Love Triangle Nightmare (2022) Movie Script

Woman's voice:
9-1-1. What's your emergency?
Man: Help me!
Somebody help me.
My wife has fallen
down the stairs.
- Where are you, sir?
- I'm at 748 Grace Street
- Is she breathing, sir?
- No!
I want you to give her
CPR. I can help you.
I already tried. I'm a
doctor. I need an ambulance.
One is on the way, sir.
Please... Please...
Are those...?
Yep. I'm almost
a divorced woman.
Wow. I'm sorry, honey.
I really thought I'd
be married forever.
Well, whose fault's that?
Certainly not yours.
I know. I just feel
like I failed somehow,
especially with Emma.
You're the best mom I know.
And you're a mom who
deserves a fresh start.
Massages and facials are booked.
We are going to relax
and have a great time.
I do need this.
Mm. Hey, Em.
Hey. We're only gonna
be gone for one night.
That's not what I'm upset about.
Mom, I'm sixteen. I can
stay here by myself!
I know you can stay
here by yourself.
That's not the point.
We talked about this.
Your father and I think
this is a good chance
for you two to reconnect.
Good luck with that.
He's really trying, honey.
Remember how close you two were?
Speak of the...
Emma, Dad's here!
How are you?
I've been better.
I got the papers.
Me too.
Did you sign them?
Not yet.
Why not?
You know I don't want this.
This... is
because of you.
I know. And I've changed.
How many times
have I heard that?
Got my first chip.
Thirty days sober.
And I'm about to land a
new job doing the books
for a small family
trucking company.
I'm happy for you, but that
doesn't change things for us.
I know.
Have fun and I'll see
you tomorrow night.
Love you.
Love you.
Thanks so much.
Oh, my gosh!
I'm sorry.
You OK?
I'm a doctor, if you
need medical attention.
I think I'm OK.
Well, enjoy your stay.
The hiking's really
nice around here.
To desk clerk:
Hi. I lost my key.
He is so cute.
It's a little too soon, Thea,
like a year too soon for
me to start dating again.
OK. But nothing wrong
with just like,
a little bit of window shopping.
Really? OK. Calm down.
I got it. I got it.
It's nice to see you
relaxing. You work too much.
That's why I hired you.
You're one of the best
designers I know, Thea.
Hey, I forgot to ask you.
How did things go with
Austin back at the house?
Between you and me,
I'm not sure he's
gonna sign the papers.
But after everything
that happened...
the drinking, the affair...
He's not ready to let go.
But I told him
it's not happening.
Good. You deserve
someone solid.
How's your man doing?
He told me he's still
in love with his wife.
Wait! He's married?
Did you know?
No! Of course not. I
was totally blindsided.
You don't need that jerk.
Listen, you're gorgeous.
There's tons of
great guys out there.
You'll find the perfect fit.
I hope so.
I know I'm right.
That dinner was amazing.
Just wait until dessert.
Oh, my God! You guys!
It's your divorce party.
My what party?
A divorce party.
That's what they're
calling it these days.
Seriously, this is really weird.
Well, it's all the rage now
and this is your independence.
You should embrace it!
You guys are too much.
Let's break out the champagne!
Oh! Cheers.
Ava: Cake time!
You've got to be kidding me.
Oh, don't worry. He deserved it.
Here's to ex-husbands.
For better or worse.
I got a noise complaint
coming from this room.
I'm sorry, Officer.
We'll keep it down.
I'm gonna have to write you up.
For this?
I'm afraid so. You know,
we take rowdy guests
very serious around here.
Oh, no.
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Yeah!
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Oh, yeah! Woo-hoo!
Take it off! Take it
off, baby!
Brittany Conrad,
today's your lucky day.
I, uh, I'm sorry. I
can't, I can't do this.
I, uh, I'm gonna be over
here. You guys have fun.
Man: Twice in two days.
That's worthy of a
proper introduction,
don't you think?
Right, from the front desk.
I'm Jake, Jake Rich
Nice to meet you, Brittany.
Oh, I, I'm not, uh... I guess
I can take it to my table,
uh, unless you
want some company?
Uh, sure.
So I thought I was the only one
that got up early around here.
My friends are passed out
upstairs. Long night.
Ah, sounds like fun.
Debateable. They threw me a
party... a divorce party.
Who celebrates a divorce?
I'm glad I'm not the only
one who thinks that's crazy.
So I take it it was
a surprise then?
Complete with an
adult entertainer
with his own badge.
Oh, ho ho ho!
So what are you
doing at the resort?
Ah, I'm at a medical
conference board meeting.
We do it every year.
You didn't bring your wife?
Oh, yeah. I, uh... I haven't
been able to take it off.
My wife died a year ago.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah. She, uh, fell down
the stairs at our house.
I, I tried to save her, but
I couldn't; it was too late.
How awful!
Yeah. Sometimes life
can be pretty cruel.
Uh, I, I'm so sorry.
I, I don't mean to bring you
down with this. We just met.
That's fine. I'm
a good listener.
You know, this may be a
little too forward but, uh,
any chance you'd like to
go for a hike this morning?
Actually... yeah.
Sounds like fun.
Ava: Brittany...
I know we talked about this
already, but I am so sorry.
Celebrating a divorce
just felt backwards.
When I got my divorce,
I buried myself in ice
cream and I cried for weeks.
I know. I was
there, remember?
Hey. Hey, where ya going?
With who?
The doctor I met
when we checked in.
I ran into him at breakfast.
Oh, that guy?
He is so cute.
Slow down.
Brittany: It's just
a hike, Ava.
You know, Austin's been doing
really good at our meetings.
He's only been sober a month.
And remember it had only
been a month for me too.
And now, it's been five years.
I just think you two should
hit pause on this divorce.
Ava, you know I always
appreciate your advice.
Now, if I'm not back in
half an hour, call the FBI.
Brittany: It's so
beautiful out here!
Jake: Yeah. I love
the country air.
So, uh, you smell gardenias?
That's my perfume.
Funny. Those were my
mother's favorite flowers.
Mine too. No
surprise there.
So what hospital do you work at?
Resurrection Memorial Hospital.
That's where I had my daughter.
It's right near my house.
You have a daughter?
Yeah. She's sixteen
going on twenty-six.
She actually wants
to be a doctor.
Oh, that's great.
How's she dealing
with the divorce?
Not well. She blames her dad.
He's working on his demons.
I'm sorry.
I just need him to
sign the divorce papers
so I can focus on Emma and
work and not stress anymore.
What do you do?
I'm an interior designer,
mostly high-end homes and
restaurants in Philly.
Well, I hope you have
time for fun too.
Not a whole lot lately.
I like to run every day
and, sadly, going to
my morning coffee place
is my big outing these days.
Where do you go?
Joe's Ground Coffee.
Oh, that place makes
the best whipped coffee.
You know it?
Yeah. It's right
near the hospital.
Hey, Brittany, would you
like to go get coffee
some time back home?
Oh, I appreciate the offer...
but I'm not in a place
to date right now.
Totally understand.
I haven't been able to go on
a date since my wife died.
It's hard. Wanna keep going?
Brittany: The resort was nice
but it's good to be home.
How'd it go with Dad?
It went.
Emma, you've only got one dad.
He hurt us, Mom... bad.
Did he tell you he
got a sobriety chip?
Yeah. Be lucky if
that lasts a week.
I'm going to my room.
Not before you clear your plate.
Jake! We have to stop running
into each other like this.
Ah, that's right. You
said you come here.
Can't start my day
without my java jolt.
Coffee for two?
It's for my friend.
We're doing the
finishing touches
on her new restaurant.
Nice. Look, Brittany, I know
you said you weren't ready,
but... would I be out of line
if I asked you out again?
I'm sorry, Jake.
You can't blame a guy
for trying, right?
You're very kind. And no, you
can't. I'll see you around.
Thea! I didn't know
you were coming.
I would've grabbed you a coffee.
Oh, no worries. I'll see
you at the restaurant.
Help! Help! Somebody!
You OK?
What are you doing here?
Emma called me. She said you
might need a ride back home.
The police insisted I
come in an ambulance.
They said it was
just a precaution.
The police? I thought
you fell running.
I didn't wanna say
anything to Emma,
but someone attacked me.
They stole the diamond
necklace you gave me.
What do the police say?
They took a statement,
but I didn't get a
look at the person.
Jake. I mean, Doctor...
I'll be in the waiting room.
Your ex?
Yeah. I'm confused.
You're a surgeon.
Ortho. The attending
doctor asked me
to check out your wrist.
For surgery?
Ah, not necessary. Looks
like it's just a sprain.
So, I heard you
had quite a scare.
Yeah. I swear I saw my
life flash before my eyes.
I'm just glad you're OK.
I'd like you to come and
see me in a few days,
make sure everything's
healing well.
Austin: How do you
know that doctor?
I met him at the
resort we went to.
That's weird.
No, it isn't. I was injured.
He works at the hospital.
Hello? We're home.
I'm all right, sweetie.
Thanks, Thea.
Oh, of course.
Uh, I'm gonna sleep
on the couch tonight.
That's not necessary, Austin.
I don't mind.
You don't live here anymore.
What did you wanna talk
to me about, by the way?
I think we should wait
to file the papers.
It was a big decision that
we made when I wasn't well.
Austin, you're stalling.
Thanks for the ride.
All right.
I love you.
Come in.
Brittany, have a seat.
How are you feeling?
Pretty good. Still
in a little pain.
Hm. OK if I take a look?
Of course.
Hm. Looks good. The pain
you're feeling is normal
and should subside soon.
Then you can lose this.
Thanks. Is that it?
That's it. Easiest
patient ever.
Thanks for making me feel
better the other day.
I was just doing my job.
You have good bedside manner.
That comes from my wife.
She always reminded me
that patients were
more than paychecks.
She taught me how to cook too.
She sounded really special.
You know, my friend's having
a soft opening tonight
at her new restaurant.
Would you have any interest in
some good food, as friends?
I'd love that.
Great. I'll send
you the details.
Ava: Any news on
who attacked you?
Three days and nothing.
The neighborhood security
cameras were no help either.
Ava: That's too bad.
How's your wrist?
The surgeon says it looks good.
Yeah. It's the doctor
I met at the resort.
What? You
didn't tell me that.
He was on call the night
I went to the hospital.
If you don't go out
with him, I will.
That guy is the whole package.
She's not going out with him.
Actually, uh, I invited him
to the soft opening tonight.
How's Austin gonna
feel about that?
It's not like I'm
cheating on him.
We are getting a divorce.
Point taken. I was gonna
invite him, but I won't.
Thank you, Ava.
Well, I'm happy for you.
I think you and the doctor
will have a really fun time.
Brittany Conrad, hello.
Oh, uh, yeah. It's in my car.
Don't you think
you should lay off
the Brittany dating thing?
Wow. You really don't want
her to be happy, do you?
Excuse me?
Seems to me like you
want her to never leave
the misery-loves-company club
and stay there with you.
Why do you keep
pushing Austin on her?
I'm not, but he's trying
to redeem himself.
He's a good friend.
Hm. Is that so? So why did
you get him in trouble then?
You know about that?
Oh, I know a whole lot
more than you think.
Excuse me. I have to go
check on the kitchen.
Hi, Dr. Rich.
The usual?
You know me so well, Janet.
I've got them ready
right here for you.
I'll put them on your account.
This food is great.
Ava's amazing, isn't she?
Hey, you two. So, how is it?
Really good, Ava.
What's he doing here?
Brittany: You said you weren't
gonna invite him, Ava.
I didn't. I'll take
care of it. Excuse me.
Austin, I didn't
know you were coming.
Brittany invited me. What's,
uh, the doctor doing here?
I'm sorry. I think it's best
for everyone if you just go.
It's all good. I just want
to see your new restaurant.
OK. Just for a
minute, all right?
Austin, come sit with me.
Uh, ginger ale, please.
Yeah, I'm sorry you
have to see that.
A shot, please.
It won't last.
Yeah, well, I heard things
are moving really fast.
She says Jake's like
the whole package.
This'll take the edge off.
I can't.
It's one drink.
Loosen up.
I'm stuffed. What
a great meal.
What is he still doing here?
That bastard's not gonna
steal Brittany from me.
Your doctor?
Real nice, Brit.
You've been drinking.
You couldn't
help yourself, could you?
You had to rub it in my face?
What are you talking about?
You invited me here!
No, I didn't.
Leave her alone, man.
Don't touch me.
Austin! What
are you doing?
You mind your own business. I'm
trying to talk to my wife!
Come on, let's go, Austin.
She's right. You
should leave.
Sure... after I
tell you one thing.
Thea and I have been
sleeping together
behind your back for months!
He's the married
guy you were seeing?
Ava: Are you kidding?
I'm outta here.
Thea: I'll call you a car.
I can drive myself.
You walk out this door and
I'm calling the cops again.
You wouldn't dare.
Watch me.
Don't do this!
Well, it didn't take long for
Austin to get arrested again.
I feel partly responsible.
Seeing us together was
obviously a trigger.
Jake: Hey, it's not your
fault. Alcoholism is tough.
I watched my mother deal
with my alcoholic father
long enough to
understand how you feel.
I'm worried he's gonna
go to jail this time.
I hate to say it but, for a
second offense, probably.
I know.
That woman he was with...?
Sleeping with? That's
Thea. She works for me.
I thought she was my friend.
You gonna cut ties with her?
I have to. I mean, Austin
and I were broken up
but it's sneaking
around behind my back
that's unforgiveable...
by both of them.
Thanks for being so
understanding about tonight.
I'd be running for the
hills if I were you.
Nah, no running here.
Maybe just a slow walk.
Coffee tomorrow morning?
Yeah. I'd like that.
Austin was doing so well. How
could he blow his sobriety?
Hey, I'm confused
about something.
I thought you didn't
want Austin here
at the restaurant tonight.
I didn't!
He said you invited him.
I don't know where
that came from.
Hey, you're not
mad at me, are you?
Of course not, honey.
You had to do it.
Thea left me a message.
She's gonna bail
Austin out tomorrow
at his first appearance.
I'm kinda surprised.
Ah, she seems to only
care about herself.
I never trusted that girl.
You know, she accused me of
wanting you to be unhappy?
Are you serious?
Ah, it doesn't matter.
Everything's gonna be fine.
OK? We're gonna get through
this like we always do.
Thanks for having my back, Ava.
Oh, you're my best friend.
Don't forget that, OK?
Let's get outta here.
I'm home!
Brittany: Am I late?
Nah. No, no.
No worries.
Uh, one sugar?
How are you feeling?
Uh, a little sore,
but I'll be fine.
I still feel so terrible.
Hey, don't. This may be
a blessing in disguise
and Austin may finally
sign your divorce papers.
I doubt it. Ava's really
gotten to his head
the last couple of months.
What do you mean?
She's been nudging us not
to give up on each other
and Austin listens to her,
despite everything
they've been through.
Really? Well, I would imagine
she'd feel differently
after last night.
Ava only wants the best for me.
It's just hard for her
because she's known
Austin and me since high school.
But she knows deep
down he's a good man.
OK, on a lighter note...
any chance you wanna try
dinner again, uninterrupted?
Tonight work?
Well, it's the least I could do.
Hey, Ava.
Oh, Thea. You scared me!
How did you get in here?
I still have a key.
I'll take that, please.
I was hoping Brittany
might be around.
Do you realize what you've done,
the damage you have caused?
Just let me explain.
No. I don't wanna
talk to you.
Brittany doesn't
wanna talk to you.
You only care about yourself.
Will you at least tell
her that I stopped by?
No. She doesn't wanna have
anything to do with you.
You know what? You are a
pathetic, divorced drunk.
Just watch your back, Ava.
Brittany: I still can't
believe she threatened you.
I would stay far away from
that girl if I were you.
She keeps calling. I've been
putting off firing her.
You need to do it!
I know. I know.
Speaking of tough calls,
did you talk to Austin yet?
I did. He actually
apologized to me.
Wow. I'm impressed.
Yeah. He feels absolutely
terrible about what he did.
I think this could be
his rock bottom, Brit.
I hope so. I know Austin and
I really need a good talk,
but I just told him
I needed some time.
So, how did it go with
Jake this morning?
Good. We're supposed
to have dinner tonight.
Mm. Is this the right time,
with everything that happened?
I'm a little torn.
But sometimes it's just
easier to talk to a stranger
than it is your own
friends and family.
I am so sorry, Ava.
You know I didn't
mean it like that.
I value your
advice. It's just...
Say no more.
I've been there.
OK, you just have
to trust your gut.
You know what? I think
I'm gonna cancel.
You were right about not
rushing into something.
And my head's not
in the right place.
I should call him
now, get it over with.
Dr. Rich.
Hi, Jake. It's Brittany.
Brittany! I have a restaurant
picked out for tonight.
Do you like Thai?
About that, I'm not
gonna be able to make it.
There's just too much going
on right now. I'm sorry.
Well, what changed?
Anything you wanna talk about?
You're sweet.
Ava, wait up!
Is this because of Ava?
Uh, Jake, sorry. I
gotta go. Talk soon.
Get a hold of yourself.
Oh, shoot! Another
thing to fix.
I've gotta get out of here.
It's a shame you
couldn't see it, Ava,
but I'm the right man for her.
Angry enough to kill?
Sorry, Austin.
Austin, I'm going for a
run. Can we talk later?
It can't wait.
What is it?
It's Ava.
What about her?
She's dead!
What? No!
She was murdered last
night at the restaurant.
Jake: Wait till she finds out
you're the one who
killed her, Austin.
Do they know who did it?
Not that I've heard. But
apparently money was taken.
Might have been a robbery.
I can't believe this.
Let's go inside.
You should sit down at least.
No. I need to think.
This is all too much.
Brittany, wait!
Brittany, are you OK?
Brittany, what's
wrong? Talk to me.
It's Ava. She's dead!
She was killed in her
restaurant last night.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
Who could do that?
I don't know.
First, you're attacked, then
Ava. Something's wrong here.
What do you mean?
Well, Austin's not in a good
place with you right now,
and he was angry with Ava.
You need to be
careful around him.
Uh, no. He would
never hurt us.
Brittany Conrad.
Yes, I know.
OK. Yeah.
Who was that?
It was a detective. She wants
to talk to me about Ava.
I, I have to go.
Do you want me to come
with you for support?
I'll be fine.
You should tell the
detective about your attack.
I need to go. I'll
see you around, Jake.
Oh, you will, Brittany.
And I'm not wrong about
Austin. Just you wait.
Kathy: I'm sorry for your loss.
Can you think of anyone
who might have had
it out for Ava?
Well, there's her ex. They
had a contentious divorce,
but that was years ago.
He moved to Connecticut.
Can you think of anyone else?
Wasn't money stolen?
Isn't this just random?
I can't reveal details
of the investigation...
but we're looking at everything.
Well, I did have an
employee, Thea Robertson.
She threatened Ava
the other night.
Really? Why?
I found out Thea was
sleeping with my husband.
Ava told her to leave us alone.
But I don't think
she's a killer.
Why's that?
She just doesn't seem capable.
Speaking of your ex-husband,
one of the workers
at Ava's bistro said
she kicked him out.
Austin was just upset
because I was out on a date
that night. He wouldn't
do anything to her.
He has a temper though?
Ava called the police
on him, a second time
from what I understand.
Did he know it was her?
Yes, but she said he understood.
That's very big of him to
forgive her that quickly.
Seems like it could
be a possible motive.
There is one more thing.
I was attacked near
my house this week.
It might be totally unrelated,
but I thought I
should mention it.
Did you tell the police?
Yes. There's a report.
They haven't found
the person though.
I'll look into it.
Any updates?
Ava Kennedy was scheduled to
have her security cameras
installed at the
restaurant today.
But there was a security
camera across the street.
Austin Conrad went
to Ava's Bistro
around the time of the murder.
Take a look.
Jared: Something else.
I got the password to
the victim's phone.
She sent Austin Conrad a
text before the murder.
Kathy reading: I know you're
still really angry with me
and I'm sorry, but I had
no choice turning you in.
Please come by the restaurant
right now so we can talk.
Strange. The wife said
he wasn't that upset.
Maybe she's covering for him.
We gotta bring this guy in,
try to get a confession.
You know, her restaurant key
was missing off her keyring.
The killer probably took it.
We find the key,
we find the killer?
My money's on Austin Conrad.
I got his financials.
He was in debt big time.
Might explain why cash was
missing from the restaurant.
Oh, by the way, before I forget,
we need to pull a report.
Conrad's wife told me she
was attacked this week.
On it.
Details on Ava's funeral
and wake to come.
In lieu of flowers,
please link to Ava's
favorite charity.
Always happy to donate
to a good cause...
for another good cause.
You and me, Brittany.
I'll take good care of you.
I still can't
believe this is real.
It's only been four days.
Hi, Emma. Brittany, can
I talk to you please?
Go inside, Emma.
I said all I needed
to say on the phone.
I just wanna make this right.
Thea, don't.
I know. I made a mistake.
But I'm in love with Austin.
That's between the two of you.
But until you truly let him
go, we can't be together.
He still loves
you. You need Jake.
I saw you on your hike,
and at the coffee shop.
You belong together.
Were you watching us?
I just wanted to make sure
you were really moving on.
Wow. I need to go.
Wait. There's something.
It's important.
Don't come near
me or Emma again.
Brittany: Jake.
- Hey.
I heard about the service
on Ava's bereavement page.
I know we didn't leave on
the best note at the park,
but I wanted to pay my
respects. I hope that's OK.
Of course. Thanks.
I brought a donation
for her charity.
That's really nice. Thanks.
I imagine it's been a hard week.
The worst ever.
I'm worried about you, Brittany.
I'll be OK.
Hey, is there any chance
I could cook you dinner,
you and Emma? I
make a mean lasagna
and I could talk to
Emma about med school.
Is tomorrow too soon?
That might be nice.
Will six o'clock work?
I'll text you my address.
This is for friends
and family only.
Sorry, Jake.
No, no, no. He's right.
I just wanted to
quickly pay my respects.
I'll see you tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night?
It's nothing.
What's he doing here anyway?
He was just donating
to Ava's charity.
There's something
weird about that guy.
You met two seconds ago
and now he's showing up
at your best friend's wake?
He's a respected
surgeon who just offered
to talk to your daughter
about med school.
Can I talk to you somewhere
a little more private?
What's going on?
The police were
asking about you.
I know. They came
to see me.
There's something
you should know.
I was here the night Ava died.
Why didn't you tell me before?
Because I never saw her.
All the doors were locked.
She wouldn't answer her phone.
Her car was open
in the parking lot
so I, I checked it out.
But there was nothing
out of the ordinary.
You think she was dead already?
I do.
Why did you come back
here in the first place?
She texted me, said we
needed to talk right away,
which was weird because we
already had. We were good.
I apologized.
She told me.
I'm really scared, Austin.
Who did this to her?
I don't know. I want you to know
I'm truly sorry about what
happened at the opening.
I'm gonna try to go to
rehab instead of jail
if the judge will
let me. I need help.
I'm glad to hear that.
I never meant to hurt you,
or Thea for that matter.
You know I love you,
Brittany. I always have.
I should...
go freshen up.
Austin? It's me!
Austin, is that you?
Austin, please open up.
I need to tell you something.
It's really important.
Wanna make fifty bucks?
I'll need you to
make a phone call.
Hunter! A tip came
in on the night shift
about the Ava Kennedy murder.
Oh, yeah?
Caller says we need to check
out Austin Conrad's house.
Any idea who called?
Woman, but it was a burner.
You got enough for a warrant?
I think we have enough now.
Let's get on it.
Austin Conrad, I have a
warrant to search your house.
A warrant? I told you
everything I know.
I'm calling my lawyer.
And that is your right,
but now we need to
search your house.
I've never seen
that stuff before.
Call CSI.
Put on your jacket.
Austin Conrad,
you're under arrest
for the murder of Ava Kennedy.
No! No, no, no!
Someone set me up!
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and
will be used against you
in a court of law.
You have the right
to an attorney.
If you can't afford one, one
will be provided for you.
Do you understand the rights
that I've just read to you?
Jake: Nothing's standing in
our way now, Brittany.
So, what'd you think about Jake?
He seemed cool.
I looked him up.
Did you know he's being
honored for Surgeon
of the Year at Resurrection
Memorial Hospital?
Wow! He didn't mention it.
And... he's treated
five basketball MVPs
and ten professional
baseball players.
I guess this means
you're OK with him
coming over for dinner?
Yeah. It's cool, I guess.
He could really help you.
I bet he's got a
lot of connections.
These are for you.
Gardenias. You remembered.
So we're about to do our
first cadaver dissection.
And I pulled the sheet
off and, get this,
the body starts
twitching and convulsing.
And then the body sits up
and yells, "I'm not dead!"
Ah! I, I screamed and knocked
my tray of instruments over!
Who was on the table?
Another student.
I almost dropped out of med
school right then and there.
Good thing you didn't.
Ah. Graduated top of my class.
What's this I hear
about you being honored
for Surgeon of the Year?
You know about that?
Emma told me.
Yeah, it's no big deal.
You're so modest.
I'm worried that my grades
won't be good enough
to get into med school.
They'll come with hard work.
In fact, I'm gonna give you
my first medical textbook.
It brought me a lot of luck.
Emma, why don't
you grab dessert?
That was so nice. Thank you.
Of course. She's a great kid.
Yes, she is. So tell me,
where'd you grow up, Jake?
Princeton, New Jersey. I
went to school there too.
And afterwards, I landed
a residency in the area.
You said your mom
raised you by herself?
Yeah, yeah. She left my
father when I was young.
Ah, she was working hard
and trying to be a mother
and a father at the same time.
I tried to help her
as much as I could
but there's only so much
an eight-year-old can do.
She passed just before
I ended my residency.
I'm so sorry. She would've
been so proud of you.
Actually, you remind me a lot
of her: smart, strong, driven.
Oh, uh, excuse me for a second.
Thea? I thought I told you...
Brittany, it's Austin.
He's been arrested
for Ava's murder.
Oh, my God!
He tried to reach you and,
when you didn't
answer, he called me.
Does he have an attorney?
Yeah. I was able to get
in touch with the guy
representing him for the DUI.
He said the police phoned
and they found evidence
in Austin's bedroom.
Everything OK?
We need to cut tonight short.
What is it?
Brittany, I know that
Austin's been framed.
I saw someone leaving
his house last night.
You have to tell the police!
Austin was framed?
Emma: For what? Mom?
Ava's murder.
What? No!
It's gonna be OK! We're
gonna figure it out!
He wants me to stop by and
see if I can find anything
that might help him.
He said I could ask
you for the house key.
Uh, sure. Just let me find it.
You said you saw someone
leaving his house?
Did you get a good look?
No. It was too dark.
I did see his car though.
It's very nice. Same
one you drive, actually.
Here. Be careful.
Thank you.
Emma locked herself in her room.
She's had her problems with
her dad, but she loves him.
Well, she's just absorbing
everything. Give her time.
Austin would never do
this. I have to help him.
I'm worried about you, Brittany.
This is getting scary with him.
Austin's got a good heart.
He's not a killer, if that's
what you're getting at.
Ah, that's totally possible,
but we need to find out
more information before
jumping to conclusions.
Look, I'm, I'm sorry, but I
need to cut tonight short.
You understand?
Oh, course. For
what it's worth,
I had a really
nice time tonight.
Me too.
Hm. I care about
you, Brittany, a lot.
I'm here for you.
Thanks, Jake.
Hello, Thea!
What are you doing here?
You think you're so smart.
I was just coming by to
pick up a few things.
Yeah. See, here's the problem:
that was me here last night
and you're getting
too close for comfort.
I won't say anything.
I promise you will
never see me again.
Yeah. That's not
gonna work for me.
But here's what I'm gonna do...
You're gonna write
down how devastated you are
after Austin dumped
you for his wife,
and how he killed Ava after
she destroyed his life
after she called the police.
No. Please, no.
You just couldn't
live without him.
I'm not gonna do it.
Do it!
Start writing or else I'm
going to make you suffer.
Yes. Good girl.
So I'll get all the bail
money back once this is over?
That's right, as long
as Austin shows up
for all his court appearances.
What's the next step from here?
Well, they've got some
pretty strong evidence.
I'll put my top
investigator on it
and see what he can dig up.
But I gotta be honest, this
is gonna be an uphill battle.
Oh, you're not
gonna believe this.
What now?
Thea Robertson is dead.
What? How?
Well, it looks like a suicide.
The landlord went over
to fix a leaky faucet
at Austin Conrad's place,
and he found her in the tub
with her wrists slit.
Well, we know it wasn't Conrad.
He was here in jail all night.
In Thea's suicide note, she
says that he killed Ava.
Sounds like case
closed to me then.
Do you know what they
found at Austin's?
A key, some money, and
your diamond necklace.
No, no, Brittany! I
didn't attack you.
You know I was framed,
probably by Thea!
The police need to speak to her!
I should go check on Emma.
Vincent Abraham.
OK. OK. Thank you.
I appreciate the heads up.
We got a big problem.
The DA's office just called.
They want you back in jail.
So if Thea's death
was a suicide,
why is Austin back in jail?
The DA went back to the judge
in light of new evidence.
Thea said Austin
killed Ava in her note.
None of this makes any sense.
Oh my God.
Just when we thought things
couldn't get any worse.
Brittany, you've
been through so much.
You need to get away, even
if it's just for one night.
I can't. There's
too much going on.
Uh, I know you're
trying to be strong,
but it's not good for you.
I know but...
How about next Saturday?
Where would we even go?
Well, I have a quant old
Victorian in the country.
There's plenty of
bedrooms. No strings.
I just want you to relax.
That does sound nice.
I could bring Emma.
Oh, wait. She has a
volleyball sleepover.
I want her to have as
much normalcy in her life
right now as possible.
She'll be surrounded by
friends. She'll be fine.
Brittany, I want you to
know I will be here for you
every day until
this is resolved.
Thanks, Jake.
Whoa! Are you all right?
I, uh, I feel so exhausted.
I-I'm not myself.
That's your body telling you
that you are stressed out.
Let me help you upstairs.
All right?
Britanny: I'm so
sorry about this.
Thanks, Jake.
Of course.
Emma, you'll be the
perfect stepdaughter.
We'll be the perfect family.
What is this doing here?
What were you doing in there?
Well, your, your mother was
tired, so I brought her up.
It's still pretty early.
My mom can barely fall
asleep at midnight.
Hm. She's had a rough go
with your dad, like you.
I love my dad.
Of course you do. You should
know, uh, your mother and I
are going away next
Saturday. It'll do her good.
My place in the country, I'm
gonna take her to Green Hill,
the most popular
farm-to-table restaurant
in Pennsylvania. It's too
bad you're on a sleepover.
How do you know that?
Your mother tells me everything.
I, I think you should go now.
I was just on my way out.
I brought the medical
textbook for you.
It's in the kitchen.
Surgeon's wife dead
after fall at home.
You OK?
Yeah. I've just been
really tired lately.
Did you know that Jake was
in your room last night?
He helped me up there.
And he said you two are
going away together?
I just thought it would be nice
to get away from everything.
You mean from Dad being
held on murder charges?
Are you seriously in denial?
Of course not!
Look, Emma. I
didn't fall running.
I was attacked the
night I hurt my wrist.
My diamond necklace was stolen,
and they found it at
your father's house.
What? Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't wanna scare you.
But Dad would never do
anything to hurt you or Ava.
You're right. This isn't him.
So what about Jake?
Did you know that his wife
died falling down the stairs?
Yes. He told me. It
was a horrible tragedy.
Jake's a good man. He helps
people. They trust him.
Please don't worry, honey.
You make me feel like shakin'
Shakin' a bottle of soda...
You realy got me breakin'
Breakin' all my walls down
Emma? It's Dad.
Dad? Are you OK?
Yeah. I'm, I'm hanging in there.
Listen. I want you to know
that I didn't do this.
I know. I'm sorry
for how I've acted.
I believe you and I know
you're trying to do better.
I love you so much.
Me too. We've gotta
get you outta there.
We will. How's your mom?
She's going away with
the doctor tomorrow.
I'm really not feeling him.
Has something happened?
I got bad vibes and
so I looked into it.
I found out his wife fell
down the stairs and died.
Yeah. It's creepy. I found
her best friend's page.
She's in Princeton. I was
thinking about going to see her.
Honey, uh, that doesn't
sound like a good idea.
I don't think we
have another choice.
Wow. It looks so peaceful.
Was I right about getting away?
Hi. Are you looking for
anything in particular?
Uh... No, not really.
Uh, is, is Sherra here?
Um, that's, that's
me. Do I know you?
I just want to talk to
you about Lillian Rich.
Uh... What, what about Lillian?
You two were besties, right?
C-can I ask you about
her husband Jake?
Uh, I really don't feel
comfortable talking about him.
It's just that he's dating
my mom and I just think
there's something seriously
wrong with him. Please?
Let's talk in private.
I'll be back in ten. Come.
This is it.
It's gorgeous!
I'm so sorry that
happened to you.
So, um, what do you
know about Jake?
Well, the police ruled
Lillian's death an accident,
but I never believed it.
Because she was
about to leave Jake,
and nobody leaves him.
He became super controlling.
He made her quit her
job as a teacher.
They wouldn't go out
unless it suited him.
She was, she was
basically a prisoner.
People treat him like he's
God but he's, he's evil.
Will this room be OK?
I think I might
stay with you... if that's OK.
After you, Madame.
Emma: Do you know anything
about Jake's country house?
Um, yeah, actually. Lillian's
engagement party was there.
He said that his mother
left it to him in her will.
Do you know where it is?
Um... Uh, somewhere
remote. Oh! The Poconos.
Do you know where exactly?
Oh, God, no. I,
I don't remember.
OK. Thank you so much.
Please, just be careful.
If Jake finds out you're
looking into him, it's...
Oh, you're unpacking my stuff.
Oh, I hope that's OK.
Just trying to take
care of you as promised.
I have dinner
reservations for us
at an amazing restaurant,
and I see you brought
the perfect dress
for the occasion.
Uh, if there's
time before dinner,
I'd love to take a quick bath
in that old tub to warm up.
Of course.
Oh, there's no cell service?
Oh, not out here in the country.
And I purposely don't have
internet so I can unwind.
Is there a landline I
can use to check on Emma?
A repairman's supposed
to be coming tomorrow.
Uh, the wires went
down in the last storm.
We're always the
last to get help.
But you can call once
you get into town.
Uh, sure.
Hi. You've reached Brittany
Conrad. I'm away from...
Gotta find you, Mom.
No unwanted distractions
for our big night, Brittany.
It's just you and me.
Where is everyone?
I rented it out just for us.
What? This is so extravagant!
You're worth it.
Dr. Rich, welcome.
Thank you, Brad.
This is Brittany, the
woman I told you about.
Ah, hello, Brittany. You're
in for a treat tonight.
And, might I say, good
company with the doctor.
Be right back with
the wine list.
Hi. You've reached
Brittany Conrad...
Come on, Mom! Answer the phone!
Thank you.
Oh! I
need to call Emma.
That's weird. I
can't find my phone.
You must have left
it at the house.
Maybe. Can I borrow yours?
I'll just send Em a quick
text to see if she needs me.
Of course.
Well? She says she's having fun.
Apparently, she doesn't
need her mom anymore.
Hey. She'll always need you.
How's dinner?
Delicious. You were
right about this place.
You are so beautiful.
You know that?
Thank you, Jake.
Everything about you is
effortless, elegant.
Austin didn't know
how good he had it.
Let's not talk
about him tonight.
I just don't understand how
someone could have a prize
like you and throw it away.
You're what every man
dreams about, Brittany.
Anyone home?
Where did they go?
What is this?
Come on!
Where did they go!
I'm gonna take her to Green
Hill, the most popular
farm-to-table restaurant
in Pennsylvania.
Green Hill!
We'd like to be
alone now. Thank you.
Brittany? There was
something about you...
from the first time
I laid eyes on you.
That was funny.
I ran right into you.
No, no, no. It was
more than that.
It was a life-changing moment.
You're sweet.
I have something
I wanna ask you.
I love you, Brittany, and I know
that you're the
only woman for me.
Jake... I can't.
Of course you can.
No, I can't.
I care about you.
But I don't know if I'll
ever get married again.
My divorce isn't even final yet.
That's not what I wanted
to hear, Brittany.
It's way too soon! We
barely know each other.
Of course we know each other.
I know everything about you.
Uh, I'm sorry if I gave
you the wrong impression,
but I don't move
this fast... ever.
But when you know,
you know, Brittany.
We should go.
No! No, not, not until
we talk about this.
There's nothing to talk about.
What are you doing here, Emma?
Mom, there's something wrong
with him, like really wrong.
We need to leave now.
Emma, your mother and
I are in the middle
of a conversation.
Now is not the time.
We were done talking.
Mom, he has a shrine to his
dead mother in his house!
I can't believe you
snooped in my house!
I love my mother.
What's wrong with that?
It was all kinds of flowers
and candles and pictures!
Yes, yes. It's a
tribute to my mother!
Mom, I think he killed his wife
because she was gonna leave him.
What? Is this true?
No! That's all lies!
Who, who told you that?
I talked to one of
your wife's friends.
She never believed
that Lillian's death
was an accident.
Whoever told you
that has no idea
what they're talking about.
Oh, I think she does.
She told me everything,
about how you forced Lillian
to quit her job and how
you wanted her to be
just like your mother!
I admired my mother.
Sounds to me like a crazy
obsession with a dead woman.
You! You do not talk
about my mother!
Emma, we're leaving.
No, you're not going anywhere.
Or what? Or you'll kill us,
like you killed Lillian?
You have no idea
what happened there.
I did everything for her.
She became ungrateful,
She deserved it!
She was nothing like Mother.
Nothing like you, Brittany.
9-1-1 What's your emergency?
Poor Lillian. She
brought this on herself.
So you did kill your
wife. Oh, my God.
Brittany! Brittany! I love
you. You have to believe me!
Emma, let's go.
Jake, no! Let her go!
I can't do that, Brittany,
now that this is
all out in the open.
My God, you're insane! I
never did anything to you!
What is it with all
you ungrateful women?
I treat you like gold and
you all end up leaving me.
Please! She's just
sixteen! Let her go!
I'm sorry, Brittany.
I'm sorry.
I loved you, Brittany.
Congratulations on seeing
rehab through, Austin.
Who would've thought?
Three months sober.
I'm proud of you, Dad.
If there's one
thing I learned...
it's how much this
family means to me.
And I have something to say.
I know you signed
the divorce papers...
but I withdrew the petition.
You did?
The judge hadn't signed it yet.
It doesn't mean we're
getting back together
but it does mean I'd
like to take things slow
and see where they go.
Understood. I'm
not going anywhere.
Captions by sas harris