Love Serenade (1996) Movie Script

Baby, baby, baby, baby
Oh, baby
Oh, baby
Keep on
My baby
Keep on doin' it
Right on
Right on doin' it
You got it together
Baby, keep on
Oh, you got it together, baby
Right on
Keep on doin' it
Gotta get it, baby, oh, gotta get it
My, my, baby, keep on
I swear you got it together, baby
Keep on, keep on
Whatever, whatever
Girl, I'll do it
Forever and ever
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'll see you through it
I've got to keep you pleased
In every way I can
Gonna give you all of me
As much as you can stand
Make love to you right now
That's all I want to do
I know you need it, girl
And you know I need it, too
'Cause I found
What the world is searching for
Here, right here, my dear
I don't have to look no more
And all my days
I've hoped and I've prayed
For someone just like you
Make me feel the way you do
- Do you think somebody's moved in?
- Could be. Could be.
Oh, my goodness. Sherry.
Do you know who that is?
Ken Sherry.
He must have moved in next door to us.
Who's Ken Sherry?
"Who's Ken Sherry"?
Dimity, you amaze me sometimes.
For your information, madam,
Ken Sherry is only a very well known,
very highly regarded
radio personality from Brisbane.
He has come down here
to takeover Radio Sunray,
now that Wilfred Barnes has passed on.
We should count ourselves
extremely fortunate
to have him here in Sunray at all,
let alone living right next door to us.
Wilfred Barnes is dead?
Dead as a dodo.
His liver finally took him.
Now, Dimity,
I don't want you hanging around
gawking at him all the time
and getting in his hair.
I'm not gonna hang around.
Celebrities are human beings,
too, you know,
and they're entitled to their privacy.
I couldn't care less
about Ken Sherry.
All I'm saying is,
and it applies to both of us,
let's just have the decency
to allow our new neighbor
his personal space, okay?
All right.
Welcome to Sunray.
I thought perhaps you might not have
any food in the house,
so I thought
I'd take the liberty of offering you
a sample of our very own
homegrown Murray Cod.
Freshly caught by yours truly
this afternoon.
My name's Vicki-Ann Hurley.
And, I live next door
with my sister Dimity.
Ken Sherry.
Don't worry, we all know who you are.
And by the way, we're all absolutely
thrilled to have you here in Sunray.
I hope you don't find this too dull
and boring after Brisbane.
Thank you, Vicki-Ann,
but I don't eat fish.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's all right. It's just the way it is.
Well, how's about a,
a chicken casserole, perhaps?
No. Really, I'm fine. Thank you.
I thought we'd be having fish.
Well, you thought wrong.
Did you give our fish to Ken Sherry?
Ken Sherry doesn't eat fish.
- Did you talk to him?
- Yes, we chatted.
Is he creepy?
Actually, he seems to be
a very, very nice man.
- Table?
- Yes, please.
- How many?
- One.
Would you like to walk this way, please?
Would you mind?
- You want me to open it?
- Thank you.
- Are your prawns fresh?
- Fresh?
Your prawns.
I think so. Yeah, they are.
- Not frozen.
- No way.
Not frozen, even given that we're, what,
a thousand kilometers
from the nearest ocean?
When did they get here?
How fresh are they exactly?
Pretty fresh.
Would you mind very much
checking with the chef?
The man outside
wants to know if the prawns are fresh.
- You had a query regarding the prawns?
- That's right.
- Snap-frozen.
- I see.
Snap-frozen on the actual trawler.
We buy them in bulk.
I see. Thank you.
Ken Sherry. Am I right?
Yes, that's right.
Albert Lee, sir, at your service.
Welcome to Sunray.
Thank you.
We're delighted
to be having you on our airwaves.
Well, I'm delighted to be here.
We feel very privileged
to have you in our town
as we hear you're very big in Brisbane.
TV, too, am I right?
Yes. Briefly.
All too briefly.
You bring the family with you?
No, Albert. As it happens, I'm divorced.
Don't talk to me about divorce.
That's why I'm still a bachelor.
To me, marriage is a sacred institution.
To me, commitment is for a lifetime.
If I had a wife,
I'd put her on a pedestal.
That's where I think a wife belongs.
Many species of fish mate for life.
Like, for example, the garfish.
Perhaps we would do well to emulate
the garfish more in our day-to-day life.
Truly, I'm a great believer
in gleaning things from nature.
Nature has a lot to teach us.
That's why
I've come to embrace nudism.
Not in my working hours, of course,
but in my own private time.
What could be more natural
than to be nude?
Excuse me.
I've just driven 900 kilometers today
and I'm tired.
Would you mind very much
leaving me in peace?
As you wish.
As you wish.
I'll leave the girl to look after
all your needs and requirements.
And I'll get back to the kitchen
where I belong.
Thank you.
And as I say,
I think you'll find those prawns
very fresh indeed, very succulent.
Give me the beef in black bean sauce.
Did he eat it all up?
Did he eat it all up?
His beef in black bean sauce.
Most of it.
Well, what do you know.
I hope it was fresh enough for him.
I'll have to stop
serving food that's gone off
now that Ken Sherry's arrived in town.
Excuse me for interrupting,
but my sister Vicki-Ann
is looking for a boyfriend
and we live right next door to you.
I see.
What about you?
Are you looking for a boyfriend?
I had that dream again last night.
What dream?
The one where there's
a marshmallow inside my head,
and it keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Oh, that dream.
I wonder if our new neighbor
enjoyed his casserole last night.
I doubt it, since he came in to Albert's.
Excuse me?
He came in to Albert's last night.
For a meal?
What did he have?
Beef in black bean sauce.
He only had to wait 45 minutes
and he would've had a chicken casserole.
Maybe he doesn't like chicken.
Did you find out any other information?
Not really.
Was he on his own?
Well, that's something.
I've told him
you're looking for a boyfriend.
I told him you're looking for a boyfriend.
Well, you are, aren't you?
You don't just go and announce it
to total strangers.
He must think I'm completely desperate.
What did he say, anyway?
What did he say when you told him
I was looking for a boyfriend?
Nothing much.
Nothing much?
What do you mean "nothing much"?
What did he say? Did he say anything?
- I can't remember!
- You can't remember?
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Do the hustle!
Do the hustle!
Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony.
Kind of appropriate, really,
to play "The Hustle,"
because, well, normally I never play music
that's pertinent to anything as a rule,
let me get that straight from the outset.
That might be the style of other DJs,
but it's not mine.
And yet, ironically enough,
that's just what I've come to Sunray
to escape.
The hustle and bustle
of life in the big city.
And I see that not only have I escaped
of the hustle and bustle,
but have also escaped
anything resembling '90s technology.
I don't say that Brisbane
is the center of the civilized world,
but at least
we'd heard of the compact disc there.
You know, often I lie in bed at night
For quite some time now, owing to certain,
certain things manifesting themselves.
I don't want to bore you with details.
Heck, I hardly know you.
Suffice to say,
I don't sleep like a baby anymore.
Let's put it that way.
In fact, I barely sleep at all.
So I have all those hours predawn
to reflect on my life,
my life's journey.
And I have to confess,
it's taken many twists
and turns and deviations over the years.
And now, to my surprise, I find
my journey has brought me to this
little rural paradise
on the banks of the Murray River.
Ever heard the expression,
"Stop the world, I want to get off"?
My name is Ken Sherry,
and I got off in Sunray.
Take it off
Baby, take it all off
I wanna see you the way
You came into the world
I don't wanna feel no clothes
I don't wanna see no panties
And take off that brassiere, my dear
Everybody's gone
Because baby you and me
This night we're gonna get it on
To love serenade
You know I get in these moods
Well, you know how it is
And I'm very glad to know
That you feel the same way, too
Then we're gonna lay here
And we're gonna make love
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
And we're gonna do it
Should've heard the way he carried on
about the casserole I took over for him.
I was so embarrassed.
That's it, for heaven's sake,
all I did was open a couple of cans.
Honestly, you'd have thought, he'd never
had a decent meal, before in his life.
Maybe his ex-wife couldn't cook.
Well, very possibly.
Actually, that would make sense,
given how pleased he was.
But, I think more than anything,
he was just extremely touched
by the gesture.
Because he kept going on and on
about good old-fashioned
country hospitality and so forth.
I can tell he really know
how to make a woman feel special.
Oh, Vicki-Ann,
why don't you just marry him?
Oh, I hardly think so.
Why not? He likes your cooking.
Do you think for one minute,
that a man that's been through
such a messy divorce
is ready for romance?
The last thing he needs at the moment
is more emotional upheaval.
Now all I can do, is let him know
that I'm there for him.
If you need a chin-wag
or a shoulder to cry on, that's all!
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did you listen?
Did you listen to Ken Sherry?
Fascinating man.
Apparently, the ex-wife couldn't cook.
Can you imagine?
Couldn't even boil an egg.
No wonder, he was so thrilled
to get my casserole.
As I said to Debbie this morning,
what we've all got to remember is that
this man has come to Sunray to heal.
He won't be wanting
to rush into anything romance wise.
Not after the way his ex-wife treated him.
Slowly, bit by bit,
he may learn how to love again.
But in the meantime,
we just have to leave him be.
Just a smile and a wave. Just a
Simple friendly gesture to let him know
he has a friend here, if he needs one.
To ease his loneliness.
I think that's enough at this point.
What if somebody else gets him first?
Like who?
I don't know.
Someone might, that's all.
Well, I look at it this way.
Sooner or later,
he's gonna have to get a haircut.
How is your sister?
She is okay.
I'm glad.
I'm glad to hear it.
I am a lineman for the county
And I drive the main road
Searchin' in the sun
For another overload
And I need her more than want her
And I want her for all time
And the Wichita lineman
Is still on the line
Guess what?
I took Ken Sherry a pot of oxtail stew.
Oxtail stew? You never make oxtail stew.
It hit me all of a sudden.
Of course,
Ken Sherry is not a chicken man.
What was I thinking?
Like most men,
he wants something hearty.
Hence, the beef in black bean sauce.
Well, you should have heard him.
He was thrilled to bits.
And you know,
I can't help thinking there's a
Definite chemistry between us, already.
- So any leftover?
- Any what?
Any oxtail stew?
I told you, I gave it to Ken Sherry.
What am I gonna eat?
I thought you'd eat at Albert's.
I'm sick of Chinese. I hate Chinese.
Well, I don't know.
I have some scrambled eggs, then.
I don't feel like scrambled eggs.
I feel like oxtail stew.
Well, that's too bad. Go without.
Well, looks like I'll have to, doesn't it?
Don't mind me. I'm just your sister.
I'm not Ken Sherry,
big shot radio personality.
I don't think you'll be seeing so much
of Ken Sherry
at Albert's anymore, somehow.
Go placidly,
amidst the noise and the haste.
And remember what peace
there may be in silence.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly
and listen to others.
Even the dull and ignorant,
for they too have their story.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection,
neither be cynical about love.
For in the face of all the aridity
and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe.
No less than the trees and the stars,
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt
the universe is unfolding as it should.
With all its sham, drudgery
and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful, strive to be happy.
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
No, not just for some
But for everyone
Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides
Enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers
Enough to cross
Enough to last till the end of time
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
No, not just for some
But for everyone
Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams
Enough to shine
Oh, listen, Lord, if you want to know
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
No, not just for some
But for everyone
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
What the world needs now is love
Sweet love
I just want to say something.
I just want to say
that I really like that
Thing that you read
on the radio today.
The "thing."
I suppose it is a thing of sorts.
With all its sham, drudgery
and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful, strive to be happy.
Well, that's very kind of you to say so.
Would you join me?
What's your name?
Dimity Hurley.
I live right next door to you.
Yes, that's right. And your sister
is looking for a boyfriend.
She's not desperate or anything.
Tell me something, Dimity.
Take me away from myself.
Surprise me.
Well, for example, how old are you?
Twenty, nearly 21.
That's a really nice age for a girl to be.
So, what do you do with yourself
in your spare time?
I'm assuming you have spare time.
Do you have spare time?
I like to fish.
I have a very large fish.
I could show you, if you like fish.
- It sure is big.
- Big enough.
Do you think
Do you think, maybe a fish has a soul?
Do I think a fish has a soul?
Of course, a fish has a soul.
Yes, but a soul like our soul?
You mean a human being's soul?
A fish's soul is very different
to the soul of a human being.
How come? What way?
Well, for one thing,
a human being's soul
can't breathe underwater.
And for another thing,
I don't think a fish can go to heaven.
That is, if there is a heaven, of course.
What do you think, Dimity?
Can a fish go to heaven?
Assuming there is a heaven.
I'm not sure.
Nor am I, Dimity. Nor am I.
Do you ever feel loneliness?
Of course, I feel loneliness.
Me too.
Sometimes. Not all the time.
Would you like me to ease it for you?
Ease what?
- Your loneliness.
- My loneliness?
I could ease it for you, maybe.
It feels so good
You lying here next to me
Oh, what a groove
You have no idea, how it feels
My hands just won't keep still
I love you, baby
Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you
I just wanna hold you
Run my fingers through your hair
Outta sight
Uh-huh, right there
You like it like that?
Come here, closer, close
Oh, baby
Oh, baby
Give it up
Ain't no use
I'm sorry, Kenneth.
I know it's late.
Is my sister Dimity being a nuisance?
She's not being a nuisance.
I can assure you.
Okay, then. I just thought I
I know you're in there.
Come home right now
or you're in big trouble.
Do you mind?
I'm sorry, Kenneth.
I realize this might seem rather
untoward but
As I'm her sister,
I think I know what's best.
Dimity! I'm waiting!
There you are.
Come on, get home.
Do you have any idea what time it is?
Ken Sherry has a radio show
to do tomorrow,
and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate
being kept up till odd hours.
I'm sorry, Kenneth.
I'll make sure
she doesn't bother you again.
As I said, she means well, but
What were you doing in there?
I'm trying to sleep.
- Oh. With your clothes on?
- Go away.
Not until you tell me
what was going on over there.
- Nothing.
- What do you mean "nothing"?
We were having a discussion about fish.
- Fish?
- He has a big fish on his wall.
What kind of fish?
A big Marlin.
What? Did he catch it or something?
I'm not sure. I think so.
What else did you talk about?
That's it, just fish.
Then you started banging on the door.
I know this is hard
for you to understand, Dimity,
but it's really for the best
if you stay away from Ken Sherry.
People find you a bit odd, that's all.
It's only because they don't know you
like I know you, admittedly,
but you just have that effect on people.
Well, maybe if they get
to know me like you know me,
they won't think I'm so odd.
No, actually, I think you're odd, too.
Everyone thinks you're odd.
You are odd.
And it's doing nothing to help
my chances with Ken Sherry
if you hang around him all the time
wanting to discuss fish.
He's likely to think I'm odd, too.
He'll, perhaps think
it runs in the family.
Now, come on, fuggy, don't sulk.
All right, then.
Good night.
How are you today?
I'm okay.
How are you?
How am I?
Well, I guess I have some loneliness
that's in need of easing.
Is your sister home?
Have you had breakfast?
Would you like to come in
and ease my loneliness for me?
I thought you'd
have your clothes off by now.
What about your radio show?
Won't you be late?
Maybe a little.
How long is this loneliness
easing going to take?
I don't know.
You know, correct me if I'm wrong
but I get the feeling, Dimity,
you don't do this every day of the week.
I don't.
Not really.
Have you ever done it before?
Not really.
I see. No, that's okay.
Lucky for you, Dimity,
virgins are my specialty.
Take your top off.
Excuse me. Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
Do you think I'm odd?
Odd? In what way odd?
Just odd.
Well, no more odd than anyone else.
We're all odd.
You're not odd.
Oh, I'm odd. I'm very odd.
You're not odd. You're nice.
Well, you're nice, too.
Now, take your t-shirt off.
Virginity is a wonderful thing, Dimity,
and nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, I prefer girls
who haven't had too much experience.
There's nothing more off-putting
than the ones that know their way around.
Take your pants off.
What's wrong?
Are you nervous?
A little.
It's like going to the dentist,
only you gotta take all your clothes off.
There's nothing to be nervous about.
I'll be frank with you.
It will hurt a little at first,
but even then not as bad as the dentist.
And then, pretty soon,
it will become very, very pleasurable.
Don't worry.
I'll take it easy on you.
Have you ever kissed a man before?
Not really.
Well, why don't you come over here
and I'll show you what it's like.
Oh, oh
Uh, hmm, hmm
Oh, oh
Sexy baby, good loving daddy
Let me be your rocking chair
Rock me away from here
Let's get it on
Come to me, baby
Oh, let me be your rocking chair
Just rock me away from here
Rock me gently
Make me feel like a cloud in the sky
Whisper softly
Let my heart take wing and fly
Sexy baby, good loving daddy
Let me be your rocking chair
Just rock me away from here
Let's get it on
Come to me, honey
Let me be your rocking chair
I'd like to pay a tribute if I may,
to the generous hospitality
of Sunray girls.
Especially in regard
to the easing of the man's loneliness.
Just rock me, baby
In my rocking chair, baby
Sorry, I'm late, by the way.
Just you, baby
- Hi.
- Hi.
What's wrong?
- Nothing's wrong. Why?
- You're sitting funny.
Here you go.
He was late today.
- Who?
- Ken Sherry.
I wonder if he's gone
and got a girlfriend already?
What makes you say that?
I don't know. Just something
he said on the radio today.
Maybe I'm been reading too much into it.
Whose shirt is that?
- What? This shirt?
- Yes. That shirt.
This is my boyfriend's shirt.
Your boyfriend?
Who's your boyfriend? Albert?
- No.
- Who then?
- Ken Sherry.
- Excuse me?
Ken Sherry.
Excuse me very much, Dimity,
but I don't think
Ken Sherry is your boyfriend.
Well, we had sex this morning.
What did you do that for?
Have sex with Ken Sherry.
- He wanted to.
- You threw yourself at him.
No. I didn't.
Don't you realize he's trying
to get over a painful divorce?
He doesn't want to be
having sex with people.
Yes, he does.
Jeez, Vicki-Ann.
That's it.
I wash my hands off you.
You're no longer my sister.
I've done nothing but care for you,
and look after you all your life
and now you've betrayed me.
You've betrayed my trust
and you've betrayed Ken Sherry's trust.
No longer speak to me.
I'm allowed to have
a boyfriend, too, you know?
What did you say?
You heard.
Having sex with someone does not mean
that they're your boyfriend, Dimity.
That's a nice little fish
you got there, Albert.
I thought it might have been
Ken but it wasn't.
- Ken?
- Ken Sherry.
I thought it might have been Ken Sherry,
but it wasn't.
Thank heaven for small mercies.
Beef in black bean sauce.
Beef in black bean sauce.
Why doesn't he order anything else?
Has he read the rest of the menu?
- Hi.
- I bought you something.
What's this?
Beef in black bean sauce.
Actually, I've already eaten.
Your sister left one of her
casseroles on the doorstep.
Everyone seems very anxious
that I eat for some reason.
- Did you want to come in?
- Yes, please.
All right then.
Let me tell you
something about love, Dimity.
See that big fish up there?
Love's like that fish.
No, let's say it's still alive.
I want you to think for a moment
about how you'd hate to see
a magnificent creature like that
trapped in a pokey little fish tank.
I suppose, yeah.
Well, it's the same with love.
Love one another,
but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea
between the shores of your souls.
Do you know what happens to love
if it isn't set free?
It withers and dies.
That's like Vicki-Ann.
She had a boyfriend once.
You know what happened to him?
He fell on his chainsaw.
It feels so good
You lying here next to me
Oh, what a groove
You have no idea how it feels
My hands just won't keep still
I love you, baby
Oh, I love you
I love you, I love you
I just wanna hold you
Run my fingers through your hair
Outta sight
Uh-huh, right there
You like it like that
Oh, baby
Haven't you got a home to go to?
What's your sister doing
hanging around outside?
Just ignore her.
Just ignore her, Deborah.
Don't encourage her.
She's giving me the creeps, Vicki-Ann.
Move along.
Move along.
You're scaring away the customers.
I bought you a present.
Says, "I Wuv You."
So it does.
Don't go getting
too fond of me, Dimity.
- Why not?
- Just don't. Okay?
I'm not worth it.
You are so worth it!
Okay, okay
I suppose
I just don't want to see you
getting hurt, that's all.
You don't like the balloon.
It's not a question of liking
the balloon, Dimity.
Now, do I get a kiss, as well?
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Sexy baby
Good loving daddy
Let me be your rocking chair
Rock me away from here
Let's get it on
Come to me, baby
Let me be your rocking chair
Just rock me away from here
Rock me gently
Make me feel like a cloud in the sky
Whisper softly
Let my heart take wing and fly
Sexy baby
Good loving daddy
Good morning.
Good morning.
Seeing as how
it's such a lovely day,
I thought I'd perhaps do
the neighborly thing
and invite you to join me in a picnic
on our famous river.
That sounds very pleasant.
It's about time you saw the sights.
You can come, too, if you want.
Gosh, It's beautiful, isn't it?
The river.
Actually, the Murray River
is a very deceitful kind of river.
It looks innocent enough,
but it's taken a lot of people
over the years.
Good swimmers, too.
Water skiers.
A lot of water skiers
for some reason.
They get snagged on the dead trees
hidden under the water.
That's it.
Fish food.
And it has holes that swallow you up.
We had a dog once
that was swimming
near the bend over there,
and a hole swallowed him up.
His name was Soddy,
he was chasing a stick.
No hole swallowed him up.
I'm sorry?
A fish took him.
Here we go.
A big fish. Probably a carp.
A carp took Soddy?
I've never believed this hole business.
Holes don't swallow you up.
Everything always has to
come down to fish with you.
You know yourself carps
have tremendous jaws.
No carp could eat a dog.
What about that big carp
we saw last summer?
It could've swallowed Soddy
in two gulps.
Soddy fell in a hole and drowned.
Face facts, Dimity.
You face facts!
You didn't see
the startled expression on his face!
He had the stick in his mouth
and was dog-pedaling towards me,
and all of a sudden
he looked very surprised
and he disappeared.
That dog didn't fall in any hole.
You're crazy.
Well, how come
we never found his body?
Can't you just let
the little fellow rest in peace?
Sorry, Ken.
Oh, that's okay.
Actually, I'm with you, Vicki-Ann.
Why would a fish eat a dog?
Me and Mrs. Jones
We got a thing
Goin' on
We both know that it's wrong
But it's much too strong
To let it go now
We meet every day at the same cafe
And no one knows she'll be there
God, it's warm in here.
I don't know. Life.
Can you make sense of it?
It's a joke, really, Isn't it?
Take me, for example.
How old am I now?
Forty-four, 45.
Old enough to know better.
And you wonder why
my marriages didn't last.
I wonder, too.
You see, I've always demonstrated
a remarkable consistency in one respect,
and that is that I've always been a fool
where women are concerned.
All women.
Fat, thin, blonde, brunette,
big-breasted, flat-chested.
Can't help it. I love them all.
And yet, so often, when all that you crave
is compassion and understanding,
all that you receive instead
is acrimony and churlishness.
After all, what did I really do
that was such a crime?
The way I see it, all I've done is
love a little too much
and a little too hard.
And for that, I've been tried
and executed many times over.
Am I speaking in riddles?
Life is a riddle, isn't it?
And here's another one.
What I've got, you can't catch in a net.
- Table?
- Yes, please.
- How many?
- Just the two of us.
See what I mean about smiling?
No smiling, no people skills.
People like to feel welcome, you know?
- Piss off.
- Charming.
Who is it?
Ken Sherry
With Vicki-Ann.
Okay. That's it.
Excuse me!
This won't take a minute,
but I have a bone to pick with you.
And I'd appreciate
if you lend me an ear.
Since I am a ratepayer of Sunray
and I have a right to be heard.
Your predecessor, Wilfred Bonds
had his problems, admittedly.
Mainly due to the business with his liver.
And sometimes he was
a little difficult to understand, sure.
But I'll tell you one thing.
Wilfred Bonds used to play the songs
that the public wanted to hear.
The public doesn't want to
sit around all day
listening to songs
about the act of procreation.
Well, I'll certainly take
your remarks on board, Albert.
Thanks for taking the time
to share them with me.
That's okay.
Hello, Vicki-Ann.
Hello, Albert.
Tell me, what sort of songs do you think
the public would prefer to hear?
What sort of songs?
Gee, I don't know.
You've caught me on the hop.
Let me think.
Oh, you know.
Glen Campbell, Charlie Rich.
The 5th dimension and such like.
Charlie Rich.
You mean, "Behind Closed Doors",
that sort of song?
- Exactly.
- I see.
Tell me, what do you suppose
"Behind Closed Doors" is about?
I'm not sure. I can't recall offhand.
Let me help you.
"When we get behind closed doors
and she lets her hair hang down,
she makes me glad that I'm a man."
What do you suppose
that's all about, Albert?
It seems to me that song
is about the act of, as you put it
Maybe so.
At least Charlie Rich
seems to base his acts of procreation
on a foundation of love
and mutual respect.
You ready to order?
I don't like it.
I don't like it at all.
All you girls go crazy for Ken Sherry.
But I say he's not to be trusted.
You know why?
Tell me this.
Tell me this one thing.
What does he care
if my prawns are fresh?
Does he ever order prawns?
Tell me what it is he always orders?
Beef in black bean sauce.
Why is it he never orders my prawns?
He doesn't eat fish.
Prawn is a crustacean.
- Or crustaceans.
- So why does he care
if my prawns are fresh?
So tell me, Vicki-Ann,
have you had many men
in your life up till now?
Well, I was involved
with a fellow several years ago.
It was getting pretty serious
between us.
He was pretty keen
to tie the knot.
What happened to him?
Unfortunately, he met with an accident
involving a chainsaw.
I see.
Which was a bit of a shame, really.
And since then, no one?
No, not really.
I've had some offers, but
Frankly, Ken,
there aren't many reasonable,
decent men left in Sunray.
Actually, Albert from the restaurant
was very keen on me at one stage.
Yes, he took a big shine to me.
he had some very funny ideas
which I just couldn't embrace,
so we left it at that.
He likes to walk around the house
with no clothes on and such like.
I couldn't be in it.
Why not?
Do you have a problem with nudity?
I think nudity is well
and good in its place.
What if I were to ask you
to take your clothes off right now?
Right now?
Sure, why not?
I'll take my clothes off, too.
What's the matter?
Are you shy?
A little.
It's okay.
It's okay to be shy.
Why don't we take it
a step at a time?
Take off your dress.
Rock your baby
Woman, take me
Rock your baby
Hold me tight
With all your might
Now, let your loving flow
Real sweet and slow
Woman, take me in your arms
Rock your baby
Woman, take me in your arms
Rock your baby
Come on
Good morning.
Do I look different in any way?
Oh, nothing.
I just feel different, that's all.
Don't take it to heart, you old duffer.
We're still sisters, aren't we?
Meet me in the park
at lunchtime.
I've got something
very important to tell you.
What did you do to my fish?
You want some breakfast?
Yes, please.
What concerns me, Dimity,
is that you might be harboring
some residual hard feelings
about the way things have shaped up.
It was certainly never my intention
to end our special friendship.
Frankly, I think
the both of you could afford
to relax and loosen up a little.
As I see it, we have one life to live.
And by crikey, we owe it to our creator
whoever he may be,
to get out there and reach out,
and grab all the joys and loves
and beautiful experiences
that come our way.
Life and love, Dimity.
That's all there is.
And just because
I'm also having sex with your sister,
doesn't mean for a moment
that I care for you
one iota less.
Not one iota less.
Remember that.
What do you say
we adjourn to the next room
for a bit of loneliness healing?
Now the Lord
Will forgive you for cheatin'
And the Lord
He'll forgive you if you lie
Yes, he'll forgive
And will help you to live
But he sure frowns down soundly
On you and I
It must be a sin
When you love somebody
Damned if you don't
Twice damned if you do
It must be a sin
When you love
What do you want?
I need to talk to you.
Just a minute.
Come in. Sit.
How can I help you?
Well, I have a question to ask you.
Fire away.
Are some men different?
You mean different
as in homosexual?
No. I mean,
different as in they have gills.
Who is it? Who are you talking about?
Ken Sherry.
I knew it.
He... He has them right here
and he extrudes fat through them,
just like the carp.
The carp?
I think it was the carp.
I don't like it.
I don't like it at all.
And hasn't he managed to inveigle himself
into your sister's affections?
Well, that's just not on. No, sir.
We can't have your cherished sister
involving herself with a fish.
So you think he is a fish, then?
Well, what else could it mean?
I don't know.
- Hi.
- Hi
Well, what have you been up to?
Do you want to hear my special news?
All right.
It's not in any way official yet,
but I think it's okay to tell you.
Kenneth and I will be getting married.
- Married?
- That's right.
And I'd like you to be my bridesmaid.
- No.
- What do you mean "no?"
- I don't think you should.
- What?
- I don't think you should marry him.
- Oh, here we go.
I thought you might manage
to rise above your petty gripe,
seeing as I'm your sister.
But it seems I judged you too highly.
If you're going to be that way,
you can certainly forget
about the bridesmaids business.
I have reason to believe
he may be some kind of fish.
A fish?
Or part fish.
How dare you?
How dare you cast dispersions on my fianc
simply because he dumped you
in favor of me?
You just want to wreck
everything as usual.
The way you always do when anyone
ever pays me any attention.
Well, I'm wise to you, my friend.
In fact, I feel sorry for you.
I feel sorry for you, and so does Ken.
Now the Lord
He's known For His kindness
He's always willing
To set a sinner free
Set a sinner free
He'll save your soul
And He'll make you whole
But I don't see no angels
Coming down
Shining their light
On you and me
It must be a sin
When you love somebody
Damned if you don't
Twice damned if you do
It must be a sin
When you love somebody
As much
As I'm loving you
"It must be a sin
when you love somebody.
Damned if you don't,
twice damned if you do."
That's for Albert from
Albert's Chinese Restaurant
in Main Street.
Albert requested, among other things,
that I play less songs about,
as he put it, "the act of procreation."
And you know something?
Maybe I'm confused.
Maybe I've somehow got it wrong
because, believe me,
Ken Sherry is capable, occasionally,
of getting it wrong.
But to me, the act of procreation
is the act of love.
And there is no way in this whole,
wide, weird and wonderful world,
that I'm going to
stop playing songs about love
because that's all there is.
That's all there is.
- Vicki-Ann?
- In here.
What do you think?
It's not a little out-of-date, is it?
I don't think so either.
This sort of style is timeless,
really, isn't it?
What say we give Ken
a sneak preview?
I don't think we should.
Oh, for goodness sake
don't be such a superstitious,
old fuddy-duddy.
What is this?
What do you think,
you old duffer?
You're getting married.
I certainly am.
Who's the lucky man?
If I can call him that.
You are, of course.
I don't think so, Vicki-Ann.
- But I thought...
- You didn't think, Vicki-Ann.
That's the trouble.
Please don't bother me again.
Breathe, Vicki-Ann.
I get asthma attacks
whenever I'm stressed
or in any way over-excited.
That's why I must never get aggravated
or I could possibly die.
Take it off
Baby, take it all off
I want you the way
You came into the world
Where are you going?
I don't wanna see no panties
And take off that brassiere, my dear
Everybody's gone
I'm taking the receiver
Off the phone
Because, baby, you and me
This night, we're gonna get it on
To love serenade
Love serenade, yeah
You know I get in these moods
Well, you know how it is
And I'm very glad to know
That you feel the same way too
Baby we're gonna lay here
And gonna make love
And we're gonna do it
Like it's supposed to be done
Heaven only knows what goes on
Behind closed doors
What are you doing?
Come down!
Vicki-Ann, come down!
She's gone up the silo.
What, is she planning on jumping?
I don't know, she might.
What do you want me to do about it?
Can't you try and talk to her?
but I'm not going to
make a habit of this.
Make me want you
Tempt me, tempt me, tempt me
Make me need you
Let me long for you
You'll know what it's like
When a man and woman becomes one
And the only real way
You can do that, baby
Is when we're makin' love
To each other
When you reach that
That simple feeling
When you're makin' love, it's
It's like you're in another world
Help me
Help me
Oh, baby, help me
You all right there, Ken?
I'm okay.
It shakes a bit but it's not
going to collapse or anything.
See? We're almost half-way.
All righty?
Look who I've got.
Nice view.
Firstly, let me say that you look
very lovely in your dress.
And I've no doubt that you'd make
some man a wonderful wife.
But the honest truth of the matter
is that I'm not the man for you.
No, you deserve better.
You truly do.
I've been married three times,
as you know,
and divorced three times,
and I guess I've been hit over the head
with heartache enough times
to have finally learned my lesson.
You see, Vicki-Ann,
I don't know what it is,
but there seems to be some kind
of subtle flaw in my makeup,
which renders me unable
to settle in one place.
Unable to give myself
completely to one person.
And maybe I don't want to be this way
because it's caused me a heck
of a lot of pain
over the years, believe you me.
But it's just the way I am.
Do you follow?
I think so.
I don't know if I've ever shared with you
my thoughts about love, Vicki-Ann.
Because believe me,
I want you to know I believe in love.
I believe this whole crazy,
mixed-up world runs on love.
But, to me, love is not some abstract
concept of philosophers and songwriters.
No, to me, love is like those birds.
See them circling overhead?
What's beautiful and special
about them is their freedom.
Wouldn't you hate to see such magnificent
creatures trapped in a gilded cage?
I suppose.
Well, that's how I feel about love.
In order to love somebody,
first, you must set them free.
Now, I've set you free, Vicki-Ann,
as I set Dimity free.
Now all I ask is that you set me free.
looks like I certainly won't be
getting married to him now.
You're not seriously
going to tie that to him?
Why not?
It'll only attract attention to the body,
that's why not.
A ruddy great balloon attached!
It'll sink. The weight of the body
will pull it down.
I certainly hope so.
Anyway, surely a floral tribute
would have been more appropriate.
You ready?
"Go placidly amidst the noise
and the haste."
And remember what peace
there may be in silence.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees or the stars.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding
like it should.
With all its sham, drudgery
and broken... broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
"Be cheerful, strive to be happy."
Oh, well, that's that then.
Row, Vicki-Ann, row!
Coo! Coo! I just want you
I really love the things that you do
Come on! Love-a-me too
Won't you be my coo ca choo
Sweetness, I like your dress
I love the way
You know you're the best
I'm in love an' I'm in a mess
I really want you, coo ca choo
Love you, yes I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Want you, yes, I want ya
Yes, I, I really do want you
Tom Cat!
You know where it's at!
Come on
Let's go to my flat
Lay down 'n groove on the mat
A-you can be my coo ca choo
Chains! Chains! I'm all in chains
Your love will drive me insane
Come on! Let's do it again
I really want my coo ca choo
Love you, yes, I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Want you, yes, I want ya
Yes, I, I really do want you
Love you, yes, I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Want you, yes, I want ya
Yes, I, I really do want you
Night time's a lonely time
When you're gone I'm starting to cry
But you know that you're on my mind
Oh, honey, be my coo ca choo
Do! Do! Do! Do you love me too?
Will I smile or will I be blue?
Am I mad? I'm hung up on you
Oh, honey, be my coo ca choo
So, honey, be my coo ca choo
Love you, yes, I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Want you, yes, I want ya
Yes, I want my coo ca
Love you, yes, I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Want you, yes, I want ya
Yes, I want my coo ca
I need you, yes, I need ya
Yes, I, I need my coo ca
Love you, yes, I love ya
Yes, I love my coo ca
Go placidly
amid the noise and haste.
And remember what peace
there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly
and listen to others.
Even the dull and ignorant.
They, too, have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons.
They are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter,
for always there will be greater
and lesser persons than yourself.
You are a child
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars.
You have a right to be here.
Have a right to be here
And whether or not
And whether or not
it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding
as it should.