Make It Happen (2008) Movie Script

'Glenwood, Indiana.
'Population: 918.
'Miles from Chicago: 291.
'Dance schools: zero.
'I've got one dream, one shot.
'Today, everything could change.'
# Could you, could you,
could you teach me?
# Show me that again
# Could you, could you,
could you teach me?
# You take the lead
# Straight up! Do you have rhythm
underneath your feet?
# Does the beat flow
through that fine body?
# Do you enjoy sweatin' all on me?
# Whoa! Did you just bust
that move freestylin'?
# Do you do much choreographin'?
# You're wildin' out, boy, great timin',
I like a man who can dance
# Showin', swingin', bangin',
teach me how to dance
# Could you, could you teach me,
teach me how to?
# Could you, could you,
could you teach me?
# Teach me how to dance... #
I'm off to the garage. You wanna lift?
No, thanks.
I'm gonna work the routine
a few more times.
- Big day, huh?
- Yep.
So you're packed?
OK, see you later.
- Hey.
- There you are.
- Missed you at the party last night.
- Sorry, Wayne. I had to finish packing.
- I burned you some travelling music.
- Oh!
So, are you nervous?
Not really. I'm more excited.
Come on, it's the Chicago School
of Music and Dance.
I know. I've only been dreaming about it
for as long as I can remember.
The girls I'm up against, they trained with
the best teachers and choreographers.
So you are nervous.
Don't worry.
They'd be crazy not to take you.
Has your brother lightened up at all?
Hmm, you know how Joel can be.
- He doesn't get it.
- He's just gonna miss you.
This means me and my two left feet
will have to find a new dance partner!
- You aren't that bad.
- Yeah, right!
All right, good luck.
- Get out of here.
- OK.
- Good luck, Lauryn.
- Thanks, Marty.
- Frankie quoted me 500.
- Course he did, he's a crook.
I'll do it for 250. Pick it up after lunch.
See you then.
Hey, Clueless, I think she wanted
you to pick her up after lunch.
Last month after payroll,
you're plus 600.
Good month.
That's still 1,800 behind
for the month before last.
I guess I'll be hitting the road.
Joel... why am I on the schedule?
Sorry, wishful thinking.
Come on. I'm 21. It's now or never.
If I nail this audition, I'm gonna be
in Chicago till my classes begin.
Look, I got some interviews
together for you.
Qualified bookkeepers to replace me.
Resumes are on my desk.
how you're gonna pull that off.
With a part-time job, Joel.
I promised after Mom and Dad died,
I'd do whatever
to keep this place running.
But I can't work in a garage all my life.
You know I've trained to be a dancer.
Yeah, I know.
All right.
I'm outta here.
Boss, if she don't work here no more,
you think I could date her?
Not if you want to live.
# Take the other road,
go where I wanna go
# Just like a jigsaw puzzle,
some piece is out of place
# You've lost your own perception
on how to win this race
# Cos everybody in the world
seems to sing the same song
# Marching to the same beat,
playing from the same drum
# But I ain't afraid to keep
my own eternity
# I live my live, I do it my way... #
- Excuse me, where do we check in?
- Up there.
- Name?
- Lauryn Kirk.
Lauryn Kirk? 252.
Next. Name?
Thanks for coming in.
- I give her about a minute fifteen.
- You're kidding.
If you last more than a minute,
you're lucky.
Thank you. Thank you,
Stephanie, that's enough.
That's not what we're looking for,
but thanks for coming in.
Enjoy your time in Chicago.
Who's next?
Number 252.
Yeah, hi, how are you?
Hi, I'm Lauryn Kirk
from Glenwood, Indiana.
- So, what have you brought for us?
- It's... er... a piece that I put together.
- May we see it?
- Yeah.
That's OK. This is your time,
don't mind our schedule.
Hello! Hello, hello, stop! Stop!
We received 2,000 tapes.
You're one of the 300 people
here today, congratulations.
But now I need more.
I... I don't understand.
We're looking for dancers
who can express real emotion,
not fragments of it.
Something softer, more sensual,
more feminine.
More honest.
Thank you, Miss Kirk.
Who's next?
OK, let's get right to it.
Right here.
I remember that cattle call.
It's a tough school.
You auditioned?
Oh, I don't know
if I'd exactly call it an audition.
I lasted all of a minute and 12 seconds.
Should I even ask?
It's harder than you thought
it was gonna be, huh?
At least my brother back home
will be thrilled to know I didn't get in.
Yeah, all my brothers and sisters live
in the same town where we grew up.
They thought I was crazy moving here.
My dad didn't speak to me for weeks.
Did it get better?
Yeah, now he calls me all the time.
That school only lets in one percent.
That's like 20 out of the thousands
who apply,
so don't be so hard on yourself.
So how'd it go?
- You didn't get in?
- 'I didn't say that.'
- So you did get in?
- They don't tell you right away.
- Well, what does it look like?
- Looks good.
- 'That sounds believable.'
- Look, Joel, I'm tired. OK, I...
- 'Call me as soon as you know.'
- Yeah.
I gotta go.
Wait! Stop!
Stop! Wait, stop!
Hey, are you all right?
Let's get you out of this rain.
Call the tow company from my place.
Come on.
I really appreciate this.
No problem. Trust me, I've been there.
When I first got here, I got knocked
down so many times I lost count.
And the looks,
like you're just some hick from...
Indiana? Mm-hmm.
Oh, what am I gonna do?
My brother thinks I'm going
to dance school. What do I tell him?
"I didn't get in.
And, oh, yeah, they towed my car, too."
I can't go home.
There's nothing for me there.
- So don't go.
- What, you mean stay in Chicago?
If you don't mind sleeping on the couch,
crash here while you figure it out.
Wait, you don't snore, do you?
Not the last time I checked.
Lauryn Kirk.
- Klirk?
- No. Kirk.
- No, I don't have you down here.
- I think it's...
You gonna have to go wait over there.
Excuse me. Can I ask who you're with?
Oh, I was... er...
I was invited... here by a friend.
- Through the service door?
- Right... er...
- Can I see your ID?
- Yeah, of course...
- I'm really sorry about this.
- That's OK.
Lauryn Kirk from Glenwood, Indiana.
"Corn and cars", that's our motto.
I like corn.
Actually if you just give me
your phone number,
we can settle this,
and it's kind of a house rule...
- Hey, you made it.
- Hey.
- Is this guy giving you a hard time?
- No!
But I thought he was the manager.
The manager?
No, Russ is the music director.
- Nice try.
- Well, it almost worked.
Sort that out later.
I wanna introduce you to Brenda.
Bye, Lauryn Kirk!
Brenda, this is Lauryn and vice versa.
You've been looking for her,
for the bookkeeping job.
Thanks, but I'm not adopting
any more strays.
I need you upstairs getting ready.
Wait, wait.
I know you don't want a stranger
looking into your books,
but I know QuickBooks,
I can do payroll in my sleep,
and your quarterly 1087
is due in seven days.
If you pay your crew in cash, you'll need
a perfect Schedule E to avoid enquiries.
I've cranked those out like clockwork for
my family's business since I was 17.
But if you just need me to file stuff,
I can do that, too.
- You done?
- Yeah.
Fine. Trial basis, $12 an hour,
and no benefits.
This is where the girls change.
This is your home away from home.
You get paid every other week.
You'll start at 3:00
and stay till we close.
If you can't find something, look harder.
It's all in here somewhere.
You can start... organising the January receipts.
No problem.
Oh, by the way, the other bookkeeper...
lasted about a week.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Ruby's,
the hottest spot in Chicago!
# Hold the door, while I let myself in
# I'm tired, boy
# Need a drink, need a man
# I'm not looking for trouble
# I just want someone to tease
# Maybe if you're lucky
# I'll show you what I've got
# But let's get one thing straight, dear
# I get what I want
# Here there, boy,
I am not like the rest
# Let's have a dance,
while our souls get undressed
# I don't care much for small talk
# There's no need
to say a thing more
# I can make you feel
something lovely
# That you've never felt before
# Maybe if you're lucky,
I'll show you what I've got
# But let's get something straight, dear
# I get what I want
# Slow down, boy
# Don't you step on my toes... #
Hey, don't be late again.
- This goes on every night?
- Every night we're open.
Brenda's got a real vision for the place.
It's rooted in burlesque, but our dance
goes way beyond the traditional stuff.
- Well, you were terrific up there.
- Thanks.
What's up, girls? Good job tonight.
- Brenda, hit me.
- Yes, wash this stuff down.
Hey, this is Lauryn.
She's the new bookkeeper.
Carmen's not interested
in any stories she's not the star of.
Oh, still bummed I'm not the star
of your world any more?
- Baby, stars burn out.
- Maybe you couldn't stand the heat.
You guys wanna do some
after-hours damage at Junior's?
- Yes. Cheers.
- Cheers!
- Right, first round's on Lauryn!
- What?
Can we have a Cosmo
and a gin and tonic, no ice?
Hey, two.
Let's get this party started.
Aw, well, welcome to Chicago.
Congratulations on the new job.
Cool about earlier?
Cos I was just playing.
- So how long you worked at Ruby's?
- About a year.
- You like it?
- There's worse ways to make a living.
I'll bet there are.
- Why aren't you out there?
- Not my kind of dancing.
Sitting back, hiding in your hoodie...
That's your kind of dancing?
So... er... you and Carmen?
No. No.
That was like a 24-hour flu.
You get it, you get really sick,
and then you get over it.
So arrogant. "Are you just hide
out there in your hoodie?"
Russ likes giving people a hard time,
especially if he thinks they're cute.
Russ was right.
You should've been on the floor with us.
What, dancing like Carmen? Shakin' it?
Work it. Ha!
I love it.
Seriously, you're missing another side
you could bring to your dancing.
I'm not dancing right now, remember?
Hey, you're looking good.
Why do my feet hate me?
I don't know. Maybe it's cos
you're going from the twist into a step.
Like you're missing something.
- Right. I'll just eighty-six the combo.
- No, it's...
No, I think the combination's fine.
It's just I think you're missing a piece.
Like, if it was my thing
and I wanted to do that
I would just go... here to there.
Could you show me that again?
Sure, it's simple.
- Here.
- Here...
Then here.
Then there.
- There... I like that.
- Yeah?
Watch your back, D.
Girl's got moves.
- Maybe you should watch yours.
- Her moves ain't that good.
Maybe you should give it a try,
get up on stage one night.
Are you kidding?
I would fall on my ass in those heels.
Seriously, people would get hurt.
- Shut up, you've got steps.
- No, it's not my thing.
Oh, OK, and those clothes are?
Seriously, Lauryn,
they're killing your sexy.
- My sexy?
- Yeah, every dancer's got a sexy.
You just got to find yours.
# That's how we do it on the weekend
# Turn up the radio
and let the speakers blow
# Get your shoes on,
feel the party go get started... #
Without further ado,
ladies and gentlemen,
put your hands together for Dana!
Go, Dana!
Hey, Lauryn, meet Marcus.
Oh, hi. Dana's told me all about you.
You should've seen your girlfriend
on stage tonight. She nailed it.
We're gonna catch a bite to eat.
Wanna to join us?
Oh, no, you two go.
I've got to finish up here...
Yeah, you sure?
- Yeah.
- OK, all right. Well, catch you later.
- Like tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Have a good night.
- Bye.
OK, I'm out of here.
Anybody here?
I can't believe he said that.
Me either.
You're still not taking
your brother's calls?
Just not up for it.
He still thinks I'm in school.
You can't hide here
and avoid him forever.
- You've got to tell him sometime.
- I know.
- Come on, Cinderella.
- I gotta work, you guys go.
Bye, see you.
Hi. Nice moves.
- What are you?
- I'm not gonna tell anybody.
But just a hint...
If you want to keep a secret,
don't rehearse where you work,
unless you know you're the only one
with a set of keys.
Thanks, I'll try to remember that.
You know, er...
Think I could pry you away?
Maybe grab a drink?
Not real thirsty.
Cool. Er... next time.
I could eat.
Well, I got the perfect place.
Growing up, my mom used
to tell me stories about Chicago,
the lights, energy, the people.
She dreamed of coming here
and being a dancer.
- That's where you got the moves from.
- Yep. She studied to be one.
Chose to be a mom instead.
So she passed the dream down to me.
- Is she still in Glenwood?
- No, no. She passed away.
I'm sorry.
She got pretty sick when I was about 10,
and it took a lot out of us,
especially my dad.
After Mom, he just...
spent all his time in the garage.
He said it kept his mind off missing her.
And then one night, three years ago,
I was coming back to the garage
after a recital.
Joel was in Indy picking up equipment
and he'd asked me to stay with Dad.
But some dancer friends
wanted to go out to dinner.
Later when I did get to the garage...
...I found him on the floor.
He'd had a heart attack.
I always wonder if I'd just got there
You can't do that to yourself.
After that, I put school on hold
to stay and help Joel out with the shop.
Since losing Dad,
it's just been the two of us.
That had to be hard.
You know, all of it.
So what's in there?
This? This is the best
sweet and sour shrimp in Chicago.
- Really?
- Want some?
Yeah, that's Lincoln Park,
where all the kids hang out
with the students and what not.
Then you got downtown,
where the bankers are.
That's pretty much Chicago.
Thank you for a wonderful dinner.
I don't remember seeing that
on the menu.
Yeah, well, that's the Chef's Special.
Good night.
Good night.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- How's it going?
- Good.
So I had a good time last night.
Me, too.
You have got to be kidding me.
Carmen's running late.
Doesn't Dana go on first anyway?
Do you see Dana?
No, because she called in sick.
- And I have a line...
- I can spin till Carmen gets here.
I have three birthday parties
and a room full of VIPs.
No offence, Russ,
but they didn't come to hear you spin.
- You could let Lauryn dance.
- What?
Brenda, I've seen her dance,
OK, she's good.
Why don't you just give her a shot?
Look, Lauryn, you're a sweet kid,
but you're obviously no dancer.
Why did you tell her that?
What, you're gonna hide out
back here?
What you saw me doing
was fooling around.
- I don't dance like Ruby's girls.
- So do your thing.
Trust me, when you get on stage,
nobody's gonna care.
Well, I care.
You moved to Chicago to be a dancer.
I moved here to go to school.
I'm sorry.
Look, price doesn't matter
as long as you get her here.
Yes, a cab.
How long? All right.
Thanks, I'll give them a try.
Joe, it's Brenda,
I need a girl right away.
Give me a shot.
I can do it.
Get off the stage!
What is this, amateur night?
We have a tradition.
After your first dance...
...a toast on the house.
- Thank you.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd say you rehearsed for tonight.
Beginner's luck.
"Beginner" got that right.
...that just proves
how good you were tonight.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
You wanna get out of here?
You grew up around a garage?
Yeah, I know
my way around a car.
- I'd like to see you as a grease monkey.
- Oh, yeah.
That'd be Joel's dream come true,
keeping me in that shop.
- Well, he's just a protective brother.
- A little too protective.
He doesn't want me to get my hopes up,
so he means well, I guess.
- This is really impressive.
- It's my entire life, right here.
- That yours, too?
- Mm-hm.
Yeah, I gotta admit something
that's been bothering me for a while.
What's that?
I lied.
When I said I liked corn,
that was a blatant lie.
I actually hate corn.
Wow. I feel betrayed, like I don't
even know you any more...
- Play me something you wrote.
- What, now? No. No, it's...
Quit stalling, Music Man.
This one I'll play you is...
It's not finished yet.
And... er... you know, don't judge it.
OK, please?
- OK.
- OK.
This is you?
Yeah, I just, I looped the vocals.
- On the sax, that's you, too?
- Mm-hm.
You should play more.
You're good.
So that's pretty much it.
- It's not finished.
- Why not?
Cos I haven't got around to it.
I think someone's eager
to change the subject.
Yeah. Yeah.
This your thing?
Going though all the girls at the club?
- Mm-hm, all of them.
- That's what I thought.
First Carmen and then who else?
You know,
somebody needs to shut you up.
- Oh, really?
- Mm-hm.
- What's wrong?
- I think I had too much to drink.
Well, then, you... er... shouldn't drive.
I'm sorry, I don't...
I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
That's not what I was talking about.
Hey. Got your email.
Yeah, I was gonna call you. I got a job.
- At a garage?
- No, at a club, called Ruby's.
OK, what's with the silence?
Had to let Marty go.
It's no biggie, just a little downsizing.
'So how's the school? '
It's good.
I sent you some stuff I found
in the attic I thought you might want.
- 'Some of Mom's things.'
- Thanks.
I gotta go. I booked some studio time
and my class is starting, so I should...
Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Take care.
Lauryn, I have three regulars outside
asking when they'll see you dance again.
I told them tonight. Can you be ready?
You haven't earned the right
to be on that stage.
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, you're a dime a dozen.
Just another girl from Bumbalow
trying to make it big.
Guess what, this is the real world and
people come to see something special.
Not that stuff you do.
Bullshit, Carmen.
I've trained my whole life.
The tradition takes years to perfect.
You don't just roll in and own it.
Lauryn, ten minutes and you're up.
What's going on?
Break a leg. Really. I mean it.
Ladies and gentlemen,
let's give a warm Ruby's welcome
to the newest addition
to the family... Lauryn!
Like you said, girl's got moves.
So... er... this school
you auditioned for,
did they say anything, you know,
like why you didn't get in?
Sort of, I guess.
Can I be honest with you?
I think whoever made that decision
is nuts.
OK, the director of the dance
department didn't like my routine.
He said he thought it wasn't...
sensual or feminine enough
or something like that.
Let's wrestle him into Ruby's one night
and prove him wrong.
I don't think he's looking
for Ruby's kind of dancers.
This guy can't have final say
in your life.
Well, no offence, but he is
a world-renowned choreographer,
so I think he knows a little bit more
about dance than me and you.
Well, I know what I see and...
...I see that you could be as sexy
as Carmen if you wanted to be.
Oh, really?
You know what, Russ?
My life's goal isn't
to be as sexy as Carmen.
- Hey... I'm sorry, that came out wrong.
- Oh, you think?
Yeah. This isn't about Carmen,
this is about you.
You can mix it up better
than any of those girls at Ruby's,
and trust me, I've seen 'em all.
And you have the potential
to go so much further.
That's all I was trying to say.
Come on.
Ow! You know, you're kind of cute
when you're mad.
- I'm not talking to you.
- I'm just saying.
Shut up!
Your routine felt a little off tonight.
Something on your mind?
Just... some stuff from back home,
I guess.
My favourite teacher once told me...
dance is a window to the soul.
It doesn't let you hide.
But if you always fight what you feel,
you'll never tap into what could
make you not just a good dancer
but a great one.
Lock up when you leave, OK?
# Get off the wall,
don't matter what they think
# From your fingertips
to your toes
# You know you're hot,
so let everybody know
- # Gotta take it low
- # Bottoms up, bottoms up...
# Yeah, keep it movin', man,
make it poppin', man
# I'm on the move,
gotta catch me when you can
# Might see my face
on the movie screen
# Hypnotise you frame by frame,
scene by scene
# Get your head up, do your thang
# Get off the wall,
don't matter what they think... #
Is something wrong?
No, not at all.
You just look amazing. Come on in.
You are a closet romantic.
Well, I've been called worse.
Shall we?
Wait. Let me.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- May I offer you some wine?
- Yes, please.
Thank you.
Oh, no. I gotta check the oven.
I'll be right back.
How about a take-out?
I don't know, it's like... long as the shop is alive,
a little piece of my parents is, too.
So, it would kill me
if Joel ever closed it.
- You two sound close.
- We've had our moments.
So I wanted to thank you
for the other night.
For what?
You were right.
I can't let somebody I've met once
decide what I want.
So I did some research... and...
...the School of Music and Dance usually
accepts 20 applicants in a school year.
But this year only 18 qualified.
So they're holding
a second round of auditions
for the next semester
to find their remaining two dancers.
You're gonna re-audition?
I think so. In three weeks.
...the problem was the record company
got in my business,
trying to tell me how to do it,
you know.
I thought I knew better, so... I walked away.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
I backed out of the deal and...
...fell in with the wrong crowd,
and... er...
...and... er... you know?
Eventually, I ended up at Ruby's,
and I straightened myself out.
See, here's the thing.
See, everybody who walks away
from a dream has a reason.
I think it's brave... take another shot.
Sometimes I just feel like
I'm doing it all wrong.
Well, you're not.
# Listen to me...
# You know how much you want him
# You're trying to be cool about it,
you're trying to be big about it
# You're constantly just denying
# You're like a moth to a flame,
can hardly wait but listen
# Cause I know what I'm saying... #
Joel, stop!
- Could you put some clothes on?
- What are you doing here?
I came to congratulate you
on getting into the school,
only they've never heard
of a Lauryn Kirk.
You call this chasing your dreams?
Is this all the hard work
you've been doing?
I didn't get in.
I didn't know how to tell you.
But if you'd stuck around,
you'd see how difficult the routines are.
- I saw enough.
- Why don't you listen for a change?
I'm on the verge of losing the shop,
and I drove six hours for this.
- What do you mean?
- I have to sell or the bank'll foreclose.
- I can't make the payments.
- What?
- Equipment, leases, everything.
- Why didn't you tell me?
Why would you care?
You're a big city girl now,
you're a dancer.
Why have you always had
a problem with me dancing?
You think the world revolves around you,
you always have!
How dare you? I put my life on hold
for three years, Joel!
And you put Dad on hold that night!
You should've been there, Lauryn!
Hey, you OK?
Maybe he was upset
because you were so bad.
Ease off, Carmen. She was killing it.
He drives hours to get here, then
has her embarrass the family name.
- Hey, hey, stop, stop.
- I'm sick of your shit.
You happy, Carmen?
God, girl.
Lauryn! Lauryn, wait!
She's just trying to get in your head.
She can get in line cos there's
enough going on in there already.
Hey, come on.
I know that this was a lot,
but he knows now.
- You don't have to lie any more.
- What if he's right?
All my life my family gave up
so much for me.
What if I'm selfish?
What are you going to do,
you just going to quit dancing?
- Gonna quit living your life?
- Joel's the only family I have.
I shouldn't be here
chasing some stupid dream.
I should be home helping him.
- I'm sorry, I have to go.
- Who do you think you're fooling?
I know you're going home
because you're scared of that audition.
If this was about your brother,
you'd have told him before tonight.
What are you talking about?
I know that you're running
because you're scared and that's it.
I'm sorry if it shocks you that I'd help
my family out in a time of crisis,
but that's how we do things
where I come from.
Lauryn, come on.
Lauryn, you're making a big mistake.
What are you doing here?
I found two new wholesalers
we can use.
- That should catch us up half-way.
- Wait, just slow down for a second.
- Are you back here to work?
- I'm not gonna let you sell.
We can catch up.
Look, I...
said some things I didn't mean.
I know.
I'm sorry. OK?
Can I just get back to this? I was almost
done with last month's reviews.
Look, are you sure about this, Lauryn?
Being back?
It was Dad's shop.
You know what it meant to him.
Hey... remember that time
that you got the bicycle
on your eighth birthday?
Yeah, I drove it in the shop, crashed
into the Buick and chipped my tooth.
I can dance another time, Joel.
I'm here now.
Hey, it's me.
Er... I was just calling to say hi.
'And... er... I'm not burning
the chicken any more, so... '
I hope you come back soon.
Hey, stranger.
I hear the last school audition
is this weekend.
I know.
You're going to be there, right?
You know, I'm just... I'm really...
buried in paperwork here and...
'Come on, Lauryn.
Have you talked to Russ? '
No. He called, but...
'You should, you know.'
Look, I'll talk to you later, OK?
Oh, hey, I love this song.
Come on. Come on.
I need an alternator permit.
For old time's sake.
#... we know how to become
number one in a hot party show
- # Now push it
- # Ah, push it
- # Push it good
- # Ah, push it
- # Push it real good
- # Ah, push it... #
- Oh, hey, I thought you left already.
- Just finishing up.
Yeah, it's never done, is it?
After Mum and Dad,
you never quit...
...never threw in the towel.
I guess.
You're the most unselfish person I know.
And you know what?
You have always been
one hell of a dancer.
Don't know how it happened.
Certainly wasn't cos I encouraged you.
Speaking of which, you're fired.
What? Joel, without me
you'll lose Dad's shop.
It's not Dad's shop any more, it's mine.
And I have to take care of it, not you.
Lauryn, I'm not going to let you
sell out your dreams to live mine.
So you need to get in your car,
drive back to Chicago
and kick that audition's ass.
All right?
Get out of here.
- What are you doing here?
- Where else would I be?
Here, I made you a track.
What are you waiting for?
Go do your thing.
Thank you.
- Excuse me, this is a closed session.
- Yes, I'm here to audition.
- Miss?
- Kirk. Lauryn Kirk.
Right. We held a set of auditions
this morning for those re-applying.
We're only seeing first-time applicants
this afternoon.
But I just drove 300 miles.
And my staff will do their best
to reschedule you for next year.
No, thank you. I'm here now.
Well... I trust you've brought something
more interesting than last time.
Is that correct?
I'll let you decide.
That's how you do it!
Thank you, Miss Kirk.
I'm afraid you're right,
some things should not be rescheduled.
See you next semester.
- Thank you.
- My girl! Right here!
She's not in the best mood.
Only employees are allowed in
before we're open.
I... er...
- I just came by to get my cheque.
- Your cheque?
After the jam you left us in
when you took off like that,
you think I owe you a cheque?
I'm really sorry.
OK, I promise it had nothing to do
with Ruby's. I love this place.
- Got you.
- What?
Hey, congratulations.
Hey, Lauryn, look...
I'm sorry about all the BS, OK?
I was just giving you a taste
of what I got when I started.
I'm just glad you're getting out of here
so I can get my stage back.
- Congratulations, sis.
- I'm glad you came.
- I'm proud of you.
- Can I have a turn?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You'll be sorely missed around here.
- I'm only a couple of blocks away.
Good cos I don't need any
distractions when I'm making my album.
- It's about time.
- I know. Cheers.
What's everybody standing around for?
Is this a dance club or what?