Love's Portrait (2022) Movie Script

Watch it.
Good morning Jeff?
All art secure and
accounted for Mrs. Young.
- Great, yours on the corner.
- Thank you.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
- I found him.
- Oh no.
Oh yes.
Please tell me you're not
using that dating app again.
Oh, the one closest to you.
Don't think I peruse that
site for my own benefit.
The one closest to you.
I am a happily married woman
and I'm only
looking out for you.
Frank asked you to stop?
He suggested it and
I did for a while,
but you're not making
any progress on your own.
It's like you're on
the edge of a cliff
and you just need a little push.
But what's in the valley?
A smorgasbord of available men.
How do I unlock
this? Kate, Kate.
- Hi Lily.
- Hi Kate, this one.
- Oh thank you.
- How do I unlock this?
Oh, you type in the
code or you use your face.
It's not working.
Ah, finally-
Ah, so you have a
call with the mayor at...
Hold that thought. Lily.
You are seriously the
best, Lily. Thank you.
No problem.
Look at him, he makes
kitchens, has no kids.
Any app claiming I'll find
my soulmate is a red flag.
Humor me.
He is handsome.
I knew it.
But really the term
soulmates, it's ridiculous.
Believing there is one
person in the world
out there for you and in
order to be happy and in love,
you have to find that
one person is nonsense.
You're really not interested?
I know you get some sense
of joy in trying to set me up.
It's my mission in life and
it will happen sooner or later.
Preferably sooner.
You're not getting any younger
and pretty soon
your flawless skin
is going to look like mine.
You've gotta strike
while you're hot.
Jamie's swim meet,
did it go well?
Pamela will have my back.
Lily will be much happier
with a man by her side, right?
Thank you.
Look, if there's such
a thing as a soulmate,
mine died years ago.
It's been three years
since Greg passed away.
And how many dates have
you been on since then?
Let me count. One, two, three.
Oh, that's right. Zero.
You will not know until
you try to meet someone.
I'm not looking
for a relationship.
Then start with a simple date.
The next man that comes
through that door,
you are gonna go out
with or you're fired.
Good morning, Peter.
How did Amy's baby shower go?
Oh, it was great.
I can hardly wait to
meet the little guy.
I don't know who's more
excited, her or me.
I bet.
Where do you want these?
There is great.
- Have a good one.
- You too. Thanks Peter.
Okay, the next available man.
This is a nice piece.
Now Lily, you're one
of my best friends,
and I just want you to be happy.
I am happy.
Your version of
happy makes me sad.
You know what you had
with Greg was amazing,
and it can happen again.
I don't know if I can love again
or even if I want to.
Lily, I know that I'm putting
a lot of pressure on you,
but if you can at least
consider just one.
Is that?
It can't be.
It is definitely you.
It's 100% her.
Where did it come from?
I don't know.
The packing slip is missing.
Who painted it? Is
there a signature?
What about a monogram?
Maybe, a secret admirer.
Oh no, I have to find
out who. Lily this is fate.
Whoever painted this is
the one meant for you.
Assuming the painter is a man.
Oh, let's assume it is a man.
Help me.
Now, no one knows where
the painting came from,
or who the artist is,
or who donated it.
There's so many
paintings in existence
that the odds of
finding information
about this specific image
can feel insurmountable.
This is what we do, people.
It is of the utmost
importance that we do this.
Well, I don't know about that,
but I have an image recognition
app that we could use.
I can try running a
reverse image search.
If that yields nothing,
we can post it to social media
to see if we can
get any results.
I've started putting calls into
a few of our expert friends.
What if the
painting isn't of you?
What if it's a distant
relative or something?
Well, I don't look like
my mother or grandmother,
so it can't be of them.
We can dramatically narrow
down the search by considering
the composition, the
subject matter and style.
It's definitely an original,
there's nothing
of the composition
that signifies any
particular era.
The clothes could be
of any time, period.
Same with the hairstyle.
How old do you think it is?
Let's see.
So the canvas is stapled
uniformly to the back.
So it can't be made before 1900.
I would say the
painting is newer
because there's no signs
of damage or tearing.
Is it oil or acrylic?
Why would that matter?
Acrylic wasn't used into
art until the 1940s so,
if it's not oil,
then we've a much smaller
period to search through.
We've been looking
for a hidden signature.
You know how artists
have been creative
with that in the past,
we thought we found something,
but then it turned out
to just be some lint.
You're still at the museum?
Oh, the weak have gone home.
But Kate and I are still
burning the midnight oil.
I'm sorry, Kate.
Oh, she's fine.
The painting can't
really be of me.
It has to be of someone
who just looks like me.
What if I have a doppelgnger?
Oh no, the painting is
definitely of you, Kate.
The likeliness of two
people sharing the exact same
facial features is less
than one in 1 trillion.
but we can see two people
who have the same eye color
and same hair color, similar
face shape, and smile,
and we consider them
to be doppelgngers,
why can't that be the case here?
We already went down
that doppelgnger hole,
after you left, painting
has your exact beauty marks
on your cheek, and your chin.
It's not a lookalike, it is you.
Everything matches perfectly.
Okay, I'm intrigued.
Oh, don't worry my dear.
Before too long,
I will have the name of
your Prince Charming artist.
Good night, Michelle.
13 missed calls.
I'm sorry I turn my ringer
off at night so I can sleep.
I found him well,
Kate did, kind of,
we know where the painting
came from, Ireland.
I don't know anyone in Ireland.
It's a small village
in the Southern part.
And there's no phone
number for the address,
but you can see it
right here on the map.
I knew we weren't gonna
get anywhere quickly
just researching the painting,
we had to focus on where
the painting came from.
So I sent Kate over
to Peter's house
and they found the
packing slip in his truck.
It must have fallen off.
So now we know where
the painting came from.
Next we'll find out
who sent it and why.
By sending you to Ireland.
Michelle, I can't go.
I have responsibilities
at work and the cost-
Lily, I am your boss and
you are going to Ireland.
Consider it a research trip.
Oh, I simply must know
about this painting.
The artist is extremely talented
and maybe he's done more
paintings and maybe-
Fine, I'll go.
But let's clear something
up before we move forward.
I am only going to
find out who painted it
and why it looks like me.
Here is your flight information.
Michelle, you already
bought the tickets?
It is your destiny to go there.
How was the flight?
Not bad at all.
I watched "Titanic" and
then slept for a few hours
and then watched "Far and Away".
Fitting for
traveling to Ireland.
So beautiful here.
You call me the
moment you find anything.
I don't care what time
it is here, you call me.
The moment I find anything.
Now I need to focus on driving.
- Bye.
- Bye
It's the right of the car.
Let's stay to the left.
Turn left onto R700.
You have 10 miles
to your destination.
10 Miles? 10 miles
isn't two kilometers.
You should be in
kilometers anyway.
And how do I change
you to kilometers?
American, definitely
an American.
You have arrived at Inistioge,
county Kilkenny.
Navigate to Inistioge Post.
Head west to High Street.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
on High Street for 50 meters.
You nearly killed me back there.
You need to watch where you're-
I'm sorry, I didn't
hear what you were saying.
Are you all right?
Is this High Street?
That way?
Okay. Thank you.
destination is on your left,
Inistioge Post.
Hiya, sorry I'll
be right with you.
I just gotta finish this off.
Is this the Inistioge Post?
My navigation has
sent me all over town.
Can't figure out how
addresses work here.
Unfortunately, there's
no official address
for any location in Ireland.
People living on the same
street or even in the same house
may write their addresses
very differently,
in absence of an official
database in Ireland,
we cannot say who
is right or wrong.
So, essentially
everyone is right.
Oh, well I'm here
visiting from the US.
I am a curator for a museum.
I'm trying to track down someone
who sent up a package from here.
Saoirse, Saoirse
you won't believe it.
I could scarcely
believe in myself I-
Hello again.
What's all this about
William? William?
Why are you being such a sap?
Hi, sorry, I'm Saoirse.
That's a really pretty
name, I'm Lily Young.
Firm grip.
This idiot is my
brother, William.
Thanks again for the directions.
William, you're bleeding.
What happened to you? You're
gonna get blood all over.
A car ran me off the
road just outta town.
I think that was me.
I am so sorry, I thought
I heard something,
but then when I looked
there was no one there.
Give us a moment while I
get him a plaster for his cut.
- Okay.
- Okay.
It's her.
Shh. I know its her.
Don't shout or
she will hear you.
I wouldn't believe
it if I wasn't
seeing her with my own eyes.
How is this possible?
I don't know.
Are you gonna say
anything to her?
If I say anything, she
will think I am crazy.
Well, I already
know you're crazy.
We have to find more about her.
Promise me you won't say
anything to her about it.
I promise, we just need
to ask the right questions.
Here, put one of these on.
Sorry about that,
he's all patched up.
So you were saying something
about someone sending
you a package.
Are you sure your brother's
okay? I feel terrible.
He'll live.
Come let's sit
and have some tea.
American, huh?
Yes, is that a bad thing?
I, just, I...
Yeah, so a museum sent you?
Kind of, my boss at
the museum sent me.
A few days ago, we
received a painting,
a portrait, really, of a woman,
Here I have a picture
of it on my phone.
Now this may seem
a little strange.
Wow, it looks just like you.
As you can imagine, I was
quite surprised when I saw it.
It's not everyday you find
a painting of yourself.
Almost like staring
at yourself in a mirror.
Yes something like that.
And it just turned
up at your museum?
We have no idea who painted
it or why it was sent to us.
We don't even know if it was
painted by a man or a woman.
Most definitely a man.
Well, I mean, that's just
what I think, you know,
the way the brush
strokes are, nevermind.
I was hoping you had a
record of the packages sent.
where the devil are you?
Look at the time.
coming Mr. Gleeson.
It's the rush.
Give us a moment.
Everyone likes to wait to send
their packages just before
the last collection
on half five.
No problem.
Sorry about that,
let's take a look.
Do you have a packing slip?
Yes, a copy of it, here.
Okay, it looks like it was
shipped anytime from a week ago
to a few months ago,
the post can be quite
slow across the ocean.
No computer records.
Not here.
Everything goes to Dublin and
their computers take over.
So you write everything by
hand that gets sent from here?
It's the way our parents did
it, and theirs before them.
The ownership of the Post
stretches back four generations.
And it just goes to show that
while some things may change,
like patterns of employment
or how people shop,
the essentials of
human life do not.
Found it, five weeks
ago sent by a J. O'Brien.
There's the signature.
J. O'Brien.
What day of the week
was this? Thursday.
Which means you were
out making deliveries
while I was manning the Post.
I don't remember any
O'Briens coming in,
let alone a J. O'Brien.
That's okay, this has
been so helpful. Thank you.
You're leaving?
I've already taken
up so much of your time
and you're probably
about to close.
Why don't you
join us for supper?
We can think of some more
O'Briens in the area for you.
That'd be great.
So this place is the post
office and your home?
Mm hmm. My whole life.
Our family has owned
this post since 1918,
just as World War I
was coming to an end.
I love this building.
Part of it dates back to 1663.
It's just the two of you?
Yeah, both single and both
here for our entire lives.
I still sleep in the small
bedroom I was born in.
That's amazing.
Well, most people might
disagree, but I love it.
So is this your first
time in Ireland?
Yes, and hopefully not my last,
although, I don't think
I'll be doing much driving.
I don't wanna run anyone
else the road again.
No relatives from
here or anything?
Not that I know of.
Didn't fancy bringing along
a special someone either?
I'm not in a relationship.
So she's single and
I happened to mention
that you were too.
You see. It's her.
Wow. I don't disagree.
I can't believe it.
I thought it was crazy.
Mom and Dad definitely
thought I was.
You've had the image of this
woman in your head since you
were a lad and now she's
standing in the other room.
I put her out of my mind
though, how long has it been?
Five years ago, I threw
that painting away
and hadn't thought of it since.
Was it you?
- Was it me what?
- Did you send it?
No, but I do admit that
I got it out of the rubbish
and donated it to,
oh, I can't remember where,
it was five years ago.
Okay well, how did
it end up in America
and specifically the
museum where Lily works?
Destiny, what if she
turns out to be crazy?
She seems pleasant to me.
Or if she thinks I'm crazy?
I wouldn't blame her with
how you've been acting.
The ownership of the Post
stretches back four generations.
I've never seen you so nervous.
It's like, you don't know
what to say or how to act.
Do you think she knows?
Don't worry, you can be
your charming self at dinner.
This is delicious.
It's our mom's recipe,
Saoirse's favorite.
Yeah, but we're here to talk
about O'Briens, not my cakes.
How many O'Briens
are in the area?
O'Brien would be
one of the most common
surnames in Ireland.
There has to be dozens
and dozens of J. O'Briens.
We even have some more
O'Brien relatives.
I went to a school
with a Jimmy O'Brien.
Saoirse even went out
with him one once.
Once was more than enough.
He used to copy my schoolwork.
Do you think he could
have sent the painting?
What are you gonna
do when you find him?
The J. O'Brien who
sent the painting.
Ask him why he sent it.
And what about who painted it?
That would be the next step.
I didn't realize how late it
was, I should get to my hotel.
Oh no, no, we can
take care of those.
Thank you so much for
helping and for dinner.
We're glad to share a
table and help when we can.
Plus this J. O'Brien mystery has
brought a bit of
excitement into our lives.
Me too. Okay goodnight.
Wait, let's all
get a photo together
with our new American friend.
Okay, all together.
Great. Perfect.
Why don't you type in your
number and I'll send it to you?
Here you go. Have a good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Are you just
gonna let her leave?
What am I supposed to do?
Run after and tell her I
used to dream about her
and that I was the
one that painted her?
Honesty is always a good start.
That'd be too honest.
Well, all hope is not lost
because I was smart enough
to get her phone number.
Excuse me.
That was fast.
You have the name
of the painter?
No, but I have the
name of the person
who sent the painting.
The brother and sister
at this post office
were very helpful.
Tell me, tell me, tell me.
It was sent by a J. O'Brien.
Lily O'Brien, not
quite what I imagined,
but I can live with it.
I'm hanging up.
No, no, no, wait,
where are you staying?
I'm about to try to find
the place now. I better go.
All right, staff meeting
Pronto. I have updates.
Navigate to Ballyduff house.
You have 15 kilometers
until your destination.
At least you
speak in kilometers.
You gotta be kidding me.
Our rental
office is currently closed.
Please call back in the morning.
O'Brien's repair
shop. O'Brien's.
O'Brien's Repairs.
Hi, is this your shop?
Eamon, Eamon, Eamon!
What's all the
excitement about Garret?
Can you see her too?
She is the prettiest
thing that has ever walked
through our doors.
You must forgive my
brother he speaks his mind.
You're both O'Briens?
I'm Eamon O'Brien,
this is Garret.
My car won't start.
I was hoping your repairs
included vehicles.
Unfortunately no, that's
beyond my skill set.
You want to talk to Gerald
Doyle, he's down at the pub.
He won't be any good to you
till about mid-day tomorrow,
but if you have a toaster
vacuum or smaller appliance,
we can be of service.
What about a bike?
Is Janah O'Brien
still an O'Brien
or did she get remarried?
She's Janah Collins now, but
a different Collins this time
married to Rory, not Ronan.
Ronan was her second marriage.
Why do you ask?
Using the records from the Post
I can put together a list of
every J. O'Brien in the area.
And who might this list be for?
Like you said, I just can't
let her go without trying.
It's about time
you started listening
to the wise counsel
of your sister.
Should I put Janah
on the list then?
Yeah, she may have
signed under J. O'Brien.
Better keep her on there.
Hey, did you see
Mrs. O'Cleary yesterday?
I don't think so.
She didn't pick up her paper.
Well, I have some
deliveries to make.
What? I thought
your bike was broken.
So it is. Better see
if I can get it fixed.
Could I borrow your car?
How are you, William?
Tell me you didn't sleep
in your car last night.
I did.
Why didn't you
come ask for help?
Because I had already
taken so much of your day.
Well, I'm making breakfast.
You should join us.
Thank you.
It's amazing.
Back already?
Did you fix my bike?
Wasn't me. No, why?
It was you?
I hope that's okay.
I was the one responsible
for the damage.
Did it ride okay?
Better than ever
actually. Thank you.
I found O'Brien's
repair shop last night,
Eoman fixed it right up.
And then she slept in her car.
Your car?
It wouldn't start,
but the rental company is
coming to swap out cars today.
We could have helped.
Eamon and Garret
O'Brien were very helpful,
Garret even proposed.
I think, unfortunately they
didn't know any O'Briens
that started with the letter J.
I think we can
help you with that.
Using the records of
the Post I put together
a list of every J. O'Brien
in a 100 kilometer radius.
That far?
Thank you, William.
Now where's the map?
Looking at the area this way,
I don't see anyone coming from
outside of here to our Post
to send a package.
How many does that leave,
if you take those
farther ones off?
This is gonna take a while.
We told you O'Brien's
a very common name.
- Yeah.
- You know,
instead of sending you
out with a list of names
and addresses in a country
you've never been in before,
let us help you.
You've already done so much.
I'm sure with your job,
you're really good at
organizing and cataloging.
William is really good
at reading a map
and knowing the area
and traveling about,
and I have a car that runs.
What if we work together
to try and figure out
who sent the painting and why?
Are you sure it's not a bother?
I don't wanna take you
away from your work.
No, we can make
deliveries as we go.
Right, William?
Great. That's settled.
We can start now.
It'll be like taking
a little holiday.
I know you're
eager to help Lily,
but doesn't this just seem like
we're leading her on
a wild goose chase?
She wants to know how the
painting made it to America,
and so do we, unless
you wanna tell her.
Oh, no.
At least this way,
you'll get to spend more time
with her and get to know her.
Here she comes.
Sorry, I just had to leave
the keys for rental company.
Let's crack on.
That's not my side.
This is so exciting.
I feel like I did When I
used to bunk off school.
Eyes on the road.
You said O'Brien was a
common name. How common?
You can find out
O'Briens all over.
In county's Clare, Limerick,
Tipperary and Waterford.
It's good thing we have
the spelling of O Brien,
because you can also spell
it B-R-I-A-N or B-R-Y-A-N.
The list would have
been a lot longer.
What does O' mean
in Irish surnames?
Grandson of, or descendant of.
And what about Mac?
Son of.
I just realized, I don't even
know what your last name is.
It's not O'Brien is it?
No, Murphy?
That sounds like
a good, strong name.
Who lives here?
Our distant aunt and
uncle on our mum's side.
I'm not really sure how
they're related exactly.
But we see them at
family gatherings.
And their last name is O'Brien.
Aunt Deirdre married
an O'Brien, got divorced,
but kept the name, made
her new husband Liam
take the name as well.
I hope she isn't home.
You know how most
families have a,
an eccentric aunt or
uncle who enjoys the drink?
Deirdre asks
totally inappropriate
and infuriating questions.
Mostly about my relationships
or all those things I would
rather not talk about.
All right, here we go.
I really hope it's Liam.
I don't think I can
handle, Deirdre right now.
Please be Liam. Please be Liam.
Hi, Aunt Deirdre
Hi, William.
How's the form?
You're looking well.
It's a grand
old day. Isn't it?
Where is Liam?
I give him a bag of Skittles
and three bottles of Coke
about an hour ago he's been
up to high doh ever since.
Hey Saoirse, how you getting on?
Not married yet?
Making anything of yourself?
Oh, look at the time.
I best get going. I'll
chat to you later. Yeah.
Hi Deirdre, I'm Lily.
This is our friend from America.
Another Yank, hadn't got
enough from the last one, huh?
Yeah. May we come in?
Oh yeah, of course, come in.
How many O'Briens
are on that list?
I have two pages full,
but we were hoping to cut
that down with your help.
You still lobbin' the gob
with that fell from Dublin?
He was a cute hoor, that fellow,
always managed to
get free tickets
for the concerts in
the Phoenix Park.
Do you think you could help us?
I'll give it a lash.
Here we go.
James, I haven't seen
James in donkey's years.
Is he still at the same place?
No. Moved up north
about a year ago.
Cross him off.
Judi, she died last spring
and poor Jacob, poor fellow.
He's been knocking on
death's door for months now.
Jagat O'Brien, huh?
He was here last night
acting the maggot.
His mom's been up to 90 since
she came home and found out
what that dog did on the
sofa in the living room.
Jannon, still on the farm.
You can cross him off the list.
He can't even
write his own name.
You better hurry up
and find yourself a man
and start having babies.
Those birthing hips are
primed and ready.
Thank you for your help.
Don't worry about
it. You're grand.
Okay. Bye now.
- Bye.
- Bye now.
Primed and ready.
It was worth it,
we were able to cross
six names off the list.
I didn't know what she
was saying half the time.
What is lob the glob?
It's lob the gob, kissing.
Well Jimmy's
closest on the list.
Should we try him this
afternoon, after some lunch?
These primed and ready hips
need to get back to the Post.
Apparently I need to
either get married
or figure out how to
make something of myself.
Why don't you two grab
some lunch at the cafe
and head to Jimmy's after.
What so I have to
face Jimmy without you?
There's only so much crazy
I can handle in one day.
Plus Lily'll be with you.
- Like it at the Post?
- So howe
The Post is part of who we are.
Have you ever thought of
leaving the Post behind?
Either of you?
Don't tell Saoirse this,
but I have thought
about leaving before.
I don't now how Saoirse
would handle it though.
Couple years ago,
we tried to take a holiday
and hire a postman.
It was an absolute disaster.
I mean, if I left now, that's
just a lot to put on Saoirse.
I'm sure she could
come up with a solution.
But then she
would be stuck here.
And I don't think we could,
it's our family, our home,
our legacy, I suppose.
That is a nice legacy.
You ready to go see Jimmy now?
We could walk if you
want, it's not far.
That would be grand.
So you've really lived
here your whole life.
I almost got away for school,
planned on going to Limerick.
What happened?
Mom took ill and I needed to
stay and help with the Post.
That was kind of you.
My dad took care of her,
until his health
started to decline.
They were childhood sweethearts
who were inseparable during
the 47 years of marriage.
They passed while holding
hands in the hospital.
Saoirse and I were there.
My mom passed first.
Saoirse put my mom's
head on my dad's shoulder
and told my dad
that he could go,
that my mom was waiting for him,
within minutes he was gone.
Sorry for the sad story.
No, it's a beautiful story.
Thank you for telling me.
So was it love at
first sight for them?
For my dad, for my
mom on the other hand,
it took quite a bit of chivalry
from my dad to win her over.
That sounds like how
it was for me and Greg.
We met our first
year in high school,
but I wouldn't go out with
him until we were seniors.
My husband, he passed
away a few years ago.
Sorry. Was he your
one and only?
I loved Greg and we were happy,
but I think that sometimes
we're led to believe
that there is a one
and only out there.
You don't believe in fate?
I don't think so.
Why not?
Because I think if
there was such a thing,
it left me alone when Greg died.
I'm sorry about Greg.
It's okay.
Here we are.
I'm short of the
coin this morning.
Tom left again without
buying his round.
Fella could peel an
orange in his pocket.
Jimmy. It's me, William.
William Murphy I thought
you were someone else.
How's that sister
of yours doing?
Is she still asking for me?
How are you doing? Hi!
Hi Jimmy. I'm Lily.
I bet you are.
This is our friend from America.
America, another one?
So Jimmy, you didn't
happen to send a package
to America from the
Post a while back?
Package to America?
We received a package to the
museum I work at in the US.
It was sent by a J. O'Brien.
Ah, see we O'Brien's
are a lucky bunch.
You know we're descended
from some of the most famous
and greatest Irish kings.
So I've heard.
Jimmy. Okay, so what do
you say about the package?
So why would I send
a package to America?
That answers our question.
Well, thanks Jimmy.
We'll be on our way.
Are you leaving so soon?
Tell Saoirse to call me.
Thank you for today,
it was an adventure.
Isn't this the same car?
Yes, but the rental car company
said that they swapped
out the battery.
It should work now.
So it's 15 kilometers
to Ballyduff House?
Yeah, it takes about
an hour to get there.
It takes an hour
to get 15 kilometers?
Is that where you're staying?
Yes, beats sleeping in my car.
Or you could stay with us.
We have an empty guest room.
The sheets are clean.
The alternative is
you drive around
trying to find Ballyduff House.
It'll be dark before
you get there.
Well, I don't like
the idea of driving,
let alone at night.
Okay. As long as you
let me pay for the room.
We are down to 20.
We still have
a J. O'Brien to find.
Tomorrow it's just gonna
have to be the two of you.
Somebody has to
stay here all day.
Is that okay with you, Lily?
Yeah, no problem.
We got along swell today.
Did you see Mrs.
O'Cleary today?
No, I didn't see her.
She's missed the paper
two days in a row now.
I'm sure she's fine.
I'll go check on
her in the morning.
Got along swell today, did you?
I was finally able to be myself
and not act so uncomfortable.
Thank goodness for that.
Being around her feels
like it did in my dreams.
How's that?
Good, because I like her.
Just keep at it.
And if it's meant
to be it'll happen.
It's Saoirse.
Here are some extra blankets
and if you need anything else,
my room is just down the hall.
Thank you. Saoirse?
What you have here
is incredible.
Your home and your work,
no matter what your
aunt or anybody says.
You're the first to say so.
Mine's a small life
and nothing like where
you come from I'm sure.
That's what's nice about it.
There are people all over
the world would consider this
a slice of heaven.
I have a few more.
This one.
This one.
Good morning.
You sure you don't wanna drive?
Oh no, no thanks.
We have a few stops to
make along the way today?
No, not many.
There's a sweet old
lady, Mrs. O'Cleary,
hasn't turned up for her
paper for a few days.
She's elderly and lives alone,
so I just wanna check and
make sure everything's okay.
Of course.
Mrs. O'Cleary?
Mrs. O'Cleary, it's
William from the Post.
You see anyone?
No, I've known Mrs.
O'Cleary most of my life,
this isn't like her.
Is it proper to go in?
Under the circumstances.
It's locked.
Let's try the back.
Mrs. O'Cleary?
Mrs. O'Cleary?
In here, lad.
Brought your newspaper and
your mail. Are you all right?
I haven't been feeling too well.
I can hardly walk.
I couldn't find the phone.
You got a bad dose
of it, don't you?
My hair feels manky,
it needs a wash.
I think your hair looks grand.
Another American, eh?
Why do people keep saying that?
Most likely because
he was engaged to one.
I'm gonna call you a doctor
and wait with you here
until they arrive.
Oh. Thank you.
Now, how long have you
and William been together?
We're not together.
He's just helping me track
down the sender of a package.
You could have fooled me.
You two look like
a perfect pair.
Thank you, Doctor.
Sure thing.
She'll be in good
hands with Dr. Molloy.
I hope she feels better
soon, she's a sweet lady.
Sure is. You ready to
find this J. O'Brien?
Let's crack on.
J. O'Brien?
Did you happen to send a package
to America through
the Post recently?
Hey John, you happen to send
a package from the Post?
Thank you, Father.
You sure this
is the right place?
Never delivered here before,
but this must be it.
Well, it wasn't me,
but if it had been,
I would never part with
such a beautiful image,
of such a beautiful woman.
Thank you.
You know, it's a
shame it wasn't him
'cause it looks like you
could have been happy here.
Oh yeah?
So any luck?
We're down to three names.
We've met a lot
of unique people.
Everything okay at the Post?
Yeah, busy as ever. We had
plenty of new parcels today.
Sorry, I wasn't there to help.
Don't be. I rather enjoyed it.
I'll go help.
That was really sweet of him.
That's Will,
he's always been a
naturally thoughtful person,
and he's a really
talented artist too.
Yeah, you should ask
him about his work.
I think you'll find you
have a lot in common.
Good to know.
Hey, the other
day, Mrs. O'Cleary
mentioned that he was engaged
before, to an American?
Yeah, he was,
about five years ago.
Rachel was her name.
She was going to school
here, well in Dublin.
A few months before the
wedding she just left,
with no warning, no
conversation, no nothing.
He hasn't been interested
in a relationship since,
and hasn't been a
big fan of Americans.
But you have definitely
helped, in both those areas.
So have you any idea who the
artist is behind the painting?
Not in the slightest.
What are you gonna do when
you find out who painted it?
I just wanna know
why it looks like me.
Maybe it was painted by someone
who's madly in love with you.
And it's your fate
to end up with them.
You sound like my
friend, Michelle.
She is determined to get
me in a relationship again.
She thinks this
painting is my destiny.
But you never know.
Destiny could walk up on you
when you least expect it.
What did I miss?
Thought you might
wanna look at these.
Thank you.
I can't believe how many J.
O'Briens we've already met.
It's been quite an adventure.
That it has.
You must be exhausted,
or at least fed up with
driving me everywhere.
No, it's worth it.
I thought maybe we could take
a break tomorrow, you know,
from the search,
do something fun
as a thank you to
you and Saoirse.
What did you have in mind?
Saoirse really
didn't wanna come?
Bad experience with a
kite when she was little,
long story.
She mentioned you're an artist.
She did? What
else did she say?
Just said to ask you about it.
What medium do you prefer?
Pencil, watercolor,
oil painting.
You'll have to show me
some of your work sometime.
Do you have any I could look at?
It was all just a hobby.
I haven't done
anything in a while.
I'd have to look and see
if I can find something.
I'd like that.
Are you an artist?
Me? No, I just appreciate art.
Do you have a favorite painting?
Girl With The Pearl
Earring, Vermeer.
- Interesting.
- Why?
Well isn't that one
a bit of a mystery too?
Who is the girl in the painting?
I guess so.
Like your portrait.
Well, we assume it's me,
but we don't know
for sure or why.
And Vermeer's was said to
be an imaginary figure.
Though I do wonder who
inspired it.
Do you ever think about
why the painting is of you?
Nothing that makes sense though.
You have any ideas?
Well I...
Oh, oh!
You know you and Saoirse
are really amazing,
taking in a stranger,
helping me track down
a thousand O'Briens.
You know, I could have
been a fraud, or a thief.
Or someone very dangerous.
So could we.
I like to think I have
good instincts about people,
but it's good of you to help me.
To be fair you're
hardly a stranger anymore.
Part of me feels like I've
known you most of my life.
You're the best thing
to come to the village.
I don't know what I will do when
you find the answers
you're looking for.
Well, it'll be hard for
me to go back home now.
So thank you.
You told her about my art?
Remember your promise?
I didn't tell her it was you,
but she is going to
find out eventually,
and I think the
sooner, the better.
I know, but I can't tell her.
I keep thinking about it, but I
know it'll mess everything up.
I genuinely enjoy
spending time with her.
But if she finds out,
I don't see how it could be
anything but a disappointment.
Because, how do you explain it?
I'm trying to protect you
from getting your heart broken.
Relationships are built
on honesty, William.
Only three names left?
William thinks
we're gonna find him
by the end of the week.
Do you need me back sooner?
No, we've got everything
under control here.
Now, Lily,
you realize that you haven't
talked much about the painting.
The last few calls, all you
seem to talk about is William.
Because he's helping
me with the painting.
Is that all?
I enjoy spending time with him.
It's nice to have him around
as we work on this together.
How long have I been
trying to get you to go
out with someone?
We're not going out.
It's not wrong to date
because you're lonely
or want company.
We're not dating?
No, you're just staying in
his house and spending all day-
His sister's around!
Besides, I'm here
to find the artist.
I shouldn't have waited
this long to tell you.
I am the one that
painted your portrait.
You see, I used to
dream about you,
or at least someone who
looks just like you.
What? That was
horrible, try again.
You are the girl in
my dreams, literally?
Try again.
I'm the one that
painted your portrait.
It was wrong of me not
to tell you earlier,
but I didn't know how.
This is working, continue.
I didn't know how to
tell you, I've wanted to,
but it's just that
my sister insisted-
You see,
how do you say it out loud
without sounding so, so-
Desperate, pathetic,
disturbing, pitiful?
But, you are getting better.
There you are.
You ready to go?
He better be, he's been
practicing all morning.
Why do you do that?
Dunno, everyone does
it when you're driving
on these narrow country
roads at low speed.
I'll keep that in mind,
if I ever get behind
the wheel again.
Your sister will not be
happy if I crash her car.
You're doing fine.
Have you ever heard
of Hans Holbien?
The court portrait artist
for King Henry? Why do you ask?
Yeah, Michelle brought
him up the other day
and it got me thinking.
Maybe the artist who
painted the portrait
that looked like
me was commissioned
by the O'Brien who
sent the painting.
A paid sitting? Interesting
theory, but I don't think so.
Why not?
Because it's you and I
assume you didn't hire someone
to paint your portrait.
We got one coming.
You ready? Just pick a
point on the road ahead of you
and keep it in
your line of sight.
You're a natural.
Thanks for your time.
Thank you. Bye.
I'm really sorry.
Thank you for your time.
- See you.
- Bye.
Only one name left.
Is this it?
Maybe she's out at the back?
Hi, my name is William.
Hi, my name is William.
This is my friend.
She's deaf.
Hi, my name is Lily and
this is my friend William.
I can mostly tell
what you're meaning,
but you must be foreign
because my sign is different.
She said we can stay
as long as we'd like.
Maybe we didn't make
the search wide enough.
Maybe I missed some.
I think it's the
end of the line.
You're giving up?
Think we've looked long enough.
Maybe it wasn't meant to be.
I know just the thing
to help cheer you up.
What is this place?
Mom used to bring me
here when I was a kid.
It's so beautiful.
I finally get to see them?
They're nothing amazing.
William, these are amazing.
You've never had
formal training?
I just started young.
I'd get these images in my head
that I couldn't
express with words,
so I just drew what I saw.
What made you stop?
A few things, my fianc
leaving me was one of them.
Saoirse told me a little.
Thought I was in
love, real love.
Maybe it was just the idea
of love that I enjoyed.
She really just disappeared?
Didn't say anything?
Saoirse saw her loading
her bag and driving away.
I called her, her
family, no response.
Even after a week of
not hearing from her,
still held out hope
that she would return.
After all, the planned wedding
was only a few months away.
We didn't have any major issues.
As far as I knew we were happy.
I'm sorry.
I just stayed
busy with the Post.
The leaving bothered
me for a long time.
I just wanted to know the why,
but now I don't need to know.
I no longer wonder
if I was good enough.
I am clear that this hurt,
it isn't mine to hold,
it's undoubtedly hers.
So, I just accepted what
happened and moved on.
Have you been in a
relationship since?
No, I tell myself it's
okay to be alone though.
It can be hard.
What happened to Greg?
Car accident.
I was going to school while
he served in the military.
He went on several
tours, was never injured.
And then he comes home and he
gets killed in a car crash,
falling asleep at the wheel.
I'm sorry.
After a while I
missed his kisses,
having a warm body next to
mine, his head on my shoulder.
It's enough to drive
anyone to start dating
before you're ready.
I thought maybe I could fill
the void. Heal some pain.
Did it?
No, I only went out once.
I haven't even told my
best friend about this.
We met at the gym, first
mistake right there.
And we went to dinner,
I got this feeling of
overwhelming guilt and betrayal.
The whole night I was
looking around the restaurant
for someone that I knew.
I thought that if they
saw me with another man,
first thing they would do is
rush home and tell my husband.
I know it sounds
silly because he's...
Needless to say, I changed gyms.
Probably for the best.
Wow! William it's beautiful.
You are.
Do you think you'll be
able to find love again?
I don't know. I'm
starting to hope so.
It's Saoirse.
You should answer that.
Everything good at the Post?
Of course, but I have
an address for you.
- Is it an O'Brien?
- Better.
The address of a charity
where the painting ended up.
I was cleaning up around
here and I found an old flyer
asking for donations,
it was a church.
I remember, I figured it was a
better place for the painting
than the rubbish bin.
Fantastic text it to me.
Did you tell her yet?
Okay. Saoirse bye now.
Another O'Brien?
You willing to
give it another go?
I wanted to-
Is that it?
Good morning, Sister.
We were wondering if
you could help us.
I'm sorry, I don't
know any O'Briens.
Do you still take donations?
Yes, many don't know what to do
with their loved one's
items after they pass.
Bequeathing extra
items to charity
is a constructive way to
honor a loved one's memory.
We've seen everything from
clothing, to electronics,
once even a car.
My favorite is the art.
What happens to it all?
Father Gallagher
knows who can use what.
But where does all the art go?
Those are sent to
an auction house,
with the proceeds
going to the church.
Do you happen to know
which auction house?
Shepherd's Auction House.
You have 20 minutes
until your destination,
continue straight.
All right, how
many you got there?
I see you one what do you want?
Get one going now,
two going now 25.
I see 25. And we see a three.
What do you want? Get
for them 25 further now.
All right, 25, 25
once, 25 twice, and 25.
Hope it's lucky.
Okay. Next up today, we
have a gorgeous work of art.
Prettiest thing I've seen since
my wife on our wedding day.
Let's get going, shall we?
Who wants this wonderful item?
J. O'Brien, is it how
long ago did you say?
Around five years?
Five years ago. Okay.
Let's have a look.
O'Brien, O'Brien.
Ah, yes, here we go.
A portrait was sold
to Jonathan O'Brien.
For 500. Do you know him?
He's a good man.
I haven't seen him around
here for a while now,
but I can give you
directions to where he lives.
I can't believe
we're this close.
What kind of flowers
are in this sketch.
Easter lilies.
I think this is it.
Jonathan O'Brien?
For the last 70 years.
William Murphy.
It's you.
Do you know me?
I can't believe my eyes.
The woman from the painting.
My wife and I went on
holiday to America.
We really loved one
of the museums there.
We spent the entire day
taking in its splendor.
It's one of my most
beautiful memories.
Shortly after we returned
home, Alannah became sick.
I bought a painting
at the auction for her
because she loved it so much.
Alannah passed away
a few months ago.
I'm so sorry.
Before she died,
she suggested that I send
the painting to the museum
in America that we love.
It made it there.
That's where I work.
That's truly amazing.
It's where it's
supposed to be then.
Why did you paint me?
You sign all your
work with lilies,
just like in the painting.
It's you, isn't it?
It was my mother's
favorite flower.
All this time.
Why didn't you say something?
I wanted to find out how
the painting ended up with you
just as much as you did.
Why me? Why did you paint me?
When I was eight, I woke
from a dream with faint image
of a face, like a drawing
that had just been started.
Month after month, the image
became more clear, more formed,
more coming to life in my mind.
By the time I was a teenager,
I had the most vivid
image in my dreams,
as clear as I see you here now.
I started to sketch to see if
I could express what I saw.
So my sketches
became the painting.
You never saw anyone
who looks like me, or me?
I don't know why I
kept seeing your face.
I didn't even think
you were real.
When things became more
serious with Rachel,
I knew I needed to
move on, forget about this
made-up woman in my mind.
I thought I had moved on,
until you walked into my life.
It all sounds so-
I know how it sounds.
And that's why I didn't
say anything earlier.
I didn't know how.
Please say something.
I just, I wish you would've
to told me the truth.
And if I had, how would
you have looked at me?
I can't wrap my head
around it. It doesn't matter.
You kept me here and
didn't tell me, so what,
so I would stay?
Yes, no, no.
It wasn't like that.
We've wasted so much time.
It wasn't a waste for me.
I wouldn't have changed
it for anything.
I came here to find answers,
to find who painted it.
Not to fall-
In love?
I think it's time
for me to go home.
So that's it? You
leave, back to America?
I know how I feel about you.
But it can't be real.
You only feel that way
because of your dreams.
Dreams or not, you're
right here in front of me.
Real as can be, and something
brought us together.
I can't.
I'm sorry, I can't.
Are you going to let her leave?
It's her choice.
Don't be afraid of what
you're feeling William,
do everything you can.
Thank you for being
so kind and wonderful.
Are you sure you have to go?
It's time.
Um. About yesterday-
Don't worry about it.
It wasn't a mistake.
Wasn't it?
Look, you don't
have to apologize,
if that's what you're doing.
I'm not apologizing
for kissing you.
I'm not apologizing
for not telling-
It's fine.
All right.
Safe travels then.
Do you think he
was your soulmate?
Do you think he
was your soulmate?
That concept implies
that you're not whole
without someone else.
Feeling that you need
someone to complete you,
it's a horrible way to
start a relationship.
Maybe a soulmate is
determined by what they do.
A soulmate is a person
who appears in your life
in order to teach you something.
I need to let this go, Michelle.
But why? You're miserable.
Everyone can see that.
He was your soulmate.
Stop saying that, he's not.
Can't be.
If he is, then what was Greg?
Fate, destiny, soulmates.
You keep saying that
about William but,
Greg was my one and only,
and then he was gone.
What if Greg,
wasn't the only one?
You really banjaxed this one.
Beyond repair?
With your foostering about.
You truly believe in fate?
Fate isn't a matter of
waiting for the one and only
to walk by and grab you.
Fate brought you together,
but it's up to you
to do something about it.
You think I should go after her?
If you want her back, yeah.
We make our own future
from our own actions
and nothing or no one
else is responsible.
No fate but what we make.
I just want her to be happy.
And she can be, you both can be,
but you both have to be
willing to take a risk.
Go to her.
For how long?
For as long as it takes.
You want to, don't
think I can't see that.
You're a wonderful
brother William,
patiently willing to sacrifice
your future to stay here.
But you don't have to.
I won't see this
place left behind.
And neither will I.
What do you mean?
Deidre, Jimmy they've
got it all wrong.
I like it here.
Everyone keeps pushing me
to make something of myself,
but I already have.
You mean you wanna keep
running the Post by yourself?
Yeah, is there
something wrong with that?
- No, but-
- It's my home.
Besides, maybe I'll
hire some help.
A handsome foreigner who
stumbles into the village.
All right, all right.
You mean it though?
So you see? There's
nothing holding you back.
Hey Lily, Michelle wants
your opinion on a new exhibit.
You got a second?
- Sure.
- Right here.
What do you think of this here?
I'm thinking the
lighting may be off.
You're not seriously-
Of course, yes, I
think it's beautiful.
My favorite feature
is the passion in it.
You can really feel how
much the painter loves her.
Can't you?
Feelings change.
He may not feel
that way anymore.
Do you want him to?
We've talked about this.
I've listened to you
talk yourself out of it.
But you love him.
It's funny though,
because you're missing
the most spectacular part.
Fate, the painting
coming to me, I know.
No, that fate is at
work a second time.
First for Greg now for William.
Don't you see, it's fate
for you to be happy again.
I don't know if you
believe in fate,
but you and William
were brought together
and it doesn't lessen
what you had with Greg,
it's because he's gone.
This is another chance
for you to love again.
Will you let it go?
It's too late, I hurt him.
Just say, you're sorry.
I wish I could.
This, was just left for you.
Who is that from?
I don't know, a guy just
brought it to the front desk.
I tried your office,
but you weren't there.
Where is he?
He just walked out
the front entrance.
William? You're here.
Is that okay?
Where's Saoirse?
At home, manning the Post,
and loving it actually.
I've missed you, didn't
think I should, but I do.
Didn't think I should, but I do.
Does that mean you forgive me?
I'm more worried
about you forgiving me.
What for?
For treating what we had
together like it was nothing.
Like our time together didn't
mean anything, and it did.
I can't risk sitting
back and losing you,
but more than anything,
I want you to you happy.
You make me happy.
I do?
I didn't think I could
be happy again, but I am.
The painting found
its way to me,
and I found my way to you.
I know it startled
you, the painting.
I'm just so glad you're real.
I was drawn to you before
we ever met, but now,
I never loved anyone
like I love you.
You're so much more than just
the woman of my dreams.
I'll try to keep
living up to that,
because you deserve
to be happy too.
You've made me feel
and love again.
So does that mean
you love me too?
It just might.