
the left over rice.
- We'll have it later with pork curry.
- But there's no more rice!
Come on!
For the town and every soul,
He's got fixes, making problems roll
His moves are simple,
just simple
In the trending scene, to endure,
he must tackle new trials ample
His moves are simple,
just simple
As a breeze flowing through every
street, As a friend to all you meet
In every moment, hands you blend, The
apple of the town's eye, a perfect friend
For the town and every soul,
He's got fixes, making problems roll
His moves are simple,
just simple
In the trending scene, to endure,
he must tackle new trials ample
His moves are simple,
just simple
This misty hillock,
our town so sweet
A forest of blooms,
tender and petite
It sings aloud with zest, While
it finds comfort on your chest
A nest of rain-flowers,
sky's beauty so high
Joining hands with you,
in joy we fly
In a nest made of glass,
love weaves its parts
We join as one,
seeing into each other's hearts
You're not my child,
rather my companion strong
We're not two but one,
together we belong
There's nothing more to mull,
my champ, all along
Let's chase desires
as wide as the sky
Start a season of joy,
let celebrations fly
Turn every pain to honey,
so sweet
In mountain-lands,
where dreams and sky meet
With smiles all around, joy in our stride,
A time without tears, soon we'll abide
For the town and every soul
Turn it the other way round.
He's got fixes,
making problems roll
His moves are simple,
just simple
So lame!
Paappan Chettan is calling.
- Baby!
- Huh? What is it?
Paappan is calling...
He won't leave me at peace.
- My dear Sicily!
- Baby!
Did he jump in?
Son, did Paappan leave?
Couldn't you say
that he was on call?
The water just killed
all my morning high!
Ask him.
Ask him now.
Well, Siby!
You know my elder
sister in Pampady, right?
She has two children.
The elder one is in Germany.
He is into...
bomb making.
- These tiny little bombs.
- Bomb?
- These small...
- Paappa, you keep quiet.
Rony is a nuclear
physicist in Germany.
That's what I meant, dear.
He's into something like that.
Just show him the photos.
Just have a look.
Zoom in and see properly.
Take a look!
What she wanted to say is that...
Rony is in town now...
and they are seeking
brides for him as well.
We were wondering if we could
suggest Shosha for the same.
That's all!
Rony's mom had seen Shosha
during the church festival.
When I told her about Shosha,
my sister told me...
that she's a great girl,
and to try asking her family.
You know what the
problem is, right, Siby?
If I go there to talk to them
about this, it won't happen.
Johnson has always disliked
me for some reason!
Like how I dislike these!
This Rony is a very nice fellow.
Very well mannered too.
Just try talking to them, Siby.
The guy looks good.
I think Shosha will like him.
And since he has a good job,
there wouldn't be any other issues.
Anyway, have a few seeds
before you go.
Have the tea, Son.
You studied B Tech, right?
Well, I couldn't
complete the course.
Later, I studied
fashion technology.
Now, Shosha is speeding things up to
launch our own cardamom export brand.
Maliyekkal Candyman Export!
- Right?
- That sounds great.
Well, she really doesn't have to
make a living by doing these exports!
She is filthy rich, right?
They even have a
machine that counts notes.
What are you studying?
I just finished a
tea tasting course.
What course is that?
Well, after having tea,
they will find out whether it's
strong or light. That's all.
That's why you just took
a sip and kept it back, is it?
Hey, no!
My son, Sibychan made this tea.
He is an expert at it.
Baby, my dear Dad!!!
Isn't Sicily's house
nearby, Paappachan?
Oh, Sicily's house is
right next to my house,
if you jump over the rocky steep,
behind my house.
I shall take you there.
You want to go?
I go there everyday, you know!
Also, there's another way
without climbing the rocky steep...
Well... Errr...
It is to go there!
Well, another Panchayat road
also goes there...
Next time you climb up
that rocky steep,
see that your hooves don't slip.
Oh, okay!
- What?
- How is his sister?
- Superb!
- Superb, right?
Shall we ask her
hand in marriage?
I was just waiting to say that.
Wow! We're always
thinking alike, aren't we?
She will be a perfect
match for Sharon.
Let me inform him right away.
What is it, Shosha?
This is Siby.
- I told you, right?
- Yes.
For quite some time now,
we have been in love.
We are committed.
What the hell...
You don't have to be stressed.
This bro himself will
call off this proposal.
- Then you carry on, Sibychan.
- Okay!
- Don't leave, Sibychan.
- Okay!
Wait a minute.
How come you get
to call all the shots?
Don't you want to know
my opinion as well?
My Dad and Mom
are really lovable.
But they're aware I can't
rush into decisions...
about someone I've just met.
But still,
when I met you in person and
spoke to you, I didn't like you.
So, my stand is clear, right?
- Yes.
- So, shall I leave?
All the best, guys!
Shosha, weren't there so many
other ways to call off this marriage?
You could have said
you're a pro shrink, right?
Oh! Now Paappan will
get to know this and...
Asking Baby to make reels
would've been a much better move!
Who said I was kidding?
- Huh?
- What I said is true.
If I am thinking,
it'll only be about you.
When I close my eyes or open it,
I see only your face,
only your memories.
About the one you love...
Love is a disease, it seems!
Oh, no! Loser!
[a popular Malayalam
film song plays in the radio]
What's wrong with him?
Will you bring down the house?
Just touch and see.
I think I have a fever.
- Huh?
- Yes. I'm shivering.
- Fever?
- Yes.
What's with this sudden fever?
- I don't know.
- Huh?
Can you please make
me a ginger coffee?
Ginger Coffee?
The Thottathil family has
never been so desperate
as to drink ginger
coffee to kick a fever!
[singing a romantic
Malayalam song]
If you have a glass of rum in
glee, all the fever will run and flee
Here you go!
The cure-all for fever!
Pepper powder in hot rum!
Hey! Stop sipping
and drink it bottom's up!
Yes, that's my boy!
Here, you go!
Stick out your tongue.
How do you feel now?
You seem a bit off.
What's going on?
Why didn't you
answer Johnson's call?
I guess it was on silent mode.
From the way you're acting,
it seems like you want
to tell me something.
How did you understand?
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Tell me!
Tell me.
Well, Dad...
The thing is that...
If two people whose families
have known each other for years,
fall deeply in love...
Let the townsfolk say whatever!
But does it usually become a
problem between the families?
What usually?
What did you mean?
- Huh?
- Well...
Will it become a
problem, altogether?
For how long will we sit
looking at each other's faces?
- Huh?
- What?
If I toil like this and
explode in this kitchen,
the girl you will
marry and bring home
will be upset, and it'll
be a burden on her.
If I bring Sicily and her
daughter to this house,
you will have a sister,
a mother,
- and we will have a family.
- Oh, God!
Do you have a problem with that?
Paappan, the one who married off his
sister to a madman for 18 acres of land,
is the only one who has a problem
with my relationship with her.
So, what is your problem now?
- Nothing.
- I didn't hear it!
I said, nothing!
And that 'usually'
which you just mentioned...
If I say it in another angle...
if the affair had been between
Johnson's wife Anita and me...
- Yikes!
- Not her! I'll get cursed!
If it's between you and Shosha,
I won't need much courage to
beat you up. [imitating Suresh Gopi]
You won't hit me back.
I am your Dad!
Isn't it?
Would you hit me back?
- You won't do squat!
- Baby! [imitating back]
Well, let me check on the beef.
Trying to mimic Suresh Gopi, the
kiddo could have turned into Nagavalli!
Shit! [imitating Suresh Gopi]
Look at you!
You should have
worn what I suggested.
We're going to a gathering
where people show up.
I'm okay with how I look!
What is your problem, Mummy?
- Unnecessarily saying things!
- Wasted my time ironing her clothes!
Since starting out from home,
you both have been at it.
Hey Kiddo, you are supposed
to go to another family.
Your mother-in-law need not
have your mother's patience.
You'll bounce back
here like a rubber ball!
I'm only going to a house where
there is no mother-in-law.
- What?
- Okay, okay.
Why are you looking pale?
I heard you had a fever.
Yes, I had a slight temperature.
- Okay.
- It's gone now.
You cleaned the candle
stands for the grave, right?
Yes, yes!
Okay. Then, it's good.
[singing a prayer]
Hey! What's going on
between you and her?
- With whom?
- With her?
She is in love with me.
Paappan's daughter?
That is danger...
[sings the prayer]
If you love her, will it
be good or bad for me?
Oh! I don't have
any feelings for her!
- Is it?
- Yes!
Is it going to be a problem for
me if you do not love her back?
Don't test my patience!
[says in prayer tune]
- Amen!
- Amen!
In the name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!
Siby, my son! I'm taking back
what I said. [says in prayer tune]
That will be better for you!
Do we plan on eating
before we leave?
- Make it viral, okay?
- See you.
Wow! Splendid.
- Sicily...
- Yes.
One minute.
- What?
- After seeing the reel I posted yesterday,
you didn't say anything!
Hey, this is too much!
I'll complain to the Police.
Come with me!
You both are out to
humiliate others!
What do you have to
say about what I said?
When you said
it out of the blue,
I lost it completely!
Also, I've never
seen you like that.
Huh? Why so?
Am I so bad that you
never saw me like that?
I'm very beautiful, right?
Look here!
You know me well...
and I know you,
and your likes.
Yes, look!
You yourself didn't like
the curry you made, right?
That's not it, Shosha!
I have been coming to your home
all this while and Mummy and Papa...
Will you be happy if your beloved
Johnson Papa's and Anita Mummy's daughter
marries some random guy,
goes to some unknown house,
gets depressed, gets a
divorce and returns home?
I won't be happy.
Then what?
Whoa! It's beating so fast!
Dad isn't here.
Isn't here?
Oh, God!
I'll be right back!
Sharon Chettayi's wedding is the
biggest concern for Papa and Mummy.
Once that happens,
we will get some space.
Once Chettayi arrives,
I'll tell him about us.
Because he knows me well,
he will understand me.
- But, Shosha...
- Yes.
When did you start
having feelings for me?
O' flower of Eden
Girl, your heart
to me was given
Why in colours vivid,
do you appear in front of me?
All I never longed for,
spoken in a whisper's sway
Why reveal,
then fade and slip away?
Nothing concealed,
no moments of hesitation
Is there a secret we haven't
shared in our conversation?
Days without recalling you,
without you by my side
Is there a day that passes
without joy, in your thoughts I abide?
O' treasure, O' my precious find,
Before you graced my sight, so kind
I was a stream, alone and confined,
Flowing through a desert, path undefined
Carrying the scent of your cheek, so
fine As a message, a whisper divine
The misty breeze arrives in the night,
To embrace me softly, in the moon's light
It's an embrace
As bosoms gently grace
Again and again
Romantic fantasies arise,
like a refrain
What is this sweetness,
so new and bright?
He feels it now, for the first time,
in the light
Together we should be,
in seven lives more
Here and beyond,
in love's forevermore
O' flower of Eden
Girl, your heart
to me was given
Why in colours vivid,
do you appear in front of me?
All I never longed for,
spoken in a whisper's sway
Why reveal,
then fade and slip away?
Without slipping or trembling,
Without hiding or quivering
You've encompassed my heart,
so large and brimming
Without quenching
Without tears
your cheeks moistening
I shall guide you, my darling Like
a lantern in the dark, shimmering
Yes, Sharon Chettayi!
What brings you to
the farm in the morning?
It's a good yield, right?
Anyway, when was the
yield less in our farm?
Papa says you care for the
plants like they are babies.
Oh, he's just exaggerating!
If you interact with the cardamom
plants, they will give a good yield.
That's true.
I have something with me.
I want a place to have it.
I also want to discuss
some family matters with you.
An open space would be better.
If there is the
aroma of cardamom,
and a cool breeze,
it will be perfect!
I'll set it up.
Your daughter still
doesn't like me, right?
There will come a time
when she'll understand me.
I know that.
What will we do
if she doesn't agree?
Don't flicker,
O' flame of my eye
Don't drench the path,
O' rain from the sky
With fingers aligned
Let's unite, leaving rain behind
The spring that faded far away
When it drew near, in a sweet array
I lingered by the swing's gentle sway,
In the shade, where memories stay
The echoes of days gone by
Embedded deep, like roots they lie
As the clouds loomed, heavy and dark
They fell upon my heart, leaving a mark
Will the Sun, with its blazing heat,
Shield us when we finally meet?
You bloody scoundrel!
Don't you dare do this nonsense!
Or will we burn in the untamed
fire Of our heart's unknown desire?
Don't go away in haste
Come with me!
Before we meet in grace
Get into the vehicle!
O' Gentle breeze
Am I engulfed in flames, ablaze?
Don't flicker,
O' flame of my eye
Don't drench the path,
O' rain from the sky
Will you dig it up
and make it a pond?
[Siby's phone rings]
What's up, Baby? How was
your date? Had a blast?
[Siby's phone rings]
- Yes, tell me!
- Siby Sir! Paappan's in the city centre.
I'll host Dad's and Sicily Aunty's
wedding at our Parish church itself.
Since we're going to be
relatives in the future,
I'm sparing you.
If you touch my Dad again,
I'll chop off your marbles and
feed them to some dog!
When I say I'll chop them,
I damn well mean it!
The boy has swagger.
Oh, my God!
Paappan's got the real swagger!
Wait and watch!
It has become viral.
Punch him!
Oh, God!
Hey, Mr. Swagger!
- Yes.
- That blow to the nose...
It must have broken, right?
Yeah, right! Even if you're 30 or 50,
you should have some common sense!
You must listen to someone.
Not 50...
56 running!
To hell with your 55!
How is it between you and
that Sicily's daughter?
There is no problem as such.
- What happened?
- You should talk to her.
She might be upset.
We should know
what she thinks about Baby.
- We have to make a decision.
- That's correct!
- Okay.
- It's her life too, right?
Instead, if you beat
up some random guy,
file a fake police complaint,
and lie down here,
it won't resolve the issue.
How difficult it is to
file a fake complaint!
If Sicily had filed a complaint,
we could have locked Paappan.
That would be fair.
- Huh!
- Come!
This is the room.
- Put him on that bed.
- Did Paappan also get beaten?
Who hit him?
Leave me!
- Wasn't there any other room here for us?
- There is no room.
Only the mortuary is left now.
Hey! Shut up!
It's pointless to
get admitted now.
You are a bit late.
Sicily has given her
statement to the Police.
Even if she is your sister,
kicking her lower abdomen
is considered as physical assault!
Which was the section that
the Police mentioned, Son?
Was it A or B?
As it's Paappan's case,
- it will be A.
- Then it's double A!
Let it be A, B or C?
I'm going to lock
these guys, Father!
Do you want to see, Father?
I'll see you in court!
Yes, see you in court!
Stop there, Paappan!
Even though she's
your own sister,
when you manhandled
her in public,
the legal implications changed!
You deceived the townsfolk
and married off your sister
to someone mentally ill!
The church has
the rights to nullify it!
Come, Father.
I have to tell you something.
For what?
Sicily hasn't given
her statement yet.
If she does, you will be
behind bars for 6 months!
The police are on their way.
Think wisely, Paappan!
- Damn right!
- Father is so powerful!
- What a swag!
- Yes!
Well, Baby...
if he is behind bars,
you guys can get married, right?
Of course!
I want to go to Kodaikanal
for my honeymoon, Son.
Kullu Manali is better, right?
- It will be cold and cozy there.
- Is it?
In that case,
I'll go to Cherrapunji.
Since it rains heavily there,
- I can...
- What if you catch a cold from the rain?
No, Son! I don't want cold.
If it's cold, I get that...-
Just shut up!
You want to feel cold, right?
I'll stuff cotton in your nose
and put you in the freezer!
Even if I go to jail now,
I don't mind going to
the jail several times!
I'll kill you and pull
your intestines out!
- Get lost, man!
- You get lost!
I'll marry Sicily even if
I don't have intestines!
Stop there, Paappan!
I want to talk to you!
Get on that bed and lie down!
I should be blamed for
taking these guys along.
I will...
Who is Baby in here?
I am Baby, Sir.
I don't have any complaints.
- Yes. Right?
- Yes, yes...
It was a family matter. We discussed
and resolved it among ourselves.
Isn't it?
Yes... Yes!
There is a rotten scoundrel
named Paappan, Sir.
He is behind all the issues.
Baby Chettan spoke
to him and resolved it.
Even though this
Paappan is a scoundrel,
this Baby Chettan right
here, is a very decent guy.
- Right, Baby Chetta?
- Yes...
Then why didn't you call and
inform us about this earlier?
We cannot inform
this earlier, Sir.
It's our family matter, right?
There are issues
in every family, Sir!
Even your family
might have an issue, Sir.
It's there!
I'll tell you. Come.
Suppose, this guy runs away with
your wife to Ooty via Masinagudi,
- What will you do, Sir?
- Scoundrel!
It's not that Babychayan
doesn't know how to hit back.
He didn't do it because of me.
I'll call you later, Chechi.
Don't think too much,
Sharon Chettayi.
Just agree to that
marriage proposal.
Do you know how happy
Papa and Mummy will be?
And that girl seems okay, right?
Well, her brother
came to Shosha and...
Papa's and Mummy's
wish won't happen, Siby.
My wedding is happening
next month in the UK.
What are you saying?
Papa, Mummy and Shosha
have been fasting and praying
for your wedding to happen.
To communicate this
to the folks back home,
I'll need your help, Siby.
Oh, shucks!
It will be a bit difficult!
Well, are they
from our religion?
Yes... Yes.
Then what is the problem?
We will deal this...
in a simple way.
Do you know the son of
Jacob Sir in Kakkanad?
- Yes.
- You know what?
He married a Punjabi girl from
Canada and brought her here.
It was a huge issue
when they got here.
But what happened
on the third day?
The Dad, along with his
Punjabi daughter-in-law
had come to the auction centre!
So, do you see it?
See what?
Will this Siby agree
to let Johnson Papa
and Anita Mummy's son
marry a girl he doesn't like,
leading to depression and divorce?
Well... no.
Don't inform them in advance.
Bring the girl here.
This Siby will deal the rest...
in a simple way!
- But Siby... I...
- Shhh!
- Siby...
- Shhh!
Can I get one more of
this Mandrake bottle?
Baby likes it very much.
Has she arrived?
Huh! Oh!
Great choice!
Go on, go!
Don't rush things
and kiss her, okay?
It's our home town!
Sharon Chettayi is very lucky!
Oh, good Lord,
I'm snared in this mess
The scene's bleak,
gotta confess.
Oh, good Lord,
I've failed in this test
Such a downfall,
failed my best
In this intricate case,
where's it bound?
Heart racing, I'm astound... Feels
like I'm digging my own ground
This is Nathan.
Siby... He is the
one I told you about.
Hey, remove your glasses, man!
This is my partner
whom I'm going to marry.
This is Siby.
- Huh!
- Shall we go?
This way.
Take your glasses, man.
I aimed for Mars
But landed behind the bars
How to crack this trap
And set my plan on map
It's like I went deep down the well
And brought the ladder up, in pell
This game is not so simple
It's a trap, you will fumble
Oh, good Lord,
I'm snared in this mess,
The scene's bleak,
gotta confess
Oh, good Lord,
I've failed in this test,
Such a downfall,
failed my best
Here you go.
Piping hot coffee.
There's talk among
the townsfolk that...
you're not doing anything after
throwing down a big challenge in the city.
About our wedding.
No matter who dies, Baby just
wants to have the funeral feast, right?
Get lost!
Oh, so that's what it is!
My dear Siby,
you shouldn't have used me
as a pawn to show off in the city.
You should have given me hope!
Shouldn't you be saying the opposite?
I'll show you today!
If you get cursed by elders,
you'll also become a widow like me!
You won't understand
even if I tell you.
Try loving someone
to understand that.
If you're glued to
your phone all morning,
how are you going
to get any of this?
I think I'll have to elope with Sicily.
Oh no!
Oh no!
- Babycha!
- No! Don't come close!
It's Sharon.
Tell him that I'm not here!
Why is he running?
That way!
Oh no, this way!
The third stone is loose, Son!
Which is the third one?
1, 2, 3.
Why is he running
upon seeing Sharon?
What the hell is this?
OER-OBR-ONR-ME-MJ cocktail!
Why don't you mix some
Endosulfan as well?
- Sure.
- Oh my dear!
Go and buy me a litre!
Everyone is out to kill me.
I'll GPay the cash.
Yes, Sharon Chettayi.
I am at the church.
Shall I call you when
I leave from here?
I haven't confessed in
a long time. That's why.
I'll get two litres.
There are two of you, right?
Go on.
That might be necessary.
I have to show Nathan
some places in our town.
That's on his bucket list.
Well, it's part of his itinerary.
Okay, okay.
- I had promised him as well.
- Okay.
If you're free,
shall we start tomorrow itself?
Let's go tomorrow itself.
We will get him ready
in the morning itself,
drink tea from a
tea stall in the city,
talk to some townsfolk and
stroll through the entire town.
With that, Johnson Papa, Mummy,
Shosha, townsfolk, parishioners
and everyone will know...
that Johnson's son married
and brought a gay from London!
- Siby.
- What?
What is this?
Oh my God!
Sharon Chettayi.
- Yes.
- How are you?
- Fine.
- I heard that a foreigner has come.
Your foreigner's crap!
Get lost!
Why is he acting so weird?
We've seen many such
things, Sharon Chettayi.
There are many
such guys here too!
What you said is deviance, Chettayi.
What I'm going to say now is natural.
All your problems will be over
if you marry a girl now!
No matter who else agrees,
I won't agree to this.
I'm going to tell
everyone now itself.
We'll meet a prospective
bride on Sunday itself.
Things won't go well otherwise.
Don't call Mom and
tell her anything.
I will come.
Before that,
you should come with us.
It's a promise I made to him.
Has an evening blossomed,
so sweet and kind
Did the leaves tell their tale
to the wandering wind?
Are the streets ready,
for the joy we find?
Is this the spring we've sought,
in heart and mind?
The words are in vain
Just glances explain
Without speaking,
without knowing
We've blended,
hearts flowing
This heart,
so compact and dense
Filled with magic,
A tune,
joyful and pure
The universe,
so sweet and sure
Has an evening blossomed,
so sweet and kind
Did the leaves tell their tale
to the wandering wind?
Stinging thoughts healed on their own
As love rains down like dewdrops, sown
The poetry of dreams spread wide,
like a guiding star
In this moment of life
where silences disappear afar
The time I waited for,
now meets my gaze
With a hundred magical sights,
I'm amazed
This fresh start,
so rare, so pure
A golden moment,
where pain finds cure
Has an evening blossomed,
so sweet and kind
Did the leaves tell their tale
to the wandering wind?
Are the streets ready,
for the joy we find?
Is this the spring we've sought,
in heart and mind?
The words are in vain
Just glances explain
Without speaking,
without knowing
We've blended,
hearts flowing
This heart,
so compact and dense
Filled with magic,
A tune,
joyful and pure
The universe,
so sweet and sure
Papa and Mummy
just want to see me
get married somehow.
If I marry a girl,
that girl's life will be ruined.
Mine as well.
Who is she?
Just relatives.
Do you want this?
It's not so difficult
to call this off.
I didn't like you when
I saw your photo itself.
And... my brother was called to your
place and Shosha said no to him, right?
So, I thought I'll
have my revenge.
But you are a nice guy.
You never told me
when bringing me here
that I'll be part
of all this drama.
Now you're off to
see this woman.
You say you agree
to the marriage.
Your parents are just waiting
for the event to happen.
How do you expect me to react?
You think I don't understand the
conversations you have with your family?
Wasn't the situation
the same with me?
Did I not tell them
about us right away?
Didn't my family not
accept you right away?
Come on.
Let's go now!
You can go.
We have to wait till...
Siby talks about
this to my parents.
Because I don't have the
courage to talk to them.
I will come there by that date.
Trust me.
Please understand the situation.
When was the first instance you
realized you weren't interested in girls?
I realised it when I
was 11-12 years old.
There are people
who are interested!
You sit there watching reels.
It's been two days since I slept.
Must be because she's
scared of her daughter...
Sicily isn't telling
me any decision.
I can't reach her on
the phone now as well.
It's been two days.
If I lose my control,
I'll go there.
I've been observing you
for several days now.
There's something else
that's bothering you.
What is it?
Come on, tell me.
I will solve it.
Come on.
Tell me whatever it is.
- Dad.
- Yes.
There are three
problems, in total.
- Three problems?
- Yes.
- The first one is not that serious.
- Is it?
- It will be solved.
- Okay.
But the second problem...
So, what about the third problem?
My third problem is that I can't tell my
first and second problems to anyone.
Stop stressing me out
and tell me what it is.
Tell me, Siby.
- Dad!
- Yes.
I'll say it.
But you should not tell anyone.
I swear on my son,
I won't tell anyone.
That is not required.
- Listen to it...
- Okay.
- and forget it.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Our Sharon Chettayi...
- Yes. Sharon.
What did he do?
He is gay.
- What?
- Yes.
Oh God!
- Oh no!
- Dad!
Drink this.
It's hooch.
It's hooch.
Drink it.
- Have you mixed water?
- Yes.
I knew you won't bear it.
I thought it's a heart attack!
Oh God!
That would have been better.
Don't die.
There's still time.
But my dear Siby,
if I were in your shoes,
- Screwed.
- What?
Well, I saw something
on the internet.
A video of two such guys.
Their video came out so quickly?
Not that!
Their conversation!
When we hear them talk,
we'd feel that this is not
such a big problem.
Must be because
we're unable to digest it.
And in countries abroad,
everyone has accepted this.
All that will happen abroad.
I'm worried thinking
about Anita and Johnson.
I wonder how they're
going to accept this.
Oh God! What would I have
done if you had turned out like this?
- Hey.
- Yes.
What would you have done?
Well, leave that.
What was your first problem?
What was it?
Not much wind, huh?
Shosha and I are in love.
Oh no!
Don't switch it off!
Say it instead of
playing with the fan.
I didn't hear you.
Don't leave my hand!
Only I can understand
you in this world.
Won't you do the
same for me too?
Shosha and I are in love.
- Love?
- Yes.
It just happened.
Please bless us!
- Oh God!
- Huh?
What happened, Dad?
Shosha and I will be alone, Dad!
Let it go!
Let all the gas go!
- I'm unable to breathe!
- Dad!
Oh, him?
I got tired walking!
Oh, yeah.
Then, get in.
Shall we go?
Go, go!
Where are you going?
Let's go for a drive.
It's already 8 AM.
I'll get hungry!
Time and hunger are
just thoughts, right Papa?
Well, what's your favourite food?
For me...
if it's breakfast, I like Dosa.
Rice for lunch.
Why do you like
thin Dosas the most?
- I just like it.
- Okay.
Are you going to
open a restaurant?
- Well, you like thin Dosas.
- Yes.
- I want them to be thick.
- So what?
So... nothing.
And you like pork, right?
- Yes.
- But if it's prepared with Chinese potato?
Chinese potato is only
good for veg dishes.
But Mummy likes it.
Does she even know how to
prepare pork curry?
How will I say it?
Why are you saying random unrelated
things in the morning?
A food item that you don't like...
Is it wrong if
someone else eats it?
- Let people eat what they want.
- Yes.
What's wrong with that?
Yes, they should eat.
- They should eat, right?
- What is it?
Did you kill a pig from
Monichan's farm or what?
No, it's not that.
will have their own likes, right?
- I have my own likes.
- Yes.
- You have your own likes.
- Yes.
Sharon Chettayi has...
some other likes...
Hey, I am diabetic!
Either I'll listen to you
while eating something
or eat while listening to you.
Sharon Chettayi has other likes,
his likes, other's
likes and what not!
He is blabbering when my
stomach is burning with hunger!
Step on it!
Why do you add Chinese
potato in pork curry?
Well, I don't like it.
I just asked to know about it.
What if you don't like it?
Shouldn't the others eat it?
He also asked the same thing.
He took me for a drive in
the morning and asked me,
'Is there anything wrong
in eating thin Dosas?'
'Is it an offence to put
Chinese potato in pork curry?'
Did you notice?
There is something
wrong with him.
Did you notice?
Did you?
I think the father and son
have lost their plots!
Wonder what it is!
What's the matter, Mummy?
Why are you going to
the church at this hour?
Oh, it's nothing.
Did you get into any
fight with Shosha or what?
Just drive.
Call me when it's over.
- I shall wait here in the car.
- You come with me.
- Siby.
- Yeah.
The one who's in my house now
is not the Sharon I know.
He has some secrets.
You have to tell me the truth.
I know that you're aware of it.
However upsetting it may be,
you must tell me, right here,
right now.
Oh Lord!
What is going on between...
Nathan and Sharon?
Oh Christ!
Don't cry, Mummy!
How can you get upset
like this, Mummy?
Then what about Sharon chettayi...
who couldn't tell us
about this for so long.
Just think of him.
Did I overlook your loving heart
O' bud so bright
As you panged alone till now
Why was your mother silent,
away from sight?
In the late night hours, with
summer's heat within me so tight
You rained upon me,
bringing sweet delight
As my heart burned in pain
You embraced me tenderly,
like a soothing lullaby's refrain
Did I overlook your loving heart
O' bud so bright
Sharon's friend
who has come with him...
He is Sharon's partner.
The truth of the flower that's me
You touched it with your hands,
The heart unseen by anyone before
Brimming with love,
Nathan, I will get the trolley.
I don't really wanna go.
I hope Sharon joins me, but...
I'm not sure he will.
I know you don't understand
what I'm saying, Siby. But...
But, I've never...
I've never felt this loved.
And, I'm going to miss...
him and his family so much.
And I hope that one day, this...
I hope that one day
this pain is worth it.
And I hope that one day
you'll understand our love.
And, that...
And that everything will be alright.
Siby, I just want everything...
to be alright.
Take care of him.
He needs you.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Hey, please don't cry.
Don't cry, okay?
Nathan and I are just like...
how you and Shosha are.
Everyone will...
understand you.
But, in our case,
it's a bit difficult.
Tell me what's the matter.
What happened at the
church the other day?
Why did Mom come back alone?
I don't know.
Mummy asked me to leave.
She has been very
emotional since then.
Did you tell her anything?
- Siby!
- Johnson Papa?
- Why is he here at this hour?
- Papa?
Tell me the matter and leave, Siby!
I shall... tell you everything.
Give me some time.
[A scene from the movie
'Chandrolsavam' plays on the phone]
What is it, Johnson?
Why are you here without...
any prior calls or anything?
We, as men, shouldn't
stay huddled up...
if there's anything that upsets us.
have a shot of this.
This is our local booze.
And tell me what's the matter.
Tell me, dude.
Our hearts should...
only hold concerns for our past.
Instead, if it starts
worrying about tomorrow,
it'll lead us to doom, Johnson.
is it about your son's
affair with that foreigner?
Just think progressively and
turn a blind eye to it!
That's it.
When did you come, Papa?
Or else, what's the point in...
being a boomer like you?
If it's the relationship between...
him and your daughter, Shosha...
I shall try to advise them.
What else can I do?
- What did you say now?
- The affair between these two.
They both are in love, right?
But... Papa...
What is he saying?
- What's between you and Shosha?
- It's not what you think.
Hey, Johnson!
I was about to present
this topic to you.
But I was a little shy
to present it before you.
- Let's get them both married, Johnson!
- That's...
- I...
- What else is there to do?
I was about to...
Papa, papa!
- Wait a second, Papa!
- Hey, Johnson!
It wasn't intentional, Papa.
We fell in love somehow...
Please listen to me, Papa!
Is this why...
you called me Papa, and walked
freely in my home all these years?
If you ever set foot in
my premises hereafter,
I'll chop your legs,
both the father's and son's!
Hey, Johnson!
Even if they leave
us over a fight,
they'll come back
in just ten minutes.
Or twelve hours.
It won't go beyond two days.
That's for sure.
You try to talk to her as
soon as possible, Baby.
We wish all your
problems will be solved.
I think the call has been cut.
That was Baby from Pushpakandam.
We are going to play the
song which he asked for.
Listen. Listen.
Keep listening!
[A song from the Malayalam
movie 'Guru' plays on the radio]
Oh, no.
Do you know what's the biggest
cruelty in this world, Sicily?
It's being there for someone
when they are lonely,
and then walking away,
leaving them alone again.
One day, you'll also
know of this cruelty.
You can laugh then.
As far as I've realised,
I only have the role
of a substitute.
A stand-in who will
be kicked out when...
the love of your life returns.
How many times
have I told you...
not to come here drunk at
midnight and talk mushily?
Very well! It's mushy
for you now, huh?
I know! That's why you
switched off your phone, right?
If it's over a quarrel, you'd have
come back within ten minutes.
Or twelve hours.
Or maximum, two days.
But now, it's been a few
days since we last talked, right?
My daughter dropped the phone
and it broke.
I have to go to the town
and get it repaired.
But you could've
called me somehow!
I'll somehow try to
call you tomorrow.
Please leave now, Ichaya.
Please leave.
there's something else as well.
I came to tell you that.
Please don't tell anyone, okay?
Promise me. I had sworn
upon Siby's head!
Here's the thing.
Johnson's son, right...?
- Who? Sharon?
- Yeah. Sharon.
He is...
It's nothing else, dear.
I couldn't hold back.
- It's been two days...
- My father isn't dead yet.
I said, leave!
Have you got no shame?
Aren't you quite old?
You have humiliated
me to the maximum.
Babychayan and I
love each other.
And it's not something
that started recently.
I too have plenty of
dreams and desires.
I can't let go of all
of those so easily.
In a few years, you'll
find your way and leave.
I'm the one who'll
end up lonely then.
I'm not going to live my life for
other people alone, any more!
Bear with me only if you can!
If not, you can leave
for wherever you want.
Why are you here so
early in the morning, dear?
Why didn't you pick my calls?
What happened?
You're hiding
something from me, Siby!
Oh, God!
Shosha, here's the thing.
That foreigner who came with
your Sharon chettayi from London,
will marry Sharon Chettayi
next month in London.
Because they're gay couples.
Are you shocked?
Be shocked!
Moreover, Papa has come
to know of our relationship.
Did he ask you about anything?
There aren't any marks, right?
Are there any on my face?
Let it go.
He's our Papa, right?
Though Dad spilled the
beans since he was high,
everyone should know about us
sooner or later, right?
Just because he said all this,
can I do anything to my Dad?
Whatever said and done, my Dad is the
most important person to me in this world.
No one in this world has understood
my Dad as much as I have.
Right now, he must be eavesdropping
trying to find out what we are discussing.
You bet?
What is it?
I am in the kitchen.
- Hey.
- What is it, Shosha?
You told my dad
whatever you had to say.
You told my mom what you
had to tell her as well.
You could have told me, right?
We shouldn't have
hide it from each other.
Yet, I had a belief that you
would tell me everything.
It's gone now.
I've ended it.
You will end it, huh?
First, you opened your blossom
boutique and shut it down!
A month ago, you confessed your love
to me, and now, you're ending that as well.
You think I'll be sad?
Since the day I was born, whatever
I've done in this town has always flopped.
But have I ever
displayed that sadness?
Why is that?
Siby is Mr. Swagger!
- Get lost, you.
- Huh?
Just ditch me and
leave, why don't you?
Before I got to know about it
from someone else,
you could have told
this to me yourself.
I was confused on how
you would react to all this.
But still, it wouldn't
have ended up like this.
Here you go! Cheers!
There's more for you!
[Siby - Sorry, Sorry
Shosha - Get lost]
[These hills, forests and
plantations are my world]
[I should first understand what Sharon
Chettayi said. Only then can I tell you that]
Oh, Lord!
I don't have any fond
memories of my Papa.
He may be fond of me.
But, I've never felt it.
He disappears somewhere...
and comes back
after a long time.
Listen, dear.
In this case,
everyone is waiting
for your decision.
I've never seen my
mom being really happy.
So, whatever decision
makes my mom happy,
I am happy with it.
Good! If you're on
your mom's side...
then there will be
no problem at all.
Yes, I am on her side.
Yes! That's all we need.
I am very happy now.
They've been in love
since they were your age.
It's true love, right?
I realized that.
After marriage, when my mom
comes to your house,
where will I go?
What kind of question is that?
Ever since I learned about
Dad and Aunt Sicily's love,
I've considered you my sister.
All four of us will live
happily together.
- What do you say?
- Okay.
Don't mention this
to Mr. Baby now.
I shall tell him myself.
I want to see his
happiness in person.
Okay, deal!
Huh? A beggar in boots?
Get lost man! These beggars start
seeking alms right from the morning.
Sun is yet to rise, man!
Go and do a few push ups.
Shucks! Such a
nuisance this guy is.
I'll show him...
Are you sure it
was Joy who came?
You think I can't recognize Joy?
Such a hulk you are.
Why didn't you beat him
up with a petiole right there?
What did you do then, Dad?
Well... I...
Mr. Pushpakandam, get down now.
Listen! It's not Paappan,
it's Johnson.
It's Johnson who has
brought him back.
Anyway, you look around at the junction
and at that shop around the corner.
If it's really Joy who has come,
news will be out by now.
Let me also look around for him.
What did you say he was wearing?
Not green, it's blue.
If Joy's arrival is only
your imagination...
consider yourself done for, Baby!
Even a dwarf tree,
that was swaying long ago
Now stands before me,
putting on a show
Two 60 ml shots please, Chetta.
Add salt in mine.
Are you worried about anything?
Me? Hey, no!
How about you?
You okay?
Why wouldn't I be?
Oh, that's a relief!
- This is the one with salt, right?
- Yes.
- Here you go.
- Thank You.
Ah! Cheers.
Add it to my tab.
Hey, Sibycha!
There is no one here.
Hey, dude! Please look
around thoroughly.
You didn't say anything.
Uncle, do you really
love my Mom a lot?
You too.
I am as fond of you as
I am of my son, Siby.
Why did you ask that now?
Even the route map's dizzy,
spinning round and round
Get in soon.
Where is he going?
Slipped and fell before me,
in a grand display
Where's the tramp
who set the trap
I am going to hang myself.
Her daughter, who was totally
against us being together,
has finally come around and
is starting to see me as her dad.
I will take care of
Sicily, like a treasure.
My enemies have done this to me.
It's either Johnson
or that Paappan.
When finally everything was sorted, I don't
know where the hell this guy came from.
Sigh! That scoundrel, damn him!
Damn him.
Did you call me a scoundrel?
- Oh, Dad!
- Baby!
Your words which are
broken and faded,
your dreams trapped in the
corners of your eyes and shattered,
The heart that weighs
you down because of guilt,
which you have entrusted
to the shoulders of fate
Believing in rebirth,
go to sleep, with a prayer.
Positive vibes only.
Any Indian here?
I mean, Bharatiya...
That's how it is, right?
An Indian commode?
To take a dump.
There's one over there.
- Oh, but we are going...
- Also there is one here.
Joy, stop.
Stop there.
There is only one washed
robe left, give it back to me.
It's time for the Mass already.
Father, we've gotten
into a real mess.
Not us! It's your problem.
If any one learns about this,
how will your plans work?
So, as soon as possible,
take this fellow to your house.
Oh, God!
People would've started coming.
It's Maundy Thursday, right?
Till this service gets over,
just hide him somewhere here.
Please, Father.
- Baby!
- Yeah.
- How old are you?
- 56.
- Is it?
- Yeah.
Do you have insurance cover?
No. But, why?
- You better take one.
- Huh?
- You'll need it.
- Okay.
- Do you work out?
- Just minimal.
How many push ups you can do?
- Around 30...
- 100?
- No...
- 100 it is.
83, 84...
Okay, consider that 86.
Do it!
Oh, 75...
70. Oh, God!
Chest muscles...
are giving me cramps.
Really tired!
It's Lent season, right?
- I mean, I am tired.
- Huh?
Let me get some rest.
So, you're 56 years old.
You've turned 56 because the
calendar has 12 months, right?
There's no point in
considering that.
What if the calendar
has 24 months?
12, 24...
You will be 26 years old, Baby.
- Me?
- Yes.
Good night.
Good night.
Well, what's the
intention of your arrival?
- Joy...
- Shh!
Let him sleep. Let him sleep as
much as he can. Don't disturb him.
I shall attend the foot washing
ceremony and come. You wait here.
Hey! Don't leave.
- Don't leave me alone.
- What the heck! I'll come back soon.
How about him?
Pity, pity,
What a pity
A loss,
An irreparable loss
A Love, so cherished, desired and
true Served up for the cruel to chew
Pity, pity,
What a pity
A loss,
An irreparable loss
A crown of thorns, a painful sight,
Adorns this innocent head tonight
Oh Christ! Why must I carry
This golden cross, so heavy
Oh Christ! I'm weak and weary
Can't climb this Golgotha, so scary
Oh Christ!
For lunch, don't
just roast the meat.
How about fry then?
Just make it a deep roast.
Aunty, You have
lunch with us and go.
Hey, Father.
Where are you?
I found a ring, a watch
and two bangles downstairs.
Oh, no!
Are you not here, Father?
So let me keep it.
If someone asks for it,
I'll give it back!
I came to meet the Priest.
I heard that you
and that kid were...
roaming around the town
centre, on the scooter.
You roam around as you wish!
Let this Easter get done.
I know where Joy is.
Oh Christ! Why must I carry,
This golden cross, so heavy
Oh Christ! I'm weak and weary,
Can't climb this Golgotha, so scary
Oh Christ!
Oh Christ!
I was in the Himalayas.
Then I wandered about
and went deep into the forest.
To be honest,
I had turned to asceticism.
That's when, for the first
time in my life, I met a Naxalite.
That drove me into a dilemma.
Dad, what is your intention?
My intention...
To be, or not to be.
That's the question.
Ever since I can remember,
I've been facing this problem.
After two days,
you'll go your own way,
without telling anyone.
Have you seen me
taking my first steps?
Have you ever bought
any candies for me?
Have you ever stood for me
as a father, in my life?
in my journey, you have
always been a hindrance.
And in your journey,
I am the hindrance.
No emotions, no pain, no love...
and no drama.
I am the freakin'
badass in all myself.
Wait a minute.
Mom and Uncle Baby are in love.
That's her happiness.
So, I am going to support her.
No woman, no cry
No woman, no cry
- Can I get a whip-lash?
- Huh?
For the 'Way of the Cross' ritual.
In this earth, who is going
to live permanently anyway?
If it goes, let it be gone
Huh? He has gone?
In this earth, who is going
to live permanently anyway?
If it goes, let it be gone
What do we do now?
What to do now?
[Famous Tamil movie song "Ponaal
Pogattum Poda" plays in the background]
You will be bit by a snake!
Oh, God! I am done.
Everyone forced me to do this and
I've been carrying the cross since 3 PM.
I can't do this anymore!
Take me to a hospital!
I'm finished.
Long back, on a Maundy Thursday,
while Sicily and my child were watching,
this Paappan tied me to a cot
and beat me black and blue.
In my journey,
the two of you were
never a hindrance.
Now, in your journey hereafter,
I won't be there either.
No emotions!
No pain!
No love!
- Dad!
- Huh?
He's not a stoner!
He's an angel!
Thanks to the angel!
You must have understood the
scheme of things by now, right?
You needed Joy's consent, right?
Now you've got it, right?
Neither Joy nor my daughter
have any objections now.
Hence, we've decided to invite all the
parishioners and conduct the wedding.
You must come whatsoever.
- See you, Father.
- See you.
There's always resurrection,
following a crucifixion,
right Paappan?
I'm relieved now!
There's a problem.
Paappan and Johnson
have decided something...
regarding Rony and
Shosha's marriage.
- Did Paappan tell you this?
- Yes.
Rony is coming next month.
What's with you, Dad?
Can't you really understand
Chettayi even after all that happened?
Let him go back.
You'll also get...
some time to accept all these, Dad.
It's not enough if only we
understand Chettayi, right?
And about me...
You can decide that yourself.
I don't have any objections.
Here is your passport.
I kept it hidden so
that you won't leave.
I sensed that you
are plotting something,
when you didn't answer
my calls all these days.
And you just turned the tables upon
meeting a guy from Germany, huh?
Hey, German Lady!
Stop it!
What did you say?
That I'm plotting something, right?
Yeah! You are right.
I'll get married just
as my dad wishes!
You stop this right here.
Get lost, you!
[singing a sad Malayalam song]
I too have had a love affair.
For seven years.
But it's all gone now!
Love means betrayal,
and betrayal also means love!
That was Hindi love,
and yours, Malayali love.
But both of them are the same.
Her elder brother was up
in arms over there.
She was so scared, but I wasn't!
And I fled!
To Pushpakandam.
Now, I am all set here!
There, I'm a King!
I am all set.
Babychan is all set.
Everyone is set!
But you, Sibychan,
you're screwed up.
Everything is betrayal.
You must tell Nathan...
that no one here hates him.
I may have understood you better
if I had spent
more time with you,
or had a chat with you
over a drink sometime.
But now...
You leave.
Go anywhere you want
and live as you wish.
After all, its you and Baby who
made his plantations flourish, right?
But now, both you and
Babychan are out of there.
My life in the plantation
without the two of you...
will be similar to 'The Goat Life'!
Don't call me again.
If you have anything
to say, talk to my Dad.
I'm blocking you.
Let's kill that Johnson, Siby.
Let's kill Johnson.
- Siby, don't!
- Move!
Where is it?
Stop there!
Don't kill him.
Inside a fire burning
I feel the hate ignite
Consuming me inside out
Hunt me down
or prepare to die
Hunt me down
Hunt me down
or prepare to die
Hunt me down
I don't think you can hide
Prepare to die
This family can't
even hear a gun shot?
Mr. Rod,
where are you?
Well, you guys are now
an international family, right?
A groom from London for your son!
And a groom from
Germany for your daughter!
Baby and me are now like
wasted rucksacks in a shack!
Now you obey what
I say, Johnson!
I was working peacefully
in the plantation, wasn't I?
You called me to discuss some family
matters, and now, I'm out of this family.
Leave all of that!
It's okay that you didn't acknowledge
me during the foot-washing ceremony.
Isn't it the first time that...
I didn't eat the
Maundy bread from here?
Hold this! It's hard
to find it if it's lost.
Hold this.
- Hold this!
- What are you doing?
Kill me!
Come on, fire!
Shoot me!
Shoot right here,
on that one thing
that none of you have.
My tender heart.
Little hearts!
Stop! Stop!
Siby, son!
Oops My Mundu has come off.
Sudhi, you may leave.
I'll pay you tomorrow.
Come fast, Dad. Or
else, he'll kill me now.
Hey Johnson! Why are
you pointing the gun at him?
What's the matter?
Take your son away, Baby.
I'll shoot him if he come to
my home drunk at midnight.
I'll shoot the two of you,
if you keep on blabbering.
- Blabbering, huh?
- Yes, man!
Can you explain what
you meant by that?
To bring in some clarity about
the events to Johnson and Anita,
I hand over the mic...
Be careful, son!
to Shosha!
Tell us, dear.
What is going on between
the two of you?
Yeah! Ask her.
Tell us, dear.
- Hey...
- See how quiet she is!
What a feeling, to destroy the ideal
relationship between two friendly families.
Due to that feeling,
you told him that you love him then,
and now for you to say that you
don't love him, what is the reason?
Yeah, ask her like that!
Well, Dad, I'm also at fault here.
- Don't disclose it here.
- Alright.
Johnson! Give me the gun!
Or your hands may get sprained.
The main reason for our
problem is your children.
Though it was out of disappointment,
it broke my heart when you told us
not to enter your house ever again!
You even ousted us from
your plantations, right?
Come, son.
Let's go home.
Oh! I forgot.
Dad and Sicily Aunty are getting
married after Divine Mercy Sunday.
Since two women are
coming to our house,
Dad and I have decided to
stop boozing from today.
- What? It's Easter tomorrow.
- Well, we may drink on Easter.
- What about the next Monday, then?
- What? Why?
Don't we need to shake
off this hangover?
- What are you saying, Dad?
- Come here.
We still have got two more
bottles. Can we just throw it away?
Let's stop drinking
from Tuesday onwards.
From Tuesday onwards, for sure.
Wednesday onwards,
we're quitting drinking.
In the name of the Holy Mother!
From now on, we'll keep smiling
when good things happen.
And we'll cry it out
when we feel sad.
If you come with me, all of
us can live together happily.
Or else, you'll be married off to some
schmuck, and get into depression and divorce...
You're his daughter, right?
You'll definitely bounce back
here like a rubber ball thrown out.
That's why I'm asking you.
Come with me, if you please.
Silence! Silence! Silence!
I hate silence.
We've been yapping non-stop
for quite some time now.
Say something, friends.
Should we stay or leave?
You've got nothing to say, huh?
Isn't it for you that he...
Shosha, dear...
You come with us.
Hey, you come with me.
She won't come.
Isn't she this
schmuck's daughter?
Thottathil family members
shouldn't beg before anyone.
What are you doing, Baby?
Go slowly.
Alright then.
Shall I tell you something
out of my experience?
She'll call you back before
we get in to our vehicle.
Are you sure?
- Stay cool.
- Slow down, Dad.
- Siby!
- Oh, God!
- Baby, the Great!
- I told you, right?
Turn around in slow motion!
My father, Johnson is
the RC owner of this Jeep.
We're screwed!
Give us the key,
pay the repair charges for the head
light and both of you can walk back home.
To work as the manager
and the driver,
you can find many others.
But they can never
replace Siby or Baby.
The key of your father's Jeep
is inside the Jeep itself.
Let's go, Baby.
You shouldn't have
talked to Siby like that.
Then? What should I do
when he shows off like that?
He'll return once he sobers up.
He did all of this so Mom and Dad
wouldn't be hurt by what we said.
He left the place
after getting so hurt.
I'm sure.
Both of them will never set
foot in our premises, ever again!
Bye, bye!
Good bye!
It's gone.
It's ended.