Lolo and the Kid (2024) Movie Script

Hey! Stop being a brat.
We're about to leave.
-That's your older brother. Come on
-We're gonna be late.
- You're so sweaty. We haven't left yet.
- Get in the car.
- You brat.
- We're going to be late again.
Are the kids all set?
You sure we didn't forget anything?
Jeez, son, your back's all sweaty!
I really can't forget
about that wall-mounted shelf, love.
It's perfect for the kitchen.
Hon, we just renovated the kitchen
three months ago.
Fine. The bedroom, then.
That will look good there too.
You know, I think you're just bored.
Hi, Gemma.
You guys are so lucky.
God, they can be so bratty.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
Let's go.
Sit still now. Enough already.
Just rice?
This will do.
- Rice and soy sauce.
- That's enough.
That's a lot.
How is it?
Hey. What are you looking at?
Grandpa, would you like some spaghetti?
I cooked a lot.
- What?
- Awesome, more food!
Hey! Say "thank you."
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you.
Do you usually sleep here?
Why, is it not allowed?
Don't have us arrested. We'll leave.
Oh, no, no.
I just thought you guys
might be uncomfortable there.
Nope. In fact, it's great here.
Lots of wind. Cold too.
Free air conditioning?
What's your name?
I'm Kid. This is Grandpa.
- Hi Kid. Hi, Grandpa.
- How are you?
I'm Gemma. And this is my husband, Allan.
Hi, Daddy Allan!
Hi, Mommy Gemma!
Ice cream.
Thank you, ma'am.
Grandpa, Kid is so cute.
He's kind and polite too.
He really is a good boy.
Even if we don't have much,
I make it a point to raise him right.
I don't want him to turn out
like those other street kids.
But, Grandpa,
don't take this the wrong way,
since you already told us
that Kid's parents are gone...
Can we...
Can we adopt him?
Don't you have kids of your own?
We weren't blessed with one.
We already tried everything.
Is that so?
Grandpa, we know
this isn't an easy decision for you.
But we're good people.
We'll take good care of your grandson.
We'll be able to give him a good life.
Hey, Gramps. The ice cream is delicious.
Thank you, Mommy Gemma.
Thank you too, Daddy Allan.
All right, then. I'll go ahead.
Please take care.
Oh, Grandpa.
What's that for?
Payment for my grandson?
Oh, no, Grandpa.
It's just to help you get by.
So you can start over in the province.
- Thank you, but you don't have to...
- Grandpa.
I insist.
Thank you.
- Where are you going, Gramps?
- Kid!
- Kid, wait!
- Gramps!
- Gramps!
- Kid.
Gramps, where are you going?
Gramps, don't leave me!
I love you so much, Gramps!
Gramps, don't leave me!
I love you so much!
- Please, grandson. Come on...
- Gramps!
- Come on.
- Come on.
- Come on.
- I love you so much, Gramps!
- Go on.
- Gramps!
Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps! I love you so much!
- Let's go inside, okay?
- Gramps!
- Come on.
- Gramps!
- Come on now. Let's go inside, okay?
- Gramps!
- Gramps!
- Come on inside.
- Kid...
- Come on.
- Kid, let's go.
- Gramps!
- Kid, let's go inside.
- Gramps!
Gramps! Where are you, Gramps?
Help me out here.
Did you get a big haul?
Of course.
Hurry up. We might get caught.
How much was in the envelope?
I saw the guy give it to you earlier.
You've got real sharp eyes, huh?
Nosy too. Get a move on!
Okay. Five grand.
What? Are you kidding me? This is a lot.
Make it ten.
Ten? Sell these to someone else, Gramps.
Just take them, Taba,
but don't give me five.
You're robbing me blind.
Oh, come on. Nine.
I can only go up to seven grand.
That's the limit.
These are ancient, Gramps.
New models are gonna come out soon.
There you go again.
Yapping about those models.
But you sell these at what?
Double? Triple the price?
Seven-five and we're done here.
What now, Gramps?
Look, I've got another customer.
He's a cop.
Fine. You're an asshole, Taba!
"Cop," my ass.
Looks more like a thief to me.
Just hand it over.
Here. Take it, hurry up.
That's 7,500, Gramps.
Great. Let's go, Kid.
Hey, Kid! What are you doing?
I caught you red-handed! Put it back!
Jeez! Are you gonna steal from me too?
Let me have this, Mr. Taba. Thanks!
- Bye.
- Hey! This damn child!
Are you crazy?
You wanna play Taba too?
Next time,
he might not buy from us anymore!
It's okay, Gramps.
He's a cheapskate anyway.
At least I thanked him for this.
Let's just go.
- Nope, too big.
- Yeah, too big.
Oh, this one. This one. Yeah.
That's real nice, Gramps.
Too short, though.
Gramps, this one!
This will look good on you. See?
It's so hot and you want me to wear that?
Why not, Gramps?
You'll look handsome and cool.
Like Robin Padilla. The Bad Boy.
- Real slick!
- Robin Padilla? No, I should be FPJ!
Like this.
Gramps, come on. Just try it on.
Put it back! It stinks!
We might stink too.
I think you're the one who stinks!
What did you say? You brat!
- There.
- You're the stinky one!
This one. Okay, go.
So annoying.
You're such a loser!
- No more tries, Gramps?
- Nope. That's it.
Do your best.
I still got one more.
You suck. Look, even that girl beat you.
- Hey!
- Oh, my gosh!
Hey, don't forget your prize.
- What was that, huh?
- Come on.
Where did you learn that?
Listen to me.
Don't ever do that again.
And cursing, don't do that either.
If you do that again,
I'll leave you for real.
- Got that?
- Yes.
Kid, even if we have nothing
and even if we have to keep on hustling,
I want you to grow up with respect
for your elders and decent people.
Can you do that?
Yes, Gramps. I'm sorry.
That's okay. Just don't do it again, okay?
Okay, let's go. Come on.
Okay, thanks.
Hey! Hang on! Wait for me.
This is gonna be scary.
- This might be a scary one.
- Is this scary?
Look! No hands!
Gramps, come on!
- Hey, wait!
- Over there!
- Nobody's on it yet, let's go!
- There?
- Over there!
- Hey! Slow down!
Come on!
Nah, let's go over there.
Look, at the top.
- Where are we sitting, Gramps?
- Here. In the middle.
- After you, Gramps.
- No, you go first.
- It's real scary.
- Scoot.
Oh, Gramps. I told you
I wanted to ride the Seahorse.
Here we go!
What now, Gramps?
Hey, I was gonna hit Gramps!
Oh, no...
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
I just wanted a taste.
Just a taste?
What's next? Drugs? Huffing? Cigarettes?
Do you wanna end up like those bums?
Like one of those street kids?
But we're bums too, Gramps.
But we're high-class bums.
High-class bums? Is there such a thing?
That's what we are.
Here, this is for you. Here you go.
Come on. Let's have a toast.
There you go.
- Here it comes.
- Here it comes.
- Gramps.
- What?
Gramps, buy me some ice cream.
Ice cream?
You heard me.
Hey, you're spending too much.
We're almost out of money.
Then just find me a new customer.
Hey! Watch your mouth!
A new customer?
People might think I'm pimping you out.
I just made it sound it better.
How would you put it?
A new victim?
- A new patsy?
- Hey!
A new target?
Hush up.
How about this, a new "donor."
Got it. A new donor.
Just stay here, okay? I'll go look around.
Are you gonna go look
for new donors, Gramps?
Don't be too loud.
Just stay here.
Buy yourself some ice cream.
That's more like it.
There you go.
Stay here. I'll be back, okay?
That'll do.
I'd like to buy some ice cream.
Ma'am, don't forget
your OB-GYN appointment at 3 p.m.
Of course, ma'am.
Okay, ma'am.
This is it.
Okay, they're coming.
Hurry, let's do this.
Are you cold?
I'm freezing.
Just be patient, grandson.
Okay. Is that good?
We can use this as a pillow.
Okay. Just go to sleep.
Driver, could you pull over?
Larra, look.
Shall I make them leave, ma'am?
Let's just go in.
Okay, ma'am.
Did they notice us?
Go easy. You might choke. Slowly.
I'm really sorry, ma'am.
My grandson has quite the appetite.
Gramps, the bread is so delicious.
And there's french fries too.
Is it good? I made that.
Go on, eat as much as you want.
Thank you very much.
And don't worry,
after my grandson finishes eating,
we'll be on our way
so you can get some rest.
It's all right, you can sleep here.
It's getting late and we don't want
anything bad to happen to Kid.
Besides, we have an extra room here
that you can use.
You don't have a husband, Ma'am Sandra?
Hey! Don't be so nosy. Apologize.
It's fine.
I often ask myself that same question.
I don't know.
I guess I was traumatized
by what happened to my family.
But like you said,
I'm good at making sandwiches.
So maybe that means I can get married.
Oh, for sure.
And you're very beautiful too.
You flatter me.
Maybe I can have children too.
Grandpa, does Kid go to school?
I don't go to school.
We don't have any money.
But do you want to?
Grandpa, allow me to help you.
If only Kid's parents hadn't died early...
I'm the only one he's got left.
I can't work because of my age...
Actually, if you want to know,
I'm all alone, too.
My parents died when I was young,
they had addiction issues.
Addict? Plenty of them on the streets.
That's right, there's a lot of them.
Don't be like them, okay?
So I was also in and out of the system.
I wandered the streets.
I was just lucky that someone adopted me
and sent me to school, so...
this is my life now.
Gramps, they're asleep.
Come on, let's get some donations.
Gramps, come on.
They might wake up. Let's go.
Give me that!
- We'll hit the jackpot with Taba!
- Where...
Gramps, come on. Gramps. Let's go.
Come on!
Let's go.
Can't you sing another song?
Any other song?
I'm so sick of that.
Why? Do you know other songs?
No, but there are many others here, see?
Then choose one and sing it.
But I don't even know how to read.
Come on, teach me.
Do I look like a teacher?
Just sing!
You're just singing along anyway.
It's coming. Here we go.
Fine. We'll just sing this again.
You're so heavy, Gramps.
I told you to go easy on the alcohol.
It's really hard to raise an old man.
- You're too loud.
- And you're too heavy.
Gramps. Here. On the pillow, Gramps.
Well, what can I do?
This is the life I've been given.
I was born poor. Uneducated.
Dirt poor until the very end.
Gramps, what are you saying?
Damn it, is there really even a God?
A God. What kind?
If you had a conscience,
you wouldn't let this happen to me!
I'm hardworking, right? Obedient.
Every week, I go to church in Quiapo.
I practically live there. But what?
Did you ever feel sorry for me? No!
So don't be surprised
if I don't have a conscience!
Hey, shut up! Go to sleep!
Fuck off!
I'll make you sleep forever, damn you!
Gramps. Quiet down, Gramps.
Don't be so loud.
And please don't curse.
I thought you told me
that cursing was bad.
Sorry, grandson. Sorry.
Someone might complain about us here.
We might get arrested.
Besides, I'm sleepy already.
Sorry, grandson.
Let's go to sleep.
- Gramps.
- Yeah?
- Gramps.
- What?
Have some water.
My head hurts.
That's because you didn't want
to stop drinking.
Hey, more soup over here.
Okay, sir.
Here you go.
- Gramps.
- Yeah?
Won't I go to school?
Shouldn't I be in first grade by now?
Everything you can learn in school,
you can learn on the streets.
But I don't even know how to read.
Why? Is that important?
The important thing is resourcefulness
and you've got that already.
But what about Ma'am Sandra?
She got rich because she went to school.
Not everyone who's educated gets rich.
Others end up poor too.
Does everyone who's educated
end up living in a hotel?
This is a motel. And a crappy one to boot.
You're able to eat, aren't you?
Other people need to beg just to eat.
And we steal.
That's called resourcefulness.
Kid, if you don't know how to hustle
in this world,
you'll die sad and hungry. Got it?
There are only two kinds of people
in this world. Remember that, okay?
Those who cheat
and those who get cheated on.
Gramps, take me to the beach.
Just once, Gramps.
Like that one.
Then I'll play in the sand,
I'll swim in the water...
That's just a waste of money.
Once we run out of money, then what?
We're out on the streets again.
We have to make our money last.
And you want us to splurge?
We should target
a big shot next time, Gramps.
I thought you were resourceful, Gramps?
Ordering me around already?
Go to sleep already. You talk too much.
Kid, stay here, okay?
Here. Buy some food if you get hungry.
I'll look for someone
who can make a donation.
Okay? Go get yourself some ice cream.
Sir, I want to buy some ice cream.
Chocolate, please.
Hi, handsome.
- Hi.
- Let's go?
Oh, you're tired already?
- Tired already.
- Oh, my baby is tired...
- Go to Daddy.
- Okay. That's it.
Sir, have you seen the kid
I was with earlier?
I haven't seen him.
The kid wearing red?
I didn't notice him.
- The little boy!
- I haven't seen him.
Sir, have you seen a child this tall?
Wearing red?
No, sorry.
Hey, did you see a kid wearing red?
He's about this tall.
No, I didn't see anyone.
Have you seen a kid wearing a red shirt?
This tall? He's my grandson.
No, sorry. There are so many kids in here.
Okay, thanks.
Kid! Where are you?
Did you do well at school today?
Do you want to grab a bite?
I sold you one like that before
for the same price.
Add more. This is a better model.
I can't add more, Gramps.
I have to earn some money.
I can't sell this for a high price.
What do you mean? It's brand-new.
It's old, Gramps.
Of course, you wouldn't know
since you just stole it.
Go ahead, say it louder.
Get us both thrown in jail.
Fuck this "it's old" routine.
How much are you asking for?
Eight grand.
Son of a... Just eight grand for a laptop?
I'm paying rent here, Gramps.
As for you, Kid is your only investment.
Asshole. If I hear that from you again,
I won't sell here anymore.
Hey! Kid!
Plan on nicking my stuff again?
Hey, I'm not.
I'm just standing here, Mr. Taba.
Yeah, right.
Here, Kid. I'll give you something.
There! Have it.
Don't take anything else, understand?
Hey. What will you say?
Thanks, Mr. Taba!
What do you say? Eight grand.
Fine, eight grand.
Let me have this old camera too.
Fine. Deal.
Here's the eight grand.
I'll take this as well
so I can use the camera.
- Okay?
- Hey!
- Come on, let me have it.
- You're ripping me off!
Hey, Mr. Taba.
Let me have this too, thanks.
My God! Those two are real jerks!
Let's go! Get ready! The race is on!
Come on! The bets are on!
- Hey! Twenty, twenty!
- Fine!
The first and second.
That's called a forecast.
- Who's gonna pay up?
- I saw this on the race on TV.
- Come on. Pay up!
- Let's go!
This is so slow.
- So slow!
- Here I go! I'm getting ahead!
Next one. We'll do three!
- I wonder how this works.
- Why did you even buy that?
To have our picture taken,
so in case you disappear again,
I can show people a photo of you.
Then we should've just gone
to a photo booth.
You're right.
Whatever! It's already here.
At least we got even with Taba.
We should've just stolen
something like that.
You've got so many opinions.
Let's just take our picture!
Let's get that guy's help.
- What are you doing, Gramps?
- Sir.
Can you take a picture of us, please?
- Yeah, the two of us.
- Oh, of course.
- All right. Thanks.
- Of course.
That's it. Press the button. Okay.
Look how happy he is, John.
He's a good kid, Gramps. Cheerful too.
He really is.
He is very cheerful.
A bit mischievous at times.
But he's really a good kid.
Is it okay if we adopt Kid?
Yes, Gramps.
We've been together for a long time.
We've always wanted to start a family
but, well, you know...
So if it's all right with you,
we'll raise Kid in your stead.
But don't worry,
I'll handle the adoption papers.
Grandpa, I know
that we're not a conventional couple.
We're both men.
But we promise we'll take care of Kid
and love him like he's our real son.
I know you are good people
and you can give him a good life.
Although it's difficult for me, I know...
that my grandson
will be in good hands with you two.
Thank you very, very much, Grandpa.
You won't regret it. We promise.
Don't take this the wrong way,
but I need just a little help
to start again when I get back home
to the province.
Of course, it's no problem.
Oh, this is too much.
And if you still need help
in the province,
don't ever hesitate to ask for our help.
And you can visit the boy
anytime you want.
All right.
Thank you very much.
I'll leave my grandson in your care.
- Gramps.
- Hey, that's a lot!
We hit the jackpot, Gramps.
They're so rich.
So much money and gadgets!
Let's go. Come on.
- Let's get the dog. It's so cute!
- That's another mouth to feed!
We'll get charged for kidnapping!
- What's going on?
- Hey! What are you doing?
- Run!
- Thieves!
Help! We're being robbed!
Come on!
Kid! Leave it! Let's go!
- Kid!
- Stop! Thieves!
- Kid.
- Hey!
What... What happened?
What happened to the boy?
- What happened?
- Kid!
- Call an ambulance!
- Babe, call an ambulance!
Kid! Kid.
No! Kid!
Hon, I can't...
Nothing bad's gonna happen to him.
There's the doctor.
Luckily, the boy doesn't have
any internal bleeding.
No fractures either,
so we can release him by tomorrow.
How was he hit by a car?
We've already settled with the driver,
so thank you.
I'll leave you two for now.
Thanks, Doc.
Babe? Babe!
You used that child for what?
For money? Huh?
Take it!
Whatever you stole, just take it.
But don't ever show your face
to us or the boy again.
Do you understand?
What about Kid?
If you don't leave now,
I'll have you locked up!
Gramps? Gramps!
What are you doing here?
How did you get out?
Go back inside. You're still injured.
Look at your bruises.
This is nothing, Gramps. Just a scratch.
But how did you get out?
I escaped. I went through the back.
That John guy said you left me with them,
but I didn't believe him.
I knew that you wouldn't leave me, Gramps.
Partners forever, Gramps.
Let me use the other hand.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
We hit the jackpot there, Gramps.
We'll get so much money.
You sure you're okay?
Nothing hurts on your head
or any part of your body?
I said I'm fine, Gramps.
So, the usual?
The carnival then some karaoke?
We're going on vacation.
You said you wanted
to go to the beach, right?
- No way! Really?
- Yeah.
Gramps, I think this is the longest trip
we've taken.
Yes. Why, are you bored already?
No way. I like this.
We don't do this sort of thing very often.
We should do this again, Gramps.
We haven't reached our destination yet,
and you already want us to do this again?
I'm just making sure, Gramps.
Go to sleep first.
When you wake up, we'll be at the beach.
Go to sleep.
Gramps! The sea is great!
I wanna dive in. Come on!
This is better than what I saw on TV.
- Let's go!
- Hey! Don't go too far.
You might drown. Hey!
Come here!
You're so heavy!
Like this. One, two...
Yeah! That's it! More!
I'm gonna rest first.
Look at that!
The sun is setting.
It's beautiful here, huh?
It's quiet, fresh air...
Hey. What's this?
Let's take a picture, okay?
- A picture?
- Yeah.
It's not every day we're here.
Okay! Ready! One, two, three!
Okay. Let's see.
Let's see.
Oh, come on! Let's do it again.
Look at your face!
Nah, it looks cute. See?
You know, Gramps,
you should've been an actor.
You're good at making
our customers feel sorry for us.
You crazy kid. You too, you know.
- Huh?
- Yeah!
But, Kid, honestly, I was an actor.
What? For real?
Yes! I even had a scene
with Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos.
So, you were really in a movie?
You're kidding me, Gramps!
Really! I played the man
they were fighting over!
No way! This is getting crazy, Gramps.
You drink way too much!
You crazy kid.
The truth is,
I was an extra in a lot of movies.
Extra? What's that?
The ones who walk in the background.
The ones who hang out on the streets.
I was even given a line once.
I was so nervous, I kept stuttering.
The director got so mad at me.
- Oh, no!
- The agency didn't hire me anymore.
That's too bad, Gramps.
What if you became famous?
That's impossible.
It's hard to read a script.
What we do is a whole lot better.
It's real acting. Real-life acting!
The pay is better too.
Gramps, hand me the bag.
There's a book inside.
- Here. Where did you get that?
- I got it from the trash.
There's a tear at the back.
Probably why it was thrown out.
But it's still intact, see?
You don't want to teach me
to read, Gramps, so you read it to me.
Teach you.
Well, it's hard. Reading is hard!
The sun is in my eyes.
Come on, Gramps.
- Fine.
- You can read well, right?
Yeah, okay.
"Once upon a time,
there was an evil king."
"He was a tyrant to every..."
I knew it. You're just fooling me.
The garbageman said
the book is in English.
It is, I'm just translating it to Tagalog
so you'd understand.
Oh, okay.
"Once upon a time,
there was an evil king."
"He lived a very sad life."
"It was like he lost all hope."
"But everything changed
when his beloved prince
came into his life."
"And that's when the king
began to change."
Partners forever, okay?
Hey, the sun is setting.
Yeah. It's gonna hide in the mountains.
Damn you all!
You all left me.
Why? Because I'm useless?
Fuck you all!
It's better if I just disappear!
Fuck everyone.
Me, useless? Fine...
Fuck you all!
You awake?
Let's go to church, okay?
I hope they can bless you today.
Sir, handkerchief of the Nazarene.
Okay. Let's go to church.
Sir, handkerchief of the Nazarene.
Handkerchief of the Nazarene! Get it here!
- Get it here.
- How much?
- Twenty bucks.
- How about for three?
Fifty for three. You can take that.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Okay! Go ahead!
Your grandson is so cute, Mario!
Of course, he got it from his grandfather.
What's his name?
- His name is...
- Heard about Dado and Muymoy's fight?
Fuck, Muymoy's really good.
He pulled a Karate Kid on Dado
and put him to sleep!
Kid. Kid!
- Hey, Kid.
- His name is Kid.
You like that?
- Looks just like me, huh?
- Yeah. So handsome.
I'm only telling you this now,
but always remember this.
I love you very much.
Thanks for bringing me
to the beach, Gramps.
I won't ever forget this.
I love you too, Gramps.
Of course!
It was hard for us to believe it back then
because he was still young.
Things happened so quickly.
After Red was diagnosed, after six months,
he was gone.
If you only knew, Gramps...
It's so hard to continue living.
It's like we've lost our...
our zest for life.
That's why when we saw you outside and...
And we really got to know Kid...
He's a really kind boy,
and that's a credit to you, Gramps.
Even though you lived on the streets,
you raised him right.
So if you can entrust him to us,
we will love him very much.
But we won't think of him
as a replacement for our son...
but as...
a child the Lord truly blessed us with.
And please, don't ever think
that we'll keep you apart.
It's not like that.
We're willing to help you too.
And if you miss Kid,
you can visit him anytime.
Our home is always open, even to you.
Gramps! Help me, Gramps!
Where are you, Gramps? Gramps!
Gramps! Help me, Gramps.
Hey, Gramps. Help me, Gramps.
Gramps, you look excited
for karaoke later.
You're all decked out.
Now help me out here. Look, it's locked.
They're good people.
God-fearing too.
They will definitely love you.
They'll send you to school.
You'll have a good life with them.
Gramps, what are you saying?
Hurry, Gramps, we might get caught!
Kid, I won't take you with me anymore.
Just stay here.
- I hope you forgive me.
- Gramps...
Gramps, what are you talking about?
I don't like it here, Gramps.
Now help me out.
I want us to be together, Gramps.
I love you so much, Gramps.
Kid, I'm doing this
for you.
No matter what happens,
I don't want you to end up like me.
- Always remember...
- Gramps.
...that I love you very much.
- Kid.
- Gramps...
- Gramps!
- Kid.
- Goodbye, Kid.
- Gramps...
Gramps, don't leave me, Gramps!
- Gramps!
- Goodbye, Kid.
Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps! Gramps! Gramps!
Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps! Gramps!
Partners forever, right, Gramps?
Gramps! Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps! Gramps!
Gramps! Gramps!
Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps! Gramps, don't leave me!
Gramps, don't leave me!
- Kid! Son!
- Gramps!
- Kid! Hey!
- Gramps!
- Come here!
- Son! What are you doing?
What happened? Huh?
Don't leave me! Gramps!
- Hush, son.
- Let's go in.
- Hush.
- Gramps!
- Come on, son.
- Gramps!
- Gramps!
- Come on. Let's go inside.
Gramps! Please don't leave me!
Kid, my son.
Did you like the clothes
Papa Joel and I gave you?
Here's some more, son.
We also bought you a uniform
because you're going to school soon.
Want to try them on?
Maybe when you feel like it.
Call us over after you try these on.
Okay, son.
Hey, Kid!
What are you doing here?
I'm looking for Grandpa.
Mr. Taba, have you seen him anywhere?
Grandpa hasn't been here
for a long time, Kid.
Nobody's seen him
at the usual places either.
Thank you, sir!
- Stop it! Let's go!
- This is new, huh.
Oh, son, what time
are your friends coming over?
Maybe later, Mom.
I just want to know so I know what time
I can have the lechon delivered.
Is 6 p.m. okay?
Enough with the schmaltz.
Let's go inside.
Okay. I'll follow.
- The lechon is arriving at 6 p.m.?
- Yes, not until 6 p.m.
Won't you be late?
No, Dad, I had a lot of work finished
in the office yesterday, so I'm good.
- Oh, okay. So you're not in a hurry?
- No.
You can eat a lot then.
Sir, you have a phone call.
For me?
For Sir Kid.
From a hospital.
Want to go out?
Let's go.
That's it, wait. Okay. There.
Oh, the bag. Sorry.
I got it, Gramps. Hold on.
Need anything, Gramps?
Hey, you got this from me, Gramps.
To be fair, it's still in good condition.
And this is trending again, Gramps.
Five hundred.
Five hundred. Want to go with that?
Gramps won't take it, Taba.
One grand, Gramps.
A thousand, Gramps?
All right. Okay. Game, Taba.
I'll pay for them.
Now we've got a thousand.
Here. One grand, Gramps.
We now have a thousand!
We're going somewhere else.
Take care, Gramps. You too, Kid.
You okay, Gramps?
He's fine.
Thanks, Taba!
Where are you?
Watch where you're going!
Taba, can't catch up!
We pulled a fast one on Taba yet again.
He can't catch up!
Karaoke. Let's go.
Here we are.
Thank you, sir.
Here we go.
So, Gramps, like old times?
Okay. Where is it?
Like old times...
Here, Gramps.
Here we go.
Sing, Gramps!
Gramps? Gramps, sing some more!
Gramps! Come on!
Gramps? Gramps, come on.
Gramps! Hey, come on. This isn't funny.
Gramps? Gramps!
Gramps, come on.
Please. Let's sing some more.
Gramps? Gramps!
Gramps, don't be like that.
Don't leave me again, Gramps!
Gramps, I thought
we'd be partners forever.
Gramps, I think you're the one who stinks!
You brat!
- That one's getting ahead!
- That's nothing! That's a little horse!
That's it! More!
No hands!
- Gramps?
- What?
Of course!
Kid, I'm only telling you this now,
but always remember this.
I love you very much.
Subtitle translation by: Paolo Alejar