Love Games (2016) Movie Script

Can..can you hear me?
Hello check.
Can you hear me?
Hello. Can you hear me?
ls everyone listening?
Okay, let me tell you
a story about these guys.
In big cities,
they live in penthouses.
They have farmhouses.
Fast cars, fast lives.
Open relationships, and secret wives.
But behind all these lives,
roses are red, violets are blue.
Sex can be messy,
but love can be true.
ls everyone listening?
"Roses are red, violets are blue."
"Sex can be messy,
but love can be true."
Mr. Raichand.
Oh, God!
What were you doing?
Where were you?
Sir, sir.. - Sir.
Who is he? - Om Raichand.
He lived in the penthouse upstairs.
The top floor.
That's where he fell from.
Did he fall or was he thrown?
Seems like he fell, sir.
But we cannot rule out suicide either.
He's a very rich man.
The guard said it happened at 3am.
He has no kids.
She has a wife, but... she
wasn't at home when this happened.
ls she here now?
She is.
You will receive all
the papers by 3 o'clock.
Okay, bye.
I am senior inspector Ramakant Kamath.
This is Gupte. - Yes.
What do we say? We're here to listen.
"whatever your madam says."
Because we need her statement.
You can understand that
madam's very upset right now.
And..we can definitely
come down to the police station..
..and give our statement.
You can.
Sorry, madam. But what to do.
It's our job you see..
We remember our duty,
but not sympathy.
Dirty, insensitive people.
"Heaven. Heaven.."
"is what the hear-t screams out for."
"Hell. Hell.."
"is what the hear-t shows you."
"The hear-t is scared of shattering."
"But is breaking it apart in pieces.."
"O heart..what do
you want my tormentor.."
"What do you want O cruel heart."
"O heart..what do
you want my tormentor.."
"What do you want O cruel heart."
"The hear-t doesn't know."
"The hear-t doesn't know."
Through our police sources we've
found out that this is an accident.
"but this can also be suicide."
Last night at 3am,
the guard of his building.
..saw him fall from his at.
Ramona, what the hell, dude.
I just heard it over the new.
Are you okay? - Okay. Om and
I never had an amazing love story.
Who would know that better than you?
Marriage with Om
was like the five rings.
First the engagement ring.
Then the wedding ring.
Then suffering.
Then enduring.
And finally torturing.
But this quite sucks. It's very sad.
If you're feeling so sad,
then come to my farmhouse tonight.
I am need of sympathy.
"O heart..what do
you want my tormentor.."
"What do you want O cruel heart."
I missed your lips.
Nothing. - Say. What?
When your husband
fell from the building.
..were you at home?
You mean to say I pushed Om to death.
I am not saying, just asking.
Isn't that a bit too stereotype.
Just because I didn't love Om,
and I love sex.
Means I am a murderer.
The police has officially declared
Om Raichand's death as an accident.
Ramona Raichand's lawyer.
last night showed the building's
CCTV footages to the police..
and it proves that
when Om Raichand fell..
- It's paid news.
- Ramona Raichand wasn't at home.
You can clearly see that.
"at 11:15 pm, Ramona Raichand
steps out of her building."
And returns at 3:05am.
"ls this my tear. Or my love?"
"Why is my hear-t
pouring out of my eyes?"
"Am I losing myself,
or have I found myself."
"Why is the hear-t
reminiscing old memories?"
"Fears to be vast like the ocean."
"But is breaking it apart in pieces.."
"O heart."
Amazing Pam/-
"O heart."
Have you seen better eyes?
Have you seen better eyes?
Have you seen better eyes?
"O heart..what do
you want my tormentor.."
"What do you want O cruel heart."
"The hear-t doesn't know."
"The hear-t doesn't know."
"The hear-t doesn't know."
"Let me live."
"Let it be, O heart."
"Let it be.."
"Let me live, O heart."
You cut yourself again.
No, I fell down.
I am your psychiatrist,
at least don't lie to me.
This thing that you do to yourself,
Do you know how dangerous this is?
If you ever cut an artery,
you will die.
You'll bleed yourself to death.
You know your father
is so worried about you.
Why do you do it?
I don't know, I just do it.
I know you do it, but why?
Because I can't feel anything.
The fear of cutting myself
makes me feel alive for a while.
After that 'Back to Walking Dead'.
'Zombie Returns.'
Try and explain this more to me.
Have you ever solved a jigsaw puzzle?
The big ones..with 2000 pieces?
They make it out of
very beautiful pictures.
Landscapes, sunsets, etcetera.
But you know what,
when all the pieces are in place.
..and only one piece is missing.
The whole picture seems incomplete.
Even though the 1999
pieces are in their place.
"but we keep looking
at the empty space."
And my life's just like that.
I mean. I've everything, but there's
just one thing that's missing.
..and I don't know what it is.
And I try my best to fill that void,
but it stays empty.
What about love?
What about love?
Have you ever thought that
maybe love is that missing piece?
Love is just an excuse
to fulfill one's lust.
Every day. All around me... l
see love-stories meeting a tragic end.
So thank you so much,
but no love for me.
I know you don't want
to talk about it, but.
..we know this is because
of your childhood, right.
You also know that your
mother was in love with..
Why do you have to talk
about my mother all the time?
All the time! All the time!
Sam, if you think every
time you come here..
I'll prescribe some medicines and
you'll feel better, then that is wrong.
The things that are bothering you,
we'll have to speak about it.
I've been coming here for a year now,
and we also talk.
But that didn't make a difference.
But in the past one year..
..we didn't talk about
the things that bother you.
That my mother left with someone else?
My dad raised me alone.
That's it. That's done.
What is the big deal about it?
The big deal is, Sam.
..that ever since that incident,
you've lost faith in love.
And these are abandonment issues.
You think every love leads
to a betrayal, which is not true.
What nonsense?
What has love got to do with this?
What nonsense.
Bloody words, words, words
and more words. Psycho mumbo-jumbo.
You know what,
I don't want to come here anymore.
As you wish, Sam.
But remember one thing.
No one can live alone in this world.
Love is an important part of our life.
Sam, is not worth living..
until you find someone,
or something to die for.
You know what, leave this psychiatry.
..and start working for some
greeting card. F this shit!
Hi, Sam.
Meet Naomi.
Hello. - Hi, Sam.
If I knew you were this hot.
"then, I would've made
this happen much sooner."
Made what..happen?
We can trust Naomi.
She won't tell anyone
that we know each other.
Yeah, but.
I am the surprise Ramona
messaged you about.
Why did you leave?
Where's the surprise?
She's sleeping.
- You wore her out.
- Don't change the topic.
Why did you leave?
I arranged all this for us.
I don't know..
Something is missing.
Nothing seems like fun anymore.
Not fun anymore? - What the f
- Not fun anymore?
- Are you mad or what?
Tired of me, is it? - Are you f
Bored of me, tell me.
Are you f out of your mind,
or what?
AS 1,
Get lost. - Sam, I am sorry.
- I'll get you a new phone tomorrow.
- Pm off. I don't want it.
Sam, stop.
I know what is missing in your life.
Things that are easily available,
don't have the same importance.
Like jumping over
the neighbor's wall..
climbing his tree
and plucking his mangoes.
..are much more sweeter than
the ones we buy in the market.
So? - There's no
adventure in your love.
You get everything
you like very easily.
What do you mean?
Have you read the book 'Love Games'?
Come with me.
Sally explained to
her the rules of the game.
They were quiet simple.
Now I remember. You and I
arrive at a typical page 3 party.
Separately. And no one knows,
that we know each other.
"The bud was thirsty."
"Trapped the buttery."
"Tricked her showing his heart."
"Love Games."
Then we look for two couples
in that party..who look the happiest.
The most in-love couple in the party.
"The buttery got angry."
"Got all over the bud."
"And threw the dice of her heart."
"Love Games." - Now
the game is simple.
Will I seduce the husband first,
or do you seduce the wife?
So basically, do I f the husband
first, or do you f the wife.
And whoever wins,
must give a video proof.
This is wicked.
And what does the winner get?
A week's coke supply, from the loser.
"The lights went off."
"And the heart..was shattered."
"Love Games."
"Love Games." - Ramona
Raichand, right?
Yes. - Are you okay?
Can I get you..something to drink?
Something that can
make me forget my sorrows!
"Tricked the heart."
Sonia Raina, right?
Sonia, me and my friends think you're
the most beautiful woman in the party.
Thank you.
People used to say that
Romana married Om for his money.
But now they say that
Ramona killed Om for his money.
Do I look like a murderer to you?
What nonsense. Who says that.
You see, I made a bet with my friends.
It's really embarrassing.
ls Sili-Con to different
words for you, or one.
Listen, I don't want
to create a scene here.
You should quietly leave.
He took my number.
She almost slapped me.
This is so much fun.
"It's the mistake of the heart."
"Or call it a sin."
Look here, if you think.. - Before
you feel that I am following you..
..l just want to say that I am
here to apologies, and not bother you.
That's for you,
go ahead open it please.
"Love Games."
Wow! The Beetles.
Avery Road. Original recording.
How did you know
that I like the beetles?
When you want to apologies
then it should come from the heart.
"Trapped the buttery."
"Tricked her showing his heart."
"Love Games."
"Spreads fire at night."
"And bites me with his teeth."
Hello. - I know you're
at Ramona Raichand's farmhouse.
Who..who..who is speaking?
My name's Prem. Prem Chopra.
Your wife's hired me to follow you.
"Love Games." - I can tell
her where you are right now.
If you leave now,
I won't tell her anything.
But if you don't leave in five
minutes, I'll tell her everything.
I've to go. I've to go.
- Rishabh, what happened?
- There's a fire.
- But suddenly.
- Fire always breaks out suddenly.
Rishabh. Rishabh. - Rishabh is dead.
Hello. - Madam,
Suresh speaking from the office.
- ls sir at home?
- But sir is at the office.
Madam, sir hasn't come
to the office since morning.
If you talk to him,
tell him to call at the office.
"Love Games."
Hi, baby.
Where were you?
- I was at the office.
- Don't lie. You were not there.
I was. - All men are the same.
Sonia. Sonia.
"Love Games." - "Ruined the heart."
Hey, Sam. - Hey, Sonia.
I've been waiting for
you all morning. - Why?
You're so beautiful, every time
I close my eyes... l only see you.
And then I thought it's
better to see you in real life.
Sam. You're sweet.
But I am married. - I know.
But, can I ask you a question?
Sometimes I feel,
no matter how beautiful a woman is..
"but after the marriage,
she doesn't have.."
"the same value
in her husband's view."
Like he doesn't care anymore.
Like she's just some beautiful
piece of furniture that he owns.
"Love Games. Darling. Let's play."
"Love Games."
"Love Games."
"Love Games."
I've whatsapped the video, baby.
Check it out.
This is my love, is the happy dance.
You called Rishabh,
you scared him right?
It was you, wasn't you?
Maybe, darling. maybe not.
You freaking cheater.
Come on my love, salute the champion.
Touch my feet, baby.
Ramona, touch my feet. - Stop it.
Stop pm me off.
- What's wrong with you?
- Stop pm me off.
What's wrong.
Okay, fine. Don't touch them.
- You like my happy dance.
- Stop laughing, Sam.
Stop laughing.
Sam, stop.
Stop laughing. Just stop, Sam.
- You're such a bad loser.
- Stop laughing.
Sam, stop laughing.
Sam, stop laughing. What the".
Stop it! Stop it!
Sam, stop laughing.
Come back, I won't laugh.
Please. Baby.
Laugh now.
You were finding it funny, right.
Are you serious?
You got a gun..
Laugh, Sam. Sam, laugh.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Why aren't you laughing? Laugh.
F - I want to see you laugh, Sam.
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
- What the f is wrong with you?
- Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
"Just stop" - Stop it!
Stop it! - Come here.
Stop it, Sam. F you!
I am sorry I got so p off.
You almost killed me.
- But unfortunately I missed.
- Unfortunate my a.
You know..l am addicted to winning.
I cannot endure to lose.
I want to just strangle the winner.
I am used to winning.
It's my obsession.
You're full of shit
Go my friend..
Go find some pain,
that can reduce my pain.
Madam, please..
I am so sorry, I am sorry.
Your petals are running my carpet.
Please, pick it up.
Yeah, I was just doing that.
- Who sent these?
- I guess from the hospital.
I don't know.
Don't know, or don't want to tell.
Gaurav, what's not to tell?
They are just flowers.
What's the big deal?
Come on, Alisha.
No one sends flowers without a reason.
You're my wife. My property.
- Who are you sleeping with?
- Please Gaurav, you're hurting me.
I am hurting you! I am hurting you!
Who sent these flowers?
Honestly, I really don't know.
You're lying. You're lying.
- I don't know, I am not lying.
- I am going to kill you.
And I'll get locked up
behind bars because of you.
I really don't know. - And
before I kill you, out of my house.
Out! Get out of my house!
What are you doing?
Gaurav, you're mistaken.
Gaurav, please open the door.
Gaurav, please.
Wake up.
I am going to the office.
There's a party at Gitanjali's place.
Be there by 9:30.
Can I expect that much from you?
That you look pretty.
And show that you're a nice,
happy wife.
Clients like lawyers with pretty wife.
And they are important clients.
I should get some
benefit of marrying you.
After all..
Want a drink.
Come, come.
Sam. Sameer Saxena. - I know.
Son of Ashish Saxena.
Blue Sky Flight Kitchen
And Deep Blue Confectionaries.
Nice, I guess you follow page 3.
Sadly, page 3 follows us.
Celebrity overload.
That's a good one.
So, you were standing here alone.
Weren't you getting bored?
How can I get bored alone?
There was no one to bore me.
It's called 'SH'.
Those various medals on your body,
it's called 'SH'.
Self Harm.
How do you know? - I hope
you're getting treated for it.
Can be quite dangerous.
I guess. When I can't feel anything,
I feel pain.
It's a strange world.
Some people can't endure pain..
while others can't feel pain.
Alisha, something urgent has come up.. I had to leave immediately.
Don't disturb me.
Take a cab home.
That's great.
My husband doesn't feel the
need of saying bye to me personally.
He said it over a sms.
Anyway, saves me the trouble.
- Nice talking to you.
- If you want, I can drop you.
You mean I've to decide between
you and the OLA cab driver.
- Wonder who I can trust more.
- I mean, you can trust me.
I only inflict pain to myself,
and not others.
Come on, you drop me home.
You didn't tell me your name?
Alisha Asthana.
And that man who left
me alone at the party.
That was my husband.
Gaurav Asthana.
The famous criminal lawyer,
right? - Yes.
So, what do you do?
Excuse me. Hello.
Oh my, God! Yeah. I'll be right there.
Everything okay?
Can you take me to
the Mumbai Memorial please?
- What's wrong? Anything serious?
- My patient is serious?
Patient? - Yeah, please hurry up.
Yeah, sure.
Thank you. - You're welcome.
Do you want to know what pain is?
Come with me.
Hello, ma'am. - Thank you.
He's with me. - Okay.
Get the crash card ready, quick.
Tell me Swati.
Ma'am, patient's received
last dose of nimodipine at 10pm.
Give me 160mg nitro-glycide.
Patient is in inter cardial-hemorrhage,
early signs of a stroke.
Where's Dr. Shah?
Page him now, quick.
What's the blood type?
- B positive.
Give me 4 units of PRBC, 6 units
of cross-match crio precipitate.
..and single donor platelets now.
Rush. - Yes, ma'am.
We need to go in and do a craniotic.
But, ma'am Cl? - No time for CT.
- Prep OT 3 and get ward boy.
- Okay, doctor.
Ma'am, Dr. Shah is coming. - Good.
I have informed her.
And the formalities
have been taken care of.
OT 3, viewing gallery. Find it.
Doc. - Can you help
me with some water.
Oh my, God.
Ma'am, he's having a cardiac arrest.
Stan Dopamine. - Yes, ma'am.
Oh my, God.
Blood pressure is dropping 60.60.
Oxygen saturation is 50 %.
Get me anhromine and andrenalin, now.
He's bleeding,
I am going to stitch him up.
Oh my, God, he's going
into cardiac arrest.
Get the defibrillator.
Quick. - Yes, ma'am.
Charge to 150. - Charged.
All clear. - All clear.
Charge to 200.
Charging. - Charged.
All clear. - All clear.
Charge to 250. - But, ma'am.
Charge to 250.
All clear. - All clear.
Take this.
Ma'am, he's..
Nurse, time of death..3:30am.
- Okay, doctor.
M'! Son!
My Child!
This is how the party ends.
"O..l am so lost."
"Lost in a new feeling."
"The wounds.."
"l do not see."
"But something something is healing."
If you're not in the mood, just say.
Stupid am.
"Find me. Find me."
"Find the angel I am seeking."
"The sun I do not see.."
"but a new breaking."
" healing."
"Lost in a new feeling."
"The wounds.."
"l do not see."
"But something something is healing."
" healing."
I thank Dr. Kambli for that enlightening presentation.
And may I now request everyone to take a
break for tea and snack before we resume.
Mr. Sameer Saxena, right.
Oh, hi.
I noticed that you were
following me in Mumbai.
But I didn't know you
will come all the way to Goa.
No, actually I came
here for some work.
You're right.
I've been following you.
Right, so I think we
need to talk about this.
Why are you following me?
I don't know.
I don't know, just. - Just what.
Let me make this easy for you, come.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
These wounds have been
inflicted by my husband.
The night before I left for Goa.
It pains so much, that.
..even when the shin touches
the wound, I feel like screaming.
I can't sit, or sleep.
Painkillers keep alive.
You know that my
marriage is networking.
But I am not the unhappy housewife.
..that you can f
and have an affair with.
Also, I don't think I can tolerate
anymore abuse for any reason.
So take my advice,
and follow some other girl.
Because you won't get
what you're looking for.
Go back to Mumbai.
So you didn't go back.
I tried. But I can't.
I want to tell you something,
but I can't.
Just listen to this.
"My head's fed up. Of
wandering around."
"And started dwelling in your lanes."
"Like I did for no one.."
"l started caring for you."
"I want to drink your tears,
or make you laugh."
"Just look at you from afar.."
"or let you dwell in my heart."
"l want to live for you. Or
just give it all up for you."
"My sweetheart, you're my life."
"Only you.."
"My head's fed up. Of
wandering around."
"And started dwelling in your lanes."
"I want to drink your tears,
or make you laugh."
"Just look at you from afar.."
"or let you dwell in my heart."
"l want to live for you. Or
just give it all up for you."
"My sweetheart, you're my life."
"Only you.."
Hello. - Where are you these days? in Hyderabad. For some work.
- You work also.
- Yes, Ramona. Don't be funny.
"I was never myself. Nor of God."
"Since I met you.."
"now I belong to you."
"But now I've started
believing in myself."
"Don't change. After
changing my faith."
Excuse me.
'How dare you.'
Are you okay?
"What do I ask. From your God."
"l don't know. How to pray."
"How do I fall in love?"
"l don't know how to be loyal."
"But every time I look at you,
my hear-t staggers."
"You call out to me.."
"You make me feel great."
"You're my faith, my love."
"Only you."
"It's you."
"It's you."
So finally Sam Saxena found someone.
You were right.
Life is not worth living..
till you have someone to die for.
Wow! Greeting cards.
I hope you will never
cut yourself again.
Instead of inflicting pain to myself.
..l share someone's pain.
Feels good.
Hello. - Sam.
Sam, where are you?
Ramona, what happened?
Why are you crying?
I can't tell you over the phone.
Come quickly.
Okay, okay, I am coming. Take it easy.
Take it easy, I am coming.
Hello, Sam.
What the hell, Sam? ls this a joke?
What can I do?
These days you're
like the fire brigade.
You only come when
there's an emergency.
What nonsense.
Come on, Sam. Come with me.
I want to show you something.
What? - Sit. Sit. Sit.
One second.
First time Hyderabad
is looking like Goa.
You bloody dog.
You're in love and you didn't tell me.
You fell in love while
playing the love games.
"Lustful love."
I was going to tell you,
but I'm glad you found out.
So now, you lucky boy.
Best of both worlds, huh!
What do you mean?
Classical piano. And hard rock.
Get the drift, right?
Now don't start getting
ridiculous, Ramona.
Why? What's ridiculous about it?
Keep loving her. I don't care.
But whenever I call, you must come.
Ramona, all this is over for me now.
Sex, drugs, cutting myself.
I am done with it.
For all these years, there
was something missing in my life.
And I didn't know what it was.
But after meeting Alisha, now I know.
Its love.
Love changed everything for me.
I don't feel the void for anything.
And finally, I am happy.
What about you and me?
We can always be good friends.
You idiot, do I look like
the 'good friend's type to you?
I don't want friends. I want you.
Love Games.
Par-ties, but only with you.
I am sorry, I am no longer that Sam.
Sam! Sam! Sam!
Sam! My baby, what's wrong with you.
You're scuba-diving, that's all.
You know, this underwater
world of love is not for you.
You will run out of oxygen, baby.
And you will have to come out.
I feel pity for you.
You never realized what true love is.
I wish one day you
find out what love is.
Just a minute Mr. Sameer Saxena!
You're telling me what love is.
I know what love is more
than any f body in the world.
Love is a weakness.
An alcoholic, that's it.
Ask for self-pity.
Weakness, like the uncle that kept
coming in my room and molesting me..
"but no one asked him."
A weakness like the tears
I shed for the boyfriend.
..that got me pregnant and left.
I don't want this weakness.
You can have it.
I want what I want, and that is you.
You cannot have me.
I am sorry, but you will
have to forget about all this.
Sam, I told you before, I hate losing.
I won't let you go so easily.
I've already moved on.
You just have to get used to it.
We've just begun a new Love Game.
"Let me cry..
these are tears of happiness."
"This never happened to me..
"Let me laugh. Laugh out loud."
"This never.."
You okay?
Whenever I am away from you..
..l am constantly frightened
whether you're okay or not.
Whether your husband
hum you again or not?
Hoping he's not hum you.
Even if he does, I am used to it.
He can't do anything that
he hasn't done before.
Why, Alisha?
You're educated. You're a surgeon.
You can take care of yourself.
Why don't you leave him?
Why don't you divorce him?
Because I am scared of him.
What do you think, Sam?
Didn't I try to get away from him?
When I tried to make
a police complain. one registered my FIR.
I married Gaurav against
my parent's will.
How will I face them now?
You know, one time I left
my house to stay with a friend.
And he came there.
And he created a scene.
"that, I was even
scared for my friend."
He's a very powerful lawyer.
He knows everyone.
From the police to ministers.
There's nothing I can do.
I am helpless.
"Let it fall."
Hey. You're not helpless.
I am with you.
And I promise I won't
let anything happen to you.
Come here.
"What just happened
between me and you."
"Don't be scared, O heart."
"It'll make us cry,
make us laugh. Love.."
Sorry. I am sorry. Sorry.
Hi, Alisha. - Hi.
Happy birthday. - Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Why are you standing alone?
Where is Gaurav?
Gaurav is late. He must be on the way.
Oh, speak of the devil.
Hi.- Hi.
- Happy birthday. Happy birthday.
- Thank you. Thank you so much.
You're looking lovely. - Thank you.
Drink. - Yeah, good idea.
Hey, I'll handle it.
Okay. - Waiter.
- Actually, I'll have two.
- Have them all.
Oh my, God. What's wrong with you?
What are you doing, Gaurav?
Stop it. Take it easy.
Guys, please help.
Who is he?
Who is he?
You sleep with everyone.
I will kill you. I will kill you.
I will be jailed because of her.
What did you think? I wouldn't know.
I know everything.
Bloody.. - Gaurav.
Leave me. Since we got married,
she's made my life hell.
Every day it's a new affair.
I am telling you, I will kill you.
I won't spare you!
I am talking to you.
Alisha, are you fine?
Come here. Come here.
Are you okay?
Come, sit.
This is our company's guest house.
No one will come here.
Look, I've kept a shampoo
and switched on the geyser.
You can take a shower.
I want to die, Sam.
I can't live like this.
Just kill me, Sam. Please.
Don't worry, I'll wash and
dry the dress. It won't take time.
Thank you.
You're the only one left now.
My sole support.
Don't ever break my heart Sam.
I love you.
I love you too.
Got something to do with all this,
don't you?
You know, Sam.
These kidnapping type films.
First someone get kidnapped,
then they make a ransom call.
The police say "Don't give the money".
And hearing this the
kidnappers get really angry.
And then they cut a finger
of the kidnapped victim and send it.
I always think after
seeing such movies.
..they shouId've sent the finger first,
it would've saved lot of time. Right?
What the hell are you talking about?
I thought I should star-t
with the finger first.
'Deliver it to the
address I gave you.'
Alisha's husband is no.1..
like a mad bull.
As soon as he sees a red cloth, he
charges immediately with his head down.
Come to the point, what do you want?
Are you like serious? Asking me that.
I want you.
Ramona, understand.
that is not possible.
Really, think about it.
If you don't come to me,
I'll get furious.
And I'll show the red cloth to Mr.
Bull again.
And he'll get angry.
And he'll beat your delicate darling.
On the other hand,
if I am happy. I'll be quiet.
So Mr. Bull not angry,
and delicate darling not hum.
See. Everyone happy.
Trying to blackmail me.
If that's the case,
then I'll tell Alisha everything.
Sam. What will you tell Alisha?
That she was a Love Game?
You were supposed to do her,
before I did her husband.
Or that. She was
embarrassed in the party.
..because I wasn't playing
Love Games with Ramona.
If she sees your true face,
she will be so hum.
Even Gaurav couldn't
have hum her so much.
Do you want that?
Come on, Sam. Lily is having
a rave tonight, let's go.
Are you mad?
Alisha is upstairs.
She's not doing well. She's depressed.
Oh. I'm depressed too.
Get off me.
Should I tell Gaurav that Alisha
is sleeping in your guesthouse?
Come on, Sam.
If you want to have
an extra-marital affair..
..then you must give some
extra attention to me as well.
"Hey. Hello my friend."
"We'll meet again.."
"just you and me."
"Hey. Hello my friend."
"This is the end.."
"come on start."
"Hey. .where are you
going. sweetheart."
"Know there's no, no, no, no way out."
"You made me..realize.."
"living here is impossible."
"You made me..realize.."
"dying here is impossible."
"Give me more.."
"What is life?"
"What is death?" - Sam.
"Who knows sweetheart."
"Are you alive."
"or are you dead?"
"Who knows sweetheart."
"You made me..realize.."
"living here is impossible."
"You made me..realize.."
"dying here is impossible."
"Give me more.."
"l keep
every jamboree."
"Come to me.."
"Come to me.."
"l keep suffering..every moment."
"Come to me.."
"Come to me.."
"Even my shadows
afraid of the mirror."
"What did I
losing everything?"
"O shameless."
" that you're here.."
"Stay for a while."
"Know there's no, no, no, no way out."
"You made me..realize.."
"living here is impossible."
"You made me..realize.."
"dying here is impossible."
"Give me more.."
Finished with your ride.
We're at Alisha's home now.
- Can we go now?
- Not so soon, Sammy boy.
Please, let's go.
I don't know what we're doing here.
Don't worry, I found out.
Mad bull is out of town.
Let's go. Let's go.
"Give me more.."
Are you f out of your mind?
"Give me more. Love."
"Give me more. Love."
"Give me more. Love."
"Give me more. Love."
"Give me more. Love."
"Hey. Hello my friend."
"We'll meet again.."
She's sleeping here.
8" Sam, he really hit her bad.
Shame on you.
What are we doing here?
Let's go from here.
Okay, fine.
At least listen to my Love Game.
I was thinking.
let's do it here. On the carpet.
What's wrong with you?
Rules are simple.
If she gets up, you'll be in trouble.
Isn't this exciting?
Ramona, I am doing what you said.
So why all this?
Sam. You must pay
the price for leaving me.
Sam, look at me.
What's the matter?
Did something happen?
Tell me, just don't scare me.
There's something I want to tell you.
I hid something from you.
What is it, Sam?
Have you read this
book called 'Love Games'?
"Dark Lies."
"Brave ties."
"Soul cries."
This is so much fun.
"Relieve. Love grief's."
"Oh please.."
"Ya. This is when I say."
"You brought the poison."
"Your black head's easy to see."
"You brought the poison."
"For killing me."
He'! GUYS,
someone spiked himself in the loo.
Let's forget it, let's go.
Let's go.
Ramona baby.
I told Alisha everything, baby.
And you know what. She
doesn't want to see my face.
It's all over.
It's all over, baby.
She doesn't want to see my face.
That's how hum she is.
But you know what, you've lost.
I won!
You can't blackmail me again.
Finito! It's all over, baby.
"You brought the poison."
"Your black head's easy to see."
'Who is he? Who is he?'
'I am hurting you.'
'You're my sole support.'
'Don't ever break my heart, Sam.'
'Don't ever break my heart, Sam.'
Come in.
Can you play this?
Are you going to
watch a film together?
Where did you get this footage?
The benefits of being
a top lawyer's wife. that some police
officers know you really well.
Excuse me!
11:15..Ramona Raichand leaves
her penthouse to attend a party.
And here..
She returns at 2:35am.
What rubbish? Who is she?
If the police were fashion police.
then they would've certainly
noticed this handbag.
Gucci..2015 summer collection.
Which Ramona's holding, and..
Just a second. Even this girl.
Don't forget to notice the
teddy bear and silver trinkets.
Then this girl..leaves 5
minutes after Om Raichand falls.
And here,
she returns as Ramona Raichand again.
Very, very smart.
This doesn't prove anything.
Anyone can have this bag.
Only the police can tell
what can be proven, and whatnot.
Face it Ramona,
you killed your husband.
I'm thinking, if you wanted
to turn me over to the police.
"then, you would've done it by now."
So what the hell do you want?
My husband only inflicted
wounds on my body.
But the wounds that Sam gave me,
will never heal.
I mean, you and my bedroom,
while I was sleeping.
It's unforgivable.
Enough. I've endured enough.
I can't tolerate anymore.
No one can take advantage of
my weakness or helplessness anymore.
So? - And so I want to kill them both?
Sam and Gaurav, I want to kill them.
They must die.
Dude, you're a bigger b than I am.
Respect, I've loads of respect.
If you want to kill them, then do it.
Why come to me?
Because I want to
play Love Games as well.
Wow! What do you mean?
I mean. No one knows
that you know my husband.
And no one knows that I know Sam.
So the game kill my husband,
and I will kill Sam.
And whoever gets caught, loses.
Are you like serious?
Do I look like I am joking?
But this can be a trick?
Or maybe Sam and you
are planning something?
Hear it.
- "And so I want to kill them both.
- What?"
"l want to kill Sam and Gaurav."
"They must die."
This is your insurance.
If I double-cross you,
then this is your evidence. prove that I am
a pan of this plan too.
Such a big criminal mind
behind this innocent face.
I never imagined.
Hell hath no fury
like a woman's scorn.
Please. I am really bad at
this Shakespeare type of English.
But you're very good at murder.
We'll meet two days
later at your penthouse.
And if none of us get caught.
"then we'll open
a bottle of champagne."
Poor Sam's going to die.
Dad, I've been thinking.
Last week at the board
meeting you were saying.
..that you need someone
to run the London office.
In order for business to grow.
Any idea? Who can do it?
Sameer Saxena. CEO, London office.
Thank you so much, dad.
Thank you so much.
Hello. - Sam. It's me, Alisha.
Can you come home?
Okay, but Gaurav?
Gaurav is not at home.
You didn't call after that day.
That means you did not enjoy at all.
Or maybe you enjoyed so much.
..that you thought
you'll get addicted.
I am here on a single phone.. I hope you have your answer.
But a girl always likes to hear.
I am already addicted.
It's adrenaline.
The best thing is,
the body produces it.
So in the post mortem it will
look like you had a hear-t attack.
Gaurav, we have the whole night.
So take your time and die.
I just can't cross
this level of Candy Crush.
Who are you? Leave me. leave me.
Don't move. Don't move.
You f 11", you wanted to kill me.
Sam, don't move.
Didn't you try to kill me with Alisha?
Tell me. Yes or no?
Yes or no?
Yes, yes, yes. But it
was Alisha's plan, not mine.
- She said and you believed her.
- Yes, what else could I do?
She had evidence that
I killed my husband.
- She blackmailed me.
- And you got blackmailed.
"Hell, yes. I like to f" you,
but I like to live more.
Sam, just peace out. Alright.
Just chill.
I will shoot you, I swear.
Just relax, for God's sake.
Alisha told you this, right.
That b
I knew she would double-cross me.
- Alisha didn't double cross you.
- Then what is all this?
Alisha called me.
She said she can't live without me.
She wants to forget everything.
Then she said Gaurav isn't at home,
so you come home.
We went to her bedroom.
And things got a little..
After that suddenly,
I don't know from where..
..she attacked me with a knife.
One inch to the left
and I would be dead.
I was shocked.
I pushed her down,
that's when she said..
If you and Ramona
can play Love Games.
"then she and I can play it too."
She said that you had to kill
her husband, and she had to kill me.
You think I am weak, you can do
anything you like, and l.. - Shut up.
But what?
You think.
But I killed her. - You what?
How can l..
I killed her.
I killed her.
Oh my, God. This is ridiculous.
What the hell is going on?
This is hysterical.
I killed the one
I loved because of you.
I will pay for it,
but you won't survive either.
I see, what are you going to do?
I am going to the police,
I will tell them everything.
And anyway, the guilt of whatever
I did won't let me live.
Are you crazy?
You want to go to jail. - Yes, I will.
Idiot, you're only
thinking about yourself.
I don't even want to think about you.
I meant Alisha, not me.
The one you loved.
What will you tell the police?
That you guys were
in an extra marital affair.
And that led to her murder.
So that the entire media, along with
the whole world thinks she's a s.
Wow, Sam.
What an repent for your sin.
Humiliate the one
you want to apologies to.
Go, Sam. Go.
Its better you kill me.
Kill me. Kill me, please.
Why should I kill you?
You kill yourself.
Go ahead, take your life.
This is called running out of oxygen.
I said you were scuba diving.
Now suffer.
It's easy to talk
about going to jail..
"but actually going
to jail is difficult."
Help me.
Of course I will help you.
But I have a condition.
I win this love game.
Whenever I call you, you must come.
You will remain my f buddy, agreed?
First let's get rid of Alisha's body.
Let's go.
Oh my, God!
How did the police find out?
When I came here?
Look, there.
That's the one, right.
Talking to the police?
Yes, that's her.
Poor thing.
I don't think we
can get away with this.
I should surrender before
the police arrests me.
Oh, God! Just relax you jittery pants.
Just relax, okay.
Sam, chill.
We're both 8cm'
Hold. Don't think like think.
Think like it's a Love Game.
What would you do then?
You and I are playing a Love Game,
with the Police.
Think like that.
There's one way.
If we can do something to
prove that Gaurav killed Alisha.
And then killed himself.
Everyone knows that things
weren't right between them.
And that day at the party,
he insulted her in front of everyone.
I think the Police will agree,
what do you think?
Nice idea. But Gaurav is already dead.
How will the police
believe that he killed her?
I'll have to pose as Gaurav.
I'll wear Gaurav's clothes,
and keep his purse.
For identification.
This is Gaurav's phone,
where do I keep it? - Here.
Then we'll go to the morgue,
and steal Alisha's body.
So that when the police
checks the CCTV footage.
they will think that
Gaurav stole Alisha's body.. that they can't
perform a postmortem.
Only a murderer will
do such a thing, right?
What do you think?
I knew you were my Sherlock Holmes.
Holy mow...
Sam, you're like so dead.
Like D E A D.
Oh, God, this is exciting.
Which department?
General ward.
The phone's dead.
You can go in when I get a message.
I am not your servant.
You'll watch a film,
and I'll stand guard.
Put it in yourself.
Wait. Don't get angry.
Make a entry and put it in.
Greetings, sir.
That murder case lady,
where's the body?
Come, sir. Come.
- Joking with me?
- No, sir, this was the door. did she
turn into a man? - l..l..
Did someone come here?
Yes, a ward-boy did
come here with a dead body.
Good boy, Sammy.
Oh 3,.
Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!
Come on, star-t the car.
Sammy, star-t the car.
You know why I lust you?
You've got beauty with brains.
What a great idea of burying
the body in the grave yard.
Another dead body
amongst so many bodies.
But unfortunately, late Gaurav
Asthana will take the credit.
He hid his wife's body so well.
It can never be found.
Yo, Sam. Don't forget
that she tried to kill you..
..and you killed her in self-defense.
So you can sing your
sad song once you're home.
Okay, baby. Let's go, let's go.
It will be morning soon.
Sam, let's go.
You know Sammy,
sun-bathing with the dead body..
..reminds me of my marriage.
Get it.
Hey queen, help me push the car.
What the hell..
Remember your promise, right.
I'll give you one day,
to weep for your girlfriend.
There's a party at
the Chopra's tomorrow.
We play Love Games, right?
Right? - Yeah, right.
You're not trying to pull
something out here, are you?
What do you mean?
I mean I hope you're not
trying to betray me and run away.
Where will I go?
Where would I go?
Good boy.
"You lie. He's going to fly away."
Alisha Asthana's murder
case is getting solved with time.
The police has said to
the media in their statement..
..that Alisha Asthana was murdered
by her husband Gaurav Asthana.
The police believes that
as a top criminal lawyer.
he knew that Alisha
Asthana's postmortem report..
would've proven his crime.
CCTV footage proves
that Gaurav Asthana.
..came to the hospital
late night in his car.
And his clothes were
recovered from the morgue.
I was heading towards the
general ward with the stretcher.
I wonder where he came from,
and rendered me unconscious.
Gaurav Asthana's body and his car..
..was recovered from a ravine today.
Gaurav was wearing the clothes of..
..the ward boy from the
Mumbai Memorial Hospital.
But the biggest question is..
..where did Gaurav hide
Alisha Asthana's body?
What time's your flight? - Tonight.
You're just leaving like this.
No farewell party, no nothing.
Consider that..l want to
leave without telling anyone.
If you don't mind,
I'll just be back. - Okay.
Just a moment. - Okay.
Welcome to British Airways.
Flight no.
BAB775 from Mumbai to London..
will depart on time.
I'll go get the wine, it's in the car.
Hey. We don't need it.
Believe me, we do.'re running away from me.
What the hell.
Gaurav and you taught us one thing.
The world is a jungle..
..and the best player rules.
Survival of the most cunning.
Fair means if possible.
And foul means if necessary.
Ramona, baby.
Those times are gone
when lovers die here..
..and try to meet in heaven.
This time. Lovers will
kill others in their way.
..and stay here themselves.
The need for two
lovers to be together. much more than two f
So I win this Love Game,
I guess you ran out of oxygen.
The biggest benefit of being dead.. that I will never
be accused of murder.
Oh 3,.
Oh my, God!
Hello. - It's done.
What's wrong, Sam?
Have you read this
book called Love Games?
I love you, Sam. I don't care
about Love Games and all this s.
Honestly speaking, I am scared
that someday Gaurav will kill me.
Ramona is no less.
It's quite simple,
it's either her or us.
Are you crazy, Sam?
I am a doctor, not a murderer.
But we have to do us. Before
they kill us, we must kill them.
You're right, Sam.
That's the only way
to get out of this hell.
I was right.
Look, Ramona's handbag.
And look at this.
This is brilliant.
We've got a sure
way to blackmail Ramona.
These are some credit cards,
and your new passport
I've used all my influence this time.
Your new name is
Riya Rao from Bengaluru.
This is Tetrodotoxin.
It's a neurotoxin.
If I take this,
my hear-t beat will get really low.
And my body will be
in a state of paralysis.
Anyone will think I am dead.
- Are you sure this works?
- Of course, I am a surgeon.
Hello. - Sam, it's me Alisha.
Can you come home?
Okay, but Gaurav.
How did the police find out?
How will the police
find out you're dead?
Don't worry,
my maid comes here every evening.
She will see me dead.
In that case, I must lie
to Ramona that the maid saw me.
And she will tell the police
that the maid saw you dead. - Correct.
Don't worry, Sam.
My blood group and this blood
from the blood bank are same.
After you leave, I will take this.
If you don't save me in 10 hours,
then I'll actually get post-modem.
You endured all this
for so long, dear.
And never told us anything.
I just need one help from you.
Come on.
"Roses are red, violets are blue."
"Sex can be messy,
but love can be true."
So friends, get the drift.
See how it's done.
Kill the badasses and fly into the sun.
Fly into the sun!
"There's nothing
I can ask your God for."
"I got everything I wanted."
"l never belonged to anyone,
nor was anyone mine."
"But since I found you. I found God."
"You dwell in every element,
and in every star."
"You exist in every grain,
and in every drop."
"You exist in both worlds."
"You're on earth and in the sky."
"You're my heaven, you're my love."
"Just you.."
"There's nothing
I can ask your God for."
"I got everything I wanted."
"You dwell in every element,
and in every star."
"You exist in every grain,
and in every drop."
"You exist in both worlds."
"You're on earth and in the sky."
"You're my heaven, you're my love."
"Just you.."