Lyonnais, Les (A Gang Story) (2011) Movie Script

We all dream of the same things...
A nice quiet life...
A happy family, a house...
Friends you can count on...
I was lucky: I got all that.
And more...
Gerard Lanvin
Tcheky Karyo
Daniel Duval
Lionnel Astier
Olivier Marchal
Aged 20, I didn't know it,
but it's already too late.
Your fate is set.
I 'd neglected my dad's advice .
Being decent,
not talking a lot,
or straying from your path .
Except it doesn't work that way...
Your past's your flesh and blood.
And in the end it drags you down.
son of the living God,
we beg You to hear us out.
Most Holy Father,
without Your help
we're all sinners.
We pray You to make us,
of the heavenly
You made for us
since the Creation.
By this first sacrament,
that you receive today,
you enter the world
of the baptized.
The Lord rejoices,
and promises
to watch over you,
for your whole life.
May this child remain,
in our eyes and forever,
a gift from heaven,
and like the earthly love,
that beg at him,
to grow and grow.
Lilou's not here. How come?
She's fetching her kid at school.
She'll join us at your party.
You OK?
Remember, we're due at Momon's.
Why are you here?
I heard of your problems.
I don't need you, Dad.
Don't believe that crap.
Who's this man, Mom?
Your grandpa.
I got a safe place for you.
Police! Freeze!
Let go of him!
Gimme your wrists!
Let him go!
Get up!
You fuckers had to bust me here?
We're dumb cops, Serge.
We just obey.
Let's go!
Why act cute, Serge?
You'll die of old age
in jail, forgotten .
Unless Zerbib
gets you killed inside.
Your only hope is to snitch on him.
Rat on him, and he'll get life.
Forget it, Lt. I won't blab.
What do you think?
Momon'll bust his ass
to get you out?
Gypsies don't belong here!
And you stink. Beat it!
Your mom don't make you wash?
Rat faces don't have a mom!
I mean you, rat face!
Let him go, creeps!
I'm Serge Suttel. And you?
Momon won't lift a finger.
Code of honor, solidarity.
All that's over.
He's an old fart who drinks
and plays cards in his bar.
April 1964
He looked like my dad...
A crate of cherries! Pull up, Serge!
Grab the onions, too.
Want an onion?
You dumb-ass!
Who decided to steal the goods?
Wasn't theft, we were drunk.
Which of you two?
It was me.
They're juicy!
Size of your balls, eat some!
But I got two!
To you that's fine?
Taking what isn't yours.
Come on, eat 'em!
- Drive!
Whoever takes something not his,
is guilty of theft.
That's French law.
And French law applies to everyone.
Even those of your race.
We're not a race, we're a people.
You'll both go to jail for 6 months.
You'll have time to think it over.
For those cherries?
For those cherries, yes.
As you wish, Serge.
But think fast:
tomorrow's too late.
Once you're inside,
I can't help you.
Raise your arms!
Open your mouth!
Pants down!
Shorts too!
Turn around.
Serge worked for thugs
paid by Roland Zerbib.
As go-between
with his Spanish suppliers.
He crossed them,
and got on their hit list.
That's why he beat it back to Lyons.
Now they'll waste him like a dog.
With Zerbib's contacts in jails,
he's a goner.
So what do we do?
Hit the jailhouse with bazookas?
Serge made 2 mistakes:
crossing Zerbib and dealing dope.
He looked for trouble, and got it.
You're saying that?
Yes, I am.
Momon, he's our pal.
OK he goofed, but we gotta act.
We'll act.
We get him a top lawyer
and bribe the guards
to protect him round the clock.
There's guys out front.
- I'm coming.
I didn't want them
to miss the party.
But Serge won't be able to come.
Serge who?
On the run for 13 years.
It was 13 years outside.
How'd you find him?
Want the names
of the cops who nabbed him, too?
By screwing everyone,
he made enemies.
Got a message for him?
You playing mailman?
Who's he?
Brauner, the new Crime Squad boss.
We'll deal with that too.
You knew what your dad did?
No, Momon.
That's your scene, not mine.
The cops did that to you?
Was it Carlo?
A wife-beater isn't a man.
Say the word, I'll have
your hubby's hands cut off.
Come along.
You OK, kid?
He nice to you?
See, you're not scared any more.
He's a good doggie.
He's my best friend!
You're sad?
Wait, you got us.
Don't mess with other men's wives
on my turf, OK?
We're just talking, Momon.
Thanks for the dough.
Son, it's so the kid lives well,
and doesn't have
to do like Grandpa.
But I love his grandpa,
he's the only dad I wanted.
Go ask Mom to dance.
Think you'll wow me this way?
It worked the first time.
You smell good.
What's your name?
You like kids, Janou?
You want some?
Some day, maybe.
First I gotta find their dad.
You've found him.
I mean it.
I saw you and said, that's her.
You use that scam often?
- It's the first time.
I want you for life.
Those are just words.
My word's my bond.
Ask around.
What'll you do for Serge?
What he'd have done for me.
Nothing violent, Janou.
You have my word.
It'll all be legal.
You should go to bed.
It's late.
Hi, Momon.
Gimme a light.
Things OK, Tony?
They're in the back.
But I was tailed, dunno by who.
- I doubt it.
I'll handle it.
Momon, things OK?
- Yeah.
Lawyer says it's shitty.
Serge's headed for the Arles pen.
The good news is he'll be in solitary,
watched day and night.
With guards
to hold his cock when he pees.
The bad news is
he'll go nuts in no time at all.
When's he being moved?
No, Christo. We discarded that.
Cops can outgun us oldies.
And I promised Janou.
We can do it.
Who are you?
We did the Aix Casino heist.
We've teamed up.
They'll do it for you.
Well, Momon?
It's dumb.
If you don't have the balls,
we'll do it.
Speaking of balls, Carlo...
Mine are where they belong.
I don't use them
to beat up my woman.
Cut it out, Momon!
Leave him alone.
Stay out of it!
- That'll do!
You hit Lilou again,
I'll bury you alive!
Got that?
You got that?
That'll do, Momon.
Get me a rag.
When can we see your guys?
When you want.
- I want.
We're ready Sunday 28th.
Get moved to Emergency.
Our pal's leaving the house,
headed midtown.
He just passed us.
Headed for you, Chief.
I got him.
Entering Jaurs Ave.
I stick on his ass to Sablons.
Roger, 6.
Command to all.
They're coming out.
Let us do our job.
We'll advise you when he's due out.
Wait there.
Command to Biker,
he'll be driving by.
He still on our ass?
- Yeah.
What the fuck's all this?
What they up to?
Trying to shaft us.
Park your ass.
Can I go pee?
Your badge?
- We're cops, too.
Your badge!
Your gun! Get down!
Get down!
Shit, get down!
Hey! You two!
Fuck off! !
Hit the deck!
Your gun!
Let's split!
I wasn't there, Janou.
The cop who died
was a mother of two.
One's your grandson's age.
It was on TV all night.
I wasn't there.
I farmed out the job. Big mistake.
I did 30 months in jail for you.
Because I loved you.
Seemed normal.
Now I don't know what's normal.
It's doing what you have to,
whatever the risks.
Will that help me sleep?
If I hadn't acted,
I'd have been sleepless for life.
Thinking of Serge in the pen.
Fuck Serge!
I think of our kids.
Of our life before
he came back to screw it up.
You miss prison that much?
Cut it out, go to bed.
Hey, bro!
You OK?
Welcome back.
Your pal's better.
The doc fixed him up.
Here's your dough!
Now scram!
Out of my sight!
Where to? Every cop's after us.
I know a place for you, Carlo.
Where no one I'll find you.
You heard Momon?
Get lost!
What'll you tell Lilou?
That her troubles are over.
When youd get out?
- 3 weeks ago.
You doing fine?
I'm getting by.
What's your racket?
Break-ins, car thefts...
I got jobs for you.
Monday, be at the Caf Parisien.
Come, it's up to you.
Jean Dauger's gang are big time.
He's a top mobster.
But there's rules:
You into politics?
- No.
Not at all.
You should be.
If the lefties ever get elected,
guys like us with a record,
will be in camps like the Jews.
They wanna prevent that.
They're the S.A.C.
De Gaulle's secret guys.
They find us heists,
we do them, and we split the loot.
The dough finances
a party to fight lefties.
- Chavez.
Things OK, Raoul?
My gypsy pal:
Momon Vidal.
We were cellmates.
Berri, Cheveux,
Raoul, Riton.
Nick the Greek.
Let's go!
We'll be up against 4 cops
with machine guns and 5 guards.
We heard they expect a heist,
so it may get rough.
Doesn't scare me.
Me, neither.
If there's loot to grab, I'm in.
And you, Greek boy?
I'm so strapped,
I'm hustling old biddies
at tea dances.
Count me in.
I'll do like Chavez.
In my view, a good stick-up
is like an army assault.
Back up car:
have one,
in case the first breaks down.
With a set of license plates
for each county you cross.
Return route:
after each job,
take the longest way home.
If it's 300 miles, make it 1000.
Take back roads,
avoid interstate highways,
and towns with State cops.
It's how you dodge roadblocks.
Means casing roads, fatigue.
But a 20-hour drive
beats 20 years in the pen.
Put down your gun!
Hands on your head.
I got it.
Look down!
Tax Collection Center, Dec 30, 1970
Don't move!
Evreux Post Office, April 13, 1971
I spoke to Chavez.
He'll take you on.
I won't work with De Gaulle's thugs.
I thought Chavez was big time.
Yeah, but the others
stink of death.
We line our pockets
for 6 months, then split.
They'll teach me the craft.
Then I'll set up my own gang.
It'll just be us.
Went OK?
No cops on the road?
Come along.
Quite a load of booze!
- Why not!
So it's an all-guy fiesta!
The chicks'll be right up.
Raoul's bro.
Hey, kid.
Relax, kid.
Wanna see hoods? You got 'em.
Sit down, it's happy time.
Chavez, why'd you do that?
I hear you work with jokers.
And flash your dough.
So people wonder where it came from.
Your kid bro brags
you hit the jackpot.
He's 17, he won't talk.
Too late.
- I did nothing, sir.
Gonna shut your trap?
I'm gonna quit, Joan.
Quit what?
I'm through with stickups.
I want my dough,
then I raise my kid.
What's this shit?
You're not made for baby bottles.
You'll be bored shitless.
Your chick feed you that crap?
One last job,
then you do what you want.
Got a problem?
Momon wants to quit.
I heard you set up your own gang.
And plan to cross us.
True or bullshit?
Don't buttfuck me, gypsy.
Keep doing what you're told.
You only quit when I say so.
When do I get my 200 grand?
When I can pay you, kid.
I'm not your kid.
I did big jobs.
Gimme my dough and we're quits.
Get down, Janou!
You OK?
We gotta stand up to them.
Or the fuckers won't stop.
You got too much on them.
They tried to waste
your wife and kid. They're pigs.
They're in with the politicos
and local cops.
If we do one in,
cops'll be on our ass.
We already got 'em on our ass.
It's better than being
dumped in a hole, eaten by worms.
So what do we do?
On your knees!
You're being dumb, Momon.
We got big backers.
They'll come after you.
France is at stake here.
Your whole family'll pay, mofo!
Dammit, Momon!
I taught you everything!
You won't be big man.
Just a turd.
You screwed me.
Wasn't my doing!
We'll start a new gang.
We'll be rolling in dough.
You can have all I got.
Even my chateau.
Screw your chateau!
Dirty fucker!
I've set up a bed and food up there.
Your friend must be gone in a week.
Thanks, Father.
How's Janou?
And your kids?
Stan just had a son.
How many times you a grandpa?
Hats off!
Dunno how you do it.
I grow older.
And you, Danny?
Still count your hair
in the mirror?
In the slammer,
you wore a hairnet to save 'em.
Remember that jerk?
Even in jail, he was vain.
It was implants or a shorter dick:
I shortened my dick.
All the chicks complained.
Thanks for what you did, guys.
I didn't want to die in jail.
What's all this with Zerbib?
Forget that fucker. It's my problem.
when goons tail me
and threaten me, it's mine too.
I owe him some dough.
How much?
A lot.
- What's a lot?
A lot I said.
if you screwed Zerbib, tell us.
I screwed nobody, Momon!
How long you known me?
I owe that creep money.
I can't pay it back.
Maybe we can help, right?
If you wanna help me,
hide Lilou and her kid
in a safe spot.
and you're grim.
To the Lyons Gang!
To the Lyons Gang!
Here they come.
Hands up!
Throw out your guns!
Move it!
Pull up!
Open the trunk. Move!
"Who's behind the Lyons gang?
"After their holdups
all over France,
"a new record:
the Mulhouse post office!
"Over a million, in small bills."
Shit, guys! We're stars!
To the Lyons Gang!
I'm a farm boy, dummies.
Don't talk crap, Serge.
"The Farm boy Gang strikes again."
That's no headline!
Shut up and eat your sausage.
Here, Serge.
When's the next stickup?
Maybe Burgundy.
There's dough to grab.
Then we slow down.
Cops are moving in.
Wanna quit? I got a scam.
Dope deal in Spain.
Mucho moolah, less risk.
Sergio wants in on it.
Pays 10 times more.
It's like 10 heists on one run.
I want no part of that filth.
Give it.
Go check the horses.
They're yours?
Yours and mine.
Have fun.
Bedrooms are upstairs.
Christo'll do the shopping
and protect you.
You're safe here,
nobody knows the place.
For how long?
Time to settle things.
And Carlo?
He's not here?
Carlo's dead, Lilou.
Did my dad kill him?
Tell him not to come
and kiss us goodbye.
Carlo was my son's dad.
What do I tell Lucas?
That his dad was a pig
who deserved his death.
Tell him that.
You think that too?
I just care for you and the kid.
Why'd you do so much for Serge?
Because he's like a brother to me.
Serge, wake up!
There's cops everywhere!
We won't make it!
- We always do!
We're screwed!
Don't shoot!
Let go, son of a bitch!
Don't move!
Gimme your wrists!
Don't move!
I got your whole gang!
Christo, Danny,
Pipo, Serge...
The Lyons gang's over.
- I don't follow you.
In 2 days, you'll be less cute.
And Georges Malakion, aka Shan,
you don't know him either?
Denying it all won't help you, pal.
We moved
when we had the goods on you.
We've been on your ass 2 years.
without our chicks,
staked out watching you get laid.
So we're edgy!
We invested in scrap metal.
Let's try another tack.
You like steaks, Momon?
You like steaks?
Yeah, I do.
Get in!
Remember it?
Historical lunch:
Bastiani and Momon Vidal.
In the middle that jerk Mangin
shitting in his pants.
I haven't forgotten a thing, Momon.
The greenhorn sitting right there
was me.
Fresh out of cop school.
Refill, please!
Know why I brought you here?
For the pleasure.
To get to know you.
As a rule, hoods
aren't my thing.
Their deeds, lives, big mouths,
don't grab me.
I prefer honest folks,
has to do with my background,
my principles.
But you're special.
Good father, good son, good husband,
good friend...
I gotta admit it,
moments like that
are rare in a cop's life.
I'll tell you a secret:
the guy I admired that day
wasn't Bastiani.
It was you.
I almost hoped you'd lam it.
You could've, I know that.
But you gave us your word.
Back then thugs had a word.
They didn't mow down cops
in hospital waiting-rooms.
Without the stickups,
you'd have made a fine son-in-law.
You got no proof.
I got a map from a hangar
one of your pals led us to.
With the routes
of all your latest heists.
We also found also guns and loot.
Enough to put you away for 20 years.
Our guys don't rat.
There's nothing to rat about.
One can be wrong about pals.
Even you.
You didn't bust out Suttel,
but you knew about it.
I just hope you weren't
in charge of that mess.
I've been in charge of nothing
for 25 years.
All top cops know that.
A sleeping thug is a thug, Momon.
As one ages,
wake-up calls get harder.
Specially in a jail cell.
I won't let up.
Till you deliver your pal.
You'll lose everything:
your wife, home, kids,
your kids' kids.
It's more than you can take.
Listen to this, Lt.
If that ever happens,
I'll be just as rough.
This time it's on me.
Why's the Greek not here?
- Shut your trap!
Stop, you fucker!
Let go of me!
Say he's the boss
and we'll stop.
Go eat your mom's ass!
Gypsies are all scumbags.
I'm Armenian!
Stop, you fucker!
Champagne all around!
It's Suttel's treat!
We grabbed 100,000!
That (mofo)mother fucker...
That (mofo)mother
fucker wasted my buddy Carlo!
Champagne, dammit!
It's Yasmine.
There's a loudmouth
saying he helped bust out Suttel.
He's armed and flashing dough.
No, no!
The dog was a warning.
Next time
we impale your wife, fucker.
Who are you, what do you want?
Suttel's address.
Then we quit bugging you.
Cuntface, there's 2 possibilities:
you don't know who I am
to talk like that,
or you got the wrong number.
Pray it's the latter.
Tonight I'll be gone, Momon.
Why all the cops?
They fear a jailbreak.
Once you're my wife,
they can't bust you.
No collusion between spouses.
Tell us where Suttel's hiding
and we'll leave.
We asked your pal Diego,
but he wouldn't talk.
We know you know.
Want your balls sewn in your mouth?
I was just on his bust out.
Dunno where he is, I swear.
I swear!
No! Stop!
I'm listening.
I dick his daughter now and then.
I know where she's hiding.
Lilou and the kid
are on Christo's farm.
They're fine.
She said don't come visit.
She's pissed off about Carlo.
You had to kill him,
or was there more?
You're a pain, like a cop.
What you getting at?
Just trying to understand.
There's nothing to understand.
Zerbib is small potatoes.
Someone bigger's
pulling the strings.
Who else did you shaft?
Serge, I gotta know.
They killed my dog,
threatened my family.
To hit back, I gotta know 'em.
Soon I'll be gone.
You can relax again.
Don't worry.
Go to your bedroom.
I'll be up in 5 minutes.
Night, fella.
- Night, Christo.
What'll happen to my dad?
You don't need to know.
And if the cops haul you in?
We'll do as we always did.
Clam up, get beaten.
Get beaten or snitch, that it?
That's it.
Quick, hurry!
Get in there. Don't move, OK?
Age slows one's reflexes, Christo.
I still got enough juice...
to ream your mom's ass, shithead!
Lucas, don't worry!
Don't worry.
Put on the Greek.
Dirty fuckers!
The fuckers!
Don't stay there.
Sorry son, you're all I had.
We'll take care of him.
Your mom OK?
She'd lost the habit.
So had I.
I know where to find Zerbib.
A life for a life.
You know the rule.
Go fuck yourselves.
Stop it, Serge.
We know your address, don't forget.
You get your papers and dough
in 2 days. Then we're quits.
Who you calling?
It's me.
The kid spoke to me.
He heard one guy phone the Greek.
To the Lyons gang!
The Lyons gang!
Why no Greek?
We're stars!
You a real or a fake Gypsy?
Reassure me.
Is it true
what they say about Greeks?
He got you there!
He's good, real good!
What's it now?
May I?
I hope it wasn't used
to kill Zerbib.
Our Grenoble office filled me in.
They got a witness.
His broad was in the pool
when her guy got wasted.
She said it was 2 guys in their 50s,
but the description was vague.
You nip down to Grenoble last night?
No sugar.
Well, Momon...
We gotta go to my office
for questioning.
Shower and pack a small bag:
it may be a bit long.
Gimme 2 days, Brauner.
Then I'll meet you where you want.
You got my word.
It's 8:54.
In 2 days at my office, same time.
A minute late's an extra year
in jail, OK?
...As for Momon Vidal,
said to be
the boss
of this bunch of blackguards,
he's not a mobster,
he has no blood on his hands.
He doesn't deserve the life sentence
wanted by the Prosecution.
He was unjustly sent to jail aged 18
for stealing a crate of cherries.
You asked for 5 years
for Jeanne Vidal,
claiming it was "lenient". In fact,
she was only her husband's wife.
Even if she'd known what he did,
she couldn't have turned him in.
Don't split up this couple.
Jeanne deserves
to be freed tonight.
As for Edmond Vidal,
I ask you for a...
fair sentence.
One that leaves him hope.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Court will retire.
It resumes
after the deliberations.
We didn't spill enough about the SAC
and the politicos.
"Politics", they say,
"looks like a turd,
but should stink less."
Let all that shit lie.
And if I get life?
- You won't, trust me.
You'll have to do a bit of time.
That's how it is.
Not for your stickups:
for your insolence.
You ridiculed them for over 4 years.
Even without evidence,
they'll make you pay.
Because the Greek squealed!
We're not sure it was him.
You only know what the cops said.
Then why isn't he here with us?
How many years has it been?
I forget.
I know you're mad at me.
You're wrong.
I never squealed.
When I tried to warn you
it was too late,
cops had nabbed Dany and Christo,
surrounded the camp.
Why'd you never contact me?
What for?
You had Christo and Serge's daughter
killed, why?
Your buddy buttfucked me.
When I sit on something hard,
I think of him.
If you hadn't been so dumb
as to bust him out of jail,
Christo and Lilou'd be alive.
I'd still be in business
with Zerbib,
and you'd be in tight
with your wife.
It was too simple for you.
You had to flash
your big gypsy balls.
On behalf of holy male friendship.
All for a shit,
who doesn't deserve
a pauper's grave.
Why do all that for that prick?
As you said: holy male friendship.
to be my go-between
with the Grenoble boys,
and he screwed me!
Did he ever screw me!
Nobody screws me, Momon!
I can't let him get away with it.
And that's not on!
You came for nothing, Edmond.
Until you give me
that bastard Suttel's hideout,
I'll keep looking for it...
Even if it harms your near and dear.
is 95% pure.
Gives you a hard-on
like a 20-year old.
A man with a hard dick
is a dangerous man.
Your Greek pal
got rubbed out in Spain.
We got a fax this morning.
He wasn't my pal.
The Greek and Christo dead:
not much of the Lyons gang left.
Just Suttel, Danny and you.
Want a coffee?
Here, read it.
What's this ass-paper?
Your pal Serge's statement.
He was the squealer.
We never told you:
we cut a deal with him.
He informed us from jail
of the heists being set up.
When he got out,
we "forgave" his dope deals.
Until he screwed us
and killed 2 guards
in an armored-van stickup.
Serge isn't a rat,
I don't believe you.
You saw the interrogations? No.
I did.
The cops were so rough,
one committed suicide later.
Never got over it.
Anyone would have ratted.
For the Greek,
we'll tell the Spaniards
Zerbib's gang did it.
We'll call it mob revenge.
For the rest, it's give and take.
Give me your pal's hideout,
and you're free.
With a clean slate,
Janou'll take you back,
and you go home with her.
None of us rat:
there's nothing to rat about.
One can be wrong
about one's friends. Even you.
The Court sentences Edmond Vidal
to 10 years imprisonment.
Jean-Pierre Vadeboeuf, aka Christo,
to 10 years imprisonment,
Danny Devedjian to 7 years,
Serge Suttel
to 5 years' imprisonment,
Jeanne Santoro, Vidal's wife,
to 5 years, with 2 suspended.
You OK?
Got my papers?
Passport, driver's license,
credit cards.
How's Lucas?
Don't worry. He's in good hands.
There's one bullet in the mag.
Make good use of it.
What does that mean?
You've been a rat for 35 years.
Try to end up
like the hood you once were.
Edmond Vidal is now 66.
He still lives in Lyons with Janou,
They have 3 kids
and 8 grandchildren.