Magasin des suicides, Le (The Suicide Shop) (2012) Movie Script

- There's joy
Hello, hello, swallows
There's joy
In the sky
Over the roofs
There's joy
And sun in the little streets
There's joy, everywhere there's joy
All day long my heart beats,
capsizes and staggers
It's love
That comes with whatever
It's love, hello hello
ladies, there's joy
Everywhere there is joy
The baker kneads
the dough with both arms
He makes good bread
so fine that I am hungry
We see the mailman flying over there
Like a blue angel
Bringing his letters to God
Miracle without a name
At station Javel
We see the subway
Coming out of its tunnel
Drunk with sun, songs,
And flowers...
It runs toward the woods
It runs at full steam
There's joy, the Eiffel tower
goes for a walk
Like a mad woman she jumps over
the Seine, then she says
"Too bad for me
if I get sick"
I was bored all alone
In my corner"
There's joy...
the taxman put on his vest
Closes shop and says
in a very very kind way
Hello, for today the collect
is over, keep it all gentlemen.
But suddenly I wake up
In my bed,
So, I was dreaming
for sure as the sky is gray
I must get up,
wash up
Get dressed
And not sing
If you have nothing to say
But I still believe
That this dream is good
As it let me make a song.
Song of Spring
Song of love
Song for 20 years old
Song for always
There is joy...
The Suicide Shop
- What happened to you?
You wanted to commit suicide? Right?
Well yes, of course.
- Don't you know it's forbidden?
- What? It's forbidden to commit suicide?
Yes, on the public roads.
Everybody knows that.
- I did not know. Sorry.
- Luckily the cop didn't see it.
You would have been fined.
And it's not a small fine.
I can tell you.
- What do I care
if I'm dead.
- What are you thinking?
They would have gone after your family.
- They couldn't.
I have no family left.
And if you miss?
What do you get?
A fine and a wheelchair.
You get the picture?
- What do you propose then?
- Shh...
Follow me.
With the crisis, which bugs you
- With the crisis which bugs you
- What is sweeter than
an exquisite death
- An exquisite death
Be lucid and daring
Be lucid and daring
Let's say it
- Long life to suicide!
- Enter, enter
Do not be afraid
We are open until 20 pm
Everything is fast
Nothing is misleading
To help you die is our happiness.
- Although it costs you
The first step
Remember that
We are here
- To help you
Without fuss
To go from life to death
From life to death
With the crisis, which bugs you
With the crisis, which bugs you
- What is sweeter than
An exquisite death
An exquisite death
Be lucid
Be lucid
and daring
Let's say it
Long life to suicide!
- Welcome to paradise
End of worries
As I am saying
- Everything is allowed
Nothing forbidden
- Except that
we don't give credit
To depart
There's a thousand ways
- A fatal choice
Not to mention the hanging-
It's her passion
- Just to think about it
gives me a thrill
The great thrill
With the crisis-
which bugs you
With the crisis which bugs you
- What is sweeter
Than an exquisite death
An exquisite death
Be lucid and daring
Be lucid and daring
Let's say it
Long life to suicide!
We offer quality products.
We guarantee death.
Our motto is to reassure
Either deceased or reimbursed
- We are useful to the whole city
- They're useful
To the whole city
- Whatever your profile
Our profile
Forget it all.
Die in peace.
Die in peace.
Goodbye, life
So be it
Oh, it looks good...
- Hello.
- Enter.
- We will help you.
Right here
In this store you will find
what you need to kill yourself
It's for this gentleman.
I know. Mishima!
- What can I do
for your pleasure?
- Ben...
- We have the hemp rope.
Squeak, hanging.
We can provide the stool.
We also have it synthetic
The poison, a variety of vials.
Many different speeds.
This one, expensive, but crushes you
in 3 seconds. You are gone!
granules, 1 bullet revolvers.
The second is useless.
Sleeping pills,
Or razor blades.
Bath, open veins...
Unstoppably photogenic.
My son sharpens them
one by one.
Oh yeah.
- So?
What do you say?
In fact...
As blades we also have low prices
Rusty ones.
If you don't cut deep enough
tetanus is guaranteed
Ah yes, it is tempting.
In fact, I hesitate
between the gas and the poison.
- Yes...
- I'll take a poison.
Take this. It's on sale.
Lightning quick. Guaranteed result.
It sells really well.
It's trendy.
- I'll take that, then.
- Lucrce...
Do I gift wrap it?
- No. It's for me.
- It would be more joyful.
That's it.
Ah yes, still...
You can give death to yourself
but death itself is not free.
Anyway, where you are going
you won't spend a penny.
Cries of pain
Are you expecting
a happy event?
- Happy, not sure.
- It will be soon?
- Imminent.
And you, you have orphans?
Excuse me?
I mean you have children?
- No. Seeing what life has in store for them...
Goodbye, sir.
- Thank you very much Madam.
Well then, good evening.
- Thank you. Sorry.
What's good
When life is not rosy
When the mood
Is gloomy
What's the use fighting
Against pessimism
But what is being proposed
- Sadness, horror, etc
Nothing to say
When one sees that
It's not worse
than being rats
- To stop climbing those stairs
To stop seeing this scene
To leave before dawn
Because in a few moments
No regrets
Or remorse
I will finally be dead.
- This isn't very joyful
Admit it
But it's like that.
Admit it,
It's no use
of crying for him.
No shit-
It isn't worth staying alive.
And yet I believed in it.
I did my best.
Whatever I could.
But I admit defeat.
He isn't wrong
He is right.
At this stage anyway
Might as well blow his brains out.
Aren't you tired of watching suicides?
- Yes, a little.
It isn't too much fun.
- You are right.
I will talk to mom.
It's OK.
- What's going on?
ambulance, maternity.
Go on, ma'am.
Push, go!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! It's a boy!
A very beautiful baby.
Oh, he smiled.
What's that?
My son smiles? No, he isn't.
It must be a fold of mouth.
Why would he smile?
- It looks like a smile.
That would be amazing.
Nobody ever smiled
in our family.
Mishima, come here.
The client says Alan smiled.
What's that story?
He must have a diarrhea.
It may be confused with a smile,
But it's not. It's just a grin.
If you push down the corners of the mouth
he's sulking
Like his brother and sister
Since they were born.
Let go, to see.
Tickle tickle...
You see, he's smiling.
Alright! What did you want?
A rope.
To hang myself.
- Good. Follow me.
Your ceiling is high?
- Uh... like that.
- You do not know?
The noose is all ready.
Just put your head through it.
Here, it's a gift. My pleasure.
How can that be? He smiles?
- It was a pleasure to see
a baby smile.
Yes, yes, it is.
Come on, go home.
You've better things to do there.
- Goodbye, sir.
- That's not true.
- Shit!
Oh, shit!
Good morning.
I keep telling you, not "good morning."
You must say "bad morning"
and "goodbye" rather than "see you"
since they will never come back.
When will you understand that?
What can I do for you?
As a matter of fact,
We are hesitating.
- It would be for Mister,
or Madam?
We would like to go together.
- Good. It is more advantageous.
For Valentine's Day
we have a deal for couples.
- What are you hiding behind your back?
What will we do with you?
You drew your sister busy and pretty.
Don't you see she's useless and ugly?
I think Marilyn is pretty.
Ugly, I'm ugly.
I'm really ugly.
And there he's,
making his sister cry.
Oh, it's snowing...
- Hum... Well, to us.
- What do you say?
- It's sad.
Exactly, that's sad.
And that's why it's pretty.
- That's it.
You will be happy.
- Alan, what do they say?
- See you, good night...
Pardon me.
My mistake.
Damn. Too late.
- How are the news?
- Alarming.
- Good. It is good for us.
Emergency. I am going.
There, there I am coming...
- Please.
- What is it?
It's urgent. I can't stand it.
I will see if I have it.
Where is it?
Where did it go?
What are you doing here?
- I could not sleep.
- 35 Euros.
For 1 bullet only?
One maybe, but the right one.
But in the showcase it's 22 euros.
Night rate.
- Okay, I take it then.
You can come back tomorrow,
if you prefer.
- Absolutely not!
I couldn't wait.
- Who was that?
- A desperate man with an empty gun.
What are you reading?
- Statistics for this year.
One suicide attempt
every 40 min,
but only 20% success.
It's awful
all those people who miss.
Fortunately we're here.
We are not about to close shop.
- Still, it's not fun.
Good night, darling.
Sweet dreams mom
sweet dreams dad.
I told him, not on the public road!
We could lose our license.
- Alan
hurry up a bit!
Why can't we kill ourselves, mom?
I've told you 100 times, Marilyn.
It is impossible.
- Think, poor nitwit,
Who would keep the store?
Vincent is right.
This is a family business
started by your great-grandfather,
Clestin Tuvache.
Later, when we are too old,
you will take over the shop.
- For the boys yes.
But why can't I cut my veins.
Because it hurts.
And life is beautiful.
- No, Alan.
Life is appalling.
But we must fight.
- So, you wanted something...
- Hello, it's me again.
- Yes, hi there.
...something original,
And voila.
The seppuku, more commonly
known as hara-kiri.
Not for everybody.
For athletes only.
But strong
as you are...
What is...
was your job?
-Gym teacher
Oh, then it's for you.
I thought of gas or napalm...
A fine-immolation
in a high school courtyard
it would be striking.
But honestly, seppuku
is more classy.
I sharpen them myself.
Touch the edge of this blade.
It enters in you like in butter.
Come on, children,
let's hurry...
- Bye, mom.
- Here is a demonstration.
Bye dad.
Have a nice day.
- Come on.
You'll be late.
I am not sure I can do it.
You do home service?
And what else?
We are not murderers after all.
We provide.
People manage.
And... it is expensive?
Certainly, but the samura kimono
is provided: 800 Euros.
Ho, it's quite a sum!
- A shroud has no pockets.
Neither does a kimono ...
Excuse me. Then?
- Well, I'll take it.
- You will not regret it.
Our suicides are guaranteed.
Our motto: "Dead or reimbursed"
You only die once.
Might as well make it a unique...
...unforgettable moment.
- It can't go on
This carnage
It's too horrible
All those people who
All these people who think
Only of the grave
What's the point
In brief
To be on earth
If we think only
If we think only
of comitting suicide.
A peaceful life
Without despair
Quiet life
And then stop
Yes stop moping
Death to Death
Let's be smart
Or else
We're all end up
We will all end up orphans
It's true
It's not funny
But we can't do anything
You shouldn't start as losers
The world belongs to us
We are only children
Just good-for-nothing
- I think we can succeed
Put an end to suicides
Let me think
I may have an idea
- Let him think
- He may have an idea
- It is not easy.
I hesitate.
- Lucrce,
can you come?
Madame would like
something feminin.
What's most feminin is poison.
It's a bit like a perfume.
I was just preparing some in the lab.
Yes, a poison!
Why not?
Here, our entire range
declined poison water
or concentrated.
More expensive naturally
but so much more effective.
You prefer a contact poison or...
to inhale or to ingest?
- What is the best?
It depends on the desired effect.
I especially research
the effect of death.
- Darling,
I'm going.
Mr. Calmel's delivery.
All this is very tempting.
It is.
All our products are good.
Take your time.
I'll let you think.
- Can I help you?
- This is what?
Freeze-dried amanita phalloides.
It smells nothing
and you feel nothing.
Our customers are happy.
- How do you know?
- None ever came back.
- Dying my natural death
I have no patience
- There's everything you need here
We can trust them
We don't know what to take.
That's why we hesitate.
- A rope to hang
- Or poison "sudden death"
- I thought I'd slash my wrists
Is it a good idea
That's what my brother in law did,
Now deceased.
Wait, wait, think
- Dying without blisters
Or nausea or burns
Guaranteed pure product
Cyanide pellets
This is not good
The poison
In contrast,
The gun shot
Frankly I do not recommend
It's noisy
It's dirty
It is not a wonder
You failed in your life?
Succeed in your death!
- What is it?
- This is Mr. Tuvache.
I bring you your order.
Come in, it's open.
Take the pads.
Enter, Tuvache.
Come in.
- I do not know what to choose.
Sorry to bother you all this time.
Not at all.
Take your time.
- It is not
an easy decision.
Of course.
- Everything is there, Mr. Calmel.
Mr. Calmel?
Finally. If you knew how
I've had enough of this shit.
- What shit?
- Life.
Ah yes, life...
Believe me, Tuvache
Go on to the other side,
it's the only solution,
The end of worries,
the big sleep,
The extasy...
- Still,
it isn't very joyful.
- It is those who remain
who are sad.
When you're dead, you won't
be there to miss yourself.
Think about it, man.
Yes, of course.
I put it where?
Give me that!
For the little bill...
- There, under the bed.
- What would you take?
- I do not know.
To die? Unfortunately
I can't allow myself.
Must say what is
I have regrets
And remorse
Going on selling death
When I see it all
All that is wrong
All that's not going well
I'd like to jump off a bridge
- I am not in good spirits.
This may be normal
With what happens
All these people
Who leave and pass away
- It would be tempting
A bloodbath
To finish
Once and for all
With the future
- It's not fun
Killing people
And to not be able
Feel more than that about it.
To kill oneself,
To behead oneself
Or be bloodless
Suffocated by your own tongue
- It makes me feel like
ending my life
Sometimes I wonder
As I really got the blues
But we cannot
Neither you nor me
Because we would
have to close shop for good.
Whatever happens
We must remain alive
To insure
Happiness to our suicides
- Well, I'll take that.
You won't regret it.
Silly me, I meant
Let me know how that went.
Hahaha, what a dummy I am!
- It's not too noisy,
at least?
- Are you sure this will work?
- Still, it's risky.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
It's time to move faster.
Otherwise, we will all end up orphans.
We will meet here.
Your father will kill you.
- Do not worry.
- In any case, it will be great.
- Attention...
- What are you doing?
Playing marbles Dad.
And that makes you laugh?
- Well yes,
it's funny.
I don't see what's funny.
- Go home.
Yes, Dad.
Bye Alan...
He laughed.
- You didn't forget Marilyn's birthday?
- I even bought gifts.
- Stop laughing all the time,
you are irritating me.
- Okay.
- You look stupid.
Yes, Dad.
- You want a cigarette?
- A what?
A cigarette.
- Really?
Can I smoke? At my age?
Of course.
Why not?
You'll see.
This is good for health.
Must inhale, keep it
inside as long as possible.
You like it?
Yes, it's not bad.
Thank you, Dad.
- You see, why not?
- I want to kill myself
but I don't know
if I can afford it.
Wait, the cheapest?
I have what you need.
A bag of our store. Very strong.
Ideal for choking.
And then here, to close it
tight around your throat.
Thank you.
- How much?
- Nothing.
When we can help...
- lf I had met more people
disinterested as you
I would not be here.
- That's it, that's it
Sorry, we are closing.
- You want another cigarette?
Yes, I do.
- Here, keep the pack.
If you want, I will give you
a cartridge.
Thanks, Dad.
Stay here.
Finish your cigarette quietly.
Light up another if you wish.
And do not forget,
inhale all the smoke.
Yes, Dad.
Good evening, my dear.
Good evening my love.
Alan is not with you?
Yes, yes. He is there.
- But he smokes!
- I'll explain.
- Mom, Alan is smoking...
- We will explain.
- Are you okay Alan?
- Good day?
And school?
Yes, yes. All is well.
There is joy...
Hello, hello...
And there it is...
Oh, it's me.
Mom, it's so beautiful.
Vincent drew it.
Yes, it's me.
- I wish I could die.
- Tell yourself that you have 1 year
less to live.
And now,
the gifts...
This is too cute.
Thank you.
And this is so cute.
- You Alan, what's your gift?
- A scarf
to strangle me...
- But no.
It is worn loose,
Like a caress around your neck.
And that?
- This is to dance with it.
I'll show you.
- Where did you get this?
- I bought it with my pocket money.
- But you're crazy.
You shouldn't have.
Yes, for you, nothing is too beautiful.
Therrre iiiis joyyyy...
- How is it going?
- Hi. You have the music?
- OK. That is good.
Your uncle?
- I am sure he will agree.
- Perfect.
And our reward?
- Patience.
- You want some?
- NO...
- You should. It is good for health.
- Who's is the idiot who told you that?
- My father.
What's wrong with him? Tobacco gives
cancer. You want to die young?
- Well... No.
Then throw it away. It's shit.
Don't move. It will start.
- Come on.
- She is beautiful, eh,
my sister?
- But... But...
What are you doing?
What's going on?
- There is that...
- But... Oh...
There... I am here..
All is well.
- Hello Sir.
- Hello children. What brings you here?
- Uncle Dom, we need a favor from you.
- If I can. What kind of favor?
- Well, a big one.
- Very big.
- I am listening to you.
Oh, doctor,
Life is too sad.
Store... with...
We need to kill people...
Suicide rope hara-kiri
and tutti quanti.
- If you only knew
I've had enough of this shit.
- What shit?
The life.
Seppuku-bottle gas
pellets, poison pills.
Good morning, sir, ma'am...
- Stop laughing, you irritate me.
- That's it.
Ah, I understand your confusion,
but if life was funny
We would know it.
Eins, zwei,
three, four...
If life was funny
Well it would be known.
It's like a slice of shit
Buttered on both sides
Breaking down
I relieve the ravages
I relieve the sinking
You frequent suicide
Therein lies the problem
Helping people
To end their lives
Gets on your nerves.
These short-time customers
Make your life bitter
And you are harassed
Overwork, break up,
I relieve the ravages
Your husband is overworked
He is schizophrenic
He should be bedridden
For at least two weeks
- Two weeks in bed?
What do we do with the store?
- This I do not know,
dear ma'am. It's 250 euros.
- This is a cement cinderblock
provided with a chain
which gets locked
to your ankle.
Go to the edge of a river,
throw it in front of you
You are pulled to the bottom.
And hop! No more worries.
- It doesn't seem bad..
- My husband makes them himself.
well, he made them, poor man.
The name of the shop
is embossed on one side.
- Put your hand.
Yes, I feel it well.
Alright, I'll take that.
- Are you going far?
- Yes... No...
- My son will help you.
Alan? The hand truck.
- You really think...
Ta, ta, ta.
It's the least we can do.
It's as heavy as a dead donkey
that thing.
But... Oh!
My God...
- Well...
- It's high, huh?
Good day, sir.
It is today,
As I tell you,
We win or lose.
It's super!
This afternoon, nothing forbidden.
They will be on their ass.
- Like hell!
- We're going to cut the sausage
We are going to spin the banana
We garden gnomes
We have ideas in the skull
All with me
The big day has come
They will fall
on their ass
I tell you
We win or lose.
This is super!
This afternoon
nothing is forbidden.
They will be
On the ass.
Like hell!
No lack of enthusiasm.
People are dummies.
We condemn them.
Bump off the humdrum.
We are the smartest.
We are Supermen.
All with me
The day has come
Listen to this.
They will be on their ass.
It's too tempting.
Nothing to lose.
It's fun to make a mess.
It's tempting.
It's fun to make a mess.
Too bad,
If it will cost you. The good mood
is on its way.
- Hey...
- So?
- It's up to you.
- Wow...
- So you like it?
- Marilyn, tell me...
where did you get these bubbles?
- Alan gave them to me.
Oh, but...
- But what is it?
- Uh, nothing.
- I felt like a slap.
You were dreaming.
Go back to sleep.
- This thing is heavy.
- Come on...
But shut up.
Hide yourself.
- What's this racket?
But what...
- But what's
this thing?
What's going on?
- It is Alan.
Vincent, help me!
- In here...
- Attention, behind you...
Attention, Alan!
Give me that!
- Come on guys!
- I got it.
Oh no...
- Come here, you!
Oh no!
Go back home ladies and gentlemen,
We have nothing left to sell.
- Goodbye, ma'am.
- Goodbye.
- It's okay Ms. Tuvache,
we will suicide another time.
- By the way, what do you need?
- Nothing, miss.
Not anymore.
Madam, I ask you
the hand of your daughter.
I don't know her name...
- Marilyn.
- Marilyn.
And with whom I just fell in love,
and who restored my appetite for life.
- Yeah...
- Mom, please,
say yes...
- Well... yes...
But on one condition.
- Anything you want.
That you help us to clean up
all this mess.
- Mom,
I love you.
Me too, I love you.
- I intended to leave this earth
Horrible and evil
To fall asleep with ether
But against all odds
It fell on me
Of course without warning
I never received
Such a look from a girl
- The charms of destiny
have unpredictable twists and turns.
- I saw everything in black
It's nothing to say it.
I was in despair
And who would have predicted
That love would come
In this obscure shop
A cheerful young man
Wearing pretty face
- The charms of destiny
have unpredictable twists and turns.
- No more wasted nights
No more days of suffering
Let's live in the wonder
of a common attraction
All is allowed so long
As love blooms.
Dawn after dawn
Life will follow its course.
The charms of destiny
will perfume our days.
But how did you?
It is so clean
we could eat on the floor
- I was going to propose it.
I am Breton and
I make perfect crpes.
How about a crpe picnic
here, right now?
Oh yes, why not?
It's delicious.
- It's true, crpes are good.
- You are a real gem.
- You embarrass me.
- He is the perfect man.
What about changing the suicide shop
to a shop for something else?
- A shop for what?
- I don't know
we can try.
Anyway the stock is ruined.
We could open a crperie.
- This is an idea.
Crpe evoke mourning.
The clients will not be disoriented.
- What is this shit?
- I forgot about him!
-Someone can explain?
- It's me Dad.
Everything is my fault.
Attention, move over!
Pardon me, madam.
Mishima, stop it now!
- Calm down, Dad.
- I'll explain.
- You will explain nothing!
Come here, bastard!
Mishima, if you kill this child,
I kill myself!
Please Mishima...
- Okay, I made a very
big mistake, I'm sorry...
I beg your pardon.
I propose a deal.
An honest deal.
You're a great dad,
the best dad.
But you're a serious dad,
too serious. Everybody is.
You never laugh, not even smile.
So if right here, right now
I can make you laugh,
you forgive me?
- Bastard, Mishima! You have the death
of this child on your conscience.
Oh no...
- Assassin!
- But I... I...
- He's alive.
- He's flying.
You would like?
One skull-outbreak,
The "Red Beard" crpe is for?
- For me!
- Thank you.
- Hello, it's me again.
- What a good surprise.
What brings you?
- You would have a...?
- Pardon?
A cyanide crpe?
- Do not move.
Keep it closed, you fool. If my wife
learnt I still sell those,
She would kill me.
- How much?
- There is no reason
- It is in memory of the bad
old times. Good day.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye madam.
- Lucrce, I thought about something.
Yes, what?
- A loyalty card.
because now happy
customers come back.
What do you say?
- Very good idea.
- Arghh...
We were stupid.
Today everything is clear.
Down with morbidity
Since life is splendid.
Living on homicides
Made us livid
Let's be lucid
and death to sucide.
- My face of Lent
I'm tired of it.
- There is no problem
He's less white
I love life and even
- Vincent, we love you
- I will write poems
We repainted the world
In a few seconds
To no longer see
All these filthy colors
You are right Alan,
We must keep the banana.
Death we are condemning.
You see we are gliding.
- It's crazy when you think about it.
A matter of common sense.
Goodbye violence.
Deliverance at last.
And therefore
no more suffering
The beautiful life starts
- For us it's over.
We lost it all.
But we get used to it.
If we had known
We would have lived
As it's evident
Do not pity us.
You don't know your happiness.
Being passed away
Isn't a happy affair.
An abundance of laughs,
like a perfume
Which surrounds us.
The dead season
Isn't our kingdom anymore.
So we must listen
to all these ghosts.
All together now
Gloom, go home!
We listen to you, Miss
We trust you.
Be natural,
and without shades.
- Love spellbinds me,
Sweet romance.
- It's the universal
- No dream
is impossible.
So long as you believe
in it strongly.
And if it's sometimes painful,
Life is always better
than death.
- It's all black,
I'm scared. A match?
- No, don't do that...