Mahjong Nights (2021) Movie Script

The person in the viral video
is so pitiful.
Its wrong to steal,
but what can the motherdo
to feed her children when her husband
is sick in a tent somewhere?
Imagine, to go to jail just
because of one pack of milk.
Where will a person go,
if they dont have relatives
who can help them here in Manila?
Its everybody for themselves
in this kind of situation.
Because you cant just ask
someone for help.
Its dangerous, forbidden even,
to get involved with someone you know,
and you cant even go out.
You remember the news,
the wife was sent to the hospital
for having severe COVID symptoms,
The husband was on home quarantine
and couldnt visit his wife.
Then when the wife returned home,
the husband was dead.
Because theres no one
to check on him.
He just ran out of oxygen, they said.
Their only child also died
of COVID two months ago.
Family members are in the province.
This pandemicthere are
the obvious effects
like deaths,
overcrowded hospitals,
overworked frontliners, unemployment.
Yes, we cope,
but there are a lot of other problems
that go unnoticed and unresolved.
A lot of it we just forget until it comes
again or it's back in the headlines.
Of course, one issue gives birth to many
other problems, and so forth.
This crisis really exposed
and magnified
our weaknesses, inefficiencies
and the inequalities.
The very basic issues of health,
money, work,
food, safety, freedom and justice
are all connected.
People go hungry and jeepney drivers
beg on the streets.
While in other areas,
farm produce is spoiled.
Not everyone was able to receive
monetary assistance,
some even die while waiting in line.
When it comes to punishment,
the quarantine violators who are
well-connected even get appointed.
But its a different matter
if the poor is caught.
Now, we see the headlines but what
about the problems
that afflict the country in a big way.
The ones we dont prioritize or often
go unreported, especially those
that are exacerbated by the pandemic?
Alexa, come down and help us out.
The increased domestic
or sexual abuse cases,
what they call
the 'shadow pandemic'
- Actually, even during times of crisis...
- Alexa!
Alexa, come on, your godparents
are arriving!
- Thats right.
- Come down.
There are predators everywhere.
Though were said to be
a religious country...
Ive called you a dozen times,
you know your godparents are coming.
Alright, alright, Im here.
Hurry up.
Its all prepared,
Ill just put them in the pot.
Dont dawdle, go.
Hey, Wylo!
Esther! Were near already!
Really? Okay.
Ill call when Im in the area,
ETA 5 pm.
Heavy traffic at the checkpoint,
you know. Okay?
Alright, take care. See you!
Big boy, have you brought
the table from the stockroom?
Not yet.
What? Come,
Ill help you get it.
I don't know why...
your mom really had
to leave us at this time.
Just when we have
visitors coming around.
Im sorry.
Quick, my friends are arriving already.
- What took you so long?
- Im sorry.
- Ill shove your phone down your throat.
- Sorry, sir.
Big boy!
Finish that, and get the
groceries from the car.
Hurry up...
I have somewhere to go.
Have somebody help you.
Tell your mom
Ill be home by evening.
Maam, careful.
Here it is, Big boy!
Wipe the dust off, alright.
The drawers are here,
take them too.
-Is it too heavy, Big boy?
-I can carry it.
Dont rush.
Look, here are my friends.
It's Ason and...
go ahead, Big boy.
Wait, my bag.
Esther Montes!
Esther, how are you?
I think Im tearing up!
Me too!
I thought crows would turn white
before we see each other again.
How are you?
Show me your RT-PCR results first.
You know what...
My opening lines to you were so heartfelt
and yours is to demand PCR result?
Thats why I miss you.
Negative? Let me see.
Yours, Wylo.
And heres mine.
you can kiss me now.
Its been so long!
Hows everything?
Youre still fresh-looking,
you havent changed one bit.
That's true.
The face that refreshes.
How you talk!
Amparo called,
said shes on the way here.
She's on her way.
You know her, she always comes
at the end, like a climax.
Acts like a royalty.
So what does that make us,
It seems so.
So heres our historical
mahjong table!
Finally! This will be fun.
Thank you, Big boy.
We havent played for so long!
Im so excited for your strong explosions.
Save your energy,
your battery might run out.
Wont happen, Im fully charged
and ready for 36 hours nonstop.
Your song is ancient.
How young you are!
How about this?
Body language, Body language
Shes imitating Myrna Castillo.
No, not Myrna Castillo.
Body language- thats Pia Moran!
Pia Moran!
Body language, body language.
You're so wild!
Were gross.
How about some coffee first?
Yes, before the earth swallows us up.
Lets have coffee.
Alexa, dear!
Hi, godmother!
Hi Alexa!
Prettier than ever.
Of course.
Theyre negative, dont worry.
Youre so busy with mahjong, you dont
notice your goddaughter under your noses.
Youre addicts!
Her auras different.
No longer like Virgin Mary.
Choose your words wisely.
Stop it, Wylo.
Shes blossomed into a woman,
I mean.
Isnt she?
Lets have coffee now.
She can become an actress.
Yes, let her become an actress.
I dont want her
to be an actress.
Why not?
Shes fine as she is.
Thank you, dear.
- Oh, the...
- Wait.
Anyway, wheres Leo?
As usual, he is
managing the business.
We can turn him into
an actor if you like.
-I think theres someone else.
-A new one?
I don't know if she'll bring him.
Thats not surprising.
Ill be surprised if theres no one.
Youre too much.
Lets not talk about Amparo.
Arent you righteous?
What is it?
Is that Amparos car?
I dont know but---
Thats her, no one else is
expected today.
And were gossiping about her.
Speaking of...
What if shes planted
microphones around here?
I dont think shell bother.
Thats her.
Shes the only visitor were expecting.
Is that... oh yeah!
Are you sure its her?
Thats Amparo. Come,
lets welcome her.
She hasnt stepped
off the van yet.
Rumor's confirmed.
Shes really taking her time.
Its really her.
Wylo Lee!
She's already brandishing
her PCR result.
You fabulous demented man!
Whats the latest gossip?
Which young star got knocked up?
Tell me.
Asuncion Concepcion Salvacion!
Complete name?!
The queen of small loans.
How are you?
The Indian lenders will get mad at you.
Are you all negative?
Yes, we are.
Of course!
How about you?
Let me see.
Im negative.
It says, not detected.
Okay, alright!
What will it be?
30 to 60?
No, 50 to 100.
Well play for three days straight.
I did not come here to play
for thirty pesos.
I need to recover
my gas expenses.
This place is too far.
Have a heart, Amparo,
I havent earned for three months
because of this damned pandemic.
I even brought my piggy-bank.
30 to 60 will do.
Whats important is that...
we are all together.
Thats right,
come on, let's begin!
Let's go.
So, how's the payment scheme?
Since you asked,
I decided to write down the rules.
Because I know how your brains work,
especially you Amparo.
You're singling me out again.
Youre always disagreeing.
Look at Oakley, he agrees with us.
Jai alai?
60, so itll be high.
Back to back?
Same, 60.
What about pao?
30 each.
And since you cant seem to
remember what Ive just said,
hard copies are available
for two pesos each.
But for you Esther, its free,
because you serve fine food here.
I love you, Wylo Lee.
Here we go!
Lets start, lets start.
Start building walls now.
Your nails are still long.
Still got the hands for it?
Of course.
Did you miss this?
Wow, youre quick as ever.
Of course.
Still the quickest stacker.
My god! I missed this.
Okay, game.
One, two, three, you start.
Thank you, thank you.
-Youre so slow.
You're rusty, Wylo.
Here you go, Ason.
My hands are tingling.
-Thank you.
-Give it to me.
You gave to her what
Ive given you.
Thats not true.
Give this to her.
Mines incomplete.
You bypassed me,
are you angry at me?
I still need six.
I'm ready.
One, two, three, four, five.
Seven, hey.
That's our joker.
Ive nothing.
-Why so slow?
-Okay, wait a sec.
Whats with you?
Whats come over you?
I cant believe
were all here.
That were actually
together again.
What now?
We look insane.
My God.
We are still alive.
Alright, lets begin.
Were overdramatic.
My glasses fogged up.
Enough of the drama.
Were like lunatics, we were laughing,
then suddenly were crying.
So today, we're going
to do seafood gumbo.
We're used to Filipino food.
And yes, we're very competitive.
Its missing something.
Our dishes have so many influences.
And when you say,
world cuisine...
You must understand the culture
behind the dish also.
Alexa, which do I use?
This one?
Just a bit? Alright.
Others prefer thick sauces...
Others don't like that,
some like it dry...
Alexa, what do I do with this?
Peel them.
What is it?
Can I have a glass of water?
This looks delicious.
Of course.
Youve been tested?
Of course.
Thank you.
Are you hungry?
May I eat now?
Yes. Arent you
Aunt Amparos driver?
Im starving.
We got stuck on the road for hours.
There was an accident.
You look like you havent
eaten the whole day.
You said it!
Im sorry.
Have this.
May I have another?
If you need anything else,
just tell me.
Spoon and fork.
Of course.
Thank you.
That guy looks famished.
Yes, hes shoveling
food on his plate.
Is this nearly cooked?
Let me taste.
Youre getting better at this!
Finish up...
Theyre probably hungry now.
Whats that, Wylo?
There! Siete pares.
- Youre lucky.
- Get this one.
- This is what Ive been waiting for.
- I'll eat later.
Payments 90-90.
Fortunes not with us, Oakley.
Thats what Ive been waiting for.
I dont care, Im waiting
for your payment.
Mom, food is ready.
Keep the change.
The foods ready, lets eat.
Lets continue after.
Wylo is on a winning streak.
I'm winning.
Give some food to
your Aunt Amparo's driver.
Whats your drivers name?
Dont make her call me her Aunt,
Im not much older than she is.
Sis Amparo will do.
Ma, Ive given him food.
Oh, you have?
Is that so. Thank you.
You want to pretend youre young,
well humor you.
Why, its true,
Im the youngest among you.
Thank you, dear.
why dont you join us?
Im alright,
I need to do something first.
Okay, then.
So his name is Gaspar.
Check on them,
they might need something.
My goddaughter
serves delicious food.
If you didnt know, shes taking up
Culinay Arts.
Thats why.
How does she study?
Everythings online these days.
Online class isnt effective.
Kids just play Mobile Legends.
Thats what they say.
They turn off the mic
and they play.
Professors think theyre studying,
but theyre not.
Many have been caught doing that.
What if theres an exam?
They can cheat.
That happens.
So youre wasting money
paying for that.
Not with Alexa.
You have a point.
Other kids learn nothing.
Well Alexas cooking is delicious,
though we have a critic here.
Who else,
but our candidate Ason.
She sits down and declares
it all divine.
It's true that the
food is delicious.
Shes like that ever since.
We havent tasted anything,
and you already conclude its delicious.
She says she can tell by her nose.
I want shrimps.
Give me some too.
since you all
understand this online thing,
guess whats trending now?
What is that?
Just For Fans.
Yes, Just For Fans.
Just For Fans, whats that?
Fans. Admirers.
Back in the day, fans used to give
sampaguita garlands to their idols,
or ask for autograph.
These days you pay 1,500 and
you can watch your idols have sex.
I like that.
Oh you!
I like that.
Amparo, really.
For how much again?
Just 1,500 a month.
No problem, I can pay right away.
Make it 2,000, and Ill have you
registered myself.
Sure, Ill send the money to you.
Yes, theyll have sex,
and you can watch.
Can I join that?
Hey, Ason!
Youll join Just For Fans?
My god, Im eating.
Now Im imagining youre naked.
Wholl pay 1,500 for you?
Youre the one who
should pay viewers.
Its punishment to see you naked,
and we must pay?
Well, I thought I heard you say collab.
I said no such thing.
You did, earlier.
Maybe you know about this already!
No! No, seriously.
Come to think of it, that would
be a brilliant idea.
Any collaboration with you will collapse.
Just eat!
- We'll have a short exam next week.
- Okay, ma'am.
- That's all for today.
- See you tomorrow!
Big boy, I will be outside, okay?
Nice hiding place.
This is delicious.
You cook well.
I grew interested in cooking
because of Big boys mother.
Big boy, the one in the kitchen earlier?
What do you mean?
Youre so judgemental.
I bet Big boys smarter than you.
This place is nice.
You can roam about even
during the pandemic.
Its alright.
How long have you
owned this resort?
This is not a resort.
Its just a house.
Youre lucky, youre rich.
This is not ours.
More rice?
No, Im full. Thanks.
Whats your name,
by the way?
You have an Instagram account?
I have.
Ill follow you.
Whats your username?
Ill just bring Oakley to the van
and have a smoke.
Goodbye Oakley.
Say goodbye, Oakley.
Goodbye Oakley.
You want coffee?
I really thought wed win today.
You didnt bring me luck.
Help me win later, okay?
When will you help me win?
Whats your cuteness for?
Where have you been?
I just ate.
Your friends daughter gave me food.
Take him to the car.
-Gcash works like this.
You can make an online transfer
instead of holding cash.
For example, I will borrow
50,000 from you.
If we both have Gcash, you can easily
transfer the fifty thousand to me.
Ah, okay.
So you're sending me
fifty thousand?
-Fifty thousand?
-Yes, Fifty thousand.
I dont have that.
I can give you...
Two thousand?
What am I, a reporter?
Put another zero
to make it 20,000.
Then transfer it to my Gcash account.
I have to download the app?
Ill be home by Sunday.
Okay, Sunday...
And we were even
waiting for you.
Dont wait for me.
Thatll jinx my game.
I didn't know
you left.
Alright. Whatever.
Okay, tell hi
to Esther and Leo for me.
Why are you in a hurry?
What are you doing?
- Well, fine, I'm busy.
- Okay, sure.
- Enjoy there.
- Bye.
As if I dont know youre just checking
how long you can be with your mistress.
Give me a massage.
That feels good.
How about this?
I'll do this for your account.
Wheres Amparo?
I thought shell just smoke
and put Oakley in the van.
Whats new?
Hell play for me.
Ill just make a call.
Come on. Lets start.
Ask him if he also has Gcash.
Oh, Wylo.
He is handsome.
Yes, take Amparos seat.
Are you good at feeling tiles?
Whats wrong with my question?
Your questions have innuendos.
Why do you stare?
Youve a question for me?
No, its just that I think
Ive watched you on Youtube.
Youre too polite.
Call me Wylo.
Which video did you see?
Ive been in many.
Eye to Eye?
No, but it was a very old one.
Its like a knifes
been shoved into me.
Thats not possible,
youve thick skin.
I remember Inday.
Don't worry, Im sure she
remembers you too,
and will pay you a visit.
I was with her for a long time.
Just two million?
Is this a joke?
Don't they know Im worth
more than that?
Throughout the campaign my name
will be associated with their company.
Do they think they're lucky?
Tell them they should
be ashamed of themselves.
Ill shove that two million
down their throats.
Don't get mad...
Alright, Ive better things to do.
Ive no idea where hes from.
That show was horrible anyway.
Wylos on a roll again.
Whose turn is it?
Bring Oakley here,
and my long sleeves too.
Hey, lets continue this
conversation, alright?
You flirt!
Whose turn is it?
I'm just friendly, girl.
We need to endure,
and make the right decisions.
Most of us, we're tired
and we're just coping.
Sometimes, we're hanging
by a thread.
We try to be brave.
Keeping a smile on our faces,
because we have to.
It's good to have friends.
Hey, sorry I left
my plate outside.
Ill help you do the dishes
tomorrow if you like?
Im bored here in the van anyway.
Your cooking is yummy, I swear.
Add me, okay. This is Gaspar.
This is my IG account.
Kabayos my username.
This is a song
by Shanne Dandan.
It's "Hanggang sa Langit".
Im excited to eat tomorrow,
Whats for breakfast?
Kabayo? Your username stinks!
Horse Gaspar.
Sure, you can come for coffee
in the morning.
Whys your username Kabayo?
Youre just a little pony.
Yes, thats what my basketball friends
call me, Kabayo. Little pony?
Thanks for accepting my request.
Ill have that coffee in the morning.
My boss is stingy, she doesnt
bring food when we travel.
And shes really Strict too.
Thanks for the delicious food again,
I hope itll be the same tomorrow.
Ill stay up til this
mahjong game ends.
Hope my boss wins,
she might give me something.
Swarmed by mosquitos here
I hope I dont get dengue.
Alright Miss Beautiful.
Sorry to disturb you.
Good evening, sir.
Youve turned this place
into a giant trash can.
Pick that up.
Im sorry.
Ill put down four balls.
Wait a sec. Chow!
Its mine again.
For you.
Throw again.
Have you eaten?
Do you want to eat?
Ive had dinner.
Leo, stay a bit, lets talk.
Where have you been?
You seem so busy, Leo.
Not that busy.
Nice reunion.
Anybody winning yet?
No, were just relaxing.
Just relaxing.
Just a diversion.
Youre lucky youve time
for diversions. I dont.
Are you sure you dont have one?
Im all about business.
Just a reminder...
make sure you use the ashtray
when you smoke.
Of course.
Come inside, lets talk.
Are you winning?
Not yet weve just started.
You should demand tong from them.
Youll feed them.
Leo is that necessary?
Im telling you.
And tell Amparo...
What is it?
Her drivers littered the parking lot
with cigarette butts.
Okay. I didnt know.
Ill tell her.
Dont stress yourself,
Ill attend to it. Alright?
Well that's your money.
What happened?
Hes complaining about
your smoking.
Thats bad for me.
We dont have the luck.
Your turn to throw.
Hurry, here.
Wait. Ambition!
Todas! Seven pairs.
Pay up, pay up! 90 each.
You are lucky, Esther.
Pay up. 90!
We lost again, Oakley.
You're here again.
Damn, its so early.
What do you want?
Come to the house,
Ill hand it to you.
who's that?
Damned creditors collecting this early.
You just woke up and
youre angry already.
Come here.
What do you think you're doing?
Getting friendly with that driver?
Stop flirting.
Why? What do you care?
You dare ask me why?
This is my house.
Respect me. In my house!
This is my house.
Your daughter really cooks well.
Salves influence. Didnt Salve work
with my mom for years?
Shes perfected the Kapampangan dishes.
Hows your mothers restaurant?
Well. A lot of business closed
because of this pandemic.
Hard times.
You said it.
What are you doing? Praying?
What do you think Im doing,
the laundry? These hags.
-Dive in!
-It's cold.
I might have a seizure.
Why dont we play mahjong over there,
underneath the trees?
You prefer that?
If thats what you want,
fine with me.
Weve been confined for so long.
Airs fresh over there.
Its alright with you?
Amparo agrees. How about you?
Fine with me.
Okay, go. Well play there later.
-Lets eat first.
Your boss is persistent.
Tell your master,
he can chew on that.
You know, sometimes Im scared.
Ive a feeling hes incurred
a huge debt.
How much?
I dont know.
How come you dont know?
Hes managing
your money too, right?
You should be informed of everything,
you must insist.
Which of your businesses failed?
Most of it.
Though the flower shops
doing well.
The auto repair shop, its doing better.
But the rest didnt prosper.
Gambling doesnt mix
with business.
Im scared, I think there are
people going after Leo.
This ones very tasty.
It does.
Get more.
Gaspar, come here.
Massage my back.
My god, Im shocked.
Stunned by that beautiful body.
Let me see it again!
You tease!
Hey, Esther!
Your daughter is so beautiful,
she should be an actress.
Take a look at her.
Youre wasting her in the kitchen!
Look at that body!
The waistline, as narrow
as a leche flan molder!
You keep locking her up
in the kitchen!
Wylo, really.
What a body, 21-inch waistline.
This is how you walk gracefully.
Hey, what's the update?
I haven't heard from you.
What a thick skull you have.
I told you Ill pay.
I thought you might've forgotten me.
Im sending somebody already.
You said, you'll pay today.
Where's your messenger then?
Damn it.
How many times do
I have to say it?
You're mad?
You're the one
who owes me.
Damn it.
I will pay you!
Out of my way!
Big boy!
Are you okay?
What were you doing earlier?
My command was very simple.
But what did you do?
I just want to be happy.
You want to be happy?
Since you were a child,
Ive given you everything you desired.
Even now.
But you cannot obey
one regulation?
This is my house.
You want to be happy?
You want to have fun?
I can give you that.
Where are you going?
Go back.
After all this time you still hesitate
to tell us your troubles?
Especially the ones concerning Leo.
Arent we a family already?
Be wise, Esther.
Me, Im married
But Im not subservient
whether its about money or
I just do what I want.
Hey, todas!
Bunot 60.
How did that happen?
I think shes cheating us somehow,
while shes doling out advice.
I must recoup my losses, at least.
I've been waiting for this
-I won already.
-Here's my payment.
There, beautiful.
You know what...
maybe Leo...
he borrowed money for gambling...
well, he made a mistake.
But hes working.
Yeah right.
Do you still see your share of profits
from the business?
I bet he begrudges what little cash
you spend on this game.
No, hes not like that.
And we have everything we need.
You know, when someone gambles,
even if he has a job,
nothings safe.
Maybe he makes you sign documents,
next thing you know the
houses already mortgaged.
Families have been
ruined by gambling.
Some kill each other.
Esther, loan sharks are dangerous.
I know someone,
his thumbprint was taken while he slept.
He didnt know his
house was already sold.
Can that happen?
its difficult when someone
else is controlling your life.
When you arent free.
Are you sure, Esther,
that Leo doesn't raise
his hands against you?
No. He doesnt.
-Wait, you guys want to take a break?
Let's rest a bit.
Lets have coffee.
Alright. Coffee.
Lets go inside for a while.
Lets go.
Im hungry, actually.
I wonder what Alexa's serving.
can you tell me,
how much you owe,
and what have you
sold and mortgaged?
Leo, please answer me.
Dont pester me.
Ive mortgaged nothing.
Ive sold nothing.
Who are those men
you keep talking to?
Thats none of your business.
Is that possible, Leo?
How can I not worry,
youre always furious when they call.
Why, I permit you to play mahjong.
Its not your concern who I talk to.
Im the one whos
working in this family.
I earn.
Dont pry into my affairs.
Yes, I know.
But dont I deserve
a bit of explanation-
Remember, dont interfere!
Damn it.
I probably lose because of you.
What happened to your other driver?
Flirted with my daughters
piano teacher.
Yes, the girl too.
Gosh, how violent your scenes are.
I cant count how
many youve sacked.
Well, now you have Gaspar,
driver and sweet lover.
Accepts coins in the morning.
Heres the food.
Thank you.
Hey, Alexa lollipop.
Sit here, lets talk as we eat.
Ive received a lot of phone-in
questions from your fans.
They want to know
if Bataan has fallen?
Respect the food before you.
Whats wrong with my inquiry?
Its in history, the fall of Bataan.
Dont interrupt us.
Youve a boyfriend already?
I had one.
You have?
But only online.
How can Bataan fall
if the siege is online?
How long did this
affair last?
Two months.
Two months? Like a short film.
Millennials are like that,
its all games now.
At least theyre not addicts.
We all have addictions, Ason.
I don't.
Youre addicted to something,
you just cant admit it.
Im sure I dont have one.
Youre just suppressed.
No. I think you meant, repressed.
Im so impressed.
Im your friend on-air and this is Miss Hot
Compress, warm and tightly pressed.
To those who want to be squeezed,
call this program, Squeeze Me Baby.
Lets promote...
She vanished. Whats that about?
She walked out on us.
Play for me.
Should I go there now?
Hello, Jessie?
Later, were on our break.
Wheres Oakley?
Hereabouts, I let him roam for a bit.
Okay. Ill be home tomorrow.
Okay ma'am,
I'll just fix stuff here.
Yeah, sure.
Ill call when Im on the road.
Okay, ma'am.
Take care.
-You know what, Wylo.
I wondering how Ill be able
to get my money back from debtors.
I keep calling them,
but they're not answering.
And we cant force them
at this time, right?
Why are you suddenly telling me this?
Youre hinting that I should
pay my debts, arent you.
Oh, no.
Look, Gaspars coming towards us.
Gaspar, hey.
Maam Amparo told me
to play in her stead.
Is that so.
Move, hes going to play with us.
Our original seats.
Why? Alright.
Change would be nice though.
Whats Amparo doing?
She said shell be resting for a while.
Its good that you can play.
Of course he can.
Didnt I ask him earlier
if hes good at touching?
Mama told me to take her place.
Okay then.
The more the merrier.
Better than being alone with Ason,
shes spouting nonsense.
- Stop staring too much...
- At who?
The way you look at Alexa,
its like youre remembering your youth.
I am.
Yes, I was very beautiful then.
What a liar you are.
How you lie,
and to these kids faces too!
Youre mean.
Well, she was beautiful back in the day.
But only on during daylight.
I was always beautiful then.
She was beautiful.
But only one day in a week.
It comes and goes.
Sometimes shes pretty on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Youre too much.
Then she becomes ugly again on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Can we start?
Give me the dice.
I will choose.
Two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Thats yours.
I think Ill get lucky this time.
Well see.
Damn it.
- Hello?
- Bro?
Can you load me a hundred?
You're asking
a loan for that?
Of course Ill pay you.
You must've forgotten
that you still owe me!
What, you dont trust me?
It's better to be safe
than sorry.
We're talking about money here.
They lost. Alright.
After my payment.
Youre greedy. Alright, alright.
One character.
Jai alai, 60! Todas 30-90!
Youre lucky!
Im sleepy.
I must say good night now.
This is Wylo Lee
signing off for tonight.
130 AM in your frequencies.
I love you, tomorrow.
-See you.
Good night, from this
seductive witch.
Im exhausted!
My neck hurts.
Come on, lets sleep.
The way you invite me,
its like were sleeping together.
Did you win?
Ill just count this.
I think I just recovered what I lost.
Uncle Wylo keeps winning.
Yeah, hes been killing us.
I didnt know
youre good at mahjong.
No, just lucky.
That didnt look like luck,
you play like an expert.
Lets clear this.
Its past midnight already.
My god, Ason snores
like a speedboat.
Shes really asleep.
Oh my god.
Hey, Amparo's coming.
Oh no...
So you've finished playing.
Wheres Gaspar?
I dont know.
What happened here?
The box fell.
Oh no, they're going
to get caught.
Where have you been?
I just
washed my face.
Heres the money.
We just won back what we lost.
Dont do anything stupid,
you son of a bitch.
Why, what have I done?
What are you waiting for?
Whats that creaking sound?
Damn it, hes persistent.
Hes not content,
he wants another round.
I couldnt wake up last night,
I took a pill.
You didnt return either?
My campaign manager
gave me migraine.
Oh the great events that
transpired on this table!
Hey, your driver was nice.
What great events did we miss?
We had fun practicing
our tactile skills.
Didnt we, Ason?
And Alexas very good at the game.
Did she win?
Oh, shes lucky at gambling.
When she went with me to the casino,
we hit the jackpot.
Hey! Pong, todas!
Let me see.
The old woman finally won.
Wait. Ill go to the CR.
I'll leave you three for a bit.
There! My back hurts too.
Hey, Amparo.
Are you sure about running?
Yes, for councilor again.
Ah, a reelectionist.
I hope you go mad.
No, I hope you win.
The things you say!
Youre easily offended.
How was your sleep?
It was great.
How about you?
I almost got caught.
What are you doing here?
I dont allow drivers in this kitchen.
Get out.
Youre good, arent you?
You'll let anyone rub that itch.
Have a bit of self-respect.
Do you have that?
Its you who taught me
to be this way, right?
Stop what youre doing.
Or Amparos drivers going to get it.
You and your mother too.
Do what you like.
Ill do what I like.
This is my body.
You didnt contribute one
single hair to this.
Youre lucky you
even tasted this.
Whats that about?
What do you mean?
Did Alexa do anything wrong?
Im just correcting your daughter.
She shouldnt let drivers
into my house.
Maybe you just have a dirty mind?
What did you just say?
Ive got a dirty mind?
Youre saying Im in
the wrong here?
Im just protecting you.
Your daughter.
Our daughter.
Have I ever mistreated you?
Either of you?
Have I acted badly
towards your friends?
Im sorry about earlier.
Thats alright. I understand.
Is that really your father?
Hes not.
But he provides for me and my mother.
Wheres your real father?
In Australia.
He rarely visits.
Why dont you go to him?
I want to.
I dont like it here.
Will you help me escape?
Escape? What for?
Maams coming here.
Hide yourself, there.
Damn it!
My friends annoy me.
Theyre ganging up on me.
Dont mind them, Maam.
Screw you, Ill get even with you.
You need a massage, Maam?
If I were you, Maam, I wouldnt think
too much of what they say.
They dont mean it.
Just relax, Maam.
Come here.
Good afternoon, sir Leo.
Whats your problem?
We've come to get the money.
Someone sent you?
Boss Ben sent us.
You can't wait till I pay your Boss?
Screw you, you cant threaten me here.
This is my territory!
Get out of here!
And you idiot, dont open
the door for these scum!
Im sorry, sir.
- We're just following orders.
- Close the door.
Moron. Get out of here!
Ill close it now, boss.
What else can you do?
Im closing it, sir.
Whats that?
Its nothing. Dont mind them.
Youre angry again.
Want to relax?
Take my place for a while.
You know how to play, right?
Wylos there.
Ill just help Alexa prepare dinner.
Just relax, okay?
Hey, Leo.
Youll play with us?
Thats nice.
Can we change places?
Whatever suits you.
Were glad youre here, really.
Ill sit here.
Okay, Ill switch seats.
I thought youd completely
snub us.
Your money.
Wait, the money.
Is this Amparo's?
I dont like this one,
no winnings here, I dont need that.
Let's begin.
Leo, its good you decided
to play with us.
We havent seen each
other for a long time.
Youre busy talking to people.
Always on the phone.
Just managing the business.
Stay here, talk to us.
Lets not serve according
to seniority.
Serve her.
Thank you.
Whats that.
Serve him.
Old woman!
Your energys gone down.
Im sniffling.
Flores, flores.
-The game suddenly feels serious.
-You need four tiles?
Of course, Leos here.
One for you.
Youve completed yours?
Roll the dice.
Im thinking.
You dont like that?
Nothing. Zero balance.
Damn this.
That bird keeps coming back.
Hide it!
-Birds are attracted to you.
-That's right.
Maybe because
I look like a flower.
Hes good.
I was waiting for that one.
Youve a lucky start.
Will you accept cigarettes as change?
Dear, thank you for
cooking for your godparents.
Theyre so impressed
with the food we serve here.
They say its delicious.
I really made it
special for all of you.
Is this beef or pork?
Beef. Stew, just what you like.
This is your specialty, right?
Am I chopping it right?
Thats alright, Ma.
Do you need tomatoes for it?
Sure Ma. Just cut it in half.
I am just messing with Ason.
You havent lost your sense of taste?
Your hearing?
Hearings the first to go.
Here. Eat this.
She dropped it.
How lucky, hes won already.
Im stunned.
I thought I'd win this round,
because I have a lot of jokers.
Actually, the topic
Violence against Women,
it is still a sensitive topic.
But it must be addressed.
Because it's happening
all over the world,
and in our country
because of this pandemic.
The cases of Violence against women
is still high in our country.
One in every three women
experience abuse.
Your turn, Wylo.
I heard youre running...
for reelection as councilor.
I am.
Im sure youll win.
Thats bound to happen.
Youre rich.
Very rich, Leo.
I cant count my money.
And I never get into debts.
Not one peso.
You want me to lend you some? I will.
How much do you need?
Ten million?
How will you pay me?
And Leo, you know I didnt acquire
my wealth through illegal means.
Youre so clean, Amparo Cua.
I am, Leo.
Is that why you bring trash
into my house?
You want me to point
them out one by one?
Ill just have a cigarette break.
Me, too.
That was intense.
Theyve clashed before.
Its terrifying when they quarrel.
How much have you won?
Not much, I lost a lot.
I havent counted,
but Ive lost several times.
Here she is.
Lets play now.
Okay, let's go.
What now?
Lets continue.
Whose turn is it?
My turn, I think.
I'll pick.
Going back to our topic.
That was good.
What part of my life do you
want to talk about?
You really want me to be the subject
of the conversation, dont you?
Its interesting.
For council.
Amparo Cua, Reelect!
Amparo Cua, reelect!
Poor voters. They dont know
theyre voting for trash.
Enough of that.
Let's play.
At least, Im not molesting anybody.
What did you say?
You think I dont know
that youve been molesting
Esthers daughter for a long time?
Screw you! Dont make up
stories about me!
Dont you dare swear at me!
Screw you!
Screw you too! Motherfucker!
Screw you!
Screw you, Amparo!
Screw you!
Screw you!
Screw you, Amparo!
Screw you too!
You shit!
You piece of shit.
Sir, don't.
Damn you! Bastard!
Sir, dont, sir! Sir, no!
Piece of shit!
Meddling son of a bitch!
Screw you, you arent contented.
-You are not content with your mistress!
-Sir, no!
Screw you!
Screw you all!
Dont be scared
You ungrateful bitch!