Lyvia's House (2023) Movie Script

(tense music)
(crows cawing)
(eerie music)
(thunder rumbling)
(creepy laughing)
(trees rustling)
(eerie vocalizing)
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(shovel scraping)
(Ed sighs and grunts)
(dirt pattering)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
(ladder rattling)
(shovel scraping)
(tense music continues)
- [Woman] Hi!
(door creaking)
(upbeat rock music)
- [Women] Hey, Ed!
[Ed] Hey, ladies.
[newspaper rustles]
[Bartender] Oh, for fucksssake.
(bottle tapping)
[Ed] How are the boys?
- [Woman] Good. They're fine.
(door creaks and bangs)
(bottle clinking)
- Morning, Ed.
- [Ed] Mmm.
- Cutting early today?
- [Ed] Nah, just taking a break.
(upbeat rock music continues)
- [Bartender] You hear about
the fire on the Davis Ranch?
- [Ed] Yeah, it's a damn shame.
(pool balls clacking)
(shovel tapping)
- (worker in grave sobbing)
(mosquitoes buzz around Ed]
(worker gasps and whimpers)
(Ed inhales and exhales)
(screams continue)
(eerie vocalizing)
(crickets chirping)
(fire crackling)
(wind howling)
(muffled dance music)
(crowd chattering)
(haunting singing)
- [Young Helen] Hey, Tee.
- [Young Tara] Yeah, Helen?
(singing continues)
- [Young Helen] When you grow
up, are you gonna get married?
- [Young Tara] Not me.
- [Young Helen] How come?
- [Young Tara] I wanna
travel the world.
(crowd claps and cheers)
- Woo!
- Woo!
- Woo!
- Woo!
- Yeah!
- [Heckler 1] Not you,
anyone but you!
- And this next number goes out
to the most beautiful
girl in this room.
The princess of Lake Las Vegas,
(Johnny sings "Blues My
Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me)
- Oh my God. (chuckles)
- This can't be good. (chuckles)
- Tell me about it.
- [Heckler 1] Learn a
modern song, man!
- Are you really leaving
us for this guy, Tee?
- I know, it's crazy, but I am.
(Tara chuckles)
[Heckler 1] Why d'you do
this to us every night?
- He's not bad. He
could make it.
- Don't encourage him. He
makes way more as an architect.
- You shallow bitch.
(Tara laughing)
- That's me.
[Heckler 2] Wait-he doesn't
even know the lyrics?
Oh, the
blues...(drunken mumbling)
- Oh, by the way, I got
you something.
- You did not have to do this.
- Oh, shush.
- It's so cute. Thank you!
- [Johnny] Come here.
(Tara laughing)
Come here.
(eerie music, fly buzzing)
(birds chirping)
(water sloshing)
- I just don't get it.
It's just so far.
What are you gonna do up there?
What about your job?
- [Tara] I didn't give it up.
Robert's fine with me
working remotely.
- But you said you loved
the Chronicle offices
and living on the lake.
- [Tara] I do, Mom, but I
love Johnny too.
- I'm happy for you, sweetie,
But it's only been a few
months. I haven't even met him.
And now he's making you
move so far away.
- [Tara] Seriously? He
didn't make me.
Look, I gotta go.
- Tara, wait!
(armoire door snaps open)
(eerie sounds as photo
comes into view)
(Paula sighs)
- [Tara] I love my mother, but-
("Razor Amps" playing)
Holy shit! Those are cows!
(both laughing)
- Yeah. Those are cows.
- [Tara] Cool!
(tractor rumbling)
(bees buzzing)
(soft vocalizing)
(soothing music)
(truck engine rumbling)
(door clicks)
(door slams)
- What do you think?
- It's adorable.
(both chuckle)
- You don't think
it's too small?
- Nah. Everybody's going
tiny house nowadays, right?
- Yeah. Economical.
(chickens clucking)
- Mm-hmm.
(Johnny snickers)
- [Tara] What?
- [Johnny] You should see
your face right now, babe.
- What do you mean?
- [Johnny] This isn't our house.
- [Tara] Then whose house is it,
you dick?
- How am I supposed to know?
There's tons of these up here.
Rentals for farm workers mostly.
(dog panting)
- [Tara] Well, I still
think it's cute.
- Ah, sure you do.
But if you like this, wait
till you see our real house.
(Tara gasps and chuckles)
Let's go check it out.
(dog pants)
Oh, hi pal. How's it going?
- Hey, bud.
- You're a handsome dog.
- Johnny, Johnny.
- Who do you belong to?
(tense music continues)
Beautiful dog. Friendly too.
What's his name?
(Georgie breathing uneasily)
(eerie harmonizing)
- Babe, you said you were
gonna show me the house?
- Yeah. (chuckles)
(keys jangle)
(a rooster crows)
(engine starts)
(door bangs)
(tense music)
(tense music escalates)
(distorted voices,
party laughter)
(Four knocks on wall)
(voices change horribly,
(four knocks on wall again,
(engine rumbling)
- No way! This cannot
be our house.
- Let's go inside.
(keys jangling)
(door creaks open)
(gentle music)
(door squeaks and clicks shut)
(Tara gasps with delight)
(both laugh)
- Huh. Oh.
- So, ah, I had a
landline installed,
but there seems to be a
problem with connectivity.
- Connectivity?
- Yeah, I'm gonna sort it out.
I just didn't want you
to be surprised.
The problem is the
trees out in the orchard
are interfering with
the cell towers.
So there's no regular
wifi service.
- But babe, I need
internet for work.
- I know. I've already
researched satellite.
It should only take a
few days to get set up.
- All right. That'll work.
My article's not due
till next week anyway.
(mysterious music continues)
- [Johnny] That's the artist
this place belonged to,
Lyvia Ricci.
She painted everything
you see here herself.
- Wow.
She's beautiful.
Was she that young when
she lived here or...?
- Ah, yeah, it, it's a
recent painting.
She's pretty famous back
in Italy from what I heard.
Although when I met
her, she might have been
going through a tough time.
(Tara exhales)
We can take it down.
- Oh, no, it's fine.
It was her house. Let's
leave it up for a little bit.
(mysterious music continues)
(birds chirping)
These are like the
trees out back.
- (inhales) Walnut trees.
(walnuts cracking)
(Johnny chewing)
(music continues)
- [Tara] Did she make this too?
- (chews) I dunno. (chuckles)
- "Con tutto il mio amore,
Huh. I guess she did.
- Here. Can I show you
something else?
So this is like a, a fresco
that they found in some
ancient villa in Rome.
It belonged to an
empress, also named Livia.
I, I forget all the details,
but she told me that...
Lyvia, the, the artist, I mean.
- Johnny, uh-huh, this
house, it's incredible.
But I can't help but wonder...
(walnut clatters)
- Ah, how I can afford it all?
- Yeah. (chuckles)
- Truth is,
I, I sort of lucked out.
I was up here when
she gets a call,
says she's gotta go
back to Italy.
She said she wants, needs to
sell it. Furniture and all.
I think she was in
over her head.
(soft dramatic music)
- Oh. That's sad for her.
How come you were here?
(Tara chuckles)
- I was hired to do
the side courtyard.
And then she says she
couldn't pay me.
- Wow. Pretty flaky.
- Yeah, no kidding.
- When was all this?
- Ah, about two months ago.
- Well. I knew you were the
boy wonder of architects,
but I didn't know you were
also a baron landowner.
- Yes, that's me. (chuckles)
No, but in all seriousness,
it couldn't have come at
a better time,
with the job lined up
in Sacramento,
and...I mean, look at the place.
I mean, look at that.
(shade clatters)
(birds chirping)
(Johnny exhales)
It's so beautiful out here.
And you know, if we can't
afford the mortgage-
at least we'll have walnuts.
- At least we'll have walnuts?
(both chuckle)
I knew you were gonna say that.
You know how I knew?
'Cause you're a dork.
- Mm.
- That was a dorky thing
to say.
But, I love this house.
And I would've stayed
up here with you
in the tiny house anyway.
- Would you have?
- Of course.
(Johnny chuckles)
(Tara whispers) Hey,
I got an idea.
- Oh, yeah? What's that?
- Why don't we
christen this house?
(they kiss)
(soft melodic music)
(waterbed sloshing)
(birds chirping madly)
(tense music)
(chorus vocalizes)
(freezer motor hums)
(crickets chirping)
(chorus vocalizes)
(tense music)
(tense music escalates)
(rat squeaking)
Oh my God!
- What?
- It's a rat! There's a rat,
- There's a rat on the bed!
(Johnny falls, stumbles)
- It licked my face!
- Ew.
- Go find it for me!
Can't just leave it! Please!
- You want me
to go find it?
- Yes. Please! Help me!
- Okay, okay. Calm down, baby.
I'll...I'll go find the rat.
- Wait. Put these on.
- Why?
- What if it bites you?
You're gonna get rabies.
- Jesus.
(pants rustling)
(footsteps shuffling,
Johnny swearing)
- Anything?
- Nothing yet.
- (scoffs) No wonder she
sold this place so cheap,
it's infested with rats! (huffs)
(eerie music)
(distorted whispering)
(footsteps shuffling)
- [Johnny] No sign of any rats.
I checked everywhere.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.
- But I saw it, Johnny.
I felt it.
- Babe, you dreamt it.
You had a nightmare, that's all.
- No. It was real.
- It's, it's probably
the new house
or the new sleeping
Maybe that fight with your mom.
Aw, hey. Listen to me.
I've had dreams like that too.
I know. I know it seemed real.
Let's try and get some sleep,
- Okay.
(Johnny kisses)
- [Johnny] Let me know if
you need anything else.
(Johnny sighs)
- Love you.
- Love you.
(chorus vocalizing)
(raw rice cascading into bin)
(metal clanking)
(forklifts beeping)
(keyboard clattering)
- (scoffs) Dammit!
(outdoor construction noise)
(landline ringing)
(phone beeps)
Hi, Mom.
- You don't sound very
happy to hear from me.
- I gotta get this
article by tomorrow.
- (sighs) I've tried Messenger.
It just keeps ringing.
And your cell phone.
- Well, the cell service
out here sucks, remember?
And the wifi...satellite's
not gonna be up for a while.
[Paula] Well, that's ridiculous.
For heaven's sakes, it's
been more than a week.
- (sighs) I know.
Well, they keep saying
they're gonna come out here,
but we're in the middle
of the sticks, Mom.
So, if there's nothing else
can I get back to work now?
(keypad beeps, men
shout outside)
(Strange buzz sound)
[Voice] Paula.
[Tara] Mom?
- Th-There is something
else I need to tell...
I need to ask you, Tara.
(Tara sighs)
Did...did you leave
because of me?
- (strange sounds continue)
- Don't change the subject.
(shovel scraping)
[Voice] Paula!
- Was it my fault?
- Why do you feel like
you're at the root
of every decision that I make?
- Because it always
seems that I am.
- That's not true at all.
- You hardly know him.
- [Tara] That is not true.
(shovel patting)
[Tara]I do know Johnny.
I know the way that he
makes me feel.
He makes me feel like I matter.
- [Paula] Did you
think you didn't?
- Mom, haven't you ever done
something impulsive for love?
- Yeah, I have.
[Voice] Paula.
Guess what? It didn't end well.
- [Tara] Wouldn't have been
that guy in that photo I saw?
The one you freaked out over?
- Geez, Tara, you're
like a dog with a bone.
Am I not entitled to
any privacy?
- Yeah. Just like I'm entitled
to make my own decisions.
- Paula!
(ladder bangs)
(Paula gasps)
(workers shouting outside)
(ceramic pot clattering)
- Are you still there?
- [Tara] Hang on.
[Tara] One of the flower
pots fell over.
- Uh-oh. Raccoons, I bet.
That's just what you
need. No wifi and now-
- Mom, I have got a mess
to clean up now.
I've got things to do,
okay? I, I gotta go.
- Ah, t...tell Johnny to
get some traps.
- I will. I'll talk to
you later, okay?
- [Paula] Okay, I love you.
- Love you.
(phone beeps)
(chorus vocalizing)
(traveling music)
(box rustling)
- Honey, I want you to know how
much I appreciate you coming
and helping me with this today.
- Well, I did get
lunch out of it.
(both chuckle)
You're really going at
this clutter-clearing thing.
- Well, I'm determined.
I have all these titles
on my e-reader now.
- An e-reader? Pfft,
you tech geek.
- I know, right?
- Oh, Mom, look. I hadn't
seen this in forever
- When I gave it to you,
you said you loved it
and you weren't ever
gonna take it off.
- I do, I just...I
think I took it off
when I went on that road
trip with Helen last summer.
- Well, that would've
been the time to wear it,
I mean, I chose the halo design
for, oh, new beginnings
and strength.
You know, honey, just
don't ever forget,
I do love you and I want
you to live your life,
whether I'm good at
showing it or not, okay?
- I love you too.
I'll remember, don't worry.
- There.
Oh, can you grab me some
more packing tape
out of the desk, sweetie?
- Sure.
- I think it's on the left side.
(drawer scraping)
- Oh, on the left side...
(framed photo falls out)
- Yeah?
(tense music)
- Who's this?
- Where'd you find that?
Where did you find that?
Give it to...
- What's this, an old
boyfriend you're crushing on?
- Give it back! You...
Tch... snoop through my stuff!
(frame clattering)
Oh, here it is. I found it.
(tape tearing)
- You literally told me
to look for it.
(soft dramatic music continues)
(music changes)
(wind rustles)
(tense music builds)
(people laughing, calling out)
(water splashing)
- (gasps) Oh my gosh.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
- You got dirt on my shoes.
- Oh, sorry. I, oh...
(walking stick scraping)
(soft drum beats)
I'm Tara. I just moved here.
My boyfriend and I, we
live down the road.
You must love it here.
It's so peaceful.
Okay, um, I'll, I'll just go.
(suspenseful music)
- Coyotes.
- Okay.
(chorus vocalizing)
(crickets chirping)
(knife chopping)
I met the strangest
old dude today.
- Really? Where?
- Well, I went for a
walk by the river.
So pretty there.
There there were
people swimming.
There was a really cool
rope swing too.
- What happened? One of
'em bother you?
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
Nothing like that.
I...we just didn't
see each other
and kind of slammed
into one another.
- I got it.
- I don't know.
Just, bam.
Said I was sorry, but he
just kind of glared at me.
Handed me a walking stick,
said something about coyotes
and walked off.
- That is weird.
- Right?
(wine pouring)
I mean, I introduced myself,
tried to make conversation.
I told him we just moved here.
- Wait, wait, what now?
You gave him your name?
Why'd you do that if the
guy was a weirdo?
- I didn't know he was a weirdo
until I tried to talk to him.
- No, but you said he
glared at you.
- Well, yeah, but I-
- Tara, did you tell him
where we live?
- I just pointed in the
direction of our house.
I was just trying to
be friendly.
- Seriously, Tara? Did your mom
not give you the
rundown on this shit?
- (scoffs) I'm not a child,
- No, but you're, you're,
you're too trusting.
All right, you said the
guy was a weirdo and,
and now he knows where we live.
And your name.
- There are like 10 houses
in all of River Oaks, Johnny.
If he wanted to find me,
he would.
- Well, there's at least
20 houses here.
Come on, come on.
I'm just, I'm just
trying to keep you safe.
I didn't mean to upset you.
I'm sorry.
- Well, at least I got to
talk to someone besides you
and my mother for five minutes.
- (chuckles) Ouch.
(hand pats)
Thanks a lot, hon.
(crickets chirping)
- Well, there's been
nothing but mosquitoes,
over a week with no wifi.
Hardly any cell reception.
(toothbrush scratching)
- Yeah, I know, hon.
Been hearing about it every
day since we got here.
(Tara sighs)
(faucet running)
- (mumbles) Damn bed's
gonna make me seasick.
You've been hearing about it
'cause it's a big
problem for me.
- (spits) Yeah.
(Tara sighs)
(faucet running)
(tense music)
What do you want me to do, Tara?
I called them. You called them.
Besides, I've been swamped
at the new job site.
- Johnny, I know that
this project's
really important to you.
But what about my work?
I need to go online and I
need internet.
'cause my article's
gonna be due soon.
- I knew this was gonna happen.
[Tara] What?
(drawer thuds)
- I knew you wouldn't
like it here, Tara.
- That's not fair. That's
like emotional blackmail.
You didn't tell me I
was gonna be in a house
with no wifi and no
cell reception.
- Emotional blackmail, Tara?
Come on.
Where'd you get that? Some
Instagram meme?
- (scoffs) I wouldn't know.
Haven't been able to get on
Instagram in more than a week.
- Oka-aaay. I'll, ah,
I'll ask around.
See what people are
doing up here.
And tomorrow I will take
you to the post office.
- The post office?
- Yeah.
(waterbed sloshing)
They have...(laughs)
- Geez.
- We're getting rid
of this bed. (laughs)
They have a fax machine.
It's like a mile away.
We can send it in the
old-fashioned way, just this
What do you say?
- Yeah, that'll work.
But do you promise you'll
look into it for me?
- Yes, Tara. I promise.
- Okay. (kisses)
singing and sounds)
(vocalizing continues louder,
odd buzzing)
(fantastical music, singing)
(static crackling)
(fireplace crackling)
(Four knocks inside the wall)
(man pleads, in Greek,
four knocks repeat)
(woman shouts in Greek)
(four knocks repeat and repeat)
(creepy laughing)
(distorted yelling)
(Johnny wakes up, gasping)
(bed sloshes)
- Hey, you all right?
- (exhales) Yeah.
Just a nightmare.
It's okay. Just go
back to sleep.
- Okay.
(Tara murmurs)
(Johnny breathes uneasily)
(melody, "Escaping Time")
(birds chirping)
(plane engine revs)
(melody continues)
(Engine whirring fades)
- There you go.
Top page shows when it
was received,
in case you need a record.
- Perfect. Thank you so much.
I shouldn't have to
do this again.
- If I'm not being too nosy,
any reason you're not using
Dale Johnson for internet?
- [Johnny] We don't know
anything about that.
- Oh, Dale's a cousin of mine.
Lyvia's was one of the
houses he had hooked up.
It, it's all the trees,
is what it is.
Dale lives out there too,
and he set up his own.
Next thing we knew, all the
orchard folks were using him.
Can't help you with cell
reception, sorry to say.
Hey, but you know what?
Lyvia once told me that
if she, um, you know,
moved around the house,
big house that it is,
that, ah, sometimes she
could get enough bars
to make a call.
- We were thinking satellite.
I thought I saw a
dish on the roof.
- Mm. It'll take them forever
to give you an appointment.
- (chuckles) Yeah.
- Yeah.
- We, we noticed that.
- And then if
anything goes wrong,
it takes them forever to
come back out.
Just not enough of
us around here
for the big companies to
care about, hmm.
- We'd love this number.
- Great.
That'll make Dale's Day.
(door creaks and thuds)
Somebody loves me...
- Oh, hey.
How you doing, Georgie?
...Who can it be
- Tara, Johnny, this is
Georgie Smalls.
[Tara] Hi.
- Georgie, you remember Lyvia,
don't you?
I wish I knew
- The gal who like to paint?
Used to bake you cookies?
Doesn't care about
diamond rings
Silkens or satins or
fancy things
The daughter of
Rosie O'Grady
- Yep, well, Johnny and Tara
live in her old house now.
(suspenseful music)
Somebody loves me
I wish I knew.
- Hey, I, I know that song.
- Oh my gosh.
[Tara] He does, unfortunately.
Who can it be
- Nothing like your
boyfriend singing karaoke
to embarrass you in front
of your friends.
- Nah. No, no, no, no, no.
They loved it.
(Mary Ann chuckles)
(Johnny sings)
Somebody loves me
I wonder who
I wonder who can it be,
- Op. Sorry, buddy. I
didn't mean to scare you.
(Georgie gasps)
- [Mary Ann] Georgie?
(door creaks and slams)
Oh, dang it, ah, he left Liz's,
I, I mean, his mom's package.
(sighs) I'll take it
to her later.
Georgie doesn't mean any harm.
He just...sees the world
in his own way.
- [Johnny] Nah, he's good.
- Oh, let me get you
Dale's number.
- Okay, great.
- Of course, till it
gets back to you,
you could use the
wifi at the bar.
- The bar?
- Uh-huh.
Nicholas Tavern. It's just
two doors down.
Wifi's free for customers.
In fact, if you head
over there now,
you'll be right on time
for Mike to open.
- The bar opens at 9:00 AM?
(all chuckle)
What do they serve breakfast?
(all chuckle)
- Well, farmers out here
start at the crack of dawn,
so by now, some of them are
ready for their first beer.
- [Johnny] You think
that's a good idea?
You sitting alone at a bar?
- It's perfectly safe.
Not more than a few
locals at this hour.
- How are you gonna get home?
- I can walk. It's,
it's not that far.
- [Mary Ann] Oh, I can
take you back.
I close at noon and I can just
pop you back over to Lyvia's.
- You close in the
middle of the day?
- Yeah, just for an hour.
Uh, I'm here by myself.
Gotta eat, right? (chuckles)
- Well, I appreciate it, but
I don't wanna be any bother.
- Oh, it's no bother at all.
- I don't plan-
- How long do you need?
- I'll pretty much take
whatever I can get.
- [Johnny] If you can get
what you need done in an hour,
I'll go with you.
- Really? Are you sure?
- Yeah, hour won't kill me
and I'm just not comfortable
with you sitting alone at a bar
after that guy you ran
into yesterday.
Not that I don't trust you
at your word, that it's safe,
but this way we don't
put you to any trouble.
- Mm. No trouble at all.
Not a bit.
- Thank you, Mary Ann.
Um, I'll give Dale a
call from the bar.
- Let's use mine. Ah,
that way he has my number,
'cause you know, phone
service is better at
at the job site over the house.
- Okay, yeah.
(keypad beeping)
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- You sure we're a lot
of help today. Thanks.
- My pleasure. Anytime.
Ah, tell Mike I said not to
give you any stale pretzels.
- Absolutely.
(Mary Ann chuckles)
Thanks, Mary Ann.
- Take care.
(door creaks and thuds)
(Mary Ann's country
song crescendos)
(Rock music heard from
inside the tavern)
- Then he thought that,
like, if he wore a mask,
no one would know who he was.
- (chuckles) Like anybody
doesn't know who he is.
- [Mike] Hey.
- [Johnny] 'Morning.
- Good morning.
- What can I get ya?
- Um, can I just get a coffee,
- Diet soda, please.
- Sure.
- (gulps) You two are new.
- Yeah. Ah, moved in here
just over a week ago.
- Is that right? Whereabouts?
- Ah, the walnut orchards
up by Grant Road.
- Ah, Lyvia's old house. Oh,
She did that place up so
beautifully, didn't she?
So talented. Little secretive.
And on the run, maybe,
but so talented.
I bet you got a really
good deal too, right?
Kind of like a fire sale?
- It's a great house, but, ah,
pretty sure I saw a rat
the night we moved in.
- You were dreaming.
- There are some
critters out here.
I'd be putting out a
trap just in case.
But, ah, how are you liking
it outside of the rats?
- Ah...
- She's...(clears throat)
She's still adjusting.
I think this one's
gonna surprise you.
She looks like one of those
she's-planted types.
- (chuckles) Blooms where
she's planted?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, I bet that's what
Mackay would say
- Oh my go-
that was a long time ago.
You guys...
Why would you say that?
They just got here.
Anyway, don't pay
attention to him.
(group chattering)
You know what?
Now that I think about
it, I feel like we've met.
- Ah, we might've.
I've been in here a
couple times.
- You have?
- Yes.
Ah, me and a couple of
the guys came out here
while we were working
on Lyvia's courtyard.
I didn't know about
the wifi though.
- That's not what I was
thinking at all.
I didn't
mention the bar though.
- Look around-why would he?
This place is a dump.
(door creaks open)
Oh, no.
(door creaks and bangs)
I wonder who
I wonder who can it be
Somebody loves me
- You, out!
Somebody loves
- Now!
I wonder who
- Mike, no.
Somebody loves me
I wish I knew
- Leave him alone. Come on.
(door creaks and bangs)
Why'd you have to do that, Mike?
Hasn't he been through enough?
- My ass, Annie, every time
that kid comes in here,
he steals something.
I don't care if he's a
retard or not.
No one steals from me.
- Do not say that word.
You know better.
(door creaking)
- Hey, Bry.
(door bangs)
(bottle cap clattering)
Saw your plane up there earlier.
- Don't wear that shit in here.
- Aw, I can wear whatever
I want, Sergeant.
It's a free country.
Isn't that what you fought for?
Freedom? (exhales, snickers)
(bottle taps)
- I was drafted.
- Well. If it's too much
for you, I can take it off.
What do you say, huh? Right now?
- [Mike] (clears throat)
What do you say, Sergeant?
(jackhammer outside gets louder)
(scoffs) What'd ya say,
- No, thanks.
- Hmph.
- [Annie] (mutters) Yeah.
You should be so lucky.
- Did you have to? Hasn't he
been through enough already?
- Shut up, Mike.
(bottle taps)
(glasses clink)
(glasses tap)
(liquor sloshing)
- Oh, um, we should...
- Probably get going.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I gotta get to work.
- Yeah.
Ah, thank you. It was
great to meet both of you.
- Really nice meeting you guys.
(key jangling)
(door creaks and bangs)
(both laughing)
(Johnny chuckles)
- Wow.
- Yeah. No kidding.
Looks like you got
yourself an admirer.
Come on.
(frogs, crickets, coyotes
make night sounds)
("Rakoons" plays in the kitchen)
(phone buzzes 'send fail')
(Tara sighs)
(sudden drums)
(object outside clatters)
- What the hell?
(light switch clicks)
Not again. (sighs)
(suspenseful music)
- What are we looking at?
- Holy shit.
You scared the hell out of me.
- Sorry, I thought you
heard me come in.
- I...I think there
might be someone outside.
And yesterday when I was on
the phone, I heard a crash
and there was a
broken flower pot.
- It's probably raccoons,
but I'll check it out.
(Johnny grunting)
- Eh, it's stuck.
- I'll fix it. Don't worry.
Sit down. Have a glass of wine.
- I already had one.
- Well have another one.
(Tara chuckles)
All right.
I'll be back.
(door creaks and thuds)
(song still plays in kitchen)
(glass taps)
(Sighs) Come on.
(grunting) This friggin' thing!
(door creaks and thuds)
(flashlight taps)
(phone beeps)
- [Johnny] Shit.
- What is it?
- No dial tone.
The wires outside are damaged.
(suspenseful music)
- Raccoons can do that?
- (breathes deep) It
could be...raccoons.
That guy that you ran
into the other day,
would you remember him
if you saw him again?
- Why do you ask?
- In case it wasn't raccoons.
- (sighs) Okay, now
you're scaring me.
- I don't wanna do that,
I just...
I can't tell if the
wire was chewed or cut.
- That's not good news.
Truth is, he was in the
bar this morning.
- The guy that blue hair
was arguing with?
- Yeah.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- 'Cause you kind of freaked
me out the other night
when you were grilling
me about him.
And then again this
morning in the post office.
(sighs) I already have a guard
dog, Johnny, named Paula.
Remember? I don't
need another one.
- Seriously? That's
how you took it?
(Tara scoffs)
I was just trying to keep-
- Keep me safe, yeah, I know.
- Not just that, but...
you've been so on edge recently
since we got up here.
- Well, I'm frustrated.
Which I have a right to be.
I mean, you know, I need
wifi for work.
Other than that, I'm fine.
- Really?
(mosquito buzzes around Johnny)
Are you sure you don't
wanna go back to Nevada?
- Do you want me to go back?
- No. No.
You have no idea how much
I want you here.
I just was thinking...
- Maybe don't think so much?
and just, you know, stop
trying to control everything.
Let's just enjoy each other.
- [Johnny] Okay. (kisses)
(night critter noise)
(Tara and Johnny laughing)
- So where's that pub you
spotted? Is it pretty far?
- [Johnny] Yeah, it's a
little bit of a drive,
but we're gonna head
there anyway.
- [Tara] I like driving
in this truck.
- All right.
(door bangs)
(engine turns over)
(truck radio blares rock)
(tires screech)
(radio rock fades)
(suspenseful music,
feet shuffling)
(owl hoots)
(birds chirping)
- Mike, trust me, there is
nothing I want more right now
than a cold beer, but I
have got to walk Steinem.
Steinem, calm down.
Yeah, no, for sure. I'm
gonna come in later tonight.
(panting laugh) I'm
looking forward to it too.
(sighs) I know. I don't
think he's still mad.
He knows it's all a joke.
Come here, Steinem,
all right, well as soon
as I'm done walking her,
I'll be there.
Tell Sarge I want him
to see my new T-shirt.
Come here. Stay, good girl.
All right, yeah.
(dog panting)
I'll see you later.
(suspenseful music)
(dog whining)
Steinem. Hold on.
I gotta make another call.
(dog barking)
Steinem, get back here!
Steinem, here, baby girl.
Steinem. Stei...
What are you doing?
(shotgun blasting)
(night birds trilling)
(barrel clacking)
(shotgun blasting)
(bottle clinks)
(frogs clicking and whistling)
("Santa Lucia" plays
inside house)
(walking stick clatters)
("Santa Lucia" continues)
(door creaks open)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Sorry I'm late. Did
you get my text?
- I did. Believe it or not.
I was able to save the
lasagna before it dried out.
- Oh, we're having lasagna?
- Yeah. (laughs)
- Oh yes.
- You're in a good mood.
(Johnny chuckles)
- Well, let's just say it
was a successful day. (kiss)
- Mm. You're all stinky.
- Oh, what? You don't
like it all of a sudden?
- No, gross.
- (chuckles) All right.
Get away.
- I'm gonna go heat
up the lasagna.
- All right, well I'm
gonna go shower. Come on.
- No, I've already
had my shower.
- Come here. Hey, I'm hungry,
let's go.
- [Tara] (laughs) Johnny,
stop it!
(light switch clicks)
(shower spraying)
("Amorosa" plays in bath)
I was so in love with you
That I forgot just who I was
I was so adored by you
That I forgot just
who you were
(shower spray continues inside)
(Georgie's footsteps outside)
(song continues inside)
(Johnny and Tara laughing,
chattering, playing)
(Indistinct chatter continues)
(Johnny) Babe!
(Johnny) What are you doing?
(Indistinct chatter continues)
(Johnny) No!
(Tara) Its mine!
- What the fuck?!
- Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
Georgie, Georgie, go home!
Go home, Georgie, go!
Get outta here, Georgie!
Go home!
(Georgie whispering)
Georgie, go home!
Go, please! Georgie, Georgie!
- What the fuck are
you doing here?
Answer me, you creep!
- Ah!
- Fucking tell me!
(Georgie groaning)
You come on out here
again, I swear to God,
I'm gonna kill you!
You understand? Do you
understand what I'm saying?
Answer me, you creep!
- Johnny, Johnny, no!
Johnny, stop it!
- Answer me!
- Johnny, stop it! Johnny!
- Get- goddammit!
(gate clicking)
Goddammit! Why'd you stop me?
That was our guy.
You let him go.
You like it when he
looks at you? Huh?
- What do you even mean? No!
I can't even believe
you right now!
- Tara, I didn't...
(door slams)
(fist hits wall)
(Georgie whimpering)
(hand slapping)
(birds squawking)
(children chattering)
(dog barking)
- Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.
What's that?
- Just wait, okay?
(dog panting)
(tense music)
(dog whines and barks)
(birds chirping)
(tense music continues)
(patrons chattering)
- I was just about to text you.
- [Tara] 50/50 chance that
would've came through.
(sighs) So what's up?
- [Helen] Robert
loved your story.
- He did?
- He totally did.
He called all of us
into his office,
read it out loud and, get this-
Said we should all use it
as an example.
- Really?
You're not just making that
up to make me feel better?
- Um, no, I'm not, Tee,
'cause I didn't know you
were feeling bad.
(Tara sighing)
[Helen] Oh, Tee. What's wrong?
- Johnny and I had a fight.
The other day when we
were leaving the park,
there was this creepy guy
staring at me.
And then last night,
Johnny and I,
well, we were in the
shower and when we got out,
this guy's looking in through
the window. The same guy.
So of course, Johnny freaks
out and runs after him.
And then I run after Johnny
because I don't know what to do.
So then, Johnny's wailing on him
then I jump on Johnny
trying to get him off.
(water rushing)
(tense music)
- I am so sorry. Are you okay?
- Yeah. I mean, I'm all right.
- (sighs) That would
shake anybody up.
That's a creepy thing to
have happened.
And he said he was sorry. Right?
- Uh, yeah, but does
that make it okay though?
- (sighs) God, Tara,
what do I say?
I literally met him the
night before you left.
We were hammered.
Like, one minute you're on
your first date
and the next you're moving
in together 600 miles away.
("Cheating Heart"
plays in saloon)
- Yeah, well, what was I
supposed to do?
I mean, he invited me
to come stay with him.
And how was it supposed to work
with me there and him here?
- I get it. He's a hottie.
- (exasperated breath)
It's not that. I love him.
Why don't people get that?
- Look, he's never acted
like this before. Right?
So maybe he's a little insecure?
Plus, it's a whole new
life for him too.
- You know, the other day he
told me I could change my mind
if I wanted, that I
still had my lease,
and he was worried that
I wasn't happy here.
So, maybe you're right.
- {Helen] There you go.
So read him the riot act,
let him apologize, and
give him another chance.
Problem solved.
(message dings)
Gotta get back to work.
Hang in there.
I'm here for you. And
- Oh, right, the story.
Well, thanks.
You're next, you know.
You're a much better
writer than I am.
- (scoffs) Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Bye.
(birds chirping)
(soft dramatic music)
- You know what your mother
would say. (chuckles)
- You know, she wasn't
one to really talk, so...
(both laugh)
(door creaks and thuds)
"Let Em Fly" playing
in post office
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
You walked?
- Well, yeah, but it's-
- You should have called me.
I would've come get you.
- Oh, that's sweet, but
it's a beautiful day,
and, ah, I was kind
of maybe hoping
you might wanna get lunch?
- Sure. Sounds like fun.
- Cool.
- You're in luck too.
Dale's here. My cousin?
The wifi guy.
- Oh, sorry. I'm
totally out of it.
Nice to meet ya.
- Howdy.
You must be the one at
Lyvia's place, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, well she owed me
a lot of money.
Owed everybody.
- I've heard that
once or twice. Don't worry,
we wouldn't do anything
like that to ya.
- (chuckles) Well, I've
heard that once or twice too.
Your boyfriend even said
the same thing.
- Huh. talked
to him today?
- No, I talked to him last week.
- Last week? When?
- Ah, it was probably a
couple of hours
after you left your message.
He said he'd give me a call,
let me know when to come on by.
- And he hasn't been in touch?
- No, I haven't heard a peep.
(country song continues)
- You, you know, he probably,
he probably just forgot.
Um, I'm sorry.
Do you think maybe you'd have
any time this week to come by?
- I mean, I can swing by
Friday morning, if that works.
About 10?
- Friday at 10
would be perfect.
- All right, you betcha.
- Thanks, Dale.
- See you then.
See you, cuz.
- (chuckles) Thanks, Dale.
So. You been to Duke's?
("Darktown Strutters'
Ball" plays in diner)
(patrons chatter)
(plate taps)
(utensils clink)
- Oh my gosh. These
burgers are amazing.
I had no idea this place
was in the middle
of all the rice fields.
- I told you, Tara.
River Oaks has everything.
A tavern, a burger bar.
- A post office.
- The best post office.
(chuckles) And in a few
days, you'll have WiFi
and it'll be like you
never left home.
- Just like it.
(Mary Ann chuckles)
(song continues)
So, ah, what's up with the cook?
- Oh, mean, Billy?
You know, we had like
a thing a while back,
but we're, we're just
friends now.
- Uh huh. Just friends?
That's why you got twice
as many fries as I did?
You gonna share this with me?
- Not a chance. I earned
these, believe me.
- I bet.
(Mary Ann chuckles)
(phone ringing)
It's Mike from the tavern.
He never calls.
Hey, big guy, what's up?
- Mike (breathes shakily) Okay.
I just gotta say it. All right.
Annie's dead.
- [Mary Ann] What? How?
- (crying) They
murdered my friend.
- [Mary Ann] (gasps)
I...I...I'm at Duke's.
I, I can come back.
- The sheriff's here.
(melancholy soft rock
plays in bar)
- [Tara] Is everything okay?
- Um, a local,
someone we know pretty well.
- Oh no, Mary Ann. I'm so sorry.
- They think she was murdered.
- Murdered?
Is that the Annie that
Johnny and I met
in the bar the other day?
- Yeah, she's always there.
I gotta go. The sheriff's
there with Mike.
I gotta see if they
need any help.
- Let me drive you.
(hitched breath) Okay,
but I, I want you to take
the truck home.
I, I don't want you to walk.
- Mary Ann, it's-
- Please. It'll make
me feel better.
You can, you can pick me
up when I close
and, and I'll drive you back.
- Sure, okay. Let's go.
- Okay. (breath catches)
(door clicks)
Oh, um,
I just remembered something.
The other day at the bar? Annie?
She was arguing with somebody.
A man.
- Wh-What man?
- Um, he was kind of
weird. Ah, a little scary.
I think they called him
- Sergeant Brian?
- Yes, that was it.
- (sighs) Yeah. I guess
PTSD will do that.
But he's gonna be just as sick
about this as everyone else.
(truck whooshes by)
(tense music)
(pickup engine humming)
(tense music continues)
(tires crunch on gravel)
(ignition clicks)
(footsteps crunching)
(gate creaking)
(tense music continues)
(door clicks)
(music swells)
(gate clicks)
(door thuds)
(Tara breathes unsteadily)
(Johnny's truck door clicks
and thuds, engine rumbles)
(door clicks)
(birds chirping)
(gate clicks and creaks)
(chorus vocalizes)
(phone camera clicks)
(truck engine whirring)
(Tara exhales)
- I'm so sorry about Annie.
- It's just...
the way they found her.
It's like lightning
striking twice.
- What do you mean?
- (sighs) Well, I was just a
teenager when it happened...
in Mr. Takahashi's Orchard.
(suspenseful music)
Day workers, hired for
the season...
It started with just one hole.
He asked them if they
knew anything about it.
They said no.
So that night, Mr. Takahashi
went back out with his rifle
because he was suspicious.
He sure had a right to be.
The hole was filled.
So he called the cops.
- They found a body,
didn't they?
- A migrant worker, beaten
to death with a shovel.
(Tara gasps)
But then they found 24 more.
(intense music)
24 more graves, Tara,
spread out all across
our beautiful orchards.
They never seen that gruesome
of a series of murders
in California at the time.
- They ever catch who did it?
- They caught him. Edward
J. Mackay was his name.
The strange thing is, Tara,
Ed Mackay died in prison
two years ago.
(fire crackles, shovel clinks)
- Helen? Yeah, I know.
Twice in one day.
I need you try something.
Listen, listen.
I need you to look something--
(sighs) no, listen.
I don't have a good connection.
I need you to look
something up for me. Okay?
It's "River Oaks serial killer."
(static interference)
(chorus vocalizes)
(crickets chirping)
(tense music)
(door clicks and creaks)
(Johnny exhales)
(keys jangling)
(door thuds)
How come you didn't tell me
the wifi guy called you back?
- Oh, shit. I totally forgot.
(Tara sighs)
- How could you forget
when you know
it's so important to me?
- I dunno.
Got a lot on my mind.
- Okay.
(glass taps)
Like what?
- Just...stuff.
- Do you plan to tell me
about this stuff or...?
- I do plan on telling you.
I'm just, I'm not ready
to talk about it yet.
- But how do I know that,
- Because I promise, Tara.
(Tara sighs)
Tara, you can trust me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't tell
you about the wifi guy.
And I'm sorry I acted like such
an asshole the other night.
I fucked up.
Everything I've worked so
hard to build between us.
- You said I liked it.
You said I liked him
looking in on me.
- I know. I just...
I just, I saw him out
there, looking in on us
and I lost it.
- Yeah, well, you still
shouldn't have hurt him.
- I know that.
(Tara sighs deeply)
- Look, I admit it wasn't fun
seeing him out there.
But we both know there
are better ways
to handle these things.
- I agree.
(music grows softer)
This means everything to me.
Please give me another chance.
(Tara sighs)
Do you remember the
first time we made love?
I sang to you. Do you remember?
Yes, I remember.
There are blues...
- This is not fair.
(singing "Blues My Naughty
Sweetie Gives to Me")
(fountain splashing)
(Helen's phone app trills)
- You have a window to
the world. Yay!
- Shh!
- Op! Sorry.
- An incredibly slow one,
but it works.
- So...find a better one?
- Dale the wifi guy's
our only option,
but at least I can get a
rental car now,
which is another reason I
don't wanna stay on too long.
I wanna get one before
Johnny comes home.
- Oh...kay?
- [Tara] I don't want him
to know I have transport.
- Okay.
- Not yet.
- (nervous chuckle)
You're scaring me.
- (breathes deep) Helen, I
wanna tell you,
but I don't want you to
get all judgy.
- I wasn't judging you,
I was worrying about you.
- [Tara] I love you too, Helen,
- Gee, thanks.
- But what I wanna do is
gonna sound crazy
and you're probably gonna
try to talk me out of it.
- (deep sigh) So just like
when we were ten? Go ahead.
We both know I won't be
able to anyway.
- I wanna follow Johnny.
See what he's up to.
- So...spy on him?
- I guess.
- The guy you brush your
teeth next to every night?
- Yeah.
- The guy you have sex with?
- What's your point?
- You're right.
It does sound crazy.
- He lied. He told me
he'd never been up here
before he got the job
on Lyvia's - this house.
And yesterday, I saw him
put a rose on a grave.
- So you're already spying.
- Someone named Gloria Rivera.
- Ooh. An old girlfriend, maybe?
- Who's been dead for 20 years?
- Ah. Well, I suppose
if you weren't,
you know, Tara Manning,
you could have just asked
him whose grave it was.
- Um, we were kind of in
the middle of making up.
- Uh-huh.
- He sang to me.
- (laughs) That's what
got you into this mess.
- Look, look, I, I hinted,
I asked him if he was
keeping anything from me.
- And?
- He said he had some stuff.
- Stuff?
- And said he's not ready
to talk about it yet.
- Okay. So you're sleeping
with a guy you don't trust
who's keeping secrets
he's not ready to share,
so you're renting a car
so you can catch him
in suspicious acts, such as
putting flowers on graves.
Anything else?
- That's it.
- We are so different.
Okay, well, good luck.
Like there'd be any point
in me saying anything else.
Besides, I wanna know
what happens
in your little murder mystery.
Oh. Speaking of which, I
found out about
that serial killer
you asked about.
- You heard me?
- Yep. And I emailed you.
Whatever. I'll give
you the highlights now.
Are you pitching this to Robert?
- I am now.
Um, I was worried he
was gonna say
it's not in my wheelhouse,
but I'm right here,
and, ah, now there's been
another murder.
- Whoa. You're joking.
- No, of course not.
- When?
- Yesterday, a woman.
(Helen's keyboard clatters)
- Nothing about a woman
being murdered up there.
- Probably not yet. They're
still investigating.
I wanna get a jump on
it before somebody else
makes the connection.
- Wait, they found her
in an orchard?
- Yeah.
- But I read
this Mackay guy's dead.
- Copycat, maybe? Makes
it even scarier.
- Scary always sells.
(keyboard clattering)
- Yeah, but Johnny and I,
we met her.
We were talking to her.
- Shit. That is scary.
So what did you find?
- I thought you were scared?
- A story's a story, Helen.
- (sighs) Well...
Edward J. Mackay managed
a contracting business
that supplied cheap
labor to farmers.
Migrants and homeless, mostly.
He hired and killed 25
of those men.
(intense music)
(shovel slamming)
Gruesomely Tara. I'll let
you read those details
for yourself, but those
men died horrific deaths.
- [Tara] God, imagine how
messed up it must have been
for the farmers finding
bodies in their orchards.
- Yeah, it's like
discovering death
where they make things grow.
- Ooh. I'm gonna
write that down.
"Death in a place of life."
- There's your title.
- Yeah, totally is.
- I should start billing
you for these.
- Seriously. It's good.
- I've always assumed farms
were such peaceful places.
- Tell me about it. (sighs)
Look, I gotta go, Boo.
And now I have internet
so I can look up
whatever else I need.
- I'll look too. Your
life is more interesting
than mine at the moment.
- Is something wrong?
- No. I'm just bored.
- [Helen] But you know what?
Better bored than in danger.
So serious. Tara,
please be careful.
- Don't worry about me.
I'll be fine. (kisses)
- Okay. (kisses)
(transmission beeps off)
(keyboard clatters)
(shovel tapping)
(app trills again)
(Tara sighs dramatically)
- [Paula] I thought I saw
you online. You got wifi!
By the way, did you know
your landline's not working?
(night creatures screeching)
(eerie music)
(Tara shifts restlessly)
(rat squeaking)
- (whispers) Johnny?
(whispers louder) Johnny.
(Johnny moans)
(suspenseful music)
- Johnny (whoops with fright)
- The rat, Johnny!
It was just here.
- What?
- The rat.
- (groans) Oh, please.
- Johnny!
- No, no.
(groggy mumble) I rat last time.
You rat.
I looked everywhere. You
rat this time. You rat.
- So, you want me to go?
- Mm.
- Alone?
- Yeah. I'm a feminist.
- (scoffs) Fine. Whatever.
(waterbed sloshes)
(eerie singsong)
(Four knocks from wall)
(suspenseful music)
(strange voices, muted)
(intense music)
- Tara. Tara.
Tara! Tara, wake up!
- Johnny! Johnny! (sobbing)
Oh, baby! Oh, God, it
was horrible!
I saw her, Johnny! Oh,
I saw her!
She was dead! (sobbing)
(music builds)
(chorus vocalizes)
(chorus continues,
voices get louder)
(fire crackling)
(soft piano)
She was dead, Johnny.
She was on the shelf,
right there.
(dejected sigh)
You don't believe me, do you?
- I woke up 'cause I
couldn't feel you next to me.
I called out to you,
and you didn't answer.
So I came out here and you were
lying on the floor out cold.
There was no one out here
but you, Tara.
- No, she was here. I saw her!
- Honey, do...(sighs)
Have you ever sleepwalked?
- (huffs) I wasn't dreaming,
- Come here. I need show
you something.
See? Here.
I set that the first day
that you said you saw a rat.
- I don't remember
seeing that there.
- Well, it's been there, Tara.
And there are more just
like it around the house,
in the garage too, and look.
Babe, come here.
(bag of flour crinkling)
I'm using this as an indicator.
If there were rodents present,
there'd be holes in it,
but there's not.
No traps have sprung.
No droppings anywhere.
Nothing's been nibbled on. And
you know what that tells me?
(flour bag thumps)
(cupboard door thuds)
And if there are no rats
present, Tara,
that means you didn't see any,
any more than you saw
Lyvia's corpse.
- (breaths heavily) So I'm
losing my mind?
Is that what you're telling me?
- I didn't say that.
(fireplace crackling)
But you're stressed.
- Johnny, I'm not.
I know what I saw!
- Come on, Tara. Think about it.
It's been a crazy week.
Just the other day, some
creep's looking in on us
while we had sex.
Then we had a fight.
Biggest we've ever had.
We find out that someone we
actually know was murdered.
Do you think all this is
a coincidence?
- It just seems so real.
You know?
- Well it's not.
Babe, come on.
How could it be real?
It's in your head.
(mosquito buzzes)
- You know, the day we
had our fight,
Mary Ann told me a
horrible story.
Maybe that was on my mind
too. I, I don't know.
I just... I feel like I
can't trust myself anymore.
- You saw Mary Ann that day?
(mosquito buzzes again)
- Yeah. I walked to
the post office.
We had lunch. It's when we
got the news about Annie.
And, she told me there was
a serial killer here once.
- Yeah, I heard about that.
- You did? When?
- I don't know. A while ago.
- And you didn't tell me?
Why do you keep things from me?
- Come on. Isn't it obvious,
Why would I tell you
something if I know
it's gonna upset you?
- Stop treating me like
I'm feeble-minded.
- Well, you're
dreaming about rats.
- I'm not dreaming, Johnny!
- And you're seeing dead bodies.
- (groans in frustration)
Have you ever even
considered that maybe
somebody's trying to
scare us off?
The first thing that
people say to us
is how much money Lyvia
owed everybody.
Johnny, what if somebody
wants this house?
- It's possible. I guess.
- Yeah, no shit.
And, there was a murder
just like the one
that happened years ago.
- That's true. It's
kind of freaky.
- I know.
Even Helen said so.
- What did Helen say?
- She know,
that it's strange
for something like
this to happen
in a place like this.
- "In a place like this."
(chuckles bitterly)
People really think
rural life is like
Little House on the
fucking Prairie, huh?
They think their food
just arrives
in the supermarkets all
packaged and ready to go.
They have no clue.
No clue about the hours
of backbreaking labor
or the worry if the
weather might go bad,
or if a pest comes through
that can destroy everything.
They don't think about it.
They don't think about the
toll that a life like that
can have on someone.
(tense, drumming music)
- Sounds like you know
a lot about it.
- You know what the
real question is, Tara?
How come you don't?
Oh, that's right.
'Cause you live
in your Hollywood-type world
with all the other Taras
and Helens, and Paulas.
I'm sorry.
I'm exhausted. That's all.
What do you say tomorrow
night I tie you down
to the bed so you
don't sleepwalk?
(Tara gasps in shock)
It's a joke, babe. Lighten up.
- I'm going to bed.
(dramatic music builds)
(chorus sings and laments)
(dramatic music continues
with chorus in harmony)
(bird chirping)
Somebody loves me
I wonder who
(Georgie's singing echoes,
paper tears)
- [Mary Ann] Annie's
funeral was yesterday.
She would laugh her head
off if she could see
all her drinking buddies,
all slicked up.
Never seen Mike in a tie before.
And, um, after the prayer,
he passed out beers to
everyone in her honor.
- Aw.
("Sunset on the Moon"
plays in diner)
- [Mary Ann] Even the
pastor had one.
- You know, I didn't know
her that well,
but I bet that was a
wonderful sendoff for her.
So... is she buried in that
little cemetery
down by the post office?
- Yup. All us locals end
up there, eventually.
- Yeah. I, ah, went
for a walk there
the, the day I
borrowed your truck.
Um, I noticed a lot of
old headstones.
- Yeah, they go back to our
great-great grandparents
for a lot of us.
- There was one headstone
that caught my eye.
Um, Gloria Rivera?
She was pretty young
when she died,
and there was a fresh
white rose on her grave.
- Interesting.
I'm sure she doesn't have
any family left in the area.
- Did you know her?
- Uh, I knew of her. If
you know what I mean.
I was just a kid when
she...did it.
- [Tara] Did what?
- Got in her car,
drove out to Jack Davis'
rice fields.
(soft dramatic music)
- Oh my God. But
why'd she do it?
- Her husband left her
for another woman.
I guess she couldn't handle it.
But (sighs) if we're
being honest,
blood tells.
- What do you mean?
- Oh, you know, that,
that whole clan
was known for being
pretty wacky.
The Riveras. The Mackays.
- The Mackays?
- Yeah, it's, it's
funny you asking
about her so soon after
Annie's funeral.
The husband she killed
herself over?
Was Ed Mackay.
He was arrested two years
after she died.
If only she'd hung on.
Then again it's probably
better she never knew.
(saxophone fades, tense
music follows)
(sparrows chirping)
(water boiling)
(Liz sings "Daughter of
Rosie O'Grady")
- Georgie!
(salt shaker grinds)
[Liz] Georgie, supper!
(dead leaves crunching on grass)
(Georgie breathing rapidly)
(dramatic music builds)
(Georgie cries out)
Georgie. Georgie?
(Georgie whimpers, flies buzz)
(Georgie sobbing)
(seatbelt clicks)
(truck engine rumbling)
(music picks up tempo)
- Here we go again.
(truck engine clanks loudly)
(snare drum beats)
(car transmission reverses)
(door clicks and thuds)
(weeds swishing)
(birds chirping)
(trees rustling)
(cardinal peeping)
(suspenseful music builds)
(footsteps pattering)
(branch snaps loudly)
- [Johnny] Hello?
(suspenseful music continues)
(wind whistles)
(suspenseful music builds)
- [Johnny] Hi. Oh, I've
missed you so much.
I'm sorry. I know. It
sucks being stuck here.
(chorus laments and harmonizes)
We gonna have some more
fun tonight, Buddy?
Have some more fun? Come on,
let's go.
(Tara sobbing)
(Tara vomiting)
("Jet Settin' Girl'
plays in saloon)
(patrons laugh and chatter)
(Helen's phone ringing)
- Oh my God. What's wrong?
- You were right. I
didn't know him at all.
He's seriously fucked up.
- What do you mean?
- It's his, Helen.
- What? What is?
- The rat!
He brought it into the
house to mess with my head.
It's real.
And there's more.
The grave, Gloria Rivera.
She was married to the
serial killer Ed Mackay.
- Tara, get the fuck out
of there. Now.
- [Tara] No.
- No? What do you mean, no?
- I have to know why, Helen.
I need to know why he
did this to me.
Who is he? I can't let
him get away with this.
I loved him.
- That's bullshit!
- What's bullshit?
- You had the hots for him.
That's all.
You hardly knew him.
He's connected in some way to
a guy who buried 25 people.
A woman was just
killed up there.
Crazy bitch.
- Please, listen, just please,
will you,
will you help me?
- Help you what?
Get yourself killed?
- No, I just,
I need to know who
she was to him.
- Tee, listen.
- (distorted) Hold on.
What did you say?
The, the screen froze.
- I said, you're out
of your mind.
You haven't made any sense
since you've met him.
He killed that woman.
You know he did.
Who terrifies his
girlfriend with a rat
except a total sociopath?
What if he kills somebody else
while you're playing Nancy Drew?
Go to the cops, tell them
what you know, and get out.
(swing song stills plays)
- I can't hear you, Helen. The
wifi must be malfunctioning.
I gotta go.
She's never coming
back to me...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(clock ticking)
(suspenseful music)
(rat squeaking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(rat squeaking)
(clock still ticks)
(rat squeaking)
(music builds)
(pot whacks)
(rat whines)
- Johnny.
Johnny, wake up.
See? Now do you believe me?
- [Johnny] You okay?
I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
I'm gonna be late tonight.
- Okay.
(Johnny kisses)
- Some kiss.
Still mad at me?
- A little. I'll be all right.
- Okay.
I hope so.
(Tara gulps)
(tractor rumbling)
(Johnny sobbing)
(birds chirping)
(Johnny sobbing continues)
(melancholy music)
(Johnny kissing)
(dirt sliding)
(bee buzzes away)
(Johnny crying)
(intense music)
(cross and chain clinks)
(dreamlike music, electronic,
repetitive trilling)
(Lyvia's high heels tapping)
(Lyvia's high heels
tapping outside)
(door creaks open)
- [Lyvia] Eddie.
(door thuds closed)
(Lyvia's tennis shoes patter)
(wrapper crinkling)
(happy, upbeat piano)
(whispers) Eddie.
(Lyvia whistles)
(speaks Italian) ma, dove sei?
(muffled messenger app trills)
(interior door creaks open)
(muffled messenger app
continues to trill)
(Lyvia giggles)
(messenger app gets louder,
wakes Tara)
(messenger app trilling)
- You look like hell.
- Thanks. My head feels
like it's gonna explode.
Holy crap. It's already four?
I've been sleeping all day.
(shovel scraping)
(Digger grunting)
- Are you alone?
- I, I killed it, Helen.
Last night. The rat.
I killed it.
(shovel scraping)
(Digger breathes heavily)
- [Tara] Look, I'm sorry I
hung up on you.
I know you're probably mad.
- I'm not mad, Tee,
I'm literally terrified
and ready to fly up
there myself.
- No, Helen, please don't.
- Oh, no?
Let me read you what
came in today.
"The victim, identified
as 'Lyvia Ricci'
was found near River Oaks
resident's home, George Smalls.
Smalls has been detained
for questioning."
That's the woman who owned
that house you're in, right?
(Johnny's voice reverberates)
There are blues...
(keys jangle and fall)
There are blues...
[Helen] Now you know you
didn't dream about her.
You saw her just like
you thought.
What the hell's happened to you?
I thought you had guts.
- Yeah, I thought I did too.
- I can fly up there tonight.
We take everything we have
and we go to the cops.
Right, Tara?
- Yeah.
But you write the story.
I don't want it.
- Let's worry about that later.
Shit happens, Boo.
We can't let him hurt
anybody else.
I'll see you soon, okay?
- Okay.
- Bye.
(Helen sighs deeply)
(drawer scraping)
(hopeful violins)
(door thuds)
(recycling crinkles)
(Johnny's footsteps on pavement)
- Hey, Johnny.
Odd time of day to see
you out and about.
Everything all right?
- Lost my keys.
Can't find the goddamn
things anywhere.
- Well, that's a pain.
I can give you a ride.
Tara's home, right?
- (sneering chuckle) Yeah.
She is.
Well, that'd sure be nice of ya.
(suspenseful music)
(papers rustling)
(Tara breathing harshly)
(luggage thuds)
- [Tara] Okay.
(breathes heavily)
(papers rustling)
(luggage zips)
("Joshua" plays on truck radio)
(mosquitoes buzz around
Johnny's feet)
- I thought Tara said you were
working in Sacramento today?
- What, a guy can't
take a day off?
Joshua, you make a lie
sound like the truth
- I get it, trust me, but
I really need this, Dale.
It's really important. Please,
come on.
- Yeah, we'll be done
in about ten-.
(mechanical part clatters)
fifteen more minutes.
(engine purring)
(truck shift clacking)
- Here you go.
Hope you find your keys.
- Yeah. Thanks for the ride.
(door bangs)
(music pounds in the background)
(squirrels chittering)
(truck shift clattering)
(engine rumbling)
(birds chirping)
(music throbs into deep
bass chords )
(Johnny sucks in
whimpering breaths)
(mosquitoes buzz loudly)
(bass chords get louder, deeper)
(phone ringing)
- Air strip.
- Is Sergeant Brian there?
- One second.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- Dad, it's me.
(messenger app ringing)
(messenger app ringing)
- Mom!
- Oh, thank God. (cries)
It's all over the news.
- Mom, stop crying.
And listen to me.
- I don't know how
you can live like this.
- Mom.
(water flowing)
(Johnny splashing water)
- Pull it together, man!
(music throbs and pounds)
- Listen. Why was Gloria
Rivera's wedding photo
in your desk?
- I knew this would happen.
I've kept so much from you.
- Yeah, no shit, Mom!
Johnny's gonna be home soon!
Mom, hurry!
- I thought I could keep it
from you. You were so young.
That's why I didn't
want you to go up there.
(walnuts clattering)
But I swear to you, I
didn't know, Tara.
- Know what, Mom? Tell me!
- I didn't!
(cellos get louder)
That he was married.
I swear, I left him as soon
as Gloria came to see me.
- She had a son...Didn't she?
(microwave beeps)
(lights click off)
(Tara clacks on keyboard)
Mom! Mom!
- No! Please, don't go!
No, no! No, I'm sorry!
Come back! Come back!
(music swells,
chorus harmonizes)
(Four knocks resound)
- (deep, calming breaths) Okay.
(Pounding continues,
four knocks each time)
(clock ticking)
(phone ringing)
- Hi, honey. Lost my keys.
- He was your fucking father!
(Johnny laughing)
- Oh, shit. You are a
good journalist, damn.
- Why?
- Babe, come on.
Don't yell. It's just
us out here.
(grunts, flings walnut at house)
- Johnny, why? (cries) Why
would you do this to me?
- Why?
Because your fucking horrible
mother destroyed my family,
that's why!
(windows slamming and locking)
- She said she didn't know!
- She's fucking lying!
My dad went to jail
because of her.
And you know, my mom
killed herself. Right?
- He went to jail because
he killed 25 people!
- Nah. (laughs bitterly) No, no,
He never would've done it if
it weren't for her. (echoes)
He went crazy after she left.
(doorknob rattling)
He loved us too.
He never would've done
it if it weren't for her.
(doors clattering)
He loved us.
(chair crashes)
Before that bitch came
along and ruined everything!
And I had nobody, Tara.
(Tara panting)
I had nobody.
(Tara swallows back tears)
- You had me.
- You're a liar.
Just like her.
(suspenseful music)
(Tara gasping)
(bushes rustling)
(window screen clicking)
(window scraping, clacking)
Come on!
(rat trap snaps)
(Johnny howls)
God, fucking goddammit!
(glass bowl of
walnuts shattering)
And you killed Buddy!
- Yeah. Because you
sicced him on me.
- Well, you didn't
have to kill him.
He was just trying to help.
- (voice catches) You
killed Annie and Lyvia.
It wasn't Georgie at all.
You set him up.
(jacket rustles)
(gloves thwap)
- Annie knew she'd seen
me before, and,
I had to.
(glass scraping)
(faucet running)
- What do you mean you had to?
(Johnny gulping)
(Tara scoffs)
- Mm.
(glass tapping)
Oh yeah.
Because you're a spoiled brat,
You never would've come out
here with me if it weren't
for this palace that I
let you live in.
- So what? You just seduced her?
And then when she trusted
you, you stole her house?
- What? All you had to do
was look at the deed, babe.
My name is right next to hers,
Edward John Mackay Junior.
Lyvia was my wife.
You're all so gullible.
(walks over broken glass)
You fall for the pretty face
and the puppy-dog eyes
and the sex. And then,
You know, Tara, she liked
hearing me sing too.
(Tara whimpering)
There are blues
- Please, please stop.
- (laughs) No, no, no, no. Look.
See, so what happened.
She had an art show
back in Italy.
She said she'd come
back in a month
and when she did,
we'd get married.
But I said, "Baby, please.
Can we do it before you go?
(Tara whimpering)
I'm just, I couldn't
afford to lose you."
Here, look.
(phone clacks)
- [Lyvia On Phone] "I'm
headed to the airport now.
I miss you, Eddio mio. Can't
wait to see you tomorrow.
I should be home before six.
I have a surprise for you."
(blows kiss)
(phone clatters)
- And the whole time
you were just working on me?
- Yep.
(utensils clinking)
- So what was the point,
with the rat
and the lies, everything?
You wanted to drive me
outta my mind
so I'd kill myself
like Gloria did?
- Yeah, that's right.
(drawer thuds)
(brushes clattering)
I wanted Paula to know
(walnut cracking)
what if felt like
(lock clicks open)
(chews) to lose somebody
in that way, you know?
But, this works too.
'Cause either way you're gone.
(snaps open switchblade)
She'll know.
Um, honey?
(Tara breathing heavily)
- You won't be able to
blame Georgie for it.
He's already in custody.
- So what?
(clock ticking)
I'll be long gone before
they find your body.
In fact, there's,
there's probably still
some bodies out here
that the old man buried.
(clicks tongue) That "our"
old man buried.
- Oh, oh, God. No.
- Yeah.
- God, no!
- Hi, sis.
- Oh, God!(gasps)
Oh no, no. Of course they
didn't tell you.
No, the pleasure of knowing
who dear old daddy was
belongs to me.
(Tara gasping)
- You knew and you...
How could you?
- You didn't seem to mind.
Give me the stick.
(Tara gasps)
(chorus sings)
- Blood tells, huh, Johnny?
- I guess so, babe.
- (sobs) I guess so too.
(stick whacking)
- The fuck? Ow!
(stick clattering)
(Johnny howls)
(clock ticking, Tara panting)
(plane whirring)
(ticking continues)
(birds chirping,
footsteps pounding)
(Tara panting)
(Tara grunts)
Oh my God.
(Johnny panting)
(plane whirring)
(wheels thudding)
(Tara grunts)
(Johnny breathing heavily)
(thunder rumbling)
(trees rustling)
- Tara! (echoes)
You fucking bitch! (echoes)
(birds chirping)
Where are you? (echoes)
(gloating laughter,
barely discernible)
- [Brian] Tara?
- [Tara] (whispers) Oh, no.
(suspenseful music continues)
(night creature begin to awake)
(owl hoots)
- Tara?
- [Tara] (softly) Behind, you,
behind you
(shouts) Behind you!
(fist whacks)
- Uh!
(Johnny stomping)
- Nice and easy.
(Brian breathes heavily)
(rifle clacks)
(rifle clattering)
Take out your knife, old man.
- I don't need a knife.
Neither do you.
- This isn't your fight, but
I'm gonna make it fair one,
you take your damn knife out!
- Like you did with Annie?
- That was different.
I'm not gonna ask you
again. Take out the knife!
(branches rustling)
(Johnny panting)
Stop fucking looking at
me like that.
Don't fucking look at
me like that.
Stop! What are you doing?
Stop fucking looking
at me like...
Stop fucking looking at
me like that!
(crying) Stop fucking
looking at me like that!
- Hey, Johnny!
(Johnny gasps)
This one's for her.
(Tara grunts)
(shovel whooshes and whacks)
(birds chirping)
(Tara breathing heavily)
(shovel clattering)
(Tara sobbing)
- Please tell me I
didn't kill him.
- He's still breathing.
- How do I live with this?
How am I supposed to live with
this every day of my life?
- You get used to it.
(finale music)
("Away From Home" plays
over credits)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music continues)
(music ends)