Lumina (2024) Movie Script

She gives me that feelin'
Sensy feelin'
Sensy feelin'
She gives me that healin'
Sensy healin'
Sensy healin'
I feel I'm dreamin'
Sensy dreamin'
Love so good, love so
good I can't believe it
When she rolls it, licks it
Baby, you got me addicted
I wanna open my eyes
But ride on tires by my side
And when it's five-o she
always stays on the down low
They can't touch your flow
Just let it blow, just let it blow
Sensy girl
You know you rock my
Rock my world
Sensy, sensy
Sensy girl
You know you rock my
Rock my world
You know you know
Genuinely, the only
reason I'm saying this
is not to like curb
your behavior, but I...
It upsets me and it frustrates me.
Okay, I think you're overreacting.
- What?
- I think it's in your head.
We've been friends for years.
Okay, can you just get changed?
She's in love with you.
She's gonna be here soon.
I can see
the way she looks at you.
I don't see it the way you see it.
Tatiana, I love you.
Nothing is gonna change that.
She'll be here at five.
You hear all that?
Of course I did.
I bet, I bet the first
thing she's gonna say is,
"Where's Alex?"
Oh no, wait.
I can do better, hold on.
"Where's Alex?"
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The pout.
Yeah, she's famous for that pout.
"Where's Alex?
Oh, I want to marry Alex.
Oh, Tatiana's not good for Alex.
I am."
Oh, I should call her Delusional Delilah.
"Delusional Delilah."
That has a good ring to it.
Gotta love her, though.
Love her.
And here she is.
What's up, babes?
I'm waiting for your ass.
You're interrupting my moment.
Am I?
Yeah, you are.
We both know you're just waiting
for me to get this party started.
Mm, that's nice.
Talking to your favorite, Tatiana.
She's just a phase.
Maybe not.
But you would know, right?
Oh, wait, you haven't been here.
That's about to change.
Uh uh.
Hm mm.
It's good to see you.
Good to see you too.
Long time no see.
I know.
It's been forever.
Really missed you.
Yeah, me too.
You look great.
And the house is beautiful.
Yeah, right?
Really looking forward to the party.
Yeah, well, where are you staying?
I'm downtown.
Well, you're always welcome here.
That's really nice of you.
But maybe next time.
Lemme show you around.
Yeah, sure.
We all know you'd love to hear this story.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
It's definitely a cup of tea.
Yeah, yeah, right.
So, we're at his parents,
and we're getting wavy in the basement,
after his dad's liquor cabinet, of course.
I think they were supposed
to be at a musical that night.
And we hear them come up upstairs.
Lex told them he was at mine,
so we needed to get
out of this quick time.
Uh huh.
So we sneak out, go upstairs,
and we think we're being
super stealthy, right?
Mm hm.
But they're there.
Right there in the foyer.
- Stop.
- His mom was wearing...
What was she wearing, Lex?
Lotta latex.
Nice dress, babe.
Oh, thanks, babe, you too.
- Tatiana.
- Hey!
You are everything
I think they were supposed
to be at a musical that day.
- Hey.
- Hey, baby.
Hi, it's nice to see you.
Nice to see you too.
So sorry, I feel like I've
interrupted something.
No, no, no, no.
We're just saying some gross
story about my parents.
Oh, okay.
So, did you really actually see them?
No, no, no, no.
No, dirty action.
So Tatiana, how do you like LA so far?
Has the adjustment been easy?
Yeah, it's all good.
It might take a little
bit of time to adjust.
It's very different to London,
but I'm just pleased to be here with Alex.
How are you feeling?
How are you feeling?
I feel like I need to pee.
Aw, let's go.
"I need to pee."
You're such freak.
No, it's fine, it's fine.
It's a little video, it's fine.
Hey, girl, hey.
- Yeah, this lighting actually.
- Nice!
- Oh, sorry.
- Stop!
Sorry for my friend.
What about you?
You seeing anyone?
No, not really.
They're all taken these days.
What about that guy?
Not my type.
Okay, we good.
Thank you.
- Me.
- Wait.
Cheers, cheers.
Peace, everyone.
She gives me that
feelin', sensy feelin'
She gives me that
feelin', sensy feelin'
Sensy feelin'
She gives me that healin'
Sensy healin'
Hey, watch this, watch this.
Wait, wait, hold on, let's get-
Yeah, yeah, yeah, go.
- Okay.
- What, what?
I killed that!
Try again.
- Try again.
- That was my signature move.
That like, killed in high school.
So bad.
Retire it in high school.
Aw, okay, okay, sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
- Boo!
- I love you, but no.
All right, come on.
Wait, come here.
Just let it go
Sensy girl
- Yeah.
- Woo!
You know you rock my, rock my world
Oh, yeah.
Sensy, sensy
Sensy girl
You know you rock my, rock my world
Sensy, sensy
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You havin' a good time?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- You look so beautiful.
- Thanks, baby.
She's lickin' her
lips like she want it
like she want it
when she want it
Come on, let's go.
Come on.
Sensy, sensy
Baby, I think I'm gonna
take a shower first.
Come swim with me.
Yeah, well, I think I'm
gonna take a shower.
You're no fun.
Babe, I love you.
I'm not gonna let
anything come between us.
Baby, nothing will.
You need
to learn how to share.
From what I
see, Alex really loves her.
It's gonna be hard to
convince him otherwise.
I wish this bitch would disappear.
He thinks he loves her.
It's just the sex.
Nothing else.
Don't you
want him to be happy?
He'll be better off without her.
Actually, I know he'll be happier.
Could you stop that?
That's weird.
What was that?
My phone's dead.
What's she lookin' at?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Where's Tatiana?
Where is she?
Baby, no!
Okay, okay.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
I'm here, baby, where are you?
Go, go.
I don't know where she is.
I don't know.
The stones are burning hot.
What happened?
What did you see?
She was just looking up at the sky.
I don't know...
What the fuck happened?
Calm down.
Everyone needs to calm down.
What do you mean calm down?
My girlfriend just
disappeared into thin air!
I can't calm down!
Calm down.
We need to think rationally
about what just happened.
Maybe you have a
description of the young lady?
She's about 5'8",
Beautiful eyes.
She's got long hair.
I can't-
Don't worry about it, Mister.
Don't worry about it, this is fine.
This is fine.
Were you guys having a party this evening?
Maybe a few drinks?
Yeah, we had a few drinks.
Any weed, hallucinogens?
No, it wasn't a fuckin'
hallucination, man.
Watch your tone.
We've been through enough tonight.
Cut him some slack.
We'll file a report and my detective
will be with you shortly.
We need to call the Air Force.
Come on.
Oh, yes!
I wish this
bitch would disappear.
I wish this bitch would disappear.
- Could you-
- I'm sorry.
I wish this
bitch would disappear.
- Crap!
- Delete it.
- What is that?
- Nothing.
- I'm trying-
- What is that?
- Delete it.
- I'm trying.
I wish this
bitch would disappear.
I wish this
bitch would disappear.
I wish this bitch would disappear.
What would possess you to say that?
Alex, please.
You said disappear.
Why would you say disappear?
I didn't mean it like that.
It was right.
This is over.
This friendship is over.
Get out of my house.
- Alex-
- Get out!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
He's never gonna forgive me.
- It's okay.
- What did I do?
What did I do?
What did I do?
He's never going to forgive me.
Have you ever felt
like you wanted to run away?
I mean, there were times
when I wanted to be alone,
away from everybody else.
Why, were your parents too much sometimes?
No, nothing like that.
I just...
Sometimes I felt trapped.
I'm here for you.
You ain't gotta feel like that anymore.
I know.
Why'd you feel like that?
I don't know.
When's the last time
you ate a proper meal?
- Doesn't matter.
- Alex.
You know, starving yourself
isn't gonna bring her back.
Wanna talk about it?
Come on, where are you going?
Let's talk.
Alex, wake up.
Alex, wake up!
- Alex, wake up!
- No!
Wake up!
Alex, wake up!
Wake up, wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
I don't know what came over me.
It's not me!
I feel like, I don't
know who I am anymore.
Say something.
Forgive me.
I love you too, Alex.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
Honestly, you're like
my guardian angel, girl.
I just, I don't know
where I'd be without you.
Oh, Alex!
You're so cool.
I'm so
grateful to have you, dude.
Oh, I love you, dude.
I love ya.
I love ya, girl.
Okay, I love you too, Alex.
- Do you?
- Yeah.
Honestly, you're
like my guardian angel, girl.
- Oh!
- I just,
I don't know where I'd be without you.
You're so cool.
I'm so
grateful to have you, dude.
Oh, I love you, dude.
I love ya.
Thanks for comin', man.
Not a problem.
Okay, what is it that you do again?
Man, come on, man.
Let's get to work. It's through here.
Whatever you do, I got to do.
What is this, marble?
Check this out, man.
Sit down.
What's that?
Some abductees claim
that they were taken in Fife back in '89.
Bro, I know, I was there.
- Serious?
- Yes.
Truthers have known all
this from the beginning, man.
You know what else they know?
Man, it's documented proof
that the government flies its employees
in and out of Area 51 every week, man.
They even say it moved.
Yeah, but move where, man?
Look, look, first off all, man,
how do you expect to get
laid lookin' like this?
Shut up, man.
Oh, hey, what's up, Smokey?
Hey, you know what they say
about women who smoke, huh?
I don't wanna hear it.
Well, you know, I am
feelin' a bit parched.
Can I get some of that water?
Thank you.
No, Alex, man, what's up?
Are you sure you wanna
go through with this?
Go through with what?
Look, I think it's crazy, but you-
Wait, I wanna hear it from
Alex, if you don't mind?
All right, cool.
I made up my mind.
I'm going to search for Tatiana.
Search for Tatiana?
Alex, you know that's a wild goose chase.
No, no, not if you know where to look.
I mean, there are certain patterns
that repeat themselves, right?
Like locations where abductions occurred.
I'm gonna find her.
Did you talk him into this?
I didn't have to.
Alex, you can't be serious.
Don't take this the wrong way
or think I'm being negative,
but she could be anywhere.
And that's if she's still alive.
Please don't say that again.
She's alive.
I can feel it.
You know what?
I can't.
Hm mm.
Mm mm.
Look, man, we gotta get to work.
Come on.
Hey, do you remember
that crazy guy, George?
The one that we met at
Alex's football game?
He kept talking about how football's
a systematic distraction to
dumb down the population?
He's in the living room.
I think you need to get over here.
Alex is basically on the edge
and George is pushing him.
Lex doesn't wanna see me, you know that.
It would just make matters worse
if I even think of coming over there.
Whether he believes it or not,
he needs this right now.
And I need your support.
What is he pushing him to do?
To go on a wild witch
hunt to search for Tatiana.
You can't be serious?
I know what
happened was unexplainable,
but George is the last
person Alex should speak to.
All right, I'm coming over.
What did I just do?
You don't know I feel
Memories seem too hauntingly real
All that was left in my mind
Was to cause you pain
It sealed your fate
Is he in there?
Yes, but I need to
show you something first.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Check this out, bro.
- Let's go.
What is she doing here?
What the hell is she doing here?
I wanted to be here, Lex.
Don't call me that!
You lost the right to call me that.
Lex, it was wrong and selfish
- to say all that about Tatiana-
- No, I don't wanna hear it.
But bro, remember what we talked about?
I deserve a second chance.
You don't deserve anything.
I saw your room, Lex.
You need help.
I don't need anything from you.
I can only imagine how you must feel,
but you deserve that closure, Lex.
If you wanna go after
her, I'll come with you.
I'll help you.
I'll support you all the way through.
I don't believe you, Delilah.
You can't manipulate me.
It won't work.
I'm not.
I care about you Lex.
I know what I did was wrong.
I really need you to forgive me.
My conscious is killing me.
I don't care what you need.
It should be.
Well, I hope you find her.
You know where to find me.
Damn Alex, what the hell
are you doin' to these women?
What the hell was that?
I changed my mind.
You're right.
He needs us now more than ever.
To convince him not to go.
I know what you're up to.
What are talking about?
He needs our help.
Look at him!
You're exploiting his vulnerability.
You happy?
So, the police haven't
done anything to help?
What do you expect, man?
I mean, the authority
stopped investigatin' cases
like this awhile back.
I mean, outside of your
typical missin' persons report,
you're basically on your own.
Hey, but you know what?
There's one I need you to meet.
I mean, if he allows it.
I mean, he's a bit off the grid,
but you see where he needs to be.
You got any cognac?
What are you doing?
I gotta fight.
Fight who?
All right.
All right, ladies.
Time to lose the stilettos.
Any funny business,
you will get a bullet.
Ah, come on now, Thom.
They're harmless.
Hey, how's your back, huh?
Well, the missus was a
little rough last night,
but it's my arthritis, keeps actin' up.
Somethin' you can look
forward to when you get old.
Right, right.
What the hell is she
doin' with that camera?
Whatever you want me to, Pops.
Yeah, she's a live one, isn't she?
That's how I like 'em.
Young and wild.
Keeps it interesting.
That's right, that's right.
Well, this is Patricia, this Delilah,
and this is Alex.
Sorry to hear about what happened, Alex.
I know what it's like.
Any funny business, you will get a bullet.
If you value your life,
you will show that footage to no one.
Go ahead.
So, yo, Thom fire it up.
Holy shit.
Now, this is reverse
engineering at its finest.
Forget about my speed, man.
This is light speed.
Did he steal
your weed or something?
I have the privilege of being exposed
to government black operations
because of my security clearance.
What's a black operation?
Oh, it's like a order
from the secret menu at
McDonald's, only more secret.
Let's try that again.
All right.
In a nutshell, unreported
government spending
they didn't want the public to know about.
If they'd found out there
had been mass lynchings.
Roswell was real.
Roswell was just the beginning.
In the decades that follow,
they got alien technology,
mass transit, the whole nine yards.
Yeah, you know, "X-Files" type stuff.
That's right.
If the government wants to
come into a fitness or project,
so I completed the prototype,
which I showed you,
but then it all ended.
What happened?
They squashed the
program without any notice.
They said it was budgetary cuts.
But I got the plans before
they confiscated the program.
And then they went underground.
You got that right.
Must get lonely out here.
Who says I'm alone?
I just assumed, man.
No offense.
No offense taken.
Actually, Thom, there was
somethin' I wanted to ask you.
Mm hm.
Spit it out.
You knew a lot about
alien abductions, right?
Like, where they're taken?
Isn't that why George brought you here?
To see if there's some
sort of correlation?
I don't follow.
The government took her, man.
I can only imagine what
they're doin' to her.
And if they found her, then
odds are they'd find her now.
Or maybe she knew too much.
You know, they don't like
it when you know too much.
No, she would've told me.
So there's a possibility she
didn't tell you everything?
How well did you actually know her?
No, not now, Delilah.
You're planning on going
out there, aren't you?
I keep dreaming about it.
I keep seeing this deep
underground military base,
and she's there.
And it's so real that
I can almost feel it.
What would you do if you found her?
If they did anything
to her, I'd kill them.
Well, they sure got in our heads, man.
When they took us up there,
they put something in
that wasn't there before.
They got in there.
They got in there and
they put stuff in there
that wasn't there before.
They took us way, way, way beyond.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Go over there!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
Go, go, go!
Let go of me, let go of me!
Come on!
I'm coming!
Listen, is everybody okay?
Girl, you dirty.
Please, take your clothes off.
Go to hell.
All right.
Everybody get in the car.
Come on, come on.
Okay, here he comes, here he comes.
- Ow!
- Here he comes.
All right.
You almost got us killed.
You lured us here.
Look, man, that's
some straight bullshit.
How's I supposed to know
he was a walker, huh?
You mean someone that was
possessed by an alien presence?
How the hell can we believe you?
Look, I'm gonna ask you this one time.
You better be God damn straight with me.
Where did you meet Thom?
Look, man, God's honest truth, man.
I met him on a conspiracy site a'ight?
I don't believe him.
I believe him.
I've known George a long time.
That sounds like classic George.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
There's something I gotta do first.
I have to go to Morocco.
I need to go and see Tatiana's parents.
I think that's the best place to start.
Why the parents?
Awhile back they wanted
to share something with me,
but not over the phone,
and I thought it sounded crazy.
I need to know if there was something
she was hiding from me.
I think she's a target.
A target? Why?
It's probably like what Thom was sayin'.
You know, most abductees have
been taken more than once.
So those government
experiments Thom spoke
about could be true?
I heard those aliens
can get kinda freaky.
Hey, man,
where you going?
I'm takin' my black ass home.
Okay, I guess I'm going solo then.
After what just happened?
Lex, you know I'm with you on this one.
Well, hell nah.
I had enough of this for the day.
Y'all seen horror movies before, right?
The brother always dies first.
and that ain't me.
Guys, maybe I'm being paranoid,
but isn't that the same van I saw
when we were driving
back from Thom's hanger?
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit.
Are they followin' us?
I can't go home.
Who's they?
The men in black.
Will and Tommy Lee.
We should invite them in.
Look man, all jokes
aside, this shit is real.
I mean, once they dispatch these guys,
that means we're on to something.
And that's all the more reason
to get off the beaten path, no?
Shit, man.
Not today.
What do you think about this one?
Thank you.
- Okay.
- Try it on.
Thank you.
We'll see you soon.
What did Tatiana's parents say?
They'll be expecting us.
All right, cool.
They don't missin' a cent
How do you pay your rent
If what they say is true
How can I be with you
If I know the truth
Time and time again
You say you are my friend
Those games you play
Have let my heart astray
And those lies you made
Will never go away
Lyin', cheatin', stealin'
Good to see you again.
How you guys gettin' on?
You know, day by day.
Martin, this is Delilah,
Patricia and George.
Delilah, Patricia, George.
Teresa's waiting out back.
She used to play out here all the time.
When she got older, she
couldn't wait to leave,
to see the world.
She had so many dreams.
Yeah, she was a dreamer.
We wanna show you something.
Yeah, sure.
They first started
after her 11th birthday.
First it was hours, then
days at a time.
We tried to get help.
No one had answers.
Because of our financial
situation, we couldn't move.
USC was a chance to get away.
Start afresh.
Why didn't she tell me?
I woulda tried to help.
I coulda been there for her.
Every time she tried to have
a relationship with someone,
and she talked about it, they walked away.
People treated her as
if she had some disease,
or some mental illness.
I remember when she
first told us about you,
she was glowing.
She was so excited to make the move.
We were very happy for her.
So very happy for the both of you.
I feel responsible for what happened.
God, I wish there was something
I coulda done to stop it.
If it wasn't LA,
it may have been some other place, Alex.
What's wrong?
I think I've seen this before.
Those are her memories.
She ever tell you what
happened when she disappeared?
She'd go in and out of consciousness.
When she was awake,
she was on an operating
table surrounded by aliens.
Sometimes she would see
things before they happened,
and go into phases where she
would just wanna be alone.
Did she mention anything
about bein' underground
or in some subterranean
environment with other humans?
She did once.
It was the time she
disappeared the longest.
How is this gonna help Tatiana?
'Cause I'm gonna go look for her.
That's why I'm here.
See you soon, okay?
Yeah, yeah.
- Thanks, man.
- Yep.
I hope he buys something comfortable.
Well, he's got the money.
Trust fund and all.
His parents set him up nicely.
Do you think he'll find Tatiana?
No, not really.
That's why I'm here.
It's a bit hot.
Wanna go inside?
In a
small New England town,
members of an important
and growing membership
of 15,000 gather for a
What the hell was that?
You know you enjoyed that.
It's the money, isn't it?
Didn't care about that.
You're pushing it, you know that.
He'll give up and move on.
He's obsessed.
Just a matter of time.
So, I should just tell my
hysteria to piss off then.
We were chased by an alien hybrid,
a Tywin Lannister dead ringer.
We saw two MIB agents for the government.
That's absolutely nothing to worry about.
Oh, and seeing Tatiana just
disappear right in front of us
and her mother living in a
comatose zombie-like state,
both of them living behind God's back.
What are you talking about?
That I shouldn't be
just a tad bit worried?
I'm just overreacting while
you stand there enabling
for your own self-serving purposes.
Oh, stop it.
For more than a year now,
you've been living off of Alex's back,
so please, don't come around
saying I'm the one enabling
for my own self-serving
purposes, will you?
And instead of whining and
grouching like a child,
why don't you just leave?
Walk out on Lex.
No way.
What, are we going to Wally World?
You know, there's a plenty
of room over here, huh?
Why let it go to waste?
All right, well your loss.
More room for me.
Please tell me this
thing has an AUX cable.
Got one.
You've been holding out on me?
It's your lucky day.
Come on!
- Yeah, sounds.
- Music!
Mm hm.
Ta da!
Mm hm.
What is that?
Turn that off, dude.
I'm trying, dude.
- Hey, what's goin' on?
- Oh, man.
I'm tryin' to get my beauty sleep.
What's up?
- Well, wasn't me.
- Hm.
- That's weird.
- Why won't it turn off?
We're not listening to this
for the rest of the night.
To a place of no sorrow
Every time I close my eyes
I start to realize
somethin' inside of me
I cannot hide
Does anyone else feel
like this is a sign
we all need to get out and
stretch our legs a little?
Away from the radio.
Well, you know,
I did read about a place
we can go, we can unwind.
Remember the last time
George suggested a place?
He almost got us killed.
Man, forget y'all.
Nah guys, I don't think we should stop.
I think we should keep driving.
It sealed your fate
Now it's time to run
Hey, you know what?
I kinda like this one.
From you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Run away
Yeah, yeah, yeah
To do what's run away
Yeah, yeah, yeah
From you
'Cause you run away
You're actually really good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Get a what?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let's go, man.
I wanna do a search on that.
What'd you say?
Shazam that one.
Yo, George?
My legs!
Hey, what the hell?
Don't have a good feeling about this.
Yeah, me neither.
Crap, Delilah!
Come on.
- Yeah.
- Yo, bro, wait up.
Hey, come on, man, catch up.
What the hell is this place?
Come on.
Well, for once he proved us wrong.
Oh, yeah.
This is lovely.
It is.
It would be nice to
unwind and relax a little.
Feeling low's not
gonna help us find her.
I miss her, D.
But we're close, I can feel it.
You look beautiful.
No, I'm serious.
I mean, I like your style.
You're not like any other
girl I've ever met before.
Somethin' mysterious about you.
You on the other hand
have no mystery whatsoever.
Oh, come on now.
I wouldn't say that,
but there's some things
about me that you don't know.
Like what?
Wait, wait.
Lemme guess.
It's something sexual?
No, no.
I volunteer.
You're not good at lying.
No, seriously, seriously, look.
- What?
- Look.
Here are some pics of
some kids that I mentor, hm?
He's fighting you with a light saber.
Oh, that's cute.
Oh yeah, that's Dante.
He's a part of the improv
class that I throw.
It's fun.
It helps to build that
confidence, you know?
Do you hear that?
Hear what?
I hear talking.
Who the hell is that?
Night, everyone.
You can call me Cher and this is Sonny.
Like, the Sonny and Cher?
Yeah, just like that.
Do you mind if we join?
No, not at all.
Actually, we were just leaving.
- We were?
- No, stay.
Don't leave on our account.
What's the wrong, baby bear?
He's a little shy around strangers.
So, what are you guys doing?
Having an orgy?
Oh, that's too bad.
Do you mind?
Yes, actually I do mind.
So, what brings you guys to the desert?
Are you headed to Dreamland?
What's that?
He knows what that is.
Why'd you ask?
Just curious.
It's the middle of the night.
You're a few hours from Dreamland.
Maybe you're looking
for something dangerous.
But what do I know?
Maybe we are.
I know how to get in.
That sounds like fear to me.
We're not afraid.
Of course you are.
If I were you, I'd be very afraid.
Most don't make it in Dreamland,
but you're looking for
something, or someone.
So, show us.
You've already seen it.
Look deeper.
Lex, what are you doing?
Come on, Lex.
Cut it out.
I don't like this.
This isn't funny.
Alex, you're scaring us.
Let go of her hand.
Let go!
Yo, guys, I don't think he's playin'.
Stop, Lex!
Stop it!
We need to leave now.
There's no need to rush.
Shut up, bitch.
We're leaving.
Wait, how do we get in?
You need to be invited,
like we were invited.
- Let's get outta here.
- Yeah.
Let's get outta here.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go.
- Come on!
- Okay.
How close are we?
Y'all, we're close.
God, I know we are.
What do you mean?
You're so in love that you
can sense her presence?
I'm sorry.
I know what it's like to not
be with the person you love.
Wait, Lex, we're going
in the wrong direction.
We're off course right now.
Khenifra is southwest of here.
We're not goin' to Khenifra.
I've seen this route before.
I don't know.
I can't explain it.
Subconsciously, something is
drawing me in this direction.
So, if we're not going to Khenifra,
then where are we going?
Fuck, man!
Are goats native to this area?
Oh, I love me some curry, goat.
What's up?
That's actually really funny.
Honk the horn.
Just high beam him.
What? is that?
Turn around, Lex!
Turn around, Lex!
It's chasing us!
Turn around, man!
Watch out!
Hang on!
Okay, I have to get up.
Where'd you go?
Here, right here.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.
You okay?
- Where's Patricia?
- We gotta get outta here.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, George.
- You're okay, you're okay.
- Alex.
Come on, George.
Come on.
Wait, who's that?
Wait, hold it, listen.
Is that Cher?
Don't stop!
What's she saying?
Go, go, go, go!
Come with me.
Come on, go!
We can't go back to the RV.
It could be our last performance, man,
just like Sonny and Cher.
Yeah, we can't go back that way.
We gotta keep moving.
Up ahead, you see that?
You sure about that?
We have nowhere else to go.
We gotta get outta their line of sight.
Hey, you hear that?
Come on!
Come on!
Go, go, move, move, move!
Come on!
Patricia, over here!
No, no!
She'll come to us when it's safe.
This way.
Come on.
Hey, it's over here!
- Hey!
- Patricia!
Door, get the door!
Come on.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
- Oh my-
- Really?
Is that really that important right now?
People need to see this.
Oh, look at me.
It can't be a fuckin' elevator.
Please tell me you're not planning
on taking the elevator,
or whatever the hell is behind it.
We've been lead here.
Can't you see it's a trap?
What good could possibly
come from going down there?
Guess there's one way to find out.
What is this place?
What the hell's that?
What's wrong?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
What's wrong?
What is it?
Nothing, nothing.
Come on.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
Which way?
Oh my God.
It's the next stage of evolution.
Patricia, are you getting this?
Do you know much money
I can make off this video?
That's if we make it out of here.
What the hell did we get ourselves into?
We'll get outta here.
I promise.
Go, go!
Come on, come on.
It's Tatiana.
Can't you see her?
Listen, we need to get those guns.
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
We need a distraction.
I'll do it.
You sure?
I'll go with her.
We came this far.
We can't back out now.
Get ready.
Let's go.
You ready?
Let's get it.
Baby, wake up.
Wake up.
We gotta go.
A voice.
Do it!
Don't stop!
Go, go, go, go!
Come on.
We gotta go back!
We gotta go back!
She's gone.
There's nothing we can do.
- No.
- Come on.
Come on.
- Come on!
- No!
Hold this.
What are you doing?
Are you kiddin' me?
This could be our only way out.
I can't believe you found me.
I told you, nothing
will come between us.
Why are the doors opening?
What's going on?
Yeah, I think he just got transported
through some type of
wormhole or somethin'.
Where are we?
We're not in Kansas anymore.
This is not the time.
Stay calm.
Just be careful and keep walkin'.
This ain't mars, is it?
It seems like some low oxygen planet, man,
so don't take your helmets off
'cause you won't last long.
Why didn't you tell me about all this?
I was afraid you'd walk away.
Well, you were wrong.
I know I was.
But it's not something that's
easy for me to talk about.
Listen to me.
I will always be here for you.
I was just waiting for
the right time to tell you.
It doesn't mean I don't love you.
Are you okay?
It all makes sense.
Both of you are connected to each other.
That's how you were
miraculously able to find her.
Both of you guys havin'
nightmares about the same place.
It all adds up.
He's right.
The reason we're so closely connected
is 'cause you were also an abductee.
How can that happen and I not know?
Some form of extraction.
It took your memories.
Let's go, go.
This way.
No, no!
We're not gonna make it out of here.
We're not gonna survive it.
We're not gonna survive this.
- We're not.
- Look at me.
We're not gonna
- survive this!
- Look at me!
We're not gonna
- survive this!
- Look at me!
We're gonna make it!
Look at me! Look at me!
Look at me, Patricia.
Look at me. Breathe.
Look at me, babe.
Look at me.
We're gonna make it, okay?
You need to get up.
I need you to get up.
I need you to stand up.
Stand up for me, please.
I need you to get up.
- Okay.
- We need to get up.
We gotta go.
We gotta go!
Go, go, go!
How do we get out here?
We need to make
a break for it.
Go, go, go!
Are you okay?
Tatiana, are you okay?
Yeah, I think so.
We can't stay here.
We have to go somewhere else.
They're everywhere!
Alex, I think I'm hurt.
We gotta keep moving!
I can't!
We can't stop, baby.
They're too close.
Babe, I can't.
It hurts too much.
Come on.
I can't, I can't anymore.
I wanna see your face
- one last time.
- Don't say that.
Please don't, don't!
I had finally found my love
Distance could never keep us apart
Now that you hold the key to my heart
My mind and soul can never let you go
Something my heart needs you to know
You are everything to me
You are everything
You are everything to me
You are everything
What you do
What you say
Everything about your love
Always seems
Sensy feelin'
She gives me that feelin'
Sensy feelin'
She gives me that healin'
Sensy healin'
I feel I'm dreamin'
Sensy dreamin'
Love so good, love so
good I can't believe it
When she rolls it, licks it
Baby, you got me addicted
I wanna open my eyes
Ride on tires by my side
And when this fire rolls
She always stays on the down low
Can't touch her flow
Just let it blow, just let it blow
Sensy, sensy
Sensy girl
You know you rock me
Sensy, sensy
You know you rock my
You know you do
She don't need to lie when she want it
My love is lookin' at
the eyes when she want it
She don't need to
hide when she want it
She gives me the wickedest
ride when she want it
Yes, see
She's lickin' her
lips when she want it
I love how she winds her
braids when she want it
Sensy, sensy
You know you do
All right
Sensy, sensy
You know you do
- Cheers, guys.
- Cheers.
Sensy, sensy
Sensy, sensy
You know you got my
Who invited the alien?
Sensy, sensy
Sensy girl
You know you rock my
Sensy, sensy
You know you've got my
All right
Sensy, sensy
You know you've got my
You know you do
Sensy, sensy
You know you've got my
Sensy girl
In your eyes
I see no fear
I have finally found my love
Distance could never keep us apart
Now that you hold the key to my heart
You are everything to me
You are everything
You are everything to me
You are everything
You are everything
What you do
What you say
Everything about your love
Always seems to take my breath away
Curious minds love carelessly
And I know it's never too late
To spend my life loving you 'cause
You are everything to me
You are everything