Lowlifes (2024) Movie Script

Jesus. Help!
Feeding off your love
sublime sensation
Your flavor so divine
Feeding off your love
a sweet revelation...
...Your flavor so divine
Feeding off your love...
There you are.
...Sublime sensation...
Pretty pink, Dad.
That's right.
Never disrespect
a good piece of meat
by cooking it to death.
...Open your heart
'Cause I wanna have
all of you...
The meat's ready!
I gotta go,
but I'll call you later.
All right.
Stop talking.
Okay, love you.
...A flavor so sweet...
She's coming,
she's coming.
What'd I say?
I told you,
I don't want you using that
while we're out here.
Oh, right.
Yeah, I already got
my one phone call.
Okay, don't be a smart-ass.
If I were smart,
I'd be in Coronado with Blair,
enjoying my break,
like a normal person.
Yeah, I'm sure he can survive
another two days without you.
We only do this
once a year, honey.
You know how important it is,
especially to your father.
When you move out,
you can plan your own vacations.
I'm still full from breakfast.
Hey, we're on vacation.
Everyone has fun--
- and everyone eats.
- Everyone eats.
Thank you, Jeffrey.
I'm good.
Hey, hey, hey!
Where are you going?
For a walk!
I'm tired of being around
this piece of shit RV!
Hey, that's your grandfather's!
-And maybe...
-Yeah, yeah.
...one day, it'll be yours.
I'll take it.
You know, she might be getting
a little old for this.
What's that supposed to mean?
Uh, Dad?
This is, like, half fat.
The fat's the best part.
Here, honey.
Oh, thank you.
-That's disgusting.
Come on, you love it.
No. No. No, not happening.
I told myself
That I would figure things out
all right
No need for stressing
What's another 365?
But now it feels like
things have run their course
Turn to a skeptic
When I'm laying awake
in the dark
In the dark
Guess I'll tell myself
I'll figure things out
all right
All right...
All right
Beats sitting in traffic
on the 405, doesn't it?
It sure does.
Think we'll see
any sun this year?
Oh, we see
plenty of sun at home.
Can I help you?
Y'all havin'
a barbecue, huh?
Yes, we are.
We're lookin' for Melior.
You seen him around?
Come again?
Melior's my third cousin, boss.
He's also Vern's brother-in-law.
Well, we're just
passing through here, really.
We wouldn't be familiar
with anyone.
See, uh, Melior didn't show up
for skinnin' this mornin'.
Found his truck about
30 miles back in a ditch.
-No sign of Melior.
He'd be about, uh...
what do you say, Billy?
Stop me when I'm ready...
-Oh, he's normal height.
-Normal height?
Yeah, he's about yay high.
Lots of freckles.
So many freckles, really.
The man's practically
one big freckle.
We haven't seen him.
Have we, honey?
Yeah, no,
we'd remember a-- um...?
Smells awful good.
Yeah, we we're, uh, just
wrapping up here, unfortunately.
We'd offer you
something if we could.
I'm sure you would.
-Want a chocolate?
Jeffrey, get back here.
It's all right,
Vern loves candy.
How 'bout this, young one?
Fair trade?
They're fresh.
I'm good, thanks.
What's the matter, boy?
You look queasy.
Uh-uh? All right.
Cute kid.
We really oughta get
moving on now,
we're a little behind schedule.
Tell me, where y'all from?
We live in Calabasas.
I work in L.A.
-L.A. That would be, uh--
Los Angeles, Billy.
Violent city, I hear.
Real violent.
Who is this now?
Hey, little lady.
Tell me something,
you seen Melior?
How could she?
She's been with us
the entire time.
Not the entire time, yeah?
I mean, I was here
just right now
and she showed up outta nowhere
like a gift
from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amy, get in the trailer.
Get in the trailer.
Tell you what, "Glasses."
Do you mind if we hop into
that trailer, too?
Wouldn't take us
but five minutes
to check things out,
you good folk
can be on your way.
are we, uh, done here?
I'll tell you what, Billy...
I get the distinct impression
we're not wanted here.
If you see Melior,
you give us a holler, yeah?
Come on, let's pack up.
Amy, don't be racist.
Y'all want some grasshoppers?
You see?
Don't be a bad influence.
You know,
there's an app for that.
Some of us still believe
in traditions, Amy.
Like pencil and paper.
I said, adjective.
Are we gonna stay over in town?
Well, I haven't
made up my mind yet.
Do you have a preference?
I think we should
keep going.
These guys do not give up easy.
Go around.
This isn't a 4X4.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Oh, he has a shotgun.
Back up.
Keith, back up now.
Okay, okay!
Just relax.
Relax, I'll handle it.
Just be cool, everybody!
Car trouble?
Just stopped moving.
-Strangest thing.
Would you believe that--
us seeing the two of you again.
It's like
somethin' out of a miracle.
Well, there is only one road.
-Hey, we need to move on.
I'm sure that
someone else will come by.
-Will they?
-You want me to call in a tow?
Our phones work fine,
it's the car that's broken.
Besides, there ain't
no tow around here anyway.
Just Murray's Family Station.
Closed on Sundays.
You don't fuck with Murray
on Sundays.
Lord's day, and all that.
I don't suppose
either of you gentlemen
happen to be a member
of Triple-A.
That the alcoholics?
Oh, shit. No, stupid,
it's a fancy car service.
Bet "Glasses" here
is a member, ain't ya?
...beats Murray.
I got a better idea.
Y'all seem to have lotsa space
in this here, uh,
movin' house a' yours.
Why don't you give one of us
a ride into town,
so we don't have to spend
the rest of the night
in the cold
like a buncha animals.
It does get mighty cold
out here at night.
Sure does.
Nothin' to fear.
We're good ol' boys.
We were raised right.
This is just
for our personal protection.
Mountain lions,
and shit, you know?
-We got coyotes.
-We do.
we need to leave.
Uh, yeah.
I'm sorry, I--
I'd love to help, but--
Just take Billy.
Just Billy, that's it.
He lives just south.
You drop him off home.
His pa's got
a piece of shit beater.
He can pick up the car,
come get me--
everybody wins, huh?
[It's not about that.
Well, you're heading
that way anyway.
What do you say, huh?
Be Good Samaritans?
It makes you feel any better,
the shotgun stays here with me.
Can't really abandon
our earnings anyway.
Hey, what do you got
in there anyway?
Well, that's our business,
none of yours.
Billy's harmless.
Ain't ya, Billy?
Yeah, I don't bite.
He promise ya.
One second.
I'm sorry, "Well"?
I think this is
a best-case scenario.
Come on.
This is incredibly naive, Keith.
It's just one of them.
Yeah, let's give Billy a ride.
Hot dog!
They're gonna name a street
after you around here.
What good people.
Don't have
too much fun now, Billy!
Whoo! I feel like
a king in here.
Wanna play?
It's a short ride, Jeffrey.
No time for games.
Oh, well, I--
I love games!
Let's play.
Good. You gotta give me
the type of words
that I ask for.
Like an adjective.
Adjective? Adjective...
You know, like "green".
Yeah, I know.
I get it.
But it doesn't
just have to be a color.
I mean, just any word
that describes a noun.
Like "blue".
I'm just playin' with ya, boss.
How's about...
Uh, hey! We, uh--
We don't wanna miss
that turnoff.
Just up ahead, boss.
Can't miss it.
It's the only turn before town.
We're the only house
on the road.
The Clearys never took
too much to livin' in town.
Too much law.
Not enough privacy.
Been in that house
nearly 80 years.
Lotta history there.
So do you live alone
with your father?
Pa ain't my father!
He's actually my great uncle.
My folks--
they died off years ago.
It's just me, Pa,
and my two baby cousins.
How old are--
are your, uh, baby cousins?
Oh, 18...
Somewhere in there.
But they're good people,
yes, ma'am.
'Specially Savannah.
She's been running that place
since she was a baby.
I reckon, if we make it
back in time for supper...
...I'm sure they'll invite
all y'all to stay.
'Cause a family...
always eats together.
Well, that--
that sounds really nice.
Now you ain't playin' fair!
My turn.
You don't understand,
we're not finished yet.
All these pages
been filled in already.
Ain't a blank page in the bunch.
Wait now.
This here looks like
Melior's handwritin'.
Y'all get this book from Melior?
Now you're being ridiculous.
What makes you so sure
it's his handwriting, Billy?
Well, these "R"s is backwards.
And-- And some of
these "L"s, too.
Was Melior here playin' word--
What did we say
about waiting for the signal?
Don't pull out the blades,
it'll make a mess.
Oh, my god.
Amy, help your brother.
Looks like he's got it covered.
You know, there is
a time and a place
for everything, young man.
I'm not cleaning that up,
by the way.
You guys.
I mean, can't blame the kid
for taking
the initiative, right?
He gets this from you,
you know?
Well, that's a compliment.
Five minutes till supper, y'all!
You know, we can't pass up
on something like this.
It's perfect.
It's never perfect, Keith.
You know that.
Oh, my god, please stop
being so negative.
Amy, help your mother,
we're on a schedule anyway.
Hold on.
Just a minute.
- Hello?
- I'm coming!
Where is everybody?
You know, you'd think
we'd be better organized at this
the more that we do it.
Okay, just make
some room in the freezer.
I hope that's not
too much to ask.
I don't know why everything
has to be your way,
you never listen.
Because my way
is tried, tested and true.
No raw meat.
You guys do it all the time!
Yes, because we are adults.
Our immune systems
are more developed.
Hey, you know, depending on
how things go tonight, we...
we might not have to go
all the way up to Meyer's Creek.
You mean...
we might leave early?
Like I said, it depends
on how things work out tonight.
But in the meantime, you know,
you might wanna reevaluate
that attitude of yours.
Will do.
Try and cheer up, honey.
your favorite.
Hey, why does she get
all the eyes?
Because she can control
her impulses.
Yeah, sure, she does.
Fuck's that
supposed to mean?
Hey! Hey!
Don't hit your brother.
Sorry, Mom.
It's just...
we're out here
in the middle of nowhere...
I know, honey.
You don't have to say
anything else.
I get it.
You sly devil.
All right, let's wrap this up.
We don't wanna keep
our hosts waiting.
...and for our good health,
and for the safety
and sanctity of this, our home,
we do thank ye, o' Lord.
Mm. Pasta...
If yer still wantin'
grits and innards,
you can cook 'em yerself.
Some of us like to eat
a little fancy now and then.
Don't be ungrateful, Juli Ann.
Yer sister worked hard
on this meal.
Don't look it,
but the meatballs
take hours on end.
You have to git 'em just right,
with the bread crumbs,
and the onions.
Mm-hmm. You don't have
to bite my head off.
I was gonna say I liked it.
Gosh, yer so dang sensitive!
That ain't true.
Who's that?
Door's open.
No one knocks 'round here.
Oh, it's just Billy
playin' a trick or somethin'.
I got a feeling it ain't Billy.
It might be the sheriff.
I think something's
happened to Melior.
That girl...
always the active imagination.
Dammit, Billy!
Grow up, you shriveled dingus!
Hi there.
Jesus H. Christ.
Um, you aren't at all
what I was expectin'.
How'd you get out here?
Well, unfortunately,
our trailer broke down
back on the road.
Well, we all walked about
10 miles to get here.
You poor things.
You been out in the cold?
Town's that way.
You can't miss it from the road.
Savannah, don't be rude.
Actually, we ran into
your cousin--
You know Billy?
Billy's out
lookin' for Melior.
Right. Right.
And, uh, apparently,
they're still out looking,
and Billy said
we should stop by your place.
Said it was a shorter walk
than to town.
I reckon it is.
Gosh, where are my manners?
Come on in-- all y'all.
Thank you so much.
Well, well, well.
We ain't had genuine visitors
here in years.
Huh, no kidding?
Yer timing's great, though.
We got plenty'a hot food ready.
Uh, you just make yerselves
at home.
Thank you very much.
Uh, the name's Neville,
and these are
my lovely granddaughters,
Juli Ann and Savannah.
Hi. Keith Manning.
My wife, Kathleen.
-My daughter, Amy.
And my son, Jeffrey.
Real good to meet y'all.
What brings you
all the way out here?
They say Billy sent 'em.
Well, no difference
who sent 'em,
uh, they're our guests now.
And right good
clean folks they is.
Well, come on in, have a seat.
Oh, no, no. We, uh--
We couldn't interrupt.
Uh, maybe we could just
use your telephone?
You-- You--
You think that they--
they'd put a phone line
all the way out here
just fer us?
We got a cellular phone,
but, uh,
Billy's got it with him.
Oh, so you mean you all share
one cell phone?
We don't really have a need
for two around here, so...
Plus, uh, we don't get
much of a signal anyway.
You'd be surprised
how much money we save.
So, basically, you're all
on the family plan then.
Well, uh, come on, you--
you been walkin'
for a long time.
Oh, yes, it was quite the trek.
Y'all from outer space?
Well, yer hardship has ended.
Uh, tomorrow mornin',
Billy'll drive y'all
down to the gas pump.
Um, so-- Uh, what--
what are you waiting for?
Come on in, have a seat.
Thank you.
Girls, go get some chairs
out of the living room.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
This here we call
spaghetti and meatballs
la Savannah.
Well, it looks
absolutely delicious.
Right, kids?
Real delicious.
Well, we can't thank you
enough for this.
Savannah done cooked it up.
Well, Savannah's
quite the chef.
so good.
Takes after her momma.
Only 'cause I have to.
If you ran into Billy,
how come
he didn't drive you here?
Savannah, quit interrogatin'
the guests.
Oh, no, that's okay.
He, um...
Billy was on foot.
And he and Vern,
they had split up
looking for Melior.
we were almost here by then.
Just up by
the fork in the road.
Don't mind Savannah.
She's naturally suspicious
and don't like people.
That ain't true.
Do these people
look dangerous to you?
Come on,
get with the program, girl!
I'm sorry,
where'd you folks say yous from?
What's that?
Time to make room for Big Mac.
-Big Mac?
-We got guests, honey!
Big Mac's my man.
He usually works odd hours
at the mill,
but he's always
on time for dinner.
His name's really Mac,
but we call him "Big Mac"
'cause he's just so dang big.
Oh, hello.
It is good to meet you, Big Mac.
He don't talk much,
but he eats like a horse.
Here-- why don't you
sit here, honey?
Well, then...
are you folks expecting
any more dinner guests?
If y'all wanna leave
a brief message,
I'll holler back at ya,
ya hear?
Billy, where you at, boy?
I ain't feelin' too good, man.
I think I need a toilet.
Hang on, I think I see ya.
Evenin', Vern.
You staying the night, or what?
Why, that's exactly
what I'm doin', Deputy Dipshit.
You need a lift?
Never in a million years
with you.
Are you still sour about
that whole thing with the fence?
You know that was just
a misunderstanding, right?
Yeah, bullshit.
You never gave us
the benefit of the doubt,
and, besides,
yer 'bout an hour too late.
Some real nice folks
from Los Angeles drove by,
gave Billy a ride.
He'll be back any minute now.
Los Angeles?
Drove a long ways.
That they did.
No sign'a Melior, then?
Suppose that means
you didn't find 'im neither
then, huh?
If he doesn't turn up
in the morning,
I'll call County,
see if they can spare a car.
'Nother set of eyes or two.
Yeah, I'm sure you will.
Wait, what's that about?
Too many grasshoppers.
Too many grasshoppers?
Yeah, okay?
You sure about that lift?
You know, what really occurs
to me right now is that...
I could just
blow your head off right now.
Nobody would know
anything about it.
Suit yerself, Vern.
Suits me fine.
Want some chocolate?
Oh, sorry, little feller.
Uh, we-- we don't eat
sweets in this house.
Rots your teeth.
Speak for yourself, Pa.
I'll take two, please.
Um, where's your restroom?
Oh, it's, um,
down the hallway,
right around the--
Savannah, show our guest
our "restroom".
Uh, if the shitter don't flush,
don't fret.
Savannah'll take care of it.
I-- I reckon' you folks
will probably wanna leave
first thing in the morning?
Most likely, yes.
Uh, not that this isn't...
Oh, before you're on your way,
you're welcome
to a free haircut.
Excuse me?
Pa, don't embarrass me.
She got a job in town.
Finally got her
out of the damn house.
I'm just a trainee,
I mean, I'd be happy
to give you a cut,
if you'd like.
Yeah, maybe I...
I-- I could use a cut.
You know,
just a little off the top.
The boy got the juice
like lemonade
Only ride with the crew
gotta set it straight...
You okay in there?
I-- I'll be out in a minute.
...You're no real dog
You know I got it
I'm popping up
with the feels, dog
My beats are better
than everybody's
For real, dog
Oh, yes, I'm cocky
I'm better than you
for real, dog
Pound for pound
You know I gotta unload
They tried to take my shine
They don't even know
'Cause my pocket's so greasy
Yeah, you know it's tenfold
If you wanna be my foe
There's something
that you should know
It flush all right?
Oh. Yeah.
You didn't have to wait for me.
It's no bother.
They really give you
the best work around here,
don't they?
Yeah, someone's gotta do it.
They work you to the bone.
What in...?
They're so calloused.
Well, your hands,
they's, uh...
so smooth.
Are all city hands like that?
No, not all of them.
College, huh?
Bet it's some place fancy.
Uh, yeah...
not really.
Savannah just got accepted
to East Heights
Community College.
First in the family.
Ah, it's...
it's no big deal.
That place accepts anyone
who can 'fford the tuition.
It ain't like
she's gonna go anyway.
I think it's 'cause
she's scared of leavin' home.
Oh, shut up, Juli Ann!
Okay, before we get
too carried away,
Pa wants us in the livin' room.
It's, uh, time to work
your magic fingers.
It's time
for this evenin's entertainment.
They're tired, Pa.
Can we just let 'em go to bed?
In due time.
But first...
Savannah, would you kindly?
Don't worry, y'all,
this will be quick and painless.
That's my Savannah!
Thank y'all very much,
I'm here every day.
Amy used to take piano lessons
when she was little.
But she quit.
Here we go.
Now, um, it--
it ain't been slept in
in years.
-Well, this is perfect.
It ain't much.
Oh, we can make do,
we're very adaptable.
This is great.
All right, uh,
I'll leave you to it, then.
Come on, Kathleen.
I know, I just--
-Come on.
-Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Just one. Yay.
You can have Billy's room.
If he's not home by now,
he's down at the bar.
It's cozy, how Billy likes it.
It can only fit one of you.
- It's cozy.
- Mm-hmm, yeah.
I like it.
Well, sweet dreams.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
I'll try not to.
Fuck you.
Where we gonna put 'er?
Oh, I can make it work
on the couch.
Oh, don't be silly.
Your room.
What? Where am I
supposed to sleep?
Bed's big enough
for the two 'a yous, ain't it?
Then why don't she sleep
in yer room?
Oh, I don't think Big Mac
would like that very much.
What's the matter anyway?
Yer both girls.
It ain't fair.
What if my boyfriend was here?
What then?
Where is your boyfriend?
Oh, uh...
Savannah don't like men.
I've just about had it
with "Savannah don't like this
and Savannah don't like that."
I'll tell you
what Savannah don't like--
is bein' insulted
like she ain't standin'
right here.
You break my little heart.
Lighten up!
Goodnight, girls.
You know, maybe I'm just
a little busy with other things.
You do have a household
to run, after all.
Yeah, that.
You can just go right in.
I gotta go, uh, tuck Pa in.
Oh, two girls
and a sick old man.
Yeah, not to mention
one of the biggest human beings
in the state.
Just a bump in the road, Kat.
Bump in the road.
-He is twice your size.
And when that poison
works its way into his gut,
that big old body of his'll
be doubled over.
Did you even see him
eat the chocolate?
I didn't see him not eat it.
Something just doesn't
feel right, Keith.
You're just upset because
one of them plays the piano.
Honey, you think too much.
These people are lowlifes.
Look at this place.
Look at the way they live.
I would kill myself.
Do you really think
you're crushing somebody's
dreams of Carnegie Hall?
These people don't have dreams.
They have no reason to be alive.
If anything...
we're doing them all a favor.
Yes, but there are reasons
that we come
all the way out here to do this,
away from civilization.
And we are very, very far
from civilization, Kathleen.
Did you bring the gun?
we've talked about this.
Do you really want
to teach your children
the easy way out?
I don't think
it's easy to kill.
No matter how you do it.
Holy shit, do you even
hear yourself talk?
When we get home,
I'm throwing out
all those pills.
Oh, and don't think
that all this second guessing
hasn't rubbed off on Amy either.
She used to love this.
You always know best, right?
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to go check in on Jeffrey
before he gets
any fantastic ideas.
Love you.
It's just one night, Kath.
It's just one night.
You must be achin' extra
with all that extra commotion.
What is it, Pa?
That city girl...
you know
you're just as good as she is.
You can change your mind,
you know?
Go to that school.
Juli Ann can clean up my shit.
Yeah, then who's gonna
clean up her shit?
I'm fine, Pa.
I know where I belong,
and it, uh, ain't at
no community college.
If you say so.
Those, uh, people, Pa.
They seem a little off,
don't you think?
They seem awful nice to me.
Almost too nice, I reckon.
You think they're gonna
kill us one by one
and burn down the house?
Yeah, I guess not.
I reckon they's more scared
of you than you are of them.
For sure.
All right.
Sleep tight.
You decent?
Well, this is...
Did you kill any yet?
No, Jeffrey.
Look, we just got
in the room five minutes ago.
Now, listen...
obviously, the situation
has called for
a little change in plan.
So, we're gonna be using
a strategy
your dad likes to call
"Divide and Conquer,"
and then cut them all
into little pieces.
Who do I get?
Well, I haven't decided yet.
Can I kill the cook?
Well, your sister
is sleeping with her.
Of course.
Maybe she'll try kissin' her
instead of killin' her.
Ew, no.
That's not funny.
Who told you
to talk like that?
No one.
Your sister
is very reliable, Jeffrey,
and that's not something
I can say about you yet.
Oh, yeah?
Well, the stupid one
ate the chocolate,
and so did her fat boyfriend.
Now, you stay away from him,
you hear me?
I will be dealing with Big Mac,
and that is final.
You hear me?
I know you gave them
the chocolate.
That was smart thinking.
So, if-- if--
things work out...
you can get to kill Juli Ann.
But, for now,
you stay here,
and you wait
for Dad's signal, okay?
Gonna be ready to go?
You're definitely my son.
Well, Billy,
I figure
either your phone is dead
or you are,
so I'm gonna take my luck
on the road.
Be careful, Billy.
Ah, shit.
I gotta go.
Love you, baby.
Thought you folks
didn't have no phone.
Uh, there's
not much battery left.
you're a pretty good shot, huh?
Not a lot time
for it these days.
Uh, was that
your boyfriend?
That was Blair.
I-- I didn't mean
to interrupt or nothin'.
Don't be silly.
This is your room.
Right. Um...
Yeah, I was--
I was thinkin', I'm--
I'm gonna sleep
out in the livin' room.
Come on, I'm not gonna kick you
out of your own bed.
I can sleep on the couch.
It's no big deal.
I get sleep in that bed
every night.
I'm kinda tired of it.
Maybe that's
'cause you're usually alone.
Come on...
...it'll be fun.
We can pretend
we're college roommates.
College roommates
sleep in the same bed?
I'm sorry.
Give me a minute.
-I, uh--
-Juli Ann...
Feels like somethin's
burnin' in my guts.
Juli Ann, I need the toilet.
Come on.
Mac, this toilet
is occupied!
Do you have any dreams?
Last night, I dreamed
I was makin' supper
for Pa and Juli Ann,
and it turned out we didn't have
nothin' in the fridge.
No, I mean like ambitions.
Don't you wanna get
out of this place?
Haven't thought about it much.
What about you?
I sometimes
have dreams about my life.
And they're boring dreams.
Going for a walk,
or tidying the house.
Boring shit like that.
But, in them,
I'm far away
and none of my family are there.
Like, nobody
I'm supposed to love
is ever around.
And I'm the happiest
I've ever been.
When I wake up,
I want nothing more
than for that to be my life.
Where I can just be
a good, normal person.
Kinda like you.
for what it's worth,
I think you're
pretty all right.
You don't know me.
All I know is what I feel.
Are you touchin' my back?
No, it's a spider.
I ain't a fan
of creepy crawlers in my bed.
Don't worry,
I don't bite.
But what...
what about Blair?
She's not the jealous type.
So, it's okay
with yer folks, then?
It's okay with my mom.
My dad doesn't know.
He can be
kind of old-fashioned.
If you can call the Dark Ages
Well, when are you
gonna tell him?
I don't know.
When the moment's right?
Speaking of the right moment...
Country girl's got spunk.
Better watch your step,
lil' feller.
Made a hell of a mess.
-I'll show you a mess.
You're gonna be dead meat!
What is that racket?
Don't worry about it.
Mm-mm. But I-- I heard,
like, a...
I know.
Here, I have an idea.
You'll love this.
If Pa catches a whiff of that,
he'll ring my neck.
You're adorable.
No, no, no. Hey--
Oh, you're bad.
Oh, my god.
You fucking idiot.
Get in here!
You did what?
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Calm down, honey.
Jeffrey, go to your room.
When we get home,
you are gonna be in for
the worst punishment
of your life.
But I didn't do anything wrong.
You disobeyed me!
And your mother.
I'm gonna be in to check
on you in one minute,
so you'd better be there.
Hey, hey.
You earned this.
-Get out of here.
Thanks, Dad.
I blame you for this, Keith.
Oh, my god, he...
he could've been killed.
But he wasn't.
Well, you are glad
that he did it, aren't you?
Of course not.
He is a child, Keith.
He has got it in his head...
-Oh, my god.
-...that he is invincible!
Kathleen, I hate to keep
bringing this up,
but maybe if you weren't
constantly showing weakness,
he wouldn't feel the need
to take matters
into his own hands.
How dare you.
How dare you!
This has nothing to do with me.
You are the one who spoils him!
Keep your voice down.
Kathleen, you cannot keep him
tied to your apron strings
he's gotta grow up
at some point.
He is 16!
Hey, give my those.
-Give me those!
No! Keith-- Ow!
These are driving you mad.
Maybe I take them away,
and I get my wife back.
I-- I...
I don't know
what's wrong with me.
Kathleen, everything
is gonna be okay.
Say it.
Everything is going to be okay.
Now, you know,
there is one thing...
...that Jeffrey still
hasn't figured out how to do.
And that's
how to clean up after himself.
I-- I'll...
I'll go get it started.
That's good.
Amy, I feel crazy.
What can I say...
it's really good shit.
I swear...
I ain't never been this high.
There might be a couple
extra ingredients in there.
Time for the real fun.
I can't do this.
-I'm sorry, I just need--
...like, a--
a few minutes.
You okay?
Oh, my god, what happened?
You pushed me
off the bed.
Where'd that come from?
It's for protection.
Calm down.
Hold this right here for me?
I've gotta go get some dressin'.
Yeah. Reckon you'll need
some stitches, too.
Don't worry, I spent two summers
helpin' out Doc Methers,
so I'll fix you up real nice.
What's the matter?
Is there anything you can't do?
I'll be right back.
Oh, wait.
Hold on.
There's some blood
on your sleeve.
I didn't notice.
Thank you, honey.
You know...
I fall more in love
with you every day.
Now comes the easy part.
God dammit.
I need help.
What the--
- Kathleen!
- Help!
Please help!
Help me!
Hey, honey,
this one's yours.
No! No, no, no!
Help, please!
Help me!
She keeps jumping around.
Now no more excuses.
Oh, my god, Kathleen,
I promise you,
you won't have to kill the one
who plays the piano, okay?
Do it, Mom!
It's your turn now.
Wait, what did we say?
Get back in that room right now,
and stay there
until we are through here!
No. Jeffrey.
I want him to see this.
All right.
Then, um...
I guess it's time
to stop fucking around.
My god.
I forgot
how beautiful you are...
...when you're about
to kill someone.
Let's finish--
Stay away from the windows!
Mom, please wake up!
Mom, wake up, please.
What the hell's going on?
They killed her.
Who the fuck did this?
Who did this?
Who did this? Mom!
Tell me!
Amy, she's gone.
I said, she is gone!
That's enough.
Are you happy now?
You and your stupid
fucking hobby.
This is what we do.
This is who we are!
No, this is different!
These people aren't drifters,
or street trash, okay?
They're a family,
just like us!
These people
are nothing...
like us.
This is your fault.
You were supposed
to kill the cook,
and what happened?
Did you get high,
or was it something else?
Shut up!
Guys, stop it!
Everyone just needs
to take a deep breath.
We can't panic now.
I saw her
going around the front.
She could've gotten
back inside the house.
What if she goes for help?
No, she's not going
anywhere without her sister.
We should torch the place now.
We are not going
to betray your mother's memory
by letting those pigs survive!
That pig does not live.
Amy, take your brother
and get your mother out of here.
Nice and tight!
Why are you doin' this?
Oh, Juli Ann.
Call for your sister.
Say her name.
Now we play the waiting game.
I am starting
to lose my patience.
Does your sister even love you?
you're not screaming...
loud enough.
You'll never find Savannah.
She's way too smart.
Well, I got bad news for you.
No, don't, don't.
has nothing...
to do with it.
Let's see if that works.
Hello? Can you hear me?
They're in the house.
Pa's already dead.
There's a fuckin' crazy family.
Chesney, it's after 10:30,
so this better be
a goddamned emergency.
Uh, yes, sir.
Dispatch just got
a suspicious call
and it came
from a 213 area code.
That's Los Angeles.
Well, I-- I was thinkin'...
Vern mentioned
that Bill hitched a ride
back to his place
with some folks from Los Angeles
earlier tonight.
Get to the point, kid.
Well, I thought
maybe we should drive by
the Cleary place.
Make sure
everything's, you know, kosher.
How far away are you?
45 minutes,
I'm starin' at my driveway,
a warm bath,
and a nightcap.
And you don't think
it can wait till morning?
But, but, but,
I was just thinking,
with Melior gone missin',
and with all these--
I won't be the one
to stop you from going
with your gut, Deputy.
-Yes, sir.
All right,
you're a deputy.
You're a goddamned deputy.
All right...
Savannah's made it
to town by now.
The cops will be comin'.
I love your accent.
Honestly, I do.
But I think you're wrong.
I think she's still here.
She's definitely here.
Call it an...
Now hear this, bitch!
You've got 30 seconds
before I start cutting up
little sister here!
Thirty seconds!
I told you,
she's long gone.
Savannah, no!
I told them you was smart!
What, you think
you're gonna hurt him?
I killed yer wife
and I ain't got no problem
killin' him too.
Let her go.
No. No, no, no, no.
See, this is not a negotiation.
Savannah, please, just go.
Don't touch her.
It's two against one.
So, you do the math.
Savannah, drop it.
Savannah, drop it! Okay?
He's really gonna kill her.
He'll kill her.
He's gonna do it.
You don't want this.
You weren't gonna let her
kill me, right, Dad?
Oh, shut the fuck up, Jeffrey.
You're so dramatic.
Go get the gasoline.
I don't want this for you.
Kids, am I right?
They're kinda the worst.
She's in trouble now.
She's my baby sister.
You just fucked
with the wrong family.
Please, just let her go.
I'll do anything. Please.
Of course you are.
You're gonna give me a haircut.
Just a little off the top.
Just let Savannah go.
Okay, so we let her go.
Now what?
I don't care.
Kill me, I don't care.
Oh, so stoic.
Just throw yourself on the fire
for your sister.
This is a good sister
that you have here.
-You're one of the good ones.
You know,
I've never seen him
quite like this before.
I think he might be going crazy.
I hope you all are very hungry.
Smell familiar?
Leave her alone.
No guess?
Let me give you a hint.
Don't you go anywhere.
Yep, crazy.
Yes! She can read.
Give her a hand.
Now, I know exactly
what you're thinking.
"Did he use too much salt?"
No, this is perfect.
Yer cannibals?
Very perceptive.
And tonight...
so are you.
Oh, my god, no.
Stop it,
she didn't do nothin'!
You know,
you're absolutely right.
If you don't swallow
the whole piece,
I'm gonna take her thumb.
They're not gonna eat.
Let's just fucking kill them
so we can torch
this place already.
Would you please shut up!
You sound exactly
like your mother.
You know what?
Let's just make sure
we're all on
the same page here, huh?
Yeah, I think it's time
for a little finger food.
No, no, no, wait. Wait!
Or is that thumb food?
You know, fingers
aren't really my thing,
but there is something about
a nice, juicy thumb.
You monster!
All y'all are monsters!
Well, I'm not fucking around,
that's for sure.
I ain't eatin' it.
Yer gonna kill us both anyway.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
I think I've got this
all backwards.
She should be eating.
And you...
the little pianist...
now, I wonder,
which fingers are most important
for piano playing?
Or-- Or-- follow me--
for, say,
working a bow and arrow?
I got it.
They're all pretty important.
I'm sure yer daughter knows
all about
the importance of fingers.
Ain't that right?
Try not to talk
unless you have something
important to say.
Yer daughter had sex with me.
That's ridiculous.
You're a woman.
I know.
Yer little angel
is a lesbian.
What makes you
think I care?
I don't have to think.
She told me everything.
She's lying!
If I'm lyin', then how come
I know about Blair?
Blair is your boyfriend.
Oh, he's her friend,
but he ain't no boy.
Don't fucking
listen to her, Dad.
She's trying
to get inside your head.
Let's just stay focused
so we can fucking
get this over with!
That's why we never met Blair.
I thought
you were embarrassed of us.
All those Playboys
disappearing from under my bed.
Those posters of Taylor Swift
and Evan Rachel Wood.
That's all normal!
She's a druggie, too.
She laces her joints
with god knows what.
I still can't see straight.
I can't believe
I didn't fucking kill you.
You are an addict
and a lesbian?
You can't be addicted to pot!
Oh, you bet your ass you can.
First, it's sleeping with women,
then it's drugs.
Before you know it,
you're living in San Francisco
and knitting sweaters
for a fucking farmers' market!
You're letting them win!
No, no, no, no.
You disrespected me,
and you disrespected
your mother.
Mom knew.
And she supported me.
Oh, supported you?
With what?
Scoring illicit drugs
to lace into your joints,
which are still illegal
in the places that count.
She supported my sexuality,
you fucking prick.
She would never.
You filthy little liar.
How could you do something
so vile, and--
and disgusting, and...
I'd rather eat pussy
than people!
Oh! Oh!
You bitch!
Oh, my god. Oh...
Not bad, sweetheart.
Not bad at all.
But I bet yours
taste even sweeter.
That's checkmate, "Glasses."
-Shoot him!
Run, Savannah!
Get out of here!
Get away from me,
you little fucker!
I'm going to kill you,
you fucking bitch!
Where's your new glasses, huh?
What did you do, huh?
What did you do?
Die, you hick fuck.
A little off the top, right?
Oh, shit.
Is it over?
You shoulda never let
those people in the house
to begin with.
Probably not, but...
that's who we are, ain't it?
Door stays open.
I'm sorry
for teasin' you so much.
About what?
You know...
about likin' boys.
I don't like boys.
I know.
And I don't care.
Time to face the music, bitch!
I am so...
over you!
I'm gonna make this slow.
Run now.
Hey, it's okay.
It's all right.
Easy. Easy, it's okay.
It's okay.
All right, let's...
let's get you
out of here, okay?
Let's get you
out of here, all right?
Come on.
Come on.
It's okay.
It's okay.
There's somethin' awful
in this house.
Looks like these city folks
took one hell of a wrong turn.
Clearys ain't never been
known to be, uh, violent.
weird maybe,
but not...
not this.
Being out here
does some strange things to you.
The girl's cut up real bad.
I think she might have
some broken ribs.
I'll see ya soon.
EMT's 30 minutes out.
All right?
Just hold on.
Thanks, Janice.
What are you doing
for the weekend?
Highs of 28
and sunshine
throughout the area.
Currently, we have clear skies,
and the warm front
moving in from the northeast.
Westerly winds are approximately
40 kilometres,
turning into 20--
oh, let's say 40--
so they're back to 20 kilometres
by morning.
The long-range forecast
for next week is looking good--
with sunny skies,
but we may have a mix
of sun and cloud...
Ain't that somethin'.
Like a moon
dances on the water
These ghosts
they will haunt you
Like a flame's letting go
of the embers of the fire
Between the smoke
and the sky
They will find you
Like the echoes
of a canyon
A dead man's companion
Broken chain's
a generation
Heaven's gate's open
For the pained one
And I have fallen
And I have flown
And I've gone with the wind
wherever it blows
Like a wild rose
grown through a stone
It's all I know
It's all I know
The sun paints the horizon
It's out there
And I'll find it
It lives in the unknown
Somewhere beyond
flesh, blood and bone
And I have fallen
And I have flown
And I've gone with the wind
wherever it blows
Like a wild rose
grown through a stone
It's all I know
It's all I know