Little Manhattan (2005) Movie Script

For those of you out there
less experienced than me...
...let me tell you something
about girls.
They're basically gross.
See, this is pretty much
...from where I'm standing.
Used to be, back in the day...
...maybe first or second grade...
...popular wisdom was
they gave you cooties.
She touched me! Cooties!
Don't touch me!
He has cooties!
We didn't know what cooties
were exactly.
But the general feeling was,
if a girl touched you...
...some very, very bad things
were gonna happen.
How right we were.
This is me now.
I've been in love for
two-and-a-half weeks...
...and it's a pain I wouldn't wish
on my worst enemies.
I'm not going
to dress this up pretty.
Just about everything I know
about women..., and the birds
and the frickin' bees...
I've learned in the past...
...two-and-a-half weeks.
But, when
you're ten years old...
...two-and-a-half weeks
can be a lifetime.
Okay, here's the deal.
If you came to hear some
great New York love story...
...keep walkin;
You want a real love story?
I'll tell you a real one.
My parents. Camp Annawanna.
Catskill Mountains, 1984.
My father was 19,
and a star sports counselor.
My mom was a CIT.
People say she reminded
them of Sissy Spacek.
What happened under
that harvest moon that summer...
...that's the stuff of legend.
In my family, it's what
we like to refer to as...
...ancient history.
These days, my dad's...
...sleeping on the couch.
Due to this unusual quirk... the New York State
divorce code...
Neither one of my parents
could move out of our apartment...
...until their settlement is
signed, sealed and delivered.
Needless to say,
it doesn't make for...
...the greatest living
Did you drink my Pepsi?
It was my Pepsi.
It had my name on it.
Especially since my mom's...
...recently decided to start dating again.
Is there anything worse...
...than being mistaken
for your mother?
No, this is Gabe.
Hey, sorry, big guy.
You two sound so much alike.
Is your mom around?
This is Ronny.
Uh, I've got it, honey.
You can hang up.
Now that's a real love story.
This much I know firsthand-
love ends.
You want proof?
Check out my parents'
Why did I ever have to discover...
...this ridiculous pain
inside of me?
Because two and a half
weeks ago...
...before all this love nonsense...
...and I'm not just saying
this either..., before all this,
I was happy.
Truly happy.
I'm serious.
My life was filled with song...
...and sport...
...and constant adventure.
Oh, Rosemary.
Rosemary, Rosemary, Rosemary.
Why did you ever have
to come into my life?
Who am I kidding?
She's been in my life
for as long as I can remember.
For one little stretch there,
during kindergarten... might even say
we were friends.
What are you kids
doing under there?
That was before first grade...
...and the Iron Curtain came down.
Girls on one side...
...boys on the other.
Oh, she was still there,
of course.
I have the class pictures
to prove it.
I just didn't see her.
I lived in a world of men.
So, who wants to
go to Duane Reade?
Man, I am not helping you
steal Kit-Kats again, Max.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Watch it!
But you got no
trouble eating...
...the candy I provide
for ya, do ya?
I'm not doin' look-out.
I'm sorry, guys.
Hey, guys, it's 5:00.
I gotta roll.
I thought we were
gonna shoot some 21?
No, I'm meeting my dad
for football practice.
See you guys later.
The two of you are
so nuts, man.
See, my father and I
have this sort of plan.
- I'm gonna be the Tiger Woods
of the place kicking world.
- Nice! Nice!
- Yeah!
- And he's gonna be my Earl.
See what I'm saying.
If you dedicate yourself
to one goal...
...and one goal only,
at a ridiculously young age...
...history has taught us
we can achieve anything, champ.
Get back there.
One, two, three, four...
You see, before
Rosemary Telesco...
- Nice and easy.
- I had a very fulfilling life.
Oh, how'd it get so late?
Your mother's going to have
dinner waiting for you.
What do you say
we stop by Patsy's...
...and get a couple of slices?
Can I take karate?
It's a martial art.
What does karate have to
do with place kicking?
I don't know.
It can't hurt.
Well, how much is it?
I can?
If it doesn't cost
me an arm and a leg.
It might help your
Mistake number one
was ever taking...
...that godforsaken class.
Karate is not
about strength.
It's about skill.
It's about focus.
It's an art
of determination.
When she showed up
that first day...
Sorry, my tap
class ran late.
I was actually kind of glad,
you know?
A familiar face and all that.
I didn't know anybody else... the class.
If you can master
the art of karate... can master anything.
Come on. Hai.!
You're each going to progress
through this course... your own pace.
Those of you who pass the test
to get your yellow belts...
...will be given yellow.
Those who pass red, red.
It's about finding
your personal best.
Come on! Hai.!
I want you to pair up.
Everyone gets
a sparring partner.
Oh, the painful dance
of pairing up.
20 seconds of pure torture.
Now, I didn't want a girl
for a sparring partner.
Would you?
Let me tell you something
about Rosemary Telesco.
Rosemary wasn't the prettiest
girl in our class.
That was Madison Shaw.
And she wasn't the second
prettiest, either.
That was Vanessa Muir.
No, Rosemary was third.
But boy, could that
girl do karate.
Keep it tight.
Don't get the wrong idea.
We weren't really friends.
We were just karate friends.
Back at school, nothing
changed, of course.
As far as the rest of the world...
...was concerned, the real world...
...that Iron Curtain was
still solid.
But, when we put
on those white robes...
...we could see past
our many differences...
...and fight like equals.
There was just
one tiny problem.
I pretty much sucked at karate.
We all congratulate
Rosemary Telesco...
...on being the first
in the class... earn her yellow belt.
Thank you very much.
Talk about an assault
to everything...
I knew about the world.
Girls mature faster than boys.
That's completely made up.
Boys are so much
more mature than girls.
This isn't a matter
of opinion, Gabe.
There were studies.
Girls speak first,
they walk first.
I see it in my little
sister's class.
The boys her age
all seem retarded.
There's absolutely no reason
I shouldn't be able... get my yellow belt
in just a week.
You don't take
it seriously.
I take it seriously.
You're not focused.
You think you're
this natural.
You don't practice.
I practice.
All the time.
You should practice
with me.
You'd get better.
Fine. Let's practice.
Name the time.
I don't care.
This afternoon.
- Fine.
- Great.
Oh, I forgot.
I have this one errand.
I'm supposed to be
this flower girl... a couple of weeks.
And I have this fitting.
But, it's going to be,
like, five minutes.
I promise.
Classic female move.
The bait-and-switch.
My mother's tricked me...
...into many a shoe store
with that one.
Is there anything worse
than dress shopping?
I'm serious.
I would rather have
my toenails peeled off... by one, with pliers...
...than spend five minutes
in a dress store.
Okay, what's going on here?
What the heck is this?
Oh, my God.
What's this feeling
in the pit of my stomach?
Who is this... This...
...amazing creature before me?
What do you think?
You are going to be the
prettiest flower girl there.
I'm definitely going
to be the oldest one.
Um, who's getting married?
My mom's sister.
Oh, cool.
It's kind of weird...
'cause she's, like,
seven months pregnant.
In that one moment...
Rosemary Telesco leaped
past Vanessa Muir...
...past Madison Shaw.
I look at Rosemary
and just felt so, um, confused.
She's a girl.
I'm supposed to despise girls...
...not feel nervous
talking to one.
Not be all tongue-tied.
I mean, this was
Rosemary Telesco.
I knew her since kindergarten.
Just... Just
a little rock.
I mean, it's gonna
to be fine.
I'm just gonna...
grab my scooter...
I'm really cool.
As she took me to practice
karate at her place... thing became clear.
Rosemary went to PS 87...
...because her parents believed
in public education.
See, believing
in public education...
...wasn't really a luxury
my family could afford.
Don't go to Taos...
not without me.
Mr. and Mrs. Telesco,
her parents.
They, liked, starred
in this soap opera, Santa Fe...
...that's on, like, every day.
So you know
they had a few bucks.
Oh, look at that.
You see that?
I knew your folks were going
to keep 'em together.
Didn't I say it?
Let's go practice
in my bedroom.
What do you think I'm going to say?
Oh, come on.
He is no good for you!
Get back in the truck!
If karate's all about focus...
Good one. focus was all over
that pink room.
I mean, there I was...
Ki-yah! the inner sanctum,
alone with her.
Smelling her smell.
What is that, strawberry?
So what made you
take karate?
Uh, made me?
Daryl Kitzens.
Daryl Kitzens made
you take karate?
Yeah, have you seen the guy?
He's insane.
Daryl Kitzens is
without a doubt...
...the scariest kid
in the Upper West Side.
- Ugh!
- He's a fifth grader...
...but he's supposed to be
in seventh.
He is a giant.
Held back two grades
out ofhis first five.
At the rate he's going,
he'll graduate...
...from high school at the age 27.
And he'll have terrorized
an entire generation...
...of Upper West Siders.
Are you afraid he's going
to beat you up?
No, no, no, no.
of course not.
I just, you know,
want to be ready...
...when that day comes, you know.
Who was I kidding?
I was petrified.
Kitzens hangs out a lot
in front of the subway station...
...on 72nd & Broadway.
I haven't walked past
that corner since october.
Well, we should practice more.
Yeah, sure. Let's go.
We need to start working
on those maneuvers he taught us.
Well, I kind of meant
some other time.
It's getting kind of late.
Yeah, that sounds great.
Uh, it's getting kind
of late anyway, so...
How could I have said that?
Okay, just shake it off.
Keep it together.
Are you okay?
That's the, uh, the-the door.
Look at her.
Living this perfect life
up here.
With a view of the park
and everything.
Yet, she's so humble.
Rosemary's whole world
seemed very attractive to me.
Her parents,
with all their success...
...the nanny who's been with her
since she was born...
...and the adopted
three-year-old sister...
...rescued from an orphanage
in Beijing.
And me.
My family's on a one-way ticket
to The Jerry Springer Show.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, is Leslie around?
Uh, yeah.
Les, your date's here!
She's coming.
I'm her...
Only 20 more minutes
of video, okay, hon?
Bedtime soon.
All right.
Good night.
Adam, Ronny.
Ronny, Adam.
- You guys met?
- Yeah, yeah, we met. At the door.
Okay, good. Shall we, uh... Let's...
See this divorce thing...
You guys have fun.
Thank you.
Okay.'s a very difficult
situation for everyone.
This isn't anybody's
fault, you know.
It's not anybody's fault.
It's just that
your father and I...
...are a lot more different
than we thought.
They're just very
different people.
Even though
I was just nine and a half...
I totally took it like a man.
Now, I'm not saying
I'm some latch-key kid.
I mean, I don't want
to make it seem... my parents are
irresponsible, either.
But, for a year now...
I've been able
to roam the city.
Well, okay...
...not really the city-
nine square blocks.
The planetarium to the north...
Riverside Park to the west...
Central Park to the east
and 72nd Street to the south.
In those blocks,
I own this town.
Rosemary lived on 81 st Street...
...near the park, a few yards
north of my territory.
When I started, you know...
...casually riding
past her building...
I was heading
into some uncharted waters.
It was summer break.
Our next karate class wasn't
for three days.
Do you know
how many Telescos there are... the Manhattan phone book?
One's a butcher shop...
...down in the Village.
Nah, there's no
Rosemary here.
And trust me...
This is Frank.
...the other was
not her, either.
Hi. Is, uh, R-Rosemary there?
You're the kid that called
a half an hour ago.
What was I to do...
...except loiter and hope.
Uh-oh, her doorman's
looking at me.
Oh, my God, there she is.
I didn't have
a contingency plan for if...
...I actually saw her.
Just go up to her.
Go, go. Say hi to her.
She looked so busy.
I- I'll talk to her another day.
Coward. You fool.
How could you be so weak?
I- I'm not weak. I'm only human.
What was I going to say?
I was in the neighborhood?
That's pathetic.
No, you're weak,
and you're pathetic...
...and you're going to be alone
your entire life.
Who cares?
I'd rather be alone than endure
this misery and torment.
Hey, watch it, child!
Oh, uh, hi.
How's-How's it going?
I was just, you know... the neighborhood.
Don't you live
in the neighborhood?
Well, 73rd & West End.
I- I guess it sort of depends on
how the neighborhood is defined.
Can I sound like anymore
of a loser?
So, um, what are you guys up to?
Well, my sister's got
a birthday party in the park.
I'm just bringing my book.
Want to come?
Uh, come?
Uh, sure.
Yeah, run.
Sorry you came?
Not yet.
Bubbles, yeah.
Look, there's my point.
Those two kids are
the same age-she's..., talking, using her hands,
telling stories...
...and he's drooling
over a cupcake.
They're not the same age.
How much you
want to bet?
A buck says he's six months
younger than her.
Buy me an ice cream?
No, you're buying me one.
Excuse me?
Is that your son?
How old is he?
He's two and a half.
And that little girl... you know
how old she is?
She's three months
That proves nothing.
Man, look at her.
Have you ever seen anyone
more beautiful?
So smart, too.
She's just my type.
I didn't even know
I had a type.
Now if I could only shake
the nanny...
...we'd be in business.
So, um, should we get
that ice cream now?
Well I mean, sure,
if-if you want one.
Birdie, can we go get
an ice cream?
Yep. Hurry back now.
Uh, no, thanks.
this one's on me.
My first date.
The big spender.
Haagen-Dazs all the way, baby.
So, how come I have nothing
to say to her?
Why isn't she looking at me?
Am I that hideous?
Do I smell?
You, um, come here often?
Central Park?
Um, yeah.
What kind of question is that?
I hate myself.
I live across the street,
you know.
Are you more Riverside?
Yeah, I'm more
of a Riverside guy.
That's really the park, but
Central Park's pretty cool.
I've done my time here.
Hey, Strawberry Fields.
Do you know what
it's named for?
Some Beatles song, right?
Close. It's actually
the name of the orphanage... Liverpool where
John Lennon...
...used to play with his
friends who lived there.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I didn't know that. Neat.
I took Rosemary on a tour
of the park...
...that would make your head spin.
This is my Central Park,
my New York.
Yeah, they used
to have herds...
...and hundreds
and hundreds...
...of sheep grazing
in these fields.
And then they gave
the sheepherder a job... the zoo at
the Lion House.
Oh, yeah, didn't the sheepherder
used to live, up in the top...
See those
buildings up there?
When I was younger,
I used to pretend...
...they were pirate ships,
and I'd fight 'em.
I never took you
for a pirate guy.
Well, I outgrew
that eventually.
That's where my aunt's
getting married next week.
Oh, the boathouse, of course.
Flower girl.
Ah, I'm so looking
forward to that.
My aunt asked me to be
her flower girl when I was four...
...but, little did any
of us know...'d take seven years for her
boyfriend to pop the question.
That's hilarious.
I was charming and suave.
Everything you could hope to be
on your first real date.
Maybe we should practice
more karate.
You need it.
I am this close
to becoming a yellow belt.
Try this close.
What's tomorrow
like for you?
Saturday, um...
I've got cello
in the morning.
And in the afternoon
I've got tap.
Tap. What time
does tap end?
I'm sorry.
After tap, I've got this
Indian Princess thing...
I do with my father.
Geez, it was easier
scheduling Arab-Israeli...
...peace talks that making
a date with this girl.
What's Indian Princess?
It's this
"Daddy and Me" thing.
Don't ask.
I just do it so he won't feel
guilty working late all week.
How about Sunday?
Sunday's good.
In the morning
I have a tutor.
But how about the afternoon?
Tutor? What kind
of tutor?
It's for the ERBs.
My parents want me to go
to Ethical Culture next year.
Or Trinity.
Private school?
I probably won't get in
Maybe I'll throw the test.
Whoa. What exactly
did that mean?
Was that some kind of sign?
She'd throw her test for me?
Does she like like me?
You nearly gave me
a heart attack.
Where were you, girl?
I'm sorry. We were...
Sorry ain't good enough.
You're 11 years old.
This is New York City.
You can't go off running
by yourself like that.
You want Birdie telling
your parents on you, huh?
Now you two
say your good-byes now.
Sunday afternoon?
Sounds good.
Maybe I should come
to your place.
Um, my place?
See, ever since my dad moved
onto the couch...
I've been a little uninterested
in having friends over.
See you then.
Come on. Let's go.
Running off like that.
You know better than that.
Never had I felt so alive.!
I had a date with Rosemary.
Was there any better age to be... any better city
in the world?
Sunday couldn't come
fast enough.
What was today?
Only Friday?
Oh, the eternity.
Whoa! Hey! Watch
where you're going!
- Get off the sidewalk, you maniac!
- Sorry!
Hey, how goes it,
Mr. Gabe?
Pretty fine, Ralph.
How's it coming along
with that placekicking?
I'm actually more into
karate these days.
- Karate?
- Yeah.
You've got to watch this show,
Extreme Martial Arts...
...with this guy,
Mike Chatterandabut.
- Mike?...
- Mike Chat. Oh!
- Mike Chat.
- Yeah.
All right, cool.
I'll check it out.
Hold the door, please.
Oh, sure.
No problem, Lina.
That's what
I'm here for, right?
Thank you so much,
Thank you.
New au pair in 3-G.
She's from Stockholm.
Mike Chat knows that showmanship is huge... the martial arts tournaments.
In fact, Mike's
the Tony Hawk of martial arts...
...the guy who changed the game...
...and he's master teacher...
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
- Mike pioneered XMA-
Extreme Martial Arts.
He's rooted in the fundamentals.
Hey, um, Mom?
I was thinking
I kind of need a haircut.
A haircut?
Okay, I'll do it in the morning.
See, this was a sensitive
subject around our house...
...because, up until now... mom's actually given me...
...every haircut I've ever had.
Not to say she hasn't learned
a thing or two over the years.
But, lately,
it's been occurring to me...
...that she's not exactly what
we might call a professional.
A- Actually I was, you know,
kind of thinking...
...maybe we could go out for one.
Yeah, you know, like... a barbershop.
You mean pay for it?
Well, not an expensive one.
Don't be ridiculous, honey.
I can cut your hair.
Hey, Dad.
I really think it's time...
...that Mom stops cutting my hair.
Don't you?
Think about Giambi.
I don't trust that damn guy.
I don't trust him
guarding that bag.
He's got bat,
no doubt about that.
What do you think we ought to do
with this guy...
...put him on the block
or what?
Hey, could you take
it a little higher...
...over the ears, please?
- No problem.
- Thanks.
Best $ 12 I ever spent.
Look at me.
I was hot.
- Our ball.
- What the heck?
Hey, man.
It's a legitimate foul.
Dude, you just
totally hacked me.
Look, I don't need
you losers.
Okay, maybe I was
a little excitable.
But I didn't want to get
bruised up...
...before my big karate practice.
Hey, Rosemary.
Hey there, pretty lady.
How's it going, girl?
Hey, Rosemary Telesco.
I- I got it!
Mr. Gabe...
I got a Rosemary
down here for you.
Send her up, Ralph.
I loathed myself
for feeling like I did.
- Hey.
- I mean, this is crazy.
She's a girl, for God's sake.
It's not like she's
a New York Knick or something.
My mom dropped me off.
She's going to pick me up
at 5:15, if that's okay.
Yeah, sure.
Whenever is fine.
All right. Let's go.
So, um, do you remember
the old place?
Yeah, it's been
a long time.
Yeah, it has.
Mom, this is
Rosemary Telesco.
You remember her,
don't you?
From kindergarten.
of course.
I haven't seen you in forever.
Look at you, Rosie,
you're all grown up.
Hi, Mrs. Burton.
We're practicing
Excuse me.
Ronny's here.
Should I bring him up?
Oh, um, okay.
I didn't know you were
having a play date...
...or I wouldn't have made plans.
Should I stay?
It's not a play date, Mom.
It's practice.
Do you need snacks?
No, we're fine, and
don't worry about us.
Who's Ronny?
My mom's got
a date.
- Um...
- Hey, big guy.
Um, Ronny, this is Gabe's
friend, Rosemary Telesco.
Nice to meet you...
Rosemary Telesco.
You, too.
Uh, do you want me to hold this for you?
Oh, thank you.
I'll just get my coat.
Is there anything
more excruciating...
...than you and your date
and your mom's date...
...all hanging out
with absolutely nothing to say?
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Okay, kiddo?
Okay, that's more excruciating.
I'll, uh...
I'll be back
in time for dinner.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye. -
Bye. - Bye.
I didn't know your parents
were divorced.
Well, they're not,
See, it's kind of this
long-term project...
...they' ve been working on...
...for, like, a year and a half now...
...and my mom's
decided that...
...she's finally got to
move on with her life.
That sucks.
Well, it is what
it is, you know?
- Hey, you want to see something funny?
- Mm-hmm.
A few weeks earlier... mother had left
her file open...
...on her desktop.
See, this is like a list...
...of all the 45-year-old
men in New York...
...who are looking for wives.
Most of them are looking for
their second or even third.
These are the ones
my mom picked out.
They all look like
the same guy to me.
Yeah, she's kind of got a type.
Oh, my God, there's Ronny.
"I'm a real...
"live wire who tends to take
everything in life...
"up a notch.
"I like being quiet
and contemplative...
...but rowdy and
Enough of my mother
and her romantic dead ends.
Today was about me
and Rosemary.
She was in my house, all alone.
It was time for us to fight.
Sparring that day...
I was channeling none other...
...than the great one himself- master, my inspiration-
Mr. Mike Chat.
It's a dance, Gabriel.
You lead her, not she lead you.
Kiss her. Kiss her!
I can't, that's disgusting.
Trust me.
Not disgusting.
How could you let her do that?
Girls mature faster than boys.
Don't let her brainwash you
with that.
Boys stronger.
I had absolutely no idea
what she was thinking.
She was this total mystery
to me.
Did I want to kiss
Rosemary Telesco?
Yes, I guess I did.
I wanted to-
more than anything on earth.
Do you, um...
...some Gatorade?
Who was I kidding anyway?
Was I really going to kiss her?
I mean, come on,
she's 11, I'm ten.
Well, 103/4 actually.
She's May, I'm September.
What do all the
different names mean?
Oh, it's my mom's stuff
and my dad's stuff.
Isn't it hard?
Oh, no, not really.
I mean, I can choose
from either of them.
No, I mean having them
still living together.
I might be falling in love
with the woman...
...but it doesn't mean I'm
in the mood for soul searching.
Don't you think
it's going to be so much better...
...once it's all over?
What do you mean?
I don't know, like...
...getting your lives
started again.
I guess so, yeah.
Well, who do you think's
going to move out?
I don't know.
My dad, I guess.
Has he looked at any places yet?
I don't think so.
...maybe we should look for him.
Turns out, Rosemary's parents...
...their favorite hobby was
looking at apartments.
They never actually
buy anything...
...but every Sunday, for as long
as she can remember...
...they dragged her out
to open houses.
She knew what everything meant.
"Wood-burning fireplace."
That's good.
How much?
Way too expensive,
that's how much.
"Estate Condition" is scary... means it has to be gutted.
Oh, this is nice, look.
"Romantic treetop view...
...attic loft, hardwood floors."
It's a little downtown,
but there's two bedrooms... you can stay over
whenever you want.
Should we call?
Hello? Can I help you?
Yes. Isaac?
We wanted to, um...
...arrange to see
the romantic treetop view.
Something right in the range
of your place.
Maybe it is true.
Maybe girls do mature
faster than boys.
Could I talk like that?
How is tomorrow afternoon
for you?
Tomorrow for me?
It's, uh...
It's good.
Yes, that'd be perfect.
3:00? See you there.
3:00 tomorrow.
Here. Hurry. Hurry.
Are you back here?
Got some new kicking tees.
They're titanium.
How's it going?
Dad, you remember
Rosemary Telesco, right?
From kindergarten. Sure.
Hi. Long time, no see.
She's in my
karate class, Dad.
But she wasn't just
in my karate class anymore.
Oh, no.
She was in my life.
We were going out
to look for an apartment...
...for my father tomorrow.
These are things boyfriends
and girlfriends do.
What other things do boyfriends
and girlfriends do?
need a ride?
So, I'll see you tomorrow; 2:30.
Yeah. See you tomorrow.
Are there any
more beautiful words... the English dictionary
than "See you tomorrow"?
Oh, the plan was perfect.
She would tell
her friend, Libby... say Rosemary's playing
over at her house.
...from, like, 2:30
until around dinnertime.
See, Libby had a grandmother
who took care ofher...
...and was literally deaf.
Would never hear the phone
if it rang.
So her story was solid.
Let's try "Anagrammed Birds" for $200.
I would tell my friend
Max Kavinsky to cover for me.
The only possible flaw
in my plan...
...was that I didn't
actually have the guts... tell Max that
I was hanging out with a girl.
So, you know, I, like, never
actually had the conversation.
Luckily, I knew Max was going... Six Flags
for the entire day...
I got this. I knew he wasn't
going to accidentally call...
...looking for me,
or anything.
You, um... Ride
the subway a lot...
...without any grown-ups?
Actually, no. I...
I do it all
the time, you know.
It's much more
fun this way.
I didn't have the heart
to tell her...
I'd never been
south of West 72nd.
I felt she needed
my leadership.
Greenwich Village
might as well have been...
...a thousand miles away.
I think we might have gotten off
a stop or two early.
Do you, um...
Do you want a ride?
You think
we can both fit?
We can try.
Come on. Get on.
With that girl's
arms around me...
...there was nothing
I couldn't do.
I think it's this way.
With the possible
exception of, uh...
...finding that apartment
we were looking for.
Deja vu.
Uh, maybe we should
ask for directions.
No. I think it's just right
up this alley right here.
You are so like all
the guys in my family.
- That your girlfriend?
- Excuse me?
She your girl?
Yeah. My girlfriend.
I had a girlfriend
once upon a time, too.
She trampled
my heart.
Left me bleeding on the floor.
Run while you
still can, brother.
Take my advice.
Make like the wind.
We were close.
One block, a left,
and then another left.
Let's go.
Are you Isaac?
I'm Rosemary.
We're here to
see the apartment.
Am I getting Punk'd?
No. It's for my dad.
And will Daddy
be meeting us here?
Well, he will if I give him
the high sign.
Trying to make a
commission or not?
We do a nice... in two bedrooms
with divorced fathers.
This place
will be gone... a New York minute,
I promise you.
Wood-burning fireplace.
Oh, yeah, I noticed.
I didn't know what
we were looking for exactly.
What do you think?
I like it.
It's nice. Amazing.
But I knew one thing
for certain...
It was the most romantic
treetop view I ever saw.
We came home up the bike path
along the Hudson.
We came home up the bike path
along the Hudson.
67 blocks.
The most physically
grueling experience...
...of my short life
on this planet.
But I barely felt it.
I never felt
so ridiculously wonderful.
This was New York the way
I always want to remember it.
Aplace where
anything is possible.
The city of dreams.
What's this?
Oh, this?
You don't
know about this?
It's the smallest park
in New York City.
Some commissioner died and
left his whole townhouse... be knocked
down for a park.
How come
I didn't know about this?
Nobody on your
side of Broadway...
...ever comes
over this way.
That's what's so cool
about West End.
Do you come
here a lot?
Actually, I, um...
I haven't been here
in quite a while.
Hey! Mini-Me!
What are you doing in my park?
Oh, no way.
Not Darryl Kitzens.
Not now.
It's a public park.
What's she doing,
inciting him?
Doesn't she know that wild
animals need to be placated?
I... I think this
park's big enough...
...for all of us, right?
Who were we kidding?
A white belt and a yellow belt
facing off...
...against the Darth Maul
of PS 87?
We were gonna get creamed.
You picked the wrong park,
little man.
You picked the wrong park,
little man.
Get the hell
out of my park!
You're dead!
Come on!
Run, run! Hurry!
Hop on.
Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go!
He's coming! He's coming!
Go faster! Go! Go!
Make the light! Go on!
We were both still flushed
from our day of adventure.
Well, good night.
Good night.
I could do battle
with Darryl Kitzens.
So why can't
I just lean in to her?
Do it.
Do it, you wimp, do it.
That was fun.
Yeah, it was.
Scared he's going
to hunt us down?
I just have to
keep a low profile...
...for the rest of the summer.
And, of course, transfer to
a military school in the fall.
I just have to keep a low
profile for one more week.
A week?
Well, next Sunday,
after the wedding...
I'm going to camp.
For how long?
For six weeks.
Six weeks?
She might as well
have said she's dying.
That's fantastic.
Well... I better
get inside.
Good night.
Good night.
What if she goes to camp
and I never get to kiss her?
That's the way
it's going to be.
It's so obvious.
Every opportunity I have
will go the same way.
"Good night."
"Good night." No.
I will not let that happen.
I will kiss her before
she gets on that bus to Maine.
I will, I will, I will.!
Gabe? Ga...!
That's him!
There he is.
oh, thank God.
If they don't kill you,
I'm going to.
So it, um, it turns out
Max Kavinsky didn't go... Six Flags after all.
He got sick.
My mother actually ended up...
...running into his mother
at the Fairway...
...and, well, they got to talking.
Gabe, come here!
Come here.
Don't you ever
go anywhere again...
...without us knowing
where you are... you hear me?
You had us scared half to death.
My punishment... phone, no TV... leaving the apartment
for 48 hours.
It was the first thing
my parents agreed on... a very long time.
Do I have to call Rosemary's mother?
- Is that what I have to do?
- No! No!
- Don't call anyone.
- I thought, I thought we had an understanding...
- ...on the nine square blocks...
- We do!
...that the only way that this
can work, your dad and I...
I had to throw myself
on the mercy of the court...
...just to get special permission
to go to karate class.
I'll do anything!
I'll wash dishes for
the rest of the summer!
I promise I will!
It just wasn't an option
to miss that class.
You scared the hell
out of us today.
I know, I'm sorry.
Yeah, what
does sorry mean?
Sorry means I'm not
gonna do it again.
- That's right. Never again.
- Right.
- Right?
- Right.
Hey, Dad?
Are... Are you gonna move out?
Eventually, yeah, I am, Gabe.
Well, I, um...
I found an apartment for you.
You what?
That's where I went today.
To look for an
apartment for you.
Do you want me to move out?
No, no, of course not,
but, you know...
...maybe we can't get our lives
started again until you do.
Where do you get such big ideas?
I don't know. I just get them.
So w-where is
this apartment?
It's a two-bedroom
on Grove Street.
In the Village?
Yeah, wood-burning fireplace.
No way.
Why not?
It's too far
from you, champ.
I- I wouldn't move
more than...
...a three-or four-block
radius from you.
You'd have to go to college
to get farther away from me.
Go to sleep.
All right.
So, uh, what's the deal
with this Rosemary?
How do you mean?
I- I, I'm just not used to...
We do karate
together, Dad.
Sh-she's my sparring partner.
Okay, great.
I didn't even pick her.
Whatever you say, king.
That night, I had this dream.
All right! Yeah!
I'm open! Gabe!
Over here...
...over to Eric!
Go, man! Run!
Gabe... Gabe...
Where are you going?
You're ditching us for her?
Oh, come on.
Aw, dude.
The next day, I couldn't
get to class fast enough.
I was gonna
be near her again...
...grapple with her...
...smell her hair.
That day
the Gates of Hell opened...
...and Tim Staples
walked right through.
So, we're gonna shift sparring partners... make sure everyone's
with their level.
That means Tim-
you'll be with Rosemary.
Could this be?
My woman getting ripped
from my hands like this?
I could see where
all this leads.
Do you, Rosemary Telesco...
...take Tim Staples to be
your lawfully wedded husband?
And Gabe, your new
sparring partner...
...will be David Betanahu.
This is my level?
David Betanahu?
How could this happen?
She's with Ashton Kutcher
over there...
...and I'm with the sweatiest
ten-year-old in Manhattan.
The kid's practically
had a moustache...
...since he was in nursery school.
Everything I took for granted-
stolen in a New York minute.
...karate wasn't quite the same
without Rosemary.
So... How was
that class for you?
Was it a good one?
Um, I'm having a little trouble...
...with this Mochizuki maneuver.
Yeah, yeah,
me, me too.
I couldn't resist.
I needed more and more pain.
So, uh, how's, how's
that Tim guy at the Mochizuki?
He's a lot
better than me...
...but he wants us to
practice together.
Oh, r-r-really?
Wow, th-that's terrific.
You know, hey, when,
when can we get together?
Well, I've got cello this
afternoon, so, not today.
But I thought cello
was on Saturdays.
Tuesday and
She can't cancel
her frickin'cello lesson?
Doesn't she know
our days are numbered...
...before that bus to camp?
How 'bout I call you?
Sounds great.
So that's it?
Just a lousy "call you"?
Not even an "I'll call you."
A "how bout I call you"?
What on earth does that mean?
You have no new messages.
What choice did I have,
but to return... my old, miserable life?
Wait a minute.
You were happy.
Oh, please!
I was miserable.
I just didn't know... miserable I was.
Heads up!
Watch it!
- Sorry.
Where's your head
today, G-man?
My head?
Yeah, it's not with the ball.
What was that?
It's, it's not my head, Dad.
It's, um... it's my leg.
I hurt it in karate class.
See, guys like us...
...we weren't built
for kicking bricks.
Let's keep our
priorities in line.
Eyes on the prize.
Go. Sweet spot.
- One, two, three...
- He was right.
My priorities
were all screwed up.
I was an athlete.
I just had to shake it off.
Look at me.
I can bounce back.
I don't need some girl
in my life for me to be happy.
You know what?
I really hate it...
...when people
call me at home...
...and try to sell me stuff.
That's okay.
Okay. Bye.
Yeah, he's right here.
It's a girl.
I got it!
Got it?
I got it!
I said I was gonna call.
Did you?
I don't even remember.
Smooth under pressure.
That's me.
If only I could do something
about the beating of my heart.
Could she hear that
through the phone?
So what are you
doing tomorrow night?
Um, tomorrow night?
Yeah, it's summer, so it's not
like a school night or anything.
Uh, I-I'm free, totally.
'Cause my parents
got these special tickets... this concert with this guy
who's supposed to be, like...
...the greatest singer
in New York or something.
Do you, um, want to go?
Uh, me, me, me and your parents?
And me, too.
My mom said I could
invite anyone I want.
Sounds awesome.
She called.
She said she was gonna call
and she kept her word.
This was not just some figment...
...of my imagination.
...our love is a two-way street.
You're looking
sharp there, tiger.
Like I even care.
I especially
like the hair.
Come on, mess it up.
Don't take all your romantic
advice from him, Gabe.
You look very nice.
I, um, I'm gonna
wait downstairs.
Do you want us to come down
and say hi to her parents?
Excuse me.
They said they'd have you
home by 11:00...
...and if you're gonna be one
second later, I'll need a call.
Our little boy
is growing up, huh?
Yeah, he is.
Pretty snazzy.
Big night?
Just some date
with some girl... know, nothing,
nothing big.
That girl that came by here
the other day?
That'd be the one.
She was a nice girl,
that girl that came by here.
All right, Mr. Gabe.
Hey, Gabe.
Nice to see you.
You, too.
Thanks for joining us.
Hi, Mrs. Telesco.
Hello. How are you?
Welcome to The Carlyle.
Yeah, Mickey took me
here on our third date.
We had to stand right
over there by the bar...
...because we couldn't
afford a table.
And from that
moment on...
...there was
no turning back for us.
You're gonna love this guy.
No one sings
like Loston Harris.
This guy is New York.
I can't tell you what
that first song was about.
Something about love
and a boy and a girl...
...and this boy
can think of nothing...
...but holding that
girl's hand in the darkness.
I'm not sure how
I got the courage.
Maybe it was the buzz
from the Shirley Temple.
Maybe it was Loston Harris-
...the greatest singer this
little town has ever known.
But I knew our relationship
had to get to the next step...
...or Rosemary and I would just
remain karate friends forever.
Never had I been
so keenly aware...
...of the ability of my palm
to manufacture sweat.
But I was determined to hold
that girl's hand...
...for every single second.
What does this mean?
Does she hate me?
Is she grossed out by me?
Am I pushing everything
way too fast?
All those ridiculous
songs about love-
I finally understood.
Forget the second stop.
We're gonna walk
from here, too.
Well, uh, you guys
say your good nights now...
...and, uh, Daddy and I
are gonna get some milk...
...for breakfast tomorrow, okay?
Good night, Mrs. Telesco.
Oh, thank you
for coming, Gabe.
Oh, thank you.
Your parents
are cool.
Everyone says I'm gonna
hate them in a few years.
Think you will?
If people say so.
This is the time.
I know it. She knows it.
My God,
even her parents know it.
Why can't I kiss her?
What's stopping me?
Is it cooties I fear?
So... Big wedding
this weekend.
Yeah, right.
I forgot about that.
I wish you could come.
It's gonna be
really boring.
Yeah, I really
wanna see you... your flower
girl thing.
Part of me is sure
I'm gonna tr...
Did... Did I do it right?
I don't know.
I have absolutely
nothing to compare it to.
My God, was I even close?
I should go.
Good night.
Good night.
Hey, how was your night,
little Romeo?
It was good.
It was great.
Fine, I think.
But I had no idea.
I kept playing the moment over
and over and over in my head.
Was it too fast?
Too hard? Too gross?
Did she actually
want me to kiss her?
I gotta go.
I gotta go.
I gotta go.
Or did I scare her away?
Oh, I had it bad,
this new feeling...
...deep in the pit of my stomach.
This horrible love sickness.
Maybe this is what cooties are.
By the next day, I was a wreck.
I purposely didn't call her...
...okay, except for one hang-up...
...because I knew
I would see her in karate.
I got to class
ten minutes early.
Okay, I knew what I was doing
here early, but what was he?
One thing was clear-
this business...
...had to be settled
right here and right now.
If only life was so simple.
She's not even coming.
She doesn't
even want to see me.
She's blowing off class.
She hates me.
Your fists should
be like a hammer.
She came.
She's here. She loves me.
Sorry I'm late.
Miss Telesco, nice
of you to join us.
Wait a minute.
What was that?
Was that a smile,
or is she, like, mad at me?
Why would she be mad at me?
I only kissed her.
Why the heck did I kiss her?
What was I possibly thinking?
There are very few things
more painful...
...than watching the woman you
love grapple with another man.
Actually, I take that back.
There are
no things more painful.
The answer lies
within you, Gabriel...
...and you alone.
You must find
your strength.
Your focus.
Your determination.
Ki-yah! Ki-yah! Ki-yah!
Poor David Betanahu.
He was an innocent victim
in all this.
Collateral damage
in this love affair.
One, two, three, four...
I couldn't
take my eyes offher.
- High block...
- She loves me.
...middle punch,
She loves me not.
She loves me.
Loves me not.
She loves me. Not. Not.
Loves. Not.
By 3:51, I had descended
fully into madness.
Who wants to take
their yellow belt exam?
Ah, Gabe.
The moment
of reckoning is upon us.
Okay, maybe I was
a little overeager...
...but it was
my only way back to her.
Luckily, I had the great master
of masters in my corner.
Ah, very nice. Very nice.
Let's see your Mochizuki now.
Hit, switch.
Hit! Hit!
...very nice, very nice.
You've come a long way.
Excellent Gabriel. Excellent.
Now, time for the break.
All that stood between me
and the woman I loved...
...was a half-inch
piece of plywood.
Be the board,
Be the board.
At that moment,
I was the board.
Ow! Ow!
Ow! Oh! Aah...!
The pain! The pain!
Oh, my God!
Oh, ow... Aw...
I don't remember
much after that.
They, um, they said
I blacked out.
I guess this
is the end of karate, huh?
I'm a placekicker.
If you work hard,
you can achieve anything.
I really believe
that, Gabe.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I came as soon
as I got the message.
What happened?
He went a little too hard
for his yellow belt.
Sounds like
we're gonna need...
...some ice cream on
the way home, huh?
No, thanks.
Was this it?
Was this the end
for me and Rosemary?
Two and a half weeks
was all the time...
...we were going to be allowed?
I was not gonna call her.
That would be weak.
And I resolved that night
to be weak no longer.
Hello, Mrs. Burton?
No, this is Gabe.
Who cares if she thought
I was my mother? It was her.!
No, Mom, I got it.
Who is it?
Mom, I got it.
Hang up now.
Okay, hon.
Hey, how's your hand?
My hand?
Oh, it's fine. Barely hurt.
I just got so worried
when you lost consciousness.
Yeah, that was only,
like, for a second or so.
What color cast did you get?
Plain was the best
of my choices.
My cousin got this Hulk one.
Yeah, they had that, too, but
I'm not really into the Hulk.
This was
no time for small talk.
It was time
to lay things on the table.
To reach
through that phone line...
...and dig deep
into that woman's soul.
So when can we hang out?
It's a really
crazy weekend for me.
It is?
It's Thursday night.
She's going to camp
Sunday morning.
Who cares how crazy
the weekend is?
Rehearsal dinner tomorrow night... on Saturday,
camp on Sunday.
Sure, right. Of course.
Where's her whole "Wish you
could come to the wedding"?
Where's that Rosemary?
The Rosemary I loved.
Not this alien
with her crazy weekends.
Your new sparring partner,
is he coming to the wedding?
What? Tim?
Oh, is that what you call him?
Are you calling him
after you call me?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about you and
Tim Staples sitting in a tree.
K- I-S-S-I-N-G
First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
Then comes Tim Staples
in a baby carriage.
You sound crazy, you know that?
Why don't you
have time this weekend?
I'm sorry, Gabe.
I haven't even started packing.
You know what? I hate you.
I hate you.
Why do you even care?
I hate you.
Well, I hate you, too.
I hate you more.
How can you
say something so mean?
I hate you!
You want to or should I?
It was the pain
that had no name.
Oh! Ooh! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Why did Rosemary Telesco
ever have to walk into my life?
Why, why, why?
Maybe not everything
is supposed to last forever.
Certain things are like...
like... Skywriting.
Like, like, like
a really beautiful thing...
...that lasts for
a couple moments and then...
You know?
I know, honey.
Love sucks.
Look at them all.
Rats in their cages...
...their lives destroyed by love.
I'm done with it.
I won't be like them.
The fools.
I remember
my first girl.
We met on
theJersey shore.
She was from Philly...
I was from Brooklyn..., we knew right from
the start, we were cursed.
Ralph, not right now.
I'm not in the mood.
Oh, hejsan.
God morgon.
It's amazing how quickly
time moves.
Just yesterday,
I thought I loved her.
But now I don't even
care about her at all.
The next morning, this kind
of amazing thing happened.
The sun came out again.
See, life is about so much more
than Rosemary.
I have my family, my health,
my kicking career.
I really had no room
for a woman in my life.
How about some rocky road?
I guess.
What's the deal
with girls?
I mean, why are they
the way they are?
You're talking
to the wrong man.
Well, how come all love
has to end?
Let me... Let me tell you
something about me and your mom.
Once upon a time,
we really loved each other.
But as... As time went by...
...there just got to be
all these... These things...
...little things...
...stupid things that
were left unsaid.
And all these things
that were left unsaid...
...piled up like... Like
the clutter in our storage room.
And after awhile...
...there was so much
that was left unsaid...
...that we barely said anything
at all.
Well... why didn't you
just say 'em then, Dad?
I don't know, Gabe.
I kinda wish I had.
Who was I kidding, anyway?
I wasn't going to get
any real comfort here.
I mean, the old guy
meant okay.
Let's knock over a hot dog stand
on the way home.
Drown our sorrows in pork
shoulders and nitrates.
Nah, I think it's all right.
I'm just going to, I don't know,
hang out here for awhile.
Okay, champ.
See you
at the homestead.
All right.
You kicked good today.
I'm telling you,
the trajectory you're on... the moon.
Or at least the Big Ten.
Felt good.
Good. I'll see
you at home.
a million miles away...
...the girl I once loved
was going down her road...
...and I was stuck back on mine.
I couldn't escape the...
...all the little things
I left unsaid.
I was drowning in them.
I knew what I had to do.
Love isn't about ridiculous
little words.
Love is about grand gestures.
Don't go to Taos,
not without me.
Love is about airplanes
pulling banners over stadiums.
Proposals on Jumbotrons.
Giant words in skywriting.
Love is about going that
extra mile, even if it hurts.
Letting it all hang out there.
Love is about finding courage
inside of you...
...that you didn't even know
was there.
What are you
doing here?
You're going to
camp tomorrow.
I had to say good-bye.
But I thought you hate me.
I don't.
I lied.
I wasn't going
to be like my father.
I wasn't going to let all these
things left unsaid smother me.
I love you.
You what?
I do.
I'm sorry...
...but I love you more than anyone
has ever loved.
I love you, I love you,
I love you.
How's that for letting it
all hang out there...
...and hang and hang and hang?
Do you, um... think you might
want to love me, too?
I don't know
what I think, Gabe.
I'm only 11.
I don't think
I'm ready to be in love.
I'm not ready,
and I'm doing it.
But it wasn't that easy.
I guess love never is.
Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe... Maybe girls
don't mature faster.
No, they do...
...they do,
you know they do.
You even said so at the park.
We at least mature
at the same rate.
I don't know
what mature is anymore.
But I'm really happy you came.
Do you want
to dance, Gabe?
Sure, what the hell?
As I held onto Rosemary
Telesco for dear life...
...we both knew the truth.
She was going off to camp...
...and eventually, private school.
We were on different roads,
she and me.
Two ships that passed
in Sheep Meadow.
See, this is just like
I told you.
Same thing I knew
getting into this whole mess...
Love ends.
Hey, Mr. Gabe.
How goes it?
Hey, Ralph.
Hold the door, please.
The truth is,
you come into this world alone...
...and leave it
the exact same way.
Who are these strangers...
...laughing in
my mother's bedroom?
I've only seen them
in pictures.
Um, everything okay?
We were just talking...
...about how horrible
our honeymoon was.
Key West.
Everything that could
possibly go wrong...
An unmitigated disaster.
It wasn't even a tropical storm.
Remember that?
- Like yesterday.
- It was awful.
We lost our luggage.
God, you were so sick.
God, I'm hungry.
What time is it?
Oh, wow.
We should get
something to eat.
All of us?
Yeah. We should, uh...
Why don't we go down
to the place on the corner?
Place on the corner
sounds good.
It's getting cooler.
Yeah, we're gonna
need jackets.
I just cleared
some old stuff...
...out of the storage room.
You wanted a New York
love story?
There's a New York love story
for ya.
I told you
it wasn't gonna be pretty.
Love is an ugly,
terrible business...
...practiced by fools.
It'll trample your heart...
...and leave you bleeding
on the floor.
And what does it really get you
in the end?
Nothing but a few
incredible memories...
...that you can't ever shake.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
The truth is...
...there's gonna be other girls
out there.
I mean...
I hope.
But I'm never gonna get
another first love.
That one's always gonna be her.