Lord of the Wolves (2024) Movie Script

- 10 years I've
been living in this city.
The day I moved here,
this guy had his head
cut off in the streets.
Mum was kind of terrified.
I was 18 then.
Photography was something
I'd always loved,
that's why I came here to study.
West London Uni was fine
more than Dad could
realistically afford.
And photography is something
you either have or you don't,
so the school was only
good for this one teacher,
Professor Malone.
Basically took me
under his wing.
I graduated, went freelance,
took weddings, shit gigs.
Yeah, it's a struggle.
Then in that funny way the
universe works,
I came to actually live
with Professor Malone.
I mean, Albert.
No, not how you're thinking.
Nothing weird, all right?
We just stayed friends.
I'm no trouble see,
I keep to myself,
so this all worked out
for us pretty well,
for a while anyway.
- I'm fucking fucked, aren't I?
- They wanna
hospitalize you
for the first week
of treatment.
- I don't want it.
No treatment, Nic.
I've got other plans.
- What plans?
- I'm too young for this shit.
- Well.
What am I supposed to do?
- Nic.
I've got the fucking tumor.
You're fine.
- No I,
yeah, I just,
fuck, I wanna cry.
- It is what it is.
Doctors say I've got a
year at the best.
We'll see.
Doctors really don't
know anything.
They want more blood.
Why don't you head home?
I'll get a taxi when I'm done.
- Beth, will you
hurry up in there.
We're gonna be late.
- Just a minute, Todd.
- What are you doing?
- Sorry.
- I said you looked fine
20 minutes ago.
The taxi's outside.
- I have Mr. Malone's
test results.
You see this?
It's a malignant tumor.
I'm afraid to say
went undetected
through stages one,
two, and three.
It's not good news.
It can be treated with chemo,
but it's an
aggressive treatment.
It wouldn't be easy for
someone of Mr. Malone's age.
- How long does he have?
- With chemo,
no more than a year.
- So are you gotta tell me
what all that was about or?
- What?
- You, acting like that.
- Like what?
- Weird, Beth.
What is wrong with you tonight?
- I'm just tired.
- Yeah well, you embarrassed me.
What are Jack and Sarah
gonna bloody think?
- I'm sorry.
- Next time if you don't
want to come just say.
- I did want to come, Todd.
- No, if you wanted to come,
you wouldn't have sat
there all zoned out
like you've got some
sort of social problem.
You have to contribute to
the conversation, Beth,
otherwise, what's even the
point in having you there?
You've been off for weeks.
I don't know how much
longer I can put up with this.
I need a drink and
I'm off to bed.
- Goodnight.
- So what I'm hearing is that
you can only get ugly guys
to fuck you now, Sean.
- No, no, no, no.
What I'm saying is
don't rule out
unfortunate-looking hookups.
Like why are we always
looking for handsome faces
when they're not putting
their fucking face in you?
It's like we're programmed
to expect great sex
from pretty people,
but what matters is the dick.
- Oh, Jesus.
- And the uglier they are the
better they are at fucking.
- Oh, what?
- Sean?
Whoa, what? What does it matter?
- Because they never get
good looking guy
show them any attention.
So suddenly you're into them
and it's like Christmas
came fucking early.
- You have a terrifyingly
high opinion of yourself.
- Ugh, there's no way
of saying this
without sounding
like an asshole.
- So that wasn't the aim
of this whole tangent?
- These guys just have
this energy, right?
Like this could be their
one chance with you
before you stop and realize,
wait, have I actually
looked at this guy's face?
He looks like a fricking goblin.
- So how many
Quasimodo-looking Grinder freaks
have you bottomed for already?
- Oh, Sean not told
you his rule?
He always has three
guys on the go.
- Three regular fuck buddies.
- Oh, Sean.
- Look this is the
struggle of being single,
which I hate, by the way.
I don't have round on
the clock access to dick,
which is like pretty sad.
- Sean, darling, you
need therapy.
- Yeah.
We don't want you no more.
- So are they all ugly
or is it like you need
two ugly ones
and a pretty one to
balance it out?
- It doesn't matter.
Sean just needs them
to fuck good
and have a big monster cock.
Isn't that right, Sean?
Right? Sean.
- What?
- To desperate times.
- I'm not desperate, you bitch.
- No, 'cause you've gone
through all the gym bros
within five mile radius.
- Aw babes, do they not
takes you back?
- He ghosted a few
too many times.
- Look, I ghost, they
don't ghost me.
- Oh, I get it. I get it.
You wanna be treated like
a pretty little princess.
- Sean likes to be treated
like a piece of meat.
- Oh, and how would you know?
- You mean fucks like a
piece of meat?
- Pretty meat, though.
- Oh, duh.
Like a fucking Fullblood
Wagyu Tenderloin.
- No, you're definitely
just the rump.
- Cheers! Big cheers!
- Finish your fucking
pornstars you queers
and let's go dance.
You and I forever
You and I forever
You and I forever
- Oh shit.
- Oi! Fuck this guy.
- Oh, shit!
- Hey!
Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo.
- Sorry, I was just,
I'm just a photographer.
- No no, wait, wait, wait.
- What phone have
you got for me?
- Sorry?
- What's this then?
- That's my camera.
- I said what phone have
you got for me?
- I don't have anything for you.
- Do you wanna know what
I got for you?
- Oh, fuck.
- Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck indeed.
Phone and wallet.
- Okay, yeah.
But this all I've got, okay?
Hey, no, no, no.
That's my, please.
That's my camera.
It's got my photos on
it for work.
- Oh shut up!
If he says it's his,
then it's fucking is!
- Oi!
- Is this what you wanted?
- It's fucking junk, man.
- Prick.
- Hey.
Hey, what's going on?
I live here.
- Sir, this
is a restricted area.
- This is my flat.
- Nicholas Cross?
- What the fuck is going on?
- Let him through.
- Neighbor called in
a disturbance.
So are you family or?
- I'm his tenant.
We're friends.
We're close.
- He's at the hospital.
Doesn't look as though
they can do much for him.
All this happened before
they got here.
- Do you know what this is?
- I thought it was a
- Hmm.
Do you keep a reptile
here or something?
- What?
- The pet food got out.
They're everywhere.
- Got somewhere you can
stay tonight?
- Um.
I don't really sleep,
but um, yeah, I'll be fine.
- You ever
heard of Lycaon?
- What is that?
- Lie-Kay-Un.
He's like an old London legends,
like half-man, half-wolf.
Hides in the city of London.
- Don't know it.
- No.
It's one of those things that
they tell you on the street.
It's kind of like a bit of a-
- Cautionary tale?
- Right.
So Lycaon was this guy
who lived in Whitechapel.
This is back in the
olden times, of course.
And this guy couldn't catch a
fucking break.
He worked like a dog.
In fact, people thought he
started to look like a dog.
I'm talking like skin
discoloration as well.
A bit like what we found
on your pussy.
- Dean!
Fuckin' hell.
London back then was
full of disease.
- What?
And it ain't today?
- Okay.
- Yeah, so my guy falls on
hard, hard times, you know.
Poor as shit.
Nothing to eat.
Nowhere to live.
So he commits the ultimate sin.
- What's that?
- He eats human
flesh to survive.
- Oh.
- What?
The guy's gotta fucking eat
though, right?
I mean, there's
versions of the story
where he goes after people
on the streets.
Women, you know.
Like a wolf!
- Oh!
I'm all wet now.
- So what?
I like you better
when you're wet.
- The story is bullshit.
It never happened.
- It's a legend, you knob.
It's been-
- Embellished?
- Well.
- Next time you wanna
scare me, try harder.
I don't think I'll be
losing any sleep.
- Who said you could sleep?
- Dean.
- Oh, you wanted to stay over,
You know what that means?
- Stay over?
I pay rent here fuck-head.
- Yeah, and that's only
because I let you.
Come on, Kirsty.
Don't be annoying.
- I'm not.
- The rent is due
tomorrow by the way,
so I'm gonna need that cash.
- I know, I have it.
- Yeah?
And you know I don't like
it when I have to ask.
- I have it!
- All right.
Okay, all right.
Come here.
Come here.
- What is that?
- Go back to sleep, babe.
- What is it?
- You don't wanna try this,
all right?
Everyone start on this.
- You said you could
stop if you wanted to.
Like if you really wanted to.
- Um.
- I'll be back in a second
to come and cuddle yeah.
- Beth.
It's early.
- I've got a meeting.
- It's 6:00 AM.
- See you later.
- Well, you're eight
weeks along.
Everything seems fairly normal.
- Eight weeks?
- I know this can be
overwhelming, Ms. Crawford.
- Sorry.
I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
You've absolutely no
need to apologize.
- It's not my partner's.
It's not Todd's.
He barely, you know,
there was a man at my work.
I never would've let him.
He um...
- Have you reported
this to anyone?
- No.
- Have you thought about
reporting it to the police?
- I haven't told anyone.
It's um...
I did the test,
but I didn't wanna
think it was real.
- You have options,
Ms. Crawford.
If this isn't something
that you want to do,
there are many nice
people out there
who can't have children
of their own.
We can connect you
with an agency.
- I don't know if I
could do that.
- All right.
Do you have a friend you
can call to pick you up?
- I just need time to
think this over.
Thank you.
- Fuck!
Ugh, for fuck's sake, Dean!
- I am so sorry, Nic.
We tried everything we
possibly could.
Can I call anybody for you?
- Nicholas.
- Nic?
Are you okay?
You fainted.
You fainted.
- Sean?
Wake the fuck up.
- For fuck sake, Kirsty.
Can I get some privacy?
- Like you care.
Looks to have been a
successful night.
- Do you not know how to knock?
- The door was wide open.
You could have been robbed.
Why do you always do this?
You know we've got lunch
with mom today.
- There's your answer, genius.
- You're trying to embarrass
yourself in front of her?
- Unlike some of us Kirsty babe,
I don't have the
energy to keep up
with this golden child act.
- What act?
- This fucking perfect daughter
act you've got going on.
- Water. Paracetamol.
Now go wash last night's
shag out of your mouth,
- Right. Yeah, okay.
Look away.
- Can I borrow some cash?
I've got my purse.
- Yeah, whatever.
- 40 quid all right?
I'll pay you back.
- You never do,
Kirsty, but it's fine.
- Thanks.
You've got five minutes.
How's Dean?
Still living together,
I presume?
- He's good, mum.
- What is it he does again?
- Just, you know,
general odd jobs.
- And that pays enough, does it?
- Well, we never seem
to have a problem so.
- Oh well, that's wonderful,
It's good to have someone
who can provide.
Your father and I must
get around to visiting.
I want to see this flat.
- At some point.
Just lots of decorating to do,
that's all.
- Well, I'm just glad to see
that you finally settled.
You had us worried.
Why not bring him
along next time?
Hmm? He's always welcome.
- I know he wants to meet you.
Just, he's busy.
- Well, I want to see
who my daughter
is spending her time with.
- Dean's trash.
You know you can do
better for yourself.
- Sean, I'm talking
to your sister.
- Sorry, why was I invited if
you don't wanna ask about me?
I'm done with listening to
this bullshit about Dean.
He's pretty fucking far
from perfect.
- Stop!
- Every nice girl I know ends
up with a complete low life.
Nothing going for them.
Just want to shake these girls.
- Sean, could we just
have one dinner
without your theatrics?
- You're my sister,
so I can say this.
- What are you going
to have then?
Kirsty, the five cheese
marinara sounds good.
- How's Dad today then?
- He's busy with work.
- He's just done with
seeing us now then.
- No, that is not the case,
- He's that ashamed of me.
You're not gonna talk to him?
Sort it out?
- He'll come around.
Give him time.
- He's had time.
- And it's not fair on
us either, is it, Sean?
Because of your choices,
Kirsty doesn't get to see him.
Just be quiet and
order your food.
- Hi, can I take your order?
- Hello.
Yes, I will have the five
cheese marinara
and an Aperol Spritz.
Kirsty, what are you gonna have?
- You know, I'm not only gay,
I'm the woman.
And do you know what that means?
It means I take it up the ass.
- Sean.
- Hot muscular men make
me their little fuck-bitch
and I like it.
No, I fucking love it.
And if you've not spent
your whole life
being such a boring square,
maybe you'd have found
what you like
instead of being an old
judgmental bitch
because I managed it
and you didn't.
- You think you are not
miserable, Sean?
- I can come back in
a few minutes.
- I think you better leave.
- Yeah, going.
- Sean.
- Whatever Kirsty,
I fucking hate her.
- Why can't we just be
a normal family, eh?
- I'm sorry, mum.
I might have to go after him.
- Yes, it's fine.
- Sean.
What was that?
- Nothing I ever say
gets through
to her thick fucking skull.
You know, it's all
right for you.
She asks about you,
about your job,
about your boyfriend,
about your life.
I just sit there.
She's not showing the
slightest bit of interest
as if nothing I do
fucking matters.
- Well, I'm sorry
she's like that,
but you don't have to
shit all over my life.
- It's true, Kirsty.
Dean's no good for you.
- Well, fine.
We can have that conversation.
You can tell me all your
fucking shitty opinions,
just not in front of
fucking mum, all right?
Not today.
- Please just stop trying
to be her precious
little children.
We're both fuck ups, babe.
And we're both nothing
like she wants us to be
so just stop trying
to please her.
- Yeah, everywhere I go,
people just get worse and worse.
People are just out
for themselves.
Everyone is just fucking nuts.
Except for you, Sean.
You're the only person who
understands me.
You're my brother.
If you don't have my back,
then I've got nothing.
Not one person by my side.
- No one's against you, Kirsty.
- Really?
Because some days it
feels like every fucker
is out for my blood.
The rent.
The day job.
Our parents.
My twat boyfriend.
I know nothing in my life
is perfect, all right?
I don't need you to tell me.
- Yeah, well newsflash,
you're not the only one
that feels like that.
- So talk to me about it then.
- You still have parents
who care about you, Kirsty?
I have nothing.
Okay? We are not on the
same page here.
You know nothing about
being rejected
for something that you
can't fucking change.
- So what?
We're just gonna fall
out over this?
- In the end everyone
turns their back on me.
I fucking ruined today,
didn't I?
I'm a disappointment to them.
And someday soon I'll be a
disappointment to you too.
- Sean.
Please don't walk away from me.
What the fuck?
Dean, open the fuck up.
- Hey, I've just put my
little girl to sleep.
You won't get in there.
They came around this afternoon,
replaced the locks
and everything.
If you want your stuff,
you're gonna have to
speak to the landlord.
Your rent was three
months overdue.
- Hey!
No, it's all right.
I'm looking for Dean.
Do you know him?
- All right.
I'll show you the way.
They're gonna love you there.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Fresh meat.
- Todd?
- What the fuck is this?
Please not yours.
Tell me it's not.
- Todd.
- Is this the reason you've
been acting such a creep
these past months?
Is it?
Answer me!
'Cause there is no way this
is mine and you know that.
- Of course, it's not yours.
I don't think you can stand me.
- Is that what this is?
- A man at work, Liam,
followed me,
forced me into the back
of his car, and held me down.
you think I've been
acting a little weird?
I'm fucking weird.
The world is fucking weird.
Everything is upside down, Todd.
And now I find out.
I find out I'm fucking pregnant
from one time that I just
want to forget ever happened.
But what do you care?
It's just Beth being a cry baby.
Making a fuss.
- You swear it was
just one time?
- It wasn't my choice, Todd.
It was not my choice.
- He didn't leave any bruises,
did he?
I mean, did you even
put up a fight?
We spoke about kids.
We said we weren't ready.
- Todd.
- I just don't know why
you didn't say anything.
- How could I tell you?
How could I know what to say?
- You can't keep it.
- That's not, I'm,
there's lots for me
to think about.
- You'd keep another man's kid
and expect me to stick
around for that?
- I don't know, Todd.
You're the least of my
worries right now.
- You understand why it just
doesn't seem very plausible
when you've kept it quiet
from me for so long.
- Well, there were times,
so many times I wanted to
say something.
I almost did-
- Then why the fuck didn't you?
- I didn't know how.
I couldn't say the words.
This is my home, Todd.
This is my life.
I just needed someone
who would understand.
Please say something.
- I better stay
somewhere else tonight.
We'll talk about this.
- Todd, please.
- Everything I do is for you.
This house, this job.
I feel like a fucking idiot.
- Todd, don't go.
Not tonight, Todd!
- Dean?
- Kirsty?
- What the fuck?
- You shouldn't be here, babe.
- Where's the money, asshole?
You took the rent and cash
and they changed the
fucking locks.
- Kirsty, you need to go home.
- I don't have a home to go to,
- I tried to keep you
out of this, all right?
Please, just go.
- You're a fucking prick.
You know that?
- Kirsty, go!
- Ms. Marsh.
- Who is that?
What is this place?
- Kirsty, forget about me,
all right?
You need to go.
Get out of here, please.
- Ms. Marsh.
- Who's back there?
- You know who we are.
We rule this city
from the shadows.
All the foulest stories
you thought false,
I prove to be true.
- Lycaon.
- Summon me, Ms. Marsh.
Summon me.
- Your fuckin' pussy is
mine tonight.
Anything I wanna do
you're gonna let me.
Think you can handle it,
little slut?
- Come on, you.
Come meet my friends.
- Todd?
Please, please.
Can you come over here?
- It's one o'clock
in the morning, Beth.
- It's just um,
I get the feeling there's
somebody in the house.
I'm seeing things, Todd.
It's him.
I can't.
I just can't be by
myself right now, please.
- Beth, we're
not talking right now.
- Where are you?
Who's that?
- One second.
Beth, don't call me.
Good night.
- I need you.
- Shit!
You selfish prick!
What's so bad in your life
that you'd have to go and
do something like that, huh?
Did the person you spend every
day with up and disappear?
Did you get mugged and
beaten in the street
coming home from your
shitty day job?
Did any of that fucking
bullshit happen to you?
- I think somebody
stole my wallet.
- That's it?
- I'm fucking drunk, okay?
And nobody gives a fuck
about me anymore.
- So?
Forget about them.
You'll get over it.
- I don't know.
- I just saved your life.
- What's going on?
Hey, hey, wait.
- It's fucking cold.
- Yeah?
Maybe next time, mind
your own business.
- Sorry.
I have a lot of anger.
- Yeah, no shit.
- You were rude.
- I was.
- You were.
- Okay look, I admitted to it,
okay? It was stupid.
I wasn't actually gonna jump.
- I think you were.
- Okay, maybe I was gonna jump.
Okay, next time I'll just
go home and have a cry wank.
I'm Sean, by the way.
- Nic.
- You're a photographer?
- Trying to be.
I was mugged.
They broke my good camera,
so now I'm stuck using this.
- Maybe you shouldn't be
out here so late at night.
It's not exactly the
safest place to be.
- It's where all the
good pictures are.
I was actually trying to
break in to this place
to take some photos,
but I bottled it.
- Break in?
- There's this old church
over on Mount Park.
It's empty now.
- You mean Arcadia?
- You've heard of it?
- Yeah, guys from the club
go there to buy drugs.
Take it and you're like,
partying and fuck all night.
They're all hooked on it.
- Do you ever take it?
- No, no, no, no.
You like inject it.
I have very delicate skin.
Skincare is very, very
important to me.
- Right.
And have you noticed
anything strange?
Weird people following you?
- What kind of people?
Hey, where are you going?
- To see what's inside.
- You said it's empty.
- I did.
- Sorry.
Okay, so it's creepy as fuck.
And it's empty.
And it stinks of-
- Rotting meat.
- Yeah.
We shouldn't be in here.
What is that?
- It belonged to a
friend of mine.
I think there should be
a way to open it.
- Let me try.
Come on.
- Hey.
Oh fuck!
- How tough life must be
for a couple of young men still
trying to find their feet.
All the unfortunates, the
stragglers, always find me.
- Who are you people?
- I am the disease.
The Prince of Pestilence.
King of Kings.
- We are the Sons of Lycaon.
- I have been here since
the Black Death.
I lit the Great Fire
and danced to it's flames.
- We, the Sons of Lycaon
are all around you.
- Once my blood is pumping
through your veins,
you will see us.
- Sean, get away from them.
- Sean Marsh, such a lost
and lonely soul.
So unloved with no one
there to father him.
- Sean!
- I've seen you.
- I've been watching you,
knowing there's so much
that we can do.
- For me?
- How would it feel to
devour those who wronged you?
To make them feel the pain
and rage they caused you?
- You could do that?
- Sean!
- In a dog eats dog world,
be a wolf.
- Sean, wait!
- All right, Beth.
I can give you two minutes,
but I'm late for lunch
with the lads from Reading,
all right?
So what's up?
- Well, there was an incident,
a while back that I think
you need to be told about.
Um hmm.
- It's involving Liam.
- Liam?
He said something to you?
He rubbed you the wrong way?
He's a bit like that.
He's a bit of a lad.
- No.
After work, he wanted to,
he asked me if I
would go with him,
somewhere private.
And I said no, but he
didn't listen.
- Liam?
You think Liam has the
hots for you?
- He assaulted me.
That's what happened.
-Shh, shh, shh.
Please, please.
Don't do that, all right?
- I didn't ask for this.
- Beth, Liam is a star employee.
He's my top man.
I can't have you going around
saying this type of thing.
- But it happened.
- Oh, he's popular with all
the girls in the office,
okay, honey?
That's just Liam.
Ah, maybe he got the wrong idea.
Look, I'll have a chat with him.
I'll get his side of the story.
- There is no other side.
- Beth.
He's an asset to this company.
You're fine.
How can I put this?
Well you just blend in,
you don't bring what
Liam brings.
Yeah, okay, I've heard
some of his banter,
it can be a bit un-PC.
Christ, you can't say
anything these days
without someone getting
a bit touchy.
But we don't need this
trouble right now, okay?
Look, let's just keep
this between us, okay?
Best not to spread it
around the office.
Look, I have to go.
Why don't you take the
afternoon off?
You're upset.
You don't look well.
All right?
All right.
- Who
do you seek to devour?
Beth, don't fucking
hide from me.
What were you talking
to Martin about?
That's my boss.
What did you tell him?
I warned you.
If you spoke a word of this.
- Go away.
- Unlock the door or I'm going
to make it 10 times worse.
Open the fucking door!
Or I will break it off its
fucking hinges.
So you wanna play this
game with me?
Let's fuckin' play.
- I'm pregnant.
It's yours.
I'm deadly serious.
I did the test.
I had the scan.
It can only be yours.
I can't breathe.
Get away from me!
I can't move.
- Putting up a fight this time,
- No, no, no, please!
Get off me.
Please, get off me!
- Bethany.
Bethany, I can make your
darkest desires a reality.
Those who broke you
will be broken.
Those who caused your
suffering will suffer greater.
Let me help to bring
out the beast.
Summon me and I will
always be at your side.
Take my hand.
Live free and fearless.
- Mr. Cross?
Your friend Albert was the
landlord of the property.
- What?
- He never mentioned it?
- No.
- That he listed only
one name in his will.
That's you.
- What?
- You must have been
closer to Mr. Malone
than you are letting on.
Mm, I won't pry.
- Nic, you didn't tell
me you had a sugar daddy.
- I didn't.
- You know, it's okay if
you're like his fuck slave
or something.
- He died.
He had cancer.
- Oh.
- He died right there actually.
- What the fuck?
Are you kidding?
- There's a small
donation to charity,
then the rest is left to you.
There's some legal paperwork,
but I know this is your home so.
- The flat is mine?
Like to own?
- The whole property.
Including downstairs.
- All right, are you sure
this is the right key?
- Albert had it sealed off.
We've never been down there.
- Well, what's down there then?
Some fucking sex
dungeon or something?
- What!
- Sorry.
- You try.
- Okay.
- Yes, it's uh, not working.
- Hurts, doesn't it?
You think I can't tell
what you're on?
Everyone can.
And everyone on the
streets is taking it
or it's taking them.
First, it was my friends,
then my boyfriend,
now they want me.
I just,
I don't know if this
will really numb the pain
or if this is just
causing it all.
- I think I'm going crazy.
I keep seeing horrible things.
- You are not going crazy.
There's hundreds of
us out there.
I just know that I can't
take much more of this.
If you want it.
I'm not sure I do.
- Here is
the latest news.
Two office workers were
found dead this afternoon
at East London's Canada Square.
The Metropolitan Police Service
are calling for any information
regarding the incident to
be reported either by phone
or by contacting the team via
their website, met.police.UK.
- Sean.
Sean, what the fuck.
Where have you been?
We haven't heard from
you in days.
Hey, Sean, talk to me.
- Hi, back so soon?
- Just couldn't stay away, huh?
- I'm surprised your ass
has recovered.
- Why don't we take this
back to my place, huh?
- What's wrong with here?
- I've got a real nice place.
Cost my dad a fucking fortune.
Plus, I just want that really
big cock all to myself.
- Is it far?
- The other night,
did you rob me?
- Just keep quiet, all right?
Let me enjoy this.
- Ah! Ah! Ah!
Fuck, ow!
- Answer me, you creep.
- The fuck?
If you wanna be on top,
all right, that's cool.
- Did you rob me?
- What?
- Ah, ah, ah, ah, fuck!
- I'm tired of being treated
like shit by guys like you.
- Get off me!
- What's the matter?
You don't like it?
- Ah!
- I want you to know what
it feels like
to be treated like you're
absolutely nothing.
- All right! I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
- Hi, Sean. It's me.
So you were right.
Everyone's crazy.
We live in a crazy world
full of crazy people.
But we had each other and
that was all I needed.
You're not just my brother.
You're my soulmate.
And there's so many things
I wish I could have done.
It was never okay to watch Mom
and Dad treat you like that.
It would've been so easy to
have lent you a helping hand,
but I let you make
your own mistakes
thinking I was doing
the right thing
and watched you going
through it all alone.
I realize now how far a hand
to guide you can really go.
Without you I have nothing.
Every person I get close to,
I can only think of you
and nothing compares.
By the time you hear this,
I'll have found my own
way out this mess.
And that's just me, Sean.
Your big sister letting
you down again,
because it's all I
know how to do,
and I fucking hate
myself for it.
Just don't forget how
great you are.
You deserve better
than all of this.
And I've gone,
just wishing,
I could have stayed with you.
- Kirsty?
- Five stars.
- Well.
- I'll go get some
champagne glasses.
Why don't you wait for
me in the bed?
- Todd, you've left
the bloody window open.
There's bugs in our bed.
- What babe?
- Tina?!
- Hi, Todd.
Come back, bitch.
Six years together, all
laid to waste in seconds.
Funny how it's like that.
What does last forever?
- Just go home, Beth.
- I have no home anymore.
Just one horrible incident
and everything irreversibly
changes so fast.
So all that work you put
in counted for nothing.
If I'd have known, Todd,
I wouldn't have wasted a
second on you.
- Just let Tina go.
- You care so much about her.
- Oh my god!
Beth, this isn't you.
- I know.
I haven't been feeling
myself lately.
Remember the day we met, at
that little bar in Islington?
God, you looked so cool, Todd.
I remember thinking, I am
gonna get this man to like me.
Yeah, I was adamant we
were meant to be.
You always said the
right things.
Love you, babe.
Miss you, babe.
But I don't think I ever
really did get you to like me.
I gave so much.
So many compromises.
By the time I stopped to
think about what I wanted,
it was too late.
I had nothing left to give.
Two blind fools stuck
together like bugs on flypaper
thinking we had it made,
but we had nothing really, Todd.
- I think people just get used
to each other, don't they?
It's that codependency
thing that people have.
They think it's love but
maybe it isn't.
Holy god!
You killed her.
- What I'm gonna do to
you won't be so quick.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Can I use your phone?
Please, can I use your phone?
Listen, there's a guy, okay?
He was normal
and then he turned to some
fucking wolf man or something.
I just need to use your
phone quickly.
Please, please.
- Hi.
- Who the fuck are you?
- What happened in here?
- Get out.
- You're changing, aren't you?
You're like me.
Something's awakened inside you.
Something beast-like.
- Just don't come any closer.
- I'm not gonna hurt you.
Although I realize now I'm
capable of terrible things.
I can't control it.
I think you might know
what I'm talking about?
- You've seen them?
- The wolves.
Something awful is
happening to us
and I think we need answers.
- I think I know someone
that can help.
Nic? Nic?
- Sean, where the fuck
have you been?
- This is Beth.
She knows about Arcadia.
She knows about everything.
- What happened?
- Bad things.
We have a slight problem.
- All right, but let's
get you both inside.
- Nic.
- Shh.
I didn't leave that open.
Hey, look.
- That's that stuff.
His blood.
- Wait!
Nic, it's me.
- No, no, no.
- No, you're dead.
You're dead.
I'm fucking crazy.
- You're not crazy, Nic.
- This isn't real.
You died in a hospital.
I was there.
- Life, death,
to Lycaon it is but a game.
I was dying, Nic.
I didn't want to leave.
I knew there was a way.
I knew the great wolf-Lord
Lycaon could offer more time.
But there's too much of
a price to pay,
watching you from the shadows.
What can be summoned,
can surely be banished.
No, it's not too late.
You have that blood pyramid.
It's what drew him to our world,
and it is what can
send him back.
I'm bound to him now.
My blood is one with the
Lord of Wolves.
- Nicholas, your
time has come.
- I want to make a deal
with you, Lycaon.
I want you to let
these people go.
Sean, Albert.
They're not monsters.
- Oh, but they are, Nicholas.
It's the city that drives
them to this extreme.
We must transform to live.
- We're fine with how we are.
- What do you see when you
close your eyes, Nicholas?
I'm there waiting in your
blackest dreams.
I can help you.
I can make sure nothing
stands in your way.
- I can do that without you.
- You're weak, Nicholas.
- You're all so weak,
so lost and alone.
That's what brought you to me.
- When Sean was on the
tracks that night,
I was the one who stopped him.
When Albert got his
diagnosis, I was there.
When he died, it was me
that was at the hospital.
See, we're not all alone.
We don't need to join you.
- They've done terrible
things and you will too.
Think of all the days and
weeks and years
you felt so lonely.
- No.
- The dying old man
with company,
but a cancer ate him from
the inside out.
- Beth, Sean.
- Everyone let you believe you
were destined for greatness.
Life is simply one
disappointment after the next.
It's dull, Nicholas.
I can show you a better way
and everything you want
you will take.
- You took my sister, you fuck!
- Oh, sad little Sean.
Your sister made her own way.
Your parents turned
their backs on you.
Kirsty turned her back on you.
What they didn't know is that
you turned your back on
yourself a long time ago.
- Don't listen to him.
- And how could you not when
there's so much to hate?
So much selfishness,
so much self-pity.
- You're wrong.
That's not me.
- Oh, but it is, Sean.
As your sister lays shivering
and dying in the streets,
in the gutters, you
indulged yourself.
- No.
- You let her die.
- No.
- She needed you and you
weren't there.
You never were.
- Stay away from him!
- Oh, Bethany.
So misunderstood.
The world took you for
a timid little fool.
But I knew you were
greater than them.
I empowered you.
- You made me evil.
- Every drop spilled the
pain went away.
- But it didn't,
it only made it worse.
- Worse?
So what if I let him live?
How many more after-work visits
could you have handled
before it broke you?
- I'm gonna stand up for myself.
If people hurt me, I'm
gonna hold them accountable.
- Don't forget that you are
pathetic little mouse, Bethany.
But I turned you into a lioness.
Lioness that belongs
to me for all eternity.
- Leave us alone!
- That was the
last time I saw Lycaon.
By now the whole thing
feels like a dream.
But I still feel them
watching us all from the
shadows and empty streets.
Keeping friends in this
city is tough.
Sean and Beth left just
as suddenly as they came.
Nobody sticks around for long.
How could they?
People looked,
especially the police,
but I don't think they
ever found them.
Let all the dark things that
happened here be forgotten.
Left alone until some poor
soul finds them again.
I'm just happy knowing
it won't be me.