LOL (2006) Movie Script

Hey baby... Miss you a lot.
So this is a little present to | you from me, and I hope you like it.
I'm not... I'm just...
I'm just working on some music and stuff.
Are you here right now?
Yeah... I... Let me just... | I'll be out there in just a second.
I just gotta...
...finish up something. I'll be right...
Just come down the stairs. | I'll go to the door.
I hope you liked that and...
...remember it's for your eyes only. So... secret. Bye.
What were you doing last | Saturday that you weren't here?
I actually had to help Ada...
- Move some stuff. | - Move apartments?
- Yeah, move apartments. | - Well that sucks.
She's been moving for like a month but | Saturday was the official big move.
It doesn't really matter | cause I was actually just working.
Working on instruments | and building so...
It's going ok?
One of these days when I'm rich I'm | gonna buy all of your instruments.
What are you going to do with them?
Play 'em.
So what am I doing here?
Basically, I just want you to...
I'm just gonna videotape your | face making noises.
With your mouth.
For some music.
- Yeah that sounds fine. | - That's fine?
People are doing... | tons of people are doing...
The girl from the internet did it.
Yeah, that's her tape. Right there.
Tessa video...
Yeah, I've been talking | with her for like three months.
She sent me a video.
What's the video?
Well, the first part of the video | is the noises that you're gonna do.
A lot of people from the internet | are sending me noises...
...of their face making noises.
Oh she did this?
Yeah, she did it, and then | she put some other stuff on there.
What other stuff?
It's some stuff.
I'm getting to know her really | well. I really like her.
We've been emailing a lot.
All I know is that I like her and maybe | I'll get to meet her some day.
She hasn't talked to me about...
Have you ever met one of | your Internet girlfriends?
I've never had any Internet girlfriends.
She's not your girlfriend?
I don't know what she is. | There's not a word, man.
You want her to be your girlfriend?
Just make noises with your mouth.
Any noise that you would think | to make naturally.
Any noise that pops into your head. | With your mouth.
Clear, right? Easy.
- That's a good video. | - Let's watch it.
No. We're not watching it.
You're not watching it. Give it to me.
Until... Later.
- Is it rolling? | - No not rolling yet.
- You wanna see yourself or no? | - No.
I'll be back in a couple of minutes.
Hey what's up man?
You coming home this summer?
Mouth related noises.
Take one.
I don't really know what you | want me to do as far as noises go.
Do you know how long it | takes to get to the airport?
- From where? | - From here.
By car.
By car? What time?
His flight gets in at | 7:40. That's when it lands.
I would leave maybe at 6...
...or soon after. 6:15.
I feel like there's a lot of traffic | in the morning.
So if he was gonna be outside at like 8... would leave at like 6:30?
Yeah. I think so.
Ok. Will you help me to get up at 6?
So that means I'm gonna have to get up?
Just don't turn it off and | go back to sleep...
- if I'm still... | - Ok, I'll try.
Thank you.
Are you ready to go?
I'm wearing my swim suit under my shorts.
Ok. I just have to finish | changing, then let's go?
Speaking of bathing suits, I got a new one.
But I'm not sure that I like it.
What's wrong with it?
Nothing. Just don't know.
Don't know what?
I don't know... if I like it that much.
So, what do you think?
Let me see it.
What does the bottom look like?
Is it like shorts, like square | shorts or like bathing suits bottoms?
Like a bathing suit bottom.
Ok... well what are you doing?
I am finishing...
...up a short conversation...
...that I will be done with right... Soon.
You can't leave without me. I'm driving.
Well come on!
I'm already going to | the beach with you... Sheesh!
I write. I do sales. I do comedy.
A little bit everything. | Trying to figure it out myself.
Trying to balance pay check | and passion like everybody.
And it's going pretty well so far.
Kind of like our hot little date here.
It's fine that I can come pick you up...
I wish you hadn't chosen the | earliest flight known to man.
Check it out. The coolest | thing is happening right now.
I'm sitting here on a beach and...
Ada is like 30 feet away | talking with this dude.
It's this fucking dude with a...
...with a sleeveless shirt and cargo pants.
She's just doing it to piss me off.
She's failing to make me mad which | is then making her even more mad.
I guess if I keep pushing it maybe | she'll go home with him tonight.
Do you think I can touch sea gull feathers?
- What? | - Do you think I can touch sea gull feathers...
...or are they gross?
Well, I mean, that's | pretty unsurprising, right?
It's what?
I know I should know. I know.
I wish I could still be there.
I don't know. It's going to be | a while before I see you again.
I know, I know. You're | like busy with work and stuff.
They use what?
Hey everybody, it's Tessa at | Young American Bodies.
Come check out pictures of me and my hot | friends, blogs, message board...
...anything you want.
Button... There's a new video.
Shall I save this one?
No, there is no way I can make it tonight.
Why didn't you tell me | about it until just now?
You gotta tell me more than like | three hours before you play...
...or else I'm never gonna be able to make it.
Because I'm a busy man.
There is no way I can go.
I'm sitting in my car outside of Chris' | house. We're about to go to dinner.
Chris and Ada. They don't want to | go to your show, dude.
- Hey! I'm Ada. | - I'm Chris.
- Nice to meet you. | - Nice to meet you.
So you're just here for the summer?
In Misra's living room?
It ain't gonna happen. | There's no way I'm gonna convince them.
- Oh, how do you like New York? | - It's great.
- You gonna let me know earlier, dude. | - And what are you doing here this summer?
- When are you playing next? | - I'm just home you know, living at home.
Do you have a job?
Where would you guys go? Just do it, | like, just get a van...'s like an internship, it's ok.
...and drive places?
So basically...
...tour stops will be determined by where | your different Internet girlfriends live?
So what else?
What else what?
Is that the only reason you're going there?
- What do you mean? | - I don't know. What else do you do for fun?
I don't know. I like to hang out with people.
- Tim's pretty great. | - Yeah.
- What is that yeah? | - I don't know.
- You don't know. I think you know. | - I don't know.
But I can do that here, so...
This mic is so bad. If | I touch it feeds back.
That can be way lower.
How about that?
Ok. Little better now, little better.
- What do you use them for? | - Audio connectors.
It's a magic bag, it has every...
...possible to connect every audio | device to every other audio device.
- Did they come with this bag? | - No, I made the bag.
- You made it? | - Yeah. - Yeah?
- I cut the arm of the sweatshirt. | - And sewed it?
Yeah. I can't sew?
This looks really nice. I don't...
- I'm not saying... | - I was on a machine.
- I'm not saying you're not a good sewer. | - I was on a machine.
- Did you really make it? | - Yeah.
It's really a good job.
The chill...
...of winter...
Is nothing...
...compared... watching...
...your lover... murdered...
In spring.
...the video wall. It wasn't on | when I was there.
I guess it's alright.
I just didn't get it. | I didn't get why that was.
- I kind of... At that I was like... | - So overwhelmed?
It was overwhelming.
Maybe I'll grow it.
By the time you see me next | it will be grown back a little more, right?
What do you mean how many pictures | did I take? I only took one picture.
It is not a lie. It is not a lie.
I don't stare at myself. I am not like...
...first of all, I walked home without | looking at myself in a single...
I'm not saying that was the best picture.
I'm sure better pictures | could have been taken.
If I like took more, I just wanted to | give you an idea what it looked like.
Are you serious? You think my | forehead looks big in the picture?
Well, I mean... you really not like the short hair?
Can you do it?
- What, juggle? | - Yeah.
You don't believe me?
Now pass it.
Wait, I can also do two in one hand...
Look at that.
And then it's like a | yoyo. If you move one hand up and down.
Your hand with two in it | goes to my hand with two in it.
- Do I cross pass, or pass them forward? | - You pass it to this one.
- Oh so it's like I do it to that? | - No, no, that was wrong.
I wasn't supposed to throw.
That wasn't terrible.
Thanks a lot, dude.
So did you figure out when Greta | is gonna come and visit?
No, not yet.
Soon though?
- Why? | - I'm just curious to meet her.
Ah, you're curious to meet her? You're curious | to date her, is what you're curious about.
Do you have any pictures of her?
Yeah, I have a picture of her.
What kind of picture do you | want to see of her?
What does that mean?
- It means nothing. | - What kinds are there?
There are pictures.
I saw a picture of you.
What was the picture of me?
- With crazy hair. | - With crazy hair! I took that picture myself.
That's the first thing I thought.
- Really? | - I like this other one better.
You do?
- The hat one. | - I took that one.
If I scroll through these I'm | not gonna see anything?
- No, no, no. | - That I shouldn't see.
- Yet you still pull the phone away. | - I didn't pull the phone away...
...what are you talking about?
I'm gonna go through a few | and try and find one that I...
Ok, I think this is it.
Hold on. Let me make sure.
HI Chris, this Is Greta.
This call has absolutely no purpose because | I knew your phone would be off...
...because I know that you're at work at your | cool new job with all your cool new friends...
...who are funny. And the reason that I'm calling | Is because I just wanted you to have...
...a happy voice to listen to after you got off | work. And this Is me, your happy voice...
I'm Greta, the voice of joy. So, | enjoy this message, treasure it...
...and, yeah, this message has no point. | This message...
It's not referencing anything else, | It's like art...
It's something In and of itself. | I'm not, yeah, alright, I'll talk to you soon...
No, no! No, I won't talk | to you soon. No. Ok. Bye.
End of message.
Alright. Give it back here.
You're done.
- She sounds very nice. | - She sounds very nice...
HI Baby. It's me. I miss you.
Where are you?
I just had dinner with Sarah Beth and Anna.
And It was really good. And I | talked with Sarah Beth about what happened...
...and It was really good.
Give me a call back. I'm running really | late for my show right now...
...but hopefully I'll get there on time.
I miss you.
There's evidence of you...
In toilet paper all over my room...
...oh god that's disgusting...
...that's not sentimental at all...
...that's just like... That's carnal.
Ok, well, alright, I mean...
...there's also evidence of you, you had your...
...your fingernail clippings...
...were In my...
...were In my sink, | and I was just like so touched.
Anyway, that's also kind of gross. Ok.
Call me back whenever.
I think I might meet up with | Sarah Beth later today...
...because she leaves soon.
Anyway. Ok. I said "anyway" a | lot In this message. Ok, bye.
End of message.
Oh, the train? | Which train, which stop are you at?
Are you on the platform or are | you walking on the street already?
Hey... where are you?
A gas station? | What kind of gas station is it?
Because there's two | gas stations over there.
Do you see Western?
I'm standing outside. I wouldn't be able | to hear my phone inside, I don't think.
I have like a green shirt on, | it's easy to spot.
I don't think I see you.
Are you by a guy on a bike?
I see... Yeah.
No, I do see you, yeah.
Wave to me. Ok.
Well, now you see me so there is no | point in continuing this conversation.
I'll be standing here.
- Hey, Alex. | - What the hell?
- Sorry, I'm really bad with directions. | - That's ok.
- I'm so bad. | - Whatever, there's no rush.
Yeah, I think I'll just send you | an email confirmation...
I think I book it in your name and it's | fine, and I charge it on my credit card.
Yeah. I'll book it and email you...
Friday after... Early afternoon I think | is what I'm going to gear for.
Then you don't have to wake up | too early or worry about...
Yeah, I guess that's true. Did you | find out if they're having sex yet?
What? Weird asking Giles? | Or weird asking at all?
Hey Giles, are you guys having sex or not?
I'm not jealous. I'm just saying, like, | there's a boy sleeping in your room...
...that's all I'm saying. A straight boy.
He's sleeping on the floor, | or is he sleeping in your bed?
Sleeping in your heart. Like he's... | I don't know... He's just like...
He has like long shaggy hair... And | he's like... A scholar and a musician...
...he's like totally your type.
You didn't deny he was your type, though. | I know, I just worry sometimes.
I shouldn't worry? | That's really comforting.
You know how I feel about you, right?
Yeah, I guess.
How do you feel about that?
I have a boyfriend.
What do you want me to say?
Come on. Don't be like this.
Why are doing stuff with Mike on | the computer when you're at home?
- Does Mike bother you? | - No.
Is there anything I can do?
Yeah, I mean you could pay | attention to me while I'm over there.
Well do you think maybe... just a few times a...
...month or maybe like a... could sleep over at my place?
I don't know.
- I bought those new sheets. | - Yeah, but your bed is small.
I can't really fit a bigger bed in there.
- Are you going to sleep now. | - Yep.
Just be quiet.
But I'm not sleepy.
Well I am!
- You want to kiss more? | - No!
- You sure? | - Yes.
The guy, actually, the guy we just | saw, that guy John that we just saw...
We're gonna go on... I want | to do a small tour with him.
- Oh really? Where are you gonna go? | - I don't know. We did West Coast, sort of...
...but it's kind of pathetic when we | go, because we don't have any money...
...or anywhere to stay or anything.
But we wanna do...
...we wanna do south now. We wanna go...
I definitely wanna hit St. Louis because | I've never been there and I wanna go...
- I'm from St. Louis. | - Oh really?
- I didn't know that. | - Yeah. So, you thinking about playing there?
- Yeah. | - You should let me...
...know because I'd love to come | see you play there.
- Oh yeah? | - I don't know. That would be cool... see you there. And you guys could | probably stay in my parents house.
- Ok. | - I mean...
...because, you were saying it's | hard to find places to stay.
- Yeah. | - It's just an offer, but... would be cool to see, I mean.
Well, I'll see... I'll talk to... The guy.
Actually, I wanna ask you if you | wanna do something really quick.
It's kind of weird. | It's not that weird, it's just...
...if you can record some audio | and some video for me.
- What kind of audio and video? | - I want you to make noises into a camera.
This is what I'm doing: I wanna | make this album of just...
...these songs where I'm doing... Taking | noises of people just making any noise...
...that they think of when a mic | is in front of them...
...and they have to make a noise. So can I | shoot your face just making noises now?
- I've filmed a lot of people doing it. | - I believe you, I believe you.
Sure, sure.
There's no wrong way to do it.
Ok. No wrong way.
No wrong way to do it.
You're ready. Start whenever?
Yeah, start whenever.
Do some short ones.
I don't know what to do.
That one was awesome. | I'm definitely using that.
You want me to keep going?
Yeah, a couple more, just a little more.
Make it all manner of timbers and loudnesss.
- Is that good? | - Yeah, that's perfect.
No, I'm not making fun of you or anything...
...everybody's ridiculous when they do this.
Yeah. I can imagine.
I guess I'm gonna go. | So I will email you or something.
Ok... Or you can call me. Sometimes I | don't get to the computer that much.
Oh, ok.
You don't like computers, huh?
No, it's... I don't have... I just moved | and I don't have Internet..., I just go to like the library like...
- Once every week and a half. | - Once a week you get your email?
All I get is crap email, anyway. | So it's not like...
Ok, than I won't email you.
I mean, you can email me just to be safe.
I get my email like a | couple of times an hour.
- Are you serious? | - Yeah.
- Mr. Popular! | - No, no. It's nobody there, I just get it.
I didn't say I was getting | anything. I'll call you but...
I'll email you and if you don't | get it then it's your fault.
Thanks, that makes me feel real good.
Well, email me. If I don't respond in | a while, then...
...just give me a ring-a-ling... Ding.
You should've made that noise | on the video, ring-a-ling-ding.
Ok, on ring-a-ling-ding I'm gonna get going.
Ok, I'll see you later, ok? Bye.
I don't think I'm being a jerk.
I think I'm just asking for something that's | normal and healthy and a good thing...
...and I'd rather like talk to you | while doing this rather than...
...go on the computer and look at porn...
I think that's shitty and makes | me feel really crappy about myself...
Greta, like... what?
I want you to. But I want you to want it | also. I don't want me to be the only one.
How is that impossible that two people | just both want to like do that...
...and, like, talk to one another.
I know you're not here. That's the | whole point. That's why I want it...
I wouldn't want it if you were here.
You're not here emotionally, well...
I don't know.
I mean, it's like with the | pictures, Greta. You know, like...
...when I asked for them I thought | you would send stuff that would be... Sexy.
I don't know.
I know you're naked. But they're | just not that... Sexy.
They feel like...
...cold and forced. If you had to do it, | you were doing it for me.
I don't know. They're just... You're | always... They're very coy and...
...suggestive and... I don't know... | they're not...
Well, it's sexy to you. I don't think | that's necessarily sexy...
I think you'd be more explicit if they | were sexy. I don't know, I haven't...
...physically like...
Yeah, but I'd rather look at it | then look at porn because...
...yes, you are my girlfriend | and it's you and it's...
I want it to be something that I can look | at and think about you and think about us...
...and have it be sexual and explicit.
I'm not being a jerk, I didn't do anything.
It's not never good enough, | I'm saying it can be good enough...
...if you... Just try a little harder with it.
So, it will never work out and will never | be good and we should never do it again...
...and like ever talk about it. We shouldn't | even have sex again, that's fine...
I'm not being dramatic. | I'm just being serious.
We just don't need to have | a sex life at all anymore...
...whenever we do it one of us will always | just feel bad about it afterwards and...
...we shouldn't do that. Greta?
HI my love. It's me.
I'm In a slump today again.
I feel like these days are all slumped.
But I did my laundry... which Is good...
...and I gotta go get a fan...
...cause It's hot as balls In my room.
But... Give me a call...
I think I'm In a slump cause | I'm not exercising right now.
You know how that works for me.
Anyway, I will call you soon, bye.
You want one? There's one right there.
You gettin' all of 'em?
- That was awesome, I'm definitely using that. | - Do you want me to keep going?
You guys want to see this instrument?
- Yes. | - It has two styles.
Styles are: Bad Jackson Pollock.
Bad tattoos.
First let me find something good | and then we can start.
Ok. Now we can all play | and see what it does.
See if it works now with the...
If you touch that like that...
...and now touch me.
- This is where I cut myself. | - On the instrument?
Actually, I have two cuts. | They're like twins. I should marry them.
Middle finger cut? Do you take index | finger cut to be your lawfully wedded cut?
To have and to cut even | if you both should scab up.
- Thanks for bringing them over, it was fun. | - Yes, it was fun, wasn't it.
You can just play these things for hours. | They're really fun.
I like to play them at night alone. But it's | sometimes fun to play them with people too.
Do you have any more shows coming up soon?
Oh yeah, actually... That tour I was | telling you about. We got the tour going.
Did you ever get a show in St. Louis?
Yeah, that's the first show, actually.
Oh really? When is that?
On... it's on a Thursday.
- Next Thursday. | - Do you know... you're getting down there? | Do you need a ride, cause I was planning... go and see my parents soon anyway.
Oh really?
I'm free Thursday afternoon and Friday.
If you want a ride I | can totally give you one.
That actually might work perfectly.
- If you're going down there anyway. | - Yeah. I was planning to...
...that'll work out perfect for me.
That's perfect. So, I'll call you before | Thursday and we'll set it up.
- Alright. | - Ok. See you later.
HI, this Is Chris. Sorry I'm busy right now. | Leave a message with your name and number...
...and I'll call you back.
HI It's me.
I'm not doing so well.
Whatever we talked about | really upset me, and...
I hate It and I got a false alarm...
...about the wallet. Sarah Beth lost hers | and hers was returned.
I can't find mine. And I'm really stressed | out. And I'm already late for rehearsal.
I don't know.
I just like...
I don't know, like explaining to you...
...that I love you... Or...
I'm just really upset right now... And...
I'm sorry I got so angry, but I just can't...
I'm having trouble dealing | with things right now.
And I'm really stressed out.
I'm really sorry. Alright, bye.
End of message.
How're you doing? Everything's going good?
Yeah, my foot itches.
My foot itches.
Your foot itches?
Yeah, but I can't...
You want me to itch it for you?
No, I think I can take it.
Well, I don't want to itch it | if it's the gas foot because...
...that might push it onto the gas...
...and then we'd ram this truck.
- I got it. | - Alright.
I felt us stop momentarily while | you itched and then...
I had to take it off the gas.
Right. Yeah. Makes sense.
- Well, thanks for driving, anyways. | - No problem.
I'll meet the other guys down there and | they'll drive from there.
There's really a lot of blinking | towers out here.
- I didn't know how to respond. | - I don't know what to say...
Mostly, when people are driving in cars | they just read the names of towns...
...on signs aloud to themselves. | That's what my dad does...
...when we were on long car drives. | He's just like, Ah, Danville.
- Danville. | - Danville.
- Coal City. | - Coal City.
Let's do it to this one. Here comes one.
I can't see it.
- Kankakee. | - Kankakee. I've been there before.
Kankakee. I don't know if I've been there. | I think I may. Sounds so familiar.
Not much to do.
You think if I brought some hex | to Home Depot they would be able to...
...colour-match paint for me?
Which do you think we'll have first...
...a black president or a robot president?
It's not bullshit... Like... I'm sorry.
I won't have anything to blame you for.
I'm not gonna blame you for anything.
I will blame you | if you don't show up... if you don't come.
It's not like the phone sex thing at all. | They're like two separate things.
Do you think we would have any of | these problems if you were just here...
...and we were just together? | Everything was fine before we left.
I don't know how you think it's ever gonna | get better if we don't spend time together.
We need to be around each other. | We need to see each other and...
Love each other and touch each other.
What do you mean you'll call me back?
Alright, take an hour, | but call me back in an hour.
Really call me back in | one hour from now, ok?
Please. Please, please, please.
- Hey Steve. | - Alex!
What's up, man? How are you doing?
- How's it going? | - Good.
- So... Did you guys play, yet? | - Yeah.
Maybe I can play... Next?
Or after you guys? Real quick?
I don't think... They got it booked | all the way till curfew.
- Did you drive all the way down here? | - Yeah.
I emailed to you, you didn't get it?
Yeah, I got the email.
I just thought maybe I could get in... | you know... Get in here real fast.
What about... Like... Last?
After everybody's gone, I could just play | like two songs... One song.
Like I said. They're already booked till | curfew, so once the last band finishes...
These are the last guys. And when | they're done everybody has to leave.
You guys are more than welcome to hang out. | Did you bring anybody?
No, no, no.
Well, there's this girl with me...
...that came down here from Chicago.
But, ah... Unrelated.
So, nothing, huh? No chance.
I mean, it's all metal bands, dude.
Yeah, I guess.
Ok, well.
Thanks anyway.
Sorry, man.
No, that's cool.
See you.
See you later.
What's going on?
Actually, I don't think I'm playing.
You're not playing?
What happened?
I don't know. Basically, this guy | is just a complete asshole.
He's just like a complete dick.
So. I'm not playing.
Are you still going on your tour?
Yeah, we're still touring.
Tomorrow I'll get to play and the next...
...when the other guys get here | I'll play a gig tomorrow night.
But tonight's not going to happen.
That's too bad.
But we might as well just get | out of here because... know.
Bring your stuff in here.
There's not really a good place | for me to set up in here.
Guess I can just...
Hey, were you wanting to have sex tonight?
I'm sorry.
Could you... Could you give me 20 minutes?
Are you serious?
Well... No.
Where's the light?
- This is too heavy for me. | - I got it.
Where are we going?
This is my room.
Do you have a computer in here, | in your room?
No. My mom has one. I don't.
But I don't know if it's hooked up, | and if you need the Internet...
I don't even know if it's...
I really need the Internet, actually. | I really have to get my email.
I mean, if you want to try.
- Where is it at? I can figure it out. | - It's in the other room.
May I ask you something?
Does your mom have an AO cord?
That goes from the back of the tower... the AO to the wall?
Like a power cord?
Like a power strip?
No, no. The cord that delivers | power to the tower of the computer.
The tower... Like the thing that...
Yeah, the computer.
Yeah, the computer.
Does she have a cord that goes...
- To the tower? The power supply. | - Into the wall?
I have no idea.
So there's no cord?
You don't know where it is?
No. I have no idea.
Does your mom... | your mom might know where it is, though.
She might. Only she's sleeping right now.
We can ask her tomorrow but...
...she had somebody come | and set that computer up for her.
They didn't set anything up!
I'm setting it up!
I really don't know.
Ok, well.
Do you want to play a board game | or cards or something?
Are you tired?
No, I just gonna go sleep or something.
I guess I'm just gonna go to sleep.
I'm gonna sleep on the couch, I guess.
- Good night. | - Good night.
Tim. This is Alex.
I'm in St. Louis. | Listen to me. You gotta...
...go online and check my email for me.
Because she is supposed to | email me and tell me... to meet her.
She's supposed to give me her | phone number and everything.
I'm gonna meet her down here...
...and I can't get my email! | That girl told me that I can...
That I can use her mom's computer.
Her mom's computer is a fucking | piece of shit. It doesn't even work.
You can't plug it in.
There's no AO cord.
Ok. So go to my...
This is what you gotta do. You go to my... The O panel on my website...
...and log in and get...
Are you at a...
Is there anything in the inbox?
There's not anything?
You see the old emails?
You've to check it every..., check it every...
...just check it like every...
20 minutes or something for | like a couple of hours.
And I don't know how | I'm gonna get back now.
What am I supposed to tell this girl?
I told her that I was on tour... | I told her I was touring.
I can't have her take me back to Chicago.
She's gonna have to go back | to Chicago by herself.
I'm gonna have to stay here tomorrow.
I don't know how I'm gonna get back.
Will you come and get me?
Tomorrow I already told Chris | that I would take him to the airport... pick his girlfriend up.
No, it's like in the middle of the day.
There's no way I'd make it | down there and back.
Yeah, I can check it in the morning, | but can't you...
...can't you find an Internet cafe | in the morning?
Cant you take a bus up here?
I'm not at my house, I'm at Ada's house.
She's already asleep, dude. | She's gonna know when I get into bed.
I can't be up for another fucking | three hours checking your email.
No, I got like 30 more minutes of work to do.
But after that I gotta go to sleep... Ah fuck!
I'll call you back, dude.
Oh shit.
Can I borrow your phone?
Yeah, totally.
- Sorry. | - It's cool.
So you're supposed to meet the guys here?
Yeah, they're gonna come here later on.
They're gonna probably be here pretty soon.
We'll do a sound check. Then we'll | get something to eat, and then... Ill just...
Are you sure you just want me to drop you off? | I can wait until they come.
No, that's fine. You should go back to Chicago.
Are you sure?
They're gonna be here pretty soon and...
...we'll get going.
But thanks for giving me a ride down here. | Sorry there was no show.
That's ok.
Have a good tour.
Let me know when you get back in town | and tell me how it went.
Yeah, I'll contact you when I get back.
- Anyway, can you pop the trunk for me? | - Sure.
So, see ya.
- Yeah, see you. | - Have a good drive.
Yeah, have a good tour.
May I have your attention, please.
The curb side lanes on the upper | and lower levels...
...are restricted to vehicles | loading and unloading only.
For security reasons, unattended | vehicles In front of the terminal...