Macross Frontier: The False Songstress (2009) Movie Script

[Alto breathing deeply]
In space,
there is no up or down.
You can float endlessly.
But I...
I wanted to fly.
Even if I fell,
I wanted to fly in a real sky.
[Ranka and Sheryl] When I was
in love with God
I never expected
We'd part ways like this
If we're never to touch again
I wish you could have
At least held me one last time
It's long long good-bye
MACROSS Frontier: The False Songstress
[sentimental music playing]
[narrator] Many years ago,
humanity fought a war
with a race of giants
known as the Zentradi.
Humanity, having experienced
the threat of annihilation
in this first conflict with a species
of extraterrestrial origin,
chose to entrust their future to the stars
and in search of new frontiers,
they set out towards
all corners of the galaxy.
In the year 2059 A.D,
The 25th Emigration Fleet,
Macross Frontier,
continued its voyage towards
the galactic center.
And now,
crossing the sea of stars,
a single songstress
descends upon the Frontier fleet.
[woman over PA] You will soon enter
the artificial gravity area.
Please watch your step.
[Grace] This city has
quite a classic look to it.
By the way, are you ready?
If we can't find our target
here either, you'll...
Grace, this is me you're talking to.
Sheryl Nome always sings her hardest.
No matter where, no matter the cost.
[Ranka] No way! You were really able
to get a ticket for Sheryl's concert?
[Alto] Yeah.
It turns out I'll be flying in the show
with Michael, Luca, and the others.
So I pulled some strings.
- I'm sending it over.
- [cell phone beeps]
[Ranka] Thanks, Alto!
Expect some extra service on the house
in today's delivery! Coming right up!
- Deculture!
- [phone squeals]
Yeah! I'm actually going
to see her in person!
[Ranka] I'm off!
[uptempo music playing]
[Sheryl] Baby, what do you want to do?
Take control
Gripping the handles tightly,
you're already standing by
Want my heart and want my love?
No? Oh, c'mon! I swing in for a kiss
No, mediocrity ain't my style
But an outrageous love?
Now that's for me
Beautiful! Excuse me!
If you desire La La La
Point? I don't care
Dollars? How much fake!
Point? The two are one!
But if it's love, do it
[Ranka singing along]
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
[Michael] How's this maneuver look, Luca?
A split S into a triple loop
leading to a sudden ascending flip.
This will work.
[Alto] Lame.
I could loop five times.
Are you that upset that the Galactic Fairy
treated you like an amateur
during rehearsal?
[Alto] I just want to fly with
everything I've got, that's all.
[Michael] And if you injure the audience
doing so, who do you think
is going to take responsibility for it?
I wouldn't screw up like that.
I think for all you say to the contrary,
you still long for the stage.
Genius cross-dresser, Princess Alto.
What did you just call me?
[Michael chuckles]
Your angry face is lovely too.
[sighs] Here we go again.
- [Michael] You're so scary, Princess.
- [Klan] Honestly.
- [Alto] I'll get you!
- These kids never grow up.
[Alto] Here's another kick!
Sorry to keep you waiting!
Nyan-Nyan delivery!
[Alto and Michael arguing indistinctly]
Hey, Ranka. That was fast.
Here, everyone!
It's Nyan-Nyan's special Galactic Ramen!
[Ranka] With a bonus
Magellan Nebula today.
Wow, a Magellan fish cake!
I'll dig in first!
This Hippo-Cow Soup smells heavenly.
Hey, wait, Klan!
[Klan] Not a chance!
Hey, Alto.
[Ranka] Will you eat with us?
I've got Nyan-Nyan's special
steamed tuna buns.
[Alto] I'm fine for now.
I want my body as light as possible
before flying. [gasps]
Uh? [gasps]
This is...
- [indistinct shouting]
- [baseball player] Keep going. Keep going.
[both chuckle softly]
[bird screeches]
It's here!
Wind speed north by northwest
at four meters per second.
- [Klan] Huh?
- [Michael] Ranka?
Launcher catapult connected.
Five, four,
three, two,
one. Go!
Take off!
He did it!
[announcer, in English]
In the beginning, was the song.
Stars sing, as they're playing
a beautiful tune of heaven.
Lynn Minmay, 2009.
Sharon Apple, 2040.
- Fire Bomber, 2045.
- [excited chatter]
[in Japanese] It's starting.
[announcer, in English] And now...
[Sheryl, in Japanese] Listen to my song!
[crowd cheering]
[chorus] Wow!
Three, two, one
I'm your white bunny
I hop in with an innocent glide
The milky way
spills out into the universe
Hey, I'd like to eat that candy star
I'm your black bunny
A sexy flag who plays rough
Giving you a glimpse
of the line of my hip, danger
I'll signal you with a wink
and you'll dive into my cleavage
Naivety continues to violate
my absolute territory
And if we fight over it so hard
that we can't be reborn
Look, the angel who was crying
has turned into a demon
I'm so naive, wide-eyed to 1000%
I'm oblivious, bold to 1000%
I'm vulnerable on the inside
You light up my life
and give me reason to live
What's important is pleasure, 1000%
What's vague are my limits, 1000%
Private joy can go either way
Even so, we dream the same dream
We dream the same dream
Black or white? Chaos and ecstasy
Dark or light?
Conflicting and embracing
Truth or doubt? Perverse fantasies
[pilot 1 gasping]
Around you good, yes,
it's about time...
[pilot 3] Target confirmed.
Weapons free.
Heaven or Hell?
Karma spins round and round in vain
[pilot 2] Elena, Johnny.
Either way,
try to guide this turbulent rendezvous
- Amazing.
- The Galactic Fairy...
Still go on and go on go on go on
The robin said
This is too boring
A story played frame by frame walks past
It's up to you, I want to do it with you
I want to die with you
I want to come with you,
I want to be with you
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts
And I like it
[electric guitar plays]
Let me hear your perfect choice!
[pilot 4] Oh!
[operator 1] Bravo 1 and 3
have been shot down!
[operator 2] Golf 7, hit!
Returning immediately!
Ghost Unit Number 2,
en route to "unknowns."
Contact with the enemy in ten seconds.
Eight, seven,
five, four, three,
[operator 2] An electromagnetic burst?
[Howard] Is it true?
Did these "unknowns" interfere
with Ghost and missile control systems?
[commander] Yes, Mr. President.
[Michael] Upward air bloom!
[gasps excitedly]
Can you hear me,
my lovely boys and girls?
A miracle slides into motion
I've already caught your heart
Come on, stand up!
Throttle it to around 5Gs!
Now I realize that I'm alive...
[Alto] She's messing with me!
Feel! I'm a shinin' star!
- [crowd cheering]
- [gasps]
[Sheryl] Engines revving...
What the hell?
Let's keep going.
For crying out loud.
A seductive shooting star date
in hyperspace
That idiot!
All units, follow Unit Number 2!
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!
A super high-speed romance,
just for you!
Vibration, now sway
[Sheryl] Our hearts in unison
Faster than the throes of love
Can you hear my voice?
Be good, boys and girls
Right now, I can certainly feel it...
S.M.S Skull Squadron leader Ozma
to New U.N. Spacy unit,
we'll handle this sector.
[pilot] Roger!
Those guys are way out of their league.
Code Victor. Are these the "things"
you were talking about, Captain?
[Ozma] Let's go get 'em!
[Sheryl] I sing a love song for you
Synergize with the rhythm
Step by! Keep on step! Oh, yeah
Fill it in here and now!
Don't be late!
Welcome to my fan club's night! S.O.S!
Welcome to my fan club's night!
Sheryl on stage!
What monsters!
[Ozma] Gilliam, protect the city!
[chuckles] You don't have to tell me that!
[crowd cheering]
[Alto] What the hell
do you think you're doing?
[Sheryl] That should be obvious.
I'm putting on a show.
[Alto] Don't be ridiculous!
What if I'd been even a second later?
You would've gotten
the audience hurt, too!
[chuckles] Where's the fun in
living predictably?
I want my songs to be
more thrilling, that's all.
During rehearsal, you said,
"Don't underestimate us," didn't you?
I was confident in my judgment
of how well you can fly.
A gas jet cluster?
[Sheryl chuckles]
Silly boy! Of course I wouldn't leave
my life in the hands of an amateur.
[Sheryl] Okay, on to the next one.
- [Alto] Hey!
- [gasps]
[woman over PA] This is an evacuation
warning! This is an evacuation warning!
All citizens, please go immediately
to the nearest emergency shelter.
This is not a drill!
- [man] An evacuation? Why now?
- What? No Way!
[Michael] Roger that,
we'll report in at once.
- We're going, Luca.
- Right.
An evacuation? My concert just started!
[Sheryl screams, grunts]
Damn it, what the hell's going on here?
[alert blaring]
[operator 1] Purple and Vermillion
squadrons destroyed!
[operator 2] They've broken through
our final defense line!
They're going to catch up to Island 1!
Deploy repulsive field!
Give it all the energy we've got!
[Alto gasps]
What is this?
[Alto] You idiot! It's dangerous up here!
Hurry up and evacuate!
Not a chance!
These jerks messed up my concert!
I'm not going to run away because of them!
- [gasps]
- [Sheryl] No way!
[both grunt]
Not good!
[Alto] Sheryl!
[Alto straining]
[Sheryl screams]
Stay calm. Stay calm.
[Alto] Stay calm.
[breathing heavily]
Sheryl, fly!
- But...
- [Alto] Use the jets around your waist!
[Sheryl gasps]
[foreboding music laying]
What is all this?
[Alto grunts]
Hold on tight!
- [people clamoring]
- [Ranka panting]
- [gasps]
- [people shouting]
[gunshots firing]
[Alto] A VF-25?
They're being deployed for combat already?
[Henry] Die, monster!
[Henry grunting]
I ain't going down that easy!
You damned monster!
[Ranka screams]
[gasps] Ranka?
[Alto] Stay put!
No. Stay away.
It worked.
[Ozma] That's not Gilliam.
Who is it?
Ranka? What's she doing here?
Out of ammo?
[Alto] Crap!
Stop it.
An armored type?
[Ozma] Who are you?
What happened to Gilliam?
I'm... That's not important now!
What is that monster?
[Alto] Why...
[Alto] Whoa...
[Ozma] Ranka, are you okay?
- Keep it together, Ranka!
- [Ranka crying]
Ranka, it's me!
Big brother?
Your brother?
[Ozma] Okay, get in!
We need to get out of here, fast!
[Ozma grunts]
No! Not my big brother!
[Ranka] Not my big brother!
Why? Why are you doing this?
I... No, not this.
Not again.
What? What is this fold signal?
[Alto panting]
[panting] Oh.
[Michael] Alto?
Is it over?
[gasps, shouts]
[Brera] Miss Sheryl, I've come for you.
Please forgive me.
The Vajra advanced
much faster than we anticipated.
Brera, what took you so long?
[Brera] Your right shoulder and left leg
have suffered bruises
in a total of seven places.
Internal bleeding detected
in the right buttock
but all of these are minor injuries.
Stop it! How many times must I tell you?
Don't scan my body without permission!
Miss Grace is waiting.
Let us return before we find ourselves
further caught up in all of this.
- Excuse me.
- [gasps]
Hey, I'm not ready yet!
[Brera] Returning by
the shortest route possible.
Hold on tight.
[Sheryl screams]
[sirens blaring]
[device whirring]
[Howard] So, they finally found our fleet.
This is the damage report.
As well as a plan for controlling
information in the media and online.
You're well prepared, as usual.
Thank you for the compliment.
[Howard] Hmph.
Still, do you not find
the timing of this too convenient?
[Leon] You mean to imply
it's a plot by Galaxy,
coinciding with the arrival
of Sheryl Nome?
[Howard] Investigate all possible angles,
not just the Vajra.
[pensive music playing]
[chuckles softly]
[water sloshing]
[sighs] Yeah, that went... well.
Could I have lost it during the...
[reporter] A mass funeral
has been arranged
for the victims of the recent attack.
According to N.U.N.S. staff H.Q.,
228 people died as a result of the attack.
Prior to the funeral service,
President Glass has promised suitable
compensation for the bereaved.
[Alto] A private military company?
[Ozma] That's right.
The S.M.S, which Michael, Luca and I are
members of, is not a part of the military.
Captain Ozma!
I know.
Normally, even in a time of crisis,
operating a cutting edge VF-25 without
authorization would land you
in front of a court martial.
But I had no choice!
Our S.M.S,
is a private organization
that can act at its own discretion.
As such, Alto Saotome,
we can decide how to deal
with you unilaterally.
You're going to silence me?
[Ozma] I'm grateful to you
for saving my sister Ranka.
Is Ranka all right?
To tell you the truth,
Ranka is unusually sensitive.
She's experienced great personal loss.
[Canaria] Dissociative amnesia.
It is when recollection of a certain
incident becomes impossible
as a result of an external injury
or stress disorder.
But if something reminiscent of
the "lost" memory is encountered,
a strong feeling of discomfort
and fear is triggered.
Simply put, it's a type of memory loss.
Ranka has already recovered.
I sent her home.
I hope that's not a problem.
[Ozma] Sorry for always
troubling you, Canaria.
[Canaria] Don't worry about it.
[Alto] What "certain incident"?
[Ozma] Ranka lost her entire family.
Parents, siblings, all of them.
But you're...
I'm not Ranka's real brother.
Eleven years ago,
I was the incompetent pilot
who failed to protect her family.
[Ozma] Ranka has forgotten that.
Along with that atrocious incident.
"Atrocious incident"?
What exactly happened?
Once you know, you can never go back.
I don't care.
I want to know everything.
I'll give you 24 hours.
Think it over carefully.
[Ozma] What do you want to do?
What will you fight for?
What are you willing to put on the line?
[Michael] Alto.
Are you going to run away again?
"Run away"?
Who's running away?
A real war
isn't like one of your stage plays.
[Alto] Don't you think I know that?
No, you don't have a clue.
As you are now, you'll either
die or get someone else killed.
[somber music playing]
[Jeffery] He was a valiant soldier,
unflinching in the face of terror.
Risking his life,
he fought for his ideals,
until at last, his strength gave out.
But this is not the end.
His body will become
our flesh and our blood.
Joining with the air,
it will become part of our own lives.
Sleep now, friend.
This is farewell. Until we meet again.
[Michael] Alto, are you going to
run away again?
As you ran from home and stage?
You're wrong.
[wind whistling]
[Ranka] Aimo aimo neder rusche
Noina miria ender protea
That was a nice song.
I don't remember anything
from my childhood.
But, you know, this song
is the one thing I remember.
It's my only memory.
I see.
[Ranka] So, I come to this hill
to sing sometimes.
Because no one will hear me
if I sing here.
I always took my life for granted.
I'd wake up in the morning,
wash my face, and have a nice breakfast.
I'd mess around
with my brother and my friends.
[Ranka] But it can end so easily.
People's lives, this world.
And... Hey, Alto, are you listening?
- It's funny, isn't it?
- [Ranka] Huh?
That a simple piece of paper,
by merely folding and unfolding
it a number of times,
can become something that actually flies.
[Ranka] You really like those, huh?
Don't you think paper planes
are sort of like actors?
A plain piece of paper
changes form to soar through the sky.
I'm not interested in acting anymore.
I wonder...
if maybe I can fly, too.
[Alto] Not a chance.
You're right.
A girl like me could never do it.
Not if you question yourself
and put yourself down.
Then it'll never happen!
[Ranka] You're teasing me, Alto!
[Alto] Yeah.
[Ranka] I want everyone to hear it.
So, will you listen to my song?
[Alto] Do whatever you want.
[Ranka] Thanks, Alto!
Aimo aimo neder rusche
Noina miria ender protea
This place is
A warm sea
[Alto] That's right.
I will fly.
Even if it's in a sky
that's become a battlefield.
Rurei rureia
The skylarks flying above
are teardrops
[Sheryl singing along] Rurei rureia
That voice...
[Sheryl] You are a gentle green child
No way.
I don't do this kind of service often.
[Alto] What are you doing here?
[Sheryl] You have a good voice.
What's your name?
[Ranka] Heh? It's Ranka. Ranka Lee.
I don't think my voice is that good.
[Sheryl chuckles]
I don't give praise lightly.
- But...
- "But"?
How is it that you know Aimo?
[wind blowing]
That's right. Aimo.
[cell phone beeps]
[gasps] What?
I was just getting to the good part!
Hello, Grace.
What? No way. It's recording time already?
Just have them push it back...
[Sheryl] What? It's a live broadcast?
Fine. I'll head there right away.
- [line disconnects]
- Sorry.
Seems like it's showtime for me!
Well, I've got to hurry.
Let's continue this some other time.
What is it with her?
How does she know that song?
[Alto] Alto Saotome,
second-year piloting student
in Mihoshi Academy's space
engineering department,
entering the S.M.S
as a new member as of today.
I'll ask you once more.
In space, there's no telling
what dangers may await you.
Are you prepared?
Of course! I mean...
I am prepared, Major Ozma.
He's so innocent.
You can tell he's used
to playing female roles in kabuki.
[chuckles] He's just so...
[chuckles] Very well. As of this moment,
we welcome you as a member of the S.M.S.
Why you... [grunts]
[Lam] It's the traditional welcoming
ceremony for new S.M.S members!
Damn you all.
Those jerks.
What kind of welcoming ceremony was that?
Making me go along
with their stupid partying until morning.
[gasps, grunts]
What the hell are you doing?
[bell ringing]
[Alto] Are you sure it's okay for you
to show up alone like this?
Aren't you supposed to be a celebrity?
[Sheryl] What, you don't like
having me around?
[Alto] You got that right.
You're a bother.
But I have to go back to Galaxy next week.
So today's my only chance.
I must find it.
That crystal conveys feelings.
It's my good luck charm.
[Alto] It conveys feelings?
If it's not here, you might
have dropped it in the cockpit.
[Ozma] What's this all about?
How could you enter the
Miss Macross Contest without asking me?
Look! You were suspended
from school as a result!
Do you have any idea what I went through
to get you into that pricy girls' school?
I never asked you to!
I want to be a singer!
Stop this nonsense!
A shy girl like you
could never be a singer!
Stupid big brother!
[Ranka] Stupid! Stupid!
[crying] Stupid!
It's no good. Looks like the person
in charge is off duty today.
Yeesh! And you said I could depend on you.
Give me that.
[Sheryl] I'll talk to lost items
and articles of the...
Stop it!
I'll be going in tomorrow,
so I'll look for it.
Then I'll be keeping this as collateral.
[Alto] Give that back!
- Why don't you come and get it then?
- That's not fair!
You hear me, Michael, this is an order.
Find Ranka no matter what.
[Michael] Listen, Captain,
I can't just suddenly...
Did something happen
between you and Ranka?
Sort of.
You're the same as ever.
If you had paid me nearly
as much attention...
That was a long time ago.
You're right.
It's ancient history, isn't it?
No! It's not Ranka!
[Michael] Then who?
Luca said he saw you
walking around with a girl.
Who cares who it is?
Our Captain-with-the-sister-complex
tells me Ranka was suspended.
[Alto] "Suspended"?
Honestly! What is she doing?
- Fine, if I find her...
- [line disconnects]
What was that for?
Making excuses to your girlfriend?
[Alto] Huh?
[Sheryl] The girl who was singing
on the hill. You two are going out, right?
[Alto] "Going out"?
- You're wrong!
- [Sheryl] I'm wrong, am I?
[Alto] Anyway, why do you know
that song Ranka remembers?
[Sheryl] So you're interested in
Ranka after all.
That's not it!
[Sheryl] Hmm.
If you want me to tell you
about that song,
you'll have to catch me!
Baby pink monsoon
Baby pink monsoon
Lady sings love...
What's with you?
You seem distracted.
You really are popular, aren't you?
[Alto] Why do you think the earring
is at my place?
[Sheryl] Grace.
It was recorded in my manager's vision.
- [Alto] In her vision?
- [Sheryl] Her implants.
[Alto] You mean where they put
machines in your brain?
But isn't that illegal?
[Sheryl] It's normal on Galaxy.
[Alto] When did they become
so common there?
[Sheryl] Have you been to Galaxy before?
[Alto] Yeah. For a bit when I was a kid.
[Sheryl] Just as I thought.
- [Alto] Huh?
- [Sheryl chuckles]
[Sheryl] Times have changed.
Plastic surgery and cybernetics
are totally common.
- So, you're...
- Not me.
I'm all natural.
It's one of my selling points, after all.
Baby pink monsoon
Baby pink monsoon
Lady sings love
We'll do something so scandalous
the glass steams up
[Ranka] No means no!
There's no way I'm going back
until my big brother accepts it!
The Captain... I mean...
Your brother is really worried.
Where are you going?
Wherever I want!
[Michael] This is the problem with kids.
But now that I've found her,
I guess I can't just leave her.
[sighs] Hold up! Ranka!
[whimsical music playing]
[Sheryl] Whoo!
[chuckles] This feels great!
If you keep that up,
don't blame me when you...
Come on! Catch me if you can!
[chuckles] All right, then. Here I come!
[Sheryl] Hurry up! Move it!
[Alto] I'm catching up!
[Sheryl] You're so slow!
Hurry up!
[Alto] Hold up!
- [birds chittering]
- [exclaims]
The birds are singing.
And the forest is so big.
It's like I'm in wonderland.
Wonderland, huh?
That you can play around
in an artificial forest like this
is the greater wonder for me.
- [gasps, screams]
- [Alto gasps]
[bikes clatter]
[both gasp, scream]
[Alto] Sheryl!
- [screams]
- [Alto grunts]
- [Sheryl] What are you doing?
- You dummy! That's my line!
I see.
You saved me again.
[Sheryl] What are you doing?
[Alto] Hold still.
You came from a ship
where there isn't any real nature, right?
You still don't have
any immunity to bacteria.
So, this is a precaution.
You're very prepared.
[Alto] This is from the training
I've been doing recently.
[Sheryl] I see.
You're a soldier.
[Alto chuckles lightly]
I hate the military.
Following orders doesn't suit me.
[Sheryl] Hmm.
Then you're with
a private military company, huh?
[Alto] You knew?
[Sheryl] Well, yeah.
You'll brave any danger
if the money's there, right?
[Alto] I'm not really in it for the money.
[laughs] What's wrong with it?
We're both pros.
[Alto] "Pros"?
I'm a singing pro.
And you're a fighting pro.
If I have to be a pro, I'd rather
you call me a sky-flying pro. Hmm?
The sky, huh?
Someday I want to go to
a planet with an atmosphere
and fly under a real sky.
[Sheryl] A planet with an atmosphere.
I'm sure there would be
all kinds of scents in the breeze.
[Alto] So you were telling the truth.
That you're all natural, with no implants.
[Sheryl] You dummy!
[Sheryl] Aimo aimo
Neder rusche
That song.
Noina miria
Ender protea
It's a song my mother always sang,
before she passed away.
[Sheryl] My mother's mother...
That is, my grandmother...
heard it on some planet.
She said it was a song of destiny.
[Alto] "Some planet"?
Then why would Ranka know it?
[Sheryl] I don't know.
This is a first for me too.
In all the galaxy, she's the first
I've met who could sing Aimo.
How is that possible?
Could it have something to do
with the incident 11 years ago?
- "Incident"?
- Oh, no! It's nothing.
[Sheryl] Maybe it really is
a song of destiny.
That girl's song had a nice ring to it.
She's cute, but...
she sounds sort of sad.
Like she's all alone. Yes.
Like she's singing not for people,
but for the birds and the forest.
[Alto] You understand her rather well.
[Sheryl] Yeah, because I'm a pro.
And that girl, Ranka...
Alto, she's head over heels for you.
Hey now, that can't be right.
[Brera] Antares 1 to G.
Target is moving
from Island 1 to Island 3.
It looks like she's headed
to the Zentran Mall.
[Grace] Fairy 9 has already
landed on Island 3.
Be ready to respond
to any new developments.
[Brera] Roger.
[Grace] Let me verify
the strength of your song.
[Leon] Here is the result of our study
of the recovered Vajra.
Its carapace is made of the same
energy conversion armor as a Valkyrie.
It can independently space fold,
and internally
produce missile-like projectiles
for sustained periods of time.
Most surprisingly of all,
the organ we consider their brain
is minuscule.
In other words, we hypothesize that
they are being controlled by something.
- Biological weapons!
- [all gasp]
If these Vajra are being
controlled by Galaxy...
Then Sheryl Nome's arrival
is part of this too.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [child laughing]
When you're done with that,
let's head back.
The Captain really is worried about you.
Forget it! My big brother
always treats me like a kid!
And you can never tell
when war might come again!
I want everyone to hear my song.
How about you stop acting so spoiled?
[Michael] You don't even try to understand
how the Captain feels when he fights,
so you have no right to talk like this.
everyone is trying
to forget the recent battle.
They act as though nothing happened.
But, Ranka,
if you want to sing so badly,
can you sing right here?
Where no one's paying any attention.
Where they haven't come to see you.
[Alto] Hey! Aren't we done yet?
Of course not! I told you about Aimo,
so now you gotta hang out with me.
Baby, what do you want to do?
Take control
Gripping the handles tightly,
you're already standing by
Want my heart and want my love?
No? Oh, c'mon! I swing in for a kiss
[guitar plays]
No, mediocrity ain't my style
But an outrageous love?
Now that's for me
Beautiful! Excuse me!
If you desire La La La
That voice?
Point? I don't care
Dollars? How much fake!
Point? The two are one!
But if it's love, do it
Well, I'll be...
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
What 'bout my star?
You're doing great, Ranka.
This girl's song...
[all] Whoa...
[Brera] Fold waves detected.
[loud whirring]
Cathy! Hey!
That was incredible.
To be honest, I'm impressed.
- It's all thanks to Alto.
- Huh?
Speak of the devil.
[Sheryl] Thanks. I had a good time.
That's a surprise.
Having you actually say thanks, I mean.
Shut up.
It doesn't happen often. Be grateful.
Now, while I'd love to ask
that girl about Aimo,
I need to get back to rehearsal.
Right, for the week after next.
[Sheryl] That's right, my revenge concert.
I intend to sing with everything
I've got this time, too.
There's no helping it, then.
I'll hunt down that earring
and bring it back to you.
I'll be waiting, Alto.
- [Ranka gasps]
- [Michael whistles]
- [Elmo stuttering]
- You're kidding.
[chuckles softly]
[Elmo] Young lady!
You are truly the songstress of destiny
that I've been seeking!
Will you debut on my label?
- [Alto] Wait.
- Debut?
Your song can change the world!
My song?
Come to Never Never Land,
and let's Neba Neba together
[backup singers] Let's Neba Neba
That wondrous Never Never Land,
let's Neba Neba there again tonight
[backup singers] Let's Neba Neba
Don't ever give up, never never
This is for you, Neba Neba
Starlight Natto,
sparkling in the night sky
Stick to it Neba Neba
Stick to it, if you have a dream
[Ranka] "Alto, it's been a while."
"How are you?"
"I'm sure training with the S.M.S
must be tough."
"As for me, Elmo at Vector Pro.
persuaded my big brother,
so now I get to fulfill my dream
and debut as a singer!"
"I'm only getting small gigs
so far, but I'm doing my best!"
Famous throughout the universe,
Frontier Heavy Machinery
[Ranka] "Just recently,
I drove a bulldozer for the first time!"
For the galaxy, Frontier!
For the future, Frontier!
"But why did I have to wear a swimsuit?"
There's no planet we can't develop
Dynamu, dynamu, dynamu-dynamic!
The super alloy makes my soul boil
The joy of building models,
a real hobby
Put them together
gently with your fingers...
"And for a promotion in Deep Akiba,
I sang as a Valkyrie."
"And I transformed, too, of course!"
[camera shutters clicking]
Transform, configure,
combine, dynamic!
Nyan-Nyan, Nyan-Nyan Ni hao, nyan
Gorgeous, delicious, deculture
[Ranka] "Let's have tuna buns together
at Nyan-Nyan sometime."
[grunts, screams]
[Michael] Congratulations on getting
shot down for the 25th time.
You son-of-a! You jacked up
the difficulty setting, didn't you?
Hey, Princess Two-timer,
I've got news for you,
if you make Ranka cry, the Captain
and I won't keep quiet about it.
[Ranka] Even if you trip and fall,
you'll get there eventually
Pass your exams with Daruma Seminars
Even if you feel beaten,
hang in there for now
Until your day comes
Conquer your exams
with Daruma Seminars
Cross the universe
and bloom at university
Get into university
with Daruma Seminars
[Alto sighs]
How much longer
until I get to fly a Messiah?
[Michael] Well,
setting aside your skill level,
you always get distracted
at the worst times.
- [Alto] Say what?
- [Luca] Now, now.
Don't worry,
your chance to fly is coming soon, Alto.
"Soon, soon, soon,"
that's all I ever hear.
You sound like a Nyan-Nyan delivery boy.
Speaking of Nyan-Nyan...
- Huh? Nyan-Nyan?
- Oh.
Yeesh, you playboy.
If you want to clear things up,
now is the time.
You haven't seen her since that, right?
[Alto] Ranka!
Did you tell Ranka...
what time Alto goes home?
[Alto] Uh...
Sorry I haven't been able
to keep in touch.
Training with the S.M.S
has been harder than I expected.
Yeah, I heard from Luca
that you had your debut!
Still, I'm amazed that
our hard-headed Capt...
That your brother let you.
So, how does being a singer feel?
Are your lessons hard?
Don't overdo it and wear yourself out.
What songs are you singing now?
Let me hear them sometime...
[driver] damn it!
[shopkeeper] Welcome.
[Ranka singing on phone]
Welcome to my heart
What are you looking for?
This song.
Thank you.
This is all thanks to you, Alto.
Because you gave me the push I needed,
I was able to fly too.
It's my first commercial jingle.
They started playing it today.
[Ranka] It's only in the Shibuya
and San Francisco shops
on Island 1 for now.
But if it's well-received, they say
they'll play it all over Frontier.
- That's amazing, Ranka!
- [Ranka chuckles softly]
Hearing my own singing
being played out in the street...
It's kind of embarrassing.
you sound good, Ranka.
Ranka, about that time.
Hey, Alto.
[Ranka] Alto, how do you feel
about Sheryl?
She's... Sheryl is...
Well, she's a pro.
- A pro?
- Yeah.
At first, while I thought
she was a good singer,
I also thought she was moody
and kinda demanding.
But she's surprisingly innocent,
with a childish side to her as well.
[Alto] You could say
there's an extreme gap there.
But when the spotlight focuses on her,
her daring entrances the audience.
Honestly, I realized she was a real pro.
But you were too, Alto.
They called you the genius child actor
of the Saotome troupe.
It was different for me.
I was raised to act since I was a kid.
[Alto] Sure, when I was little,
it made everyone happy,
and it was fun to have
everyone fawn over me.
But, over time, following a path
my parents set down for me...
It became stifling.
[Ranka] You feel so far away.
Even though you're so close,
you still feel distant.
[Alto] To tell you the truth,
I might have been afraid.
Playing so many roles on the stage,
being told, "Become the character,
become the character," over and over.
My ability to feel became too strong.
You could say I was possessed by my roles.
Was I a man or a woman?
I didn't know who I really was anymore.
It felt like Alto Saotome
would vanish from this world.
That frightened me.
So I fled the stage.
You are you, Alto.
No matter what.
No matter when.
You are you, Alto.
Thank you, Ranka.
[birds chirping]
[Ozma] Mr. Alto.
Stay away from this woman.
[Alto] Huh?
[Ozma] This woman, Sheryl Nome,
and the crew
who came with her from Galaxy,
are suspected of being spies.
"Spies"? That's ridiculous!
Is it though? Think about it.
Within mere days of Sheryl coming aboard,
the Vajra attacked
on the day of her concert.
[Ozma] And for what reason
would the Galactic Fairy
approach a mere pilot candidate like you?
That's because of her earring.
And what if that's part of the plan?
Then why me?
Because you...
know the child of a Vajra researcher,
the sole survivor of Gallia 4, Ranka.
What if it's because
you're so close to her?
No way.
Then that's why she knew Ranka's song?
[Ozma] "Ranka's song"?
She was able to sing Aimo,
the song from Ranka's memories.
[Ozma] Alto, listen to me.
You are not to get involved
any further with Sheryl Nome.
And if she tries to lay
so much as a finger on Ranka,
stop her, using any means necessary.
[Michael] 194, 195, 196,
197, 198, 199,
9200, 9201, 9202,
9203... 4, 5, 6.
7. 8.
[Alto] What are you mumbling about?
I'm counting stars.
[Alto] Huh?
I was almost at 10,000.
Ten thousand? You counted that many...
You can see?
A sniper's eyes are his life, you know.
[Michael] So what was it
you wanted to talk about?
Mata Hari, Stephanie von Hohenlohe,
Li Xianglan, Sharon Apple.
There are countless examples
of celebrities being spies,
or involved in terrorist activities.
It can't be.
She's... I mean, Sheryl is...
Yeesh, you're so naive.
Falling for her seduction like a chump.
Taking advantage of that
"It couldn't be her" feeling
is a basic strategy in intelligence.
So you think Sheryl is a spy, too?
[Michael] At the very least,
the possibility isn't zero.
understanding a woman's heart
is more your specialty than mine,
I'd think.
You who, in Galactic Kabuki, were praised
as a greater beauty than any real woman,
Princess Alto.
Honestly, you being a pilot
is a waste of talent.
Since Sheryl's revenge concert
is tomorrow,
if she's going to make a move,
tonight would be my guess.
[Sheryl] Wonderland, huh?
[creature squeaks]
- [creature squeaks]
- [gasps]
My, aren't you unusual!
[Ranka] Where did you come from?
Did you lose your mother, too?
Eh? Aah! [giggles]
That tickles!
[Ranka] Hey, stop that!
Oh, you...
- [upbeat music playing]
- [Ranka humming]
[Ranka sighs]
"More womanly," huh.
[creature squeaks]
[chuckles softly] You're so nice.
I know! Alto might be able to tell me
how to make my dancing more womanly.
[Ranka] Alto.
[Alto] So this is where it was.
No wonder we couldn't find it.
- [cell phone beeps]
- Who's calling this late?
[Alto, on voicemail] Hello,
this is Saotome.
I cannot come to the phone at the moment.
[Sheryl] Honestly!
Doesn't he know who's calling?
[Alto] Please leave your message
after the tone.
[line beeps]
[Sheryl] So, I'm going to that hill.
Griffith Park.
So come as soon as you hear this.
- If you stand me up, you'll be in for it.
- [line cuts]
[line beeping]
What the heck was that about?
[crickets chirping]
[footsteps approaching]
You're late...
[Sheryl] Ranka.
What are you doing here at this hour?
[Ranka] Well,
I'm having my first mini-concert soon.
[Sheryl] Congratulations!
So you're finally having your real debut.
Oh, no,
it's nothing compared to yours, Sheryl.
It's just a little street concert.
But I'm kind of nervous.
[Ranka] I couldn't memorize
the choreography. Or go to sleep.
So, I was thinking
I'd have Alto teach me to dance,
but it was too hard to ask him.
Why am I babbling like this? [exhales]
You sure are cute.
[Ranka] But I'm...
[Sheryl] Don't worry.
I'm just playing around with Alto.
[Ranka] "Playing around"?
Bring Alto along.
[Ranka] This is...
Since I play the role of Sheryl Nome,
the Galactic Fairy, all the time,
once in a while, I want to go back to
being just myself for a bit. That's all.
Aimo aimo
Neder rusche
Noina miria
Ender protea
[both singing] Fotomi
This place is
A warm sea
- [pulsating]
- What?
You're... It can't be.
[Ranka] Why?
- [gasps]
- [creature squeaks]
Ai-kun, what's wrong?
[Sheryl] Ai-kun?
Yeah. I found him lost
in front of my house today.
[Sheryl] Anyway, that's amazing.
I'm sure this little guy
is reacting to your song.
To my song?
[Sheryl] You were
on that planet, weren't you?
On planet Gallia 4.
[Ranka] Gallia 4?
That's right. Don't you remember?
The planet you were born and raised on.
I don't remember anything
from when I was little.
You don't remember?
I'm sorry.
[breathing heavily]
- [Ai-kun squeals]
- [both gasp]
[Ranka] Ai-kun!
[Sheryl] I said wait!
[Alto] Ranka?
[Sheryl] Wait!
[Alto] Stop!
- Alto?
- Don't touch Ranka!
[Sheryl groaning]
Tell me! What do you want with Ranka?
What was that for?
[Alto] Don't move!
I didn't want to believe it.
That you were a spy for Galaxy.
"Spy"? Why would you think that?
That you were attacking Ranka,
a survivor of Gallia 4, is proof enough!
And you got close to me
just so you could investigate Ranka.
[Ranka] You've got it all wrong, Alto!
Sheryl was just trying to catch Ai-kun,
who ran away.
[Sheryl] Could you get any worse?
- I really misjudged you, Alto.
- [thunder rumbles]
[pensive music playing]
[shower running]
[man 1] It seems there is no mistake,
Colonel Grace.
- This time, we have found Code Q1.
- [sighs]
[man 2] But the girl's Fold Waves
are still too weak.
[young girl] That little green lifeform
is what interests me.
There was no entry on it in the library.
[man 3] It may have
some connection to the Vajra.
They are growing more active.
[man 1] We have little time remaining.
How are preparations
for tomorrow's operation going?
It would seem Fairy 9
has suffered psychological damage.
[Grace] There is no need for concern.
I raised Fairy 9, Sheryl Nome, myself.
She need not sing out of happiness.
She has the ability to turn anger and
sadness into power with her song, as well.
Tomorrow, her song will surely
awaken the power sleeping within Code Q1.
[young girl] My, you're
incredibly confident.
[man 2] It seems there are people
sniffing around you.
Will you be all right?
[Grace] When the time comes,
I'll put the boy to work,
and leave him to his own devices.
[Brera] Roger.
Leave this Galaxy business to us.
You're confined to your quarters
for the next 24 hours.
- [Alto] But...
- No complaints, rookie!
[Ozma] Even if she wasn't attacking Ranka,
there's no doubt she showed
an interest in Aimo and Gallia 4.
You stay away from her as well,
until she's cleared of charges.
[Ranka] But tomorrow is Sheryl's last...
What's more important?
Music, or your life?
[gasps] But...
[announcer over PA] Sheryl Nome,
Final Revenge Live,
starts in two hours.
Please be patient.
[in English] Sheryl Nome,
Final Revenge Live,
starting in two hours.
[door opens, closes]
[Monica, in Japanese] Captain,
all sections have finished their checks.
Preparation of all ships
has been completed.
[Jeffery] Hmm.
It looks like we made it in time.
[Monica] Huh?
something big might happen.
[Monica] Tonight because of
Sheryl's last concert, you mean?
[Jeffery] That last brush with the Vajra
was merely a skirmish.
Next time they come,
they'll surely go all-out.
[Monica] Is that your intuition
as a sailor?
My old wounds,
they ache...
when a storm is near.
- I have something to report.
- What is it?
[unsettling music playing]
- [pulsates]
- [grunts]
[Sheryl] I really misjudged you, Alto.
[Alto] A crystal that conveys feelings.
Her feelings.
- [pulsates]
- [grunts]
[groaning] What?
[straining] Sheryl.
[Sheryl groans]
- [grunts]
- [Alto and Sheryl] No.
Don't leave me.
Don't leave me all alone.
[Alto] Don't leave me.
[breathing heavily]
"Don't leave me all alone"?
[gasps] Sheryl!
[car honks]
[worker 1] All right. All right.
- Good. Right there.
- [thud]
[worker 2] Light check.
From L1 to L72.
[Alto] Sheryl, listen to me.
- I'm sorry about yesterday.
- [Sheryl] Get out!
[Alto] Sheryl.
Fine, but at least take this.
- [earrings jingles]
- That's...
[clock beeps]
I won't ask you to forgive me.
Besides, I don't know
for sure if you're a spy or not.
[Alto] But let me say one thing.
No matter what happens,
you are not alone!
[melancholic music playing]
[Sheryl] What's that supposed to mean?
[Alto] This... This earring
may have told me something...
about the feelings
you hold deep in your heart.
That's ridiculous.
[Sheryl] What makes you think I'm lonely?
[Alto] Sheryl.
[claps echoing]
[Grace] What a splendid performance.
Now, it's almost time.
[Alto] What?
And those of you in the audience,
don't hide. Show yourselves.
[Ozma] So you saw right through us, huh?
Impressive. Galaxy's cyborgs
are something else.
[Alto] Captain!
[Sheryl] You tricked me!
[Alto] No! This is...
[Catherine] Grace O'Connor. No.
Colonel Grace Godunowa.
Under Section 17
of the Galactic Security Treaty,
you are under arrest for espionage.
- That's awfully one-sided of you.
- [Ozma] What?
Sheryl, listen carefully.
[Grace] It seems they won't wait
until the concert is over.
Two hours ago...
To be precise, at 21:13
Galactic Standard Time,
I received word that our home,
the Galaxy Fleet,
is facing an all-out attack by the Vajra.
[Sheryl] Galaxy is?
[captain] Mayday! Mayday!
Those damn bugs have broken through
to the Mainland!
Please, someone save Gala...
[Grace] Galaxy sent an SOS to Frontier.
But your government chose to ignore it.
That's a lie! My father...
Our government would never
do something so awful!
The rumor on Galaxy
is that Frontier wants to reach
the Vajra home planet first
and monopolize its resources
for themselves.
[Ozma] What?
[Alto] Is that true?
[Sheryl] It's true.
That's why I thought Frontier
would be an awful place.
[Alto] No way.
[Catherine] This is
classified information.
"The SOS from Galaxy
has been judged to be a malicious
act of sabotage and will be ignored."
[Grace] Do you see now...
how Frontier will go so far as to violate
the Galactic Directive in pursuit
of its own interests
and abandon its allies?
That's not...
Grace, how bad are things for Galaxy?
A third of the escort ships
have already been lost.
It's only a matter of time
before the Mainland falls.
[Sheryl] Why did you
keep quiet about this?
What else could I have done?
Galaxy is too far away.
There was nothing we could do.
We are neither the N.U.N.S.
nor a private army, after all.
How much does it cost to hire the S.M.S?
- [Ozma] What?
- [Sheryl] Answer me!
Don't you people want to see
if what either government
are saying is true?
[scoffs] Interesting.
So the Galactic Fairy
wants to be a goddess of war too?
Ozma, you can't. This could be a trap.
120,000,000 credits.
[Ozma] That's for basic use of the Macross
Quarter and its integrated weapons.
You'll be billed separately
per use of optional weaponry.
[scoffs] That's a fair price.
[Sheryl] That's a Vega Black Card.
If that's not enough, I'll throw in
the royalties from my next album.
Well, our lives are on the line,
after all.
What? You're a pro too, aren't you?
You got a problem?
No. I joined the S.M.S
to protect others, too.
I never would have thought
I'd be flying on your dime, though.
[Sheryl] Return it
once the mission's finished.
Without a scratch, of course.
[Ozma] Negotiations are complete.
The Captain gave his consent.
Are you insane?
This is why I was against having PMCs!
Mr. Alto, as of this moment,
the S.M.S will embark on an operation
to rescue refugee ships
from the Galaxy Fleet.
Mission Code, Galactic Fairy!
[Meena] No abnormalities detected.
We've defolded successfully.
[Monica] Galaxy refugee fleet detected
ahead at point 02.
Magnifying image.
[Lam] This is awful.
[Monica] It seems there are cruiser-class
ships on the Vajra side as well.
[Jeffery] Monica,
confirm the enemy's formation.
[Monica] Roger.
[Jeffery] Lam, open a comm channel.
Notify the refugee ships
- that we will be coming to their aid.
- Roger.
[Jeffery] Meena, have all Destroid units
position themselves
for anti-air interception.
- [Jeffery] Cathy.
- Yes?
The S.M.S's tactics are much wilder
than the military you're used to.
Are you prepared?
I would expect nothing less!
Hmm. All ships, prepare for combat!
[rousing music playing]
[Sheryl] Listen to my song!
[upbeat music playing]
Inversely proportional to gravity
The fin glows like a volcano
Do you feel my beating heart?
This delusionary galaxy
If you slip,
below lies a poison sea...
- Here they come!
- All units, Totsugeki Love Heart!
I'm hungry...
[Klan] Let's do this, Michael!
Formation, M&M Jenius.
You'd better not miss!
[chuckles] Like you need to tell me that.
Take it away!
Let's go on a date,
scattering the shooting stars
Engage in a rare fight here
Let your ecstasy burn...
- [Ozma] Stay focused! They're coming!
- [Alto] Yes, sir!
I'll fill your heart with sweetness,
just leave it to me
I'll make you feel so good
So good
Sagittarius 9:00 PM, don't be late!
Don't be late...
It's begun.
You're not gonna shake me off!
[Sheryl] What I cannot forgive
is your false destiny
It's the fleeting miracle
known as beauty
[Sheryl] Once the moment
of romance melts
You'll regret it immediately
In Zero-G,
even though I feel set adrift...
All right! Three ships destroyed!
[Sheryl] I want to let my heart beat
throughout the universe
And give you lots of love
Eat this!
[Sheryl] Take it away!
This freshly plucked pretty chance
Don't try to hide it,
break down that barrier
Fly away
The charming part...
[Monica] Refugee ships are withdrawing
from combat area to safe folding distance.
[Sheryl] I'll make your heart sway
It'll sway
Born a Virgo, fascinate!
- [gasps]
- [groans]
[Monica] Three refugee ships destroyed.
No survivors.
- No.
- Dear God.
How awful.
[crowd cheering]
M5 and 6.
M5 and...
Huh? Alto?
[Ranka] My big brother.
- [line beeps]
- [Ozma] It's me.
I should probably be
telling you this in person,
but it was hard to say.
We have work.
I won't be coming home tonight.
[Ranka] Work? [gasps]
[Ozma] But I promise
I'll bring everyone home.
Wait for us and don't worry.
[Sheryl] I travel...
No way.
[Sheryl] To the distant...
Then Alto's gone too?
[Sheryl] The rain lashes at me
like a whip
So this is their main force?
[Ozma] Skull 4!
Alto, you're too far ahead!
I know that! But...
[Alto] We can't let them do
any more damage!
[Sheryl] How beautiful this hair
looks all tied up
Especially when it is fated
to come undone
It soaks up the teardrops...
If I can just take out that cannon...
[Sheryl] I travel to your side
Fall into the end of the world
[Alto grunts]
Fairy, realize that
I can feel on my soul
This next number is a song
that means a lot to me.
[Sheryl] I think in our lives,
we all experience
many encounters and farewells.
But I don't want to lose
any more of what's precious to me.
[crowd cheering]
Hey, everyone.
Do you mind if I do something selfish?
[Sheryl] I want to sing
this one precious song
for a certain someone.
No, for a certain group of people.
For those people risking
their lives far from here.
[gasps] She knows.
Sheryl knows.
- But she's still...
- [Sheryl vocalizing]
When I was in love with God
I never expected
We'd part ways like this
[Sheryl and Ranka vocalizing]
[both singing]
If we're never to touch again
I wish you could have
At least held me one last time
It's long long good-bye
I say farewell, farewell,
again and again...
[Alto] What? This song.
I repeat the word to myself endlessly
You're waving to me
out of kindness, right?
[Alto] This light.
[Monica] All Vajra
have stopped their attack.
[Lam] The Vajra are folding!
Don't tell me they're pursuing
Galaxy's refugee ships!
[Sheryl and Ranka] All because I loved
[Sheryl and Ranka]
All because I was there
All ships, emergency fold!
Retrieve our assault squadrons
and pursue the Vajra!
My eyes are bleary with tears
The sparkle of the stars is gone...
A defold?
This is...
[dramatic music playing]
[alert blaring]
[Sheryl] It can't be.
That's twice now!
[gasps] Alto. My big brother.
[Grace chuckles quietly] So they
came as expected,
drawn here by those girls' fold song.
Huh? What do we do?
Should we call it off...
[crowd shouting, clamoring]
[Sheryl] No way.
Are the Vajra targeting this place?
That's Sheryl's concert stage.
[operator 1] Battle Frontier,
orientation at 85%.
All friendly units in firing range
are to withdraw at once.
[operator 2] Main Macross Cannon,
charge percentage at...
90%, 91%...
92%, 93%...
[operator 1] Largest enemy ship is now
within our main cannon's firing range.
[commander] Target the enemy's reactor.
[operator 2] Main cannon is aligned.
[commander] All crew brace for shock!
Fire the main cannon!
[operator 1] Main cannon has hit.
- Huh?
- Oh.
Wait, the enemy ship is still intact.
- What?
- That's impossible!
[people shouting, clamoring]
The Vajra again? Why?
- [pulsating]
- [grunts]
Aimo aimo
[gasps] The Vajra?
Run, Ranka!
The Vajra may come after you!
- The Vajra, it's me they're after.
- [people screaming in distance]
[exhales sharply, grunts]
- [explosion booms]
- [Ranka screams]
At this rate...
[Ranka] Everyone will...
Everyone will die again.
- [metal creaks]
- [staff] Sheryl, hurry and evacuate!
[Sheryl] But I'm not done!
- [explosions booming]
- [Sheryl screams]
[Alto] Sheryl!
Get aboard! Hurry and evacuate!
Alto, what are you doing here?
What about the refugees from Galaxy?
[Alto] They're fine, hurry up!
Vajra. At this rate...
Everyone's going to... Alto's going to...
At this rate...
Everyone's going to...
At this rate...
[Ranka] If...
If the Vajra are coming for me...
then I...
She can't be planning to...
She's drawing the Vajra to herself!
[Sheryl] Ranka's using herself as bait!
- [Alto] Bait?
- [Sheryl] Go to her, hurry!
Damn it!
[pants, screams]
[Ranka screams]
[Sheryl gasps]
- Damned Vajra, why are you after Ranka?
- [gunshots firing]
[sentimental music plays]
[Sheryl] Even I...
Even my song...
can affect the Vajra a little!
Like the way little birds
can find the light of dawn
I promise I'll notice the sign
The world still sleeps,
unaware of my heart
Which races
at the slightest trace of it...
Because I loved, I learned despair
My hands still have
the strength to grasp it
No matter how much else is lost
Swear an oath upon those tears...
[Grace] The fold waves
have risen to Level 9?
Code Q1's power...
Has the fairy's hidden power awakened?
[Grace] What are you doing?
Broadcast Sheryl's song now!
[staff 1] During a crisis like this?
Sheryl is risking her life,
singing to give people courage!
[Grace] Hurry and
broadcast it to all ships!
Let everyone know there's still hope!
- Hope.
- Hope!
Make sure those unmanned cameras are on!
[staff 1] We'll broadcast Sheryl's song
and video across every ship!
Why do you stray
from the person you want to be?
Airplanes stain the sky
People are capable of such cruelty...
Sheryl, you...
To escape the freezing cold
of complete loneliness...
[male citizen 1] Sheryl!
[female citizen] It's Sheryl.
[male citizen 2] It's Sheryl.
No matter how much else is lost
To live for...
[operator 4] The gravity control system
in Block B17's been hit!
[Sheryl] Hold it together...
Seek the pulse in your heart...
[Alto] Ranka!
Will you make it in time?
[Ranka] Sheryl.
Sheryl is singing!
[Sheryl] Obsessed with miracles
Leaping over the ruins
On an upwards trajectory
Seek the pulse in your heart
Before this life ends...
I don't have time for this!
[Brera] Antares 1 to S.M.S pilot.
I will provide support.
"Support"? Who is Antares 1?
[Brera] Just hurry!
Go after that Vajra.
Roger that!
[Sheryl] Before this life ends
Will you make it in time?
I hope you make it in time
[Ozma] Sheryl.
We'll handle things here.
So sing with everything you've got!
I'm way ahead of you!
[upbeat music playing]
Spin the stars,
from the center of the world
If you sneeze, the butterflies
will dance in a forest somewhere
The key to the door you guard
isn't real...
Damn it!
They're gonna get away in that carrier!
[Sheryl] But even as they lick
each other's wounds, lions are strong
The town, it's...
I want to survive, I want to survive
It makes me...
Guided by the constellations...
[Canaria] Not on my watch!
I want to survive
I'm completely at a loss
I wither away in a flash
Until I show you my body
in its full glory
I will not sleep
In time,
the winds will blow towards the east
High atmospheric pressure
assaults this planet's glaciers
My bosom hurts after drinking
Of the catalyzing water
[Sheryl] It's a roundabout story
We gnaw each other down
to the marrow...
[Alto] Ranka!
[Ranka] Alto!
It makes me want to keep living
Guided by the constellations...
It's too far away!
We gaze at each other
- Don't do it!
- [grunts]
I'm completely at a loss
I wither away in a flash
Until I show you my body
in its full glory
I will not sleep
- [Ranka screams]
- Ranka!
[Sheryl] Want to survive...
[Michael] Go, Alto!
[Alto] Michael!
Michael! [screams]
[Alto] Ranka! [grunts]
[Ranka] Alto. [screams]
[Sheryl] My enduring wounds
feared the light
Now, lives seeking acceptance
are drawn to each other...
All right!
I want to cool myself beside you
Until I show you my body
in its full glory...
[Alto] Sheryl.
Alto, Ranka.
Here we go, Ranka.
[both] I want to survive
Even if I'm hanging by a thread
I love you
Now, lives seeking to be awakened
attract each other
In place of my madness
I offer you a prayer
I love you
Guided by the constellations
I want to survive
I still want to live on
I love you
Until I show you how serious
my feelings are
I will not sleep
[Bobby grunts]
Focus the Pinpoint Barrier
on the port bow!
Let 'em have it!
[operator 1] Enemy ship's
fold barrier is down.
- Oh!
- Now! Fire the Macross Cannon!
[explosion booms]
[Monica] Vajra swarm has folded.
They're withdrawing.
We won.
Of course we did.
This is how the S.M.S fights.
Uh... [laughs]
Still, our losses were too great.
Report this order to all sections,
tend to the wounded at once!
[all] Roger.
[Klan] Michael!
- [objects clatter]
- [Klan gasps]
Hey. You're late, Klan.
[Grace] So this is the power
of the songstresses.
[Alto] S.M.S Skull Squadron member
Alto Saotome to Antares 1.
I thank you for your support.
[chuckles] I only did
what anyone would do.
[Ranka] Wow, it's snowing!
- [sighs contentedly]
- It's so pretty.
Snow to mourn the fallen.
[gasps] Big brother! [exhales heavily]
[Ozma] Are you all right, Ranka?
[chuckles] Hey, I'm not a child, you know!
You did good, Ranka.
[Sheryl sneezes]
[Alto] Sheryl.
Both of you sang well.
[Sheryl] Alto.
[Alto] We managed to save seven
of Galaxy's refugee ships, but...
But the other three...
I'm sorry.
You did all you could.
I did the same.
Keep it. Consider it a bonus,
for protecting us.
this is important to you.
I said I'd give it to you!
Just take it!
[Sheryl] I don't do this kind of service
often, you know!
Thank you, Alto, Ranka.
I know now...
that I'm not alone.
[soft music playing]
Not alone, huh?
[Ranka] It's true
I've always
Treasured your words
Many times
They've reached me
They're my light and energy
Even though we're apart right now
I'm doing fine
Even though we can't see each other
I hope you're doing fine, too
Tell me what you dreamed yesterday
Or about the dog next door
Teach me about the world you see
Which I know nothing of
For now, let me close my eyes
And listen a little longer
To the voice of the one I love
From whom I am apart
Good morning, where you live
The day is just starting
Good night, where I live
The first star is rising
From billions of light years away
I send you a kiss
Across billions of light years
I hope it reaches you
Even though we're apart right now
I'm doing fine
Even though we can't see each other
I hope you're doing fine, too
[music fades]