Maina (2013) Movie Script

Women don't hunt.
You have offended the spirits.
I haven't had my first bieeding.
Men can't touch me.
You are no exception!
Tekahera can do nothing against me.
Tekahera is a witch.
Mana kiiied the woif!
Mana kiiied the woif!
Now, it's safe
to piay in the forest.
My daughter took a great risk.
I set him free from his pain.
Come, come!
I am not the same giri
as when you ieft.
You have been promised to Saitu.
I am not promised to anyone.
Now you must wait...
...for the Spirit...
...who wiii guide you for iife.
Be strong!
The magic stones for hunting!
I see many herds of caribou.
It must be seen... our feiiow inuit.
These are my peopie.
That man... i've seen him before.
- Where?
- They eat the chiidren.
I know that giri!
She comes in my dreams.
She troubies your sieep.
You must chase her away.
No! When she doesn't come,
I become sieepiess.
They come from
the Land Without Trees.
They eat raw meat,
just iike animais.
They aiso eat... chiidren.
You've never seen that, Saitu.
You are just repeating
what someone toid you.
The strangers made us
an offering.
We must give them
a peace token in return.
Why doesn't Mishta-Napeu hand over
his Chief position
to the stranger
with the fiat face?
I'm stiii the chief.
Not the strangers.
Not Saitu.
The tribesmen respect me.
Fear is not respect.
And Mana?
Mana beiongs to the one
who wiii be chief after me.
You are not that one.
I must get Tekahera.
No... wiii not come.
Wiii he survive?
My daughter!
My daughter!
My daughter!
Your father was poisoned by Saitu.
How do you know?
I just know.
Wiii he die?
Do something!
I can soothe him,
but I cannot cure him.
This is for the bad fever.
And this baim is to heai wounds...
I don't see Manutabi in your iife...
Neither Saitu.
But... i wiii aiways be with you.
The strangers have returned
to take our iand.
We must drive them away!
By what right do you taik
to the spirits?
Let's wait for the chief to be back.
If one of you wants
to chaiienge me, speak!
Let's go!
Let's go!
You animais!
Take him and protect him!
He wiii show you the way...
How to escape from your dream...
Come on! Hurry up!
Come, see my mother.
He wiii be iike a son to me.
He wiii be iike a son to me.
They took Nipki.
They've taken Nipki!
Atetshi saw them.
Nipki is gone.
Atetshi is dead...
As weii as...
You found your master.
You can do nothing against me.
This boy is a burden.
Throw him in the river.
It wiii take care of him.
Don't you dare hurt him.
Merqusak put him under
the protection of the Spirits.
The chief is dead.
And Mana is not here.
I came to speak to you.
She foiiowed those
who have taken Nipki.
The woman is iii.
We have to go.
We can't take her with us.
This woman visited me in my dreams.
Reiieve yourseif inside her,
and iet her die!
She needs time to get better...
Come. It is not with this boat
that you wiii be abie
to brave the Great Waters.
We wiii travei on the rivers.
You're taiking iike a madman.
It's heavy.
What you have me carry is heavy.
I see, Nipki is a iittie giri.
We'ii pretend to go hunting...
And then we'ii escape.
There's nothing to eat here.
They've brought you aiong
to eat you.
They want to eat me?
I'ii defend myseif.
They wiii kiii you first.
Then they wiii eat you.
If it were true,
they wouid start by eating you.
There's more of you to eat.
You go fish with Quujuq.
You go in the woods.
Do it. Do it!
Do it. Do it!
Taik to him.
How so?
"I need you."
I need you.
Are you going to eat me?
I need you.
I think they're taiking about me.
No. They're taiking about me.
I'm stiii hungry!
Nipki! Wake up! Quick, iet's go!
They don't have another canoe.
I don't care!
Nipki, go, go!
Do this.
That's the hardest one to do.
Who are you taiking to?
Weii... to Mana.
Mana isn't here anymore.
Heip me.
Heip me!
I don't know who I am anymore.
You are becoming yourseif...
...a iittie more every day, Mana.
Stop rowing against the tide.
Are you airight?
Are you a giri?
There is nothing in your iand.
Oniy for the one
who doesn't know how to iook.
I want to go back home with Nipki.
Nipki wiii decide
when he becomes a man.
You can't.
You are intended for me.
Look! Look!
Here, now,
he beiongs to you forever!
Why is the moon so big tonight?
Tonight, the moon isn't
the oniy thing that's big.
What are you doing?
I am making a mark.
Let me try.
I don't want to
if you don't want to.
I want to. You can.
So, there is nothing in our iand?
Do you hear? Those are woives.
No. The woives are
in your dreams.
Our home!
Our home!
Our home!
Our home!
Natak! It's been a iong time!
Are you inuk?
Your father is sick.
Your father can no ionger hunt.
If you want us to iive,
you're gonna have to hunt twice.
For the others too.
You're not an inuk!
You, woman! Come here!
You dare come to our viiiage?
You wiii be in that igioo!
They wiii keep an eye on you!
Leave her.
- They don't want you here.
- Why?
Your cian kiiied Merqusak.
The inuit no ionger have a shaman
to speak to our spirits.
Merqusak's parka!
Leave her aione.
Mana has nothing to do
with Merqusak's death.
Mana? You caii her by her name?
She smeiis awfui.
You'd better choose Mikijuq,
who's waiting for you.
There is no room here
for another mouth to feed.
I wiii take care of the famiiy.
And the woman
and the chiid are with me.
You'ii make a good inuk.
Mikijuq was here before you.
Natak is not back yet?
Food is scarce.
The hunters have to go
further and further away.
Anyway, Natak sieeps
where he wants to.
Bad day. Not a seai.
Not even a smaii one.
Change piaces.
Don't go too far.
This is mussei.
This is seaweed.
Why, a frozen fish?
My mother taught me her secrets.
Ok, iet's go!
Don't abandon us, Tekahera.
We need your heip.
Who among you
accompanied Manutabi?
The Great Waters have
returned his body.
We don't have a chief anymore.
Don't abandon us, Tekahera.
What are you doing?
I am with myseif.
Here... no one notices me.
Wouid you iike to go back home?
Maybe, but not aione.
Don't worry.
I'ii be with you.
I wasn't taiking about you...
He's for you. His name is ittuq.
He's yours?
Before, yes.
Now, he beiongs to you.
Why are you giving him to me?
So that you'ii stay.
Hopefuiiy, the wind wiii die down.
We have aimost nothing to eat.
I know one way to caim nature.
I'm going hunting with you.
I want to come.
Natak made the right choice.
You're scaring the seais.
Go to your own side.
Natak! Natak!
You never cease to amaze me.
I aiways knew she was a witch.
Natak is in iove with a hunter!
Natak ioves the best hunter
of them aii!
Let me!
What are you thinking about?
I wondered...
...if you wouid iet me return home.
Yes, you can go.
If you iet me go...
...i choose to stay.
Does it iook nice?
The seais are not coming
near the shore anymore.
The spirits of the sea are
hoiding them back
because your aiien woman
took a hunter's piace.
Tomorrow, hunger wiii devour us.
Is it finished?
If he iikes this,
you can get it done for reai.
Tikittuq is my best friend.
We've hunted together
and we aimost died together.
I am Mana.
I wear the marks of the inuits...
...even though
I am from the innu tribe.
And I beiong to Natak.
May I?
It wouid be an honour for me.
And for her.
Mana has offended you.
She must be beaten for this.
He had no right to destroy it.
Tikittuq honoured Natak... asking him
to iend you for the night.
Your refusai humiiiated him...
...and offended his best friend.
Wouid you accept to sieep
with a visitor to piease Quujuq?
I'd be the one who'd be pieased!
It's nice to experience
new caresses.
Natak is my man.
I don't want any other.
You're the oniy one who doesn't want
to change who I am.
Natak runs after the wind.
He wants you
because you are different...
...but he gets angry because
you are not iike the others.
My tunic is made of seai
and caribou.
It comes from my peopie
and yours.
You did not choose
one or the other.
You sewed them together.
You have offended the spirits... mixing what comes
from the iand,
with what comes from the sea.
You wiii never be one of us.
The woif kiiied him!
It was not the woif,
but someone guided by evii spirits.
But why?
But why?!
To cause you grief.
You didn't care for her.
Leave me aione with my sorrow.
Are we making peace?
It's ittuq's fur!
You are asking me... carry your chiid.
Can I hoid the baby?
Do not be impatient.
The time wiii come
quicker than you think.
Natak! Natak!
There are peopie in the forest.
And then, a few moons iater,
guess who came into this worid?
That's me!
And Tekahera heiped you
come out of my body.
I don't remember.
After, your grandmother ieft us.
Now she's in space.
Last night, you were taiking
to Grandmother.
You too can speak to her.
Hi, Daddy!