Love & Where to Find It (2021) Movie Script
What time is it?
How do you do it every day?
Early bird gets the worm.
I don't think you've been late
a day in your life.
There was one time
in grade school.
I remember.
There was a huge storm.
Everyone was late.
You were still earlier
than all of us.
I had to wake my mom up
and drag her out of bed.
Some things never change.
Only now you're waking me up.
Someone has to.
Can't keep falling asleep
on the couch.
There's a perfectly comfortable
bed in your room.
I know.
But I can't sleep.
I'm too lovesick.
We need to get you over
this guy.
It's been two months.
You need to get back out there.
The world is in serious
Ava withdrawal.
I doubt that.
It's true.
You're such a fun
and bubbly person.
Who doesn't want that
in their life?
I don't feel very bubbly.
I feel, what's the opposite
of bubbly?
Flat, I guess.
I feel still.
That's just what it's like
after a breakup.
It'll get better.
I have to run.
Those beans won't
grind themselves.
Even if they would,
you wouldn't let them.
What can I say?
I'm a control freak.
See you at 8:00?
Yeah. At 8:00.
When normal people go to work.
Very funny.
Love you.
Love you more.
Hi, nice to see you.
I am so sorry. I...
No, it was my fault.
No, cinnamon rolls today
I guess.
Can't you just make some more?
The dough needs to be
refrigerated overnight.
They look good, though.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm so sorry.
It's all over your shirt.
No, I am sorry.
I spilled coffee
all over your jacket.
Definitely doesn't look as good
and probably is a lot harder
to get out.
It's all right.
I have another jacket
in my shop.
And I can take care of this,
no problem.
At least someone will be
enjoying a taste
of my cinnamon rolls today.
Is there anything I can,
I can help you with.
Oh, it's fine.
These can go right in the trash.
So, where do you work?
I'm just across the street
at Kismet Cafe.
I'd offer you a dessert
on the house,
but I'm going to have to rush
to make more.
I'd offer to help you make
some more,
but that would probably
do more harm than good.
I cannot bake to save my life.
Don't worry about it.
I'm Lena by the way.
Maybe I'll see you around.
Jonah. And yes.
And again, I am so sorry
about spilling all the coffee
on your jacket, I...
No problem.
Just the universe reminding me
to have my morning coffee.
The electrical
contractor called,
he won't be in until
tomorrow morning,
and there's some question
about whether the shipping doors
should pull in, push out.
My instinct with shipping doors
is always to pull.
Is there anything else?
There's a question about
what's on your shirt.
I bumped into somebody
on the street.
She was carrying cinnamon rolls.
That'll do it.
So, are we still on schedule?
Set to open tomorrow afternoon.
That's great, you know.
People are going to be really
excited that we're here.
This is Highland Park.
The minute the neighborhood
hears they'll be lining up
to protest the big bad chain
store that ruins the vibe.
Ah, but that's just for show.
People can't help but resist
our large open spaces,
speedy checkout lines
and comfortable armchairs.
And not to mention
our internationally renowned
pumpkin spice latte.
You gotta play the long game.
It's just the hating us
at the beginning part
that always gets to me.
But you're right.
We always get their business
in the end.
Come on.
Morning sleepyhead.
Mmm, smells so good.
What is that?
The scone of the day
is coconut lavender.
Where do you come up
with this stuff.
Flavor combinations
just come to me.
It's a gift.
It seriously is.
I can't even make
pre-made cookie dough
without setting the oven
on fire.
I perfected a new piece.
For you.
Why do you do this to me?
Oh, I never want to drink it.
It tastes as good as it looks.
All right.
Here goes.
Sorry Mr. Swan.
Mm. So good.
Like, so, so good.
It's our new homemade
organic lavender syrup
for our lattes to go
with the scone of the day.
You're the best.
I do what I can.
Now if only I could convince you
to go on some dates.
Then I'd really be super woman.
I wouldn't know where to start.
I never meet any eligible men.
That's why you need
to go on the apps.
The last time I did that,
the guy lived like an hour away.
What's the point?
The point is love.
You're the romantic.
You should know that better
than anyone.
Besides, I saw an ad for one
that's based on proximity.
You could join that.
What about you?
You know I'm too focused
on the business right now.
I want to sell my baked goods
in stores,
that's the real dream.
Until I get to that,
a man will have to wait.
Just join the app.
What's the worst
that could happen?
Good morning, guys.
- Hey.
- Hi.
The usual?
He's like my dad's age.
Not your style.
Is that anyone's style?
My grandma used to say
there's a lid for every pot.
Well... that is certainly
not my lid.
You know, why am I doing this?
The real question is why do guys
post pictures like this?
Gratuitous mirror selfies
are basically the reason
I don't date online.
They're the reason I don't date,
I think I'm done.
Wait a second.
This guy looks good.
Oh, he's cute.
I guess so.
Keep scrolling.
He has friends,
that's a good sign.
Aw, he's goofy.
That's good for you.
Too good.
Keep going.
He's an extrovert like you.
Okay, so maybe he has
a good personality.
What if we have nothing
in common?
He had a picture at the beach.
You love the beach.
Who doesn't love the beach?
I could take it or leave it
to be honest.
More of a pool girl.
He had a picture of brunch.
You love brunch.
Again, who doesn't love brunch?
Personally, I think it's
the lesser of all meals.
That's where food
can really shine.
Just keep scrolling.
You love this band.
Weren't you at this
exact concert?
Give me that.
I knew you were going to find
someone on here.
He's perfect for you.
Whew. I just got nervous.
His profile is everything
that I want.
We have similar interests
and hobbies,
he's really handsome.
It's okay.
Just message him.
You have to do it for me.
What? No!
Do you want me to find love
or not?
I'm not good at this stuff.
Never have been, never will be.
I don't want to screw it up.
You just have to be yourself.
There's no way you could ruin
anything by doing that.
Lena, please.
Can't you just be me for me?
But just for now.
We'll start off with a like.
See? That wasn't so hard.
Thank you.
Walk, hmm.
Seems like everything's
on track.
Yeah, it's looking good.
I think I'm in love.
What? With who?
I've never met her.
I barely know anything about her
and I basically only know
her name.
Sounds promising.
She's cute.
She's more than cute.
And she's into all
the same things I'm into.
I never meet women like this
in real life
let alone on a dating site.
What if you meet her and she's
not who she says she is?
I usually have good intuition
about these things.
Okay. So what are you
going to do?
The question is what are you
going to do?
Okay, you lost me.
I just got out of a long-term
I don't know what dating's
like these days.
I wouldn't even know
where to start.
Nah, you're a people person.
You got this, you don't need me.
Yes, I do.
You're a wordsmith,
you're charming.
I have the in-person swagger
but I'm not good at messaging,
you know that.
Your jokes don't translate well
through text.
See? But in person
they're great.
You know what I'm saying.
You gotta do this for me.
She could be the one.
But only because you've been
such a great friend to me.
Thank you.
Um, let's see.
It's all about making
a good first impression.
Okay, okay.
Let me think.
You both like Midnight Park,
What are some of their most
popular songs?
I'd say...
Avenue of Dreams was one
of my favorites
but most people know Holidays.
"Holidays or Avenue of Dreams?
"There is a right answer,
don't let me down."
What's the right answer?
There isn't one, I'm just
messing around.
See, this is what I mean.
I would never have thought
to use that as an icebreaker.
I probably would've
just said hey.
You gotta put in some effort.
Show them that you read
their profile
and that you're interested.
You're a natural at this.
You should put yourself
out there.
Ah, work is my love.
I'll just live vicariously
through you and these messages.
Works for me.
Take me to the finish line,
I'll get you a date.
Perfect. I can take it
from there.
I know you can.
Thank you.
That was amazing.
Walker has sent a message.
Yay, what did he say?
Hmm, something about
my favorite band.
Why aren't you more excited
about this?
I don't know.
His message said
"there is a right answer."
Oh, he's just teasing.
Don't take it so seriously.
I like it when a guy
just says hey.
No bells and whistles,
simple and to the point.
I think you're the only woman
in the world who likes that.
That shows no effort
and makes starting a
conversation nearly impossible.
This message is good.
It's engaging.
What are you going to say back?
What are you going to say back?
You said you'd help me,
Right. Of course.
But just the initial messages.
Otherwise it's weird.
I know. I know.
Now, what's your favorite?
Holidays is the easy answer
but that's also their most
well-known song.
I think Avenue of Dreams
is underrated.
What are you doing?
Looking up a lyric
from the song.
Ooh, nice touch.
Ah. "You're my dream girl,
the only one in the world.
"My north star,
shining along the avenue."
And that's my favorite lyric.
You don't let me down.
Winky face, send.
I thought it was very clever.
I think you were very clever
with it.
I wonder what he's going
to respond.
This is becoming a Vic?
Looks like it.
What a nightmare.
It's fine.
It has nothing to do with us.
It's big, impersonal,
their coffee's mass produced.
But they're cheaper.
They don't have the quality
or the atmosphere that we do.
But you can order ahead online
and have your drink waiting
for you.
But we have the best
customer service.
Why would you want
to order online
when you can have a lovely chat
with your friendly barista?
I don't want to be a downer,
but they could put us
out of business.
That's ridiculous.
We're a staple in
the neighborhood.
We'll do a fun after-hours event
if it'll make you feel better.
Get all our regulars in,
remind them how much
they love us.
How you doing buddy?
I don't know why you made me
do this.
I prefer to get my exercise
doing fun things.
Yeah, but you're not going
to get in shape
playing beach volleyball.
That only hits so many muscles.
What's up?
She responded.
Let me see.
Where do you think you're going?
You said you'd get me to a date
and then I'd take over.
Yeah. But at least stay
and give me your two cents.
I have to rest.
Well we're just warming up.
I'm going to go try some yoga.
Have fun Don Juan.
Make me look good.
Good choice.
I know you're a true fan because
you chose the lesser known song.
- What else are you a fan of?
- What else are you a fan of?
I'm always a fan
of the underdog.
Not just with songs.
In elementary school,
I started a club
with some friends.
Our mission was to protect
this one boy
who got teased all the time.
Glad to know you stop bullies
in their tracks.
Poor kid.
I bet he's super successful now.
The ones who were picked on
usually make it out the other
side stronger.
I was one of those kids
and I'd like to think I turned
out pretty well.
Would've been nice to have
someone like you around though.
I was one tough cookie.
Speaking of which, I'm baking
some right now.
You bake?
I have the biggest sweet tooth.
Those look delicious.
How's it going over here?
He seems great.
You're going to like him.
Just one small thing though.
I forgot I was talking for you
and told him I was baking.
That's not too big of
a white lie, right?
Lena! I can't cook.
I can't bake.
This guy's going to be
very disappointed
if he's expecting a chef like
you and he gets me instead.
I highly doubt
he'd be disappointed.
You're gorgeous.
But you're right.
No more slip-ups.
Think like Ava, think like Ava.
Won't happen again.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Jonah, right?
Yeah. Uh, Lena?
How's your shirt?
Oh uh, nothing a sweater
can't hide.
How's your jacket?
In the wash.
What's with the hat?
What? Oh, this?
Uh, I just came from
a costume party.
This time of year?
Sounds fun.
I need to get out more.
We are having a latte workshop.
Do you want to come in?
There's room for one more.
Here you go.
Okay. So just think of the
espresso as a blank canvas.
Start pouring in the center.
Now make sure you keep
the pitcher and the cup
at a right angle.
Oh. Yikes.
Don't worry about it.
Happens to me all the time and
I've been doing this for years.
Let's try again.
Okay. Pick it up.
Can I show you?
May I?
By all means.
So this.
One, two, three.
Wow. That is impressive.
Did you go to school for this
or something?
Why yes, I have my bachelor's
degree in steamed milk
with an emphasis on design.
I just taught myself.
Takes a lot of trial and error.
Well, I know a lot about that.
The error part.
I'm sure that's not true.
Uh, so.
This is your place?
It is.
Had it almost five years now.
Wow. But you're so young.
I know what I want
and I go after it.
I love my shop.
But it's more of
a stepping stone.
The end game is to have
my own baking business.
That's the real dream.
Sounds like you've got it
all figured out.
But I know things can change
in an instant.
I should check on the others.
Okay, here we go.
Hope you guys had fun.
- Thanks, bye.
- 'Night.
Burning the midnight oil?
Oh sorry, I know you're supposed
to be closing soon
but I think I was just getting
the hang of it.
Well done.
Yeah, I thought I was hopeless
but it helps to have
a good teacher.
Well thanks.
You get a gold star.
Do you, um...
Do you sell coffee beans here?
Of course.
What kind would you like?
Whatever you'd recommend.
I'll take two bags.
These ones are great.
Internationally sourced.
They're organic from family run
farms all over the world.
We also have a coffee club of
the month if you're interested.
Sample all the latest
and greatest.
You've really thought
of everything.
I try.
They're opening a Vic
around the corner.
But I think I'm prepared.
My coworker's worried.
I tried telling her the world
isn't driven by discounts.
Kismet is about connecting
with people.
I connect through my food,
my coffee.
Bake all the pastries myself
with love.
We're a part of the community
and the community's part of us.
I'm sorry. I got a little
carried away.
No, it's... it's really...
You know what, I'll take
a few more bags.
You can never have
enough coffee.
They make really good gifts too.
Thank you.
Uh, see you around.
I think I'm going to take
a quick walk.
Get some fresh air.
Okay. I'll be here.
Oh. Hi.
We keep bumping into each other.
How were the beans?
They were fantastic.
I'm going to have to come by
and get some more.
I have very thirsty roommates.
Um, I'll see you around.
Anything we should know about
the opening of The Vic downtown?
Uh, come for the discounts
and stay for the quality.
We have a great loyalty program
but the, the product
really speaks for itself.
We look forward to serving you.
You work for The Vic?
I run this branch.
I didn't realize.
I didn't know who you...
Were you spying on me?
Why would I spy on you?
I'm your competition.
The only other competition
is the other Vics nearby.
We both sell coffee.
We're competition.
Pretty soon you'll be hosting
latte art workshops.
We don't need to do that.
What about the whole bit
with the hard hat?
I thought you were charming.
But you were lying.
I didn't mean to lie to you.
I came to your workshop
because it seemed fun.
There was no ulterior
motive there.
Do you care how your
presence here
might affect small businesses?
Superstores tear
communities apart.
Besides, isn't there another one
of your chains
like 10 minutes away?
There was a demand for a
brand new Vic on this block.
In this community,
for this neighborhood.
The line inside speaks
for itself.
You okay?
I just met the owner
of the new Vic.
He's heartless.
What do you mean?
He came into the workshop last
night and bought beans from us.
I'm confused, isn't that nice?
No, it's not nice.
It's smug.
The nerve of that guy.
You know he's like our age too.
You'd think he'd have
more integrity
than to get into big business.
He's our age and already runs
his own branch?
You sound impressed.
You were right the first time.
He doesn't see how his store
is going to destroy
the charm of the neighborhood.
All he sees are dollar signs.
I can tell.
If he thinks he's going
to ruin us,
he's got another thing coming.
We are going to give him
a run for his money.
Just you wait and see.
I love when you get like this.
It's exciting and scary
at the same time.
Thank you.
Walker: It's opening day.
It was a huge success.
It was.
I thought you'd be more excited.
All our hard work is paying off.
I just can't get over
my interaction
with the owner of Kismet Cafe.
Well, you gotta get over it.
Yeah but this time
it's different.
This is a young woman
with dreams.
Oh, I see what's happening.
You my friend, feel guilty.
Is that what this is?
Sounds like it.
She was just not very nice.
Pretty mean.
We are potentially destroying
her livelihood.
Yeah, but it's not personal.
It's business.
- Right.
- Right.
I had a bad day.
I'm sorry if that's weird
to tell you.
I know this should be light
and fun
getting to know you type stuff,
but I like talking to you.
I'm so glad you messaged me.
I also had a bad day.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm okay.
Why was your day bad?
I know this doesn't paint me
in the best light,
but I think I hurt someone's
feelings today.
Someone who didn't deserve it.
We all have our moments.
I never seem to know how
to defend myself.
All I can do is walk away
and then I feel powerless
I wish I could help.
Are you any good
at business advice?
That's actually the thing
that I'm best at.
I run a coffee shop.
I'm at the risk of losing
my business to a competitor.
Well then you have
to fight back.
I know this sounds cheesy,
but look at your reflection.
Tell yourself you are in charge,
you are the boss,
and you are capable of anything.
Fancy seeing you here.
Are you following me?
What? No, of course not.
Why are you in a toy store?
Well, I could ask you
the same question.
I asked you first.
It's my nephew's birthday.
I'm buying him a present.
Need a hand?
Do you mind?
What do we have here?
Board game night at the shop.
Oh, that's a great idea, but...
Yeah, it's not my place.
No. Tell me.
I can take it.
I just don't think it's best
for business.
And why not?
Well, people will be excited
to play games
but that doesn't
necessarily mean
they're going to buy more food
or drinks.
I'm hoping to bring in
more customers.
Feeling a sense of community,
coming together.
That's what's important.
People want that.
Yeah, I get that.
But you know what,
it's your shop.
You know best.
How old's your nephew?
He'll be five.
You want to see a picture?
I love kids.
He's cute.
Yeah. We're buds.
What are you going to get him?
I don't know.
You know when I was his age
I was really into superheroes.
I always wanted to catch
the bad guy.
And now you are the bad guy.
No, I'm not.
I know you think that,
but I'm just doing my job.
You're right.
That wasn't fair, sorry.
I just picture my hero
saving the day,
not ruining it.
I don't want to ruin your day.
You're not.
I guess it's just an
uncomfortable situation.
It is.
I'll just take these.
Have a nice day.
You too.
Oh, um, you know what?
Here, I... I got it.
What? No.
Don't run that card.
No, it's the Vic company
credit card, you know?
Think of it as a neighborly
An amends of sorts.
For what?
Nothing's happened.
By the way.
There's a boy that comes into
the shop a lot with his parents.
He has a superhero cape
that he absolutely adores.
He never takes it off.
Just a thought.
That's a great idea.
Thank you.
When did you write all this?
Last night when you were asleep.
I hope that's okay.
I wanted to talk to someone
and got kind of caught up
in the moment.
You know you can always talk
to me about this stuff, right?
I know.
I didn't want to bother you.
Besides, he was awake
and didn't seem to mind.
Well... I'm glad my future
husband is so helpful.
I approve of him for you,
that's for sure.
Are you sure you don't want
to date him?
It kind of seems like you two
are hitting it off.
I mean, he seems great...
but no.
It was just texting.
Do you want to meet him?
I don't know.
I'm not really sure
that we'd connect.
I don't feel anything
when I read the messages.
You can't judge someone
based on their texts alone.
That's true.
The whole point of this exercise
was for me to get you on a date.
Why are you so passionate
about this?
Everything with the shop
has been all over the place.
It'd just be nice to feel like
something is working out.
Do you think also it's maybe
because you want love
but are too afraid to go
after it yourself?
What? No.
Of course not.
I want you to be happy.
I need to focus on the shop.
You can have a little fun
for the both of us.
What do you say?
I don't know.
He seems like a great guy.
You'll be happy you went.
Hey, hey.
I read the messages last night.
You got real, fast.
I know, I...
Not really my style
if I'm being honest.
I don't talk about my feelings
like that, you know that.
You're the sensitive one.
Yeah, I know you like to keep it
light and breezy,
but what I...
It's her.
"Do you want to meet
tomorrow night?"
Do you guys need
anything else here?
We're okay.
Can I get you guys
anything else?
- No, we're good.
- Okay.
How's it going?
Well, we've had
a decent turnout.
But most of the parties
have been here for hours
and only ordered
like one coffee.
I tried to see if they wanted
anything else,
but they just want to play
and be with their friends.
Well that's okay, right?
We have the $5 rental fee
for the games
and the night's still young.
I'm going to go drop this off.
All right.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I love your cape.
My uncle got it for me
for my birthday.
Sounds like you have
a good uncle.
He's the best.
What are you two doing here?
Well I told him about games
night and he got really excited.
And this is where he wanted
to spend his birthday.
Happy birthday.
So sweet.
Guess games night
was a good idea.
Well, have a seat
wherever you'd like.
How about I bring you a special
dessert for your birthday?
Thank you.
Ryan, where do you want to sit?
Should we go here?
Who is that?
The branch owner at The Vic?
- Okay.
- Ah!
You did not say
that he was cute.
Didn't notice.
You didn't notice?
Well, I didn't think
it was relevant.
He's our competition.
If he's our competition,
what is he doing here?
And is his table
full of desserts?
I gave him one on the house
for his nephew's birthday.
And then he bought a bunch more.
Some competitor.
Should we go catch that movie?
- Yeah.
- Alright, let's go.
Oh, we should go say thank you.
Thank you for tonight.
You were right.
Games night was a great idea.
And the desserts.
They were incredible, right?
Have a nice night.
You too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
This can't be right.
We got significantly less
than last week
when we didn't have an event.
You mean before The Vic?
We lost sales from game night.
I'm sorry, Lene.
Everyone had a lot of fun.
At this rate they won't be able
to have fun here much longer.
You still feeling guilty?
No. No, we're doing great.
It's a good thing, right?
Right. A really good thing.
Alright. Speaking
of good things.
It's almost your time.
I don't know, man.
I'm feeling nervous.
You're not going to back out
on me, are you?
I re-read the messages.
All that banter?
It's just not me.
You two are really connecting.
Yeah, you two have
so much in common.
That's what I thought too, at
least according to her profile.
But the way that she talks,
she seems more right for you.
Aw, it's just text messages.
People can be completely
different in person.
You're right.
I'll go, order an appetizer,
say hello, drink some wine,
and then I'm out of there.
That's all you have to do.
Walk with me?
What if she's not
what I expected?
Where's the confident,
self-assured guy
that I know and love, huh?
Just think about it
as taking the next step.
A baby step.
If you guys meet and you click,
great, take another step.
And if you don't, well,
at least you tried. Right?
Why aren't you trying again?
I will once the branch
is stable.
But for now, let's focus on you.
I'll never know why you can't
take your own advice.
Will you go look?
Go to the window and see
if you can see her there?
I've never seen you
like this before.
You've never seen me single.
That's a good point.
Do you see her?
I don't know, there's a girl
sitting by herself.
There's a waiter blocking
her, I...
Oh, yep.
That's her.
Looks just like her pictures.
So she's gorgeous.
I knew it.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to cross
the finish line.
Atta boy.
Go get her.
Will you come in
and wait at the bar?
It's so nice to meet you.
Please take a seat.
You again.
We have to stop running
into each other like this.
Mind if I sit down?
No. I'm in the middle
of something.
I didn't think people
still read those.
My sister says the gossip's
all online now.
Do you mind?
Just didn't take you for a
celebrity gossip fan, that's all.
I'm not. Just shh.
Right. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb
your reading.
I'm not actually reading this.
I figured.
You know, when I'm dining alone
I usually bring a book
or something to keep me busy.
It's not a big deal.
No, it's not that. I'm...
I'm spying on my friend.
Oh. What?
She asked me to come
just in case.
She's on a first date.
First one in a while, so
I'm here for moral support.
The magazine's a disguise.
I don't read these.
Well, this night just got
more interesting.
I'm here for a friend too.
The one with Ava?
This world is very, very small.
It's tiny.
So Walker is your friend?
He seems really kind and funny.
Like a standup guy.
Yeah, he is.
I've known Walker for years.
How do you know so much
about him?
Ava told me.
He seems great.
You were right about games night
by the way.
What do you mean?
We didn't even break even.
I'm sorry to hear that.
If it's any consolation
my nephew and I,
we had a great time.
Anyway. Let's talk about
better things.
Like our friends.
They seem to be hitting it off.
I know.
I'm really glad
we're doing this.
Me too.
This is my first date
from the app,
so forgive me if I'm
a bit rusty.
Same here.
What made you do something
different this time?
Your profile really stood out
to me.
Oh yeah?
What did you like about it?
We seem to like doing
the same things,
listening to the same music,
maybe have similar
I haven't been able
to find that.
I know, right?
It's all about those
common interests.
Like going out and being
with friends, enjoying life.
My favorite memories
are listening to live music
or sharing a meal with friends.
Being outside,
exploring the world.
I agree with you 1,000 percent.
Thank you.
So, where have you travelled to?
They're really into
their conversation.
I'm not surprised.
Ava is really easy to talk to.
What do you mean?
Uh, Walker showed me
some of the messages.
She has some really interesting
things to say.
Yeah. She does.
Are you guys ready to order?
Oh uh, you go ahead.
I'll take the pure Asian
kale salad to start,
and the magical
double cheeseburger.
That's exactly what I was
going to have.
I'll have what she's having.
Sounds good.
Coming right up.
How long you been
a vegetarian for?
About 10 years.
I went to this sanctuary
for rescued farm animals
and fell in love with this pig
named Bella.
You mean Green Meadows
on the outskirts of town?
Yeah. How did...
Oh, I go there every year
around Thanksgiving.
We rescue turkeys.
I've always wanted to do that.
You totally should,
it is so fulfilling.
One of these days I will.
Right now it's just visiting
Bella when I can.
No, I know exactly what you mean
about her.
You know, every time
that I look into her eyes
it's just like she's staring
into my soul.
You know pigs are a lot
like dogs?
I wanted a pet pig
when I was a kid
and I did all this research and
it turns out even if they say
that they're going to be
only 60 pounds,
they can grow up to 300 pounds.
What? You can't manage
a 300-pound beast?
Oh, I can.
But I just don't think
my roommates
would like it very much.
You know, besides I work
more than 70 hours a week
and I wouldn't want to be
a neglectful pig pop.
Oh, pig pop.
Like dog dad.
That's cute.
I know.
Are you guys ready to order?
Oh sorry, we've been talking
this whole time.
Haven't had a chance to look at
the menu.
No problem.
Take your time.
So. What's good here.
I've actually never been.
My friend who's a foodie
told me about it.
So how long have you been
a vegetarian for?
Oh, no.
I'm not vegetarian.
No offense if you are,
I'm just, where I'm from
we eat a lot of meat.
Oh, my gosh, I am so relieved
to hear you say that.
I'm not a vegetarian either.
I totally respect people
who are,
but yeah, it's not for me.
Okay. I'm really craving
a burger now.
They have one made
of soy and mushrooms.
Do you want to get out of here?
What did you have in mind?
I know this awesome street meat
vendor down the block.
He makes this amazing
secret seasoning.
You had me at street meat.
Let's go.
Oh. Looks like they're getting
ready to leave.
Oh no.
Oh no, they're both
still smiling.
I bet Ava wanted something else.
I try to get her to step out
of her comfort zone
and taste different foods,
but she's picky.
Yeah, Walk's the same.
He's more of a steak
and potatoes kind of guy.
Oh, you know, I bet you
he's taking her to his favorite
street vendor.
Street meat.
I swear he eats there like
three times a week.
I think she'll like that.
It's more her style.
I love this place,
and I think it's delicious.
I think I'll stay here
and enjoy it.
I guess we did already order.
Yeah, but our entertainment
just walked out the door.
Well, we have this.
What do we have in there?
Well apparently this woman
was engaged to this man,
who was also seeing this woman
who happens to be the first
woman's sister.
I know.
Uh, what else?
Let me see.
I have to admit something.
This isn't that bad.
What do you mean?
The magazine...
Oh, yeah, it's got lots of
juicy stuff in it.
Thanks for offering
to walk me home.
Yeah, don't mention it.
This is me.
It's a nice building.
It's got good bones.
It was built in the 1930s.
I love a building with history.
But is it haunted?
My neighbor says there's a ghost
of a famous starlet
who roams the hallways at night.
I believe it.
Well um, this was fun.
Turns out spying on our friends
can be surprisingly fun.
I imagine I'll be seeing
even more of you now?
Sorry about that.
It's like you can't
get rid of me.
It's just ever since
we moved our storefront
in across from you,
we keep running into each other.
I'm starting to get used to it.
Hopefully it's not such
a bad thing?
Um, I have to go.
I have some work prep to do.
Yeah, right.
Of course.
You're home late, little lady.
I don't even know
what time it is.
The night just flew by.
Tell me everything.
It was amazing.
He was so great.
I was really surprised.
You and I just don't have
the same taste, you know.
And you seemed to be hitting
it off with him in the messages.
He was nothing like that
in real life.
What do you mean?
He was confident and fun
and loud.
Not in an obnoxious way.
We ended up going to this
random street vendor for dinner
then popped into this
hole in the wall bar
where we drank mezcal
and danced to live Mexican
music with some of his friends.
You met his friends?
On a first date?
Yeah. It was spontaneous
and fun.
I always thought a good first
date would be someplace quiet
where you could talk one on one,
get to know each other.
That sounds so boring, Lena.
Besides, you can really tell
who someone is by their friends.
I guess so.
He does sound really different
from the person I was
texting with.
But I guess people can have
more than one side to them.
The point is, it was great
and we're going to go out again.
But what?
Only if it's okay with you.
What do you mean?
Of course it's okay with-
it's more than okay with me.
I know that you felt
a connection with him.
You had a rapport.
Please, it was nothing.
It was just some texts.
I want what's best for you.
That's what's going to make
me happy.
How did the rest
of your night go?
Well, it was going
perfectly fine
until someone came in and...
The Vic branch manager.
What? No way.
Apparently, he's Walker's BFF.
I know.
Walker said he worked in
corporate for Vic,
but I didn't think
he'd know Jonah.
Lena, do you like him?
What? No, of course not.
That would be absurd.
He's our competition.
He's the reason I'm stressed,
the reason Kismet might be
going out of business.
I mean no.
I can't possibly like him.
He can be partially responsible
for all those things,
and you can still have
a crush on him.
If he's friends with Walker
I bet he's a great guy.
Well, even so.
We have nothing in common.
He runs a chain,
I work for a mom and pop shop
that I started myself.
You both work in coffee.
That's something in common,
even if your businesses
are different sizes.
I take it you're
both vegetarians.
Yeah, but who cares?
You both have impeccable taste
in friends,
that much is obvious.
Well, that's true.
It's okay to like him.
I don't think that it is.
My man.
This round's on me.
Someone's in a good mood.
I really like her.
So, are you going to see
her again?
Yeah, definitely.
We talked about doing something
tomorrow night.
That was fast.
When you know, you know.
It just feels right.
So, what's she like?
Look. I know you felt a spark
with her.
No, there was no spark.
It was just online.
It's not like people
fall in love on the internet
or anything.
Jonah, people literally do that
all the time.
You know what I mean.
It was just some messages.
I'm happy for you, you know?
This is what we wanted.
You're a great guy.
You deserve a great girl.
Don't tell me...
The slightest difference?
That doesn't make any sense.
What am I going to do?
- Green Meadows.
- Green Meadows.
I brought coffee.
Oh, that's sweet of you.
What are those?
I like to play around
with flavor profiles,
so this one's strawberry
persimmon cinnamon and
the last one's orange sage.
Huh. Persimmon cinnamon.
Say that 10 times fast.
Do you want one?
You know what,
maybe we should let the other
volunteers have them.
They've been here all day.
No, I insist.
There's plenty to go around.
Okay. They do look
pretty tasty.
Go on.
These are insane.
You made these?
I take a lot of pride
in my baking.
It's my favorite thing to do.
Did you get these
from a recipe book?
A book?
It's my own recipe.
Really, you should go on one of
those competitive baking shows.
I mean you'd definitely win.
Hey, Eugene.
Wanted to drop these off.
That's so nice of you.
Oh, they look delicious.
I brought hot coffee.
How thoughtful.
Thank you.
Have you met Bella?
Are you kidding me?
She's practically the main
reason why I volunteer.
Just like Lena.
No wonder you two are together.
- Oh no, we're not...
- We're not... Together.
We just know each other
from the neighborhood.
Oh, I see.
Well, there's some chores
that need doing
if you two would like
to do the honors.
- Great.
- Yeah.
It's a nice day to feed
some goats.
It is.
I love it here.
I love this time of year.
Perfect day to volunteer.
Look at him.
He's so cute.
He likes you.
Looks like he could just
fall asleep in your arms.
I know.
Should we go visit
the love of our lives?
So beautiful.
They're my favorite.
I don't know much about flowers,
but they are beautiful.
So how's the shop?
We're going to have to close.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It's just the way things are.
I'll be okay.
The shop was mostly an avenue
for my baked goods.
That's where my heart really is.
I just have to figure out
next steps.
You have to do something
with your desserts.
They're incredible.
We'll see.
There she is.
The lady, the myth, the legend.
Bella baby.
Walker wants us to join him
on his date with Ava tonight.
Why on earth would they
want that?
Well, they want us to
"get to know each other
and to squash the tension."
Those meddlers.
Well, in all fairness,
we did spy on their date.
Ava wanted me there.
Yeah. So did Walker.
What should I tell him?
What do you think, Belly welly?
Oh, that sounds like
an affirmative to me.
Looks like we're going.
Isn't this so much fun?
Mm-hmm, so fun.
It was Walker's idea.
He's got the best date ideas.
Well, when I found out that you
loved horror movies like me,
I knew we had to check this out.
I'm so glad you guys could come
with us.
- Yeah.
- Make it a family affair.
The more the merrier.
Oh, it's starting.
What are you doing?
I don't like horror movies.
Well the gaps in your fingers
kind of defeat the purpose.
I want to see what happens.
But I also don't want
to get scared.
Then why did you agree
to do this?
For Ava.
She's done so much for me
over the years.
It's literally the least
I could do.
I do not understand the appeal
of all this.
Why do people want to see
gore and guts?
I don't get it either.
You know, I prefer comedies
Or what?
Or musicals.
I know most guys don't,
but I like how they make
me feel.
And the songs are catchy.
I love musicals.
They're the best, right?
They really are the best.
Why do you sound so annoyed?
Because I don't want us
to have anything in common.
We can't be friends.
We can't be... anything.
That makes perfect sense.
Thank you.
It's okay.
Just don't make a habit of it.
You ladies need anything else?
This has been one of my favorite
places in the neighborhood.
I'm going to miss your dessert
the most.
There's nothing like them
around here or anywhere.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
But you know, change can be
a good thing sometimes.
It's a new chapter.
Very true.
We're excited about what
you're going to do next.
Me too.
We'll take a couple of those.
I'm going to miss this place.
I'm going to miss it too.
What do you think
you'll do next?
I don't know.
Maybe this is the push I needed
to focus on my baking.
What about you?
I've always wanted to get
my degree.
I was talking to Walker about it
and he thinks I might be good
at sales.
Maybe a degree
in communications.
We'll see.
You talked to Walker about it.
He's been really helpful.
I'm honestly smitten with him.
I can tell.
That's great.
Hopefully we can hang out again.
All four of us.
Oh, I don't know.
Things with Jonah are awkward.
He's Walker's best friend,
and I thought you guys had fun
the other night.
That was fun.
I just can't reconcile
with the fact
that this guy who I enjoy
spending time with
is partially responsible for
turning my life upside-down.
Things are complicated,
but try and look at this
as a door opening
and not a door closing.
The world's your oyster.
Come on in.
How is it going in here?
We have a lot to do.
We've got to clean and pack
everything up.
What are you doing here?
Well I saw that it was
closing night
and I just wanted to come by
and to see...
Revel in your victory?
What? No, I...
I'll be fine.
I know you will be.
You're too skilled and talented
not to be.
I uh, I got you flowers.
I know.
You told me.
When we were at Green Meadows,
you mentioned they were
your favorite.
Is there anything I can,
I can do?
Is that why you stopped by?
No, I stopped by because...
Well, I was hoping
we could be friends.
I know it might be impossible,
but I figured it was worth
a shot.
Thank you for the flowers.
That's a really sweet gesture.
There's no need for you to stay
and help, really.
It's the least I could do.
Well, we do still need to clean
the espresso machine
before we pack it up.
There's a bunch of trash
to take out
and coffee grinds to compost.
Yeah, I can do all that.
Where should I start?
He is putting in work.
He must feel really bad.
Well, that's the last of it.
What else?
Not much, actually.
Why don't you take off?
What? No.
I'm not going to leave you
on our last night.
It's okay.
I guess I could go register
for classes
before I meet up with Walker.
Are you sure I can leave
you alone with him?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
I'm not worried about you.
I'll be nice.
But really.
Are you okay?
Because if you need me,
I'll stay.
I'm good.
Thanks Lene.
Love you.
Love you too.
Bye Jonah.
Thanks for helping out
my girl here.
Hope to see you soon.
No problem.
Thank goodness.
I thought she would never leave.
I... I was just joking.
Jokes usually make people laugh.
And you're the authority
on humor, I suppose?
I've been known to make people
laugh on occasion.
Because in the short time
that we've known each other,
you haven't made me laugh once.
Well, you've made me cry
a bunch, so there's that.
I'm kidding.
Good. Because I was starting
to feel really bad.
You haven't made me cry.
I'm okay.
Besides, kind of exciting to see
where this new path takes me.
Plus I'm not much of a crier.
Never have been.
Really? When was the last time
you cried?
This is kind of embarrassing.
It was a commercial.
Oh. Surprisingly those can be
very emotional.
I know.
Which one?
This little boy sends paper
airplanes over his fence
hoping to reach his military
father who's overseas.
Unbeknownst to the little boy,
his neighbor collects
the paper airplanes
and sends them to his dad.
His Dad opens them on the base
and sends a big box
of paper airplane responses.
His neighbor sends them
over the fence
for the little boy to read.
Are you crying?
That is beautiful.
You are totally tearing up.
Let's just say I'm buying
whatever they're selling.
Which was what, by the way?
I don't know.
I was so hooked on the story
and too bleary eyed
that I couldn't see the screen
when whatever it was they were
selling came on.
I love this song.
Yeah. Every time it comes on
I can't help but dance to it.
Don't let me stop you.
Woah, you ain't ready
for these moves.
Try me.
I needed that.
Yeah. Me too.
Oh, no.
Um... May I have this dance?
Why not?
What the heck, right?
Can't hurt.
I think this is the first time
I've ever danced in my shop.
No kidding.
Yeah, believe it or not
this kind of thing
doesn't happen very often.
Well, I'm honored.
First and the last time too.
What do you mean?
The first time I've danced
in my shop
and it'll also be the last time
I'll dance in my shop.
Well hopefully not the last time
we dance together though.
Um, we should get back to work.
There's still a lot to do.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
I want to make a toast.
What are we toasting to?
To us, obviously.
To the times we've shared
so far,
to hopefully many more to come.
I just can't wait to see
what the future holds for us.
Walker, that's so sweet.
I know, sorry.
I don't know what's come
over me.
I love it.
I wanted to ask you if, you know,
we could make this official.
Yes, of course.
Oh, my gosh, yes!
I'm so glad that silly app
brought us together.
Thanks, technology.
There is one thing.
It's not a big deal,
I just figure we should start
this relationship off
with honesty.
Of course.
You can tell me anything.
What is it?
You never actually talked to me
on the app.
What I mean is, it wasn't me.
I was in kind of a slump
getting over a guy,
and so I asked Lena
to text for me.
I almost didn't even show up
on the date
because I thought you two were
hitting it off so much.
Okay, well I'm glad
you're not mad.
Ava, I didn't write
my messages either.
What do you mean?
I was gun shy from
my last relationship.
I hadn't dated for a while
so I asked Jonah to write
the messages for me.
Wait a second.
So Lena and Jonah did
all the talking for us?
I was going to tell you
when it came up,
but you didn't reference
our messages
so I hadn't had a chance
to tell you yet.
Lena seemed really
into the messages.
So did Jonah.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I don't know, but take me there.
I could smell those
from the street.
So good.
How was your date?
We made things official.
Walker's my boyfriend now.
That's great.
I'm so happy for you.
Also, I learned some very
interesting information.
What's that?
Turns out one of Walker's
friends was writing his messages
for him on the app.
Yeah right.
I'm serious.
We were both weary so
our friends did it for us.
Wait, really?
You told Walker it was me?
Yep. That's how
it came out.
Neither of us wrote
a single message,
can you believe that?
His friend sounds great.
Handsome, successful,
really sweet.
Would you be open
to a blind date?
Why blind?
He's not on social media
and Walker doesn't have
any good pictures of him.
I don't know.
Come on.
It'll be a great distraction.
What have you got to lose?
Walker and I will come.
I'll make it a double date.
Right here.
You okay?
I feel better.
Look, I'm, I'm sorry. I...
It's okay, really.
When one door closes
another opens.
Hey, you know what really
cheers me up?
What cheers you up?
I want to know.
So, what do you think
you'll do next?
I don't know.
My passion is fostering
a sense of community
wherever I am so hopefully
something with that.
But baking full time
has always been my dream.
People seem to enjoy
my desserts.
Yeah. You gotta give the people
what they want.
I want to package and distribute
them to other coffee shops
and little local markets,
you know?
Spread the happiness.
Well, that scone
that you gave me,
it was so good I'm still
thinking about it.
I'm serious.
You're too talented just
to let it go to waste.
I have an idea.
Now I would have to run it by
the greater company at large,
but what would you say
to running games nights
and talent nights and charitable
community events
down at The Vic?
That way you could foster the
sense of community that you love
in the neighborhood
that you love,
and bring in that small
business feel
instead of that big corporate
chain vibe
that you dislike so much.
We could start selling
your desserts, you know?
And if they did well
then the other Vics could
start selling them too.
I don't know,
work for the enemy?
No, you'd be spreading happiness
you know?
Making us better.
We would just be providing
the platform.
It could be a great
business opportunity.
It could be.
I kind of love the idea.
Can I sleep on it?
Yeah, of course.
Thank you for the incredible
It really is kind of you to take
a chance on me like that.
I believe in you.
I saw what Kismet did
for the neighborhood
and well, I've tried
your desserts.
You're... they're perfect.
I better get going.
Oh, you have somewhere to be?
I have a date.
Oh. Yeah.
That, that sounds fun.
You know I wish we met through
Ava and Walker,
you know, instead of
competing businesses.
Thought I wasn't
your competition.
I'm sorry about that.
Oh gosh.
Stop apologizing.
You gave me advice on game night
and I didn't listen.
Brought me flowers,
cleaned the shop,
helped me pack up and move,
and just offered me
a business opportunity
that could give me both
that sense of community
and possibly push my
desserts mainstream.
You've done so much for me
at this point.
I need you to know I...
I appreciate it.
I just wish that...
Wish what?
I just wish that if we had met
under different circumstances
that it could be you and me
going on that date tonight.
Not how the cards fell.
Just wasn't kismet.
It wasn't meant to be.
See you.
You excited?
I don't know.
What's wrong?
You really liked this guy.
I know.
I just... I know this is going
to sound strange,
but I think Jonah tried
to ask me out
and part of me wanted
to say yes.
What part of you said no?
I think I was so dead set on
the idea that he was responsible
for all these things going wrong
in my life
that I couldn't see
who he truly is.
Just a funny smart
and kind person.
You could still give him
a chance if you want.
No. If it was meant to be
it would be.
That'll work.
Jonah: Hey, man, what's up?
Walker: Sorry about today
with Lena.
That's okay, man.
I'm glad she has a date.
I'm happy for her.
Still on for dinner tonight?
Yeah, you bet.
Where you want to go?
I was thinking we could try
that new food truck.
Veggie Voodoo?
You'd do that for me?
I would.
You're the best.
I know.
Hey you.
You look beautiful.
Where's the lucky guy?
Should be here soon.
I haven't actually
met him before.
I get it. App date.
Sort of.
What about you?
Oh, I'm just here checking out
Veggie Voodoo.
Oh. Okay.
Do you want me to wait with you
until he comes,
or should I just go...
Either is fine.
I don't exactly know
what he looks like.
What do you mean?
It's kind of complicated but,
I was talking for Ava
on her dating app,
and apparently this mystery man
was doing the same for Walker.
We sort of hit it off.
That was you.
What was me?
I'm... I'm that mystery man.
Quit playing around.
I'm serious.
I was texting for Walker.
He gave me his phone.
It was you?
It was me.
Every... single... message.
It was kismet after all.
What time is it?
How do you do it every day?
Early bird gets the worm.
I don't think you've been late
a day in your life.
There was one time
in grade school.
I remember.
There was a huge storm.
Everyone was late.
You were still earlier
than all of us.
I had to wake my mom up
and drag her out of bed.
Some things never change.
Only now you're waking me up.
Someone has to.
Can't keep falling asleep
on the couch.
There's a perfectly comfortable
bed in your room.
I know.
But I can't sleep.
I'm too lovesick.
We need to get you over
this guy.
It's been two months.
You need to get back out there.
The world is in serious
Ava withdrawal.
I doubt that.
It's true.
You're such a fun
and bubbly person.
Who doesn't want that
in their life?
I don't feel very bubbly.
I feel, what's the opposite
of bubbly?
Flat, I guess.
I feel still.
That's just what it's like
after a breakup.
It'll get better.
I have to run.
Those beans won't
grind themselves.
Even if they would,
you wouldn't let them.
What can I say?
I'm a control freak.
See you at 8:00?
Yeah. At 8:00.
When normal people go to work.
Very funny.
Love you.
Love you more.
Hi, nice to see you.
I am so sorry. I...
No, it was my fault.
No, cinnamon rolls today
I guess.
Can't you just make some more?
The dough needs to be
refrigerated overnight.
They look good, though.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm so sorry.
It's all over your shirt.
No, I am sorry.
I spilled coffee
all over your jacket.
Definitely doesn't look as good
and probably is a lot harder
to get out.
It's all right.
I have another jacket
in my shop.
And I can take care of this,
no problem.
At least someone will be
enjoying a taste
of my cinnamon rolls today.
Is there anything I can,
I can help you with.
Oh, it's fine.
These can go right in the trash.
So, where do you work?
I'm just across the street
at Kismet Cafe.
I'd offer you a dessert
on the house,
but I'm going to have to rush
to make more.
I'd offer to help you make
some more,
but that would probably
do more harm than good.
I cannot bake to save my life.
Don't worry about it.
I'm Lena by the way.
Maybe I'll see you around.
Jonah. And yes.
And again, I am so sorry
about spilling all the coffee
on your jacket, I...
No problem.
Just the universe reminding me
to have my morning coffee.
The electrical
contractor called,
he won't be in until
tomorrow morning,
and there's some question
about whether the shipping doors
should pull in, push out.
My instinct with shipping doors
is always to pull.
Is there anything else?
There's a question about
what's on your shirt.
I bumped into somebody
on the street.
She was carrying cinnamon rolls.
That'll do it.
So, are we still on schedule?
Set to open tomorrow afternoon.
That's great, you know.
People are going to be really
excited that we're here.
This is Highland Park.
The minute the neighborhood
hears they'll be lining up
to protest the big bad chain
store that ruins the vibe.
Ah, but that's just for show.
People can't help but resist
our large open spaces,
speedy checkout lines
and comfortable armchairs.
And not to mention
our internationally renowned
pumpkin spice latte.
You gotta play the long game.
It's just the hating us
at the beginning part
that always gets to me.
But you're right.
We always get their business
in the end.
Come on.
Morning sleepyhead.
Mmm, smells so good.
What is that?
The scone of the day
is coconut lavender.
Where do you come up
with this stuff.
Flavor combinations
just come to me.
It's a gift.
It seriously is.
I can't even make
pre-made cookie dough
without setting the oven
on fire.
I perfected a new piece.
For you.
Why do you do this to me?
Oh, I never want to drink it.
It tastes as good as it looks.
All right.
Here goes.
Sorry Mr. Swan.
Mm. So good.
Like, so, so good.
It's our new homemade
organic lavender syrup
for our lattes to go
with the scone of the day.
You're the best.
I do what I can.
Now if only I could convince you
to go on some dates.
Then I'd really be super woman.
I wouldn't know where to start.
I never meet any eligible men.
That's why you need
to go on the apps.
The last time I did that,
the guy lived like an hour away.
What's the point?
The point is love.
You're the romantic.
You should know that better
than anyone.
Besides, I saw an ad for one
that's based on proximity.
You could join that.
What about you?
You know I'm too focused
on the business right now.
I want to sell my baked goods
in stores,
that's the real dream.
Until I get to that,
a man will have to wait.
Just join the app.
What's the worst
that could happen?
Good morning, guys.
- Hey.
- Hi.
The usual?
He's like my dad's age.
Not your style.
Is that anyone's style?
My grandma used to say
there's a lid for every pot.
Well... that is certainly
not my lid.
You know, why am I doing this?
The real question is why do guys
post pictures like this?
Gratuitous mirror selfies
are basically the reason
I don't date online.
They're the reason I don't date,
I think I'm done.
Wait a second.
This guy looks good.
Oh, he's cute.
I guess so.
Keep scrolling.
He has friends,
that's a good sign.
Aw, he's goofy.
That's good for you.
Too good.
Keep going.
He's an extrovert like you.
Okay, so maybe he has
a good personality.
What if we have nothing
in common?
He had a picture at the beach.
You love the beach.
Who doesn't love the beach?
I could take it or leave it
to be honest.
More of a pool girl.
He had a picture of brunch.
You love brunch.
Again, who doesn't love brunch?
Personally, I think it's
the lesser of all meals.
That's where food
can really shine.
Just keep scrolling.
You love this band.
Weren't you at this
exact concert?
Give me that.
I knew you were going to find
someone on here.
He's perfect for you.
Whew. I just got nervous.
His profile is everything
that I want.
We have similar interests
and hobbies,
he's really handsome.
It's okay.
Just message him.
You have to do it for me.
What? No!
Do you want me to find love
or not?
I'm not good at this stuff.
Never have been, never will be.
I don't want to screw it up.
You just have to be yourself.
There's no way you could ruin
anything by doing that.
Lena, please.
Can't you just be me for me?
But just for now.
We'll start off with a like.
See? That wasn't so hard.
Thank you.
Walk, hmm.
Seems like everything's
on track.
Yeah, it's looking good.
I think I'm in love.
What? With who?
I've never met her.
I barely know anything about her
and I basically only know
her name.
Sounds promising.
She's cute.
She's more than cute.
And she's into all
the same things I'm into.
I never meet women like this
in real life
let alone on a dating site.
What if you meet her and she's
not who she says she is?
I usually have good intuition
about these things.
Okay. So what are you
going to do?
The question is what are you
going to do?
Okay, you lost me.
I just got out of a long-term
I don't know what dating's
like these days.
I wouldn't even know
where to start.
Nah, you're a people person.
You got this, you don't need me.
Yes, I do.
You're a wordsmith,
you're charming.
I have the in-person swagger
but I'm not good at messaging,
you know that.
Your jokes don't translate well
through text.
See? But in person
they're great.
You know what I'm saying.
You gotta do this for me.
She could be the one.
But only because you've been
such a great friend to me.
Thank you.
Um, let's see.
It's all about making
a good first impression.
Okay, okay.
Let me think.
You both like Midnight Park,
What are some of their most
popular songs?
I'd say...
Avenue of Dreams was one
of my favorites
but most people know Holidays.
"Holidays or Avenue of Dreams?
"There is a right answer,
don't let me down."
What's the right answer?
There isn't one, I'm just
messing around.
See, this is what I mean.
I would never have thought
to use that as an icebreaker.
I probably would've
just said hey.
You gotta put in some effort.
Show them that you read
their profile
and that you're interested.
You're a natural at this.
You should put yourself
out there.
Ah, work is my love.
I'll just live vicariously
through you and these messages.
Works for me.
Take me to the finish line,
I'll get you a date.
Perfect. I can take it
from there.
I know you can.
Thank you.
That was amazing.
Walker has sent a message.
Yay, what did he say?
Hmm, something about
my favorite band.
Why aren't you more excited
about this?
I don't know.
His message said
"there is a right answer."
Oh, he's just teasing.
Don't take it so seriously.
I like it when a guy
just says hey.
No bells and whistles,
simple and to the point.
I think you're the only woman
in the world who likes that.
That shows no effort
and makes starting a
conversation nearly impossible.
This message is good.
It's engaging.
What are you going to say back?
What are you going to say back?
You said you'd help me,
Right. Of course.
But just the initial messages.
Otherwise it's weird.
I know. I know.
Now, what's your favorite?
Holidays is the easy answer
but that's also their most
well-known song.
I think Avenue of Dreams
is underrated.
What are you doing?
Looking up a lyric
from the song.
Ooh, nice touch.
Ah. "You're my dream girl,
the only one in the world.
"My north star,
shining along the avenue."
And that's my favorite lyric.
You don't let me down.
Winky face, send.
I thought it was very clever.
I think you were very clever
with it.
I wonder what he's going
to respond.
This is becoming a Vic?
Looks like it.
What a nightmare.
It's fine.
It has nothing to do with us.
It's big, impersonal,
their coffee's mass produced.
But they're cheaper.
They don't have the quality
or the atmosphere that we do.
But you can order ahead online
and have your drink waiting
for you.
But we have the best
customer service.
Why would you want
to order online
when you can have a lovely chat
with your friendly barista?
I don't want to be a downer,
but they could put us
out of business.
That's ridiculous.
We're a staple in
the neighborhood.
We'll do a fun after-hours event
if it'll make you feel better.
Get all our regulars in,
remind them how much
they love us.
How you doing buddy?
I don't know why you made me
do this.
I prefer to get my exercise
doing fun things.
Yeah, but you're not going
to get in shape
playing beach volleyball.
That only hits so many muscles.
What's up?
She responded.
Let me see.
Where do you think you're going?
You said you'd get me to a date
and then I'd take over.
Yeah. But at least stay
and give me your two cents.
I have to rest.
Well we're just warming up.
I'm going to go try some yoga.
Have fun Don Juan.
Make me look good.
Good choice.
I know you're a true fan because
you chose the lesser known song.
- What else are you a fan of?
- What else are you a fan of?
I'm always a fan
of the underdog.
Not just with songs.
In elementary school,
I started a club
with some friends.
Our mission was to protect
this one boy
who got teased all the time.
Glad to know you stop bullies
in their tracks.
Poor kid.
I bet he's super successful now.
The ones who were picked on
usually make it out the other
side stronger.
I was one of those kids
and I'd like to think I turned
out pretty well.
Would've been nice to have
someone like you around though.
I was one tough cookie.
Speaking of which, I'm baking
some right now.
You bake?
I have the biggest sweet tooth.
Those look delicious.
How's it going over here?
He seems great.
You're going to like him.
Just one small thing though.
I forgot I was talking for you
and told him I was baking.
That's not too big of
a white lie, right?
Lena! I can't cook.
I can't bake.
This guy's going to be
very disappointed
if he's expecting a chef like
you and he gets me instead.
I highly doubt
he'd be disappointed.
You're gorgeous.
But you're right.
No more slip-ups.
Think like Ava, think like Ava.
Won't happen again.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Jonah, right?
Yeah. Uh, Lena?
How's your shirt?
Oh uh, nothing a sweater
can't hide.
How's your jacket?
In the wash.
What's with the hat?
What? Oh, this?
Uh, I just came from
a costume party.
This time of year?
Sounds fun.
I need to get out more.
We are having a latte workshop.
Do you want to come in?
There's room for one more.
Here you go.
Okay. So just think of the
espresso as a blank canvas.
Start pouring in the center.
Now make sure you keep
the pitcher and the cup
at a right angle.
Oh. Yikes.
Don't worry about it.
Happens to me all the time and
I've been doing this for years.
Let's try again.
Okay. Pick it up.
Can I show you?
May I?
By all means.
So this.
One, two, three.
Wow. That is impressive.
Did you go to school for this
or something?
Why yes, I have my bachelor's
degree in steamed milk
with an emphasis on design.
I just taught myself.
Takes a lot of trial and error.
Well, I know a lot about that.
The error part.
I'm sure that's not true.
Uh, so.
This is your place?
It is.
Had it almost five years now.
Wow. But you're so young.
I know what I want
and I go after it.
I love my shop.
But it's more of
a stepping stone.
The end game is to have
my own baking business.
That's the real dream.
Sounds like you've got it
all figured out.
But I know things can change
in an instant.
I should check on the others.
Okay, here we go.
Hope you guys had fun.
- Thanks, bye.
- 'Night.
Burning the midnight oil?
Oh sorry, I know you're supposed
to be closing soon
but I think I was just getting
the hang of it.
Well done.
Yeah, I thought I was hopeless
but it helps to have
a good teacher.
Well thanks.
You get a gold star.
Do you, um...
Do you sell coffee beans here?
Of course.
What kind would you like?
Whatever you'd recommend.
I'll take two bags.
These ones are great.
Internationally sourced.
They're organic from family run
farms all over the world.
We also have a coffee club of
the month if you're interested.
Sample all the latest
and greatest.
You've really thought
of everything.
I try.
They're opening a Vic
around the corner.
But I think I'm prepared.
My coworker's worried.
I tried telling her the world
isn't driven by discounts.
Kismet is about connecting
with people.
I connect through my food,
my coffee.
Bake all the pastries myself
with love.
We're a part of the community
and the community's part of us.
I'm sorry. I got a little
carried away.
No, it's... it's really...
You know what, I'll take
a few more bags.
You can never have
enough coffee.
They make really good gifts too.
Thank you.
Uh, see you around.
I think I'm going to take
a quick walk.
Get some fresh air.
Okay. I'll be here.
Oh. Hi.
We keep bumping into each other.
How were the beans?
They were fantastic.
I'm going to have to come by
and get some more.
I have very thirsty roommates.
Um, I'll see you around.
Anything we should know about
the opening of The Vic downtown?
Uh, come for the discounts
and stay for the quality.
We have a great loyalty program
but the, the product
really speaks for itself.
We look forward to serving you.
You work for The Vic?
I run this branch.
I didn't realize.
I didn't know who you...
Were you spying on me?
Why would I spy on you?
I'm your competition.
The only other competition
is the other Vics nearby.
We both sell coffee.
We're competition.
Pretty soon you'll be hosting
latte art workshops.
We don't need to do that.
What about the whole bit
with the hard hat?
I thought you were charming.
But you were lying.
I didn't mean to lie to you.
I came to your workshop
because it seemed fun.
There was no ulterior
motive there.
Do you care how your
presence here
might affect small businesses?
Superstores tear
communities apart.
Besides, isn't there another one
of your chains
like 10 minutes away?
There was a demand for a
brand new Vic on this block.
In this community,
for this neighborhood.
The line inside speaks
for itself.
You okay?
I just met the owner
of the new Vic.
He's heartless.
What do you mean?
He came into the workshop last
night and bought beans from us.
I'm confused, isn't that nice?
No, it's not nice.
It's smug.
The nerve of that guy.
You know he's like our age too.
You'd think he'd have
more integrity
than to get into big business.
He's our age and already runs
his own branch?
You sound impressed.
You were right the first time.
He doesn't see how his store
is going to destroy
the charm of the neighborhood.
All he sees are dollar signs.
I can tell.
If he thinks he's going
to ruin us,
he's got another thing coming.
We are going to give him
a run for his money.
Just you wait and see.
I love when you get like this.
It's exciting and scary
at the same time.
Thank you.
Walker: It's opening day.
It was a huge success.
It was.
I thought you'd be more excited.
All our hard work is paying off.
I just can't get over
my interaction
with the owner of Kismet Cafe.
Well, you gotta get over it.
Yeah but this time
it's different.
This is a young woman
with dreams.
Oh, I see what's happening.
You my friend, feel guilty.
Is that what this is?
Sounds like it.
She was just not very nice.
Pretty mean.
We are potentially destroying
her livelihood.
Yeah, but it's not personal.
It's business.
- Right.
- Right.
I had a bad day.
I'm sorry if that's weird
to tell you.
I know this should be light
and fun
getting to know you type stuff,
but I like talking to you.
I'm so glad you messaged me.
I also had a bad day.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm okay.
Why was your day bad?
I know this doesn't paint me
in the best light,
but I think I hurt someone's
feelings today.
Someone who didn't deserve it.
We all have our moments.
I never seem to know how
to defend myself.
All I can do is walk away
and then I feel powerless
I wish I could help.
Are you any good
at business advice?
That's actually the thing
that I'm best at.
I run a coffee shop.
I'm at the risk of losing
my business to a competitor.
Well then you have
to fight back.
I know this sounds cheesy,
but look at your reflection.
Tell yourself you are in charge,
you are the boss,
and you are capable of anything.
Fancy seeing you here.
Are you following me?
What? No, of course not.
Why are you in a toy store?
Well, I could ask you
the same question.
I asked you first.
It's my nephew's birthday.
I'm buying him a present.
Need a hand?
Do you mind?
What do we have here?
Board game night at the shop.
Oh, that's a great idea, but...
Yeah, it's not my place.
No. Tell me.
I can take it.
I just don't think it's best
for business.
And why not?
Well, people will be excited
to play games
but that doesn't
necessarily mean
they're going to buy more food
or drinks.
I'm hoping to bring in
more customers.
Feeling a sense of community,
coming together.
That's what's important.
People want that.
Yeah, I get that.
But you know what,
it's your shop.
You know best.
How old's your nephew?
He'll be five.
You want to see a picture?
I love kids.
He's cute.
Yeah. We're buds.
What are you going to get him?
I don't know.
You know when I was his age
I was really into superheroes.
I always wanted to catch
the bad guy.
And now you are the bad guy.
No, I'm not.
I know you think that,
but I'm just doing my job.
You're right.
That wasn't fair, sorry.
I just picture my hero
saving the day,
not ruining it.
I don't want to ruin your day.
You're not.
I guess it's just an
uncomfortable situation.
It is.
I'll just take these.
Have a nice day.
You too.
Oh, um, you know what?
Here, I... I got it.
What? No.
Don't run that card.
No, it's the Vic company
credit card, you know?
Think of it as a neighborly
An amends of sorts.
For what?
Nothing's happened.
By the way.
There's a boy that comes into
the shop a lot with his parents.
He has a superhero cape
that he absolutely adores.
He never takes it off.
Just a thought.
That's a great idea.
Thank you.
When did you write all this?
Last night when you were asleep.
I hope that's okay.
I wanted to talk to someone
and got kind of caught up
in the moment.
You know you can always talk
to me about this stuff, right?
I know.
I didn't want to bother you.
Besides, he was awake
and didn't seem to mind.
Well... I'm glad my future
husband is so helpful.
I approve of him for you,
that's for sure.
Are you sure you don't want
to date him?
It kind of seems like you two
are hitting it off.
I mean, he seems great...
but no.
It was just texting.
Do you want to meet him?
I don't know.
I'm not really sure
that we'd connect.
I don't feel anything
when I read the messages.
You can't judge someone
based on their texts alone.
That's true.
The whole point of this exercise
was for me to get you on a date.
Why are you so passionate
about this?
Everything with the shop
has been all over the place.
It'd just be nice to feel like
something is working out.
Do you think also it's maybe
because you want love
but are too afraid to go
after it yourself?
What? No.
Of course not.
I want you to be happy.
I need to focus on the shop.
You can have a little fun
for the both of us.
What do you say?
I don't know.
He seems like a great guy.
You'll be happy you went.
Hey, hey.
I read the messages last night.
You got real, fast.
I know, I...
Not really my style
if I'm being honest.
I don't talk about my feelings
like that, you know that.
You're the sensitive one.
Yeah, I know you like to keep it
light and breezy,
but what I...
It's her.
"Do you want to meet
tomorrow night?"
Do you guys need
anything else here?
We're okay.
Can I get you guys
anything else?
- No, we're good.
- Okay.
How's it going?
Well, we've had
a decent turnout.
But most of the parties
have been here for hours
and only ordered
like one coffee.
I tried to see if they wanted
anything else,
but they just want to play
and be with their friends.
Well that's okay, right?
We have the $5 rental fee
for the games
and the night's still young.
I'm going to go drop this off.
All right.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I love your cape.
My uncle got it for me
for my birthday.
Sounds like you have
a good uncle.
He's the best.
What are you two doing here?
Well I told him about games
night and he got really excited.
And this is where he wanted
to spend his birthday.
Happy birthday.
So sweet.
Guess games night
was a good idea.
Well, have a seat
wherever you'd like.
How about I bring you a special
dessert for your birthday?
Thank you.
Ryan, where do you want to sit?
Should we go here?
Who is that?
The branch owner at The Vic?
- Okay.
- Ah!
You did not say
that he was cute.
Didn't notice.
You didn't notice?
Well, I didn't think
it was relevant.
He's our competition.
If he's our competition,
what is he doing here?
And is his table
full of desserts?
I gave him one on the house
for his nephew's birthday.
And then he bought a bunch more.
Some competitor.
Should we go catch that movie?
- Yeah.
- Alright, let's go.
Oh, we should go say thank you.
Thank you for tonight.
You were right.
Games night was a great idea.
And the desserts.
They were incredible, right?
Have a nice night.
You too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
This can't be right.
We got significantly less
than last week
when we didn't have an event.
You mean before The Vic?
We lost sales from game night.
I'm sorry, Lene.
Everyone had a lot of fun.
At this rate they won't be able
to have fun here much longer.
You still feeling guilty?
No. No, we're doing great.
It's a good thing, right?
Right. A really good thing.
Alright. Speaking
of good things.
It's almost your time.
I don't know, man.
I'm feeling nervous.
You're not going to back out
on me, are you?
I re-read the messages.
All that banter?
It's just not me.
You two are really connecting.
Yeah, you two have
so much in common.
That's what I thought too, at
least according to her profile.
But the way that she talks,
she seems more right for you.
Aw, it's just text messages.
People can be completely
different in person.
You're right.
I'll go, order an appetizer,
say hello, drink some wine,
and then I'm out of there.
That's all you have to do.
Walk with me?
What if she's not
what I expected?
Where's the confident,
self-assured guy
that I know and love, huh?
Just think about it
as taking the next step.
A baby step.
If you guys meet and you click,
great, take another step.
And if you don't, well,
at least you tried. Right?
Why aren't you trying again?
I will once the branch
is stable.
But for now, let's focus on you.
I'll never know why you can't
take your own advice.
Will you go look?
Go to the window and see
if you can see her there?
I've never seen you
like this before.
You've never seen me single.
That's a good point.
Do you see her?
I don't know, there's a girl
sitting by herself.
There's a waiter blocking
her, I...
Oh, yep.
That's her.
Looks just like her pictures.
So she's gorgeous.
I knew it.
What are you going to do?
I'm going to cross
the finish line.
Atta boy.
Go get her.
Will you come in
and wait at the bar?
It's so nice to meet you.
Please take a seat.
You again.
We have to stop running
into each other like this.
Mind if I sit down?
No. I'm in the middle
of something.
I didn't think people
still read those.
My sister says the gossip's
all online now.
Do you mind?
Just didn't take you for a
celebrity gossip fan, that's all.
I'm not. Just shh.
Right. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb
your reading.
I'm not actually reading this.
I figured.
You know, when I'm dining alone
I usually bring a book
or something to keep me busy.
It's not a big deal.
No, it's not that. I'm...
I'm spying on my friend.
Oh. What?
She asked me to come
just in case.
She's on a first date.
First one in a while, so
I'm here for moral support.
The magazine's a disguise.
I don't read these.
Well, this night just got
more interesting.
I'm here for a friend too.
The one with Ava?
This world is very, very small.
It's tiny.
So Walker is your friend?
He seems really kind and funny.
Like a standup guy.
Yeah, he is.
I've known Walker for years.
How do you know so much
about him?
Ava told me.
He seems great.
You were right about games night
by the way.
What do you mean?
We didn't even break even.
I'm sorry to hear that.
If it's any consolation
my nephew and I,
we had a great time.
Anyway. Let's talk about
better things.
Like our friends.
They seem to be hitting it off.
I know.
I'm really glad
we're doing this.
Me too.
This is my first date
from the app,
so forgive me if I'm
a bit rusty.
Same here.
What made you do something
different this time?
Your profile really stood out
to me.
Oh yeah?
What did you like about it?
We seem to like doing
the same things,
listening to the same music,
maybe have similar
I haven't been able
to find that.
I know, right?
It's all about those
common interests.
Like going out and being
with friends, enjoying life.
My favorite memories
are listening to live music
or sharing a meal with friends.
Being outside,
exploring the world.
I agree with you 1,000 percent.
Thank you.
So, where have you travelled to?
They're really into
their conversation.
I'm not surprised.
Ava is really easy to talk to.
What do you mean?
Uh, Walker showed me
some of the messages.
She has some really interesting
things to say.
Yeah. She does.
Are you guys ready to order?
Oh uh, you go ahead.
I'll take the pure Asian
kale salad to start,
and the magical
double cheeseburger.
That's exactly what I was
going to have.
I'll have what she's having.
Sounds good.
Coming right up.
How long you been
a vegetarian for?
About 10 years.
I went to this sanctuary
for rescued farm animals
and fell in love with this pig
named Bella.
You mean Green Meadows
on the outskirts of town?
Yeah. How did...
Oh, I go there every year
around Thanksgiving.
We rescue turkeys.
I've always wanted to do that.
You totally should,
it is so fulfilling.
One of these days I will.
Right now it's just visiting
Bella when I can.
No, I know exactly what you mean
about her.
You know, every time
that I look into her eyes
it's just like she's staring
into my soul.
You know pigs are a lot
like dogs?
I wanted a pet pig
when I was a kid
and I did all this research and
it turns out even if they say
that they're going to be
only 60 pounds,
they can grow up to 300 pounds.
What? You can't manage
a 300-pound beast?
Oh, I can.
But I just don't think
my roommates
would like it very much.
You know, besides I work
more than 70 hours a week
and I wouldn't want to be
a neglectful pig pop.
Oh, pig pop.
Like dog dad.
That's cute.
I know.
Are you guys ready to order?
Oh sorry, we've been talking
this whole time.
Haven't had a chance to look at
the menu.
No problem.
Take your time.
So. What's good here.
I've actually never been.
My friend who's a foodie
told me about it.
So how long have you been
a vegetarian for?
Oh, no.
I'm not vegetarian.
No offense if you are,
I'm just, where I'm from
we eat a lot of meat.
Oh, my gosh, I am so relieved
to hear you say that.
I'm not a vegetarian either.
I totally respect people
who are,
but yeah, it's not for me.
Okay. I'm really craving
a burger now.
They have one made
of soy and mushrooms.
Do you want to get out of here?
What did you have in mind?
I know this awesome street meat
vendor down the block.
He makes this amazing
secret seasoning.
You had me at street meat.
Let's go.
Oh. Looks like they're getting
ready to leave.
Oh no.
Oh no, they're both
still smiling.
I bet Ava wanted something else.
I try to get her to step out
of her comfort zone
and taste different foods,
but she's picky.
Yeah, Walk's the same.
He's more of a steak
and potatoes kind of guy.
Oh, you know, I bet you
he's taking her to his favorite
street vendor.
Street meat.
I swear he eats there like
three times a week.
I think she'll like that.
It's more her style.
I love this place,
and I think it's delicious.
I think I'll stay here
and enjoy it.
I guess we did already order.
Yeah, but our entertainment
just walked out the door.
Well, we have this.
What do we have in there?
Well apparently this woman
was engaged to this man,
who was also seeing this woman
who happens to be the first
woman's sister.
I know.
Uh, what else?
Let me see.
I have to admit something.
This isn't that bad.
What do you mean?
The magazine...
Oh, yeah, it's got lots of
juicy stuff in it.
Thanks for offering
to walk me home.
Yeah, don't mention it.
This is me.
It's a nice building.
It's got good bones.
It was built in the 1930s.
I love a building with history.
But is it haunted?
My neighbor says there's a ghost
of a famous starlet
who roams the hallways at night.
I believe it.
Well um, this was fun.
Turns out spying on our friends
can be surprisingly fun.
I imagine I'll be seeing
even more of you now?
Sorry about that.
It's like you can't
get rid of me.
It's just ever since
we moved our storefront
in across from you,
we keep running into each other.
I'm starting to get used to it.
Hopefully it's not such
a bad thing?
Um, I have to go.
I have some work prep to do.
Yeah, right.
Of course.
You're home late, little lady.
I don't even know
what time it is.
The night just flew by.
Tell me everything.
It was amazing.
He was so great.
I was really surprised.
You and I just don't have
the same taste, you know.
And you seemed to be hitting
it off with him in the messages.
He was nothing like that
in real life.
What do you mean?
He was confident and fun
and loud.
Not in an obnoxious way.
We ended up going to this
random street vendor for dinner
then popped into this
hole in the wall bar
where we drank mezcal
and danced to live Mexican
music with some of his friends.
You met his friends?
On a first date?
Yeah. It was spontaneous
and fun.
I always thought a good first
date would be someplace quiet
where you could talk one on one,
get to know each other.
That sounds so boring, Lena.
Besides, you can really tell
who someone is by their friends.
I guess so.
He does sound really different
from the person I was
texting with.
But I guess people can have
more than one side to them.
The point is, it was great
and we're going to go out again.
But what?
Only if it's okay with you.
What do you mean?
Of course it's okay with-
it's more than okay with me.
I know that you felt
a connection with him.
You had a rapport.
Please, it was nothing.
It was just some texts.
I want what's best for you.
That's what's going to make
me happy.
How did the rest
of your night go?
Well, it was going
perfectly fine
until someone came in and...
The Vic branch manager.
What? No way.
Apparently, he's Walker's BFF.
I know.
Walker said he worked in
corporate for Vic,
but I didn't think
he'd know Jonah.
Lena, do you like him?
What? No, of course not.
That would be absurd.
He's our competition.
He's the reason I'm stressed,
the reason Kismet might be
going out of business.
I mean no.
I can't possibly like him.
He can be partially responsible
for all those things,
and you can still have
a crush on him.
If he's friends with Walker
I bet he's a great guy.
Well, even so.
We have nothing in common.
He runs a chain,
I work for a mom and pop shop
that I started myself.
You both work in coffee.
That's something in common,
even if your businesses
are different sizes.
I take it you're
both vegetarians.
Yeah, but who cares?
You both have impeccable taste
in friends,
that much is obvious.
Well, that's true.
It's okay to like him.
I don't think that it is.
My man.
This round's on me.
Someone's in a good mood.
I really like her.
So, are you going to see
her again?
Yeah, definitely.
We talked about doing something
tomorrow night.
That was fast.
When you know, you know.
It just feels right.
So, what's she like?
Look. I know you felt a spark
with her.
No, there was no spark.
It was just online.
It's not like people
fall in love on the internet
or anything.
Jonah, people literally do that
all the time.
You know what I mean.
It was just some messages.
I'm happy for you, you know?
This is what we wanted.
You're a great guy.
You deserve a great girl.
Don't tell me...
The slightest difference?
That doesn't make any sense.
What am I going to do?
- Green Meadows.
- Green Meadows.
I brought coffee.
Oh, that's sweet of you.
What are those?
I like to play around
with flavor profiles,
so this one's strawberry
persimmon cinnamon and
the last one's orange sage.
Huh. Persimmon cinnamon.
Say that 10 times fast.
Do you want one?
You know what,
maybe we should let the other
volunteers have them.
They've been here all day.
No, I insist.
There's plenty to go around.
Okay. They do look
pretty tasty.
Go on.
These are insane.
You made these?
I take a lot of pride
in my baking.
It's my favorite thing to do.
Did you get these
from a recipe book?
A book?
It's my own recipe.
Really, you should go on one of
those competitive baking shows.
I mean you'd definitely win.
Hey, Eugene.
Wanted to drop these off.
That's so nice of you.
Oh, they look delicious.
I brought hot coffee.
How thoughtful.
Thank you.
Have you met Bella?
Are you kidding me?
She's practically the main
reason why I volunteer.
Just like Lena.
No wonder you two are together.
- Oh no, we're not...
- We're not... Together.
We just know each other
from the neighborhood.
Oh, I see.
Well, there's some chores
that need doing
if you two would like
to do the honors.
- Great.
- Yeah.
It's a nice day to feed
some goats.
It is.
I love it here.
I love this time of year.
Perfect day to volunteer.
Look at him.
He's so cute.
He likes you.
Looks like he could just
fall asleep in your arms.
I know.
Should we go visit
the love of our lives?
So beautiful.
They're my favorite.
I don't know much about flowers,
but they are beautiful.
So how's the shop?
We're going to have to close.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It's just the way things are.
I'll be okay.
The shop was mostly an avenue
for my baked goods.
That's where my heart really is.
I just have to figure out
next steps.
You have to do something
with your desserts.
They're incredible.
We'll see.
There she is.
The lady, the myth, the legend.
Bella baby.
Walker wants us to join him
on his date with Ava tonight.
Why on earth would they
want that?
Well, they want us to
"get to know each other
and to squash the tension."
Those meddlers.
Well, in all fairness,
we did spy on their date.
Ava wanted me there.
Yeah. So did Walker.
What should I tell him?
What do you think, Belly welly?
Oh, that sounds like
an affirmative to me.
Looks like we're going.
Isn't this so much fun?
Mm-hmm, so fun.
It was Walker's idea.
He's got the best date ideas.
Well, when I found out that you
loved horror movies like me,
I knew we had to check this out.
I'm so glad you guys could come
with us.
- Yeah.
- Make it a family affair.
The more the merrier.
Oh, it's starting.
What are you doing?
I don't like horror movies.
Well the gaps in your fingers
kind of defeat the purpose.
I want to see what happens.
But I also don't want
to get scared.
Then why did you agree
to do this?
For Ava.
She's done so much for me
over the years.
It's literally the least
I could do.
I do not understand the appeal
of all this.
Why do people want to see
gore and guts?
I don't get it either.
You know, I prefer comedies
Or what?
Or musicals.
I know most guys don't,
but I like how they make
me feel.
And the songs are catchy.
I love musicals.
They're the best, right?
They really are the best.
Why do you sound so annoyed?
Because I don't want us
to have anything in common.
We can't be friends.
We can't be... anything.
That makes perfect sense.
Thank you.
It's okay.
Just don't make a habit of it.
You ladies need anything else?
This has been one of my favorite
places in the neighborhood.
I'm going to miss your dessert
the most.
There's nothing like them
around here or anywhere.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
But you know, change can be
a good thing sometimes.
It's a new chapter.
Very true.
We're excited about what
you're going to do next.
Me too.
We'll take a couple of those.
I'm going to miss this place.
I'm going to miss it too.
What do you think
you'll do next?
I don't know.
Maybe this is the push I needed
to focus on my baking.
What about you?
I've always wanted to get
my degree.
I was talking to Walker about it
and he thinks I might be good
at sales.
Maybe a degree
in communications.
We'll see.
You talked to Walker about it.
He's been really helpful.
I'm honestly smitten with him.
I can tell.
That's great.
Hopefully we can hang out again.
All four of us.
Oh, I don't know.
Things with Jonah are awkward.
He's Walker's best friend,
and I thought you guys had fun
the other night.
That was fun.
I just can't reconcile
with the fact
that this guy who I enjoy
spending time with
is partially responsible for
turning my life upside-down.
Things are complicated,
but try and look at this
as a door opening
and not a door closing.
The world's your oyster.
Come on in.
How is it going in here?
We have a lot to do.
We've got to clean and pack
everything up.
What are you doing here?
Well I saw that it was
closing night
and I just wanted to come by
and to see...
Revel in your victory?
What? No, I...
I'll be fine.
I know you will be.
You're too skilled and talented
not to be.
I uh, I got you flowers.
I know.
You told me.
When we were at Green Meadows,
you mentioned they were
your favorite.
Is there anything I can,
I can do?
Is that why you stopped by?
No, I stopped by because...
Well, I was hoping
we could be friends.
I know it might be impossible,
but I figured it was worth
a shot.
Thank you for the flowers.
That's a really sweet gesture.
There's no need for you to stay
and help, really.
It's the least I could do.
Well, we do still need to clean
the espresso machine
before we pack it up.
There's a bunch of trash
to take out
and coffee grinds to compost.
Yeah, I can do all that.
Where should I start?
He is putting in work.
He must feel really bad.
Well, that's the last of it.
What else?
Not much, actually.
Why don't you take off?
What? No.
I'm not going to leave you
on our last night.
It's okay.
I guess I could go register
for classes
before I meet up with Walker.
Are you sure I can leave
you alone with him?
Yeah, I'll be fine.
I'm not worried about you.
I'll be nice.
But really.
Are you okay?
Because if you need me,
I'll stay.
I'm good.
Thanks Lene.
Love you.
Love you too.
Bye Jonah.
Thanks for helping out
my girl here.
Hope to see you soon.
No problem.
Thank goodness.
I thought she would never leave.
I... I was just joking.
Jokes usually make people laugh.
And you're the authority
on humor, I suppose?
I've been known to make people
laugh on occasion.
Because in the short time
that we've known each other,
you haven't made me laugh once.
Well, you've made me cry
a bunch, so there's that.
I'm kidding.
Good. Because I was starting
to feel really bad.
You haven't made me cry.
I'm okay.
Besides, kind of exciting to see
where this new path takes me.
Plus I'm not much of a crier.
Never have been.
Really? When was the last time
you cried?
This is kind of embarrassing.
It was a commercial.
Oh. Surprisingly those can be
very emotional.
I know.
Which one?
This little boy sends paper
airplanes over his fence
hoping to reach his military
father who's overseas.
Unbeknownst to the little boy,
his neighbor collects
the paper airplanes
and sends them to his dad.
His Dad opens them on the base
and sends a big box
of paper airplane responses.
His neighbor sends them
over the fence
for the little boy to read.
Are you crying?
That is beautiful.
You are totally tearing up.
Let's just say I'm buying
whatever they're selling.
Which was what, by the way?
I don't know.
I was so hooked on the story
and too bleary eyed
that I couldn't see the screen
when whatever it was they were
selling came on.
I love this song.
Yeah. Every time it comes on
I can't help but dance to it.
Don't let me stop you.
Woah, you ain't ready
for these moves.
Try me.
I needed that.
Yeah. Me too.
Oh, no.
Um... May I have this dance?
Why not?
What the heck, right?
Can't hurt.
I think this is the first time
I've ever danced in my shop.
No kidding.
Yeah, believe it or not
this kind of thing
doesn't happen very often.
Well, I'm honored.
First and the last time too.
What do you mean?
The first time I've danced
in my shop
and it'll also be the last time
I'll dance in my shop.
Well hopefully not the last time
we dance together though.
Um, we should get back to work.
There's still a lot to do.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
I want to make a toast.
What are we toasting to?
To us, obviously.
To the times we've shared
so far,
to hopefully many more to come.
I just can't wait to see
what the future holds for us.
Walker, that's so sweet.
I know, sorry.
I don't know what's come
over me.
I love it.
I wanted to ask you if, you know,
we could make this official.
Yes, of course.
Oh, my gosh, yes!
I'm so glad that silly app
brought us together.
Thanks, technology.
There is one thing.
It's not a big deal,
I just figure we should start
this relationship off
with honesty.
Of course.
You can tell me anything.
What is it?
You never actually talked to me
on the app.
What I mean is, it wasn't me.
I was in kind of a slump
getting over a guy,
and so I asked Lena
to text for me.
I almost didn't even show up
on the date
because I thought you two were
hitting it off so much.
Okay, well I'm glad
you're not mad.
Ava, I didn't write
my messages either.
What do you mean?
I was gun shy from
my last relationship.
I hadn't dated for a while
so I asked Jonah to write
the messages for me.
Wait a second.
So Lena and Jonah did
all the talking for us?
I was going to tell you
when it came up,
but you didn't reference
our messages
so I hadn't had a chance
to tell you yet.
Lena seemed really
into the messages.
So did Jonah.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
I don't know, but take me there.
I could smell those
from the street.
So good.
How was your date?
We made things official.
Walker's my boyfriend now.
That's great.
I'm so happy for you.
Also, I learned some very
interesting information.
What's that?
Turns out one of Walker's
friends was writing his messages
for him on the app.
Yeah right.
I'm serious.
We were both weary so
our friends did it for us.
Wait, really?
You told Walker it was me?
Yep. That's how
it came out.
Neither of us wrote
a single message,
can you believe that?
His friend sounds great.
Handsome, successful,
really sweet.
Would you be open
to a blind date?
Why blind?
He's not on social media
and Walker doesn't have
any good pictures of him.
I don't know.
Come on.
It'll be a great distraction.
What have you got to lose?
Walker and I will come.
I'll make it a double date.
Right here.
You okay?
I feel better.
Look, I'm, I'm sorry. I...
It's okay, really.
When one door closes
another opens.
Hey, you know what really
cheers me up?
What cheers you up?
I want to know.
So, what do you think
you'll do next?
I don't know.
My passion is fostering
a sense of community
wherever I am so hopefully
something with that.
But baking full time
has always been my dream.
People seem to enjoy
my desserts.
Yeah. You gotta give the people
what they want.
I want to package and distribute
them to other coffee shops
and little local markets,
you know?
Spread the happiness.
Well, that scone
that you gave me,
it was so good I'm still
thinking about it.
I'm serious.
You're too talented just
to let it go to waste.
I have an idea.
Now I would have to run it by
the greater company at large,
but what would you say
to running games nights
and talent nights and charitable
community events
down at The Vic?
That way you could foster the
sense of community that you love
in the neighborhood
that you love,
and bring in that small
business feel
instead of that big corporate
chain vibe
that you dislike so much.
We could start selling
your desserts, you know?
And if they did well
then the other Vics could
start selling them too.
I don't know,
work for the enemy?
No, you'd be spreading happiness
you know?
Making us better.
We would just be providing
the platform.
It could be a great
business opportunity.
It could be.
I kind of love the idea.
Can I sleep on it?
Yeah, of course.
Thank you for the incredible
It really is kind of you to take
a chance on me like that.
I believe in you.
I saw what Kismet did
for the neighborhood
and well, I've tried
your desserts.
You're... they're perfect.
I better get going.
Oh, you have somewhere to be?
I have a date.
Oh. Yeah.
That, that sounds fun.
You know I wish we met through
Ava and Walker,
you know, instead of
competing businesses.
Thought I wasn't
your competition.
I'm sorry about that.
Oh gosh.
Stop apologizing.
You gave me advice on game night
and I didn't listen.
Brought me flowers,
cleaned the shop,
helped me pack up and move,
and just offered me
a business opportunity
that could give me both
that sense of community
and possibly push my
desserts mainstream.
You've done so much for me
at this point.
I need you to know I...
I appreciate it.
I just wish that...
Wish what?
I just wish that if we had met
under different circumstances
that it could be you and me
going on that date tonight.
Not how the cards fell.
Just wasn't kismet.
It wasn't meant to be.
See you.
You excited?
I don't know.
What's wrong?
You really liked this guy.
I know.
I just... I know this is going
to sound strange,
but I think Jonah tried
to ask me out
and part of me wanted
to say yes.
What part of you said no?
I think I was so dead set on
the idea that he was responsible
for all these things going wrong
in my life
that I couldn't see
who he truly is.
Just a funny smart
and kind person.
You could still give him
a chance if you want.
No. If it was meant to be
it would be.
That'll work.
Jonah: Hey, man, what's up?
Walker: Sorry about today
with Lena.
That's okay, man.
I'm glad she has a date.
I'm happy for her.
Still on for dinner tonight?
Yeah, you bet.
Where you want to go?
I was thinking we could try
that new food truck.
Veggie Voodoo?
You'd do that for me?
I would.
You're the best.
I know.
Hey you.
You look beautiful.
Where's the lucky guy?
Should be here soon.
I haven't actually
met him before.
I get it. App date.
Sort of.
What about you?
Oh, I'm just here checking out
Veggie Voodoo.
Oh. Okay.
Do you want me to wait with you
until he comes,
or should I just go...
Either is fine.
I don't exactly know
what he looks like.
What do you mean?
It's kind of complicated but,
I was talking for Ava
on her dating app,
and apparently this mystery man
was doing the same for Walker.
We sort of hit it off.
That was you.
What was me?
I'm... I'm that mystery man.
Quit playing around.
I'm serious.
I was texting for Walker.
He gave me his phone.
It was you?
It was me.
Every... single... message.
It was kismet after all.