Louis Theroux: Law and Disorder in Lagos (2010) Movie Script

This programme contains
some strong language.
'I was in Lagos, Nigeria,
'finding out how this dynamic
and chaotic city polices itself.
'For several weeks, I'd been living
on both sides of the law.
'The area boys -
toughs who run the neighbourhood.'
I can kill you and eat you.
If it gets to that level.
'The glamorous kingpin to whom
many of them owe allegiance.'
His shoes!
A very fashionable person.
He does his shopping in Italy.
You do the shopping in Italy? Yes.
'I'd also been riding
with the paramilitary task force
'created to bring order to
the streets with strong-arm tactics
that made them equally feared.
'My idea - to experience life
at its most lively
'in a city torn between law
and disorder.'
There's a slightly weird atmosphere.
'I was on my way to Lagos Island,
'the downtown area
and the oldest part of the city.
'A youth leader nicknamed
Shevchenko offered to introduce me
to a smalltime gang boss, Tawa.'
Nice to meet you. I'm Louis.
Tawa, what is this place?
This place is...
Is this your base?
Yes, this is my base.
You control the market around here?
Yeah. And the bus stop here?
Yes. You control it? Yes.
'Tawa claimed legitimacy
by being part of a national
transportation union.'
She's a leader of the union.
You're in charge of a branch?
A branch chairman?
"Motorcycle operator of NURTW".
"Motorcycle operator, NURTW".
You take money from the motorcycle
drivers? Is that what he does?
You're a woman
and these are strong men? Yeah.
Can't they attack you?
How do you keep control?
Nobody can attack me. Why not?
Like god. Because of god?
She's a god.
Can you fight? I fight. How?
Anyhow. Like a man.
Like a man? Yeah.
Is it true?
Who's your number two? Your vice?
This one vice.
You're the vice? Louis.
Your name? Xonde.
What does this mean?
That shows he's a tough guy.
What happened? That looks painful.
Can you ask him how it happened?
That's like a euphemism. Exactly.
So he doesn't want to talk about...?
'Tawa took me on a tour
of her neighbourhood.
'She told me she collects union dues
from commercial vehicles
'and an unofficial tax
on local shopkeepers.'
If a boy goes to a shop
and says, "I've come from Tawa....
Where is her money?"
And the man says,
"I don't have any money."
What would happen... What?
If he told me, you understand?
I would do it for him.
You'd let him off? Uh-huh.
"It's OK. I'll come back tomorrow."
He would have to pay? Yeah.
'A little later, a fight broke out
among Tawa's boys,
'for reasons that weren't
immediately apparent.'
What's the problem?
Let's go. Let's go.
What's the problem?
It's just the money.
The money? Yeah. He wants
some money? Yeah. They want money.
Do you think she's had enough?
Yeah. Exactly.
'It became clear
we were no longer welcome.
'There are area boys throughout
Lagos. Many are union members.
'It's believed that they use
their positions for extortion
'and run their neighbourhoods
like personal fiefdoms.
'I was on my way uptown,
to an area called Oshodi
'hoping to meet one of the union's
top bosses.
'His name was MC. I had an "in"
with his trusted aide, Mamoc.'
How long have you been working
with MC?
Less than two years but
I've known him for, say, 20 years.
20 years? Yes. You grew up together?
Yeah. We grew up together.
What is it about the relationship
that works?
You see...
I believe something that...
Should I move up?
How do you do? I'm fine.
Do you know me? No.
Louis. Comcoco Zaria.
People call me Zaria.
Yes. Zaria? Comcoco Zaria.
The MC's Vice?
Deputy. Yes.
What do you do?
We are the National Union.
National Union
of Road Transport Workers? Yes.
What are some of
your responsibilities?
I don't understand you.
What you basically do.
When MC's not around,
you can always count on him.
So whatever he does,
in MC's absence,
you take it that it's MC
that is doing it.
Do you understand me? Yes, I do.
That's my job.
So you have a big team under you?
Yes. Many people?
You can't count them.
I have to pass the MC. Hm.
Do you understand me? No.
Let me make a comparison of the
President and the Vice President.
Your President is answerable
to everything that happens
within his government.
But you discover
that the Vice-President
takes a broader and wider
responsibility than the President
in terms of mobilisation.
The Vice-President does a lot
of mobilisation than the President.
Am I making any sense? Yes.
That is what basically he does.
How many boys do you have under you?
You can't count them.
So you would have hundreds of boys
under you? Thousands? Yes.
How did you come to be
the Vice President?
There are a lot of intrigues.
It's his loyalty.
His unflinching loyalty to MC.
Just from loyalty to MC.
Yes. Loyalty.
It's more like a court of a king,
if you know what I mean? Royalty.
It's the court of a king?
You just hit the nail on the head.
Where has MC gone? That's him on the
high table. On the high table? Yeah.
'The event we'd arrived at
was a Muslim celebration.
'It involved MC donating large
amounts of money to a local mosque.'
'I'd hoped it might be a chance
to get to know the man himself,
'but he had other duties
to attend to.
'My interview would have to wait.
'A few days later,
hoping to understand more about
the finances of his operation,
'I arranged a tour
of MC's territory.'
There's a toll that you pay.
Who does?
There's a toll that you pay.
The traders? Yes.
Who do they pay the toll to?
Of course, to MC.
All these traders? Yes.
And the buses, too? Everybody.
Which ones?
Do you know him? I know him.
Shall we say a quick hello?
Hello. Hello. How you doing? How's
business? All right, thank you.
How much?
From each...?
The bikes are like taxis?
They're like taxis.
Is that right? Yes.
And you take the fee here?
They take the fee here.
Some goes to MC? You know, MC...
He's in charge of collecting?
He's in charge.
The National Union
of Road Transport Workers.
Thank you.
It's good for one day?
Yeah. For one.
At the end of the day, the guys will
take their money to MC? Yes.
Or once a week?
It's a weekly thing.
What are the fees for?
What service do they provide,
these boys who take money from the
bikers and the commercial vehicles?
Um... A lot.
The police cannot harass them. They
don't get harassed by the police?
That is the primary thing.
You would think the police would
protect them because that's what the
police are for, to protect people.
Yeah, to protect people,
but sometimes, all over the world,
the police can be over-zealous.
All these ladies pay a toll as well?
Can we ask one of them?
Yeah. We can.
Do you know MC? Yeah.
Who is he? Oluomo. Oluomo.
Do you know MC? Yes.
You know him? Oluomo. Yes.
And, do you, er...
Do you pay him a fee?
She's saying she doesn't pay MC.
It's more of a political thing.
This woman is shy about saying that.
She's shy about saying it?
You have to pay. Why?
Why can't she say that she's paid?
She wouldn't say that to you! Why?
Partly for security reasons.
For security reasons, she won't say?
No, no.
Come on. You pay. Don't you agree?
Where is your permit?
Who are you? I'm a part of local
government. What do you mean?
Maybe you do.
I work in the National Assembly...
So National Assembly will be taking
naira without receipt?
Let's move on. Get out, my friend!
You are the worst selling...
It's like you are crazy.
You are crazy in the head...
So, what was the man's problem?
He's not balanced. He's crazy?
He said you should give him money.
We should give him money?
He wanted money from us? Yes.
For what reason? That is why I said
the man is not balanced.
'It had been another
confusing day in Lagos.
'I'd been struck by how MC had an
influence on everyone on the street.
'I wasn't clear on whether
the money was going into the union
or into his pockets,
'or how willingly it was being paid.
'I was eager to
meet the man himself.'
Good morning, everyone.
EVERYONE: Morning, sir.
Get yourself in threes.
Don't be more than three...
'I was at the headquarters of KAI,
the Kick Against Indiscipline
task force.'
Those of you here, move back.
'They were created to enforce
environmental legislation
'and bring order
to the commercial areas of Lagos.'
Anybody in life that is lazy
is a hopeless person.
But when you are very agile and
hard working, the reward is there.
'They are commanded by formidable
army veteran, Captain Danjuma,
'better known as the KAI master
general or the KMG.'
Shut up!
Don't be stupid!
I don't want anybody
to disappoint me and my commanders.
Don't disappoint this government.
The Lagos government have confidence
in you. They love you, respect you.
They want to take care of you.
If we are ready to do all that,
you must pay us back by doing good.
Am I right?
ALL: Yes, sir!
You need to do good things?
Yes, sir!
Looks wonderful.
Thank you very much.
'The chief business of the KAI
officers is to clear the streets
of illegal traders,
'many of whom pay unofficial taxes
to area boys.'
I want to show you something.
'KAI's target today
was a row of shootouts,
'shacks illegally built
on a public highway.'
All these are illegal structures.
They were built on state land.
You see, this one we're going to,
this is what they are doing.
We are demolishing these ones.
All these are illegal structures.
This is part of the public property?
Yes. Here is the perimeter fence.
Let me show you so that
you know what you are picking.
This is the perimeter fence
of this property.
All these ones are illegal.
You can see
it has been marked to go.
I want you to see it.
Is this someone's house?
No, it's illegal structures.
Who built this? You know, here in
Lagos, some people just see space.
And they decide to build whatever
they want to build. A house?
A shop. A shop or a house? A shop!
Whose shop is this?
Whose shop is this? Come on!
Is it your shop? Of course.
Do you know why they're smashing up
your shop today?
I don't know because there is one...
Were you served? Did we serve you?
Of course.
Uh-huh. We served you.
We notify you.
That this is built on a setback.
You were served with a notice? Yes.
Why did you refuse to remove your
things, where some of you have?
Why did you refuse?
How do you feel about KAI?
Because it affects you.
You said you don't like them?
He said he likes KAI in some ways.
There are other ways...
Some ways you like them,
some ways you don't like them?
You can see, it affect me.
Carry, carry.
Somebody came and broke my shop.
Only God will judge. Only God!
They say it was an illegal shop.
They're trying to improve the way
the area looks, make it look nicer.
Please. Thank you.
'I'd had a call from Mamoc.
'MC, the union kingpin
had agreed to meet me.
'The venue,
his newly built gated mansion.
'With time to kill
before the interview,
'Mamoc offered to show me
a few of its features.'
This is the...? Semi-sitting room.
Semi-sitting room.
The main sitting room is there. Can
you talk me through the pictures?
This is Oluomo
with a former Miss Commonwealth.
A beauty queen.
MC with the incumbent
executive governor, Fashola.
Governor Fashola, the governor
of the whole of Lagos state? Yes.
The number one? The number one
citizen of the state.
MC must know Governor Fashola
quite well? Yes. Extremely well.
Let's look at this one.
This is MC, a portrait by some of
the youth as a kind of gift.
This is the main sitting room.
More pictures! I love it.
What's this one?
It's just on his coronation.
See, "On your coronation
Oluomo Oshodi."
Presented by...
What, he was crowned Oluomo? Yes.
As an official kind of title? Yes.
It's not a nickname? No.
That's the costume of Oluomo? Yes.
Is it for his whole life? Yes.
There can't be any others?
There can't be any other.
Hello, how are you doing?
Nice to see you.
Is he ready for us? Not yet.
Until he's ready, we wait here. Yes.
This is like the waiting room. Yes.
I'd like to know from MC,
what is it you do?
What is your role here
in the Lagos community?
Oluomo, he has become
like a kind of body.
He has become a body that has
so many tentacles, branches...
But what is it MC does?
What's his job?
The major thing he does
is into transportation.
He's a stakeholder in the National
Union of Road Transport Workers.
He's the state treasurer.
He's the state treasurer
of the union in charge of many
of the commercial vehicles. Yes.
How they drive, where they park,
that kind of thing.
He's in charge of the treasury.
Could you ask MC
how he sees himself,
and what his role is
in the community?
He sees himself
as a privileged person,
that God has decided to bless,
and he's very humble about it.
I feel a bit like I'm interviewing
you more than MC Oluomo.
Is that OK? Yes.
One of the things I understand
about MC
is that he's involved with youths,
some people call them area boys.
This term has an association,
that it means hoodlums, hooligans.
Area boys does not mean hooligans.
It means boys in an area.
Does it not mean
that you're unemployed...? No, no.
Maybe you're a youth
waiting for work? No, no.
No, no, no.
No. No.
Is he OK? He is OK.
Is it going OK? It's OK.
Should we finish?
Really, I don't know.
'The question of area boys
seemed to be a little sensitive.
'Hoping to get the conversation
back on track, I asked for a tour
of the house.'
So, this is the penthouse.
He monitors everything that happens
in the building from here.
For security? For security reasons.
What's the importance of security?
Why would anyone try to hurt
MC Oluomo?
Why would anyone want to hurt
the Pope? Mm.
Why would?
Why would?
So if somebody would try to hurt
the Pope...who are we?
So many shoes.
He's a very fashionable person.
He does his shopping in Italy.
Italy? Yes. You go over to Italy
to buy the shoes? Yes.
Where? Madrid.
Madrid? Or Milan. Sorry, Milan. Yes.
He goes to Milan and Napoli.
Really? To buy the shoes? Yes.
How many times?
Maybe once in a year. Really? Yes.
Maybe you could ask MC
what he thinks are the problems
that Lagos faces, dealing with.
I don't think there is any problem
in Lagos. I do not think so.
No problems. On the world stage,
there's a perception of corruption.
If you say Lagos or Nigeria,
they say there's a problem
with corruption. Is it true?
Not Lagos state.
The governor of Lagos
is a very disciplined person
who tries to let you account
for every kobo.
Every kobo you spend,
you must account for it.
The governor no want anyone...
He doesn't want corruption. At all.
He doesn't tolerate it.
There's no corruption in Lagos?
No known corruption.
No known corruption.
Unless there is unknown
but I don't know.
Do you feel that went OK? Yeah!
I love it!
I know there's sensitivities around
the questions...about the youth.
Yes... Some sensitivity about it.
You have to get a bit political,
to be careful? Yes.
Do you think... Are there things
that you can't really talk about?
That would be a call. Hello...
'A few days later, there had been
an unexpected development.
'MC's authority was under threat
from political opponents.
'At stake was his position
as union treasurer, and boss of one
of Lagos's most lucrative areas.'
Good to see you.
'MC had mobilised his forces
for a show of strength,
'a march on the Lagos government
Are you OK? Very well.
You're not scared? Me?
I'm a samurai, you know!
A samurai? In what respect?
I'm a samurai in the form of...
To be a samurai
is a fearless warrior.
A disciplined fighter. Yes.
Like a knight. Yes.
Can you fight? Oh, my goodness!
But I don't fight stupidly. Hm.
A general selects the battle
that they fight. Choose your battle.
Choose your battle.
'I'd heard that the campaign for MC
to hold on to his position
'might involve the use of force -
'a prospect Mamoc seemed
quite familiar with.'
The kind of politics that they play
in the west, is quite...
extremely different from the
politics in this part of the world.
In the west, it's not a do or die
thing. Here, it's a do or die thing.
Is it? It is a do or die thing.
How often do people die?
Oh! We don't take stock!
We don't take stock of that!
Who is? The governor, did you say?
Yes. Lagos state governor? Yes.
Governor Fashola? Yes.
He's coming out? Yes. This rally...
It's a form of protective rally
for their offices too.
Why would political parties want to
control the leadership of the union?
Mobilise the youth? For the nation.
They get the youth to vote
a certain way and to influence
members of the public? Yes.
Transportation is the bedrock
of modern civilisation.
I assure you that I will make
a representation on your behalf
to Mr President,
before the end of business today.
'Governor Fashola seems keen
to soothe the crowd's fears.'
Have a good day.
Thank you very much.
That is all over. Let's go.
A good result? Yes. A good result.
'But as the demo came to a close,
rumours circulated that MC might be
forced to call an election.
'Mamoc was unworried
about the outcome, but a clash
of some kind seemed likely.
'Over the next few days,
I was invited by MC and Mamoc
'to join them at
a variety of social events.
'As well as being a union leader,
'MC found time for
a busy schedule of parties.
'Whatever the true nature
of the union and his authority,
'MC was well known in Lagos and
admired as a kind of celebrity.
'Among his appearances
was another Muslim celebration,
'as which he was guest of honour
and eulogised by the local cleric.
'But outside, the mood changed.
'A crowd of young men gathered
around MC and a popular musician,
'as they sat on top of
one of MC's cars.'
It could turn violent?
You think we should leave now? Yeah.
I don't understand why
he gives money
if it's going to start trouble.
Why not give money on a different
occasion, when it's quieter?
They expect that from him? Yeah.
They expect that from him.
VOICES SHOU 'In a strange display, he left
his car behind and reappeared,
'striding along the road,
leading a mob of excited youths.'
Is everything all right? Definitely.
'MC's car had caught up with him
and, from somewhere,
'he produced a wad of money, which
he handed to one of the youths.'
He's given him a big lump of money.
They're not boys that work for him.
No. They are just street boys.
Just street youths? Yeah. Who are
out of work and need money? Exactly.
Please, we have to leave now. Why?
Are we not safe now?
'I felt I'd had an insight into
how MC maintained his popularity,
'using a kind of street theatre and
an instinctive ability to connect
'with the poorest of Lagos society.
'I was back with KAI,
'staging a mission to clean up the
streets in an area called Bariga.'
'The main target today, the stalls
built illegally over open drains,
'and any shopkeepers
who put up resistance.
'There was concern that local area
boys may try to defend their turf.'
Are you in charge
of the police back-up? Yeah.
So you just provide back-up and
make sure everything goes smoothly?
Do they give you much trouble?
These people...?
Why was he taken away, the man?
Very stubborn.
This is electricity.
These are the lights. Electricity.
This side... Selling markets.
He's built his little shack around
the pylons carrying the electricity?
Who's in charge
of the area boys here?
Do you know?
Hello, sir. How are you? Fine.
You're in charge here a little bit?
Are you? So you give out the tickets
to the drivers?
Do you know MC Oluomo? I know him
very well. He's the state treasurer.
Do you like him? Why not?
He's our boss. I love him.
What do you think about what KAI
are doing today? Do you like it?
We like it. We want Lagos
to be clean. Do you? We like it.
Some of the area boys would be
protecting the illegal traders.
No, no. In Bariga, we don't do that.
We don't do that in Bariga.
Commander, does that
happen sometimes?
It does happen. Yes.
Anywhere in Lagos.
..if we know they want to overpower
us, then we come back with back-up.
Then we can achieve
what we want to achieve.
He controls the boys in the area,
is that fair to say? Of course.
That's all over the area.
'Back in the world of MC, though he
was still in control of the union,
'he had been forced to call an
election to reaffirm his legitimacy.
'I was keen to get back
to the grassroots of the union.
'I wanted to understand more
about the low-level area boys
and the lives they led.
'Local fixer, Afilabi Martins
offered to introduce me to a
small-time gang. Its boss was Raji.'
How do you do? I'm Louis.
'Before I'd reached their hang-out,
I'd already caused a problem.'
What is the problem?
I will explain all to you.
Be patient, we are almost there.
Let us go.
There's no problem.
People are claiming
that...especially that man,
was mentioning that the youths,
of course, are children.
But they did not inform them
that they are having guests
or visitors in the neighbourhood.
All is settled.
These are your boys?
Who cut you?
Someone from outside? Why?
Razzaq. I'm Louis.
I'm Cross And Die.
Cross? And Die.
What does that mean?
If you cross his way, you die.
That's your name?
That's Louis. My name is Marisol.
Marisol? Marisol.
Where do you work?
I don't have work. I'm an area boy.
You're an area boy? Yeah.
You control an area? I control Peti.
Do you get money
from controlling Peti?
I'll go round to their shop.
Collecting money. If they don't want
to give money, I give them slap.
I can collect money by force.
'Despite the rowdiness of the group,
they all owed allegiance to Raji.'
What do you do?
OK, Raji cannot really express
himself in English.
Maybe I need to answer this.
He's talking about National,
the union,
National Union
of Road and Transport Workers.
So he's a member. Is he? Yeah.
So you're from the union,
then you also...
You make money from...shops?
Yes. Yes.
For protection? Yes.
He said he secures the district.
From that point,
to the end of the road.
Who do you protect from?
From crime? Are there gangs?
From police? Who from?
If somebody comes,
I mean an outsider,
or boys within the environment
go out to steal
or come into the area,
gets rid of him or such persons,
Can you fight? Yes.
How? Bottle and cutlass.
Bottle and cutlass? Yes.
You've done that?
Is that where these...? Yes.
I don't like fight.
Why do you fight? I don't know why.
We don't have jobs.
We need good job. We need job.
You need a good job? Yeah, we want
to work with our own hands.
We need job. We don't want to fight.
We don't want to worry.
We want peace.
But we need job. There is no job.
Louis, wait! Wait! Wait!
'My encounter with Raji's boys took
a last unexpected turn
'when the man known as Cross And Die
serenaded us as we left.'
How does he control an area?
He controls an area based on
the power of his name.
He has a jurisdiction whereby
he controls and collects money
from businesses and shops.
These people give him money
or he extorts money? Which is it?
You see, there are
two dimensions to read now.
Er... In Nigeria today,
especially where someone is well
advanced in the neighbourhood,
people think he has a right
for him to collect money from them.
Under normal circumstances,
the money he collects is illegal.
But he sees it more of the reality
that comes to him.
It's illegal,
but it is widely tolerated.
There is an element of consent.
Yes. There's an element of consent.
Nobody sees it as a wrong practice.
'For the first time,
I felt I understood how deeply
'the culture of area boys reached
into the civic structure of Lagos.
'The city and its institutions
had been hijacked by gangs.
'I also felt an empathy
for the plight of the area boys,
'born into poverty, leading lives
of desperation and violence.
'I was on my way back to see Mamoc.
'The union election
to reaffirm MC's legitimacy
had taken place that morning.
'He was keen that I should share
the hour of triumph.
'Outside the union headquarters,
MC's supporters were celebrating.
'It seemed MC had run unopposed,
thereby making victory a certainty.
'Among the crowd were men
in bloodstained shirts.'
What happened?
How did you get...?
Have you got a...?
How did you get hurt?
GUNSHO Is everything OK?
Back there somewhere,
stuck in the traffic.
What are you doing?
Is everything... Is everything OK?
There's a slightly weird atmosphere.
Go inside!
Is everything all right?
What's happening?
The aggrieved party, they're making
some kind of violence.
That is why you are seeing some guys
brutalised and bloodshed.
That is why MC just wants
you people protected.
So that you just get in the vehicle
and just rescue you away from here.
Why were they firing the gun?
They have to use everything
to protect him. From the crowd?
Of course. The aggrieved party might
not want to allow him to go free.
The aggrieved party? The opposition?
Which is who? I don't know.
You should understand that it's not
everybody that wants to support him.
Everyone in that crowd
seemed to like him. Yes.
But he still has to protect himself.
'A little later, we reconvened
outside a popular hotel in Ashodi.
'Revellers, some of them police,
helped themselves to free alcohol.
'The mood was upbeat, any concern
about youths from an opposition camp
'had now gone.'
Why do you mix your wine with stout?
'After the excitement
of the day's events,
'I found myself unwinding
with some of MC's supporters.'
Is he a policeman?
Yes. He's a policeman.
Was that a real gun?
Why was he firing his gun?
There are some factions
who don't support..
We are more than them.
'I felt I'd had a glimpse
behind the scenes at the way
the union really functioned,
'ruling the streets
through its cohorts of boys
'and headed by
its enigmatic treasurer, MC.
'My time in Lagos was nearly up.
'I'd been invited for one last
outing with KAI, with the KMG.
'He was making a tour
of some of the KAI forces.
'The target wasn't illegal traders
or area boys, but people
who were not cleaning their houses.'
I'm not satisfied. I want
you to arrest as many as possible.
All right? I trust you. I want
you to arrest as much as possible.
'They were enforcing a law making
the last Saturday of every month
an environmental clean-up day.
'All Lagos residents
were required to be at home.'
What is your name? Sunday, sir.
Sunday. What is today? Saturday.
What do you do today? Environmental.
Environmental. Environmental?
Good boy. God bless you.
Who is this man? Sorry, sir...
Why didn't you arrest this man?
He's doing his environmental.
He's cleaning the street. No,
he's not. I met him sitting down.
What's happening in here?
The process is what we want to do.
What happened with your little baby?
You are travelling?
Why are you travelling?
You know English?
Is she deaf and dumb?
Leave this woman to go.
OK, sir. And warn them.
Next time they don't do that.
The ones with little children,
allow them to go.
You're showing mercy to these? Yes.
I have to because of the children.
We fear God. You must have the fear
of the almighty God.
When I see things like this,
we should temper mercy.
Let's go.
Get me a cold beer out.
OK, sir. Yes.
'Back at the KAI HQ, the KMG
broke out some refreshments.'
What do you see as the biggest
challenges you face doing your work?
My greatest problem now
is I need more troops
and I need more vehicles.
Do you ever worry
that you catch the small fry,
the little guys
who are trying to make a living,
albeit in an illegal way...?
Go on. Street traders, hawkers,
people like that.
But that the big people
behind the scenes... Yes.
The Mafia types... I understand.
They're not being caught.
The godfathers.
Yes. The area fathers.
As far as I'm concerned, it's
possible such a thing is existing.
There's one funny game I play.
As soon as they are detained,
and I noticed they are so-called
godfathers and godmothers,
I send them to court straight away.
What if they don't
come into the compound?
It's not my business
to look for them.
My concern is the suspect
doing that bad thing.
They're not the ones carrying the
goods for sale, they're behind the
scenes running protection rackets.
The godfathers are the ones behind
those ones carrying things for sale.
I repeat. As soon as
those suspects are arrested
and detained here
before prosecution,
if those godfathers and godmothers
stroll in with any type of story,
trying to play on my intelligence,
I take them to court.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm talking Queen's English,
you know?
I worry that there are guys
behind the scenes... I understand.
You are just recycling one issue.
There's no need recycling.
If you are innocent,
I don't arrest you.
Where you are against the law,
I have to arrest you.
The law of the land will be obeyed.
'With my visit coming to an end,
I thought I'd check in with Mamoc.
'Having been helped and guided
by him for much of my time in Lagos,
'I owed it to him to share my
misgivings about MC and his world.'
Shall we see how much is in there?
It's not for me.
It's money. Can we see?
I'm not too sure!
Can we have a quick look?
It is money. It's just money.
It's just money.
It's just money. Just money.
Those are 1000s.
There's more. Can I get another one?
No. No. Let's put it back. I don't
want to put myself in trouble.
Is there money in that?
No. This is just a bag.
You work for MC quite closely. Yeah.
Are you in any way troubled
by the little bits of violence
that are in the background
that you hear about?
Yeah... You know. It all depends
on your own point of view.
In this part of the world,
there's something
I've come to understand which is...
The way of the Caribbeans
are not the way of the Americans.
The way of the Irish are sometimes
not the way of the British.
It has become like a way of life
in this part of the world.
In Lagos, there's a system
where areas have an area father
or godfather, and he's in charge.
Yes. And, to some extent,
he's unaccountable. Yes.
He's his own law in his area.
He has so much influence and respect
in his area. Of course, but...
The question is, do you think
that's a good system?
There is nowhere in the world
where you don't have people
you account for.
Even in Britain.
Even in Britain, the Queen
is so powerful... Are you making an
analogy with the Queen and MC? Yes.
What I'm wondering is, is that good
to have someone who is not really...
formally part of the government...?
He is part of the government.
He's part of the union, technically.
He's a politician.
His authority doesn't come from
the government. It comes from
his ability to dominate the area.
Yes, but he's still subject
to the dictates of the government.
Overall, you feel it's positive,
what MC does? Yes.
Do you? Positive, that's true.
Could you find any negatives?
For now,
I can't really talk frankly.
It's just one good person.
One very good person. That's it.
'A short while later,
I said goodbye to MC.'
Thank you very much. Thank you.
God be with you. Inshallah.
Thank you very much.
'And with that, I was leaving Lagos.
'Brutal at times
and somewhat eccentric,
'it was, maybe because of that, more
vivid than the world I was used to.
'A city of extremes
'in which order and chaos
were sometimes hard to tell apart.'