Magnificent Obsession (1935) Movie Script

Oh, there she is! There she is!
Darling, darling. Look. See her?
Joyce! Darling.
Hello, hello, hello, darling! Darling!
All right. I'll meet you over here.
Joyce! Miss Hudson!
There's something I wanted to say to you.
- Joyce!
- Helen, darling!
- Oh, I'm so glad to see you!
- I thought I'd never find you.
- I can't believe it's you!
- Let me take a look at you.
Oh, darling. I can't tell you how
happy I was when I got your cable.
Were you?
Oh, Tommy.
May I present Mr. Masterson?
He's been very kind to me on the boat.
Uh, my, uh - my mother.
- Your mother?
- Joyce!
Well, you are now, aren't you?
You're married to my father.
Where is Father?
Where is the old darling?
We're gonna pick him up at the hospital.
Oh, but tell me. How did it happen?
When did it start?
Oh, I don't know. I've always
adored him. But I never dreamed -
Darling, there's such a difference
in your ages.
Why, just think,
when Daddy was coming into renown
for performing the first head operation of
its kind in the history of... whatever it was,
why, you were still in the nursery
playing with your dolls.
Can't imagine how proud
that makes me feel.
To think I can mean anything in his life.
Oh, you mean a great deal.
He's been terribly lonely
all these years since Mother died.
Well, I know what loneliness is.
I never really had a family of my own.
Well, from now on you're gonna have
your hands full of family.
Why, take me alone.
That is, unless you resent being mother
to a great gangling hulk of a girl
like me.
Joyce, I will slap you.
You'd better wait, Lawrence. We'll
be going on to lunch in a few minutes.
- Hello.
- Hello, Otto.
- Poor Miss Joyce. What a homecoming.
- What do you mean? What's wrong?
Dr. Hudson died just a few minutes ago.
- Hey, hey! Service here.
- Shh.
What kind of a hospital
are you running since I left?
Well, it's a good thing I'm not a patient.
I'd be dead before I got any attention.
Hello, Jimmy. How are you?
Hello, Miss Joyce.
- Mrs. Hudson.
- Hello, Jimmy.
What's the matter, Jimmy?
Why, nothing, Mrs. Hudson.
What do you suppose is the matter?
Nancy, you old darling!
- Joyce, my dear.
- Nancy, what's wrong?
Has something happened?
Why is everybody acting so funny?
My dear, your father has had an accident.
- An accident?
- Where is he?
- He's here, but you mustn't go to him yet.
- Why not?
- Nancy, he isn't -
- You mean he's -
Dr. Ramsay, how did it happen?
He had gone for a swim to freshen up
before the girls got here.
- He was very tired. His heart was overtaxed.
- Yes.
We were there in no time with the boats,
but we couldn't find him.
Then when they did find him
and wanted the pulmotor, it wasn't there.
Where was it?
On the far side of the lake,
being used on a drunken boy
who had fallen into the water.
Both accidents happened at the same time?
Yes. Young Bobby Merrick
and some of his friends
were staging an all-night drinking party.
And this morning, not knowing what
he was doing, he tried to sail his boat.
He was knocked out and overboard
by a swinging boom.
They rushed over in a speedboat
for a pulmotor,
and Justin took it to them.
That's too bad.
Don't, Nancy. Don't.
Bobby Merrick. He's had a close call,
but he'll pull through.
He'll pull through. He'll pull through.
Good-for-nothing boy whose own grandfather
even can't find any use for him.
Just throws him his millions
and lets him wallow in them.
And Dr. Hudson,
a man thousands depend on, had to die.
And he'll pull through.
But at what a price!
As Mrs. Ashford can verify,
we never kept much of a balance
in the hospital account.
Everything was transferred
to Dr. Hudson's personal account.
Yes, but there's nothing in it.
But look at the withdrawals. Cash: $5,000.
Cash: $10,000. Cash: $2,000.
Dr. Ramsay,
my accounts are in perfect order.
They can be gone over by an auditor,
and I'd like to have it done right away.
Perry, nobody doubts
your perfect integrity.
Why, of course not, Perry.
You misunderstand me.
What I can't comprehend is why a man who made
several fortunes in his professional life
left his personal affairs
in such a condition.
Sorry to interrupt.
Helen, could you come here for a moment?
- There's someone I'd like you to talk to.
- Of course, dear.
You'll excuse me, won't you?
- Who is it, darling?
- I don't know.
These girls - What are they going to do?
Why, Doctor, they still have the hospital.
You forget that it was Dr. Hudson who
brought people here from all over the world,
not the hospital.
My dear, your husband's help
came between us and starvation.
Dr. Hudson's check came as regularly
as my husband's pay envelope
before he died.
God couldn't have helped us more.
And then, when my boy was old enough,
he got him a position.
He sent my girl to art school.
That's hers.
It was exhibited
by the Architectural League, you know.
Olive Eden - Your daughter?
Yes. So, you see,
I don't need this money,
and it would be such a comfort to me
for you to have it.
Why do you come forward now,
when it's too late...
when it might have meant
so much to Doctor?
Why didn't you return it to him?
My dear, I tried to many times,
but he wouldn't take it.
He got very excited, and he said,
"You haven't told anyone about this?"
I said, "No. You told me not to."
And then he laughed.
He said he couldn't take it back
because he had already used it up.
Then he told me to invest it myself.
When I asked him
what was a safe investment,
he said, "Any poor devil."
Wasn't that strange?
Very strange.
Do you know what the doctor meant
when he said he couldn't take it back
because he'd used it all up himself?
No. I've tried to think so many times.
But I met a gentleman in your hall
who might know.
He said he'd had a similar experience.
I believe I won't wait any longer. Will you
see that Mrs. Hudson gets this, please?
Very good, sir.
- Oh, is this the residence of Dr. Hudson?
- Yes, sir.
I'm here to see Miss Joyce Hudson.
Miss Hudson's busy
at the present moment, sir.
- Would you care to wait?
- Oh, by all means.
This way, sir.
- Would you wait in here, sir?
- Thank you.
- The hospital is calling Mrs. Ashford.
- Oh, thank you. Can I take it here?
Yes, dear. Right here.
- A gentleman left this for you, madam.
- Oh, thank you, Keller.
Hello? Yes.
"I was a friend of your husband's.
If ever I can be of service to you,
do not hesitate to call upon me.
- Randolph.
- Yes, I'll be right there.
- I have to run along.
- Something wrong at the hospital?
Oh, it's that young idiot Bobby Merrick
having another tantrum, threatening to leave.
I should think you'd be glad
to get rid of him.
Well, I think - if it hadn't been for him,
Wayne Hudson would be alive today.
Well, I hope I never have
the misfortune to meet him,
because all my life
I shall loathe Bobby Merrick,
hate him.
Hate him!
- Good morning, Mr. Merrick!
- What's good about it?
- What's this?
- Poached egg. It's what the doctor ordered.
Why didn't he eat it?
Why, Mr. Merrick.
That's one of the hospital thermometers!
Yeah, and that's a hospital egg too.
It's sick.
But here, you take that back to the cook
and tell her if she brings it in here again,
I'm gonna buy this hospital
and fire her and everybody else in it.
I want some decent breakfast.
Well, it's the same breakfast
we serve all the patients.
- Yeah, but I'm special.
- Oh, yes?
Now, just because you've been
thrown out of a couple of colleges
and gotten into scrapes with chorus girls
doesn't make you special here.
You might be the apple
of your grandfather's eye,
but you're just a number
in Dr. Hudson's hospital.
- I-I'm terribly sorry.
- Oh, it was my fault.
- Oh, no, no, no. It was my fault.
- Oh, not at all. It was my fault.
But after all, a man coming through
the door like that - It was my fault.
All right. Then let's have it your way.
Here. Let me help you.
Is it good?
It was supposed to be for a young lady
I was to meet here.
Is that so?
Mr. Merrick!
Hiya, toots!
Oh, I beg your pardon.
Will you have some candy?
You get right back into that room
and into that bed.
This is outrageous. What kind
of hospital do you think you're in?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
- Wait. Just a moment.
- I'm sorry. No visitors.
He's doing well, but he had
a very narrow escape from pneumonia.
That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear that.
But I'm not here to see him. I'm here
to see - Oh, perhaps you could tell me.
No. We can't give out any information
about the patients.
You'll have to inquire
at the office downstairs.
- Will you take this, please?
- Yes, Miss Ashford.
- Follow me, please.
- Just a moment!
Now, you must stay in this bed,
or I'll call the house doctor.
But I wanna be discharged.
I'd love to be the first to pack you off,
but your temperature is 101,
your pulse beat is abnormal.
You're still very weak.
And your grandfather,
who pays all the bills, would be furious.
Hmm. Tell you what I'll do.
I'll compromise with you.
- Bring me a highball?
- It'll raise your fever.
Oh! Tell me, warden, what do they
give nurses instead of a heart?
Say, Mrs. Ashford.
You look like a good sport.
I'd like to ask you something.
I'd like to have you ask yourself
the same question.
Is it my fault that my life was saved
and your Dr. Hudson was drowned?
How did you - The nurses
were under strict orders not to -
Oh, no, no. They didn't tell me.
They're not that human.
But I have ears, I have eyes.
And what I want to know is, is it my fault
that they were using their lung machine
on me when they needed it for him?
Why didn't they have more than one
of the darned things anyway?
Did I borrow it?
Did I ask to have my life saved?
Of course not.
It has nothing to do with you.
I'm sorry you had to learn
anything about it. It was most unfair.
The staff has been under a strain.
They loved and honored Dr. Hudson.
- We all did.
- I know.
You're asking yourselves what right
I have to be alive and Dr. Hudson dead.
Isn't that so?
Well, then what right have you
or anyone else to pass judgment
on what kind of people
have a right to live?
That's true. If such an attitude
has prevailed in this hospital,
you have a right to be indignant.
I'm not indignant about that.
I'm indignant because I feel the same way.
Ah, I know I'm not worth anything,
let alone a great man's life.
It's a darned shame the wrong guy
had to go, but there it is.
We've all gotta make the best of it.
He's dead, I'm alive.
We're both out of luck.
Oh, please, Mr. Merrick.
You mustn't talk like that.
It's true, isn't it?
Now that I've apologized for being alive,
I'd like to partake of a little food.
You know, anything
laying around the kitchen -
uh, lobster,
breast of guinea hen, pheasant.
Or better still,
why don't you have breakfast with me?
With your pull and my appetite, say,
we oughta tear off something pretty good.
No, please.
You make me feel ashamed and small,
because I've been a little unjust too.
Will you forgive me?
As for the staff,
I'm sorry if they've shown any feeling.
- I'll speak to them.
- Oh, no! Please don't.
That's all they'd need to poison me.
Speaking of poison, I'll see that you get
some fresh breakfast immediately.
- Horace!
- Sir?
- Is that you?
- I think so, sir.
- I'll be right down.
- Are you going to jump, sir?
- I don't know. Can you catch me?
- I'll try, sir.
- But I warn you, I'm no acrobat.
- All right. Stop talking.
- Better put your feet on my shoulders, sir.
- Will you keep quiet?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
I'll be quiet. I'll be quiet, sir.
I'll be so quiet.
- What do you think you're doing?
- Oh, there you are, sir.
- You got my hat?
- I'm sorry, sir. I forgot it.
Would you like mine, sir?
- Come on. Get in.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, what's that?
- Can I be of any assistance?
- Well, I don't know.
You have picked a place to stall in,
haven't you?
Yes, you'd think you were in the jungles
of Guatemala here, wouldn't you?
Well, you've managed to find
the last unpaved road in Westchester
and the exact spot farthest from
a service station in any direction.
- What's wrong?
- Well, I haven't the vaguest idea.
I was just coming down that hill
over there, and the motor went dead -
the sickening way it does, you know.
Yes, I know. It's more distressing
than the end of a love affair,
when a motor just says, "It's all over
between us. I don't want to see you again.
Don't come near me. Don't touch me."
- How about gas?
- No, it isn't that.
- I had it filled before I left town.
- What town?
- New York, naturally.
- You're from New York?
What a coincidence. So am I.
Isn't it a small world?
Really, I would like to get this car started.
Couldn't you do something to make it go?
Oh, yes, of course. Well, now, let me see.
Uh -
- Well, um -
- Anything I can do, sir?
Yes, there is, Horace.
Horace, do you know what this is?
- Yes, sir.
- Well, what is it?
- A sparking plug, sir.
- You mean a spark plug.
Now, listen. I'll tell you what you do.
Take this back to town.
Very good, sir.
I understand, sir.
Has your man gone for help?
- Yes, he has.
- Well, you're very kind.
Well, I'm afraid it'll take him
some time to find it.
And in the meantime,
you're going to experiment.
- Shall I put it back?
- Well, I imagine it was there for a purpose.
Well, now, there are two schools
of opposing theories on that subject.
I've heard certain mechanics say,
"Your car will never be sound
until you've had
all the spark plugs removed."
You see, the spark plug
is the appendix of a motor -
a quite unnecessary thing.
Have out all your spark plugs now
while your car is still in the pink.
- Don't wait for it to break down completely.
- Oh, I see.
Oh, here comes a car.
You know, I could learn to like you.
Of course, I'd have to see lots and lots
of you for a while to make sure.
- What's the matter? You out of gas?
- No! We're all right.
But don't you think maybe -
- Do you know anything about fixing a car?
- Listen, if he did, he'd fix his own.
There must be something wrong with it,
making a row like that.
- What?
- Do you know anything about fixing a car?
- No, but I can give you a lift.
- Oh, would you?
Hey, wait a minute! What about me?
Oh, your man will be back in a moment.
You don't mind, do you?
You were awfully nice to stop,
but I'm in a dreadful hurry.
Of course I mind! Anything might
happen to me, standing out here!
Sorry, but I can only take one.
- I'll send back for the car!
- Wait a minute!
I don't even know your name!
What's your telephone number?
- Where can I find ya?
- Where are you going?
- Bright wood Hospital.
- Bright wood Hospital? Wait a minute!
Good night, Dr. Ramsay.
I'm sorry I was late.
Quite all right. Good night.
One of the drivers will take you home,
Mrs. Hudson,
and I'll have your car
picked up in the morning.
- Oh, thank you, Perry. Good night.
- Good night.
Please don't worry.
We'll look after things.
There isn't an employee in the hospital
wouldn't lay down his life for you and Joyce,
just as they would have for the doctor.
Well, maybe we'd better leave things
as they are for a while at least.
Mrs. Ashford. Miss Ashford, he's gone.
Mr. Merrick's gone. We can't find him.
- We've looked everywhere.
- How could such a thing have happened?
- When did you see him last?
- About seven o'clock.
He told me he wouldn't need me anymore
tonight, and I went down to have my dinner.
When I returned, he was gone.
- Have you telephoned his house?
- Yes, yes. The old gentleman was furious.
- Is the elevator out of order, sir?
- Quiet.
Yes, sir.
Why didn't you use the staircase, sir?
Well, here I am.
Did you miss your little boy?
- Mr. Merrick, how could you?
- Well, you see, it was like this. I was -
Don't tell me you're a nurse.
Oh, boy!
For you, I'd remain incurable.
I'd make a practice of breaking
an arm and a leg a week.
Mr. Merrick, do you realize
you're speaking to Mrs. Hudson?
Mrs. Hudson?
Not Dr. Hudson's wife?
I think I'll be running along, Nancy.
Good night.
Good night, dear.
I'll bet she hates me.
- What time did you say, darling?
- Eight o'clock.
- Oh, Keller?
- Yes, madam?
We're expecting Mr. Masterson,
but if it should be that Mr. Merrick again,
just say I'm not in.
Very good, madam.
- Good evening.
- Good evening, sir.
- Is Mrs. Hudson in?
- No, sir, she isn't.
- Miss Hudson?
- No, sir.
- I'll wait.
- But we're not expecting them, sir.
Not ex - They still live here, don't they?
Why, yes, sir.
I see.
Oh, uh, by the way,
did you give Mrs. Hudson my note?
Yes, sir. Oh, that reminds me.
I was unable to get an answer, sir.
So here is your $20 back.
- She didn't even open it?
- I don't know, sir.
That's how I found it in the waste basket.
Well, hello.
Oh, hello. I didn't recognize you
without your nightshirt.
- I'm glad to see you looking so fit.
- Thanks.
- Uh, Masterson's the name. I'm expected.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, but, uh, there's no one home.
- No one home?
Uh, yes, sir. That is, no, sir.
- Uh, I-I mean -
- Yes, sir, no, sir?
- Yes, sir.
- But I'm expected for dinner.
Yes, sir. Would you care to wait?
But you said you weren't
expecting them back.
Yes. That's right. I -
What do you want the poor man to do,
sit here and starve to death?
I don't understand. It was just this
afternoon. They must be a forgetful sort.
No, they're not. I wish they were.
- Look, why don't you have dinner with me?
- Well, do you mean it?
- I must warn you, I'm very hungry.
- Well, that's great.
Mister - Uh, is there any message?
Yes. You might say that I called.
Masterson's the name.
- But they've probably forgotten that too.
- Yes, Mr. Masterson.
Is there any particular place
you'd like to dine?
Uh, I thought we were going
to a roadhouse.
Of course we're going to a roadhouse.
Ooh. Ooh! Tommy, look.
How beautiful it is out there,
how peaceful, how quiet.
Don't you think it's a little too quiet?
Tommy, look. Once you go to sleep
under that little hill,
all your troubles are over.
No more women can hurt you.
They can't even get near you there.
But I like women.
I like to have them near me.
Shh. Listen to the stillness.
Think of it, Tommy. They go to sleep
under a nice, cool blanket of grass.
"Under the wide and starry sky,
there dig the grave and let me lie."
Let's you and me go to sleep out there
and never wake up.
You mean, not even for breakfast?
Not even at all.
To rest forever in the arms of Morpheus.
If you don't mind, I think I'll just step
out of here and find out where we are.
Oh, Tommy.
Tommy! Whoo-hoo.
- Where are you?
- I'm down here.
How's the view down there?
Oh, it's terrible.
All I can see is stars.
Well, what's the matter?
Did you fall on your head?
I think I've fallen in somebody's grave.
No, you're in a sewer.
What, again?
Can you get out?
Oh, no. No.
I'll find you a stepladder.
You stay right where you are now.
- Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.
- Right.
Wait. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Here now. You'd better
keep this for company.
Uh, keep whistling
so that I won't lose the place.
You sound like a wounded pup.
I beg your pardon,
but do you happen to have
such a thing as a stepladder?
A ladder? Why, yes. Come in.
Thank you.
Now, what seems to be the trouble?
Oh, I like that.
I'll take it. How much is it?
Never mind. Never mind, never mind.
Just wrap it up.
I'll take it right along with me.
What else did I come in here for?
Oh, yes, yes. I remember.
A stepladder. Hmm.
Say, I want another angel for my friend.
Have you got - Uh, have you got
something nice for a young man -
short, uh, blond, the-the quiet type.
Where have I seen that face before?
Don't tell me. Don't tell me.
Now, wait a minute.
Hospital. Hospital.
Yes. It's a head I did of Dr. Hudson.
You may have heard of him.
Heard of him?
He's haunting me. He's haunting me.
Look, first I meet death face-to-face.
And they saved my life
with-with somebody's lung machine.
Dr. Hudson's.
And then - then they take me
to a hospital.
Whose? Whose hospital is it?
Dr. Hudson's.
And then - And then I meet a girl.
The most beautiful girl.
Whose wife is she?
Dr. Hudson's.
I come in here to borrow a ladder for -
What did I want that ladder for anyway?
Oh. I remember.
The churchyard and what lies yonder.
And whose face do I see
but... Dr. Hudson's?
He's haunting me, I tell you.
I see. You're old Mr. Merrick's grandson.
You don't need to rub it in, do you?
Well, I've wanted to see you,
and I'd like to talk to you.
But I'm afraid this is scarcely the time.
He's not gonna haunt me anymore though.
- Do you know why?
- No. Why?
Because from now on...
after this night of treachery and woe -
Do you - Do you know what they did to me?
They turned me from the door.
Me and my friend
who lies yonder in the churchyard.
"Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him well."
But he's - he's not gonna
haunt me anymore,
'cause from now on,
I'm gonna do the haunting myself.
Me and my friend.
We're gonna be ghosts.
Two gho - Two ghosts.
- Where did you come from?
- Cedar Rapids.
How did you get down there?
Well, sir, believe it or not,
I was looking for a roadhouse.
Well, come on. I'll help you up.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
I - I wonder if you could tell me,
uh, where I am.
My name is Randolph. This is my workshop.
- I'm a stone cutter.
- Well, I'm glad to hear that.
I thought I was seeing things.
I'm just making some coffee.
Will you join me?
Yes, thank you. It, uh, might
help to clear up a few things.
- Will you come in here?
- Thank you.
I, uh - I don't suppose
you can tell me how I got here.
No. You came here
asking to borrow a ladder.
- What on earth did I want with a ladder?
- I don't know.
You never quite got to that.
Say, I must have been terribly drunk.
Why, I hope I didn't cause you
a lot of trouble.
Not at all. And when I learned that
you were a friend of Dr. Hudson's,
I was glad to be of any service I could.
Did I speak of Dr. Hudson?
- Yes.
- Oh.
Dr. Hudson was the best friend I ever had.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
Of course, you don't know it, but for many
years I was an ordinary stone cutter,
mechanically hacking out blocks
with a compression chisel.
Then I met Dr. Hudson,
and he taught me something
that changed my entire life.
You see this photograph?
Say, that's swell. Some of your work?
Yes. I've put it into marble, and it's been
accepted by the Metropolitan Museum.
- Well, congratulations.
- Thank you.
But what did Dr. Hudson
have to do with this?
It was he who taught me
how to make contact
with the source of infinite power.
Now let me make us some coffee.
"Contact." What do you mean by "contact"?
By that I mean -
Perhaps I can make it
a little clearer this way.
This stove is cold now.
It wouldn't even fry an egg.
But I turn this switch,
which makes a contact
with a huge powerhouse
a few miles down the road.
Yes, I know.
My grandfather owns stock in it.
Oh. Now, look what happens.
The stove begins to glow,
to give off heat,
to fulfill the destiny
for which it was created...
which, at the moment,
is to cook some bacon and eggs for us.
- Will you have some?
- No, no. No, thanks. Just some coffee.
But I'm not really talking about stoves.
I'm talking about human beings.
For us there's an entirely
different powerhouse,
one that your grandfather
doesn't own stock in.
It furnishes the power
that keeps the world and the stars
spinning through infinite space,
that makes the grass grow,
the tides rise and fall.
And once you establish contact
with that powerhouse,
you can fulfill your destiny.
You mean that I'd be able to fry
some bacon and eggs?
No. But then I don't think
that is your destiny. Do you?
No. No, but I'm afraid all this
is a little beyond me.
Oh, it's really very simple.
Wait a minute.
It's all here on one page.
You've probably heard it many times.
Oh. The Bible.
Well, the fact that it's in the Bible
needn't lessen its value, need it?
No. Only I'm just afraid that I'm
not very much interested in religion.
Neither am I,
but I am interested in a man whose life
is recounted here by those who knew him.
It was he who originated this science
of generating human power.
And so successfully did he practice it,
that he's more alive today,
burning in the hearts of men,
than he was over 1,900 years ago.
- Will you have more coffee?
- Uh, no. No, thank you.
Supposing there is
such a mysterious power?
How do you establish contact with it?
I don't suppose it's as simple
as turning on that switch.
There's a perfectly definite,
precise formula. Anybody can do it.
You merely go out,
find people who need help,
and give them help.
Help? You mean, give them money?
Money's all right,
since you happen to have so much of it.
But there are other kinds of help
just as good.
But whatever help you give
must be in absolute secrecy.
The world must never know.
And you must never let anybody repay you.
You mean
that if I go out and help people secretly,
that will establish
this contact you speak of?
And, uh, you say that Dr. Hudson
believed in this theory?
Well, my head was spinning around
when I woke up,
but what it's doing now...
Well, thanks
for letting me stay last night.
I should like to repay you.
- You can.
- How?
By giving this "theory,"
as you call it, a trial.
Oh. Uh, yes, I - I will.
I'll give it a trial.
And, uh, thanks again.
Hello. Oh, is that you, sir?
Mr. Merrick, sir?
Yes, sir. I'll come right away, sir.
I'm glad to hear your voice, sir.
I was very worried when the car returned
with that Masterson person without you, sir.
Yes, I'll be as quick as I can, sir.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me, mister. Could you give me
a nickel for a cup of coffee?
- I ain't had anything to eat all day.
- Sure.
- Wait a minute.
- Don't turn me over to the cops.
I ain't never done this before. Honestly.
I'm not turning you over to the police.
- I'm going to give you this.
- Yes?
- But you've gotta do something for me.
- Oh.
What do you want me to do?
I want you to give me your word
that you won't tell anyone about it.
- What's the matter with it? Is it hot?
- No, no, no. It's all right.
All I want you to do is to promise me
that you won't tell anyone,
because if you do...
it won't do me any good.
Oh. It won't do you any good.
Well, mister, I won't tell anyone.
Now, don't get excited,
because I won't tell anyone.
I won't tell anybody.
You think I'm crazy, don't you?
Well, I'm not.
I'm just a poor sap for believing -
Wait a minute. I'm talking out of turn.
It does work! It works!
It works!
I beg your pardon!
- Miracles do happen.
- Really?
Yes, really. Here I stand looking at you,
and a moment ago I was
surrendering my last illusion,
vowing to hate the world forever.
Very unfortunate.
But I'm afraid I can't do anything
to prevent that.
Oh, yes, but you have.
Where are you going at this moment?
- Must I tell?
- Yes, you must.
Well, if you must know, I'm going home,
and at this moment.
Oh, now, wait, please.
Surely it won't fail me now. It can't.
No, it's still working. There's my car.
I sent for it to pick me up here,
and now you're coming along with me.
Coming with you? Where?
Wh - What are you talking about,
Mr. Merrick?
Oh, now, please. I'm not stewed,
and don't call me Mr. Merrick.
It cuts me to the quick.
All I'm asking is to be allowed
to drive you home.
There's some things
that I simply must tell you.
- Well, I'm very sorry.
- Oh, now, please, for the love of heaven.
Melt, Mrs. Hudson. Unbend. Be human.
Ah, are you smiling?
Are you actually smiling at me?
I'm on the verge of shrieking in hysterics.
No, but all fooling aside,
I had the most amazing encounter
last night.
I ran into a man who preaches a theory
that he learned from your husband.
- A theory... he learned from my husband?
- Mm-hmm.
It seems that Dr. Hudson lived by theory -
a profound formula for getting
what he wanted out of life.
Of course. He got you.
Well, if I ever doubted before -
Please, what are you talking about?
What is the theory?
Oh, well, you help people and don't tell,
and you get the power you need
to do the things you want to do.
Is part of it, when - when you do things
for people, they can't pay you back?
Yes, that's right,
because when they're ready to pay -
- You've used it up.
- Exactly.
And that's not all.
- But -
- Th-There's a lot more.
- But, Mr. Merrick -
- No, no. You stay right where you are.
- Get out of the way, will you?
- I'm very sorry, sir.
I wouldn't have done that willingly, sir. I
assure you, sir, I'm extremely sorry, sir.
It's a very - A little difficult - Street -
Say, What's that fellow's racket?
Do you know him?
- Know him? I take care of him.
- Well, what's the matter with him? Is he dippy?
Dippy? Dippy?
If you mean,
is he balmy in the crumpet, yes!
You know, when this man Randolph started
talking to me, I thought he was nutty.
I couldn't help trying it out though.
You know how it is.
People will try anything
in this ridiculous world.
And then just when I was about
to give myself a loud, bitter laugh,
this happened.
What do you mean "this"?
You're merely taking me home
against my will.
And it seems to me
we're going out of our way.
Say, did I take the wrong turn back there?
Well, somewhere. That's obvious.
Well, now that you mention it,
this, uh - this is an unfamiliar street.
Street? I call this a country road.
Say, I - I guess you're right.
Uh - Yeah, yeah, there's a cow over there.
That substantiates your observation.
It is a road and not a street.
Five minutes,
and you're in a rustic wilderness.
Ah, now, that's what I love
about Westchester.
There's a road we can turn back on,
I think.
Oh, yes. Just ahead there.
Say, you know,
I'm afraid we're running out of gasoline.
Yes, sir, we are.
- What are you doing?
- I'm getting out.
You're not out of gas, and I'm not
in the mood for any more clowning.
Oh, now, wait a minute.
Just what do you think you're going to do?
I'm going to walk
till somebody picks me up,
or till I reach a telephone
where I can call for a car.
You're behaving just like
all those indignant, old-fashioned girls
in the anecdotes - you know, the ones
who walked home for virtue's sake.
- Well, I am indignant.
- Oh, no, you're not really, are you?
Just fairly indignant.
At any rate, you're not bored, are you?
Will you drive me home now?
Oh, but look at that view out there.
Why, it's simply arcadian.
You'd swear that those cows
had studied art
and just couldn't help composing
a perfect landscape.
Look out!
Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Hudson.
- What happened?
- Will you give me a lift to Bright wood Hospital?
Yes, of course.
Is she badly hurt?
How is she?
"How is she?"
You ask that, when it's all your fault!
Don't say that, please.
It was an accident.
- An accident!
- We won't know for a few minutes.
- Well, she's going to live.
- Thank heaven.
There seems to be a depressed fracture
involving the occipital lobe of the brain.
I'm afraid...
she'll never see again.
Oh, no!
Did you hear that? Never see again.
The rest of her life,
she'll be blind because of you!
- Joyce, darling.
- I don't care. It's the truth, isn't it?
Why shouldn't he suffer too?
I want him to suffer.
He's responsible.
- A mite hot today, isn't it?
- Oui, madame.
- Hotter than it was yesterday.
- Surely.
- Lentement.
- Oh.
- I'll be all right now.
- You sure, madame?
Yes, perfectly sure. Thank you.
- Hello!
- Oh, hello.
- Where have you been? You're late.
- Am I?
I've been here a long time.
I brought my book like I told you.
Oh, that's wonderful.
Now we can both read together.
- Is this our place here?
- Mm-hmm.
What are we going to have?
- "Jenny Wren."
- "Jenny Wren."
- I like that. Don't you?
- Well, I haven't read it in a long time.
Used to be one of my favorites.
- "It was on a" -
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
I haven't got my place yet. Wait a minute.
All right. Here we go.
"It was on a merry time
when Jenny Wren was young,
so neatly as she dressed,
and so sweetly as she sung."
Now it's my turn. Now wait.
"Robin Redbreast
lost his heart.
He was a...
gallant bird.
doffed his hat to Jenny,
and thus, to her, he said" -
"'My dearest Jenny Wren,
if you will but be mine,
you shall dine on cherry pie
and drink nice curr - curr -'"
- Currant.
- "Currant wine."
"I'll dress you
like a" -
Oh, now I'm stuck.
You'll have to tell me what that is.
- Goldfish!
- Oh, no!
No, that can't be right.
It's gold-something.
But it's not fish. Now, wait.
"I'll dress you like a" -
I don't know either.
- Wait! I'll ask the man!
- Oh, no.
- No. No.
- Hello, mister!
- Hello.
- Would you please tell me this word?
- "Goldfinch."
- Oh. Thank you.
It's goldfinch!
Oh, yes. Yes, that's a bird.
- Come on. Let's go on.
- Who were you talking to?
A man.
- We won't read anymore just now.
- Why not?
- I thought we were alone.
- Oh, that's all right.
He's here every day too.
He's the man who gave me the money
for the ice cream soda.
Come on. Let's read some more.
I'd rather not just now.
Some other time, huh?
- Tomorrow?
- Yes, tomorrow.
- All right. Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Don't be late tomorrow.
- No, I won't.
Good-bye, mister.
Here it is.
Oh, thank you.
I didn't know there was anyone so near.
Please, don't let me frighten you away.
- I'm afraid I've spoiled things.
- Oh, no, not at all.
Well, won't you sit down and let me coach?
No. No, I couldn't do that.
I'd be embarrassed
learning my ABC's with a grown-up.
It won't be long before you'll be reading
Shakespeare, Shelley, Schopenhauer.
- They have them all, you know.
- Yes.
- How do you know?
- Well -
Well, I'm - I'm interested
in the braille system.
Oh. Are you a doctor?
Yes, that's what I started out to be.
But I - I haven't done much with it
since I left college.
What a pity.
Why didn't you go through with it?
I don't know, unless I thought there were
enough second-rate doctors in the world already.
- Why not be a first-rate one?
- Well, there's so few of them.
But, uh, what I -
what I really wanted to say is,
I have a friend who has
a large library of your books,
and I'm sure he'd be glad
to let you use them.
- Shall I bring some with me tomorrow?
- Well, I hardly think tomorrow.
As you've just heard, I have my hands
pretty full right now with Mother Goose.
I'm afraid I'm a little confused.
- May I help you across?
- Oh, would you?
- Shall I take the book?
- Thank you.
- So you know I live across the street.
- Oh, yes. I come here every day myself.
So naturally I see you come and go.
Oh, I see.
Doctor, were you, by any chance, ever
connected with the Bright wood Hospital?
Bright wood Hospital?
Why, no, I wasn't. Why?
Well, your voice seems so familiar.
I thought perhaps I'd met you there.
N-No, I - Oh, be careful. Here's a step.
Thank you. May I take your arm?
Here's another step.
I'm all right now, thank you, Doctor -
What did you say your name was?
- Robert -
- Oh, Dr. Robert.
I'm Mrs. Hudson, Doctor.
I appreciate your interest.
Thank you so much for seeing me across.
- Your book.
- Oh, yes, of course.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Oh, madame is back early today.
- Yes. Elise?
- Yes, madame?
Peek through the window.
There's a gentleman out there.
- Tell me what he looks like.
- Yes, madame.
I'm sorry, madame,
but there is no one out there.
Oh. All right.
- Mr. Hastings has arrived, sir.
- Oh, yes. Show him in.
Nancy, may I call you back?
Thanks. Good-bye.
Oh, come in, counselor.
- How are you, Bob?
- Fine, thanks. Sit down.
- Will you have a drink?
- Thanks. Nothing.
Well, about this Paris thing.
I heard from Dr. Rochard this morning.
- Five of the specialists we wrote to have agreed.
- Good.
They will meet in Paris when they can
arrange a date among themselves.
Well, then you can cable
and set a date for the consultation.
Now, uh, about this other matter.
- Mrs. Hudson's stocks and bonds?
- Yes.
- Have you been able to check on them?
- I have.
They aren't worth the paper
they're printed on.
That's too bad.
Well, I'll tell you what I want you to do.
Replace her bad stocks and bonds
with some of my good ones.
- What?
- She must have a steady income.
- But, Bob, in a transaction like this -
- You'll have to arrange it, Hastings.
And another thing - I want you to give me
your word that you'll tell no one about this.
- All right.
- No one.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
I came to inquire about
Mrs. Hudson. Is she -
Who shall I say is calling?
Is that Dr. Robert?
Elise, ask him to come in.
- Won't you please come in?
- Yes, thank you.
- Is Miss Joyce Hudson here?
- No. She's in the city.
- Hello.
- Why, Dr. Robert.
- Oh, please don't stop playing.
- You're just in time.
- I was going to have tea all by myself.
- No, really, I can't stay.
This is the first time you've ever set foot
in our house. You mustn't run away.
Well, I just dropped in to make sure
that you weren't ill.
You see, I waited for you at the bench
yesterday and today and you didn't come,
so naturally I began wondering.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Well, it rained yesterday.
And today Joyce had to go into New York
on business for me,
and she made me promise I wouldn't go out
while she was away - why, I don't know.
She likes to boss me around a little
sometimes. But come on, sit down.
I'm so glad you've come.
All kinds of nice things
are happening today.
In fact, the most wonderful things
have been happening lately.
Really? What, for instance?
Well, first of all - I'm sure this
will all sound very odd to you.
It begins with money.
You see, years ago my father,
in one of his usual weak moments -
he was anything but a businessman -
bought some shares in a copper mine.
I can hear my mother now.
Poor Dad.
Well, anyway, it seems that after all this time
they've grown very valuable, these copper shares.
They're being taken up and exchanged
for something that will give me an income
for the rest of my life.
- No!
- Yes! But that's not all.
A number of eye specialists
are meeting at Paris,
and while they're
having their convention -
I suppose it's as a tribute to what my
husband stood for in the medical profession -
They've asked me to come so that they can
hold a consultation about my eyes.
It's such a remarkable offer that,
well, as Nancy says,
it would be very ungrateful of me
to refuse.
- You're not thinking of refusing.
- Well, I have been a little.
I've had so many disappointments that if they
agree with the others that there's no hope -
But they - they won't.
Such men as Rochard, Donelli, Rettenbacker,
they don't have disappointments.
How did you know they'd all be there?
Well, they're the most famous,
so naturally I supposed they'd be the ones.
- I'm sure they can give you your sight back.
- Oh, I hope so.
Not only for my own sake, but for all those
who've been so interested in me.
- Tea, Madame Hudson.
- Oh, right here, Elise. Right here.
- Tell me, when are you leaving?
- Oh, immediately, I think.
Mrs. Ashford's in town with Joyce today
to arrange about sailing.
Oh, there they are.
Tell them to come in, Elise,
and bring more cups, please.
- Yes, madame.
- Really, I must be running along.
Oh, no, please. Joyce has heard me
talk about you so much.
- Good afternoon.
- Hello, Elise. Mrs. Hudson all right?
She's inside with Dr. Robert.
She wants you to come in.
- Dr. who?
- Dr. Robert.
She met him in the park.
He lends her those braille books.
- What's he like? Is he human?
- I think he's very attractive looking.
Oh! Is that so?
Hmm! Come on, Nancy.
- Joyce, dear. Nancy.
- Yes?
I want you to meet my friend, Dr. Robert.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Dr. Robert?
- Yes, Dr. Robert.
What is it? What's wrong?
- Are you upset about something?
- No, dear.
Everything's marvelous. Swell.
We'll talk later.
Well, I, uh -
I really must be running along.
I know you have lots of things to talk over
about your sailing. I just found it out.
- Oh, but please, I did so want you to -
- Oh, no, I must be running along.
Good-bye. I'll see you again before I go?
Perhaps. And if not,
I wish you all the luck in the world.
Thank you.
I'll show the doctor out.
- Good-bye, Doctor.
- Good-bye.
What is this?
- You wouldn't understand if I told you.
- I'll say I wouldn't.
You'd have to talk fast to make me see
the good points in this game.
Turning on all your charm for her,
aren't you?
This is a new sort of conquest
for the dashing Mr. Merrick.
He bowls them over
even when they can't see him.
Just what do you count on as payoff
if she ever does see you?
She'll be in love with you maybe
and open her eyes for the first time
on the man she thinks the world of,
and it'll be you.
That'll be a situation. That'll be something
to make us all glad we're living, won't it?
- Nancy.
- Yes?
- What was he like?
- Who, dear?
Dr. Robert.
Oh, very nice. Charming.
Has Nancy told you that Tommy's
going to Paris with us?
- No!
- Tell her the rest.
Heavens, I feel coy all of a sudden.
I even believe I'm blushing.
The point is that Tommy and I are going to get
married and trot to Europe on our honeymoon.
Oh, grand!
Just rest for a few moments, Mrs. Hudson.
The optic nerves are still intact,
and there's no evidence of pressure.
In all events, we know
the trouble is far behind the ears.
Yes, gentlemen, we know where it is.
But who can tell what it is?
- It might be a cyst.
- Oh, no, no, mon ami.
It's many little clots
in the occipital lobes.
Whoever heard of a cyst so big as that?
But there have been times
when she perceived light better.
We have eliminated psychic blindness.
We cannot eliminate psychic perceptions.
The psychic element does not enter in here.
Personally, I wouldn't operate.
Mmm. And the rest of you gentlemen?
Nein, nein. It is no good for operation.
Madame, I - I'm sorry,
but for the present we can do nothing.
You mean... there's no hope.
Oh, I hesitate to say that.
Please, I want the truth.
Well, my colleagues and I
think it would be folly
to submit you to an operation.
Oh, I'd gladly let you experiment, Doctor,
if there were only a chance in a thousand.
The indications are not there.
I see.
Thank you.
- You'd better rest here.
- No, I'll be all right.
My friends are waiting for me outside.
Don't despair entirely, Mrs. Hudson.
Cases of concussion have recovered,
even after many years.
Many years.
Well, Monsieur Merrick,
you have done everything you can.
- What does that mean?
- No operation is possible.
- She's asleep now.
- Thank heaven.
When you think what she's been through -
coming all this distance
and then to be told it was for nothing.
I've never seen her so depressed.
Makes my heart ache just to look at her.
Nancy, you haven't had
anything to eat all day.
- You're terribly tired.
- I could drink a cup of tea.
- I'll call down for some.
- No, Tommy. I want you to take Nancy out.
- No.
- Yes, Nancy, you must go.
Even if it's just long enough
for a cup of tea.
Tommy, you take her to our little place
under the trees by the fountains.
- Make her eat something.
- But if Helen should wake up -
I'll be here. Go on. Get some air in your
lungs and forget about us, for an hour anyway.
There's her hat, Tommy.
I'll go for half an hour.
Helen, darling.
What are you doing out here?
You promised me you'd try to sleep.
I thought you were.
Yes, I thought I was, too, but I wasn't.
I was just lying there.
I'm not tired. Why should I sleep?
Oh, you've been through so much.
The doctor said -
Yes. Yes, I know.
What does it matter what he said?
I don't need sleep.
Oh, I don't know what I need.
Oh, I'm - I'm sorry, Joyce.
- I'm - I'm just not myself.
- No, of course not.
Where's Nancy? Tommy?
They've gone to get some tea.
Won't you go back to bed?
I'll get you some hot milk.
- It'll put you to sleep.
- Oh, if it only would.
you don't know how loner
it is in the dark, when you -
Oh, Helen!
Oh, don't pay any attention to me.
I'm all right. Really, I am.
I'm just nervous.
Order the hot milk.
Wait around here
till it comes up like ice?
I should say not.
I'll heat it myself on the electric.
Will you be all right, dear?
I'll just be a minute.
Of course I'm all right.
Come in.
- Yes? What is it?
- It's me, Dr. Robert.
- Dr. Robert?
- Yes.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, I can't believe it. Is it really you?
Can you forgive me for just
dropping in on you like this?
Forgive you? Why, I -
How do you happen to be in Paris?
What brings you?
When I didn't hear from you again,
when you didn't even come to the boat,
I - I thought perhaps
I was never gonna see you again.
I had to see you.
You didn't come to Paris just to see me?
Yes. Are you glad?
Seems as though you must have known
how much I needed you.
Has it been so bad?
Days and days of waiting.
Then at last to be told there's no hope.
- I'm not to see.
- Don't say that.
You're going to see with my eyes.
That's why I'm here.
Listen. You called me "friend" once.
Will you let me think you meant it?
Will you let me be hands and eyes to you?
Because I've nothing else to do
the whole rest of my life
but help you see whatever you want to see.
- Will you?
- Oh.
As though I could let you.
I couldn't be a burden to you.
A burden?
If I ever did a good deed in my life,
if I ever thought a kind thought,
I'm rewarded now, if you'll let me.
We'll forget all about doctors, shall we?
Except me, and I'm not much of a one.
And we'll start with Paris.
Do you know Paris?
- Have you ever been here before?
- No. But I've always imagined it.
Well, then I'll show it to you.
This is the gayest time of all the year.
Now, come on. Get ready.
Dress yourself within an inch of your life.
I'm not only going to show you Paris,
I'm going to show Paris you.
Ah! Joyce!
Joyce! Oh! Darn it.
- Be careful, dear.
- Joyce, look who's here! Dr. Robert.
- You remember him.
- Yes, I remember him.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Well, here he is, and here am I,
about to go out and do Paris.
Come on, darling. Help me dress.
Will you forgive me?
Then you forgive me?
For anything, everything.
You've made her laugh again.
- Joyce! Coming?
- Yes, dear.
Over here, we have a band
of strolling musicians.
- Oh, I wish I could see them.
- Here's a step.
Are there many people?
I hear so much laughter,
so many bright voices.
Oh, yes, yes. There's a quite a crowd.
All the little French bourgeoisie.
Tables are all covered
with gaudy checked cloths.
And over there, believe it or not,
there's a sword swallower.
- Oh, no. Really?
- Yes.
Ah, there it goes. There it goes.
The sword is disappearing.
Oh, that's wonderful, isn't it?
- Would you like to sit down?
- Oh, no. I'd rather walk along, if you don't mind.
Of course.
What do you say if we climb
to the top of that hill?
All right. Let's do.
Oh. How lovely.
At the top of this hill there's a little house
where the opera Louise was set. Remember?
Well, here we are.
Now be careful. There's a step down.
And another.
There we are.
There it is - all Paris at your feet.
It must be beautiful.
We sail tomorrow.
You've been very kind to me,
showing me this lovely city.
You've spent all your days with me.
Surely there must have been
people here you should have seen.
Are there still other people
in the world besides us?
At a moment like this, on such a night,
could anyone say anything
against the world?
I couldn't.
You couldn't hate anyone
on such a night, could you?
No, I couldn't.
You could forgive anyone anything?
I think so, yes.
You could forgive... Bobby Merrick?
Bobby Merrick.
You've known?
I've thought so, at times.
Helen, say you don't hate me.
How could I, after all you've done for me?
I love you, Helen.
You know that, don't you?
- You mustn't.
- Will you marry me?
Marry you?
No, I couldn't.
But why not, my dear?
There's nothing to prevent it now.
Oh, how can you say that? A blind woman
who must be led around by the hand.
No, that's not true, Helen.
Besides, what difference does it make when
I want to hold you by the hand forever?
Oh. What difference?
When everywhere we'd go,
there'd be glances, whispers.
I wouldn't mind for myself,
but for you, I couldn't bear it.
I couldn't have you pitied because of me.
I love you too much.
But, darling, if you love me,
that's all that matters.
It's no use, Bob.
You're in the world. I'm out of it.
Listen to me, my dear. You're mine.
It isn't often that two people
can say that to each other,
but it's true of us.
We'd be wretched all our lives
if we didn't stay together now.
Say yes to what I'm asking, dear, please.
Oh. Will you let me give you
my answer in the morning?
We'll be two of the happiest people
in the world.
I'm sure we ought to be.
We'll go to the loveliest spot on Earth
on our wedding trip.
Where do you suppose that is?
Well, at the moment, I should say
this is the loveliest spot on Earth.
Well, here we are.
It's ended - this beautiful evening.
I'll always remember it.
If I tell you something,
will you promise not to laugh?
No, I won't laugh.
You remember that day in the park,
when you took me to be a doctor?
Of course I remember.
Well, that day I determined to be a doctor,
to become what you'd mistaken me for.
And I've been doing it.
And you expect me to laugh at that?
Oh, my dear, that's wonderful.
Well, I'm gonna keep on trying.
There's no harm in that, is there?
And you'll succeed. I know you will.
And now, in my very best French,
bonne nuit.
Good night.
- You'll be all right now?
- Yes, I'll be all right now.
I'll see you the first thing
in the morning.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Mon comarade!
Bonne nuit. Dormez bien.
Ah, les petites souliers.
L'amour est si joli.
My friend.
Is this a predicament!
- Oh, precious?
- Yes?
It's poopsie.
Helen, are you up?
Oh, what a day.
They could back the boat
right into Paris this morning.
Aren't you packed yet? I'm not either.
Good morning, Joyce. My watch has stopped.
- How much time have we?
- Nancy.
Why, what is it?
Helen's gone.
- Gone? Gone where?
- Read this.
"Don't try to find me. I'll be all right.
Elise has promised to stay with me.
I know I'm doing the right thing,
my dears,
by living my life this way - alone.
You're young. You have your own
life to live, you and Tommy.
And you shouldn't have to think of me.
If I live to be a thousand,
I could never repay you and Nancy
for your kindness and consideration.
But I can't bear to think
of imposing on you any longer.
This is what I really want, my dears."
This is for Bobby.
Bobby Merrick.
Then she knows.
Hello? Give me the porter, please.
I'll wait. It's important.
- Oh, Bob.
- Good morning, Joyce.
Bob, Helen's gone.
Gone? Gone where?
We don't know. She left this note for you.
Maybe it'll explain.
Porter, this is Mrs. Ashford in Suite 54.
Do you know Mrs. Hudson when you see her?
That's right. Did you see her
leave the hotel this morning?
What time was that?
Was her maid with her?
Do you know where she went?
- Thank you.
- Well?
He said about quarter to 6:00 this morning,
he put her and her things in a taxi.
Just a passing taxi, so there's no way
to find out where she went.
What happened
between you and Helen last night?
I told her who I was.
I asked her to marry me.
She couldn't believe that it wasn't pity
that prompted my asking her.
Oh, I hardly know what -
Do you think he'll have changed much?
After all, six years is a long time.
And what a six years.
Remember the day we left him,
standing alone in the rain?
There's my little man.
- I'm bigger than Dad is.
- That's wonderful, darling.
- I way up here, and he way down there.
- Oh, careful. That's Daddy's new hat.
That was my new hat.
- Good afternoon, Doctor!
- Please look this way, Doctor.
Tell me, Doctor, how does it feel to be
back in America after six years abroad?
- Great.
- I'll bet.
How did you happen to follow
your profession in Europe, Doctor?
Weren't you graduated from Harvard?
Yes, but there's very little
national feeling among doctors.
A doctor's work belongs
to no particular country.
How did you happen to specialize
in brain work, Doctor?
Isn't that the most difficult branch
in the entire realm of surgery?
Have you anything to say
about the Diego operation
that created such a stir
in the European press, Dr. Merrick?
No. Any other surgeon could have done it.
It just happened.
How did you feel when you were presented
with the Nobel Prize last year
for your contributions
in the cause of brain surgery?
Scared to death.
Thank you.
Are you going to carry on
your work over here, Doctor?
There he is.
- Here. Look.
- Oh, Bob! Bob, here we are!
Dr. Merrick -
Oh, let me look at you.
Yeah, I like him.
He doesn't want to interview me
or make a fuss over me.
He just thinks that
I'm a comfortable old uncle to sleep on.
I hope you don't mind our saying
your success has meant a great deal to us.
We're terribly proud of you.
We've all been basking
in your reflected glory.
You see, we like to think
that you sort of belong to us.
I do, Joyce, Nancy, Tommy.
You're my real friends.
If you hadn't met me at the boat, I'll swear it
wouldn't have seemed like a homecoming at all.
- It's almost like old times.
- Yes.
No. No, it isn't.
Nothing will ever be like old times
until - until I know where Helen is.
You've never heard anything, Bob?
No. Nothing.
All these years, I've never found
a trace of her anywhere.
Why, how do you do, Mr. Robert?
I should say, Dr. Merrick.
It's nice to have you home again, sir.
Thanks, Simpson.
It's good to be home.
- Has my grandfather come in yet?
- Not yet, sir.
There's a gentleman
waiting to see you, sir.
- To see me?
- Yes. Waiting in the library, sir.
He said it was quite important, sir.
All right. Thanks, Simpson.
- You, uh, wanted to see me?
- Yes.
As a matter of fact,
I went down to the boat to meet you,
but there were so many others,
I gave up trying to reach you there.
Sit down.
Thank you.
My, uh - My man said it was something
important you wanted to see me about.
Dr. Merrick, I -
I'm afraid you don't remember me.
Well, to be quite honest with you, I -
My name is Randolph.
Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Randolph. Randolph. No, I -
But you've been living
by a philosophy I gave you.
Oh, yes.
The cemetery. The stone cutter.
The man with the theory.
Dr. Hudson's magnificent obsession.
Isn't it an obsession with you
by this time, Dr. Merrick?
With me?
Well, no, not exactly.
But you have practiced it?
- You do apply that philosophy?
- Well -
You've certainly changed
from the person I talked to that night.
You've become a great doctor -
at your age.
I - I've worked hard.
Also, if I'm not mistaken,
you've given with real generosity.
How would you know that?
I've followed your career,
and I'm sure of it.
Yes. Yes, I've given, as you say.
I've founded clinics.
I've donated to medical research.
I've done everything I could
to further medical ingenuity.
Of course. I was sure.
But not to better myself in any way.
It was for one person.
One person - a woman I happened
to have cared for and to have lost.
Needed help -
the kind that doctors can give her.
All I did was done indirectly for her,
hoping that she might be
one of those helped somewhere
without my knowledge.
I see.
Through one, all may be reached.
Christ taught that.
He did it for humanity.
You do it for one woman.
Dr. Merrick, what I've come
to you about is this.
Not long ago,
I was called down to Virginia
to select marble for some of the colonial
restoration work going on there.
While I was there,
I happened on a very unfortunate case -
one that links us together again,
quite logically now.
In what way?
This is the case of a woman who is blind.
As I said before, I've followed your career
since our former meeting.
Please don't think I'm trying to share
in your present glory.
But I do believe that what passed
between us that night
was the beginning of your new power.
This blind woman of whom I spoke,
whom I want you to help,
affords us the opportunity
to complete a circle.
The knowledge that I've passed on to you
was given to me by someone close to her.
She is Mrs. Hudson. Mrs. Wayne -
Mrs. - Helen.
- Helen Hudson.
- Yes.
Will you come to her?
She's critically, gravely ill in Virginia.
That's her home, you know.
Hello. Mrs. Ashford.
Yes, quickly, please.
Hello, Nancy.
We've found her.
Yes, Helen.
In Virginia.
I'm going to her at once.
Oh, Mr. Randolph. I was just coming down.
- This is Mrs. Ashford.
- Mrs. Ashford.
- Dr. Merrick.
- Dr. Merrick.
- Dr. Ramsay.
- Dr. Ramsay.
- Good evening.
- Dr. Allen.
- Uh, this way, Dr. Merrick.
- Thank you.
Well, I'm certainly glad you're here.
- Any change since I last phoned you?
- I'm afraid there is.
- Worse?
- Yes.
She hasn't rallied
since early this morning.
You know these slow clot cases.
The ophthalmoscope, please.
Oh, Dr. Ramsay.
This is a most interesting case.
I understand the injury which caused her
present condition occurred several years ago.
Yes. Uh, six or seven years ago.
I took care of her at the time.
It was an automobile accident, wasn't it?
What an awful price to pay.
Nancy. I can't do it.
I can't operate.
I couldn't even hold a knife steady.
- Robert.
- Look at my hands.
They won't hold still.
Why must I always fail her
when she needs me most?
Five years I've been preparing for this.
And now look at them.
Robert, pull yourself together.
No, it's no use. I can't do it.
You'll have to do it, Ramsay.
I'll stand by. It's the best I can do.
Very well. There's no time to lose now.
This is not going to be easy.
Even if I were the greatest brain surgeon
in the world, it could be touch and go.
Dr. Ramsay, somebody's got to do it.
- In just a minute now.
- Mmm.
I'm all right now. I'll take it.
- Nurse.
- Shh.
Lie still.
- Doctor?
- Yes?
Wh - Why do I feel so strange?
Because you've been very ill.
Who is this?
Who is speaking to me?
It's - It's Robert.
Dr. Robert?
- Bob!
- Yes, dear.
Bob! Oh!
Oh, what - what are you doing here?
I'll explain later, darling, not now.
Oh. Yes.
- Then it was you who -
- Yes.
- But you mustn't talk now.
- Oh.
Give me your hand.
Oh, I want to tell you something.
It can wait, darling.
It's so terribly important for you
to be perfectly quiet.
I want you to know...
no matter what happens...
you - you mustn't be afraid for me.
I'm happy now. You are here.
Nothing's going to happen.
You're going to be all right.
You - You won't go away?
No, darling, never.
Now, you must go to sleep.
- Robert.
- Yes, dear?
- My eyes.
- What about your eyes, dear?
I - I think I see light.
Are you sure?
- What does it mean?
- Helen, darling.
It means that a pressure
has been removed from your eyes.
And as the days go by,
you'll see more and more.
And then one day very soon...
you'll be able to see again.
Oh! Oh. Oh.
Now, but you must
go to sleep now, darling.
You mustn't get excited today.
Can I - Can I get excited tomorrow?
Yes, dear. Tomorrow.