Lovely Boy (2021) Movie Script

Oh, man, where's the bathroom?
- Upstairs.
- Thanks.
There's a queue!
I know, handsome, but I'm workin'.
Come on, chill.
At least you could use
the backstage bathroom?
- I wanted to see the place.
- You wanted to see the place?
Let's go, hurry up!
Excuse me, excuse me.
Where are you going?
- Get out the fuckin' way!
- Fuck you!
Get the fuck out the way!
Lolly's here!
Ready, bro?
I'll be waiting for you here,
blow them away.
That's how I want you,
you as well, come on!
We are the bosses!
Come on!
Go, guys, go!
Lovely Boy, boy.
The coffee table's all white
Everything in my life is white...
XX Gang!
The coffee table's all white
In my house everything's white
I'm havin' a whitey, right
The coffee table's all white
In my house everything's white
I'm havin' a whitey, right...
You blew them away!
Nice, bro! You blew them away!
A drop? Let's pop a Beluga!
How's it going?
How was it?
"A bomb, bro, you blew them away!"
No, seriously.
It was good.
You coming to Nagasaki?
Nagasaki, no! I have an exam tomorrow.
I'm gonna go soon.
Tony wants to talk to you.
- You got a lift? - With Giulia.
- Call me after the exam.
You need to act serious!
This is Lovely.
Oh, hey, Lo.
Shit, you're good.
Your pal said
you've got some fresh stuff.
Yeah, they're writing
some real good shit.
They're totally on it.
We're doing new things,
working on new sounds,
you saw, we blew them away.
- Well done. Well done.
- It's good stuff we're doing.
You saw tonight? They were on fire.
I'm going to the bathroom.
OK, what was I saying?
You've seen them live.
Now humility aside,
but he walks the walk as well.
After a hard day's work,
we really needed this...
Hi, Feder.
Hi, Mart.
- This is Niccol.
- Hey. Hello.
That's your bed.
I'll leave you here to sort your stuff.
Dinner's at 8.
Did you take the fish?
Everyone makes that mistake
the first time.
What are you doing?
This one's good.
Come on.
Here, Fabi.
Thank you.
I was dreaming.
What about?
I don't remember.
The other day I dreamt I went
shopping and I didn't have any money.
How can you sleep in the afternoon?
I get anxious.
That wouldn't be
the three thousand joints a day?
What do joints have to do with it?
They might have a little to do with it.
You not bored with them yet?
- Edo...
- Mmm?
We were talking about joints,
what do you think?
Ah, joints?
I was doing joints at his age.
Now if I took a puff...
I'd keel over.
You wanna puff, Da'?
You'd like that.
I pray for those who love me
Those who say blah, blah, blah
I pray for those who hate me
Those who say blah, blah, blah
I pray for those who pray
Those who pray blah, blah, blah
I pray for those who listen
To all my blah, blah, blah...
- Top.
- Go, let's hear it, bro.
What do you say?
That is the shit.
Keep the level.
Always, always the level.
No, let me speak, let me speak.
These two are shit hot, really shit
hot, they blow everyone else away.
I know I'm being a pain in the arse
and I've told you two thousand times,
but trust me, I'm doin' you a favour.
Now we'll do the video,
all glittery pussies.
Don't you like glittery pussy?
Yeah, glittery, velvety,
whatever you fancy.
Do it, tell him something.
Fabi, do it, come on!
Right, let's do this, let's do lunch,
listen to them again, plus the new
songs, then we'll do the gold disc!
Come on, I'll call you tonight,
you can't tell me no! Bye.
The man! Hey, Nic.
What you sayin'? You workin'?
Always. You wanna come in?
No, no, I wish,
I have to work as well. Come on.
- Cool.
- See ya.
My man.
Mother of God, puppy,
you're a great puppy.
It's pointless you talking...
You do trap...
you do trap.
What we do doesn't even have a name.
We're on Mars.
Stupid earthlings!
Where the fuck are we?
Eh, East Rome.
Fuck me, it's really ugly.
There he is, Jesus!
What the fuck is he wearing, oh?
Papa Smurf.
Hey, bro.
- Hey, bro.
- Big man!
Are you ready?
It was '98 at the Olympic Stadium,
Wu-Tang Clan,
remember I got slashed?
Ste', bring us some tripe
and a couple of salads. Please.
- Was it the Fascists?
- Fascists?
It was that bastard
who wanted to shag Chiaretta.
Yeah, Chiaretta.
She was already suckin' off dogs
at the time.
Was that the summer
we played at the Air Terminal?
Still with this story.
We played, you were selling hash
outside the Portaloos.
He's joking, it's not that...
Oh, well, we've all done it, Pad.
Right, let's get down to business.
Tony says you've got talent.
Then there's Padella
who's totally broken our balls.
Now we'll give you a contract for
two albums, the first immediately,
the other in a year.
But we need to expand the audience.
It's only kids who know you now,
it has to be said.
- That's our audience.
- Yeah, but we'll expand it now...
I don't know, a collab with Skepta?
- I wish!
- He's not the same thing.
- How d'you mean? Skepta's great!
- You said that about TruceBaldazzi!
Don't slag Baldazzi, that's really
a pain, he was pure Dadaism.
TruceBaldazzi being the best rapper
ever isn't up for discussion.
If you say so...
You people really have no hearts!
So how did it go?
How do you mean?
The contract...
Are they giving you one?
Dunno. Yeah, so it seems.
"Dunno. Yeah." What's that mean?
Now that it might become serious,
it's like you don't give a damn.
I do give a damn, but who knows?
We'll see.
Oh, well...
Well, I hope it's good for you,
honestly, I'd be happier.
marriage, divorce, legal fees...
I'll take it all, bitch!
Come on, take it off.
What do you think?
Done. It's something.
- Not bad, eh?
- Bloody hell!
No, it's good, it's good.
It's just the regrowth
that's a little fucked up.
I could do my fringe like that.
Don't copy me.
Oh, well, hash...
Never injected?
Coke once IV.
as you'll have noticed the average
age of our guests is a bit older.
This is because
usually we deal with a maximum
of addictions to two substances...
OK, can you give me my pills?
This is I wanted to tell you.
What we believe is that relationships
are much more important,
which is why our work
is above all on the group.
Relationships are much more important
to us than medication.
So if you chose us...
My folks chose you, I didn't.
All right,
but maybe for once they chose well.
Maybe they think
it's better to have us treat you
rather than stuff you with pills.
Look, I understand
it's not easy being here...
but this is where you are,
give us a chance.
Meat or fish?
I wouldn't recommend the fish.
May I?
I recognised you, eh?
I play as well...
Apulian Rhapsody...
The official Queen cover band
for Southern Italy.
If you've been on holiday in Salento
you're sure to have seen us.
I haven't been.
Do you like Queen?
- Me too... Jesus, Brian May!
- You're not a plumber.
You can't fix it!
25 times you've tried to fix the toilet,
and 70 times the toilet's broken.
- Do the maths.
- I do everything in here!
I can't take anymore,
I've fucking had it.
We need to call a plumber,
my room stinks of shit.
I'll finish eating, then fix the toilet.
You're not a plumber.
- To save 50 euros...
- Fuck off!
Mart, Martino...
It'll cost 50 shitty euros
to call a plumber to come and fix it,
it'll take him 20 minutes
and then it's OK for ever.
Let's do this... If Genny can't
fix it, we'll call the plumber.
If you're done,
let's go and start the shift.
Guten Morgen.
Come here.
Right, we're going to spend
this shift cleaning the horse pen.
So we shovel up the manure...
we put it in the wheelbarrow...
and when it's full
we dump it on the pile.
So the shift is shovelling shit?
No, the shift is cleaning the horse pen.
You like horses?
They get on my tits.
How come?
Cos they're pointless.
Lovely Boy!
Look at these pussies,
look at these pussies, bro.
- Bro, I am so cool!
- You fucking are.
Has the Ferrari arrived? Right, good.
I already said,
20 minutes, 30 tops, we're there.
Don't go away, OK?
What about these, bro?
They're so sparkly,
we're riding the wave, bro.
It's perfect, bro, it's perfect.
We're three hours late, I beg you, I
implore you, we have a video to make!
Costumes! What d'you want?
What costumes? What the fuck is this?
You look like Lady Gaga,
please, pink fur!
Guys, come on, girl, quick.
Oh, Pad, we're stars.
You got that... What the fuck...?
No, don't crowd me!
No, not the gloves as well, no...
Oh, we're losing the sheep, yeah?
Sheep, go away, away.
What the fuck did he say?
Ladies, we're almost there, eh.
Oi, come on, guys,
get your arses in gear!
We're getting a photo.
A photo? Go away and play football, move!
- Fuck off.
- You fuck off, go on.
It needs a wide angle, a 30,
to get the Ferrari,
the tower block and the pussy,
otherwise why have them here?
Oi! Where the fuck is he?
I don't know, he's not answering.
He's gonna ruin the video, bugger him!
What can I say? What the fuck do I know?
Look at these dickheads!
Where the fuck were you?
This isn't a 9-5.
What the fuck d'you want?
What have you taken?
- I didn't take anything.
- Yeah, sure you didn't!
What the fuck did you give him?
I didn't give him shit.
Come on, let's roll!
Let's make this film.
You go there, let's try this framing.
Bro, this isn't good.
It really isn't.
Play the track.
Come on, go with the music, go, playback.
I'm going around every day tinfoil cross
Smoke my rocks
you'll ask for more, no messing
I make bubbles with my mouth
it's not a Cola session...
What the fuck are you doing!
Oh, my God, that's revolting,
what the fuck!
- Sorry.
- Sorry, my arse.
Shoot! It's cult!
Ladies and gentlemen...
Fuckin' hell!
I would say to him,
"Luca, I need money to pay the bills."
He was 17.
He delivered pizzas.
He gave me his day's wages,
20, 30 euros...
I'd drink it all.
I didn't even eat, it all went on gin.
Then on Sunday, when he came...
he cooked for me...
and washed me.
And now what I'd like
is for him to come to see me,
because I didn't tell him I'm here.
You realise what kind of a mother I was?
Do you realise?
thank you.
Thank you very much for this testimony.
What do you think...
will we have a round of applause
for Lorenzo
who begins his last month
here with us today?
Go, Apulia!
Well done, Lorenzo!
So what are your plans
for returning home?
First I'll take Magda
and my daughter to dinner.
And then I'd like
to reform Apulian Rhapsody.
- Maybe find a job first, come on.
- Martino...
My cousin has a food supplements shop.
He offered me a job.
From heroin to supplements.
- Way to go!
- Martino, please.
So to speak.
Does anyone else want to say anything,
to share something with the group?
Niccol, you've never spoken.
Do you want to say something,
do you want to share something
with the group?
What am I meant to say?
Whatever you want.
You don't want to talk a little
about your week,
about what happened to you,
what you thought?
We're here to listen to you, all of us.
So what the fuck are you doing here?
Mart, can't you see he's just a boy?
You realise he's been dumped
in with a bunch of oldies?
Give him a hand at least.
A hand...
if he doesn't want to be helped.
No, no, he's right.
What the fuck am I doing here?
Niccol, it's not like that.
We all have problems here, eh.
May I?
Ah, like that?
Can you tell me
what you do with all this shit?
We pile it up, and when it's needed
we use it to fertilise the fields.
You can't just buy it?
Look at my shoes...
I've to get shit all over my shoes
to keep you happy, Dani?
- Work, Niccol!
- Fuck you!
What the fuck are you doing?
You're washing shit off!
You don't wash your shoes in the sink!
Stop it! You can't wash your shoes in...
you can't... Stop it!
Oi, are you crazy? Are you stupid?
Are you totally out of it?
That head covered in drawings is
empty, you don't understand a thing!
Oh, guys, what's going on here?
This dickhead's washing his shoes
in the sink...
Martino, you calm down.
What the fuck are you doing?
Washing your shoes in the sink?
Will you wash them for me?
You wash them, wash my shoes.
We'll deal with you later, son, OK?
Wash my shoes.
I'm gonna kill him.
And then, I mean,
we played together for 15 years!
We established the Roman scene...
five records, countless tours,
and you, what do you do?
With the excuse I'm not in the PRS
cos I want to be outside the system,
you don't pay me a euro in royalties!
Bad story.
It's not a bad story,
it's that Tony's a piece of shit.
- Listen, Pad, though...
- What is it they say...?
The wheel of karma.
And then, I mean, Tony's acting the chav.
But now with you he has to pay attention.
Also because I've always
felt more like a producer
than a rapper in the strict sense,
you with me?
Oi, though, you need
to ease off on the drugs, man.
Jesus, you're worse than my mother, Pad.
What's your mother got to do with it?
When you sign, you need to cool it.
OK, drop it.
Drop what?
Apart from the business,
why ruin your brain with this shit?
You have it all,
a family, talent, friends...
Pad, we've understood.
It's that I love you.
I really do love you.
Yeah, same here.
Give me a hug, come on.
Good man, Pad.
Hey, have you understood?
Don't dare, eh,
I'll get it, don't try it.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
320 euros.
The grappa's on the house.
If you made me pay
for the grappa as well, fuck!
No, nothing, I'm joking.
Take it to the desk, I'm coming.
Thank you. You're very kind.
Thank you.
We're sorted, no?
You'll have to be in Milan all the time now.
- Yeah.
We can get a season ticket
for the Eurostar.
Listen, Pad,
talking about this thing in Milan...
We've thought about it,
we're not signing.
I don't understand.
These collabs, the label with Tony
and the others...
- We wanna be light, Pad.
- It all smells a bit old.
If the problem's Tony, fine,
I've got all the contacts.
The problem's not Tony.
It's you.
I'm the problem?
I worked my bollocks off for you!
Yeah, in fact, thanks, Pad.
Come on, Pad, cool.
Cool, what? Where the fuck are you going?
Out the way...
you prick.
You piece of shit!
- You're a pair of shits!
- Shut up!
Piece of shit!
Piece of shit, I know where you live,
I'll kill you, you dog,
you piece of shit!
Piece of shit...
why not stay another week?
OK, you've tried.
Can I ask you something?
What do your tattoos mean?
Like this, what's that?
Date of birth.
This one here?
RIP Line.
My dog...
And this one?
My stage name.
I have a tattoo as well.
That is shit.
Yeah, I know.
And what's it mean?
I like wolves.
They're solitary, but they need a pack...
Then they're from the same place as me.
You wanna let me hear one of your songs?
You sure?
Watch out...
You dream of being successful
I swear I think you're shit
Half my money in the toilet bowl
The other half I'm gonna snort it
I don't wanna look at myself
in the mirror
This stuff is a dog's lead
You should study the basics
Cocaine, champagne and whores
Looking bad
Last drop of this candle
Looks like a gold and black pill
My nose bleeds, the earth trembles
Empty glass but my mouth is full
And sorry, baby, if I'm not in the mood
If my nose bleeds
My nose bleeds
My nose bleeds, the earth trembles
Empty glass but my mouth is full
And sorry...
The train leaves in 20 minutes.
Give me that. I'll open it.
Can we go back?
What the fuck are you laughing at?
Come here till I put you on the barbie!
Where are you going? Come here.
I was thinking about
getting a mini golf course here.
Get a pool, bro.
- I've got the pool up there.
- Get a nice Jacuzzi, then.
- The Jacuzzi's up there as well.
- Got the lot!
Of course I do.
Explain it to me,
what does your father do?
He's on the Superior Council
of the Judiciary.
That's why.
Chill, bro,
you can each get a place like this.
Fine, so long as I make money.
We'll stay independent, a couple
of videos, a million views, boom!
- I wanna make this money!
- I'll make sure you do.
Eh, N?
Ah, N?
We'll get the cash.
God, bro, look at the state of you.
You're wasted, bro!
You're out of it.
You can't even remember your name.
What is it?
- Lo... Lov... Lo.
- What?
Lo... Lo?
Go on, say it.
Great! You're such a total junky!
Oh, guys, that's enough.
Come on. You morons!
Everything OK?
You wanna come with me?
- Recover a bit...
- Where's Line?
- Who?
- Line, my dog, where is he?
You wanna play?
Oh, Lolli, Lolli, can I get a photo?
Hey there!
Niccol Fiore.
Semper drogavit Niccol.
OK, Seneca, but so what?
Always acting the paternalis!
Otium sine litteris mors est
et hominis vivi sepultura.
Yeah, sure. Good night.
Oi, what the fuck did you take?
they said it was kinda like ecstasy.
I wouldn't say so.
OK, shall we take it?
OK, on you go.
I need to talk to you.
No, it's fucking important,
you're always high.
You look good like that.
Like what?
With rainbow hair.
OK, fuck off.
Here are your cigarettes...
and Mum's pastiera.
If that lot see Mum's pastiera!
Never ever fucking changes!
Every time I go away,
and I go where the fuck I want...
I go where the fuck I want,
in rehab as well.
Because it's my right to understand
when I get to a certain point
and I have to stop. OK?
But that doesn't mean you do whatever
the fuck you like with my stuff!
No way on earth, you piece of shit!
Are you there, shit?
Why the fuck do you repeat the same
things to me a hundred times?
What a pain, these woods.
You don't like anything.
You don't like the woods,
you don't like horses.
No, I fell off a horse when I was
a kid, so I'm shit scared of them.
I listened to your record.
I didn't like it.
Why not?
Dunno, the genre, maybe.
I don't like rap.
I don't do rap.
So what do you do?
It doesn't have a name.
Rap has content, ours doesn't,
we do it on purpose like that.
I dunno...
I don't understand.
You're old.
Wait, wait, wait, we've found it.
Look how nice that is.
We'll be tripping tonight.
Don't joke about drugs in front of me.
What, mushrooms are drugs now?
OK, sorry, eh.
No, I'm sorry.
I don't like joking about drugs.
It's my problem.
I was a junkie as well.
I was using in my home town
when I was 20 years old.
Then a friend of mine
died of an overdose...
and I decided to quit.
I went round all the rehabs, but...
every time I left, I went back to using.
Then, up here, I stopped.
At the end of the programme
I said to myself,
"Maybe I'll stay another year
so I'm cool, I can help the others."
In short it's 12 years I've been here...
I'm fine here.
But I think about the stuff...
every day...
You've no idea.
Why, cos I've never injected?
So you don't know
what it's like to shoot up,
but trust me, it's better that way.
At least you know what your problem
is, I don't even have that.
It takes time.
It's called sangria, so you go away, ya!
Another one.
Right, four across.
They enrich seafood soup.
It starts with a T.
Good boy. Perfect.
You don't get tellinas in fish soup.
Says you!
In Rome we put them in fish soup.
- Not where I come from.
- You don't know what you're missing.
Excuse me.
I wanted to say something.
These 18 months have been
the most important of my life.
If I'm a different person now,
I owe it to you.
I want to thank you...
all of you.
And I want to tell you something else...
If I'm able to change...
and you can change...
then the whole world can change.
Is this Rocky's speech?
Mart, put the music back on,
that would be better.
My nose candy in jeans
I'm a star, I have a drink
I'm burning up like this
Abracadabra, I got a penthouse
I don't wanna do without, no, no, no
I'm James Dean's Spyder
I'm burning up like this
Abracadabra, magic smoke
My head is spinning
Charlie and the chocolate factory
The branches of the baskets
The party's over...
Ah, criminal, how are you?
All right, bro.
Big man, big man,
oh, selfie now, come on.
Come on, oh.
It's not for me, eh, it's for my son.
He's called Giulietto, he's obsessed
with tinfoil and Lexodan,
then he also tells his mother,
you understood?
Oh, I mean it, I mean it,
tag Nagasaki, it's important for me.
I'll tag everything Nagasaki,
Say hello to Giggetto, Carme!
Remember to tag Nagasaki.
But who's getting up?
Ah, Carm.
Will you pass me a Xanax?
Oh, bro, where you goin'?
- Good evening!
- Handsome, how are you?
Wanna have a drink with us?
What are you offering us to drink?
Gin and tonic.
I was talking to you about a project,
I don't know if you remember.
We work with major brands,
you'd be perfect for them.
We're looking for bling,
rock star, head-to-toe talent.
You'd get a load of followers
working with us.
What do you say?
You know...
The top!
You OK?
Listen, I'm sending you a voice message,
cos last time you were a dick,
and I wasn't able to speak to you.
Nothing... I'm two weeks late...
I did the test and I'm pregnant...
Anyway, I thought you should know.
But I don't want to keep it.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
- Hey, Nic.
- Hi.
Meat or fish?
You choose.
Ah, you're new?
Damn that bastard and
that filthy slut of a fucking whore!
What's happening?
That shitty whore!
They can go and fuck themselves!
Leave me alone! Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Lorenzo, Lorenzo, calm down...!
If your wife fucks someone
in the room next door to you,
she's a slut, and you're a dick.
Keep it down, he's there.
Precisely for this reason, it's
impossible, let's not fool ourselves.
Come on!
Hi, Lor.
How are you?
I'm OK, thanks.
I'm sorry about what happened.
But why are you here in here?
Are you seriously interested?
Until I was 30,
I hadn't tried anything...
not even a cigarette.
I'd a job for life...
my wife...
my little girl...
I played music every now and then...
Then I quit my job.
I took my redundancy and invested it.
It all went wrong...
and so I found myself
looking for a bridge to jump off.
When I found one, then...
I was about to jump...
and I saw two junkies
beneath the bridge, shooting up...
Something went off in my head there...
I thought...
I'm about to die anyway...
I went beneath the bridge and
they told me where to find some.
I bought some
and shot up for the first time.
And then...
I started using...
I forgot about everything else...
my family, my job, my music...
but meanwhile...
the drug saved me.
If I'm still alive, I owe it to heroin.
You could do an advert for it.
Can you imagine?
Hi, I'm Lorenzo, choose drugs.
Shall we go?
- Where?
- To do the shopping.
- Bye, Lor.
- Bye, Nic.
You two, why him?
I decided.
But why?
What is this story?
What the fuck does Martino want?
The shopping's usually done by those
who're further on with the programme.
It's a question of responsibility.
So you're taking me?
I see that you're making progress.
I don't want you to get old in here
like the others.
Get some oil.
Which frankfurter do you want?
Dunno, who knows? They're all the same.
Why this fish that nobody wants?
Because it's good for you.
You hungry? Shall we get something here?
- Frankfurter.
- Danke.
You're welcome.
Enjoy it.
It's nice here.
Yes, I like it a lot.
The food's good.
What was he asking?
If the snow had melted above.
Nic, I'm going to the bathroom
for a moment.
Which city are you?
Good... Rome, yeah?
Good Rome.
Guys, guys!
Go, bro!
That's rocking.
- You like it, bro?
- Lovely, lovely.
- But the voice?
- It's coming now.
Can you shut that dog up?
Shut the dog up! Niccol!
Oi, switch the dog off!
Come on, shut it up.
Give the dog the ketamine that's left!
Oh, guys, it jumped!
RIP Line, guys.
RIP Line.
RIP Line.
You take one today...
and the other in 48 hours.
That's it? That's all?
That's all.
You're at the fourth week,
you can do it all at home.
OK, so then I don't have
to come back or anything?
No, take the pills and it's done.
Look, obviously, if you want
to think a bit more about it,
if you want to speak with someone...
to make a more informed decision.
Sorry, F.
- I've been here for three hours.
- I know.
Let's go.
To the doctor.
- I've already been.
- What did she say?
You're high.
Take your glasses off.
Look at the fucking state of you.
Well, Line died. You know.
Let's go and get an ice cream
and you can tell me about it.
No, I'm fed up.
- With what?
- You...
us, of always having to play
the part of the fool...
Oh, well, you've seen the Stories
of those two.
you think I'm pissed off about Instagram?
What the fuck is in your head,
Niccol, what are you saying?
You can't even follow a thought
for 15 seconds?
Forget it, really.
OK, come on.
What the fuck d'you want?
This one's scary cos he's big.
But he's good.
He's lazy.
Take the reins.
I'll come with you.
Put your left foot in the stirrup,
just the toe...
right hand under here,
left hand here and get up,
he's not going anywhere.
Now I'll lead you, don't you move.
Then, when you start trotting,
you have to sit up.
But I'll explain that another time.
Now you just have to keep still.
Don't worry if he lowers his head,
it's normal, he's chasing flies,
looking for things,
seeing his own things.
Mother of God, Genny!
I'm no good at this, Nic.
Wait a minute,
turn it up a little, Mart.
Before I start
I want to dedicate this song
to my brother, Lovely Boy.
I love you, N!
Friend of yours?
Let's play.
And be careful.
I'm here.
This is life, this is life!
I told you I'm better at cards!
Go, Genny!
In that Milan Fashion Week...
Guys, what a show.
I'm told there's pussy in Milan, guys.
God, look at the booty!
Guys, in a year
we'll be on the Pirelli Tower.
I wanna be there now.
You have to keep calm,
that's why we're here, bro.
We came dressed for Siberia, fuck,
and it's hotter than Rome.
We look like Tot and Peppino in Milan.
You seen the goggles?
- Marco.
- Marco, Marco, fuck!
Oh, well, great all the same, Marco.
I'll go in the front.
You go in the front.
N, what do you have to do?
I'm coming.
Lolli, come on, though.
Oh, brother, what a surprise.
Hey, bro.
Keep in touch.
Who was the sperm whale?
A little brother.
A little brother?
Take us to see the cash, go.
Let's go, Marc.
- Look at them, oh!
- Look at what?
These people built palaces
with the royalties from their songs.
Can you imagine us at 50
doing "Tinfoil" on Saturday night TV?
"Every day tinfoil cross..."
It seems unlikely to me.
This way, she's waiting for you.
Sorry, the bathroom?
The door down there.
- You need to go to the bathroom now?
- I have to pee.
Move it.
I'd the same impression
when I heard his first things.
At the beginning
he was exactly like that,
no musical training, pure instinct,
it was totally unconscious.
- Hey!
- Hi.
We were talking about Vasco.
In my opinion
you have something in common...
not musically, eh,
I mean in the attitude.
We have the same glasses.
Can you take them off, please?
So I can see your eyes?
From the photos
they look really beautiful.
You take yours off.
This is a kid from Tor Sapienza,
Sonia's her name.
I saw the dances
she was putting on TikTok,
I contacted her,
did the backing track, the video...
this is the future, bro.
The future, with 2,000 views?
The numbers don't matter a shit anymore.
In fact you have to move off-radar
or the sponsors will bugger you.
Sure, if you did a collab with her...
it would be better...
Oh, well, I tried.
Thanks anyway.
For what?
Well, you came to see me.
For what happened...
water under the bridge.
Sure, I wanted you to come to your
place with a machete and kill you!
But then I heard what happened,
and I was sorry.
I took it as like an artistic loss.
No, really.
What can I say? With you and Borneo,
the talented one was always you.
What the fuck are you saying, Pad?
That's how it is. And he always knew
as well and was happy with it.
It's like that in every couple...
not only in music, in life as well,
like between me and Tony.
There's always one who puts his heart
and one who puts his head.
Unfortunately, those who put
their heart usually get shafted.
That's how it is.
I'll be right back.
Will I wait here?
Hello? Can you hear me?
We need an ambulance right away
at the Stammer.
No! Come on!
Fuck, no!
Shit! No!
He's not answering me, bro.
You try calling him as well,
I'm already pissed off.
Oi, where the fuck were you?
Two hours late,
there are people waiting for us.
Are you understanding
anything I'm saying?
Gimme the set list.
You want the set list?
Can we give this dickhead a set list,
What set list? What the fuck do I care?
Now get your arse on stage and play!
You got it, you prick?
Nic, please, the gig was meant
to start an hour and a half ago.
Could you go on to the stage,
really, now?
Who's fucking her?
Now you've really broken my balls!
What are you doing?
Do you have any idea?
You have no notion!
Let's go and do this fucking gig!
Go, go on your own.
You know what? I will go on my own.
With a shitty junkie like you,
I'll do it better without you!
You can't understand shit
when you sing anyway.
Fucking dickhead!
Fuck off, you piece of shit!
What you want, Mart?
I'll break your balls a bit.
Why not? How are you?
How am I supposed to be?
Well, maybe a bit in the shit,
you as well, no?
What the fuck do you know about it?
What the fuck do I know?
I'm the navigator of the shit.
I was a professional junkie
for a long time,
so, a little... what do you say...?
You know how many of these things
I've seen?
I stopped counting at a certain point.
It's the life of a junkie...
today inside, tomorrow outside,
today alive, tomorrow dead.
A shit life...
but our own choice... right?
Did he do it on purpose?
No, why do you think
he did it on purpose?
He was using.
Didn't you notice?
When he went out...
every now and then
he'd pick up some stuff.
In fact why did he take you?
Because you couldn't have known.
How the fuck do you feel?
What am I meant to do?
You have to decide what the fuck
you want to do with your life.
Come on, look after yourself.
I'll try.
We've kept you waiting,
give me a bit of love.
Let's do this! Come on!
I'm going around every day tinfoil cross
Smoke my rocks
you'll ask for more, no messing
I make bubbles with my mouth
it's not a Cola session...
I'm going around every day tinfoil cross
Smoke my rocks
you'll ask for more, no messing
I make bubbles with my mouth
it's not a Cola session,
I pray for those who... blah, blah, blah
I pray for those who say blah, blah, blah
Those who pray blah, blah, blah...
All my...
I'm going around every day
tinfoil cross...
Take that off! Take it off.
Oh, I wanted to tell you something...
it's not a Cola session...
I wanted to tell you something.
I wanted to tell you something.
I wanted to tell you my partner
is a lowlife piece of shit!
Oi, calm down!
I know...
Nothing happened...
I'll kill that moron!
We're brothers...
Peace, peace, peace.
I'll look after you.
Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!
Hey, N.
- No, five, I need to work.
- Sure?
- Yeah.
- Sorry about the gig.
What gig?
- Tonight's.
- Ah, were you there?
No, I wasn't there, but I saw
what you fucking did, a real mess.
Come on...
See ya.
I'm not afraid of anything because
I'm not afraid of me with you
I'm not afraid of the dark because...
Back a moment.
It was hot, bro, a bomb, it's good.
I'm not afraid of anything because
I'm not afraid of me with you
I'm not afraid of the dark because
In the dark I'm only with me...
It's there, it's a bit dark,
but it's there. It's cool, come on.
Sleep on it
then we can do it tomorrow, calmly.
- I've written three bars in a night.
- Yeah...
a night, come on, we'll do it tomorrow.
Is everything OK?
What have you done?
I changed my name.
I told everyone to fuck off.
You did well.
I'll make the record myself.
All right.
I'll dedicate it to you.
Thanks, love.
Bye, Mum.
Stay here with me for a while.
Let's talk for a bit.
The top, the top!
Then, after...
But anyway I was sorry about Line.
He was a good dog.
I said let's do a line,
I'm starting to feel groggy.
Wake up, eh!
You're falling asleep!
I like him as well...
I might even love him,
but the fact that he's jealous
is something I can't stand...
But I know why he's like that,
he's from the deep South.
And I'd already gone out
with a guy from down there,
he wouldn't let me do anything...
He told me how I'd to dress,
he never took my dog for me,
and he's just the same, he went out,
we got the dog together
and he never helps me...
I just want to know
what I'm supposed to do.
I'm not allowed to see men.
My girlfriends, the same thing.
Wait a moment.
Don't worry,
coke in the vein is like that.
So, guys...
I've read a lot of bullshit...
I've heard a lot of bullshit...
I'm only interested
in my music and my art.
Respect only for my family,
for the fans, fuck everything else.
No more Lovely Boy,
from today I'm Lonely Boy...
Respect those who shine.
I'm not afraid of anything because
I'm not afraid of being me
I'm not afraid of the dark because
Now you're in the dark as well
I'm a razor that moves and cuts my face
In this life of shit
I finally left a trace
This trip to hell, tequila boom boom
Fuck the night, I'm in Malibu
It's not dj-vu
Down here I can't see you...
With all the screaming I've lost my voice
If I scream for you
I don't lose my strength
And now no one answers your number
If I call the phone rings all night...
Raise the glass and say nothing
A kiss to everyone like Judas while
I'm not there He won't be coming back
He's a bouncer in the afterlife
Raise the glass and say nothing
A kiss to everyone like Judas while
I'm not there He won't be coming back
He's a bodyguard in the afterlife!
Thank you.
Thanks, dickheads.
Armonia Interna.
Do you want to try this amber?
This is the amber?
- The amber's good.
- All right?
This, then?
- Yes.
- Perfect.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Do you want me to open it for you?
Thank you.
Has someone seen that?
Yes, they can't do anything.
But it's only a problem
with precision stuff.
How are you?
You got a guy?
we live together.
You in love, the two of you?
I'm happy.
So this here's my son?
"This here"?
His name's Gabriele.
Gabri, what are you laughing at?
Life is shit.
Can I come and visit him sometime?
Yes, maybe, yeah, maybe in a bit.
- OK... I need to go, it's very late.
- Yes.
He eats at midday and starts going crazy.
Let's go.
He does look a bit like you.
Let's hope not!