Low Life (2022) Movie Script

(car tires screech)
- Hello, baby.
How are you doing?
Hello, baby.
How are you doing?
Hello, baby.
How are you doing?
Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba,
ba, ba, bop.
(upbeat music)
(lips trilling)
Everyone's trying to
keep me down.
I'm like yeast, I rise.
And I am back, baby.
I'm back in the saddle
and it feels damn good.
Mother Dunkers,
the classic dunk heads.
I'm working some new hellos.
You Dunk fanatics out there,
welcome back.
What's up, guys?
I'm here.
I do not see him at the moment.
I've got the chat logs
right here.
Take a look at that,
where she says she's underage.
"Come meet me here."
He says, "I want to meet you.
"Can you send a pic?"
Exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit D.
The wiener dog.
If he is like, oh, "I don't
know what you're talking about.
"I'm totally not here
for the thing
"that I'm obviously here for",
I'm gonna be like, "Boom!".
How come I got a picture
of your di-?
I got my handy dandy
spy glasses,
looking like a sexy nerd.
Boom, take off the glasses.
What's up, baby?
How are you doing?
Oh, I'm pretty late.
I hope this guy is still here.
Hang in there, Mr. Predator.
I'm coming to get ya.
Where the fuck are you?
(audio speeds up)
Ladies and gentlemen,
I think I see him.
Say, hello.
Hello, Mr. Pedophile.
I see you.
I'm gonna get you.
You only have a couple
more seconds
of thinking you're gonna
meet with Julia.
Drum roll, please.
Let's dominate.
Hey, buddy!
How you doing, man?
Don't you remember me?
Come on, I'll give you one
guess to guess.
It's me.
It's me, stop, stop.
It's me, Julia.
Look, remember you sent me this?
Do you recognize the
person in this picture?
- No.
- [Benny] Really, because I
think that looks a lot like you,
like, you just sent a photo
of yourself
to a 13-year-old girl.
- Yeah, it's not.
What are you here for?
- [Benny] What am I here for?
What are you here for?
- I don't, I dunno, man.
- [Benny] A dead ringer.
That's you.
- Sit inside.
- [Benny] You want me
to sit inside your car?
Why, are you getting a
little chilly out here?
Okay, Tim.
Wait, it's kind of weird now
that I know your name is Tim.
Isn't it, Tim?
Like, how do I know that?
You all right?
You look a little upset.
I get it.
You must be pretty bummed
that Julia doesn't actually
even exist.
- Who?
- Who?
- Yeah.
- [Benny] Are you gonna play
dumb with me?
I'll enlighten you.
You know what?
I'll enlighten you.
I'm talking about Julia.
The girl you've been talking
to for the past two months,
every single day.
The 13-year-old girl,
you were coming here to
have sex with.
That Julia.
Does that ring a bell?
You know the glasses on my
head have a camera, right?
- Yeah.
- [Benny] Right there on
the bridge.
- Yeah, I can see it, yeah.
- [Benny] Oh, okay, yeah,
you can see it?
It's okay, you probably have
like a brain tumor or something
that makes you wanna have
sex with little kids, right?
It like rubs up against a
certain part of your brain
and it makes you attracted
to young kids.
Is that what's wrong with you?
- No.
- [Benny] No, that's not?
- No.
- [Benny] So are you
just here to like what,
teach little girls a lesson
about talking to older
men online?
- No.
- [Benny] Well then talk to me.
There's some pretty sick
stuff in here.
You want me to read it?
You talk about licking cum
off the floor
and I mean,
it's stuff you wrote, so.
Do you think I'm stupid?
- Do I know you're from
- [Benny] No, definitely not.
We do not run in the same
- Is your name Benny Jansen?
(pensive pitch)
Yeah, we went to high
school together.
You're the basketball
guy, right?
- No.
- Yeah.
- No.
- I was a mascot.
- Let's focus on you.
Butt stuff, eating her out,
stuff she's never done before.
And she's-
- Bro, bro.
- You talk about wanting
her to wear a dog mask?
- What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about?
These are your words.
You wrote this.
You talk about,
hey, hey.
- Let me just see it.
Let me see it.
- You talk about fingers.
And licking of the anus, right-
Keep your paws to yourself.
- Let me just see it.
- No!
You talk about licking up cum.
So much cum.
You're, hey, all right, I'm
getting outta the car now.
Don't fuck with me, man!
Don't fuck with me!
(car door slams)
(camera clicking)
Take a long, hard look.
(car engines starts)
This is what a pedophile
looks like.
(car engine revving)
What the fuck!
Don't do that!
(car crashes)
(car engine revving)
No, no, no!
(car engine revving)
(suspenseful music)
What the fuck!
Dang, boy.
What the hell are you doing?
Don't fuck with me!
(loud banging)
Oh, fuck,
if my camera's fucked up,
I'm gonna be fucking pissed off.
(suspenseful music)
I swear to God!
I swear to God,
if this shit's fucked...
(car engine revving)
Oh fuck, what the fuck!
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(tense music)
(keys clicking)
(tense music)
- Hey, Tom, right?
Hey, man.
(Benny exclaiming in
dragonspeak: Graxxmarrrrr)
(tense music)
(keys clicking)
You're trying to run
away from the fact that
you were meeting up
with a 13 year old girl?
(pensive music)
(birds chirping)
(car passing by)
Holy shit.
The name's Jansen.
Benny Jansen.
(phone vibrating)
Oh, fuck.
Hey, what's up?
- [Nicole] What do you mean,
what's up?
You haven't given me updates
in days on you know who!
- Look, I'm kind of in the
middle of something right now.
I can't really talk.
Also, I'm sorry,
since when is it my
to give you play by plays?
- [Nicole] I showed
you this guy.
- Yeah, no, I...
I know, I just.
I just usually work alone,
is all.
- [Nicole] Okay, but
he's my best friend's dad
and I might be sleeping
over at his time tonight.
- Yeah.
I know, I know.
That's why I'm like,
trying to protect you
or whatever.
- Oh my God, so I was right?
He's like a total fucking creep?
- Yeah, no he's a bad, bad dude.
He's one of the most aggressive
I've ever dealt with.
- Motherfucker,
I fucking knew it!
He's always been so
fucking creepy towards me.
Let's fucking get him
tonight, get him tonight.
(pensive music)
- Uh.
All right, just calm
down for a second, okay?
- [Nicole] How the fuck can you
say that? How can I be calm?
- Um, look, I'm gonna have
to call you back, all right.
- [Nicole] Wait, wait,
wait, Benny, Benny, no.
- All right, bye.
(suspenseful music)
- Benny, Benny, Jansen.
- Yeah, what's up?
Who's asking?
- Hannah Morgan, here.
What do you have to say about
the Sheriff's press release
calling on you to stop making
your videos?
- What?
- Sheriff Margaret Harvey
released a press statement
condemning your vigilante
Do you have any comment
about that?
- Wow, what's pretty big time,
isn't it?
- [Hannah] Excuse me?
- No, I've not heard about this,
but I'll give it the old
Google search
when I go home, all right?
- I think what everybody wants
to know, why do you do this?
- Why do I do what?
Why do I expose predators?
- Yes.
- Why do you wanna hide them?
- I'm not hiding anything,
are you?
- Whoa, Hannah, I didn't realize
you were gonna be so feisty
in real life.
I love it.
- Did you know that some of
the cases you're involved in
can't be properly prosecuted
because your chat logs don't
meet evidence guidelines?
- You admit some of them can
be properly prosecuted, right?
- Don't you believe that
the police
and the DAs know what's best?
- I think the police don't know
what side they're playing
for, okay.
- [Hannah] Do you always
feel above the law?
- All right, I'm late.
I gotta go on a run, all right.
This has been real fun,
but I gotta go.
(pensive ambient music)
(tense reflective music)
- Too fucking good!
Get the ball, come on,
set the screen.
(men scuffling and chattering)
Banks open, motherfucker.
(tense reflective music)
(men exclaiming)
Yeah, do it again, do it again.
(Benny clapping)
- [Basketballer] Watch
the guy in front!
(men scuffling and chattering)
- Play ball, play ball,
play ball.
(men indistinctly chattering)
(reflective music)
- Oh!
- Oh!
Do that shit, run that shit.
(body thuds)
What the fuck is up, biatch!
- That's a fucking charge.
- No.
I'm sorry, what?
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yo, play the game.
You take that shit.
Let's go, bitch!
I run this fucking shit.
This is my fucking court!
Benny mother fucking Jansen.
Benny mother fucking
Jansen, bitch!
Yo, fuck you!
(tense reflective music)
(loud banging)
(gun bangs)
Hey, what's up?
You don't know what I'm
talking about?
No, you got no idea?
No, yeah, I'm talking to you.
Oh, so tell me, you're just
here to admire the scenery then?
Yeah, the beautiful
fucking scenery.
Is that it?
Why are you looking at me
like that?
Why are you fucking looking
at me like that then?
Why are you looking at me
like that, huh?
Come on.
Yeah, you fucking pervert.
You know that I could beat
the fucking shit out of you,
if you wanted to,
but I'm not gonna.
Fucking talk to me,
she was 13 years old.
What's that you little bitch?
Huh, huh!
What's this?
Oh, bitch, guess what?
(gun bangs)
(tense rhythmic music)
(Benny laughing)
(tense rhythmic music)
This is my impression of you.
Come on.
(audio speeds up) There
is some of this stuff.
I mean, it's really sick stuff.
(audio speeds up)
- Is your name Benny Jensen?
(audio rewinds quickly)
Is your name Benny Jensen?
(light clicking)
(digital whirring)
(Benny heavily inhales, sighs)
(notification beeping)
(notification beeping)
(electric whirring)
(light typing)
(notification beeping)
(light tapping)
(pensive music)
(Benny scoffs)
(pensive music)
(lips trilling)
Okay, you're the man.
What's up, Mother Dunkers?
Welcome back.
We are on day eight of chatting
with our teacher friend.
The online poker mistro
predator himself
has just messaged me
and I can tell he's
feeling a little frisky.
So you know what time
it is, huh?
That means,
it's time to dominate.
(pensive music)
Hey, cutie pie.
(notification beeping)
How was work?
(notification beeping)
Jason is typing.
Well, hurry the fuck up, Jason.
My students were taking
tests all day,
so I gambled online for
most of it.
Okay, this guy does not sound
like a very good teacher.
And thought of you of, course.
Or person.
How was school?
(pensive music)
It's so boring.
School sucks. (chuckles)
That's funny.
I can't believe you're
a teacher.
(notification beeping)
I wish you were my student.
All right, I know what
I'm gonna hit him with.
I wish I were your student.
Look, she's winking at
you, Jason.
What ya gonna do, bro?
What ya gonna do?
She's winking right at you.
Oh, he responded, okay.
Maybe we could have some
fun tonight.
Okay, here we go, here we go.
Um, yeah,
wanna meet up by my house?
(notification beeping)
Come on, Jason.
I want to do more than
meet, L-O-L.
Oh, God, more than meet?
Maybe you could show me
more of you.
Un uh, got 'em.
You can't ask a seventh
grader for nudes.
That's freaking child
Maybe you could go first.
My boobs and butt are so small,
it's embarrassing.
(keys typing)
God, you sound so cute,
LOL (scoffs).
Please show me.
I promise, I will love it.
Okay, Jason,
you're like objectifying me.
So stop it, asshole.
I'm gonna go for the Hail Mary.
I just want to meet up.
Jason is typing.
(notification beeping)
I don't know,
especially, if you're not
willing to let me see anything.
(pensive music)
You got this, you got this.
(grunts) Don't think about it.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
(razor vibrating)
(pensive music)
(razor scraping)
(pensive music)
What the fuck?
Oh, my God!
Ew, money, that's money.
(camera clicks)
Uh ha.
(phone ringing)
Nicole, no, hang up.
- Benny, is that you?
- Nicole, don't look.
- Benny, what are you doing?
- I told you, I'm busy.
You have to respect my
privacy when I'm working.
- [Nicole] Who's boobs
are those?
(end of call notification)
(phone ringing)
- (sighs) Fuck.
(phone ringing)
- Yo, why did you hang up?
- Yo, what the fuck?
I told you I'm busy.
- Okay, sorry, geez.
What were you doing though?
- I was just...
- What?
- I don't know.
What did it look like to you?
- It looks like you were
pushing your boobs together.
- [Benny] Shit.
- Wait, is that for him?
- Uh, yeah, but-
- Okay, so we're getting him?
I wanna be there.
I wanna see his face.
- Whoa.
First of all, there's no,
we, all right.
I'm sorry to break it to you,
but there's never been a we.
I'm not gonna film myself
busting a pedophile
with my 16-year-old
partner in crime
because that is fucking insane.
Second of all, he's not
gonna meet up with me
unless I send him a nude.
So I'm fucked.
- Okay, so just Google like
pictures of naked little girls
and then send one to him.
- No, it's not that simple,
all right.
He's smart, okay.
He's gonna reverse image
search anything I send him.
He'll know if I got it off
the internet.
- Well, what about the
picture that you just took
with your chest?
- Believe it or not, it's
too fake, so it doesn't work.
- Well, I'm not gonna let
Megan spend one more night
in a house with that
monster, okay.
- I know, okay, I get it. I
don't know if I'll be able
to get this guy anytime
soon, okay?
- [Nicole] Why?
- Because the sheriffs'
on my ass,
they've got cops following
me around
and now news reporters are
stopping me on the streets
for interviews.
- So what?
- So my block is too hot
right now, all right.
I wanted to get this guy tonight
before my interview goes out,
but (scoffs) I don't think
that's gonna happen, okay.
- What if...
I sent you a pic?
- No!
No, absolutely not!
- And why, I have a bunch,
well, I have a few already.
And they don't even show my face
so I can just send you one and
then you can send it to him,
but then we can get him tonight.
- No, because you are 16
years old.
That is completely crossing
the line, all right.
- Since when do you give a
shit about crossing the line?
You do whatever it takes
to get these guys, right?
You're like a fucking superhero.
- (sighs) You really think so?
- I do.
You put your life on
the line every day
to take down like the
most evil people on Earth.
Your videos literally
inspire millions of people,
like including me.
You're like fucking Batman.
Let me be your Robin!
Come on. (laughs)
- Who would play me in
the movie then?
- Tom Holland, looks-wise.
- What, no, fuck that.
That kid is like a total
fucking squirt.
I'm double his size.
- Okay, but he's so cute.
- Yeah, he's so cute.
He's like little and you
can put him in your pocket
and then go walk around
with him.
I'm like a ruggedly
handsome man.
- Okay.
- [Benny] You don't think so?
- No, I...
I do think so.
- (laughs) Thank you.
- Yeah, welcome.
Okay, I just sent it to you.
(phone vibrates)
- Oh my God, no, Nicole, no, no.
Why did you just do that?
- I already did it.
It's done.
- No, I'm going to
immediately delete
whatever you just sent me, okay.
- No, you won't.
- Yes, I will.
Why did you do that to me?
- So then you can send it to him
and then we can get him tonight.
- No, it's gonna go straight
into the trash, all right.
Benny, if you don't do
something tonight,
then I will, okay.
- The fuck is that supposed
to mean?
(light knocking)
- Shit, I gotta go.
- No, no, no, hold on.
What does that mean?
(end of call notification)
(pensive music)
(engine revving)
(light clattering)
(drawer opens, shuts)
(gun cocks)
(suspenseful music)
(door opens)
(dramatic music)
(faint chattering)
(tense music)
- What'd you do, come on?
- Oh, Jesus, fuck.
(suspenseful music)
- Come on, now, let's go.
- Yo, what the fuck?
- Jesus,
why do you look so freaked?
- Yeah, you good?
- No, I'm fine.
What's up,
what are you guys doing here?
What do you want?
- Uh, poker night.
- This dude won't leave
you alone.
- I know,
I'm fucking sick of him.
- Yo, are you gonna
send him pics?
- Mm, maybe this will get
him excited.
- Oh my God, is that you?
- Hell yeah, boy,
that's fucking me.
- Wait, what?
- You know, I'm guessing
it's stuff like this
that the sheriff views
as inadmissible evidence.
- Let me see, let me see.
- Okay, yeah, well, the
sheriff is a power hungry bitch
who doesn't know what
the she's talking about
so she can get fucked.
- Holy fuck, this is hot.
- Fucking right, it's hot.
Look at those curves, son.
It's like bow-chick-a-wow-wow.
- Oh damn,
can I send myself this pic?
- No, you cannot send
yourself that fucking pic.
Give me my phone back.
- What, I'm only gonna
use it for jacking off.
- That's why I don't want
you to fucking have it.
- Wait, so you're like
still going after this guy
with like all the shit
that's going on?
- No, probably not until things
have cooled down a little bit,
which sucks because a viewer
actually tipped me off
about him.
- Damn, who's this, she's cute.
- Who's who, what are you
looking at? Give me that back.
- I accidentally swiped,
chill out.
This chick.
- Yeah, no, that's, yeah,
that's the girl who tipped me
off, Nicole.
The guy is her best
friend's dad.
- This fucking guy has a kid?
- Yep.
He's a dad, a husband,
a math teacher,
an extremely developed
in the eyes of society
asking a seventh grader
for nudes.
Can I have my phone back now?
- Wait, wait, wait, wait,
let me see.
- [Benny] Fine.
- All right,
so like what's her deal?
- She's a hardcore fan,
you know,
she's been commenting on my page
since like the very beginning.
That's really it.
- Hmm.
- [Benny] Can I have my
phone back now?
- She looks pretty young.
- Yeah, no she is.
She actually still goes to
East Birchwood.
- Oh, shit, Bulldogs, represent!
- She's in high school.
- She's so smart,
but she loves theater.
She's like a total drama geek.
And she's always like
talking about theater this,
theater that.
It's just,
she makes me laugh sometimes.
But yeah, we would've never
talked in high school.
I raise five.
- Do you guys like talk
a lot now?
- Don't go through my
messages, okay.
- Hey.
- I shouldn't have to
tell you that.
- Sorry, man, fuck, I call.
- Whoa.
- Dude, why don't you just
like take what you have
to the cops, all right?
It sounds like you have
plenty of dirt on this guy.
- Fuck those pigs, all right.
Cops think that chat logs
are too flimsy
on their own anyways so it
wouldn't even fucking work.
- Let's just invite
his ass over.
- Oh, duh!
Fuck yeah, let's invite
a predator into my home.
Show him where I live.
Maybe deal him in for
a few hands.
- (laughs) No, we'd beat
the shit out of him.
- Great idea, Ryan.
I'm sure your parole
officer would love that.
- Why would we tell him?
- Okay, you know, this is
like my monthly one night out
from Ben and Charlie, all right?
I don't know.
I don't think it would be
very kosher
if I assaulted someone.
- Yeah, I really, I hate
to break it to you, Ryan,
but nobody's getting
their ass beat tonight.
Not when I got all this
heat on me, you know,
I'm a wanted man right now.
- Damn, so I guess you're
about to lose
your biggest fan then, huh?
- I'm sorry, what did you
just fucking say to me?
What was that one word
you just said, lose?
I don't know what that
word means.
I've never even really
encountered that word.
Could you spell it for me?
Spell it out.
- All right, I check.
- No, no, no,
I'm being dead serious, Sam.
I mean, can you use it in
a sentence?
Like, I don't know.
Sam is about to lose
a shit ton of money on
this hand.
- I'm just saying,
if you just let this guy
keep doing what he's doing,
well, this girl (sighs),
she's gonna hate you.
(light rock music)
Fuck, goddamnit.
All right,
you fucking win, okay?
- I tried to tell you.
- Fucking hell.
- Brian, give me my laptop.
- Dude.
- Fucking eh, yo.
- Since I'm, you know...
(indistinct chatter)
(pensive music)
(light clicking)
(pensive music)
(light typing)
(playful ambient music)
- [Brian] You're the one
who owns the chips, also.
- I just invited him over.
- Fuck, yeah.
(pensive music)
- What, wait.
(Benny laughing)
What the fuck?
(pensive music)
(notification beeping)
(pensive music)
(notification beeping)
(pensive music)
What the fuck, man.
Why did you do that?
- I gotta do this video,
- So we're beating his ass?
Let's fucking do it.
I'm down, I'm fucking ready.
- No, no, no,
let's just message him
and tell him not to come.
(pensive music)
Benny, call it off, dude!
Oh my.
(pensive music)
- Sam, calm the fuck down.
I have a plan.
- You just said that you don't
want this man in your home.
Okay, we can't make one of
your videos.
So call it off.
- We're gonna make a
different kind of video.
- What the fuck are you
talking about?
- I still think that we should
just beat the outta this animal.
- Oh, shut up!
- Oh, I'm like nervous.
I'm like almost shaking.
I feel like I was like...
(light knocking)
- What?
(faint TV chatter)
(pensive music)
- [Jason] Hey.
What you girls watching?
- Nothing, what do you want?
- [Jason] I'm just headed
out for a bit.
Wanted to say, bye.
- Okay, whatever.
- [Jason] Hi, Nicole.
- Hey.
- [Jason] Hey, there she is.
- Okay, goodbye dad.
- [Jason] Okay, yep,
I'm leaving.
(pensive music)
- This guy's like, weirdly hot.
(pensive music)
- Hey, I just realized that I
forgot my toothbrush at home.
So I think I'm just gonna
drive home and grab it.
- Okay, do you wanna
ask my dad for a ride?
- No, no, no, it's okay.
I have my car.
- Okay, well come back quick.
- Okay, I will.
Love you.
- Love you.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, where are you
going, honey?
- I'll be right back.
(suspenseful music)
(door closes)
(suspenseful music)
(engine starts, revs)
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
So we can't bust him, right?
- Yeah.
- We can't beat him up.
This is fucking ridiculous.
Let's just message him
and tell him to go home.
- All right, what if I
pretend to be the girl?
- What?
- Yeah.
I'm small, right?
I'm sure Benny's got like a
wig or some shit I can wear.
- [Sam] And then what, huh?
You gonna suck him off or
- No, Sam,
I'm not going to suck him off.
- [Sam] Okay,
so please tell me what...
(pensive music)
- Hey, guys,
So I've been suspicious
that my friend's dad
has been doing some shady shit,
which has been confirmed
by CreepDunk
so go ahead and subscribe to him
'cause he makes really
good vids.
Okay, anyway, so I've been
following him for like
10 minutes
and I think he's gonna go
meet with an underage girl.
So let's see where this
goes, okay.
- After I sweet talk him for
a little bit,
it's just start getting
hot and heavy.
- Hot and heavy?
- Yeah.
Like for the fucking video,
Sam, keep up, all right.
Like maybe we're on the bed,
he's got his hands on
me, he's about to kiss.
He's obviously hard as fuck.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- And then, boom!
You guys come out in
fucking ski masks, right?
You come out, when you scream,
you scream,
we got you motherfucker!
We got this on shit tape.
And he's sitting there
like fully about to fuck this
little girl.
- Jesus, I'm done with this,
I'll fucking message him.
- No, wait Benny, come on.
You like my plan, right?
Wait, what is happening
right now?
- Fuck, he's here.
(heavily breathing)
(car door shuts)
(car alarm beeps)
(pensive music)
- Okay, okay.
Okay, so he's parked
in front of this house.
Oh, and I can't see what's
going on inside
'cause the blinds are
all closed.
- Set up a hand, okay?
Follow my lead.
- No, no, no, no, no, no,
no I can't.
(light knocking)
I can't, I can't do.
I can't do this.
- Sam, shut the fuck up.
- And whatever I say, no
matter how fucked up it is,
just go with it.
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
Yo, what's up dude?
- Oh, I'm, I'm so sorry.
I must have the wrong house.
- No, you're the um,
you're the math tutor, right?
You're here to see Lizzie?
- Uh?
- [Benny] It's Jason, right?
- No, I, I, well, uh, yeah.
- That is your name, isn't it?
- Yes, yes, uh.
I'm sorry, you're her?
Her brother.
- No, no, no, stepbrother.
Our parents are off to Aruba.
So she's staying at my place.
It's their annual spring
getaway, you know? (laughing)
- I can't see who he's
talking to.
He looks nervous.
He's like moving his arms
around, uh.
- Yeah, she's just out
running a few errands,
but she should be back
really soon, so.
- Oh, okay.
Well, that's fine.
I'll just come by some
other time.
- No, no, no, man.
Me and some buddies are just
playing some poker right now.
If you want, we could totally
deal you in for a few hands.
You could kill some time.
Maybe have a drink if-
- Oh, I, I don't.
No, I, I-
- Are you sure?
- Thank you, though.
- She said she's got that
super important test tomorrow
and it sounded like she
really wants to see you,
like tonight.
- You know, it's, uh.
It's pretty late.
You know, let me just
message her real quick
and see if she wants to meet
like early tomorrow or
- Sure, sure, man.
Whatever works.
Everything all good, man?
You seem a little nervous.
- Oh, no, no, no, I...
(notification beeping)
Okay, um.
She said that she still
wants to meet tonight.
- So great, come on in.
It's freezing.
- Okay.
- Atta boy!
Right this way.
- Fuck.
(ice clanks)
(cards shuffling)
(objects clattering)
- Yo, this is Jason,
Lizzie's math tutor.
This is Sam.
- Hey.
- And this is Ryan.
- Yo.
- Yo.
- Yeah.
He's just gonna kill some
time with us
until Lizzie gets back, so.
- Sorry to interrupt, fellas.
- Dude, no way.
You are not interrupting,
all right.
But do you have cash,
is the only thing?
We are playing at a $50
buy-in tonight.
- Oh, no, no, no.
I'll just, I'll just sit
down and watch, you know?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, she'll be back
soon, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, really,
really, really soon.
(pensive music) Let me grab
you a drink.
How about that?
As the Spaniards say, "Mi
casa es su casa, amigo".
So just chillax.
Take a load off.
Make yourself comfortable.
(pensive music)
Boys, where were we?
- I'm out.
- It's your bet.
- Hmm, what do I want to bet?
(pensive music)
I bet.
This much.
- Jesus Christ.
- Oh, fuck.
Dude, do you remember that
girl I was telling you about?
Check out this fucking text?
Is she fucking asking for
it or what?
- Oh, um, yeah, yeah.
Doesn't get much more
blatant than that.
Check it out.
- Can you assholes
gimme a second?
Oh, that's...
Cool, nice.
- Yeah.
- [Ryan] That's good for you.
- Are we gonna play this
fucking game
or are we just gonna
sit around, all night?
What's going on?
- Right, right, uh.
I, uh.
I call.
- Turn 'em.
(Ryan nervously laughs)
You motherfucker!
I could have sworn you
had nothing
and then you bust this shit out?
- You know, that's poker for ya.
- Come on!
- Fuck, dude,
I am fucking wasted.
But I've got you fuckers
exactly where I want you.
Who's deal is it?
- Eh, I, you know what?
I'll sit in for a couple
of hands.
You know, I mean, you know,
if the offer is still on
the table.
- You sure, man?
No pressure.
- Yeah, I'll just kill some time
while I wait for Lizzie
to get back, you know?
- I fucking love it!
Let me get you set up.
Here, take a seat.
(pensive music)
- So you're tutoring Lizzie?
- Yes, algebra, right?
Here, Sam.
- Yeah.
- You can deal with the cards.
- Yeah, it's just uh, thanks.
You know,
I'm a high school math teacher,
but it doesn't hurt to make a
little extra cash on the side,
you know what I mean?
- Totally.
- Oh yeah,
they don't pay teachers enough.
- [Ryan] Heroes,
all of ya, check.
- (gasps) Man, that's,
that's so crazy.
- What is?
- Oh, I mean, I don't wanna
brag or anything over here,
but I actually slept with
my math teacher back in
high school.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Isn't that funny?
- Yeah.
- I actually saw her
today before we played.
She was in the classroom.
Wait, really, Mrs. Wiles?
- Yeah.
- How did that make you feel?
- Made me feel pretty damn good
considering she's still
hot as shit.
- Damn, for real?
- Yeah.
- Shit man, you don't know what
Mrs. Wiles looked like, bro.
You do not know.
Ass like a goddess.
Every dude in that school
dreamed about her ass
and this guy fucking fucked it.
(Benny laughing)
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I mean it is, it is true.
- That's uh,
that's some pretty crazy
stuff, man.
- (laughs) Yeah.
Yeah, it was.
Oh my God.
And it happened on the
school property, too.
She held me back after class
so we could have a talk about
my behavior.
It was straight out of a
bad fucking porno, dude.
I swear to God.
- Wow.
- I can't fucking blame
her though.
- [Jason] Huh?
- You should have seen me.
I was a freaking stud.
I can only imagine
what it's like for guy teachers,
you know.
I bet $10.
- Fold.
- How do you mean?
- Just (sighs),
high school girls these
days, man.
I've seen them.
If I were you,
I wouldn't be able to keep
my eyes on my own paper
if you catch my drift.
- Yeah.
- I mean,
like once these girls develop,
you know, fold also,
but yeah, biologically speaking,
it is quite difficult actually
to really tell the difference,
you know?
- Yeah, I would for sure
fuck one of my students,
if I was you, bro.
(friends laughing)
- That's why you're not
a teacher, Ryan.
(Ryan laughing)
- I can't be a teacher
'cause of my DUIs, but-
- So um. (clears throat)
What uh,
what happened with you and her?
- Ms. Wiles?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The teacher.
- I bet.
- [Ryan] Fold.
- Yeah.
Did anybody find out?
- Yeah.
Her husband was my
basketball coach.
- Shit.
- Yeah, shit indeed.
He found out.
She kind of played the victim
and he fucking lost it.
He cut me from the team.
He made me lose all my
And guess what?
She still fucking teaches
there to this day.
- Jesus, man.
Why, why'd you do it?
- Got tired of fucking
cheerleaders, bro. (laughing)
- Yeah.
Was it, was it worth it?
- Was it worth it?
Hell fucking, yes,
it was worth it.
It was the best sex I've
ever had in my fucking life.
I hated basketball anyways,
to be honest.
- I mean, honestly,
I'm just surprised you
didn't press charges.
(Benny laughing)
You and me both, buddy.
- Yeah.
- You and me both.
But lemme tell you something.
Deep down,
she really fucking liked me.
She liked it a lot more than I
did, if you know what I mean.
We had fun.
- Yeah, it sounds like it.
- You know what?
I bet.
20 bucks.
Boom, how is that for some
fucking fun,
am I right? (laughing)
(chips clanking)
- Call.
- Flip 'em.
- (laughing) Are you...
That's all you had, man?
That's it? (laughing)
Oh, okay, whatever, all right.
Come to me.
(guys laughing)
- Oh yeah, but hey,
that's a nice hand.
- Yeah.
- You got me.
But let me tell you, bluffing,
it's a big part of this game.
- Yeah, well, it looks like
all that wallowing in your past
took your head out of the
fucking game, am I right?
(Ryan and Sam laughing)
- Wait, what the fuck
did you just say to me?
- Oh, Jason!
Looks like you need a
refill, my guy, right?
Little bit, top off.
- So uh, am I drinking alone?
What's going on fellas?
- No, of course not.
Ryan, pour us all another round.
- You sure, man.
I'm pretty wasted.
- Yes, I'm fucking sure.
- Come on,
we're having a good time.
It's the boys.
Let's keep the party
fucking going.
(Nicole panting)
- Hey, dude.
- Okay.
(panting) Jesus Christ.
It sounds like there's like a
whole group of guys in there.
Okay, I feel like I should
warn you guys
that this might be way more
fucked up than I thought,
but I feel like I should
go see what's going on.
So it's just gonna go up
there and knock on the door.
(tires whirring)
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
(tires whirring)
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hello, hey, you.
Roll down your window, open.
Open your window, roll it down.
Roll it down.
Hello, I need to talk to
you. Roll down your window.
Roll down your window.
Who are you?
Why are you at this house?
How do you know who lives here?
- I'm a friend of
Benny Jansen's.
- Excuse me?
- Benny Jansen,
this is his house.
Isn't it?
- No.
- Are you filming me?
- Yeah, I'm filming you, yes.
- Are you a friend of Benny's?
- How about you answer
my questions first, okay.
(pensive music)
(Tim scoffs)
Hello, fucker.
Answer my questions.
- Get in the car.
- What, no.
- We could talk in the car.
- No, I'm not gonna get
in the car.
- Get in the car.
(suspenseful music)
- Who are you?
(engine starts)
Who are?
What the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
- Whoa.
What the hell's going on
out there?
- Yeah man, since when
did you get neighbors?
- Uh, I don't know.
It must be like kids or junkies.
Like meth heads come out
here to get fucked up.
- Quite a slice of paradise
you got for yourself here, man?
- (laughing) Well, it
sounds like that they left.
(light knocking on door)
(suspenseful music)
I guess not.
- It must be must be
Lizzie, huh?
- Yeah, yes.
It must be Lizzie.
She must have forgot
her keys or something.
Hold on one second.
- Yeah.
(suspenseful music)
(light knocking on door)
- All right, fellas.
(suspenseful music)
(light knocking on door)
- Benny!
(door shuts)
(light knocking)
(light knocking)
Benny, open the door.
Benny, I just saw there's
this fucking guy out there
and I need you to open.
Benny, open the door, Benny!
(light knocking on door)
(Benny nervously laughing)
- What's uh, what's the problem?
- Yeah man,
everything all right?
- Um, fuck.
(light knocking)
No, everything is not all right.
- Well, what is it?
- It's the girl.
- No!
- Are you joking?
- No, I am not!
- Wait,
the one you were texting?
- Yes, yes, the very one.
- Wow, the woman is a desperate
- Totally.
Listen, you guys keep
playing without me
while I go outside and
deal with this, okay.
- Yeah, all right.
I think we can survive
without him, right fellas?
Take some of each other's
money for a change.
- (laughing) Good one.
That's a good one, man.
- Benny, go.
- Benny, open the door!
- That's right, Benny, go.
(Nicole yelling)
- Nicole, Nicole, Nicole.
- Benny, Benny.
What the fuck is going on?
- Nicole, Nicole,
Nicole, Nicole.
- You told me that nothing
was happening, tonight.
- Nicole, Nicole, goddamnit.
What the fuck are you
doing here?
- I told you that if you weren't
gonna get him, then I was.
(Benny sighs)
- So you followed him
here tonight
because you wanted to catch
him yourself?
- That's what I just
fucking said.
- (sighs) That's really
fucking brave.
- Really?
- Yes.
You are fucking awesome.
Do you hear me?
I'm serious.
I'm serious, come here.
(light ambient music)
- Are you two in this together?
- What, Nicole?
- Like is the whole
YouTube thing
just a fucking cover or
- Nicole, are you listening
to yourself right now?
You sound fucking insane.
- Man, fucking, 16-year-olds.
Am I right?
- Man, quite a handful.
- This is girl is uh, she's 16?
- Yeah, yeah.
She's this crazy bitch that
follows Benny's YouTube channel,
wants to bang him.
- (laughs) That's, yeah,
that's pretty young.
- For Benny?
Shit man,
he's gone younger before.
- Has he now?
- (sighs) Yes, sir.
Totally, totally.
We uh,
we all go for younger chicks.
- Really?
- I mean, I probably shouldn't
be telling a teacher this,
but yeah.
(pensive music)
Right, Sam?
- Uh.
(pensive music)
It's like our thing.
(pensive music)
- Huh?
- Because I showed you this guy
and I gave you everything
that you need to know.
And it's always excuses.
Like it can't happen tonight.
It can't happen tonight.
And then I follow him
to your fucking house.
What are you having dinner
together or something?
- We're playing poker,
okay Nicole.
- Well, then.
- Nicole, no, listen,
you have to trust me.
- Then you have to tell
me what's going on.
- I, you know, man, I'll go
to bars and I'll, you know,
play a little game called
spot the girl
who got in using a fake
ID and then,
and by the time they're back
at my place,
they don't even know what
it hit 'em.
- How about you, Sam?
Do you play spot the-
- Oh no, no, no.
I, yeah, I haven't in a while.
I've been married a few years
with a newborn actually.
But before that (laughs),
I used chat rooms.
Dating apps.
- Interesting.
(pensive music)
- I have to get back in
there, okay.
I just, I have to.
I can't explain everything
to you right now,
but all you need to know
is I'm making a video
that's gonna be the best
fucking video I've ever made.
But I need you to leave right
now, please.
- Benny,
that doesn't explain anything.
(pensive music)
- I'll send you the
footage once it's all over.
- Oh my God.
I could have just done
this without you, you know?
I should have.
(pensive music)
(pensive music)
(door closes)
- Hey, everything go okay
out there?
- Yeah man,
we were just talking about
how crazy these young
girls can be.
- Yeah, yeah.
Woof, she just wants it
like really bad
but I told her, not tonight.
Tonight's is boy's nights.
- Man, from what these guys
were telling me about her,
she sounds like she could be
the change of luck you
need tonight.
(guys laughing)
- You did not have the
conversation I just had
because she is fucking nuts.
- The wildest ones
are always the hottest,
though, man, right?
- Yes sir, that's the killer,
isn't it?
- She is quite physically
mature for her age.
- So uh, so you got like
a picture of this girl?
(Benny laughing)
Oh shit.
Oh shit!
You dirty dog!
Hey man, this one's mine.
You gotta go out there and
get your own.
- Come on, you know, I know-
- I knew this guy was a
sick fuck like us, man.
- Come on, man.
The age of consent is 16
in Nevada, student or not.
- Look you guys are crazy, okay.
- Everybody knows,
there's nothing better than
young pussy.
- Well, first of all, I bet 10.
Second of all,
okay, yeah,
I've dipped my toes a little.
- Whoa!
- Yeah, man.
(Benny exclaims)
(muffled laughing)
(crickets chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(men yelling)
- All right, all right.
- That's what I'm fucking
talking about, man.
- I fucking love it, bro.
- One of your students?
I fold, man, I'm out, I'm out.
- No, no, no, no.
- Who's gonna tell us then, man.
How do you find these girls?
Benny, you in?
- Oh yeah, man.
I am fucking in.
- Well, I fold.
- Yeah, you know, I
mean, same as you guys,
just chat rooms, dating apps.
I've been married, God,
since I was like fucking 18,
you know, it's still
the best way to do it.
- Really?
- Oh, yeah.
I mean, she has no idea.
- She doesn't go through
your phone, your laptop?
It's your bet by the way.
- No, no, I delete all the files
after I save them to
a hard drive.
Oh, uh.
- I uh...
- I mean, you know,
I mean the things that
these girls will say,
you know the pictures that
they will send,
it's fucking wild.
Yeah, you gotta, well, I say,
I save it all for a rainy day.
- I bet you got some nasty
stuff in there.
- You wouldn't believe.
- Oh!
I would love to see it.
(pensive music)
- Yeah, I'm sure.
(pensive music)
- Call.
- Oh, ha!
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
I'm sorry, man.
Listen, I don't mean to be
taking all your money tonight.
You know that, right?
- You're pretty good at
this shit, aren't you?
- I play online pretty
- Mm, so you're a degenerate.
- I've made more money
doing this than,
than anything else, you know?
- That's impressive.
- Fucking cool, man.
- Yeah, sure.
- You know, I mean, you should
give it a shot, honestly.
You know like if you spent your
time doing something useful,
instead of whatever,
futzing around on YouTube,
you know, maybe you wouldn't
be losing all your money
to me tonight. (laughs)
(pensive music)
- Oh!
That's funny, futzing around?
Oh fuck, that's funny, man.
You're really funny.
- What's so funny about it?
- I mean, futz, is kind
of a funny word, right?
Like what the fuck does
that word even mean?
- You have no idea what's
coming your way, buddy.
No idea.
(pensive music)
- What are you talking about?
(pensive music)
(muffled indistinct chatter)
(pensive music)
(muffled indistinct chatter)
(pensive music)
(body thuds)
(muffled indistinct chatter)
- So deal the fucking cards
then, Ryan?
(suspenseful music)
Anty up.
- I'll check.
- Check.
- Ryan, pour our distinguished
guest another drink.
- Oh no, no, no, I'm okay.
I gotta stay sharp for Lizzie.
- Yeah, yeah, man,
he can't teach Lizzie how
to figure out what X is
if he's hammered, right?
- Are we seriously still
going with that?
- Still, going with what?
- You're here to fuck
her, right?
All in, by the way.
(chips clanking)
(Nicole shakily breathing)
- I uh,
I fold.
- Hold on, excuse me?
- Jesus Christ, I'm not
your fucking wife, Jason.
You don't need to bullshit me.
It's still your bet.
- I'm sorry.
What are you talking about?
- I popped her cherry, okay.
I know she fucks and I
know she likes older men.
- Are you, are you.
Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
What's going on?
What, what,
what the hell's going on?
- Ryan, tell him you
fucked her, haven't you?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
a bunch of times.
- Sam hasn't 'cause of
the old ball and chain.
But look at him,
I know he wants to.
So just say it.
You think you're the first
math tutor to come over here
and fuck my stepsister?
(ominous music)
I'm cool with it.
(ominous music)
(Nicole shakily breathing)
- I guess it's my lucky
night then.
I'm all in, too.
- I fold.
- Flip em.
(ominous music)
That's all you have?
- It's not looking good
for you, buddy. (laughs)
- Can this be our last hand?
I feel like we should
probably call it a night.
- No, that would be
poor manners.
No running our new friend
off the table like that.
Fuck, yeah!
- It's a shame.
- Huh, what is?
You losing all your money
like this?
- No.
I just thought she was a virgin.
- Is that like a,
a deal breaker for you?
- No, it's just,
it's just different.
- How is it so different?
- Well, I mean,
well, you know what it's like,
you know,
to be the first, you know.
I bet she didn't even know
what she was doing, right.
You know,
when they're that young,
they can fit right in
the palm of your hand.
You know,
they're so nervous and cute.
Confused, though too, sometimes.
But you know, you're
there to take care of 'em,
to just like, you know,
walk 'em through.
This one girl, this one time,
she told me that I made
her feel safe.
You know?
And fuck, man, they're
always so eager, right?
And they're so eager
and they wanna do a good job
because you're showing them
And you're in total control.
They want you to be in control.
And they'll just do, you know,
fuck man, they'll do
anything to make you happy.
- (scoffs) A six makes
a straight.
- So have you done it before?
- Yeah.
A couple times.
A couple girls online.
Though, you know, it did,
it did kind of start with one
of my students. (chuckles)
She was a troubled kid.
Always messing up in school,
smoking weed in the bathroom
and during lunch,
acting out in class.
She was smart though, you know.
We had a good relationship.
She stopped by after class,
told me about her family,
her whole life,
how lonely she was,
how hated by everyone she was,
bad friends, bad guys, you know,
just teenage girl shit.
And I'd just make her laugh.
Tell her she's the smartest
kid in class.
Fucking one day, she had a
panic attack, band practice,
started hyperventilating
into her French horn.
She was like (imitating
manic horn playing).
(Jason laughing)
It was just like ridiculous,
you know?
That's how I just, you know,
I just offered her a ride home.
And then.
(reflective music)
Just happened.
(reflective music)
Back of the car.
Side of the road.
(reflective music)
And then I drove her home.
(reflective music)
I think,
she killed herself that night.
- [Sam] Okay, Jesus.
- [Ryan] That's a fucked up
story, man.
(ominous music)
Oh shit.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- (laughing) You gotta
be fucking.
Oh man, hey, I'm sorry, man.
Hey listen, you want some money
to buy yourself back in
or something?
'Cause like, I don't care.
You know?
(ominous music)
(Jason yelling)
(objects clanking)
- You fucking sick
piece of shit!
(body thuds)
You fucking sick motherfucker!
I'll fucking kill you,
you fucking bitch!
Get the fuck off me!
Get the fuck off me!
Fucking psycho,
you're fucking dead.
You hear me?
You're fucking dead, bitch!
You're sick, you're sick!
Get the fuck off me!
(Jason gagging)
Guess what bitch, I got you!
I fucking got you!
There was no Lizzie.
That was me!
You dumb cunt, I got you!
I got chat logs and I got it
all on video.
(video subtly whirring)
- Please, please, I'm sorry.
I'm drunk, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Oh shit.
Oh shit. (heavily panting)
Oh shit.
- Please, please, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
Just let me go.
- Oh, this is so fucked.
Looked how fucked up he is!
You almost killed him!
- Please, please, please,
please, let me go.
This never happened, okay?
It never happened. (sobbing)
- Shut the fuck up!
- Fuck.
(camera breaks)
- I'm outta here man.
- Hey, hey, hey, what
are you talking about?
Where the fuck are you going?
- Home, Benny!
I want to go home!
- Just hold the fuck on.
- No.
You said it yourself.
You can't hurt these guys.
It's over, it's over,
you're fucked.
I don't want to be a part of it.
- You are a part of this.
You're not fucking leaving!
Just give a minute!
- Please please, please.
Please, I won't tell anybody.
I won't tell anybody.
- That's bullshit, man.
He's gonna go straight
to the cops
and spin some fucking sob story
about how we mugged him
or some shit.
- Ryan, shut the fuck up!
- God, let's just fucking
take all of his shit,
put a bag over his head,
roof him
and drop him off in the
middle of the fucking dessert
or something.
- Are you fucking stupid?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
- I'm not the one who
flipped out!
- No, we have to call
the police.
- No, no, fuck that, Sam.
Do you understand how
much shit I will be in?
- Yeah, no cops, no cops.
- We took it too far.
Benny fucked up.
It's over,
I'm calling the fucking police.
- Sam, give me this.
- Get the fuck off of me.
- Motherfucker, get back here.
- No, no, no, no, please.
(body thuds)
- Everybody stop! (panting)
We're not calling the cops.
We're not gonna drug and
kidnap him.
- So what then? (panting)
(Benny panting)
- We're gonna let him go.
- Are you fucking serious?
- What the fuck?
- Do you really think he's
gonna go to the cops with this?
Hey Mr. Officer,
these guys beat me up.
Why, you ask?
Oh, funny story.
I was trying to fuck
this 13-year-old girl.
- So, we do it.
Explain everything, deal
with the consequences.
- Is that really what you
want, Sam?
You want the cops involved
in this?
You wanna fuck up your
entire life,
with a husband and kid?
Oh, not to mention Ryan's
fucking life.
- We didn't even do anything.
- You didn't do anything?
Oh yeah, sure, come on.
You really think you didn't
do anything?
- Fuck you.
(pensive music)
- No, no, no.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- Hey, shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up.
Here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go home.
You're gonna tell your
family, you got too drunk.
Got into some bar fight.
And then you're gonna take
a shower and go to bed.
That's it.
You're not gonna do
something stupid, okay.
You're not gonna go to the
cops and ruin your life
just because you got your
ass kicked.
This never happened.
And you're never gonna touch
another fucking little girl
ever again.
- Uh huh, huh.
- Good, now get the fuck up
and get the fuck out
of my house.
(Jason sobs)
Your coat.
- Benny, no!
(gun bangs)
(ominous music)
(Ryan sighing)
(Sam panting)
(ominous music)
- Okay, it's okay.
That's okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
(ominous music)
- Oh fuck.
- You're okay.
- No, no, no,
this isn't happening.
No, no, no, no.
- Benny,
why the fuck is she still here?
Give me the gun!
- Put the phone down, Sam.
Let her go.
Now, Ryan!
- I'm so sorry, I'm sorry,
please, no.
- What are you doing here?
How did you even get in here?
- I came in through the
window, I'm so sorry,
I did not mean. (sighs)
(Sam hurls)
- Oh goddamnit.
- Please, don't hurt me!
- Okay, everyone just needs
to calm down.
- You just murdered someone
in cold blood!
- Should I just have let
him leave?
You want him to go out there
and do this shit all over
again, huh?
What was I supposed to do?
- Call the cops!
- That's not an option, okay.
So shut the fuck up
about the cops!
- Fuck you!
- Benny, gimme the gun.
(body thuds)
Oh, what the fuck?
What the fuck, man?
- I told you,
we're not gonna kill her.
- You fucking asshole,
you broke my fucking nose!
- Shut up, shut the fuck up!
Shut up, all right, shut up!
The two of you just need
to shut up
and sit down for one
second, okay.
Everything is gonna be fine.
It's fine!
I just need a minute!
(tense music)
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, you're okay, you're okay.
I got you, okay.
You're safe, I got you.
I got you, hold on, hold
on, hold on, hold on.
You're okay.
(Nicole sobbing)
Hey, look at me.
You're okay.
I'm sorry about this.
I am.
I didn't want this.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You coming back and being
here right now,
I think that was supposed
to happen.
It was, it's like destiny,
you know?
- What do you mean?
- You were at his house
before, right?
- Yeah.
- Beautiful.
We're gonna go there
together, okay.
- What?
- He said, he saves all of his
conversations on hard drives.
Did you hear that part?
- I don't know.
- Okay, well the last
conversation he had was with me
inviting him to this address
with your picture attached.
Yeah, so we're gonna go
there together, okay.
You and me, like as a team,
all right?
You and me together, one unit.
And we're gonna find those
hard drives
and we're gonna make
sure we get rid of them
so no one knows he was
ever even here.
And then it'll be over.
While we do that, Sam and Ryan
are gonna deal with the body.
- Are you fucking serious?
- Fuck that!
- Just shut the fuck up.
Do you understand what I'm
saying to you?
- No.
- This is the right thing
to do, okay.
This is the only thing to do.
It's over.
He's gone.
Now, we have to protect
'cause we're not bad people.
We didn't do anything wrong.
We just messed up a little bit.
- Benny, he's dead.
You killed him.
- I know, I know.
I know, I know but it's
like Batman, right?
He never killed anyone, right?
Like not even his worst enemies.
It was like his moral code
or whatever.
- Yeah.
- Well, wouldn't it have been
a lot better for everyone
if he just went ahead
and killed the Joker?
Like the first time he had
the chance?
Do this with me, okay.
Be my Robin.
(Nicole sobs)
- Okay.
Okay, I'll help.
- Great, amazing.
It'll be quick and easy,
I promise.
No more bad stuff is
gonna happen.
- Okay.
- Where the fuck are we
supposed to hide a body?
- Benny, please.
Please, please,
just let me go home.
- Take my car out to
the middle of nowhere.
- This is just so insane.
- I've got gloves and
bleach you can use
to clean up all this in here
and then you can move
the body into my car.
There's a shovel and
flashlights outside.
- Jesus Christ.
- Take the 204, go past
the river and then bury him
as deep as you can.
- You're not being serious,
are you?
- Yes, I am.
Nicole and I will deal with
the hard drive, all right.
I'll take his car and
I'll hide it out back
and I'll deal with it tomorrow.
And that's the plan.
That's what we're going to do.
- No, it isn't.
- Sam.
- You want me and Ryan to
bury the body
of a guy that you killed?
- Sam, please, I fucking,
I need this.
- Do you realize how fucked
up that is?
- Sam please, All right,
I'm, I'm...
I'm sorry, I don't know,
I don't know.
I, I love you.
All right?
I'm not gonna spend the
rest of my life in prison.
Not for this.
Sam, I need you to do
this for me.
- I'll do it.
- Sam?
(Sam sobbing)
(pensive music)
- Fuck, fine, fine, fine.
- Great, the boys.
All right, clean up in here.
My car's out front.
Text me.
Just keep me updated, you know,
but nothing specific.
I'll do the same.
(hands clap)
And throw this in
the river for me.
(Sam panting)
- I can't (mumbles).
(indistinct chatter)
- He deserved to die.
(reflective music)
- I know.
(indistinct chatter)
(keys jangle)
(Benny sighs)
(indistinct chatter)
Ready to go?
(phone ringing)
- Hey, Meg.
Hey, sorry.
Sorry, sorry, yeah.
I know.
Actually the, you know,
I've kind of been talking to
the guy from CreepDunk, Benny.
Yeah, he actually texted
me and he wanted to,
he wanted to meet up.
So yeah, I know it's crazy.
Yeah, so we've just been
hanging out.
Yeah, no, he actually is.
He actually is that tall.
One second.
Yeah, he wants to meet you.
So can we come over
for a minute?
We'll be super quiet.
He's even cuter in person.
(Benny chuckles)
Great, yeah, okay, great, great.
See you soon, bye.
Okay, that worked.
- Yeah, she's a fan.
I showed her your
videos earlier.
- Oh, that's awesome.
- Can we listen to music?
Because I'm kind of freaking out
and loud music always helps
me calm down.
- Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever.
- Okay, thank you.
Just, ah.
(punk rock music builds)
- (sighs) Okay,
so we have to be quiet
and obviously, act like
chill around Megan and stuff.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Got it.
- Okay, let's go.
Did you look at my picture?
- What?
- The picture I sent
you, did you look at it?
- No, no, I just sent it
to him right away, I swear.
- It would've been okay if
you did look.
I wouldn't mind.
(car door shuts)
(Benny sighs)
(crickets chirping)
(car door closes)
(door closes)
(crickets chirping)
(woman snoring)
(light footsteps)
(light knocking)
- Hey, girl.
You look amazing.
- Do I look older?
- Yeah, yeah, for sure.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.
- I love how nervous you get
around boys.
It's so cute.
- Oh, yep, right? (laughs)
(light knocking)
- Hey.
I'm Benny, how's it going?
- It's good, I'm good.
- Nice.
Thanks for having us over.
- Oh, yeah, totally.
And Nicole was showing
me your videos earlier.
They're so awesome.
- Nice, that's so cool.
Thank you.
- This is so embarrassing,
but I've literally been
watching them all night.
I'm like addicted.
Would you guys be down
like to just keep watching?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That sounds good to me.
- Yeah, sure, whatever.
- Oh, okay, yay.
- Great.
(door closes)
- Ready?
- Okay.
- One.
(body thuds)
- Okay. (mumbles)
We don't need to do this.
- Huh?
What you talking about?
- We can leave him here,
in the car with the gun
and we can go home and deny
- Fuck that,
we're not doing that.
Help me find the fucking
- Ryan, Ryan.
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, listen, okay!
We didn't do anything,
all right.
What do we owe him?
- He's our fucking friend, Sam.
- Oh yeah, real, real fucking
friendly using us as props
so he can murder someone
and then make us do the
dirty work afterwards.
No, it's bullshit.
- Dude, he fucked up, all right?
He was trying to do
the right thing.
- Was he?
- I mean, I wouldn't have shot
this guy in the fucking face,
but this is still like
a net positive, right?
- I have a kid at home, man.
I wanna see my baby.
I wanna go home.
I don't want, I don't
want to fucking do this.
- It's all good, man.
It's chill, all right.
It's gonna be fine, just
shut the fuck up, okay?
Here we are.
We just gotta get through
this, okay.
We've just gotta do it.
(loud crashing)
What the fuck was that?
- I dunno.
Give me the gun.
- No.
- Goddamnit.
(Sam panting)
- Motherfucker!
(ominous music)
- Oh my God.
(Sam and Ryan panting)
(ominous music)
(glass breaking)
(person yells)
(ominous music)
(person moans)
(glass breaking)
(ominous music)
Holy fucking shit.
(glass breaking)
(sinister music)
(Jason yelps)
(ominous music)
(Jason grunts)
(glass breaks)
(sinister music)
(Jason grunts)
(glass breaks)
(sinister music)
(loud smacking)
- You guys have been
blowing my channel up!
- I can't believe you actually
dressed up.
- I know, I mean, this
guy, he was insistent
on this weird Dungeons and
Dragons role play shit.
So I figured it, fuck it,
let's just do it, you know?
- Whoa.
- He asked, fuck, my guy.
- It looks like,
did you literally stuff your
bra for this?
- Well, I am very method
and I'm technically
supposed to be playing
a 14-year-old girl
and they stuff their
bras, right?
- Nicole did.
- What the fuck, Megan?
- (laughing) Sorry, I
mean, you did do that.
- Don't you have to go to
the bathroom?
- What?
- The whole way here you
were like,
I really have to use
the bathroom.
There's a bathroom
down the hall.
- Yeah, God, I do need
to go to the bathroom.
Is it okay if I use
your bathroom?
- Yeah.
- Awesome, thank you.
You guys should totally
check out the one
where it's like stupid
old creep can't stand up.
It's about the old guy in
the wheelchair.
It's so funny, okay.
- Okay, yes, we will.
- Why are you being so weird?
- What, I'm not being weird.
- Yes, you are.
You're being like
extremely weird.
- I'm not being weird.
- Okay, he's a lot nicer
than I thought he would be.
And you're right,
cuter in person.
- Yeah.
He's a good guy.
(tranquil ambient music)
(door creaks, closes)
(tranquil ambient music)
(drawer jiggling)
(Benny sighs)
- Okay.
One time.
(loud bang)
(Sam sighs)
(Ryan's lips trilling)
- Probably gonna take us
on mostly side streets
until we hit the highway, yeah?
- What, yeah?
- You sure you're good to drive?
- Yeah, I'm chill.
- Just drive as like
safe as you can, okay.
- Sam, I got it, all right.
I'm fucking, I'm good, man.
What's wrong, something wrong?
- No, no, no.
- Right.
- You good?
- Yes.
If you're good then I'm good.
But we have to fucking do this.
- Okay,
just gimme the directions.
- Go out and take a left.
(engine revving)
- What's taking him so long?
- I don't know, he's
probably taking a shit.
- Ew, in my house?
- I don't know, Megan.
- So what's up with you guys?
Are you like a thing?
- What?
What the hell, no.
- Okay, so would you be
like super pissed off
if I hooked up with him?
- Megan?
- What?
I just feel like he and I are
getting along really well.
I didn't want to like, step
on your toes or anything.
- Megan, he would never do that.
- (scoffs) Okay, wow.
- No, no, no.
- Nevermind.
- That's not what I meant.
I just mean,
Megan, we've literally
been spending all night
watching videos of him,
catching predators who are
trying to sleep with kids.
- I'm not a fucking kid!
- Megan, you're underage!
- Barely, like literally barely!
(Benny exhaling)
(light tapping)
(gentle whirring)
(pensive music)
(light clicking)
(pensive music)
(engine revving)
- Ryan, Jesus.
Ryan, slow down.
- Sorry, sorry.
- It's all right, Jesus.
Oh God, okay.
(suspenseful music)
(engine revving)
(suspenseful music)
- What?
What is it?
- It's nothing, just
focus on the road, okay.
You're gonna take a left here.
(engine revving)
(pensive music)
(engine revving)
(pensive music)
Okay, um,
Ryan, don't freak out.
- What?
Don't say fucking shit
like right now.
- Ryan, Ryan.
- What is it?
- I think someone might be
following us.
- [Ryan] Oh fuck you,
nobody's following us.
- Yeah, I'm probably just
being paranoid.
- Are you being serious
right now?
- I don't know, okay.
This guy's just been
behind us for a while.
- For how long?
- Since, um.
Since we left Benny's.
- Since we left Benny's!
Are you fucking kidding me,
of course,
they're fucking following us.
- Okay, calm down.
- Why the fuck should I be calm?
Who the fuck is following us?
- Okay, look, dude, we're
in Benny's car, okay, okay.
So I think,
I think it might be a cop.
- What?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
- [Sam] With all the shit
that Benny's been through,
maybe they put a tail on him.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, fuck!
I'm on fucking parole, here.
(engine revving)
- How am I being unfair?
Megan, it's literally math.
He is 26 and you're 15.
- God, okay,
so then why the fuck did
you bring him over then?
- Because I thought that
you would think it was cool
'cause you like his videos.
- I like his videos
because he's hot.
I thought you'd bring him over
so we'd like do stuff with him.
- That's fucking crazy!
(intense music)
- Ryan, don't drive crazy, okay.
We can't get pulled over
right now.
- No, no fucking way, man.
No fucking way!
- Ryan, I need you to calm down.
Okay, we can still lose him.
Just take a right.
(engine revving)
- [Ryan] Are they still there?
- Left.
(engine revving)
- Uh, what the fuck?
What the fuck is happening?
- I don't get why you're
being such a bitch about this
when you clearly have
feelings for him too, Nicole.
You're literally obsessed
with the guy.
You talk about him all the time.
You're in love with him.
- Shut up, Megan!
(intense music)
(light tapping)
- Okay,
now speed down this alley.
- But you just said!
- Do it!
(engine revving)
(tires screeching)
- (sighs) Okay,
that ought to do it.
- Shit man, fuck that!
(suspenseful music)
- Okay, um, okay, stop.
Just keep going down
all the way to the end of
this alley.
Make a left.
- Okay.
- And then we'll get
back on track.
(intense music)
(Ryan sobbing)
(light tapping)
Ryan, we're good, we're good.
- Okay.
God, this is a fucking
nightmare, man.
- Yeah, no shit.
(intense music)
Oh come on.
- Yeah, let's go.
(suspenseful music)
- Same car?
- Maybe, I don't know.
(intense music)
Just drive, now.
(Sam and Ryan yelling)
(tires screeching)
- He does not like me like that!
- So you think he just
likes that you're a big fan?
- What are you even
talking about?
- He clearly wants to have
sex with you.
- No, he doesn't!
- Why else would he
talk to you all the time
and hang out with you?
- Because he thinks I'm cool
and he wants to make videos
with me, okay.
He likes me.
- You're so dumb.
That is so dumb.
- No, it's not!
- Look, he came here tonight
because he wants to get laid.
I'm sorry, you're too much of
a virgin to understand that.
- You are such a fucking bitch!
(intense music)
(light clicking)
(car revving)
- What the fuck should I do?
- Okay, hold on.
- (grunts) I'm going on
the freeway.
(engine revving)
Oh man, if he was a cop,
he would have fucking
pulled me over by now.
Who the fuck is this guy?
- God, this can't be happening?
- You do not know Benny, okay!
You do not know what kinda
a person he is!
- He's just a boy, Nicole.
I know enough.
- No, you fucking don't!
You didn't even know who
your own father was, okay!
Or maybe you did,
and you were too scared
to do anything about it.
- Nicole stop, what the
fuck are you talking about?
- Your dad is a fucking
child molester.
- What?
What are you saying?
You're being fucking
insane right now.
- No, I'm not.
Your dad is a predator
and Benny did something
about it, okay,
because he cares about people
and he wants to protect them.
- Did what, Nicole?
Nicole, what did he do?
Did he do something to my dad?
Where is he?
Where the fuck is my dad,
What did he do?
(loud banging)
- Oh, shit.
(intense music)
- Hey, what the hell are
you girls screaming about?
- Uh.
- Who is that,
who the hell are you?
- I'm just a friend of Megan's.
- He's dead, Benny killed him.
- What?
(intense music)
Oh, no.
What are you saying?
- We needed to do it, okay.
- No, tell me,
tell me your lying.
(intense music)
Tell me you're fucking
lying to me.
(engine revving)
- No, fuck this!
(brakes screeching)
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna see what this
asshole wants.
Gimme the gun.
- No, fuck.
- Sam, I'm not fucking around!
- All right.
- What are you doing
in my house?
- Uh.
- Answer me,
who the fuck are you?
- Uh, oh...
- Megan?
- No, no, no.
- Megan,
there's a man in our house.
- No, no, no,
it's not like that.
I can explain.
- Sam, gimme the gun!
- Ryan, no!
- (grunts) Fuck this.
Yo, motherfucker!
Why the fuck are you
following us?
(intense music)
(car door closes)
(intense music)
Who the fuck are you?
(intense music)
(gun bangs)
- Fuck.
- We did it to protect
you, okay.
(Megan scoffs)
I promise, I swear.
- Mom!
- What is going on?
- They killed him,
they killed dad.
- Okay, I am calling the cops.
- No, no, no, no, Terry, please.
- Megan!
(intense music)
(Sam murmuring)
- Terry, Terry, please don't.
- Megan, give me your phone.
- No, please don't.
Terry, no!
(intense music)
(body thuds)
(intense music)
(gun bangs)
- It's just a matter
of time now.
I mean, how fucking long
does it take to dig a...
You okay, you good?
They'll be back soon.
They'll be back really soon.
And then we'll go.
And all this will be over.
- Why, what is?
- (exhales) Okay.
All right.
- What is happening?
- Hey, hey, hey.
Talk to me, okay?
- What do you want?
- I don't want anything.
I just need you to listen,
okay. Can you do that for me?
Stop, stop, stop.
Don't do that, okay?
Terry, your husband, Jason,
is a child molester.
He has hard drives upstairs
in his office
full of conversations he's had
with multiple underage girls.
- No, no, that is bullshit.
That is bullshit.
- It's not.
I'm not lying to you, okay.
I was one of them.
I pretended to be
a 13-year-old girl
and he asked me for nudes.
Okay, this isn't fake.
This is very real.
I need you to understand
that this is real.
- No, please just let us go.
Please, please let us go.
- Last night, I was making a
video, trying to expose him,
trying to stop him from doing
any more terrible things.
Things got a little out of hand.
And he,
he is dead.
- What, dead?
What the fuck,
what are you talking about?
- Okay.
- What is going on?
No, why are you doing
this to us?
Why did you do this?
- Okay, stop, stop, stop!
- No!
- Stop!
It's okay.
- No.
- It's okay.
(light patting)
- Why? (sobbing)
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
(Terry sobbing)
I know.
Listen to me.
Jason was a horrible,
awful man, okay.
He was a monster.
I know, you know this deep down.
He's dead now.
He's gone and we're here.
And I need you to listen
to me very carefully, okay?
Some people are burying his
body in the middle of nowhere,
as we speak.
When they're done, they're
gonna give me a call
and we're gonna leave.
After we've left,
after a few hours,
you're gonna call the police
and report him missing.
Do you understand?
- Are you crazy?
I'm gonna call the fucking
police on you.
You're going to prison!
- Do you really want to do that?
Think about it for a second.
Think about it for a second.
Do you really want the world
to see this?
You want everyone to
know what happened here?
Do you really want that,
to know who your husband
truly was?
Do you even understand what
that would mean for you?
Do you know what happens
to the wives of predators?
So in a few hours,
when we leave,
what are you gonna do?
- Call the police.
- And?
- Report him missing.
- (hands clap) Yes!
Thank you, thank you.
Beautiful. (lips smacking)
I love you, I love ya,
You're a gem.
Okay, do you hear that?
Everything's gonna be okay.
Everything's fine.
Okay, everything's good.
How we doing, seriously,
how are we doing?
Where the fuck are they?
I mean, how long does it
fucking take?
Is anybody hungry?
I am fucking starving.
(Megan grunts)
Okay, that's one.
- I'll make something.
- Oh my God, thank you.
I love you.
anything will be perfect.
Like, cereal will be fine.
(hands clap)
Call me right now!
Okay, what are we gonna
do? Let's, let's watch TV!
Okay, let's watch TV.
Everyone loves TV.
Okay, TV on.
Commercials, boo.
No, no commercials.
We hate commercials.
- Those are the things-
- I was backstage and it was-
(dramatic music)
- Good morning, everyone.
I'm Karen Thomas.
- Good morning Karen,
I'm Paul Cooper.
First this morning,
Sheriff Margaret Harvey
has issued a clear warning
to the young man responsible
for a series of vigilante
style YouTube videos.
- Holy shit.
- This has to stop.
- [Karen] Thank you, Paul.
Morning news.
- It's my interview.
- Correspondent Hannah
Morgan had a chance to speak
with this individual and
got his thoughts in just-
- Oh my God, that's,
they're talking about me.
Holy shit, this is insane.
(man yelling)
- His name is Benjamin Jansen.
His YouTube channel is called-
- This is fucking crazy.
(faint TV chatter)
(suspenseful music)
Nicole, Nicole,
come back in here!
You have to see this!
- [Woman On TV] Her foot
down, saying this is-
(faint TV chatter)
(suspenseful music)
- No, that's dead wrong!
Literally every single person
that gets charged with my
evidence gets convicted.
that's 100% conviction rate.
What the fuck!
My evidence is good. Why
would you want to hide them?
- [Hannah] I'm not
hiding anything, are you?
- Whoa, Hannah, I didn't
realize you were gonna be
so feisty in real life,
I love it.
Wow, I look pretty good,
I look built, damn.
- Cases can't be properly
- I'm wearing my spy glasses,
which looks stupid, but.
Other than than, Jesus.
- [Reporter] On camera
as a means
of acquiring identifying
- No, no, no, what the fuck!
What the fuck!
This is fucking bullshit!
This is all out of context.
They're literally fucking
everything up!
This is so fucked!
Oh fuck you, Hannah Morgan.
- [Reporter] Recently, a
case involving a predator-
(phone ringing)
Oh my God.
It's Sam, it's Sam.
Mute the TV, mute the TV.
Holy shit, thank you God,
thank you God.
Sam, talk to me.
What's going on?
How are you?
- Why weren't you in your car?
- [Benny] Sam?
(Tim panting)
(camera clicking)
- Who the fuck is this?
(Tim panting)
- You know,
this was supposed to be easy.
It was supposed to be you.
Why did you have to
fuck this up?
- Where's Sam?
What did you do with
Sam and Ryan?
- Benny, what's going on?
(intense music)
- Shh.
- I didn't want to kill
him, Benny.
I just.
I can't let you ruin my life.
I'm not gonna let you.
- Oh, so you're fucking
tough now?
Now that we're talking
over the phone, is that it?
- Uh huh.
- Do you know what they
do to guys
who fuck little girls in
prison, huh?
- I have your laptop.
It's all gone, Benny.
I deleted everything.
Chat logs.
You're about to get a text
from yourself.
(intense music)
(notification beeping)
(intense music)
- Oh fuck.
No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no!
Fuck, goddamnit. (screams)
No, oh fuck. (sobbing)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
What do you want, huh?
Why are you doing this?
Why are you calling me?
- I dunno know.
In your house for a while now
trying to figure out what to do.
It's such a fucking mess.
(grunts) This whole thing.
(intense music)
(drags body)
(Tim panting)
I was gonna kill you when
you came back.
But then I clicked one of
your videos.
(Tim panting)
I like 'em.
I like what you do to people.
I watched every video you
on your channel tonight.
(car door closes)
I'm sorry.
I gotta go.
I gotta call the cops now.
- No, no, no, no, no,
wait, wait.
I have something you want, okay.
I have a girl, a young girl.
I can literally bring
her to you right now.
- Benny!
- Shh.
All right, she's literally,
she's tied up right now.
I'll send you a photo.
You're gonna love her.
(intense music)
Nicole, Jesus Christ,
I'm not gonna actually
fucking do it, okay.
I'm gonna use her as bait.
- What the hell does that mean?
- It means.
(camera clicks)
I'm going to kill him.
Okay, I'm back, I'm back.
Did you get it?
She's cute, right?
She's hot, she's really hot.
She can be a fucking model.
She's young, I swear.
It's hard to tell with all
the makeup,
but she's young, I promise.
- Hello?
Are you there?
(phone bangs)
(warped ominous music)
Wait, whoa, whoa.
Unmute the TV.
Nicole, unmute that.
- Always worked hard in class.
I think you can actually tell
he works hard on his
videos, too.
I think you can tell.
To be fair,
he was a very troubled kid.
Sometimes he would
practically kick the door in
on his way in.
And I'd say, you know,
Benny, are we gonna have
a good day today?
And he'd say, I don't
know what he would say.
He always had some sort
of comeback.
And then on other days it
was just zip,
total silence,
turtle mode, I call it
when my students, anyway.
You learn to spot that
type of kid,
if you're a good teacher.
(Benny sobbing)
They're the ones that need
the most help.
(Benny sobbing)
(intense music)
- Oh God.
(dramatic music)