Lost Angel (2022) Movie Script

[gentle instrumental music]
[seagulls cawing]
[soothing instrumental music]
Some boys found her.
[mournful piano music]
Did she leave a note?
[wind swirling]
[soothing instrumental music
[bag thuds]
[pages rustling]
[piano music intensifies]
[dog barking]
[siren wailing]
[soothing instrumental music]
[dog barking faintly]
[door creaking]
[soft classical music]
[children's voices ringing
[phone keys beeping]
[pages rustling]
Good morning.
[Lisa gasps]
Sorry, uh, sorry, you gave me
a fright.
You're not Melanie.
Oh, no, I'm her sister.
Is she around?
No, she died a few days ago.
Oh, when's the funeral.
Sorry, who are you?
I got her a job.
It's funny.
She never mentioned
she has a sister to me.
It's funny, 'cause she never
she had a job to me.
[sniffs] I didn't catch your
It's Lisa.
You're looking for a job, Lisa?
No, thank you.
We'd best get going, then.
Oh, don't worry yourself,
telling us about the funeral.
I'll find out.
[door closes]
[gentle orchestral music]
[pages rustling]
Melanie always wanted to see
the world.
She always wanted to
experience life to the fullest.
Sometimes that love of life
was almost too much to bear.
She tried to experience
too much and too quickly,
but now she's free to be all the
she ever wanted to be, to be the
she really wanted to be.
I'm sorry Me... [voice falters]
I'm sorry, Melanie.
That we weren't able to be of
help to you
when you needed it most.
That you felt there was
no other place to turn to.
But you're safe now.
With your mom and dad.
God bless you, Melanie.
We won't forget you.
[footsteps sounding]
[woman talking faintly]
Just wanna have a quick word
with Lisa.
Lisa, hi.
Hi, Joe.
[clears throat]
How have you been?
Will my answer wind up
in front of the paper.
If it's good it might.
Seriously though.
I'm sorry, Melanie was a good
What happened to her, Joe?
I mean, what was she involved
Did you hear anything?
I know you want answers, but
really aren't any to be found.
I have to go, I'm sorry.
Well, maybe I'll pop
out the Herald one day
and we can just talk about it.
Just let it go.
I am sorry.
Are you sure you're up to this
It's been five years,
but I bet nothing's changed
unless they've moved the mops.
That's not what I mean.
[radio faintly playing]
I know what you mean.
I'm ready.
We need to discuss where we're
going to scatter the ashes.
Well not in Newpoint.
She wouldn't have wanted it.
[key turning]
[steps sounding]
Where's Adrian?
Didn't he work nights?
He rang to see if I could
He forgot his girlfriend's
[sighs] Oh, he still does
Yes, every year.
Used to work here, didn't you?
Yeah, I did.
Lisa Hill
Yeah, I was tour guide
and now I'm a cleaner,
how's that for career
Museums need cleaners
as much as tour guides.
Well, I'm glad you feel that
because you're the man with the
So you're coming with me, I'm
[footsteps sounding]
[soft instrumental music]
[cloth squeaks]
Aren't you going to make that,
"You've missed a spot" joke
everyone always makes?
You ever missed a spot?
Ah, there's nothing to miss.
Everything's spotless.
People have other things to do
Like what?
I don't know.
Other things.
It's a shame.
[gentle instrumental music]
[vacuum cleaner drones]
What's it say on your name
Rich VDE?
What's that stand for?
Reichard van der Euer
What is that, Dutch?
I nearly went to Brussels
Everyone's nearly been to
Someone told me it was really
Really, uh, um...[laughs]
That's why I have Rich VDE on
my badge.
Saves people struggling to come
with anything to say about
Audrey Hepburn, Rene
Magritte, Poirot, Jacques Brel,
that guy that did
Tintin, the ones that did
the Eurovision Song Contest
with that song, "Ding-a-Dong,"
Dr. Evil, Jean Claude va...
[door thuds]
What was that?
It's probably the
entrance sign. It's loose.
[suspenseful music]
[aerosol spritzes]
You know, you don't sound very
What's a Belgian sound like?
I don't know.
Well, I grew up in a
lot of different places.
And you ended up here?
This is too late to leave.
[footsteps echo]
I love this room.
I wish I knew more about the
people that own these things.
Your history, it's good at
recording dates of bustles
and birthdays and all
that stuff, but never
really record any of the human
Once they've gone its just hard
to remember those personal
These people, they, they changed
They did things.
They were revolutionizing
and being significant.
Do you think everybody has
to change the world then?
Hmm, would be nice to
have an effect on something.
If we all invented
something or started a war,
no-one would ever get anything
else done.
Putting right what feels wrong
for you,
that's how to change the world.
Than and getting a good night's
and five portions of fruit and
veg a day.
Well, scratch the other stuff,
and eating fruit and veg
are all that is needed,
just not at the same time.
[Lisa titters]
Was that a joke?
I think you might just made a
I think I tried.
[footsteps sounding]
It was my sister's funeral
I'm sorry.
She committed suicide.
Some boys found her in the
I wonder if they saw him too.
Saw who?
Wait a minute.
Do you know something about it?
What, someone, who should they
have seen?
Where Mel died?
Rich, if you know something
about it,
just tell me, wait, Rich,
Rich, wait a minute.
[foreboding orchestral music]
If it's bout Mel, you
really need to tell me.
It's not funny, you know.
[heavy object falling]
[suspenseful music continues]
Lisa, why are you
creeping around in the dark?
[seagulls cawing]
We just got your text.
"Running late, girlfriend's
buying flowers, smiley face."
I told you.
I can't believe Rich just
The guy you swapped with.
No Rich works here.
Belgian, Van der Something?
Van der Euer?
He passed away.
He died?
Yeah, 'bout six months ago.
He got knocked off his
bike, nasty business.
He's a nice guy, nice, weird,
but nice.
[seagulls crying]
[church bell ringing]
[phone buzzing]
Lisa, hi.
Can I check a story with you?
[seagulls cawing]
Reichard van der Euer, it's
Drowned in the canal,
crushed his bike and must have
ended up in the water
unconscious under Norris bridge.
Six months ago.
So what's this about really?
I think it's about Mel.
[phone rings]
Have you seen the hospital
report about the cause of death?
Lisa, enough.
You need to stop this.
But what about the police
And there's always an
inquest, isn't there?
I'm not going to have
this conversation with you.
I just want to know if
there's anything suspicious.
[chair clicks]
Last year your sister
tried to kill herself
with an overdose of
Then last week, some kids on
their bikes
found her hanging from a tree.
I heard from the doctors that
there was so much heroin in
her blood that they're
amazed she wasn't dead
before the rope went tight.
Is that what you think is
Go home.
Get some sleep.
Forget about it.
Maybe there's nothing to it.
But you're journalist.
How often do you get suicides
that don't leave a note??
[birds singing]
[pensive orchestral music]
[door lock latching]
[instrumental music sustains]
[VCR whirs]
[VCR whirs]
[eerie music]
[eerie music intensifies]
[contemplative piano music]
[wind moaning]
Okay, what the hell is going
I want to know why you faked
your death.
I didn't?
But you're dead.
This some big joke?
You're dead.
What? Like a real life dead
No, wait, just give me, give me
a second.
Wait there, wait there.
I'm not dangerous, I
can't even touch anything.
Give me a minute, stop!
I'm sorry if I upset you...
[thunder rumbling]
[restful piano music]
[wind sighing]
I'm sorry.
Do you believe me?
[mournful instrumental music]
There's no heartbeat.
[water babbles]
Rich, the other night
you said you saw some guy...
I saw someone in the woods.
You want to know all
about them, don't you?
Just want to know what
happened to my sister.
I was walking, trying to
work out how far I could get.
Seems I can only go where
I've been when I was alive.
That's when I saw her, up there.
[haunting music]
And I looked over there and
there was
a man in a green blazer.
What did he look like?
Tall, I couldn't see his face.
He watched her for about five
and walked off in that
[suspenseful music]
So you can't move beyond this
[crow cawing]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
Lisa Hill.
That's right.
Sorry about your sister.
I hear you found a hairband?
And a microphone, a plastic
clip-on one.
I see, found at the scene?
Not no, not really,
about half mile away.
I see.
[mumbles] And, ah, why
were you looking there?
- Just a hunch.
- Just a hunch?
I see.
Did you find any fingerprints?
[Officer Winfield scoffs]
From the, uh, from the
popular brand of hair band
or from the little piece of
It's a microphone.
Either way, no, we didn't.
And apparently there was a man
in a green blazer seen nearby.
Oh yes.
Receptions said you were saying
about a man and a green blazer.
We checked with the two
boys who found your sister.
They saw no-one.
When did you arrive
back in town, Ms. Hill?
A couple of days ago.
I see.
So that would be
after Melanie was found.
Yeah, that's right.
So who told you about this
- Just someone I met.
- Name?
I, I can't remember.
You can't remember.
I see.
I appreciate this is a
difficult time for you,
but there really is nothing
untoward about what happened.
Nothing untoward about
I'm sorry, but this evidence,
well, it's not evidence.
It's guesswork.
When you lose a loved one,
they look to things that aren't
Sometimes you see things you
want to see.
- Do you see?
- I see.
[knocking on door]
Hey, um, you're needed up on
Okay, I'll be there in a
DCI Hendricks, he's heading
the inquiry.
Well, why am I not speaking to
him then?
[scoffs] Because it
doesn't work that way.
I tell him if we find anything
suspicious, he looks into it.
So far we've not found
anything suspicious.
If we do, I'll let you know.
Oh, well they didn't
even take me seriously.
I couldn't even speak
to the guy in charge.
You didn't tell them about me,
did you?
The ghost witness?
No, I did not, they'll lock me
Do you want me to make shit?
I think it's best to leave
it to the professionals.
Hang on, it sounds
like you don't even care.
Ooh, hang on!
Don't you want to know why
you ended up in the canal?
[car hoots]
Even if I did, it
wouldn't change anything,
I'd still be dead.
Well, what about justice?
What about justice?
I'm still dead, and so is your
I'm sorry, but that's the truth.
I thought you ghosts had
unfinished businesses,
and this, yours?
What difference will it make?
Don't you want to rest in peace?
'Cause I want Melanie to.
Nice day.
Been different.
Seems to be keeping you busy.
I've barely seen you.
I'm sorry.
I've just been trying to
put some things right.
Nothing to worry about.
That sounds like
something Melanie would say.
I'm fine.
That sounds like her too.
So [sighs] when you've put
these things right, what next?
I have no idea.
You know, if you ever wanted
to borrow some money to,
I don't know, go to
university or go traveling.
I could always lend you some.
I don't think this Island
has much of a future for you.
What about you?
I can't leave you, not now.
That's very kind, but I'm
settled here.
My friends are here, my life is
yours isn't and we both know
You say you're worried about
upsetting me,
but do you know what would
upset me more than anything?
Losing another niece to this
I'm going to turn in,
but my offer still holds
for as long as you want.
Maybe you just need to get
a good night's sleep, hey?
Then perhaps in the morning,
you'll think of something.
Good night.
Good night.
[soothing instrumental music]
[Joe] Hi, Lisa.
Hi Joe.
It's not too late to call, is
[Joe] No, I've got a new-born
She doesn't sleep.
I don't sleep.
Do you have any recent
photos of Melanie?
[Joe] No, why?
It's just, I haven't seen
her in such a long time.
[soft melancholy music]
I'm forgetting all those tiny
What she looked like,
what she sounded like,
who she became.
I just want to see her again.
[Joe] Yeah, me too.
I can't help you, I'm afraid.
Do you think she was in
trouble, Joe?
This is unhealthy.
I know what you're doing.
Just let it go.
Do you know what?
Everyone keeps saying that.
I know she was in
trouble and I can't sleep
until I found out what happened.
She was my sister.
I owe that to her, Joe.
[baby crying faintly]
[Joe] Joanne's crying, I have
to go.
I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
[Lisa sighs]
[sentimental orchestral music]
[pages rustling]
She wanted to make
an appointment with me.
I'm a drug rehabilitation
She was asking my advice
about getting clean.
She had plans to leave the
Island for a fresh start.
I hear that a lot.
She asked for my help.
Help with what?
I don't know.
She left a message when
I was out having dinner.
I thought I'd phone her when I
got back.
Next thing I heard she'd
taken her own life.
Ignoring someone when they ask
for help
is not something I'm
particularly proud of,
especially in my job.
It's okay.
You couldn't have known.
Would it be possible to
listen to the message?
I'd just really like to
hear her voice again.
So sorry.
It's been deleted.
All it said was that she needed
and it left a contact number.
Did you keep the number?
[phone rings]
[Man] New Point racecourse.
Oh hi, yeah.
Can I have your address please?
[somber orchestral music]
[footsteps sounding]
You work here?
[dramatic music peaks]
[door creaks]
You boys got permission to be
Does she?
I'm not asking her.
We're just looking for the
Do you want me to show you?
Nah, I'm sure we'll manage.
Off you go, then.
[footsteps receding]
There you go.
Thank you.
Looks like you needed that.
I saw your sister last week.
The day before she, well..
She and Toby used to keep that
in the admin office for a few
Toby, who's that?
Toby Matthews, her boyfriend.
Yeah, well they asked
me not to say anything,
and turn a blind eye, which I
I'll figure they're a young
They want their privacy, you
it's all about the privacy,
So where's Toby now?
Dunno, he hasn't shown
for the last few days.
It's a shame, really?
He's a lovely lad.
He, um, he left bag of his stuff
I thought I might take
it to a charity shop
or something, so.
I can take you if you want.
I thought you'd say that.
Are you okay?
I saw some guys following you.
What sort of ghost are
you, not embarrassed?
Not protective.
Just wanted to make sure
you're okay.
I thought you weren't
interested in being involved?
Well I sort of changed me
Well, why have you sort
of being changing your mind?
I found a clue.
Looks like dirty underwear to
[ship's horn blares]
[seagulls cawing]
Sorry, force of habit.
That's okay.
Check out what I found.
Clues, not fashion comments?
All right.
Look at this!
It's Melanie's handwriting.
Did she have a laptop?
[Lisa gasps]
Are you okay? Lisa?
No, I'm fine, I just fell on
my chips.
Oh, there's no numbers
in the address book.
But wait a minute, there's a
[woman speaking faintly on
[Melanie] Tony, you haven't
given me what I need. We...
[Tony] [unintelligible]
[Melanie] Tony, you
haven't given me what I need.
We're out of...
[Melanie speaks unclearly on
[Man] College is now closing,
[people chattering]
[copy machine whirs]
[Melanie] Tony, you
haven't give me what I...
[copy machine whirs]
[paper rustles]
[ship's horn tooting]
[seagulls cawing]
It could be anyone.
[car rumbles by]
Don't be ridiculous, that'll
take forever.
Well, this is the wrong street
anyways, so let's move on.
[energetic orchestral music]
I think I found it.
What do you recon?
[knocking on door]
[latch disengages]
Hello, I was wondering if this
was you.
It's natural, no chemicals.
Keeps you healthy.
I keep myself healthy.
So what do you want?
I'm looking for Toby Matthews.
I haven't seen the little
So you know him then?
Let me see some identification
You're Melanie's sister, aren't
I liked her.
I feel your loss.
Thank you.
Why are you looking for Toby?
He was seeing my sister?
I just wanted to ask him some
And you want my help?
Why, are you willing to help
I don't speak with people I
don't know.
You knew my sister... and Toby.
[cell phone beeps]
[Melanie] Tony, you
haven't given me what I need.
We're out of...
[Melanie] Tony, you
haven't given me what I need.
I don't allow cameras in here.
It protects my clients and my
What business?
I make things.
Some people need to vanish at
short notice
and sometimes documents need
Do you mean forging?
I mean amending
Are these all fake?
They look amazing.
I don't know where Toby is
right now.
He hasn't picked up what he's
ordered and I'm very busy.
What did he order?
Identification for
him and for your sister.
Fake ID?
Can I see it?
I never finished
Melanie's, she was supposed
to get me some passport photos.
They had arranged a rendezvous
tomorrow at 5:00 AM,
but I don't know where.
They never told me.
Jennifer said Toby's
So what are you going to do?
Go back to the drawing board I
I might try speaking to those
boys that found Melanie.
Before you do, can you
get something for me?
[seagulls cawing]
It's that one.
You know what you're looking
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
I believe Reichard van der
Euer is one of your tenants?
Rich VDE?
Oh, the Belgian.
Yeah, yeah.
Who are you?
You his girlfriend.
[scoffs] No, I'm just a
I've come to pick up some
of his personal belongings.
[Landlord] The box you want is
in the far corner, I think.
I didn't have a forwarding
address in Belgium.
So, so all his stuff
came to me when he died.
Yeah. I'll give you some
privacy, I think.
Thank you.
[mournful music]
[box rustles]
[torch clicks]
[music sustains]
Did you find the letter?
I also found this.
My other work-pass.
Where did you work?
It's an incinerator plant.
What's in there?
They destroy all sorts of
medical waste, everything.
Anything suspicious?
I don't know.
I was never allowed past the
front gate.
That sounds pretty suspicious.
Well, it was more health and
I was a temp.
So you never saw
anything unusual happen?
Unusual things don't happen to
Most people didn't even know my
You know, there's one time
I had this guy shout at me.
He must have thought I was
someone else.
Who shouted you?
It just some guy, a visitor
wanted to get past the gate.
He insisted I let him inside
he must have thought
I was Carl or someone.
I mean, the guy kept asking me
[suspenseful music]
Let me see your sister's note
[seagulls cawing]
Crabot, that's what he kept
What does it mean?
I dunno, he started shouting
it at me.
I didn't know what he was on
He then got angry and tried
to offer me some money
to let him pass.
I said no, and he sped off in
his car.
Okay, well that sounds
I'm going to take a look
to see what I can find,
but I need your help getting me
[door bangs]
I know Carl.
Good morning, can I help you?
Hi there, I have a meeting
Okay. What's your name please?
- My name.
- They're all men.
- Um...
- Mr. Lloyd, Deloitte,
Hopkins, uh, Nick Gibson.
Nick Gibson.
Nick Gibson?
Yes, well, Nicola Gibson, but
my friends
would call me Nick for short.
I see, Nick?
Yes. Did the boss tell you
I was coming today, Mr...
- Mr. Hooper.
- Mr. Hooper, did he tell you?
He doesn't tell me much.
Ugh, he's so bad for that,
isn't he, Big H? [laughs]
Mister Hooper isn't in yet.
And shouldn't really be
wondering around alone.
Oh, well, now don't worry,
'cause I know my way around.
Well, I'm not sure...
Carl, you can trust me.
And that's a Nicola
[door rattles]
[suspenseful music]
[door slams]
[Man] Just to confirm,
large pepperoni pizza,
with extra mushroom, side order
of wedges.
[suspenseful music rises]
[urgent steps falling]
[pages rustling]
[papers rustling]
[car rumbles]
Morning, Mr. Hooper.
- Morning, uh...
- Carl.
- Carl, yes.
- Nick Gibson is waiting
for you inside.
Well thanks, he's early?
[suspenseful music rises]
I think we have an intruder.
Can you get here as soon as you
How can I calm down?
You said you'd fix this!
[ominous music]
[keyboard keys clicking]
[fast-paced music]
What happened?
Didn't he tell you we have an
Well what if they find
This can't come back to me.
Harding's on his way now.
He said he'd be here soon.
[engine racing]
I'm going to my office now.
[urgent percussive music]
There's no one here.
The desk is how I left it.
[Man] Check the printer.
[Man] I said check the
Yes, the printer has been
I've just arrived.
The shipment seems fine.
Crates just sitting here and
I want them on board, now.
It's not clear yet.
Maybe she's been talking me
to someone, I'll handle it.
But these distractions though,
they're your responsibility.
You understand?
The shipment goes ahead as
No, I'm going to Hooper's office
See where he is mucking about.
[door latches]
[suspenseful music]
[crate lid creaking]
Ya, there's someone by the
Tell main gate she's running!
[Lisa pants]
[Man] Stop! Hey!
[music intensifies]
Stop it, stop there!
Well, that was a waste of
Spreadsheets and telephone
Are you going to
investigate the numbers?
There's 20 pages of
telephone numbers here.
I'm going to have to call
everybody up and be like,
"Hello, are you involved
in some suspicious activity
that I don't even know exists
and it may not even be real?"
"Oh, you're not?"
"Okay, thanks, bye."
So what are you going to do?
What can I do?
[papers rustling]
Oh yeah, I forgot I had this.
Could you post it for me?
There's no address.
I need you to write it for me.
Mother and Father?
They know you that you're...
They do, don't worry.
It's not my will or anything.
Couple of years back, we had an
and I said some things
I couldn't take back.
We stopped talking, and six
years went by.
I wrote that letter, to say I
was sorry
and wanted to see them again.
I mean, I was going to send
it, but well, this happened.
And you know what?
I can't even remember what
the argument is about.
Now I can't really even
remember their faces anymore.
Those tiny details.
Stupid, really.
No, not really.
[video cassette rumbles]
[dance track thumping]
Oh, God, this was such a long
time ago.
Melanie was always filming
Hey, you look lovely!
Gaz. Rockstar.
He joined a band and cheated
on her with a groupie.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
[pop music continues]
I completely forgot she
had blue streaks in her hair.
[Lisa] You look ridiculous!
Not now, put if off!
[frantic dance music]
Wait a minute, isn't that you?
[cassette machine creaks]
I didn't know you were at the
[thumping music resumes]
What were you going to say to
Didn't look like nothing.
I can't remember.
[sniggers] Yes, you can.
I wanted to show you this room
I went up there by accident,
looking for the gent's.
There was a ceiling with
angels painted on it, you know,
sort of like 18th century,
one of them looked like you.
I think it was the nose,
but then I sort of,
it sounded a bit creepy.
"Oh, hello, you don't
know me, but how about
coming and looking at the
ceiling in the room upstairs?"
I was trying to work out
a way to tell you when,
well, you saw the rest.
You think I'm creepy, don't you?
[guffaws] No.
I'm just wondering what
the angel looks like.
Why don't you show me?
Listen, maybe we should head
Why, are you scared
it's going to be haunted?
[soft instrumental music]
[measured steps falling]
[wind howling]
[Newscaster] Happened
on the Islemore island...
Can I order a black coffee,
[Newscaster] The worst
accident in Newpoint
that anyone can remember.
The fire broke out several hours
fire services working hard
but there's still no sign
of extinguishing the blaze.
[phone rings]
[Sarah] Hello?
Hi, how are you?
I'm fine. Is everything okay?
Yeah, I'm okay, thanks.
Where have you been?
I've been worried.
Ya, I'm really sorry.
I'm just, I'm just in the
middle of something right now.
That doesn't sound good.
No, you don't need to worry.
I'll be home soon in.
[Newscaster] Police are
looking for this woman
in connection with the
incident and are appealing...
[siren approaching]
to the public for any
information they may have.
[siren intensifies]
The manager, Mr. Clark
Hooper was found dead
- from asphyxiation...
- I'm gonna have
to call you back.
When emergency services
[dead line hums]
...point Infirmary by air
but was pronounced dead on
A sad day, for INCEN-staff
staff and a tragedy that burns
more deeply than the building
behind me.
Martin Taylor Garland
Share Tonight, Newpoint.
Destroy the evidence!
INCEN's burned down, Hooper
and security guard are dead,
there's been a fire...
We need to call the police!
No, because there's pictures
of me
on the news, breaking in!
[sirens howling]
Then we need to find more
evidence then.
When I was in there
that all these crates
and there was this there's
this invoices that said
there was defective
pills and they were all
signed off as destroyed.
Defective pills?
Yeah, look at this.
They were making regular cash
from the company, large amounts.
Rent or bills?
No, that's cannot compare.
Not a bad day's work.
Yeah, but with no sign of
where it went.
That's just still no
connection to Mel, though.
It's just phone numbers,
hundreds of phone numbers.
[defective line beep]
It doesn't connect.
Just rings out.
Rings out.
Doesn't connect.
[phone ringing]
[Man] Hello?
Oh, hello?
Yeah, hi.
I'm interested in talking
to you about INCEN.
[line drops]
Oh, they hung up.
Yeah, no-one's talking.
Just keep trying.
[Woman] You're through to
Alpha-Med Pharmaceutical...
Ah, no, answerphone.
[Woman] Please phone
back between the hours.
of 8:30 A.M. to %:30
P.M. Monday to Friday.
[phone dials]
[Lisa sighs]
[line rings]
It's ringing!
I know.
No, it's ringing here!
Your bag!
[dramatic instrumental music]
It's Mel's phone.
She must have been working for
Maybe she found out more than
she should.
[door slams]
[man speaking indistinctly]
[door slams]
[suspenseful music]
We have to go!
You know Crabot?
He's Head of Police.
C.R. Abbott? Crabot!
- Somethings not right...
- Where're we going?
I need to keep phoning those
Someone must know something.
[Woman] You are through to...
[Man] We're not home,
so please leave a...
[foreboding music rises]
[SMS-notification beeps]
[seagulls cawing]
[eerie music]
[police siren rises]
[sirens intensifying]
[garbled police radio traffic]
[seagulls cawing]
I need to get some concrete
[foreboding music]
[cell phone camera activating]
[shutter whines]
[shutter whines]
[shutter whines]
[shutter whines]
[shutter whines]
What are you doing?
[Lisa gasps]
[punch connecting]
[suspenseful music peaks]
[Lisa moans]
[Lisa gags]
[plastic sheet rustling]
[box thuds]
[Abbott grunts]
[hurried footsteps sounding]
[Lisa panting]
[Lisa speaking gibberish]
I killed a policeman.
[Rich] What did you find?
[voices echoing]
It was sent to Africa.
It had Harding on it.
Mr. Harding Gray.
[voices echoing]
[Rich] You can't give up now.
[eerie music]
[water gurgling]
[music intensifies]
[door clicks]
[bag thumping]
[Lisa sighing]
[cell phone ringing]
[suspenseful music building]
[Man] How are you
enjoying my old office?
Harding Gray?
[Harding] You look like
you're ready to give up?
Such a shame, you're so close.
No, no, no I'm not out there.
Where are you?
[Harding] I'm about to
I'd just like to say goodbye
before I do.
Selling defective drugs
in third-world countries?
If the police don't find
you, the press will.
[Harding] Well, you gave
Abbott quite a headache,
but he's going to be fine.
But he is now going to make you
You've assaulted a police
burnt down an incinerator plant,
you won't get away with it.
What happened to my sister?
[Harding] You think I'd tell
For the evidence I found, you
At Jennifer's.
Documents linking you, Abbott,
that boat,
the Damfino, or Port Said in
You haven't been covering your
tracks that well, believe me,
[Harding] Documents?
You have them on you?
Show me.
In person.
Take the stairs to the
basement in 10 minutes.
If anything happens to me,
copies will
be sent to the press.
[Harding] You are brave.
Your sister's dead.
Is it worth it?
Bring your evidence.
And I'll tell you what you
want to know about your sister.
Otherwise I'll be gone
and you'll never find out.
[foreboding music]
[footsteps sounding]
[Lisa breathing heavily]
[Lisa breathing heavily]
[Lisa exclaiming]
[car rumbles]
Hm, seems we've woken too
Nice to meet you finally.
I'm Harding Gray.
Your sister's diary is quite
a page-turner, isn't it?
Shame no-one else is going
to get the chance to read it.
[suspenseful music continues]
[door slams]
[Lisa breathing heavily]
16:13[percussive music]
Why aren't you wearing your
green jacket?
My friend saw you wearing it.
Yes, you did.
Why did you kill her?
I don't take kindly to employees
walking out on me,
bad business.
Your sister vanished, suddenly
wanting to meet us here.
You and Crabot?
Abbott didn't understand my
Didn't have my vision.
He just took the money and
looked away.
It's my business. My business.
And I sweated blood
building from the ground up,
and your sister [sniggers]
she thought she could
come along and ruin me,
with a pink camcorder,
hidden in her jacket,
recording our conversations.
One junkie employee with
a crisis of conscience.
Threatening to ruin my empire?
[Lisa grunts]
She was clean.
[Harding] Hm, she was.
All good pharmacists keep
heroin for emergencies.
Just one prick and a piece of
to make the problem go away.
[Lisa exerting]
[Harding] No one cares!
Don't you see, people
start sticking their noses
into my business I'll make them
[Lisa moaning]
Like an accident.
I even ran someone down
in my car one time.
Rich, you killed Rich!
Or a suicide by hanging.
For another eyewitness.
[Lisa grunts]
[water splashing]
[frantic music]
[Harding grunts]
Sticking your nose into my
You're worse than your sister!
It's my business!
[music reaching crescendo]
You're worse than your sister!
[Lisa chokes]
[frantic percussive music]
Makes the hunt, begging for your
[music subsides]
[dreamy orchestral music]
[Rich's heart thumping]
[sweeping instrumental music]
[Lisa gasping]
[camcorder smashing]
[Lisa grunting]
[camcorder pounding]
[water gurgling]
[Lisa gasping]
[police radio beeps]
[police radio chatter]
[sweeping orchestral music]
[radio traffic sustaining
[camera shutter clicking]
How have you been?
Why, are you going to tell
He's being arrested.
I found enough dirt on him to
put him away
for a very long time.
Well I saw you two working
You saw me trying to get
to the bottom of things.
The first rule of small town
journalism, keep your friends
close and a potential
news story, even closer.
[restful orchestral music]
[police radio chattering
Once again, I have you to
thank for my illustrious career.
If you hadn't encouraged me
to start looking into it,
if I hadn't followed your
I never would've gotten this
Glad I can help.
You staying in Newpoint?
No, think it's time I left.
Your parents would have
been proud of you, Lisa.
Melanie too.
Thanks, Joe.
Your aunt just arrived.
[instrumental music sweeping]
[ambulance doors slamming]
[gentle piano music]
[announcer speaking in foreign
[inaudible dialogue]
[gentle music continues]
[gentle instrumental music]
[wind gushing]
[peaceful orchestral music]