Mahishasurudu (2023) Movie Script

Every person has three faces.
First is what shown to the world.
Second is what shown to your
family, relatives and friends.
Third is what just you know and
don't show to anyone else.
This will show the real you.
Happy birthday to you, Durga!
Happy birthday!
Hey, what are you seeing Durga?
Cut the cake.
Happy birthday to you!
Yeah, I just started.
Let's go.
Brother, I must admit.
You are super in preparing dosa.
My entire is life is wasted in cooking
and preparing dosas for you, idiot.
I forgot to marry being busy in
feeding you.
Station and the kitchen!
Do I have anything else other than
these two in my life?
Fifty matches have gone back till date,
because of your blabbering and frankness.
We recently went to Mr Vivek's
house for the wedding matches.
What did you say when they asked,
how is the girl and did you like her?
I said she looks like the girl
into recording dance.
- Will any idiot say like that?
- I said, right?
You went yesterday to Dhruva's
house for wedding matches.
What did you say there
when asked about the girl?
I said she was like a tar can.
Idiot, this is final. I'm saying
for the last and final.
I spoke to the lady constable
working in our station.
I told everything to her.
She is ready to marry.
Whom, you?
Not me, idiot.
Who, that bun faced lady?
Fine you said with me,
but don't tell in front of her.
It won't be good if I say it for
the second time, brother.
- So, have you already said that?
- Yeah!
Rascal! You tell anyone to be
frank Satyam, right?
Let me tell one thing frankly
about you.
I didn't ask you, right?
Then why did you tell with them?
They asked me, right?
- What?
- Yeah!
Hey Sasi, I already started.
Is everything ready for Durga's
birthday party in the evening?
- Ready, brother!
- Ok, dude!
"Hey parrot, step ahead
towards the jasmine bushes"
"Hey light of the dawn,
light up my heart at night"
"Sweet melody in the early mornings"
"Dwell in my heart as the friendship"
"Facing me like the first ray of Sun"
"Hey parrot, step ahead towards
the jasmine bushes"
"Hey light of the dawn,
light up my heart at night"
"Shall I hug you like a rainbow?"
"Shall I overshadow you like
the rainy cloud?"
"On the sitar of water in
Penna river"
"Shall I bring out my affection?"
"The fragrance like the jasmines"
"Your talks are sweet like honey"
"Beauty of my girl in dreams"
"Is the never ending bond in
my life"
"All my dreams will come true"
"Being as one in another"
"Friendship with you being
my longing"
"Every day is a boon for me"
"Hey parrot, step ahead
towards the jasmine bushes"
"Hey light of the dawn,
light up my heart at night"
"This was just a dream for so long"
"My so long dream came true now"
"My little heart is a bonding
at soul"
"My journey with you moved ahead"
"Friendship with you is my wealth"
"I gave you the place of my God"
"I walked along your steps"
"I will always remain as
your companion"
"Like a hope in my lonely life"
"You came to me as my companion"
"You gave me the love of so many"
"Like an unforgettable affection"
"Hey parrot, step ahead
towards the jasmine bushes"
"Hey light of the dawn,
light up my heart at night"
"Sweet melody in the early mornings"
"Dwell in my heart as the friendship"
"Facing me like the first ray of Sun"
"Hey parrot, step ahead
towards the jasmine bushes"
"Hey light of the dawn,
light up my heart at night"
Hey Prameela!
Prameela, here I brought flowers.
I'm coming, sister.
I said you so many times not to climb
the steps to pluck flowers, sister.
Hey, I didn't climb. That Kiddo...
Oh no, where did she vanish?
- Why will she come? She fears
about me. - I promise...
What happened, sister?
Durga, what happened dear?
What happened, dear?
Nothing, mom!
My sisters studied hard day and night and
are going to college to become Engineers.
They anyways have no enough
They should at least have
flowers in hairs, right?
Thus, I plucked them.
Here is your bag.
We are getting late, let's go.
- We'll leave, mom.
- Fine sister, take rest.
I anyways sleep after you go.
Leave now.
Come, let's go.
Brother, all my friends are buying
iPhones. My phone is so old.
I'm feeling ashamed in front of all.
It is not a big thing, dear. Here, book it
on Amazon and you'll get it by tomorrow.
My loving brother!
Thanks, brother!
You never listen to me.
I saw a site on bypass road, brother.
It is very good.
- Brother!
- Fine, let's go.
Please come, brother.
Be seated.
- Pharma isn't good at all.
- What do you mean?
My opinion is to go into real estate.
What do you say brother?
Any field you are in is good.
What's wrong now?
All these are common when in business, man.
I'll look into all that. Brother,
when shall we get him married?
I don't think stock will get sold
if we keep it for long.
I too am saying him the same.
Thanks Durga!
There are full photos from
matrimony in the mail.
You have to decide now about
whom should he marry.
- Husband!
- Hey brother!
- Uday, what's wrong?
- What happened?
Brother, what happened?
What happened, husband?
Please open the door.
- Husband, what happened?
Open the door. - Hey, Uday!
- What happened?
- Brother, what's wrong?
- Nothing happened to me, Durga.
- Say what's wrong?
He, it was just some food poisoning.
That's all.
Hey Sasi, you go and get
the car ready.
Come, let's go to the hospital.
Hey, no worries!
I'll take care of that.
- Nothing is wrong, brother.
- Let's go.
- I'll take care, you don't worry.
- Come, let's go.
Good morning, Doctor.
I've got all the required tests
done, Uday. But...
Why is that but, Doctor?
Please tell me.
I mean, I don't know how to tell.
No problem, Doctor. Tell me
the reason behind my blood vomit.
- I feel it is liver cancer.
- How can I have the cancer, Doctor?
I feel so based on these reports.
So, will I die now Doctor?
No Uday, nothing to worry.
You don't be scared.
There is a good hospital in
Chennai related to this.
My friend Rajinikanth works there
and he is the transplantation surgeon.
- You go and meet him.
- Ok, Doctor.
- Did you keep all the bags?
- We kept, sir.
Make it fast.
- Bye, Durga!
- Ok!
- Bye, man!
- Bye, brother!
- Bye!
- Bye, dear! See you all.
Hey, look there!
- Keshava Reddy's house!
- This one, sir.
You said big people,
but the house looks so small.
It is a small house. But, this
was a big house once, sir.
Did you hit baby, dear?
Brother in law, he isn't lifting the call.
I'd been trying from four hours.
I'm very tensed about
what happened.
- Are you Keshava Reddy?
- Yes!
Uday Kumar Reddy?
He is my brother.
Tamilnadu highway patrolling
police sent us the information.
- He met with an accident.
- What?
- Baby Durga!
- Sister in law! -Madam!
- Sister in law!
- Baby Durga!
But we don't know if he is
dead or alive.
What is this meeting at six in
the evening?
What exactly do you need?
We've already been waiting
from three weeks, sir.
All the files have been in pending.
We had to thus call you, sir.
What is all this?
We haven't yet paid this month
salaries, sir.
What about him?
He says not to know whom to
give an increment and
whom to give a promotion, sir.
What about him?
He says not to know which company
to place orders and
whom to raise the bills, sir.
It is all darkness when the lamp
is absent, brother.
Small brother used to take
all the decisions.
Now, none are able to understand
what decisions to take.
Sister in law, eat at least this.
- Please!
- No!
What about baby, if you are
like this?
Eat at least for the kid,
please sister in law.
- No, I don't want.
- Just a bit!
She is not eating at all, brother.
Brother, babe is coming.
No dude, she's a girl from
rich family. It may be a problem.
Guys, his big brother is drunk
and sloshed out.
Her small brother is busy in
searching for the lost brother.
Who will take care of that
babe now?
Then, let's go dude.
Let's get hold of the babe.
Stop, dear!
- Which branch are you from?
- Electronics!
Oh, electronics!
Do you know anatomy?
I know.
We are all thus sitting here, baby.
They teach electronics inside and
your cousin here will teach anatomy.
Anatomy is the subject teaching about
which part in our body is called what.
Brother got all India first rank
in that.
Well said, sweet boy!
No sir, I'm getting late for class.
Let me go.
Give me your phone, man.
Brother will now check your
knowledge in Anatomy.
Please sir, I'm getting late
for class. Let me go.
Hey, just give answers to what
we ask. Or else, you can't be in
the college from tomorrow.
- What is this called?
- Neck!
- What about this?
- Waist?
Ok, you have great knowledge.
I'll ask one question finally.
You can go in, if you answer that.
What is this called?
Hey baby, you know what is
this called in Telugu?
Hey baby, that has so many
names in Telugu.
Come when free and we'll teach.
Who are you sir?
What to do you need?
Namaste Sir, I must see
the Manager.
I've been coming from a month
for one month.
Sir will call you.
Please be seated.
- Come!
- Ok!
You are not understanding me
from six months.
If you can understand for once,
I'll make sure you get the loan.
Useless fellow!
Madam, what happened?
It is a routine again. He would give
a remark and ask to come back again.
- Fine madam!
- Can I meet Sir now?
- What's your problem?
- I shall discuss about this, sir.
- No, you can't meet now.
- Please, sir!
- Sir has a meeting.
- Let me just go in.
You may wait any long,
but you can't meet.
- I said he has a meeting, right?
- Please, sir!
- Come on, get going.
- Please sir.
- You just waste the time.
- Please sir!
Madam! Did at least your loan
get sanctioned, madam?
He is a dog.
He is talking so cheap with ladies.
It is a waste to go around him.
You better try elsewhere.
(Slogans) 'Bonus should be paid!
Salaries should be paid!'
'Management, down down!
Mr Keshava Reddy, why is this noise
outside? What's happening here?
You wait, sir.
Mr Keshava Reddy, we invested
here believing in you to be
from a prestigious family.
We didn't get any profits and looks like
we may also lose the investment.
What is all this, Mr Keshava Reddy?
Stop that sir, why do you give
respect to this idiot?
He's escaping from six months
saying that his brother is missing.
He looted all our money, gave it to
his brother and made him run away.
He is a filthy wretch.
- Hey!
- Why are you screaming, idiot?
You came in time.
Who exactly are you?
When I come with a completely
changed face after meeting with
an accident six months ago,
how can you too recognise brother?
- Brother?
- Yes!
Who is brother to whom?
I started to Chennai that day and
met with an accident on the way.
My entire face got burnt as
I fell into the fire.
This is the file I was given after
being discharged from hospital.
Please have a look, brother.
Baby Durga, look who is here.
Uday, see the house is gone
so barren without you.
It was so charming while you
were with us.
Go and freshen up.
Yeah, ok brother.
- Hey Saravana!
- Yes, tell me Sir.
I sent a photo in WhatsApp.
Have a look.
Ok sir!
I sent all details of hospital
and the Doctor.
- Sir!
- Enquire about that and tell me.
Sure, thank you sir!
There wasn't even a single day
from six months I didn't feel sad.
I never had a peaceful sleep.
You are back now.
I don't understand if I must feel
happy that you returned or
feel bad as you came like this.
But I need some time to digest
all this.
I think you will understand that.
Who are you?
Silence! Don't talk.
Just answer to my question.
What do you need?
Hey, tell the truth.
Who is this patient?
Who operated him?
Yes, it is Uday Kumar Reddy
and I operated him.
- What now?
- Damn!
Man, it took six months and
I wasn't paid at all.
- Hey!
- Fine, you people leave.
Please go!
Oh God!
They told you didn't go to college all
these days being sad in my absence.
I'm back now, dear.
Why don't you go?
I won't go to College, brother.
Are you thinking who am I?
Yes, this is Engineering College.
I'm not your lecturer too.
But name of the lesson I'm going to
take today for you is 'Human Anatomy'.
That's because I'm indebted to
a few people here.
I'll have to give money.
That's because I'm going to conduct
a quiz program to you now.
I'm now going to show you
a photo.
Photo of a girl!
I'll ask all of you for the name
of her body part each.
The person answering it gets
a prize of ten thousand.
Hey, it is your mother's photo.
Come on, speak up!
Hey rascal, that's my mom's photo.
- Come rascal!
- Hey, leave!
Hey, come on guys.
Madam, auto is here.
Bring baby fast.
No, I won't go mummy.
- I won't go mummy.
- Go Lucky. -Fine, tell me.
Please go Lucky, I'll buy you chocolates
and a big teddy bear too.
Come on Lucky!
Move, Lucky!
Yeah, move!
I'll call you later.
There's nobody around.
This is right place for me.
Nothing will happen.
I said nothing, right?
- No! -Hey!
- Sir, please!
You rascal!
Sir, please leave me.
No sir, I'll never repeat this again.
Please sir, no!
- If you ever again...
- No sir, please!
- Kids and that too if you mess
with girls... - Forgive me, sir.
Get lost, rascal.
Lucky, come dear.
Dhanunjaya Prasad, it is been
three years since he took
a loan of thirty thousand.
He hasn't paid even a single
penny till date.
I must somehow collect this
from him in this week.
Oh no, it is CI sir calling.
Sir! Namaste, sir!
I'm coming sir. I'll be there in
ten minutes, sir.
- Ok sir! -Bend more.
- Ok sir!
Have you started already, sir?
You are the only guy who stands up and
salutes even while talking on mobile.
My foot! You don't marry when
asked and you play satires again.
Fine, you got ready like a hero.
Where are you going?
My boss Keshava Reddy's brother
Uday Kumar Reddy is back.
He solved all the problems.
He is giving a great party this
evening on that occasion.
- I'll be the special attraction.
- Oh, is it?
My foot! I too am late and should
go on duty. Let's go now.
Ok, let's go.
"My name is Bangaram (Gold)"
"My native is the romance"
"My body shape is beautiful"
"I'm so tender like the hibiscus"
"I'm Singapore silk and will
attack with my looks"
"I'm Singapore scotch and
will give you a kick"
"I'm in the right age and
am so beautiful"
"I'll fall into your lap and
present you a celebration"
"My native is the romance"
"My body shape is beautiful"
"I'll slip like butter if you
place hands"
"I'm Singapore silk and
will attack with my looks"
"I'm Singapore scotch and
will give you a kick"
"I'm the angel on earth and
will kill you with my beauty"
"I promise to be single and
am looking for a companion"
"Come my baby, I came for you"
"But still, I'd say it is as you like"
"It is enough that your look
falls on me"
"I just wish to touch your waist"
"I smile like the lightening"
"I'll drown you in my kisses"
"I'm the marigold flower"
"I'll handover my beauty to you"
"I'm a beautiful train"
"I'll make you get into
the coach of my body turns"
"I'll make your heart happy
and take you to heaven"
"I'm Singapore silk and
will attack with my looks"
"I'm Singapore scotch and
will give you a kick"
"I'm the angel on earth and
will kill you with my beauty"
"I promise to be single and
am looking for a companion"
"Don't give tickles, my dear"
"It's just enough that you are
with me"
"It's good that I'm by your side"
"It is a shock if your saree slips"
"I'm a naughty girl and
will not just come if you call"
"I'll let you climb the ladder to
pleasure if you have the money"
"I'm the beautiful girl and
capture you with pleasure"
"If you want me, pay cash
and hold my hand"
"I'm Singapore silk and
will attack with my looks"
"I'm Singapore scotch and
will give you a kick"
"I'm the angel on earth and
will kill you with my beauty"
"I promise to be single and
am looking for a companion"
Say, what more is on?
What brother? It is so late
and haven't you slept yet?
Oh, you!
Come! Sit!
Tell me, brother.
I was thinking about our
new project.
What's there to think, brother? We'll
start in our site on mini bypass road.
Yes, brother! All these tensions
started for me after you left.
Why, brother?
We need at least four to five crores
to start a new Company in our range.
So what, brother?
Our condition is not so good
financially, Uday.
Nothing is turning good for us
at present.
Just one minute, brother!
Brother, here!
What is this?
They are the property documents
Durga got from her parents.
We are in need now and
you sell them off.
It is the property given to Durga by
her parents and why do you say to sell?
Brother, Durga will understand.
We are family.
We can buy a hundred of such
properties when our time gets better.
Thus, you just be cool brother.
Don't drink all this trash.
I have imported scotch.
Wait, I'll get it for you.
Baby Durga!
Uday is down stairs, dear!
No! Brother!
- Brother!
- No!
- No, brother!
- Brother!
- Brother!
- No!
- Oh no!
- Brother!
- Where is the dead body?
- It is upstairs, sir.
What about the family members?
They too are upstairs, sir.
Send them down.
- Namaste, sir!
- Namaste!
Please be seated.
Sir, he is Uday Kumar Reddy and
brother of Mr Keshava Reddy.
He doesn't look like the one
from driving license we found
at the accident spot.
He got plastic surgery done when
that accident took place, sir.
Then, his entire face got changed Sir.
I see! This sounds like some
film story.
They have also done the DNA
test, sir. It is genuine.
Is it?
He even gave his wife's property in
writing for his brother's business, sir.
Is it?
Sir, even that property papers
were found at the dead body.
- Fine, let's go upstairs.
- Ok sir!
- We enquired, sir.
- Ok!
Being basically a business family, they
do have the financial allegations, sir.
I see!
Fine, investigate and get me
the complete file by tomorrow.
Ok sir!
- Give that plier here.
- Please take it, sir.
Sir, that looks to be a traditional
thread worn on hand.
- It is not that thread, Veera Swamy.
- Sir!
- It is very thin, right?
- Yes!
It might be a string from saree.
Maybe of an yellow colour saree.
Give that cover.
Yes, pieces of broken bangle.
So, did a lady kill Keshava Reddy, Sir?
We can't say anything from
just the evidence.
There should also be a motive.
We must first know who has so much
of revenge to kill Keshava Reddy.
Whomever evidence and motive
point out, he is the murderer.
- Sir, did you find any evidences?
- Sir!
- Wait, wait! I'll tell.
- Please tell, sir.
This murder actually took place
in the night in between 12 to 1.
If it was professionals on deal,
they will take the life in single shot.
There are eight knife stabs on
his body.
Someone has killed him with
a revenge.
That too by stabbing repeatedly
in the chest!
Namaste, see you!
Ok, ok!
Madam! Madam!
What happened?
Hey, stop idiot.
Stop rascal! Tell me idiot,
why are you trying to kill me?
- Who are you all? Tell me.
- One minute sir, I'll tell.
Why are you trying to kill me?
Tell me now, who is behind you?
Why are you targeting me?
Madhavarao Banerjee,
alias Mahishasurudu!
He is the one who sent us to
kill you, sir.
Who the hell is that fellow?
He is a filthy wretch, sir.
He's a pathetic rascal.
He ruined my life.
Yeah, I'm waiting right here.
Come down.
Sir, Namaste!
- Hey, don't you have any sense?
- Sir!
- Don't you knock before coming in?
- Sir!
Hey security!
Sir, I'll set this girl for you.
I'm a big bank manager and
am trying from six months.
I couldn't do that and can you
do it?
Will you sign if I set her up, sir?
I'll decide place and time and
inform through WhatsApp, sir.
You be ready.
- Hey!
- Sir, thank you!
Bye, sir!
- Sir!
- Well done, man!
Sir, your signature!
- All the best! - Send your
number and I'll take care, sir.
What I don't understand is,
you women check for soap,
bath powder and the dress on your
body after entering the bathroom.
But why don't you ever check if
there is any small camera around?
One camera and one phone
with 1 GB data daily!
Wow, video has a great quality.
Entire world can watch it in
no time once uploaded.
What a Technology!
Wow, great technology!
Please, I beg you.
Delete that video.
Let's do it. I still have lots of
work with you.
After all of that is done,
I'll delete it myself. Ok?
(Sanskrit quote)
'Desire exists
where the woman exist'
It is like winning over
this world if that can be won.
Then, I'm the God.
Still, what's the greatness of
you women?
Your womanhood mesmerises
even that Brahma.
Thus, I hate you women.
Every man has a desire over you.
But this Mahisha...
You are nothing.
I hate your creed so bad.
I have so much anger to kill
all my desires over you.
Empire of this Mahisha has
no boundaries.
You are all the puppets in
my hands now.
Move, rascal!
Beat him up.
- No, leave me.
- Beat him!
- He is that idiot, sir.
- Sir!
- Are you that idiot doing surgery on
Uday Kumar Reddy? - Sir!
So by surgery, will my face turn like
him, his face as of that guy and so on?
Hey, tell me who that rascal is?
I don't know, sir.
I'll kill you, rascal.
Sir, I know nothing. I did so as
Dr Selvamani told, sir.
- Sir, please leave me.
- That idiot...
That idiot blackmailed me by saying
to upload my videos online, sir.
Don't you have anger on him?
Why not, sir? I'm so angry to chop him
to pieces and feed the crows and eagles.
But I've a family depending
on me, sir.
They will come on roads if
something happens to me, sir.
Then, will you do as I say?
I'll do whatever you say, sir.
Hey Sasi, what is this?
What happened?
We were depressed in your absence
first and now are these stock problems.
What are these new stock
problems now?
Tell me, what happened.
Pharma business is not at all
good, brother.
Entire stock is standing still.
Almost one crore worth stock is standing
still just in our warehouse, brother.
We don't even know what
its condition is.
Fine, let's go and check
the warehouse.
If the stock condition is good, we
can at least clear some part of that.
Why is it all so dark?
Switch on the lights.
Brother, there is no power.
I'll go and switch on the generator.
Wait, wait! Wait for one minute.
I'll go and switch on the generator.
You take out that stock list.
- I'll come and check.
- Ok brother!
Sister in law!
Why didn't you switch on the light?
Let's go.
What happened?
Sasi is my brother, sir.
Come, Veera Swamy.
Same to same, Veera Swamy!
They seem to have killed just
like his brother was killed.
Still, why did they come here
at this time?
- Veera Swamy!
- Sir!
- Sir, Mr Uday Kumar Reddy!
- Namaste, sir!
Are there any enemies to
your family?
There is nothing as suck, sir. As far as
I know, we don't have any enemies.
We often had threats in business.
But, we didn't much care about those.
Fine, do you have any doubts
on your family members?
Oh no, nothing as such Sir.
Hi cutie!
Hello! Cute!
Namaste madam!
Shall we start the interrogation?
Why Sir? What have I done, sir?
- Wow, heroine! Veera Swamy,
performance is on peaks. - Sir!
Sir, I expected right when I saw.
Shall we take to station and
do some reels, sir?
I mean, reels if you give permission,
or else the interrogation directly.
- Hey, bring her.
- Ok sir!
- Sir, sir! -Where?
- Just a small interrogation, madam.
Come, madam!
- Where is your boss?
- He is upstairs, sir.
Give it to him and ask him to
dress up and read.
Sir, smoking in front of ladies...
She murdered two people.
Is she a lady?
I mean, it is not yet confirmed she killed
and thus we are interrogating her, sir.
- Is it?
- Yes, yes!
- I'll drop it once confirmed.
- Ok sir!
Silly fellow!
Hey, who is this fellow?
Who is it?
Say it fast, madam.
We are hungry.
- Veera Swamy!
- No, sir!
Hey, it is your lover right?
Mandava Sai Prasad! You wanted
to elope with him, right?
What you said is true.
I loved another person before
my marriage.
My parents got me into
this marriage.
I couldn't forget him and
couldn't adjust with my husband.
I went through a hell.
- Welcome, darling!
- Why did you call me?
I wanted to see you.
You are maintaining a good
physique though you got married.
Oh no! You came with me to
all the cinema theatres and malls
before marriage.
Why are you hesitating now
to sit in the car?
You made me move around for
four years and gave me nothing.
What do you need now?
- Money!
- I don't have any money.
Oh no!
No, please!
Please don't do this.
- Here, PIN is 1212.
- You just said not to have any?
He gave this to me for
buying jewellery.
- Oh no, brother in law!
- Hey brother!
You ruined our prestige, idiot. I feel
hatred to call you as sister in law.
Come out.
You put hands on girlfriend of
Sunny, the lover boy?
What is your attitude, rascal?
If you are seen again in Nellore...
I'll make you sell flowers at
the centre.
Get lost!
Get lost!
My husband knows about all this.
He understood me.
Even her husband knows that
she has a boyfriend, it seems Sir.
Is it just him alone or she has
many more in line.
Then, why did you burn
the saree?
Sir, case will move ahead only
if we clarify.
I know you Police will first get
a doubt on me
if I have the yellow saree.
I got scared as you'd come to me
first and thus I burnt that saree.
Oh no, is it true?
The day my brother in law got
murdered, I cut apple and
fed my daughter though
my hand got cut.
Still, it is up to you if you think
I killed my brother in law.
How do we believe whatever
you say is not a cooked up story?
Sorry Durga, evidences and
motives of this case are against you.
Only that God must save you
now from this murder case.
- CI Sir, where are you taking her?
- Husband!
Why are you asking?
I gave you the warrant, right?
Didn't you read it?
I mean, she is a lady and
this is the night time.
That is a point and thus
I got the lady constable.
Sir, please listen to me for once.
Whatever you wish to say,
come to the court and say it.
- Durga, you don't worry.
- Come on! -Husband!
- Say, is it good or not? Is it good?
- Is it always the selfies?
- You and your craziness!
- Namaste lawyer sir!
- Namaste!
- Namaste!
Give it to sir.
Sir is right here.
Please come.
Why is it so dirty? Why don't you
arrange someone and get it cleaned?
- I'll get it done, sir.
- Namaste, Sir!
Namaste, sir!
Durga's bail papers, sir!
Even lawyer is here with him, sir.
- Fine, bring her.
- Ok sir!
Come, madam!
Hey, you are lucky.
There is no eye witness.
But I'll bring.
I'll get the eye witness.
But you cannot leave the city
from tomorrow.
You must come in the morning
daily and sign at the station, ok?
- They didn't trouble you,
right Durga? - No!
Actually, it took some time to
get bail papers ready at the lawyer.
- Yeah, it is ok.
- Sorry Durga!
I didn't expect this to happen.
- Madam, I need a help.
- Tell!
I somehow feel the person
with me is not my husband.
My heart says the person who
came home after six months
saying face is changed due to
plastic surgery is not my husband.
Today, I sat by his side for
the first time in his car.
I feel somewhat uneasy from
the time I'm back home.
Do one thing, Durga.
Send his blood sample to me.
I'll send that for DNA test. We can
find if he is your husband or not.
- Is it ok?
- Yes!
What are you doing, Lucky?
I'm drawing, mummy.
Satyam, call everyone for
meeting tomorrow.
Is it ok? None should miss
the meeting.
- Ranga!
- Madam!
I dried clothes on roof.
Go and check, it may rain.
Ok, madam!
- Husband!
- What Durga?
- Look at your brother's photo
for once. - Oh no!
It is a bad omen for the house
if the photo is like that.
Ok, we'll fix it.
Come husband, help me.
Yeah, I'm coming.
Hit it now.
Oh no!
Oh no, I'm sorry husband.
Ranga, bring turmeric powder.
- I'm coming, madam.
- Sorry, husband.
- Here, madam!
- Oh no, I'm so sorry husband.
- You apply it.
- Sir, give me your hand.
Hello! Madam!
Tell me, madam.
- Durga, where are you?
- Why, what happened?
We got his DNA test report.
He is not your husband.
You go to your parents' house
immediately with the baby.
Or else, there may be a threat
to your life.
Where is the baby?
Wait, I'm coming.
- Durga!
- Husband!
What happened, husband?
Husband, what happened?
Oh no!
No please!
Make the baby lie down there
and come here.
I already did two murders.
Third one is not a big matter for me.
You very well know what I am
searching for.
You also know where that is.
Go and bring that.
Will you leave my husband if
I bring that file?
Go and bring that.
You play games with me and
try to kill me?
I beg you.
Please leave me.
No, please leave him.
Leave him, no!
Leave her.
No! Lucky!
Leave my baby. Lucky!
No! Lucky!
Durga, drop the gun down.
Now, bring that file to me.
Bandage to head and file in hands!
You came right in time.
So, someone supported you.
Who wants to support you?
Is it Police?
Die, rascal!
Durga, one minute!
Heart surgeon Srinivas is a Doctor
doing operations holding knives.
You know why is he cutting
throats with the same knives?
- Congrats Srinu!
- Thank you, sir! It is all your support.
You achieved what you wished for by
scholarships with your hard work.
It is all your blessing, sir.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be in this stage.
- Very good, what's your next plan?
- Thank you, sir!
- Next plan means, Australia...
- What is this, dude?
Wait idiot, you can't know
anything about heart in life time.
Listen to me and give up reading.
I'm talking to Sir here.
Sir, make him understand.
Don't you know whom to hold
that umbrella for?
Hey girls, come here.
- You come!
- Hey, come here.
Hey girls, come here.
- Are these the ones sitting by
your side? - Yes, father.
Hey girls, you need all this?
You should know your limitations.
Did you get it? Fine, there's dust
on my slipper. Come and clean it.
- Let's go!
- Hey, don't you listen? Clean it.
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
"Sweet voice has gone mute"
"Entire world is gone dark"
"Hard times are never forever"
"Courage filled in heart is
our sword"
"Bitter darkness will be driven
out with a little lamp"
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
"Birth in this world is a boon"
"This bonding is a boon for
your brother"
"The moon is down here to
see you"
"Filled all the moonlight in
your eyes"
"If you make friendship with
the hard times"
"Happiness will double itself"
"This life is just for few days"
"Let's always be afresh"
"Let's go against to the hard times"
"Life is a journey"
"Let's go on happily to
the destination"
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
"Shall I tell you in detail?"
"The truth which is in no way
"When that Rama was born
as human on this earth"
"He couldn't escape from
hard times for Goddess Sita"
"If the fight doesn't stop"
"Won't the God come to
your help?"
"Don't let go this journey"
"This time is very valuable"
"A war is unavoidable"
"If the time is a cycle"
"Pleasure follows the hard times"
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
"Sweet voice has gone mute"
"Entire world is gone dark"
"Hard times are never forever"
"Courage filled in heart is
our sword"
"Bitter darkness will be driven
out with a little lamp"
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
"Why are those tears rolling down?"
"Why are they rolling down
the cheeks?"
Brother is going for jogging?
Is anyone coming with me?
We will sleep for some more
time, brother. You go.
Fine, what can I do?
I'll go alone.
I'm anyways an orphan.
This brother anyways is an orphan.
You don't feel like that.
We too will come with you.
Good, good! Your brother
brought track suits for you three
and they are outside.
Get up fast, get ready,
wear the track suits and start.
- Son, have coffee.
- Ok, mom!
Wow, excellent!
Oh no, you dirty rascals!
What are these attires?
- Do you have any sense? Go in and
change the dress. - Mom!
- I'll kill if you come out like this.
- Mom!
This track suit will be good
for jogging.
You wait, son. They are already
feeling jealous on us.
Mom, you don't worry. That jealousy will
someday turn into a blessing for these.
No problem dear, you follow me.
- Hey, man!
- Yes, sir!
You didn't get it ploughed. No water
and why didn't you switch on the motor?
Sir, we don't have any water.
Go and have a word with
the pump set guy.
- Hey Pulli!
- Sir!
Our labour girls are moving
around in modern dresses.
Days are changed, sir.
These girls are overacting as
the time passes.
What shall we do with these?
Sir, only that thing needs to
be done.
Yes, I too am thinking when to do.
- Oh no!
- Sir, what happened?
- Hey, girl! You!
- What happened, brother?
A snake bit sir.
Please come fast and save him.
- Please take a look.
- You stop it.
Brother, we are the labour.
He may feel dirty if we touch him.
Don't say so, please.
When a life is at risk why do
you talk all that now?
No problem now, right Doctor?
No problem, you are out of danger.
These brought you in time and
saved your life.
It is the life your labour saved,
Reddy Sir.
It may get dirty, take care.
See you Reddy sir, take care.
It seems you have the wedding looks
once brother is back. Is it true, sister?
- Oh no!
- Sister!
What happened, sister?
- Sister!
- What happened, sister?
- Sister!
- Brother!
- Namaste Sir!
- Namaste Srinivas!
- How are you, sir?
- Please, come and sit.
How are you?
Check her vitals.
Ok sir!
Srinivas, one minute!
- Sir!
- Please sit.
Anything serious, sir?
It seems like, assonated congenital
heart disease is developing complications.
So, may be the primary pulmonary hyper
tension with congestive cardiac failure!
For her to make it alive, we got
to implant artificial heart, Srinivas.
- Sir, you mean ventricular assist device?
- Yes!
- Sir, let's do it.
- It is not so easy, Srinivas.
We have to import that from
America and implant it.
Durga is of a rare blood group.
Transplantation is not so easy.
I was found as an orphan at
a church to them, sir.
They brought me up without
showing any differentiation, sir.
I got scholarships, took educational
loans and studied till now, sir.
One crore rupees all of
a sudden now means...
It is tough, sir.
But still, my sister should live.
She must live.
Hey Hari!
Why are you here, dude?
Hey, I came for you.
What are you doing here?
What happened, man?
Nothing, man!
You seem to be worried.
Say, what happened?
Why are you into thinking?
We are all here for you.
Come on, tell.
- Nothing so, dude!
- Tell!
- You know my sister Durga, right?
- Yes, I know. What happened?
She has congenital heart disease.
That is, she suffers primary
pulmonary hypertensions.
Oh, is it?
I don't understand what to do.
Say, what shall we do now?
They told implanting artificial heart
is the only treatment for that.
Artificial heart?
I don't know what to do.
It seems, that will cost one crore.
Where do I get so much money
at once now?
- One crore?
- Yes!
Situation at home too is not
that great.
I don't know how to arrange
so much money all at once now.
I don't understand anything
at all.
I must make my sister live
by doing whatever.
- How, dude?
- I need one crore.
One crore?
What shall we do?
I will find a solution for this somehow.
I'll do the research myself on
that device.
Fine, we have so many friends and
will somehow arrange that together.
- You don't worry. Come!
- How will you arrange it?
Arranging such an amount is tough
even by all our friends together.
- That too is correct.
- I don't understand what to do.
Fine, you don't worry.
We will do something.
Are you here?
We searched everywhere for you.
Come dear, sit!
This is an artificial heart, that
means the ventricular assist device.
The components will be very
simple, see.
It will be a maximum of our
pain balm tin size.
But there will be a propeller in it working
with a technology called magnetic levitation.
Research and development, ok?
Investment suitable for that,
plus production and sales!
As all these took place in America,
that equipment is costing so high.
And in our India, we can make
that within five lakhs budget.
But it is costing one crore as it
is made in America.
The craze film stars and cricketers
have in our country doesn't exist
for a scientific research or
the scientists here in reality.
Thus, you know what your
brother is doing?
He is preparing a project named
That means we in India are
making that ventricular assist device,
that is the artificial heart.
If we can really make it, we can
do heart transplant to so many
like sister, at a low cost as you
said, right brother?
For the same, your brother is going
to Australia to do a special research.
Durga is really the Goddess
of our house.
This brother will do anything
to save our Durga.
- Namaste sir, you got courier
from Australia. - Ok!
Please sign, sir.
Hey Prameela!
What are you doing inside?
Mom, brother has called.
Mom, what are sisters doing?
They are sleeping, dear.
My heart is not at peace from
when you left, son.
I got the joining letter from
Australia, mom.
I need two lakhs now to go there.
- Two lakhs? - Yes mom,
I'm tensed about the money.
- I don't know what to do.
- Let's manage somehow, son.
We can't get such a good chance
again, mom.
Hey, stop it. You can't reach down
and why do you need this bike?
Thank God, we reached.
- How are you, dude?
- Stop looking around and come.
Dude, you must give a good party.
Tell only the facts.
I'll kill you, if you exaggerate.
Hey, stop it guys.
Give a shout for our guy.
- Why, man? - Our guy got
gold medal in the University.
- Give a shout for that.
- Oooo!
- Stop it, guys.
- Thank you!
Thank you everyone.
Our guy is going to Australia for
doing research on
heart transplantation and
Rheumatic heart diseases.
He got the chance of going
to Australia.
- Congratulations!
- Thanks!
- Congrats!
- Thank you!
- When is the party?
- Definitely!
We don't need your tea party.
We need the roaring party.
"On the Simhapuri hill,
at the Penna river shore"
"Tikkana has written the epic
of Kuru dynasty"
"It is a promise on Lord Sirideva"
"This is a treasure of paddy crops"
'Hey stop it. Not a neat song,
we need a mass song'
'Then our Sivangi (Lioness)
must come'
"Nellore is number one among
all the 101 districts"
"I'm listening to this everywhere
I go"
"Listen to what this babe
with attitude says"
"I'll narrate stories,
come and listen"
"I'll write you golden ship
at the Maipadu seas"
"You say more praises about
Nellore, hey girl"
"Trunk road to be mentioned
by Trump"
"You start it now to make
this happen"
"Nellore is number one among
all the 101 districts"
"I'm listening to this everywhere
I go"
"I dressed up well and came
to Naidupeta"
"I crossed Koduru with
the flower basket on head"
"I prayed to Lord Rama at
Buchireddy Palem"
"I stepped into the plantain
grove in Indukuripeta"
"Veg meals at Komala mess
is super"
"Fish curry at Mayuri mess is
a wow"
"Murali Krishna is full famous
for the sweet"
"The food tastes make your
mouth water here"
"Though so popular and famous"
"It could never turn to be
the capital city"
"Nellore is number one among
all the 101 districts"
"I'm listening to this everywhere
I go"
"There's the beauty of
Vanisree here"
"It is sweeter than SPB's voice"
"It has the beauty from
Athreya's lyrics"
"It has the kindness of
Amravathi Krishna Reddy"
"Body feels soft on the seat
of film talkies"
"It is dazzling like the film
in multiplex"
"It feels great like
Chiranjeevi's step"
"It has a great quality making
all go crazy"
"I came to see you and Nellore"
"Can anybody stop from liking it?"
"Nellore is number one among
all the 101 districts"
"I'm listening to this everywhere
I go"
"Listen to what this babe with
attitude says"
"I'll narrate stories,
come and listen"
Mom, take good care of Durga.
Swathi, Prameela!
Study well.
See you, mom!
- Safe journey, son!
- Bye, Durga!
Bye Prameela! Bye Swathi!
You know what I saw when I returned
happily from Australia after one year?
Namaste Sir, tell me.
I have three beautiful sisters like
you, dear. Can you show good sarees?
- Just the sarees?
- Yes, dear!
- Please go in.
- Ok!
Ramya, show sarees to Sir.
Yes, I'll take these.
Why is everybody crowded there?
How much is it?
Oh no!
Oh God!
Oh no!
Oh no, what happened?
Someone cover them. Swathi,
oh no!
Oh no, Swathi!
What happened, dear?
Oh no! Swathi!
Sir, it is getting late.
Go on now.
Swathi, Prameela!
I got sarees for you.
Mom, where are the sarees?
You said not to leave me, right?
Why did you leave this
brother alone?
How can I live without you?
Even mom is not saying anything.
Nobody is telling anything.
What happened, dear?
Where exactly did it go wrong?
Two mistakes took place, brother.
One is for us to be born as girls.
One more is to be born in
a poor family.
After you left...
Namaste Sir!
Please come and sit.
- Yes, start it.
- Ok sir!
Look, you will be given a loan
of about one to five lakhs each.
You don't need to mortgage
anything for this.
It is just enough that you sign
on these.
How will you pay money without
mortgaging anything, sir?
Look madam, this is called
as micro finance.
We started this project of ours
to help poor people like you.
Take the money we give, buy
jewellery, gold, colour TVS,
refrigerators from us and
enjoy life to the fullest.
- You had discussion at home before
coming, right? - Yes, sir!
Penchalamma, put your
thumb impression here.
Who is next?
Go carefully, madam!
Prameela, bring me some
water dear.
Here mom, have it.
- Shall I bring some more mom?
- No, enough!
Here is the money your brother
asked for.
Where did you get so much
money from, mom?
This is not money, dear.
It is the goal of my elder son.
Finance people came here
that day, brother.
They threatened to pay the loan
along with interest.
They didn't accept even when asked
and pleaded for some time.
They spoke bad not even
considering about the women.
Our people got angry with that
and revolted.
They took everyone somewhere
that night.
- Mom!
- Where, sir?
- What is this?
- Mom!
What is this?
Why are you taking my mom?
- Sir, what is this?
- Mom!
- Get in, move!
- Mom!
Come on, move!
Are you so high in fat and
ego, rascals?
You attack and hit when asked
to repay the loan?
How egoistic are you, rascals?
We took it, sir. But, how can we
repay if asked to pay immediately?
Don't you know to repay when
you took money?
- Inspector Sir!
- Yes sir!
It is clearly written here that Company
has the right to collect this loan
along with interest at any time.
You put thumb impression here after
seeing this and took money, right?
Why do you get stressed, sir?
Hey, you go and bring all
their daughters.
No sir, please no!
No sir, please no!
Sir, why did you bring us here?
Everything will not happen legally.
Some happen only like this.
Where is our mom, sir?
You want to see your mom?
Come, come!
- See! See your mom properly.
- Mom, what happened?
Did you see your mom?
Did you see?
Did you see how she is?
I'll beat all your moms the same way.
You think I'll be quiet if you take loans
for luxuries and abscond from repaying?
There will be no courts and cases.
I'll tie them up and beat,
until it is paid back in full.
Shall I beat?
I'll leave them without a single
scratch on their bodies.
I'll write off all the loans taken.
But, you all must do
something together.
Will you do what you are said to
do or shall I beat your mothers?
- We will do, sir.
- Hey, get them into the vehicle.
After that they were put in a room,
beaten, tortured and raped by force.
Hi girls!
Micro finance company, us lending
money to your mothers is all a plan.
Do as they say and satisfy them.
If you say no and deny, I will shoot
all your mothers with this gun.
Go now.
Go and do what Sir said silently.
Hey, take them.
"How did the human change?"
Hey, she seems to be a patient.
Leave her out.
"He has no pity on the other humans"
"He has no affection and
bonding at all"
Prameela, Swathi!
Hey, open the door.
Swathi! Open the door.
Prameela dear!
Oh no!
They are just kids.
Oh God!
Durga, are you alright?
Hey, what have you done to
my kids?
Oh no, gun!
You want to kill him?
Cool, cool!
Shall I show you a film?
Your daughters are the heroines.
- Swathi! Prameela!
- See!
These are your daughters.
You got to listen to me forever if
these videos shouldn't come out.
If that shouldn't happen, I'll send
the vehicle only once a week.
Get your daughters into it and
send them.
Did you understand?
What do you think of Mahishasura?
"Time turned into a thorn fence
and life is shivering"
"Have you seen so much pain
in such a tender age?"
"Is there an invisible wound
in your heart?"
"They say God exist where
woman is worshipped"
"Why don't any God show up
if that is true?"
"It couldn't be watched,
blood was shedding"
"These are the flowery gardens
blossomed by God for himself"
"They are the girls born as
daughters in a family on earth"
"How has the human turned out?"
"He turned into a monster
without a heart"
They beat them, tortured and
then killed by hanging them.
No idea what more will they
do now.
Hey, Durga!
Is anyone around here?
Do just your sisters need heavenly
pleasures? Don't you need them?
Wow, you look so great dazzling
like a ripe mango.
Still, they said you have
some disease.
No problem, won't you have
the desires?
My entire body itches just
by touching the saree.
Oh no!
- Durga, come on!
- No, please!
Brother! He did everything.
This idiot did it all.
Idiot, say who did it?
Say who is behind this?
Your sisters tried to complain
to SI on Keshava Reddy, sir.
Thus, Keshava Reddy and his
brothers killed your sisters, sir.
- Durga!
- Hey!
This is the saree I bought for
your marriage.
I'll finish them with this same.
Hey Srinu, how are you feeling now?
There is no problem, don't worry.
I'm okay.
Why did you bring me to
the hospital, Durga?
You should have left in
the forest right there.
No problem even if
we don't do good.
But, we shouldn't kill the good.
I thought everyone in my family
were like Gods.
Girls of my family shouldn't be cursed
from the evil done by my family members.
Thus, I did what I could.
Hello! What are you saying?
Ok! One minute, I'm giving it.
Sir, journalist Nanda Kumar is
on line.
Sir, I'm journalist Nanda Kumar
There is a press meet happening
here in town hall against you, sir.
One minute!
Sir, why are you in tension?
Hey, we can be anything unless
we are exposed to the public.
Once exposed, we are equal to
the dust from their feet.
He has the file about our
dark empire.
Let's put the fear in display.
You arranged the press meet in
such an emergency. Why, madam?
So many incidents are taking place
from a few years making
everyone feel ashamed.
All these are the girls who
became a prey to that.
A big scam is taking place here.
We must tell you about that.
Thus, I called for this press meet.
Do you still have a work even
after I came here?
Mahishasura, himself is a magic.
Anyone should go down for
that magic.
This Suji, bringing you all for
this press meet...
She knows very well about me.
You too will come to know now.
Come on, bring them all.
Carry them, guys.
Why are you screaming?
Hey Srinivas, we may have to
at times touch some things which
we shouldn't in our life.
You have touched me.
You know what is the result
of this?
It is death.
Your death!
I am your death.
Your sister and the other girls
are all with me.
It is not like killing the men at
home dressed like a woman.
I'll show you what manhood is and how
men look like, if you come to the place I say.
Time I give for this to you is
30 minutes.
Come over, Mahishasura is
waiting for you.
Come idiot!
Die rascal, die!
You boasted saying to be my
death, right rascal? See now.
See the goddesses of power
coming to kill you.
These will kill you.
I'm giving you half an hour time. I'll
wait outside. It is your wish now.
You tortured and killed my sisters.
A guy like you has no right to live.
Try to run away, rascal.
- Hey!
- Stop!
One minute, please don't kill.
Wow, what a concept Madhava?
If you have a mobile with camera
and an internet connection for that,
entire world can watch this video.
Now, the entire world will see
your death in live.
Chop him to pieces now.
No idea how far will cinema stars
and cricket stars help in
the development of a nation.
But a wizard and the scientist
will definitely be useful.
Let's take care of wizards from here
not to run away to other nations.
Let's give appropriate respect
to them.
Made in India!
Make in India!
Let's make this true.
Let's manufacture lifesaving drugs
and equipment ourselves.
Jai Hind!