Maja Ma (2022) Movie Script

Hello, Uncle.
Hi, Auntie.
Hello, Dad.
That will be too much.
Hello, sir. Hi, ma'am.
Bless me.
Bless me, Auntie.
How will I greet them?
I seek your blessings.
Bless me.
I was just about to call you.
Why are you so nervous?
I'm meeting her parents
for the first time and so
They're Isa's parents.
They will be good.
Mom Her name is not Isa,
it's Esha.
Okay, Esha.
They're millionaires, Mom.
They're a little different.
Okay, tell me something.
Which of these jackets should I wear?
Both are good.
I cannot wear both.
Tell me, please.
Okay, bring it closer.
The first one's button is broken.
Wear the second one.
Oh, freak! Good eye!
Now, open your mouth.
Hang on.
Feed me your "WiFi curd".
Here you go.
Well, now get ready quickly.
What do they say in America?
You know you can say
"No" to this, right?
You don't have to do this for me.
There is no obligation.
I am not doing this for you,
it's for us.
My mom says everything works out
if your intentions are pure.
It's going to go just fine.
My parents aren't bad people.
They just think differently.
I understand.
Parents are generally extra cautious
about their children.
Especially, if they are rich.
You better be.
Because once they accept you,
you will see how loving they are.
Can't wait to meet them.
Okay, let's see.
You know Sushu is our only child.
And we just want to be sure.
Of course.
Bob feels the scientific way
is the way to be sure.
No worries, Auntie.
I also believe in Science.
Anyway, all that is happening everywhere.
You know, frauds
Right, Bob?
-You can never be too sure.
-Fraud? Me?
-Mom! Please
It won't be the first time
with you, Sushu.
Dad saved you the last time.
But trust me, Auntie. I am not a fraud.
We'll let the machine decide that.
Ready, John?
Hey, easy.
I love you, okay?
I love you more.
You're going to be fine.
Sushu, you know Dad doesn't like PDA.
please take Eshu out.
What? No. I'll stay here with Jas.
You won't be able to handle the truth.
He is like a sweet puppy.
Where did you find him?
On Tinder?
Mixer Grindr?
Sushu, see, I'm so with it.
No, you're not, Mom.
Grindr is an app for gay people.
We met at the campus. Okay?
-Have you guys done it?
-Oh my God! Mom, stop it.
What's wrong with you?
Sushu, you know
you can tell me anything.
Why don't you ask me this
in front of Dad?
You become a totally different
person in front of him.
You get so happy when Moms say
things like these in English movies.
But when I try to be cool,
you always stop me.
Yes, we've done it.
-See! You are not cool.
We have not done it, Mom.
-Thank God!
-Your voice won't stop ringing in my head.
Thank God!
Really don't know how, but
He is clean. Too clean, in fact.
So, he is not doing it for money?
Not even for a Green card?
Thank you, Uncle.
Thank you, Auntie.
Not so quick, young man.
Indian marriages are between two families.
So first,
I need to meet your family.
Sure, Uncle.
I welcome you to my city.
Making some noise
And keeping up to the music of the drums
Is my anklet dancing today
Slipping off
And flowing like breeze is my stole
As the girls do Garba today
Oh, no
Hey! Don't laugh.
Sarita, manage your weight.
Pallavi, I won't be able to do
this couple Garba.
Why not?
Move, let me demonstrate.
Do Garba today
-Got it? Come.
One, two, three, four.
Do Garba today
You got it, right?
-Pallavi, well done.
-Now, stand straight.
-You want to give me a slipped disc?
-Aunt Pallavi is the best.
Now, you handle the rest.
Pallavi, we are yet to decorate the dais.
And we also have to make
coconut sweets.
At least tell us the day-wise colors
before you go.
I've been telling you that
for twenty-five years.
Please learn it.
Here it is.
Vrindavan Co-op Society Com
Comer Comererate Comrade
Comrate Comeratea
Manohar, it isn't Comrate.
It's "Commemorate."
It's a word used in high societies.
Your American friends,
your son's in-laws will be impressed.
This time's festival should be amazing.
Tejas is marrying a girl
from such a rich family.
We'll do our best.
we won't let it be the best.
Next time, it will be my photo here.
Viral, aren't you satisfied after
losing the society election once?
Uncle, don't point your finger at Viral.
-How dare you
A Society Chairman and Treasurer
have a reputation to maintain.
You shouldn't be arguing
with random punks.
There's an age to do all this anyway.
I have changed your diapers
when you were infants.
Now, you feel ashamed
to greet your aunt.
-Greetings, Auntie!
-Greetings, Auntie!
Okay, let me promise you.
Next year, I will vote for you.
And not your uncle. Okay?
Did you make a list
of the performances on Day 1?
We were just about to do that.
Bloody Manohar
He wins every time,
all thanks to his wife's popularity.
The lights guy is waiting to meet us.
-In half an hour.
-Tejas will scream at us, come on.
-Come on, now.
-There's so much work to do.
-Just half an hour--
What is a girl like you
doing with a boy like me?
You're so beautiful, kind, hot
Let's not use the word, "Hot".
I cannot say that.
show me what you recorded.
Thanks, Tejas.
Hey, stop.
Delete the video.
What's wrong?
Why is Uncle Janak's granddaughter roaming
around our house recording videos?
It is vacation time for the children.
You used to roam around
everyone's houses in the society
during your vacations as well.
You look nice.
If you wear your pajama as well,
I would've warded off evil eyes.
Mom, do it the way I look.
Everything works out
if your intentions are pure.
Don't worry.
Tell me if Esha and her parents
will like these coconut sweets.
Well done, Pallavi!
It's just yummy.
Once they see your dance,
everything will be finalized.
Come on, now!
Tejas, come here.
Are Esha's parents happy
with this engagement?
Of course, they are happy, Mom.
Then why are you so nervous?
Actually, they're too traditional.
More than us.
So, they just wanted to meet
you and Dad once. That's all.
And what if I reject Esha?
-Mom, don't do that. My heart will fail.
We'll lead the wedding procession
and go there.
In a couple of years,
I'll get settled.
Then you and dad come there too.
We'll live together.
What will we do there?
We're fine here.
We have our people,
our daughter, here.
Hey, you please handle her, Mom.
Why are you always after Tara?
Nobody has to be after her.
It's her habit to interfere
in others' matters.
-Let live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let live!
-Let us have a life too!
We are not here to raise slogans.
Our motive today is to give
strength to all those people
who live, hiding their identities.
We want to assure them,
that they don't have to fear
their family or even society.
Accept our gender identity
and sexual orientation.
And live freely, with no fear.
-Thank you.
-Why did she say "Our"?
She has a husband.
Was she in the closet?
No, not at all.
She is happily married.
So then how is she queer?
She is doing a Ph.D. in
Sexual and Gender Studies.
Nobody knows better than her.
Do you understand? Just applaud.
I would like to thank everyone
who is here.
Especially, our reporters.
A big round of applause
for the reporters, please.
Do you have any questions?
-Ms. Tara
Do you think this city and its people,
are ready for this movement?
Sir, this movement has been
going on for a long time.
But I think we can now
talk freely about it.
This way, we can make
a healthy society.
Anything else?
So, what's your demand
from the Government?
Well, we're just demanding our rights
from the Government.
Not just the government,
but from the entire society.
Did you see how agitated people are
regarding the increase in LPG prices?
Hold on. What do you mean by LPG gas?
The gas you use in the kitchen.
Madam, this isn't a rally to protest
against the LPG rate hike.
What is it, then?
This is an LGBTQIA+ rights rally.
Yes, that's what I said.
-So, why LPG?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
queer, intersex, asexual, plus.
-Didn't you read?
-Such disgusting news
What did you say?
-You are disgusting!
-Excuse me!
-Bloody insensitive reporter.
-You cannot talk to me like that.
Have you read before coming?
-Get out of my university.
-Is this the way you speak?
-Tara, stop! Please, go!
-Did you read anything that I had sent?
-Tara, stop!
-I'll destroy you!
I'll destroy you!
-I'll show you
-Tara, stop!
Come on, Dad!
Did you take the day off
to snore on the couch?
I was meditating and
-Kinjal, finish your milk.
Dad, Mom is doing it all alone.
-Everything will be done, Teju.
-How will it be done?
Have you seen the condition of the house?
We had to get it painted,
even that's not done.
We have M F Hussain in our home.
Why get it done from elsewhere?
Looks beautiful.
-Dad, please don't change the topic.
Is this the way
you speak to your dad?
What will Esha's family think?
The fans are creaking.
The dining table is shaking.
Did you see behind the TV?
The paint has come off
due to dampness.
Why will they see behind the TV?
Are they traveling for 22 hours
to check the dampness behind the TV?
Actually, Esha's dad is a bit
detail-oriented person.
Tejas, we must look just as we are.
You're right, Mom,
and our house is so beautiful.
But, Dad, we can at least
put in a little effort.
Dad, they have a pool
bigger than our house.
Are you getting married to her
or her swimming pool?
Mom, she is going to
change the world.
It's her brother's engagement
and she is not happy at all.
She does care about you.
Look she has got colorful flags
for the decoration.
Dad, it's a pride flag.
-It's a symbol of LGBTQIA+.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
queer, intersex, asexual plus.
Tell him.
Dad, actually
Guy likes a guy,
girl likes a girl.
Boy and boy together,
a girl and girl together
-Mom, do you hear that?
-Don't you know?
-Your daughter is doing a Ph.D. on it.
Pallavi, wasn't she doing
something about gender?
Isn't sexuality a big part of it?
What words is she using?
We have a small girl in the house.
Dad, it's important to teach
kids about all this.
What will Janak think?
What indecency are we teaching to
his grandchild?
What indecent?
What do I say?
There was nothing as such
in our generation, Pallavi.
This new generation has a new
fashion every now and then.
Fashion, Mom?
I can't believe this is my family.
Did my generation write the Kamasutra?
-Stop blabbering nonsense.
Well, should I make rotli or bhakri?
Mom, I don't want your rotli,
I need your support.
-Can't you tell them anything?
-I've always supported you.
Is it important
to talk about all this today?
Please keep Mom away
from all this.
Pure brain, pure thoughts.
Right, Mom?
He has studied in the US, but his
thoughts are still pathetic, I swear.
We all should listen to her
because she is a leader.
Tell me something, how are you
related to this LGBTQ?
How is Gandhiji related to
the Harijan movement?
This is called God syndrome, Mom.
She has God syndrome.
He has sold his soul for dollars
and he's teaching me.
-I'm making rotli.
What, Mom?
What do you mean by sold?
I'm earning at least.
I'm not just sitting
and getting graduated like you.
I'm not selfish like you.
I'm here with Mom and Dad.
And brother-in-law?
Do you even remember his face?
Shall I help you recognize
your own face?
-What, Mom?
-Stop it now!
A festival is round the corner
and you're fighting like kids!
I don't want any nuisance in this
house for a few days, you get it?
You bloody
I glow like a firefly, in your love
And you!
Did you book a car
to go to the airport?
-Yes, I did.
-Which car?
A seven-seater.
Mr. Deepak gave me a good deal.
With a carrier.
Get it canceled.
I'll book a luxury sedan.
Pallavi, isn't a sedan a small car?
Shall I make warm turmeric
milk for you?
You must be tired.
Go and pamper your son.
Have you ever stood by
your daughter?
When you chose this Ph.D.
instead of pursuing CA,
didn't I stand by you?
Is it necessary to speak it out
loud in front of everyone?
You don't get tired of listening
to Tejas's American tales.
But what I think,
what is going on in my mind,
sounds annoying to you.
You are different!
People don't get what you try to say.
I look different to you, now?
I wonder what would you all have done,
if I was a lesbian.
You would have disowned me.
Why are you getting awkward?
I'm normalizing the conversation.
I just said lesbian.
It's not a crime to be of a different
gender or sexual orientation.
Hey, what happened?
"Mrs. Pallavi's daughter
is a lesbian."
"This is what
Mrs. Pallavi has taught her."
You know what's your problem, Mom?
You are unable to tolerate
what people talk, that's it.
Don't jump on the mattress.
Oh my God, you can't even look at me.
Dad thinks homosexuality is fashion
and for you, it's an illness. Right?
-Will you stop it?
-No, I won't.
Until you tell me if you would
have accepted me if I was a lesbian.
You make no sense.
It's important for me. Tell me.
Savita doesn't even dust properly.
-Don't change the topic, Mom.
-I'm not changing the topic.
Then tell me if I was interested in girls,
would you have accepted me?
Why are you repeating
the same thing constantly?
Yes or no?
-Yes, I would have accepted, enough?
-You can't even lie, Mom.
You wanted an answer,
I gave you one.
You're sweating for such a small thing,
how would you accept me?
-You do the rest.
-What happened? Did you see a ghost?
Mom, Dad and Tejas are better.
At least they don't act like
they're open-minded, unlike you.
I'm not acting.
Yes, you have learnt
this since childhood.
Make thepla and rotli
and keep your mouth shut.
Sometimes I'm so glad,
I'm not a coward like you.
-I'm not a coward.
-Then, what else are you?
I'm a lesbian!
I don't like men, I like women.
Tell me, will you accept me?
Mom, please don't try reverse
psychology on me.
Go give him his medicines.
Mom, are you okay?
Okay! Okay, sorry
Why has everyone become so pinky?
Come on, Tejas.
It's the first-day color.
What is she doing here?
Oh! She's a kid,
she was insisting.
Tara and her husband are not
going to give us good news.
We're happy with our neighbors' kids.
It feels good, right, Pallavi?
Why does every topic comes
and ends on my uterus?
What did you say?
-Human anat--
-Not today, enough!
-I beg you!
-Okay, sorry.
Pallavi is right,
until the in-laws go back,
let's not get into any arguments.
-I don't say anything, she starts it.
-Son! Daughter!
-What is this?
Dad, why do you become
Nehru every time?
Remove that rose.
Look at Mom.
She is so smartly dressed.
Mom! Dad!
Best of luck!
Mom and Dad.
Hi, sir! Welcome!
Welcome to India.
How are you?!
My son said you love this car, so
-What's that smell?
Where is she?
Mrs. Pam
Thank you.
Are you kidding me?
Double charge for half an hour?
You crossed the time limit.
-Eshu! Eshu!
-Don't you dare talk about limits.
-Mr. Jayesh is the contractor, right?
-No, sir--
One minute!
Everything that you see around you
does not belong to us.
I always wanted to go on
a bike ride with my girlfriend.
That dream came true today.
Come here.
It's India, madam.
Not Manhattan.
Oh, really? Okay!
Silly girl!
Are you sure Mom and Dad
will be comfortable here?
I mean, the presidential suite
is booked, so if you want
Don't worry!
They wanted an authentic Indian family.
They will adjust.
I just want our families to get along.
They will.
But no matter what,
promise me, we will always
stand by each other.
I promise!
Come what may.
Okay, here goes.
So authentic!
-Come! Come!
-Dad, let's go in.
Come! Come!
My dad is totally crushing
on your mom.
Hey, Tejas!
Your girl is a hot chic!
She's an NRI. She won't get it!
What did he say?
Nothing. Come. Let's go.
We'll go inside.
Im so proud
of our Indo-American communities
and especially, our very own Bob Hansraj
-And together
-Did Mr. Trump say that at your behest?
-We will make America
Bob is the President of
the commercial chambers in Texas.
They have organized
a party here, in the Palace.
In the King's palace?
Oh, wow!
Next year, Bob is running for Mayor.
From Houston.
Oh, very good.
Excuse me, please.
should I tell them?
Even I've been the President of
Vrindavan Society for the past 15 years.
Secretary of our bank union
for two terms.
How to win or lose an election,
I will give you all the tips.
That's awesome!
He gets promotions done by me
for his elections.
-Don't accept his tips at all.
You aren't having your periods, right?
You know, it's impure
to go to the kitchen during those days.
It's like scientifically proven.
And Bob is really careful about
these things, so
-Don't worry, I'm fine.
-Thank you!
Menopause, you know.
-May I?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Your sari is beautiful.
Don't look like you are
brought up in America.
No, but I'm from Kiratpur.
His dad selected me
and took me to America.
I didn't even know a word of English.
What do you say, Bob?
Wow! This is heaven.
You can only get that
in an authentic Indian home.
The coconut sweets made by Pallavi
are famous in the entire city.
Very delicious!
You must pack a couple of kilograms
and take it for Mr. Trump as well.
Indian women.
They're a class apart.
Mr. Bob really appreciates you, Mrs. Pam.
Please have something sweet.
Lovely home, Aunt Pallavi.
And you paint so beautifully!
Now that you're here,
it will be better.
It is your home too now.
Thank you!
She is awesome!
Mr. Bob, you've
instilled great values.
You know my parents
Mom and Dad,
when they left India,
they had only 20 dollars.
But what they had were real principles.
Values and self-respect
was their real treasure.
And that's what
-Made the Hansrajs what they are today!
-Made the Hansrajs what they are today!
I listen to this story at least
twice every day.
Mr. Bob, we like your daughter Esha.
You just send her
with a pair of clothes.
No demand!
Well, to be honest,
we didn't like Tejas initially.
Yeah, let me finish.
Bob was right.
There was a difference.
You know, finance, lifestyle, class.
But Sushu was just so crazy about him.
Then we got to know
about the good things.
Like, he's a vegetarian,
has family values,
and he's a virgin.
It's true!
That's what sealed it for me actually.
Otherwise, where do we find
clean virgin boys, nowadays?
You've honored us by saying this.
He is a virgin since childhood.
Human nature, you know?
-Please have khamni.
-Pallavi, here.
All the credit for this achievement
goes to Pallavi.
She has taught him to be a virgin,
since childhood.
And Tara
-Come here.
Even our Tara is a virgin.
-You kids are my reputation.
Won't I feel proud when someone
calls you a virgin? Huh?
Clean virgin family!
Tell me, what will you do?
What will you do?
Please watch this video.
A video again?
-Do something different--
I will have to get the projector out.
Please watch it.
Why do you secretly film
people from the neighborhood?
What's that?
Oh, wow, Kinjudi!
-Let's make it much better. Okay?
Go, your mom is calling you.
Get to work, quickly.
Okay then, others come tomorrow.
Great lungs!
Hey! Come on!
Let us hear some applause
Summon everyone
It's time to have some fun
The night is so enchanting
Look, the moon has put on
Its dancing shoes
And is here to swirl around
It's a fun-filled, colorful night
As friends dancing away the night
In glory
Enthusiasm and love fill the air
-No, Jas!
-It's a night of celebration
Vibrant are my moves
Vibrant are my moves
My lover sings along
Vibrant are my moves
Mrs. Pam
Hey! Come on!
Let us hear some applause
Hey! Come on!
Let us hear some applause
Play some music
Let's hear the drums
Let your anklets loose
To dance to the drummer's tune
Let the girls' scarves
And tippets be swayed
By the gentle breeze on this Garba night
It's a fun-filled, colorful night
As friends dancing away the night
In glory
Enthusiasm and love fill the air
It's a night of celebration
Vibrant are my moves
Vibrant are my moves
My lover sings along
Vibrant are my moves
Hey! Come on!
-Let us hear some applause
-Vibrant are my moves
Vibrant are my moves
Hey! Come on!
-My lover sings along
-Let us hear some applause
Vibrant are my moves
Amazing. So cool!
Thank you, Vismay and Party!
Now next is Kinjal!
-What is this item?
-Let's see.
-You looked so cute!
-Are you getting me?
-Hello, everybody!
Today I'm going to show you
my homemade video.
It's called "People of Vrindavan".
Watch it
I'm normalizing the conversation.
It's not a crime to be of a different
gender or sexual orientation.
She keeps arguing all the time.
Yeah, that's me.
Now, it's your turn.
Sometimes I'm so glad,
I'm not a coward like you.
-I'm not a coward.
-Then what are you?
I'm a lesbian!
I don't like men, I like women.
I'm a lesbian!
I don't like men, I like women.
One, two, three, four
-Do Garba today
-You got it, right?
Wow, Mrs. Pallavi!
I'm a lesbian!
I don't like men, I like women.
-Mr. Jugal!
Teju, call the doctor.
Is your mom alright?
I can go anywhere with you.
Blood pressure is absolutely normal.
Don't get worked up at all
and get some rest.
Doctor, is everything alright?
There is nothing to worry about.
It happens when we get worked up.
See you! Get some rest.
Thank you, Jugal.
We messed up your Garba.
That's not a problem.
This is just a family matter.
Tejas, how are
the engagement preparations going?
It's going well. Look after her.
Let's go!
Where is Esha?
They've gone to the hotel.
They will be comfortable there.
I will meet them
and explain everything.
Mom, get some rest!
Didn't you hear what he said?
You need some rest.
This stupid girl caused all this mess.
I wonder what she got you to speak!
We were just having a conversation.
Don't get worked up.
I'll go to the hotel.
And clear this misunderstanding.
You need to rest.
Wait, Dad!
I'm going to the hotel
to speak to them.
Please don't leave Tara alone
with Mom.
-I'll come too.
We elders need to sort this out,
I have to come with you.
Wait for two minutes,
I'll just change and come.
I'm fulfilling the duties
of being your dad.
Have some patience!
Wow! Congratulations!
Thank God, you're here.
Forget him, you hug me first.
How are you, Aunt Kanchan?
No one else like me exists.
-What's up, dude!
-Where's Tara, my dear wife?
You were going to come
tomorrow, right?
Yes, but Mom wanted to surprise you.
I started the car and here we are.
Good that you all have come.
How are you?
-Oh, Pallavi!
-I'll be back in a minute.
-How are you, daughter-in-law?
Why don't you bring your rally to Mumbai?
-You keep quiet!
I'm saying it out of love, you know.
Yes, roasting.
-Where did you meet the girl?
-New York!
Oh, a girl from New York
means everything is fine.
-Actually, we met
-I've heard she is a Punjabi?
-Greetings, Mr. Moolchand.
-Greetings, Pallavi.
-How are you?
-I'm fine. Thank you and congrats!
-You too.
Should I get juice or tea?
Hey, Shahrukh!
Hey, Sallu!
Your mom always wants to go first!
What do you eat?
Your age has
come to a standstill.
Pallavi is the one who cooks for me,
sister Kanchan.
Oh, come on! I am not your sister.
I am Kanchu for you.
-Move now, it's my turn.
-Come ahead.
-You always start flirting with him, Mom!
-How are you?
-How are you?
What happened?
-Are you crying?
Both of you do whatever you want.
I wanna meet Esha!
She has jet lag.
We will meet her tomorrow.
You all, freshen up.
I'll be right back! Dad!
Play some music!
There's a wedding in the house.
Why is there so much silence here?
I just knew it.
Can't trust these Indian Indians!
They're just killing our culture.
You know, something about that woman
How do you mean?
Something drastically wrong.
But thank God, we are safe now.
No, Pam. We are not safe at all.
If this news reaches America,
then that's going to be the end
of my political career.
I'll talk to him.
The reputation of the Hansrajs,
just gone!
that's not gonna happen.
What's he doing here?
He is not supposed to be here.
No one from that family!
-Are there any cameras around?
Dad, please just hear me out.
It's a huge misunderstanding.
There's no chance, she is lesbian.
Mom said it without
a second thought
because of Tara
Who says such things for no reason?
You think we are idiots
because we are American?
I wonder what all your mom does
without a second thought?
What are you saying?
I love Esha, but that doesn't mean,
you can talk ill about Mom.
-Jas, please!
-Just because of a stupid video
How dare he talk to Bob like that!
-These are his cultural values, is it?
-We can resolve this.
-No, we can't!
We're calling it off.
The engagement is canceled.
We are all going back home.
-No, wait! Wait.
Nothing is canceled.
And, Dad, I'm not going anywhere.
-Jas, come here.
Mom, please!
Did you hear what she said?
This is ridiculous.
There's too much pressure on Dad.
Do you know what my mom
is going through?
Why are you differentiating
between the two of us?
We are in this together, remember?
I'll handle them.
You must go, your mom needs you.
-What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
You are surely hiding
something from me.
-I'm not hiding anything.
-Mom, please!
Look at me!
Look into my eyes and speak.
Are you really a lesbian?
Stop it!
Mom, please! I need to know the truth.
Swear by me! And tell me
-Let me go!
I've always supported you.
Bet it a long-distance marriage
or your gender studies.
And I'll always do that.
But maybe now it's getting to you.
You're overthinking a lot.
Calm down.
For the first time in my life,
I hope I'm wrong, Pinakin.
But I know my mother.
Tara, she is a simple woman.
She has a regular, uncomplicated life.
people get scared.
And the society pressure,
then the video.
That is not important.
I saw something in her eyes.
I mean
I didn't make much of it, but
when I confronted her
I really think she's hiding something.
That's not true, Tara.
It's quite a normal reaction.
When you sit with your family
to watch a film on TV,
and you see a kissing scene,
how do you react?
What do you even talk about at times?
Sometimes you talk so pedestrian.
I am not talking about
her discomfort.
Pinu, I'm talking about her identity.
What if my mother has always
been in the closet?
You know sometimes I'm so glad
I'm not a coward like you
I'm not a coward
I'm not a coward
I'm a lesbian!
I'm a lesbian!
I'm a lesbian!
I don't like men, I like women
You can like Dhokla, chutney
Or extra sev on your Khamni
But Pallavi ain't into that
She likes ladies only
-I'm a lesbian!
-Wow, Pallavi!
-I'm a lesbian!
-Wow, Pallavi!
I'm a lesbian!
We need to get out of here. Now!
I don't like men, I like women
Aunt Pallavi!
What's wrong?
Don't talk to Aunt Pallavi!
Is everything okay?
I just saw some people
watching a video
about Aunt Pallavi!
It's gone viral.
Manohar, it's on the phone as well.
Come on, dance
You look so cute!
Come on, Pallavi.
Hey, where are you going, Manohar?
Kanchan, I'm wet.
You are shining even more like this.
This time we both will do
a special dance.
What's wrong?
Will you hate me?
What are you saying?
That's impossible.
All this
I want to meet them and say sorry.
Why would you do that?
Esha is handling it.
Today, for the first time
in 25 years
they performed
the Aarti without me.
I won't let your reputation
be harmed.
I will shut everyone's mouth!
Look at this!
Look at this too.
-They are calling us shame, Ms. Sanjana.
-I get it.
Why was she even allowed
to do this rally?
Alright, enough!
Stop it, you guys! Stop it!
Tara, I had forbidden you
What's the use of being
so aggressive?
Such articles ruin
our reputation instead.
She should be thrown out,
Ms. Sanjana.
He is right, madam.
Throw her out.
She is here with heterosexual privilege.
-What stakes does she have here?
-Borrowed outrage!
My mom is a lesbian.
I saw it in her eyes.
Her truth!
She is running away from the truth.
I'm really sorry, guys.
I didn't know what any of this meant
until I had to confront it
with my own mother.
But you may or may not stand by me,
but my mom will not live in fear.
I can't do this.
Let's go.
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
I'm telling you, this is rubbish!
If you want,
I can also give it in writing.
Uncle, people are defaming our society.
The neighboring society has
canceled the football match with us.
This is a mockery of today's youth.
He is the one who made the video "virus".
Ask him who wrote "Impotent" on my poster.
Didn't he write it? Ask him!
If your wife lives with you,
and still likes women,
should we call you "He-man"
instead of "Impotent"?
-Don't you get the seriousness of this?
-Am I wrong?
Mr. Manohar, the reputation
of our society is at stake.
Ms. Pallavi will have to give
an explanation.
Once Tejas's engagement is done,
-you may ask for any explanation.
-We want your resignation and that's it!
How do we want
our president to be?
We want him to be like Viral!
-How do we want our president to be?
-We want him to be like Viral!
How do we want our president to be?
Dear, it isn't right to fight
with your parents and walk out.
But what could I have done?
Dad is hell-bent on going back.
I'm sorry.
My parents aren't bad people.
I know.
They are upset with me.
So, I'll apologize to them.
There you go again!
You are not at fault, Mom.
Esha, you let me talk to Dad.
We'll go to any length
to convince them.
Dad gave a ridiculous idea.
I said absolutely not!
What idea?
You know, forget it!
I don't think it makes any sense.
I cannot put more pressure on Auntie.
If something stops your marriage,
I won't be able to forgive myself ever.
We will do anything that he says.
You don't hesitate to tell me.
Speak up.
You remember John?
Dad said, he can put Auntie
through a lie detector test.
I told you, it's ridiculous.
Auntie, I'm so sorry.
I won't let this happen to you. Okay?
You aren't a criminal.
That's why it will work.
Mom, do you remember that show
Rajeev Khandelwal hosted?
Sacch Ka Saamna?
It's an accurate test.
The truth will come to light.
If I passed the test,
why do you have to worry?
But son
No one will be able to point
a finger at you.
Everyone will come to you for help and
keep praising you like they always did.
Are you sure?
Of course, we are sure.
She is honest,
why would she be scared?
Am I right, Mom?
You really are
the strongest human I know.
Thank you.
All they say in Baghban
it's true.
Isn't it?
You kids never care.
We will not get engaged,
unless we have your permission.
I need to talk to Tejas alone.
Come on.
Dad, please be nice.
you think about it.
Mom has been married for 30 years,
she has two children.
How can she be a lesbian?
We will let the machine decide that.
We've compromised a lot already.
But when it comes to our reputation,
we won't.
I totally understand that.
We, Patels care
about our reputation too.
But when people make fun of us,
the news is published
in New York Times.
The palace function press release
has gone already.
So, just bring your family.
And my Cyber security team will clear up
all the videos and posts.
They'll be gone in a couple of days.
Thanks, Dad.
The things I do for my daughter.
Hey, buddy.
Where were you?
I was just waiting for you.
Come, sit.
Where are we going
at this hour of the night?
I won't be able to talk unless
I drink a few pegs. Come.
Don't think so much, just sit.
This is my drink, right?
Why are you getting emotional
about every small issue these days?
Kanchan has forbidden me
from telling you.
You can tell me at least.
She is suffering from Leukemia.
Blood cancer.
Oh, no!
Everything will be fine.
Kanchan will be alright.
You don't worry.
I will not cry.
I have promised Kanchan.
I will shower so much love on her
that the cancer will vanish.
She'll be fine. Cheers.
You and Kanchan,
have been together
for so many years. How?
How do you do this?
Why? Is there a problem
in your marriage?
No, no Not at all.
Pallavi is a good wife.
I mean, she always was.
You are a good husband too.
Like how normal husbands are.
How do you do this?
This is Pallavi, a lamp.
And I'm oil, is it?
How can you be oil?
Listen, the way you tease her,
pamper Pallavi, praise her,
that's the fuel.
And with that oil,
the flame that keeps burning
is called romance.
Do you understand?
When was the last time you had sex?
Who does that after so
many years of marriage?
Sex is the wick
It's the wick that brings
the flame and fuel together.
If you won't light the wick,
this lamp will
Won't it search for oil
or fuel around?
You mean, even ladies
have such dirty thoughts.
Of course!
Which world are you living in?
This is called "Femalism".
So now, tell me
-When was the last time you had sex?
-What the--
Hurry up, man.
I don't remember exactly.
The month of Shravan had ended
Dhoni had won
the world cup for India
-That was long back.
-No. That was long ago.
It happened many
times after that I mean
Once every four to six months.
You lack energy in your marriage.
Have you heard of "Sambhogra"?
It's a very effective medicine.
It's available easily with any chemist.
-How will I ask the chemist for
-You don't have to hesitate.
You need not ask for it.
That's the best part, Manu.
Go to a chemist
and gesture this way.
Dead ball.
That's it!
That's the code word.
And then you'll see how lively
your married life will be.
Come on, hurry up, man!
You are the best, Mooli.
Why are you sitting here?
Everything will be fine.
I've spoken to Mom and Dad, don't worry.
So the detector test?
Is it important?
Sorry, Mom.
You have to go through all this
for my sake.
All of them were good, so
You adorn the one you like,
in your hair.
-I'll take a shower and be back.
This is wet.
The dry ones are kept upstairs.
It will anyway get wet later.
You really look after me
Dad, come here.
Mom and I need to talk to you,
call her, please.
-Tara, call mom!
-Why call her? Call Mom directly.
Pallavi, come here!
Auntie, they're calling you!
-Come inside, quickly.
You always say that
I do not participate.
So, here I am.
I just wanted to tell you all
that Mom and Dad are okay now.
What do you mean they are okay?
We are not okay.
Does she have a problem
with my birth as well?
-People are sitting outside.
Sorry. You listen
I want both parents to
share a good relationship. That's all.
-Just f your mom, dad!
-F your mom, dad!
Mom, come here.
Don't feel guilty.
-It isn't a crime to be a lesbian.
Don't worry about them.
I am here to support you.
What the hell is she saying?
Tara, for God's sake, stay quiet.
Mom, don't ruin your life
for these men. Please!
-How does Brother-in-law put up with her?
She loiters around all day.
Does she care about her family?
She'll learn a lesson
only if she is divorced.
-How dare you say that!
-Pallavi, stop them!
-Let me go!
-Should I tell them, you eat chicken?
-Let him go!
-What is this?
I'll hit her, Dad!
Oh, no! Mom
What did you do?
Sorry! Sorry
Uncle, is everything alright?
Yes, son.
Tejas was moving the cupboard.
He bumped onto the bed
and got hurt in the wrong place.
Do you need my help?
Wait a second. Tara's coming out.
I'm a lesbian.
Mom, hand me the phone.
Why do you keep watching forwards?
Get some rest.
Mooli, start the car.
Come on, Pallavi
Where are you?
-I'm moving the seat.
Just a minute.
Come on. Get in.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to grab your attention.
As the chairperson of
the commercial chamber,
I would like to welcome
Bob Hansraj and family.
And friends.
Oh, I'm sorry. And friends.
To grace this occasion,
please join us in giving
them the warmest of welcome.
Thank you. So Indian!
Thank you. Thank you.
Hundred racks that I count in black
Hundred racks, I won't give 'em back
-Eighty Gs on my contract
-Mr. Bob
tears do not always represent sorrow.
It can also be out of love.
I mean to say
Who can understand
Pallavi better than me?
We share a physical bond, after all.
Oh, please!
No, well
Listen if tomorrow,
Pam's taste changes, you'd know, right?
-It's just an example.
-Let it be.
The embarrassment I have caused,
I apologize for that.
You know, Tejas is all praises for you.
We were also really impressed
but then, you really disappointed us.
Your parents would have
instilled good values in you.
Such talks and scams at this age,
such scandals
We just can't have that
in our lives, can we, Bob?
You won't get another
chance to complain.
No, please
we have managed to get the situation
under control with great difficulty.
Once you go through
a lie detector test,
everything will be back on track.
-What test, Mr. Bob?
-I'll be right back.
-I'll be back.
Enthusiasm and love fill the air
It's a night of celebration
Vibrant are my moves
-Let us hear some applause
-My lover sings along
My lover sings along
-Vibrant are my moves
Teju, what
What test are they going
to put your mom through?
I wanted to tell you that.
But Tara ruined it all.
-Bob just told me
-Okay, listen to me.
This test is very important for Mom.
She won't have to be
embarrassed anymore after the test.
Did Pallavi agree to this?
Mom isn't afraid of any test.
You tell me where did she go.
Vibrant are my moves!
All your life is gone
and you still remain a fool.
-Do you need something?
-Stop this drama!
There is nobody here,
except you and me.
-Why did you come?
-It's been thirty years.
Although late,
but you finally accepted it,
accepted your truth.
It's your old habit to walk away.
Don't dig up the past.
My life is peaceful and smooth.
So, let it be.
You called me a liar, so that
you could lead a peaceful life.
All my life,
I kept thinking that I was wrong.
That I was flawed.
I never lied to you.
Why did you tell me that you loved me
as much as I loved you?
All night, I waited for
you at the railway station.
Why didn't you come?
By being selfish,
I did not want to ruin others' lives.
You broke me, for the sake of others.
Look, what I have become today!
I'm the perfect woman!
Nothing could have happened
between you and me, Kanchan.
On this full moon night
As the moon rises up in the sky
Two friends sway
To the tune of Garba and dance
What's the hurry?
It's a dance competition.
We just finished playing, you idiot.
I'd rather have another ice candy.
Then why are you scolding me?
Okay, let's go.
Do you wanna eat
one more ice candy?
Tell me.
Offer me one too.
Don't interrupt.
If you roam around with her,
you won't find a
boy for marriage.
Then I'll marry her.
Get lost.
What will you do on the nuptial night?
Now you clap your hands
on your nuptial night.
Kanchan, run!
Be careful.
Will you elope with me?
I can go anywhere with you.
Who is that?
That's Aunt Kanchan
and Aunt Pallavi.
Were you two friends?
They were best friends.
They were BFFs!
Wasn't your alliance with Pallavi
fixed a few days after this?
-After a couple of months.
-Yes, look at this picture.
Kanchu, where are you?
Kanchan was down with a fever.
-Oh, yes!
-She had high fever.
Kinju, do you know something?
Manu actually came
to see Kanchan.
But he ended up falling for Pallavi.
-And I hit the jackpot.
So confusing!
The two of us are really lucky,
when it comes to wives.
Where are you going?
These slides are made
for your engagement. Watch them.
I don't want to see any slides.
He is the one who asked for it.
Never mind.
Janak and I will see the slides.
-You continue.
-Yeah, continue.
Why did you leave your meal halfway?
I don't feel like eating.
-Listen, I need to talk
-I don't want to talk right now.
What's wrong with you?
Stop! Where are you going?
Are you out of your mind?
You scoundrel, idiot!
Don't you have brains?
You wanna use Mom to get engaged?
Tejas, I won't let this test happen.
-Do you get it?
-Tara, stay out of my issues.
That will be the best
for your family as well.
Are you threatening me?
I'll see how you get engaged.
If I reveal something,
your marriage will be finished.
-What is it? Tell me!
-Get back!
Tejas, speak up!
Wait a minute.
Thank you.
Yes, sir?
What do you want? Just tell me.
Call your boss.
I am the boss here.
And yet you don't know this code?
What does this mean?
Give me a bottle of shampoo
and Chyavanprash.
And give him a Sambhogra.
You don't have to be
embarrassed about it.
I am the one who
buys it for my husband.
I'll pay for it.
Remember it, next time.
I didn't think it through.
-Please tell your dad we can't do it.
-I did say no.
But it is you who told me
it will be good for Aunt Pallavi.
Hey, Jas
Why did you promise Dad?
Because, your dad never
gave us a choice, Esha.
-He's rich and can get us to do anything.
-Okay, stop.
I know my parents aren't perfect.
But at least they clearly
say what they want.
They don't change your
mind every day, like you do.
-It's all my mistake.
-Oh, come on.
At times, I think
why do you even like me?
Why are you being an a to me?
This situation isn't easy for anyone.
I'm sorry.
Why is it suddenly bothering you so much?
It's just
Listen to me.
If I tell dad now that Auntie
has refused to take the test,
he will think
she really is a lesbian.
And I know she isn't.
I mean, it does not matter to me.
But it matters to our families, Jas.
Let the test happen.
I am with you and Auntie.
I promise.
Where is your dentist?
We're almost there.
You could've brought Pinakin along.
I have so many errands to run.
What place is this, Tara?
Please come.
Greetings, Auntie.
Please come in.
-Madam, please come in.
Mom, this way.
Have a seat.
-Hi, Sanjana.
-Hi, Tara.
-This is my mother, Pallavi.
She needs you.
Mom, when Komal,
Rakesh, Noor
When their loved ones
failed to understand them,
it was Sanjana who supported them.
She made this safe space for them.
Please don't be afraid.
You can talk to her freely.
Guys, can I please
have some privacy here?
Thank you, guys.
Let's go.
Hi, Pallavi. I'm Sanjana.
And you don't have to
tell me anything right now.
We can talk if you're ready,
whenever you're ready.
-No, Sanjana, but she won't.
It's the conditioning of years.
It's a taboo
That is why, the call has to be hers.
She is the best person to
decide what is right for her.
Only she can decide what she
wants to tell anyone and when.
Not you, not me, Tara.
Pallavi, this is my card.
Whenever you feel like it,
please give me a call.
We can talk.
Pallavi, just remember,
that the choice will always be yours.
-Sanjana, what are you doing?
She will never accept it.
We must help her come out.
Then, that will also be her choice, Tara.
I can't believe this.
Mom I'm doing this for your own good.
The family will be scattered.
Leave me alone, please.
Mom, before the world
makes a mockery of your truth
you better declare it openly.
Please, be brave, Mom.
If you become weak
and opt for that test,
I won't be able to
do anything for you.
Then, how will you keep hiding?
Manohar will bring us
the test report of Pallavi.
And the issue will be sorted.
Is that okay?
That's all we asked for!
But when?
You forgot all that I gave you
You love me, yet you made me cry
My heart is all deserted
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
My lullaby also seems meaningless
It's such a weak bond
Many people come to me under the
pretext of "talking about their friends".
But you are the first one who
says he wants to talk about his mom.
Okay, tell me.
Is it really your mom who needs help,
or is it you who needs help?
The heart
is filled with pain
There is no place
for any emotions here
Why is this morning like this?
Why did I have to hear these lies?
These lies
What's the fastest program you have?
Fastrack package.
250,000 rupees for three months.
And done!
Why did I have to hear these lies?
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
It's such a weak bond
Why Jharosar all of a sudden?
I have to buy traditional jewelry
for Esha.
And only the two of us will go.
We'll be back by noon.
Why just the two of us?
Because I want to go with you.
Will you come?
We'll leave at 7:00 a.m.
Everyone will be asleep then.
Once we return, tell them
we had been to Nadiad.
Why do you want me to lie?
You won't be lying for the first time.
Tejas lock it properly.
Mom, hurry up.
Everyone is waiting.
What's he carrying in all of these?
Um, theplas and
you know, local food.
I'm so glad that Tara
and you had this idea.
Now, everything will be fine.
Pallavi, do you remember
our first trip to
Jharosar after marriage?
Hold on, I think I forgot to
carry your blood pressure medicine.
Hey, don't worry.
I have packed it.
Come on.
Let's click a picture, Mr. Bob!
Hello. Please come.
Come on! Photo! Photo!
Please line up!
-Come on!
-Ms. Kanchan!
Hey, you didn't click it properly!
We are together
-Calm down.
-Excuse me, hello! We all are together.
-It's okay.
-He's not listening.
The frequency is in every two minutes.
-Wait for us.
-What are you up to?
-Come with me.
Let everyone else come.
Let us buy jewelry until then.
It will be crowded.
Hey, let me look at the jewelry!
-There are better shops ahead.
Tejas, we've come past the shops.
-A little ahead.
-There's a line here.
-Online registration?
Yeah, here you go.
Go, my child!
You are now free!
You will follow nature's principles now.
-Why have you brought me here?
-Who's next?
I will explain after we go out.
It isn't right to stay here.
What happened to him?
He is suffering
from "Gay" illness.
This Baba has a
hundred percent record.
Your son will be normal too.
Be strong.
Let's go, son.
I was doing it to help you!
Did you find it right to bring
me to this kind of a place?
-Are you out of your mind?
-Yes, I am.
I have lost it completely.
So, I brought you where I saw hope.
Despite knowing your truth,
I am right here, with you.
What do you know about me?
Tell me! What do you know?
Aunt Kanchan and you
had an affair, right?
Friendship was just an excuse.
-That is not
-Don't deny, Mom. I heard it.
I felt like someone was
strangling me to death.
I treated you like God,
you shattered my faith!
-Listen to me, Tejas.
-I just want my mom back!
I wonder where has he taken Mom.
He is up to
something. I just know it.
-It'll be alright, Taru.
-One more.
Played a lot of Monopoly!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
-Come on, let's click a picture!
-Auntie! Tejas!
Yeah, we actually played
a lot of Monopoly.
There you are!
-Jas, you got me something?
-Of course.
Do you like it?
-I love it! Let's see.
-I bought it for you.
You look so beautiful.
-I have bought something for you as well.
-No, it's fine.
It will look very nice on you.
It's okay.
I've got some more.
You and Pallavi are
old friends, aren't you?
We are old family friends.
So, you must be knowing
everything about her life.
Yes, of course.
You tell me what have you heard.
The other day, on the dance night,
there was a video
Come on, everyone.
It's photo time.
-Mr. Bob, come on!
-Come on.
Okay, let's click another.
Manohar, it's our turn.
-Come on.
-I'll freshen up and be back
-Don't be nervous!
-I'll just be back.
What happened?
-Where's the toilet?
-Over there.
Thank you--
Oh, my!
Tara, where's dad?
I'm trying to call him.
-Dad! What's wrong with you?
-Why are you walking like this?
-My back is aching.
-I'll take the bags.
-No, I will
Pallavi, don't touch me.
It's really bad but I will be fine.
-You ladies can go together.
Mooli, come with me.
I'll come with Kanchan.
Try to understand.
Mr. Bob
Hey, photographer!
Pam, lovely earrings.
Are they Tiffany's?
Yeah, Tiffany!
Bob gave them to me
for our last anniversary.
He's always giving me gifts.
-So romantic!
-I love your hair.
First, I thought it was a wig.
Obviously, that's not the case.
Is it?
So nice!
Us, girls!
You know, I didn't know that you
both were such good childhood friends.
So obviously she has told you
about the whole lesbian thing,
she has, yeah?
-Pam, if we could avoid
I know, please continue, Pam.
It's just that I don't get it.
That is so ridiculous.
What would women
do with each other?
For God's sake!
Pam, let's not talk
about this here, please.
No issues! Go for it, Pam.
I have no problem discussing it.
We are just discussing.
I'm not blaming you, Pallavi.
It's just us girls.
I mean, a woman with a woman?
It's just so unnatural.
Whenever I even look at a woman
kissing a woman by mistake,
it's just so
I get that icky feeling.
Isn't it?
You look excited.
That's what I mean.
What must be exciting?
Nature has created women differently.
And created men
in a different way, you know?
For a reason.
They together become
two bodies and one soul.
All the songs of the Hindi movies
showcase the same thing, right?
Why? Because it's just pure science.
There couldn't be such
songs on two women, right?
-I mean, would ya? Would you do that?
-I mean, come on!
Do you know what's a clitoris?
Get to know about it
as soon as possible.
Your life will change.
-It's a pure science.
-Enough, Kanchan.
Are you making fun of me?
You're crossing the line as well.
If you don't like jokes,
why did you start?
I'm just trying to be nice
to you despite everything.
Bob was so right!
Before a lie detection,
I just can't trust you.
Any of you!
Lie detection?
Kanchan, stay away from this.
-Aren't you all overreacting a lot?
-Oh, really?
It's a sin.
It's abnormal.
What if this defect transmits
to our grandchildren?
I mean the blood is yours, right?
The blood will be yours too.
Maybe they turn out
to be idiots like you!
How dare you
talk to me like that!
Oh, let me slow it down for you.
Idiots! Douchebags!
Shut up, Kanchan!
-Even you be quiet.
Tell her. She is such a b!
-You are a b.
-You can't let her talk to me like this.
Are you someone special who
has come down from the sky?
My God, she is so disgusting!
-Kanchan, I insist, for my sake
-You shut up!
This idiot woman is blabbering
rubbish and you're just listening.
You are just a filthy woman.
My God!
And you are letting this happen,
I'm gonna go tell Bob all of this.
Yes, go and tell everything to Bob.
Because Bob is a dog
and you're his tail.
You keep following him all day.
You keep chanting his name.
"Bob! Bob!"
He doesn't even look at you once.
He kept staring at me all day
in front of you.
Then you didn't even say once, "Bob!"
I'm sure he must have
also ogled at Pallavi.
You all are interested to interfere
in others' lives, and being moral.
Tell me something.
Are you happy with your husband?
First, get the lie detection test
done for yourself.
Then keep judging others.
Y'all never point out.
That is why men like Bob have all
the allowance to behave like this.
Are you Esha's mom or have
you picked her up from somewhere?
What are you blabbering?
Save her life!
Else, she would also
get someone like Bob.
-What happened?
Uncle Manohar
You please come.
-Come on.
-What happened, Auntie?
-Please come out.
Auntie, please come out quickly.
Everybody has come out.
Come on!
What is happening?
Are butterflies flying in your stomach?
I'm scared
-What happened?
-I have no idea.
I'm alright! Alright!
-What's wrong?
-I'm fine.
Don't touch him, Kanchan!
It hurts.
-Do you need something?
-I don't want anything, child.
This is not his medicine.
What is it?
There's a hospital close by.
Let us take him there.
-Yes. Come on.
-Let's go.
-Home. Let's go home.
-Yeah, sure.
-We're going home.
-I wanna go home.
Yes, we're going.
Be careful.
-Look down and walk.
-This just cannot be
Always consult a doctor while
giving such medicines to a BP patient.
His blood pressure shot up.
You can take him home in some time.
-Discharge him after some time.
-Okay, sir.
-No, it's okay.
-Please give me some water.
Mooli told me
that it was safe.
Do you have conversations like these
about me with him?
I'll have to talk to someone, right?
Or I'll just end up suffocating myself.
It's a question mark on me, Pallavi.
The people in the colony
are staring at me
as if
May I ask something, Pallavi?
We have had such a long married life.
Could I give you happiness
in this marital life?
Do you at least like me, Pallavi?
I have always liked you.
But I could never love you.
I couldn't keep a normal
relationship with you.
But I have always tried to
be a good wife, a good friend.
It's not your fault.
I wasn't capable of it.
Whatever I saw in the video, is that true?
This drama about caring for me,
it's fine until we are
surrounded by people.
Don't expect me to behave
like a husband anymore.
What would Ms. Kanchan
like to have for dinner?
Tell me which hand?
It's my left. I remember
During the process of chemotherapy
one loses all their hair.
I didn't want to tell you.
You don't have to take the test tomorrow.
I've made my decision.
Our engagement will be canceled.
At least, your reputation
won't be ruined any further.
Finally, you've started hating me as well.
People who are closest to
the heart inflict the most pain.
You're right!
I will take the test tomorrow.
I have said already,
you don't have to do it.
I feel the need to do it.
Stop acting like a child.
Your lie will be detected.
I won't lie.
Not even to myself.
There's no need for you to come there.
I'll go by myself.
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let's take a detour. Mom!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Let us live!
-Let us have a life too!
-Stop all this!
Someone has to stop this stupidity, Mom.
Don't worry, Auntie,
no one will force you here.
I'm not being forced at all.
-I've come here by myself.
-Why are you lying?
And not just that,
I am really glad I have!
Sanjana was right!
It is my truth!
What, where, when
and whom I share it with,
is my personal decision.
Nobody else's!
Mom, you're about to make a mistake.
That is what I never did.
I should have made the mistake.
Mom, you know
you're going to fail!
Is it me or you, who will fail?
Apart from being a daughter,
wife and a mother,
I do have an identity.
I need my daughter today
and not a social worker.
Can you be that for me?
He is John.
Mrs. Patel.
Let's just complete the formalities.
I am so sorry, Auntie Pallavi.
Thank you so much!
Eshu, can we get going, please?
Shall we?
You should ask control questions first.
I will ask a few questions.
You just have to answer
by saying yes or no.
It's that simple.
Is your name Pallavi?
Please say yes or no.
Are the lights of this
room switched on?
Are we in the USA right now?
Are you going to answer all the questions,
Do you like me and Pam?
If you would have said yes,
I would have told you even
before this machine that you're lying.
Have you ever done
anything in your life,
that you feel sorry for
or are ashamed of?
Do you like to sleep
with your husband?
What questions are you asking?
I need an answer, please!
Do you enjoy your physical or sexual
relationship with your husband?
Have you ever had a physical
relationship with a man
other than your husband?
How is this related--
Are you a lesbian?
Are you a lesbian or not?
Can you explain what
exactly being a lesbian means?
I'll get to the point.
Have you ever had sex with a woman?
She is telling the truth.
So you have never had
sex with any woman?
I think you want to
hear something else.
Have you ever touched or
-held a woman with wrong intentions?
Have you ever stared at a
woman with bad intentions?
-Have you kissed a woman?
Bob, tell me when was the
last time you kissed me?!
Bob, have you ever hugged me?
Just let me ask the questions, Pam!
No! Have I ever asked you
if are you gay?
Did I ever ask you?
Did I ever question you?
Did I ever ask you if you have
an affair with another woman?
Then even I can ask you
to get yourself tested.
What are you even saying?
Shouldnt I be testing you,
as per your own logic?! Tell me!
Let me know too,
if you're gay.
What are you even saying, Pam?
I always trusted you blindly. Always!
But you just never ever look at me. Never!
-What "Pam"?
Sushu has found a gentleman.
It is we who are creating
problems for them.
Had she found a man like you,
she would've had to sit all day
with this lie detector test.
Ask this American to get out of here.
Just stop this negativity!
-Enough is enough!
-Calm down, Pam.
-It's all good!
Yeah? It's all good.
It's all good.
She's good.
How did you do this?
Their questions were wrong.
I wish they would have asked me,
if I had ever loved a woman.
I would have failed happily.
I always thought, if I showered
my family with immense happiness,
my lie would have
turned into truth someday.
But a lie is always a lie.
Why would others accept us,
if we don't accept ourselves?
I am what I am.
But you idolized me as a God
and took away my right to be a human.
I'm with you until your engagement.
After that, you may assume
that you had no mother.
Tejas is getting engaged
the day after tomorrow.
There will be guests.
Everything will be alright,
if we act like a family.
After that
I will go to my village forever.
You think our relationship
is a drama, right?
Let's end it.
Pallavi, are you blaming it on me?
I have always been a good husband.
And wasn't I a good wife?
I stood by you in all
your ups and downs.
But when it was your
turn to stand by me,
you left me alone.
A few days back,
you had no problem with me.
But when your
manhood was questioned,
you thought I was worthless.
You are asking me this, today.
Why didn't you ever ask before?
Did you ever ask me
before getting intimate,
what was my wish?
This is how you be a good husband?
You did not find it
important to know my desire.
So, you don't have the right anymore.
Children are really selfish.
We feel our parents had no life
before we were born.
I never realized when your respect
became my ego.
From childhood till date,
I've made you fulfill all my demands.
Whether it was a geared cycle
or my education in America
I didn't think even once,
about how much Tara will fight with you.
Or you may have to sell
your land in the village.
I wanted it, means I want it.
Today, this stubbornness,
made you take a test!
I'm really sorry, Mom.
Feed me the curd.
Enough of being immature.
Today for the first time,
I'm doing something responsible.
We are Team America
H1B, Land of Liberty!
You know you want America
Your spice, basmati rice,
It's all cheap in exchange price
You want our jobs and our dollars
Work in blue or white collars
You are dreaming Ame--ri--ca!
Not good?
Right, one more time.
Okay, guys! One more time!
Let's do it again.
-Put your pom-poms down.
-Oh, hey, man!
This was supposed to be
a surprise for you.
Esha, I can't do this.
Tejas, let's go, talk inside.
No, sir, we will talk here.
I'm just too tired of pretending.
I am what I am.
I'm a regular middle-class Indian guy.
With a 9-to-5 job in America.
My dad can't speak English.
My sister is a pain in the a.
But my mom
she is absolutely perfect!
Your parents don't
think I'm worthy of you.
And they are right.
I couldn't be a good son,
how will I be a good husband?
I'm too far behind you
when it comes to understanding
the true value of a relationship.
Because you love unconditionally.
However your parents are, you love them.
And you love me, no matter what.
You know what boggles my mind is
that you accepted Mom, when I couldn't.
I really love you!
I really do!
But you deserve better.
How will I become a good husband,
when I couldn't even be a good man?
That's why I think, right now
I just need to figure myself out.
This is the report in which
Pallavi has passed.
Wow, Manohar.
That means the issue is resolved.
Who are we to declare if
she has passed or failed?
The time I spent with her,
has gone by so smoothly,
I felt like I was sitting
in the passenger seat,
and she has been
tirelessly driving the car.
There is only one thing right
that's written in this report.
Pallavi is flawless.
Uncle, come to the point.
My point is,
that I'm not going
to submit the report.
Why won't--
And I won't hear a single
word against Pallavi.
But Mr. Manohar, for the society
Mr. Goyal, if you want to
throw me out of the position of
Chairman, please do it now.
But if anybody tries
to interfere in our family matters,
I won't tolerate it.
The milk
The society members had it from me today.
So impactful, that they
will remember it for life.
I was so busy
becoming a good husband,
that I forgot to be a friend.
We couldn't be friends.
You know all my likes and dislikes.
Be it an earthquake,
or there be a cloud burst
you never forgot to give
me my medicines on time.
You remember it so well.
I don't even know
if you like rotli or bhakri.
Can you please give me some more time?
I will change myself.
Please don't leave me, Pallavi.
It will be difficult for
me to live all alone.
You spent all your life
for others' happiness.
Now, you do whatever you like.
I will always stand with you.
It's nothing.
I'll get some ice.
Teju, what's wrong?
I won't get engaged.
What happened?
Your brother has improved.
Oh, no!
Sorry about your top.
It's okay.
You look cute when you cry.
What happened?
Go and get ready.
I will dance today.
Let's figure you out.
-I love you!
-I love you!
I will take birth as a man
in my next life.
Will you elope with me then?
I want you as Kanchan,
even in my next life.