Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977) Movie Script
Next June you're supposed to be
graduating college... not high school.
You were supposed to write an essay
about personal conflict.
Obviously, most of you never hoped
to write anything more literate...
...than a personal cheque.
This paper is an exception.
At least, it's legible.
May I?
'The last time I went to confession
I was fifteen.'
'The booth was dark and hot.'
'Of the seven deadly sins
I was guilty of three:'
'Envy and lust for my sister's fault.'
'I envied her beauty and
lusted for her boyfriends.'
'I was afraid to confess and afraid not to.'
'I felt no contrition, not even shame.'
'I still felt the same lust.'
'Was it in my mind...'
'... or my body?'
Miss Dunn.
Miss Dunn.
You're alright?
It's my back.
Oh, it's nothing, professor Engle. Really.
For your next assignment...
Describe an irrepressable temptation
and what you did about it.
It's me.
Why can't you take him
to the Christmas play?
He's your son, too.
It's always an emergency.
No. No, no. What you really mean is...
...a doctor's indispensable,
a teacher is ridiculous.
And you... You want to be a teacher?
- Huh... It's ridiculous.
I like kids.
Why not? You don't have any.
Why do you want to waste your time
correcting the drivel of other students?
It can't be for the wages I pay.
Practically every girl in class wants this job.
Without pay. Just to b...be here.
But I chose you. You know why?
Because you're the only girl in class...
...who knows syntax and grammar,
and can spell.
And that's the only reason.
That bad, huh?
You should've told me.
- Isn't it obvious?
Nothing about you is obvious.
Till this morning I didn't know
that you were catholic...
...or that you had a sister...
...or that you were a dragon lady
filled with envy and lust.
So... your back.
How'd it happen?
Car accident?
Polio, when I was six.
It left me with a limp till I was eleven.
That's when they operated
to straighten my spine.
Scoliosis, they said.
From the polio.
After that...
I came home wearing a plaster cast.
They put me on a bed, downstairs...
...in our living-room...
...where everyone can watch.
Day and night.
For one whole year and two days.
They prayed a lot.
It was God's will, they said.
I never did understand what
terrible thing I did, you know...
...to make God so angry?
Poor little baby...
- No.
No... I hate people being sorry.
I was only trying to comfort you.
I'd rather be seduced than comforted.
A perfect opening to your essay
on temptation.
'How I Lost My Virginity'
Despite the sexual revolution...
...not all married men are swingers.
...between teacher and student...
...is improper...
...and unbelievably tempting.
So easy to yield...
How many lovers have you...
- Does it matter?
Confession might be good for the soul...
...but it's bad for sex.
Oh, my God... Oh, my...
Oh... dear God...
Don't... It's ugly.
I love you... oh, I love you.
I'm not sure that aspirin
is the remedy for your problem.
God, no...
Did I hurt you?
- No. Uh, no.
Well-why did you stop?
Did you...?
Is it over?
I'll be late for class.
- Oh.
It was... just...
...so nice....
Next time fireworks.
This time it was a little,
uh, premature.
Was it me?
Was it my fault? Did I...
...do something wrong? or something...
It's just, uh...
...I never had a virgin before.
You are now a fallen woman.
Thank God.
Hi, Tom.
Hi. Katherine's come home.
More beautiful than ever.
Why can't she be home for Christmas?
- Oh, you stop that.
A family should be together.
- She'll be in Puerto Rico...
Your sister's home.
- ... on business.
What kind of business?
- Stewardess business.
What the hell else?
- She flies Chicago-NY-Chicago...
What's in Puerto Rico?
Look... uh... For God sake's.
Would somebody answer that telephone?
Katherine told you and I told you...
...it's a charter flight.
Wha... What the hell happened?
- Hello?
Are you deaf?
That's the FBI.
...cleaning up the scum of the earth.
Get them surrounded most of the time...
What's keeping your sister?
In a minute, Poppa.
You oughtta see her underware.
- Katherine. Phone.
Did you see the presents she brought?
Yeah... generous poor thing.
How can you drink before driving?
Like this.
Can you baby-sit tonight?
- I got a class tonight.
Who is it?
- It's Dennis O'Brian.
Not now.
I said hang up.
Dennis the menace...
He's her husband.
- Was, woman, was.
No divorce for us.
- Annulled.
Do you have any Valium? Cody?
Oh. If I don't take something soon
I'm gonna soon jump out of my skin.
Why did you and Dennis break up?
Dennis? Oh, there was nothing
he wouldn't do for me. Nothing.
But he drove me crazy, I mean...
I just wanted to scream
all the time, he was...
...so dull and... boring.
His eyes were always begging.
It can't get annulled for that.
So you lie and...
I'm a mess.
Whatever I do,
nothing turns out right.
Oh, except you, Katherine...
Oh, you... you're perfect.
You've perfect hair, perfect teeth,
perfect legs...
You name it, you got it.
You got everything.
Look, you 747 in here, packed
in gifts like Santa Claus and...
Maybe... I'm in trouble.
I'm in real... trouble.
For the past six, seven months...
...I've been living with a man...
...well, actually two men.
One in Chicago and one in New York.
The real problem is...
that I'm pregnant.
Oh, Kathy...
I don't even know if it was
Chicago or New York.
You'll be late for the plane.
Anyway, I'm getting rid of it in Puerto Rico.
There's a place the girls go.
I told Pa I had to work a charter.
If he ever found out, he'd kill me.
- He'd never believe it.
Oh, I'm sorry to lay all this on you.
You're my Rock of Gibraltar,
you really are.
Ever since the polio. The whole family
gave up, even Father Timothy...
But you...
...you never even cry. Not once.
You're the rock, baby.
Ma, Pa, Brigid... they all think
I pee perfume.
Well, you know, I'm a little fleak...
...and you never blame me.
We all need somebody who won't blame us.
Do I look... okay?
When teaching a deaf child,
you must always remember...
...not to have the light shining in their face.
Always remember to speak to the
children in a normal tone of voice...
...and face them.
Never allow yourself to become impatient
or angry with the children.
How do you get their attention?
By tapping on the table, and
if you are at a distance...
...by blinking the lights.
Superb. Perfection. Poetry in motion.
But... do you love me?
Don't do that.
People who tiptoe and not being
considerate are begging for attention.
There's some last minute shopping.
Uh... Merry Christmas.
It's a, uh, a pipe.
Christmas? It's commercialized crap.
If you want to celebrate the birth
of Jesus, do it at church.
See you after the holidays.
1975 has just become history.
It was only five years ago that
10000 women marched for liberation.
They carried books, science...
...and babies.
They called for free abortion...
...equal education, equal job and
pay opportunities.
And... sexual freedom.
This was to be 'The decade of the Dames'
Nobody's home. They all went
to the Knight of Columbus Party.
Where are you?
You're married?
I thought you went for an abortion.
Yeah... I'm sure he's terrific but
if you just met him on the plane...
...two days ago... Huh?
Of course, I'm happy.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
Is he nice?
Is he also catholic? Uh...
Uh-huh... uh-huh...
Then you'd better break the news
to Poppa yourself, huh?
Happy New Year to you, too.
Both of you.
Hey. What's his name?
Hello? Katherine...?
Happy New Year.
You wanna be my fella? Uh? Do you?
- Martin?
- Happy New...
Hello? Hello?
How could you make such a call?
What, were you drunk? Goofed up?
What the hell were you thinking of?
Nothing. Nothing... nothing
ever happened between us.
And if it does again...
...it still never happened.
Do you understand?
I will not be compromised.
Not here on campus, not at my home...
...not at work.
I will not leave my wife.
I will not allow her to be hurt...
...by an occasional afternoon roll... uh
It might be, uh, better for...
...both of us, all around, if, uh...
...if we forgot we ever, uh...
...if we never again...
Aw, Christ.
Oh, yes... yes... yes.
They're here.
Patrick, put on your coat.
They're here. Katherine and... him.
He don't look Jewish...
- You can always tell by the nose.
What's he driving?
Mercedes Benz.
Wait till you see her fur coat.
- They're out of church wedding...
Mink. Down to here.
- ... they're living in sin.
- Thanks.
Oh. Poppa. I love you.
Be nice to him, huh?
Get the phone.
Hello? Who is it?
Happy Easter.
Happy Pass Over.
You must be...
- Theresa.
Must be married...
Honey, when a guy won't give his name...
Mrs. Dunn.
Hi, Ma.
Mr. Dunn.
Just don't ever call me 'Dad'.
Baby. Baby.
How'd you get away?
I wonder... why is it after we make love...
...we never talk... or touch...
...or, anything?
Now you're angry.
I am not angry.
- Disappointed?
I'm not disappointed.
I just can't stand a woman's company
right after I've fucked her.
Good Morning.
You alright?
Nothing wrong at school?
Guess what?
I'm pregnant again.
Number two on the way.
My mother had four.
All boys, all perfect.
Five, Poppa...
You always forget Aunt Maureen.
God rest her soul and forgive her.
- Forgive what?
What'd she do? Poppa?
How the hell you expect me
to eat runny eggs?
I can't even stand the look at runny eggs.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Thank you.
Theresa, will you interpret today?
Huh? Oh, okay.
So, it's good-bye.
At least, until summer school begins.
I envy your first teaching experience.
If those children are going to learn to read...
...to write, to understand...
...maybe even to speak...
...you're their only real hope.
If you can teach a deaf child...
...you have touched God.
To Joe and Sylvia,
married this afternoon.
Where are you going on your honeymoon?
Las vegas.
- Don't lose too much money.
Yes, dear. It'll all fit in the car.
I hate summer vacations,
I hate fishing, I hate the beach.
Reference books, uh,
dictionnary, notes...
...carbon paper. Cheque. Cheque. Ah.
Your last cheque, paid in full,
except for my gratitude.
When do I see you?
Who's taking my place?
No one can take your place.
You're the most dedicated...
...most efficient...
Just the same, you'll find someone else.
There's always...
...someone else.
Now that you fucked her...
...you probably can't stand her either.
It's not very sporting from a mistress
of a married man to be jealous.
I can't help it.
And who ever said that love is a sport?
Ahhh, yes... Love.
What happened? What did I do?
- Is my breath bad?
Do I use the wrong toothpaste?
- Stop it.
Is my sex too straight?
Tell me what you want.
- Oh.
It's over, that's all.
We had a long, fine thing together.
Now it's time we moved on. Both of us.
Blood pressure dropping.
- Anybody notified the family?
On the way.
- It's her spine.
Immediate surgery.
- Without X-rays?
No time.
Don't touch her.
- I love her...
Show him out. He's contaminating.
- It's my fault, all my fault.
Poor thing...
I told you.
- It was God's will.
Is she covered by insurance,
Blue Cross or hard cash?
I want a catholic doctor.
Congratulations, your daughter
has a beautiful body.
Runs in the family.
My mother had four. All boys.
All perfect.
Is she in pain?
- Not yet.
She's only two months pregnant.
- No.
Ah, yes... Love.
Hey, baby.
Still in the first grade?
I graduate this day.
Who is it?
- Katherine?
Oh, hi, hon. Come on up.
- No, it's my 'sick-easter'.
Hey, hey... That's expensive grass.
Gang, I want you to meet real class.
Theresa, a teacher for deaf kids.
How do you like the place, huh?
It's beautiful. You're all beautiful.
A drag of the best?
- Oh... no...
Katy said she couldn't live
any place else but here...
Well, I can't live without her.
But the place wasn't for rent.
So, we bought the whole damned building.
So, if you ever need an
unfurnished department...
...or a brilliant lawyer...
Yeah... I'll rob a bank.
No, no, no... For schoolteachers
named Terry, half price.
Oh, I like that, hon.
'Saint Theresa' by day and...
...'Swing Terry' by night.
To Terry... hmm... by night.
Like old movies?
Mmm... yes, I love them.
Let's watch the kiddies play.
Well, so you're alive, are you?
All in one piece, are you?
Where the hell have you been
all night? Well?
Katherine's place.
- Liar.
She's away for the summer.
Do you want me to call her?
Do you?
Liar. I called Brigid. I called the
police. I called the hospitals.
You're so damned busy whoring around
you can't spare one minute to call?
I should have. But I couldn't.
- Yeah. But you didn't.
I couldn't.
He was afraid something happened.
Not knowing what to do, where to go...
You're alright?
I'll fix breakfast.
- Ma...
I'm sorry for all the trouble.
I didn't think.
Well, you think of this, then:
As long as you live in this house,
you'll live by the rules of this house.
You understand?
Do you understand?
- Yes, Poppa.
Go on, go. Go fix breakfast.
All right now, before I'm accused of
being a tyrant, or...
...by the way, I'm not breaking
any of the rules of the woman's...
...holy crusade to burn the brassieres?
- No, Poppa.
Fine, allright.
Because I walked to school.
I worked in a coal yard
every day after school.
And all day Saturday.
Twelve dollars a week...
...out of which I kept two cents a day
to put in the poor bags, on Sunday.
The rest of the money...
- You gave your mother.
That's right. Which is more
than I ever asked you to do.
But you, it's been food free.
Thread and clothes free.
Medicine free. TV. Telephone.
What the hell is this supposed to mean?
You're right.
I can't live here by your rules...
And I can't... so it's time I went.
Went? Went where? With who? On what?
Alone. My place. My money. My rules.
Aww... alone in magger's paradise.
Well, that's great. Now, we can worry
about you day and night.
Aw, make sense girl. Be yourself.
I can't stay here and be myself.
Your own mucky self, is it?
If it wasn't yourself, what the hell
have you been around here?
What you wanted me to be.
You're not Katherine, you know?
Not by a long shot.
Bye, Poppa.
You'll never make it alone.
She's here now.
Yeah, yeah... last night, too. We had...
We had sort of a party.
Well, of course she'll pay her own rent.
Aw, Pa... would I lie to you?
Her teaching job starts next week.
Summer school... (right? )
Yeah, of course,
I'll keep an eye on her.
Yeah, I love you too. Bye-bye.
First month's rent.
What you need, first and most...
...is a bed.
A bed big enough for everything.
...some signs look alike but...
...enjoy... hands open.
Class dismissed.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
My name is Miss Dunn.
Thank you. Once again, please, and speak.
My name is Daniel.
Very good, Daniel.
And... your name?
My name is Bonnie.
Thank you, Bonnie.
I am Daniel Tu.
Excelent. But 'too' is spelled 'T-O-O'.
Your family name is 'Tu'...
I'm sorry, I apologize.
Daniel Tu, right?
No name? No name?
Maybe she's dumb.
Oh, no, no, no. Deaf, not dumb.
Dumb means stupid.
You, all of you, are very bright students.
Oh, thank you. Amy?
Now, every name has a special meaning.
Daniel means 'judge'.
Bonnie means 'very good'.
And Amy, means...
...'beloved'. That means...
...that everyone loves that person.
One minute, wait.
Did you forget your hearing aid?
Okay, well, use the school's, okay?
Right. Very good, Bonnie, very good.
After we see how good you are
at spelling, then we'll play...
...a game with numbers. Okay?
I like your name.
You don't have to write it...
...but, please?
Okay, everybody, it's time to go.
Bye bye.
U-Uh... you forgot, Daniel.
Let's go.
- Ah, are you Amy's brother? I'm...
I don't read that mess.
Wonderful, Amy.
I love you too.
Let's go.
...and say it.
That's better... that's pretty good.
We're going to try again, now...
That's very good, okay. Now...
Yeah, I've seen the movie.
Al Pacino is something, huh?
You alone?
Come here a lot?
You're okay.
With most of the others you never talk,
you know, but you're okay.
Ha ha.
I'm gonna make you an offer
you can't refuse.
Ha. Oh, really?
You'd want me in your bed, right?
- Yeah?
Why can't I refuse, huh?
Well, you'd be passing up
the best fuck of your life.
Okay, well... uh...
...in that case...
Hey, Frankie.
Hey, man, how's business?
I'll catch you later.
See you in September.
- Bye-bye, Daniel.
Bye, Erin.
Have a nice summer.
- Happy vacation to you.
See you after Labor Day.
- Oh, okay.
Amy, these are cookies, for you.
My name is Miss Dunn.
My name is Miss Dunn.
Yeah, you did it. You spoke.
That's wonderful, Amy.
That's wonderful.
Now, let's try it again.
She did it. She spoke.
Let's go.
This afternoon, do you think
she could stay with me?
Today is... sort of a special day,
for both of us.
Rules. Rules, Mrs. Jackson.
- I'm late.
When you and the children live on welfare...
Animals in the zoo live better.
- ... is not enough for the three of you.
So your man friend has to leave.
- The man stays.
They'll cut off your welfare...
...and without welfare,
you cannot support your children.
You try to raise two kids.
Their father went someplace...
I don't know where are the rules.
You try working all day and
half the night out there...
...with your damn rules.
Now, I got a right to something.
And that something is that man.
And that man stays.
Honey, where've you been?
You scared your momma half to death.
Oh, you got a pretty thing...
Mrs. Jackson, I'm--
- Now what?
She's the teacher, Momma.
My boy said she talked.
See, honey? Somebody up there loves you.
We'll have a nice long talk in the morning.
Mrs. Jackson, excuse me...
If--if Amy had her own hearing aid,
I know they're very expensive...
...but at school, she'd learn so much faster.
And at home, she wouldn't be shut out.
Can you imagine what it'd be like
for her to hear laughter?
Ain't heard it lately myself.
Hey, you're a nice lady.
But you heard the man...
He pulls the plug.
No welfare. No school. Nothing.
Well, Mrs. Jackson's got a lover...
...so what? You and your welfare got
something against--
I don't care if she's got fifty lovers...
...but if one of them starts
living off her welfare...
Little Amy goes down the drain, right?
Look, why are you hanging this on me?
- Because you're pulling the strings.
Love will find a way, right?
You care about Amy?
Why do you think I work in welfare?
- Okay, okay, why?
Because I'm a lousy liberal,
I want to save the world.
Oh, come on, screw the world.
Save Amy.
I don't make the rules.
- You make the report?
Yeah, but I report the truth.
- All right, then, lie.
The end justifies the means, right?
If it means Amy stays in school, yes.
Uh, Miss? I'd like to see you again.
What for?
Where are you?
Oh... I don't feel very well...
I couldn't drive anymore.
Is it cold? I'm so cold.
Oh. My Rock of Gibraltar.
You know, the last time I was a mess...
...but this doctor was supposed to be
the best safecracker in the business.
Isn't that a perfect name for an abortionist?
Did you tell Barney?
- But he's crazy in love with you.
He doesn't even know me.
Oh, it started out just great.
No matter what we did...
...everything was great.
Every day was special.
And then... one day...
...we couldn't talk.
We couldn't talk or...
even look at each other.
So, we... we joined the crowd.
Booze, happy dust, uppers, downers...
Last night, I woke up...
...in a room full of naked asses.
Mine was one of them.
I guess that's all I've ever been...
Just another piece of ass.
- No.
Presently living with a man?
- No.
How frequently do you have intercourse?
Does it matter?
- Yes. There are several methods...
Diaphragm, IUD, pill...
- I just wanna make sure of one thing.
No kids.
- Yes.
May I ask why?
- No.
Good morning, class.
- Good morning, Miss Dunn.
Good morning, Miss Dunn.
Oh. It's a wonderful morning, Amy.
It's a wonderful morning. Come on.
Good evening.
How's little Amy Jackson?
Oh. Hey.
All she needed was a chance
and your lie gave it to her.
Well, I didn't exactly lied.
Just didn't tell the whole truth.
I don't know, I just don't know,
a new hearing aid...
I don't know how you got it or where
but really... thanks a lot.
Thank Child Welfare.
- Yeah, well, so, uh...
So... how about dinner?
I'm taking you, okay?
Listen, we'd better move it.
They eat by the clock.
I know he was a catholic.
He studied for the priesthood.
Gave it up when his father died...
...to support his sickly mother.
They all live in the same house.
If he got to Notre Dame...
...he could have been canonized.
Your father is an incredible character.
- Yup.
Your mother's a fabulous cook.
I bet you're a great cook.
I hate cooking.
I hate baseball, basketball...
...and specially, Notre Dame football.
I hate jokes. Irish, polish, italian...
I hate jokes, period.
Are you upset?
- No. I'm not upset.
What is it? Me?
Something I said? Something I did?
- Nothing.
I know someone else who said
the same thing once.
I just realized how funny it was.
Looking for me?
Tony Lo Panto.
Sonja Katerina Raskolnikov.
Well, that's okay.
I knew a secretary once, named...
...named... Sonia... something.
She used to cry all the time,
even when she was happy.
Yeah? I never cry, even when I'm sad.
- Yeah, it's a God's truth.
Nobody tells the truth. Ever.
Well, maybe it's better that way.
Yeah, that's the friggin' truth.
- Yeah.
What is this? You a Bible freak?
It was a different book the last time we met.
When we met where?
- Here.
Here. Well, I mean, not exactly...
...'met'. You were, uh...
...you were with a blonde.
- Hmmm...
You noticed, uh?
- Yeah...
You were... you were doing...
...you were doing that.
What? Are you putting me on?
Uh? Oh, no, no...
No, I'm just feeling really good.
Does the wine don't hurt either?
- No...
The wine don't hurt.
You said there was a party.
So where's the party, uh?
You liked that, uh?
- Mmmm... yeah.
Man is a...
...a wonderful thing. Yeah.
It--it's still hard.
Why did you stop?
What's the hurry?
How can you hold back?
What are you doing? What--?
Oh, very clever books, you know.
Myself, I care for poems.
- Oh...
Guys always make passes
at girls with bare asses.
You'll never have a nack
till you make it with a black.
Where did you read that?
In the subway toilette.
Kill the light.
Scare you, huh?
Turns you on, too, don't it?
Knowing you can't stop it, knowing...
...you can't run.
Just waiting for it to happen.
Heart pumping a mile a minute, right?
Damn right.
Have you killed anybody?
In Vietnam.
Is that where you got these?
Where do you think? Miami Beach?
It's a rotten thing.
- Naahh...
Got me out of the war.
You don't get enough, uh?
Hey, what's that?
- What?
Why? Does it bother you?
- No, no.
Cheek to cheek.
You like that?
In case we fell asleep.
- So?
So you'd leave before morning.
Oh, what's that? A house rule?
The only one.
So, what happens in the morning?
- Work.
Oh, yeah? Who is he?
- Right.
Can be... milkman...
- Right, right.
Some guy that pays the rent?
Comes daylight work.
I gotta be alone.
Nothing--nothing personal.
Who said I want to stay?
You expect me to believe that alone crap?
Work... What kinda work?
I'm a teacher.
First grade.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
Teacher of little kids
cruising crummy bars?
Jesus Christ.
No wonder this country's all screwed up.
But you liked it, uh?
You're the greatest.
I'll keep in touch.
Sunday night, six sharp.
You just be here.
Okay? Sonja...'Bologna'
Hey, hey...
Your fly is open.
Of course... I gotta go to work, too.
God. I don't believe it.
I don't-- I don't believe it.
Those letters make air rush out.
Now, say it.
Very good.
I want you to think of words...
...that make the air rush out.
Punch. Punch. Punch.
No, no, no...
Too much 'punch, punch, punch.'
I want you to try 'help'.
Help. Help. Help.
- Yeah... better.
And then, this perfect little gentleman...
...comes out with the word 'fuck'.
- That must have burst the baloon.
So I told him to find another word.
Then he said that he tried 'love'.
But 'love' wouldn't move the baloon.
- Never has.
So, I told him 'happy'
would move the baloon. He said...
...is 'happy' the same as 'fuck'?
Not with my husband.
Oh, ha ha, I see...
Anyway, it is over. Finished. The end.
Tonight, Acapulco...
...tomorrow, I am free.
- Does Poppa know?
Oh, yeah. Naturally,
he blamed it on Barney.
As for a catholic getting divorced,
he said I wasn't married in church...
...so it wasn't a marriage in the first place.
How did Barney take it?
Barney? Oh. Barney took it real hard.
He's already shagged up with
a teeny bopper with a maxi mouth...
...a mini brain, dirty feet.
Oh, yes. They also have...
...his and her towels, his and her...
...hairdryers, his and her vibrators.
Here lies love.
And lies and lies and lies...
- I'll be right down.
Listen. Anything you want...
Take it, just...
...take it all.
Stay loose, baby.
James who?
Of course, I've been keeping busy.
I'm busy right now.
Frankly, I haven't even had time
to think of food.
Well... uh...
Can you call back in ten minutes?
No, wait. Better make it twenty.
Hey, Chuck.
What's up there, man? Got any shit?
- You got any bread?
I got the bread, baby.
Let me look at it.
Let me smell it.
Smells good.
It is good.
Hey, Chuck. Got any shit, man?
Hey, baby. You look full of it, baby.
Come on in, baby.
- Oh, Jesus.
Calling for me?
I was, uh, just looking for the ladies room.
Where's the ladies?
You looking for this shit,
white lady named Bernice.
Got a dime?
- A dime?
Yes... a dime, here.
One dope enough?
Yes... yes.
In case you gotta call Jesus.
Me on TV.
Me in the mirror. Me, the star.
That's why everybody goes there.
Everybody gets to be somebody.
Like that girl?
- She was a terrific kisser, huh?
She's a nice girl.
- Yeah, big dancer, I'll say that.
She's like a lot of girls. Alone,
cruises the bars alone. It's pretty sad.
Cheer up. They don't always leave alone.
You've never been in that bar before.
- Huh?
Right. Right.
- So, why did you wanna go?
It makes me feel good.
- You didn't know anybody there.
It's better that way, you know?
You drink and you dance...
...none of that awkward small talk.
Hey. We didn't have dinner yet.
I'm a great cook. I fry an egg.
I fry a hot-dog.
Well... school tomorrow, so...
- Saturday.
- Yeah... you better call first, okay?
How did you get in here, huh?
What'd you do? Picked the lock?
I knew it. A burglar.
Just get out--.
Hey, wait, wait a minute, what is this?
You said six o'clock, didn't you?
- So?
So... beat it. Out.
Tony gonna tell you what is out about.
Hey, what's your name? Terry Out?
Where did you get the arty-farty porno?
Where did you get that sudden
five-finger licking accent?
Mick Jagger has one, Joe Cocker...
...Elton John, The Beatles.
Peter Frampton, Rod Stewart...
Black is mean, mean is bread,
bread is flash.
Volare... wo-oh...
Cantare... woh-oh-woh-oh...
Hey, who's the blonde?
Looks good enough to eat.
Out. Before I call the cops.
No. No. It's late.
Right. I knew it. I knew it.
A burglar and a junkie. Just... Out.
Come on, teach... Pull this one
over me from the start.
'Snow', baby.
'White Lady'.'Bernice'.
- Oh.
You're a coke head.
M--... no.
- No. No.
Well, I said... cocaine...
...burn all around, pop in my brain...
Where did you get this stuff?
- You'll never believe it.
Ten dollars for that?
Thirty, for good stuff.
Hey, come here quick.
Cocaine gonna make your bo bo so sick.
...all around, my heart, my brain...
What's this do? What does it do?
It makes America beautiful.
Okay... okay...
Now, the other one.
- Yeah. Okay... okay.
Don't stop.
Don't... stop...
Oh, I want...
What? What do you want?
What's so important about
that ridiculous box?
How can you watch that when you know--
- That box keeps me company...
...even when I'm sleeping.
That's the only box I don't have to
screw all the time to keep it happy.
God. You're crude. You're crude bastard.
You're vain, vulgar, you're a liar...
God knows what you are.
Yeah... the perfect gentleman.
Where--where are you going?
- Two, three in the morning?
What? I don't understand.
What kind of business?
Is it woman business? Woman?
Take these.
- No.
- Take it.
Look, you wanna climb walls all night?
Wanna drag like shit at school?
Is that what you want? Huh?
What is it?
- Take it.
What is it?
- Lude.
Oh. Nice.
- Quaalude.
Brings it down fast.
I'll keep in touch.
- When?
If you're late again...
- Kiss my ass.
I did.
Oh, no. No.
Explain it to them.
Be quiet.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I'm late.
Last night I took a pill...
...to help me sleep.
The pill was so strong...
...that I--
- I don't believe it.
I don't believe it...
I gotta go home.
- How is he?
I gotta go home. I gotta see the baby.
I've been here since last night.
Why didn't you call me?
- I did.
Nobody home.
Later... busy, busy, busy.
I called the operator and say 'cut in'
She tells me the phone is off the hook.
I called this morning,
still nobody home.
Stay with Mom, huh?
How is he? Momma...?
- In God's hands.
Can I see him please?
Well, Theresa, it's been a long time.
Before the operation, we had
a nice chat, your father and I.
He told me the good news...
...about that wondrous
young man of yours.
It seems you picked the right man.
I tried to reach you...
- Do they know?
Twenty four hours.
- Know what?
Know what?
It is malignant.
Can I give you a ride home, Mrs. Dunn?
If it's not too much trouble,
I'd like to go to church first.
You're something, you know?
You're really something.
How did you manage? Jesus.
You practically one of the family.
Apple of my father's eye, buddies,
my mother's son she never had...
I wanted to help.
- Why?.
Why is it when there's trouble
you're always Johnny-On-The-Spot?
Is that how you get your kicks?
Feeding off the crippled?
You're upset, I understand...
- Aww....
You're worried and you're lonely.
- Alone.
I'm alone. Not lonely.
And depressed.
And you're depressing me.
Can you understand that?
This place isn't like you at all.
Not at all.
It's exactly like me.
Especially this.
You ever had a woman that way? Hm?
You got a woman?
How about one of those
welfare cases of yours?
All those scared trembling women
begging for favors... Hm?
I'm going to the hospital tomorrow.
- Ha. Of course you will.
I want you here. Right here.
Or maybe you don't like women.
Maybe you go to--
- Shut up.
You don't like to hurt people,
so, why do you do it?
I'll pick you up at six, tomorrow.
Good night.
What? Malignant?
Me? No...
That's rumours, sweetheart.
That's all it is. Doctors mambo-jambo.
Yeah, I'll be back at work in a week.
Katherine, love, would I lie to you?
No affliction's gonna bury me
before my time.
Gland tubes or prostate
or any other state. Uh?
Hello? Tony?
Tony? Hello?
Are you still there?
Yes, yes, you sound under water too.
Huh? I can't--
You're gurgling.
What? Am I what?
No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine...
...but the phone practically drowned.
Don't go away. Don't you go away.
Okay... can you hear me?
Tony? Hey.
Tony, just... don't go away.
No. Just--just barely...
Yeah. Barely.
Well, uh... Why don't you come on over?
No, no. It's James.
Huh? Oh, yuck.
Hey, Steve.
Hey. Excuse me.
Tony Lo Panto, seen him around?
Ah, gomer man.
Must be two, three weeks now.
Another one?
Oh... A professor needs a beard.
Ex... professor.
Teaching is a waste of time.
I'm writing a novel.
- Isn't everybody?
I'm getting divorced, too.
- Isn't everybody?
...old times.
Ha ha. Oh, God, no. Uh-uh.
I think about you, us... a lot.
Too much.
You were my one true love.
Ah, yes...
Forgive me not, but please,
oh please, forget me not.
My parted lover sayeth this writ...
Oh, darling, thou art still a shit.
...that's wrong.
- Hey...
Everyone, look at me.
This is Mr--
- No, hold it, hold it.
My name is...
- Very, very good.
It took me four days to learn that.
Maybe sign language would keep us
from fighting?
I'd be surprised.
Haven't you had enough?
I mean, I've been so awful and--
- You're charming, intelligent...
...affectionate, sensual...
You're the ideal...
...bitch. Uh...
You'd better learn to read Braille.
You're blind as a bat.
- You'll be sorry.
It's funny...
I don't remember buying any candy.
That's right.
And the pens.
- Right.
That's stealing.
- Yeah... That's right.
It would've been easier to pay for it.
- Yeah, but not as much fun.
You got roaches.
Poor hungry little buggers.
Is that why you don't wash the dishes?
Cause the roaches are hungry?
Why else?
Why else...
Most guys, first time out they try
to score, they expect it.
And some of them get pretty nasty
if they don't get it.
So by the 2nd or 3rd time, it's either
fuck, fight it or forget it.
But you, we've seen each other, what?
Five or six times...
...you haven't even tried to kiss me.
Your wine, madam.
In here, please.
Oh, uh... just a second...
Uh, my hands are very soapy here. Oh.
I'm sorry...
Mmmmm... Nice... Mmmm...
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Why did you wanna be a priest?
My father wanted it.
Didn't you?
If he hadn't died,
that's what you'd be.
I don't know if he's dead.
- What?
I just say he's dead.
It stops the questions.
My mother drank.
She doesn't drink anymore.
I was twelve years old when that happened.
One night I heard my mother laughing.
My mother had a beautiful laugh.
The bedroom door was open.
She was lying on the bed, naked.
Except for a black garter belt.
My father was standing over her.
She was teasing him.
'Hey, what's the matter big boy?
Can't you get it up?'
My father hit her.
But my mother just kept on laughing...
And he kept hitting her,
and hitting her...
...and she kept laughing,
and laughing.
There was blood all over the bed...
...blood all over my mother.
My father walked right past me...
...walked down the stairs and out the door.
I love you.
Don't love me...
...just... make love.
Mmmm... let me... let me...
Is this supposed to protect me or you?
Oh, God.
Oh Go-- I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm very sorry.
That wasn't very funny.
It's just--I've never seen one of these.
Oh, God... Go ahead. Go ahead. Hit me.
Fight back. Uh... Break something.
I'm--I'm sorry...
You're wrong...
...it's funny.
The story about my mother and my father?
It never happened.
I'm sorry.
I gotta get outta here.
Excuse me. Excuse me...
Uh... I'm looking for Jesus.
Well, ain't you heard, baby?
The pigs got him.
Never fear, the man is here.
Two dime-bags?
So, I'm back working for the airlines
but not like before.
Desk job, public relations.
No more wedding doors in a plane
loaded of drunken ass-grabbers.
Nobody flies me ever again except...
...if I want it and only if I want it.
I've quitted that too.
The booze, the pill, the grass...
...the fifty dollar an hour analyst...
I am through with the whole
mind-fucking scene.
Everybody's taking something or
they'll never make it till morning.
Well, I am into group therapy.
It is very in.
Oh, yeah, yeah... Is that where
you all sit around in a circle...
...and peak each other apart?
No. It's where you find out
the mess you're in.
How you got into it...
...and maybe, how to get out of it.
Oh, we all hurt someplace and
we're all looking for a painkiller.
Well... to the painkillers.
Hello? Theresa.
Hello? Is this 777-4490?
Yes, James.
You know, I was thinking about us.
Am I interrupting you?
- No.
I just got home church.
You know, whenever I've a problem
I go to church...
So I found myself with this
out-of-towner, here for...
I don't know, a furniture convention
or something, anyway...
He won't come to my place and
we won't go to his fancy hotel.
It's gotta be, for Christ sake's,
a motel, and only this kind of motel.
First thing, on with the TV.
Next... Nothing.
Just sits there on the bed,
watching the porno movie.
Honest to God, I expect he's gonna
bring out a bag of pop corn.
So, finally, the big moment.
He doesn't even take off his pants.
And all the time he's doing it to me...
...he's watching them do it on TV.
Is this hysterical, right?
No, wait, wait, wait...
When I come out again...
...Scarlett and Butcher are still
cranking it out on TV...
...and my furniture freak
is gone with the wind.
He left this: 'Honey, you're terrific'.
And this.
Wild, huh?
Anyhow, this night I met with this...
...detective, and we end up in my place...
...we smoke a little, laugh a little,
you know, real nice time.
I come out of the bathroom, and...
...guess what? Away.
Not again.
- Right.
Dick Tracy disappeared with my
20 dollars. Talk about amateur...
...played for a hooker by a square
and ripped off as a sucker by a dick.
Me, queer? Jesus, I'm a married man.
I got two kids and
a very expensive mistress.
I'm an animal.
- That's why you go to gay bars.
Two kids.
Jesus. Who's that?
- Me, when I need a fix.
What the hell. You're a juicer?
I'm a junkie.
Yeah? What are you hooked on?
- Anything I can get.
You got something to drink?
Something sweet?
- How about me, huh?
I'm not complaining, but, you know,
you're not very... uh, big.
Neither are you.
Coming up, up, up.
- Oh, yeah.
My God... I knew it. I knew it.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
Who the hell are you?
- Who? Me?
Yeah, you.
- Me?
Yeah, you. Are you a deaf faggot?
- Me?
Go on, get outta here.
You live up there, mama?
- Theresa?
Theresa, are you alright?
- She's taking a dump.
Before you start, I forgive you.
So relax, okay?
So, how've you been?
You missed me, huh?
Why so silent, babe?
Bette Davis on a little oldie show, right?
You know, you oughtta get into
one of'em TV game shows.
Come on down, Terry.
You'd scream and jump up and down.
You'd win twenty five grand.
A car and hundred suitcases...
...and a trip to the Honolulu Hilton.
Hula-hula. Hallelujah. Oh, Lord.
What the hell is this? Caller house?
Well, maybe she don't wanna talk to you.
What the fuck kinda language is that?
- Give me that.
Uh, no... No, no problem.
I'll call you back.
You wanna know where I've been?
- No.
Lost a bundle at the track...
Been strutting around a fat jew broad
till her little man showed up.
Miami. Tough asshole.
Scrounge my way back up here.
They cut off my welfare, which
I'm told by some nigger clerk.
Give me a beer, will you, hon?
So, I need a bed till I get something going.
Not here.
What, four or five days.
Even you got a mother.
- She said no.
Go set the world on fire.
What, on a couple of lousy dollars?
Find a smaller world.
Hey, hey, relax, come on.
It's Tony you're talking. Remember?
You're still my girl.
Mine, mine, right?
Get this into one of your two heads.
The only one that can think.
I am my own girl.
I belong to me. Now, get out of here.
Leave. Go. Go.
I don't believe it.
- Believe it.
You're throwing me out?
- Yes.
You and my mother...
The two biggest cunts in the world.
You. Son of a... bitch.
- Oh, my God.
I'm... fine...
- What did he do to you?
Come here. Come, sit down.
Oh, Jesus.
- My teeth... my teeth...
Let me look at--Oh, my God.
I'll get some ice.
How did that creep get in here?
What happened?
It doesn't matter what happened.
Let the cops get their hands on
that mother grabber.
That's it. He's only trying
to hurt his mother.
What are you talking about?
What do you have to do with his mother?
Well, we're both-- Aaaahhhh.
It's cold.
- Just hold it, hold it.
We're both cunts.
Oh, God. The cockroaches are
taking over the world.
Give me that coat.
Tony. Tony, no--
- Ole. Ole.
I'm--Don't do that. Give me that--
This is not funny.
Oh, I don't know... It's gonna
cost you 300 now, instead of two.
First, I haven't got it.
- You get it.
Second, I wouldn't give it to you.
- You wanna bet?
Not three hundred, not three nothing.
Oh, well, I'd hate to see it
in the newspapers, you know.
Virgin schoolteacher, bar hopping slut.
Pill popper, coke head, doobee-doo.
All right, Miss Dunn.
Oh, you don't need Tony anymore.
You got yourself a nigger stud, here.
You asked for it, bitch.
- Tony?
Found it.
- Found it.
...telephone tip, from a mysterious
informer, led to a secret life...
...of drugs, bar hopping and sorted sex.
Ms. Dunn was fired, when she admitted...
You are really sick.
Oh, shit...
Weren't you ever in love?
That is even more unbearable than you.
Quit, will ya? Hm?
Will you please quit?
Merry Christmas.
What is it? Geez. Oh...
This is fantastic.
What made you think of this?
- You.
Light and dark, on and off,
Now I see you, now I don't.
To all the lonely people,
on Christmas Eve, uh?
With love.
Oh, no... I-- I don't want that ring.
I don--I don't wanna be in love,
not the way you mean.
You wanna be married,
I don't wanna be married.
You wanna have kids, I don't want kids.
- Who said anything about marriage?
It's Christmas.
Christmas makes me feel good.
At the end of the year,
you think about the future.
I don't believe in the future.
What do you believe in?
Now. What happens now.
That's what I believe in.
- What have you got now? This place?
- Look at it.
What's here when you come home?
Anything that means anything to you?
Family? A dog? A cat?
Friends? You have one woman friend
you can talk to?
Last election, did you even fucking vote?
You got one thing. Me.
That's what you've got. And
to hold on to me. It's got to be me.
And only me.
Where are you going?
- Out.
Away from you.
- Where?
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I don't want your Merry Christmas.
I don't want the Saint Judas kiss
you give to James.
Not man enough for you, was he?
Not man enough for our
kinky Miss America.
I don't understand you.
I don't understand your crazy world.
I don't understand your crazy talk.
Freedom this. And freedom that.
Free to leave your family?
Free to quit the church?
Free love? Free to abort your own kids.
Free to go to hell.
Will you tell me,
for the love of Christ...
...how can you give no life
to them deaf kids?
Teach'em, love'em, care for'em?
...when you won't give birth
to your own? Why?
You know why.
You're afraid.
- Yes.
Of what? Of labor pain?
- Scoliosis, Poppa.
You know about scoliosis, don't you?
Curvature of the spine? A crooked back?
Paralitic scoliosis?
Inflammatory, myopathic and
ocular scoliosis?
The kind you get from rickets
and reumatism and my kind.
Congenital. The kind you're born with.
- You got polio.
- Ask the hospital.
I did. Congenital. In the blood.
- Polio.
Your blood, Poppa.
- Liar.
Katherine's clean.
- Lucky.
Brigid's clean.
- Lucky.
The healthy kids--
- Suppose mine are not healthy.
My mother had four. All b--
All perfect.
All but one.
Little Maureen.
More love in that poor--
twisted little body than...
...in her perfect brothers.
False as sounding brass.
Ashamed of her.
She took her own life.
Tell me, girl, how do you get free
of the terrible truth?
Happy New Year from
Times Square in New York.
It's good-bye to 1976...
...and hello '77.
Who is it?
- Telegram.
Your thing is glib.
- That's the story of my life.
Happy New Year.
Meet Robert, 'The Mad Mugger'.
- Mad, Robert, mad.
Mascarade party. Do you wanna come?
- You sure?
Whatever you do,
you shouldn't be alone. I mean...
Nobody oughtta be alone
on New Year's Eve.
Be happy, baby.
- Okay...
Hey. What the hell is the idea?
Open up.
Open up, bitch. I know you're in there.
Hey, Sonia Bologna.
Pretty night tonight, right?
You and me, we'll drink out the old
year and blow in the new one, okay?
Quieres tomar una copa?
[Do you want to have a drink? ]
Hey, come on, honey, come on.
You got me all worked up.
Oh. Too late...
Come on, come on, hurry up.
Look, you think this lousy toilette
chain is gonna keep me out? Huh?
Get me the police.
Yes. This is an emergency.
Finito. You are dead.
Hey... no tits.
Did they hurt you?
- No.
Don't you ever ask me to wear this--...
...this crap again. Never. You hear?.
I'm not goddam girl,
you oughtta know that.
Christ. Look at us.
You know what we are? Look at us.
We're a couple of freaks.
We're freaks.
- I'm sorry...
Sorry... Shit.
I had it with you.
The fancy pad, the shirts, the shoes...
I'm cutting out of here.
Don't go...
Please, don't go.
Please, don't go.
Where are you gonna go?
- Anywhere away from you.
Will you be back?
I don't know...
I'll wait for you at the apartment.
You'll need some money.
Shove it.
- I'll wait for you.
Right, well you then do it, not me.
I'm a pitcher, not a catcher.
And don't you ever forget, ya hear?
This is it. The last night cruising bars.
Something serious?
Well, when your night life
interferes with your day life...
Can I buy you a drink?
Not even one for luck?
Confidentially, with me?
One's too many and a million's not enough.
I got the same problem with men.
Nice way to fly.
They say it prolongues sex
almost indefinitely.
It makes me absolutely wild.
Hi, I'm Arthur.
Where did you do that?
That must really hu--
You think I'm queer, don't you?
Please, I--I never said...
No, but you thought it.
Didn't you?
I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
Excuse me, could we talk together...
...for a moment? Just a moment.
There's a guy back there that
won't let me alone.
Probably watching us.
That one?
- Yeah.
Seems okay.
- Kinda scary.
Why'd you pick me?
You seem... uh...
- What?
I don't know. Friendly.
You got a nice smile.
If you smile maybe he'll go away.
Then what?
Midnight in San Francisco.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Thanks for seeing me home.
- I knew it...
I knew it... Yes, indeed.
Home, sweet home.
You need a drink real bad.
Room Service? Sir, bring us up
a bottle of 'Wild Turkey', uh?
And make it fast. Thank you.
It's nice... real nice.
Uhh... before you move in, huh?
...one drink, okay? One?
Then good night? Okay? Huh?
Say, that... friend in the bar,
bugging you?
I got the same problem.
Regular leech, you know?
All the time, crying and spying...
...hanging on... Won't let go.
Day and night. Love me. Love me.
I can't even go to the can without
'what you doing, honey?'
Shit. You know, I practically OD'ed on love.
Wasted, you know? I'd like
to black out for a week.
How long you married?
What the hell kinda crack is that?
I hate--
I actually hate this--person.
I have to be crazy to go back there tonight.
Been a crazy night. All night.
When I got into town, broke,
no job, no place to stay...
...all I'm looking for is...
...get out of the cold, a place
to flop for the night, right?
Well... we boozed it up pretty good.
You know, one thing or another...
Anyhow, we've been shagged up
ever since.
Sometimes I think, honest to God,
I was better off in prison.
Were you really in prison?
Yes, ma'am. Twice.
What for?
This and that.
Don't people hold it against you?
Being a convict?
Oh, yes, ma'am. They certainly do.
Not you, though. You're different.
- Yeah
Well, a con gets to know things.
Who cares, who don't. And you...
...you really care.
Not a mean bone in your body.
Oh, you're a con man, right.
I thought you were wasted.
- Mmm?
Wait, wait...
First, I'd better... yeah.
What you got here?
We all carry scars someplace.
They say we're all born in sin.
Well, lucky thing, uh?
Now. Okay, now...
You have a... very nice body, uh...
I admire people keeping shape.
I work out all the time.
In my neighborhood...
...if you didn't fight, you were fruit.
In prison...
...if you didn't fight,
you were spared ass.
I shouldn't have drunk so much.
Hey... hey...
I'm not ready.
Damn it. I'm not ready.
M-maybe-maybe it's me...
...uh... whatever, it's not your fault.
It happens.
Goddamn women.
All you got to do is lay there,
a guy's got to do all the work.
You think that's funny?
I think of the odd way to start the new year.
What's the hurry? We got all night.
No. Some other time.
I'll call a cab to... Hey...
hein? Come on...
Will you please get out? You can't...
You can't stay here...
If you wanna get laid, okay, later.
I want you out of here. Now.
- No.
What...What are you trying to prove?
Prove? Prove what?
I don't need to prove nothing to you.
You think I'm somekind of a flamin' faggot.
Goddamit. I'm married to a girl that
makes you look like shit.
She's down in Florida, with a belly
up to here with my kid.
How's that for a proof?
You, candle fucker.
Katherine. Katherine.
Shut up.
I'm ready now.
You want it, right, bitch?
That's what you wanted, right?
That's what you wanted, right?
That's what you wanted, right?
- Do it. Do it.
Oh, God.
graduating college... not high school.
You were supposed to write an essay
about personal conflict.
Obviously, most of you never hoped
to write anything more literate...
...than a personal cheque.
This paper is an exception.
At least, it's legible.
May I?
'The last time I went to confession
I was fifteen.'
'The booth was dark and hot.'
'Of the seven deadly sins
I was guilty of three:'
'Envy and lust for my sister's fault.'
'I envied her beauty and
lusted for her boyfriends.'
'I was afraid to confess and afraid not to.'
'I felt no contrition, not even shame.'
'I still felt the same lust.'
'Was it in my mind...'
'... or my body?'
Miss Dunn.
Miss Dunn.
You're alright?
It's my back.
Oh, it's nothing, professor Engle. Really.
For your next assignment...
Describe an irrepressable temptation
and what you did about it.
It's me.
Why can't you take him
to the Christmas play?
He's your son, too.
It's always an emergency.
No. No, no. What you really mean is...
...a doctor's indispensable,
a teacher is ridiculous.
And you... You want to be a teacher?
- Huh... It's ridiculous.
I like kids.
Why not? You don't have any.
Why do you want to waste your time
correcting the drivel of other students?
It can't be for the wages I pay.
Practically every girl in class wants this job.
Without pay. Just to b...be here.
But I chose you. You know why?
Because you're the only girl in class...
...who knows syntax and grammar,
and can spell.
And that's the only reason.
That bad, huh?
You should've told me.
- Isn't it obvious?
Nothing about you is obvious.
Till this morning I didn't know
that you were catholic...
...or that you had a sister...
...or that you were a dragon lady
filled with envy and lust.
So... your back.
How'd it happen?
Car accident?
Polio, when I was six.
It left me with a limp till I was eleven.
That's when they operated
to straighten my spine.
Scoliosis, they said.
From the polio.
After that...
I came home wearing a plaster cast.
They put me on a bed, downstairs...
...in our living-room...
...where everyone can watch.
Day and night.
For one whole year and two days.
They prayed a lot.
It was God's will, they said.
I never did understand what
terrible thing I did, you know...
...to make God so angry?
Poor little baby...
- No.
No... I hate people being sorry.
I was only trying to comfort you.
I'd rather be seduced than comforted.
A perfect opening to your essay
on temptation.
'How I Lost My Virginity'
Despite the sexual revolution...
...not all married men are swingers.
...between teacher and student...
...is improper...
...and unbelievably tempting.
So easy to yield...
How many lovers have you...
- Does it matter?
Confession might be good for the soul...
...but it's bad for sex.
Oh, my God... Oh, my...
Oh... dear God...
Don't... It's ugly.
I love you... oh, I love you.
I'm not sure that aspirin
is the remedy for your problem.
God, no...
Did I hurt you?
- No. Uh, no.
Well-why did you stop?
Did you...?
Is it over?
I'll be late for class.
- Oh.
It was... just...
...so nice....
Next time fireworks.
This time it was a little,
uh, premature.
Was it me?
Was it my fault? Did I...
...do something wrong? or something...
It's just, uh...
...I never had a virgin before.
You are now a fallen woman.
Thank God.
Hi, Tom.
Hi. Katherine's come home.
More beautiful than ever.
Why can't she be home for Christmas?
- Oh, you stop that.
A family should be together.
- She'll be in Puerto Rico...
Your sister's home.
- ... on business.
What kind of business?
- Stewardess business.
What the hell else?
- She flies Chicago-NY-Chicago...
What's in Puerto Rico?
Look... uh... For God sake's.
Would somebody answer that telephone?
Katherine told you and I told you...
...it's a charter flight.
Wha... What the hell happened?
- Hello?
Are you deaf?
That's the FBI.
...cleaning up the scum of the earth.
Get them surrounded most of the time...
What's keeping your sister?
In a minute, Poppa.
You oughtta see her underware.
- Katherine. Phone.
Did you see the presents she brought?
Yeah... generous poor thing.
How can you drink before driving?
Like this.
Can you baby-sit tonight?
- I got a class tonight.
Who is it?
- It's Dennis O'Brian.
Not now.
I said hang up.
Dennis the menace...
He's her husband.
- Was, woman, was.
No divorce for us.
- Annulled.
Do you have any Valium? Cody?
Oh. If I don't take something soon
I'm gonna soon jump out of my skin.
Why did you and Dennis break up?
Dennis? Oh, there was nothing
he wouldn't do for me. Nothing.
But he drove me crazy, I mean...
I just wanted to scream
all the time, he was...
...so dull and... boring.
His eyes were always begging.
It can't get annulled for that.
So you lie and...
I'm a mess.
Whatever I do,
nothing turns out right.
Oh, except you, Katherine...
Oh, you... you're perfect.
You've perfect hair, perfect teeth,
perfect legs...
You name it, you got it.
You got everything.
Look, you 747 in here, packed
in gifts like Santa Claus and...
Maybe... I'm in trouble.
I'm in real... trouble.
For the past six, seven months...
...I've been living with a man...
...well, actually two men.
One in Chicago and one in New York.
The real problem is...
that I'm pregnant.
Oh, Kathy...
I don't even know if it was
Chicago or New York.
You'll be late for the plane.
Anyway, I'm getting rid of it in Puerto Rico.
There's a place the girls go.
I told Pa I had to work a charter.
If he ever found out, he'd kill me.
- He'd never believe it.
Oh, I'm sorry to lay all this on you.
You're my Rock of Gibraltar,
you really are.
Ever since the polio. The whole family
gave up, even Father Timothy...
But you...
...you never even cry. Not once.
You're the rock, baby.
Ma, Pa, Brigid... they all think
I pee perfume.
Well, you know, I'm a little fleak...
...and you never blame me.
We all need somebody who won't blame us.
Do I look... okay?
When teaching a deaf child,
you must always remember...
...not to have the light shining in their face.
Always remember to speak to the
children in a normal tone of voice...
...and face them.
Never allow yourself to become impatient
or angry with the children.
How do you get their attention?
By tapping on the table, and
if you are at a distance...
...by blinking the lights.
Superb. Perfection. Poetry in motion.
But... do you love me?
Don't do that.
People who tiptoe and not being
considerate are begging for attention.
There's some last minute shopping.
Uh... Merry Christmas.
It's a, uh, a pipe.
Christmas? It's commercialized crap.
If you want to celebrate the birth
of Jesus, do it at church.
See you after the holidays.
1975 has just become history.
It was only five years ago that
10000 women marched for liberation.
They carried books, science...
...and babies.
They called for free abortion...
...equal education, equal job and
pay opportunities.
And... sexual freedom.
This was to be 'The decade of the Dames'
Nobody's home. They all went
to the Knight of Columbus Party.
Where are you?
You're married?
I thought you went for an abortion.
Yeah... I'm sure he's terrific but
if you just met him on the plane...
...two days ago... Huh?
Of course, I'm happy.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
Is he nice?
Is he also catholic? Uh...
Uh-huh... uh-huh...
Then you'd better break the news
to Poppa yourself, huh?
Happy New Year to you, too.
Both of you.
Hey. What's his name?
Hello? Katherine...?
Happy New Year.
You wanna be my fella? Uh? Do you?
- Martin?
- Happy New...
Hello? Hello?
How could you make such a call?
What, were you drunk? Goofed up?
What the hell were you thinking of?
Nothing. Nothing... nothing
ever happened between us.
And if it does again...
...it still never happened.
Do you understand?
I will not be compromised.
Not here on campus, not at my home...
...not at work.
I will not leave my wife.
I will not allow her to be hurt...
...by an occasional afternoon roll... uh
It might be, uh, better for...
...both of us, all around, if, uh...
...if we forgot we ever, uh...
...if we never again...
Aw, Christ.
Oh, yes... yes... yes.
They're here.
Patrick, put on your coat.
They're here. Katherine and... him.
He don't look Jewish...
- You can always tell by the nose.
What's he driving?
Mercedes Benz.
Wait till you see her fur coat.
- They're out of church wedding...
Mink. Down to here.
- ... they're living in sin.
- Thanks.
Oh. Poppa. I love you.
Be nice to him, huh?
Get the phone.
Hello? Who is it?
Happy Easter.
Happy Pass Over.
You must be...
- Theresa.
Must be married...
Honey, when a guy won't give his name...
Mrs. Dunn.
Hi, Ma.
Mr. Dunn.
Just don't ever call me 'Dad'.
Baby. Baby.
How'd you get away?
I wonder... why is it after we make love...
...we never talk... or touch...
...or, anything?
Now you're angry.
I am not angry.
- Disappointed?
I'm not disappointed.
I just can't stand a woman's company
right after I've fucked her.
Good Morning.
You alright?
Nothing wrong at school?
Guess what?
I'm pregnant again.
Number two on the way.
My mother had four.
All boys, all perfect.
Five, Poppa...
You always forget Aunt Maureen.
God rest her soul and forgive her.
- Forgive what?
What'd she do? Poppa?
How the hell you expect me
to eat runny eggs?
I can't even stand the look at runny eggs.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Thank you.
Theresa, will you interpret today?
Huh? Oh, okay.
So, it's good-bye.
At least, until summer school begins.
I envy your first teaching experience.
If those children are going to learn to read...
...to write, to understand...
...maybe even to speak...
...you're their only real hope.
If you can teach a deaf child...
...you have touched God.
To Joe and Sylvia,
married this afternoon.
Where are you going on your honeymoon?
Las vegas.
- Don't lose too much money.
Yes, dear. It'll all fit in the car.
I hate summer vacations,
I hate fishing, I hate the beach.
Reference books, uh,
dictionnary, notes...
...carbon paper. Cheque. Cheque. Ah.
Your last cheque, paid in full,
except for my gratitude.
When do I see you?
Who's taking my place?
No one can take your place.
You're the most dedicated...
...most efficient...
Just the same, you'll find someone else.
There's always...
...someone else.
Now that you fucked her...
...you probably can't stand her either.
It's not very sporting from a mistress
of a married man to be jealous.
I can't help it.
And who ever said that love is a sport?
Ahhh, yes... Love.
What happened? What did I do?
- Is my breath bad?
Do I use the wrong toothpaste?
- Stop it.
Is my sex too straight?
Tell me what you want.
- Oh.
It's over, that's all.
We had a long, fine thing together.
Now it's time we moved on. Both of us.
Blood pressure dropping.
- Anybody notified the family?
On the way.
- It's her spine.
Immediate surgery.
- Without X-rays?
No time.
Don't touch her.
- I love her...
Show him out. He's contaminating.
- It's my fault, all my fault.
Poor thing...
I told you.
- It was God's will.
Is she covered by insurance,
Blue Cross or hard cash?
I want a catholic doctor.
Congratulations, your daughter
has a beautiful body.
Runs in the family.
My mother had four. All boys.
All perfect.
Is she in pain?
- Not yet.
She's only two months pregnant.
- No.
Ah, yes... Love.
Hey, baby.
Still in the first grade?
I graduate this day.
Who is it?
- Katherine?
Oh, hi, hon. Come on up.
- No, it's my 'sick-easter'.
Hey, hey... That's expensive grass.
Gang, I want you to meet real class.
Theresa, a teacher for deaf kids.
How do you like the place, huh?
It's beautiful. You're all beautiful.
A drag of the best?
- Oh... no...
Katy said she couldn't live
any place else but here...
Well, I can't live without her.
But the place wasn't for rent.
So, we bought the whole damned building.
So, if you ever need an
unfurnished department...
...or a brilliant lawyer...
Yeah... I'll rob a bank.
No, no, no... For schoolteachers
named Terry, half price.
Oh, I like that, hon.
'Saint Theresa' by day and...
...'Swing Terry' by night.
To Terry... hmm... by night.
Like old movies?
Mmm... yes, I love them.
Let's watch the kiddies play.
Well, so you're alive, are you?
All in one piece, are you?
Where the hell have you been
all night? Well?
Katherine's place.
- Liar.
She's away for the summer.
Do you want me to call her?
Do you?
Liar. I called Brigid. I called the
police. I called the hospitals.
You're so damned busy whoring around
you can't spare one minute to call?
I should have. But I couldn't.
- Yeah. But you didn't.
I couldn't.
He was afraid something happened.
Not knowing what to do, where to go...
You're alright?
I'll fix breakfast.
- Ma...
I'm sorry for all the trouble.
I didn't think.
Well, you think of this, then:
As long as you live in this house,
you'll live by the rules of this house.
You understand?
Do you understand?
- Yes, Poppa.
Go on, go. Go fix breakfast.
All right now, before I'm accused of
being a tyrant, or...
...by the way, I'm not breaking
any of the rules of the woman's...
...holy crusade to burn the brassieres?
- No, Poppa.
Fine, allright.
Because I walked to school.
I worked in a coal yard
every day after school.
And all day Saturday.
Twelve dollars a week...
...out of which I kept two cents a day
to put in the poor bags, on Sunday.
The rest of the money...
- You gave your mother.
That's right. Which is more
than I ever asked you to do.
But you, it's been food free.
Thread and clothes free.
Medicine free. TV. Telephone.
What the hell is this supposed to mean?
You're right.
I can't live here by your rules...
And I can't... so it's time I went.
Went? Went where? With who? On what?
Alone. My place. My money. My rules.
Aww... alone in magger's paradise.
Well, that's great. Now, we can worry
about you day and night.
Aw, make sense girl. Be yourself.
I can't stay here and be myself.
Your own mucky self, is it?
If it wasn't yourself, what the hell
have you been around here?
What you wanted me to be.
You're not Katherine, you know?
Not by a long shot.
Bye, Poppa.
You'll never make it alone.
She's here now.
Yeah, yeah... last night, too. We had...
We had sort of a party.
Well, of course she'll pay her own rent.
Aw, Pa... would I lie to you?
Her teaching job starts next week.
Summer school... (right? )
Yeah, of course,
I'll keep an eye on her.
Yeah, I love you too. Bye-bye.
First month's rent.
What you need, first and most...
...is a bed.
A bed big enough for everything.
...some signs look alike but...
...enjoy... hands open.
Class dismissed.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
My name is Miss Dunn.
Thank you. Once again, please, and speak.
My name is Daniel.
Very good, Daniel.
And... your name?
My name is Bonnie.
Thank you, Bonnie.
I am Daniel Tu.
Excelent. But 'too' is spelled 'T-O-O'.
Your family name is 'Tu'...
I'm sorry, I apologize.
Daniel Tu, right?
No name? No name?
Maybe she's dumb.
Oh, no, no, no. Deaf, not dumb.
Dumb means stupid.
You, all of you, are very bright students.
Oh, thank you. Amy?
Now, every name has a special meaning.
Daniel means 'judge'.
Bonnie means 'very good'.
And Amy, means...
...'beloved'. That means...
...that everyone loves that person.
One minute, wait.
Did you forget your hearing aid?
Okay, well, use the school's, okay?
Right. Very good, Bonnie, very good.
After we see how good you are
at spelling, then we'll play...
...a game with numbers. Okay?
I like your name.
You don't have to write it...
...but, please?
Okay, everybody, it's time to go.
Bye bye.
U-Uh... you forgot, Daniel.
Let's go.
- Ah, are you Amy's brother? I'm...
I don't read that mess.
Wonderful, Amy.
I love you too.
Let's go.
...and say it.
That's better... that's pretty good.
We're going to try again, now...
That's very good, okay. Now...
Yeah, I've seen the movie.
Al Pacino is something, huh?
You alone?
Come here a lot?
You're okay.
With most of the others you never talk,
you know, but you're okay.
Ha ha.
I'm gonna make you an offer
you can't refuse.
Ha. Oh, really?
You'd want me in your bed, right?
- Yeah?
Why can't I refuse, huh?
Well, you'd be passing up
the best fuck of your life.
Okay, well... uh...
...in that case...
Hey, Frankie.
Hey, man, how's business?
I'll catch you later.
See you in September.
- Bye-bye, Daniel.
Bye, Erin.
Have a nice summer.
- Happy vacation to you.
See you after Labor Day.
- Oh, okay.
Amy, these are cookies, for you.
My name is Miss Dunn.
My name is Miss Dunn.
Yeah, you did it. You spoke.
That's wonderful, Amy.
That's wonderful.
Now, let's try it again.
She did it. She spoke.
Let's go.
This afternoon, do you think
she could stay with me?
Today is... sort of a special day,
for both of us.
Rules. Rules, Mrs. Jackson.
- I'm late.
When you and the children live on welfare...
Animals in the zoo live better.
- ... is not enough for the three of you.
So your man friend has to leave.
- The man stays.
They'll cut off your welfare...
...and without welfare,
you cannot support your children.
You try to raise two kids.
Their father went someplace...
I don't know where are the rules.
You try working all day and
half the night out there...
...with your damn rules.
Now, I got a right to something.
And that something is that man.
And that man stays.
Honey, where've you been?
You scared your momma half to death.
Oh, you got a pretty thing...
Mrs. Jackson, I'm--
- Now what?
She's the teacher, Momma.
My boy said she talked.
See, honey? Somebody up there loves you.
We'll have a nice long talk in the morning.
Mrs. Jackson, excuse me...
If--if Amy had her own hearing aid,
I know they're very expensive...
...but at school, she'd learn so much faster.
And at home, she wouldn't be shut out.
Can you imagine what it'd be like
for her to hear laughter?
Ain't heard it lately myself.
Hey, you're a nice lady.
But you heard the man...
He pulls the plug.
No welfare. No school. Nothing.
Well, Mrs. Jackson's got a lover...
...so what? You and your welfare got
something against--
I don't care if she's got fifty lovers...
...but if one of them starts
living off her welfare...
Little Amy goes down the drain, right?
Look, why are you hanging this on me?
- Because you're pulling the strings.
Love will find a way, right?
You care about Amy?
Why do you think I work in welfare?
- Okay, okay, why?
Because I'm a lousy liberal,
I want to save the world.
Oh, come on, screw the world.
Save Amy.
I don't make the rules.
- You make the report?
Yeah, but I report the truth.
- All right, then, lie.
The end justifies the means, right?
If it means Amy stays in school, yes.
Uh, Miss? I'd like to see you again.
What for?
Where are you?
Oh... I don't feel very well...
I couldn't drive anymore.
Is it cold? I'm so cold.
Oh. My Rock of Gibraltar.
You know, the last time I was a mess...
...but this doctor was supposed to be
the best safecracker in the business.
Isn't that a perfect name for an abortionist?
Did you tell Barney?
- But he's crazy in love with you.
He doesn't even know me.
Oh, it started out just great.
No matter what we did...
...everything was great.
Every day was special.
And then... one day...
...we couldn't talk.
We couldn't talk or...
even look at each other.
So, we... we joined the crowd.
Booze, happy dust, uppers, downers...
Last night, I woke up...
...in a room full of naked asses.
Mine was one of them.
I guess that's all I've ever been...
Just another piece of ass.
- No.
Presently living with a man?
- No.
How frequently do you have intercourse?
Does it matter?
- Yes. There are several methods...
Diaphragm, IUD, pill...
- I just wanna make sure of one thing.
No kids.
- Yes.
May I ask why?
- No.
Good morning, class.
- Good morning, Miss Dunn.
Good morning, Miss Dunn.
Oh. It's a wonderful morning, Amy.
It's a wonderful morning. Come on.
Good evening.
How's little Amy Jackson?
Oh. Hey.
All she needed was a chance
and your lie gave it to her.
Well, I didn't exactly lied.
Just didn't tell the whole truth.
I don't know, I just don't know,
a new hearing aid...
I don't know how you got it or where
but really... thanks a lot.
Thank Child Welfare.
- Yeah, well, so, uh...
So... how about dinner?
I'm taking you, okay?
Listen, we'd better move it.
They eat by the clock.
I know he was a catholic.
He studied for the priesthood.
Gave it up when his father died...
...to support his sickly mother.
They all live in the same house.
If he got to Notre Dame...
...he could have been canonized.
Your father is an incredible character.
- Yup.
Your mother's a fabulous cook.
I bet you're a great cook.
I hate cooking.
I hate baseball, basketball...
...and specially, Notre Dame football.
I hate jokes. Irish, polish, italian...
I hate jokes, period.
Are you upset?
- No. I'm not upset.
What is it? Me?
Something I said? Something I did?
- Nothing.
I know someone else who said
the same thing once.
I just realized how funny it was.
Looking for me?
Tony Lo Panto.
Sonja Katerina Raskolnikov.
Well, that's okay.
I knew a secretary once, named...
...named... Sonia... something.
She used to cry all the time,
even when she was happy.
Yeah? I never cry, even when I'm sad.
- Yeah, it's a God's truth.
Nobody tells the truth. Ever.
Well, maybe it's better that way.
Yeah, that's the friggin' truth.
- Yeah.
What is this? You a Bible freak?
It was a different book the last time we met.
When we met where?
- Here.
Here. Well, I mean, not exactly...
...'met'. You were, uh...
...you were with a blonde.
- Hmmm...
You noticed, uh?
- Yeah...
You were... you were doing...
...you were doing that.
What? Are you putting me on?
Uh? Oh, no, no...
No, I'm just feeling really good.
Does the wine don't hurt either?
- No...
The wine don't hurt.
You said there was a party.
So where's the party, uh?
You liked that, uh?
- Mmmm... yeah.
Man is a...
...a wonderful thing. Yeah.
It--it's still hard.
Why did you stop?
What's the hurry?
How can you hold back?
What are you doing? What--?
Oh, very clever books, you know.
Myself, I care for poems.
- Oh...
Guys always make passes
at girls with bare asses.
You'll never have a nack
till you make it with a black.
Where did you read that?
In the subway toilette.
Kill the light.
Scare you, huh?
Turns you on, too, don't it?
Knowing you can't stop it, knowing...
...you can't run.
Just waiting for it to happen.
Heart pumping a mile a minute, right?
Damn right.
Have you killed anybody?
In Vietnam.
Is that where you got these?
Where do you think? Miami Beach?
It's a rotten thing.
- Naahh...
Got me out of the war.
You don't get enough, uh?
Hey, what's that?
- What?
Why? Does it bother you?
- No, no.
Cheek to cheek.
You like that?
In case we fell asleep.
- So?
So you'd leave before morning.
Oh, what's that? A house rule?
The only one.
So, what happens in the morning?
- Work.
Oh, yeah? Who is he?
- Right.
Can be... milkman...
- Right, right.
Some guy that pays the rent?
Comes daylight work.
I gotta be alone.
Nothing--nothing personal.
Who said I want to stay?
You expect me to believe that alone crap?
Work... What kinda work?
I'm a teacher.
First grade.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
Teacher of little kids
cruising crummy bars?
Jesus Christ.
No wonder this country's all screwed up.
But you liked it, uh?
You're the greatest.
I'll keep in touch.
Sunday night, six sharp.
You just be here.
Okay? Sonja...'Bologna'
Hey, hey...
Your fly is open.
Of course... I gotta go to work, too.
God. I don't believe it.
I don't-- I don't believe it.
Those letters make air rush out.
Now, say it.
Very good.
I want you to think of words...
...that make the air rush out.
Punch. Punch. Punch.
No, no, no...
Too much 'punch, punch, punch.'
I want you to try 'help'.
Help. Help. Help.
- Yeah... better.
And then, this perfect little gentleman...
...comes out with the word 'fuck'.
- That must have burst the baloon.
So I told him to find another word.
Then he said that he tried 'love'.
But 'love' wouldn't move the baloon.
- Never has.
So, I told him 'happy'
would move the baloon. He said...
...is 'happy' the same as 'fuck'?
Not with my husband.
Oh, ha ha, I see...
Anyway, it is over. Finished. The end.
Tonight, Acapulco...
...tomorrow, I am free.
- Does Poppa know?
Oh, yeah. Naturally,
he blamed it on Barney.
As for a catholic getting divorced,
he said I wasn't married in church...
...so it wasn't a marriage in the first place.
How did Barney take it?
Barney? Oh. Barney took it real hard.
He's already shagged up with
a teeny bopper with a maxi mouth...
...a mini brain, dirty feet.
Oh, yes. They also have...
...his and her towels, his and her...
...hairdryers, his and her vibrators.
Here lies love.
And lies and lies and lies...
- I'll be right down.
Listen. Anything you want...
Take it, just...
...take it all.
Stay loose, baby.
James who?
Of course, I've been keeping busy.
I'm busy right now.
Frankly, I haven't even had time
to think of food.
Well... uh...
Can you call back in ten minutes?
No, wait. Better make it twenty.
Hey, Chuck.
What's up there, man? Got any shit?
- You got any bread?
I got the bread, baby.
Let me look at it.
Let me smell it.
Smells good.
It is good.
Hey, Chuck. Got any shit, man?
Hey, baby. You look full of it, baby.
Come on in, baby.
- Oh, Jesus.
Calling for me?
I was, uh, just looking for the ladies room.
Where's the ladies?
You looking for this shit,
white lady named Bernice.
Got a dime?
- A dime?
Yes... a dime, here.
One dope enough?
Yes... yes.
In case you gotta call Jesus.
Me on TV.
Me in the mirror. Me, the star.
That's why everybody goes there.
Everybody gets to be somebody.
Like that girl?
- She was a terrific kisser, huh?
She's a nice girl.
- Yeah, big dancer, I'll say that.
She's like a lot of girls. Alone,
cruises the bars alone. It's pretty sad.
Cheer up. They don't always leave alone.
You've never been in that bar before.
- Huh?
Right. Right.
- So, why did you wanna go?
It makes me feel good.
- You didn't know anybody there.
It's better that way, you know?
You drink and you dance...
...none of that awkward small talk.
Hey. We didn't have dinner yet.
I'm a great cook. I fry an egg.
I fry a hot-dog.
Well... school tomorrow, so...
- Saturday.
- Yeah... you better call first, okay?
How did you get in here, huh?
What'd you do? Picked the lock?
I knew it. A burglar.
Just get out--.
Hey, wait, wait a minute, what is this?
You said six o'clock, didn't you?
- So?
So... beat it. Out.
Tony gonna tell you what is out about.
Hey, what's your name? Terry Out?
Where did you get the arty-farty porno?
Where did you get that sudden
five-finger licking accent?
Mick Jagger has one, Joe Cocker...
...Elton John, The Beatles.
Peter Frampton, Rod Stewart...
Black is mean, mean is bread,
bread is flash.
Volare... wo-oh...
Cantare... woh-oh-woh-oh...
Hey, who's the blonde?
Looks good enough to eat.
Out. Before I call the cops.
No. No. It's late.
Right. I knew it. I knew it.
A burglar and a junkie. Just... Out.
Come on, teach... Pull this one
over me from the start.
'Snow', baby.
'White Lady'.'Bernice'.
- Oh.
You're a coke head.
M--... no.
- No. No.
Well, I said... cocaine...
...burn all around, pop in my brain...
Where did you get this stuff?
- You'll never believe it.
Ten dollars for that?
Thirty, for good stuff.
Hey, come here quick.
Cocaine gonna make your bo bo so sick.
...all around, my heart, my brain...
What's this do? What does it do?
It makes America beautiful.
Okay... okay...
Now, the other one.
- Yeah. Okay... okay.
Don't stop.
Don't... stop...
Oh, I want...
What? What do you want?
What's so important about
that ridiculous box?
How can you watch that when you know--
- That box keeps me company...
...even when I'm sleeping.
That's the only box I don't have to
screw all the time to keep it happy.
God. You're crude. You're crude bastard.
You're vain, vulgar, you're a liar...
God knows what you are.
Yeah... the perfect gentleman.
Where--where are you going?
- Two, three in the morning?
What? I don't understand.
What kind of business?
Is it woman business? Woman?
Take these.
- No.
- Take it.
Look, you wanna climb walls all night?
Wanna drag like shit at school?
Is that what you want? Huh?
What is it?
- Take it.
What is it?
- Lude.
Oh. Nice.
- Quaalude.
Brings it down fast.
I'll keep in touch.
- When?
If you're late again...
- Kiss my ass.
I did.
Oh, no. No.
Explain it to them.
Be quiet.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I'm late.
Last night I took a pill...
...to help me sleep.
The pill was so strong...
...that I--
- I don't believe it.
I don't believe it...
I gotta go home.
- How is he?
I gotta go home. I gotta see the baby.
I've been here since last night.
Why didn't you call me?
- I did.
Nobody home.
Later... busy, busy, busy.
I called the operator and say 'cut in'
She tells me the phone is off the hook.
I called this morning,
still nobody home.
Stay with Mom, huh?
How is he? Momma...?
- In God's hands.
Can I see him please?
Well, Theresa, it's been a long time.
Before the operation, we had
a nice chat, your father and I.
He told me the good news...
...about that wondrous
young man of yours.
It seems you picked the right man.
I tried to reach you...
- Do they know?
Twenty four hours.
- Know what?
Know what?
It is malignant.
Can I give you a ride home, Mrs. Dunn?
If it's not too much trouble,
I'd like to go to church first.
You're something, you know?
You're really something.
How did you manage? Jesus.
You practically one of the family.
Apple of my father's eye, buddies,
my mother's son she never had...
I wanted to help.
- Why?.
Why is it when there's trouble
you're always Johnny-On-The-Spot?
Is that how you get your kicks?
Feeding off the crippled?
You're upset, I understand...
- Aww....
You're worried and you're lonely.
- Alone.
I'm alone. Not lonely.
And depressed.
And you're depressing me.
Can you understand that?
This place isn't like you at all.
Not at all.
It's exactly like me.
Especially this.
You ever had a woman that way? Hm?
You got a woman?
How about one of those
welfare cases of yours?
All those scared trembling women
begging for favors... Hm?
I'm going to the hospital tomorrow.
- Ha. Of course you will.
I want you here. Right here.
Or maybe you don't like women.
Maybe you go to--
- Shut up.
You don't like to hurt people,
so, why do you do it?
I'll pick you up at six, tomorrow.
Good night.
What? Malignant?
Me? No...
That's rumours, sweetheart.
That's all it is. Doctors mambo-jambo.
Yeah, I'll be back at work in a week.
Katherine, love, would I lie to you?
No affliction's gonna bury me
before my time.
Gland tubes or prostate
or any other state. Uh?
Hello? Tony?
Tony? Hello?
Are you still there?
Yes, yes, you sound under water too.
Huh? I can't--
You're gurgling.
What? Am I what?
No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine...
...but the phone practically drowned.
Don't go away. Don't you go away.
Okay... can you hear me?
Tony? Hey.
Tony, just... don't go away.
No. Just--just barely...
Yeah. Barely.
Well, uh... Why don't you come on over?
No, no. It's James.
Huh? Oh, yuck.
Hey, Steve.
Hey. Excuse me.
Tony Lo Panto, seen him around?
Ah, gomer man.
Must be two, three weeks now.
Another one?
Oh... A professor needs a beard.
Ex... professor.
Teaching is a waste of time.
I'm writing a novel.
- Isn't everybody?
I'm getting divorced, too.
- Isn't everybody?
...old times.
Ha ha. Oh, God, no. Uh-uh.
I think about you, us... a lot.
Too much.
You were my one true love.
Ah, yes...
Forgive me not, but please,
oh please, forget me not.
My parted lover sayeth this writ...
Oh, darling, thou art still a shit.
...that's wrong.
- Hey...
Everyone, look at me.
This is Mr--
- No, hold it, hold it.
My name is...
- Very, very good.
It took me four days to learn that.
Maybe sign language would keep us
from fighting?
I'd be surprised.
Haven't you had enough?
I mean, I've been so awful and--
- You're charming, intelligent...
...affectionate, sensual...
You're the ideal...
...bitch. Uh...
You'd better learn to read Braille.
You're blind as a bat.
- You'll be sorry.
It's funny...
I don't remember buying any candy.
That's right.
And the pens.
- Right.
That's stealing.
- Yeah... That's right.
It would've been easier to pay for it.
- Yeah, but not as much fun.
You got roaches.
Poor hungry little buggers.
Is that why you don't wash the dishes?
Cause the roaches are hungry?
Why else?
Why else...
Most guys, first time out they try
to score, they expect it.
And some of them get pretty nasty
if they don't get it.
So by the 2nd or 3rd time, it's either
fuck, fight it or forget it.
But you, we've seen each other, what?
Five or six times...
...you haven't even tried to kiss me.
Your wine, madam.
In here, please.
Oh, uh... just a second...
Uh, my hands are very soapy here. Oh.
I'm sorry...
Mmmmm... Nice... Mmmm...
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Why did you wanna be a priest?
My father wanted it.
Didn't you?
If he hadn't died,
that's what you'd be.
I don't know if he's dead.
- What?
I just say he's dead.
It stops the questions.
My mother drank.
She doesn't drink anymore.
I was twelve years old when that happened.
One night I heard my mother laughing.
My mother had a beautiful laugh.
The bedroom door was open.
She was lying on the bed, naked.
Except for a black garter belt.
My father was standing over her.
She was teasing him.
'Hey, what's the matter big boy?
Can't you get it up?'
My father hit her.
But my mother just kept on laughing...
And he kept hitting her,
and hitting her...
...and she kept laughing,
and laughing.
There was blood all over the bed...
...blood all over my mother.
My father walked right past me...
...walked down the stairs and out the door.
I love you.
Don't love me...
...just... make love.
Mmmm... let me... let me...
Is this supposed to protect me or you?
Oh, God.
Oh Go-- I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm very sorry.
That wasn't very funny.
It's just--I've never seen one of these.
Oh, God... Go ahead. Go ahead. Hit me.
Fight back. Uh... Break something.
I'm--I'm sorry...
You're wrong...
...it's funny.
The story about my mother and my father?
It never happened.
I'm sorry.
I gotta get outta here.
Excuse me. Excuse me...
Uh... I'm looking for Jesus.
Well, ain't you heard, baby?
The pigs got him.
Never fear, the man is here.
Two dime-bags?
So, I'm back working for the airlines
but not like before.
Desk job, public relations.
No more wedding doors in a plane
loaded of drunken ass-grabbers.
Nobody flies me ever again except...
...if I want it and only if I want it.
I've quitted that too.
The booze, the pill, the grass...
...the fifty dollar an hour analyst...
I am through with the whole
mind-fucking scene.
Everybody's taking something or
they'll never make it till morning.
Well, I am into group therapy.
It is very in.
Oh, yeah, yeah... Is that where
you all sit around in a circle...
...and peak each other apart?
No. It's where you find out
the mess you're in.
How you got into it...
...and maybe, how to get out of it.
Oh, we all hurt someplace and
we're all looking for a painkiller.
Well... to the painkillers.
Hello? Theresa.
Hello? Is this 777-4490?
Yes, James.
You know, I was thinking about us.
Am I interrupting you?
- No.
I just got home church.
You know, whenever I've a problem
I go to church...
So I found myself with this
out-of-towner, here for...
I don't know, a furniture convention
or something, anyway...
He won't come to my place and
we won't go to his fancy hotel.
It's gotta be, for Christ sake's,
a motel, and only this kind of motel.
First thing, on with the TV.
Next... Nothing.
Just sits there on the bed,
watching the porno movie.
Honest to God, I expect he's gonna
bring out a bag of pop corn.
So, finally, the big moment.
He doesn't even take off his pants.
And all the time he's doing it to me...
...he's watching them do it on TV.
Is this hysterical, right?
No, wait, wait, wait...
When I come out again...
...Scarlett and Butcher are still
cranking it out on TV...
...and my furniture freak
is gone with the wind.
He left this: 'Honey, you're terrific'.
And this.
Wild, huh?
Anyhow, this night I met with this...
...detective, and we end up in my place...
...we smoke a little, laugh a little,
you know, real nice time.
I come out of the bathroom, and...
...guess what? Away.
Not again.
- Right.
Dick Tracy disappeared with my
20 dollars. Talk about amateur...
...played for a hooker by a square
and ripped off as a sucker by a dick.
Me, queer? Jesus, I'm a married man.
I got two kids and
a very expensive mistress.
I'm an animal.
- That's why you go to gay bars.
Two kids.
Jesus. Who's that?
- Me, when I need a fix.
What the hell. You're a juicer?
I'm a junkie.
Yeah? What are you hooked on?
- Anything I can get.
You got something to drink?
Something sweet?
- How about me, huh?
I'm not complaining, but, you know,
you're not very... uh, big.
Neither are you.
Coming up, up, up.
- Oh, yeah.
My God... I knew it. I knew it.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
Who the hell are you?
- Who? Me?
Yeah, you.
- Me?
Yeah, you. Are you a deaf faggot?
- Me?
Go on, get outta here.
You live up there, mama?
- Theresa?
Theresa, are you alright?
- She's taking a dump.
Before you start, I forgive you.
So relax, okay?
So, how've you been?
You missed me, huh?
Why so silent, babe?
Bette Davis on a little oldie show, right?
You know, you oughtta get into
one of'em TV game shows.
Come on down, Terry.
You'd scream and jump up and down.
You'd win twenty five grand.
A car and hundred suitcases...
...and a trip to the Honolulu Hilton.
Hula-hula. Hallelujah. Oh, Lord.
What the hell is this? Caller house?
Well, maybe she don't wanna talk to you.
What the fuck kinda language is that?
- Give me that.
Uh, no... No, no problem.
I'll call you back.
You wanna know where I've been?
- No.
Lost a bundle at the track...
Been strutting around a fat jew broad
till her little man showed up.
Miami. Tough asshole.
Scrounge my way back up here.
They cut off my welfare, which
I'm told by some nigger clerk.
Give me a beer, will you, hon?
So, I need a bed till I get something going.
Not here.
What, four or five days.
Even you got a mother.
- She said no.
Go set the world on fire.
What, on a couple of lousy dollars?
Find a smaller world.
Hey, hey, relax, come on.
It's Tony you're talking. Remember?
You're still my girl.
Mine, mine, right?
Get this into one of your two heads.
The only one that can think.
I am my own girl.
I belong to me. Now, get out of here.
Leave. Go. Go.
I don't believe it.
- Believe it.
You're throwing me out?
- Yes.
You and my mother...
The two biggest cunts in the world.
You. Son of a... bitch.
- Oh, my God.
I'm... fine...
- What did he do to you?
Come here. Come, sit down.
Oh, Jesus.
- My teeth... my teeth...
Let me look at--Oh, my God.
I'll get some ice.
How did that creep get in here?
What happened?
It doesn't matter what happened.
Let the cops get their hands on
that mother grabber.
That's it. He's only trying
to hurt his mother.
What are you talking about?
What do you have to do with his mother?
Well, we're both-- Aaaahhhh.
It's cold.
- Just hold it, hold it.
We're both cunts.
Oh, God. The cockroaches are
taking over the world.
Give me that coat.
Tony. Tony, no--
- Ole. Ole.
I'm--Don't do that. Give me that--
This is not funny.
Oh, I don't know... It's gonna
cost you 300 now, instead of two.
First, I haven't got it.
- You get it.
Second, I wouldn't give it to you.
- You wanna bet?
Not three hundred, not three nothing.
Oh, well, I'd hate to see it
in the newspapers, you know.
Virgin schoolteacher, bar hopping slut.
Pill popper, coke head, doobee-doo.
All right, Miss Dunn.
Oh, you don't need Tony anymore.
You got yourself a nigger stud, here.
You asked for it, bitch.
- Tony?
Found it.
- Found it.
...telephone tip, from a mysterious
informer, led to a secret life...
...of drugs, bar hopping and sorted sex.
Ms. Dunn was fired, when she admitted...
You are really sick.
Oh, shit...
Weren't you ever in love?
That is even more unbearable than you.
Quit, will ya? Hm?
Will you please quit?
Merry Christmas.
What is it? Geez. Oh...
This is fantastic.
What made you think of this?
- You.
Light and dark, on and off,
Now I see you, now I don't.
To all the lonely people,
on Christmas Eve, uh?
With love.
Oh, no... I-- I don't want that ring.
I don--I don't wanna be in love,
not the way you mean.
You wanna be married,
I don't wanna be married.
You wanna have kids, I don't want kids.
- Who said anything about marriage?
It's Christmas.
Christmas makes me feel good.
At the end of the year,
you think about the future.
I don't believe in the future.
What do you believe in?
Now. What happens now.
That's what I believe in.
- What have you got now? This place?
- Look at it.
What's here when you come home?
Anything that means anything to you?
Family? A dog? A cat?
Friends? You have one woman friend
you can talk to?
Last election, did you even fucking vote?
You got one thing. Me.
That's what you've got. And
to hold on to me. It's got to be me.
And only me.
Where are you going?
- Out.
Away from you.
- Where?
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I don't want your Merry Christmas.
I don't want the Saint Judas kiss
you give to James.
Not man enough for you, was he?
Not man enough for our
kinky Miss America.
I don't understand you.
I don't understand your crazy world.
I don't understand your crazy talk.
Freedom this. And freedom that.
Free to leave your family?
Free to quit the church?
Free love? Free to abort your own kids.
Free to go to hell.
Will you tell me,
for the love of Christ...
...how can you give no life
to them deaf kids?
Teach'em, love'em, care for'em?
...when you won't give birth
to your own? Why?
You know why.
You're afraid.
- Yes.
Of what? Of labor pain?
- Scoliosis, Poppa.
You know about scoliosis, don't you?
Curvature of the spine? A crooked back?
Paralitic scoliosis?
Inflammatory, myopathic and
ocular scoliosis?
The kind you get from rickets
and reumatism and my kind.
Congenital. The kind you're born with.
- You got polio.
- Ask the hospital.
I did. Congenital. In the blood.
- Polio.
Your blood, Poppa.
- Liar.
Katherine's clean.
- Lucky.
Brigid's clean.
- Lucky.
The healthy kids--
- Suppose mine are not healthy.
My mother had four. All b--
All perfect.
All but one.
Little Maureen.
More love in that poor--
twisted little body than...
...in her perfect brothers.
False as sounding brass.
Ashamed of her.
She took her own life.
Tell me, girl, how do you get free
of the terrible truth?
Happy New Year from
Times Square in New York.
It's good-bye to 1976...
...and hello '77.
Who is it?
- Telegram.
Your thing is glib.
- That's the story of my life.
Happy New Year.
Meet Robert, 'The Mad Mugger'.
- Mad, Robert, mad.
Mascarade party. Do you wanna come?
- You sure?
Whatever you do,
you shouldn't be alone. I mean...
Nobody oughtta be alone
on New Year's Eve.
Be happy, baby.
- Okay...
Hey. What the hell is the idea?
Open up.
Open up, bitch. I know you're in there.
Hey, Sonia Bologna.
Pretty night tonight, right?
You and me, we'll drink out the old
year and blow in the new one, okay?
Quieres tomar una copa?
[Do you want to have a drink? ]
Hey, come on, honey, come on.
You got me all worked up.
Oh. Too late...
Come on, come on, hurry up.
Look, you think this lousy toilette
chain is gonna keep me out? Huh?
Get me the police.
Yes. This is an emergency.
Finito. You are dead.
Hey... no tits.
Did they hurt you?
- No.
Don't you ever ask me to wear this--...
...this crap again. Never. You hear?.
I'm not goddam girl,
you oughtta know that.
Christ. Look at us.
You know what we are? Look at us.
We're a couple of freaks.
We're freaks.
- I'm sorry...
Sorry... Shit.
I had it with you.
The fancy pad, the shirts, the shoes...
I'm cutting out of here.
Don't go...
Please, don't go.
Please, don't go.
Where are you gonna go?
- Anywhere away from you.
Will you be back?
I don't know...
I'll wait for you at the apartment.
You'll need some money.
Shove it.
- I'll wait for you.
Right, well you then do it, not me.
I'm a pitcher, not a catcher.
And don't you ever forget, ya hear?
This is it. The last night cruising bars.
Something serious?
Well, when your night life
interferes with your day life...
Can I buy you a drink?
Not even one for luck?
Confidentially, with me?
One's too many and a million's not enough.
I got the same problem with men.
Nice way to fly.
They say it prolongues sex
almost indefinitely.
It makes me absolutely wild.
Hi, I'm Arthur.
Where did you do that?
That must really hu--
You think I'm queer, don't you?
Please, I--I never said...
No, but you thought it.
Didn't you?
I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
Excuse me, could we talk together...
...for a moment? Just a moment.
There's a guy back there that
won't let me alone.
Probably watching us.
That one?
- Yeah.
Seems okay.
- Kinda scary.
Why'd you pick me?
You seem... uh...
- What?
I don't know. Friendly.
You got a nice smile.
If you smile maybe he'll go away.
Then what?
Midnight in San Francisco.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Thanks for seeing me home.
- I knew it...
I knew it... Yes, indeed.
Home, sweet home.
You need a drink real bad.
Room Service? Sir, bring us up
a bottle of 'Wild Turkey', uh?
And make it fast. Thank you.
It's nice... real nice.
Uhh... before you move in, huh?
...one drink, okay? One?
Then good night? Okay? Huh?
Say, that... friend in the bar,
bugging you?
I got the same problem.
Regular leech, you know?
All the time, crying and spying...
...hanging on... Won't let go.
Day and night. Love me. Love me.
I can't even go to the can without
'what you doing, honey?'
Shit. You know, I practically OD'ed on love.
Wasted, you know? I'd like
to black out for a week.
How long you married?
What the hell kinda crack is that?
I hate--
I actually hate this--person.
I have to be crazy to go back there tonight.
Been a crazy night. All night.
When I got into town, broke,
no job, no place to stay...
...all I'm looking for is...
...get out of the cold, a place
to flop for the night, right?
Well... we boozed it up pretty good.
You know, one thing or another...
Anyhow, we've been shagged up
ever since.
Sometimes I think, honest to God,
I was better off in prison.
Were you really in prison?
Yes, ma'am. Twice.
What for?
This and that.
Don't people hold it against you?
Being a convict?
Oh, yes, ma'am. They certainly do.
Not you, though. You're different.
- Yeah
Well, a con gets to know things.
Who cares, who don't. And you...
...you really care.
Not a mean bone in your body.
Oh, you're a con man, right.
I thought you were wasted.
- Mmm?
Wait, wait...
First, I'd better... yeah.
What you got here?
We all carry scars someplace.
They say we're all born in sin.
Well, lucky thing, uh?
Now. Okay, now...
You have a... very nice body, uh...
I admire people keeping shape.
I work out all the time.
In my neighborhood...
...if you didn't fight, you were fruit.
In prison...
...if you didn't fight,
you were spared ass.
I shouldn't have drunk so much.
Hey... hey...
I'm not ready.
Damn it. I'm not ready.
M-maybe-maybe it's me...
...uh... whatever, it's not your fault.
It happens.
Goddamn women.
All you got to do is lay there,
a guy's got to do all the work.
You think that's funny?
I think of the odd way to start the new year.
What's the hurry? We got all night.
No. Some other time.
I'll call a cab to... Hey...
hein? Come on...
Will you please get out? You can't...
You can't stay here...
If you wanna get laid, okay, later.
I want you out of here. Now.
- No.
What...What are you trying to prove?
Prove? Prove what?
I don't need to prove nothing to you.
You think I'm somekind of a flamin' faggot.
Goddamit. I'm married to a girl that
makes you look like shit.
She's down in Florida, with a belly
up to here with my kid.
How's that for a proof?
You, candle fucker.
Katherine. Katherine.
Shut up.
I'm ready now.
You want it, right, bitch?
That's what you wanted, right?
That's what you wanted, right?
That's what you wanted, right?
- Do it. Do it.
Oh, God.