Main Tera Hero (2014) Movie Script

Rakesh Suri, very good.
Shankar Prakash, 95%.
Umesh Bhairav.
Excellent. 97 %.
And finally we'll hear Student of the Year's
marks who failed for just two numbers.
Shrinath Prasad...
Whenever its result time he always
runs off to the bathroom. - But... - Sir.
Bhai says, ''Do me a favor that,
don't ever do me any favor''.
But l say do me a favor.
Please give me two more marks, sir.
Shankar and Loy have done me a favor.
By making me proud.
Shankar's going to join lPS.
Loy will join lAS. - Thank you sir.
And Roshan is going to llM. - Sir, l am
going to lPL. - You're not going anywhere.
You're going to stay right
here with me, in this class.
Because your antics, dog's tail and
Katrina's Hindi can never straighten up.
Sir, these days she
speaks better Hindi.
Get out of my class. - What, sir?
- l said get out of my class. - Sir, l...
- That's my paper, sir.
- Go ahead.
Tripathi, there can't be a better auspicious
occasion for your daughter's marriage. - Yes
Even God can't stop this marriage. - Yes.
- Excuse me. Sir, come here. Excuse me.
Why are you whispering in my ears?
You don't need to hide this from the people.
Shinu abducted my daughter!
Don't take it personally.
But your father Tripathi will never change.
He didn't just scuks my future but yours too
Just like You wanted,
l abducted Tripathi's daughter.
Will he pass me now? Bow to Him!
- l never said this.
You know there are just
three things in life l love.
What? - On television,
Amit sir's Crorepati
ln Tennis, Mahesh Bhupati.
And in Gods, my dear Lord Ganpati.
Thank you. People butter me
but you always fool me. No Bappa. - Shinu!
Bye Bappa, l'll catch you later.
Okay bye see you take care.
l hope no God ever gets
a useless devotee like you.
Hey come here.
Son. Let my daughter go.
Tripathi sir,
just give me two more marks.
As soon as l pass,
she'll be with her papa.
Tripathi, sir. - Prasad. Prasad, your son
kidnapped my daughter.
l see, very good. - Come on.
- Prasad, my daughter. - Oh yes.
What did you eat when he was in your womb?
- Whatever it was, you fed it to me.
Shinu, open the door.
My son, open the door.
My son... He won't listen
so affectionately. Hold this.
Shinu, open the door, son otherwise l'll
abdicate you from my will.
Now you learnt your lesson.
- Relax.
My daughter.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Wait. This is my glasses.
- My daughter.
Sorry, dear. - Dad.
Sorry, dear. - Dad.
Sir, sir.
Sir come, come, come.
You don't need to hide
this from everyone...
The groom's family ran away.
Who will marry my daughter now?
Tell Shinu to marry her.
Tell Shinu to marry her!
Marry her.
No. - Well,
you had to get married one day.
And she's the professor's daughter.
- He'll pass you next year.
- Yes.
Take him away. - Go on.
- Dad.
'She's so fat, if she stands
on the weighing scale...'
' will only
show 'To Be Continued'.
Srinath Prasad,
you're not so unlucky.
l am not so unlucky...
...that l've to marry
this duffer, papa.
Come on, son.
Eat your dinner, it'll get cold.
Not fair, mom.
l did so well in my exams.
l wrote three page long
answers for every guestion.
But still Tripathi failed me.
l am sure your
answers must be right.
But his guestions
must be wrong. - Yes. Yes.
Pass me that bread.
- Yes.
You know Verma's son...
...went to Bangalore
to complete his studies.
And Shinde's son went to Pune.
We're so fortunate.
Our son doesn't leave
us and go anywhere.
And day before yesterday...
...our servant left the
job to complete his degree. - Here, son.
l will not come to the shop.
l will go to Bangalore.
And get a degree there.
- Degree?
Bengaluru isn't that way, son.
lt's this way.
l am going to the toilet.
He won't get a degree...
...instead he'll
give us third degree.
Mama, pa, see my popularity.
The entire city's
here to bid goodbye.
Son, goodbyes are
given with just one hand.
Take a closer look.
They're waving both their hands.
That means don't come back.
They're feeling
so good in saying bye.
Now that you're leaving don't return until
you achieve something. - Go on.
Eat on time.
Here l am.
Hi. Hi. Hi.
Girls, this is my seat... Hello.
- Don't try to get too friendly.
Go and sit on your seat.
Excuse me, this is my seat.
Uncle - Tell me son..
l am joining the
lPS for such hoodlums.
l'll get rid of them and protect Mother
lndia and her daughters.
Excuse me, wherever we
sit that seat belongs to us.
Yes, but...
- So please sit somewhere else.
Listen... - U-turn.
- Go.
Am l your touch-screen phone
that you're constantly touching me.
How about you play
a round with us too?
But it's important
to drink before you sing.
They were getting Ranbir Kapoor...
...but l guess they're
destined for Shakti Kapoor.
Baby, have some.
Weren't you going to kill me...
...and protect the
daughters of lndia.
Don't look now, but goons
are misbehaving with girls.
Go on, what's stopping you?
Hey, hero.
l was waiting for that
dialogue to beat you up.
Uncle, will you
please hold my jacket.
Tell him about me.
Do you know who Babu is?
Who Babu's father is.
Who Babu's brother...
- l'm going to beat up your Babu...
...that he'll never
beget a baba or a baby.
''l am bad.''
Should l hit you on
the face or the chest?
Hit you on the face... - Hit hard.
''l am bad.''
You'll have to pay for it dearly.
- That's okay.
- l hate cheap things anyway.
- Out!
Go. - Thank you so much.
- lt's okay.
- This was...
l'll get my jacket.
Shinu, my brother.
Even Dennis is not such
a menace compared to you.
l remember, it was a Saturday...
...when you entered
my life as bad luck.
l came to Bangalore from
Ooty only to escape you.
But l pray every day.
Send beggars to my house.
Send illness in my body.
But never you.
l guess that's a beggar.
Aren't you happy to see me?
l am very happy.
l was just thinking about you.
l swear. - Very good.
l took admission in your college.
And do you know what
the good news is? - What?
l'll be living in
your house with you.
Are you crazy? Few days?
l'm here to get a degree.
l can't leave until l don't pass.
That means you'll never leave.
Right now l'll go take a bath.
- What are you doing?
Let go of my underwear.
Where's the bathroom?
- Straight and right.
l hope it's clean. - Yes.
...''Mom, l want to study
in the same college as Shinu''.
Oh no, he's seen me.
Lord Krishna, here.
So, You followed
me to Bangalore as well.
l am God.
You know l love only three songs.
Raj Kapoor's ''Rammaiyya
Bappi Da's ''Ta Thaiyya-thiayya''.
- l see.
''Bada Nathkhat hai Yeh Kishan
Kanhaiyya.'' - That's my song.
You forgot,
l am the original butter stealer.
Don't try to butter me.
God, l've decided. - What?
This time l will concentrate
on my studies. - Good.
And help me score
at least 90%... - 90%!
And keep me away from every
attraction and distraction.
l mean...girls. - l'll try.
Shinu look at her.
She's not bad.
...but You sent me after girls,
just like You.
But the problem is,
when You do it it's Divine play.
But if l do it, l'm a Casanova.
You blessed me by
dropping this flower.
Too much.
'Duffer, the breeze was strong...'
Where is she? Where is she?
Where is she?
Hey, my name is Shinu.
this is a new college, new city... when l saw you,
l felt l should make new friends.
lf you don't mind,
can you show me around your campus?
l can show campus.
- Nice try.
But it's much more fun
if she shows me, not you.
Nice try, but she isn't interested
in showing anyone anything.
Come on.
...whenever l try to talk to you?
- Oh...
The boy's crazy, but he's cute.
Turn around! Turn around!
Turn around!
Bro, what are you doing?
- Why?
Do you know who
you're flirting with?
You're my friend, aren't you?
So she's your future sister-in-law.
There are 200 girls
in this college. - Yes.
And you had to like her.
Sunaina's the entire
college's sister-in-law.
Just think...Brad and Angelina.
Sunaina and Shinu.
Stop dreaming.
She's Angad Negi's future wife.
Who is Angad Negi?
Anger is one of the
most destructive emotions.
Especially in a relationship.
A cat scratches in a fit of rage.
A donkey kicks.
Angad's a kind of an animal.
ln fact, he even looks like one.
What do you think?
What animal does Angad look like?
l feel like Angad
looks like a scavenger.
l feel Angad looks
like a stray dog.
He does everything openly.
What happened, Angad?
Aren't you feeling angry today?
No doctor,
l am miles away from anger.
Are you sure?
Doctor if l was angry, you wouldn't
be alive to ask the next guestion.
Good control, Angad.
Good control.
Excellent. - Thank you.
Angad, today's your last class... before you go,
just want to ask you few guestions.
Do you still love Sunaina?
- Knock-knock.
Who is it? - Sunaina.
Sunaina who? - l don't know either.
Brilliant. Brilliant.
See...this is how you deal with it.
l am so proud of you.
You can be Angad too.
See just look at him.
Your friendship cost me dearly too.
No boy ever flirts or talks to me.
Hi. - Bye.
Beat it..beat it..just beat it..
Hi, l am Hari. l am a new student.
lf you don't mind, can l sit here?
What are you doing, Angad?
lf you keep doing this, it will only
spoil your relation. - Sister-in-law.
Look, Sunaina, don't be scared.
l am trying to be a better person.
But, just like in chess...
...if the pawns get a
chance to meet the gueen...
...then it only ruins the game,
''Just beat it.''
''Beat it.''
Knock-knock! - Who is it?
- Who is it?
- AG.
Who is AG?
Who is AG?
Hear me clearly.
lf anyone sits with Sunaina,
he's gone for good.
Bro, why are you
looking so confused?
Just sit anywhere.
After today, l won't
even sit at my dining table.
What's wrong with him?
...Angad saved you from every case.
And in return, all he asked for...
...was to keep an eye on sister-in-law
Sunaina. - Take off your glasses.
After today no boy
should befriend Sunaina.
The line's clich?
but the emotion's real. boy should
be sitting with her.
l want to study with
you in the classroom.
Eat with you in the canteen.
And peek in your
books in the library.
Spread so much terror around...
...that no one dares
to press the send button... send a message to Sunaina.
l want to text you,
mail you, Tweet you, Skype you.
And if you still don't reply,
l'll poke you.
On Facebook.
Brother Angad come fast.
Hey, mom.
Pardon me, but l forgot.
My mother sent this for you,
from Meerut.
Just arrived from Agra.
Their traditional dress.
l don't know about a degree, mom...
...but l will certainly
bring back a girl.
l've told my mother about you.
l swear on my mother's beans...
...l will win your
heart in Bangalore...
...we'll get married in Ooty...
...and honeymoon in Goa.
He's guite low-budget. - Shut up.
You scare me more than Angad.
Let's go, Esha.
we can even go to Australia.
New Zealand.
Kenya. No, that isn't nice.
Wherever you want to go.
''Since l saw you
l am completely shaken.''
''Since l saw you
l am completely shaken.''
''l'll take you to
see my mom and dad.''
''Everything l say
you think is wrong.''
''Turn around.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Turn around.''
''Do you know?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Come l'll take
you out for a coffee.''
''l'll take you to a place,
''Where we'll be scared of no one.''
''Where no one can
cast an eye on us.''
''Everything l say
you think is wrong.''
''Turn around.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Turn around.''
''Do you know?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Why does the world say to me?''
''lt's not easy to get you.''
''l'll endure your attitude.''
''l swear on you...l'll hang
the moon outside your window.''
''l can hang my
heart...outside your dress.''
''Everything l say
you think is wrong.''
''Turn around.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here..''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''So turn around.''
''Do you know?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?''
''Your hero's right here.''
Shinu stop.
What happened.
- Where are you going?
Angad Negi's boys are
looking for you. - Me?
- But what did l do?
- Run!
l never imagined our first
date will be in a classroom.
Shinu, l am no normal
girl you can win over.
lf you don't stop following me...
...then you'll definitely
die in Bangalore.
Your body will be
cremated in Ooty...
...and Angad will immerse
your ashes in Goa's sea.
Why are you so scared of Angad?
Do you know who Angad is?
Maybe l was unfortunate...
...that one day this
hassle came till my house.
l think it's the driver. - Yes.
- l'll be right there.
- Hello, aunty, Angad Negi.
Your friendly
neighborhood policeman.
- Sari for you.
- Hey.
Sister-in-law Sunaina
looks just like her mom.
Who are you, and what you want?
Hello, uncle.
This suit-piece is for you.
lt's Raymond.
- Because everybody loves Raymond.
Give sweets to everyone.
- Yes.
Elders say after you
eat something sweet..'s difficult
to say harsh words.
Sir, this is my horoscope.
Don't worry. Now that our hearts
have matched so will our horoscopes.
They have.
Sister-in-law, hello.
After all,
l am deeply in love with Sunaina.
Brother, sister-in-law,
let's take a picture.
Smile please.
Smile come on.
Give each other a hug.
You two are going to be together...
Stop it.
How dare you?
Barge in my house and dare... speak about
marrying my daughter.
My daughter doesn't like you.
l am a respectable
citizen of this country.
My taxes pay for your salary.
And if you ever look
at my daughter again...
...then l will complain
to your seniors.
Brother, don't get furious.
Don't get furious.
Don't get furious.
Calm down. Calm down.
l am not getting angry.
l am not angry.
He's like my father.
l am sorry, sir.
- He said sorry to you.
Shake hands, uncle.
What did you do, uncle?
You shot a policeman.
Peter, for how long
will he be jailed?
By the time he comes out
your children will call us uncle.
Peter, knock-knock.
Who is it?
- Scapegoat.
Scapegoat, who?
- Him, the one who's trapped.
Daddy, the decision
is in your hands.
Either you go to
jail for this bullet...
...or Sunaina comes to my home.
lf anyone sees us together...
- Don't worry.
Just be calm and
have faith in Shinu.
You know what,
whether you live or die...
...l really don't care.
You know what? Whether l
live or die...l think you do care.
Don't just stand here...
...with hockey in your
hands and jockeys in your pant.
- She's your sister-in-law, don't stare.
Where is he?
Guys, l am not in
the mood right now.
Please come back some other time.
What mood?
Look, we borrowed
these hockey sticks...
We cannot return
them without using it.
l see, is that so?
Then l'll give you three options.
l'll bash the first one.
Thrash the second one.
And l'll thrash the third one,
put him back together and bash him again.
That's my favorite.
Vicky. Giri.
Now for the thrashing.
No. 2.
Now for the 3rd, my favorite.
''l am bad.''
Don't push.
Didn't you hear what he said?
l'll bash the first one.
Thrash the second.
And l'll thrash the third one,
put him back together and bash him again.
That's his favorite, you go.
What are you doing?
Hurry up,
l am getting late for class.
l've three options.
Second, l'll run faster.
And third...
That one's my favorite.
l'll disappear in thin air.
Tell me name.
- Sir, his name's Shinu.
Sir, l came to Bangalore to study.
Actually what happened
is l entered college at 9am.
At 9:05 l met lord Krishna.
And 5 minutes later
he introduced me to Sunaina.
So it's not my fault.
Continue. - Sir, l followed her
around the campus... the doggie
in the mobile network ad.
l even sung a song for
her like AR Rehman's jingle.
But when l found out that...
...this prepaid card
has already been registered... the name of
lnspector Angad Negi.
l stepped back, sir.
l don't want relations, sir.
He followed Sunaina like a doggie.
He even sung a song.
You didn't tell me.
Sir, actually l
am from a nice family.
See you. Peace.
You think Sunaina has the guts...
...too fall in love
with someone else?
lf a girl truly loves a boy...
...then she won't be scared.
And if a boy really loves a girl
then doesn't really make a difference...
...whether she's the Minister's daughter
or some Police inspector's girlfriend.
All the best.
l'll give you one chance.
Try to win Sunaina's heart.
- Me?
l came here to study, sir.
And half the college loves Sunaina
anyone will accept it. - No, no.
You will do it.
Only you.
''l am bad.''
By the way,
sir, l believe that 99.99%...
...she will definitely fall for me.
And in just three days.
But for those three days
better tell these scoundrels...
''The flowers and
the stars have to say.''
lf you don't mind, l mean...
Angad, this boy's a rascal.
What if he wins over sister-in-law?
Angad, l forgot to
tell you one thing. - What?
Taking Sunaina around,
to the movies...
...buying her coke, taking her
to a disco 9-12 will cost money.
''l am bad.''
She's your girl so you'll have to pay
for it as well. - Yes, that's true.
After all it's the guestion
of sister-in-law's comfort level.
Think of it as loose-change.
You've a big heart.
l've small expenses.
Don't forget to pray for me.
l am your younger brother.
Peter, knock-knock.
Knock-knock who? - GK.
GK who?
What's the point
of this boy's life?
He will have to die.
- Hello coward.
- Are you crazy? What are you doing?
''Dil jumping japak jumpak-jumpak.''
What are you doing?
By the way, do you celebrate
Diwali at home every day?
Why? - Why are you so scared?
You're scared of Angad.
You're scared of his cronies.
- l am not scared of anyone.
- Hello, uncle.
You're even scared of your dad.
Mom and dad are at home?
Then, mom-dad...Shinu's coming.
- Shinu, please.
Nice room.
Wow. - Shinu stop it.
Double-spring multipurpose mattress.
Daddy's spent well.
Oh, your cheeks were
better when you were a kid.
But you've better legs now.
Shinu, please leave.
- Okay. - Not that way.
Shinu please stop.
l am ready to do anything.
What are you doing?
- Anything.
What are you doing?
- You said anything.
What are you doing?
Sometimes you say l've better legs,
l don't get you.
lf you want to understand...
...then come to CCD tomorrow, okay?
Hi uncle. Aunty. l came to show Sunaina
my six-pack abs.
Okay, bye.
So did you go to CCD in the morning?
- No way.
You might stay away
but he's coming closer.
You made a big mistake
not coming to CCD.
Now l'm going to say it publicly.
Where is it? Where is it?
Where is it?
Found it.
l love you!
Didn't you hear?!
You can take all the
time you want to reply.
1/2 day, 1 day, 2 days, 21/2 days
but maximum 3 days.
Today you're scared of Angad.
Tomorrow it may be someone else.
The more you fear them
the more they'll scare you.
Nice catch.
What are you staring at?
Hit me. Hit me. Hit me.
You dogs,
remember your boss' instructions.
Bro, sister-in-law's
slipped from our hands.
Shut up!
How many would you give her?
4 on 10.
8 on 10.
l'll give her minus.
How much for me?
- Number?
4 for Gauri, minus points for lsha.
We just...
- He got it.
Don't interfere.
You say. - 10 out of 10.
You're giving number
to sister-in-law.
Don't you dare call
me sister-in-law.
Whether she's of any shape,
size or color.
Got it. - Yes.
lndian woman...wreaked
havoc on Angad's crony.
Go on. - Should l?
Don't be scared, go.
Well done.
What are you doing?
Everyone's watching.
let them watch if they want.
And l am not a coward.
''The sickness of honesty...''
''Come running to me.''
''The heart invites you.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness..''
''Just you and me...and dim lights.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness.''
''Just you and me...and dim lights.''
''l am a bit spoilt,
so be spoiled like me.''
''l'll take a step forward,
so do you.''
''Let the intentions
get a little bad.''
''The air around
feels intoxicating.''
''Let's drink up the
intoxicating moments.''
''lt makes us excited.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness..''
''Just you and me...and dim lights.''
''The heart has disappeared
from its place.''
''lt's all happened because of you.''
''l want to breathe
this air with you.''
''Hold my hands and
take me anywhere you like.''
''Holding hands.''
''Holding hands.''
''l be naughty.''
''At this age,
in the journey of love.''
''What's wrong and right?''
''All night the height
of shamelessness.''
''All night the height
of shamelessness..''
''Just you and me...
and dim lights.''
Where's Srinath Prasad?
He retired from the
cricket team long back.
He must be in the
commentary box now, sir.
- Sir...
- There he is.
Why do you want to sacrifice
your life for your friend?
Where is he? - l saw him in the theatre
yesterday with Sunaina.
They were sitting on the
same seat and watching a movie.
Sister-in-law on Shinu's lap.
The matter's out of hand.
Sir, l am not your level.
Please, put me down.
Please, leave me.
Yes tell me, where are you?
How did they disappear?
What's the point in helping you.
Search them everywhere.
They must be somewhere.
Come on, Dhoni.
We need a six.
We need a helicopter shot.
What a shot, Dhoni. What a shot.
Come on.
Why did l come here?
Why? Why? Why?
Oh yes.
Sunaina's fallen in love with me.
deeply in love with me.
Brother, that's your kind of love.
Look, she's calling.
Hello, sister-in-law.
Hello. - What's my baby doing?
She called him baby? - Sunaina.
Actually, l want to hear
you say those lovely three words.
Shinu called her baby.
l can hear that too.
Say it, Sunaina.
How many times do l say it?
l love you, Shinu.
l love you...
You're killing me.
Now a sweet,
soft, strawberry flavored...
Shinu wants to eat ice-cream.
After that you need prayers.
l am coming. l'll see you later.
Okay. Peter, find yourself
another sister-in-law.
Negi sir, bye. - Enjoy it.
Lovedale Street, House No.
24, Ooty.
Your mother teaches
small children... Little Angel
school and your father...
...runs the only
supermarket in Ooty.
You know my home's geography... know my parent's biography.
didn't find out my entire history.
Since l was a kid l was
thrown out of 15 schools.
And few MLAs even deserted
their post because of me.
When l was leaving city...
...the entire city
came to bid me farewell.
l look sweet, innocent.
But actually, l am a big rascal.
''l am bad.''
And Angad,
if you ever think about...
...l'll catch the
next train to Meerut.
l'll go to alley no 14,
house no 12...
Aunt, please forgive me.
Because l am going to
make your son's plight...
...same as Sachin and Sehwag
did to Pakistan in 2003 World Cup.
Right, brother. They both played so well.
- Shinu!
So you've finally shown
your true colors, Angad. shooting Peter.
Today you're trapping
Peter by shooting me.
lt's always Peter who's trapped. Right,
Peter? - Yes, he's right. - Move, Peter.
Turn your gun to the other side.
- Come on shoot.
To hell with control,
turn the gun around.
Shoot. - Peter, move.
Angad, this won't do.
- Come on shoot.
Peter, move.
Peter, move.
Peter, move. Come on shoot.
Don't shoot.
Angad, you shot me again.
Peter, l told you to move.
Sir, what's going on here...
How did you enter my house?
Wait. Please...
Knock-knock, Peter. - Who is it?
Scapegoat. - Scapegoat who?
The one that got trapped.
''l am bad.''
''l am bad.''
''l am bad.''
Wow, my hero.
l am no hero,
l am just an ordinary boy.
You got Angad suspended. - Yes.
Showed my mom-dad
your six packs. - Yes.
But how did you do it?
''Nothing's gonna
change my love for you.''
''You ought to know that
by now that l love you.''
''One thing you can be sure of.''
''Nothing's gonna
change my love for you.''
- Sunaina!
- Shinu!
My leg..
Shinu. - Sunaina!
Hello, Shinu.
Not Shinu.
Angad, where's Sunaina?
What do you think
l abducted Sunaina?
Helicopters are not my budget.
His power and budget
is limited on the ground.
Peter, shut up.
Angad just tell me where's Sunaina.
Remember, few months ago...
...during the Ooty
to Bangalore train-ride...
Do you know who's Babu?
Who Babu's father is?
Who Babu's brother is?
Not him, stupid.
There was someone
else on that train...
...who was floored by
your punch lines and punches.
l wonder why?
Anyway, Shinu doesn't
like cheap things.
Get out!
That day on that
train your fate changed.
Ayesha Singhal fell
in love with you.
Do you know who her father is?
Vikrant Singhal.
Asia and Africa's biggest gangster.
The world's helpless
in front of him...
...but he has just one weakness.
His daughter, Ayesha.
Vikrant's men came
to us looking for you.
We said Shinu's a rascal.
You can't get your
hands on him so easily.
But if you take Sunaina...
...then he'll follow you
like the mobile network's dog...
...singing AR Rehman's jingle.
- Hey.
Son, you've two options.
Either go to Bangkok
and marry Ayesha.
Or face Vikrant's bullet.
Peter knock-knock.
Knock-knock who?
Pop. - Pop who?
We'll enjoy the popcorn now.
There's a twist in the story now.
Come on.
Let's go.
Eat some popcorn, and get healthy,
''Where are you looking?
Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?
Your hero's right here..''
Jesus, you here.
Ganpati and Krishna have
told me everything about you.
And your slam-bang
tactics won't work here.
But these difficulties
can be solved only with love.
So take your love away
with love and not violence.
ln the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. - Ali sir,
that boy has arrived from lndia.
Greet him, boys.
Greet him. - Okay.
Daddy, he's come.
Welcome, son-in-law. Welcome.
l was wondering what
made Ayesha crazy about you.
Now l realized that
she saw the same thing..
..her mother saw in me years ago.
Just like every coke isn't cola..
..every chickpeas
can't be made into a curry.
Balli darling,
do you want cola or chickpeas?
Vikrant bhai, forget the
words understand the emotion.
You think l am a kid.
You think l can't
take Sunaina away.
l hail from a small city like Ooty.
And every lndian who
doesn't get a chance.. be born in the Tata's
or the Ambani's family..
..dream for an opportunity
to win over their daughter.
The groom is ready, sir.
Where's the bride?
l like him.
l like him.
l like my son-in-law.
Even l like her, what a beauty.
l like you.
My lady.
She's my sister-in-law.
- Sister-in-law.
Vikrant's girlfriend. - Okay.
Everyone makes this mistake.
Viki darling, l missed you.
- l missed you too.
But sir where is the Ayesha,
Ayesha's mother..
Widower. Widower. Widower.
Sir, why do you..
- What do you mean?
You mean.. - Balli darling.
Vikrant was born in
the valleys of Manali.
So often his voice echoes.
Son, whenever you miss your mother
you can come to me.
Shower me with your affection..
- Don't ever do that.
But there's a small problem.
Sir, middle-class girls
should be left in the middle.
Smart boy.
You're marrying my
daughter tomorrow, got it. - l don't care.
So that l can get to know Ayesha.
Son-in-law, the wedding's tomorrow.
Dad, l waited so long for Shinu.
So, can't l wait for 10
more days for his happiness?
Just do as he says.
Emotional blackmail.
As you wish my princess.
Come on.
Thank you, daddy.
Anything for you my darling.
- Sir.
So sweet. - Sir.
Very handsome. -Yes.
Sir, here. - Yes.
Sir, l was saying now that..
..your daughter and
l are getting married..
..then send Sunaina back?
- Why?
Because if my ex stays here..
..then l'll feel
extremely uncomfortable.
Similarly this girl
needs to stay here.
Balli darling,
do you want to beg with her or..
..go to the gym.
Vikrant bhai, forget the
words understand the emotion.
This girl will guarantee
that Shinu won't run away. - Got it.
The girl stays here until
you two don't get married.
No, sir.. - l said it.
But.. - No.
- Shut up.
Let's go, darling.
- Dadzu. - Okay.
Remember one thing..
Dad..Dadzu, no violence.
No violence. No violence.
Bye Dadzu.
Come on.
- l hate you.
Hi, Sunaina.
My dad's been pampering me..
..since l was in my diapers.
Whether it's clothes or shoes.. dad always brings
me an extra piece.
You didn't get time
to pack before you left.
So l got these for you.
You can wear my designer dresses.
Wear my Jimmy Chu's shoes.
Use my makeup.
What's mine is yours.
Except for Shinu.
He's calling me.
Shinu cheater.
You coward.
You try it too.
l saw your styles,
l just need to see your aim.
Ayesha, l've a problem.
Looking London Talking Tokyo.
l can't..
- Don't worry, l'll teach you.
To aim right and to look right too.
Now l Basanti felt
when Veeru was teaching her to fire a gun.
Balli darling,
l think son-in-law will be ready.. join the family business.
He shoots so well.
Shoots. Shoots.
You like Tommy. - Tommy?
Tom Cruise? - Yeah,
l'd love to take a cruise with him.
Dhoni. - Yes, he's my Mahi.
l love Mahi.
And then comes..
- Oh yeah.
You shouldn't ask such
small guestions in a big country.
But do you love Tony,
Dhoni and Shahrukh.
No. - Exactly.
You were impressed
by few of my punches..
Ayesha, you like me.
You don't love me.
l don't love me.
l love you.
l love you.
Okay, Ayesha you love me.
But true love is never one way,
its two ways.
..bells started
ringing in our heart.
When you saw me on the train..
..did you hear bells
ringing in your heart?
There were no bells ringing.
l am ready to leave
Sunaina for you.
But there were no bells
ringing in your heart.. who says you love me.
What kind of logic is that?
Bells.. balls?
Where's Shinu? - l don't know.
l was sleeping.
Just like May comes before June.
Just like six comes after five.
Similarly, every dog has his day.
You're a dog of this house?
- Yes, l am the dog of this house.
And l know that..Shinu
is hiding somewhere in this house.
l'll wait outside.
- Okay, bye.
What did you say? - Middleclass
girl should be left in the middle.
Sunaina, l want romance.
l want romance. l want romance.
Shinu, this isn't romance.
Okay, okay.
Sunaina, it's been three days.
Aren't you happy to see me?
Shinu, this is no joke.
They aren't Angad and his goons..
..these guys are dangerous.
- l know, Sunaina.
And l am sorry that you
got in this problem because of me.
But..if you love me,
then trust me.
l trust you.
That's why l love you.
So come on.
- Now? - Now!
Peter, check all entry and exits.
All entry and exits. - Okay sir.
Don't even let a mosguito
out of this house. - Right sir.
But, Balli,
how can Shinu escape on your watch?
Just like Superman wears a cape.
Just like King
Kong's called an ape.
Similarly..- This
is the Great Escape.
Balli, forget the words,
let's find Shinu.
This way.
Come on.
What now?
Now He'll do whatever
needs to be done.
''l haven't seen Kashi,
or Neelkanth.''
''l haven't seen
Baidnath or Devgarh.''
''O Lord,
my eyes yearn to behold you.''
''Glory to..Bholenath.''
''Bholenath! Shambhunath! ''
''l'll worship You all day,
all night.''
''l've dedicated my life to You,
you're my benefactor.''
''Glory to..Bholenath.''
''l am obsessed now,
Lord, you don't know.''
''Lord, you don't
recognize my devotion.''
''l'm standing at your
threshold to behold you.''
''Why don't You understand?''
''Bhole, my heart..''
''Bhole, my heart...''
''Bhole, my heart doesn't listen.''
''My heart wants to..''
''My heart wants to...''
''My heart wants to behold you.''
''My heart's restless,
it's eager..''
''..about You, l don't know why.''
''Bhole, my heart..''
''Bhole, my heart.''
''Bhole, my heart doesn't listen.''
Hail Bholenath.
lt's over. - l know.
Wow, son.
See, Balli darling, the house where death's.
What is the point?
The point is he took the Lord's
name in this house. - Thank you, sir.
Shinu, you're a good son-in-law.
- No, hold on. Hold on a second.
Tell me one thing.
There's a huge idol
of Ganesh in this house.
So why worship this painting?
Balli, isn't he Bappa's Papa?
- Yes, so?
So first comes Papa,
then comes Bappa.
Got it.
- No, no, tell me one thing.
Who worships the lord
at 4 in the morning?
Balli, Gods should be
worshipped from the heart..
..not according to time.
So did you write this
song in Ooty, son? - Yes, sir.
What's the source?
- Sir, it's original.
Original. Original. Original.
See, Bappa.
Your Papa saved me today.
Hail Bhole.
Shinu, you didn't
spare my Father either.
l wish to strangle you with my trunk.
Sir there are two indians.
Let them both in.
Oh, God! Everything so nice.
Brother angad.
Oh, God!
Sir, Shinu's Mercedes.
Shinu's waterfall.
Shinu's swimming pool,
the entire palace is so huge.
Shinu has hit such a big jackpot.
Sir, you can take sister-in-law
to your 200 sg.ft..- You..
True love doesn't
happen in palaces.
There's devotion everywhere you see.
Hello. - Hello.
Welcome. - Greetings.
Why are you touching the feet?
These clothes are better than ours.
Hey, Angad.
Who gave you the visa to come here?
Anyway. Welcome to my land.
Thailand! Thailand! Thailand!
Come on, come on.
Vikrant sir, our deal was l'll give you
Shinu and you'll give me Sunaina, so...
...l'm here to take her back with me.
- That's not possible.
You can take Sunaina
back with you..
..when my daughter gets married.
And that's after 10 days,
tell him that.
After 10 days.
After 10 days.
l know that's not the deal.
But don't worry, time flies.
10 days will fly.
Why does he sound system
play in surround sound?
Because he was born
in the valleys. - Yes.
Congratulations on
your marriage, Ayesha.
l am sorry about the slap.
But she's not Ayesha baby.
She's my girlfriend, Veronica.
Tell him that.
Cool down, baby.
Everyone makes that mistake.
- Sorry.
But..anyone can
make this mistake..
..seeing this gorgeous lady
standing next to the old building.
Sir..can l at least meet Sunaina.
Of course.
She's a nice girl.
Look after her.
Mr. Singhal, Sunaina is missing.
That rascal Shinu must
have eloped with her.
Don't move - Father-in-law.
Dadzu. - Ayeshu.
What's happening?
Why are you carrying this gun?
l wanted to bless my
son-in-law with my gun.
l mean..
Vikrant, we've found Sunaina.
What? - Yes.
This middleclass girl
was dancing in the bathroom.
Okay, got it.
We're just going for a long drive.
Of course, go, go, go.
Ayesha, go.
l want to talk to father-in-law.
- But..
Ayesha, please. - Fine.
We are here.
Tell me, father-in-law,
what is this all about?
Nothing, son-in-law.
- There's something.
You're holding a gun.
Angad's here too.
Something's definitely wrong.
Tell me.
He came here to take Sunaina back.
Sunaina was nowhere to be found.
And you were missing too.
And this idiot said
you're eloping with Sunaina.
So l picked up my gun.
That's what we do in
the Mafia..- What the..
..and you will believe him?
- No, no.
l am your son-in-law. - Yes.
And you doubt me?
Me? - No, no, no.
What's the point of living?
What's the point
if you don't trust me?
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Shoot me. Just shoot me.
Shoot me.
Just shoot me l say. - No.
Are you mad?
You could've died.
This is fake sympathy.
lf you don't trust me..
..then send Sunaina back with him?
l trust you.
This is all his fault.
lt's all his fault.
You don't mean it.
Send Sunaina back with him?
l swear on this, l trust you.
No one trusts me,
send Sunaina away with him.
Vikrant sir,
when Shinu's insisting so much..
..then do as he says.
And send Sunaina back with us.
No, keep Sunaina with you.
Remember one thing..
What's your name? - Peter.
l trust Shinu as much
as l love my daughter.
Sunaina will stay in this house..
..until the wedding day.
Vikrant, it's been served.
The plates have been
served on the dining table. - Got it.
Come on,
son-in-law, let's have lunch.
l've cooked Chicken
Peri-Peri personally for you.
l cooked it.
l cooked it. l cooked it.
You're so concerned about me.
Thank you.
My son-in-law.
- You two can leave.
- Vikrant sir.
l'll stay here until
Shinu and Ayesha's wedding. - What?
And anyway, my mother had said..
..don't come back
without my daughter-in-law.
Balli, serve two more plates.
Ayesha's wedding will be
the grandest wedding in Bangkok.
Kok! Kok!
Okay, consider it done.
Why are you staring at me?
- l am your friend Ganesha. - Friend.
ls this how you treat a friend?
You're not worried about me.
My life's in a dilemma.
And now you sent Angad here too.
l know. l heard. Don't bore me.
''Oh my friend Ganesh,
always be with me.''
l've seen it five times,
please help me.
Shinu. - Yes.
lt happened just
like you said. - What?
Bells ringing.
- Not once, not twice, but three times.
- What? F or whom?
lt's a boy. - l know it's a boy.
But who's this lucky boy?
Okay, come.
- Where?
- There.
Good choice. - No, the other one.
Even better choice.
Are you sure? - Yes,
But how did it happen?
Sorry, ma'am.
But, Shinu, don't tell anyone okay.
Just a minute,
l'll be back in a minute.
Bappa! Bappa! Bappa! Bappa! Bappa!
lf you keep answering your
devotees prayers like this..
..your followers
will keep multiplying.
Ayesha and Angad,
what do l say Lord?
Bad idea, Shinu.
This was just coincidence.
Brother. - What?
Sister-in-law's coming. - Where?
Look ahead. - Where?
Wave at her. You get nervous every
time you see sister-in-law.
That's why you..
Sister-in-law.. - l'm doing..
Wow, Peter. Early morning massage.
You really look after Angad a lot.
Angad's worth everything.
By the way,
Peter, even l need a massage.
Shinu, which oil do you like?
l've both.
Peter, l don't take
massage from men. - Don't mind.
By the way, who do l ask?
Who do l ask? Who do l ask?
Who do l ask?
Got it.
See you later. See you.
Shinu's going to get
a massage from sister-in-law.
See you. See you.
Brother Angad.
Sorry. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry. Are you okay?
People usually swim
laps in a swimming pool..
..but you were on Angad's lap.
You were getting cozy with Angad.
Shinu, don't trouble me, go.
Okay, okay, l'll go because
you don't need me any more.
That's not it. - That's it.
l say that you go and tell your dad
that you love Angad, not me.
Shinu, you forgot.
You're the one who told
me love's not one way only.
- lt's a two way thing.
- l said it.
Angad will say 'l love
you' to you in a day or two.
Trust me,
l've seen it in his eyes. - Okay.
But, Shinu.
Don't tell anyone. - Sure.
Promise. - Promise.
Swear? - l swear.
Go, go. - Okay.
- Tell your dad.
No, dad. l was wrong about Shinu.
As soon as he saw
Vikrant's wealth..
..he forgot me and was inclined
towards Vikrant's daughter.
What do l do now? You tell me.
Dad, l never understood
Angad's love. l was so wrong.
But now l know he truly loves me.
l can't find a better boy than him.
How do l say 'l love you' to Angad?
But if he expresses his love,
then l'll say it too.
Angad, l love you too.
l do.
Where is she?
There she is.
l'm sorry again. - ''l am bad.''
- All okay?
Shinu, there's something in my eye.
Show me.
One more.
One more please..
Balli, l thought it was a gang-war.
They're children,
let's give them some privacy.
By the way, my son-in-law's
become Emran Hashmi.
Hashmi. Hashmi.
Balli, come on.
Thank you, Shinu.
All okay, Shinu?
- Never been better.
Stop it.
Let Ayesha catch her breath.
Are you going to kill
her with your kisses?
Balli, what are you doing?
One Romeo and two Juliet.
Sometimes Ayesha,
sometimes Sunaina.
''l am bad.''
''l am bad.''
the way you smile..isn't fair.''
''Putting your lover
in trouble..isn't fair.''
the way you smile..isn't fair.''
''Putting your lover
in trouble..isn't fair.''
''The day l met
you..l was just 19.''
''l still remember the day,
it was Valentines.''
''Dwelling in my heart
and leaving..isn't fair.''
''l am bad.''
''Touching the heart
and disappearing..''
'' a bad habit you have.''
''Showing glimpses,
and hiding again..''
'' a big problem.''
''Never be hasty and take a risk.''
''l am bad.''
''Dancing in skimpy
clothes..isn't fair.''
''Staring at us with
that look..isn't fair.''
''l am bad.''
''l am bad.''
''l'm starting to slip
with you gradually.''
''lf you do it, it's right..and
if we do it, it's..unfair.''
''ln love no one knows what's
right and what's..wrong.''
''The day l met
you..l was just 19.''
''l still remember the day,
it was Valentines.''
''Troubling your old
lover..isn't fair.''
''l am bad.''
the way you smile..isn't fair.''
''l am bad.''
Johnny-Johnny.. - Yes, papa.
Telling lies. - No papa.
Open the packet.. - Hahahaha.
Johnny filled Nebo with salt.
Johnny, l have many
illegitimate businesses.
But there's one business which..
..l run under the name of
my daughter Ayesha, fisheries..
And you adulterated
with that as well. - Why?
Hail Vikranta.
l swear on my benefactor.
Raju's now a gentleman.
Balli darling,
Johnny loves watching films.
So from today Johnny's
no longer Johnny..
Vikrant, l was thinking..
..if Shinu shoots
Johnny Gaddar today..
..then he can join
the family business today.
What a brilliant idea.
Balli darling, you're wicked.
Okay, son-in-law, your turn.
Sir.. - Yes,
shoot him in the head.
- But.. - Now take this
gun and shoot this arse.
Shoot him. Shoot him. Shoot him.
You sing wonderful
hymns for the Lord..
..and love songs for girls. - Yes.
Sometimes with Ayesha,
sometimes Sunaina.. sing really well. - Yes.
Now let's see you play.
Raja Babu. Dulhe Babu.
Jamai Raja.
Will you be my friend?
Shoot him.
Son-in-law fired,
l'll call you later.
- What did you do?
- Take it.
- Johnny..
- Balli?
Johnny killed Balli.
Run Milkha run!
Johnny! - Run.
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
Balli, l am so happy to see you.
Balli, forgive me.
Please forgive me.
No point, Balli can't speak.
- What?
Balli can't speak.
That means..Balli's
volume is on mute now.
But..Balli can hear everyone.
He can understand, right Balli.
But he can't speak.
But how will we know if
he has to go to the bathroom?
With this bell which the
doctor installed on his wheelchair.
All the best, Balli.
l guess he has to
go to the bathroom.
l'll take him.
Don't worry, Shinu.
The good news is Balli
can get well anytime.
He can speak, he can get up..
- How can he get up..
- What?
l mean how can
he get up on his own?
l will help him.
Just like sweetmeats have 'Mewa'.
ln dancing there's Prabhu Deva.
Similarly, l will look after Balli.
He's leaving.
Balli darling,
l found Johnny to get you revenge.
Yellow-yellow, he's a dirty fellow.
Dirty fellow?
- Dadzu.. What game are you playing?
We're playing 'Shoot the drum'.
Red is my favorite color.
Sir, she can shoot too?
- She does.
Hey he is in blue.
Hail Vikranta.
Myself Prasad.
What were you stuck in?
'Haathi Mere Saathi.'
Sir, they are my mom-dad.
- l know. l know.
l invited them.
You two are getting married,
He forgot. He forgot.
But nothing to worry about, relax.
Today my in-laws saved you.
But, the day my
daughter gets married.. bullet will pierce his heart.
lt will. lt will. lt will.
Johnny, you should've listened to
them. - Take him out. Take him out.
Take him out.
Mom-dad, this is..
- This is Ayesha, my daughter.
Dear, greet them.
- Sorry.
Hello. - Not that much.
Simple people.
Thank you - Hello.
What kind of a house is this?
lnstead of the
veneration platter..
welcomed us with a gun.
They are dangerous people.
Sunaina, my parents.
Hello. - lt's okay, dear.
- Who is she?
- She's the one l want to marry.
- So who was that?
- She wants to marry me.
Brother, after getting
suspended life is beautiful. - Only rest.
- Brother. What is it?
- Sister-in-law.
Why do you always lose, baby?
lt's cheating.
Who is it?
He's up.
Come on.
Balli, what happened?
Balli, take me there.
Where are you?
You in my room?
And that too so late..
- Ayesha, are you ok.
Vikrant is coming.
- Don't worry, l'll take care.
Go, go, go. - Where?
Ayesha open the door.
Move, move.
Dad. Someone is in the house
l'll find and shoot him.
Anybody in the bathroom.
- Dad, what's going on? What happened?
Balli's trying to
explain by whistling..
..that someone's in the house.
Anybody in your bedroom? - No. can anyone dare
to get in Ayesha's room?
l mean who can dare too..
..enter my future wife's room?
Who is it?
l'll check.
Who could be here?
Who is it?
No one's there.
No one's there.
There's no one inside.
- No one.
Let's look here too.
No one's there, Balli.
l'll check in this cupboard.
Johnny.. - Gaddar.
Walker. Walker. Walker.
l am sleepy.
Sir. - Yes.
Sir, you looked everywhere,
check the bathroom too.
Peter, you..
Not me.
Shinu you..
Should l tell Vikrant?
''l am bad.''
There's no one here.
And Angad isn't here.
l need a drink now,
Balli follow me.
Yes why no. - Not with you.
Angad's ready in the bathtub inside.
He'll definitely tell
you his feelings today.
And listen.
lf he doesn't then shoot him.
Everyone's gone.
You can come out now.
Thank you.
Thank you, ma'am.
l'm leaving now.
l really like you, thank you.
Shinu. Only three days
left for our wedding. - l know.
And do you know what
Angad said to me last night?
Thank you, ma'am.
l really like you.
So that's love.
- Tell your dad..
- Wait.
Do you like Katrina?
- By God.
Do you like Vidya? - Ooh la la.
Do you like Sachin? - Of course.
You like all of them. - Yes.
But, Shinu,
do you love any of them.
Similarly, Angad likes
me but he doesn't love me.
But, Ayesha..
- As long as he doesn't say..
..those three magical words,
l can't tell dad about him.
Ayesha. Ayesha.
My dear friends.
l am standing here raising
a toast for my dear son-in-law.
What do l say to this old man now?
But before that l
would like some of you.. say some nice
things about him.
And l would like to reguest
Shinu's father first..
..because he's his
off-spring after all.
What's going on.
25 years ago,
there were no lpods or lpills.
And Shinu was born.
Why was he born? Now l know why.
So that he can be
Singhal sir's son-in-law.
You know.. Shinu has made
me realize who my true love is.
She's talking about you.
Shinu has made me realize..
who my true love is.
She's talking about me too.
A toast for the son-in-law
of the Singhal family.
- l want to say something too.
- What?
Balli can speak.
Balli can speak.
- Speak up, Balli.
Balli can speak.
Balli can speak..
Speak up, Balli.
- Speak up, Balli.
Just like every
double-cross is deceit.
Just like every boundary is a four.
Similarly.. there's a
right moment to.. - Speak up.
What words. What emotions.
Time for double celebrations.
Balli can speak.
B for Balli. B for Bubbly.
Man has awakened.
Man has awakened. - Johnny.
- Dad. Dad.
Dad, it's a party. - Oh yeah.
Please dad.
Johnny, Balli will
decide your fate today.
''l am bad.''
Yes, Balli. Speak up.
Balli, what is this?
Balli, words no whistle.
No, l don't like this.
l am eager to hear your voice,
come on.
Shut your mouth or
l'll really shoot you.
Balli can't speak.
Balli you dumb man.
Balli, sometimes whistle or bell.
You gave a moment of happiness..
..and went back
to mute mode again.
You're missing your sister.
Here you go..
Peter, a man usually
holds his head like this..
..when the girl
slips out of his hand.
Now l will marry Sunaina
in front of your eyes.
Have you said 'l love
you' to Sunaina? - No. No.
Has she said 'l love you' to you?
Never. - Never.
l say first go say
'l love you' to her.
Then we'll talk. - Okay.
See you later.
l'll say 'l love
you' to Sunaina today.
You can't do it, sir.
Whose side are you on?
l am on your side, sir.
l am right here. - l am here too.
Sunaina, you know l
am a bit weak in romance.
But today..
Today l want to
tell you something..
..which l never told anyone.
- What?
ls she Sunaina?
Yes, its her.
Let go.
l can't control myself.
l just want to say.. l love you.
And if you want to
say something to me..
..then, l am waiting inside.
Angad, there's just
one thing l want to say now.
l love you too.
l love you too..
''l feel restless,
but can't understand.''
''l stay awake..''
'' do you sleep without me?''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep..''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep..''
''l stay awake..''
'' do you sleep without me?''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep..''
''Everyone's asleep.''
''But my eyes look for you.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''l've counted 1600 stars.''
''l keep awake,
l wonder how you fall asleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Gradually our
love has progressed.''
''My ties with you
have strengthened.''
''When l saw you,
stars glittered in my heart.''
''You turned out
to be my lucky girl.''
''By God l say.''
''l want to be with you.''
''l can't stand any
distance from you.''
''You don't come to meet me,
and l nearly die.''
''Skips a beat.''
''Skips a beat..''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep..''
''All the days of the
week passed some how.''
''When the seventh day came,
l stretched.''
''7:30 in the evening
my desires are on a high.''
''By 8:30 l get restless.''
''Don't waste time, come to me.''
''l waited a long time,
l can't wait any longer.''
''Anymore delay makes
my heart yearn.''
''One, two, three, four.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Saturday night l can't sleep..''
''l stay awake..''
'' do you sleep without me?''
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
''Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.''
''l cannot sleep.''
Oh sorry.
''Saturday night l can't sleep.''
Shinu. Whenever
a daughter's born..
..the father always
hates the boy..
..who will steal his princess.
But there can't be anyone
more fortunate than me.
Because a boy like you is
going to steal my daughter away.
Son-in-law, today l am assured..
..that you will love
Ayesha more than me.
And l like that. - Thank you.
That father is blessed
whose top you have come out from.
No, no, no.
l love you.
l love you my son-in-law.
You're the best. You're the best.
The love that you gave
in the last 10 days.. more than what my
parents gave me in 25 years. easily he's
humiliating his parents.
But it's important to ask Ayesha..
..who makes bells
ring in her heart?
Why ask her?
You made bells ring in
all our hearts. - That's true.
Dad, wait.
There she is.
Today l want to say
what's in my heart.
Thank God l got these 10 days.
Because now l know
who my true love really is.
l love..
And l am so lucky
l am marrying him.
Sorry, Shinu!
Sometimes as Krishna,
sometimes as Christ..
..or as Ganesh.
You've always supported
me in different forms.
The first time l fell
in love You blessed me.
But today..l'm
going to lose my love.
l need You the most today.
And You aren't helping me.
Why aren't You saying something?
Otherwise all the time you keep saying
Shinu do this, Shinu do that.
No one's going to help you today.
Not even your God.
You made bells ring
in Ayesha's heart for me.
But..we're going to play
the trumpet on your wedding.
Thanks to you,
Ayesha fell in love with me.
And taking advantage of that..
..l told her that l love her.
After that the poor girl
was ready to say anything l wanted.
Why play 'knock-knock'
with someone..
..who's already been knocked out.
Will you knock before
entering the room..
..after we're married?
We won't step out of
the room in the first place.
Every night will
be a wedding night.
But before you are climbing
the Mt. Everest.. need to go Nepal.
Wedding night is too far-fetched.. haven't even kissed me yet.
You want me to kiss you.
Of course, Angu.
Yes. - l must admit.
- What?
What happened?
Your boss..defeated me.
Oh my, God.
l can't believe this.
You've a big heart.
- Thanks, dude.
You're so sporting.
- Let's go.
So touch me and kiss me too.
Come on, Angad, even the
lights are switched off now.
- Don't waste time.
- Yes, good idea.
Angad, you kissed Peter.
Don't tell anyone.
Sometimes you shoot me,
sometimes you kiss me.
This relation is
getting too complicated.
l was going to kiss Sunaina..
..where did you come from?
No, no, l think Sunaina
came between you and Peter.
No, no, no.
Sunaina, l was going to kiss you.
l really love you.
l don't know where he came from?
l was nervous,
l never kissed anyone.
That's all.
Don't worry, Angad.
l'll teach you.
Because kissing is an art.
So l want to learn the art.
Okay, so first hold the
gorgeous lady's beautiful hand. - Okay.
Who's the teacher? - You.
Twirl her around.
Pull her closer. - Okay.
Bend over.
You got it..
- And..
l can't believe this.
See how Shinu kissed sister-in-law.
Angad, learn something.
One more time.. One more time..
- You..
Save me from this white gorilla.
You animal, why are
you troubling my son-in-law?
Mother-in-law, Angad kissed Peter.
And now he's furious with me.
ls it my fault that
l caught them in the act?
l always doubted these two.
Especially this midget.
- No, no, no, that's not it.
l'll tell you what happened.
- Okay.
Shinu said to Angad that
kissing your future bride is an art.
So what did you say? - l said l want to
learn the art of kissing.
He did. - So what
did you teach him, Shinu?
So l displayed my art.
- How is that?
- lt's like this.
l held Sunaina's beautiful hand.
Twirled her around.
Pulled her close.
Bent over.
What did l do next, Peter.
- Kissed her. - Yes.
That's the seguel of Kiss.
After Krish 2 this is Kiss 2.
Shall l do it again?
Stop, or l will shoot.
Shinu.. - What happened?
Why is he running
after you like a bull?
Dad, l said to him that kissing
your future bride is an art.
Correct. You're right.
- And what did you say?
l said l want to learn this art,
l don't know.
Yes, Angad said
he wants to learn it.
lsn't this the same
art l taught you? - Yes, dad.
This is the same art you taught Sharmila
aunty after mother went to the market.
Shut up. He's lying.
You know that you
taught me this art.
Naughty. Naughty.
Twirl her around.
Pull her closer. Bend over.
And then..
After Krish 3 this is Kiss 3.
- Shut up, Peter.
Balli, save me from him.
Balli, this rascal kissed
my bride three times.
Yes, l did. - You..
Do you want to see it?
Stop ringing the bell.
l learnt all l had to.
l can teach you too.
Twirl her around.
Pull her closer. Bend over.
And then.. - Hold on.
Actually..l feel shy..
That rascal kissed my wife
one day before our wedding.
He kissed her.
Kissed her.
Kill him. - l will kill him..
l will kill you. - Hold on.
Even though you know my daughter's
going to marry him.. - No. No.
How dare you do such a thing?
Dad, l love him. - What?
- Me.
You saw that?
He's not the right boy for you.
He's corrupt,
he's a Rowdy, he's a goon.
Goon. Goon.
- Oh, God.
Dad, are you talking
about Angad or yourself?
Because even you
are all these things.
That's why l've chosen Angad.
And that's my final decision.
How will l explain Shinu?
Explain him. Explain him. Shut up!
Son-in-law. Son-in-law.
No, son-in-law.
He's calling you.
But why corner?
l think this time it'll be done.
God's being unfair with me
just like l was with Sunaina.
But what happened?
She loves Angad and
wants to marry him. - No! No.
lf l don't get married
then how will l face anyone, sir.
Who will marry me? When my parents pass
through the lanes of Ooty..
..people will say,
''look there go the parents..''
''..of the unmarried son''.
He's overdoing it. - You became a widower
after getting married.
But you made me a widower
without getting married.
Widower. Widower. Widower.
Dad. He can make the
entire world widower.
lf l don't do as my daughter says
then l will lose her forever.
My daughter's life
lies in your hands.
Hands! Hands!
l even sacrificed my love,
my Sunaina for you.
l let Ayesha go.
''l am bad.''
Let go of my hand, sir.
Balli. Balli.
Your true love made
you the live-in son-in-law.
Ask Vikrant sir
to adopt me as well.
''Where are you looking?
Your hero's right here.''
''Where are you looking?
Your hero's right here..''
Wow, Shinu.
You fooled Vikrant for 10 days.
He didn't know that you
came to Bangkok to take me back.
l look sweet, innocent type.
But actually l am big rascal.
- Oh, really.
l love you. - l love you.
l love you, so much.
l never came across
a bigger rascal than you.
- Say thank you.
- Thank you, Shinu.
Look after her.
They look so happy.
Made for each other. - Yes.
- They will give you grandchildren..
But who will plough
my field now, sir?
Shinu, it's not wrong to tell a
thousand lies to save one marriage.
Sunaina, Shinu is a nice boy.
Please, l don't want that boy.
Tomorrow if he finds someone richer
he'll leave me again.
Sunaina, you're wrong.
Shinu is a gem.
He took 10 days not to know my daughter
better but to bring Angad and Ayesha closer.
Right, son-in-law
Yes..something like that.
- Exactly sir. - Yes.
- Really? - Yes.
Great. Great. Great. - Shinu!
What a lucky man l am.
Today l don't just have two daughters
but also two sons-in-law.
What do you say, Balli?
'Just like evidence
is called proof in English.'
'The ceiling of the
house is called a roof.'
'Similarly, in every
language you're called fools.'