Magdalene Sisters, The (2002) Movie Script

A gentleman was passing by
He stopped for s drink
as he got dry
At the well
below the valley, oh
Green grows the lily, oh
Down among the bushes, oh
Me cup was full
up to the rim
If I were to stoop
I might fall in
At the well
below the valley, oh
Green grows the lily, oh
Right among the bushes, oh
He said, "Young maid,
you're swearing wrong"
For six fine children
she had borne
At the well
below the valley, oh
Green grows the lily, oh
Right among the bushes, oh
If you be a man
of noble esteem
You'll tell to me
what happened to them
At the well
below the valley, oh
Green grows the lily, oh
Right among the bushes, oh
Two buried beneath
the stable door
At the well
below the valley, oh
Green grows the lily, oh
Right among the bushes, oh
You'll be seven years
a-ringin' the bell
But the Lord above,
he'll save me soul
From all this hell
Green grows the lily, oh
Right among the bushes, oh
Well, what is it
you were wanting to show me?
Come on, Kevin.
What's the secret?
What do you think
you're doing?
I'm going back down.
Kevin, stop!
Now, Kevin, behave yourself.
Now, you're my cousin!
What would your father say?
No. Please.
Please stop it.
Please, Kevin.
No. I'm begging you.
Please stop it.
No. Stop.
Please stop.
You. Get up.
Get up.
Get dressed. Hurry up.
I want you downstairs.
What's happening?
I don't know.
Where's Margaret going?
Ma, where's Father Doyle
taking Margaret?
Where's the bloody brush?
Where is it?
Get off.
I'll never tell ye.
Right, Sonia.
Fart in her face.
I'm not farting in her face.
Do it!
Yours are more smellier.
Don't even think about it.
How do you do that?
Where's the bleedin' brush?
Oh, Jesus.
Take the damn thing.
It's my turn now.
I'm only on 18.
I've got 2 more.
You're on 20!
I've been counting.
If you two don't stop fighting,
I'll do it meself.
Isn't it a sin to be beautiful?
Look at the Virgin Mary.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
It's a sin to be vain.
Vanity is a sin.
So what's your name, gorgeous?
You're fine-looking.
Lovely name.
My grandmother's name.
Very fond of it.
So are you coming up
to give us a kiss?
No chance.
Give a look of your legs, love.
Go on.
Excuse me?
Show us a bit of leg.
Go on.
Show us a bit more
than a bit of leg. Come on.
You spend all your time
hanging around playgrounds?
Which one of us do you like?
She fancies me.
How could she fancy you
with the stomach on you?
Right, lads.
That's enough.
Move it or I'll call the guards.
She's a right nag, isn't she?
- Just give us a kiss.
- Cheeky.
- Just why not?
- I'm not that kind of girl.
You wasn't saying that when
you were dating me, were you?
- Are you giving us a kiss?
- She's teasing us now, she is.
Come on up.
You've got a very good-looking
board, Bernadette.
He's beautiful, isn't he?
Look at his wee hat.
Would you just look at him?
He's your grandson.
Ma, I've said I'm sorry.
I know it was sinful what I did.
But just look at him, Ma.
You can't blame him
for something he's nothing
to do with.
I know I've shamed you
and me da.
But just look at him, Ma.
Ma, would you just say
something... anything?
All right, Da.
Sit down, Rose.
My name is Father Doonigan.
I work for St. John's
Adoption Society.
Your father and I have discussed
your situation.
We feel it would be better
for the child
if you'd put him up
for adoption.
A child born out of wedlock
is a bastard child.
Would you have him go through
life as an outcast,
rejected and scorned by
all decent members of society?
It's a grievous sin
you have committed.
I know, Father. I'm sorry.
I really am.
All the same, would you have
the child pay for your sins?
Not his, remember.
No, Father.
Speak up, Rose.
I didn't hear you.
No, Father.
So, better he get
a chance in life,
that he grows up
in a good Catholic home
with a loving mother
and father?
Sign your name here.
You stay here with your father
while I go and get the baby.
You're going to take him now?
You wouldn't want to get
too attached, would you, Rose?
Did you see the baby, Da?
He's beautiful.
I think I'll tell him
I've changed my mind.
Can I not change my mind?
Can we just tear up the forms?
Did you look at him, Ma?
Isn't he beautiful?
He is beautiful.
My baby!
I want my baby!
I've changed my mind!
Please, Da, stop them!
Please, Da,
don't let them take my baby!
Please, Da!
Please, Da.
Leave them down there now
and wait.
Sister Bridget
will see you now.
In you go.
The philosophy here at Magdalene
is a very simple one.
Through the powers of prayer,
cleanliness, and hard work,
the fallen may find their way
back to Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior.
Mary Magdalene, patron saint
of the Magdalene convent,
herself was a sinner
of the worst kind,
giving of her flesh
to the depraved
and the lustful for money.
Salvation came only by paying
penance for her sins,
denying herself all pleasures
of the flesh,
including food and sleep,
and working
beyond human endurance
so that she might offer up
her soul to God
and so walk through
the gates of Heaven
and live in everlasting life.
In our laundry, they are not
simply clothes and bed linen.
These are the earthly means
to cleanse your very soul,
to remove the stains
of the sins you have committed.
Here you may redeem yourself
and, God willing,
save yourself
from eternal damnation.
Breakfast is at 6:00.
Prayer is at 6:30.
Work begins at 7:00.
- Lunch is at...
- Excuse me, Sister?
I think I should go.
You see, my father
was very ups...
Don't ever interrupt me, girl.
Did no one ever tell you that
it's bad manners to interrupt?
Or were you too busy whoring
with the boys to listen?
- Is that what it was?
- No, Sister.
Are you simpleminded?
Is that what it is?
Are you a simpleton?
I decide when or if
you're allowed to leave.
And I think I can safely say
it could be quite some time.
What's your name?
Margaret, Sister.
Margaret what?
Rose Dunne.
We have a Rose.
What's your middle name?
I don't have one, Sister.
Perhaps not
on your birth certificate.
But I'm sure your parents have
one or two names for you now.
What's your confirmation name?
Then you may call
yourself Patricia.
"Thank you, Sister."
Thank you, Sister.
And you?
Bernadette Harvey.
From St. Attracta's.
Yes, Sister.
Now, how would I know that?
I don't know, Sister.
Is it that Principal McLachlan,
who's a very good friend of
mine, has told me all about you?
Or is it that after years
in charge of this convent,
I know a little temptress
when I see one?
I don't know, Sister.
Well, blessed Mary.
Two simpletons in one day.
Well, I'm sure
we shall find out
in the course of time,
won't we?
Now come with me.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Come with me.
Over there.
And you come this way.
In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Oh, Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God's love
commits me here,
ever this night be at my side
to light, to guard,
to rule and guide.
- Amen.
- Amen.
In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost.
- Amen.
- Amen.
To bed now, girls.
Can you help me
to the toilet, please?
Yeah. Yeah.
Are you all right?
It's so painful.
What is?
It's so painful.
I think I'm going to faint.
Don't touch it.
Is your milk stuck?
I don't know.
I think so.
Don't touch. You'll start
leaking all over the place.
The nuns go crazy
if you start leaking.
Best just take the pain.
Be gone in a couple of days.
You better get to bed.
If they see you two
getting friendly,
they'll skin you alive.
Everyone, out of their beds.
Come on, come on.
Hurry up.
Has anyone seen Una O'Connor?
Did anyone hear anything
during the night?
Did anyone see her leave?
"I believe in one God...
The Almighty Father,
maker of Heaven and Earth,
maker of all things visible
and invisible.
I believe in one Lord,
Jesus Christ,
the only begotten Son of God,
born the Father
before time began.
God from God,
Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
one in substance
with the Father,
and through Him
all things were made.
For us men
and for our salvation,
he came down from Heaven,
was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary
by the power of the Holy Spirit
and was made Man.
For our sake under Pontius..."
That is enough!
"Together with the Father
and the Son,
He is adored and glorified.
- He is... was who spoke
through the prophets.
I believe in one Holy Catholic
and Apostolic church."
I keep a very close eye
on all of them.
Did you know, Sister, that I've
worked here for 40 years?
I don't do priests' collars.
Ask any of the girls.
I don't do them.
So what, I have to do
all my work as well as yours?
We can swap if you like.
Get lost.
Have you any bloody ones?
A lot of the girls hate the
bloody ones, but I don't mind.
There you go.
I'll do this for you.
A lot of the girls put them
into hot water.
I tell them,
but they don't listen.
You have to soak them
in cold water first
with a little bit of salt.
Then rub it like that.
I believe you.
What are you two talking about?
There's no talking allowed.
They were talking.
But I've given them
a right round for it.
All right, Sister?
Yes, Kate.
There is no talking allowed.
What were you talking about?
I was just telling her
how to wash these.
Jesus, Mary,
and Holy St. Joseph.
Get them away from me.
You're a disgusting girl.
You know that?
Now, get back to work.
I worked here for 40 years.
I know all the little tricks.
I've got my eye on you two.
Listen to me.
Poor Sister Augusta.
She got into terrible trouble
with that girl running away.
That's why they asked me
to sit in for her.
Her poor nerve ends.
They're all shot to blazes.
I'm giving them a right earful
now, Sister! Right. Right.
A right earful, Sister.
That's what's wrong with youse.
You're just completely selfish.
You don't care if some poor nun
gets into trouble
and loses her position.
You don't care.
She just fell asleep
on night duty.
Now she's going to end up
in Africa,
working with the lepers.
Her fingers could fall off.
Her toes could fall off.
She might even lose her nose.
Anything that sticks out
falls off.
You just get on with your work!
Get on with it.
- We got to get out of this...
- Quiet, now!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- This one? Is it this one?
- I'm sorry, Da!
Is this where you're at?
You'll stay here
till you die, you slut!
I just wanted to come home, Da!
I just wanted to come home!
I hate it here!
What have I told you?
What have I told you?!
What have I told you?!
You got no home.
You got no mother.
You got no father.
You killed us, you slut.
You killed us both.
You run away again,
I'll cripple you.
I swear to God.
Mr. O'Connor, I think
you should go home now.
We'll look after Una.
What you lookin' at, you whores?
God bless you, Sister.
don't leave me here, Da.
Please don't leave me here!
Get to bed now, Una.
I'll see you in the morning.
The rest of you, lie down.
Go to sleep.
So they're all hookers
and whores that work in there?
You don't look at them.
You don't talk to them.
Do you understand me?
Good morning.
There's somebody
looking for you.
It's my sister.
Oh, it's my little one!
That's my little boy.
Oh, isn't he big?
Isn't he the biggest boy
you've ever seen
in your whole life?
He's only 2.
And the size of him!
Blessed Virgin...
may you and St. Christopher...
St. Christopher...
Look over and...
Holy God, look after this child.
Bless you and bless everyone.
You two...
Stop hanging around!
Are you spastic, or what?
No. This here's
me friendly face.
Well, you can shove it up
your not-so-friendly arse.
And they tell me you, love,
are right into fellas.
Well, ain't that right?
That you lot are in here 'cause
you give it out to the lads?
You like to get
the old knickers off and that?
What's your wee boy called?
Don't know.
Ask me my name.
What's your name?
It means
"girl with the curly hair."
Sister Bridget gave it to me.
Two shillings
if you suck me cock.
Get off!
Look at you,
you mad fuckin' bitch!
When my baby came out of me,
they gave him to my sister.
And she's not allowed come here
and not allowed talk to me.
So I don't know his name.
But my auntie,
who's the richest woman
in the world,
she gave us both these.
And my sister...
My sister...
My sister brings him
to the gate sometimes,
and we talk on this.
This is a...
A Holy, uh...
I'm sorry, Sister?
What's the word?
What's the word?
I'm sorry.
I just can't think of the word.
You know there's no talking.
Get back to work.
I said get back to work.
I am not going to
tell you again.
That's what it is
is telephone.
I can never think of the word.
I want to see
Sister Bridget right now.
I want to see
Sister Bridget right now.
Wait there.
I understand that you two
have been disobedient.
Sorry, Sister.
I just asked
if I could see you, Sister.
You didn't ask anything, girl.
You demanded.
Now, who in God's name gave you
the right to make demands?
I'm just wonderin'
why I'm here, Sister.
I've not committed any crime.
I've never been
with any lads, ever.
As God's honest truth.
But you'd like to, wouldn't you?
I'm a good girl, Sister.
You're arrogant
and ill-mannered and stupid,
and that would be
why the boys liked you.
So much low intelligence
makes it easier
for them to get
their fingers inside you.
Isn't that right, Crispina?
Yes, Sister.
What did I just say?
I don't know, Sister.
That all men are sinners,
and therefore, all men
are open to temptation.
In any God-fearing country,
if you want to save men
from themselves,
you'll remove that temptation.
Do you understand me, girl?
Yes, Sister.
I wasn't asking you.
I understand you, Sister.
You sure, now?
There were a few words
of more than one syllable there.
I understand you, Sister.
Disobedience will
not be tolerated.
Face the wall.
Now, go on.
The two of you,
back to your work.
Have you completely
lost your mind?
Your hair's
no good to you now.
We'll pack it away later,
sell it to O'Brien's,
give the money
to the black babies.
All right?
You won't be running away now,
will you,
with your hair like this?
So, where would you go?
I have a cousin
in Dublin.
She's a hairdresser.
I've only met her once,
but I'm sure
she wouldn't turn me away
if I asked her for help.
You want to come with me?
What in God's name
have we done to deserve this?
We're not slaves.
We're not criminals.
What have we done?
Having a baby is not a crime.
Having a baby
before you're married
is a mortal sin.
All the mortal sins in the world
wouldn't justify this place.
I'll tell you...
I'd commit any sin,
mortal or otherwise,
to get the hell out of here.
So, are we gonna get married?
We could run away together.
Where would we go?
Go to England or America
or something.
Have you got any money?
Do I look like I have any money?
I thought you might have
saved up some of your wages.
You think I came here
because I answered an ad?
No. I just thought you might
have got something.
We get nothin'.
So, what?
Run away together?
How can we run away together?
We've got no money,
nowhere to go.
And anyway,
I hardly even know you.
All right, you can look.
But if you try and touch,
I'll have to kick your teeth in.
It's not a fuckin' chimley!
Do you have the keys
to the back door?
No, Seamus has them.
But you can get them?
I think so.
Then get them
and bring them here tonight.
Oh, dear God.
Oh, dear God in Heaven.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Oh, dear God in Heaven!
You have to promise me
you'll be here.
All right, I promise.
If you don't come,
they'll kill me!
I promise.
Get away from me!
I don't even want to
look at you!
You're a disgusting...
you're a disgusting girl!
We're gettin' married, honest.
He'll never marry you.
He will, but if you...
if you tell,
I can't get out of here.
And then we can't get married.
Then I'll be a sinner.
You don't want me
to be a sinner.
Look, I'll tell Sister Bridget
you were disgusting,
and then... then, you see,
they'll keep you here forever.
You'll be able to
get into Heaven
because you'll have paid
for all your disgusting sins,
- here, now.
- Please.
- Isn't that good?
- Please don't tell her.
I'll stay here.
I'll work hard every day.
I'll pray for all my sins.
Please don't tell her.
But I have to tell her.
I have to.
But if you do, I'll kill myself.
And you know
what that means.
It means I'll go straight
to hell and so will you.
'Cause in the eyes of God,
you'll be a murderer,
same as me.
No, it doesn't.
Not true.
This is fuckin' mad, Brendan.
This is fuckin' nuts.
Open the door, eh?
Open the door.
Brendan, it's me!
Please open the door!
Ah, this is madness.
Christ, I don't even know
your name, it's that mad!
My name is Bernadette.
Please open the door!
They'll know it was me!
You know that, don't you?
I'll lose me job.
I have a brother
doing 6 years in jail
for stealing apples of the nuns!
Now, what would they give me?!
- I'm sorry.
- Brendan!
I can't do it.
Don't leave me here.
I'm sorry.
At least open the fucking door!
Hold still!
It's okay.
I'll hold her.
- Stop it! Stop it!
Stop, girl!
Keep hold.
Open your eyes, girl.
Open them.
I want you to see yourself
as you really are.
Now that your vanity is gone
and your arrogance defeated,
you're free.
Free to choose
between right and wrong,
good and evil.
So now you must look
deep into your soul,
find that which is
pure and decent,
and offer it up to God.
Then and only then
will you find salvation.
In nomine Patris, et Filii,
et Spiritus Sancti.
- Amen.
- Amen.
All right, enough.
Ah, there's nothing like
a little exercise before supper.
Though I have to say
some of you could do with
cutting down on the potatoes.
Arms by your sides.
Frances, do you know,
I've never noticed before,
but not only do you have
the tiniest breasts
I've ever seen,
but you've got no nipples.
Do you see that?
That can't be natural, can it?
So, we're all agreed.
Frances has
the littlest breasts.
But who's got the biggest?
I'd say it was Patricia.
No, she's just
broad at the back.
Turn around, Patricia.
She's just big at the back.
Patricia, you have
a brickie's back!
A couple of tattoos
and you could pass
yourself off as a nabby.
Biggest breasts definitely
have to go to Cecilia.
Give yourself a round
of applause, Cecilia.
Good girl.
So, we've covered
biggest breasts,
littlest breasts.
Biggest bottom.
So that only leaves us
with the hairiest.
Step forward.
And, Bernadette, step forward.
Stand beside each other.
Get your hands away from there.
Get them away!
Bernadette, you have
more hair down there
than you have on your head.
But the winner is...
You've won.
Why are you crying?
I don't know, Sister.
Well, neither do I.
It's a game.
Ah, put your clothes on,
the lot of you.
It's time for tea.
"Every day of my life
belongs to Thee, O my God.
And every action of my life
should be performed
with the pure intention
of honoring Thee alone.
From this moment, I offer them
to Thy sacred heart,
and by this offering,
I consecrate them
without reserve to Thy glory.
Therefore, I will perform them
with all possible perfection.
Do not permit them,
O my divine Savior,
to be sullied by any motives
unworthy of Thy..."
What's going on down there?
Crispina, what are you
playing at?
I don't know, Sister.
She's very hot, Sister.
Well, take her to bed.
Come on.
Sorry, Sister.
I think I made a mess, Sister.
"I renounce all that could
lessen the merit of my offering.
I renounce all vanity,
self-love, and human respect.
Grant, O my God,
that I may commence, continue,
and end this day in Thy grace
and solely from the pure motive
of pleasing and honoring Thee."
I think I might be dying.
You've just got a fever.
Maybe you have the flu.
You can die from the flu.
Old people die from the flu,
not young people.
Crispina, did you lie in this
all night?
Oh, Crispina,
did you wet the bed?
I've never wet the bed,
not even when I was little.
Then what happened?
It's soaking wet.
Thank God it hasn't gone
all the way through.
We'd have to tell the Sisters.
You wouldn't want that row,
now, would you?
Hold this, will you?
You'll have to sleep
in your dress for now.
I'll go down and try and get
some clean sheets.
Thank you.
I can do it myself.
Well, do it.
I'll be back.
What happened now?
What's wrong with you?
I lost my holy medal.
My St. Christopher!
I've lost it!
Just calm down.
Look in your dress.
I'll look on the floor.
Where's my St. Christopher?
- I don't know.
- Oh, God help me!
Crispina, shh.
It's all right.
Please be calm and lie down,
will you?
It probably fell off.
I'll go down and find it
for you.
You just lie there,
nice and still.
Please help me.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I'll go find it for you.
She's not well.
She's not...
Crispina, what are you doing?
You'll never find
my St. Christopher.
I will so.
Come down from there
and get back into bed.
It's my punishment.
Punishment for what?
I promise you,
I will find it for you.
Now, come down from there.
Come on.
Lay down.
If you died of the flu,
it wouldn't be your fault.
Sure it wouldn't?
Of course it wouldn't be
your fault.
You're not gonna die of the flu.
I told you that already.
But if you did?
Are you gonna behave now?
I have to get back to work.
Come already!
Patricia, come and get it
off her throat.
Take her legs.
Lift her.
Lift her.
Crispina, stop kicking,
will you?
Try and keep still!
- She can't breathe!
- Lift her up.
Pull it off.
Keep still, Crispina!
Will you keep still?
Loosen it!
I can't.
It's too tight.
Will you loosen it?
I can't!
It's too tight!
Keep her there.
Don't move her.
You got it.
Lift her over.
Crispina, why did you
want to kill yourself?
Jesus, that's a stupid thing
to ask in this place.
I wanted to die of the flu,
but you said I wouldn't.
But you mustn't try to kill
It's the biggest mortal sin
there is.
You'll go straight to hell.
I saw your wee boy today.
My little boy?
How was he looking?
He looked really sad, though.
'Cause you weren't there.
He missed you.
There you go.
Just think how sad he'd be
if he never saw you again.
I have to go to bed.
This place makes us
all desperate at times.
But you must remember that
you'll be out of here one day
and able to play
with your little one.
I don't know.
Then why would you say
something like that?
Because it's true.
Then tell her when.
Next week?
Next month?
Next century?
I don't know the exact date
or time.
I'm just trying to stop her
from killing herself.
I know what you're trying to do.
I just don't know
why you're doing it.
I lost my St. Christopher,
Hurry up, now.
We'll be late.
Una O'Connor
has decided to give herself
to the convent.
As most of you know, this is
one of the greatest commitments
a young penitent can make
to our order.
She has turned her back
on the evils and temptations
of the world
and will face the light
of the Lord
with us here in this convent
until the day she dies.
Her sacrifice, and indeed,
her transformation
from what she once was
should be noted by you all.
Thank you, Una.
In the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost.
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Judge me, O God,
and distinguish my cause
from the nation
that is not holy.
Deliver me from the unjust
and deceitful man.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
All right. Come on.
Back in again, the two of you.
Now, court and laugh
as you come in.
All right.
- That's it. Now smile.
- A lovely day today.
Now, Jude, show her
the flowers in the garden.
Look at the flowers.
Will you relax, both of you?
Just be yourselves. Come on.
Try and act natural.
He's not a man of God.
What are you after?
Are you wanting a lift or what?
Why the hell
did you stop me, then?
You're from in there,
aren't you?
Christ, they're taking in
loonies now as well.
Come on, Sister!
"Lord, have mercy on us."
Lord, have mercy on us.
"Christ, have mercy on us."
Christ, have mercy on us.
"Lord, have mercy on us."
Lord, have mercy on us.
"Christ, hear us."
Christ, graciously hear us.
"God, the Father of Heaven."
You said you'd find
my St. Christopher.
That's what you said.
You shouldn't make promises
you can't keep.
That's what Bernadette says.
- "Holy Mary."
- Pray for us.
"Holy mother of God."
Pray for us.
"Holy Virgin of virgins."
Bernadette said that
somebody here must have it.
"Mother of divine grace."
They're keeping it from me.
Pray for us.
"Mother most chaste."
You said you'd find it.
You promised.
"Mother undefiled."
Pray for us.
I have a right mind to tell what
you said about Father Fitzroy.
"Mother most admirable."
Pray for us.
- "Mother of good counsel."
- Pray for us.
"Mother of our Creator."
Pray for us.
"Mother of our redeemer."
Pray for us.
"Virgin most prudent."
Pray for us.
"Virgin most venerable."
Pray for us.
What have you done to my bed?
My St. Christopher.
You found it.
God bless you.
You dirty bitch!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it, for God's sake!
You're a wicked bitch,
you know that?
You're a wicked, thieving bitch!
She had Crispina's
St. Christopher under her bed!
The only thing that girl owns
in the whole world.
And you took it!
You found my St. Christopher.
Thank you.
Don't you understand?
She stole it.
Yeah, but you found it.
Am I the only one that thinks
that what she did
was completely despicable?
Oh, you can all just go to hell!
'Cause she didn't suffer enough.
We're penitents, remember?
We're supposed to suffer.
Now fuck up and let me sleep.
On you come now, girls.
"But let a man prove himself.
And so let him eat of that bread
and drink of the chalice.
For he that eateth
and drinketh unworthily,
eateth and drinketh judgment
to himself.
This is the word of the Lord."
Thanks be to God.
A reading from the Holy Gospel
according to St. John.
Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
"At that time, Jesus said
to the multitudes of the Jews,
'My flesh is meat, indeed.
And my blood is drink, indeed.
He that eateth of my flesh
and drinketh my blood
abideth in me, and I in him.
As the... living Father
hath sent..."'
Sister, I don't know what's wrong.
Can you help me a bit?
I don't know what I have.
It's all over me.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down, Crispina.
Sit down.
It's really hurting me.
It won't go away.
Dear Lord!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina.
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina, sit down.
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina.
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina!
- You're not a man of God!
- Sit down now!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
You're not a man of God!
- You're not a man of God!
- Crispina.
You're not a man of God!
Get up now.
Come on up.
Up you come.
Get up.
That's it.
Good girl.
Where are we going?
I'm sending you
to Mount Vernon Hospital.
They can look after you
better than we can here.
Mount Vernon?
That's right.
Come on, now.
Mount Vernon's
for the maddies, Sister.
Come on, girl.
Come on.
I don't want to go.
- Look.
- No. I'm not mad.
You come along now, Crispina.
- No. I want to stay.
- Don't be giving me any trouble.
She's telling the truth.
No. I'm okay.
I'm going to stay.
I don't want to go.
What did you say?
- Nothing.
- You said something.
What was it?
I'm sorry.
I was confused.
- Confused? Right.
- Crispina. Come on, now.
Let them take you along now.
Come on, girl.
You're perfectly all right.
Stop it, girl!
- Crispina!
- No!
Will you stop it, girl?
Calm down! Crispina!
Help me!
- Let go of it!
- No!
Now, you're all right, Crispina!
Will you stop that noise?
Let them take you out, now,
Help me!
Get her right out.
Come on.
I'm here, Crispina.
- You're all right now.
Get her out!
Sister, no!
Please, Sister!
No! No!
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satans power
And we were gone astray
O tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
They say that confession
is good for the soul.
Well, in the presence
of the archbishop,
Mr. Lanigan, Mrs. Lanigan,
the Sisters,
and, indeed, you all,
I have a confession
I wish to make.
And I warn you now.
Some of you will find it
somewhat shocking.
For many years, more years
than I care to remember,
I have had a secret love.
In fact, not just one,
but dozens.
Since I have been 13 years old
I have been in love.
With the films.
It's true.
It's true.
My father used to take me.
It was the old silent ones
in those days.
And while he loved the comedies,
I loved the Westerns.
I'll never forget the look
on my dear mother's face
the day I told her
if I didn't get into the convent
and give my life to God,
then I'd be a cowboy instead.
God gave me the calling.
But I've never forgotten
those old films.
Now, today, as we celebrate the
birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Mr. Lanigan, one of Dublin's
most respected businessmen,
has brought along a projector
and a film.
For us.
Isn't that wonderful?
Now, like yourselves,
I don't know what the film is.
But I know it's not a Western.
Isn't that right, Mr. Lanigan?
Apparently, they've changed
a lot since my day and have gone
the way of the devil like
so much of the modern world.
So no less a person
than the archbishop himself
has chosen the film
for us today.
Sister Jude, would you turn
the lights out, please?
You don't become a nun
to run away from life, Patsy.
It's not because
you've lost something.
It's because
you've found something.
I have got a letter here
for Sister Bridget
from Father Donnelly.
Dear Lord...
remove all bitterness
from my heart.
Help me to see Thy holy will
in all things.
Help me.
Please, help me.
You can't go in there.
- Wonderful.
What a beautiful film.
I think we all owe
the archbishop a vote of thanks.
- Thank you.
Thank you, Your Grace.
What is it?
I have a letter here concerning
my sister, Margaret McGuire.
It's from
Father Joseph Donnelly.
I'm her brother, Eamonn.
- Eamonn.
- Margaret McGuire.
Come on. We're going.
What's wrong?
Come on.
Sister Jude, would you turn
the lights on, please?
Now, back to your dormitories.
Can you believe
that it's that simple?
That a brother
can just turn up and...
Can you believe that?
Margaret, will you hurry up?
Don't you dare tell me
what to do!
Don't you ever dare tell me
what to do!
Where the hell have you been
for four bloody years?
What are you talking about?
I was growing up.
Well, you didn't grow up
bloody fast enough, did you?
May I get past, please, Sister?
You'd better be joking, girl.
Because if I thought
for a second
you would seriously expect
one of the persons here
to step aside
for the likes of you,
then, brother or no brother,
I would punish such insolence
most severely.
Most severely.
I'm not moving, Sister.
Then you'll be staying
with us, then.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on Earth
as it is in Heaven.
I think we should be moving on.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Excuse me, Sister.
Yes, Katy.
I don't think I'm feeling
very well today, Sister.
Well, get yourself
a cup of water.
Yes, Sister.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
Did they tell you I'm dying?
They wanted to send me
to the hospital.
But I said no.
I wanted to stay here
with the Sisters and my friends.
You knew my mother, didn't you?
What are you rambling on about,
you old witch?
She was always very kind to me.
My father said I was soft
in the head.
But she was always very kind.
She had a lovely singing voice,
didn't she?
Lift your head.
She told me not to go near
the soldiers.
She told me.
He was born 16th of October.
I called him Freddy.
I thought my mother might
come back for me, but...
Well, there was
an awful lot of us.
And we were poor.
And she said she knew I'd be
happy here with the Sisters
and all my friends.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Please don't leave me alone.
The Sisters wouldn't want you
to leave me alone.
I'll tell the Sisters
if you leave me alone.
The Sisters only want
the work done.
Or haven't you figured
that one out yet?
The Sisters don't give a shite
about you.
And neither do I.
So why don't you do them and me
and everybody else a big favor?
Hurry up and die.
Here you go.
Now, if you'd like to make
your way down to the office,
we'll do the necessary
Come in.
Sorry to disturb you, Sister.
But I wanted to ask you
You see,
it's my son's birthday soon.
And I was just wondering if
maybe I could send him a card.
Now, I know you can't tell me
where he is.
But I thought if I gave it you,
perhaps you could send it on
to whoever is looking after him.
I want you to help me look
for a key.
It's about this size.
It's silver. It fits in there.
Go on.
Start looking.
It would only be
a birthday card, Sister.
I wouldn't even sign it.
He wouldn't know
who it was from.
Wouldn't that be bloody stupid?
You'd send a card, and he
wouldn't know who it was from.
Now, what kind of person
would confuse and disrupt
a child's birthday like that?
But I'm his mother, Sister.
You're not his mother.
Mother puts the child to bed.
Looks after him when he's sick.
Feeds and educates him.
You've done none of that.
Would you take credit
for something you haven't done?
No, Sister.
Well, stop being so stupid
and look for the bloody key!
I never wanted that...
that thing.
Biscuit tins were just fine.
I should've put it
on a separate chain.
All the money's in there.
All the money.
Have you found it?
No, Sister.
Sorry, Sister.
Oh, good Mother.
There's that nice lady again.
They didn't tell her.
She's not here.
They took her away
over a year ago.
They should have told you.
- They took her away.
- Patricia!
All right.
Let's go.
You dead yet?
You got what you deserved.
I was only trying to tell the...
Excuse me, Sister.
Katy's dead.
May she rest in peace.
Remember this beating, girl.
If you ever speak to anyone
outside of here again,
you will receive the same
beating every day for a month.
Both of you.
Get back to your work.
You know we're both gonna
grow old and die in here.
No one's gonna come for me.
Or for you.
I just don't want to feel like
this for the rest of my life.
I don't want to end up
like one of them.
So are you ready?
Ready for what?
We have to go.
Go where?
Have you completely lost
your mind?
Look what she did to me.
And that was only
for talking to someone.
What's she gonna do if she
catches me trying to run away?
It doesn't matter.
She's gonna do it anyway.
For something or for nothing.
It doesn't matter to her.
We have to go.
We have to go now.
What does the main-door key
look like?
It's a big, black key.
Let go of the key, Sister.
Let go!
Let go of the key, Sister!
Let go,
you fucking twisted bitch!
Let go!
Let go, or, so help me,
I'll stick these in your throat.
Let go.
Get back here!
Get back here!
Get back here!
Get the fuck away from her!
Don't even fucking think about
coming after us!
Fucking stay in there!
Thanks so much for the clothes
and the money and everything.
I'll pay you back as soon
as I get a job, I promise.
Goodbye, Patricia.
My name's Rose.
I'll just be a sec.
So will you be all right, then?
I've got my ticket.
I'll be fine.
Liverpool's in England,
isn't it?
Yeah, I think so.
What about you?
You know she'll have the guards
out looking for you.
They can't touch me.
I'm a trainee hairdresser.
That makes me respectable.
They can't touch you
if you're respectable.
I'll write to you.
Good luck.