Live Escape (2022) Movie Script

All right, Jimenes,
Would you rather wake up
every morning -
You wanna start with that already?
It's just a way to get to know you.
See what type of man you are.
So would you rather wake up with cabbage,
two big things of cabbage
on your hands every morning
and you have to eat 'em all
before you can even start your day?
Or would you rather have a little midget
that follows you around
but fucks with you,
like turns out the lights
when you're taking a shower
or mismatches your socks,
locks your keys in your car
when you're not paying attention.
Which one?
I will say I fucking hate cabbage.
I don't like cabbage.
It's gross.
Little Midget,
I feel like I already had that shit,
'cause that shit always
happens to me, man.
So think I'll do the midget.
- All right.
- Yeah, I'll settle with that.
That was an easy one,
that was an easy one.
All right, all right.
Would you rather be at San Quentin
with the craziest serial raper
of all time?
But what's San Quentin?
- San Quentin?
- What is that?
Like one of the worst fricking
jail or prisons on earth.
Oh, okay, I was testing you,
I was testing you to see
if you knew what that was.
Oh boy.
Okay, would you rather be in there
with like this craziest rapist guy
and like once a month he's
gonna have his way with you
and there's nothing you
can do at all, like -
but it's only once a month.
Okay, what's the other option?
Or would you rather go viral on TikTok,
everybody in the world's gonna see it,
there's gonna be memes after this,
you walk outside and somebody pranks you
by throwing shit at your door
and it's filled with dildos
and while you're trying
to smash the shit out,
dildos are just falling from the sky
and hitting you in the face everywhere.
And it goes viral.
Everybody's gonna see it.
Where do you get this shit?
Is this what you're always thinking about?
- Yeah.
- This is what you're
always thinking about, wow, okay.
Well, do you see a lot going on?
I'll go with the -
Fuck, man, I don't know,
go with dildos.
- Viral, dildos and shit
- Viral, I'll be known
- just smacking you.
- For the dildo guy.
- Okay.
- Yeah. Why not? Fuck it.
Fuck it.
So, being on the force for two weeks now,
what do you guys normally do?
This is it, drive around,
parking tickets, pulling people over.
I mean, it's not a glamorous job.
It's not like what you see on Cops.
There's not a bunch of shit going on.
Nobody's really chasing us.
We're not really chasing anybody.
I mean.
We'll probably pull somebody over tonight
for something boring.
Who knows what that is.
I hope we don't pull anybody over
'cause I don't feel like doing paperwork.
I'm just saying.
I, I agree.
But I'm kind of excited though, you know?
First, well, first stop.
Tired of all the fucking office work.
All that desk work, it's just, killer man.
Have you ever fallen asleep?
Oh yeah, I take naps all the time.
I mean, if you weren't
here, I'd probably pull
down one of these streets
and take a nap right now.
No big deal.
Now that you're here I
can take a nap all day
and you can just drive around.
That's kinda strange, don't you think?
Text the wife.
You married?
Kids, anything?
No, no kids, no kids.
Married once though, yeah, married once.
- Really?
- Yeah.
How did that go?
Huh? Not married anymore.
Yeah, I've been married
for about five years now.
Yeah, I got two kids, but I
mean, it's a bunch of babies.
I bet that's awesome,
though, man, to have kids?
It's cool, I mean, the
wife hates me being a cop.
She wants me to do a safer job, I'm like,
This seems pretty safe, right?
Pretty safe, yeah.
She's just asking like,
"How's your partner?"
So have you had a partner before or?
Yeah, I mean, they usually choose me
to do on-the-job training.
Got you.
Apparently I have a knack
for walking the new guys through.
Not too bad.
So this is it, huh?
Nobody's speeding, you
can't make 'em speed.
You hungry?
I am hungry, actually.
All right, where are we?
No speedsters today.
Even though we've only
been on duty for two hours.
But I am hungry.
Jimmy's, how
can I get you started?
Can, let me ask you, does the
number one come with onions?
You said a number
one combo with medium fries?
No, I said does the
number one come with onions?
Oh, a number
one with a slushie?
No, does it come with onions?
Oh, number one with
no onions, I'm so sorry sir.
Oh my god.
Hold on one second.
I'm sorry, can you hear me?
Kinda, can you
speak up a little bit louder?
I'm so sorry.
Does the number, sorry,
does the number one come with onions?
Does the number
one come with onions?
Yeah, do you
want me to take it off?
Yeah, let's take off the onions.
- Okay.
- Does it come with lettuce?
What, are you kidding me?
What are you talking about?
I don't know, I -
- Hey man, just give us two
number ones with Sprites.
With everything on, just two
number ones with Sprites.
Did you lose your mind?
I don't like onions, so.
You want them to spit in our food?
Did you catch that, boss?
Except for these pictures,
go slide.
Fucking hate
these things, man.
You, you comfortable with these things on?
No, 'cause they can
see everything I'm doing.
The only cool thing is if I
prop my head up like this,
you don't know if I'm awake or asleep.
Oh, that's true, yeah.
They're just gonna look at me.
Don't look at me, puppet.
So, what, it's live feed going directly
to like Headquarters or what?
That's what I've heard.
I've never actually seen
where the footage goes.
I don't actually care,
because I don't really do anything.
- I mean, our -
- I guess
if you're doing something
wrong, then worry about it.
Yeah, I mean, our job is
to control the situation.
Don't lose your head.
When I was in the Marines,
that's all it is, muscle memory.
Everything is muscle memory.
You're still new, but you'll pick it up.
You'll learn when and
when not to draw your gun,
when to use your taser.
Have you used a taser before?
I have, yeah, yeah,
I did at the Academy.
I had to get my ass tased
before I could grab it.
So yeah.
That shit hurts, huh?
I think I pissed myself.
Would you rather have the
worst explosive diarrhea
any time anybody sneezes around you?
Like the sneeze triggers
- Yeah. You hear,
- Diarrhea?
You hear somebody sneezing,
you're just like.
You know what I, okay, or?
Or would you rather get attacked
by a hundred hornets once a month?
Oh, fuck no.
- You like the diarrhea?
- Yeah.
I wasn't gonna -
I'm all over the ass play, man.
From dildos to this.
Let's light this dude up.
Where's he going?
I don't know.
Not sketchy at all.
Just keep your head
on a swivel, all right?
Just follow my lead.
I don't like this.
Oh, great.
All right.
Hold on.
Dispatch, this is 1389.
Car stopped, Williams
and Third, red light,
Nevada plates 314, Ida, Nora, David.
Ten four.
- You good?
- Yeah.
Good evening, sir, you know
why I pulled you over?
- No.
- See that red light
over there?
- No.
- On Williams? You ran it.
Wow, I thought it was green.
Hey man, you put the camera down.
You don't have to be filming us.
No, no, no, I got it.
If I cough, you might shoot me.
we're not gonna shoot you, but yeah,
we did catch you on the camera.
I could have sworn it was green.
Oh shit, hold on.
You know, the funny thing is
your opinion doesn't matter.
Can I see your driver's license
and registration, please.
See, my opinion does matter.
Just because of color
doesn't mean it doesn't.
Hey, hey!
Hey, buddy, just listen to him, man.
All right, just listen to him, all right?
License and registration, please.
Thank you, sir.
Happy birthday.
Is it your birthday?
When's your birthday?
Is this driver's license gonna be clean
or is there anything on your record
that you want to tell me about
right now, before I run this?
Yeah, I think I should say
that there's a party coming up
at my house, so.
Listen, hey,
I think what my partner's
trying to tell you
is that we're gonna give
you a warning right now.
All right?
All right.
Here you go, sir.
I mean,
I didn't do anything,
You're good.
- But thank you.
- Have a good night, man.
Have a good one.
A warning?
He's got a warrant for -
You know somebody you freaking.
Man, I don't wanna
deal with the paperwork.
You taught me that, so.
I don't have the fucking ticket machine.
I don't wanna deal with it either.
Fucking flashlights dying, man.
- Jesus.
- Forgot to charge it.
Well, there's no
fucking charger in here,
so you're shit out of luck.
1389 we have a body
inside cart.
Dispatch, what was that?
1389 we
have a PR who found a body
inside a shelter on Fifth and Carter.
Ten four.
So much for a quiet night.
All right.
I'll let you do the
paperwork on this first one,
just so you get the hang of it, okay?
We're gonna come out here
and were we -
I didn't really catch everything you said,
I wasn't paying attention.
Fifth and Carter.
We're right here, actually, aren't we?
- Up here?
- Yeah, it's just right here.
Look at this.
All right, let's take
this nice and easy, okay?
Let's see what this is.
How you doing, sir?
You the one that called it in?
Yeah, I'm the one that found him.
What have you got for us?
So I was doing my
rounds like I normally do.
- Okay.
- I heard a scream.
And there's a lot of
drama around here usually,
so, pretty much my intui-
Just breathe for me, okay,
just breathe.
- Okay.
- Keep going, just relax.
So I went in the building
and about 10, 15 feet in,
I saw a body laying there.
I yelled, tried to get their attention.
Didn't get any response at all.
Okay, can you show me where that's at?
Yeah, it's right around over here.
You'll walk us over there?
Okay, great.
So have you worked here for a long time?
Yeah, I've been here for a couple years.
You seen anything like this before?
Never, nothing like this.
It's a pretty creepy fucking place, but.
- Yeah, this is,
- Never dealt with this.
Place is not ideal.
Hopefully they pay you well?
Yeah, not enough for this shit.
Is there anything
out here we should be worried about?
Nothing that I know of.
Just what I found in here.
It's right around this way.
Around here?
All right, why don't you do me a favor,
Why don't you wait here for me, okay?
Yeah, I can do that, man.
I seen some people a few
minutes ago running out
of the other side of the building.
I was gonna go check that out.
You're cool with that?
Or stay here?
No, stay here for me,
so we know where to find you,
just in case anything happens.
We want to know where you're at, okay?
That's fine with me, you
guys can deal with this shit.
What do you think?
So much for quiet night, huh?
Hey, your first night
where you get to do actual paperwork.
Exciting, huh?
You wanna get the entrance over there?
Watch your step, man.
It's fucking dark in
here man, can't see shit.
I can definitely
say it's dark in here.
Oh man.
What do you think?
Age before beauty?
Let's do it.
Metro PD, anybody in here?
Metro PD, we're coming in.
Metro PD, hello hello?
Metro PD, anybody in here?
Metro PD.
What do you think's in there?
I don't know, that's fucking weird.
Metro PD!
What kind of building is this?
It's supposed to be
a fucking homeless shelter.
Smells like shit.
Definitely smells like a homeless shelter.
Metro PD, anybody in here?
Metro PD, anybody in here?
Dude, it feels
fucking weird in here, man.
There's shit everywhere.
Hey, man, just keep
your head on a swivel.
Just keep moving forward, all right?
This doesn't feel right, man.
You see all these cameras everywhere?
Yeah, that's fucking weird.
Where do these even go to?
Hey, sir!
Hey, Metro PD!
Hey, you wanna come over here
and talk to us for a second?
Sir, can you come talk to
us for a second, please?
Hey, hey, man, let's call
this in, call this in.
Dispatch, we
came across a Caucasian male.
Ten four.
Metro PD, sir,
can you come and talk to us
for a second?
Dude, I can't even see him.
Where'd he go?
Did we lose him?
Hello, sir?
Oh, this
doesn't look creepy at all.
Oh, that's
Oh, that's my shadow.
Okay. Okay.
And this room isn't creepy at all, huh?
Now what is this place? Is it -
No lights whatsoever.
Well, we got
creepy door number one,
number two, or number three.
Which one do you wanna take?
Oh, man.
Dude, I don't even know how to get back
to where we came from, man.
I don't know where that guy went.
Oh shit.
Hey, hey ma'am.
Hey, we're with Metro PD.
We're here to help you, okay?
Ma'am, are you hurt?
Hey, calm -
Ma'am! Hey, calm down.
Hey, wait.
What was that, man?
The fuck was that?
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, wait, okay, you know what?
Let's -
- 1389, what's going on?
Dispatch, we lost the man,
we came across a woman.
Caucasian female, looked like she was, -
she had some blood on her face.
Fuck, what in the hell was that?
Oh, I don't like this, man.
I don't like this at all.
Dude, what the fuck was that?
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Oh fuck.
What the fuck?
We've got the body in the next room.
What? No no no.
Where? Fuck.
Fuck. Okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, come on, let's go.
Come on, come on.
Sir, sir?
Hey, can you hear me?
Hey, hey, who did this to you?
- Dispatch, come in, over.
- Who did this to you?
Can you tell me who did this to you?
Dispatch, come in, over.
We're gonna need
ambulance, EMS, paramedics,
all that good stuff.
Dispatch, come in, over.
Dispatch, we need paramedics.
Oh shit.
- What?
- Dude, he has like -
Something's on a skin.
- What the fuck?
- Did this woman do this
to you?
Dispatch, come in.
What the fuck do we do?
We have to, we -
- We're gonna have to -
- We're have to move.
We're gonna have to move.
Get him up, get him up.
We're gonna get you out,
okay, you have to work
with me though, okay?
Come on.
- You got him? You good?
- Yeah.
Okay, okay.
Come on, come on, come on!
Come on.
You coming? You got it?
You good? You good?
You good?
You good? Okay.
Let's keep moving, let's keep moving.
The was fuck was that?
Did you hear that?
Okay, fuck this.
We need to
get outta here, fuck this.
Dispatch, we need backup now.
Metro PD! Is anybody out there?
Dude, I don't fucking know
where you're going, man.
I, look, there's that camera.
Okay, let's go -
Okay, let's get the fuck outta here.
Dispatch, come in, over.
Okay, Dispatch, we need EMS.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What? You okay? You good?
Come on, man, we gotta keep moving.
Dispatch, come in, over, anybody.
- What the fuck is going on?
- What the fuck was that?
Go back.
You guys, the door, the door right here.
Right here!
It's right there!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Just go back.
What the fuck is going on, man?
Put him down
here, put him down right here.
You good right there.
Who locked these fucking doors?
God damn it, who locked
these fucking doors?
Dispatch. Come in, over.
Hey, can you
tell me what happened?
Who did this to you?
Dispatch. Anybody copy?
We need EMS, we need backup.
Anybody, come in, over.
Paramedics, we need ambulance.
We need backup now.
You're gonna die in here.
Cell phones,
cell phones, cell phones.
What the fuck?
How in the heaven do we have
no fucking services in here?
Wait wait wait wait what?
You're gonna die in here.
What'd he say?
You're gonna die in here.
What'd he say?
We need to get the fuck outta here, man.
We gotta keep moving.
We're gonna have to fucking -
Hey, man, you know a
fucking way outta here?
All right, are you sure?
What do you think?
Well it's better than just sitting here.
Hold on, come on, man.
You're good, right?
You okay?
Come on, you're all right.
You good?
Hey, you got him?
All right.
Okay, so this way?
It's right around the corner.
Are we going the right way?
Fuck, is that a -
The fuck was that?
All right,
let's just keep moving.
Keep your head up.
Come on, you guys good?
Keep moving, okay?
Let's bring him back here.
You okay, you okay?
Let's sit him over here.
Sit him down here, let me just
check this out real quick.
You'll be all
right here, I'm gonna go look
for something.
He said the exit was near here.
Look around.
What the
fuck was this building
before it turned into a shit hole?
What the fuck is this place, man?
Dude, that smell
is not getting any better.
It's getting fucking stronger.
Shit hole.
You okay?
Oh, fuck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
Okay, what the fuck?
What's going on, hey man!
He's having
an seizure or something.
- Wait.
- Oh, shit.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Sir, you need to calm down.
Take it easy, take it easy!
Sir, you good?
Oh, shit.
Check his
pulse, check his pulse.
Oh, shit.
- What?
- He's fucking dead.
What do you mean he's fucking dead?
- He's fucking dead.
- What the fuck?
God, damn it.
Okay, Harrison, think,
fucking Harrison, think, okay.
Okay, fuck.
We gotta keep fucking moving,
we gotta keep fucking moving.
Okay think.
Oh, shit.
What do we need to do?
We need to get the fuck outta
here, is what we need to do.
Oh, shit.
anybody come in, over.
Oh, fuck.
Dude, there's blood on my fucking vest.
There has to
be another fucking way out.
You know, maybe if we follow
some of these camera cables,
we can find a way out.
Maybe it still leads to a
security room or something.
You good?
What? What?
- Pete.
- What?
- What the fuck?
- Hey, get off!
Get off!
Where'd you learn how
to take a fucking pulse?
No, shit.
Hey, look at me, look at me.
Relax, relax.
Just relax, okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
We gotta think smart.
We gotta get outta here.
We need to just fucking go.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait my, my,
I dropped my pistol, man.
I dropped my fucking pistol.
What the fuck?
I must have dropped it when I was
in the other room walking
Pete! Hey, come here,
- through here.
- Here, stop stop stop.
- We have to go back,
- Relax, relax.
All right, okay, you got -
What do you, what do you have?
You got a baton?
- I have a baton, yeah.
- You have your taser?
- Yeah.
- We're good, we're good,
we're good, we can't fucking
go back for that shit.
Somebody probably already picked it up.
You don't want to get
shot with your own gun.
That'd be embarrassing, right?
Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just keep breathing.
- We gotta go back for my -
- Let's just keep,
Let's just keep moving.
- Oh, fuck.
- Let's just keep moving.
- Yeah.
- I got my gun.
I'll take the lead, let's
just keep moving, okay?
Just relax, okay?
Let's just go home.
Oh, shit.
What the fuck was that?
Oh, man.
You almost have to laugh about it
'cause it's so fucked up, right?
Right, Pete?
It's pretty, man, you're good.
We're good, we're good.
We're gonna get outta
here, we're gonna go home.
All right, Pete, would you rather have sex
with that diseased tranny
that we picked up last week?
That nasty prostitute, you remember?
Or have sex with that dead guy?
And you have to choose one.
You can't kill yourself
either, you gotta choose one.
Oh man, I don't know.
I don't know, man.
Come on,
man, just, let's play.
We play this all the time.
Dude, what the fuck
was wrong with that guy?
- I don't know.
- Was a fucking animal, man.
He was trying to bite me.
I honestly, I've never
seen that shit before
in my entire life.
It doesn't make sense.
Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait.
What the fuck is that?
Wishful thinking, right?
What the fuck is that?
All right.
All right, cover me, okay?
I'm gonna go in.
No, man, just stay back here, man.
Just cover me, okay?
Just, just -
Just calm down for a second.
Just stare at your friend over here.
Fucking camera.
Man, just stay back.
Relax, relax.
Chillax, okay?
We're good, we're good.
Oh fuck.
Oh, just breathe.
Just, breathe Harrison.
- Jensen!
- What?
What are you doing in there?
Nothing, nothing.
- Oh, shit.
- Ma'am, Ma'am.
Hey, calm down, ma'am!
What the fuck?
Okay, what's happening?
This is fucking
number two, fucking number two!
What the fuck, what the f-
- Ma'am!
Oh, shit.
What the fuck is that?
Sir, sir, put your hands up.
Let me see 'em.
Wait, Jensen.
Did you see his -
- Jensen, Jensen, man, there's
something up with that man.
Dude, he's
just fucking scared.
Dude was just fucking -
No, come on.
- He's just fucking scared.
- Something's up with him.
It's good, come on, just relax.
Watch out, watch out,
watch out, watch out!
Dude, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Did you see that?
Dude, he just came fucking at me!
Dude, he came at me, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He did, he did, he did.
Oh, fuck.
That was not my fault.
Oh, fuck.
I had to shoot, I had no other choice.
- You're good, you're good.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Okay, what do we do?
- She's gone.
- Fuck, what?
She's gone!
Where the fuck is the girl?
What the fuck is going on?
What the fuck?
All right, all right,
Harrison, just relax.
Just think, think, think, think.
We gotta get a fucking way outta here.
- What the fuck?
- What is that, man?
Should we just go back the way we came?
How the fuck do
you know where to go back, man?
Dispatch, do you copy?
You think he's actually dead?
Oh man,
I don't know what the
fuck is going on, man.
Must have put three rounds in that guy.
Hey, Jimenes, you smell that?
Yeah, what is that?
Smells like shit.
- Jimenes, hey.
- Oh, shit.
Hey, we got a body.
Oh shit she looks fucking
sick or something.
What's wrong with her?
She's not breathing.
I don't think there's anything
else we can do for her now.
Hey, come on.
Hey, we gotta stick together, man.
I don't go home, you
don't go home, all right?
Let's go.
Get the fuck outta here.
Wait, wait wait.
You hear something?
I thought I heard something.
Come on, let's keep going.
Ah, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Dispatch, dispatch, come in, over.
Dispatch, you there?
- Fuck.
- Dispatch?
Hey, dispatch, hey.
Dispatch, it's critical
now, we need backup now, over.
Dispatch, we're trapped
inside this building.
Where is our freaking backup?
Jimenes, are you guys there?
Sarge? Hey!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, Sarge,
Sarge, we are at the old homeless shelter
on Fifth and Carter.
We need backup right away.
Where are you guys at?
I think we're
in the northeast side
of the building.
We're in the northeast
side of the building.
Backup is five minutes out.
Backup is five minutes out?
Hey, Sarge, we ain't got five minutes.
We need backup now.
There's some weird shit going on here.
We need you now.
We're on our way.
Just hold on.
Hold on to what?
So we're supposed to sit here and wait?
Oh, no, no, no, no, I don't know.
Man, this makes no fucking sense.
How do we not have signal in here?
We're in the middle of the city
and we have no fucking signal.
Yeah, something's cutting off
our fucking signal in here.
Wait, wait wait.
Don't think it's kind of weird
that there's no fucking
windows in here, man?
There's no windows on the outside,
there's nothing that can connect anyone
from in here out there,
It's almost like -
it's almost like they're trying
to keep something in here,
something to control whatever's in here.
It's fucking weird, man.
We can't just sit here, man.
We can't just be sitting here.
There has to -
We have to do something.
God knows how far out they are.
Five minutes is long time.
You know, let's just keep moving.
Sarge will get back to us sooner or later.
Your guess is as good as mine, man.
I mean, this whole place looks like it's -
We're in a fucking maze,
we're going in the same
circle over and over.
Man, this is fucked.
This is a fucked up place.
This is a shelter home?
This is not a shelter, man.
There's supposed to be beds.
There's supposed to be
things to help the people.
All right, Pete, would
you rather have sex
with a zombie or would you rather have sex
with a 102-year-old woman
who's on her deathbed?
We're doing this again?
Until you pick one.
And you can't kill yourself.
Pick one.
The the woman man, the woman.
The old lady, fuck.
- Disgusting.
- You fucking asked.
You have a thing for old ladies.
You usually do that for money, right?
I think I might take the zombie,
because you know it's already dead,
she's not gonna say no.
Dude, is there three of them?
- Wait, wait, wait.
- You hear something?
Dude, what is that?
Is that coming from in here?
Or is that ups-
Jimenes! Jimenes!
Hey, how are you guys doing?
We're Metro PD, we're
here to help you, okay?
Are you guys hurt?
Any pain?
Can you guys walk?
Hold on, give
me just one second, okay?
What, dude, this is my spot.
Whoa, whoa.
What the fuck is going on?
Relax, it's the police, okay.
Oh God.
You okay? It-
Whoa, shit, what happened
to your arm, man?
Well, I was coming home last night,
if you could call this home.
And a dude jumped out from behind a wall
and started like rambling something at me
and, I don't know.
He just fucking bit me.
Well, we'll get someone
to take a look at that for you.
Do you guys know of an exit?
Another exit from here?
Well, there should be
one up front, nearby.
No, we tried
that one, it was locked.
Do you guys know of another one?
There's one in the
back on the lower level.
- Okay.
- What do we have to lose?
Let's go.
Let's do it.
- All right guys.
- Cool.
You guys ready, you guys good?
You wanna get outta here?
We have EMS and paramedics
waiting for us on the outside
to look at you guys, so.
Come with us, buddy.
We'll get some help for you, okay?
I'm not going to jail, am I?
No, no, no, no, no.
We're just gonna get you guys outta here.
Doesn't look safe in here.
You good? You okay?
Gonna have some breakfast, might as well.
Pulled it out of the dumpster myself.
Stay close,
you guys, stay close.
Stay nice and close.
Jimenes, bringing up the rear?
- Yeah.
- You good?
Hey, check
it out, check it out.
Some cameras probably has
to be a control around here,
we could contact someone from here.
No, not a chance.
They're monitored off-site.
You sure?
Mm hmm, positive.
I volunteer here.
It's my job to know those things.
Jimenes, we got a tent in here, man.
I think this is where
the smell is coming from.
We're good, keep on moving, guys.
Just watch your step.
So what kind of
homeless shelter is this?
I mean, this place is empty.
Do you usually have more people?
Yeah, people come in
and out all the time.
There's never an exact
amount of people here.
What do you mean, what kind
of homeless shelter is this?
Oh, fuck, are you okay?
Oh shit!
You okay?
I need a second.
Come on, man, we
don't have time for this shit.
We gotta keep moving, okay?
We've got movement back here.
What the fuck?
Have you guys seen anything crazy
or anything outta the ordinary lately?
Just a few sick people and
just some fights and that's it.
- Why are you guys here?
- Fights?
We got called for an assault.
You know, the security guard said
there might be an injury
here, or a possible body.
We found one guy and then he attacked us.
We kept moving and found another guy.
He attacked us and he had
this fucking crazy rage
in his eyes.
We noticed there were some people
who get sick and they
just go to the hospital.
Yeah, we realize
everyone that left sick,
they never came back.
Thank you guys.
We thought it was another
strain of COVID or something.
Oh, no, no, no.
This is something different.
Oh, shit.
Where'd he go?
- Fuck.
- Hey!
Jimenes, hey, we gotta keep going.
We gotta get these people to safety.
Dude, what
about the sick man, though?
We get outside, we'll have more people
to search this building, okay?
Come on, hey, stay with me.
- Okay.
- Pete!
- Gotcha man, yeah.
- Just keep moving, okay?
We gotta get these people outta here.
Okay, which way is this exit?
That way.
Jimenes, you still with me?
Yeah, yeah, you're good.
What the fuck is that?
We got a body.
A what?
Hey! My god, what the fuck?
Go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go!
Help me!
Oh, shit.
What the fuck?
Oh shit.
Down, down, down, down, get down!
Oh, shit!
He's got his gun!
Move, move, move, move!
Oh, shit.
In here, in here!
Get the door, get the door!
Get the door.
You okay?
What the fuck was that?
They're eating that man alive!
We're safe here.
They can't come in here.
Wait, if we stay here,
will they come and find us?
I don't know.
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
It means we don't know, okay?
The Sergeant told us to wait
here and hold for an update.
Look, hey, look, we
can't stay here, okay?
We gotta fucking move, okay?
You guys with me?
Up and move.
We're gonna be okay.
It's gonna be all right.
Okay, yeah.
It's gonna be fine.
Hey, guys, you're good right?
Still with me?
What you got there?
- You good?
- Yeah.
Fuck! Fuck!
Jimenes, you good?
- Fuck.
- You good?
Yeah, all good.
- Fuck!
- You guys good,
you guys okay?
- Yeah.
- What the fuck,
what the fuck?
What the f-
- We're fucking out man, we out.
You guys good?
Just breathe.
Jesus Chr-
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Guys, you're still with me, right?
We're still good?
Everybody's good?
Just breathe.
Where are we, where are we,
where are we, where are we?
This is the
facility manager's office.
What are you doing?
Well you said this is the
manager facility office, right?
So there has to be a blueprint,
freaking diagram or something
of this place, right?
Well fucking help me look, come on!
You wanna get the fuck outta here, right?
What you got, Jimenes, anything?
Mm mm, there's nothing.
- Here!
- Where's that?
It's right here!
I think this is it.
Does it look right?
Yeah I think so.
All right,
there's an exit right here.
All right,
can you get us there?
I think so.
You think so?
You didn't sound too
confident, can you get us here?
All right, we gotta find a distraction
or something for all these guys out there.
Wait, I have an idea, I have an idea.
You have an idea?
We can use this, cellphone.
It's okay.
Okay, let me take this map.
You guys, stay close.
We need to get outta here okay?
All right.
You guys ready, you guys good?
- Let's go.
- All right.
Show me that fucking map.
Where are we?
Is that the way?
Where are we?
Is that the way?
- We're right here.
- We're right here?
All right, you guys ready?
You got it?
Let's go.
Right here, right here!
Let's check out this map.
Where we at, where we at?
Oh here, right here.
We just need to get through
here, there's the exit.
- Oh, it's just -
- Yeah,
it's just right over there.
All right, let's fucking roll.
Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What, what?
What's his name, what's his name?
Zach, hey, buddy.
Zach, hey.
Bring him
back, guys, bring him back.
Hey, buddy,
we found a way out, okay?
Come on, we can get-
Hey, hey, hey!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
- Zack!
- Oh, shit!
- Zack!
- Oh, shit!
- Zack!
- Oh, shit!
Hit him,
hit him, hit him, back!
Hit him, hit him!
Oh, shit, oh, shit.
- Fuck! Fuck!
- Oh, shit.
You okay?
Look, look, what the fuck?
Go, go, go.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit!
You go, guys, go go go go!
Move move move move!
Come on, let's move.
What the fuck?
Come on, come on, come on!
Jimenes, Jimenes!
Oh, shit.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Fuck, oh shit.
Oh, shit!
Go, go, go!
Go go go go!
Move, move, move,
Jimenes, come on, let's go!
You good?
- Oh shit, oh shit.
- Look.
You guys okay?
All right, they're fucking gone.
You see that shit?
See all those fucking wounds,
fucking blood everywhere?
Fucking bite marks, what the fuck is that?
Dude, I can't believe I'm saying this.
Did you see all the wounds?
You don't need
to say it, don't be stupid.
What if it's an infection?
They all were injured somehow.
What if this is being spread
by bites or something?
They all had wounds on them, man.
I don't know, I don't know.
It's all I could think of, is bites.
Wait, am I bit? Am I bit?
No, you're not, you're not.
Calm her down!
We calm? We good? We relaxed?
Okay, all right, where are we?
Where are we?
Where are we?
Jensen! Jensen! Jensen!
What the f-
- Watch your
back, watch your back!
They can't see us.
They can't see, we can walk around it.
- What?
- We can walk around it,
it can't see us.
You fucking out of your
Right, where's the map?
Where's the map?
Right, come on, everyone, let's go.
Go go go go.
Right, where the fuck are we?
Dude, we're all fucking turned around.
Where are we?
Which way?
Right here, we're right here.
Almost there.
We're almost there.
We gotta move, we gotta move,
we gotta move!
All right.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, over here, over here.
All right.
All right, let's look at this.
What the fuck?
What room?
I'm not sure.
You're not sure, huh?
Oh, shit.
- Shhh, wait.
- No no no no, it's not.
Stay here, stay here.
We can't just leave
or we gotta go find her.
If you guys go, we have
to leave without you guys.
- Fuck.
- Wait!
No, no, fuck fuck!
Shit, fuck.
No, no, Jimenes,
We gotta get outta here first,
then we come back for them.
Come on!
- Fuck!
- Jimenes!
Get the fuck outta here, man.
Yeah, okay.
Get the fuck outta here.
Where the fuck are we going?
Let's go this way.
What the fuck is that sound?
You hearing this?
Fuck, I don't know.
Fuck, all right, come on.
Let's keep going.
I think we're right here.
Let's go around this fucking corner.
Oh shit, oh shit!
Jimenes, pick up your feet!
Oh, shit!
Oh shit! Oh shit!
Jimenes, follow me,
follow me, follow me!
Jensen, Jensen, Jensen!
Come on!
Oh shit.
Oh shit!
- Jimenes, Jimenes!
- Oh shit!
- Where are we going?
- Jimenes, I'm here, I'm here!
Right, right, right!
Shit, oh, oh shit.
Where's that map?
What the fuck?
All right, look
at the map, look at the map!
Right, right, right!
- Where'd you go?
- Jimenes!
Jimenes, over here!
Wait, wait, where are we?
I don't fucking
know where we are now.
Jimenes, go, go, come on!
Don't stop, don't stop!
- Right there!
- Fuck!
Ah, shit.
This has to be it, this has to be it!
Where the fuck are we?
I don't know.
This is supposed to be an exit, man.
Yeah, well this is where the fucking -
This is where the fucking map points.
Where the fuck is the exit?
God damn it, dropped my torch.
Fuck are we?
God damn, we're in a fucking elevator.
What the fuck?
What the hell is this place?
I don't know, what the fuck?
What the fuck?
This is some kinda facility
for the fucking CDC?
But why would it be
under a homeless shelter?
How the fuck should I know?
They're doing
some sort of experiments
down here.
Oh my god.
They're using this place as
some kind of testing facility.
All these fucking poor bastards are
just fucking experiments.
God damn guinea pigs.
What? Fuck.
What the fuck is this?
I don't think it's good, man.
I don't think -
- We gotta
get outta here like now.
are you guys there?
About God damn time,
fuck, fuck.
Yeah, sarge, yeah, we're here.
Look, we're all here now.
We're working close with the CDC.
There's some sort of case of scabies,
a skin parasite, like rabies.
They're working on getting quart set up
before they can get you out.
The health department is
preparing to enter the building.
Where are you guys, exactly?
No, no no, no.
- Dude.
- No.
We've been exposed.
If they find out that we
know what they've been doing
down here, they're not
gonna let us out, man.
We're a fucking liability.
Think, God damn it, think.
Yeah, Sarge, hey, we know of another exit.
We're gonna head there right now.
No, stay put.
They want to -
- Oh, shit.
Sarge, come in, over?
Dispatch? Try yours.
Dispatch, are you guys there?
What the fuck?
Let's just keep moving.
Let's keep pushing forward.
Jesus Christ.
I guess the CDC doesn't
believe in the housekeeping, huh?
Dude, what
the fuck is this place?
Fuck, I have no idea.
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
What, where the fuck do we go?
Shh, shh.
What do
you think was in there?
We need to find our way
back to the surface.
Stop, wait!
I'm not affected, I'm
not one of those things.
Yeah, but I bet you're the motherfucker
who started this shit,
I just ran into your friends upstairs.
I was just doing my job!
Your job?
What's that, playing God?
You better start fucking talking.
You know I can't fucking say anything.
Fucking bullshit!
You think it's good cop, bad cop?
You better start talking
or I'll fucking kill you right here.
Do understand me?
We were just trying to help.
We're finding cures for diseases.
Fuck you.
You're a fucking liar.
First, first, it was just small.
Small hosts.
Do you believe this shit?
Rabbits, rats.
The higher ups wanted us to experiment
with larger animals, larger hosts,
cats, dogs.
Answer him.
Answer the question!
They were terminally ill.
- Bullshit.
- They were dying.
It wasn't gonna go further than that.
You knew exactly what you
were fucking doing down here.
What happened
to everyone down here?
What happened?
Specimen got loose.
Affected the lead researcher.
And he didn't report it?
It affected everyone down here.
Not only down here.
It reached the surface, too?
We gotta get outta here.
Yeah, no shit!
And you're gonna fucking show us how.
They'll never let us out of
here, we're all fucking dead!
Man, you might be.
If the virus got out,
we're all fucking dead.
Just keep walking.
They're never gonna let us leave.
No loose ends, no liabilities.
We're getting outta here, okay?
Wait right there.
What is it?
An exit.
It's right around that door.
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck are you
guys working on here?
Fucking lead us out, lead us out!
Right, stay close.
Quiet, stay close, okay?
Oh shit.
- Run, run!
- Oh shit.
Jimenes, pick it up!
Move your feet, man, come on!
- Oh fuck, oh shit!
- Pick it up, pick it up!
Fuck you, fuck you!
What the fuck was that?
We gotta fucking go.
We gotta fucking go, come on.
Come on, Jimenes!
What the fuck was that?
We need to get the fuck outta here.
What the fuck?
Fuck are we now?
Is this map even worth
anything anymore?
Is it that way?
- Yeah
- Okay.
Let's go.
Wait wait wait.
Zero five two four.
Hold on.
Okay, okay.
All right.
051389, that's where the exit's at.
So we just gotta keep
following this, right?
So, all right.
Go here, go
You know where it's at?
Yeah, we need to go here.
We need to go -
All right, 0513, 89, right there.
We're gonna go left up
here, down the hallway,
on the right, that corridor there.
Exit should be there, okay?
Okay, let's
go, let's go, let's just -
- Where's the exit?
Yeah, we're fine.
We get the fuck
outta here, Jensen, come on.
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Go, go go go go.
It's right over here.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Wait, wait wait wait wait.
- What?
- Wait wait wait wait.
- What?
- Wait wait wait.
Hey, hey,
you need to come with us.
You need to come with us, come on.
Pete, come on man, let's go.
Quit digging around
this fucking ground, come on.
You need to come with us,
right now.
We've found a way out.
Right now, we gotta go.
I can't leave her.
I can't leave her.
I can't leave her.
I can't leave her.
You can't do anything for her,
we need to leave right now.
Get up!
- No, no no.
- Pete.
Pete, Pete.
Come on!
You fucking doing?
Come on.
Get up right now!
We gotta go.
No, I can't
Pete, Pete!
Hey, look out, come on.
Back up towards me.
Go, Pete!
Oh, shit.
Dude, what the fuck?
We gotta move up.
Pete, let's go, come on.
Shit, Pete!
Oh shit.
- Pete! Pete!
- Oh, shit.
Oh shit.
Oh shit!
Come on, come on!
Pete! Move away from -
The corner, the corner, shit!
Push it back, push it back!
Push through!
Pete! Pete!
Push it back, push it back!
Wait wait wait, Pete!
Door door door door!
Pete, get the door!
Oh shit.
Get up!
Hey, get up, come on!
Jimenes, hey.
All good?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Fuck, fuck,
fuck, you bleeding?
No, I think I
just ran into something.
You bit?
I just ran into something.
Fuck, you're gonna be all right, right?
Can you walk?
Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.
Oh, shit.