Lured (1947) Movie Script

Blue eyes. Meet me tonight
according to letter. Will wear a red
carnation, John
John? Good evening.
I'm blue eyes
- Oh, yes
- 'Murder in Soho'
Good morning
- Good morning
Good morning
- Marshall
- Another poem? -Exactly
Elephants encircle her smooth
white arm. Good luck token to shield
...her from harm. This lovely child
with lustrous eyes. A beauty that...
...only death can enhance.
- Let's go to see the chief
And tell Barrington
to stand by
What's going on?
We just got another poem
It was posted last night
A beauty that only death
can enhance. Tonight, my friends...'s her final dance
The 'P' keys have fallen off the
alignment the 'R' is sometimes not
...clearly visible, a small broken
curve is found in all the letters 'E'
There's no doubt, this poem was
typed on the identical machine the poems written before,
classified under...
...file Q140X
Thank you
Kind of paper, standard and cheap
81/2 by 111/2
Manufactured, like always, by
Stanton Milles, watermark Victoria
Victoria again
There's no ink stains
Typewriter ribbon probably...
...3 months old
No finger prints
Like always
What's this? Glove prints,
probably suede gloves
Evaluation of the typewriter,
chemical analysis, finger prints
The same information as on the
other 7 letters
And the other 7 girls disappeared
Exactly. There's a maniac homicidal
on the loose around London
A maniac who's weakness is
young and beautiful girls and we're...
...still far from his apprehension
The whole department is
racking their brains on this case
Racking their brains?
That's a mistake. We can keep...
...racking on our brains to the end
and innocent girls would keep...
...disappearing, like this one who's
fate has been shield by this poem.
It's not our brains what needs
to be squeezed...
But the brain who wrote this
The kind of beauty that only death...
...can enhance. Tonight my friends,
it's her final dance
50 beauties performing for you!
50 dream girls... dream of!
Dreams, silky dreams!
Blonde beauties! Not only one but 50!
Gentleman, only for 6 pennies!
Thanks for the dance
- Come to have a drink
- No, I've got to go
- Come on just a drink
- Come on, enough, move on
- Alright, I'm sorry
My feet hurt. L'm glad it's only two
more hours
Two hours in this cement make it
seem longer than a 6 days bike race
In flew a dead duck
Come on darling, let's dance
Is there a stiff sticks reunion tonight?
I wish you two are very happy
Thank you
You must be the most beautiful girl
in here. The minute I laid my eyes
...on you I said to myself, Oswald,
that's my name, that's the most...
...beautiful girl in the old place
- Take it easy, I don't dance or have
bad intention, I want to talk
You can't take me home,
I don't finish until 2 a. m.
We can't go to have a drink
and I now what you want
No, no, lady, I'm a show agent, I've
watched you and you have personality
Wouldn't you wan t to work
in a fine place?
Don't tell me they need dancers in
Buckingham Palace
No, it's for a Night Club with
Fleming and Willes, the best places... London. You are too pretty for
cheap places like this
I've heard that before
Not from me Miss, I'm Milton,
Mr. Fleming's agent...
...looking for beautiful girls
Ten a week and bonuses
There's an audition Monday at 9
I'll be there at 9 a. m. sharp
Not in the morning, this evening
Who's seen Mr. Fleming...
...up at 9 in the morning?
Look, an agent for a Night Club!
I'm not interested, tonight I'm
meeting my blue eyes and I'll say...
...good bye to this for good
What are you talking about?
A man, he is so handsome
I'm going away with him
Who's he?
His name is John and he comes from
a very distinguished family
Who's the lucky girl this time?
Me? Don't be jealous
There we go, 6 pennies
- Still alone sweetheart?
Let's dance darling
You must be the most beautiful girl
in the old place, the minute I laid... eyes on you I said to myself,
Oswald, that's my name, that's the...
...most beautiful girl in the old
You're a little cold, should we
get a little warmer?
Lucy, that John, where is he from?
Who are you dancing with,
with me or with your friend?
Shut up! Where did you meet him?
In the personal column
Lucy not like this, it's dangerous
Not when I have my precious little
friend to protect me
Elephants encircle her smooth
white arm
Professor, I've read this poem to
satiety. I had the best...
...cryptographs of London checking
for any kind of code
I'd be surprised if they found it
Whatever the criminal reveals in...
...those poems
it would be against his will
Subconscious, nothing simple
Inspector, I'm glad to say that I've
been able to identify the style
Do you know anything about him?
Is he truly a poet?
He would like to. He admires one
He almost copies him
The poet that your man must know by
memory is Charles Bodelaire
Bodelaire was obsessed with the idea
that death is beautiful
Listen to this. A beauty still more
beautiful in dead. Your criminal...
...has the same hallucinations
A beauty that only death can...
I see, but Bodelaire died
a century ago
in a horrible way in Paris in 1.867
Your assassin, if he's like Bodelaire
...will look for beauty and charm
constantly. A beautiful new face will...
...always attract him
Any unusual appeal will inspire him...
...will lead him to destruction
He likes variety...
...and he's never satisfied
Like a modern Don Juan
You could say that. I hope I made it
more clear, inspector
Bodelaire? That might help,
but at the moment I don't see how
Thank you very much Doctor Howkins
and good day
Sir, this is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime?
I would do anything to work in a
Fleming and Willes show
Fleming and Willes? What's wrong
with your job here? What's wrong...
...with this place? I like it
Me too, it's great and loaded
with opportunities
But I want to go to that audition
Would you let me off tonight?
Not, unless you want to loose your
job. We need more girls, including
...your friend Lucy
By the way, what happened to her?
I know nothing about her. Her
landlady might know, did you ask her?
That's a good idea. And go back to
work like a good girl
Bye cutie
I need a line
Watch it boy
Hello? Hello?
Fleming and Willes? Hello?
Is this Mr. Fleming's secretary?
Who's this?
It's not for you, she wants
your secretary
Is it a girl? Hello
Is this Mr. Fleming's secretary?
This is Sandra Carpenter
Who is this?
Sandra Carpenter. I was supposed to
come in tonight for an audition...
...Mr. Milton gave me a card
but I can't possibly get away
Could you tell Mr. Fleming?
Mr. Fleming will be disappointed
You have a charming voice
But I don't sing, I dance
I bet you do and beautifully, why
don't we set up a private interview
You are intolerable
Wait a minute. The eyes of jealousy
are green, don't let that colour...
...get damaged
You are incorrigible
Of course I am, I'm incorrigible
Go on my dear, talk to me
Is it okay for the secretary to pass
judgement for his boss?
Mr. Fleming never makes a move
without me, in fact he lets me take...
...his girls out to dinner in order
to talk things over
Lemonade please
Are you American?
Mr. Fleming loves them, they have an
innocent way to put a man defensive
Oh Robert you are...!
Impossible. What were you saying?
Would it be against Mr. Fleming
policy to tell one of the girls when...
...the next audition is, please?
Tomorrow at 9. Will you make it?
I think so
I guaranty you'll see Mr. Fleming
Very happy
Why don't you smile?
I'm smiling. Any more
Lucy Barnard feared eight victim of
'Poet killer'
Operator? Hello? Hello?
Hello Julian
They just gave me the drawings
I feel like Napoleon
after Waterloo
More like Romeo after
Juliet closed the window
Is the first time they hung up on me
in years
Take a look, now we'll have the
finest Night Club in London
The entrance is large as well as
the dance area
I think the entrance is too long,
we better take 6 feet off
A big entrance gives a
better impression...
Always keep the entrances crowded
Splendid. There is no manager in
London at your level
There is no partner like you in the
world to keep everything in order
You're appreciation is in order.
I just control the accounts
It's not that easy. You've to be a
magician to get profit with my ideas
Let's take a look at the pretty
girls in their dancing shoes
Go ahead girls!
Are you coming Julian?
The eighth victim of the poet
killer. Horrible!
Have you read this?
You're too sentimental
I'm sure she met a...
...professional that promised her
the riches of the Orient
You don't understand women
And, is that the last time you saw
Lucy Barnard?
Yes, the night she said she was
going away with some man
Her landlady told us she left all
her clothes and everything she owned
It wasn't much
The man she left with,
Did you know him?
No. All I know is that she met him
through the personal column,
And don't you remember what
the add said?
Yes, I have it right here
It was on her dressing table
Refined gentleman means friendship
with attractive young girl
Enclose photograph, intention
marriage BOX 477
Tell me Miss. Carpenter
What kind of a girl was...
...Miss. Barnard?
Just a nice kid. Not too smart
but not too dumb. The kind of girl...
...that falls over a smooth line
She believed no harm could get her...
...because she wore good luck charms
Some silly little white elephants
Did you say elephants?
Around her wrist on a bracelet?
How did you know?
A girl by the name Arlette
disappeared about a year ago
Yes, a few days before she
disappeared we received this poem
'Smile your last sweet fragile smile
Arlette, but when the roses fade...
...the north wind whispers
are you ready yet?'
This one we received last December
'Move quickly to rendezvous... loving Louis. But,
what if the gate is locked?
Your lover has the key'
The very next day her parents notified...
...notified us that she had
disappeared that night
Nobody knew anything else about her
Last week we...
...received this
'Elephants encircle her... '
I'm afraid you'll never see your
friend again
Thank you Gordons
Miss Carpenter
Would you like to help us?
There's nothing I wouldn't have done
How long have you been working
in that Club?
3 months
What did you do before?
I came from New York to do a show
Before the fourth night I was broke
Stand up
Would you mind raising your skirt?
How is that?
Very nice, my compliments
I'm sorry but I had to
I don't get it
You will. Can you cook?
Kind of
Shorthand, type writing?
Enough to make me realize that I
better stick to Show Business
Do you do house work?
No, if I can help it
Could you dress a wound?
A bullet wound perhaps? Well, I
don't faint easily
Close your eyes
Now it comes
How large is this office?
About 12 by 16
Where is the coat rack?
Between the door and the window
What colour are the walls?
Dirty beige
We don't spend the tax payer money
in laundry
Describe me frankly, please
Well, you're kind of greyish, heavy
set, 6 feet tall, and you probably
have stomach trouble
You have a ring on your left little...
finger, a watch chain with
a gold pendant
And you try to be hard but you're
really a softy
Quite. Very impressing
Did I get the job?
So, you know what I've been
aiming at
A female detective? Isn't that what
you're been testing me for?
Exactly. Our police woman are
very clever but the poet...
...we're looking for only goes after
young beautiful girls
I'm to be the bait
In our trap. The criminal will follow
you and we'll snap a shot.
You'll answer every add in the
personal column for young girls
We'll write your replies but you'll
keep the appointments
Miss Carpenter there will be danger,
great danger. Are you afraid?
No, not yet
You'll be well guided but if you
rather not
I'll help, of course
Thank you Miss Carpenter
What about this one?
One of the force's ladies is
assigned to that, sir
Did you answer this one?
I hand wrote it in
personal stationary
These are for you. Check them in
pencil. Report me regularly
Yes, sir. What if I get in a
jam, sir?
We have a man responsible for you
but don't try to identify him
This is in case you need
more support
I hope I don't shoot myself
You won't, you're on the force now
Yes sir
Good luck Sandra
Thank you sir
Nice girl
'Are you young, chic shapely and no
prude? Easy money. Room 308'
Sorry Miss but the position has
been, adequately filled
More than adequately if
you asked me
Precisely. Good day Miss
'Bird lover wants long walks in
country with pretty young lady...
...and soul partner
At four. Third bench from
...south entrance, Rotten Row
Hyde Park
Are you the bird lover?
Don't tell me you want a soul mate?
No, is my big brother, he's very
nice, he'd have liked you
He was called from his regiment
He asked me to bring this
I hope you're not very disappointed
No, thank you very much. And tell
your brother that I send him luck
Thank you and good afternoon
Good afternoon
'Famous artist seeks beautiful
model. Meet me at 9 a few steps...
...north of the White Swan,
under triple light lamp post'
I beg your pardon young lady
Are you waiting for someone?
Yes, I have a date
So, it's you who wrote me
I'm Charles Van Rutten
Oh, you are!
You need a model, right?
How did you begin your letter?
My letter?
Dear Sir. I hope to be the...
...first to answer...
And the ending?
I'm very anxious to meet
and start work
Could it be? Will you give me
the job?
You have no family?
Family? No
Tonight you can make a pound
Why did you answer so fast?
You know nothing about me yet
Well, I need the money,
Mister Van Rutten...
...I have an asset
All right, come
Are you afraid like all the others
Matilda! Matilda!
She's here. Come in, come in
We have no time to waste
Isn't she beautiful?
Van Rutten's figure
That's your dressing room
Madame will assist you
If you'll be kind enough to excuse
for a moment
...I must prepare myself
Who's that Van Rutten, anyway?
Mademoiselle, don't you know it?
He's the greatest designer of Berlin
Oh, a designer!
He made this dress 25 years ago
for a princess, Royal Highness Alicia
But it was nonsense, poor thing,
he's still living in those days
Why? What happened?
Mademoiselle, the princess never saw
the dress. The design was...
...stolen by competitors in Paris
That broke his heart
And his mind. He doesn't care for
anything since then
Are you ready Matilda?
- Ready mademoiselle?
Maintenant chery!
Beautiful my child, beautiful!
Turn around my dear
Lovely as a painting! Let's see
The house is very crowded. Dear lady
I've never seen such distinguished...
...public. Matilda, your Excellency
in person just came in
- Really?
- Orchestra, orchestra!
Not so loud, it bothers your ears
Piansimo, piansimo
Me, oui chery, piansimo
Better, better
Thanks, thanks for your applause
Please, please, you're embarrassing
me your kindness is overwhelming
Your highness...
You're telling me. Is he dangerous?
No if you humour his game
but don't upset him
I feel honoured by your presence
Tonight I'll delight you with my
last creation...
...exquisite and unique. Ladies and
gentlemen, this gown was designed Royal request, for our Royal
Highness, princess Alicia
our Highness had the honour to
wear it tonight
Your Excellency, I've never seen you
looking so well
Would you observe the delicacy of
this gown?
Turn my dear. Turn!
Thank you
Oh, gracious lady!
My poor captain
Your wife dragged you here
I presume
Madame, I would like to congratulate
you for that ingenious collar
That lace, that thin sleeve
Get closer, dear... that Mrs. Winston can see you
Pardon me
How do you like my new model?
I guess you know what happened to...
...the last one. It's true,
do you know?
You've ruined me!
- Je ne sais pas que tu fais!
Charles, open the door!
No, no, wait a minute sir
Van Rutten, please!
You, you are the spy!
No, no, take it easy!
Easy? You think it's easy to
steal my ideas, is that why you're... You worked for them
They want to destroy me!
You'll never leave this room alive
Just a moment sir, you got me wrong
I, I...
Who is that?
No, I don't know
Don't lie!
Well, is the man who send me here
Your competitor, Colvert
Yes, Corvert, that's who it was
Colvert, Colvert!
Help me get out of this
This time I'll kill you!
Take this!
Quick, to Scotland Yard!
Didn't you hear me?
What do you want? Let me out!
Let me out! Help me...!
Calm down lady. Let's go
That door doesn't open
Miss Carpenter
How do you know my name?
I know everything. You were a dancer
and now you work for the Police
My name is Barret, H. A. Barret
working in the force for 29 years
Why didn't you tell me before?
I wanted to make sure you could take
what happened
That man almost killed me!
Do you think I didn't see it all?
Didn't I show up when you needed me?
What happened to that
horrible man?
He landed right in my arms and now
he's with an officer at the corner
He's crazy!
Don't worry. Take a good rest and
you'll be ready for the next one
I hope you're right
But if you want to take care of
yourself Miss Carpenter... is your toy
Here is yours
Thank you
That's all right
What do you mean she's disappeared?
Like I told you. I went back to the
Palladium but she doesn't work there
Didn't you find out where she went?
I got the number of her flat but
her landlady told me she left...
...two days ago taking everything
Nobody knows where she is
Maybe the poet killer got the girl
She's one girl that can take care of
herself. She wanted a chance before
and now...
Are you coming? We shouldn't be late
Keep searching. Find that American
girl and bring her here in person
Are you on International
affairs now?
You didn't hear her voice. I want to
see the girl who belongs to
Now we come to article 9
- It will be very interesting to have in the Board of directors
- I like the idea. It's quite a...
...departure for an old banker
- Your investment is safe
The Club will be the best,
the most spectacular of all London
As I was saying, gentleman,
now we come to article 9, it's...
Oh, it's 9!
That reminds me. You'll have to
excuse me, I have an obligation
Good night Julian
Mr. Fleming, I'm not finished yet
Mr. Willes will ear you out,
he's in charge. Good night
Good night. Well, article 9
- I beg your pardon Sir Charles, the add
- Excuse me sir. Yes, Maxwell?
- It must be in before 11
- Aristocratic home offers unusual
opportunity for attractive woman...
18 Kenilworth Square
Send it Maxwell, will you?
I'm sorry, domestic crisis, we've
lost 3 girls in the last 6 months
...and all without notice.
It's a pain, please go on
- Yes, as I said now we come to
article 9
- For a young woman, attractive...
- More to the point, isn't Maxwell?
Turn around, very nice
I think you'll make a satisfactory
Maid? It says here, unusual
opportunity for woman without...
I'm sorry I'm not interested
Your add was in the personal column
not in jobs
How odd, there must have been an
error, you're not married?
You have no steady male friend?
No, not even an unsteady one
Perhaps this job may be routine
I would say it has interesting...
...possibilities for anyone like you
- The girls that were here before all...
...went to much better...
- Maria take care of your business
But she's right about the girls
They're all done very well
I see. Well, if there is
really a chance for advances...
Would you like to see my references?
I'm not interested in references as
much as in character
I like your personality
I can see that sir...
Maxwell, Leo Maxwell. But in front
of the others you must call me sir
Yes sir
Maria, take her to her room
and inform her about her duties
Yes sir
What's new besides walking
with that lady dog?
The lady's butler has ideas
I don't blame him but
I would smash his nose
I don't mean that, he hasn't held
my hand yet but he picks at me
What's a six letter word meaning
ancient tyrant
I don't know but I have something
I should tell
To the chief? Let's go for it
Would you watch Cesar for me?
The things I do for the force
Cesar! That's it
Scotland Yard? Extension 5
Inspector Temple please,
...Sandra Carpenter calling in
Yes? Miss Carpenter?
Put her on. Yes, Miss Carpenter
I think I run into plenty of something
Three girls were here before me who
...left for parts unknown
Did you get their names?
I didn't want to ask questions
too fast
Hold on a minute. Send a man
to 18 Kelinwoth Square
Send a report
We'll get their names
The butler call himself Maxwell
Leo Maxwell
Check Leo Maxwell in the
files, now
He said the advertisement got on
the personal column by mistake
He lied. I have the original copy,
Play with Maxwell for a while and
take Monday night off
Where to?
To a concert. A man who sings
himself a 'Music lover' has
advertised for a beautiful woman
to share his ecstasy
I'll leave your ticket at the office
I'll send this letter along in case... need to identify yourself
Yes, Monday night
That means evening clothes inspector
That's what your expense is
accounted for my dear. Use it
I will. Yes sir
Leo Maxwell's file
Thank you. Leo Maxwell, alias...
...Martin Duval, Martin Welisshangt
Believed to be worn in Hamburg
A passport irregularity is noted
He's left The United Kingdom 4 times
since January 7th
Very interesting. Make a note for
inspector Barret. A concert...
...8,30, Monday night
white tie and tails
Franck Shubert. Symphony
number 8 in A minor
Unfinished, unfinished?
Ticket reserved for
'Music lover', please
Here it is Madam
Hello Julian
Since when you had become a
music enthusiast?
I thought I might find some talent
This is not a hunting ground, fellow
Do you have a seat reserved?
We'll seat together
That way you can slap me
when I'm supposed to applause
What do you have left?
- All I have left is a box
- L'll take them
Shubert is improving
Will be delighted to meet you at the
concert. Your ticket will be at... office. 'Music lover'
I think I need a drink
She's stoning, isn't she?
See you later
For you madam?
Champagne Cocktail
Make that two
And for you sir?
- Whisky with soda
You're alone, aren't you?
I would like to be
It's a fear
Fear of meeting the wrong people
Waiter, an aspirin tablet, please!
- Your aspirin sir
- Thank you
He must be short sighted or a fool
Waiter, how much please?
I'm not in a habit of letting...
Say that again. Talk to me, say
Is it customary for Mr. Fleming's...?
You remember too
I'm afraid memories sometimes
are hard to shake off
Why didn't you come to the audition?
I had Mr. Fleming sold on you...
...he had the stage all with
American flags...
And you didn't show up
I'll tell you why. I have a better
job with a future. Not your kind
Did you want to pay, sir?
Yes, for both
Thanks for the drink
I'm being paged, will you excuse me
Your change, sir
Who's that guy?
He's an art agent
What about 'Music lover'?
Obviously he didn't show up
Maybe he did, he saw you with that
guy and thought it was to risky
Take your coat. We'll force him to
contact you in a darker place
Besides, this music after all
is giving me a head ache
I want to stay to listen to
an orchestra I don't have to dance... for a change
What's a five letter word
meaning smaller
I don't know. I don't want to miss
the A minor of Shubert
A minor. Minor!
Madam, your car is waiting
My car?
Yes madam
This way madam
What's this?
The gentleman with whom you had the
appointment was unable to come
He asked me to take you
This way madam, please
This is one of Fleming and Willes
places, isn't it?
Yes madam, the best and
most splendid
Check me
I'll remember you
- Madam, I'll take you to your table
Mr. Secretary, you must have been
persistent to get where you are
I wanted you to see what you're
missing. Distinguished clientele, and vine for gourmets
devastating music
You're certainly going to a lot of
trouble making your contacts
Not for every contact. A drink could
improve our relationship
If you drink I'll join you
Pierre! A bottle of Mumm's, 37
Of course Mr. Fleming
Is there anything wrong?
My IQ must've been flying
Mr. Flemin's secretary, ah?
It wasn't my idea. You started it
I must say I rather enjoyed the job
while it lasted
I didn't have any future with it,
that's why I gave it up
You're not very talkative tonight
Should we drink a toast to your
friend who didn't show up?
Those X ray eyes of yours
don't miss a thing, do they?
Nothing that concerns me
How could it in this case?
Did it cross your mind I could be
the person you were waiting for?
Yes as a matter of fact, I have.
Did you send me that letter?
I could have
The result is the same
Why didn't you stay till the end if
you're a music lover
I had more important things
in my minds
Such us?
Like planning a night out with you
Do you like that song?
Yes, very much
Do you know what's called?
All for love
I never had it sound like
that before
You didn't write that letter
The technique is entirely different
You have your way, I have
mine. Would you like to dance or... that reserved for auditions?
I'd like to very much
I'll pass judgement this time
Dear, your heiress
- For as long as she can hold it
- Obviously it's just the beginning
- The old Fleming's pattern...'s always the same. He takes her
in his arms and they dance a few...
...steps in a beautiful, harmonious
silence, and...
...then he starts his charming
little speeches
Now he begins his campaign
to soften her a little
He tells her how exciting he is,
how fortunate he is and... beautiful her red hair is,
or dark or purple as the case may be
Don't say it, Mr. Fleming let me
guess, I'm sure it's been said before
Have them sing it again, please
I would be glad to
Mr. Fleming is ever so much nicer
than his secretary
Thanks for everything
May I?
Oh, Mr. Maxwell, come in
Sit down my dear, sit down
I'm sorry to disturb your afternoon
But there's something I wanted to
tell you
We've talked in advance, haven't we?
I've watched you closely and
you've done very well
Thank you
Now, this evening you'll meet a very
importantl friend of mine
Mr. Michel Moriani, he's coming here
If you make a good impression on him...
...your future is assured
What do you mean?
You haven't travelled much,
have you?
No, just from New York here
Never seen South America?
Never felt the warmth of its sun?
The happiness and colour!
Magnificent, the rolling pampas,
the towering picks...
The charm of the Cities and the
people, hospitable and rich
Oh don't kid me Mr. Maxwell
That's strictly for dreams
Mr. Moriani has it in his power to
provide many opportunities
I can see myself in a setting like
that but what would I do there?
Mr. Moriani has many properties, you
might start as you did here...
...the height you might reach is
Honestly, I would give notice
right now
The boat doesn't sail until
I'd love another boat trip!
What's the mane of it?
It's one of his boats
There's one thing I don't like about
it, though. - What?
Leaving this house here. My job with
you. L've been very happy
I would be sorry to see you go
You'll miss me, won't you?
Just a little
Very much
You know Mr. Maxwell?
I liked you from the start
I often thought that maybe...
...maybe some day I might join you
Wouldn't that be wonderful, both of
us sailing away on a ship Moriani
Doriatrix, Moriani's my friends name
He's a very fine fellow...'ll like him, Moriani. L'll
put in a good word for you
I'm sure you will
Sandra? This is Mr. Moriani
The gentleman I was telling you
I'm very happy to know you
Mr. Moriani, Mr. Maxwell was telling... that you work miracles
What's for dessert Max?
- Your favourite. Serve Mr Moriani...
...dessert now Sandra
- Eh! Take this
I'm sorry sir
Would you like your coffee now,
Mr. Moriani? -Later with Brandy
- L'm sorry Mr. Moriani
I should serve it over here
It's all right
I'm sorry sir
Sit down, I want to talk to you
What are you really looking for?
A better job, more money and
a little fun
Fun, I see
What any girl wants
It's really funny
- You're incorregible
Maxwell! Brandy, good brandy,
Sugar and cream Mr. Moriani?
No, black
Yes, sir
Is everything satisfactory
Mr. Moriani? -Sure Max. Send her away
Sandra, five glasses for Cognac
Would you mind Mr. Moriani?
Is Sir Charles
In the library
Yes, sir
Isn't she beautiful?
- Who is she?
- Nobody, nobody at all, just a
normal girl, pretty, smart
- She's too smart, I don't want her
in the deal. -But...
- What did you tell her?
- The usual thing
- What did you tell her?
- Nothing, nothing at all
- Did you tell her the name of
the boat?
You idiot!
Well that solves the problem. Have a
Brandy. - Thank you
That should do it
- Right
Have a brandy old boy
- Thank you
Brandy sir?
For Christ, what's wrong?
I'll be back in 5 minutes
I'm sorry Sir Charles
Don't escape, darling, not this time
I beg your pardon but I'm not
permitted to associate with the guests
What are you doing wearing that
idiotic costume?
Making a living sir, as a maid
uniform is required
A living? So this is the job with
a future?
If you please!
May I be of any service to you sir?
Is there anything that you want, sir
in the kitchen?
Yes, I've lost a button of my coat
and this young lady...
...was going to sew it on
I was going to find...
Do you have the button sir?
No, unfortunately not. Would you be
good enough to pick one for me?
Very well, a black one
Sandra, couldn't you get out for
a minute?
I'm on duty, sir
Sir, the lady is going to take care
of the button. -Sandra? Take him out
Excuse me, sir
Your button, sir
Your button
Thank you
Scotland Yard, please
Scotland Yard?
This is Sandra Carpenter calling
Mr. Barret please
Hello, Mr. Moriani!
- Hello!
You don't want to call anybody?
They're not in
It was lonesome walking around...
...I thought I'd find a friend of mine
Why didn't you ask me, we're friends
aren't we?
Maxwell told me how friendly you are
You're very interested in our plans
Of course, what girl wouldn't be?
South America must be wonderful
I really shouldn't stay out too long
Max won't mind as long as you're
with me
Incidentally, who were you calling?
A man?
Yes, it a very old friend of mine
Don't lie to me!
I'm not lying!
What are you up to?
Don't scream!
Nothing, nothing!
What did you tell him?
Robert, he's got a knife!
Robert, I was so frightened!
I'm so glad you came!
- So Am I
I was starting to think that you did
not appreciate my advantages
But I do, I do...
...but I couldn't
Oh darling, you know!
I couldn't get you out of my mind
Pardon me. I thought I heard
somebody screamed? What's this?
Well, you really knocked him down
Look do me a favour, will you?
- Anything you say
Report this case to the police
I'm going to take my girl home
Leave it to me
You take care of the young lady
By the way, who's our
sleeping Romeo?
I don't know I never saw him before
All of a sadden there he was
pushing me around.
- Well, it wasn't that bad
What do you mean?
Look what he did for me tonight
It's true, we're engaged. L'm going
to marry the man, isn't it wonderful?
Congratulations, we hope you are
extremely happy
Thank you, thank you
I hope you didn't revealed your
connexions with Scotland Yard?
No, thanks to Barret I didn't
have to. Did you get them all?
Yes, we did get the Doriatrix after
arresting Moriani and his accomplice
Gordon is investigating his
operations in South America
Sir Charles is very grateful for that
bit of house cleaning
He was quite shocked when he learned
that his downstairs was used for
...apprentices in crime
I can imagine. You'll let me know the
minute you have any news of Lucy?
Of course
Well, is my guardian angel going to
say good bye to me?
But when you leave I loose my wings
Incidentally, that man of your better
be good to you, that's all
If you ever need a friend
remember, H. A. Barret
I will
When is the wedding? You'll be
sending an invitation, I hope
Of course but before we're getting
an engagement party. Tuesday at 9?
I'll be there. Good bye my dear and
God bless you
Thanks inspector
You said they were a gang.
How did they get the girls?
Various ways such as the
personal column
They looked for young girls that
were attracted with promises and... They took them to another
country with all the expenses paid
And when they land they get the
Some of then go into the best
families as domestic service...
They told them what to do and they
did it. And if the rebelled or talked...
...they disappeared permanently
Thank Goodness the case is closed
- It's been the worse in my experience
I don't think this case is closed
Do you think a gang would deliberaly...
...warn Scotland Yard before each of
its victims disappeared?
Do you think they would write poems
copying the style of one of the most
...fantastic mad man that ever lived?
Does that make sense for a gang?
I'll think that we'll find many of
the girls that are missing but not...
...any of the girls connected to
our modern Bodelaire.
No gentlemen, we're not trough
But sir you let Miss Carpenter go
Well, she's gain it
She deserves to be happy
Charles take the parcels into
living room area
Hello Julian! My college and my
conscience before I met you
Hello Julian
Hello Sandra
Robert is a very lucky fellow
- Persistent
I can't wait to know how you
made her fall in love
Charming but rather expensive
Well, it seems incredible to be here
with this two famous business men
And for a long time too. Right Julian?
Beautiful, really beautiful
Well, aren't you coming in?
She's trying to picture how the room
will to look after she's rearrange it
I'm not, not until Wednesday. I feel
like I'm barging in on you two
No, no, I'm moving out to town
You're not leaving this house
My dear Sandra...
If our marriage is going to make your
best friend homeless the deal is off
Oh really?
Well' let's discuss that over with a
glass of Cherry
Miss. Miller, this is the future
lady of the house, Miss Carpenter
She'll be using the guest room until
Tuesday, before the reception. Would take these parcels upstairs?
My engagement party dress is in this
one, be nice when you hung it up
I'll be careful, miss
We should toast to the bride
Don't you think?
But I'm not a bride yet and
I'm very superstitious
Here's to Sandra
Gentlemen, I thank you
You don't mind kissing your husband's
partner from time to time, do you?
That depends on how many business
partners you have
Julian, go ahead!
Do I have the lady's permission?
That's all it's required. Now Sandra
I want to show you the house
An introduction to my new job?
Besides, I want to kiss you too
Damn it!
- Excuse me sir?
The chief was right
Well, Gordons?
It's come sir. Another poem
The loveliest one reveals the tiger's
lair knowing not what estrange love... locking in there. Wearing
simmering stars and silken cloth...
...of blue, the last's death with
who she'll have...
...her rendez-vous. L'm afraid
Gordons there's not much chance with
...this Bodelaire, either.
Wearing simmering stars...
It looks like you walked through
a shower of stars, doesn't it, miss?
That's how I feel. L'm having fun
with this cloud I'm travelling on
Mr. Fleming is a good man too, miss
Thank you miss Miller
Exquisite, beautiful. The stars of
the dress are only opposed to...
My eyes? Thank you Julian
Where is Robert?
He won't be long
Oh, he isn't ready yet?
Should we wait in his study? Not
everybody has this privileges
This is the one place he likes to
call his own
I guess this settles that old
question of who takes longer to dress
Robert's a very vain person my dear
and vanity takes time
Is that supposed to be news? Look at
all the encouragement he had
Robert my dear I anticipate loving
you for ever, your Margaret
That's where Margaret made her first
mistake. There it is another one
Don't take it down,
I wasn't complaining
You might if you read this one, I'm
sure Robert would hung me for...
...showing you
this special collection
I'll go to see why he's keeping you
Bad legs
Oh no!
Darling, people are arriving!
Is here anything wrong?
Tell me something
That I love you? Yes.
Did you doubt it?
Did you know her?
This on the eve of my wedding
with a house full of guest coming
No, am I supposed to know her?
I don't know
We'll postponed that on our agenda
We won't talk about that now
Did I tell you how beautiful you look?
I want to show you off. Come in
Pardon sir but Mr. Harold Temple has
arrived. Should I take him to the...
Would you ask him to come in here
please, he's a friend of mine
I'm so glad you could come
My fiance, Mr. Fleming
May I offer my felicitations to
you both
I wonder if I could have a word with
Sandra? We'll join you in a minute
Yes, of course
Where did you get that gown?
This? In Loraine's
Who was with you?
Robert and the chofer
What are you driving at?
The loveliest one reveals the tiger's
lair knowing not what estrange love... locking in there, wearing
simmering stars and...
It looks like I'm next, doesn't?
You're wrong, Robert didn't
send this
Is that what you hint?
I hinted nothing. I presented you a
fact, you're in danger. This poem...
What is it Sandra?
What is it? Have you
discovered something?
Fleming's desk?
But he has hundreds of pictures like
this, they don't mean anything!
And the bracelet?
I'm sorry you two. Darling,
everyone is here
Mr. Fleming, I'd like to ask you a
question. Where did you get this?
I? That's not mine
It was in your desk
Please tell him why
What if I knew, you could probably
buy those by hundreds in any shop
This belonged to one of eight girls
who disappeared from London
Why should that concern me?
This is the girl who wore it
She was a friend of mine
We've been trying to trace her
Please try to understand, I was
working with inspector Temple
So that's what brought you to me?
You certainly took me in
What made you decide to put her on
my trail. Did I look dangerous?
Darling, it wasn't that way!
She was only on the line of duty
I congratulate you on your skill
of making love in the line of duty
How else could you have caught me
right handed in my own trap
Oh Robert that's cruel
That's complimentary, I admire you
You've the evidence, the pictures,
...the bracelet, you've everything
except the eight girls
Mr. Fleming, I'm afraid I'm going
to have to ask you to come with me
Robert just tell us where the
bracelet came from
All right. I took it from the body
of a girl that I murder. Believe it?
No, no Robert!
Look angel, the show is over,
stop acting
Come on I'm sure you have more
than this to say
What do you expect me to say, you
found some pictures on my desk so
you consider me to be an abductor
of girls, a maniac hiding the bodies
Is this your typewriter? The machine
with which the poems were typed
I said that before
Do you use paper of this kind,
watermark Victoria?
My secretary buys the paper, I don't
know one kind from the other
The night of February the 3rd Louis
Remington disappeared. Can you tell...
us where you were that night? It was
Monday night. The hotel dinner bill...
...that night was singed at 8,37 pm,
you left the hotel...
Do you pretend me to remember a
night almost a year ago?
You'll be surprised what a man can
remember when it's important
I don't remember where I was on
August the 10th, on July the 20th or...
September the 4th. L've been going
out every night for years.
Precisely and very clever too. A man
who's seen out publicly night after
night doesn't have to remember where
he was, he's already established a...
...carte blanche alibi
for any night of the year
And what about the photograph of
Lucy Barnard, found in your desk?
Same as the other 50. I don't know
this girls, I may have seen them,
talked or even hired them. You might
find more pictures on my mail today
There're pictures of Lucy Barnard
Louis Remington, Arlette Torlinton
...y Sandra Carpenter. Each of them
answered an add asking for 'young
girl wanted' A photograph in every
case was attached to the letter
That's not my meted of meeting girls
No? These pictures were found in the
files of your office
My office?
Yes Mr. Fleming. Your office
You met Miss Sandra at the concert
through an advertisement...
That's absurd. I made that up
Did you lie to her?
It seems Mr. Fleming that you're
capable of lying
- Why did you go to the concert
that particular night?
I told you I was bored
But you told us earlier that you did
not go to concerts
But that's a different kind of
Indeed you knew Sandra Carpenter
would be there
How could I possibly had known?
You advertised on the personal
column as the music lover.
She answered that add
Her answer was in your files
I happened to see her at the concert
she was waiting for someone...
I was sitting right behind her
And sizing her up
She caught my eye, she's beautiful
I saw how a man sat next to her,
she showed him a note and he left
I saw the perfect opening
So you could carry on with your plans
I had no plans, it was a coincidence
Coincidence, is it a coincidence
that you own the same typewriter, is...
it a coincidence that certain keys
are out of alignment?
Is it also a coincidence that you use
Victoria paper? And of course it's a
coincidence the pictures of the
missing girls were in your possession...
They were found in your files
I don't know how they got there!
I don't know
Well then I suppose it's nothing but
coincidence that on the last poem we
received describing the dress Sandra
bought in your presence
your fingerprints were
clearly marked
That's my fingerprint?
Yes, Mr. Fleming, your fingerprint
and we anticipate finding more
such evidence
Well, nothing here either
all right, that's enough
Any luck?
No sir
Me neither!
Central calling inspector Barret
The chief says you can Bring the men
back, he's found something
All right
That's all men!
'Poet killer believed to be at Bay'
Yes, she was strangled before she
was put into the river
...not bruises, marks on throat
and the distinct decolouration...
- She's been in the water for at least
2 weeks, she was tied up to a rock
Thank you gentlemen, it must be the
missing persons bureau
Temple speaking, do you have any
pictures of the body? Did you check
the identification? And the name?
Thank you
We had better luck taking her out of
the river than digging in your guts,
Mr. Fleming take a close look at
this please, did you know her?
I think you did. Her name was Lucy
Barnard, does that help you?
No, I've never seen this girl
But inspector you don't think that...
Robert strangled that girl, and
drown her and possibly many others
I never said I did, I said that
everything thus far points to his guilt
You could establish his innocence if
you could prove where he was in
February 3rd, April 17th, May 1st
July 20th and August 10th
I can look in my records
We've already taken the liberty to
look in your records
There's no indication in your diary
as Mr. Fleming's nightly movements
However we know from it where
you were. Incidentally Mr Willes,
why did you go to the concert
that night?
I've been attending the concert
every Monday night for years
I see, and Fleming just happened to
go that night. And the of the evidence?
It could've been planned against
Robert, every bit of it
Including his fingerprints on
that poem that we've seen?
That proves nothing either. Read
that, now your fingerprint is on it
And yours, Mr. Willes?
I'm glad you admit that, it proves
my point. Someone could've tricked...
...Robert placing all those evidences
on his desk and in his files
Who for instance?
A number of people. Some jealous
woman, one of the many employees
his secretary, mine, one of the
servants, the chofer even I
I thought of that too Mr. Willes
We've questioned any number of
...posible suspects
Did you plan the evidence?
What do you think inspector?
I think Fleming could do better than
engaged you as his barrister
The simplest way for you to
establish Fleming's innocence is... establish someone else's guilt
Good night
Good night inspector
Miss Carpenter!
It's not useful Miss, he hasn't
changed his mind about seeing you
But he has to. I have to see him.
this is all wrong
Let me go in please!
Hold on Miss, he has another visit
in there anyway, one at a time
Who is in there?
Mr. Willes is
Have you been able to do anything?
I've got you the best counsel in
England, he'll surprise Temple
Mr. Temple, you'd be frightened
It's the evidence. How was he able...
to get it? All that evidence pointing
to me, taken from my files even my
...own home. All carefully labelled
with my name
Who would want this to happened to
me? L've spent an eternity here...
...trying to discover that but
I can't, Julian
You think I'm guilty too, don't you?
No, I don't Robert. And I don't think
the evidence against you is conclusive
Is that also the lawyer's opinion?
Well, not exactly. Listen Robert...
his opinion is that the evidence is
fundable but merely circumstantial
I could be hanged on
circumstantial evidence
You shouldn't talk like
you weren't thinking!
The experts call it circumstantial I
call it a rope around my head
Don't loose your confidence. He might
get you out with a life sentence
Life in prison
I rather confess and had the rope
Robert! Robert! Robert!
Robert let me talk...!
He despises me, Julian
I saw it on his face
He doesn't despise you Sandra. He
doesn't understand the circumstances,
is not you working against him
But I could make him understand
if he only let me talk to him
Perhaps I can persuade him to see you
He needs you badly of course
How extraordinary
Thank you for letting me know
Come in
- Inspector Temple
Good morning Mr. Willes
Are you free?
Of course, sit down
Thank you, I've been thinking about
our discussion the other day
You gave me a different view of
of the case
Really? In what way?
I came to the conclusion that you
were right. Robert is not guilty
Good, I'm glad you agree, I thought
you said the facts were undisputable
Too much so, too many of them
too perfect
Facts must have psychological
symmetry but in Fleming's case...
...they haven't so they fall apart
What do you mean by that inspector?
Let's take a Look at this fellow
Fleming, he's a healthy man, he lives
with the world. He's vain but what
man attractive to women isn't?
He has a temper, but who that has
imagination and flair doesn't
He has tremendous enthusiasm for
life and people and he's very honest
He envies no one. He's a great lover
of beauty and he doesn't make a big about that either, agreed?
Mr. Willes I've described the type
of man who doesn't commit murder
He doesn't have to kill in order to
win, our criminal does
I'm afraid I can't quite follow you...
I'll lead you. Our criminal is a man
who's afraid to meet women openly
...and in the presence of others
so he advertises
in the personal column, correct?
This man has no brilliant approach to
a social existence, he lives a hiding
life, finds compensation by indulging
himself with incredible fantasies
How could you know that?
By the poems, the imaginings of a
man with grotesque ideas of romance
A man who finds his pleasure in
destroying beauty rather than love it
To this way of thinking,
death is more beautiful than life
Unfortunately he's compelled to
express this thought
Come on inspector, that's a slim
reason for murder
Mr. Willes. That kind of
expression requires murder
I would never had suspected you had
such a remarkable insight
Mr. Willes, may I have your copy
of Bodelaire?
That's a very unusual request,
This is a very unusual case
There's a quotation I'd like to read
I don't think I have a copy here
Seguro que lo tiene
You're right as usual, inspector
Thank you, let's see
Let's see, here we are!
Listen to this. 'A shriving of death
and beauty dyes the sky in red blood
The sun gives up his breath Don't be
be afraid to die, for beauty is
...still more beautiful in death
The poems we received were written
in the same style, in fact our
criminal must had copied Bodelaire
Very odd
Did Mr. Fleming have access to
your books?
The door in our offices were
never locked
Bur Mr. Fleming hasn't the faintest
idea who Bodelaire is, he never reads
it gives him nothing he couldn't get
from a woman's smile
Do you follow my reasoning?
Yes, I believe I do
So we both know who the real
murder it is
You seem to be playing cat and
mouse game, inspector
Aren't you enjoining too?
Yes, I am so let's go on
I assume that you are hinting
that I might be the murder
Very well then, we'll assume that
I killed those 8 girls
The police had no clue, I was quite
safe, why did I send the last poem?
That Mr. Willes is the one poem
I couldn't understand
That's the critical point inspector,
the crack of your case
I couldn't understand until recently
why you incriminated Fleming...'s really simple, you're
in love with Sandra Carpenter
Yes I am
I confess inspector
But you'd have a superb case
theoretically of course
Incidentally it would be ridiculous
to try to prove it in a Court of Law
You'll make a great mistake if you
under estimate the Courts
I confess you make me feel possibly
I'd confess all this
if it wasn't for the fact I learned...
before you came into this room
What fact is that?
Don't you know?
Didn't you come from your office?
No. Where are you trying to go?
Not even half an hour ago
Robert Fleming confessed
Get me Scotland Yard
Extension 4
Temple here, what about Fleming?
Thank you
Mr. Willes I owe you the most
objective and profound apology
Good day
Give me Mr. Corney, It's Willes
Corney? Lt's Willes.
Can you get me a space to Lisbon?
No, no, tonight, I can't wait
until tomorrow
Flight 16 midnight. Thanks Corney
- Yes, Mr. Willer?
- Are you quite sure you order my cab?
Yes indeed, that must be it now
I couldn't bear to be alone, Julian
I can stay here, can't I Julian?
For just a little while
Of course
I have a cab waiting
You need to rest go upstairs and lie
down, you need to rest Sandra
No. I want to talk to you
I have to talk to someone
Robert won't let me go in and
inspector Temple won't listen to me
I thought there was hope, Robert had
no right to throw his life away!
He couldn't compromise on a life
in prison Sandra
Life with no beauty
That's why he chose death
Why should he die for a crime
he didn't commit
He confessed Sandra
He couldn't have done it. He's so
gentle with me. He's good Julian
A woman knows, she can tell by the
touch a man's hand a kiss
Don't think anymore Sandra
Lay down and rest
I'll dismiss the cab
Thank you Julian
But Julian, I thought you were
going to send the cab away
Oh no Sandra, not yet!
Not yet!
We should be needing it later
Why Julian?
Why should we need it
To make our way together
I didn't want to go alone
Well then let's go now
No. I wanted to talk to you alone
like this for a long time
Sit down
We'll be happy together for a
while here
And then we'll go away
I want you to see the river
in moonlight
You and me, there're so many things
I wanted to say to you but Robert
wouldn't let me say them, he hates me
Did you know that? He always hated
me for my thoughts because I'm
cleverer than he is, he couldn't
manage without me. That's why he
hated me. He always laughed at me
He thought he was going to have
you too, Sandra
Right Sandra?
But nobody can take my sweethearts
away from me
My beautiful Sandra
He can't have you now!
Barret help! Barret!
Barret, Barret!
Inspector, the door was locked
It's all right, the window
was just as good
Inspector. Congratulations
Your timing was perfect
I was on guard with everyone
but myself
- Open up!
Mr. Julian!
It's all right
Where is Mr. Willes going?
To prison madam
It seems we arrested the wrong man
But Mr. Fleming confessed
That was our idea. One confession
leads to another, at least that's what
...we tried, eh, Sandra?
Poor girl
Are you saying that Mr. Fleming is
coming home?
Yes, that is if Miss Carpenter
can persuade him to
Do you think I can?
Of course you can My dear
Yes Mr. Fleming?
A bottle of Mumm's, 37
And two glasses
Welcome home darling
welcome back
It was a rough trip
for both of us
It was a nightmare but let's not
talk about it ever again
Your wine sir
Darling from now on... will be all for love