Love, Lizzo (2022) Movie Script

You look ready.
Aw, look at Melissa trying to be shy.
She's trying to be shy.
You look so cute.
- Her real name's Melissa.
- Melissa, say something.
- Hey, Melissa.
- This is Melissa.
She was Lisso, like Melissa-a.
- She was L-I-S-S-O.
- Hey, Melissa!
This is the backstage,
and this is the wall
where our name's gonna be next year.
And then it went to Lizzo.
And for a while, no one knew Lizzo.
My mama knew Lizzo.
Please welcome Lizzo,
ladies and gentlemen
- Ladies and gentlemen, Lizzo!
- Lizzo!
- Lizzo!
- Her name is Lizzo.
Give it up, ladies and gentlemen.
Lizzo... Lizzo...
Lizzo... Lizzo...
Someone calls a girl, "Okay, Lizzo"
because she's big and she's black
and she's doing something
that they don't think
big black women should be doing
like dancing and...
being confident.
I can only turn "Lizzo"
into a compliment
by being the best version of myself.
Oh, I've been so down
And under pressure
I'm way too fine
To be this stressed, yeah
Oh, I'm not the girl I was
Or used to be
Bitch, I might be better
Turn up the music
Turn down the lights
I've got a feeling
I'm gon' be all right
- Okay
- Okay
- All right
- All right
It's about damn time
I'm coming out tonight
I'm coming out tonight
Coming out tonight
I'm coming out tonight
I'm coming out tonight
I'm coming out tonight
I'm coming out tonight
- Coming out tonight
- Okay
All right
It's about damn time
- Hear me out.
- What's up?
- Can you hear me?
- Okay, I got you.
"2 Be Loved" starts off
the way
"Truth Hurts" ends, right?
I'm marrying myself
I pull the veil back.
Run, right?
I'm about to have
a panic attack, right?
I'm a runaway bride.
I hop in the car.
I speed off.
Then, somewhere in between,
a U-Haul pulls up
and it's, like, a bunch of my girls.
And we can have moments
of dancing and all types...
Ever since I was very young,
I would...
I would want something so badly.
Okay, talk to you later.
- Take care.
- Bye.
And I would get it.
I would just, like, manifest
and I would get it.
Specifically with music.
Be like, "All right, let's go."
And I would just make it happen.
But it took nearly ten years
to get to where I am today.
I worked so much and never said no.
No matter what part of my story
you come in at
I'm always chasing the music.
"Why is she sleeping in her car?"
She's chasing the music.
"Why did she move to Minneapolis?"
She was going where the music is.
And I also might not made it
a few times.
Because nobody was fucking with me.
Nobody was trying to sign
a fat black girl
that rapped and sang
and played the flute.
Y'all have no idea how close I was
to this not being a thing.
I was born in Detroit.
You know,
my whole family is Detroiters.
I'm from the east side,
and my mom and dad
they both worked for Chrysler.
I met Michael at church.
We had only dated
for about a month
and then we got married.
Because, I mean,
you just know, you know?
So the next year
we started having children
and they were born, like
two years apart.
Melissa is the only child
that took me all the way to term.
Her brother used to tease her
when she was little
and she would just scream.
Oh, my God.
She had a set of lungs on her.
But I would never tell her
to shut up or be quiet
because I just knew she was
gonna use her voice for something.
Ever since I was little
I was the person
who had to mediate family arguments.
I was the only person
my dad would listen to.
Taught me how to communicate.
My father
was extremely pro-black.
He had a lot of black pride,
which I loved
and he taught us a lot.
He taught me about injustice.
He taught us about Emmett Till.
I learned about these things
growing up
because my dad just wanted to show me
the way the world was
and he really enforced in me
to never ever switch up.
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, there's the picture.
That's the one you're talking about,
right there, huh?
This one. It's my great-grandma.
That's Mama Kirkwood.
Her and her husband,
they founded the church.
My church was a family church
so everyone was kind of my cousin.
My mom played piano in church,
and she sang.
I was in the choir
at my grandfather's church.
You know, and then
my cousins and I
we formed a little group
called the Gospel Nightingales.
- Come on, matriarch.
- All right. Ready. And one...
And then later on, I met the Winans
and I was able
to sing with them, too.
We were brought up
around like major
gospel players in Detroit
and our dad would
even promote their concerts.
So, like, being around them,
Lizzo saw the professionalism
of the music industry in Detroit.
Music has always
had a physical effect on me
because of the way
that I would get so lost
in the music in church.
If you think
You've got me dickmatized
I need to get you out of my life
New York, can I get a amen?
When I walk on stage, I black out.
It's not even black out.
It's a light.
It's a bright light. It's lights on.
Heaven, help me
If love ain't dead, I'm-a kill it
'Cause it's killin' me
Cold world
Don't be livin' in a fantasy
Got me, it's the only thing
I'll ever need
Heaven, help me
My shows are the way they are
because I want you
to catch the spirit.
And if I'm on that stage,
we're connecting to something higher.
If you think
You've got me dickmatized
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I need to get you
Out of my life
Heaven, help me
If love ain't dead, I'm-a kill it
'Cause it's killin' me
New York, can I get a amen?
When I was a little girl
I really believed
that I was a bad singer
not because I didn't try.
It's because I actually was singing
and it wasn't good, like...
After I had moved to Houston
when I was like ten or 11
I would write these pop songs,
and I would try to sing it.
And I'd be like, "You know what?
I'm gonna get somebody
to sing that part."
Like, I could hold a note.
I always had good intonation
and pitch
but I didn't have the confidence
or the power in my voice.
There was a singer in my head
that I wanted to sound like
it was probably Lauryn Hill
and Beyonc.
And I didn't sound like that,
so I didn't bother.
- Yeah.
- Let's pull it out.
This is my letterman jacket
the one thing we saved
from my past. Jefferson.
They give you line names,
and I don't know why.
They were like,
"And you gonna be "Spotlight."
I was like, "Okay."
Hello, hello, hello-ey!
And this is... I was Ms. Melissa.
Ms. Melissa is so bougie.
Band, of course.
And then this side was Class of '06.
Jefferson. I put
an exclamation point on it, too.
- No way.
- And that's funny.
My Lizzo signature
has a exclamation point
so some things never change, ho.
And it's huge because I was insecure
and I was like,
"I need the biggest jacket you have."
Because I couldn't...
I was scared
to get something too small
and everyone would make fun of me.
"Why she got
that old letter jacket on?"
Why would they even laugh like that?
'Cause that's how they was.
They was so mean.
They was so mean in Houston.
Seventh and eighth grade
is when kids
started to notice differences.
I wore my hair different.
I didn't have the body type.
Like, I was chunky.
There were things
I would hide about myself
like hiding that I liked anime
or that I read
Sailor Moon fan fiction.
I knew people were making fun of me
or laughing at me.
I have, like, memories
of raising my hand
and people being like...
"Damn, you going to
answer that question, too?
Of girls hiding my clothes
from me after gym class
boys calling me "fat ass" on the bus.
By the time I was going
for the ninth grade
I was like, I am sick of being nerdy.
I wanna be cool.
So I started throwing myself
into rap.
Yeah, I'm movin' like a snake
Them boys get excited
When they see that booty shake
That was my first rap performance.
I remember I went out into the crowd
and everybody just started
screaming and going wild.
And that's where I fell in love
with live performance.
In Houston,
freestyle rap was everywhere.
We put on the radio,
Lil Flip was freestyle rapping
and he was the freestyle king.
Then Ludacris came out,
and I was like
oh, I wanna rap like Ludacris.
This is it!
I'm going to probably outlast
Every nigga flowin'
And mind you, that was the time
when I was taking Phentermine.
I was wearing trash bags.
I was, like, putting on girdles.
I was doing all of this shit
in high school to be, like, thin.
Like a lot of people, I grew up
learning how to hate my body.
And it worked.
You're just so disgusted
with your skin and your flesh
and your muscle and your bones
and the way that they're designed.
And the fat
in your body is just, like
you wanna cut parts of your body off.
Like, how do you...
how do I stop that?
I don't... I don't wanna feel this...
this way anymore.
You know?
So I was just like... music.
"Boys don't like me.
I don't need boys.
Music is my boyfriend."
I was very focused.
The first song we wrote
for Cornrow Clique
was "It Don't Matter Tho."
- How did it go?
- I have it.
- Play it.
- Here we go.
Man, it don't matter
If I wear white or black
'Cause when I'm in the club
Niggas be on my back
Never failing
Never falling off of the track
When I walk away
Tricks look at my back
'Cause they can't face me
And disrespect on my clique
If you even breathe wrong
Ho, expect to get drunk
Wow. Performing to a room of people
on their phones, my dream.
My dream.
When I land in Houston,
it's always like, whoa.
This is really where I grew up.
Detroit is where I was born.
Minneapolis is where I was branded
and where I became an artist,
like a solo artist
but I was such an adult by then.
Houston is really where
I was, like, bred.
I moved down to Houston in 1997.
My parents had a business
in real estate.
There were days where we had
a lot of money
and there was days
where we were squeezing it.
My brother and sister got involved.
It was a family business
and I was the only one not involved
because I was like,
"I'm going to band practice."
- Hi.
- Hey, how are you?
It's crazy to be back.
This is where I used to rehearse
with my band and yeah.
I went to the University of Houston
on flute scholarship.
The Houston Rodeo
was like the biggest thing
that I've ever done. Period.
Are y'all ready to see
who the mystery performer is
for Black Heritage Day?
It's me! I'm coming back to Houston.
It feels like a homecoming.
And I remember just thinking
that is the biggest thing
you could do.
Like when Beyonc did it
and when Selena did it.
I've never played a stadium.
I've never played a venue
that has 75,000 ticketed to see me.
I sold out the Houston Rodeo
in seven min...
I sold out the Houston Rodeo
in seven minutes!
Oh, my God. Look at Brazil.
And I sold out the...
God is good.
I wanna say thank you to everybody
who bought tickets
to the Houston Rodeo.
It's about to be a... party.
I love y'all. Damn!
We all knew that it was probably
a matter of time
before this was going to happen.
So now that this has happened
and we have a community spread,
this isn't about the Rodeo.
This is about large gatherings
and protecting the... the community.
We just got news that the Rodeo
is officially canceled.
So I... they literally...
I just hung up with them
two minutes ago.
We can hop on a plane
anytime you want.
I'm sorry.
It sucks.
I was pretty fucking sad
but people were
expecting me to be sad
so I'm like,
I'm gonna keep it together.
Everything's gonna be fine.
As some of you might know
I was scheduled to play
the Houston Rodeo today...
and we had to cancel.
A lot of people are sad right now.
A lot of people are sad right now...
because somebody they know is sick
or they might be sick
or we might be afraid
of what this means
for life as we know it.
The pandemic was the cause,
and everything else was the effect.
I had to stop what I was doing
and sit with myself.
I was staying home
and working on music.
I told myself that Monday
this Monday, tomorrow
would be my deadline for having
a bunch of demos, listenable demos
to play for my A&R.
Fucking idiot. I hate when I do that.
I'm so annoyed with myself right now.
Being in love
You gotta have some self-control
Lately, I just...
I don't... I don't see it.
I just feel like
there's people out there
there's artists
that are way cooler than me.
There are artists that are way more
politically impactful than me.
There's artists
that are way more mysterious
and mystify people more and...
wake people up more.
Like, I just don't think that...
It's like the stakes changed.
I think I was like... "How do I...
How do I write bangers
when I'm fucking sad
and mad and hurting?"
I'm such a conduit
when I write music.
I can't fake it, you know?
And I was blocked
because I was holding on to a lot.
I've always been a little,
quote, unquote, "different."
I was really, really bookish
and I couldn't wait
to go home and read
and just sit in my room.
I can lay in my bed
and, like, daydream
and imagine things all day
and music was definitely an escape.
The flute was part of that world
that I could go away to
and I would just practice for hours.
The flute was this weird thing
that just happened.
Mr. Broughton
was my first band teacher ever
and he looks at you
and picks your horn for you.
And for me,
I was just chosen for flute.
I remember walking into
the band hall every day
excited about what piece
Mr. Broughton had for us.
He would write out his own music.
He would score it out
and it was normally
like songs from the radio.
He just made
playing instruments cool.
People assumed
that 'cause I was black
I wouldn't be good at the flute.
And I'm just like,
"Let me prove all y'all wrong."
So let's bring out Sasha.
This is Sasha the Floot.
The famous flute.
- Oh, Sasha Floot.
- Her name is Sasha F-L-O-O-T.
Sasha, she gonna post this
on her Instagram
because she's a cocky little bi-atch.
Hey, y'all, it's Sasha
and I'm walking you through
the Library of Congress.
No one in 200 years
had ever heard this flute get played.
So, of course, she had to twerk.
Oh, my God.
Are you kidding me?
Where do I blow?
This is a beginner flute.
My dad would come
to the concerts with my mom
and they thought that, you know
Mr. Broughton's band was cool.
But he didn't really get invested
until I learned
"The Carnival of Venice."
Oh, shit!
This is the sickest thing ever.
"The Carnival of Venice"
is this technical feat.
It's like a flute's piece and chain.
You know what I'm saying?
A flute showing out.
And my dad thought that
that was the coolest thing ever.
He was, "Oh, she good at this."
He was like,
"You need to get a lavalier mic
and you need
to start playing the flute
and putting synthesizers on it."
My dad just motivated me a lot.
Bye, guys.
Oh, God.
I don't even wanna think about this.
He had his first stroke
when I was 16.
I remember in my mind being like
I'm going to become successful.
I'm gonna make money
so that I can just make sure
that my dad is healthy and...
I can buy him a nice house with Mommy
and I'll get a live-in nurse
that can just, like
juice for him every day, and a chef.
And I had all these
big dreams and plans
and goals to help him.
Two-thousand six to, like, 2010
was a hot mess blur for me.
I graduated high school,
and I went to college.
My dad was kind of in the house a lot
couldn't really work that much.
That was the same time
the financial crisis hit.
My parents' business suffered,
but also my dad was sick.
The pressure really got to me
and I really kind of like froze
when it was time
to go back to school.
So yeah, I just kind of abandoned it.
My dad would be manifesting for me.
He would be like, you know,
"I was praying for you today
and I really want you
to go back to school
and I really want you to study music
and be successful in music."
He wanted us to be, like, stars
because my dad believed he was a star
and he believed
that my mom was a star.
Not a star in the, like,
"You're gonna be famous" type of way
but like, "Do you know who you are?
You came from me,
so you should be great."
He was actually doing better.
He was at a...
hospital and...
I still don't know
what happened to him.
I still don't know. He was...
he was getting better.
When he passed away, I kind of lost
the will to make music.
I lost the will to live.
A lot went to shit in that time.
I lost my apartment.
I lost my job, I lost my dad.
I was sleeping on floors,
sleeping in, like
my band's rehearsal studio,
sleeping in my car.
It was a old 1998 Subaru
and the side was T-boned in.
I slept in my car on Thanksgiving
and I just cried.
I lost everything.
I didn't talk to anyone.
I didn't respond to questions.
I don't know what this was.
It was some weird psychotic break.
I would go out
in the streets all alone
and I would sing by myself.
And the thing that came out
was just ugly and raw and dark
and therapeutic all at once.
My relationship with myself
had to change
because in order to pick
myself back up off the floor
I had to trust myself.
I had to love that person.
I was like, all right, well,
I can't stay in Houston anymore.
And I kind of threw myself
into the unknown.
I'm gonna be singing "Ghosts."
It is one of the songs
I sing with my band, Ellypseas
and it's written by Jean Guillory.
Not me. I'm Lizzo. Okay.
I will never touch you
Rather, you will never touch me
Good luck, though
Lost in the desert
And losing your mind
Looking for something
you were hoping to...
Telescopic, biopic
I'm moonwalking on Mars
I had been doing, like,
Skype sessions with this producer.
That's my cousin.
That's my sister.
And he was like,
"Let's go to Minneapolis.
That's where the music scene is."
So I hopped in his Jeep,
and we drove to Minneapolis
and I found my voice.
Nah mean? Nah, you don't
Anyways I get that green
They said I won't
Was the rumor since the womb
And I continue steady blooming
Dooming, glooming, on these people
That be thinking
That they doin' something
First, I was
in Lizzo and The Larva Ink.
Then I was in The Chalice.
And then I was in GRRRL PRTY.
Shooting you from every angle
Hurt your feelings and your paycheck
Got a feeling you won't make it, bye
Oops, I didn't know you was a wegula
Oops, my bad
I met Sophia Eris like the first week
I moved to Minneapolis
at a block party.
Oh, you's a wegula
Oh, you's a wegula
It was hardcore, it was party, clust
it was, like, rebellious,
it was very punk rap, you know?
And her and I together,
we were just, like
trying to do anything we could.
We were hungry.
Sophia became my DJ.
It was kind of like
we needed each other
and we didn't really know
what this was all gonna be
but we're sisters, you know?
Running and running until I can't go
I cut the piece, put that P in pocket
Partly polyethylene
Partly a polygon made up of particles
Sparkle, that glitter ain't gold
I was working
in a producer's home studio
and his style was very Rap Olympics
where I'm like...
Remember that gooey gooey you took
And said, "Ooh wee, ooh wee
I need two or two-ee"
And he's like, "All right,
one more time." And I'm like...
Remember that gooey gooey you took
And said, "Ooh wee, ooh wee"
I need two-a twoey-a
These for my baby boo-y
And then I evolved
into Big Grrrl Small World
where I was like, I wanna get weird.
I started getting into like sonics.
The throat got all these
little nuances to it.
- You got to get under...
- I studied music theory
and I was like, I need to flex that.
And so for Big Grrrl Small World
I got very in the driver's seat.
B-b-big girl
S-s-small world
Because nobody knows my truth,
you know.
I have to like find it.
Got a lot on my chest
So here's my breast reduction
I hear the sound of gums bumping
They ain't saying nothing
I'm sick and tired of being typecast
Like Lindsay Lohan
When I'm gon' probably outlast
Every nigga flowing
All these niggas want to ride it
All these niggas wanna ride it
what I did with Lazerbeak
kind of came out unexpectedly for me
'cause I have been
in girl bands my entire life.
And now we just got word
of a new solo record.
- Yay!
- Big Grrrl Small World.
I'm so excited.
I finally just went in
and started recording.
And I had this breakthrough moment
where I wrote a song
called "My Skin."
When I wrote that song,
I was like, now, I know my mission.
Like, I know why I'm here.
I know why I have this mouthpiece.
And everything else
became super, super clear.
What do you love the most
about your body?
My skin.
I love my skin.
And this is something
I was born with, you know?
You can't buy this
at the store, so hey.
Your whole life,
when you are on the other side
of the spectrum of, like, what's hot
or what the models
are walking in on the runway.
You're called these names.
You're called "fat," you're called
"big," you're called "ew."
I remember being like,
should I call myself "big"?
I mean,
I might as well call myself big
before everybody else do
on the Internet.
And then one day,
I was like, yo, like
I'm gonna be in this body forever.
I'm gonna be this bitch forever
so you either live your life
not liking her
or you live your life
trying to love her.
Uh yeah
Ooh, what's deeper than
What's deeper than the darkest
Best-kept secret?
Beneath the surface, we could
Let it bring us together...
Before that,
I hadn't heard anyone say
"I'm in love with myself" on a song.
But people connected to it,
and it was personal
and it was real.
So I realized that was who I was.
Beautiful thing that you ever seen
Is even bigger
Than what we think it means
I used to wanna be a cool rapper
but after "My Skin"
it hit me, like,
I'm really a songwriter.
I woke up in this
And I wanted to write a song
that the whole world
could sing back to me.
My skin
Your skin, yeah
Oh, I can't wash it away
No, you can't take this from me
Minneapolis accepted, like,
every single part of me.
The part of me
that had a little bit of a accent
and loved to freestyle rap
and then the other side of me
that was like,
I listen to indie rock music
and play classical flute.
I feel like this city
gave me the opportunity
to just be who I am.
I don't think
I would have left Minneapolis
if it weren't for MTV Wonderland.
It's gonna be on and popping, Khaled.
You gotta watch it.
It premieres September 15 at 11.00pm.
Honestly, hosting that TV show
was the only reason why I moved to LA
which, it weren't for that
then I would have never met Myke.
And then, I would have
never fallen in love.
But that's a long story.
Wow, all these people
are just, like, regular drivers.
They don't know that I'm fucking...
- A first-timer?
- Yeah.
Whew, another car, look.
Why am I not honking?
There it is.
Full stop.
I don't do no California... Whoa!
When was the last time you drove?
Two-thousand and...
I haven't been able to get a license
for, like, years
'cause somebody had stole my identity
and I had two licenses
down in Houston.
And one of them had so many
outstanding fucking warrants
that, you know, I was riding dirty.
I was riding dirty just being there.
- But you got your license.
- I know.
Drivers don't want to wave?
So much has changed
in all those years.
So much has changed since 1900 and...
- Watch the squirrel.
- Squirrel!
I'm not gonna hit the squirrel.
I'm a defensive driver,
you know, like
I can say I'm probably
the best defensive driver there is.
What? Oh, my God.
Am I not supposed to hit that?
Suck it, Texas.
Texas was trying
to keep me down, man.
But you know what? I'm a driver now.
Artists are never allowed
to come back
on the sophomore record
with, like, something real.
It always has to be something
that's, like, so constructed
that it's, like, bulletproof.
Of course, I wanna be, like
"Yeah, let's go out with
something fucking vulnerable."
Like, trust me,
I got a lot of pent-up shit
that I'll be just watching.
I'm like, damn,
I wish I could say this.
I wish I could say that, but...
What are some... actually
some of those pent-up things
that you feel like you can't say?
When I'm feeling shitty
about myself, I'm honest.
But then the whole Internet
goes crazy
and it's like on the fucking news.
But I'm like,
I'm just being honest, you know?
I'm just saying the things
that people feel about themselves
whether they're big or small,
every single day.
In this fucking world
of Instagram supermodels
you're the only girl your size,
your style, that they accept.
Even the people
that talk shit about you
they're talking shit about you
'cause they're confused
- as to why you're accepted.
- Yeah.
I'm so fucking happy
with the way that I look and who I am
and it's so crazy,
'cause you put my body
next to Kim Kardashian's and, baby
people would think that I'm wrong.
But I'm like,
this is the body I was given.
- Now we're talking.
- You know?
I don't think I wanna write a song
tackling everything at once
that we're talking about.
- Right.
- I think to do something else
and then drop these kind of like
unabashed truths in there
and then people are like, "Oh, okay."
Hi, motherfucker
Did you miss me?
I've been twerking, making smoothies
And all these rappers
They've been sexting
I'm in a meeting
And I look better
Than you seen me last
I been training, I can flex that ass
So when I shake it
I can shake it fast
Make that camera flash
Camera flash, camera flash
If you're looking for the sign
Bitch, I'm it...
She talkin' about making an album.
Hey! A album?
A album, bitch? A album?
Absolutely not.
I'm not making no fucking alb...
Just a second
Let me fix my wig, yeah
Now it's time to finally
Talk my shit, yeah
Oh, did you forget
I'm still that bitch, yeah
I live inside your head
And pay no rent, yeah
A album!
I'm blessed, I said
I'm getting some head
I'm Texas Toast
I'm cornbread-fed
I'm good, I'm great
I'm two hours late
But I'm on my way
Hey, hey, hey
Yeah. Something like...
'cause like the second verse is good.
There's just some things
in the first verse
and then there's like
a few things in the hook
and then the second time,
when the pre comes.
So the whole song?
There is more pressure
from not only my management team
but from the label.
I was writing good songs,
and I was like
oh, shit, like,
I've got some really good songs.
Should we see...
should we see how it sounds?
Yeah, let's hear it.
I played them for Atlantic Records.
And for me, I thought
they would be like
"This is it. You've done it again.
Girl, you did it."
they just were like...
I was so fuckin' mad that day.
"I was like, I don't trust
the damn label right now.
I need to trust myself."
I mean, it sounds insane,
but they're just super thorough.
You are coming
from a place where just
you're now in a...
you've won Grammys and shit now
so they wanna keep that up too.
They want critical acclaim.
I don't know what music is.
I don't know what songwriter do.
I'm tired.
When did you write
"Good as Hell" and "Truth Hurts"?
Did you care?
- Did you overthink those songs?
- No.
You got a point there, buddy.
You got a point there, buddy.
The story
of how "Truth Hurts" evolved...
I got my heart stomped on in 2017.
I wish that there were cameras then.
'Cause it was really just a sad day.
It was around my birthday
and I had a voicemail
and a missed phone call
from this guy.
He was like,
"Please don't contact me.
Don't call me, don't text me."
And I was like, "Huh?"
It was painful.
Like, I slid down the wall.
I was crying.
Like, I was crying for days.
I didn't eat.
So I go into the studio
and I was just talking about my day.
I was...
It was that weekend.
Like, there was this dude
on the Minnesota Vikings
who wanted to go on a date with me,
so I hit him back.
And then, I took my weave out
and just went and got my hair washed
and pressed and cut.
I just wanted some new energy.
I took a bomb photo, and I was like
life is fucked up right now,
but at least I look good.
Remember, I was like,
"You trying to break my heart?
Breaks my heart.
'Cause you ain't never even had it."
It was just like a magical moment
of everything I've ever said
out of raw emotion
and I just put it in a song.
That's why it's so important
that I just keep writing
shit like that.
I'm glad it happened.
Sometimes I'll be laughing
to myself like, "This boy."
And I just sing the song about him.
This is my favorite part.
I just took a DNA test
Turns out
I'm a hundred percent that bitch
Even when I'm crying crazy
Yeah, I got boy problems
That's the human in me
- Bling bling...
- This is the cover shoot
of "'Cause I Love You."
Like, that is the black backdrop
and I sat right where he is.
I just got so excited.
I'm about to listen to the album.
I'm about to be naked.
- It's gonna be fuckin'...
- Yeah.
I'm about to fuck shit up, bitch.
We're good.
Just a little tit.
It was kind of the beginning
of this wild ride.
I was just excited.
You've been fucking killing it.
A genreless pop star,
a woman of color.
- Black, girl. The color is black!
- Peace and beauty.
- Can I get a amen?
- Amen!
It's always kinda been like this
and then this year, was just like...
I don't know why this bathtub
is full of Skittles.
It gets weird.
Black girls in Germany, Ma.
We love you. We love you!
I'm platinum, baby!
It is incredible.
Oh, my God.
God damn! That's fine!
All your guitars and shit
that you added are missing.
Maybe it's just in my ears.
Do you hear it in the house, Devon?
So it's missing, yeah?
Tracks are missing.
It hurts my feelings.
This is my show,
this is my music, this is my life.
Please don't hurt my feelings.
Please don't break my heart.
Let's all be the best
we can fucking be.
This is fine,
but this is a rehearsal.
But when it's time to go tonight,
it's time to motherfucking go.
Thanks, everybody.
I think in 2019
I was growing faster
than I could keep up.
Like, holy shit,
now we're doing Coachella.
And I wanted the set to be perfect.
And, you know,
I was a little big for my britches.
Everybody, hands up
We gon' have us
a good-ass time today, Coachella.
Nothing but body positivity
and self-love.
The music kept
cutting in and out because...
And baby, worship me
our system had overheated.
I'm-a keep singing this shit.
Worship me
We just kept dancing
and I kept singing.
And baby, worship me
Back then,
I felt like who I am now.
But everything around me
was always kind of like half done.
I want the show
to be so much bigger and better
- than what it is right now.
- Yeah, yeah.
As I'm standing there,
I was like, "Huh?"
We need pyrotechnics.
We need videos.
It breaks my heart
because these people
wanna see a big show
and I wanna put on a good show.
Our infrastructure
was tiny back then.
And at that point, I was, like
living in a one-bedroom
box apartment.
It's like, it wouldn't be
a fucking Lizzo
award show performance
if it wasn't down
to the fucking wire.
I'm just so fucking tired.
It's 2.00am.
- Welcome.
- Oh, my God.
- Welcome to my crowded apartment.
- Welcome.
I don't know how you got this done
in less than 24 hours.
Fingers crossed.
- Should I put it over my head?
- No, you can go ahead.
T-minus seven hours before the AMAs.
We were struggling back then.
Two a.m.
In my apartment
Trying on a fucking gown
But I gotta give everybody credit.
Like, I was working
with such a small group of people
and we kept going.
Look. Look at it from behind.
The show don't stop.
The show must go on.
Poor little baby
Who told you that you stood a chance
With this royalty?
You're so sweet, bless your heart
Can't let a pretty face distract me
From business
And God as my witness
Your ugly ass won't either
- I'm sorry...
- The music has been my first love.
Music has been
my most consistent lover.
And I always felt like
my music is a conversation
with the people who listen to it.
But when I perform music sometimes
I relive painful experiences.
But music didn't do that to me,
life did.
And because of music,
I can express that pain
in a way that makes life easier.
Go on and take your ass home
Where the peaches have
Don't cry for me, baby
Don't cry, no
Oh, don't cry for me, baby
Me and Myke had been friends
since Wonderland.
It's complicated
because we're friends
with a lot of feelings.
I didn't really know
what to do with all those feelings
so we were off and on, you know?
One day we were on,
and the next day we were off.
It hurt because I loved him
but honestly,
I don't think I was ready for love.
Where you goin'? Where you goin'?
I feel so bad.
I don't know. I...
I feel so bad.
I don't know
how this person just has, like...
all of my heart.
You know what I mean?
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I just want it to, like...
I just want the... I just want,
like, the feelings to stop.
You look so nice, Shelby.
Thank you.
Girl, this a hard one.
I don't even got no words for you,
'cause I know exactly how you feel.
Isn't it so scary just being like
what if this hurts,
or what if it doesn't work? Like...
It's not even about him.
It's just about, like...
fear, like, I have a lot of fear.
You know?
This is the first time
I've ever been so close to someone
who doesn't need me
or doesn't ask me for anything
which was something
I thought was nice at first.
It was refreshing.
And then, now, it's like,
oh, no, you don't need me.
You don't need me at all.
Just put on the Harry Styles album.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, this fucking song.
And there's no one to blame
But the drink in my wandering hands
Don't sing my truth, bitch.
What am I now...
What am I now, bitch?
What if I'm someone
I don't want around?
I'm falling again
I'm falling again...
I'm falling
I forgot he said that.
I don't know. Why did he say that?
I was good till he said that.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
You know, music is really powerful.
You know,
you should watch a Lizzo show.
I can't.
It's impossible.
Can I sing to y'all?
I will always...
In case nobody told you today
I'm so glad
- that you're still with us
- That you're still with us
I love that.
Write that down.
In case nobody told you today
I wanna say, "Celebrity is new to me
and so is people judging me,"
but that's not exactly right.
Fame is pretty new... new to me.
I'm used to people judging me.
Fame is pretty new, but I got
But I've been used
To people judging me
That's why I moved the way I move
That's why I'm so in love with me
You can say "and."
That's why I moved the way I move
And why I'm so in love with me
In case nobody told you today
You're special
In case nobody made you believe
You're special
Well, I will always love you the same
You're special
I'm so glad that you're still with us
Broken, but damn
You're still perfect
Okay, now I sing it in tune.
And... one, two, three, four
five, and six, seven, eight.
The Big Grrrls
are an extension of myself.
I'm not small
and I remember being like
well if I'm gonna have people
on stage with me
they gotta look like me.
So it inspired me
to just be like, I need big girls.
And I was like,
"We can call them the Big Grrrls."
The Big Grrrls went from
being like a physical thing
to like an energetic thing,
like how big is your spirit
how big is your heart?
- How we feeling, y'all?
- Good as hell!
I just want to let y'all know
I watched the footage
from the rehearsals yesterday
and it just looks so good.
And now that we have perfection
I think it's time
to just bring realness to it
so the whole world
can fall in love with the person
that we've fallen in love with,
you know?
So I wanna talk about what we felt
and talk about
how we can feel better.
Not even better,
how we can feel actually good as hell
when we're performing this song.
Because, I'm not gonna lie
yesterday, I...
I didn't feel good as hell.
I was stressed out
instead of just kind of opening up
and letting it flow from me
you know, but that's me.
We'll start over here,
and we'll move through.
Like, how did you feel,
as you were going through?
I feel like you feel like
we are capable of everything
and you think that I'm capable
of more than I think I'm capable of.
And so I was fighting
this inclination to shrink
and to, like...
it's... it's okay to, like
for all of us to be, like, big,
to take up space.
Even like stepping
on the train sometimes.
I know for me the first thing I do
is try to shrink up
to make space for other people.
Isn't that funny that
that's our inclination
is to shrink ourselves?
Why do I have to shrink myself?
Why is this too big for you?
Do you know what I mean?
And this ain't too big
for the main stage.
If anything, it's just the right size
- Come on. Come on.
- For an arena, for a stadium.
- Come on.
- Light me up.
I trying not to cry
because I'm gonna be all right.
And so, being here
and going through the steps...
and like going through
this whole process with everybody
it's just like, yo,
now I have to give myself permission
to be in this moment, so...
There's nothing I can do to take away
the fear of vulnerability.
But I think that we can use that
when you're performing tomorrow
and realize how strong you look
and realize how much strength
you're gonna give people.
I gotta be on point. I have to.
I can't...
You can't let nobody see you sweat.
You have to be
three times better than.
It's not two times. It's three times.
- You know what I mean?
- Yes.
And it's just... Oh, my God.
Being big, your body is politicized.
Being black,
your skin is politicized.
Being a woman,
your gender is politicized.
So we're actually making
quite the political statement
being all three.
Look where you are, you know?
This performance isn't like
oh, we have, like, a token big girl.
This performance is about us.
It's for us. And it's not...
and it's not a joke.
This is dead serious.
I want you to imagine
that you walked to that train
and then you hopped in a limo
and drove to the VMAs
and you looked back to that girl
walking to the train
you said, "I knew it, girl.
I told you, didn't I tell you?"
You are the self
that your younger self saw.
They would look up to you.
Let me talk to y'all for a second.
I'm tired of the bullshit.
And I don't have to know
your story to know
that you're tired
of the bullshit, too.
It's so hard trying
to love yourself
in a world that doesn't
love you back.
Am I right?
So I wanna take this opportunity
right now to just feel good as hell
because you deserve
to feel good as hell.
We deserve to feel good as hell!
So tell me how you feeling
Good as hell!
So tell me how you feeling
Good as hell
If you don't know what to do
You got to...
If he don't love you anymore
Walk your fine ass out the door
And do your hair toss
Check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell
Say good as hell
Feeling good as hell
Say good as hell
Feeling good as hell
Okay, so basically
Myke is coming to my house at noon...
to talk.
Wait, what?
He wrote me yesterday.
Wait, what?
I know.
Wait, what?
I was like, are you frozen or...
Even if he wants to be with me,
I don't think that I could...
I couldn't handle that.
No, you couldn't.
I just wanna talk to him.
We had such a great relationship.
We talked about things
that I can't really talk about
with anybody.
I just hope
that I don't fall in love with him
all over again after seeing him.
Because he got
ASAP Rocky braids now, bitch.
But anyway.
Going live.
- Is it time?
- 62nd Annual Grammy Award
Nominations Announcement.
We got to pack up quick
because we got, like...
We're boarding our fucking plane.
- It's starting.
- Oh, God. Mike, sit down.
Best Pop Solo Performance.
"Spirit," Beyonc.
"Bad Guy," Billie Eilish.
- Shit.
- Oh, my God.
"Truth Hurts."
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. That's crazy.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
So I told Alex my Grammys idea.
He's the first person to hear it.
It came to me on the plane today.
Why men great
'Til they gotta be great?
All of a sudden you see these
thick black girl ballerinas.
Boom. Yes! Boom.
They're ballerining.
You coulda had a bad bitch
Here come the Big Grrrls.
So I wanna go back and forth between
a Baroque version and a trap version.
I don't play tag, bitch
I been it
Sasha comes down from the sky.
Fifteen-second flute Baroque solo.
You know what I mean?
And everybody's like, "What the fuck?
I didn't know the flute was so lit."
Last chorus, everybody.
Ballerinas dancing,
Big Grrrls dancing.
Orchestra's back. Boom...
Actually, in my crazy-ass head
the orchestra been there
the whole time.
- And it's period.
- Fin.
I love it. So good.
So here's my idea.
It involves finding
some thick black girl ballerinas
so you need to find them now.
I hear you 100%
but black ballet dancers
are so much of an anomaly.
Right. I know.
But I've seen ballet dancers
but I've never seen
a curvaceous, thick
Black ballet dancer.
Because they don't get the training
and they don't get the training
because people
don't want to teach them
because of their bodies
or their skin, you know?
That's why it's important to me.
All right. I'm already on it.
I'm gonna search the country
high and wide.
High and thick.
Fuck yes.
All these black girls
at the fucking Grammys
shitting on these niggas? Period!
Y'all came the fuck through.
Y'all was like,
"Oh, you want loud, bitch?"
That's what I want.
You know what I'm saying?
They told us to shut up for too long!
But I'm... I'm so proud of you all.
And thank you so much
for being a part of this.
I'm gonna leave, and I trust y'all.
Y'all sound beautiful.
Fill up the room.
Take up all the space in the music,
in the theater
in they face, in your life.
You know what I'm saying?
This is like...
It's raining blessings,
so just receive it.
Over now
I woke up this morning
and I was just like...
I know, like...
- Fucked up in a bad way.
- Yeah.
Thanks, guys.
- I'm so proud of you.
- I know.
I know. I woke up this morning,
and I was in my bathroom.
And I was like, whoa, look what...
I was like, shocked.
I was like,
what am I about to do today?
- That's good.
- Like, look what...
look what God has done.
I'm talking about, that's crazy.
It's like,
my first rap crew, and then
when I moved to Minneapolis,
The Chalice, like...
so glad y'all are here.
Why men great
'Til they gotta be great?
I just took a DNA test
Turns out
I'm a hundred percent that bitch
Even when I'm crying crazy
Yeah, I got boy problems
That's the human in me
Bling bling, then I solve 'em
That's the goddess in me
You coulda had a bad bitch
Help you with your career
Just a little
You're supposed to hold me down
But you're holding me back
And that's the sound of me
Not calling you back
- Why men...
- And the Grammy goes to...
Thank you so much for lifting me up.
Let's continue to reach out,
hold each other down
and lift each other up.
God bless you. Thank you so much.
So if you fight like a girl
Do your thing
All of this feels unavoidable.
I've always described my life
as being on a certain type of track.
Now I know why.
Sometimes I feel so connected
to the black women
who came before me
who didn't really get their praise...
like my grandma or my great-grandma.
I do this for them
and so many black women
like Sister Rosetta Tharpe
and Big Mama Thornton
who, like,
literally invented rock and roll.
And none of them get the credit.
So it's like, well, this is for her.
And if you feel like a girl
Then you real like a girl, bitch
Breaking news
out of Louisville, Kentucky
where a grand jury
handed down its decision
of three officers involved
in the deadly police shooting
of Breonna Taylor.
No one is charged
with anything directly related
to Breonna Taylor's death.
I wonder if some shit's
gonna pop off in LA
because of this Breonna Taylor shit.
At the end of the day, I don't think
it's gonna be as extreme
because I think black women's lives
matter way less to people.
Breonna Taylor was,
like, us really crying out
for respect this time, but I...
I still don't think it was enough.
It's sad.
It really fucking pisses me off.
I think there's just so much work
to be done in the world
and there's so many people
who are suffering from the system.
Like, I will never understand...
I mean, I actually do understand
white supremacy
because it's working.
How do you think it makes
black women feel
When you never see us
And you never will?
Fuck, I don't know.
Oh, what if it's...
When you never see her
When you never see us someday
- But someday you will.
- But someday you will
Oh, I like that.
How do you think it makes
A black woman feel
When you never see her
But someday you will?
The system is effective
because of racism
and sexism and classism.
We just need everyone to realize
that this isn't working
for all of us.
My love, my love
My love, my love...
My love, my love
We're gonna take over
Boston Boulevard.
Here we go!
'Cause when they finally see us
They going to see it
For themselves, oh
How do you think it makes
A black woman feel
When you never see her?
But someday you will
Black women have been
the heartbeat of every movement
from Sojourner Truth
to the black women leading
the Black Lives Matter movement.
We are at the bottom
but yet we always
raise our voices first.
I'm so proud to be a black woman
and an activist
because when I'm loud,
they hear this mouth.
I feel like, as a black woman
I have been put in this position
that I didn't really ask for
of like making people feel good
and making noise about issues
to make a change.
Because that's what we do.
It's what black women do.
We've always done that.
But sometimes...
I wish that
that wasn't always kind of put on us.
Because I know that easily,
as a black woman
I can wear that burden
and let it weigh me down like a mule.
And I don't wanna be
anybody's fucking mule.
Hey, Brian?
I have one, two, three.
It was really important to me
that the Big Grrrls could twerk.
I've been twerking since I was 12.
And it's in the music
that I listened to growing up
from New Orleans bounce
to Southern rap.
"Twerk," the word, is a newer way
to describe the dance move
that has been going on
for hundreds of years.
There's forms of twerking
in almost every indigenous culture.
Black culture
is the only sect of culture
that becomes mainstream
and loses its origin.
When you know where it comes from,
you put more respect on it.
Blackness is a commodity.
It's a hot commodity.
The media described twerking as,
I quote
"disturbing and disgusting."
Once mainstream
twerking was misunderstood
and taken out of context.
So I wanna do everything in my power
to prevent the erasure
of blackness from twerking.
Look up in the mirror
Oh, my God, it's me
So much Prada on me, I'm a prodigy
Coconut and rose in my skin regime
Shaking that ass
is this thing that is sexy.
It's exciting.
It's extremely feminine.
Feelin' like a stripper
When I'm lookin' in the mirror
I'll be slapping on that ass
Gettin' thicker and thicker
Sing it to me.
It beats at the heart of my ancestors
and it became a part of my brand.
It is one
of my favorite things to do.
I can't wait for this album
to come out
so I can shit on everybody
who's been trying
to reduce me to my body.
So Lizzo right now
is getting canceled.
Lizzo Is Over Party
was trending on Twitter.
Am I getting some backlash right now?
That dress left little
to the imagination.
With nothing underneath but a thong.
She got a very pretty face
but she keep showing her body off,
like, come on, man.
She became the number-one
trending topic on Twitter.
No respect for art history
or any historical artifacts.
I don't think people
should be canceling Lizzo over this.
Being overweight is the new goal.
She's merely shucking and jiving
for an audience of white feminists.
On Twitter,
a large amount of black people
have decided
they don't like Lizzo's music.
What they end up saying
about her music
is she makes music for white people.
I think there's nothing
that hurts my feelings more
than the rejection of my own people.
But I feel like,
the bigger you get...
the more your blackness
is taken away.
I was like so sad last night
'cause I saw some...
something on TikTok.
And it was like this thing
where it was like comparing
some other artists to me.
"The reason why
this person doesn't have
as much like mainstream success
is because
Lizzo makes palatable music
and makes white people
feel comfortable."
I don't make nobody comfortable.
I've never walked in a room
and been like, "Like me."
I walk in a room,
and I'm like, "Accept me."
And the fact that people use me
as this think piece
on why someone else
doesn't have success
because of my proximity to whiteness
is like, bruh, like, huh?
The James Webb Telescope
just published a photo
of a grain of sand
and there are millions
of stars and planets
and life forms and celestial bodies
within that grain of sand.
You think username FuckThatBitch
has any authority on your existence
and why you're here?
Okay, so here's the tea.
I'm back with Myke.
So y'all actually
going somewhere or...
No, just to a park.
I'm gonna be like, "Happy birthday.
Let's go on a picnic." You know.
You know,
spend some time with your boo.
I'm gonna cuss him out too, though.
Like, yeah,
we're on good terms, but...
So that's the tea.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
All right, I'll talk to you later.
All right. Bye, girl.
I warmed up for you today.
- Okay, I worked out for you.
- Really? You did?
- So you...
- A lot of my issues with my dad.
No, I'm just kidding.
Talked to my girlfriend just today
They reminded me
Of when you had me crying in the car
Me and Myke needed the space.
And I'm grateful 'cause we grew
we learned about ourselves,
and most importantly
we learned
that we didn't wanna be apart.
And I like prayed about it.
I was like, "Help me be
an unconditional lover."
Because to love somebody
with conditions
hurts too fucking bad.
'Cause, boy, you know me better
You know me so much better
He's my muse.
I've written quite
a few songs about him.
"Break Up Twice," "Naked,"
"Coldplay," "2 Be Loved."
The whole album.
You know that I don't break up twice
Hell, yeah.
But I never had nobody
With a love like you
It would be a shame
Not to see this through
- That's it.
- Who gonna put up
with your Gemini shit?
Okay, cool.
I don't know who would put up
with the Gemini shit.
I haven't done stage banter
in so long.
Jesus Christ, there's so
many mosquitoes in this car.
Oh, my God.
- They are still in here.
- This is a nightmare.
I'm sorry.
Minnesota for you.
Welcome back.
This is exciting.
It is. Oh, my God.
It's the first show
in what, a year, man?
If I didn't play a show
before January
it would've been two years.
Oh, my God, you guys.
All right, everybody.
Close your eyes and just squeeze
the hand of the person next to you.
We did not think
we would make it here
but Lord God, You brought us here
to put this show on
to make people's nights better,
Lord God, their lives better.
Thank You for putting us here
to be positive change in the world.
We're so grateful for the whole team.
I would be nothing up there
without you guys.
Every person in this circle
is a part of the bigger picture
a part of bringing light
into the world.
This show is already done,
and we have already won
in Jesus' name.
- Amen!
- Amen!
I never thought I would make it back
to the stage, man.
This is my first show
in nearly two years.
And it feels so special to be
doing it here back in Minnesota...
where my solo career took off.
Thank you so much
for accepting me for who I am.
Here we go. One, two, three. Sing!
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Don't say it, 'cause I know I'm cute
- Ooh, baby
- Louis down to my drawers
LV all on my shoes
That's how I roll
Y'all don't know
how much I been through
to be right here,
right now on this stage.
It ain't my fault
That I'm out here gettin' loose
Gotta blame it on the Goose
Gotta blame it on my juice
One, two, three. Sing!
It ain't my fault
That I'm out here gettin' loose
Gotta blame it on my juice
Blame it, blame it on my juice
- Oh, my God.
- Congratulations.
I messed up so many times.
You're so good.
What are you talking about?
The flute stuff
drives everybody crazy.
- Once that flute comes out.
- Oh, yeah.
- Banter was on point.
- Thank you.
My banter was sloppy tonight, but...
It's your first time
hearing songs about you.
I'm glad they're all jams.
They are jams.
That feels good.
It's very... I'm just excited
because my biggest regret on
"'Cause I Love You" because
I didn't have a car
and I didn't have speakers.
I didn't listen to masters
and get the timing right
in between each track.
That's my biggest regret on
"'Cause I Love You."
I'll listen to it to this day
and be like...
It makes me really happy
because so many people
don't care these days.
- I... overcare.
- Thank you for caring.
I... It wakes me up
in the middle of the night.
I'm like, "Like a Girl" went into...
whatever my other songs are.
All right, let's listen to the end
of the side real quick into...
I keep on writing these songs
'Cause he keep on doin' me wrong
And my girls keep singin' along
I guess that I'm not alone
A bee's dick to the left.
A little sooner.
So small.
I'm saying that phrase forever.
Yes, okay.
I guess that I'm not alone
That's it, baby.
That's it, baby!
Oh, God.
This is so fuckin' buttery.
$55,000 flute, man.
It is really gorgeous.
That... The way that head joint
goes in is a little sexual.
I'm not gonna lie.
I was like, okay.
I just hope that
Eri didn't make nails
that will interfere.
Wait, you're playing flute?
The nails I made are
definitely not...
Let's see 'em.
What the hell?
This is literally...
this is like a wine opener.
This is fire, though.
Do you think it's not gonna work?
There's only one way to find out.
It's like, why do I have
to make things so hard?
Like it's already hard enough.
It's like, okay, play the flute
on the carpet. Cool.
Memorize the song
you're playing. Cool.
Play it with fucking corkscrew nails.
You feel comfortable?
Of course not, but that's the point!
If I feel comfortable,
then it wouldn't be worth doing.
It wouldn't be...
my life wasn't on hard mode.
I had this huge, depressive episode
when I dropped out of college,
'cause I was like
"It was all for nothing."
You know,
all those years studying flute
and those dreams of being
like a famous flautist
but now it's like,
bitch, you are a famous flautist.
For like a 12-year-old nerd
when Mr. Broughton was like
"All right,
who 'bout to be on flute?"
And if I had a vision...
Like, walking
on the Met Gala carpet playing flute
with, like, the most expensive,
beautiful flute in the world.
I'd like, zoom back and be like...
Like, life doesn't take you
too far away
from who you're supposed to be.
I'm still trying to process the fact
that this is my house.
My parents, they didn't verbally say
"You need to own everything,"
but they instilled it in me
at a young age.
You know, they owned their shit.
So as a person
who slept on floors and...
rented for my entire life
until right now...
it is a milestone.
The least we can do
is have ownership of anything
really, in this country.
Where we didn't even have autonomy
of our bodies
and our lives and our culture.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Happy Juneteenth!
- Happy Juneteenth.
How are you?
Juneteenth is a big deal in Texas.
It was almost like Juneteenth
was like the Black Independence Day.
I'm protective of blackness.
I'm protective of my blackness.
People like to mishandle
my blackness.
Thank God
they don't have ownership of it.
So exciting.
This is a little bit better.
In my life,
ownership is very important.
Like, the ownership and the pride
that I have in Yitty,
my clothing line.
I've been wearing shapewear
since I was in fifth or sixth grade.
It was embarrassing and shameful
and I don't ever want anyone
to feel that way ever again.
So cute.
I feel like the length
is a little long.
I remember talking
to like creative directors
of these huge brands and being like
"Why don't y'all make clothes
for big people?"
And watching them kind of stammer
over their words.
And because I made it happen
I'm like,
how can I clear this channel
so that girls who look like me
can just take the elevator up?
That's why I made my TV show.
Watch out for The Big Grrrls.
I wanted to make
a show about big girls
because you don't get to see
big girls shown in this light
shown as the protagonist
and shown for her talents
and not just like
the punchline of a joke.
Today is the day
fans have had circled
around their calendars.
Release date for Lizzo's new album.
It's called Special.
You finished.
Three frickin' years, baby.
I've been working on this album.
I feel amazing.
Last night, my dad was in my dream.
And I don't really, like,
dream about memories.
I dream about, like...
realm dreams where I'm very aware
that he isn't physically here
and I'm like,
"Oh, they let you come over here."
This time it was like,
"Oh, I'm so excited
that we get to like hang out
for a little bit."
And it was a lotta like me clapping
and jumping up and down
and being excited.
And then I woke up, and I was like
"Wow. Thank you."
He cared so much about my career
especially in his later years
and I think a lot of that energy
that was put towards me
being successful and everything.
It hasn't stopped, you know?
I don't think somebody's love for you
stops when they go.
Like, energy doesn't die.
It just changes form.
Hi, everybody.
If we have not met yet, I'm Lizzo.
It's really important for me
to know who everyone is
that's a part of my show
'cause my music and my show
is very personal to me.
Can you hear me this way better?
That's fucking weird.
Once upon a time
I had one person on the road with me.
I had my DJ Sophia,
and I had two dancers
and a table with a cloth and a chair.
And now I'm emotional.
This is wild for me,
because this is my first arena show.
And I don't know
how the fuck I got here
I do know who I got here with
and it's with all of you
wonderful people
and I just wanna say thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
You're making
my dreams come true, so...
In case nobody told you today
You're special
In case nobody made you believe
You're special
Well, I will always love you the same
I like the story of my success...
because it took so much hard work
and time to be here.
But I know that
when people see me on stage
they see themselves.
In case nobody told you today
- Yeah!
- You're special
When I was a little girl
all I wanted to see
was me in the media
someone fat like me
Black like me
beautiful like me.
If I could go back and
tell little Lizzo something
I'd be like,
"You gonna see that person.
But, bitch,
it's gonna have to be you."
I'm so glad, so glad, so glad
Just look up, you know, and smile.
I wanna see your teeth.
- Yes!
- Yes!
That's the smile.
You're making me feel something
which I think
that's all that matters.
Just go for it.
Go all the way for it.
Don't halfway do it.
So I want you to be like...
Then you're like,
this my first time riding a plane.
How did I get here?
That's what I want.
Don't be afraid
Oh, yeah
When the world
Can't look me in my eyes
When the darkness takes over my mind
Hold me close
Don't let me run away
Don't you be afraid
No... no!
When the weight falls in
And you're outside
Won't you be there
Standin' by my side
Hold me close
Don't let me run away
Don't be afraid
No, no
If you love me
You love all of me
And if you love me
You love all of me
Or none of me at all
If you love me
If you love me...
If you love me