Maid in Sweden (1971) Movie Script

(upbeat music)
- There's a letter for you.
- A letter?
- From Greta.
- At last, I hope she will let me stay with her.
- Well, read it and see.
- She's fine.
She says her job is great.
The apartment is beautiful.
And I can come.
All I have to do is to call and let to know when.
Oh, I'm so happy.
- I told you your sister wouldn't let you down,
but you shouldn't blame her not writing right away,
she's working very hard.
- Hello Greta.
Did I wake you up or something?
- No, no, I was, I was just reading.
Of course.
Well, how long will she be here?
- After Tuesday.
- Does she have to bring her winter clothes?
- No, no, it's very warm.
No, no, but it, it might be,
it might get cold in the evenings though. (chuckles)
- (laughs) Bye Shush.
- What was all that about?
- It's my sister.
She's coming for the weekend.
- Your sister?
- Yeah. - And you didn't even try
to get out of it?
- Well, I couldn't,
I might have been able to put it out for a week, that's all.
- Well, I don't see why you said yes in the first place.
- I told you the only way not to have her here
would be to say that things aren't going well enough.
And if I said that,
both my parents would be here in a minute.
And if they saw this, I'd be back home right away.
- Well, so what the hell am I supposed to do?
You might have at least tried to get out of it.
- Oh, come on.
Don't be like that, I mean, it's only for a weekend.
It won't be that bad.
(upbeat music)
You look to the big city on a dream
When you get there who will know your name
This is the highlight of your life
And your imagination's running wild
You waited all these years to get away
Yesterday girl is your clay
You led such a quiet life up to
Time has come for you to take your vow
You're much too young
And if ever a stranger takes your pride
If he tries to make it please don't cry
To you my friend I hope you find what you're looking for
Yes good luck to my friend
To find out exactly what's at store
- Coffee.
- Where's Inge, I haven't seen her.
- I don't know.
Probably outside.
- No, I'm not happy about her.
- She all right?
- No.
She isn't, she needs a change.
I hate to see her like this.
You know, she isn't close to any of her friends.
- Oh, I don't think so.
She's a normal girl.
You would just like to worry.
(upbeat music)
- How was school?
- Okay-
- Did you miss a lot?
- There are no chips left.
- No, I didn't buy any.
Did you miss a lot?
- We used to catch up.
- Your new dress is on your bed.
I lengthened it as much as I could,
but it still looks short.
I hope you'll be able to wear it.
Why don't you run upstairs
and do your homework before dinner?
I want you to go to bed early tonight.
- But I told you I go to the movies with him.
- Yeah, then you better call him
and tell him you can't go.
- I don't see why not.
It's only a movie.
- You had a long and tiring trip yesterday.
And I want you to go to bed early tonight.
- Mother, it's so silly.
You look to the big city on a dream
And when you get there who will know your name
This is the highlight of your life
And your imagination's running wild
You waited all these years to get away
Yesterday girl it's your clay
So good luck to you my friend
I hope you find what you're looking for
Yes good luck to you my friend
To find out exactly what's in store
(train humping)
(train horn beeping)
- Welcome.
How was the trip? - Okay.
- Well you changed so much.
You aren't that little girl anymore.
Are you?
- I was a little worried when you weren't here.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
We couldn't help it, Inge this is Caste.
- Nice to meet you. - Let's go, that's yours?
Okay, come on.
(upbeat music)
- So we don't even have to take a taxi.
Because I live just around the corner.
- [Caste] What are you taking in school?
- I'm taking the required program.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
- Smoke?
- No, thank you.
- You don't smoke?
Do you drink?
- No.
- What do you do?
- I'm in school.
- Oh yes, I know you just told me,
but I mean, after school.
- I do my homework.
- Oh, nice.
But I mean at night for excitement.
- Sometimes me and my friends are going to the movies.
- Friend?
- My boyfriend, we are going steady.
- So you are going steady.
What does that mean?
Does it mean you are holding hands in public
or maybe you read poetry together?
- Sometimes.
- Caste, come here for a minute.
- Okay, I'm coming.
- How's Inge?
- Just great.
How old did you say she was?
We're you going steady holding hands, reading poetry.
- Oh, come on Caste she's very young.
- Oh, we were never that young.
- Tolerance.
- Oh shit.
How long did you say she was going to stay?
- Just after Tuesday.
- Can you take this?
- Why don't you two go out to see the big city?
Have an adventure.
- Yeah good idea, I'll take this.
- Okay, don't drop it.
- Won't.
Then after the coffee we can, you know,
go out and I like to show you the town.
- I'd like to.
- Yeah, a lot of things that I like to show to you.
Do you have cream with your coffee, well?
- Don't tell me you don't even drink coffee.
- I want it black.
- Say when, 1, 2, 3.
(ducks quacking) (gentle music)
Your presence is welcome
Stop to make friends with anybody
Who really could loose the fight
Whereas I view in the shops in the streets
If you try you'll find something
that's meant to catch your eye
The city's out to tempt you
Ride on the very boat easing its way
along the bright river side
Fix your eyes on the banquet set out before you
'Cause the city's a bride
You're a guest the bride requests your pleasure
Look your best
Today will last forever
- So how do you like it here?
- I haven't seen so much, but I think I'm going to like it.
- I like it here.
It's just that I hate to work and that,
you know, getting up Monday morning, going to the office,
smiling to everyone.
I guess.
- I still envy you.
At home, I'm like in a cage with father and mother
all the time asking me about everything, you know.
I like to be alone like you to do just what I want.
- Well, that's not so easy.
- Good evening.
- Well, good evening.
Well, I'm glad you missed us.
I'll go and fix the dinner.
- What's smell so good.
- [Caste] You like it?
Don't you want to try some?
- No, thank you.
- It's nothing dangerous.
You would like it, it's very relaxing.
Your sister likes it very much.
You should try it someday.
- I don't want to.
- What are you celebrating, ha ha ha.
Did you drop back your beer?
I have a, you know, I have a little surprise for you.
- Oh yeah? (laughing)
- Do I look funny?
Come over here, come over.
I show you something, come over here.
I have a surprise for you, come on, come on, come on.
I have a surprise for you, come on.
- A surprise.
- Come on, move.
That's the surprise.
-All right. (laughs)
- I know what I am.
- What is the surprise?
- I'm a cannibal.
I'm a cannibal and I'm gonna eat you.
Turn around, turn your back, ooh.
- Don't eat too much.
- I'm gonna eat you right now.
Because I'm a cannibal.
Touch your toe.
Ooh, ooh.
You're tasting good.
- Did you taste it?
- Hold it, pepper-
Oh, Ooh.
Not too much pepper because I like bit more salt this time.
I'm coming.
No, no I'm coming right now.
You know what you taste like?
Come on, come on let's go.
- Now?
Right now?
The same time?
- Come on now.
You have to take care of your sister.
I love that noise. (laughs)
- She's going to bed already.
- I love that noise.
- [Greta] Here are the sheets.
" Figaro] Thank you.
- And where is the pillow?
Yeah, that's the pillow.
All right.
- Where is Caste going to sleep?
- What?
- Where's Caste going to sleep?
- Here.
- Oh, listen.
Caste lives here.
That means he, I'll, I'll eat here.
Well, he sleeps here and all the time, you know,
all his clothes is here.
Inge, we are living together.
This is his apartment as well as mine.
Any other questions?
- No.
- I guess there is no,
no reason to think that you are.
No, that you are going to say anything
to mother and father about this.
I mean about Caste is there?
- No.
- Good.
So you change here, right?
Did I give you the towel?
- Yes. - All right.
So goodnight, sleep well.
(soft music)
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
- Greta, Greta.
(indistinct chattering)
(gentle music)
- Hi, you waiting for someone?
" ["198] Yeah.
- What's the matter, didn't he show up?
Some beer?
- It's the first time I'm having a beer.
- Have some more, it'll do you good.
- I'm so hot.
- That's good, like it?
- Yes.
- Why are you starring at me?
No. (groans)
- This is my apartment.
Let's put away your coat.
(door slams)
- Thank you.
- This way.
- Oh, you are a little drunk.
- I'm just a little dizzy.
- You drunk a lot.
Let me help you.
- Oh. - Shh.
- Oh.
- I will turn on the light.
The apartment isn't much,
but it is what Peter left me.
I am divorced, you see.
Come here.
Oh sit down.
Oh, you are quite wet, let me help you.
What did they do to you?
You look tired.
Now get it out.
(suspenseful music)
- Where am I?
I have to go home.
I want to go home.
My mother is probably worried.
She thinks I'm.
- I even don't know your name.
What is it?
- Inge.
- Inge, "193-
It's a nice name.
You are young.
- Stop, $109-
(breaths deeply)
(indistinct murmuring)
- What are we gonna do with her?
- Well, I want her to have a nice time here, so oops.
You know, we can go out together and show her around,
have some dinner and maybe go and see the movie.
- Sounds great.
Pretty much the chase.
- Oh, so we can get her a date?
- Who would want her?
- Well, I'm sure we know someone who wouldn't mind.
- Tom?
- Tom, are you kidding?
- Well, you know my friends aren't sweet, innocent fellas.
- I know.
What about Born?
- I don't know.
- I'll tell you what we do.
We can go out and ice skate and then you can go as well.
- Ice skating?
That's for kids, I haven't clone it in 10 years.
(upbeat music)
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
Swing down the road
- Why don't you meet us here in a couple of minutes?
- Okay, right here?
- Right here. - On this spot?
- On this spot.
- Okay-
- Why did it take you so long?
- Oh you know here on your own. (indiscernible chattering)
Can we go?
(gentle music)
- We're taking you out tonight
and Caste thought it would be a good idea to, you know,
get you a date.
We can all go out and have some nice dinner together
and maybe go to a movie or even go to a discotheque,
would you like that?
- I love to go to the disco, I've never been to one
At home I only go to the movies.
- Right, there are some very good places in town.
Are you still going out with Ole?
- Ole, who's Ole?
- Ole is toga's boyfriend.
- This Ole of yours sure is one of those big,
healthy, strong country boys.
- Oh, stop it.
Is he as shy as he was before?
- He's okay, but I'm getting a little bored with him.
- Really?
Well, I thought this were going to last forever.
- Till Mike.
- How was it with Bjorn?
- Oh, it's all set for tonight.
Bjorn will be a very good influence on you.
You know, he smokes, he drinks and he even.
- No, really Bjorn is very nice.
He might be a little old for you,
but I don't think that matters.
- I don't think so either.
It might even be nice for a change.
- It's very nice for a change.
- You know, Caste bought this for me.
And I want you to wear it.
Can you hold it up?
Too hard?
Is it all right like this? - Yes.
- Yeah.
Wow, it looks good on you.
Very nice.
This new dress is really something.
I wonder what mother would say if she saw you like this.
She probably wouldn't like it, you think she would?
- I don't care.
- Inge, tell me something honestly.
What do you think about Caste?
I mean, I know he's been so mean to you this afternoon,
but you know, he is,
he's just like that, he likes to tease people all the time.
- No, I like him.
- Really?
- Do you think you will get married to him?
- Oh, I don't know.
We never discussed that, but I hope some someday.
I hope we will.
Now, let me look at you.
Looks nice.
Looks good.
Is it alright?
You like the make up? - Yes.
- Hi Bjorn. - Hi.
- This is my sister Inge.
You know, Bjorn he's a painter.
Where's Caste?
- I don't know.
- Caste.
Well, aren't you ready yet?
- [Caste] No, I'm not.
Oh, he's worse than me he takes forever.
Well, how much longer?
- Well, look, if you three are in such a hurry,
why don't you leave without me?
- Oh, come on Caste, I wanted us to go out together.
- Well then you'll have to wait.
- I'm hungry-.
I'm afraid that if we are not at the restaurant by nine,
we can't order dinner.
- Maybe you ought to go on ahead.
I mean, there's no point in ruining the whole evening
because Caste is in a bad mood.
All right?
- We'll see you later.
We'll try.
Have fun.
- Bye bye.
(upbeat music)
I spent the whole night loving
Nothing else on my mind
You're a happier woman
- I like this place.
So full of life.
Always nice to keep moving
Never ever settle down
Everything is so different from where I come from.
Everything is so fast.
- You should try some beer.
- No, I don't think I like beer.
- I only drink wine.
- You should try it, it's good.
- No.
- I don't believe you.
- What do you mean?
I didn't say anything.
- I don't believe you're for real.
Do you want to dance?
- Okay let's go.
I could dance to the music everyday and every night
There's nothing more exciting
(gentle music)
Stay around that should it found that love will come today
Stick around and I'll be back and find another way
- I'll be there in a minute, have a looked around.
- It's quite interesting.
- [Bjorn] I don't think too many people like my work.
I haven't sold any of my stuff yet.
I like to dwell on details.
You know, most people think my stuff is very strange.
- [Inge] Lips.
- [Bjorn] Have a look at my birds.
(Inge chirping)
- They're so sweet.
- I like them.
(Inge chirping)
- How long do you have them?
- Two years, a girl gave them to me.
This is a nice record.
I like this Blue.
They always put me in a romantic mood.
(soft music)
- Would you like to dance?
There's no crowd here.
- No.
- Why not?
What's the problem?
Come on.
- I don't want to.
- Can I touch your fingers?
- Come here.
What's wrong with you?
Stop this game.
- No, no, no, no, no. (screams)
(gentle music)
- Jesus Christ.
- Inge.
(indiscernible murmuring)
- Again, you're playing games with me.
You can take your things and go, I don't care.
(gentle music)
- We better rush, I have to go home.
Greta is probably very worried.
- So I see you tomorrow?
Goodnight, I'm sorry I acted like a child.
- Bye.
- Well, well, well, good afternoon.
- Is it that late?
- Almost, Greta said not to wake you.
She said you came in pretty late last night.
How was professor Bjorn?
- I don't know what you're talking about?
Where is Greta?
- She's somewhere, I don't know.
Mm, not bad, that's not bad.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- I'm sorry you never met us last night.
What happened?
- Oh, you know,
Caste was in a bad mood and it just wouldn't have been fun.
You slept very late today.
- We had dinner with wine and
it really must have knocked me out.
- Yes?
- We were having such a wonderful time.
We stayed out till the disco closed.
- What time was that?
- I don't know.
I didn't notice.
We are going out again tonight.
- You are?
Well, I hope you will have a nice time together.
(upbeat music)
First taste of love
Was a night that you'll never forget
First taste of love
Felt just right
You remember and yet you gave your heart
Right from the start
Your first taste of love has played its part
- The streets are so narrow.
You can almost get lost here.
- I'd like that.
First taste of love
Was a guy with a face like a star
First taste of love made you cry
'Cause it went much too far
You're thoughts weren't right
You bought this stride
Your first taste of love's part of your life
(gentle music)
(car engine revving)
(birds chirping)
- It's beautiful here, in this early hours isn't it?
- Reminds me of home.
- I like to come here alone sometimes to find some peace.
- What time is it now?
- You have a watch, haven't you?
- God, I'm so nervous.
(breaths heavily)
I know what I'm doing, I'm so nervous.
- Well, you're making me nervous.
Stop that walking around all the time.
- You just don't get it.
I mean, she might be hurt.
- Relax Greta.
If anything had happened,
you would've heard and she's with Bjorn.
He knows what he's doing.
- Then why don't they answer the phone?
- Maybe they're out.
- So why don't they call us?
Where are they?
- I don't know where they are.
It's your sister, you brought her here didn't you?
- Yes, yes, yes.
I brought her here and I am responsible for her.
Don't you understand?
- Relax, stop that walking around, sit down.
Why, why don't you go to work?
And I give you a call as soon as I hear anything from him.
You're late, anyway.
- I guess you're right.
Oh, listen.
I'm sorry what I said before.
- It's okay.
- I'm so worried.
- Okay-
I'll give you a call.
- All right.
(gentle music)
The leaves are falling to the ground
And the calm decide let's call it brown
The wind blows gently through your hair
And you feel that love is everywhere
And he turns to kiss you and you smile
And you feel you're no longer a child
There's not a sound to be heard
Except the sweet song of a bird
IA peaceful calm is in the air
It's so good to be without a care
And he holds you closer all the while
And you feel you're no longer a child
You reach the age to take a chance on love
And so clone
You turn another page and give yourself gently as adult
(door slams)
- Greta's very worried about you.
- Where is she?
- She left for work.
You better give her a call.
- I'm sorry I didn't get home earlier.
We went out after the show and we just walked around and.
- Don't lie to me.
Her office number is 308616.
- Hello.
May I speak to Ms. Jarring please?
(phone rings)
- Hello, oh Inge, yeah but where were you?
But didn't you know I worried?
- I'm sorry I worried you so much.
It was such a beautiful night.
And then we had breakfast together and I came right home.
- So why didn't you call?
- I just didn't know what time it was.
- Oh, at least you're all right.
Don't ever do that again.
So why don't you try to get some sleep?
Well, I'll be home about six o'clock.
All right.
Okay, fine.
Bye, bye.
- Bye.
- We have such a wonderful evening.
Inge do you really think you're going to get away with this?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Sure you do.
What was the name of the show you saw last night?
If you expect a story to cover up for you,
you better brush up on a few details.
You have a great thing going, playing naive and innocent,
but really you are a little slut.
- That's not true.
- Excuse me, what do you call it?
- What do you want from me?
Why don't you leave me alone?
(gentle music)
- Hey, wait,
you don't have to worry because I won't say anything.
(water splashing)
- I'm really sorry.
I'm just too tired to go anywhere.
Tonight I'm going to sleep early.
- When is your train tomorrow?
- At two o'clock.
- So why don't you pack in the morning and well,
Caste take you to the station and I'll meet you there,
quarter to two?
Okay? - Fine.
- Shall we go?
All right keep well.
Night, night.
- Night, night.
- Good night.
(upbeat music)
(gentle music)
(upbeat music)
- Inge, Inge, It's late.
Oh, you're pretty tired
for someone who went to bed early last night.
- What time is it?
- It's almost 12.
- I'm going to take a bath.
I won't take long.
(soft music)
- Get out, get out, get out.
- How's the water?
Trying to wash?
- Get out.
- Yesterday night, maybe?
- This is my house.
- Inge?
- Don't go, Greta.
- Leave me alone.
- Greta listen to me.
- Don't touch me.
Don't get hysteric, give me a chance to explain.
-You dirty swine.
- I didn't mean to. - Don't try to explain.
- Please Greta.
- Leave me alone.
- Give me a chance to explain. - Don't touch me.
- Relax. - How could you?
- You dirty, you dirty man. - I didn't mean to, please.
- Please. - Don't ever touch me again.
- Leave me alone.
- I didn't mean to, it wasn't my fault.
I love you.
You understand, I love you.
- Don't touch me.
Don't ever touch me again.
Just leave me alone, will you?
- I love you.
(indiscernible chattering)
I don't know what to say.
Find some good excuse.
(gentle music)
- Well, I don't have one.
(train horn beeping)
- Oh, Inge.
Oh, Inge, hello, hello.
How are you?
Are you all right?
- Okay mother, I'm fine.
- And is your sister?
- She's fine.
- She was fine?
Oh you must tell us all about it.
Had a good time?
- It was okay but nothing special happened.
Just had a nice time together.
- Did you go to drink beer or anything?
- No.
- Why not?
- I was too busy with other things.
- What did you you do, did you go shopping?
- Yes.
- What did you get?
- Just a dress dress.
- A dress, what's it's like?
- It was nice, but mother wants to change it.
- How was it?
- Was like this.
- Did you wear like that?
- Of course.
- Did anybody look at you?
- Here are the boys, Willie wants to take you to the movie.
- I have to ask mother first.
(upbeat music)
First taste of love was a night that you'll never forget
First taste of love felt just right
You remember and yet you gave your heart
Right from the start
Your first taste of love has its heart
Can't you feel it
Fist taste of love was a night that you'll never forget
First taste of love felt just right
You'll remember again you gave your heart
Right from the start
Your first taste of love has made its heart