Maggie Moore(s) (2023) Movie Script

Please! Please!
Help me!
Help me!
Pushed, you think?
Yeah, or jumped or fell,
but no blood up here, though,
so she was shot down there.
Pushed, jumped, or fell.
Shot in the back of the head,
dragging herself away.
My God, that's awful.
I hope we didn't pull you
away from the lovely Rita.
Is that how this is going to go?
Rita's sprinkled into every conversation now?
Oh, of course not.
Except yeah.
But it's good, though.
Last week, we would
pulled you away from, what,
a can of soup and Jeopardy?
You know what?
There's nothing wrong
with soup and Jeopardy.
They happen to complement one another.
The vehicle's registered to Maggie Moore.
Lives a few miles from here.
You say Maggie Moore?
Weird, right?
So, did she take the ring back, your wife?
Unbeknownst to me.,
I entered into a marriage contract,
and she's entitled to certain niceties.
The fuck is that?
What the hell, man?
Oh, it's fine. You just cut it off.
Yes, not fine. This is fucking mold.
It's just not edible.
You know, you're paying
me $0.20 on the dollar.
It's eat-able enough.
Edible. Edible enough, Jesus.
Marriage contract-- that's a thing?
Her shrink says I promised Maggie
I'd make big money.
Fuck me if I'm running behind schedule.
But she bitches I'm pinching pennies.
I'm pinching fucking pennies.
Try not buying $600 rings,
and let me get back on track.
Yeah, simple math.
Yes, simple math, right?
But no, here I am,
serving up fucking expired food
to make more money to pay her shrink
to tell her I'm pinching fucking pennies.
Where's my shit?
We're having a conversation.
Yeah, you told me.
Now, where's my shit?
Don't tell me you lost it.
That's some sensitive shit.
Fuck me.
Hey, Mags?
Hey, Mags. You OK?
What kind of monster are you?
Whatever that is, it is not mine.
You're lying.
I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
It's this work guy, Tommy, Jesus.
I swear to God.
Don't you dare swear to God.
You're not entitled to swear to God.
Jesus, what the fuck is in there?
Pictures of children, of little children.
Holy shit.
I had nothing to do with that,
Maggie, and I mean nothing.
I was just passing them along.
You brought this filth
into our home, into my home.
Why do you have anything
to do with this freak?
OK, he's a piece of shit, all right?
You think I don't know that?
But those are not mine.
You're providing them.
This is a crime, and you are an accessory!
And that's if I even believe you!
What the fuck does that mean?
You think I get off on that shit?
I don't know what you get off on, Jay.
It's just part of the deal.
I pass along the packages,
and I get cheap food.
If you can't figure out how to make a buck,
that's fine, but this?
You need to leave!
- Oh, I need to leave?
- Yeah!
This is my house, Maggie,
and I'm not leaving my own fucking house!
I'm calling the cops.
Hey, hey, do not-- do not call the cops!
Get out, I said.
Fuck you, Mags!
Hey, are you crazy with this?
Are you fucking insane?
Maggie found those pictures, man.
Oh, we had an agreement, man.
My business is my business.
Nobody told you to open it.
Yeah, well, I didn't open it.
Maggie opened it.
She threw me out.
Oh, maybe she's using that as an excuse.
Maybe she's like banging someone else.
What? No, she's not.
You're the one who should be
seeing a shrink, you fucking perv.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Hey, man, we had a deal.
I do for you. Then you do for me.
Now you taking her side?
That's fucking Stockholm syndrome.
OK, that is not Stockholm syndrome,
- you fucking maniac.
- That's Stockholm syndrome.
No, that is not Stockholm syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome is when
you get kidnapped and brainwashed.
God damn it, are you fucking thick?
Oh, she's going to clean me out.
So fucking what? Stay here, man.
You got a can.
You got a full kitchen,
hella meat, cheese, and--
Oh, yeah, yeah,
that's my dream fucking scenario.
Fuck, what if she goes
to the cops with those pictures?
Then I'm an accessory to your sick shit-- ah!
Fuck! Ow!
I got fucking plans, man!
So it's best to keep me out of the situation!
So if you need help getting those pictures back,
which you better fucking do, I know a guy.
You understand?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll handle it. I'll handle it.
Ah, oh.
I want my fucking pictures!
His life had taken an unexpected turn.
Every night, he ate
a can of soup in front of the TV,
usually Jeopardy unless a ballgame was on.
His friends would call,
but he didn't want to see them.
He didn't want their well meaning pity.
But it wasn't just that.
For years, he had the perfect life.
It was too hard for him to admit it was over.
So was that autobiographical?
Oh, no, just made-up stuff.
I thought it was really moving.
How long you been writing?
I wouldn't really call it writing,
but I've been playing around
with it since high school.
This high school, in fact.
Defacing public property.
So you were a hooligan.
Well, I have since reformed.
Glad to hear it.
Hey, I was going to grab
a coffee down the street
if you want to join me maybe.
Oh, uh--
Come on.
You'll be miserable
for 20 minutes tops, I promise.
You know, sometimes, in conversation,
the other person
might ask, for instance,
how long they've been writing,
you know, just as an example.
Coincidentally, I was just going to ask,
even before you mentioned that,
how long have you been writing?
Well, I got my first diary
on my 10th birthday
and then tore through
one a month till I was 23.
What happened to 23?
Mm, got married,
had a child two months later--
My parents not happy about that.
And 12 years flew by, and here I am.
Uh, so you're married with a kid?
Mm, I'm separated with two kids.
So what about you? What's your situation?
No kids. No kids.
My wife passed.
Wow, I'm sorry.
You know, life.
It's what happens while
you're busy making other plans,
which is not a John Lennon quote, by the way.
No, it is actually from a--
Hey. Hey, Mags.
I told you to stay away.
I'm just getting it nice
and neat the way you like it.
Come on. Come on. We got to talk.
You're not answering the phone.
Because I don't want to talk.
You see how that works?
And don't you dare come by the diner.
Hey, Mags, listen to me.
Hey, listen.
I know you're pissed,
but do not go to the cops.
This guy, Tommy T, he's a complete psycho.
You go to the cops,
I don't know what he's going to do.
To you or to me?
You, me, both of us.
But I'm worried about you.
Fuck you, Jay!
My lawyer's calling you.
Waste your bullshit on her.
You're calling a lawyer?
Mags, come on.
What, did your shrink tell you to do that?
You know, if you don't mind, actually,
I'm a little sore today,
the neck and shoulders area.
First time for everything, right?
Yeah, I got a lot of stress.
Yeah, got a lot of decisions to make that's
going to affect my lifestyle,
my disposable income.
You know Castle Subs,
Indian school in Highland?
That was a sub place?
Yeah, it's a sub place, Castle Subs?
I'm a franchisee.
Just the one place for now, but down the road,
I imagine six, maybe seven establishments.
And then from there,
you know, sky's the limit.
You know Howard Schultz?
Starbucks guy, who owns half the planet?
I'm going to own the other half.
Big dreams.
What's stopping you?
Nothing's stopping me,
except the potential legal impediment
from my wife, of all people.
Can you believe that?
What would Starbucks guy do?
Hey, Tommy T.
Set it up.
Mr. Cosco!
Pretty loud, don't you think?
Tommy T fill you in?
My situation, he explain it?
What, you got laryngitis or something?
Oh, you're deaf?
Seriously? You're fucking deaf?
So-- so you read lips?
Oh, Jesus, OK.
Yeah, smart.
No paper trail. I like that.
OK, so, uh, my wife,
she is threatening to go to the cops
over some shit that Tommy T got involved with--
no judgment.
So basically what I would
like from you is to scare her off the idea,
which, you know, ultimately is for the best
because you know Tommy T is no fucking angel.
So that's why you didn't know
the TV was so fucking loud.
As soon as possible.
Yeah, you're really doing me a solid, man.
So tell you what?
Free food at my sub shop for life.
It's a perk.
You know, not like your fee.
And let me get a mega ball.
Ugh, can you even
imagine this much money?
I wouldn't even know where to start.
Pretty sure the taxes on the lump sum
are like half, though, right?
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, pretty sure they are.
I mean, I could live OK
on $100 million, though, right?
- What was the number?
- I just want to pay.
No, you don't want
to miss out on these rewards.
What's your phone?
Maggie Moore.
My wife.
Got it.
Would you like to add your name
to the loyalty membership?
OK, then we'll keep it just your wife
then on Hanover Court.
Chip reader's not working
so you can just slide.
Wait, we don't live on Hanover Court.
Yep, 32 Hanover Court.
Nope, we live on Donna Circle.
You know what? Forget it.
Just forget the loyalty.
Wait. Oh. Oh, I see.
There's two Maggie Moores in the system,
the one at Hanover
and then you guys on Donna.
And then somehow
the system just like-- oh, wait.
No, it didn't switch it.
It's just under that one phone.
That is so weird.
I wonder how that happened.
You never finished telling me about your date,
the co-ed from class.
OK, first of all, it wasn't a date.
And second of all,
she's a grown woman with two kids.
OK, what's wrong with her?
I didn't say anything was wrong with her.
OK, this is going to sound weird--
I mean really sound weird.
Lay it on me.
Lay it on me? What are you?
You're in the States for 10 years,
and that's what you pick up?
You're deflecting.
Oh, God, we went and had cheesecake
at this place near class.
She paid, and you felt like a wuss.
You're right, that's really stupid.
No, that is not what happened.
She had cheesecake on her chin,
a little crumb of cheesecake.
She had a little crumb
of cheesecake on her chin,
and you found that unforgivable.
Yeah, it just sat there the whole time.
Why didn't you just lick it off?
Too forward? Like a napkin?
A gentle wipe?
Look, you asked me
how it went, and I told you. OK?
Done, there, fine.
OK. But you understand this alleged crumb
as a reason to shut down
a relationship is not rational.
It's not.
And when I say that it's not rational,
what I mean is there's
something terribly wrong with you.
Hey, Rita.
I haven't seen Jay around.
I'm really late for work.
- Oh, sure.
- But we're not--
Jay and I aren't going to be together anymore.
Oh, my goodness.
Yeah, I mean, please don't say anything.
- It's not for publication.
- No, no, of course.
It's just like they become
completely different people, you know?
I do. I do know.
Save a lot of trouble if they just told you
their weirdo crap at the start.
Anyway, I got to scoot.
Hey, knock when you get back.
We can open a wine and have girl talk.
Sorry, what?
Have a great day. Take care.
Oh, please.
Please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.
Please don't.
Mr. Moore,
Jerry Connors of corporate.
You focused on the operation over there?
What? Uh, yeah, of course, we are.
Because according to our records,
it's been, it looks like, over three months
since you purchased any inventory--
Meats, cheese, chips, produce,
the fresh cookie dough.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I must have
overbought at some point
because we got plenty.
We are fully stocked.
Are you saying you're still using
product from three months ago?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You must be missing
a couple orders because our stuff
is beautiful, fresh as can be.
Mr. Moore,
are you checking the expiration
dates on the packaging?
Yeah, absolutely, every day.
You know, Mr. Connors,
we have got customers out the door,
but we will be reordering very soon.
I can promise you that.
Hey, this one is pretty gross, too.
OK, Greg, well, toss it and move on.
Can you figure that out?
Hey, Shel. Mags in the kitchen?
Heard you had quite the knockdown dragout.
It's a misunderstanding. Is she in the kitchen?
- 54 is your change.
- Thank you.
She didn't come in, and she didn't call,
which is not like her.
Yeah, she's not answering
her cell phone either.
- You worried?
- Yeah, getting to be.
If she checks in,
can you have her give me a call
or text me or something? OK.
Hi, how's everything?
Hey, I got a couple of calls
about the fire up the
B Line and Sycamore trailhead.
It's probably just some idiot burning leaves.
Give it a look, will you?
Well, that's not good.
I don't know.
Gas leak or something electrical.
You'd think there'd be time
to get the hell out of the car.
Unless, you know,
spontaneous combustion.
So let me get this straight.
In your scenario here, this person
drives off the highway down
some random embankment,
stops here, and spontaneously
bursts into flames?
Can't even tell you the sex.
Too badly burned.
An accelerant was used, though,
and plenty of it.
Ah, so not spontaneous combustion.
I'll get you more from the lab.
Thank you.
You know, KB, that was
a person who died there,
murdered in a horrible, horrible fashion.
I know.
Why do you got to make jokes?
It's not right. It's not respectful.
Don't do it, OK?
Did you pull a VIN off the car?
No, dash and doors too melted.
Did you check the battery?
Sometimes there's a serial number plate.
Yeah, see? There.
- Yeah.
- Run that.
Also, call around all the taxicab companies--
Uber, Lyft, places like that.
See if they had any pickups around here
'cause I don't see our guy
hitchhiking out of here.
Mr. Moore?
Can I help you?
Oh, uh, yeah.
I'm looking for Jay Moore.
I don't think he's here.
I mean, he's not here. They're separated.
Big fight.
You know, this is really not necessary.
Well, you don't want to watch me eat.
Well, thank you.
So what can you tell me about this fight?
Were you over there?
Uh, no, no, no, here.
I don't know. I guess sound must
carry at night, but they were just--
Man, they were really going at it.
Do they fight a lot?
More so lately.
Oh, did Maggie file a restraining order?
Is that why you're here?
Can't say.
But maybe did you hear anything specific
about what they were fighting about?
I mean, it was pretty garbled, but
she did yell the word "filth." I caught that.
And then he was banished.
He did come back one day to work on the lawn,
and that did not go over well.
Oh, no. Was there too much pepper?
- Wow.
- You want milk?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Please, please, please sit.
I'm fine. It just caught me by surprise.
I have this sick thing for pepper.
No, I get it. I get it.
My wife, we have one spice in our home.
It's garlic salt. She puts it on everything--
steak, hamburger, cereal.
I'm kidding, of course.
She would never put it on steak.
Well, you know, you're welcome
to take the shaker home
and show her what she's been missing.
Uh, yeah.
She passed away about a year ago.
Oh, I'm sorry about that.
I'm divorced if you were wondering why
I drag strangers in to eat with me.
Well, you must have friends.
Oh, God, no. They all chose him,
and frankly, I can't make the effort.
I've been trying to pal up to Maggie.
We'll see where that goes.
She seems nice. Her husband's a little off.
I'm finding it takes courage
to be happy, you know?
I'm just not sure my ex left me with any.
I don't know. I bet you--
I bet you have plenty.
No, he broke me down pretty good.
Well, where do you think
I might be able to find Jay Moore?
Come on, man.
It's my prom.
Yeah, and prom's a huge night for us.
Yeah, but like who eats subs?
Anyway, like, we're all dressed up
to go to real restaurants.
Yeah, and you smoke weed.
You get wasted and unpacked.
Sorry, Greg. I can't spare you.
- Hey there, officer.
- Mr. Moore.
Yeah, yeah.
Mind if I talk to you for a second?
Yeah, of course.
No, no. No, that can't be right.
It's possible there's a mistake, no?
When was the last time you saw your wife?
I was just over to work on the yard.
So you two were living separately then?
We had like a stupid fight, and I
tried calling her today to apologize.
I even went to the diner
where she works, you know,
trying to make up.
Who would do this?
Everybody just loved Mags.
She was a rock star.
We'll find out sooner or later. We always do.
I'm very sorry for your loss, Mr. Moore.
I'm sorry for your loss.
What's up?
He fucking killed her.
Who's this? Jay?
Chief of police was just here.
Jesus fucking Christ.
They're going to nail me for this.
You understand?
That would suck, dude, but you know,
there's still the matter of my finder's fee.
What did you just say?
I mean, look, I get things went awry.
- But--
- Things went awry?
He burned Maggie up in her fucking car!
Yeah, I hear you, dude,
but business is business.
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Piece of shit phone.
So you're telling me
that even if the potato chips
or what have you
are cheaper somewhere else,
that they have to buy
Castle Subs products?
That's right, officer.
OK, got it. Thank you
for your time, Mr. Connors.
My pleasure.
Well, Jay Moore is into something.
Because he's selling shitty no name chips?
It's a breach of the franchise agreement.
He has to buy Castle Subs product.
If he buys from Liberty Bell
foods or wherever else,
he stiffs corporate out of their money.
Either way, what's that
got to do with his murdered wife?
I do not know.
Because you seem really worked up over this.
Well, we have a victim who was
unable to yield any clues due to her--
Christ's sakes. KB, will you--
Sorry, it just happens.
Don't do it anymore.
What do you got?
Called all the transport companies.
No one had a pickup near the B Line.
Also Jay's story checks out at the diner.
Also there's a record of his call to Maggie's cell,
just like he told you.
So we've got nothing.
Hey, two Maggie Moores guy.
Uh, what?
Two Maggie Moores in the system,
one at 32 Hanover, you guys on Donna.
- Remember?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dude, what a crazy coincidence.
What are the odds of that?
Mr. Moore.
Mr. Moore.
Mr. Moore.
Yeah, let me get a mega ball
and a couple of those phones.
No, it was weird for me to see
my name in a story like that.
Mags, you seen my glasses?
In here!
Well, tell Daddy that I'm fine.
It was just one of those
spooky coincidences, OK?
So I'll see you on Tuesday, Mom.
OK, I love you, too.
OK, bye.
Your folks OK?
Yeah, I talked them down.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It's me. It's me.
Why is it--
Jesus! OK, sorry.
Let me take a whack at it.
Demented fuck.
So, just asking, no disrespect,
because I know you're like--
But I pretty clearly said scare her, not, you know,
set her on fucking fire.
So like--
Yeah, that sounds like Maggie. Jesus Christ.
So was she, like, alive when you--
Well, thank God for that.
So I got the cops fucking
knocking on my door, man.
So I got a plan.
You know my wife's name, Maggie, right?
Maggie Moore.
Well, there's another Maggie Moore,
same exact fucking name,
only a couple of miles away.
So what I'm thinking is if we-- you--
Remove the second Maggie Moore,
it'll make it look like
the first removal, my Maggie,
was just a mistake, like it was an accident.
And I'm off the hook.
I mean, they're not twins, but.
You didn't say anything about me, right?
To Maggie?
What the hell?
Why would you tell her that?
Jesus Christ.
as you all know, loved children,
but not having been blessed
with children of her own,
she feared her life would be without meaning.
It was not.
Maggie was able to find new meaning
through her work at the diner.
Why are you making me do this?
Why do you make me interrupt my route
to come here to get what's mine, huh?
Finder's fee ain't much,
not the way you were talking
what a divorce would cost.
Come on, man. I got to be the pastor.
Right, because otherwise you'll go to hell.
Like, that's why you'll go.
and the truth
of our relationships with our friends
and loved ones, the truth within ourselves.
You see, life is not about the houses we live in,
the cars we drive, or the money we make.
In times like these, we realize
that only three things truly matter--
Our health, our family, and our faith.
Police Chief Sanders?
Did I interrupt you refilling the pepper grinder?
No, no, pepper refills are
performed at 10:00 and 6:00 daily.
I'm good for the night.
Hey, listen.
I was thinking, would you want to maybe
get some ice cream or something?
I could come by if it's not too late.
Is that a yes, then?
I'll pick you up?
Sure. See you in a bit.
Is yours as good as it looks?
I'm not sharing.
Hey, you know a decent mechanic?
Because my dash is like all warning lights.
Uh, I do, actually.
Who won't cheat me?
Oh, no, he'll definitely cheat you.
But his work is solid.
You know, I know we don't
really know each other that well,
but I feel like something
might be bothering you.
Am I wrong?
When you were at my house,
you obviously knew Maggie was gone.
We had a whole conversation that--
I don't know-- I just think it's a little strange.
And you're annoyed?
Absolutely not annoyed.
Mildly put out.
That's fair.
That I didn't tell you about Maggie's murder
before I told her husband.
It was just strange, like I said,
to see the news that night
and think back on our conversation
and how you didn't say a word.
I am obligated to inform the next of kin
before the next door neighbor.
Whatever. I'm always the last to know.
You have a lot that's--
- Yeah, there you go.
- Thank you.
Want to go for a walk?
Then I see him come out
of the bathroom with this other guy.
And Jim looks like he's been
shoved around a little bit.
And then the other guy just
roars off in this delivery truck.
I don't know. I just thought it was odd.
Hey, do you like to gamble?
Because I work at the casino.
And I don't know--
if you ever wanted to come up--
Hold on, go back.
So Jay misses the beginning
of his wife's funeral
because he's been
shoved around by some guy
that drives the delivery truck?
It was odd, right?
See, I'm usually so not
even close on this stuff.
Did you happen to see
the name on the side of the truck?
Maybe there's security footage?
I watch a lot of SVU.
Liberty. Liberty Bell Foods.
I remember the bell.
Junior detective.
Hey, look who's a sex offender.
I didn't do nothing. Why am I here?
Child porn? That's nothing to you?
You can't arrest me on that again.
That's eminent domain.
Well, you got us there, Tommy T.
What do you and Jay Moore have
going on at the sandwich shop?
Nothing's going. What?
With Liberty Bell Foods?
Jay buys from you, instead of corporate.
Pro tip. We already know.
Hey, you don't know shit.
Why don't you go back to France?
Leave us hard-working Americans alone.
Keep in mind you're
in a massive shitstorm here.
And it's all expired.
They're just going
to throw that shit out anyways.
The chips?
Yeah, the chips, the meat, cheese, all of it.
So Jay buys expired food
from you and sells it at his place?
That is so disgusting.
And what do you get out of this?
Nothing, a couple of bucks.
Well, see, we heard
that Jay and his wife Maggie
got in a big fight right
before she was murdered,
and the word "filth" came up.
So I'm wondering, maybe in exchange for this
cheap, expired food, Jay provided you
with some form of sexual gratification that
you're not allowed to have in your possession?
You sick fuck.
Uh-uh. That's crazy. False.
That's why she kicks him out of the house.
That's why she initiates the divorce.
You kill Maggie Moore, Tommy T?
Me? No fucking way!
Maybe you know somebody in that line of work.
No, no, man.
I swear on my mom's life.
See, I know I should believe you
because you're such an upstanding citizen,
but I don't know.
I'm starting to warm to my theory.
Please, take my bag.
Take my jewelry.
There's credit cards in there.
I can give you the pins.
Would you mind if I kept my insulin kit?
I have diabetes. It's not worth anything.
Here, here.
Help me!
You got the other Maggie, too, right?
Did you make her think you'd let her go, too?
Fuck you, you twisted piece of shit!
Wow. You know what?
They just-- there's this new
invention they came up with.
It's called a car wash.
And what they do is they take all of the dirt
off of the outside of the car,
and then you can see what color it is.
I can't see that catching on.
You're not an investor, I hope.
So I changed the oil,
and the tire pressure was low.
And the gas sensor
was the passenger side airbag.
You need a new one.
How much?
3,200 plus tax.
For a passenger airbag?
I can't think of anyone that I like that much.
Yeah, that's a pass.
- All right.
- Sorry.
Give me a minute.
- Thanks, Bud.
- Boss.
3,200? That's nuts.
Well, to be fair,
I did say Buddy would
most likely try to cheat you.
Oh, uh, I got to go.
Are you going to be OK here?
Yeah. You heard the man.
Half of my air bags
are in perfect working order.
Go be a policeman.
Police chief, thank you very much.
Fancy badge.
I'll call you later.
Wash your car.
Wash your ass.
I heard that.
The vehicle's registered to Maggie Moore,
lives a few miles from here.
You say Maggie Moore?
Weird, right?
Two dead Maggie Moores one week apart.
Yeah, that's weird.
Hey, chief.
First Maggie's a mistake,
so he chops off this one's ring
finger to prove he got it right?
Prove to who?
I'm thinking the husband.
I mean, who else would know the ring?
That's assuming she was married
and assuming she wore a ring.
We don't know any of that.
Imagine that conversation,
the husband telling the guy
he killed the wrong Maggie Moore.
You're sure? Yeah, I'm sure.
She's right here making meatloaf.
It would mean Tommy and Jay are off the hook.
Yeah, and the end of the whole
Liberty Bell Foods conspiracy.
I know how much you
wanted to make that happen.
Did your wife wear a wedding ring?
Yes, matching.
Can I get a picture, please?
Got it.
What can you tell us, Mr. Moore?
Anything going on in her life?
Duane Rich.
If you want to know who did this, Duane Rich.
He worked with Maggie,
just gave her nothing but trouble.
Made her life goddamn miserable.
- Was this at the credit union?
- Yeah.
What kind of trouble are we talking about?
Hate crime stuff.
He would leave like notes
with swastikas on her desk.
She would come back from lunch,
and there would be like
a web page open to ovens.
Because you're Jewish.
Well, no shit because she's Jewish.
She went to HR.
They finally fired his ass.
Was there any concern
on her part with this Duane Rich
that her life might actually be in danger?
She asked me for a gun.
That's how scared she was.
But I talked her out of it.
I told her that she was overreacting.
The guy was just a bully.
I was supposed to protect her.
Look what I did.
Seemed legit.
Well, just because he feels bad
doesn't mean he didn't do it.
Ma'am, please, I got nothing to say.
Another woman was murdered
with the same name as your wife.
- You must have an opinion.
- My opinion?
My opinion is that I am grief stricken.
And you should be ashamed of yourself.
Jesus Christ.
Sorry about the ruckus here, sir.
I got this, Greg. Take out the trash.
What are we having today, sir?
Uh, turkey provolone foot long on wheat.
All right.
Turkey provolone. How's your day going?
Yeah? You win the mega ball?
Yeah, I'm just kidding.
Something wrong, sir?
Seriously? You went undercover?
This isn't our meat. This isn't our cheese.
This isn't our produce.
These aren't even our snack chips.
What you do have is a lot of mold.
Yeah, that's avocado, I'm pretty sure.
You're in breach of your
franchise agreement, Mr. Moore.
Look, man, I just lost my wife.
The poor woman was murdered.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I am.
But this is a serious violation.
I know. I know.
But can you just, like, do me a solid
human being to human being?
I didn't even get to say goodbye.
She was burned up so bad.
You're asking me to help you. I'm helping you.
For $600?
What price would you put on
keeping your shop open, huh?
Get the fuck out.
That's my fucking price?
Get out of my shop, man.
Go! Are you fucking serious with this, man?
I'm a goddamn widower!
Hey, hey.
I'm sorry.
It's been a rough couple of weeks.
Duane Rich?
I don't know what you've heard.
Well, I'll tell you what we've heard, Mr. Rich.
Maggie's husband said that
you continuously harassed her
and were anti-Semitic.
And HR said that you were fired
from your job for those very reasons.
Well, here's the thing is,
I don't dispute any of that.
The way I behaved, it was shameful.
And I am mortified by it.
Then why did you do it?
Well, because I was a drunk.
I'm an alcoholic.
And getting let go, that saved my life.
I went to a meeting that night and--
What night?
The night I got fired,
and I've been going ever since.
So writing "death to kikes"
on her desk calendar,
you attribute that to the booze?
I liked Maggie.
And I hit on Maggie, and when she rejected me,
I acted like a whiny little high schooler.
I don't hate Jews.
I don't hate anybody.
I was just a jackass.
Excuse me.
Just get started.
I'll be down.
We hold meetings here.
Well, Mr. Rich, thank you for your time.
We'll let you know if we find anything else.
Put it back.
I think mine's defective. I don't get it.
- How about yours?
- Oh, always broken.
No, I never win.
I might as well just
toss my quarters in the street.
Well, I wouldn't take it personally.
I do think losing is kind of the point.
No, I know. That's why I fit right in.
Where else should we lose?
Oh, so many choices.
Hey, Rita, something to drink?
Ooh, I will have your finest
white wine spritzer please, Jody.
And a Budweiser.
Thank you.
That's impressive.
Full eye contact despite the boobage.
Good job.
Pretty girl with a nice body is just genetics.
If she could play the piano,
then I'd be impressed.
Oh, OK.
Well, this is a game of skill and strategy.
Yes, I know roulette is for suckers,
but I have a foolproof system.
No more bets.
I'm going to get us a room.
24 black.
Hey, looky there, huh?
This is it.
You ready for the sex?
I'm ready.
OK, that didn't go well.
Yeah, I feel it's my fault.
No, it's not. You're not into me. It's fine.
That is not the case. That is not the case.
I'm just feeling a little guilty, I think, is all.
Guilty about what?
The sex, the having the sex.
Oh, no, really?
There's been no one?
No, and I don't know what to say.
I just feel like I'm still attached to her
somehow in my heart.
Yeah, I know.
Believe me, I know how cheesy that sounds.
That doesn't make it not true.
You know what else is true?
Every day when I wake up, I think about you.
And every time I see you,
my heart beats so loud,
I can't believe you can't hear it.
You don't have to say that stuff.
I know I'm no bargain.
Why do you do that?
Why do you put yourself down like that?
I don't.
You do.
You say things like, my ex broke me,
and I never can catch a break,
and I know I'm no bargain.
Like, what is that? Why?
Maybe we're both mental cases.
I'm pretty sure they have robes.
Ms. Novak, what new information
do you have on the murder
of Maggie Lee Moore?
Andy would come into
my bar all the time, you know?
Buy me a shot, flirt with me.
Not really my type, but I don't know.
We kind of hit it off after a little while.
I didn't know he was married, you know.
What was it like
the first time after your divorce?
It was pretty nerve racking, actually.
Different body, different feel, different smell.
I mean, all the pieces were the same,
but it was just so peculiar.
But you got through it.
I did get through it.
Yeah, I persevered, and I did my damnedest.
And then when it was over, I hydrated and
stretched a little bit and got back in there.
Atta, girl. You are a true American hero.
You're right about the victim stuff.
I could go through the whole list--
Parents, boyfriends, bosses, my ex, my realtor.
Everybody gets their way. Don't mind me.
I'm pathetic.
And I just did it again.
Yeah, stop doing that.
Stop letting it happen.
Stop letting yourself get steamrolled.
Otherwise, what's even the point?
What the hell?
To be clear, are you claiming
Andy Moore told you
he planned to murder his wife?
About a month ago,
he said he wanted her gone
so that we could be together,
which I thought was just a dumb line
until, you know, she was gone.
Did you hear that?
She just dropped a dime
on Maggie Lee's husband.
I have to say, Andy was a gentleman with me.
But his eyes were always
a little weird, you know?
He always scared me just a little.
And how long were you
having an affair with Mr. Moore?
About four months.
Off the record, tiny dick.
But he loved the gem.
He'd stay down there for hours.
You do know you're talking
to the police right now, right?
She's just giving us a little color.
She's just filling in the details.
Did Mr. Moore ever mention to you
how he planned on dealing with Mrs. Moore
and getting her out of the picture?
Oh, you mean like
the lead pipe or a rope or a revolver?
Uh, no. No.
Maybe did he ever say
maybe he was going to call somebody
or that he knew a guy?
Oh, yeah, Duane.
I don't know his last name,
but I remember he said Duane
would do it in a heartbeat.
Do you have some way of proving
your relationship with Mr. Moore?
He was very, very careful about being seen.
And he always paid,
so I don't have, like, any receipts.
Maybe you could give us a list
of places you went so we can verify it.
Oh, yeah, I can just do that.
I kept a journal in case
there's ever a book about my life.
She had insurance, BTW, Maggie did.
Life insurance?
This nutcase is setting me up.
I mean, it's bad enough what happened.
Now I got to deal with this?
Any idea why she would do this, set you up?
Obviously, she's an attention whore.
I mean, look at her, right? She's loving this.
OK, but how did she know your wife
had 700k worth of life insurance?
Maybe she knows
someone who knew Maggie?
I mean, she mentioned Duane, right?
Maybe they're buddies from Nazi camp.
Well, right now, there's nothing
to suggest he was involved with this.
Nothing to suggest he was involved,
the guy who wanted to actually
shove her into an oven.
Do you say anything at any point,
or are you just here to observe?
Answer the officer's questions, Andy,
and try to keep an even temperament.
This is not easy for anybody.
Easy for you. You just sit there.
What about a polygraph?
It might help to clear some things up.
I'm on Lexapro. It can screw with the results.
If I had a lawyer,
he would back me up on that.
At this point, I don't see
what else Mr. Moore can offer.
He was here at work
at the time of his wife's death,
and nothing connects him
with that horrific crime,
except the unsubstantiated
claim of a complete stranger.
So unless there's something else,
I see no reason to waste any more of his time.
I think that's all we have for now.
Thank you, gentlemen.
When he does say something,
he makes a decent point.
What does that word mean to you?
State of well-being?
Does money make you happy?
Does your partner?
Good friends? A good steak?
What about you?
Figure it out because
that's your next assignment.
The latest
in the Maggie Moore murder case,
reporters confronted
Andy Moore outside of his home.
I don't know this woman.
I had nothing to do with this.
You want to talk to someone,
you talk to Duane Rich.
Ask him about the death threats.
Duane Rich.
Yeah, Duane Rich, motherfuckers!
He killed both our fucking wives!
Duane Rich, Duane Rich,
Duane Rich, Duane Rich, Duane Rich,
Duane Rich, Duane Rich, Duane Rich,
Duane Rich, Duane Rich, Duane Rich,
Duane Rich, Duane Rich, Duane!
Do it to 'em.
Do it to 'em.
He going to love it when I do it to 'em.
Do it to 'em. Do it to 'em.
Do it to 'em.
Do it to 'em.
Everywhere he's gotta bust my fucking ears.
Do it to 'em.
Do it to 'em.
He going to love it when I do it to 'em.
Here's a secret.
This pussy undefeated.
Bend it over, touch your toes.
I know you want to see it.
Ass so thick like a panoramic picture.
Show me something good.
What the fuck, man?
So the husband pretty much
fingered that Duane Rich guy for us.
You following this?
Got a light?
You mind, darling?
I'm trying to conduct some business here.
Then go rent a fucking office.
You got to make it look like a suicide, all right?
He kills himself out of, like, guilt or whatnot.
We're home free.
You feel me?
All good, baby.
How are we doing?
Oh, all right. You?
I mean, under the circumstances.
Still grieving, of course.
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, I don't know if you've been keeping up,
but they're closing in on the guy,
this Duane Rich.
That's good. That's good news.
Yeah, it is for closure's sake.
You know? It'd be nice to finally move on.
Well, it's only been a few days.
I'm just saying,
you don't want to rush it emotionally.
Oh, yeah.
No, no, that's right. You're right. Take it slow.
But just things are turning around, is my point.
Well, I'm glad.
Have a great day.
You, too.
List of 13 different bars, restaurants, and motels
that Cassie Novak says she and Andy Moore
were together in just this last month.
March 4, 7:16 PM, the Red Pub Inn.
Six Sam Adams, two margaritas,
wings with ranch.
She even wrote in the extra napkins.
Sure did.
But here's the thing. It all checks out.
It all checks out?
I called every place on the list.
Every place has a matching receipt.
Well, I think we need
to pay Andy Moore another visit.
Hey, Rita. Can I call you back?
I'm just walking out the door.
OK, but I just ran into Jay at the house,
and he said you're closing in
on Duane Rich for the murders.
Why would he say that?
I just thought you would want to know.
He seemed pretty sure about it.
Also, we haven't really talked since the casino.
Did I ruin everything?
No. Like I said, I'm just out the door.
- I'll talk to you later.
- OK.
Trouble in paradise?
Maybe we're just friends, KB.
Not everything has to end in sex.
The Dew Drop Inn, this was the 17th.
Cash for the room, cash for dinner,
two ribeye, two baked potato,
butter on the side--
OK, yeah, yeah. OK, we had an affair.
--On the apple pie.
Why did you lie to us, Andy?
Because it had no relevance
to Maggie's death
and could only fuck me in the ass.
OK, well, look at it from our perspective.
If you lied about one thing,
maybe you lied about another thing.
Yeah, yeah, you know,
I realize it sounds insincere
because I did lie about Cassie,
who is a lunatic, by the way,
keeping track of butter, but everything else,
I swear to you, is the truth.
So Cassie, she made up the story
of you getting Duane to kill Maggie
so the two of you could be together?
Yeah. We were stoned, you know?
It was a bullshit heavy metal fantasy.
Look, even if I wanted out of the marriage,
for Maggie's life to end like that,
I'd rather it was me.
You believe that?
I'm not sure.
So we've got nothing solid on two murders now.
How's that possible?
Was Maggie 1 a mistake for Maggie 2,
or was Maggie 2 the cover for Maggie 1?
No evidence either way.
Just a bunch of people that deserve each other.
Somebody out there
is really good at what they're doing.
Good night, guys.
Get home safe.
Next time you leave it, it's fine-- oh!
Suicide note.
But wait, there's more.
Confessions to both Maggie Moore murders.
Well, that ties it all up
in a nice little bow, doesn't it?
Oh, I share your misery. I really do.
Closing two cases
with the murderer's confession.
It's the absolute worst.
A confession written on a laptop.
What, you want a handwritten note?
Nobody writes anymore.
You're lucky he didn't post it on Snapchat.
Because it would disappear.
Well, 2 o'clock's got her eye on you.
2 o'clock is a cigarette machine.
My 2 o'clock.
My 10 o'clock, sorry.
I'm going to send her a drink for you.
Just think of something clever to say.
Tell you what, tell you what,
tell them that I'm going to go see Rita.
I'm tired of being just friends.
And what's the point of Duane killing Maggie 1
if he already knows Maggie 2?
If he doesn't know Maggie 2,
he kills Maggie 1, fine, it's a big mistake.
But he does know Maggie 2.
They work together.
I'm just asking.
To confuse the issue
so we'd have doubts he was our guy.
I mean, look how it's working.
He's a genius.
Yeah, well, something's off.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Not too late, is it?
No, just usually you call.
Oh, I know. I'm trying to be a little more
spontaneous these days.
I hear the ladies really like that.
Can I come in?
Actually, I'm-- it's not a real good time.
Oh, Christ.
You know, I have opportunities, too.
In fact, 10 minutes ago--
He's a friend. I've known him forever.
He's your fuck buddy, right?
Is that what they say?
He's your fuck buddy?
I'm not judging you. Let me be clear.
You're absolutely judging me.
I absolutely am because I thought maybe
you and I had something here, you know?
I thought you and I had something.
Well, none of that has changed.
Of course it's changed.
Of course it has.
He's my ex, OK? It's just once in a while.
Your ex?
The guy who broke you down pretty good?
I'll end it right now if you tell me to.
Well, what if your ex tells you the opposite?
I got to go.
I made a report on Maggie 2.
Also, Tommy T busted.
Dipshit tried to pick up a minor online.
Anything in here I need to know?
Maggie 2 was type I diabetic,
insulin in her system.
But otherwise, she's clean.
She has a fuck buddy.
Maggie 2?
Rita has a fuck buddy, her ex-husband.
Can you believe that?
Well, obviously, you weren't satisfying her.
Think it's a girth issue?
Do you know what your problem is?
You have no concept
of when it is OK to tell a joke.
I mean, not even in the slightest.
But he's a meaningless.
The entire concept behind a fuck buddy
is the utter lack of meaning.
Fuck buddy-- it's just sex.
Have you ever been one?
A fuck buddy?
I wish.
Personal effects.
Maggie 2 was diabetic.
How come she didn't have any meds on her?
Contents of her purse,
contents of her car, her pockets.
No insulin, no testing kit.
Maybe she shot up before she left the house.
That's not how it works.
I have a niece that's type 1.
She tests her blood sugar all the time.
She carries around a little testing kit.
Where's Maggie 2's testing kit?
Maybe Duane kept it as a token.
Maybe he did.
But why didn't it turn up
when we searched his basement?
Why didn't it turn up
when we searched his house?
I literally have no idea
where you're going with this.
It's just bothersome.
Everything about these
two cases is bothersome.
Except the part where
we have Duane's confession.
Right, but I want to know
why he killed Maggie 1.
And don't tell me it was to confuse the issue
because that's really flimsy.
And you know what? Here's another thing.
She says if I want,
she'll break it off with the fuck buddy ex.
What does that even mean?
How much simpler can she put it?
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get over this.
It's a serious infraction.
You know what a serious infraction is
running a red light.
This is human behavior.
You get over it because Rita makes you happy.
Do I look happy?
I don't get it. Duane's dead.
You have his confession.
Why are we still doing this?
We just need to follow up
on a few loose ends, Mr. Moore.
- The ME had found--
- Medical examiner.
The medical examiner
had found some insulin
- in Maggie's blood--
- Yeah, Mags was diabetic.
- So what?
- Right, but
what we didn't find was any meds
on her person or in her personal effects.
OK, that's actually kind of strange.
Maggie never left the house without her kit.
She was super careful.
Her grandfather had his foot amputated.
Let me see if it's upstairs.
Appreciate that.
Andy, you know you left the front door open.
Oh, hi, officers.
Isn't it great about Andy not murdering his wife?
- Sure is.
- Yeah.
Would you like a drink or some pie?
No, thank you.
They're not staying, Cass. Thanks.
The kit's not here, but I know she had it
because that morning she went
out to pick up new test strips.
Maybe she left it by accident,
was paying, got distracted or whatever.
Yeah, would you happen to know
what pharmacy Maggie might have used?
Bucklin Pharmacy on Thompson.
Yeah, and it had a monogram,
the kit, her initials, MLM.
Great. Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Moore.
Cassie, nice seeing you again.
- Bye.
- Let's go.
Fuck buddies.
I already dealt with you guys.
It's taken care of. It's done.
- Dealt with this how?
- Like four days ago.
One of your cronies, we worked it all out.
Customer, Greg!
No one from the Castle corporate office
was here four days ago.
Don't fucking tell me no one was here.
Greg, customer!
Carlson, greasy hair, bad breath.
That's not our company card.
That's our company card.
Clearly, you've been using outside
and, in many cases, rancid product.
Well, why would--
Where the fuck are you?
That little fucker.
Hey, hey, Mr. Connors, I'm so sorry
about that misunderstanding.
On the upside, not all your customers
have come down with E coli.
You know what?
Mr. Connors, I just lost my wife.
You maybe read about it in the papers.
We are shutting you down effective immediately.
Do not touch that.
And don't ignore our lawyer's call.
It would have a monogram on it,
MLM, Maggie Lee Moore.
Even if she did leave it,
I don't see how it changes anything.
It would just help to explain
one damn inconsistency.
Sorry, nothing like that.
If it turns up, I'll let you know.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, sir.
Hey, I didn't mean to eavesdrop,
but I heard you were
talking about Maggie Moore.
I'm not sure which one.
I know they both passed, like super bizarre.
Maggie Lee Moore.
- Why? Did you help her?
- No,
but the husband of the first one who died--
Yeah, it was the first one--
He was in here just making a purchase.
So I asked if he had a loyalty card,
and he said he wasn't sure.
So I looked it up in the system,
and that's when I saw that
there were two Maggie Moores.
But for some reason, the system had
both Maggie Moore's under
the first one's phone number.
So you're saying that
Maggie Moore's husband
found out that there was
another Maggie Moore from you.
Yes, that is what I'm saying.
Freaky, right?
Did he ever come back in here
after his wife was killed?
Yeah, always bought beer,
always bought snacks and the prepaid phones.
Oh, and Mega Ball.
Prepaid phones?
Yeah, like two at a time.
I was going to ask, like,
what do you do with all those phones, but
he didn't really like to chitchat.
Some people just don't,
you know, like to chitchat.
Yeah, I've heard that about some people.
OK, well, Sammy,
thank you so much for your help.
You have yourself a very nice day.
- Thank you very much.
- You, too.
Think Sammy and I are wondering what
Jay Moore is doing with all those phones.
He's not at home or at the shop.
I think I left something in the car. Ma'am.
Are you avoiding me?
Of course not. I'm here on police business.
Can't you just get over this?
I don't know if I can, Rita.
Sorry, just being honest.
He means nothing to me, like zero, less than.
It's not like me and you were doing it.
Did you tell him it was over?
Did you end it with him,
like you said you would?
That's not what I said.
I said I would end it if you wanted me to.
Rita, come on.
Don't you have any say in your own life at all?
It must be nice to see everything so clearly.
- If you don't mind my saying--
- Can you just not?
Thank you.
Did you think you can play me, motherfucker?
Where's my 600, you little bitch?
Where's my money?
Oh, my God.
Someone call 911!
Get help!
It's OK.
Anonymous note says
it belonged to Jay Moore,
who anonymous says was,
quote unquote, "up to something."
Did anonymous say where they found this?
No, but these texts that we pulled off
you're going to want to see.
Anonymous note with an anonymous phone
and some anonymous texts.
Any fingerprints?
Clean as a whistle.
Don't speak in cliches, please. It's very lazy.
We traced the serial number.
And guess which local drugstore
sold this particular phone?
Bucklin Pharmacy on Thompson.
Go pick up Jay, right?
Not yet.
I talked to one guy,
one fucking guy, and he's a Fed?
You thought he was 12, Tommy T,
so let's not blame it on a bad break.
They're not mine.
Are they Jay Moore's?
Maybe you guys can help me out.
You know what they do to guys like me in here?
The pedophiles get castrated
usually with a rusty homemade
shiv of some kind. Well, you'll see.
So you can let Duane Rich
take the fall for both Maggie Moore murders
and stay in here and get castrated
with the rest of the pedophiles.
Or what?
What, is there no fucking or?
Or maybe you know more about these texts
than you're letting on.
Well, can you guys get me out of here?
You know, grant me at least
some kind of invulnerability?
No, no, no, you're a disgrace to society,
Tommy T, and a menace, too.
We-- can talk to the DA.
Maybe they'll knock a few years off of what's
going to be an extremely long sentence.
Extremely long sentence with no dick.
What do you think.
There's this deaf guy.
Well, you wanted to tie up loose ends.
Now all we've got is more
loose ends that need tying.
I don't disagree.
Except for the fact that we
actually have a confessed murderer.
I mean, that end is tight as it gets.
Nothing loose about it.
So what do you propose we do?
Who, me? You want my opinion?
Yes, I want your opinion.
You're a damn fine police officer.
Obviously, we've got
to check the deaf guy out.
I don't disagree.
How's that going for you?
Big guy.
Hi there. I'm Chief Sanders.
This is Deputy Ready.
Are you Michael Cosco?
Why are you shouting?
We thought--
I'm sorry, are you Michael Cosco?
Don Lindowski.
And I bet you're looking for my squatter.
- You have a squatter?
- Yep.
Neighbor called me in LA, told me
some asshole has been
living here, blasting the TV,
trashing the place.
I drove home this morning.
Was he here, the squatter?
Nope, no sign of him.
I'm assuming he took off.
Did he take anything?
Anything you might want to report?
Well, he polished off my beer.
And like I said, he trashed the place,
but everything seems to be here.
Well, sorry to bother you, Mr. Linkowski.
We'll send somebody by to dust for prints.
We obviously want to catch this guy.
Yeah, just give us a call if he shows back up.
I will do.
You fellas take care.
Thank you for your time.
Just me or did you
also get the heebie jeebies?
That's our guy.
I saw Maggie's insulin kit in there on the table,
the monogrammed one, MLM.
You sure?
Dispatch, I got a 10241582 Burnside.
Roll the goddamn wagon
and give me some backup now.
Copy that.
Wagon and backup rolling.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus, can you make it?
What the fuck?
Hang on!
You're gonna break the fucking glass.
- You gave me up?
- Oh!
- Huh?
- Ow!
The cops were at my place.
No fucking way, not from me.
Why did you fake being deaf?
I like to know what people are saying about me.
Demented fuck.
Rita, look, I can't talk right now.
Somebody just shot Jay!
I just know it. I saw it, and he saw me.
I want you to get out of your house,
get into your car, get out of there right now.
Three choices.
You die in two of them.
Touch the brake, dead.
Do anything but what I tell you, dead.
Third choice, you go home alive.
What's going on at Jay Moore's house?
Clear, except for the deceased.
All right, I need an all points
on a 2008 Honda Accord gold,
license plate Frank George Henry 332.
It's filthy dirty.
She never washes the damn thing.
Copy that, chief.
Right turn.
Left and second right.
We're not going to make it.
We'll make it.
We're not going to make it.
10-mile radius from Moore's house.
Copy that, chief.
Right turn.
It's a dead end.
It's your lucky day.
I'm letting you out here.
No, you're not.
You're going to kill me here. Just say it.
Just fucking say it.
I'm going to kill you right here.
Not so bad, right?
Almost peaceful,
nobody gets out of your control.
Someone once told him
it took courage to be happy.
He didn't understand it then,
but he thinks he might now.
The problem, he realized, is all the heartbreak.
For some, it comes more often than others,
but he knew well it comes for everyone.
The irony was how the heartbreak
somehow made his own life clearer,
showed him a path to the happiness
he'd been so desperate to find.
Obviously, not everyone has that difficult a time.
Some people are born happy
and stay happy.
And to those people, he thought, good for them.
What a gift.
For others, he knew, it's just the opposite.
They fight, losing battle after losing battle,
until, finally, they lose the war.
The rest, the majority even,
it's a constant struggle.
Some days good, some days not so good.
They keep at it, though, wake up each morning,
hoping to catch lightning in a bottle,
which he knew was a cliche,
but also believed
that's what happiness was.
The sad thing was when he realized too late
that he had once held the bottle.
He held that bottle right in his hands
with a lightning buzzing around inside.
He was just too stupid or too foolish
or too proud to realize it,
and he let it get away from him.
So was that another heartbreak,
or another part of the struggle?
The truth is, he didn't know yet.
He just knew it would take
some courage to find out.
I told the stars and the sky are blue,
just the way that I love you.
This is what they set to do,
build a bungalow,
build a honeymoon house for two.
I talked to the tree, the tall oak tree.
Here's what the tall tree said to me.
My very best advice to you,
build a bungalow,
build a honeymoon house for two.
Birds and bees, rivers and trees,
skies are blue,
say you love me, too.
I saw two bluebirds sitting in a tree.
Here's what the bluebird said to me.
Build a nest like lovebirds do.
Build a bungalow,
build a honeymoon house for two.
I talked to the river deep and wide.
I told it how I feel inside.
It told me just what I should do.
Build a bungalow,
build a honeymoon house for two.
I believe the stars that cover the sky.
I believe in the moon up above.
I believe God made them for you and I
to dream on as we fell in love.
I believe in dreams for dreams come true.
I believe in dreams.
Don't you?
I believe your love for me is true
because I believe in you.