Long Gone Heroes (2024) Movie Script

- Mr.
Torres, thank you so much
for meeting with me.
Um, why don't you tell
me what is happening
in your country right now?
- My people are
Dying in the streets, unable to
feed their families.
Inflation is at twelve
hundred percent.
Chavez, now Maduro,
they have mortgaged the wealth
and future
of this country and its people
to foreign nations.
The worst thing to happen to
was discovering the ocean of oil
beneath us.
- Since the
sanctions were put in place
in 2017 by the US, how
have things changed?
- There has been no
There has been more oil
production and exportation than
They use the sanctions to
justify driving up
the price per barrel.
- So when you
say no change, do you mean
that the US is still
operating here in Venezuela?
- Yes, of course.
- It's good.
- Okay. Julia, make this count.
- And who is
here on the ground
working on behalf
of the government?
- A private contracting group.
Working in tandem with our government.
They've partnered with North
American companies like Keystone
To back channel the oil.
- Do you know who runs the US
private contracting groups?
- General Roman.
- And who in Washington
is behind connecting
Keystone with Roman?
- Senator Olivia Peterson.
- Um,
can you confirm this?
- Your team already
It was verified in documents I
sent over last night.
E-mails, text messages, oil
It's all there.
- We have growing
about the conditions
in Venezuela.
The economy is in a free fall.
The Maduro regime has made
alliances with the cartels,
and the crime rate is soaring,
specifically, when it comes
to crimes against women.
So I will personally
be overseeing
our president's
cooperative reform effort.
Any further questions,
address the ambassador.
Thank you so much for
your time.
- That was Senator
Olivia Peterson of California
for an update on conditions.
- Hey.
- What are you doing to
my, my garage, Olivia?
- I, uh...
- What?
You know, I, I went through
this moment in my mind
about a million times,
what I would say to you
if I ever saw you again.
You know, all I got?
Fuck you.
- You can blame me all you want.
I'm tough. I can handle it.
- You can handle
it. Is that right?
Is that what you tell those
people who prop you up on CNN?
See, I know the real you,
the real you who fucked me.
And I lost everything
in Kandahar.
- Oh, yeah.
It looks like you
lost everything.
You listen to me, all right?
I know what you think
happened in Kandahar.
Now, you think I'm
somehow responsible,
but that is just your
version and no one else's.
You're a grown man. Pretty
soon you'll be an old man.
- Oh.
- Oh, it's time to move on.
Put the past in the past.
- Right.
- Mm-hmm.
- What do you want?
- Yeah. Fuck it.
I don't know why I
thought you could help.
- Help you? You
came to me for help?
If six guys came in
here with ski masks
wanting to haul you away, I
wouldn't lift a fucking finger.
- Okay asshole. Forget about me.
If they had your niece, would
you do something about it?
- What are you talking about?
- Julia.
They got my baby.
- Who?
- After I lift weights
and eat red meat,
I just want to eat my girl's
pussy for like an hour.
- For an hour?
- Yeah, she got a sweet spot.
I love it.
- That's fucking disgusting.
- You don't eat pussy?
- Oh, I eat fuckin' pussy,
but, uh, 15 minutes tops.
- 15 minutes?
- 15.
That's if she's lucky.
It's gotta be like, you know,
her birthday or Memorial Day
or anniversary, special shit.
- On Memorial Day?
Memorial Day gets
a 15-minute lick.
She a veteran?
- She supports the troops
if you know what I'm saying.
- Hey.
- 'Sup G.
- Hey, boys.
- What are we doing?
- I got a situation.
It's fucked up. It's a
little bit dangerous.
I'm gonna ask you
guys to do something,
and if you tell me to off...
I got a niece.
- The senator's kid.
- Yeah, somebody grabbed
her. They're holding her.
I gotta go get her.
- Who took her?
- I don't know yet.
- Now, why'd they take her?
- She's a journalist,
wants to save the world,
fix everyone's problems.
My guess is that she got too
close to something down there
and she pissed off
the wrong people.
And where's she at?
- Venezuela.
- Fuck, bro.
It's a mess down there.
- Yeah, it's fuckin'
hot. It's dangerous.
- Not to be insensitive, Cap,
but, uh, are you sure
she's still alive?
- Nah, I got no clue.
Doesn't make a difference
on this one though, boys,
because she's my dead
brother's only kid.
She's my blood. I'll make
sure the money is solid.
- Oh, it ain't about
the fuckin' money.
No, if it's personal
for you, I'm in.
- My boy.
- I'm in, too.
- So what now?
- Now I gotta go see
someone about this.
- And who is that, might I ask?
- You know who it is.
Go ahead, say something.
- I didn't say anything.
- No, go ahead, say something.
- Mommy will be right
back. I'm right over there.
Heather, just share
with your sister.
Let her look at the ipad.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You know they lock you away
for leaving your kids
unattended nowadays.
How's your guy?
- Do you want my help or not?
Because you fucking called me
and I'm on double
duty right now.
I have those two
terrorists in the car,
and the guy is away
on a golf trip.
So I'm just doing
this for Olivia.
- Plays golf, huh?
- You're not gonna leave?
- Gunner, I lost 10 years
of my life with you.
I'm gonna lose my job too?
If the seventh floor knows
that I left the
building with that,
much less gave it
to you, I'm done.
- Olivia knows about this?
- Of course she knows.
- Why the fuck wouldn't
she say anything?
- I don't know.
- How long they been down there?
- Since about three months
before the sanctions.
DOJ, the agency. Everyone
knew it was coming.
They wanted one of their
own there before it did,
even if it was Roman.
- Roman' the one who has her?
- Just look at that, okay?
- Fuck.
- Oh, and Gunner,
the last I heard,
the girl's alive.
- Hello?
- Where's Olivia?
- Who is this?
- Go fucking get her.
- Olivia.
I think you need to take this.
- Huh, who is it?
- They didn't say.
- Hello?
Where are you?
- Why didn't you
tell me it was Roman?
- Why does it matter?
- Why does it matter?
That's why it
matters. Look there.
Those three reasons,
that's why it matters.
Is any of this
even fuckin' real?
- Oh yeah. It's real.
Because Julia's angry.
She's, she hates me, in fact.
- She doesn't hate you.
You're her mother.
She's mad at you.
- Yeah, ever since Jim died,
there's nothing I can do to...
You know, her career,
this journalism, is
to get back at me.
She's a good girl.
You know that.
- I don't know that,
Olivia. You know why?
Because I haven't
seen her in 10 years,
'cause you wouldn't let me.
That's why.
- Would you have even
wanted to see her?
- Yes. Yes.
She's my brother's
kid. Of course.
- Julia went down there
because she hates me.
And they took her because
she's found out what I've done.
- What'd you do?
- Before we sanctioned
them back in 2017,
I had to double down
on our presence there
so that the Russian,
Iranians, Chinese
couldn't take control
of the oil reserves.
We couldn't go with uniforms
for optics, so we went private.
I put Roman and Moreau in place.
- Okay. So what?
Standard operating
procedure. So what?
- You know Moreau.
He hooked up with the
Maduro regime for oil,
and set up an export operation
using the narcos for protection.
I just...
- What did you do?
- I set up a deal
with Keystone Oil.
We export through Panama
and then distro to the US.
- Wow. Wow.
That's a lot of money.
- It is that.
- Do your minions
know about this?
- No.
- They know about Julia?
- Yeah, I have to do the
evening news at National Night
to please all of them.
Right now, they think that the
local narco groups took her,
and I'm gonna play into that.
- Shh.
- But listen,
I know it was Roman.
- How do you know?
- She has video,
implicating all of us.
And she has documents, emails,
copies of oil contracts.
Oh, she has Roman, me and
Moreau dead to rights.
He wants it all.
Which, knowing Julia,
she's not gonna comply,
and when she doesn't, he's
gonna want me to take fall.
Which maybe it's time for.
But you know him,
and there is no way
he's letting our girl
out of there alive.
Come on, man. For Julia.
For your brother, Jim.
- Hey, hey.
I don't need you to convince me
to go save my
niece's life, okay?
Now, what happens to you
politically or whatever else,
that's outta my hands.
I'll get in touch
with wire information.
You get my guys that
money. Understand me?
- Just get our girl.
What the fuck happened to you?
- Denise, yeah, you're
good for the night.
- Bye.
- Thank you.
- Denise, huh? One
full hour, brother.
- Don't you fuckin' start.
This is heavy, G.
- What's Roman into
it down there? Coke?
- Black gold.
- Oil, but it's way more
complicated than that.
- And we're gonna need to run
some kinda
satellite interference.
- Yeah? Where's Danny at?
- Danny's still in fuckin'
Ukraine fighting Ruskies.
- Jesus Christ.
- What about his son?
- That fuck up?
- No, he's a, he's a good kid.
Danny took him out a few times,
said the kid's a
wiz with computers.
- You trust him?
- Yeah, I do.
- Is it enough?
- I got a guy in Venezuela,
boots on the ground.
I used to work with
him. Fuckin' badass.
He's gonna get us in.
- It seems that a local
narco group grabbed her.
- Yo, G, check it out.
- We are working with
the local government
to bring her back home
as soon as possible.
- That's your niece?
- Do you know what
she was investigating
down there
that might have led
to her kidnapping?
- I do not.
I do know that my
daughter is very pretty,
educated and privileged,
making her a prime candidate
for kidnapping down there.
- Fucking liar.
Oh, hey. Yeah, come in.
You got the cash?
- Right here.
- All right.
You got your cell phones,
unlocked, no GPS, untraceable.
encryption, all right?
I built that shit myself. It's
the fuckin' best you can get.
- Looks good.
- All right.
- Nah-nah.
- What the fuck, man?
Are you kidding me?
- It is what it is, man.
- You know, that shit's worth
like two or three times
what you're paying.
You know that right?
- Looks free to me.
- Hey, bro.
Leave the money.
Are we gonna go? Or you gonna
get the fuck outta here?
The phones, too.
You can walk your ass
to a fuckin' payphone.
- This ain't over, pendejo.
- Bye-bye, bitch.
- What's up, gangsta?
Davey, my boy.
- What's up, Matty?
- You can't be sending
people like that
out there with gear like this.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- The fuck
is the matter with you?
- Oh, you know, I don't know.
Somebody's gotta pay the
bills around here, maybe?
What, what, what,
what do you guys want?
You know, the girls don't
start for another hour.
- You served as a tech
specialist in Costa Rica.
- Is that a
question? Yes, I did.
Yeah. Why?
- David!
Someone clogged the
toilet last night.
And there's shitty
water everywhere.
- Trixie, fuckin'
clean it up then.
And, and get the
others to help you.
They're, they're
good with that shit.
Guys, can you get
outta here please?
I'm, I'm in a
meeting, all right?
Close the door.
- Um,
you seen him, Matty?
- Nah, I heard he
was in the Ukraine,
but, uh, before he left,
he mentioned you built
a satellite jammer.
- Yes. Yeah, I did the trick.
- We need you to do it again.
Same gig, different place.
- Who, who's this for?
- Don't you worry about
that right now, Opie.
- You seen any combat?
- Mostly recon.
He smiles a lot. You
smile a lot, you know?
This is not that, uh,
not that kind of club.
You want that, there's
the Yellow Brick Road,
just up the street.
- Smart ass.
- They would like
you over there, West.
- Uh, all right, well what's,
what's the job? How much?
- It's a civilian
extraction. Be in and out.
You'd be filling
in for your pop.
- I'd been doing Danny's job?
- That's right.
Well, unless you
would rather wait
for the Latino fan
club to come back.
- Or clean up stripper
dookie with Trixie there.
- When?
- Get your stuff.
We'll meet you out front.
- Oh shit.
- Do you know how
to use that thing?
- Yeah, I know what I'm doing.
- Hey, if you don't wanna
get your hands dirty,
they could use your help
cleanin' poles at the club.
- Ah.
Fuck you, man. You come
in there often enough,
you know, I manage the spot.
I don't clean poles.
Besides the girls,
they told me about you.
- Yeah,
but I can dance.
- Hey, unless you two monkeys
know how to jam a
fuckin' satellite,
I suggest you treat
him like one of us.
Cut the bullshit.
- You got it, Cap.
- Have you
ever been to Venezuela?
- Been to Costa
Rica. Looks green.
- Bikinis and margaritas, kid.
You're gonna love it.
- David, you find anything on
my niece that I don't know?
Not much. I mean, I got her
socials and her website,
but all the good
stuff, it's encrypted.
Whatever video she's
got, it's in there.
She's smart, too.
It would take two
years to crack this,
and I saw I'm not the
only one trying to get it.
- So when's the last
time you saw your niece?
- When my brother died.
That'd be 10 years, man.
Her mother wouldn't
let me see her.
- And what do we know about her?
- She's smart. She went to
Harvard, Poli Sci major.
Broken stories all over the
world. She's the real deal.
- Big pain in the ass, boys.
- We know how to live, bro.
- Here. This is the
last thing she posted.
- Going around poking
the bear like this,
my money says someone put
her lights out already.
- Nope. Mace says she's
alive, she's alive
- Now, if you're so
good at this tech shit,
then why you work at
a fuckin' strip club?
- Oh man, you know how it
is. For fame and fortune.
- Oh, your old man used to
say that before every mission.
- I know. Sounds dumb as shit.
- Let's just hope you're as
good with the tech as he is.
- Ah, fuck him. I'm way better.
- You're gonna be
okay down there, yeah?
I don't have to worry about you?
- No, I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yes sir.
- You stay close to me.
- Looks like
we're close, fellas.
- Hey, let's see who
got the little dick now.
- Open it up.
- Yep.
- Punch in these coordinates.
- Okay. Uh, it's
four clicks north.
- All right. That's
our man in Venezuela.
He's gonna help us find Julia.
- Shit. Something's wrong.
- Already?
- Yeah, see these lines
coming back all noisy?
- Yeah.
- That means they
got eyes in the sky.
- Yeah. We're fuckin' hot.
- All right. Clean us.
- Yep.
- All we're good for
the next couple hours
until the satellites move again.
All right, let's fuckin' move.
- What do you see? We hot?
- No, we're good.
This whole route's clear.
- Okay.
- What the fuck is this place?
- Narcos probably
use this route.
- You see anything?
- Just some
Venezuelan's rib cage.
- We're almost
there. Keep moving.
- We're close.
- Yeah, yeah.
- What the fuck
is this place, G?
- It's supposed to be empty.
- Yeah, maybe it's a sweet 16.
- I don't hear anything.
- Matty and West,
you take the front.
David, you stick to me.
On me.
- Okay.
- Go.
- What the fuck, man?
- Show me your fuckin' hands!
Hands, hands!
- How was the party?
- I've seen better.
I was about to leave.
- Boys, meet El Guapo.
He's our man in Venezuela.
He actually saved
my ass in Caracas once.
David, West, Matty,
What the fuck
happened here, man?
- What happened? Your
friend Moreau happened.
What do you mean?
- Clean up his mess.
Doesn't want anyone talking.
Our guy over there,
that's Felix Nadin,
former VP of PDVSA.
That's Petrol Venezuela,
which is a state-owned
oil company.
Right there, Natalia, his wife,
and I believe you
boys crossed paths
with their daughter over
there by the entrance.
It was her birthday yesterday.
- I called that.
Sweet 16.
- Yeah, this place is fucked up.
- You have no idea.
You know, back in the '70s
when the Russians started-
- Hey, hey, I don't
give a about Russians,
about Venezuelans,
about money, about oil.
I don't give a fuck. I
don't watch CNN, brother.
I'm here for one reason,
get my niece outta
that fuckin' jungle
and bring her home, alive.
- The rebels got her.
- What are you talking
about rebels? What rebels?
- Ah, rebels, Narcos,
That's all the
same shit here, bro.
Everybody works for the Generals
now, Cartel de los Soles.
Your niece, she came down here
looking for a whistleblower.
She fuckin' found one.
This is what happened.
- Julia? She's
responsible for all this?
- It doesn't matter anymore,
but they're taking her
to the Keystone site.
I say we get there soon
before they do what you
know they're gonna do.
- How's the fuckin' cake?
- It's dry.
- Moreau?
- Yeah, locals wouldn't do
that to their own people.
Wait up.
- You okay. Hmm?
It's nice, huh? Hmm?
Sometimes you're lucky,
sometimes you're not.
There you go.
You know that you have to pay
for safe passage
through my territory.
Of course, you gotta ask
your mommy to pay for it.
I know about you.
I know where you come from.
You were born in great privilege
with a silver spoon
in your mouth,
and you come to a
place like Venezuela
and you wanna save lives,
you wanna solve problems.
Makes you feel important,
gives you a sense of purpose.
But idealists like
you don't realize
there are consequences
to your actions.
There is a video on this
phone. It's encrypted.
I need you to unlock it.
- No. You can't make me.
- This is Venezuela. I do
whatever I want, sweetheart.
I'm gonna ask you
again. Unlock it.
Is that a quiver, little one?
You wanna save lives? You
wanna make a difference?
Here's your chance.
- This is a bluff.
You're not gonna do anything.
- Kiko.
- We're still here. And
the phone is not unlocked.
- Bring me who you already know.
- Yes, General.
Look over there.
Look who's over there.
We can do this all night.
- Wait.
Okay. All right.
- Oh, there you go. You see?
You made a difference.
You're a hero.
You made a difference.
Everything is fine, my love.
- Clear over here.
- All this is clear, Cap.
- All right. West,
find high ground.
You two, go with him.
Guapo, you're with me.
- Hey, Davey?
- Hmm.
- You ever bang any of
the broads at the club?
- No, man.
- Why not?
- That was my mom's business.
- Your mother's spot?
- You're blowing my
fuckin' mind right now.
- You mean to tell
me that Danny the Brain
wifed up a stripper?
- That's my mom.
- How did I not know this?
- So he's, uh, he's
in Ukraine, huh?
- Yeah, that's what I heard.
This changes you, man.
Doesn't matter who you are.
I try to keep it light,
but comes for you
when you're sleeping,
real nightmares,
the horrific shit that
grabs you by the throat.
There's a minute
when you wake up
and you don't know
the difference
between the nightmare
and reality.
Your dad got stuck in that spot.
We ain't seen him since.
Your father was a good soldier.
The best tech specialist I knew.
What happened to him
wasn't his fault,
and damn sure wasn't
yours, neither.
- What am I looking at?
- This is the
Keystone black site.
They got narcos, FARC, mercs.
Whatever they got going on
here, it's fuckin' Big Brother.
If they have your niece
anywhere, it's here.
- They're moving the
migrants from the north side.
- Do you see her?
- No, negative.
- All right,
we're ready down here.
- Copy.
Let's get to work.
- They got the whole
place locked down. She's here.
- Copy that.
I counted 11 outside.
No activity indoors.
Two north side
behind the oil site.
That's where they
led the migrants.
- It's late.
Let's not wake them.
Keep your kills quiet.
New guy, you're on
his six. Let's go.
- Copy.
- What are we doing?
- I have zero visibility
on the east side.
- You two go left.
I'll take right. Keep
your kills quiet.
- Sure you wanna do this?
- Let's go get her.
- Start it up.
- Copy that.
Say goodnight, motherfucker.
- Now. Watch my ass, bro.
- I got you.
- Now bye-bye, bitch.
- Left side clear.
- Right side clear.
One tango at the gate. I
got eyes on the package.
- I got one ten
meters from the gate.
- Sorry about that one, G.
- Give her the baby.
Give her the baby and
come with me, Julia.
Julia, it's me.
Look at me, Julia.
Give her the baby.
Give her the baby.
I can't take them.
I cannot take them.
Look at me. Look
at me, sweetheart.
Look at me.
- No.
- We don't have a lot of
time. I cannot take them.
- I can't leave without them.
- Give her the baby!
- Not without them.
- Fuck.
Let's go, quick.
Everything is fine, let's go
with him.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Move, move, move.
- Cap, what
the fuck you doing?
- I don't fuckin' know.
- Get us the fuck
outta here, man.
- Copy that. I got you.
- Come on. What do you see?
- Yeah. Hold on a second.
- Come on.
- Hold on a second.
It's loading.
- Shh, shh.
- Fuck.
- What?
- See all these heat signature?
That's all around us.
Especially the south.
- Fuck.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
One of them told me they
were taken away from a camp.
This one right here.
- How far?
That's like
a 20-hour hike.
- Fuck.
- Gunner?
- I need you to keep 'em
quiet, okay? And calm.
I'm gonna get 'em out, but
you need you to help me.
- What are we doing, Cap?
We're gonna get these
people to safety,
and we're gonna get the
fuck outta this country.
Yeah? All of us.
Let's all go in line,
Let's walk for a while.
- Fucking Gunner.
Sir, you got a minute?
I need you to see this.
Afghan casing, modified tip,
made by a guy I know who runs
his shipping outfit in Miami.
And guess what?
Gunner uses him.
- He's got the girl.
How do you think he
plans to get out of this?
- Well, he could
have air support,
but with the Narcos,
the FARC and the rebels
changing positions daily, I
mean, it's damn near impossible
to set an extraction point.
But sir, truth be told, I, uh,
I don't think he
really has a plan yet.
I think his plan was just
to get in, grab the girl,
and cowboy it from there.
- Is she all right?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Okay.
Hey, you okay?
That was intense, huh?
- You wanna ask me something?
- Yeah, uh, I don't know.
I mean, you're, you're down here
trying to really change things,
and they told me
you have a video.
What was it?
- It was the last piece of
a story I was working on.
But it, it's gone.
- Well, you never know.
Maybe we can get it back.
All right.
- Fucking dipshit.
- Fuck.
You all right?
- We're like the fuckin'
Make a Wish Foundation.
I mean, I get it
with your niece,
but the whole fuckin' village?
- I meant, are you hot.
- It is the right
thing to do, but-
- But what?
- It's definitely the
wrong thing to do.
- Come on.
- This is crazy.
- Go ahead.
- Look at that.
- What's the move, G?
- I don't know yet.
David, come up here.
- Talk to me. What
are we looking at?
- I mean, the
area's super active.
And they're here, here,
here. It's, it's all over.
- Right.
- Um, Gunner, this man
wants to speak to you.
- So this guy's
a former soldier.
He says he wants to help
in any way possible.
- Ask him how we get
the fuck outta here.
Extraction, another country.
- So Luis has a cousin,
has a boat near Caracas,
and there's a way to get,
you know, to the ocean.
That would be it. He
can take us in his van.
- You trust him?
- Fuck no. But what
choice do we have?
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay. Gracias.
- Want some food? Some water.
- Grab some water.
- Feed these people.
- Yes.
- Check out that van.
- Yes, sir.
- All right, man.
You want us to, uh, you want
us to drop you off anywhere?
- Fuck no. I'm gonna
finish the op.
- I asked you to help
me grab my niece,
and you did that, brother.
- Yeah, you were supposed to
grab your niece and leave,
and you saved all
those people there,
so I thought you
didn't give a fuck.
- Don't tell anyone.
- I won't.
- I don't have any
more money, Guapo.
- I'm not asking for more money.
Let's get the fuck outta here.
- You playing Street
Fighter on that thing?
- No.
But it's actually a
really fun game called
see how many laws I can
break without getting caught
while trying to recover
encrypted lost data.
- What the fuck does that mean?
- Her video, got deleted.
Trying to get it back.
- You can find her video?
- Sure as shit trying.
- Really?
- Hey, Guapo.
When's the last time
you were at Caracas?
- Probably when
I saved your ass.
I don't go there anymore.
It's changed.
It's a dark place now, man.
It used to be beautiful.
People were happy.
We called it La Tierra
de Gracia,
the Land of Grace.
Now it's the most dangerous
place in the world.
You'll see.
- You.
Where'd they go?
Where did they go?
No? Huh.
I'm gonna ask you again.
Huh? Oh, I see.
You're a proud one, huh?
All right. Okay.
- Senorita, por favor,
give her the baby.
it's going to be okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's fine.
It's okay.
You see? You see that?
Does everybody understand now?
The next one goes into the baby.
- So my mom finally swallowed
her pride and asked for help?
- She just showed up at
my house 10 years later.
- You know what she's
doing down here, don't you?
- I know some of
what she's doing.
She's involved in
some heavy shit
with some very, very bad people.
- You know those bad people?
- I know some of
those bad people.
They used to be
on the right side.
- Oh fuck. Please.
What right fuckin' side?
I, I've seen so much
bullshit and corruption
since I've been here.
There is no right side.
- Well, none of my business.
Regardless of how I
feel about your mother,
I mean, she's, she's just a cog
in a, in a fucked up
machine down here.
She's a smart lady.
She's very smart, but
she's not that smart.
She had no idea what she was
getting herself into down here.
That, I know.
And she certainly had no idea
that you were gonna be involved.
- What happened
between the two of you?
And why didn't you
come and see me?
- When your father died, I,
a piece of me died.
Everything fell
apart. Everything.
And she didn't want
me to see you anymore.
And I listened.
I regret that every
single day of my life.
I know you're mad at her, and
I know you're disappointed,
but regardless of how you
feel, she is your mother.
She loves you very, very much.
- I know.
- Holy shit, guys, I got it.
- What do you mean?
- The, the, the interview.
- How?
- No offense to
anyone in this van,
but no one here would understand
if I even began to explain this.
But I, I have the thing. It's
right here in front of me.
Bunch of encrypted stuff
that I have to get into,
but this is the video, right?
- Yeah, that's it.
That's the one.
- You don't want to
watch it and make sure?
- I don't need to
see that again.
- I'm good.
- Let me see. Yeah.
- Fede, tell, tell
them that we're leaving.
We're going, we're
gonna go right now.
We're going right
now. We're leaving.
Fe, tell them that
we're leaving.
- Just tell them
that we're gonna go.
- Fuck.
- They're talking about
your mother there.
It's Roman and Moreau, too, Cap.
That's what this whole
thing is about, huh?
- Yeah.
- You got your story back.
- Now you have to decide
what you're gonna do with it.
- Where's he going?
- He says he's gonna
take care of the boat.
I don't know.
Looking for someone.
I don't like this.
- Fuckin'
sitting ducks here.
- He says we stay here tonight.
- No, no, I wanna go
to the boat tonight.
- All right, all right.
He says city's at
war. He's not lying.
He says this is where we
should spend the night.
First thing in the
morning, we go to the boat.
- Says the place
belongs to his family.
Your call.
- You tell him he
better be fuckin' right.
- Are you sure?
- Don't worry this place is
- Let's go.
- All right, listen up.
Tomorrow, first
thing in the morning,
we go to Santa Ines,
10 clicks north.
There'll be a boat
waiting for you guys.
Take it to Curacao.
- Good.
- Okay.
- Rest a little.
- Bye.
- Where's he going?
- Sleeps in the room next door.
- No. No, he sleeps here.
All right, you
guys stay up here.
Guapo and I'll take
the beds down there.
- I got first watch, Cap.
- All right.
Get some rest.
- Hey, uh, do you mind if I...
- No, that's fine.
- Now, watch your
hands, bro.
- You guys, man,
you're all the, you're
all the fuckin' same.
You guys, my dad,
just a bunch of,
bunch of cavemen.
You just want to blow shit up
and swing your dicks around.
Hey, you guys got kids?
- No.
- No?
- Potentially.
Nothing confirmed.
- All right.
Should keep it that way.
- Why you being so sensitive?
We're just fuckin'
with you, man.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
Definitely Danny's boy.
Definitely Danny's boy.
Where you going?
- Goin' to take a piss.
You wanna hold it for me?
- Hurry the fuck back.
- I like that kid.
Be quiet.
- You wish to leave
You're just a boy. But you think
you're a man.
You are still yellow inside.
They will not let you leave
without their blessing.
Do you see? They watch us.
We breathe their breath.
In the name of almighty God
I save you from the fires that
live here.
From the shotguns...
the knives...
The evil that dwells just
beneath our city's fingernails.
- David.
- Julia, are you okay?
- I got the room!
- I got the hall!
Get 'em out!
- We gotta get the
fuck outta here.
Come on.
- Come on, buddy, come on.
Hey, hey, hey. Come here.
- Come on.
Let's go. Move, move.
- Come on, go.
- Go, go, go, go!
- Go! Go!
- Move, move, move.
Get the fuck out!
- Move, move!
- Let's go,
let's go, let's go!
- Come on!
- Let's go, let's go!
Come on, come on.
- I got your six.
I'm right behind you.
- Stay with me. Get on me!
- Go!
Oh baby, let's
go, one more time.
Fuck you!
- Let's go.
- Let's go, let's go,
let's go, move!
Everything is ok
- Anyone else hit?
You good?
- Mm-hmm.
Everyone you see is
a fucking threat.
These people are in
the middle of a war,
and we're in it now.
As soon as the sun comes up,
we're gonna be
exposed and fucked.
Extraction point is
St. Ines. Map it.
- Looks like there's a,
a pedestrian bridge
around that corner,
and it leads us right into
the heart of the city.
It's the only way to
the extraction point.
We have to go right through it.
- Julie and David, you
stay in the middle.
I'm gonna take the
point with West.
Guapo get the six.
Let's go to the water.
- Yes, sir.
Guapo, right!
- Veer right, go
to the bridge. Go.
Go, go!
- Clear.
- Let's go, let's go.
Move, move!
- How we doing, Major?
- 10 minutes out.
- Copy. What
about Gunner and the girl?
- He has the girl.
- He got away?
- They're on the move.
- How's it going, Matty?
- Going just fine, sir.
Thanks for asking.
No, I'm glad the, the
major could arrange
this, uh, reunion.
- It's my pleasure.
- I told him it was a waste
of time to keep you alive,
that you weren't gonna talk.
But here we are.
It was important for me
to see you off, though.
- That's very kind
to you, sir.
- Matty, you know they're
gonna do it their way,
so just gimme something,
something I can hang my hat on.
- I got nothing to give you sir.
- Matty.
Come on, man.
- Ah, Matty,
just got the word they're going
off the beach in St. Ines.
- Beach. I like the beach.
- Bye, Matty.
- Hey, before you go.
I saw the video.
I gotta say, camera
work was kind of shaky.
That's right.
Yeah, we know what you're
up to down here.
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you!
- You guys, you're getting
the fuck outta here.
I'm gonna pull 'em off you.
We'll meet at the water, yeah?
- What about Matty?
- Matty's gone, brother.
I want you to listen to every
fuckin' word they say to you.
Do you understand?
You remember how to use this?
You sure?
- Yes.
- All right, good
girl. You'll be okay.
You take care of her.
Okay? Countin' on you.
I'm proud of you.
You good?
- For fame and fortune.
- Hey, hold up.
Now listen, you
two, you stay close.
You don't shoot
unless you have to.
- Copy.
- Understand?
- Yes sir.
- It's too fucking quiet.
They're coming.
- Let's get the fuck outta here.
- Go, go, go, move!
- You good?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You Good, David? Is he dead?
Is he fuckin' dead?
- Yeah.
We gotta keep moving.
- All right, let's go.
Let's go. Go, go, go.
- Go.
- Go.
- Hey David, tell me
where the fuck we're at.
Oh my God.
Are you, are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It went right through.
- We just keep going
north two clicks,
and then we'll hit the water.
- You good?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
You're okay. You're okay?
Come on, come on, come on.
Let's go!
translate: huele or libertado
- It's Gunner. He's
pulling us off the girl.
- He's ready to die.
Help him do that, Major.
- Where are you
- Tell his
men to stand down.
- Hey Gunner.
I'm coming in.
I'm alone. I'm unarmed.
You have my word.
- You try anything,
and I'm going to shoot you.
- It's been a long
time, brother.
- A lot of years.
- Hmm.
So this girl, she, uh,
she really got to you, huh?
I sure hope the pussy was good.
- That girl
is my niece, asshole.
- Your niece?
- My niece.
- Wow, uh, holy shit.
Sure is a small world, ain't it?
- What you doing down
here is fucked up, Major.
- It's fucked up?
- Really fucked up.
- Hmm.
- That's not why I'm here.
It's none of my business.
- Oh yeah?
Well, you made it your business,
just like in Kandahar.
And all you have to show
for it is in three slugs,
center mass.
Take a look around, G.
There's nowhere to go.
This ends here.
- Oh, I ain't going anywhere.
- Hmm.
- 'Cause ever since you put
those three slugs in my chest,
I've been thinking
about this day, Major.
- Oh.
- I brought you here.
I'm gonna leave you here.
- Wow.
- It's been a long day, Gunner.
How about you get some sleep.
- Hey guys.
- You good?
- Yeah, yeah.
The water is, it's right behind
that treeline over there.
- Then we gotta move.
- I'm gonna stay, bro.
This is my home.
Hey, make sure they
get outta here.
- I will.
- See you around, kid.
Let's go.
Get down.
Stay here and cover me.
Fuck you!
Stay behind me.
- No, no, no, no, no!
- Yo' kid!
Kid, look at me. You okay?
Hey, look at me, okay?
Look at me.
- Hey, don't fuckin' die on me.
- Hey, West. Little
guy saved your ass.
- Yeah, you fuckin' did, bro.
- Keep pressure on it.
- Okay.
- Keep pressure on
it. Hey, I got you.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
- Julia.
- Julia! Fuck.
- Ah, sometimes you're
lucky, sometimes you're not.
I am gonna be in your dreams.
In your dreams.
You tell your mother!
Guapo, where are they?
- Right behind the tree. The,
the water was right there.
- All of them?
- All of them.
Good man. Good man.
Come on. Let's go.
I got you. Come on.
- No, no, hey, I'm the
one that saves your ass.
- Come on man. Come on.
- Hey.
I'm staying.
- You sure?
- Thank you.
Did I ever tell you
about my nickname?
- I thought your
nickname was Guapo.
- No, you fucker.
Guapo's my real name.
Guapo Fernandez.
My nickname man is
- I still don't
speak Spanish, man.
What the fuck does that mean?
- Big ass dick.
Get the fuck outta here.
- Hey, thank you.
- You good? You okay?
How bad?
- Went right through, but fuck.
Don't look like much
of a beach, Gunner.
- Yeah.
Get him up.
Come on.
Thank you very much.
The boat's about to leave.
- Here.
- What are you gonna
do with that thing?
- I'm gonna give her a choice.
Either she'll tell
the truth, or I will.
- Okay. And we're
live in three, two.
Senator Peterson,
can you tell us why you've
invited us into your home?
- Well, I've
recently resigned
from my position as Senator
of the State of California.
I've made some mistakes, and
my plan is to rectify them
now that I have my daughter
happily back home again.
- And the
mistakes you've mentioned,
the allegations of corruption
regarding the oil and gas
industry in South America.
- Well, there will
be legal proceedings
and the allegations
will be addressed.
And I am willing to submit
to any and all punishment
that those inquiries result in,
in needing to have happen.
And your daughter,
how does it feel
to have her back?
- I am ecstatic to
have my daughter home.
- And Julia,
how does it feel to be home?
- It's good to be home.