Lovely Molly (2011) Movie Script

Whatever happened, it wasn't me.
Whatever it's done, I'm...
I'm not in control anymore.
It won't let me do it.
I'm hungry.
- Hi, you're Pastor Bobby, right?|- Yes, ma'am.
- Hi.|- It's a pleasure to see you.
What a beautiful day.|Beautiful day.
I take credit for it.
Give me the ideal|definition of true love.
That, man.
I'm happy for Tim.|Yeah. Who are you?
- I'm his great uncle.|- His great uncle?
- Yeah. Yeah.|- Why are you so great?
Hi, Aunt Molly.|I'm glad you're getting married.
Do you like Tim?
He's okay. He's not the best.
I feel like I did at my prom.
So no hemorrhoid cream|this time?
You swore you would take that|to the grave, you bastard.
- You nervous?|- A little bit.
- It'll be all right.|- You look fine, man.
I just don't know what to do.
You repeat after Bobby,|Pastor Bobby.
You know my dad.|He did this, like, four times.
I mean, how hard can it be?
- Fuck off. We got to go!|- All righty.
Don't you know that it is bad luck|to film the bride before the wedding?
We got to go to the back.
- What?|- That way.
That's not what we did|in the rehearsal.
- What?|- Are you sure?
That's what I was told.
Sweet baby Jesus, look at that.
Okay, ladies, I was actually wrong.
We're supposed to|go around the front.
Supposed to go around the front.
Are you fucking|kidding me right now?
Do you understand|how late we are?
And in health will you honor him|and be faithful to him?
I will.
Mr. And Mrs.|Tim and Molly Reynolds.
Ben and to Tammy
down on us right now,
start her new life
Congratulations, guys.
And God love you. Cheers.
opportunity to apologize to you
I may have let you down.
Go! Go! Go...
Fuck. Fuck.
Where is it coming from?
- Which sensor is it?|- I don't know.
Downstairs in the kitchen.
Oh, hi. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's back door,|downstairs in the kitchen.
Yeah. Don't know.|We don't know.
Yeah, yeah. Just hold on.|Should they call the cops?
I don't fucking know.|I don't know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.|Just go ahead and call them.
We'll be here.
Stay close to me.
- Okay. Yeah. No problem.|- Okay.
I'm going to go check it out.
It's probably just a bad sensor|or something. It's fine.
- Well...|- No. I'm just going to go downstairs.
I don't think it's anything.
No. Maybe we should just stay|in the room until the cops come.
Okay, you stay.|You stay, I'll go check it out.
No! Fuck that. I'm going to|come with you if you're going.
Okay. Stay quiet.
Who's down there?
Who the fuck is down there?
Do not come up here unless you want|to get your fucking head blown off!
I've got a shotgun!
It's okay. It's okay.
We'll just stay here|until the cops come.
- Hi.|- You got an alarm go off?
Yeah. About 15 minutes ago|in the back door.
- Can I come inside?|- Yes, please.
We... we think|we heard footsteps.
- Where's the back door?|- Right through here.
- Fuck.|- Oh, my God.
And you're sure this door was|locked when you went to bed?
Absolutely. I locked it myself.
Because there's no sign|of forced entry here.
I swear to God I locked the door.
Does anyone else|live in this house?
No. - Any reason at all|for anyone you know
to be coming into this house|at this time of night?
No. Nobody.
Okay, I'm going to do|a sweep of the house.
I think it's probably best|if you two wait in one room.
- Where were you when I got here?|- Upstairs, in the bedroom.
Okay. Go on up, lock the door.|I'll come get you when I'm done.
I'm done.
Yeah, we get calls like this|all the time.
A door or window|isn't locked completely,
slowly opens, alarm goes off.
I mean, I guess|that's what happened.
I'm sorry I made you|come all the way out here.
No problem. How long|have you guys been out here?
About three months or so.
It was her parents' place.
Yeah, I was out here|when your father died.
Yeah, we just had the alarm|put in about a month ago.
I'm a truck driver,|so I'm gone a lot.
That's smart.
You two try to get some sleep.|Goodnight.
Thanks, officer.
Thanks for coming out.
I know I locked that fucking door.
Molly, I'm sorry. Okay?|I'm sorry.
What do you want me to do?
It's my birthday tomorrow, Tim.
I just wanted|to spend it with you.
Look, I'll make it up to you|when I get back. Okay?
We'll do...|we'll do a whole thing.
I'll take you out to dinner.
We can have|Hannah and Pete over.
You know?
I'm leaving.
Happy birthday.
Hey, Timmy...|Listen, I'm sorry about this morning.
I know you're working hard for us,|and I appreciate it.
I really do. You know,|it's just that sometimes,
I'm all alone in that house. And...
Listen, I love you, baby.
- And...|- Hey, Molly.
Hensley wants to see you|in the break room now.
Okay. Shit, I got to go.|Hensley's on my ass.
I love you.|And I love the earrings.
Please drive safe. Okay.
Happy birthday!
You thought I forgot, didn't you?
Come on, it's my birthday.
It's been a while.
- Well, I hope it has.|- Yeah.
No, wait! Molly, don't.|Give it back.
You shouldn't do it.|Give that back.
I knew I shouldn't have|done this. I shouldn't...
This is terrible.
Fuck, I'm a mother.
I'm not. So hand it back.
You sure, Molls?
Shit. I'm so bad for you.
- No.|- Yeah.
No. Actually you're great for me.
You've always been there.
Oh, babe, I can't believe|you moved back into this house.
We should've sold it|when dad died.
Too bad it ain't worth shit.
And I can't believe we're|smoking weed in mom's kitchen.
Oh, man. What time is it? Shit.
Oh, shit.
I got to go, Molls.
Hey, Hannah.
Do you remember the week|before she died,
she kept having us bring her|flowers in from outside?
She wanted to get out|of this place so badly.
Happy birthday, babe.
- I love you.|- I love you.
- Kiss Pete for me.|- I will. I will.
Look, it's probably just|some neighborhood kids.
This house has been|vacant for so long.
Kids used to hang here|all the time.
They'll stop coming|around after a while.
I'm going to do a house|to house up here in the morning
to give parents a heads up|on what's happening, okay?
That usually takes care|of things like this.
You gonna be all right,|Mrs. Reynolds?
Did you know my father|before he died?
Not personally,|but we came out here a few times.
I don't remember any of that.
Probably a good thing.
I just don't understand|why you wouldn't
come and stay with me and Peter.|He would love it.
Yeah. But you know I can't do that|every single Tim leaves, you know?
You know I'd be over|at your house every single week.
What do you mean every single week?|Just this one time.
Yeah, I know. I just...
I'm not sleeping, that's all.
- Are you pregnant?|- No. I'm not pregnant.
You better tell me if you are.
Do you have anymore...|weed that you think you could spot me?
- I don't have any.|- What?
Frank is out of town.
You don't have any more?
What the fuck|do you want me to do?
You really want to use that|as an excuse to me?
Yeah. Especially to you.
You know how I feel about this.
That's such a bullshit...|That's bullshit excuse.
That's a bullshit excuse.
Molly, what the fuck|do you want me to do?
I don't know.|I want you to forget it.
I want you to just|forget it, you know.
Come on, Molly.|Get your shit together.
Maybe we shouldn't have|moved into this place.
that way, honey?
who wanted to move in here.
No, I know.
You know?
I was never alone here as a kid.
- Is everything locked up?|- No. Yeah, it's all locked up.
All right? I'm sorry, but...
- You're fine. You're fine.
But I just want you|to come home.
- I know. I know.|- I just want you here.
- I'll be there tomorrow, babe. Okay?|- Yeah.
You know I love you.
I love you, too.
Talk to you tomorrow, okay?
Molly, you home?
Honey, what are you doing in here?
Baby, what are you...
What are you looking at? You're...
Honey, you're freezing.
He's alive.
How you doing?
You feeling all right?
Want to see a doctor?
We don't have health insurance.
I mean, don't worry|about that, babe.
We'll just put it on the card,|figure out how to pay for it later.
What's going on, Molly?
I don't know.
I can't remember.
Are you using again?
- Did Hannah say that?|- I didn't talk to Hannah.
Are you using again?
I smoked a little pot|on my birthday.
That's it.
You know you shouldn't be|doing any of that stuff, babe.
I know. It was just one joint.
You're smarter than that.
When are you leaving again?
A short one,|just a couple of days.
I'll be back Wednesday.
I can cancel if you want.
Just go.
We need the money.
Who's alive?
Yesterday when I found you|in the spare room,
you said, "He's alive."
Who's he?
I think this is going to be|good for us, babe.
It's been too long|since we've gone.
Yeah. It has.
Well, suddenly Tim|comes back into town,
and you don't return|my phone calls?
Yeah, I know.|I've just been out of it, you know?
You okay?|You feeling all right?
I mean, Hensley said you|called in sick the other day.
Yeah. I just, you know...
I've got some stuff to figure out.
Well, are you sure?
All right.|Well, look. I got to go.
Yeah, I got to go.|Let's hang out though.
I mean, Ryan's got to get Peter.
And I love you.|And I miss you. And I just want...
It's going to be all right,|Molls, all right?
I know.
Hey, babe, good morning.
I didn't want to wake you. I...
I made some eggs.|I made some bacon.
You okay?
Yeah, I guess so.
You don't look so good.
Thank you, Ron.
Maybe you should go home.|You might be contagious.
I need the hours, Ron. Come on.
I mean...|I promise I won't cough on anyone.
Look, I'm not supposed to let you|work when you're sick, Molly.
It's not good for the customers|to see you like this.
Come on, Ron.
I'll work back here|if you want me to.
Yeah. Sure.
Just stay out of sight, okay?
Who's there?
Who is it?
Molly, Lovely Molly...
Something is wrong with me.
I'm feeling something.
Someone that couldn't|possibly be here anymore.
I... I went through some things,
after my dad died.
And I saw some things...
Some things|that didn't make sense.
And no one...
No one believed me.
I'm going to|show people this time.
Show them all of it.
You did lay in my arms
Molly, lovely Molly
I'll return in the spring
When the angels
And the turtle doves
And the nightingale sing
No. No. No.
Please.|Please. Please. No. No. No.
Please, no.|Why? Why? No. No. No! No!
Not again! No!
Please, no! No!
Molly, hold on a minute.
Don't punch in.
I need to see you in my office.
Close the door.
Please, Ron,|can you just stop it now?
I'm sorry I had|to show you that, Molly.
I... I never thought|I'd see that kind of thing from you.
I mean, what the hell|were you doing?
Well, fuck, Mr. Hensley.|I don't know what to say.
- What?|- I mean, who was that man
that's fucking the shit|out of me in the hallway?
Wait. Wait! What man?
How the hell would I know that,|Mr. Hensley?
Please keep your voice down.
I mean, one minute|I'm lugging trash down the hallway,
and the next minute?
Yeah, pulling down my pants|so this man can nail me from behind.
I mean, it's a goddamn mystery,|Mr. Hensley!
You're completely out of control.
- It's a goddamn mystery!|- You're going home.
- I have no idea!|- Go home!
Okay. I'm coming over.|We're going to talk
and figure all this out.
You don't have to do that.
Oh, I most certainly do.
Molly, I'm not asking.
I don't want you to get hurt.
Why would I get hurt?
Molly, why would I get hurt?
Pastor Bobby|is coming over tonight.
Tim wants him to talk to me.
So, I'm in good hands.
You can stay out there|for a few more minutes.
Then you have to come in|and help for dinner, okay?
You are a funny man,|Pastor Bobby.
Well, that's my gift.
Actually, not much of a preacher.|I don't think.
Always thought|my future lay in comedy.
What do you think?
I'd stick to preaching|if I were you.
Yeah. I heard that.
No, I didn't come here|to get drunk, Molly.
When was the last time|you got drunk, Pastor Bobby?
I mean, like shit-faced...|Sorry.
I mean, like really drunk.
Well, I don't think|that's appropriate.
Come on, Pastor Bobby.
Even Jesus drank a little wine.
Well, I was fairly tipsy|at your wedding, you'll recall.
Dancing with all the girls.
I remember, Pastor Bobby.
But I mean like, stumbling home,
passed out on the lawn|kind of drunk.
Well, it would have been|a very long time ago,
before I was born-again.
You miss it?
Not really. No.
But I thought I was here|to talk about you.
Tim's worried about you, Molly.
I know.
He doesn't want you|to start using again.
I'm not.
And I'm not going to start.
So what's up?
- What's up?|- Yeah.
I'm just trying to|deal with something.
Something that I thought|I was done with in my life.
The drugs?
Is it the death|of your parents?
Molly, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I know how painful|this is for you.
Grief this strong|can recur at any time.
And it must be|especially difficult
living here in this house|where you grew up together.
- I know how hard this is for you.|- He's not dead.
What did you say?
You like my panties?
Tim got 'em for me for Christmas.
Santa Claus red.
- Molly, I'm so sorry...|- No need to apologize, Pastor Bobby.
You're still a man, aren't you?
I think that I had better be going.
Do you miss fucking, Bobby?
I mean, I always wondered|why you weren't married.
You're not gay, are you, Bobby?
No. I'm not.
So do you miss fucking?
Do you miss the feeling|of being inside this?
Molly, what the fuck?
Peter, go to your room! Go. Now.|Shut off the TV and go.
What the hell are you on?
He's here.|I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
Okay. Just calm down.
Okay. Calm down.
Get the fuck off me!|Get off me.
Okay, okay.
He follows me.
He follows me everywhere.
Who, Molly?
You know who. You know!
Okay. Molly, I want to help you.
I am here to help you.
But you have to tell me|what is going on. Please.
Is it the same as last time, Molly?
I can't do this again, Hannah.
I can't.
Don't put me away again, Hannah.
I checked all the vents,
the cellar, the attic,|all the rooms.
It's just horrible.
It was like something died|in the house.
I haven't smelled anything.
How you been feeling?
You sleeping much?
No. Not at all.
I really think you should see|Dr. Dean, Molly.
Maybe he can give you|something to help you sleep.
I'll make an appointment|for you tomorrow, okay?
He says everyone|will abandon me again.
I loved you so much.
We both loved you so much.
You're lying.|Hannah could never do that.
I don't believe you.
You would never have done|those things if you cared for me.
I know what you are, really.
I'm not scared.
Not anymore.
Baby, what...
Baby, the fucking smell...
You two never met.
This is Tim, my husband.
Tim, this is my father, Ben.
You don't see him?
It's okay.
You don't see him?
It's okay. Come on.|It's okay. It's okay.
I knew you wouldn't|show yourself to him.
You're nothing|but a fucking coward!
Yeah, show yourself.
Show yourself to him.
Come to bed.
Just fucking once!|Do something.
You fucking animal.
Show yourself to someone|other than me!
Come on!
I'm not crazy, Tim.|I'm not crazy.
You have to believe me.
I know, baby. I know.
No one believed me before.|You have to believe me.
I do. I do.
He's fucking with me.|Leave me alone!
Quit fucking with me!
You need to stop, Tim.
That's what he said.
That you need to stop.
She's fine, physically, Tim.
But otherwise she seems healthy.
to run the usual tests,
they'll come back just fine.
something to help her sleep.
she takes them tonight.
And what if the pills|don't work?
These will put her down, Tim.|I can guarantee you that.
No. But I mean,|what if she keeps going on
with all this stuff about|her father and all that?
Well, at that point, I'd recommend|a psychiatric consultation.
What if she becomes dangerous?
You want your pills now?
Molly! Fuck...
He's here! He's here. He's here.
Calm down. It's okay. It's okay.
- Baby.|- He's here.
He's here.
Molly, there's nobody here.|Just calm down okay?
- Get off me.|- Baby, it's all right.
He's coming up the steps.
Baby, just calm down okay?
He's right outside.|Can't you hear him?
Molly, I can't hear anything.
Can't you hear him?|He's right outside!
- There's nobody out here, baby.|- He's right there!
He's right there|at the fucking door!
Come on out, baby. It's okay.
Molly, come on out, babe.
Molly, I'm coming in.|Don't fucking freak out, all right?
What the fuck are you doing?
Come on, put the camera away,|all right?
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.|I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Come here.|Come here. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
What's happening?
- We're going to get through this.|- What's going on?
I love you so much.
I'm sorry. All right?
It's okay.
She did this to you?
Let me see.|Tim, let me see your mouth.
Jesus Christ,|you've got to go to the hospital.
You're going to need stitches.
I'm fine, Hannah!
Where is she?
Ran off into the fucking woods.|I don't know where.
Well, we need to|fucking find her, Tim!
You want to know what I found|just lying out on the fucking table?
Just lying there, Hannah, like she|doesn't give a fuck about anything!
It's just her way of|asking for help, Tim.
Yeah, no, I know|how to help her.
- I'm calling the fucking police.|- No.
My uncle tried that before|and she just got worse.
Please, just let me talk to her.
She's dangerous, Hannah.
You have no idea the kind of shit|she does around here.
You don't know what they did to her|in that hospital before, Tim.
You didn't have to|live through that before!
She needs psychiatric help, Hannah!
She needs psychiatric help!
Tim, just let me talk to her.
This is crazy.
Please, Tim, I'll take her.
I'll take her if you're afraid.
I love her, Hannah.
I just don't know|how to help her.
I know.
I'll find her, just...
You go to the hospital|and get that looked at, okay?
Molly, we're not going to hurt you.
Molly! Molls! God!
Wait! Molly!
Oh, God...
Molly, you down there?
Oh, God.|Oh, Molly, what'd you do?
He told me.
He told me.
He showed me what you did.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it!
You killed him!
You killed Daddy!
I tried to protect you|after Mom died.
But I couldn't be here|all the time.
He promised me he'd stop.|But he didn't.
Why'd you have to move back|into this goddamn house, Molly?
You remember being here|with me in this room?
You'd hide in the closet.
We always felt safe|in this room, didn't we?
Molly, I want you to come and|stay with us for a little while,
with me and Peter.
Okay? We got to get you|out of this house.
I can't go, Hannah.
Molly, you have to.
I can't leave you here alone.
We can get through this again.
Just... You just have to|get out of this house.
He'll hurt him.
He'll hurt Peter.
Gut him from belly to throat,|like a fucking fish.
Go. Go now. Please.
Then tell me, just tell me!
Tell me!
The spring
When the angels
And the turtle doves
And the nightingale sings
Hannah, when you hear this,
it'll all be over.
It'll all be done.
They'll find things here.
Horrible things.
But I want to tell you,
I don't remember doing any of it.
It wasn't me, Hannah.
It's never been me.
It's him.
It's all been him.
I love you, Hannah.
I love you so much...
My sister.
to kill him, Hannah.
Hey, officer, I live just up|the road. What's going on?
Person was reported missing today.|Please keep moving.
Who?|Who was reported missing?
I don't know.|Please keep moving, sir?
Molly, you home?
I'm sorry, Molly.
I'm sorry.
I know you are, sweetie.
No! No!
No, baby! No! No!
My baby! No! No!
Please, let me just hold my baby!
Please! Just let me see her!