Mafia Wars (2024) Movie Script

Keep moving.
Who's there?
Who's there?
Please take a seat.
There you go.
Welcome to the VIP.
Griff. Griff, what the fuck?
Tell me.
Are there any more of you? Hm?
Any more what?
Can I take this sack
off of me, please?
No, you may not.
It's funny.
I learned a little
interrogation technique
when I was in Iraq.
Did you know...
people tend to spill their guts
when they don't know
their surroundings?
I have nothing to confess.
That jog anything loose? Huh?
Really? I mean,
that's weird because the sack,
it also helps me
see through bullshit.
It's time to come
clean, Matteo.
Cleanse yourself!
You don't feel like talking.
It's so unlike you.
I mean, usually we just cannot
get you to shut the fuck up.
Let's try this...
one more--
Please, please, Griff.
Griff, this is crazy.
Griff, please.
You're being paranoid. Griff!
Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
I am Officer Matteo
Romano, please.
Yeah, I already knew
that one.
Oh, no, no, no!
My, my handler is
Detective Lombardi.
It's his case.
A rogue detective in Rome.
Not likely.
He's a one man crusader.
He's half--half American.
He thinks he's John Wayne.
John Wayne.
Please, please, Griff!
Was that so hard?
Come on.
Oh, do they, uh...
Do they know
about our shipment?
Do they know
about our warehouse?
Oh, they wouldn't search it
without an army.
You seem awfully
sure of yourself.
Please, Griff.
Look, Griff, I-I didn't want
this assignment, okay?
Lombardi had me
for taking money.
I had no choice.
I had to be his--
His rat is
what you had to be.
But not anymore, Griff.
Not anymore.
Fuck him! Okay?
-I just quit.
-And renounce Satan!
-Amen, brother.
Look at you. Look at you.
You're a mess.
I mean, come on.
Scared you a little bit
though, didn't I?
Huh? Grrr!
Everyone has heard
the stories about you.
Really? What--
What is it that
they say about me?
I-- you know, I...
I, I, I, I... I don't know.
They say that Rossi
has the power,
but you have the, uh...
the reputation.
Reputation for like...
Like I'm a good dresser or
a bit of a ladies man, maybe?
You have, uh...
You don't take shit
from anyone.
Not even the boss.
What is it that they call me?
-Please, Griff.
-Behind my back. They say--
-I don't know. I don't know.
-Tell me. Just say it!
I didn't tell Lombardi
anything. Please, Griff.
All right, fine.
Enough of
all this serious talk.
We will deal with
the detective later, yes?
Come on. There's a party
we got to get to.
Oh, shit!
I just remembered.
They call me the Reaper.
Ooh, rats.
They are not allowed
on Mr. Rossi's property.
What does this
do to our deal?
Nothing. No.
It's business as usual.
I think there are
more rats, though.
I can...
I can smell them.
I'm gonna enjoy exterminating
every last one of them.
Are you sure about this?
You got a better idea?
I could call my brother.
You have a phone?
Where'd you get that?
My brother.
He's the kind of guy
that can make things happen.
Too late.
You, Fuc--
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
Listen, that trash talk is
what got you into this, okay?
Moses. Hey.
You guys lost?
I understand, but
listen, he's my cellmate,
and you know how hard it is
to find a good one.
I can't let you do that.
Do you know
who my brother is?
I know.
I did it!
I finally own
this fucking place!
On your feet.
I said, on your feet!
I heard you.
Shipping me back to my cell?
You've been released, American.
Just, um...
See you on the outside.
So, does it hurt when you sit?
That bad, no?
Are you looking
to do some time?
Oh, no.
I tend to avoid
breaking the law.
Who the hell are you?
That would be Lombardi.
I signed your release.
That makes you mine, my friend.
You're a cop? Here?
Although I did live in
the States as a kid.
I guess that would make us
both outsiders to Rome.
Now, wouldn't it, Terry?
Now give me that note
Jack gave you.
What note?
Don't act dumb.
Not now.
Listen, he passed this
to me on my way out.
You cannot pin this on me.
How do you think you got to
come bunk with Jack anyway?
We knew he only
trusted Americans.
Well, fuck you.
I almost bought it
saving his ass.
But you did.
You did save it.
That's part of the test,
my friend.
That's also why
you're sitting here now.
Do you always speak in
this bullshit riddle talk?
Well, it looks like you passed
your friendship test...
with flying colors.
No wife and no kids, no?
Are you setting me up
for a dating app?
File mentioned the attitude.
It could be good.
Should help you.
-With what?
-Cosa Nostra.
Aren't they down in the south?
They're everywhere.
And now I have intel
that they moved
their operation into Rome,
bringing a truckload
of fentanyl with them.
Shouldn't you be out there
chasing down all the drugs?
Well, I'm not going to let Rome
become a distribution hub
for all of Europe.
Listen, I understand that
you have something to prove,
being an outsider
and everything.
Just give me my passport.
You know, the file
also mentioned
you're always
looking for the door.
You don't know me.
Well, here's my pitch.
I have five guys out here
right now that are under.
-You'll make six.
You was a cop in the States
for a few years, Terry.
That was a long time ago.
And I get it. Life goes hard.
You struggled to
get back on track, right?
But I see something
in you, Terry.
That's why you just
graduate again.
Graduate to what?
My undercover unit.
You're going to help
me stop Cosa Nostra.
Before you say
something stupid
like "no" or "go to hell,"
your only way out of Italy
is working for me, Terry.
So, if they offer
you drugs, hmm.
But if they want you
to kill someone, don't.
That's where I draw the line.
Well, you can kill me
or send me back.
Either way, I'm better off.
I'm also in possession
of a laundry room video.
When did the cops get into
the blackmailing business?
But I'm the only one that
knows that you're undercover.
That's supposed to
make me feel better?
You're going to be the spotter.
Let all the other guys
do the police work.
And I'm the only one who's a...
A criminal.
Yes, but we do have
a safe word.
So if you get yourself
in a tight spot,
you'll know
who's on your side.
What is it? Sucker?
You six are going to help me
burn this operation
to the ground.
And how does a spotter do that?
Rossi runs the largest
Cosa Nostra family,
and they hate outsiders.
The guy you saved in prison?
That's your way
into this operation.
Rossi's newly appointed
number two guy is Griff.
That's Jack's brother.
You stay close to Griff,
and he's going to
lead you to these drugs.
Then what?
Then you watch your ass and
wait on the cavalry to arrive.
Do you really want
to rot your ass
in prison for another year?
Clone to your old phone.
I can track you
anywhere you go.
You don't need a wire.
How come the other five
haven't found the drugs yet?
'Cause Rossi
spooks very easily.
But you? You have
the golden ticket.
You see, there's no reason why
Griff shouldn't trust you.
You saved his brother's life.
How much longer do I have to
keep babysitting Rossi for?
Ah, hanging out
with the boss
gives you street cred.
Jesus. Okay, this is meant
to be a hostile takeover.
This ain't daycare.
Why don't you go hold his hand?
If he does not buy you,
then we're both dead.
Yeah, all
this guy sees is my
brown skin and money.
All he sees
is your father's money, okay?
And he will use that
to set up shop here in Rome.
Fuck you, Griff.
All right, all right.
Look, look, look.
You want out of
your daddy's shadow?
Got to make your own mark.
And our deal does that.
Our deal?
100,000 kilos of fentanyl.
I will skip
to legendary status.
They'll be calling me
the "party king"
from fucking Istanbul to Ibiza.
Easy, tiger.
Don't go celebrating
just yet, okay?
Stick close to Rossi.
I think he's getting nervous.
About what? About us?
Or these, these rats?
Just stick to the plan, okay?
He will never see you coming.
How do you know
this Griff is going to call?
Well, that would be because I've
arrested some of his men now.
He needs help at the moment.
Besides, I've done
my homework, you know.
Jack and Griff are very close.
He'll call.
Oh, and Terry...
I wouldn't think about
running, my friend.
We're watching.
Hey. It's me. How's she doing?
She's been so brave.
I'm sorry I haven't called.
I've been, uh, tied up.
We were worried.
What did you tell her?
I told her that her uncle
is coming back soon.
Did I lie, Terry?
I will be there.
Tell her everything is going
to be all right, again.
I will.
Mommy, then...
Uncle Terry's coming soon?
So, when are you getting me
out of this shitshow?
I'm working on it.
But I heard you got into
a bit of an altercation.
Nothing I can't handle.
So then who
is this white knight
I should be thanking?
Terry. He just got sprung.
He was my bunkmate
the last two months.
I told him
you'd give him a job.
I vetted the man.
He's American.
One of us.
I don't know him.
I owe him.
Don't make me look like a punk.
I think you did that
when you let another man
fight your battles for you.
I had three muscleheads
trying to send me out of here
in a pine box.
And I'm still here, ain't I?
Mm, always be one step ahead
of your enemies.
Just like pops taught us.
And he also said
we never go back on our word.
Am I speaking
to the white knight?
Who's this?
I believe we have
a mutual friend.
You're his bodyguard,
the way I hear it.
-And that makes you...
So I hear you're
looking for a job.
I'm always looking.
Good. Well then, this is
what you're going to do for me.
You know Geno's bar?
I'll find it.
Yeah, just go there,
pick up a package
and ask for Rinaldo.
What do I do with the package?
One thing at a time.
You can't send him
in there alone.
You have your way
of vetting people.
I have mine.
I'll take a beer.
What do you want?
Pretty sure I just
gave you a good idea.
I'm not asking again.
If I can't have a beer,
I'll settle for Rinaldo.
Does it look like we have
a Rinaldo in here?
Yeah. Yeah, it does.
Does the word jackpot
mean anything to you?
Somebody get
the mop and bucket!
Okay. All right, listen,
Griff sent me.
Rinaldo is in the back.
At your service.
Griff sent me.
You must be new.
I never forget a face.
I try to stay out
of the spotlight.
What's your name, shy guy?
That's my name.
Don't wear me out.
He's a customer?
Maybe he owe me some
for service rear-endered.
Terry used to sell party favors
out of his van in Ibiza.
He had this great little
spot on the beach.
The music, the vibes...
Good times.
I thought you were
in prison, Ter?
I just got out.
What did you do, Ter?
I got caught.
And now you do
shakedowns for Rossi.
Don't know, is that
a step up or down?
Time will tell.
Do you have
something for him?
A businessman.
I can dig it.
Well, I usually do prefer
pussy over green, but...
it's not always
the smartest choice.
But you see,
I got a weakness.
They say the first step
to fixing your problem
is admitting you have one.
Can we skip
the sermon, please?
He who is without sin
cast the first stone.
Now it's your turn to admit
that you have a problem
and from where I sit,
yours is serious.
I let them know that
you weren't in the giving mood.
I'm going to give Griff
another message.
What's that?
You need a new messenger boy.
Want to hear a joke first?
A guy walks into a bar, my bar!
He asks the bartender,
"Can I have a beer?"
Bartender say "Wrong bar."
And then I shot this
dumb motherfucker for fun.
Grab the money!
Marco! Find!
Was Matteo one of yours?
I don't know what happened.
They found him in the Tiber,
knife wound to his neck.
I probably should've
came to you first,
but I'm getting so close.
Not anymore.
I had to shut down
your operation.
I have more men under.
Really? Who?
I can't tell you that.
I'm the only one who
knows their names.
It's safer that way.
It wasn't safe
for Matteo, was it?
Just call your men in... now.
These men are all deep cover.
I can't just do that.
This isn't America.
Besides, your men are my men.
Matteo didn't even know
who was undercover.
Their identities are secure.
I will not tolerate
any more dead bodies
in the morgue.
You give me 48 hours.
I give you 24
to bring Rossi in or...
you'll be in more
trouble than Matteo.
Damn it!
I'm dead.
Rinaldo's going to find me,
and when he does...
Why'd you do it?
Save your life?
I don't know.
I wasn't thinking.
Or maybe I remembered
you being a nice guy.
What's the difference?
You don't know me.
You sold me stuff a few times.
That makes us closer than
most people I deal with.
So I'm just some drug dealer?
You sold me drugs.
What am I supposed to think?
Yeah, right.
You telling me
there's something else?
Some noble reason?
I'm calling bullshit, Terry.
My niece.
She needs a procedure
for her heart.
There's nothing
noble in what I did.
It was all out of necessity.
How old is she?
Just forget it. Go.
How old?
She's the cutest three-year-old
you've ever seen.
Sorry to hear that.
So, what are you doing
with a guy like Rinaldo?
He's getting ready to propose.
What do you think?
My life didn't
pan out like yours.
Well, why don't you try
a new profession?
I fuck for Rossi. You fuck
people up on his behalf.
What's the difference?
Well, in my experience,
it's always better to be
the one screwing.
You're an asshole.
Oh, I thought
I was a nice guy.
You going to get that?
So I heard that you, Terry,
took two packages
out of Gino's.
How did you know that?
I know everything
that goes on in Rome.
Have all the fun
you want with her,
but don't kill her, okay?
She's our
motherfucking property.
I will pick you up
in the morning.
How do you know
where I live?
I believe we already
covered this.
What's going on?
Looks like I made the team.
You understand?
You understand what I mean?
Griff was right.
We still have
a rat problem.
Is that my problem or yours?
I just found out.
How'd they get in?
I can't buy everyone.
Have you identified these rats?
Check your mail.
Fix this.
I am not an exterminator.
I'll take matters
into my own hands.
I've called you all here
because I know
each and every one of you
would take a bullet for me.
Money. It's a wonderful thing.
But it can't buy that
type of commitment.
I'm afraid I can't say
the same about Griff.
My business
has become his now.
You know how I know
this to be true?
None of you
protested that statement.
We didn't speak up
because we haven't heard
anything about that.
Maybe you weren't
listening, Devonte.
You've been too busy
watching me...
not to notice this hostile
takeover in the making.
Griff is one of us.
He's going to...
-Kill me?
-He's loyal.
-Like all of you?
Yes, boss.
Then I'm curious.
Why am I looking at this?
Mr. Rossi...
I can explain.
I find it interesting
what a man would say
when he's caught.
Or when he has
nothing left to say.
I brought you into my house!
Don't do this.
The Carabinieri are outside!
Does anyone hear
the Carabinieri coming?
Make sure...
these rats are dealt
with accordingly.
Tomorrow, I want you
to stay close to Griff.
He won't leave my sight.
All right, let's go.
Be careful with this guy.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you were
worried about me.
You don't know Griff.
Do me this favor, okay?
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
I got shit to do, man.
Hey. Mind if I hang out here
just till Rinaldo calms down?
For luck.
Mmm. My money?
See, this organization,
shit, Rome,
the damn universe,
runs on order.
Rinaldo failed to
see it that way.
He wanted to send you
a message.
I'll be sending one of my own.
But first things first.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah? All right.
Well, slurp that shit up.
Don't be a bitch.
No, thanks.
Ah, Terry. I'm afraid
I have to insist.
Okay? Call me crazy, man,
but I can't trust anybody
who doesn't like drugs.
Just, I can't do it.
Otherwise, what the fuck
are we even doing here? Right?
Attaboy. Good decision.
Shit, man! Yeah!
Aha, woo!
Pull this shit over.
Terry, I got a problem.
Okay? I mean,
I got a shipment
going out today,
and it's the biggest
of my career.
I mean, I'm about to
supply all of Europe
with enough fentanyl
to keep everyone
high for the next
ten years.
That doesn't sound
like a problem.
Sounds like a good day to me.
Do you know what's in here?
Of course you don't, man!
Undercover unit sent
to take us down!
Know what I found out?
There's a detective
running around my fucking city
with a hard-on
for this organization.
Believe that shit? Hmm?
Look at this.
Look at these two fools
right here.
Yeah, they found him
in the Tiber.
Ooh-wee. Hopefully
they find him soon.
You know, there is just
one thing that I cannot stand...
in this world.
It's a motherfucking rat.
You know why I told you this?
I'm-I'm curious.
'Cause I don't know you.
My brother does...
but he's a fuck up.
So I looked you up.
Turns out you're a bit of
a fuck up yourself, you know?
I mean, but that's typical
in your line of work.
Terry, there is one thing
that just...
eats away at me.
It doesn't make sense.
How did you get out early?
You know they didn't
tell me shit.
Wrong answer, man!
I don't believe that
for a fucking second.
So I'm going to
give you a chance.
One little chance.
Chance for what?
Are you a praying man, Terry?
Hmm? Hmm?
Depends on the situation.
Well, it's confession time.
This is one of the
holiest cities on Earth, man!
It's, uh...
-Is something funny?
-This whole situation.
I better find it funny too,
okay? Or this, this right here,
shall be your resting place.
You don't have a photo of me.
You know I'm not the law.
You wouldn't have
given me the cocaine
if that was the case.
You wouldn't waste
the good stuff on a policeman.
Look, you're not going
to kill me.
I'm not? Really?
Do you have any idea
how hard it is
to get brains off your ride?
It's good for you.
Good for you.
I like your reasons, man.
I mean, you understand
though, right?
I mean, it's not personal.
Right? I mean,
we got to be sure.
Right. I'll give you that one.
Don't ever point
a gun at me again.
I like you, man.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Why aren't my men in yet?
Because you gave me 24 hours.
I'm not playing this game.
Oh, come on. Rossi's looking
to pull off a huge score.
That comes with the territory.
But this is different.
Rossi used to stay away
from drugs, but now
he's under new management
and moving north.
The way I see things,
he's looking to pull off
a huge deal and retire.
You don't retire
from this line of work.
You should know that.
Well, he built a super lab
somewhere around Rome,
and it's pumping
out a ton of fentanyl.
Any leads on the lab?
-Not yet.
-Better hurry.
I'm doing all I can do, okay?
Just let me know
when my men are safe.
We gettin' some lunch?
Nope. Settle some old debts.
Story time.
You know,
when I got discharged,
I just did not know what
I was going to do with my life.
A lot of my fellow soldiers,
they fell victim to drinking,
drugs and shit, you know?
Some of them even had that
post-traumatic stress disorder.
Maybe I do, too. I don't know.
Griff, I--
Just shut the fuck up, right?
And listen.
You know, it's funny. You, uh,
you think you have choices,
but you don't.
I was meant for this life
since the day I was born.
I didn't mean to insult you.
Just my, just my boy here, huh?
I'm sorry.
Don't say that shit to me, man.
Say it to him.
I'm sorry, man.
Now, the question is...
What made you think it was
a good idea to go against me?
It was stupid.
Won't happen again.
Oh, I know that.
Terry, you, uh...
you need anything else
from our dear friend here?
I'm good.
Guess that's it.
I will see you around, Rinaldo.
That's it?
I can kill you for
being fucking stupid.
Would you like that? Hmm?
Yeah. Let's get
the fuck out of here.
They know something.
I think that it's ju--
Who you talking to?
What? No one.
No one? No one like a girl
or no one like you
don't want me to find out?
You should try answering
my question
without another question.
Message received. Yeah?
You know, Terry, someone
is making a mistake.
I intend to find out who.
Now you got
a problem with that?
Let's go.
...tor's office.
Jovani, call me back now.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Y ou've reached Jovani
in the prosecutor's office.
So, uh...
where are we off to now?
Well, Rinaldo was
just an appetizer.
Time for the main course.
I'm fucking starving.
You know what I hate?
I hate when you see a guy
in a movie, right?
And he racks the slide
right before a gun battle.
Jeez. That shit is
so unrealistic!
I mean, come on.
Me? Me? I do it...
right when I load the clip.
You know, like any
normal person would do.
I already chambered
a round for you.
There we go.
What am I supposed
to do with this?
Hm. It's on the job training.
That seat that
you're keeping warm...
Time to earn it, all right?
I need him. Where is he?
-Mr. Jovani is in court.
-How long?
I don't know.
He's got a full day.
You get this to him
as soon as he gets out of court.
It's very important.
Is this for real?
Get it to him
-as soon as--
-Yeah, he's out of court.
Yes, I will.
Hey, hey, hey!
Where are you going?
I like to oversee every
aspect of the operation.
Why? You don't trust your guys?
Should I be worried about this?
Okay, because, look.
No respect,
this is my money
and I can't afford
any problems, so...
Then I suggest you and I
go to the warehouse
and see for ourselves
what Griff is up to.
That's a little
bit risky, isn't it?
You could always get
on a boat and go home.
This spot here,
one of my biggest
earners in Rome.
Their numbers are dropping.
-You know why?
'Cause war is coming...
and these fools chose
the wrong side,
much like your friend Rinaldo.
Are you going to kill them too?
No, no.
But I do need you
to go in there
and do what I am
paying you to do.
And what's that?
Well, you know, Terry,
my brother, he says that
you are creative, resourceful.
So, show me what you got, baby.
Who are they?
They are the two men
you're going to kill for me.
Why me?
'Cause you're the muscle.
You know, one plus one equals
two motherfucking dead guys.
So I'm supposed to
go in there alone?
Okay, just ask for
Federico and Antonio, okay?
You can use my name,
get you where you need to be.
Come on, Terry.
Can't hold your hand.
Time's a wastin'.
Get the fuck out of my car.
You lost, American?
I wish.
Listen, if you're
not here to score,
I'm wasting my time with you.
Griff sent me.
Okay. What are you
going to cost me?
I just need to talk to
Federico and Antonio.
Is that all?
The boss is right there.
He's already killed
one guy today.
They're upstairs.
And you better
tell me the truth.
Because I will send you
back to America in a box
just like this. Okay? Capito?
Let him pass. Yeah.
Rossi's coming
to the warehouse.
He's getting more
and more paranoid.
I wonder why.
You really think he'll retire?
One way or another. Yeah.
Why didn't you tell Terry
he's about to kill
two undercover policemen?
Because it shouldn't matter.
Should it?
I'm just the messenger.
No, just the driver.
I am the messenger,
and death is what
I will deliver.
I'm looking for
Antonio or Federico.
Griff sent me.
I know that dumb motherfucker.
Hey, guys.
Who the hell are you?
I'm the new guy.
I work for Griff.
Now wait a second.
You got the wrong idea.
Word on the street is
Griff is cleaning house.
He was supposed to
cut us in on a big score,
but we haven't
heard shit from him.
Are you willing
to risk your life
on a rumor?
Better you're dead than us.
Listen, you guys are doing
pretty good on
the money game here.
I suggest that
you take it and you run.
Are you threatening us?
And you didn't
shoot me, did you?
Why's that?
Let's fix that problem.
Yeah. Some asshole named
Lombardi taught me that word.
You're one of us?
You're American.
Yeah. Lucky for you
because Griff knows
that you're both undercover.
Wait. Who are you going to call?
You realize where you are?
We cannot wait for Lombardi.
We have to get out of here!
Hey, American.
You didn't recognize me?
You did my laundry.
Moses is dead,
and you're about--
You survived. I'm impressed.
Yeah, right. Barely.
I told you to never
point a gun at me again.
How'd you know you
weren't gonna hit me?
Well, I hear that you're
the creative one, aren't you?
So, ugh, wow.
They did not go down easy,
did they?
Why did you
want me to kill 'em?
What is with
the questions? Huh?
Let's call it my principles.
Hmm. Ah, well, they were rats
scurrying about my house.
That's a no-no.
Let's go.
Damn it, Antonio!
One of you
pick up the phone!
Devonte, this is Lombardi.
I need you to call me now.
Griff knows.
You have to get out
of there now!
I can't protect you.
He's coming for all of you!
No, no, no, no!
Uh, is Manuele there?
Who was that?
Wrong number, apparently.
What did you do that for?
Oh, I'm paranoid, Terry.
I mean, some may
call it a weakness, but...
it keeps me sharp.
One step ahead!
Where to now?
One more rat.
We'll take care of him
at the warehouse.
Where's the warehouse?
Get in the fucking car.
Somewhere private, okay?
Are you in here?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
What's wrong with you?
You run out of
the office so fast,
I could not explain anything.
You know what your problem is?
You are a controller.
Doesn't work that way.
I know it.
You have to surrender.
You have to surrender to life.
And now I give you a chance.
Three seconds!
What's wrong with you?
I liked you.
I gave all of your men
to fucking Rossi.
But I think there is
somebody missing, huh?
Come on, please.
I don't wanna shoot you!
And now, you're working
for Prosecutor Jovani.
He came to see me.
This is my place.
Oh, I didn't know you had
a little American minx
on the side.
Okay, that's the wrong
place to get caught dead in.
Can't do that.
We work for the same people.
Oh, I seriously doubt that.
I'm one of Rossi's girls.
Afraid so.
A bene.
You will come on a ride with us.
Can I get dressed first?
Please leave a message.
Isabella, he's not answering.
You have another number?
Do you think they got to him?
Forget Lombardi.
Get me the warden at
Regina Coeli Prison instead.
Yeah, okay.
We control everything
that you see here.
You mean Rossi does?
Yeah, he is the boss.
I call it the
Fortress of Solitude.
The men, they--
they don't get it, you know?
But not everyone's
a fan of Superman.
And you're not worried
about the police?
Yeah, man.
You have not been
paying attention, Terry.
It's, uh, it's probably
the coke, right?
No. We own
the police here, too.
No one moves in here
without us knowing.
Buildings are wired
with cameras,
heat sensors,
trip wires, the works.
So, what do you think, huh?
It's impressive.
Huh? Right?
Would you ever
suspect this place?
But the workers and the locals?
No, they wouldn't dare.
ISIS. They couldn't
fucking touch us.
My men,
they all served with me.
I love each and
every one of them.
Rossi is lucky to have you.
Ahhh. Yeah.
What do you think, Terry? Hm?
What? What do I think
about what?
I don't know
what I'm looking at.
That's the point.
But the proof is in the bricks.
My boys in the lab,
they were able to seal
that much fentanyl
in each brick.
That's untraceable, unfuckable,
unfuckingbelievable, really.
That is a lot of fentanyl.
Well, shit. Yeah, man.
I mean, I got set up
a supply chain to cover
all of Europe, right?
You're not worried about
getting too big,
making Rome a target?
The Cosa Nostra,
they've been around
a lot longer than you and I.
They'll be here
long after we're gone.
If someone could have
stopped them,
they'd have done so by now.
Come on, let's go.
You know what, Terry,
the hardest part of
the drug business?
Distribution, man.
Rome's not exactly
the best place for that.
No, but we got ourselves
a foolproof system.
Which is?
Which is...
We offer our product
half the price,
double the potency.
That shit is just too
tempting for them not to
take the transit risk with us.
You know?
You don't think this stuff is
potent enough already?
I mean, yeah.
For the customers,
not for the dealers.
I mean, it costs more to ship,
but we cut down
on overhead by
never getting caught.
You know, but the true
beauty of fentanyl?
Mm. Mm.
You can cut that shit
into every other drug.
We don't corner one market.
We corner 'em all.
So what am I here for?
To help load the trucks?
No. No,
we got a special visitor,
officer of the law,
man on the inside.
And one more rat
to take care of.
Watch them!
How we looking
out there, Commander?
My contacts let it slip
that some trucks filled up
with fentanyl
are heading north
out of Rome today.
Good work.
That should keep Rome's finest
busy all damn day.
Where is Rossi?
Right here.
You really shouldn't be here.
You don't want to take the risk
with us grunts, do you?
You don't act like a grunt.
You've been rallying the troops
for weeks now.
I got a job to do, right?
I mean, shit, you don't
trust me, boss?
Okay. All right, all right.
Just calm down, yeah?
You want to kill the deal?
You're just the boy with money.
My father's money, you mean.
Shut your mouth
before I do it for you.
And as for you,
let me tell you what I need.
I need for all my grunts
to fall into fucking line.
We need to get out of here.
And how do you suggest
we do that, huh?
We go fuck 'em to death? No.
You're a cop. Do something.
Or apparently, I'm the only one
that's not on the take.
What about that prosecutor?
He has no idea
where I'm at.
I just hope he finds the note.
Our lives hang on a note?
So, once the trucks are loaded,
caravan to the ferry
headed to Sicily.
Right. The police
will be too focused
checking trucks headed north
to stop anything coming south.
Are you sure about that?
Who is that?
That would be Terry.
My brother's white knight.
Fresh out of your prison
and newly rehabilitated?
Okay, Terry.
As I said,
police would be too busy
checking northern traffic.
I've made sure of that.
It's nice to know it's
so easy to fool Italian cops.
Let me show you what happens
when someone plays...
this cop!
Many of you may be wondering
if you can trust this old cop.
Will he sell us out?
Is he setting us all up?
You know what I call somebody
who would do that, Terry?
Here is your last rat.
We're going in there?
Shut up.
You can keep the purse.
Will you sit still?
You're making me nervous.
I warned you
about this, buddy.
You are all going to prison.
You're the worst of them all.
Just because I switched sides?
Because you sold your soul.
Hey, easy there, tiger.
Before we get to all that,
you know, killing part,
I just got to know.
Why the fuck did
you bring a whore?
She was with Lombardi.
You sure do get around.
She's a whore, isn't she?
Screw you.
She is still one of ours,
so easy how you speak
to the merchandise, yes?
Are you threatening me?
Oh, no. I don't threaten,
I'm a man of action.
Wait, stop!
Killing a policeman
is bad for business.
Have you not been
keeping score, hm?
I mean, we have killed plenty.
Think about it.
All these eyes on you.
Someone gets arrested,
you go away forever.
That cop was killed
by one of his own.
That's not your problem.
Ahh! You're right.
I knew you were a smart man.
Just, I knew it.
So you'll do it for me.
So I go away?
Your secret's safe with me.
Come on now.
Come on now. Attaboy.
- No.
- Sorry.
No. Come on.
Griff, I've got incoming!
CIA tactical.
One truck and a sedan trailing.
Can't tell how many are inside.
This thing is like a tank.
Well, are they headed
straight for us?
They know the general direction.
Must have tagged someone.
Blew through
one of our roadblocks.
Well, stay out
of sight for now.
Who called the fucking CIA?
Don't look at me.
Well, you should have
called a priest.
we've got a code blue.
Copy that.
Time to earn
your cut, Commander.
You really want to
shoot it out with the CIA?
No, no. Not exactly.
Now here they come.
Make it look good.
Commander Abruzzo.
What are you doing here?
Rome is my city.
Running surveillance, I got
an undercover officer inside.
We just got here ourself.
So, who called who?
We've got someone
on the inside, too.
Who? An American?
An agent.
My men didn't mention
another badge.
That's all I can say
at the moment.
You having radio problems, too?
Yeah. Whole area is jammed.
That's why I have
only a few men here.
Any idea how many guys
we're looking at?
Yeah, my spotter
say only three.
So, you got a plan of attack?
Hit 'em with flashbangs,
-go in fast and hard.
-I like that.
How can we help?
Secure the area.
We'll handle the breach.
You got it.
This looks like they're
about to storm the building.
Straight out of
the CIA's playbook.
But the real question...
Who led them
to our doorstep?
You think by killing CIA agents
is the way to go?
This warehouse,
it only works
if it stays hidden.
You mean your warehouse?
Now I'm starting
to get the feeling
that you don't appreciate
my contributions.
You really thought
I would retire?
That by sending me this boy
to keep me busy would work?
Ah, I get it now.
You just wanted me
to think that. Ooh.
You two...
aren't the only ones
with big plans, my friend.
Big plans? Huh?
I let the retirement
rumor get out there,
so I could call a meeting.
All of the major
families are attending.
It wasn't hard to arrange.
All I had to do was promise
to divide up my empire.
They came willingly.
All the families are gone.
And now there's
only one boss left.
The police will be so busy
cleaning up the mess,
they won't be
worried about trucks.
My trucks!
You picked the wrong side
of this war, boy.
A fatal flaw.
Look who's back...
Me, motherfuckers!
I saw the shit
go down outside.
You've been busy, big brother.
How did you get out?
Come on now.
You got me out.
You... You got me out.
Mother-- Does it look
like I got you out?!
No, motherfucker!
Lawyer didn't answer my call,
so I just assumed
you pulled some strings.
They released
your brother early?
No, no, no, no!
No fucking way
they would let you out!
No way!
Unless, motherfucker,
our detective had
a sixth man on the inside!
Mm, mm, mm!
Mm, that feels good.
You vouched for a pig,
Jackie boy.
Hey, for luck.
- Oh, Terry.
- You're laughing?
You think this is funny?
They got nowhere to run.
Got three bogeys on the move.
Copy that.
Must be the fucking agent!
Agent? You mean one of yours?
No, the Americans said
they had a man
on the inside, too.
They must know
everything by now!
Damn it!
Sometimes things don't
always work out for grunts.
Oh, Rossi, Rossi, Rossi.
You were right about
one thing, though.
And what's that?
This is a hostile
motherfucking takeover.
You were right, Griff.
Motherfucker never saw
this shit coming.
Killing Rossi won't
solve our problem.
They'll still be looking
for the warehouse!
It's all part of the plan.
Find them!
We can't just hang around here.
Your brother fucked
this entire fucking thing up!
Guys, no one is coming.
Are you sure about that?
Abruzzo, guard
the trucks, please.
I'm going to have a little
word with my brother.
Mangal, follow me!
-Where'd they go?
-I don't know.
Our drone found
the warehouse, sir.
Jack went straight for it.
Be careful.
We've already lost touch
with our man on the inside.
Yes, sir.
You okay?
Why do you care? Who the
hell is this guy to you, anyway?
I work with Lombardi.
That's why he came
to your place.
I thought he was
there to arrest you.
No, no, no. Please.
Go easy on Terry.
I didn't give him
much of a choice.
No choice.
Who cares now anyway?
Does anyone have
a phone that works?
-No, no, no...
No one to call.
They control everything.
I think I found
a back way out of here.
You good to move?
-Let's go.
How do we get the
fentanyl out of here now?
There's no way now.
Griff, I didn't know. Come on!
Shut up!
Listen, he's
a fucking liability.
Carabinieri are headed right...
-right for us.
-Great, great.
Italy's SWAT.
Yeah. We're screwed
because of him!
What did I always
tell you, hmm?
I don't know.
What did our father
always say? Huh?
What'd he say?
Say it!
Always be one step
ahead of our enemies.
You want to know
why drug dealers,
they always get caught?
They never learn
to cut and run.
Never. And that is
their downfall, but not mine.
No, no, no, no. Not mine.
Fortunately, there's
only room for one
in my crew.
I thought he
was your golden boy.
Nah, he was always
my fall guy.
Shit, brother.
You're not mad?
You are blood.
You're my family. Yeah?
What about the trucks?
Ah, the trucks.
The trucks, yes.
You mean the bait?
And this is the switch.
Let's go to church. Shall we?
-Hand it over.
-Who are you calling?
Who are you calling?
Your boss is laying right here.
And you got somebody
better in mind?
Yeah, you make a lot
of friends
in my line of work.
I don't get it.
What just happened?
It was all a setup.
He wouldn't--he wouldn't
leave all this merchandise.
I didn't see any
drugs, only bricks.
Now, now! Go, go, go!
Oh, my God.
Call for help.
This is Agent Jessica Watson.
I need a rescue
on my location now.
Trace the damn phone!
Those agents are dead.
Send everything
you got to me now.
You're an agent?
I'm with the CIA.
Spinx, come here.
Listen to me.
I don't have much time.
I forced Terry undercover.
I did it.
I promised him...
if he'd get us here...
I would wipe his record clean.
I need you... tell them
Terry did his job.
You do that for me.
Got it. You got it.
I always do my job.
I always come through, Terry.
Now, Terry...
You, my friend...
are a free man.
So, back in Ibiza, you were...
Undercover? Yeah.
I've been under so long
sometimes I forget
my real name and life.
What are you going to do now?
Spend the next month
trying to figure out
what the fuck
really went down here.
You know, Griff didn't die
-in that explosion.
After this, I won't
have the authority
or manpower to go after Griff.
He could be anywhere by now.
What about me?
You wanted the door.
There it is, Terry.
I got to go deal with my team.
What if I could help you
with your problem?
I thought you wanted out.
I thought you wanted this guy.
Explain it to me again.
I was with Griff all day.
He was always looking
for an opportunity
to double cross Rossi.
-That's why
there were never any drugs
at the warehouse.
So where are they?
I don't know. But he
couldn't have gone far,
not with all these
eyes on him.
He'd stash them close
enough to not draw attention.
And the police are
looking for trucks, right?
So why would he tip them off?
Even if it was a misdirect.
I mean, no way.
Wait. Stop the car.
Now, what would she be doing
outside of an abandoned church?
We found the drugs.
Griff sure is
one greedy bastard.
I see everyone but Griff.
Come on. Load it up!
Hold on, not until we see him.
Is that you?
Would someone please
kill him already?
G, we got a problem.
Might need to
make a house call.
Where'd you learn
to fight like that?
Dance floors in Ibiza.
Where'd you learn
to shoot like that?
Not Ibiza.
Where's your brother?
Fuck you.
You got three seconds.
And you got one.
Ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
Ooh, I got to
give it to you, man.
Damn, I'm surprised
you lasted this long.
I mean, sure, yeah.
I had you pegged for a badge
the moment I met you,
so I had to change
my plans a little bit, Terry.
Don't believe me? Huh?
Once they find your bodies,
they're also going to find
100K stashed in
your apartment, man.
And that is how they say,
is that.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Go, go, go!
Get Interpol to put out
a red notice
on Griff and his brother Jack.
Stop everything leaving Rome.
There's no way he's moving
those drugs by vans.
Everything he's done
has been for show.
-Too much security.
A cargo ship?
There's not a major port
for miles.
He still needs trucks.
The Tiber River.
It leads to the coast.
This river cuts
through everything.
Someone's bound to
have seen them.
He would have known that.
But what if he could hide out
while things cool off?
A place where the CIA
and the police
couldn't touch him.
Where the hell is that?
The Vatican?
Definitely big enough to hide
a truck full of drugs,
at least for a little while.
Pay off a guard or two.
They found Allegra
quicker than I thought.
What are we gonna do?
Well, like I always say,
keep one step
ahead of your enemies.
But where are we
going to find another girl
like her?
Come on!
Come on! Fuckers!
Go that way.
Toss it!
You're some whore.
You wish.
You're all talk.
CIA doesn't know
where you are.
Do they?
They'll be here soon enough.
Let's find out.
What'd I tell you about
pointing a gun at me?
You know what
they call me, right?
Who gives a shit?
I can just show you.
Let him go!
Hands off or she dies first.
Not bad, Terry.
But, someone's gotta win.
I talked to Lombardi's
new boss.
You're in the clear.
How did you come up
with the name Spinx?
Sounded a lot
tougher than Jessica.
Did you have to...
No. Never, thank God.
Just played the role.
I thought you were a nun.
So, what are we doing up here?
It's symbolic.
You know, Rome has been
attacked and destroyed
so many times,
but it's still standing.
The Italians, they are strong.
They keep coming
back, rebuilding.
Like the phoenix
rising from the ashes.
I don't know
about all that, but...
Lombardi did say
he saw something in me.
He did, huh?
And I told him...
It doesn't matter.
If I'm being honest,
I see something, too.
That I never amounted
to anything?
That was the old you.
The guy back on
the beach in Ibiza.
What's the new me look like?
You can join the agency,
see the world.
There's someplace I need to be.
I know. Your niece.
Cutest little three-year-old
you've ever seen.
Griff left this
in your apartment.
You sure about this?
Consider it hazard pay.
Besides, it'll do much more good
saving your niece
than sitting in evidence.
See you around, I hope.
We'll see.
Thank you.
Uncle Terry!