Lost Vegas (2022) Movie Script

(jazzy music)
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
(jogger panting)
- What the fuck?
(ominous music)
Babe, did you see this dead body in here?
What the fuck?
(intense music)
Talk to me, what's wrong with you?
(zombie grunting)
(zombie growling)
Ah, shit!
(eerie hip-hop music)
(sirens wailing)
(jogger panting)
(zombies snarling)
(zombies growling)
(jogger screaming)
(jogger screaming) (zombies snarling)
(alarm chiming)
- [Reporter] Today, the first vaccinations
of healthcare workers at Loretto Hospital
on Chicago's West Side,
where Black Americans make up 40% of COVID deaths.
(Adam groans)
(sirens droning)
(Adam sighs)
(Adam sighs)
(unsettling music)
(Adam grunts)
(razor buzzing)
- [Reporter] One, it will take a good portion
of the population here in Nevada getting vaccinated,
and two, it'll take time.
Experts say, even though Tier 1 vaccinations
are already underway,
many of them happening here at UMC already this week,
experts say we're still several months away.
(stern music)
- There are more empty hospital beds,
and more Americans are taking the vaccine.
Over 75% of Americans have taken the vaccine,
which is the cause of the empty hospital beds.
More people are doing the right thing.
Saving lives and taking the shot.
The CDC has also approved the vaccine
for children and teens over and under the ages of-
(static crackling)
- We interrupt this bullshit to bring you the real news.
The shot is turning people into zombies.
And the government knows.
Yeah, they know.
You take that shot, you gonna turn.
Don't know when, don't know where,
but believe, you will turn.
You get the sniffles,
start bleeding out your orifices,
and then they attack.
We at the ATG, we're not taking the shot.
If you wanna be a member
and not take the shot, too,
we meeting tonight at 563-
- Get on the ground! - Go, go, go!
- Get to work! - Get on the ground!
- Ah, and we're back.
We would like to apologize for that.
That was not a part of our broadcast.
In lighter news,
the crowds are returning to Sin City in droves.
Employment rate is at its highest
and Las Vegas is looking good.
(intense music)
(upbeat folk music)
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
- Well, I'm sorry about that.
What's going on now?
Why are you all out here?
Like, what's...
You locked out or something?
You stuck?
Where's your owners?
Where's your owners, man?
Hey, you good?
You good?
You have any water, hm?
(sighs) All right, dog, you're free now
so don't get eaten up by one of these zombies, okay?
(ominous music continues)
What are you doing?
Go, bro.
Hey, go.
Go that way.
Hey, go that way.
(playful music)
(upbeat music)
Hey, dog, come on.
(claps) Dog.
Come on.
This guy gotta take a piss.
Come on, hey.
(upbeat music continues)
(frantic music)
(car alarm dinging)
(upbeat music)
(radio whirring)
- [Reporter] Half of all American adults
now fully vaccinated
as the number of cases across the country plummets,
the growing data about so-called breakthrough infections,
and the new warning ahead of Memorial Day Weekend.
(uplifting music)
(sirens droning)
(car alarm dinging)
- Dog.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Chill, I'm not a Vax.
- Get away from my car.
- What, this is yours?
- [Adam] Yeah, that's mine.
- There's nobody occupying the car right now.
I'm just trying to get flip the outta here.
I've been out here for a week straight.
- So what you do, just walk up when you see somebody's car
and you just steal it?
- Listen.
There are so many Vax out there
and I'm trying to get outta here.
I just need to...
I need to go anywhere but here, okay?
- Go.
Get away from my car.
Get away from my car.
- Listen, I'm with a child right now, okay?
I'm trying to go anywhere.
Anywhere but here.
- It's a dog.
- Can you please just take us anywhere?
Anywhere but here.
I'm asking you.
- Okay.
- Hey, man, I wanna...
I wanna just apologize for, you know,
I wasn't trying to steal your car or anything like that.
I just thought it was abandoned.
So that's why I saw it open.
- [Adam] Mm.
- Yeah, but I mean, my name's Jed.
My friends call me Jay.
Pick whichever one you feel.
- Jed?
- Jed.
What about you, man?
- [Adam] Adam.
- Adam?
- [Adam] Yep.
- Don't you think that's, like, an unusual name
for a Black guy?
I mean, I would assume, 'cause you a big mother,
I would assume your name Brock or something, like.
(chuckles) That's just me.
(Adam sighs)
(chuckles) So what you packing right there, man?
Like, what is that?
- That's a 9.
- A 9?
- [Adam] Yeah.
- I ain't never shot a gun before in my life
so I ain't even know that.
That's crazy.
- So let me ask you something, Jed.
What are you doing out here?
- I mean, it started,
it started 'cause my family wanted us to take the shot,
take the vaccine and everything,
but I wasn't having it.
I wasn't doing that.
So, you know, it was either take the shot or leave.
So I decided I was leaving.
- Your parents took the shot?
- [Jed] Yeah, they took the shot.
- [Adam] So did they turn?
I mean, did you kill 'em?
- Oh, hell no, man.
I ain't kill 'em.
I couldn't bring myself to that,
that point to kill my own family.
Like, I couldn't do that.
You know, whatever the case may be,
I still love 'em.
What about you, man?
What you doing over here?
- Food.
I ran out of it, so
I'm out here looking for somewhere to eat.
- I mean, that sounds about right.
I mean, real talk.
I got a nice little taco joint if you down.
It's my treat.
- Tacos?
- Yeah.
They got like, chicken, chorizo.
- Everybody likes tacos.
- Yes, indeed, everybody do like tacos.
They got regular meat.
I mean, I don't know what you into.
I don't know if you're vegan or not,
but, yeah, I got you.
- [Adam] All right.
Man. (chuckles)
- I got you a drink.
Got me a drink.
- Wow.
So how'd you, uh,
how'd you hook this up?
- You know, I used to work here
back in my day when I was young.
That's the homegirl, Nicole.
Um, can you hand me that green sauce?
- So obviously she must not have taken the vaccine.
- Yeah, nah.
- Good.
Because we'd be putting a bullet in her ass right now
if she did.
(Jed chuckles)
So how come, uh,
how come you haven't taken the vaccine?
- I don't trust it.
(Adam belches)
You know, they don't have no cures for cancer, HIV, STDs,
nothing like that,
but in 10 months they got a cure for COVID?
Can't trust it.
- Well, you see, that's why I haven't taken it
because it's like,
it just doesn't make any sense to me why to take it.
I don't, I don't trust this government.
See, when you got billionaires pushing this,
and you're not even taking it,
it's something to make you think. You know what I'm saying?
- Most definitely.
Most definitely. - Yeah.
It doesn't cure it, it doesn't prevent it,
and if you have taken the vaccine,
you can still give it to people?
You know what I'm saying?
So why take it?
- No, can't trust it.
I mean, I was thinking that same thing.
I'm not taking it.
I thought about taking it, but I'm not.
You know, I had the thought of like, mm,
maybe I should take it, you know?
So I can be clear, you know, be good.
Didn't want to worry about anything happening
or anything of the sort.
But, like I said, I can't trust it.
- Yeah.
Well, they're all pushing, "Take the vaccine,
take the vaccine,"
but, again, like I said,
it doesn't prove any point to me why.
If it's not doing anything,
it's not curing it, it's not preventing it,
you just taking a shot.
And now you gotta carry the cards and everything, you know?
- It's a COVID passport.
(Adam chuckles)
That's what it is.
- [Adam] Yeah, pretty much.
- Yeah.
- You ever heard of the, uh, Tuskegee experiment?
You should look it up.
'Cause it's one of the reasons why
Black people don't trust this government
or scientists right now.
Google it.
- Google?
I'll definitely take a look at it, take a gander,
see what's up. - Yep.
Bon appetit, my brother.
- Bon appetit.
Man, those were some Grade A tacos.
- Yeah, that was a pretty good idea of yours
to get some tacos. - I told you I know
a nice little taco joint.
- The good thing is none of them were Vax.
- Yeah, man, watch that puddle.
- 'Cause if they were Vax, believe me,
they would've caught a bullet.
- You just be ready to shoot, huh?
You're just-
- You know what's out here, man.
You don't know who's who out here.
- Yeah, but like, the Vax ain't hurting you
unless they smell you and coming around you and everything.
- Oh, man, I'm stuffed, bro.
I really am.
- Yeah, so what's good?
Like, what we getting into?
- Man, I'm about to go take me a nap.
- [Jed] Oh, all right, well-
- It was good meeting you, my brother.
- Nice meeting you?
This, this sounding like a goodbye.
Like, what's up?
What, what you mean?
- [Adam] Um, yeah,
I mean, I don't know you, brah.
- Okay, so where am I supposed to sleep?
I mean, you got all this room
in the back seat and the front seat
so where am I supposed to sleep?
- Well, I tell you what,
you more than welcome to the trunk, man, if you want to.
- [Jed] The trunk?
- Yeah, the trunk.
- Okay. - [Adam] You and the dog.
- So you just gonna have me and the dog
sleeping in the trunk while you sleeping all comfortably,
you know, in the front seat.
- See, I don't know you, dog.
You know what I'm saying?
And you can turn and, boom, we in this little car.
- Brah, come on, we literally just had tacos.
I just treated you to some tacos.
We've been driving in the car together.
I mean, if I was gonna turn, I would've been turned by then.
- I don't know that.
You know what I'm saying?
I mean, if you got it, you think you'd wanna tell me?
- [Jed] I mean, no, but like, come on now.
Like, you know,
if I would've turned, I would've been turned.
I'm over here smelling you all day.
- I feel you, man,
but, um, like I said, I don't know you and you can turn,
and you more than welcome to the trunk.
If not the trunk,
you welcome to the beautiful outside.
- Okay, all right.
Nah, that's cool, that's cool.
That's cool.
I hope you enjoyed them tacos.
We gonna go ahead.
We gonna sleep in the trunk and, um, yeah.
You got any blankets or something in there?
Any pillows?
- [Adam] Nah, just knock yourself out in the trunk, man.
- All right, remember that.
(eerie music)
(Adam yawns)
(Adam groans)
(car alarm dinging)
(Adam groaning)
(zipper hissing)
(urine pattering)
(zipper hissing)
- [Adam] Morning, sunshine.
- Don't "sunshine" me.
What the hell, man?
You got us sleeping in goddamn the trunk.
Dude, that was real messed up, man.
Leaving me and the dog in the trunk?
Just sleeping?
Like, bro, you got a whole car where we could sleep at.
- [Adam] I don't know you, man.
- It's not a matter of that, bro.
There's so many zombies around here.
Like, anything could've happened.
You could've got killed,
and me and the dog would've been stuck in the trunk.
Like, come on, dude.
- [Adam] Well, the good thing is, at least you didn't.
- You know what?
I'm taking this beanie as compensation.
(Adam sniffs)
- [Adam] Okay.
- So, man, what the hell we doing out here?
(Adam chuckles)
Well, you said you never shot a gun before, right?
- Uh-huh.
- (sniffs) All right, well,
it's gonna be your lesson on how to shoot a gun.
Reason being
is come across a Vax, you gotta know how to shoot.
You feel me?
And you never shooting a gun before,
that's a bitch move.
- Well, it's cold as hell out here,
you had me trapped in the damn trunk,
I'm all discombobulated,
but we'll see what we can do.
(gun banging)
Here you go.
- For a person that's never shot before,
that's pretty damn good.
- I play a lot of "Call of Duty."
- "Call of Duty," my ass.
(uplifting hip-hop music)
(gun banging)
(gun banging)
So where's this, where's this spot at?
- [Jed] You'll see.
- [Adam] I need to find me a place.
I need to go to a restroom, man.
- [Jed] Go to a restroom?
What, you gotta take a number one or number two, my boy?
- I tell you what, man.
After we finish,
after I finish this, you could, uh...
I think we should go our separate ways.
Like, I'll take you to wherever you gotta go to
and I can finish doing what I gotta do.
- Hey, man, you do what you gotta do,
just don't take too long.
And leave me the gun, man, just in case a zombie pull up.
(Adam sighs)
Or the damn vaccine.
Thank you.
(car alarm dinging)
Careful out there.
- Yeah, just keep my...
Cover my back.
- While you're shitting?
(eerie chiming music)
- Brother.
(Adam groans)
I can't believe it.
No, I should be able to believe it.
Try to be nice to a person and they just go and...
He stole my car.
That little light-skinned mother...
Ha-ha, it's all right.
I'm gonna see you again, man.
I'm gonna see you...
He took my gun.
(Adam groans)
- You must've thought I was a dummy nigger.
A little stupid-ass dummy nigger.
- You're nice to people and they turn around
and, and, and feed you tacos and then rob you.
I'll see you again, man, I swear to God.
- Man, he must have thought I was stupid or something.
He gonna have me sleeping in the car?
In the damn car?
Yeah, yeah.
Hell no.
Hell no.
That's why I took that damn gun.
God, what he talking about?
(window knocking)
- It's Adam.
(woman sighs)
- (sighs) Babe, come on.
That's your brother.
- I can't risk us getting infected.
- I mean, I know,
but, I mean, he looks okay.
Look at him.
I mean, he looks normal.
- They all look normal until they try to feed on you.
- You got that right.
- He get the sniffing, growling, any of that shit,
I'ma blow his goddamn head off.
- (sighs) Oh. (window knocking)
Yeah, I mean, we can't.
We can't do that.
- What's up, man?
- [Brother] What you doing here, man?
- Yeah, I came to see you.
You not gonna let me in?
(window thuds)
This mother.
- I mean, he really had us sleeping out here in the trunk.
(Adam sighs)
- [Brother's Wife] Here you go, sweetheart.
- Oh, thank you, thank you.
- Yes.
It is so nice to see you.
- You too.
- Do you need anything else?
- No, this is perfect.
This is great.
- Oh, um,
I'm so sorry about Ronnie. - Thank you.
- [Brother's Wife] Are you doing okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm good, I'm good.
- Okay, all right. - Thank you.
- All right. - Thank you.
- So what is you even doing out here in these streets, man?
I ain't seen him in, what it's been, what, two years?
- Yep, two years.
- I could say the same thing about you, brother.
- Listen, no, um,
we not gonna do no tit-for-tat, bro.
I ain't seen you in two years
and you pop up and I'm supposed to be celebratory
because you here.
- Okay, babe, calm down.
Calm down.
- Things happen.
People go through things, okay?
But damn, man, we still family.
Listen, the only reason why I'm out in these streets
is because I ran out of food.
All right?
I tried to be nice, give this kid a helping hand,
and he ended up robbing me,
taking my car, my gun, everything.
- So how long has it been since you took the vaccine?
- Take the...
I'm not...
No, I didn't take the vaccine.
- Why not?
- Why not?
Why would anybody take the vaccine?
Hell no.
I think it's killing people.
- People are dying from not taking it.
- Did...
Did you two take the vaccine?
- Yeah, we took it.
- I mean, look, the government requires everyone to take it.
I mean, if Ronnie would've...
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
- This government.
You know, the only thing about this government I care about
is thanking them for the stimulus checks.
I mean, do you really think that they give a,
they care about us?
- Don't you wanna lead a normal life again?
I mean, instead of all this running around and hiding.
- Normal?
- Yeah, normal.
- What's normal about this world?
What's normal about what's going on right now?
I mean,
this is it, this is it.
This is like, it's us against them.
The Vax against the humans.
That's it.
- So you're okay with staying in the house
and only coming out for food?
My food.
- Mm, okay.
- Well, I would rather do that than take some vaccine,
some shot that hasn't been fully tested.
- You don't get it, do you?
People that you see that's working, shopping,
living a normal life,
they took that vaccine.
- Normal?
A normal life?
I've been outside in them streets all day
and the only normal I've seen
was the people that wanna eat me.
That's the normal.
- Oh. (sighs)
- If the whole world takes the vaccine,
then the whole world will be cured.
No more coronavirus.
- Right.
no more COVID.
- You two are nuts.
- No.
We're normal.
- Mmhmm.
(upbeat music)
- Hey, yo, real talk?
You gotta close the door, man
You're gonna let all the smoke out
Trying it again
That's my shit right here, man.
That's my shit.
I said no guests are allowed
I get that shit by the pound
Baby, no flipping allowed
Don't push me when I'm being down
Can't fuck your mommy and be proud
Don't give a flip about your smile
Hey, little bitch, don't come for me
I don't want your company
So please get the fuck away from me
I just want no company
Hey, wanna bet
Tell her, be afraid Tell her, be afraid
Hey, I'm gonna fuck on her again
Again, again, again, again
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I know we're ignorant, yeah
I'm going ignorant, insane
- I don't know. I just, I don't know what's going-
- [AP] Goddamn.
- Oh.
- Hey, how you doing?
- Um, not so good so, yeah,
I don't know.
It's just...
It just stalled, I don't know. - All right, well, let me...
Let me check it out, uh...
My name's AP.
I, I am a mechanic. - Uh-huh, okay.
- So let me, yeah, let me,
let me check this out and, uh-
- AP, it's getting super duper dark
and I'm ready to go home,
so if you can hook a girl up, please.
- I got you, what I can.
Let's see.
(woman sniffing)
(finger hisses)
Oh, shit, that's hot!
Um, damn.
Let me... Let me go take a look in the car
and just kind of see.
Goddamn, she fine.
Sexy ass.
Yo, man, I'm glad I pulled over.
Mm, mm, mm.
Shit, she just don't even understand what's about to happen
'cause I'm gonna get her number.
She fine as hell.
We gonna go out to dinner.
Probably take her back to my crib.
Hm, shit, we gonna hit that.
It's gonna be on.
(AP groans)
- So what do you think it could be?
(AP chuckles)
- Actually, you know what?
It can be quite a few things.
Um, I mean, in my professional opinion, I mean...
You know what?
If we exchange numbers
and maybe go out to dinner or something like that, you know,
I could probably get the car over to my boy's shop
and then we can go from there.
You know, uh, yeah.
You know, I, I'm, I'm really not sure.
(intense music)
(zombie snarling)
Oh, shit!
Crazy motherfucker!
What the fuck is this?
(zombie growling)
(zombie snarling)
- Dr. Insignia, I would say it's good to see you, but
over the phone you made it sound like
it was the end of the world.
- Wrong, wrong, wrong.
- Please, have a seat.
- [Dr. Insignia] This is so wrong.
- Can I offer you some coffee?
Decaf, maybe. - I told you what we are,
what you are doing is wrong.
- Are you sure I can't offer you some coffee?
It's freshly imported from Columbia.
It's very good.
just what is it that's got your panties all in a bunch?
- Years ago, I worked on the SARS vaccine projects.
And as they mutated over the years,
my team and I created those vaccines.
- (chuckles) Your team?
(chuckles) Your team?
Would that be the same team
that works for me and my company?
You know what?
I'm sorry, I apologize.
I shouldn't interrupt.
Please, continue.
- I developed the vaccine for the COVID virus
a few years back,
and it worked,
so much so that it stopped the spread of the virus.
Does this look familiar?
- Of course.
That's the vaccine that's saving the world.
And you should be damn proud of yourself.
- Yeah, this is my design.
Not this.
This has been altered.
- Huh.
I don't see much difference.
- I just wanna know one thing.
What did you do to that vaccine in 2019?
(Dr. Jacobi sighs)
- Well, I'll tell you, Doctor.
The pharmaceutical industry is big business.
Big business that pays very well.
And in this business, time is of the essence.
There is no second place.
Rhoda Corporation is the leader
in developing COVID-19 vaccines.
And you,
you are a major part of that.
- (sighs) My vaccine worked.
And it worked properly.
Not this.
I don't know what you did to this, but you altered it.
You did something to it.
- We did what we had to do to be number one.
Altered or not, it's doing its job.
It's keeping people safe.
It's saving lives.
- Saving lives?
You're kidding me.
Saving lives?
You've been poisoning innocent people,
and they don't even know it.
But I know what you did.
I know what you did.
I found the DNA of a rabid animal.
A rabid animal.
(Dr. Jacobi sighs)
I know what I know,
and I said what I had to say,
and very soon the CDC will know everything.
I'll see my way out.
- He seems upset.
(chuckles) CDC.
(door slams)
Fuck the CDC.
(intense music)
- Oh, looking good there.
Looking good.
- Thank you, Otto.
- Yeah, yeah, uh,
don't worry about the top ones, though.
I'll get those.
- Okay.
Well, I've already finished front-facing everything
and I restocked.
- Oh, okay.
Well, in that case, I say you're all done for the day.
- Okay.
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
- Here we go.
- Thank you.
- You got it.
- You're the best.
- Hey, don't spend all your money in one place now.
- That's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Party like there's no tomorrow.
- (chuckles) Well, be safe.
- I will.
I get my last shot tomorrow.
- All right.
(upbeat music)
(singing in foreign language)
Hotties, hotties, hotties when I roll
I be selling drips by the boatload
Stay fresh to death, bless my soul
I be feeling like I'm growing close mode
(singing in foreign language)
- [Pops] Hey, son.
Dinner's ready.
- Thanks, Pops, I appreciate it.
But, you know, I've already made plans.
Going out with the boys right now.
We about get something to eat, so.
- Oh, man.
Since your mother was at work,
I was hoping we would sit down
and have a father-and-son dinner.
- Like I said, I appreciate it,
but we've already made plans to eat.
So if you could just put it in the fridge or something
and then maybe we can get back to this later.
- Well, well, where are you going?
- Dre's having a party at his house.
Gonna go turn up.
- Listen, I wanna talk to you for a second before you go.
- Pops,
if this is about the whole getting the shot, all that,
we've been through this multiple times.
- Just take a seat for a second.
(Jed sighs)
- Can we make this quick?
'Cause I gotta meet up with the boys.
- They can wait.
You're getting ready to go out in public
around a bunch of people.
COVID is still out there,
and people are getting sick and dying every day.
- This is no disrespect to you, no disrespect to Mom,
but I'm not getting the shot.
- You just don't get it, do you? (chuckles)
You're young, you're dumb.
We are trying to eradicate this thing.
- Pops, listen.
Pops, listen.
I'm just not, I'm not doing it.
There are people that already have the shot
and they're still getting it.
- But are less likely to die from it.
- Pops, I, I can't do this.
- Sit down.
Boy, I am still your father and you will respect that.
- I, I, I got you- - Ah.
I think the best course of action for you to take
for the betterment and the health and safety of this family
is for you to take that shot.
- For the family?
For the family, it's just me, you, and Mom.
What do you mean?
- Your mother took it, I took it.
We seem to be doing pretty damn good.
You're the only one here who hasn't taken it.
And you're also the only one
who's putting us in jeopardy of getting sick.
- Well, maybe that's because I don't wanna be a guinea pig.
- Look, boy,
this is my house.
And as the head of the house,
if I say everyone takes the shot,
then you, as my son, is taking the damn shot.
- I'm not doing it.
And I told you, I'm not taking the shot.
- I'm not done talking to you, boy.
- Pops, I can't do this.
I just, I can't do it right now, all right?
I love you,
but I just can't.
- We're not done here, son.
I don't know who this...
- Ooh, that'll be killing 'em.
All right.
(upbeat music)
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
- That looks good.
(Otto sighs)
Now who the fuck left the goddamn humidor open?
(Otto sniffing)
(Jed sniffs)
- Nice.
(suspenseful music)
(glass squeaking)
(Otto rasping)
- Ah, shit.
Here we go again.
(intense music)
(Otto growling) (Jed grunting)
(zombie gurgling)
(Jed panting)
(gentle music)
(stern hip-hop music)
(door knocking)
(ominous music)
(door knocking)
- [Adam] Whoa, what?
- Breathe. - What?
- Breathe, breathe, breathe.
(Adam gasping)
Come on, get in.
Hurry up.
- What's with the gun in my face, man?
- You for reals?
Doesn't take no genius
to figure out what's happening out there.
- Yeah, but this is me.
- Yeah, I know. And if it would've been Debbie,
I would've shot her in the face
if she would've had the sniffs.
- So you would've shot me?
- Hell, yeah, I would've shot you in the face
if you would've had the sniffs.
- Wow.
- Look, sorry about Ronnie's funeral.
- There wasn't a funeral.
- What?
- She took the jab and she turned and attacked me.
(lighter clatters)
- Man.
I'm sorry, I had no idea.
- Have you been watching the news and what's going on?
- I don't watch TV.
- You see, I was watching the news today, this morning,
and they were talking about how good everything was going
with the vaccine and yada, yada, yada, right?
And then it was interrupted by these rebel guys.
I don't know what they were,
but they were talking about the real deal about it.
You know, how people are turning
and it is affecting people differently
and, you know, in all kind of different ways.
You know what I mean?
It depends on when you take it
and this, that, and the next thing.
- Welcome to the new world order, my brother.
Trump started it,
Biden finished it,
and now they want us to fucking deal with it.
They're out there.
Oh, they're fucking out there.
Think about this.
You remember that nurse
they gave the vaccine to and she fainted?
Or that doctor that gave the other doctor that vaccine?
He pretended to give him a shot, but he didn't?
Or, think about this part,
why didn't the President give it to his family members?
Why didn't he give the vaccine to his staff?
They didn't give the vaccine to their staff.
Instead, they gave it to us.
To the normal people.
Those are the ones that are at risk.
I'm good.
I'm not taking that vaccine.
God knows what's in those syringes.
Sh, I'm so good with that.
I'm so good.
Nah, hell no.
- You mind if I jump in the shower real quick?
- Yeah, man, it's in the back. You know where it's at.
- Thank you, my brother.
(sighs) Why did she have to take the vaccine?
We're not taking it.
- Why not?
The President says that it's safe.
The CDC says that it's safe.
- We're not taking it and that's that.
- No.
- Okay. - What do you mean? No.
People are taking this fucking shot every day
and still walking around living their normal lives.
- I mean, what, you actually trust this government?
- Yes, I do trust this government.
- You do? - Yeah, mmhmm.
- I don't.
You know, you sound really dumb right now.
- [Ronnie] Hm.
- [Adam] You sound so dumb right now.
- Oh, really?
That's what we doing now?
- [Adam] Yeah, that's what we doing now.
- That's what we doing now?
You know what?
I'm done with this conversation.
- Listen, this is crazy, all right?
We arguing over this.
I don't wanna argue with you over this.
do you trust the government? - Yeah, I do.
- You do? - Mmhmm.
- Have you forgotten what they did to our people years ago?
- The Tuskegee study?
- Exactly.
- That was years ago.
And the government didn't do that study.
The scientists did that study.
Have you noticed that the white people
have also been taking the shot?
They've taken the vaccine.
Do you think that they're gonna hurt their own?
(Adam sighs)
- Listen.
- I've already taken it.
(Adam sighs)
- You did what?
You took the shot without even telling me?
- Babe, I love you, you're my husband,
but I'm not gonna die from a virus
just because you think that the government
is trying to kill all Black people.
- You're selfish.
That is so- - No, it's not.
- [Adam] You're selfish.
- No, I'm not selfish, no.
(ominous music)
- [Adam] Babe?
(zombie snarling)
(intense music)
(cat hissing)
(zombie snarling)
(zombie growls)
(gun banging)
(suspenseful music)
- Ah, you actually made it back, huh?
- Someone had to get groceries.
- So what'd you get?
- I got you tortillas.
(woman rasping)
(woman rasping)
(intense music)
(zombie snarling)
(intense music)
(zombie growling)
(gentle upbeat music)
(police sirens wailing)
- [Jed] Fuck.
- [Police Officer] Evening, sir.
- How you doing?
- I'm good, I'm good.
You mind rolling this window down for me?
- Um, did I do something wrong?
- Well, I can better explain to you, uh, what's going on,
why I pulled you over,
if you roll this window down.
- Nah, I think I can hear you perfectly fine through here.
I'm good.
- [Police Officer] (sighs) All right, so
we can do this the hard way
or we could do this the easy way.
Makes no difference to me.
(Jed sighs)
- All right.
- Yeah, I appreciate that, sir.
Um, the reason why I pulled you over
is because you ran a, uh, stop sign back there,
about a mile back.
- Um, well, I definitely didn't see that,
so I do apologize for that, sir.
- [Police Officer] Okay.
- You know, I've been having a really rough day today, so.
- Long day?
- Very long.
- You tired? - Nope.
- Sleepy? - Nope.
- Coherent? - Yes, sir.
- Drunk? - Yes, sir.
- High? - No, no, sir.
No, I'm not.
- [Police Officer] You got any weapons in the car
I need to know about? - No, sir. No, sir. No, sir.
- [Police Officer] All right, so
I'm gonna need to see your license and registration,
if you don't mind.
- All right, so this is definitely not my car.
This is my uncle's car.
And he normally keeps it in the glove department,
so I'm gonna just check that for you. Is that cool?
- All right. - All right.
- Go right ahead.
(police officer sniffing)
(intense music)
(zombie snarling)
(ominous music)
(gun banging)
(heartfelt piano music)
(Dr. Insignia grunting)
(heartfelt piano music continues)
(Dr. Insignia grunting)
(heartfelt piano music continues)
- Hey, yo.
- [Dr. Insignia] I need help.
- [Jed] Oh, I'm just waiting for you to turn, playboy.
- [Dr. Insignia] I'm not gonna turn.
- You don't look so good.
Come on.
(Dr. Insignia grunting)
(Dr. Insignia panting)
- People are being given the wrong vaccine.
It doesn't work.
Take this.
- What am I supposed to do with this?
(Dr. Insignia coughing)
- I need you to go to the Del Weston Research Center
in California.
(Dr. Insignia panting)
And I need you to take that there.
And there's another vial that you need to get.
- Okay, what are you...
What are you talking about?
- Look.
(Dr. Insignia panting)
You gotta get that vaccine
to California because (panting)
life as you know it
will never be the same.
Inject yourself with that vaccine.
Get yourself to that research center.
Rhoda Corporation
has been poisoning people.
(Dr. Insignia coughs)
Now listen carefully.
(gun bangs)
(suspenseful music)
(gun bangs)
(gun bangs)
(gun bangs)
(gun bangs)
- [Jed] What the fuck?
What the fuck? (gun bangs)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
- Here it is.
Now we just need to find the damn light.
(ominous music)
(intense music)
Go inside.
(suspenseful music)
If I was a damn vaccine, where would I be?
(intense music)
(zombie growling)
Come on, dog!
(zombie snarling)
Goddamn it.
(zombie hissing)
(gun banging)
(dog barking)
Smoke time.
(suspenseful music)
Come on, boy.
Come on.
(Jed grunts)
All right, back to this shit.
Dr. Insignia.
(container whirring)
(gentle piano music)
(elevator beeping)
Come on.
(ominous music)
This shit's getting crazy.
(intense music)
(zombie snarling)
(knife squelching)
(Jed sighs)
Goddamn it, man.
Dog, come on.
(uplifting piano music)
(uplifting music)
(ominous music)
(upbeat hip-hop music)
Step into the void and become that what you seek and think
We begin with a spirit that moves with the wind
And now in sync
Step into the void and become that what you seek and think
We begin with a spirit that moves with the wind
And now in sync
Touchdown, breakdown, hit the ground running
Came through your no-fly zone unannounced
Not even a hint on advertisement
And document this new chain of events
Episode nine, the hands of shadow
Summon the relic, the flying saucer, man
The art of ninja, a new avenger villain
A vigilante strikes again Who, what, where, when
Rumor has it he's a part of a clan called Jekyll
The runaway renegade ran into the hills
And came back as the cloak and dagger
Is it he that the villagers fear
Or the eyes that watch from the hills
But added to the mystery
Is he one man or a clan
Too many source to become from one hand
Step into the void and become that what you seek and think
We begin with a spirit that moves with the wind
And now in sync
Step into the void and become that what you seek and think
We begin with a spirit that moves with the wind
And now in sync Step into the void
(gentle chiming music)
Sound radicals
Radical Productions
(intense music)