Lost Battalion, The (2001) Movie Script

The film is based on a true
history from the First World War.
Americans went with the British
and the French against the Germans.
They felt they were fighting
to ensure democracy.
Button jackets.
Commandment People...
Patrol on the way in! Guy!
Running... Come on.
Get him covered.
- Good morning, Captain.
- General Alexander will speak to you.
- What's happening?
- The planning something big.
Gentlemen... Colonel.
Three divisions,
two American and one French--
attacker Argonnesektoren.
Argonne Forest.
Whittlesey. Their division occupies
and defend Charlevaux mill.
May I speak freely, sir?
I lost a division in the morning.
- We have to live with acceptable losses.
- Artillery report, sir.
Acceptable losses?
It's suicide
attacking unprepared.
Why does no one else is?
- Studied the tactics of law?
- We need to be supplied.
We need food,
ammunition, medicines...
Whose fault is it? I know
Their political position, Major.
They belong Wilson
anti-war faction...
...who made sure
we were unprepared for war.
- Is there anything else?
- I'm looking batallionen into the Argonne.
But I doubt you see me
or my people again.
Now we get to see
what our New York lawyer can.
Captain, make sure substitutes,
we need all hands.
These birds do not seem to
fly around the neighborhood.
"To our brave young men,
from the Ladies bird association."
We will not send you, friend,
you look too small out.
Do not worry, Cher Ami.
You're gonna be okay.
- Lieutenant Leak?
- Yes, sir!
I'm Captain McMurtry.
Welcome to the 308th
There must have been a mistake, I should
to a Texas unit, these are from NY
- I do not understand their bysprog.
- It is not necessary.
They have to understand you.
Shout names up and get them in the car.
Athan... Athenasikos.
- Yodder?
- Yoder.
- Le... Lepasta? Lepasti!
- Lipasti.
- Krodo .. sha...
- Krotoshinsky.
Why do they call New Yorkers
all" friend"?
- You're not from the city.
- I'm from Big Fork, Montana.
- Think that the military takes rednecks.
- What do you mean?
Save it for the Germans!
- What's he saying?
- That you might want to buy a bridge.
Brooklyn Bridge! Are there others?
What kind of an army?
Do I have flown all the way to France
and surrounded by hicks.
Oh god...
- Rosen, Cepaglia! Jump up, we are running now.
- Not us, we must be in jail.
Major will have all the.
Is it OK MP'ere?
We took them on their way into a brothel,
they are deloused,..
...so they smell better than the rest
in the trenches.
- What's up, Sergeant?
- We're in a parade in Paris.
Remember to take the medals on.
Find a hole to live in.
And do not do anything.
You, here answers turkeys fire.
Look, the Germans attacking
rarely at night.
They send a maximum of patrols out,
them I take care of.
Try to rest and get some hot food,
so I learn you something tomorrow.
It's not so bad,
we just doll heads.
Thank you.
- Are the boys in place?
- Yes.
It is an appropriate expression.
- What do you think of the general's plan?
- I am a professional soldier.
- I do not think.
- That I do not want to hear.
You need to consider how we take
mill, without killing all the boys.
I look to the new.
- Lieutenant.
- Good morning, sir.
- Here we do not salute.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- My officers shave every day.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- You say too often apology.
- We came quite late yesterday...
I'm not interested
in excuses or explanations.
Lndtag your positions and make sure
all supplies and ammunition.
Right uniforms and remove dry
socks on, if you guys have any.
Lieutenant Leak,
welcome to 308th
This is a French cho-cho,
it is pure crap.
Leave them
to Henchman and Hollingshead.
- Forget tanks and artillery.
- The kind we have not.
- We are mud tampere.
- Gravel Movers.
- It's just a traveling salesman.
- German artillery.
- This leads me to things.
- Our go out of their entering.
Mud Tampere must know the difference.
Whistles or banks de...
...is it Herr Wizbang. Sometimes
his girlfriend Minnie Warfer with.
- "Minenwerfer".
- Minnie Warfer sounds like a girl.
- Or like a train.
- They are hard to assess.
Throw you down when l hear them.
I must not be afraid if l get hit,
because they have many other things.
- Bombs lay, machine guns...
- And mashed potato shells.
But do not worry about it,
it comes to this.
When l meet a mud pulling in German
Satan with such a fitted,..
...then l would rather impale him,
before he impales you.
It should l be afraid.
Should you duck,
if it sounded like a train?
- Or was it like a tea kettle?
- Nobody said anything about a teakettle.
I do not drink tea.
How does one teakettle?
Stop it!
- See a lieutenant Leak.
- Must be.
- You should get a little sleep, Major.
- Not yet.
Captain, remember,
what we talked about earlier.
Good luck tomorrow.
- Lieutenant.
- Captain.
- Went Major hard for you today?
- As a branding iron.
- Is he from the military academy?
- Lawyer from New York.
- You never know.
- You're right i
But we have been lucky.
Imagine getting all the way to France and not
to have something to tell the grandkids.
L Tomorrow we out of the trenches.
Select an item in front of you and control just
against it. Do not worry about the others.
They are good soldiers.
They follow you.
Go ten meters and then ten meters.
- Ten meters?
- Yes, ten at a time.
Do this all the way.
- What about the Germans?
- The boy knows what to do.
- You figure it out quickly.
- My people have not fought before.
We planned it that way.
You have never been in combat, right?
- Not in this one.
- That's why you go forward.
You will first
and have the most experience.
So you can give them orders.
Yes, it fits.
Does not it?
You'll be fine.
- Bayonets on!
- Bayonets on!
Come on!
Oh god...
Come on! Full speed ahead!
Why move your troops to
do not, Colonel?
We have enemy contact along the entire front,
flanks must be ensured.
- The face strong opposition.
- Write down.
"Land being ingested, may only leave
on orders from headquarters!"
We should not drag us
we must forward.
Captain, flanks machine guns
and eliminate them.
Follow me! Come on.
Up there, you two.
If I can see it,
I can hit it.
- Where's the cowboy?
- He knows something.
He grew up with trees.
Have you seen trees before?
- At Union Square.
- They do not count. Come on.
Sweet Jesus...
Hold the position.
Run and to Lieutenant Leak,
he must bring the rest of the division.
The German headquarters.
Two American divisions
and a cuirassierdivision-
Attacking the three points here.
As expected
is French methodical.
Americans on the other hand is wild
and takes no account of the own losses.
Our reserves come.
About two hours the situation stabilized.
- What is the situation?
- Lflge our experience...
We know that Americans
is totally unpredictable.
- The retirerer not when they should.
- How uhensynsfuldt.
Americans do not leave
Argonne voluntarily.
We have to chase them out.
- Captain.
- Get ready to counterattack.
- We must keep the position.
- We do.
- What's your name?
- Lipasti, sir.
- Where did you learn to run like that?
- I ran home through an Irish neighborhood.
I had to run from one part
Irish confetti.
Well, my cousins
not got you with a brick.
- Follow you shall be my runs.
- Yes, sir.
Whittlesey have large losses.
He must retreat and regroup.
The General Alexander.
Why are attacking you?
We have no support on the flanks.
This is because the other lies ahead.
You delay the attack, Major.
- Move you!
- Are they on the flanks?
I gave a direct order, target should be
achieved regardless of casualties!
We must take the territory.
Sir, French
is not in front of Whittlesey.
They were stopped
by Giselle Stella-line.
He must complete
offensive center...
...the flanks can regroup.
Swersky, deck the dead soldiers.
- They must not be exposed.
- Yes.
We need more
medicine equipment, sir.
- Captain?
- I'm okay.
General Alexander says
French have left flank.
The rest of the division is on the right.
We have orders to take the mill
at Charlevaux.
Gaedeke believe there is a way
through the German line.
- It's worth a try.
- Ordinary seaman Chinn!
We have no cord.
Create a hidden radio post.
We use runners.
Keep the line open.
Report that we are advancing, but
must use food, ammunition and drugs.
I go with the first group
and arises when the coast is clear.
Tell Captain McMurtry, he must lead
rest up here, we are waiting here.
Come on.
- I was looking for you.
- You found me.
Do you have more?
- I have a message from the major.
- The line has been disconnected.
I sent three men out,
no one came back. I heard shots.
I think the Germans have
work behind us.
- Did you get it? What's up there?
- Fine, we have an orchestra and girls.
- As if you know what to do.
- I learn quickly.
- Helps you to get these back?
- I will be at my post.
- Here, take them here.
- Thank you.
Yes, l right way.
Good luck.
- Retirerer French?
- Some divisions are in the trenches.
Without the French on the flank
we retire.
I am in my neighborhood.
Beordr all units
back to our lines.
Do you have contact with Whittlesey?
Try again.
- I want to know where his Battalion is.
- Yes, sir.
Major! Chinns radio cord is cut.
He tries to do it.
Ordinary seaman Richards!
- How many birds do we have?
- Four, sir.
Send this message.
Not you, Cher Ami.
You'll stay with me.
It's all right, sir, it's a good
little dove, it gives them the message.
...report matches with a
American tropics of unknown size.
- Where?
- By Charlevaux mill.
- Are they trying to retire?
- No, they burrow.
What a folly.
If they are there,
we can surround them,..
...now that their French
and American friends have stopped.
- Herr General?
- What is it?
I lived seven years in the United States.
Americans do not think
other be beaten.
We should eradicate unit,
before anyone is looking for them.
Send infantry reserve
to Charlevaux already tonight.
I want to know if it is
stupidity or courage...
...operating these Americans.
How, my friend. You're home now.
General, Major Whittlesey reached
forward to Charlevaux-mill.
- Impossible.
- He asks for sharing.
And after the French.
He holds the position as ordered.
Whittlesey and his city boys
are the only ones who achieved the goal.
And now they are trapped
middle of the German army.
Not bad for a lawyer
from New York.
A patrol heard the Germans
run troops and equipment forward.
I think they sneak behind us.
This must not happen, you've got
contact with the flanks?
No, not yet.
We need to be supplied.
We have neither food nor water.
- Taking ammunition from the dead.
- Ensure that the dead covered.
Send runners out.
Three men at opposite route.
I'm sorry, buddy.
- Where the hell have you been?
- How the hell did you come from?
- 308. Is l gain?
- No, we are K-Company 307th.
We are trying to get out.
The Germans are behind us.
- There is more there.
- Where did you come from?
- I said 308th
- How are you?
Where we should be. l look like cod,
looking for hookers on 14th street.
We should take the mill, we did,
we wait for the Germans attacked.
Great, I'm still very tired
to play hide and seek with the bastards.
You are appointed to scout.
Show us the way.
- Major.
- They attack hard and disciplined.
They are waiting for the fog plains.
They do not like to move on.
L Chateau de Deab ate in the dark
and attack when we ate breakfast.
This does not happen with us.
The men have only ndproviant
and no coffee.
- Good idea, Lieutenant.
- Sir?
Start campfires
and fuel used coffee beans.
Let them think we eat
and are unprepared.
Germans have rest facilities.
With bowling alleys and bedding.
- Not our kind.
- They do not have our kind.
You do not know shit.
Who do you declare
while officers eat and sleep?
L Jews south of Canal Str is so acidic.
L Bushwick, we are positive.
- Brooklyn is not positive.
- They have apple pie and beer.
- You do not say what for a beer?
- What role does it play?
- You want an egg in?
- Not bad.
I will not send you customers, you end
to sew buttons throughout life.
Just have a long life...
Did you hear that?
Ordinary seaman Chinn? Ward Chinn?
Nobody response.
The German bastards.
Come on, boys!
Do not give up!
To the left! Guy!
Male nurse here!
- Keep your ildlinje.
- Two on the hill, Joe!
Come on! Do as
at the shooting range! Choose a goal!
Away with you! Beware!
- What's your name?
- Krotoshinsky.
Pull the lever back,
set in. magazine
Just like in basic training.
Press the lever forward.
Now you're ready to shoot.
Stop, Yoder. Krotoshinsky
in control of the situation.
Yes, Major.
Keep their heads down!
Retirer. We form a line of defense
the sick area.
Do not let them break our line.
- Retirer! Regrouping!
- Chinn? Do you hear me?
They have broken through the left flank.
And is heading towards McMurtry.
The engulfing us.
Take every third man
and steadily Captain McMurtry.
Tell Schenk,
he must keep them.
Get your head down!
- Retirer!
- Advance!
- God be praised.
- Forward!
Come on!
Attacker, everyone!
I come, l German devils!
L get a taste of the Lower East Side!
Not bad soldier.
- Captain Nelson Holderman.
- Major Charles Whittlesey.
We gain.
We were on our way back,
but was cut off.
- L came at the right time.
- It seems so.
I've barely 80 men,
but if I may say so, -
Germans would certainly not have you here.
- It must get used to.
- Yes, sir.
- I try.
- No!
- The wounded must have water.
- Gaedeke, create a sentry.
Shoot anyone who tries to fetch water,
before we took sniper.
Here we are.
Here is the German front.
Rest of our division is
on our right flank.
French are
on our left flank.
Schenk, take Gaedeke and a platoon
and join the French.
- Any questions?
- No, sir.
Do it.
Why do we use French guns?
We are Americans.
- We should use American.
- You're not American, Krotoshinsky.
Yes, I am,
I passed the test.
- Which test.
- The you get on Ellis Island.
- Did not you test?
- No need, I look good.
And the test does not the American
only for a civilian to be recruited.
- You, I'm here as an American.
- You're a Pole.
It is only in America,
I am a Pole.
L Poland, I am Jew who lives
in the village and make boots for the army.
I took the test, Lipasti.
Do you know what they said?
They said I could be,
just what I wanted.
So never, I'm not American.
I took the test.
- Where's the rest?
- We smoke in an ambush.
- French must be on the left.
- There has never been.
- We are surrounded, Major.
- And the people know it.
If we keep spirits up,
do they.
Why are Germans so eager
to get us out of here?
Because we threaten
entire German defense line.
And they can not accept it?
- No.
- No, sir.
So we agree.
We have orders to hold the position.
We will.
Colonel Johnson in terms of
it here lost battalion...
Whittlesey has not disappeared.
We know where he is,
we just can not reach him.
- Whose fault is it?
- Lngens.
This is war, this has
always been and always will be.
Message from Whittlesey. They have
stopped several German attacks.
They expect more.
He is surrounded, but is,..
...to come replace.
I have a good idea of
where the sniper is.
Have you?
If he sticks his head up,
I can get him.
What can make him
to put their head up?
A good goal.
- Folks.
- Major.
The sniper is good,
but we have a plan.
We need water for the wounded.
How, yes.
Shoot, Yoder!
If they do not give up,
, they eradicated.
Americans will no doubt do everything
to free these men.
Breaking the through at Argonne
it is a disaster.
We will need special devices.
You get your storm troopers, Major.
We take the bandages from the dead,
so we can use them for the wounded.
This one is only used on a page.
- Find you a fag.
- I would love a cigarette.
But I do not mess through
a dead man's things to find one.
I can not see that this
is no use, sir.
I do not participate in this conversation.
I was with Pershing,
when we chased Pancho Villa for Peral.
You're a good officer,
but different.
You're like the people here.
It's not your life.
You have nothing to go home to.
You have always been honest, Major.
Do you post here is worth it?
For men like General Alexander
this is their life.
They do not understand our life is finished
and be buried.
Do you think the boys can go home
for carts and systuerne now?
If we position
get the war might end.
I have to look to the people,
we are shown here for a while.
L, the guys at these coordinates
in support of Major Whittlesey.
- Is figures confirmed?
- Twice.
Do I see
of the dead Germans have food?
Hold the position, I order
steaks and potatoes.
- Do not forget the bill.
- L get yours in a coal scuttle.
Now that thing!
It comes from behind!
It's our boys!
It comes from behind!
I love traveling salesman.
L German bastards!
Our boys bombs us!
Son of a bitch!
Cover! Take cover!
Sick Fits! Make sure that the wounded
get coverage now!
What the hell are you doing?
- Richards!
- Here, sir!
Damn! I'm sorry, sir.
Get the message out.
Get them to stop, Cher Ami.
You can do it!
Add on! Guy!
Keep the posts.
The bastards are trying to get
behind us. After me, Lieutenant.
What happened to you, buddy?
- Colonel, a message.
- Read.
Our artillery fire upon us.
Stop them, for God's sake.
- From Whittlesey.
- Whittlesey? Hold your fire!
Cease fire!
Give me artillery!
Cease fire! That's an order!
Hold your fire!
We shoot at our own!
Hold your fire!
Come on, hurry on.
Now we take the bastards!
Hold the line!
Hold the line!
Why do Americans not
surrendered? Who we are surrounded?
I do not know,
I examined the dead equipment.
They have no water or food.
One of them had three balls,
another had none at all.
Nobody ammunition. The here
battle should be over.
As long as they are in the middle
in our line -
they will attack us.
Destroy strength,
as madness may come to an end.
Yes, George.
It's pretty impressive.
They can probably get it out,
but then opens the wound itself just.
Let it sit.
Mother always said I was going
have a place to hang my hat.
Major, you will read in my Bible?
" I put my
trust in You, Lord."
" Let me not confused,
guidance me in your righteousness."
" , Hear me, and save me.
For you are my rock and my fortress."
" Save me from the evil
and from the unjust."
" For you are my hope, O Lord ."
" I put my trust
to you in my youth..."
Sir? Do you want to settle down?
- How are you?
- It's just a scratch.
I boiled some water.
Thank you.
McMurtry said,
you were a lawyer before the war.
Yes, I was.
I worked with contracts and stuff.
People like me and McMurtry
are professional soldiers.
If we were not here,
we were somewhere else.
- You could work in the General Staff.
- I would not work for Alexander.
You do not think we should be here, do you?
- No.
- Why are you here?
Life would be much easier
if we chose our duties.
But we can not,
and will not be.
That's why I'm here.
Lieutenant... I am Major Prinz.
Can I buy you something to eat?
Pot law is good.
No thanks, I ate too much
for lunch, I'm full.
So we take a cup of coffee.
- Do you smoke?
- It's a bad habit.
I lived seven years in your country.
I prefer your tobacco.
We have plenty, let me invite
you for dinner one day.
Do you have plenty of food and tobacco?
We have rations for two batallioner.
We are a little understaffed,
but there is plenty to 1400 men.
L Americans always have much of anything.
It does not matter,
l shall deliver you up at the end.
- I think not.
- Are your officers so harsh?
L is surrounded,
No one comes to the rescue.
Every night sent patrols out,
as we shoot.
We hear the wounded screaming,
it is not degrading to capitulate.
Maybe not for you.
But my people are different.
What do you think?
They are up against-
- Irish, Polish, Italian and Jewish gangsters
from New York.
They will never surrender.
They are at the mill somewhere.
We must find them.
The pounding the wretches
with our own shit yesterday.
We find them.
- It's ready.
- No. And why should we share?
- Because I shot him who had it.
- A minor detail.
I'm not talking to you anymore.
- Yoder! How's Daisy Ville?
- Big Fork!
- What are you doing Saturday night?
- There is plenty to do.
But it ends early,
because of the service.
- Then there is the meeting after...
- What about Friday night?
- What amuses you study?
- Why call no me Bob?
- Who is Bob?
- Him! Have you not heard of a first name?
Your first name is" ordinary".
You will never Corporal.
- I just want to be civil.
- Sometimes we go camping.
- Farmers are always talking about camping.
- What do you do when you go camping?
- Sleeping outside, have campfires...
- And along the same clothes all the time?
- It's part of the fun.
- See Rosen, we amuses us.
- I amuses me.
- Now you're negative again.
- You disappoint your mother.
- Yes, I guess.
Yoder. Make your box.
Come on.
- Here you go, kid, eat.
- Thank you.
- Captain, Ed, what you can,
- Yes.
Tell all they have to cover them
and make sure to rest.
Do not shoot! If they know where we are,
they also know where their is.
It's a British aircraft.
He saw them. Add on!
Find a hole and stay there.
He has something.
We have their position!
Listen! Sharing samples
to break through to ourselves.
They need to know where we are.
We have sent runners out every night,..
...either lost or is killed.
Rain can provide the protection
we need.
I'm looking for some volunteers.
I'll report me.
I almost had my
on dry before the war.
I was so close to
to be firm pilot.
Lift attendant.
I practiced my pronunciation
to get the job.
" Elevator three runs up."
" Good morning"," good night".
So I had to work
with the fine gentlemen and ladies.
I had uniformed
with gold down the page.
I had clean hands
and no back pain as the others.
- What happened?
- What do you think? It is here!
Do you think the job waiting for me?
I am going to push a cart,
as all other Dagos.
We collect never them,
was home.
Come out to Montana,
we will help you.
I have never ridden.
So we find a horse,
no one has ridden on.
Would you do it for me, cowboy?
- I've never driven in the elevator.
- Where did the army you?
- I volunteered.
- Wow! Did you join?
I did too.
Did you report you volunteer for this?
What a bunch of idiots we are.
- Captain.
- Check the dead Germans.
- See if they have food for the wounded.
- Yes, Captain.
No, no!
Okay, okay... Relax.
It's yours. You can keep it.
Take it easy.
I got it!
Oh God... Hench.
Do not shoot.
I ask you to bring a message
from me to your commander.
- I do not know if it goes.
- Would you rather be a prisoner?
No, but only prisoners of the me
and so I live messages.
- Make me not to spy?
- No.
You and your comrades
is very brave.
I envy your commander
his people.
Look down.
- I will save lives.
- Yes, sir.
Keep the fire.
Keep the fire.
- Hello, friend.
- Goodbye, comrade.
I have message from the Germans.
- How did they treat you?
- Good, sir.
- What about Lieutenant Leak?
- He's fine.
- Well, rest up now.
- Thank you, sir. Get a weapon.
Hollingshead did his nation honor
by refusing to answer questions.
Their Wounded disorders can be heard
of the German troops.
We ask you to capitulate,..
...since resistance is meaningless
under the circumstances.
Signed Major Prinz.
I think we've beaten them,
otherwise they would have not sent it.
What we reply, Major?
This is unacceptable.
- How are you?
- It has never been better.
Lieutenant Leak is a good officer.
He is from Texas.
We lost more than 60 men
in our own bombardment today.
We have less than 200
battle-ready troops.
I do not know
how they are doing it.
Underestimate them.
Two days ago, a Chinese
spark and the runner was Indian.
They are dead,
but that's not the point.
These Italians, Irish,
Jews and Poles...
...would never hire me as a lawyer,
we would never be seen together.
But we will never be together
with better soldiers...
...or better men,
than those here.
Major, I was
in Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders.
I've never done
with a better officer than you.
Do you know that your people
would do anything for you?
Thanks, George.
Come on!
Towards the line!
L bastards.
You hit nothing that way.
Get me some ammo.
Oh, buddy...
Come on! Spread out!
Come on!
- Did it?
- Yes.
Mobsters. New York gangsters.
Stupid spaghetti.
I thought you were hurt.
Here's my chance, I'm going to a
hospital nurses.
- I am a bit of a charmer.
- You screw up enough.
Yes, you're right i
Come on.
Sorry, friend.
Godez, tires right flank.
Hackett, hold the position here.
Major Whittlesey.
There are promotions
and medals for all.
Obviously, we did not find the place.
Artillery found it, General.
Where's the rest of batallionen?
There was not enough left of Gaedeke
to bury.
Schenck sharing
is somewhere out there.
I sent him out to the
Frenchmen, they said, was on the flank.
- It's acceptable losses.
- Not for me, sir.
I understand your feelings.
They said flank was covered
and ordered us to attack.
They promised us supplies,
they did not.
- You call it acceptable?
- Yes, I do.
We broke through the German lines,
because you held the position,..
...and annoyed them.
They have wrought it incredible.
They had 600 men to think
I have 20,000.
I have to live with.
There are cars coming after your men.
They have lived through hell.
They will never know what they have
lived through, or what they may.
They are better than you, General.
Better than me. It is always.
The officers and can run with me.
I can not afford.
I stay with my men.
I understand.
Folks! We're moving out.
Major Whittlesey, Captain Holderman
and McMurtry...
...got Congress
Medal of Honour.
Ordinary seaman Krotoshinsky
got medal for special service.
Cher Ami, the wounded dove,
brought Message
...to stop shelling
of Whittleseys troops...
...now has a place of honor
at the Smithsonian lnstitute.
With Whittleseys stubborn defense...
...and the American offensive
...to break through the German lines.
Whittlesey led over 500 man
into the Argonne.
Nearly 200 followed him away
after their five-day siege.
The Great War
ended five weeks later.